
Teaching Job Application Letter Sample: Free & Effective

As someone who has not only written their own teaching job application letters but also crafted them for friends, I can attest to the importance of a well-written letter in making a strong impression.

Key Takeaways

  • Understanding the Purpose : Learn why a teaching job application letter is crucial.
  • Getting Started : Key elements to include in your application.
  • Personalization : Tailoring your letter to the school and position.
  • Structure and Content : A step-by-step guide on what to write.
  • Final Touches : Proofreading and professional presentation.
  • Free Template : A customizable template for your convenience.

This guide will walk you through the process, drawing from my personal experiences and proven strategies.

Understanding the Purpose

A teaching job application letter is more than just a formality.

It’s your chance to showcase your enthusiasm, qualifications, and fit for the role.

It’s not just about stating your experience; it’s about narrating your journey in the education field and how it aligns with the specific needs of the school you’re applying to.

Trending Now: Find Out Why!

Getting started.

Before you start writing, research the school thoroughly. Understand its culture, values, and educational approach. This insight will help you personalize your letter.

Essential Elements to Include:

  • Introduction : Briefly introduce yourself and state the position you’re applying for.
  • Body : Highlight your teaching philosophy, relevant experiences, and achievements.
  • Conclusion : Express your enthusiasm for the role and the school.


Personalization is key. For instance, when I applied to a school with a strong emphasis on technology in education, I highlighted my experience with digital learning tools.

This direct correlation showcased my suitability for their specific environment.

Structure and Content: A Step-by-Step Guide

  • Opening : Start with a professional greeting. If possible, address the letter to a specific person.
  • First Paragraph : Introduce yourself. Mention the job you’re applying for and how you found out about it.
  • Second Paragraph : Discuss your teaching philosophy and methodology. Relate it to the school’s ethos.
  • Third Paragraph : Highlight relevant experiences and achievements. Use specific examples.
  • Conclusion : Reiterate your interest in the position and the school. Mention your desire to contribute positively to the school community.

Final Touches

Proofread your letter meticulously. Ensure it’s free of typos and grammatically correct. A professional, clean format is also crucial.

Proofreading Checklist:

  • Spelling and grammar
  • Consistent formatting
  • Clear, concise language

Template for a Teaching Job Application Letter

Dear [School’s Name or Hiring Manager’s Name],

I am writing to express my interest in the [Position Title] at [School’s Name], as advertised [Where You Found the Job Posting].

As a dedicated and experienced educator with [X Years] of experience in [Your Specialization], I am enthusiastic about the opportunity to contribute to your esteemed institution.

In my current role at [Your Current School/Institution], I have successfully [Mention a Key Achievement or Initiative].

My teaching philosophy centers on [Briefly Describe Your Teaching Philosophy], which aligns well with [School’s Name]’s commitment to [Mention School’s Unique Feature or Ethos].

I am particularly impressed by [Mention Something Specific About the School]. I believe my expertise in [Mention Your Skills or Experiences Relevant to the School] would make a valuable addition to your team.

Thank you for considering my application. I am eager to bring my passion for teaching and educational excellence to [School’s Name] and am excited about the prospect of contributing to [Mention a Specific Aspect of the School or Curriculum]. I look forward to the possibility of discussing my application in further detail.

[Your Name]

Tips for Writing an Effective Teaching Job Application Letter

  • Tailor each letter to the specific school and position.
  • Use a professional yet enthusiastic tone.
  • Avoid repeating your resume; instead, complement it with personal insights and experiences.
  • Keep it concise; one page is ideal.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

short application letter for the post of a teacher

Q: What Should I Include in My Teaching Job Application Letter?

Answer: My application letter always includes a brief introduction about my passion for teaching and my educational background. I highlight my relevant teaching experiences, including any unique methods I’ve implemented in the classroom. 

Additionally, I mention any specific skills or certifications that make me a suitable candidate for the position. I make sure to tailor each letter to the school’s values and the specific role I’m applying for.

Q: How Do I Make My Application Stand Out?

Answer: To make my application stand out, I focus on showcasing my unique teaching philosophy and how it aligns with the school’s mission. 

I include specific examples of successful projects or initiatives I led in previous roles. Personalizing the letter to the school and the specific job, rather than using a generic template, also helps me stand out.

Q: Should I Mention My Experience With Special Education?

Answer: Absolutely. In my letters, I always mention any experience I have with special education, as it demonstrates my ability to cater to diverse learning needs. I share specific instances where I’ve successfully integrated inclusive teaching practices or adapted curriculum for students with special needs.

Q: How Important Is It to Include Extracurricular Experience?

Answer: Including extracurricular experience is very important, especially if it’s relevant to the job. In my letters, I discuss my involvement in after-school programs or clubs, showcasing my commitment to student development beyond academics. It also highlights my ability to engage students in different contexts.

Q: Can I Share a Challenge I Overcame in Teaching?

Answer: Sharing a challenge I’ve overcome in teaching can be powerful. It not only shows my problem-solving skills but also my resilience and commitment to improving as an educator. I make sure to describe the challenge, how I addressed it, and the positive outcomes that resulted from my actions

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5 Teacher Cover Letter Examples & Templates for 2024

Stephen Greet

  • Teacher Cover Letter
  • Elementary Teacher
  • Art Teacher
  • Special Education Teacher
  • AP English Teacher
  • Writing Your Teacher Cover Letter 101

Teachers’ duties extend far beyond the 8 to 4 school day, encompassing lesson planning, grading, parent communication, faculty meetings, and guiding student extracurriculars.. 

The challenge of finding a new teaching position and the requirement to write a cover letter in addition to your teacher resume can seem daunting given your already full schedule.

We’re here to assist you in your job hunt with five teacher cover letter examples and a comprehensive guide. While it’s impossible to highlight every accomplishment, our resources, which include a free cover letter generator , are designed to help you effectively showcase your strengths and demonstrate to principals and departments why you’re the ideal candidate for the position.

short application letter for the post of a teacher

Teacher Cover Letter Example


Microsoft Word

Google Docs

Block Format

Teacher cover letter example

Level up your cover letter game

Relax! We’ll do the heavy lifting to write your cover letter in seconds.

Elementary Teacher Cover Letter Example

Elementary teacher cover letter example

Art Teacher Cover Letter Example

Art teacher cover letter example

Why this cover letter works

  • Metrics bring your accomplishments to life, painting a vivid picture of your effectiveness for the role. For instance, Kaito reports a 12% increase in foot traffic to his mural projects.

Special Education Teacher Cover Letter Example

Special education teacher cover letter example

  • Passion equals commitment and even success. Not only does this align with the role she seeks, but it’s also an excellent trick to captivate the recruiter reading your piece.

AP English Teacher Cover Letter Example

AP English teacher cover letter example

AP English Teacher Resume

Need a resume to pair with your AP English teacher cover letter?

or download as PDF

AP English teacher resume example

How to Write a Cover Letter for a Teaching Job

Teacher on blue laptop types and questions how to write a teacher cover letter

The key to writing your teacher cover letter can be distilled into two main points: don’t be generic and don’t let it become a repeat of your resume. 

short application letter for the post of a teacher

Step 1: Don’t skimp on researching the teaching role

Just as you want to tailor your resume to the school where you want to work and to its accompanying  teacher job description , you should do the same with your cover letter. Sure, this requires extra research, but what’re 20 or 30 minutes when this effort can pay off in dividends? Not only will research ensure your cover letter is relevant—not vague and generic—it’ll also prepare you well for common  teacher interview questions .

Additionally, leverage your research to demonstrate a real interest in the role you’re applying for as well as in the school itself.

  • Discuss how your commitment to standardized testing has improved students’ performance at other schools.
  • Share how Google Classroom has transformed your STEM projects.

short application letter for the post of a teacher

Step 2: Go beyond your teaching resume

Addressing the specific needs and concerns mentioned in the job description will have the desired effect  as long as you go beyond what you included in your resume . Mentioning that you’re a rock star at using Google Classroom isn’t enough; principals have  already  gathered that from your resume bullet points and  skills section .  

This is your opportunity to specifically share what you’ve done with Google Classroom. Many teachers set up Google Classroom for their students but don’t get around to using it. What have you done that sets the standard for every teacher following you? This is when quantifying your experience becomes exceptionally valuable. 

  • Demonstrate how this resource has decreased late submissions by 53 percent.
  • What did you do exactly to accomplish such a feat? One-on-one tutoring, an after-school club, unique teaching methodologies?

short application letter for the post of a teacher

Step 3: Convey the right message

Beyond specific and descriptive paragraphs in your teacher cover letter, keep your document  at  or less than a page. Eliminate wordiness and avoid pleasantries. Be sincere and gracious, but, really, no one likes a teacher’s pet.   

So, consider your tone of voice. Be professional, avoiding clichés, contractions, colloquialisms, and the like. Remember you’re applying for a teaching position, not a quirky tech startup.

Consider your tone. Remember you’re applying for a teaching role, not a quirky tech startup.

And when you think your cover letter is ready to go, hold up! You’re, indeed, almost at the finish line, but what is it you tell your students to do before they submit an essay (which they inevitably  never  do)? 

Yep—it’s time to practice what you preach. Invite a few people you trust to review your cover letter and offer constructive criticism while your eyes and brain rest. Then, return to your work, consider the feedback, and scour for any last content issues and spelling and grammar errors. Make revisions, save your document, and send your best teacher cover letter to the principal and hiring department with your resume, application, and any other requested materials.

Your Teacher Cover Letter Format & Outline

Teacher in yellow dress outlines cover letter on blackboard with yellow chalk

Now, if you’re staring at a blinking cursor on a blank document, not sure how to make the examples and steps work for you, don’t fret. It’ll come together beautifully like a perfectly executed lesson plan.

You just need a comprehensive outline that breaks the cover letter for a teaching position into distinct sections, making it easy to understand what to include in each part.

short application letter for the post of a teacher

How to start a teacher cover letter

Your contact info: If you’re using a template, fill in the letterhead to suit your needs. Just ensure you replace all filler text and don’t accidentally exclude critical information like your name, email, and phone number. 

  • Formatting:  If you write a block business letter rather than use a template, including your address is standard. Additionally, while your name will be prominently displayed on a letterhead on a template, a basic but professional block letter should omit your name (the principal will find your name easily in your signature line).

Date:  If you write your cover letter today but don’t submit it until next week, edit the date, to reflect the day you submit the letter and other career documents for the specific teaching role. 

  • Formatting:  Write out the full date, e.g. January 12, 2023.

Inside address:  This is the contact information for the principal or hiring department at the school. Name the specific person; then, include the school and position title, e.g., Ryan High School Principal. Complete this section with the school’s address.

  • Formatting:  Each piece of the inside address should be on a new line. You’ll want a double space between the inside address and the greeting. 

Kyndra Marque Ryan High School Principal  5101 E McKinney St Denton, TX 76208

Greeting:  Your goal is to start on the right foot with your principal, so avoid issuing a generic greeting, also known as a salutation, like:

  • Dear Principal,
  • Dear Hiring Department,
  • To Whom it May Concern:

While it can take some sleuth skills to track down the name of the hiring manager for some jobs,  most, if not all,  schools have staff listings on their website. You’re already researching the school to help you write an amazing cover letter, so take a couple of extra minutes to put a real name to the greeting:

  • Dear Mr. Thatcher:
  • Dear Ms. Li:
  • Formatting:  Err on the side of caution and use a colon at the end of the greeting. A comma is more casual while a colon denotes professionalism, which will likely serve you best for a teaching role.  

short application letter for the post of a teacher

How to write your teacher cover letter

Body:  The body of your teacher cover letter should be three to four brief paragraphs that state your interest, demonstrate your teaching credentials, and convey enthusiasm for further discussion. Let’s break it down further: 

  • Formatting:  The body of your teaching cover letter should be single-spaced although you’ll need to double-space between paragraphs.

Opening paragraph:  The goal is simple—state your interest in the position and your overarching credentials that reflect your research for the specific role. While the goal is simple, the execution often leaves little to be desired. Too many teacher cover letters start the same way.

I found your posting online and am interested in filling the English III position. 

No. Just no. Bore the principal and the English department right out of the gate, and they’ll wonder whether you’ll hold the attention of your students. Instead, try:

With 12 percent of Ryan High’s student population slotted to graduate with honors, I am eager to lead the initiation of the English Advanced Placement program as stated in the job description. With seven years of experience teaching AP courses, I am confident that Ryan High’s students will excel in my classroom and beyond.

Not only does this signal that you’ve done your homework and researched the school’s unique standing and areas for growth, this opening paragraph hooks the reader. Clearly, you’re interested in the role, offer valuable experience, and with phrases like “lead the initiation” and “excel in my classroom,” there’s no doubt you’re confident and capable.

Paragraphs 2-3:  If you can squeeze in the third paragraph, we recommend it as each paragraph is an opportunity to demonstrate indisputable evidence of the credentials and qualifications you boldly state in your opening paragraph. 

