Red Green Repeat Adventures of a Spec Driven Junkie

Understanding assignment branch condition.

Recently, I integrated Rubocop into my work flow and it’s been very humbling. I feel I’m a great coder with all the specs passing and doing a good job of refactoring, Rubocop always finds something wrong with my code.

I usually go back and make fixes based on Rubocop’s suggestions, but I keep running into the same few issues and solving them isn’t as easy as using: rubocop -a (which auto-corrects all the easy ones!)

The toughest offense for me so far: Assignment Branch Condition

This offense is harder to fix really make me think about my coding style in general. I want to learn more about this offense to help me understand. By understanding, my goals is to not make this offense so often and/or make it easier for me to fix in the future.

What is: ABC?

Rubocop message:

The default is 15 and the first pass of my code is always way past this, probably on average twice this value. So cleaning up my code to meet the default value really takes a lot of work.

From the documentation :

Really Understanding: ABC

Let’s understand what ABC is by checking out the definition of ABC :

Broken down:

  • assignments (anything with = )
  • branches (anything that jumps out of the current method)
  • conditionals (anything that tests logic if , case , unary ? )

SO, to reduce the ABC value, reduce assignments (use less intermediate variables), fewer branches (calling other methods), and conditionals (if/else statements).

Computing ABC

The ABC value is not just a counting of them, but a square root of the sum of their squares. If any one of them getting too high will spike the ABC count.

The Rubocop default for ABC metric is 15. What does 15 really mean?

Well, doing the math, to get an ABC score of 15, a method would have:

  • 8 assignments
  • 8 conditionals

(Just working backwards from 15*15 => 225; 225/3 => 75; Math.sqrt(75) ~=> 8.66)

Now that I lay it out that way, an ABC value of 15 is very reasonable. Having eight of each for a method is just enough to do a lot of work in a method, but a value of 15 keeps the method from spiraling out of control in assignments, branches, or conditionals.

Whenever I encountered Rubocop’s ‘ABC is too high’ message, I was annoyed with ABC metric because I didn’t understand how it was computed and I couldn’t refactor efficiently to lower the ABC value quickly.

Now that I spent some effort into researching what Assignment Branch Condition really means, I feel better about creating or refactoring code that has a better ABC score.

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Add or edit Azure role assignment conditions using the Azure portal

  • 6 contributors

An Azure role assignment condition is an optional check that you can add to your role assignment to provide more fine-grained access control. For example, you can add a condition that requires an object to have a specific tag to read the object. This article describes how to add, edit, view, or delete conditions for your role assignments using the Azure portal.


For information about the prerequisites to add or edit role assignment conditions, see Conditions prerequisites .

Step 1: Determine the condition you need

To get some ideas about conditions that could be useful to you, review the examples in Example Azure role assignment conditions for Blob Storage .

Currently, conditions can be added to built-in or custom role assignments that have blob storage data actions or queue storage data actions . These include the following built-in roles:

  • Storage Blob Data Contributor
  • Storage Blob Data Owner
  • Storage Blob Data Reader
  • Storage Queue Data Contributor
  • Storage Queue Data Message Processor
  • Storage Queue Data Message Sender
  • Storage Queue Data Reader

Step 2: Choose how to add condition

There are two ways that you can add a condition. You can add a condition when you add a new role assignment or you can add a condition to an existing role assignment.

New role assignment

Follow the steps to Assign Azure roles using the Azure portal .

On the Conditions (optional) tab, click Add condition .

If you don't see the Conditions (optional) tab, be sure you selected a role that supports conditions.

Screenshot of Add role assignment page with Add condition tab.

The Add role assignment condition page appears.

Existing role assignment

In the Azure portal, open Access control (IAM) at the scope where you want to add a condition. For example, you can open a subscription, resource group, or a resource.

Currently, you can't use the Azure portal to add, view, edit, or delete a condition add at a management group scope.

Click the Role assignments tab to view all the role assignments at this scope.

Find a role assignment that has storage data actions that you want to add a condition to.

In the Condition column, click Add .

If you don't see the Add link, be sure you're looking at the same scope as the role assignment.

Role assignment list with a Condition column.

Step 3: Review basics

Once you have the Add role assignment condition page open, you can review the basics of the condition. Role indicates the role that the condition will be added to.

For the Editor type option, leave the default Visual selected.

Once you add a condition, you can toggle between Visual and Code.

(Optional) If the Description box appears, enter a description.

Depending on how you chose to add a condition, you might not see the Description box. A description can help you understand and remember the purpose of the condition.