Each paragraph should not be a repeat of your resume; rather, each paragraph should hone in on  one  clear accomplishment, be it the results of your teaching methodology, values, or something else. Don’t try to tackle multiple topics in a paragraph. Be detailed, specific, and quantify your results when possible. 

Closing paragraph:  Clench an interview with this final paragraph. Now’s not the time to lay your head on your desk and call it a day. Don’t let this be your closing paragraph:

I believe I am the perfect candidate for this teaching position, and I look forward to hearing back from you soon. 

At best, it exudes laziness. At worst, no one will believe you’re actually interested in the job but just need something to put beans on the table. 

Instead, demonstrate that your unique values and qualifications align with the school’s needs, which will indicate a genuine interest in the role— even if you are  desperate to put beans on the table.

Finally, add a call to action that anticipates a follow-up or interview. With the following closing paragraph, it’s clear that teaching is far more to you than just a job:

Solving students’ pain points is more than acknowledging their existence. To me, pain points are a starting point to discovery. I firmly believe that some of the most challenging endeavors have the power to yield the most fruitful results. If these results speak to you, I am eager to share more of what my non-traditional classroom looks like and what you can expect from Belleville’s students and from me as their geometry instructor.  

short application letter for the post of a teacher

How to end a teacher cover letter

Signature:  While you can include your gratitude at the end of the closing paragraph, you can also express thanks when you sign off. Keep it professional, and use your real name here just as you will on your resume and application form. 

  • Formatting:  Typically, you’ll send your cover letter to the principal’s email; however, if you deliver your career docs in person or—gasp—by mail, be sure to quadruple space and sign your name in blue or black ink between your closing line and typed name.

Thank you for your consideration,

Marcus DeWitt 

Enclosure(s):  This is important, and most job seekers, including teachers, fail to include it. “Enclosure(s)” means that more documents follow your cover letter.

What information would that be? Well, hopefully, your  teacher resume , likely the school’s application, potentially your teaching license, also your college transcripts, and maybe even a reference letter or two, depending on the requirements detailed in the  teacher job ad . 

After your signature, you’ll include “Enclosure(s),” followed by the exact documents in order of appearance. 

  • Formatting:  Use the singular form of “enclosure” if you’re only including one document. Also, include each additional document on a new line. 

Enclosures: Resume Application 2 letters of recommendation

See, including this final section is literally easier than writing your own address. Include it, and automatically set yourself apart from other teachers vying for the same role. 

Finish Strong with Your Teacher Resume

Teacher works on purple laptop to finish teacher resume

Now, that you’ve got the tools to confidently wow principals and departmental heads with your teacher cover letter, have you considered the current state of your resume? Maybe you’ve already updated and polished it, and if that’s you, kudos to you—you’re ahead of the game! 

If you’re blowing out an exaggerated breath because you’ve relegated your resume to the nether regions of your mind, we get it. But teacher resumes are judged more harshly than most. Hiring teams don’t cut a lot of slack when they’re looking for talent who will teach their students to communicate, read, and write well.   

So, if it’s time to think seriously about re-writing or, let’s face it,  writing  your resume  from scratch, take a page from us (literally) and get inspired with our  free resume templates  and  teacher resume examples  like the one below.

Elementary Teacher Resume

Need a resume to pair with your elementary teacher cover letter?

Elementary teacher resume example

Your career documents are a pain in the tush, we know, but think of us as your biggest cheerleaders. With our  AI resume builder ,  Google resume templates ,  Word resume templates , and expert-approved guidance, your teacher resume and cover letter are sure to win you interviews and secure your next role, where you just might earn Teacher of the Year at your next school. 

Every school you apply to will likely have slightly different teaching styles, cultures, and objectives they would like to achieve throughout the year. You can use your cover letter to connect your previous experiences to their mission and goals. For instance, if you volunteered for an early-age reading program, that would be a great experience to connect when applying to a K-5 position where the school wants to improve student reading scores.

Ideally, you want to match your tone to the feel of each school’s job description. Does the school have a very formal and knowledgeable tone in the description? Then being more formal and factual about your knowledge and experiences in different teaching styles they emphasize would be a great idea. For example, citing factual information about how you used hybrid learning to create 75% higher material retention in math subjects would work well in this instance.

Try to address your cover letter to a specific person in the school. Typically, this will be a principal, superintendent, or human resources hiring manager that would be reviewing teacher resumes . Check through the job description to see if a specific name is listed who will be reviewing applications, or review the school’s website for this information. If you can’t find anything, you can simply address it to “[Name of school] hiring staff” or something similar.

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How to Write a Teacher Cover Letter [with Template]


5 Resume Cover Letters for Teachers 

Start with structure: how to format your teacher cover letter, what else to include in your teacher cover letter, teacher cover letter faqs.

If you’re researching teacher cover letter tips and best practices, chances are you are either in the market for a new job or at least beginning to think ahead to your next opportunity.

As you’re well aware, your cover letter is a vitally important messaging document that must be thoughtfully crafted to A) catch the eye of potential employers/recruiters and B) entice them to learn more about you by reviewing your resume.

Well, you’ve come to the right place because — when it comes to teacher resume and cover letter advice — we’ve got you covered.

Designed to apply to both new and seasoned educators alike, this post serves as a guide to writing an effective teacher cover letter that will help you land your next job.

We’ll share key tips and best practices, along with several teacher cover letter examples that you can use for inspiration — plus, a downloadable template you can use to write an A+ cover letter!

Put Your Best Foot Forward

Download our template to start writing your best cover letter yet. 


Before we get into any how-tos, it helps to know what the end result should look like. Below are five examples of winning teacher cover letters. 

1. This example offers guidance for the first-time teacher, since it can be difficult to write a cover letter without much experience to describe! This letter emphasizes volunteer work, student teaching and college experience. 

short application letter for the post of a teacher

2. Here, the applicant listed out some of her experiences into bullet points. This is a wise formatting trick, since it’s likely the hiring manager looks at multiple cover letters a day, so the bulleted list makes it easier — and faster — to read.

short application letter for the post of a teacher

3. Though it may not apply to every teaching position, some hiring managers like to see applicants back up their claims with hard data. This history teacher offers quantifiable proof of her abilities in her previous position.

short application letter for the post of a teacher

4. What it lacks in volume it makes up for in succinct, to-the-point text. This cover letter says just enough while leaving the reader wanting to know more. Be careful with creating generic cover letter “templates” for yourself though — the content of this letter could apply to a wide range of roles and schools, so you’ll want to customize the details to each new position.

short application letter for the post of a teacher

5. For a clearer breakdown of the essential parts of a cover letter, this example from highlights where the applicant mentions her skill set, her unique value proposition and her desire for the position.

short application letter for the post of a teacher

A teacher cover letter is much the same as a cover letter for any other position — the structure is fairly standard, with the content customized to the role and your experience. A cover letter should be one page, no more than four paragraphs, easily scannable and include the best way to reach you. The reader should not have to look very hard to find everything they need to know about you. 

The best teacher cover letters have the following components: 

  • Your contact information: Provide your name, email address, phone number and where you live (just city and state is fine).
  • The school’s contact information: Though you may not be sending your cover letter and resume by mail, this confirms your intention to apply to a specific school. 
  • Date: The date you’re submitting your application materials.
  • Salutation: A professional greeting that addresses the hiring manager by name. It’s customary to preface their name with “Dear.”
  • Introduction: This is a one-or two-sentence statement that introduces you and expresses your intention to apply for the open position.
  • Body paragraph 1: A brief paragraph describing your relevant professional experience, achievements, skills and education. 
  • Body paragraph 2: A brief paragraph explaining your interest in and fitness for the role for which you’re applying.
  • Closing paragraph: Once more, a brief closing statement that expresses your desire for further conversation and invites the hiring manager to contact you with any questions.
  • Your signature: You may simply write your name or, for a more personal touch, you can add a real signature — hand-written or digitally placed. 

Why all the brevity? Hiring managers likely sift through dozens of applications a day, especially at competitive schools. You want your materials to stand out for their scannability, so that the reader can see whether you would be the right fit within just a few seconds. 

If you include all of the components above, you will have an excellent chance of capturing any hiring manager’s attention and (hopefully) starting a conversation with them. 

While most cover letters follow a similar format, with the introduction, body content and conclusion all containing relatively the same kind of information, the body paragraphs are where you can really highlight your uniqueness. The portion of your cover letter where you describe your skills and experience is your oyster — without repeating what’s on your resume, consider including any of the following elements:  

  • Include teaching specialties such as subject expertise , special education curriculum design and even extracurricular responsibilities. 
  • When it comes to your education, you’ll want to note whether you have your master’s degree in education . Having an MEd does not necessarily equate to teaching experience, but many schools will prioritize candidates with graduate degrees over those with only bachelor’s degrees . 
  • Mention soft skills as well as hard teaching skills, such as organization, patience, adaptability, etc.
  • Mention any relevant training or certifications. If you can point to a certificate in a specific teaching method or school leadership training , you may be considered for other open positions.
  • Educational equity and inclusion is critical to school and student success. Even if you don’t have experience teaching units on disability activism or racial justice , expressing a commitment to learning about and teaching students of different backgrounds is a highly valued quality.
  • Include related work you’ve done outside the classroom , such as tutoring, non-teaching work or volunteer experience that involves working with children.
  • However, please note that teachers cannot freely share specific class or student data. It is your responsibility to adhere to school, state and federal restrictions concerning student privacy .
  • Teachers are never done learning. Expressing a commitment to ongoing education and professional development in your cover letter will communicate that you are passionate about developing your craft. 

Each item should only take one to two sentences to explain. For scannability, you may want to format your skills and experience into bullet points.

Some teaching applicants include a postscript in their cover letters following their signature. While this is not necessary, it is a fine place to put something that doesn’t fit naturally into the body of your cover letter. However, only include a postscript if absolutely necessary ( “By the way, I remember competing against Sacred Heart’s epic debate club back in 1998 — if I couldn’t beat them then, joining them now would be the next best thing!” ). 

Your postscript should add value or personality, or be something the hiring manager absolutely needs to know, otherwise it can look extraneous and unprofessional. 

Tips to Make Your Cover Letter Stand Out

Think of your teaching cover letter like an elevator pitch. Pretend you have 30 seconds to “sell” your skills and enthusiasm for the role — how do you “hook” the reader? 

Before you set pen to paper or fingers to keyboard, be sure to research the school you’re applying to. It’s generally good practice to customize your cover letter for every job application, and that means knowing something about the school, department or role you’d be filling. It’s quite easy to tell if an applicant is just copy-and-pasting the same cover letter for multiple job applications. 

For example, is the school known for its competitive mathematics team? Does it have an award-winning drama department? Are its standardized test scores consistently in your state’s 90th percentile? If the role you’re applying for relates in any way to the school’s differentiating factor, be sure to acknowledge it in your introduction. 

Here are some other ways to bump your application to the top of the pile. 

  • Keep it brief: No one wants to read your master’s thesis in a cover letter. Leave the longer explanations of your experience and teaching philosophy for your interview. 
  • Accentuate the positive: Your application materials should not only convey why you want the position, but how your unique abilities and assets could benefit the school and its students. Emphasize why you’d be a great match with specific reasons — but don’t brag.
  • Keep it personal: There are plenty of great cover letter templates and examples out there, but they should only serve as suggestions for what yours will be. This is your story to tell, not anyone else’s. Expressing your passion for teaching will position you as a dedicated, valuable asset to any school.
  • Proofread: As a teacher, this should be a no-brainer — but don’t be the one teacher who forgets to proofread! Take your time, re-read and ask a colleague to give your cover letter a once-over before submitting your application. Many people treat their cover letter as an afterthought, but remember that it’s the cover to the rest of your application. 

To use another teaching comparison, remember that your cover letter counts for a significant portion of your “grade.” As Christian Eilers writes for Zety , “That means treating it like a crucial final exam instead of an inconsequential pop quiz.”

How long should my teacher cover letter be?

As a general rule, keep your cover letter brief — no one wants to read your master’s thesis as part of your application. Your cover letter should have a short intro, an explanation of your experience and skills, any significant accomplishments, awards or certificates, and a short conclusion summarizing your interest in the position. Always end with an invitation for the hiring manager to contact you, and sign your name (a signed letter is always a nice touch, even if it’s a digital signature). Leave the longer explanations of your experience and teaching philosophy for your interview.

How can I add data to my cover letter?

If you’re making any claims about your effectiveness in the classroom, try back them up with numbers. For example, you may want to say that you were responsible for increasing biology testing scores by 30%, or that attendance improved by 65% while you were a teacher. If you’re currently a teacher considering other schools, be sure to keep track of your own class’s performance so you can cite these metrics in future cover letters. Please note, however, that it is your responsibility to adhere to school, state and federal restrictions concerning specific student data and student privacy .

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Teaching Job Application Letter Writing Tips With Examples

teaching job application writing tips with examples

Have you ever been told you don’t need an application letter for a teaching job? Based on my conversations with many academic hiring authorities, you NEED one.

One of the most essential parts of the academic job search process is your teaching job application letter. Even a cover letter for a new teacher with no experience is critical. Grab a coffee, relax, and review these application letter writing tips to give you ideas to create your own.

Why would you risk not sending an application letter?

It is usually the first thing a school administrator or district superintendent looks at when hiring a new teacher applicant. An application letter, or a teacher cover letter, is how you introduce yourself as a teacher candidate. A one-page letter allows you to convey your passion, relevant expertise, credentials, and skills. Make sure you are not guilty of writing a long-winded cover letter .

Please don’t make it too short; you must communicate your value. It’s a balancing act!

How you write your application letter for a teaching job will determine if you will convince the reader to move on to your academic teaching resume and be offered a job interview. You must develop a hard-hitting, attention-grabbing application or cover letter with relevant keywords, teaching accomplishments, and action words that prove your worth as a teacher candidate.

Formatting a teacher application letter properly can be difficult if you are unfamiliar with technology and using word processing programs. It is best to match the resume formatting used to create your resume to keep your presentation consistent.

Writing an Application Letter Takes Time – Don’t Rush

First paragraph of your academic application letter.

The first paragraph of your application letter for a teaching position should address the position of interest and the fact that you are submitting your resume for consideration. A hiring school administrator may be looking to fill several positions; therefore, it is necessary to let the reader know right away which position is interesting. Other topics to incorporate into the opening portion of your cover letter include:

• Educational credentials, i.e., Bachelor’s Degree, Master’s Degree • Teaching certifications and licenses • Years of classroom experience or related expertise

If you are a student teacher or a new classroom teacher, you do not need to include your years of experience. Instead, it would be best to focus on the credentials, skills, commitment, and enthusiasm you bring to the classroom.

Including more in-depth, relevant details when writing your student teacher resume will provide the reader with additional qualifications and evidence of accomplishments. Don’t go overboard with including too many specific details when writing the cover letter .

Middle Paragraph of a Teacher’s Application Letter

Certain things within your application letter for a teaching position should be included to ensure you stand out from your competition. One of the best ways to skyrocket your resume straight to the top of the “to read” pile is by uncovering and including your teaching accomplishments .

These should be unique, quantifiable, and exceptional achievements that impress the reader. For instance, you may have differentiated instruction in your classroom, which is now expected of all educators. Therefore, you need to say how you could differentiate instruction and what it accomplished for your students.

Teaching Application Letter Example Sentence s

“Surveying students to understand their diverse interests, and by incorporating technology and literature geared toward these, I was able to effectively facilitate all types and levels of learners, and leave students eager to learn more.”

“Integrating popular literature, innovative technology, and multidisciplinary units allows me to pique student interest, demonstrate real-world connections, and accommodate multiple intelligences.”

As mentioned before, quantifiable accomplishments are preferential to use in your educator cover letter, as they are a way of proving you are a successful teacher. Using facts and numbers is an excellent method for capturing your skills and talents in the classroom.

Examples of academic resume accomplishments:

  • Incorporating a literature circle, literature-based units, and exciting group projects raised student reading levels by at least one level by the end of the school year.”
  • A struggling and discontent student started the school year with a minimum passing grade of 55%. I provided after-school tutoring and individualized instruction during class time and worked with his parents to ensure further education in the home. By the end of the school year, the same student had developed a new appreciation for the school and passed with a grade of 81%.”

However, there may be other teaching accomplishments that haven’t even come to mind yet. Once again, you don’t want to include too much. Another place to communicate your authenticity is by writing a teaching philosophy statement . We call this an added job search marketing document. It gets results!

Uncover Relevant Teaching Accomplishments by  Answering These Questions

Have you pioneered any teaching techniques or educational programs that have proven successful in your school?

Were you asked to fill in for the assistant principal due to your leadership skills?

Did you receive an award from the school or district commending you on your instructional abilities?

These are all worth mentioning in your teacher application letter and resume.

Final Paragraph Writing Ideas

Make sure you thank the reader for their time and that you are looking forward to hearing from them soon. Address any points you feel do not fall into the standard categories (experience, credentials, achievements, strengths). Mention you are willing to participate in extra-curricular activities and lead school sports or clubs. If, of course, this is true!

Additional Application Letter Writing Tips for Educators

As mentioned earlier, your teaching job application letter should follow the same format as your teacher’s resume. Maintaining consistency between your documents ensures the hiring administrator can match them quickly.

For example, if you use a border in your application letter, use the same border in your resume. All fonts and sizes should match. Academic credentials should be similar (i.e., Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education). Maintaining consistency will demonstrate attention to detail and organization.

The site has tons of resume and cover letter samples for your review.

Contact me , Candace, if you need help writing your education application letter or any other job search document.

Review our academic resume and application letter packages and services .

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Teaching job application letter examples (+ PDF and MS Word samples)

Cover Image for Teaching job application letter examples (+ PDF and MS Word samples)

This article will show how to write write teacher jobs application letter so you increase your chances of landing the job. We'll provide samples of teacher job application letter here and also in PDF and MS Word that you can use as a template.

  • Tips for writing teacher job application letter

Sample application letter for teacher

  • Download sample application letters for the post of teacher

Before getting start writing the application letter for teaching job, here are some tips that will help you do it best:

Tips for writing teacher job application cover letter

  • Know about the school you're applying for and the specific requirements for the job position
  • Emphasise on your academic and extracurricular experience, especially as it applies to the job you're applying for
  • Highlight your experiences and accomplishments but as much as possible keep those relevant to the job you're applying for
  • As much as possible, know the name of the person you should address the letter to. It is better to use a name in the recipient's address than to use some generic "Dear Sir/Madam"
  • Proofread and do proper spelling checks before submitting the letter
  • Use a suitable font such as Times New Roman, Arial or Calibri

Teacher in classroom

Jumoke Lawson 123 Yaba Ugo Street Yaba Lagos [email protected]

September 24, 2021

Mr. Umar Kabiru Green Peak School 123 Main Street Victoria Island Lagos

Dear Mr. Umar,

I am interested in applying for a secondary teaching position in your school. As a graduate of Yaba College of Education, I have required teaching experience on the JSS 1, 2 and 3 level, in both Physics and Mathematics. I believe my years of teaching experience, coupled with my passion for community engagement make me an ideal candidate for this teaching position.

I am currently teaching JSS 2 students at Bright Stars Secondary School and I have experience teaching secondary school students in a variety of settings. Having held the position of education coordinator at my previous roles, I also have experience in management in the school system. Based on my understanding that this position requires a teacher with varied experiences in the school system, I think my varied experiences would make me a valuable asset for your school.

Part of your school's mission is to engage students from diverse cultures. I have extensive experience incorporating teaching styles that promote cultural diversity and inclusion into my classrooms. For example, as a teacher at Bright Stars Secondary School, I helped the management incorporate Culture Times in the extracurricular activities for the students, which helps students learn about the different cultures of fellow students in a fun way.

My goal is to combine my wide experience and quality of being a compassionate and intelligent teacher to make positive contributions that will benefit your students, school district and community at large.

I hope to hear from you at your earliest convenience.

Sincerely, [signature hard copy letter] Jumoke Lawson

Don't forget to download Teachers Registration Council Of Nigeria (TRCN) Past Questions and Answers .

Download application letters for the post of teacher in PDF and MS Word

Grab a free sample of Teacher Job Application Letter (MS Word) OR Teacher Job Application Letter (PDF) .

Wishing you all the best in your interview and that you ultimately land the job!

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2 Teacher Cover Letter Examples

Teachers are skilled at creating engaging lessons that inspire and educate, turning complex concepts into understandable knowledge. Similarly, your cover letter is your chance to transform your professional journey into an engaging narrative that enlightens recruiters about your skills and dedication. In this guide, we'll delve into the best cover letter examples for Teachers, helping you to craft a compelling story that resonates with your next employer.

short application letter for the post of a teacher

Cover Letter Examples

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The best way to start a Teacher cover letter is by directly addressing the hiring manager or principal, if their name is known. Then, introduce yourself and state the teaching position you're applying for. Immediately follow this with a compelling reason why you're interested in the role and the school. This could be something unique about the school's approach to education that aligns with your teaching philosophy. This not only shows that you've done your research, but also that you're genuinely interested in the school and the role. Remember, the opening of your cover letter sets the tone for the rest of the letter, so make it engaging and tailored to the position.

Teachers should end a cover letter by summarizing their interest in the position and expressing their eagerness to contribute to the school or institution. They should reiterate their key qualifications and how they align with the job requirements. A polite and professional closing statement such as "Thank you for considering my application" or "I look forward to the possibility of contributing to your team" is appropriate. It's also important to include contact information for easy follow-up. Lastly, they should sign off with a professional closing like "Sincerely" or "Best regards," followed by their full name. This ending reaffirms their interest, highlights their suitability, and shows appreciation for the reader's time, which leaves a positive impression.

A teacher's cover letter should ideally be about one page in length. This is generally the standard for most professions, including teaching. The goal is to succinctly present your qualifications, passion for teaching, and how you can contribute to the school or institution. A one-page cover letter allows you to provide a detailed yet concise overview of your relevant experiences and skills without overwhelming the reader. Remember, hiring managers often have many applications to go through, so it's important to make your points clearly and efficiently.

Writing a cover letter with no experience as a teacher can seem daunting, but it's important to remember that everyone starts somewhere. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to write a compelling cover letter: 1. Start with a Professional Greeting: Address the hiring manager by their name if it's available. If not, use a general but professional greeting like "Dear Hiring Manager." 2. Introduction: Begin by stating the position you're applying for. Mention where you saw the job posting and express your interest in the position. 3. Highlight Relevant Skills: Even if you don't have direct teaching experience, you likely have skills that are relevant to the job. Perhaps you've volunteered with children, tutored peers in college, or have experience in a related field like counseling. Highlight these experiences and explain how they've prepared you for a teaching role. 4. Showcase Your Education: If you're a recent graduate, emphasize your education. Discuss relevant coursework, student teaching experiences, and educational philosophies you've studied that you plan to incorporate into your teaching. 5. Show Enthusiasm for the School: Do some research about the school you're applying to and mention something specific that impresses you or aligns with your own teaching philosophy. This shows that you're not just looking for any job, but that you're interested in this specific position. 6. Conclude with a Call to Action: In your closing paragraph, express your eagerness to further discuss your qualifications in an interview. Thank the hiring manager for considering your application. 7. Professional Closing: End the letter with a professional closing like "Sincerely" or "Best Regards," followed by your full name. Remember to keep your cover letter concise and to the point, ideally no longer than one page. Proofread carefully for any grammar or spelling errors. Your cover letter is your first chance to make a good impression, so make it count!

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short application letter for the post of a teacher

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How to Write an Application Letter for a Teaching Job

Last Updated: December 11, 2023 Fact Checked

This article was co-authored by Adrian Klaphaak, CPCC . Adrian Klaphaak is a career coach and founder of A Path That Fits, a mindfulness-based boutique career and life coaching company in the San Francisco Bay Area. He is also an accredited Co-Active Professional Coach (CPCC). Klaphaak has used his training with the Coaches Training Institute, Hakomi Somatic Psychology, and Internal Family Systems Therapy (IFS) to help thousands of people build successful careers and live more purposeful lives. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 93,620 times.

Applying for teaching positions can be daunting because of all of the materials you need to submit. Your cover letter is an especially important part of the application since it highlights your best skills. Writing an excellent cover letter can set you apart from other applicants, so it’s important to take your time and write a targeted letter for every application. Start by researching the position and getting all of the necessary information before you start writing. Then, use the intro and body paragraphs to emphasize your qualifications for the job. Conclude your letter by emphasizing your interest in the position and requesting an interview, and don’t forget to revise and proofread before you send your letter to the prospective employer.

Application Letter Template

short application letter for the post of a teacher

Gathering Information Before Writing

Step 1 Read the job posting carefully and underline or highlight key terms.

  • For example, if the position is for a Kindergarten teacher, then the position may indicate that you need to have undergone a preparatory teaching program.
  • If the job posting is online, you can transfer the text into a word processor and highlight using the highlight tool.

Step 2 Find out the name of the hiring manager.

  • Make sure to find out the person’s preferred prefix. For example, if the hiring manager is a woman named Nancy Cardigan, ask if she goes by Ms., Mrs., or something else.

Warning : Never write “To whom it may concern” to start a cover letter! This is too informal and it makes your letter seem generic from the start.

Step 3 Research the school, district, and position.

  • The school’s student population
  • Special challenges facing the school, such as budgetary issues or overcrowding
  • Extracurricular programs available to students

Step 4 Identify 3 experiences or skills that qualify you for the position.