Add role assignment condition page showing editor type and description.

Step 4: Add actions

In the Add action section, click Add action .

The Select an action pane appears. This pane is a filtered list of data actions based on the role assignment that will be the target of your condition. For more information, see Azure role assignment condition format and syntax .

Select an action pane for condition with an action selected.

Select the actions you want to allow if the condition is true.

If you select multiple actions for a single condition, there might be fewer attributes to choose from for your condition because the attributes must be available across the selected actions.

Click Select .

The selected actions appear in the action list.

Step 5: Build expressions

In the Build expression section, click Add expression .

The Expressions section expands.

In the Attribute source list, select where the attribute can be found.

  • Environment indicates that the attribute is associated with the network environment over which the resource is accessed such as a private link, or the current date and time.
  • Resource indicates that the attribute is on the resource, such as container name.
  • Request indicates that the attribute is part of the action request, such as setting the blob index tag.
  • Principal indicates that the attribute is a Microsoft Entra custom security attribute principal, such as a user, enterprise application (service principal), or managed identity.

In the Attribute list, select an attribute for the left side of the expression.

For more information about supported attribute sources and individual attributes, see Attributes .

Depending on the attribute you select, boxes might be added to specify additional attribute details or operators. For example, some attributes support the Exists function operator , which you can use to test whether the attribute is currently associated with the resource such as an encryption scope.

In the Operator list, select an operator.

For more information, see Azure role assignment condition format and syntax .

In the Value box, enter a value for the right side of the expression.

Build expression section with values for blob index tags.

Add more expressions as needed.

If you add three or more expressions, you might need to group them with parentheses so the connecting logical operators are evaluated correctly. Add check marks next to the expressions you want to group and then select Group . To remove grouping, select Ungroup .

Build expression section with multiple expressions to group.

Step 6: Review and add condition

Scroll up to Editor type and click Code .

The condition is displayed as code. You can make changes to the condition in this code editor. The code editor can be useful for pasting sample code, or for adding more operators or logic to build more complex conditions. To go back to the visual editor, click Visual .

Condition displayed in code editor with selected actions and added expression.

Click Save to add the condition to the role assignment.

View, edit, or delete a condition

In the Azure portal, open Access control (IAM) for the role assignment that has a condition that you want to view, edit, or delete.

Click the Role assignments tab and find the role assignment.

In the Condition column, click View/Edit .

If you don't see the View/Edit link, be sure you're looking at the same scope as the role assignment.

Role assignment list with View/Edit link for condition.

Use the editor to view or edit the condition.

Condition displayed in editor after clicking View/Edit link.

When finished, click Save . To delete the entire condition, click Delete condition . Deleting the condition does not remove the role assignment.

  • Example Azure role assignment conditions for Blob Storage
  • Tutorial: Add a role assignment condition to restrict access to blobs using the Azure portal
  • Troubleshoot Azure role assignment conditions

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Setting the default display name for my model

I have a method in my Ruby code that sets the default name for my model. Rubocop complains that Assignment Branch Condition Size is too high, 21.24/15. How can I improve this?

  • ruby-on-rails

200_success's user avatar

4 Answers 4

  • Conditionals are expressions in Ruby, you can (and, idiomatically, should) move the assignment outside.
  • active_record_relation.count == 0 is ok, but active_record_relation.empty? is more declarative.

tokland's user avatar

  • \$\begingroup\$ I only set count as for the the first expression because it is being use in the else condition. \$\endgroup\$ –  Antarr Byrd Commented Apr 9, 2015 at 15:45
  • 1 \$\begingroup\$ Maybe when should be indented? \$\endgroup\$ –  Caridorc Commented Apr 9, 2015 at 15:46
  • 1 \$\begingroup\$ Usually people does not indent it. The ruby-style-guide says no indentation: \$\endgroup\$ –  tokland Commented Apr 9, 2015 at 15:46
  • \$\begingroup\$ Thanks, it still complains but this is an improvement. 18.36/15. Rubocop does complain that when should be indented as deep as case. \$\endgroup\$ –  Antarr Byrd Commented Apr 9, 2015 at 15:50
  • 1 \$\begingroup\$ Yep, your original code has a bug then. Anyway, updated here. \$\endgroup\$ –  tokland Commented Apr 9, 2015 at 19:21

The method is doing three things:

  • Determining whether or not to set display_name .
  • Determining the default display name.
  • Setting display_name to the default value.

Each of those adds to the Abc metric. The biggest contributor to the Abc metric is determining the default display name. To me, that also seems like the most logically separate. We can lower the Abc metric by extracting that responsibility to its own method.

Extracting default_display_name makes it slightly simpler to test the default display name logic. You could also use that logic elsewhere, e.g., a UI could show the current display name and ask if they want to reset it to the default display name.

At this point, I'd question whether set_default_display_name is necessary or if it could be inlined.

Another option, is to keep your code as is and modify your .rubocop.yml file to increase the threshold of the Abc metric, or disable it entirely. The Abc metric is all about code size, not complexity. Theoretically, bugs increase with code size. You'd have to determine if this low of a threshold makes it easier to mask bugs. (Based on an earlier thread, the answer is probably, "yes", since your original code seems to have a bug. I retained the functionality of your original code in this example.)

--- Addendum ---

@ramonrails makes a good point in the comments. I'm usually fine with return guard clauses at the top of ruby methods. However, I agree that having a return in the middle of this method is not ideal.

This answer was only addressing the ABC question. If this were my code, I'd extract the credentials logic completely from this "view" code.

Something like:

We're far afield from the question at that point though.

Jay Mitchell's user avatar

  • 1 \$\begingroup\$ This solution should be the accepted answer as is way more readable and really follows the spirit of clean code. \$\endgroup\$ –  BooVeMan Commented Nov 11, 2015 at 12:28
  • \$\begingroup\$ Abc metric provided the "ah ha!" moment for me. excellent answer \$\endgroup\$ –  Brandt Solovij Commented Apr 8, 2016 at 2:34
  • 1 \$\begingroup\$ Two return points in a 3-line code does not seem to be a good ruby practice. \$\endgroup\$ –  Ram on Rails Commented Sep 7, 2016 at 20:32

Unless I'm mistaken, you can flip just the conditional: display_name will be set to name is either of the counts is zero. So that's an OR clause on the counts being zero, rather than an AND clause on the counts being non-zero.

So that plus ||= and a begin..end will let you do:

I'm assuming here, that blank? is checking for nil specifically, so you can use ||= . However, if display_name can be an empty string that won't work. In that case, I'd personally keep the early return you have now.

I don't know what Rubocop will think of either of these solutions, though.

Flambino's user avatar

  • \$\begingroup\$ .display_name can be an empty string so the early return would likely be best \$\endgroup\$ –  Antarr Byrd Commented Apr 9, 2015 at 19:50

Read the comments in the code for an explanation. This is the code of the selected answer, more optimized/DRY.

update 1 (2016-09-08): Reference code removed from comments. Now the comments explain only the optimizations to the selected answer.

Ram on Rails's user avatar

  • \$\begingroup\$ You have presented an alternative solution, but haven't reviewed the code. Please explain your reasoning (how your solution works and how it improves upon the original) so that the author can learn from your thought process. \$\endgroup\$ –  Mast ♦ Commented Sep 7, 2016 at 9:04
  • \$\begingroup\$ @Mast The comments seem to be embedded in the code here. It's not ideal though. In a way this could be a comment (or multiple) to the existing answer, but right now this is an answer (it's not a very good answer, but it is an answer) \$\endgroup\$ –  Simon Forsberg Commented Sep 7, 2016 at 10:39
  • \$\begingroup\$ I'd recommend reducing the number of commented lines in this answer. It has potential, but for now I am definitely downvoting. \$\endgroup\$ –  Simon Forsberg Commented Sep 7, 2016 at 10:40
  • \$\begingroup\$ @Mast This is not an alternate solution, just more optimized code for the selected answer. That is why the code from the selected answer is also put in comments as a reference. \$\endgroup\$ –  Ram on Rails Commented Sep 7, 2016 at 20:09
  • 1 \$\begingroup\$ I removed my downvote but I would recommend not putting your explanation of changes within the code block. Answers are better that way. \$\endgroup\$ –  Simon Forsberg Commented Sep 7, 2016 at 20:19

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assignment branch condition size for iam_roles is too high

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Assignment Branch Condition size

I am getting the mentioned error and I have tried changing my output part but I have to use the colorize library to print in console. I have also posted a question. Feel free to visit it. Any kind of suggestion would be appreciated.

IAM JSON policy elements: Condition

The Condition element (or Condition block ) lets you specify conditions for when a policy is in effect. The Condition element is optional. In the Condition element, you build expressions in which you use condition operators (equal, less than, and others) to match the context keys and values in the policy against keys and values in the request context. To learn more about the request context, see Request .