  • For example, if you’re applying for a Spanish teacher position, you might want to mention your study abroad experience that enhanced your Spanish speaking skills, or your additional certification as a TESOL teacher.

Writing the Introduction and Body Paragraphs

Step 1 Include your address and the date followed by 3 spaces.

  • For example, you might list your address as “100 Main Street, Everytown, ND, 12345.”
  • Then, after adding a space, list today’s date in long form, such as August 8th, 2019.

Step 2 Provide the full name and address of the hiring manager.

  • For example, “Mrs. Sherri Mascarpone, Executive Director of Personnel, Sacramento School District, 1000 Johnson Lane, Sacramento, CA, 12345.”

Step 3 Greet the person with a formal salutation.

  • For example, you might start with “Dear Mr. Rodgers,” and then add a space and begin your introduction.

Step 4 Indicate the job you’re applying for and why you’d be a good fit.

  • For example, you might open with something like, “I’m writing to apply for the Math Teacher position that was advertised in this week’s paper.”
  • It’s also a good idea to give the employer some indication of who you are, such as by mentioning where you attended school and when you graduated or expect to graduate. For example, you might follow your first sentence with something like, “As a recent graduate of Universal University’s teacher education program, I am well-qualified for the position.” [6] X Research source

Step 5 End the first paragraph with 3 reasons you're qualified.

  • For example, you might write something like, “I’ve had a broad range of professional experiences that qualify me for the position, including working in the school district as a teacher’s aide while working on my college education, getting the opportunity to tutor at-risk youth in an after-school program run by a local charity, and completing my student teaching at this school.”

Step 6 Provide evidence of your experiences and skills.

  • For example, if you mention that you completed one of your student teaching rotations at the school you’re applying to work at, then you might expand on what you learned about the school and its teachers during that experience and how that knowledge would make you a good fit for this position.
  • If you mentioned that you hold a special certification, then you might expand on how that could enhance your ability to fulfill the needs of the position to which you’re applying.

Step 7 Emphasize what you’d contribute as a teacher at this school.

  • For example, you might include a line about your persistence and refusal to give up on students who struggle with course material, or you might mention that your professors or former employers have praised you for your ingenuity in designing engaging lessons.

Tip : Try to be as specific as possible whenever you talk about your qualifications. Point to professional experiences, certifications, training, and other evidence to support your claims.

Concluding Your Letter

Step 1 Reemphasize your qualifications and interest in the position.

  • For example, you might write something like, “Because of my professional experiences and special certifications, I’m very interested in the 7-12 French teacher position at Northwestern Central School.”

Step 2 Thank the employer for their time and consideration and look ahead.

  • Try saying something like, “Thank you for considering my application! I hope we can meet soon to discuss my qualifications further.” [14] X Research source
  • You may also indicate when you’re available or suggest a time and date for an even stronger option. For example, you could say something like, “I’m available to meet in person most weekday mornings and on Friday afternoons.” Or, you could say, “I’m available next Friday afternoon between 1:00 and 4:00 pm if you’d like to schedule an interview.”

Step 3 Provide an email address and phone number where you can be reached.

  • For example, you might write something like, “My cell phone number is (123) 555-1234 and my email is [email protected].”

Tip : You can skip this if you have included this information on your resume.

Step 4 End with a simple sign off and your name.

Revising and Proofreading Your Letter

Step 1 Check the content of your letter and revise as needed.

  • For example, if the job posting emphasizes that the ideal candidate should have evidence that their teaching strategies are successful, then you might want to add more detail on the positive feedback you’ve received during teaching observations.

Tip : If you’re a recent graduate or student applying for a teaching position, you might ask your advisor to review your cover letter for you and provide feedback. If they’re unavailable, visit your college’s career development center and ask one of the career counselors to review it for you.

Step 2 Ensure that your letter is brief and to the point.

  • Not making your letter more than 1 page long
  • Describing your skills using action verbs similar to the ones in the job posting
  • Avoiding long, intricate sentences that may be difficult to follow

Step 3 Read through the letter again to check for errors.

  • Try reading the letter out loud to help you spot any errors that you might miss while reading the letter silently.
  • Don’t rely on your word processing software to catch errors. These programs are not foolproof for spotting errors.

Step 4 Print the letter on high-quality bond paper and sign it.

  • If you need to submit the letter electronically, convert it to PDF format.

Expert Q&A

Adrian Klaphaak, CPCC

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Sample Application Letters for the Post of Teacher

A good job application easily catches the attention of the headmasters and principals and plays an important in shortlisting your profile and getting a call for the interview.

You can write the teacher job application in different ways, but it should be simple, strong, and should highlight your eligibility, skills, and experience.

Here you can find some sample teacher job application formats, which you can use as cover letters and emails while sending your resume or CV for the post of teacher.

How to write an application for the post of a teacher

Simple job application for the post of the teacher with resume, sample email for applying for teaching job, application for teacher job in private school.

  • Application for teacher for nursery school
  • Application for teacher for kinder Garten School

Application for the post of primary school teacher

Application for subject-specific teacher, application letter for a teaching position in college, application letter for teacher job for freshers, application letter for a part-time teacher job, application letter for tutor job, application letter for the post of pgt teacher, application letter for assistant professor/professor job.

  • Address the letter to the school principal or headmaster.
  • Write school name and city name.
  • Write subject line as “Application for teaching job”
  • Start the letter with respected sir/madam.
  • Mention your eligibility, skills, and experience details.
  • Finally, say thanking you and end the letter with letters closings like sincerely or regards.
  • Write your name and address at the end of the letter.
  • Enclose your biodata/resume or curriculum vitae with the letter.
  • Use fonts like Arial, times new roman, Calibri, Segoe in your letter.

To The Principal, School name, City name.

Sub: Application for the post of teacher.

Respected Sir/Madam,

My name is [your name] , applying for the post of teacher in your school. I have completed my graduation from [college/university name] . I have __ years of experience in teaching and currently, I am looking for a new job.

I believe my experience and skills will add value to the students of your school.

Kindly find my resume enclosed with this letter and if my profile matches the job please contact me on my mobile no 9123XXX25.

Thanking you.

Sincerely, Your name. Mobile No.

Sub: Application for teacher job.

Dear Sir/Madam,

My name is  [your name] , applying for the teacher position in your school. My educational qualification is _____________ and I have ___ of experience in teaching.

Kindly find the attached resume with this email to find more details about me and please consider my application if my profile fulfills your requirements.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Regards, Your name. Mobile no.

Sub: Application for teaching job.

Based on your advertisement posted on [news paper/website name] for the position of ____________teacher in your school. I am interested in applying for this position.

My name is [your name] , completed my graduation from [college/university name] and I have __ of teaching experience. 

I am confident that my skills and experience will suit this job, please take time to review my resume enclosed with this letter.

I look forward to contributing to your school

Yours sincerely, Your Name. Mobile no.

Application for teacher job  for nursery school

Sub: Application for the post of nursery teacher.

In response to your advertisement on [news paper/website name] on [date] , I am submitting my application for the post of nursery school teacher in [school name] .

My name is [your name] , have a total of [5 years] of experience in teaching nursery kids. Currently, I am teaching at [school name] for the last [2 years] .

I hold a degree in [course name] from the [collge/university name] . I  also possess a one-year diploma certificate in nursery teacher training (NTT) from [university name] .

I am good at attending to children’s basic needs, and I can teach basic skills like colors, shapes, numbers and letter recognition, personal hygiene, and social skills. I can also conduct gaming and demonstration activities.

I hope I will be the right person for this post, and kindly review the enclosed resume with this letter. 

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Sincerely, Your name. Mobile no.

Application for teacher job for Kindergarten School

Sub: Application for the post of Kindergarten teacher.

My name is [your name],  writing this in response to your advertisement on [news paper/ website name] dated on [date] . 

I have been working as a Kindergarten teacher in [school name] for the last [2 years] .

I hold a degree in [course name] from [ colleg/university name] , and I also completed a diploma in nursery teacher training [NTT] from [college/university name].

I am excited about this job opportunity, I have a passion and commitment to teaching the kids. Please check my resume attached with this letter and I hope my experience and skills will make me a good fit for this job.

I hope you consider my application.

Yoru sincerely, Your name. Mobile no.

Sub: Application for the post of primary school teacher.

This is in response to your advertisement published on [news paper/website name] dated [date] . I am interested to apply for the post of a primary school teacher in [school name] .

My name is [your name ],  a B.Ed/B.Sc/B.Com graduate with more than [3 years] of experience in teaching [subject name] for children from classes three to five . I also possess good communication skills and knowledge of computers.

I strongly believe my passion to teach and my love for children will make me the right choice for this job.

I have enclosed my resume with this letter, and  I hope you consider my application.

Looking forward to hearing your reply.

Sub: Application or the post of [subject] teacher.

My name is [your name] ,  heard about a job vacancy for the position of [subject name] teacher in [school name] .

I am a B.Ed/B.Sc/M.Sc graduate, possessing more than five years of experience in teaching [subject] to students from class eight to tenth.  At present, I am working as a [subject] teacher in [school name] since [year] ,  I have been looking for a better position in an esteemed organization like yours.

I have excellent written and verbal communication skills which make my teaching more effective. I have practical knowledge in developing assignments, test papers, and lesson plans.

Please find my resume enclosed with this letter and I hope you will consider my application for this job position.

To The Principal, College name, City name.

Sub: Teaching job application.

My name is [your name] , found your advertisement published on [news paper/website name] for the vacant teacher position in your college for class 11th and 12th .  I hope my profile is suitable for this job position.

I have pursued my master/bachelor’s in [group name] , and currently working as a junior lecturer in [college name] since last year.

I have good subject knowledge in [subject name]   and skills capable to teach class 11th and 12th students. I can also train the students for competitive exams like NEET/EAMCET/IIT.

Please find my resume to know more details about my qualifications and experience, and kindly consider my application for this job position.

My name is [your name] , writing this letter in response to your job vacancy notification posted on [news paper /website name] on [date] .

I am recently completed my graduation/post-graduation in [course name]   from [college/university name] i.e in [year of passing]  with an academic score of __ percentage. I have thorough knowledge in subjects like [subject 1] & [subject 2].

I am passionate about teaching and want to start my career in the teaching field. I believe this will be the right opportunity for me. 

Please verify my resume to know more details about my qualification and skills. I hope you consider me for this job position.

Waiting to hear your reply.

To The principal, School name, City name.

Sub: Part-time teacher job application.

My name is [your name] , heard about a part-time teaching vacancy in your school. Currently, I am pursuing my 1st/2nd/3rd years bachelor/masters in [subjct name] .

I have sufficient knowledge to teach subjects like [subject 1] and [subject 2] from class 7th to 10th students.

My college timings are from morning __ am to __ pm and I am free from afternoon onwards, so I want to utilize that time by teaching in your school.

I believe teaching will enhance my knowledge and at the same time, it benefits the students as well. 

I am enclosing my resume with this letter which consists of more details about my qualification and skills.

Hoping for an opportunity to teach in your school.

Sub: Application for tutor job.

My name is [your name] , willing to work as a tutor in your institution. I have done my graduation/post-graduation in [group name] in [year ] from [college/university name ]

I can capable of teaching subjects like [subject 1] and [subject 2] for any class starting from the eighth standard.

I am passionate, enthusiastic, tech-savvy, and love teaching. I am comfortable working both offline and online. I have experience in teaching students through applications like zoom and skype.

I can adjust my time as per your requirements and am also ready to work on weekends. Please check my resume attached with this letter to know more details about me.

Sub: Application for the post of PGT teacher.

In response to your job notification published on [newspaper/websitne] on [date] for the position of PGT. I would like to apply for this job. 

My name is [your name] , a post-graduate in [coure & subject names] . I am capable to teach the following subjects  [subject 1], [subject 2], and [subject 3] for 11th, 12th and CBSE board students.

I have two years of experience in teaching higher secondary and senior secondary students in [school name] .

I also have a good command of the English language, I hope all these will make me a good fit for this job.

I have enclosed my resume with this letter. I strongly believe that I can reach your expectations with my teaching skills.

Hope you consider my application.

To, The Dean/Principal, College/University name, City name.

Dear Dr./Prof__________,

I have seen your notification published recently on [newspaper/website name]  for the vacancy of assistant professor in your college. I am interested to apply for this position.

I have completed my master’s in [subject name] from [college/university name] in [ year] , and I have also cleared my NET/SET/SLET exam.

I possess two years of experience in teaching [subject] to ____ students in [college name]. 

I strongly believe my wisdom and experience will help to guide and supervise the students and further adds significant value to their life.

My capability to engage with students and passion for teaching will certainly make me the right fit for this post. 

Kindly find my resume/CV enclosed here with this letter.  Looking forward to meeting you in the interview.

Sincerely. Your name. (Mobile No.)


  • Resume format for teachers without experience.
  • Application for the post of English teacher.

3 thoughts on “Sample Application Letters for the Post of Teacher”

I like the way and manner you prepared these applications,may the Lord guide you and give you more wisdom.

I like the applications, is very nice and simple no complication.

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Application for School Teacher Job – Format and Samples

Application for School Teacher Job - Format and Samples

Table of Contents

A strong job application letter demonstrates your interest in the position and your qualifications for it. This general rule is valid when composing job applications for teaching positions. One of the most important steps in your search for the ideal employment is writing applications. In the eyes of a hiring manager or potential employer, a strong job application letter can leave a good impression.

In this article we are covering samples of job application letters for different kinds of teaching jobs. You can use these samples as templates while writing your own teaching job applications.

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How To Write An Application For Teaching Job?

Your ability to enter the teaching profession should be expressly stated in your job application letter. In order to stand out from the competition, you should be specific in your application for a teaching position about your qualifications, training, and experience.

Teaching Job Application Format

From:  This includes name of person who were applying for the post.

To:  Includes the details of the institute or school.

Subject Line:   A job application email should include keywords and position details you are applying for.

Salutation:   The professional manner of addressing hiring managers is Dear Mr. /Mrs. Last name.

Application Body:   The body of the application will have details, i.e. your qualifications, skills, expertise and explanation of why you are a suitable candidate for the job.

Closing Salutation:   Chose a professional closing like ‘Sincerely’, ‘Best Regards’,’ Yours faithfully’, etc.

Name:   It is advisable to write your full name at the end of the job application letter to establish pro-fessional relationships.

Contact Details:   Contact details should be given for accessible communication over the telephone.

Teaching Job Application Samples

Sample 1: application for the post of kindergarten teacher.

Subject Line: Job Application for the position of playschool teacher

Dear Sir/Ma’am,

I am writing in response to your advertisement posted about a requirement for a kindergarten teacher in {Name of Institution}. I would like to apply for the position.

My qualifications include a Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood) with additional infant and child CPR certification. I received my Diploma in Nursery Teacher Training two years back and have since worked as a teacher in the pre-primary section at {Name of School}. My education and work experience have taught me a lot about the profession, and to my delight I have loved every bit of it. I believe I am competent enough to manage and teach young children and possess the patience and enthusiasm for the job.

I am excited about this opportunity being offered by your institution and would request you to consider my application for the same. Please find more details about my education and past experiences in the attached resume. I can be contacted on both email and phone.

Sincerely, {Name} Ph: {Your Mobile Number}


  • Educational Certificates
  • Experience Certificates

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Sample 2: Application for the Post of Primary Teacher

Subject Line: Application for the role of primary school teacher

Dear {Name of Person},

This is with regard to the vacancy for a Primary School Teacher at {Name of School}, as advertised in the {Name of portal}. Please consider this as my application for the same.

I finished my Bachelors in Elementary Education from {Name of College} in {Year}, and also cleared the national-level CTET in {Year}. I have since worked for three years as a teacher for various subjects for Grades I to III in {Name of School}, and greatly enjoyed being around young minds and seeing them grow under my guidance. I am qualified for the position your school is offering and would like to be considered for it.

Please find attached detailed resume as well as scanned images of relevant documents. I can be reached at {Phone Number} as well as this email ID.

Warmly, {Your Name} {Phone Number} {Email ID}

  • Three months Salary Slip
  • Aadhar Card

Sample 3: Application for the Post of High School Teacher

Subject Line: Job Application for the position of high school teacher

This email is regarding the requirement for a {Mention subject} teacher in the Senior Secondary Division of your school, specifically for the classes XI and XII. I came across the vacancy on the school website and wish to apply for the same.

I hold a Masters degree in {Mention subject} from {Name of university} and have completed my B.Ed. last year.

I also appeared for the CTET this year but my result is still due to be declared. Although I have no prior experience as a subject teacher in a school yet, I am confident that I can make up for it with my superior knowledge of the discipline. Moreover, I myself have been a good student throughout and have confidence in my knowledge of the discipline.

I believe I can serve your esteemed institution and its students very well with my abilities. I am attaching my CV and Cover Letter with this email so you can consider it as part of my application. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Regards, {Your Name} Phone: {Your Mobile Number}

  • Experience letter

Sample 4: Job application for specific subject teacher

Subject: Application for the position of {Mention subject} teacher

This is an application for the {Mention subject} teacher position at your prestigious school. As a new school session begins shortly, I wish to send out this application letter in the hope that you may find it worth your consideration if a vacancy opens up at any point during the course of this academic year.

I graduated from {Name of College} in {Year} with a {Mention course} degree. Post that, I completed the B.Ed. programme from {Name of College} and cleared the CTET in December last year.

I am currently looking to teach students in a respected institution like yours. I am familiar with the revised syllabus and comfortable with teaching classes across Primary and Middle School sections. Although I do not have a lot of prior experience in a classroom, my enthusiasm for {Subject} is ardent enough to make me a good teacher for this much-feared subject!

I hope to find a spot in {Name of School} in the near future, and promise to be a worthy candidate if chosen. I am attaching a more detailed resume with this email, and putting down my contact details below. Thank you for your time.

Yours sincerely, {Your Name} Mobile No. : {Your mobile number} Email: {Your email ID}

Application for School Teacher Job FAQs

Q. What all documents must you send with your application?

Q. How can I write application for teacher job?

  • Address it to a specific person.
  • Express your interest in the job.
  • Outline your education.
  • Highlight your work experience.
  • Describe your teaching style and values.
  • Include a positive and optimistic closing.

short application letter for the post of a teacher

Sabira Ulfath

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Application for School Teacher Job | Check Format and Samples

An application for school teacher job is written by candidates applying for a teaching post in a school. It should contain information about the experience they hold  in the respective field and the reason behind joining the school as well as leaving the previous institution.

Table of Contents

How to write an application for a school teaching job, application for the post of primary teacher, sample application for the post of high school teacher, frequently asked questions on application for school teacher job.

A job application is basically like a formal letter  which reflects your entire career journey and attracts the attention of the recruiters. An application for the post of the primary teacher should be written to the principal of the school. While writing an application for the post of primary teacher, you will have to mention the years of experience you hold and the post you are applying for, along with the required documents like your CV, experience certificate, previous employment letter, certificates, Aadhar card, etc.

Samples of Application for a School Teacher Job

For a clear understanding of the format of writing an application for the post of primary teacher, you can refer to the below-provided sample letters.

12/56, LG Street

The Principal,

UI Montessori School

Old Airport Road, Mumbai

Subject: Application for the post of primary teacher

Respected Sir/Madam

I am writing in response to the advertisement in the Times of Mumbai newspaper about an opening for a Kindergarten Teacher in your esteemed institution. I am writing to express my interest in this position, and I am submitting this job application letter in support of my qualification.

After completing my graduate studies in English, I completed a Diploma in Nursery Teacher Training four years ago. Since receiving my diploma, I have worked as a pre-primary teacher at XV International School in Mumbai, and I am now looking for better career opportunities. With the necessary qualifications and experience, I am confident in my ability to educate young learners with enthusiasm. My experience in the  field has taught me a lot about dealing with children with compassion and kindness, which I believe qualifies me for this position.

I am presenting this application with the hope that you will consider it. I have enclosed my resume and my degree certificates for your kind perusal. For any additional information, please contact me by email or phone.

Yours faithfully,

Amrit Dwibedi

Mail address- [email protected]

Contact No. 9999999


  • Educational Certificates
  • Experience letter
  • Three months Salary Slip
  • Aadhar Card

15, Anugraha Apartments

February 16, 2022

The Principal

KHG Matriculation High School

Subject: Application for the post of high school teacher

Dear Sir/ Madam,

With reference to the advertisement on your institution’s official website, I would like to let you know that I am interested in the mentioned job role. I have recently completed my M.Ed and have worked as an intern for a period of 3 months at GRD Matriculation Higher Secondary School. With the experience I have gathered in teaching high school students, I believe I can do justice to the role at your esteemed institution. I also consider this opportunity to be a great chance to offer my services and grow professionally.

In view of this, I would like to request you to consider my application. You can take a look at the attached documents for all information regarding my educational and professional qualifications. You can contact me in case of any further queries.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Amritha Jain

Email address- [email protected]

Contact- 99999

  • Relieving Letter
  • Three months salary slip

How to write an application for the post of a teacher?

You can write the application for the post of teacher in the formal letter format expressing your interest in the job. Explain about your past experiences; make sure you do not sound overconfident.

Why do we need an application for a school teacher job?

An application letter for a school teacher job is needed to show your interest in the job and also explain your qualifications.

What are the documents required to be submitted along with the application?

For applying to the teacher’s post, you need to attach the proof of your qualifications like CV and other educational certificates. Along with that, you must provide the proof of your previous employment and salary slips. You must also enclose an identity proof.

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short application letter for the post of a teacher

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20+ Job Application Letter for Teacher Templates – PDF, DOC

Before writing the Job Application letter , make sure you research the school. To write a successful teaching job application sample letters , focus on the specifications mentioned in the job description template and explain how you are fit for the post of teacher. Including references in your application letter always acts as a bonus. Before sending the Application Letter, double-check for all kinds of errors including language and grammar. Looking for more insights? Dive into our blog post about job application letter for teacher templates. You may also see more different types of job application   letters in word from our official website.

short application letter for the post of a teacher

Free Application Letter For Teaching Job

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  • Microsoft Word
  • Google Docs
  • Apple Pages

Simple Application For Teaching Job Template

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  • Editable PDF

Application For Teaching Job in English PDF Template

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Application For Teacher Job In Private School

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Cover Letter For Teaching Job PDF Template

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Application Letter For Teaching Vacancy Template

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Basic Format of a Teaching Job Application Letter

  • Start by writing about your interest in the job and also mention how you found out about the position. Keep the introduction brief and crisp. For more information on this topic, check out our detailed guide on manager job application letter templates.
  • Next, mention the strengths that make you suitable for the job. Start by mentioning your educational background. Make sure you list down your education-related information in chronological sample order.
  • Then, you can mention detailed information about your educational background. Make sure you list down your education-related information in sequential order.
  • Add relevant work experience as it helps in creating a strong Job Application Letter in Word.
  • Conclude your Application Cover Letter in not more than 2 sentences, and sign off appropriately with your name and contact information.

Teaching Job Application Template

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Teacher Job Application Letter Format In Word Template

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Sample Application Letter For Teacher With Experience

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Letter Of Application For Teaching Job Template

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Common Job Application Mistakes One Should Avoid

  • Spelling, punctuation, or grammar mistakes- If you are applying for a teacher’s job you should know that such errors are not acceptable. Re-read your application to avoid these errors
  • Not including your contact information- It is important to provide your contact information, especially your phone number, in the job application letters in PDF letter. It helps the employer to reach out to you easily.
  • Applying for the position you are not qualified for make sure to apply for the position you qualify for in terms of education as well as experience. If you’re interested in learning about job application letter for engineer templates, feel free to click here.

Application Letter For Teaching Job In Primary School Template

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Short Application For The Post Of Teacher Template

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Job Application Letter for Secondary School Teacher Template

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Job Application Letter for Substitute Nursery Teacher Template

job application letter for nursery teacher

Job Application Cover Letter for Teacher Template

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Job Application Letter for Experienced Post of Teacher Template

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Employment Job Application Letter for Teacher in College Template

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Job Application Letter for Yoga Teacher Template

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Benefits of Using a Job Application Template

  • The major advantage that you get by using an application template is that it helps you with the layout of your application letter.
  • They provide you with the elements that you need to include in your application letters in pages , in an organized fashion.
  • And, they also give you an idea about the language and the terminology that will help the applicant in creating a great impression. Use these templates as a guide to creating an impressive job application letter.

How to Use Job Application Templates

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Home » Career Guidance » How to Write a Remarkable Application for a Teaching Job

How to Write a Remarkable Application for a Teaching Job

application for teaching job

Quick Summary

  • The general eligibility criteria for becoming a teacher is a bachelor of education (B.Ed) degree.
  • The average annual salary for a teacher increases with experience, from ₹6.65 L for 1–4 years, ₹8.11 L for 5–9 years, ₹10.02 L for more than 10 years, and ₹11.06 L and above for 20 years and above.
  • The CTET and TET exams are the two major entrance exams that must be cleared by the applicants in order to become government teachers.

Table of Contents

For ages, teaching has been considered one of the noblest professions in the world. Currently, India has around 97 lakh teachers.

If you want to be a teacher, your application for a teaching job is the first interaction you make with the recruiter. Hence, your application must clearly convey your appropriateness for the position. It must contain the relevant details and create a positive impression on the recruiters.

Writing an application for a teacher job is a crucial step. In this article, we will be presenting some samples of a simple application for a teaching job and the best tips for writing a job application.