The context key that you specify in a policy condition can be a global condition context key or a service-specific context key. Global condition context keys have the aws: prefix. Service-specific context keys have the service's prefix. For example, Amazon EC2 lets you write a condition using the ec2:InstanceType context key, which is unique to that service. To view service-specific IAM context keys with the iam: prefix, see IAM and AWS STS condition context keys .

Context key names are not case-sensitive. For example, including the aws:SourceIP context key is equivalent to testing for AWS:SourceIp . Case-sensitivity of context key values depends on the condition operator that you use. For example, the following condition includes the StringEquals operator to make sure that only requests made by johndoe match. Users named JohnDoe are denied access.

The following condition uses the StringEqualsIgnoreCase operator to match users named johndoe or JohnDoe .

Some context keys support key–value pairs that allow you to specify part of the key name. Examples include the aws:RequestTag/tag-key context key, the AWS KMS kms:EncryptionContext: encryption_context_key , and the ResourceTag/tag-key context key supported by multiple services.

If you use the ResourceTag/ tag-key context key for a service such as Amazon EC2 , then you must specify a key name for the tag-key .

Key names are not case-sensitive. This means that if you specify "aws:ResourceTag/TagKey1": "Value1" in the condition element of your policy, then the condition matches a resource tag key named either TagKey1 or tagkey1 , but not both.

AWS services that support these attributes might allow you to create multiple key names that differ only by case. For example, you might tag an Amazon EC2 instance with ec2=test1 and EC2=test2 . When you use a condition such as "aws:ResourceTag/EC2": "test1" to allow access to that resource, the key name matches both tags, but only one value matches. This can result in unexpected condition failures.

As a best practice, make sure that members of your account follow a consistent naming convention when naming key–value pair attributes. Examples include tags or AWS KMS encryption contexts. You can enforce this using the aws:TagKeys context key for tagging, or the kms:EncryptionContextKeys for the AWS KMS encryption context.

For a list of all of the condition operators and a description of how they work, see Condition operators .

Unless otherwise specified, all context keys can have multiple values. For a description of how to handle context keys that have multiple values, see Multivalued context keys .

For a list of all of the globally available context keys, see AWS global condition context keys .

For condition context keys that are defined by each service, see Actions, Resources, and Condition Keys for AWS Services .

The request context

When a principal makes a request to AWS, AWS gathers the request information into a request context. The information is used to evaluate and authorize the request. You can use the Condition element of a JSON policy to test specific context keys against the request context. For example, you can create a policy that uses the aws:CurrentTime context key to allow a user to perform actions within only a specific range of dates .

When a request is submitted, AWS evaluates each context key in the policy and returns a value of true , false , not present , and occasionally null (an empty data string). A context key that is not present in the request is considered a mismatch. For example, the following policy allows removing your own multi-factor authentication (MFA) device, but only if you have signed in using MFA in the last hour (3,600 seconds).

The request context can return the following values:

True – If the requester signed in using MFA in the last one hour or less, then the condition returns true .

False – If the requester signed in using MFA more than one hour ago, then the condition returns false .

Not present – If the requester made a request using their IAM user access keys in the AWS CLI or AWS API, the key is not present. In this case, the key is not present, and it won't match.

Null – For context keys that are defined by the user, such as passing tags in a request, it is possible to include an empty string. In this case, the value in the request context is null . A null value might return true in some cases. For example, if you use the multivalued ForAllValues condition operator with the aws:TagKeys context key, you can experience unexpected results if the request context returns null . For more information, see aws:TagKeys and Multivalued context keys .

The condition block

The following example shows the basic format of a Condition element:

A value from the request is represented by a context key, in this case s3:prefix . The context key value is compared to a value that you specify as a literal value, such as janedoe/* . The type of comparison to make is specified by the condition operator (here, StringLike ). You can create conditions that compare strings, dates, numbers, and more using typical Boolean comparisons such as equals, greater than, and less than. When you use string operators or ARN operators , you can also use a policy variable in the context key value. The following example includes the aws:username variable.

Under some circumstances, context keys can contain multiple values. For example, a request to Amazon DynamoDB might ask to return or update multiple attributes from a table. A policy for access to DynamoDB tables can include the dynamodb:Attributes context key, which contains all the attributes listed in the request. You can test the multiple attributes in the request against a list of allowed attributes in a policy by using set operators in the Condition element. For more information, see Multivalued context keys .

When the policy is evaluated during a request, AWS replaces the key with the corresponding value from the request. (In this example, AWS would use the date and time of the request.) The condition is evaluated to return true or false, which is then factored into whether the policy as a whole allows or denies the request.