The average annual salary for a teacher increases with experience, from ₹6.65 L for 1–4 years, ₹8.11 L for 5–9 years, ₹10.02 L for more than 10 years, and ₹11.06 L and above for 20 years and above. : CollegeDunia

Format of Application for Teaching Jobs

Subject Line: An application for a teaching job should include keywords and position details you are applying for. Salutation: The salutation in a professional application should be formal and polite, such as Dear Mr. /Ms. Last name. Application Body: The body of a professional application should include all relevant information that the employer needs to know to assess the applicant’s qualifications and suitability for the position. Closing Salutation: The closing salutation of a professional application should be professional and polite. Examples include “Sincerely,” “Best regards,” or “Thank you for your time Finally, the applicant should thank the recipient for their consideration and reiterate their interest in the position. Name: It is advisable to write your full name at the end of the job application letter to establish professional relationships. Contact Details: Contact details should be given for accessible communication over the telephone, or email.

Sample Applications for All Teaching Jobs

A job application is a very crucial step toward getting hired. It must be capable of fetching you the job opportunity. For a teaching job, you should mention all the relevant educational qualifications and work experience, if any, in your application. Your application must be well crafted to make you stand out from other candidates.

We have included some sample application letters for a teaching job below. These sample letters can help you understand how an application for a teaching job should be.

Sample 1: Application for Teaching Job in the Kindergarten

The candidates can follow the below-mentioned sample to write an application for the post of teacher in kindergarten.

Date ____ To The Principal, (Name of the School) (School’s Address) Subject: Application letter for teacher in the Kindergarten Dear Sir/Madam, I came across your advertisement for the post of Kindergarten Teacher in your school. I am writing this application to express my interest in the post, as I have been teaching kindergarten classes for the last ten years. Due to the onset of the pandemic, I had to resign from my previous school, ____ , but I am keen to start teaching again. Also, I have done a Diploma in Nursery Teacher Training from __________ University. I strongly believe that I am the right candidate for the job. I love interacting with and teaching kindergarten children, as they are highly interactive in class and receptive to new ideas. It is a pleasure to witness the world through their eyes. I have presented my resume and testimonials with this application below. Hope to hear from you soon. Thanking you Yours truly (Name & Signature)

Sample 2: Application for Teaching Job in the Primary School

The candidates can follow the below-mentioned sample to write an application for the post of teacher in a primary school.

Date ____ The Principal, (Name of the School) (Address) Subject: Application letter for teacher in the Primary School Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing this application for the post of Primary School Teacher, as I have heard a great deal about your school __________ . I have a post-graduate degree in English with 1st division. Also, I have completed a Diploma in __________ from __________ University. I am comfortable with teaching Social Science and Environmental Science along with English. In my previous employment with __________ School, I worked as a Class Teacher for Grade 4. I firmly believe that I would be appropriate for the post, as I meet the required educational requirements and would be a welcome addition to your prestigious institute. Please find my resume and certificates enclosed in this application. Thanks & Regards, (Name & Signature)

Sample 3: Application for Teaching Job in High School

The candidates can follow the below-mentioned sample to write an  a pplication for the post of teacher in a high school.

Date ____ The Principal, (Name of the School) (Place) Subject: Application for Teaching Job in the High School Dear Sir/Madam, This email is in response to the advertisement posted by your educational institute in (Name of the publication) dated _ . This is an application for a teacher’s job in your reputed institute. I completed my Master’s degree in Arts in 2003, and my main subjects were English and Economics. I have also completed my B. Ed. and have secured 1st Division in the same. Previously, I worked as an English and Economics teacher for Grades 8, 9, and 10. I have sufficient teaching experience in the higher secondary curriculum for the board classes. My resume and degree certificates are attached to the application. Thanks & Regards, (Name & Signature)

Sample 4: Application for Teaching Job for Specific Subjects

The candidates can follow the below-mentioned sample to write an application for the post of teacher for specific subjects.

Date ____ The Principal, (Name of the School) (Address) Subject: Application for a teaching job at the High School Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing this email in response to the job advertisement posted by your institute on the (Name of the Portal) dated___________. I am writing this application for the teaching job of English trainer as I have been teaching English Language Development to children for the last 15 years. Also, I have conducted several language development workshops for Primary and Higher Secondary students and co-authored an English grammar workbook. Ultimately, I believe that I would be a valuable addition to your reputed institution and would be able to encourage students to learn English and become confident speakers in the future. Please find my enclosed documents in this letter. Thanking you Yours Sincerely, (Name & Signature)

Sample 5: Application for Teaching Job for Extracurricular Subjects

The candidates can follow the below-mentioned sample to write a job application letter for a teacher of extra-curricular subjects.

Date ____ The Principal, (Name of the School) (Address) Subject: Application letter for teacher for Extracurricular Subjects Dear Sir/Madam, I came across an advertisement posted by your reputed institute in (Name of the publication/job portal) for a teacher specializing in teaching extracurricular subjects. Hence, I wish to apply for the position, as I have worked as a freelance English Dramatics and Performing Arts Teacher for the past 15 years with several well-known institutes in (Name of City/Area/State). Ultimately, I believe that performing arts and public speaking should be included in the school curriculum from the primary school itself. The children become more confident and overcome their fear of the English language if they are exposed to it in a fun and non-conventional way. I have also been associated with The Dramatics Club of (Name of the city/state/area), and we recently screened the adaptation of Shakespeare’s famous play “Hamlet” that was also covered by (Name of the publication) on (dated). My educational and professional qualifications are mentioned below. Please consider the enclosed documents as a part of this letter. Thanks & Regards, (Name & Signature)

Sample 6: Application for a Part-time Teaching Job

The candidates can follow the below-mentioned sample to write a job application for a teacher.

Date ____ The Principal, (Name of the School) (Address) Subject: Application letter for a teacher as a Part-time Profession Dear Sir/Madam, I came across a job advertisement posted by your prestigious institution (Name of the school) published in (Name of the publication) dated _ . Hence, I wish to apply for the position of Part-time Teacher. Firstly, I have five years of experience as a part-time Social Science teacher for students in Grades 6, 7, and 8. Also, I have a Master of Arts with a specialization in Social Sciences. Apart from teaching, I also work as a part-time counsellor and conduct periodic parent-child sessions on adolescent issues. I am an appropriate candidate for the part-time teaching position at your institute, as I am well-equipped to handle the educational and psychological problems a child faces. I have attached my CV and educational certificates with this application below. Please peruse it as a part of my application. Thanks & Regards, (Name & Signature)

Read further: Part-Time Teaching Platforms in India

Sample 7: Application for Teaching Job for Special Education Purpose

Date ____ The Principal, (Name of the School) (Address of School) Subject: Application for teaching job in special education Dear Sir/Madam, This email is about the job advertisement posted on (Name of the Publication/Website) dated ___________wherein you mentioned a job vacancy for a Special Educator at your prestigious institute (Name of the school). I have been working as a Special Educator for the last ten years. I have adequate experience in teaching children with ADD/ADHD, learning disabilities, autism, speech impairment, and non-compliant behavior. Also, I take special care to understand the individual needs of each student and try to work out a unique teaching plan that suits them. Children with special needs require an empathetic teacher that makes them feel included and part of the crowd. I have a Masters’s degree in Child Psychology and have also done a Diploma Certificate Course in Special Needs Education. I have enclosed my resume and certificates with this application. Looking forward to hearing from you. Thanking you Warmly, (Name & Signature)

Sample 8: Application for Teaching Job for Tuitions

The candidates can follow the below-mentioned sample to write a job application for a teacher:

Date ____ (Job address) Subject: Application for teaching job for Tuitions Dear Sir/Madam, I came across a job advertisement requiring a Science and Mathematics Tutor for Grades 3, 4, and 5 and wish to apply for the same. Firstly, I have a Master’s degree in Science and experience in tutoring students for the last 15 years. Apart from this, I have experience in teaching students of different age groups. Also, I have a website wherein I provide online coaching for competitive exams like bank entrances. Furthermore, I try to include innovative technology in my teaching methodology to make difficult and complex topics more accessible for students, making learning enjoyable. I firmly believe that my teaching methods would benefit students and help them get better grades in school. My updated CV is attached to this application. Thanks & Regards, (Name & Signature)

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Sample 9: Application for Teaching Job in Colleges

The candidates can follow the below-mentioned sample to write a simple application for a teaching job in India:

Date ____ The Principal, (Name of the College) (Place) Subject: Application for a teaching job in your College Dear Sir/Madam, This email is in response to the job advertisement posted by your prestigious college (College Name) for an English College Professor vacancy. I came across the advertisement on (Name of the website/job portal) dated __ and wish to apply for the same. I have a Master’s Degree in English and cleared the UGC-NET examination in 2017. Also, I have four years of experience and have handled various other responsibilities like organizing dramatics club feast, inter-college debates, and extempore. Moreover, I have written research papers on several topics relating to the English Language and Literature, like American Literature and Poetry and Post-Colonial Studies on English Literature. My belief is I am the right candidate for the vacancy, as I fulfill all the requirements mentioned in the advertisement. All the relevant documents are attached to this email. Thanking you Yours truly, (Name & Signature)

Sample 10: Application for Teaching Job as a Teaching Assistant

The candidates can follow the below-mentioned sample to write a simple application for a teaching job in India as a teacher’s assistant.

Date ____ The Principal, (Name of the College) (Address) Subject: Application letter for the post of Teaching Assistant Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing this letter in response to the job advertisement posted by your reputed institute (Name of the School/College) for the vacancy of Assistant Teacher for middle school and wish to submit my application for the same. I have an experience of 8+ years as an Assistant Teacher in (Name of the School/College). As a teacher, I try to make my classroom interactive and fun for students. I understand the need to involve parents in the child’s class performance through proper communication. Also, I am well experienced in maintaining records and administrative tasks, which help in the effective functioning of the classroom. Lastly, I believe I am the right candidate for the vacancy, as I fulfill all the requirements mentioned in the advertisement. My educational certificates are attached in the same email. Kindly let me know if you need further documents to support my candidature. Thanking you Sincerely, (Name & Signature)

Sample 11: Application Letter for Teaching Job in School (for Freshers)

This sample can be used as a job application for fresher teaching jobs. As a fresher teacher, your application should focus on your qualifications and the zeal to enter the teaching industry.

Date ____ The Principal, (Name of the School) (Address) Subject: Job Application for the post of a teacher Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing this letter in response to the job advertisement posted by your esteemed institution (Name of the School/College) for the vacancy of a teacher for the —— subject. Hence, I wish to submit my application for the same. Recently, I have completed M.A. in English Literature from ABC university. I also possess a B.Ed. degree. I am highly passionate about teaching kids in this age group and have previously taught at various coaching centres. This makes me aware of the challenges faced by students. Also, I am adept in maintaining records and administrative tasks to improve the effective functioning of the classroom. I believe I am the right candidate for the vacancy, as I fulfill all the requirements mentioned in the advertisement. My educational certificates are attached in the same email. Kindly let me know if you need further documents to support my candidature. Thanking you Sincerely, (Name & Signature)

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Tips for a Good Job Application for Teaching

Writing an intriguing and effective job application is an essential step for getting a teaching job. Your application must outline your potential and capabilities vividly in order to make you outstand others.

Here are some tips for writing a good and simple application for teaching job:

Ensure Proper Formatting

The very first element of an application is its format. An application must be written in a proper format. You should pay vital importance to the formatting of your application.

Formatting your application efficiently helps in presenting your details more effectively. It enables the hiring manager to peruse your application better. Formatting your application properly also prevents the recruiter from missing out any details.

Even if you possess the best skills, failing to mention them correctly may deteriorate your application’s potential of getting shortlisted. A properly organized application is more likely to get selected than one which contains random information. Hence, you should accordingly format your application.

Be Professional

Recruiters expect candidates to be professional. Avoid using abbreviations or short forms for words. It puts a negative impact on your candidature.

Also, don’t use any jargon in your application. Your application must be easily understandable by everyone. Try to avoid the usage of complex words, keep it simple.

Make sure you maintain professionalism even while sending the final email to the recruiter. Proofread your application thoroughly before beginning to apply for jobs. Ensure there are no errors like grammatical errors, spelling mistakes, informal language, improper formatting, etc.

Some best practices include writing a captivating subject line , a professional summary of your achievements, and a thoughtful conclusion.

Also, do not add any fake accomplishments. Even if you add them to your application or resume, they can be crosschecked during the background check.

A very common mistake that candidates make while writing their job application is that they copy-paste their entire resume and CV. They add all those details that are mentioned in their resume. This ultimately makes their job application too long. Their application becomes lengthy, decreasing the hiring manager’s interest in your application.

Recruiters have a pile of job applications on their desks. It is impossible for them to read the applications line-by-line. Therefore, they search for the most important skills that are required, they look for the keywords that suit the job requirements.