Multiple values in a condition

A Condition element can contain multiple condition operators, and each condition operator can contain multiple context key-value pairs. The following figure illustrates this.

two condition operator block diagrams. The first block includes two context key placeholders, each with multiple values. The second condition block includes one context key with multiple values.

For more information, see Multivalued context keys .


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Fix "Rubocop/Metrics/AbcSize" issue in app/models/attachment.rb #53


pranavrajs commented Oct 2, 2019

Assignment Branch Condition size for push_event_data is too high. [25.51/15]


github-actions bot commented Aug 10, 2022

This issue has been automatically locked since there has not been any recent activity after it was closed. Please open a new issue for related bugs.

Sorry, something went wrong.


Successfully merging a pull request may close this issue.


Fix Rubocop issues

The current .rubocop_todo.yml file is ignoring alot of problems. We should fix these problems and ideally the todo should be zero or close to it.

Microsoft Azure Storage - IAM VM Role Assignment

Authentication: IAM VM Role Assignment

For IAM VM Role Assignment authentication, the user account requires Storage Blob Data Contributor or Storage Blob Data Owner roles to be assigned to the VM through the Storage Account.

Service Host: The name of the host providing the cloud storage service. For example, .

Do not add the bucket name or the container name as the service host.

Account Name

Storage Class




Select this option to use the default storage class selected in the storage account in the Azure portal.

Commvault software will write the data based on the container's storage class .

Use this option if the container is already created in Azure.

Select this option to use the 'Hot' tier to write the data.

Use this option for a container already created in Azure using the 'Hot' tier.

Select this option to use the 'Cool' tier to write the data.

Use this option for a container already created in Azure using the 'Cool' tier.

Select this option for 'hot archive' storage class.

Commvault software will write the metadata in the Hot tier and data will be written in the Archive tier.

Create a container with the ‘Hot’ storage class in Azure and then select the option while configuring the storage in Commvault software.

Select this option for 'cool archive' storage class.

Commvault software will write the metadata in the Cool tier and data will be written in the Archive tier.

Create a container with the ‘Hot’ storage class in Azure and then select the option while configuring the storage in Commvault software.

Select this option to create an 'archive' storage class.

Commvault software will write all data in the Archive tier.

Create a container with the 'Hot' storage class in Azure and then select the option while configuring the storage in Commvault software..

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More than 3 years have passed since last update.

assignment branch condition size for iam_roles is too high

RuboCopでこんなエラーが出た。Assignment Branch Condition size for search is too high.

コミットをする前にこんなエラーが出た。 調べてみると、なげーよ、幅取りすぎだろみたいなエラーらしい。









.rubocop.yml RuboCopの設定を変更した。 エラー文を見てみると、、、、

[<10, 21, 5> 23.79/20] この部分が、点数を表しているっぽい。これでみると、これだと『MAXスコアが20なのにお前のは23.79だよ』ってことらしく、これをどうにかするしかないと思った。



このMaxの部分を 25に設定を変更した。そしてコミットすると、RubCopからの指摘を受けずにすんだ。


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ABC size too high, even when there are no branches, assignments, or conditionals

I am confused here about what RuboCop is complaining about.

"Assignment Branch Condition size for draw is too high. [29/15]"

for the method below:

Because there are no assignments, branches, nor conditionals here!

What am I missing? And what is so bad about this function anyway? It would seem silly to have to change it, and I am not clear on what "benefit" it would bring. Please clarify!

Drenmi's user avatar

  • I don't fully understand how ABC (assignment/branch/condition) works but you can see from the wikipedia page that functions calls are generally treated as branches. here is the rubocop source for determining this score, and here are the rubocop defaults (the default max ABC score is 15). –  max pleaner Commented Apr 1, 2017 at 22:14

The formula RuboCop uses to calculate the ABC size is:

A message send (a.k.a. method call) is considered one "branch" in RuboCop. Since, as you pointed out, there are no assignments or conditions in this case, the ABC size for this method is given by sqrt(branches^2) or, simply, branches .

We can check that this is correct by counting the message sends in the method:

  • 1 x #setForeground
  • 4 x #fillArc

for a grand total of 29 , which is the ABC size we expected.

And what is so bad about this function anyway? It would seem silly to have to change it, and I am not clear on what "benefit" it would bring.

Don't make the mistake of thinking RuboCop is omnipotent. It neither reads nor understands code. It doesn't have a notion of "better" code. It applies some (rather primitive) heuristics that gives us a proxy measure of "quality." It is up to us to interpret that and decide what action to take.

A common case where RuboCop struggles is declarative DSLs. In those cases, it's usually best to disable the cops that break down. RuboCop offers different levels of granularity to do this. You can do it inline, using rubocop:disable CopName (remember to enable it again), on a file or directory basis in .rubocop.yml , or for the entire project in the same file.

  • Thank you for your answer. I'm working on a project where Rubocop has been made part of the build process. That is to say, it will fail the build if Rubocop isn't happy. I may be disabling Rubocop quite a bit just to get work done! Thanks again. –  Lord Alveric Commented Apr 2, 2017 at 6:31
  • 1 @flajann: You're welcome! You can find more information on the different configuration options here: –  Drenmi Commented Apr 2, 2017 at 8:49
  • 1 You make me understand this as I couldn't ever before. Thank you so much! –  dani24 Commented Jun 12, 2019 at 20:27

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assignment branch condition size for iam_roles is too high

assignment branch condition size for call is too high

Red green repeat adventures of a spec driven junkie.

Understanding assignment branch condition.

Recently, I integrated Rubocop into my work flow and it’s been very humbling. I feel I’m a great coder with all the specs passing and doing a good job of refactoring, Rubocop always finds something wrong with my code.

I usually go back and make fixes based on Rubocop’s suggestions, but I keep running into the same few issues and solving them isn’t as easy as using: rubocop -a (which auto-corrects all the easy ones!)

The toughest offense for me so far: Assignment Branch Condition

This offense is harder to fix really make me think about my coding style in general. I want to learn more about this offense to help me understand. By understanding, my goals is to not make this offense so often and/or make it easier for me to fix in the future.

What is: ABC?

Rubocop message:

The default is 15 and the first pass of my code is always way past this, probably on average twice this value. So cleaning up my code to meet the default value really takes a lot of work.

From the documentation :

Really Understanding: ABC

Let’s understand what ABC is by checking out the definition of ABC :

Broken down:

  • assignments (anything with = )
  • branches (anything that jumps out of the current method)
  • conditionals (anything that tests logic if , case , unary ? )

SO, to reduce the ABC value, reduce assignments (use less intermediate variables), fewer branches (calling other methods), and conditionals (if/else statements).

Computing ABC

The ABC value is not just a counting of them, but a square root of the sum of their squares. If any one of them getting too high will spike the ABC count.

The Rubocop default for ABC metric is 15. What does 15 really mean?

Well, doing the math, to get an ABC score of 15, a method would have:

  • 8 assignments
  • 8 conditionals

(Just working backwards from 15*15 => 225; 225/3 => 75; Math.sqrt(75) ~=> 8.66)

Now that I lay it out that way, an ABC value of 15 is very reasonable. Having eight of each for a method is just enough to do a lot of work in a method, but a value of 15 keeps the method from spiraling out of control in assignments, branches, or conditionals.

Whenever I encountered Rubocop’s ‘ABC is too high’ message, I was annoyed with ABC metric because I didn’t understand how it was computed and I couldn’t refactor efficiently to lower the ABC value quickly.

Now that I spent some effort into researching what Assignment Branch Condition really means, I feel better about creating or refactoring code that has a better ABC score.

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Posted on Jun 26, 2020 • Updated on Aug 3, 2020 • Originally published at

11 Most Asked Questions About RuboCop

RuboCop is a Ruby static code analyzer and code formatter which helps to track errors easily and fix minor code issues during the development process saving your time. It has many advantages and you can learn more about RuboCop on .

Today, we will be talking about the most asked questions about RuboCop.

1. How to check if record exists from controller in Rails

How to test if at least one record exists?

Option 1: Using .exists?

Option 2: Using .present? (or .blank? , the opposite of .present? )

Option 3: Variable assignment in the if statement

This option can be considered a code smell by some linters (RuboCop for example).

Option 3b: Variable assignment

You can also use .find_by_user_id( instead of .where(...).first

Best option:

  • If you don’t use the Business object(s): Option 1
  • If you need to use the Business object(s): Option 3

Alternative Answer:

In this case, you can use the exists? method provided by ActiveRecord:

2. How to ignore lines with comments?

There is a way to ignore cops on a per-line basis.

There is also a way to do it via the configuration file.

Run rubocop --auto-gen-config and it will generate a file that you can use to disable the offenses.

The command also gives a hint on what to do to load those options.

On a line per line basis, you can enable and disable the cops as well.