You should mention your top skills and achievements in your application. Don’t go for describing all your degrees and certificates in your application. The recruiter will not be looking for long at it.

Try to Align your Skills with the Job Role

Make a mention of the skills and knowledge you possess and try to correlate it with the duties and activities of the job role. Add work experience if any. Try to align the skills and experience you gained, with the job requirements. State how your presence can add value to the recruiter’s workplace and mention how your performance can help in running the work efficiently.

Conforming your skills with the job role can help the hiring manager decide your suitability for the position. It can help the recruiter conclude your suitability for the job and how you can benefit the workplace.

Also, mentioning your skills, qualifications and experience and relating them to the job description can help you stay ahead of other candidates. It can make you stand out from the crowd and increase your chances of employability.

Make the Ending Positive and Optimistic

Your application should end on a positive and enthusiastic note. Show your gratefulness to the hiring manager for reading your application. Make the conclusion of your application optimistic but keep it professional.

You can end your application by mentioning “Hoping to hear from you” or “Looking forward to an interview”, etc. Also, add proper “Sign off” terms like “Yours truly, sincerely”, etc, followed by your signature.

Similar Read: 6 Simple Steps for Teachers to Earn Money

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Read more: Resume and Cover Letter tips.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

A candidate should bear certain things in mind: – The application should be addressed to a specific person like a Principal or Dean. – Mention your interest in the job and how it can be valuable. – It should indicate your educational qualifications and professional experience. – State your teaching ideology and how it aligns with the school or college. – The application should end on an optimistic note.

The candidates can expect a package of around 2.2 lakh per annum as a primary teacher in India. The salary package increases with the gaining experience of a primary teacher. This salary may also vary depending on whether the candidate works in a government or private school. Government schools generally offer a higher salary package compared to private schools.

If the candidates wish to start their career as a government teacher, they are required to qualify for the Central Teacher Eligibility Test (CTET) or Teacher Eligibility Test (TET). They must have fulfilled the required eligibility criteria to sit for these exams. However, the general eligibility criteria for becoming a teacher is a bachelor of education (B.Ed) degree.

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Leaving Teaching? How To Make Your Resume Stand Out in the Corporate World

Make the most out of your job search!

Photo of woman interviewing for a teaching position

If you’re a teacher leaving the profession in search of a career that can give you more flexibility, creativity, and autonomy, you’ll need some teacher resume tips to help you stand out from the crowd.

Don’t think of yourself as “just a teacher.” Your experiences and skill set align with many jobs outside of teaching. It’s just a matter of how you present it in your resume. For example, teachers have a level of work ethic and determination that can translate to many different roles.

Here are three resume tips to make teachers more desirable to potential employers:

Resume Tip for Teachers #1: Relate the job description to your experience.

When you apply to teaching positions, you typically think about your experience and outline it on your resume. Usually, it looks something like this:

  • Taught third and fifth grade while serving as a member of the Leadership Team
  • Served as an Instructional Coach
  • Guided district teachers in effective instructional practices
  • Mentored student teachers through the credential process

Unfortunately, this experience might not be relevant to the job you’re applying for. Honestly, recruiting and hiring managers may have no idea what these experiences mean. Instead, identify elements in the job description that relate to your experience and list them out to explain the connection.

Let’s look at this job description for an ed-tech job:

  • Develop new material including courses, lesson plans, challenging problems, and other educational resources for in-person courses
  • Work with Curriculum Team Leads, Senior Curriculum Developers, and other Curriculum Developers to plan new material
  • Review and provide feedback on material created by other team members and incorporate feedback from others into your materials

How can your experience and skills fit the job description? Think about it in terms of your professional planning and lesson plan experience.

Change your wording:

  • Developed lesson plans and other educational resources for in-person and hybrid courses
  • Worked with team members, as part of a Professional Learning Community , to plan and develop new course material, lesson plans, and assessments
  • Reviewed and provided feedback on lessons and assessments created by other team members and received feedback on my materials in order to improve learning for students

This description embeds the key words that are listed in the job description. It also relates to the work you did as a teacher. Change your experiences in your resume for every job you apply for in your job search . It’s important to relate your experiences to the specific requirements listed in the job description. This will help the hiring manager see the connection between your skills and the job they’re hiring for.

Resume Tip for Teachers #2: Be specific with numbers.

Your resume is an opportunity to showcase your skills through data and numbers. Be specific about the work you’ve done, and write it in a way that will show hiring managers you can increase productivity.

Your resume might look like this right now:

  • Led and supported school staff through the process of PBIS implementation
  • Supported teachers in integrating 21st-century skills into their lessons
  • Created and organized an intervention program in grades 3 through 5

Although these experiences are noteworthy, they don’t really paint a picture for hiring managers. So use data and numbers to make your experience more compelling.

Try something like this:

  • Led and supported school staff through the first-ever implementation of Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS), and decreased student referrals from 37% to 12%
  • Through leadership with PBIS, student attendance across grades 1 and 2 increased from 67% to 89% within three months of structured interventions
  • Supported teachers in integrating 21st-century skills into their lessons and helped 42% of teachers increase their evaluation scores from 3 to 4
  • Created and organized an intervention program in grades 3 through 5 and increased student academic achievement in math from 43% proficiency to 78% proficiency

Including this type of data will show hiring managers that your hard work and skills increased productivity within your organization.

Resume Tip for Teachers #3: Be specific in your cover letter.

Make your application stand out with a cover letter. It’s your chance to be specific about your experience. You can drive home the relevance of your skills and how they relate to the job you’re applying for.

Instead of starting off with the typical …

Please accept this letter as an application for the position of _ for _. I am passionate about instructional design and have a strong foundation in instructional coaching and assessment design and trends. I have a deep understanding of K-12 education, as well as connecting assessment to instruction through data interpretation.

… be honest with the hiring manager. Start off with something that lets them know you’re changing roles. Your experiences can translate to the new role even though your only experience is teaching.

It can sound something like this:

I am writing to express interest in the position of _ for _. As an experienced educator, I have the skills and disposition to excel in this role.

I am making the change from classroom teacher to a role in _ and feel my abilities and experiences would be an asset to your team.

These are some of the skills I can bring to your company:

  • List out skills that relate to the job description and your skills.
  • Make connections, add data, and be specific.
  • Limit it to three points and use the keywords from the job description.

The most important thing to keep in mind is don’t give up.

Transitioning out of teaching is hard and there is a lot of competition out there, but companies are hiring ( labor shortage , anyone?). Create a LinkedIn profile and use these same tips to showcase your experience. Start connecting with recruiters, hiring managers, and employees at the companies you want to work for.

When it’s interview time, check out some ways AI can help you nail your next interview .

Plus, if you need help with your resignation letter, check out these resignation letter examples .

For more articles like this, be sure to subscribe to our newsletters .

If you're a teacher transitioning out of the classroom, check out these resume tricks that can help you get more interviews.

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How To Ask For A Letter Of Recommendation For A School Application

Jeff Tompkins

Updated: Jul 13, 2023, 3:18pm

How To Ask For A Letter Of Recommendation For A School Application

Whether you’re a high school student headed to college or a college undergraduate preparing for grad school, letters of recommendation are often a requirement to advance to the next stage of your academic journey.

However, asking a teacher or professor for a letter of recommendation can be intimidating, whether in-person or via email. But fear not—we’ll walk you through the ins and outs of asking for letters of recommendation to help you gain acceptance to the college or graduate school of your choice.

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What Is a Letter of Recommendation?

A letter of recommendation is a formal letter written by someone in a position of authority, such as a teacher, to provide testimony regarding your abilities, achievements and character.

Colleges and universities ask for letters of recommendation because they give admissions officers a well-rounded picture of you. Recommendation letters can provide more insight into your personality and abilities beyond your transcript and extracurriculars and set you apart from other applicants.

The number of recommendation letters you need can vary, so verifying each school’s requirements is important. One to three letters are typically required, but two to three is the standard. Consider two letters as your minimum and a third letter as a backup or supplementary perspective to offer the admissions committee further insight into your qualities and achievements.

Who Should Write Your Recommendation Letter?

Someone who knows you well academically is best suited to write your recommendation letter. Typically professors and teachers fill this role. However, coaches, counselors and club advisors can be potential candidates, especially if they know you in multiple settings, such as in the classroom or an extracurricular club.

Employers or supervisors at your workplace are possibilities for a secondary letter if they have firsthand experience of your abilities and accomplishments.

Remember to review the school’s application requirements to see if they want recommendation letters from specific people, such as a core subject teacher or a school counselor. Letters of recommendation for graduate school may need to come from undergraduate professors.

How to Ask for a Letter of Recommendation

Give plenty of notice.

Teachers usually have multiple recommendation letters to write, so give them as much advance notice as possible. Giving them a month before the due date is the minimum, but providing six to eight weeks of notice is even better.

For high school seniors, the beginning of the school year is an optimum time to ask for recommendations, particularly if you are considering applying for early decision. The more time your references have, the greater your chance of receiving a sincere, thorough letter.

Ask in Person if Possible

If possible, speak with your prospective recommenders in person before you send them your written request for a letter of recommendation. Before your conversation, rehearse and prepare your “pitch” to clearly and succinctly outline the purpose of your application and why you’re seeking their recommendation.

Also, meeting your recommenders in person can help them recall their experience with you in their class, which can be beneficial when they write your letter.

At first, you may feel shy about requesting such a favor. But remember that teachers and professors receive these requests frequently, and writing letters of recommendation is common practice in this field.

Send a Formal Request

Send a well-written request to each person who agreed to write you a letter by email. Your email subject line should read “Request for Letter of Recommendation” or something similar. Remind them of who you are and the college you’re applying to. Provide a deadline and an option to decline your request.

Supply Helpful Materials

Provide a copy of your current resume to the person writing the letter. Consider including a sheet highlighting key school courses or projects you’ve worked on, relevant work experience, specific character attributes or academic accomplishments and any long-term goals relevant to the recommendation. This information can help jog the writer’s memory and provide them with details that can add a more personal touch to the letter of recommendation.

It’s always a good idea to send your references a short, polite reminder one to two weeks before the due date. Following up is also an opportunity to ask if they need additional information from you.

Say Thank You

Send a thank you in writing to everyone who submitted a letter for you. A handwritten note is the best option. Sending your note by email is the next best option. Do not send a thank you note by text message. Lastly, don’t forget to share the good news of your acceptance to the school with your recommenders.

Tips for the Recommendation Letter Process

Waive your right to view.

We recommend waiving your right to view your recommendation on your application form since letters of recommendation are typically considered confidential. Admissions officers may view them as more trustworthy if they know you haven’t seen them.

Prepare for a “No”

No one is obligated to write you a letter of recommendation. People may decline your request for various reasons. For instance, some teachers decide to only write a certain number of recommendations each year and may have reached their quota.

Also, if someone you ask for a reference hesitates, it’s a sign that they aren’t a good fit. They may not know you well enough to speak to your qualifications.

Be prepared with alternatives. If anyone declines your request, take it graciously, thank the person and reach out to the next person on your list. If you don’t have an alternative, a guidance counselor or academic advisor can help you think of someone.

Update Your References

You should update those who have written your letter of recommendation. Your updates can include informing them of your acceptance to a college and other important achievements. Keeping your references updated is a polite gesture since they are essential to the application process.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About How to Ask for a Letter of Recommendation

How do you ask for a letter of recommendation via email.

When writing a letter of recommendation via email, keep it short and formal. Include a direct subject line such as “Request for Letter of Recommendation” and a formal salutation and closing. Use the first paragraph to reintroduce yourself to the recommender and your second paragraph to make the request. Ensure that you provide a clear deadline.

How do you politely ask for a recommendation letter from a professor?

Show your appreciation for your recommender’s time by giving plenty of advance notice. Whether approaching the request in writing or in person, maintain a polite and professional demeanor. Clearly, explain why you have chosen them as a recommender, what information you expect the letter to include and details on where to send the letter.

How long before the due date should you ask for a letter of recommendation?

A generous lead time is essential when asking for a letter of recommendation. Give your letter writers at least one month before the due date—and preferably longer. Ensure the date is clear in all your communication with the recommender.

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Jeff Tompkins is a writer and teacher of English as a Second Language living in New York City. He was born in Hartford, Connecticut, in 1967 and was educated at Brown University and University College London. His articles and reviews have appeared in CHA Review of Books and Films, the Brooklyn Rail, the Chicago Review of Books, PopMatters, Words Without Borders, and other outlets.

Election latest: Sunak not taking questions amid talk of Tory battle to succeed him - as Dragon joins Starmer at brewery

A poll has found Reform's Nigel Farage would be the favourite to take over as Tory leader if Rishi Sunak loses the election. Labour says the Conservatives are already battling over the succession. Earlier, the transport secretary denied that the PM's D-Day blunder had lost the election.