You can also do more than one rule at a time in your code.

By using an inline directive, the directive becomes valid only for that line, and it would look like this:

It’s possible to define regex patterns to automatically ignore certain lines in rubocop.yml , so you could choose to ignore all lines starting with a # character:

This could be improved so that “indented” comment lines (i.e. whitespace followed by a # character) is also ignored if that’s what you want.

Note that this doesn’t account for lines of code that end with a comment, though:

3. How to split Ruby regex over multiple lines?

You need to use the /x modifier, which enables free-spacing mode.

Like in this case:

Using %r with the x option is the preferred way to do this.

See this example from the GitHub ruby style guide

4. RuboCop: Line is too long ← How to Ignore?

You can disable a bunch of lines like this:

Or add this to your .rubocop.yml file to increase the max length:

Creating a .rubocop.yml file (keep an eye on the initial . in the filename) in the root of your project, you’ll have a bunch of options:

5. What is meant by ‘Assignment Branch Condition Size too high’ and how to fix it?

Assignment Branch Condition (ABC) size is a measurement of the size of a method. It is essentially determined by counting the number of A ssignments, B ranches, and C onditional statements.

To reduce the ABC score, you could move some of those assignments into before_action calls:

6. How to tell RuboCop to ignore a specific directory or file?

You can add the following to .rubocop.yml:

where the path is relative to .rubocop.yml

From rubocop/default.yml :

7. How to integrate RuboCop with Rake?

The simple answer is just adding this to your Rakefile:

As of version 0.10.0 RuboCop contains a custom rake task that you can use. Just put the following in your Rakefile

Make sure to use upper-case ‘R’ and ‘C’ or you will get a NameError.

8. How to silence RuboCop warning on Assignment Branch Condition?

This is the message for the Metrics/AbcSize cop.

# rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize

On your RuboCop config

9. How to disable frozen string literal comment checking?

Add the following to your .rubocop.yml :

10. How to pass &:key as an argument to map instead of a block with Ruby?

Pass &:key as an argument to map instead of a block.

11. How to fix "SublimeLinter-RuboCop not running even when enabled and RuboCop in the path"?

First, specify the right path for you ruby env in Packages/User/SublimeLinter.sublime-settings as this:

After that close sublime completely and reopen it.

In Conclusion

These are the most asked questions about the RuboCop. If you have any suggestions or any confusion, please comment below. If you need any help, we will be glad to help you.

We, at Truemark , provide services like web and mobile app development, digital marketing, and website development. So, if you need any help and want to work with us, please feel free to contact us.

Hope this article helped you.

Original Source: DevPostbyTruemark

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Class: RuboCop::Cop::Metrics::AbcSize

Checks that the ABC size of methods is not higher than the configured maximum. The ABC size is based on assignments, branches (method calls), and conditions. See and .

Interpreting ABC size:

⇐ 17 satisfactory

18..30 unsatisfactory

> 30 dangerous

You can have repeated "attributes" calls count as a single "branch". For this purpose, attributes are any method with no argument; no attempt is meant to distinguish actual attr_reader from other methods.

This cop also takes into account AllowedMethods (defaults to [] ) And AllowedPatterns (defaults to [] )

CountRepeatedAttributes: false (default is true)

Constant Summary

  • MSG = # File 'lib/rubocop/cop/metrics/abc_size.rb', line 42 ' Assignment Branch Condition size for %<method>s is too high. ' \ ' [%<abc_vector>s %<complexity>.4g/%<max>.4g] '

::RuboCop::Cop::Base - Inherited


Class Attribute Summary

Class method summary, ::rubocop::excludelimit - extended, instance attribute summary, ::rubocop::cop::autocorrectlogic - included, instance method summary.

  • # complexity (node) private

::RuboCop::Cop::MethodComplexity - Included

Utils::repeatedcsenddiscount - included, ::rubocop::cop::allowedpattern - included, ::rubocop::cop::allowedmethods - included, ::rubocop::cop::ignorednode - included, constructor details.

This class inherits a constructor from RuboCop::Cop::Base

Instance Method Details

# complexity (node) ( private ).

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Fix "Rubocop/Metrics/AbcSize" issue in app/models/conversation.rb #62


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assignment branch condition size for call is too high

RuboCopでこんなエラーが出た。Assignment Branch Condition size for search is too high.