Saturday 8 June 2024 23:04, UK

  • General Election 2024

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Election news

  • PM not taking questions as D-Day row rumbles on
  • Sir Keir joined by Dragon to launch small businesses plan
  • Farage should take over from Sunak as leader of Tories, poll finds
  • Tories will scrap ULEZ expansion in 'backing drivers bill'
  • Sunak vows to axe stamp duty for first-time buyers
  • Electoral Dysfunction:  What could be in the party manifestos?

Expert analysis

  • Rob Powell: It beggars belief someone didn't sound the alarm about PM leaving D-Day events early
  • Tamara Cohen: Labour can't believe their luck

Election essentials

  • Battle For No 10: PM and Starmer taking part in Sky News special
  • Campaign Heritage: Memorable moments from elections gone by
  • Trackers: Who's leading polls? | Is PM keeping promises?
  • Follow Sky's politics podcasts: Electoral Dysfunction | Politics At Jack And Sam's
  • Read more: Who is standing down? | Key seats to watch | How to register to vote | What counts as voter ID? | Check if your constituency is changing | Your essential guide to election lingo | Sky's election night plans

The Lib Dems have announced plans to create 1,000 new  hospital beds to end the "corridor crisis" in hospitals. 

The party is ramping up its focus on health and social care ahead of its manifesto launch next week, which will include a dedicated chapter on care.

The issue is personal to leader Sir Ed Davey, who is a carer for his son John, who has a neurological condition and learning difficulties.

On the campaign trail in Wokingham, Berkshire on Saturday, he told broadcasters: "The Liberal Democrats are putting health and care right at the centre of our election campaign, and on ambulance delays and waiting times, it's been a crisis.

"We've seen in some parts of the country people's loved ones dying before the ambulances arrive.

"We've seen queues at hospitals as ambulances are waiting to hand over their patients and something has to be done."

Sir Ed said he would "turn around this mess the Conservatives have made" by investing £400m per year to add an extra 1,000 staffed beds in hospitals.

The party says this would help end excessive handover delays and the scandal of patients waiting in corridors to be treated. 

It has also pledged an upfront capital investment of £280 million to expand urgent treatment centres and A&E wards. 

The Lib Dems did not say where the money was coming from, but insisted the the pledge is "fully funded" and more detail will be unveiled in their manifesto - which will include a chapter on care. 

Rachel Reeves has accused the Tories of acting like Jeremy Corbyn with a "fantasy manifesto". 

The shadow chancellor, who campaigned twice to be an MP under Mr Corbyn's watch, has written an op-ed in The Sun in which she said she "totally rejects" the former Labour leader's approach. 

Accusing the Tories of making unfunded promises to cut taxes, Ms Reeves said: "The approach the Conservatives are taking now is the same as the approach Jeremy Corbyn took - and I totally reject it. 

"I’m not going to offer you a fantasy manifesto that writes cheques we could never cash. I will never do this."

CCHQ were quick to point out that Ms Reeves, an MP since 2010, will have campaigned twice for Mr Corbyn's manifesto - at the 2017 and 2019 general elections. 

"Imagine her shock when she finds out she campaigned for this manifesto, and to make Jeremy Corbyn Prime Minister… twice", they said in a post on X. 

The Labour shadow cabinet have been at pains to stress how much the party has changed since its historic defeat at the 2019 election. 

Ms Reeves in particular has been painting herself as fiscally conservative, in sharp contrast to Mr Corbyn who made a number of big spending pledges such as free school meals and the abolition of tuition fees.

The latest attack could risk angering the Labour left, who are keen to see greater spending commitments. 

But Ms Reeves made clear there would be no surprise spending announcements in the party's manifesto when it launches next week, repeating her mantra: "We are a changed Labour Party. I will never play fast and loose with your money." 

Question. If a prime minister is heckled at a rally and there's no backdrop scandal to imbue it with meaning, should it still end up on the news?

I ask because so often in election campaigns, individual and often innocuous events get sucked into the black hole of a political narrative and spat out as something very different and much more dangerous.

Exhibit A - the torrid two days Rishi Sunak has had after his early departure from the D-Day commemorations.

Such was the scale of this saga that even a solitary road sign in rural Gloucestershire was transformed into a symbol of the hapless Tory campaign stumbling from one PR disaster to another - simply because it read "Veterans Way" and happened to be next to a school the prime minister was visiting.

A GP with gripes about the widening of access to medical care topped off the party's hell day after she interrupted Mr Sunak at a rally in Wiltshire.

This was inevitably seen as another blow for the embattled campaign, despite the prime minister giving a fairly convincing defence of his policy.

You wonder how such a situation would have been received had it happened to Sir Keir Starmer - the drama potentially diluted by his huge lead in the polls and polished campaign machine.

None of this is to deny the importance of the D-Day story.

As one pollster put it, the debacle seemed almost "laser guided" to inflict the maximum amount of damage on a leader leaking votes to the right and facing frequent accusations of being out of touch.

That was certainly evident in Bishop Auckland on Saturday.

The Tories took this seat for the first time ever in 2019, but metres from a Conservative campaign stop one former candidate for the party told Sky News he could "never vote for that man" after events of the past two days.

"He's leading them off the cliff like rats following the Pied Piper," he said.

So how can Rishi Sunak change the weather?

Read Rob's full analysis below... 

The polls are stubbornly refusing to move for the Conservatives.

Sky's latest average poll tracker shows Labour on 43.6% while the Conservatives trail on 22.8% - a commanding lead.

And - despite Rishi Sunak appealing to the right of his core vote with policies on immigration and national service, Nigel Farage's Reform party are nipping at the Tories' heels. 

One YouGov poll this week showed the party on 17% - just two points behind the Conservatives on 19%.

Conservative peer and poll expert Lord Hayward has said the Tories have been "flatlining" in the polls. 

"I think the polls have somewhat overestimated the Labour lead but it's still solid and it's still very substantial," he tells the Politics Hub. 

He says Reform's position is "dangerous" to all other parties. 

"What's interesting is that Reform, and other disruptor parties like the Greens, are taking away votes from the major parties," he adds. 

"It will hit all parties, not just the Conservatives, and this what people have to be aware of nbecause voter loyalty is very low." 

He adds that he believes his party's chances of achieving a majority is going to be "pretty difficult". 

Ali Fortescue is joined now by our political correspondent Tamara Cohen , and the pair are discussing whether the Conservatives can dig themselves out of the hole they've found themselves in after a bad week. 

Tamara says there is a lot of deep despair in the Tory ranks. 

"Rishi Sunak refusing to speak to journalists today and just look at the seats that they're visiting. The prime minister in Bishop Auckland, where the Conservatives have an 8,000 majority," she says. 

"Whereas Labour today is in Aldershot - a seat the Conservatives have held for 100 years. 

"Next week we have the manifestos released. Is that a moment for Rishi Sunak to regain a bit of momentum?

"We've also got more debates including our election event and the Tories are chucking out a lot of ideas here." 

Next up on the show is Labour's shadow treasury minister James Murray. 

Ali begins by asking him about Labour's plan to overhaul the business rates system if it gets into power. 

Mr Murray explains that his party wants to replace the current system with one that "rebalances the burden away from high streets and make sure that online giants pay their fair share". 

"People want high streets to thrive... but at the moment they pay a disproportionate amount of tax through business rates," he adds. 

He explains that bricks and mortar stores would be given extra support under a Labour government. 

He reiterates Labour's pledge to not rejoin the single market, the customs union and it will not have the freedom on movement again.

But he says that the party wants to "reduce friction" with the European Union to improve the economy. 

Business Minister Kevin Hollinrake is the first guest to appear on tonight's Politics Hub with Ali Fortescue. 

He is asked about the Conservatives defenders seemingly missing in action, saying everybody's time in politics eventually comes to an end, and they have their own decisions to make. 

Mr Hollinrake is among those standing again as an MP. 

"Politics isn't the only thing to do in your life," he adds. "But there are some fantastic people coming through, and we have a fantastic leader in Rishi Sunak." 

Ali pushes him on the criticism surrounding Sunak over his decision to leave D-Day commemorations early. 

"He made a mistake, and he was of course in the commemorations in the UK and in the British commemorations in France," Mr Hollinrake says, adding that the PM has apologised. 

He adds that only one person he has spoken to in his constituency have raised D-Day as an issue. 

"I think it's time now to talk about other issues," he says. 

Moving on now to the Ultra Low Emission Zone in London, he insists the Conservatives want to make sure the cost of moving to a cleaner environment is "sensible and proportionate". 

   Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has been trying to move on from anger over his decision to leave D-Day commemorations early – today he refused to speak to journalists.

Last night though, a cabinet minister speaking on live TV told the country his decision was "very wrong". 

But where have all those who would be out defending the Conservatives got to? 

Boris Johnson, long-time deputy Prime Minister Dominic Raab, Sajid Javid, Liz Truss, even Michael Gove, have all deserted the field.

None - apart from Liz Truss - are even standing at the election.

Here's our political correspondent Rob Powell's latest report from today's campaign trail... 

In the last few moments, Rishi Sunak has posted on X about the release of four Israeli hostages in Gaza. 

He said it was a "huge relief" to see them returned home after their "unimaginable ordeal". 

"We will continue to strive towards an end to the fighting as well as safety and security for all," he added. 

Earlier, Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer reposted a message from shadow foreign secretary David Lammy, which said the hostage's rescue was a "glimmer of hope in the darkness". 

Tonight's show begins with a look at the rescue of four Israeli hostages from Hamas captivity in Gaza earlier today.

Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said his forces had acted with "creativity and boldness" and they will not relent until all hostages have been returned home. 

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas has accused Israeli forces of a "bloody massacre". 

The Hamas-run government in the enclave has said at least 210 Palestinians were killed during the rescue mission. 

You can read all the latest updates in our dedicated Israel-Hamas war blog below...

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  4. Teacher Cover Letter Examples + Template [2024]

    a short paragraph on why the teaching position is perfect for you. a closing cover letter statement that seals the deal. complimentary close (e.g., Regards, Sincerely) and your name. a postscript. Here, we're following our recommended structure on the elements of the perfect cover letter for teaching jobs.

  5. Teaching Job Application Letter Sample: Free & Effective

    Opening: Start with a professional greeting. If possible, address the letter to a specific person. First Paragraph: Introduce yourself. Mention the job you're applying for and how you found out about it. Second Paragraph: Discuss your teaching philosophy and methodology. Relate it to the school's ethos.

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  7. 5 Teacher Cover Letter Examples & Templates for 2024

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    Here's a step-by-step guide on how to write a compelling cover letter: 1. Start with a Professional Greeting: Address the hiring manager by their name if it's available. If not, use a general but professional greeting like "Dear Hiring Manager." 2.

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    Download Article. 1. Read the job posting carefully and underline or highlight key terms. Before you begin writing your cover letter for a teaching position, read through the job posting with a pen or highlighter in hand. Identify the key skills, certifications, and other qualifications that the employer is seeking.

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  18. Job Application Letter For Teacher: Format, PDF, and Samples

    Step 2: Start with a professional header. Include a professional header that includes your name, address, phone number, and email address. Below the header, include the date of the application and the recipient's name and address. Step 3: Write a strong introduction.

  19. Application for School Teacher Job

    An application for the post of the primary teacher should be written to the principal of the school. While writing an application for the post of primary teacher, you will have to mention the years of experience you hold and the post you are applying for, along with the required documents like your CV, experience certificate, previous ...

  20. 20+ Job Application Letter for Teacher Templates

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  21. Write the Perfect Application for Teaching Job (10+ Samples)

    Sample 2: Application for Teaching Job in the Primary School. The candidates can follow the below-mentioned sample to write an application for the post of teacher in a primary school. Date ____ The Principal, (Name of the School) (Address) Subject: Application letter for teacher in the Primary School Dear Sir/Madam,

  22. How To Write an Application for a Teaching Job

    Use this step-by-step guide to write a simple application for a teaching job to appeal to a potential employer: 1. Address it to a specific person. It is important to address your job application to a specific person. Instead of addressing it to "Principal" or "Hiring Manager", search the school website for the name of the principal or ...

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    Resume Tip for Teachers #3: Be specific in your cover letter. Make your application stand out with a cover letter. It's your chance to be specific about your experience. You can drive home the relevance of your skills and how they relate to the job you're applying for. Instead of starting off with the typical …

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    Teachers and trainers may use this material for in-class and out-of-class instruction. Mission The Purdue On-Campus Writing Lab and Purdue Online Writing Lab assist clients in their development as writers—no matter what their skill level—with on-campus consultations, online participation, and community engagement.

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    When writing a letter of recommendation via email, keep it short and formal. Include a direct subject line such as "Request for Letter of Recommendation" and a formal salutation and closing.

  27. Election latest: Tories 'already vying to take over from Sunak if he

    A poll has found Reform's Nigel Farage would be the favourite to take over as Tory leader if Rishi Sunak loses the election. Labour says the Conservatives are already battling over the succession.