コミットをする前にこんなエラーが出た。 調べてみると、なげーよ、幅取りすぎだろみたいなエラーらしい。









.rubocop.yml RuboCopの設定を変更した。 エラー文を見てみると、、、、

[<10, 21, 5> 23.79/20] この部分が、点数を表しているっぽい。これでみると、これだと『MAXスコアが20なのにお前のは23.79だよ』ってことらしく、これをどうにかするしかないと思った。



このMaxの部分を 25に設定を変更した。そしてコミットすると、RubCopからの指摘を受けずにすんだ。


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assignment branch condition size for call is too high

Assignment Branch Condition (ABC) size is a measurement of the size of a method. It is essentially determined by counting the number of Assignments, Branches, and Conditional statements. (more detail..) To reduce ABC score, you could move some of those assignments into before_action calls:

'Assignment Branch Condition Size too high' is a linting error, produced by a tool performing static code analysis. It indicates that there are too many assignments, branches and conditionals in one method or function.

Assignment Branch Condition size for [method] is too high The default is 15 and the first pass of my code is always way past this, probably on average twice this value. So cleaning up my code to meet the default value really takes a lot of work.

jonas054 commented on Jun 17, 2015. "Branch" in the ABC metric doesn't mean conditional route through the code, it means a function call. So it's all the calls to the method b that generate the high number. I'm guessing this is a made-up example, not your real code, so it's difficult to come up with good advice how to decrease the ABC size.

Assignment Branch Condition size for fetch_images is too high. [22.41/15] What that warning is saying is that, according to rubocop's standard, you have too many assignments, branches, and conditionals (ABCs) in that method. ABCs are associated with code that is complex and harder to reason about.

5. What is meant by 'Assignment Branch Condition Size too high' and how to fix it? Answer: Assignment Branch Condition (ABC) size is a measurement of the size of a method. It is essentially determined by counting the number of Assignments, Branches, and Conditional statements.

1 - move the require statements to the top of your file. It's clearer when they're there. Rubocop may be counting them as function calls as well. 2 - split out ARGV in a main method and pass in only the arguments you need. You should have a dedicated function parsing ARGV. It shouldn't be in the middle of a function like this.

Metrics/AbcSize: Assignment Branch Condition size for show is too high. [16.31/15] The question is, how can I disable Metrics/AbcSize cops for breadcrumbs? I Googled a bit and found IgnoredPatterns: ['\A'] setting and applied like this in my rubocop config:

This cop checks that the ABC size of methods is not higher than the configured maximum. The ABC size is based on assignments, branches (method calls), and conditions.

Assignment Branch Condition size is too high. The first violation may be self-explanatory to those with programming experience. The method exceeds the designated number of lines specified within ...

The ABC size is based on assignments, branches (method calls), and conditions. ... 18..30 unsatisfactory > 30 dangerous. You can have repeated "attributes" calls count as a single "branch". For this purpose, attributes are any method with no ... ' Assignment Branch Condition size for %<method>s is too high. ' \ ' [%<abc_vector>s %<complexity ...

Interpreting ABC size: "<= 17" satisfactory. '18..30` unsatisfactory. '>` 30 dangerous. You can have repeated "attributes" calls count as a single "branch". For this purpose, attributes are any method with no argument; no attempt is meant to distinguish actual 'attr_reader` from other methods. This cop also takes into account ...

Assignment Branch Condition size for notify_status_change is too high. [19.92/15] ...

The problem is that Rubocop says that the Assignment Branch Condition size for the method initialize is too high (15.81 over a limit of 15). Is there anything I could change to fix that? I don't think that creating a new class just to do that is worth it. ruby; ruby-on-rails; constructor;

I would prefer to call my JS method directly from controller, but I am getting the following Rubocop error. Error: Metrics/AbcSize: Assignment Branch Condition size ...

なにこのエラーAssignment Branch Condition size for search is too high. [<10, 21, 5> 23.79/20] コミットをする前にこん…


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  1. What is meant by 'Assignment Branch Condition Size too high' and how to

    Assignment Branch Condition (ABC) size is a measurement of the size of a method. It is essentially determined by counting the number of Assignments, Branches, and Conditional statements. (more detail..) To reduce ABC score, you could move some of those assignments into before_action calls:

  2. What is 'Assignment Branch Condition Size too high' and how to fix it

    'Assignment Branch Condition Size too high' is a linting error, produced by a tool performing static code analysis. It indicates that there are too many assignments, branches and conditionals in one method or function.

  3. Assignment Branch Condition is too high

    My code is: shopper_id: shopper_id, role: role_name, task: order_fulfillment.shopper_status, batch_id: batch_id, fulfillment_number: "#{order.order_number}-#{order_fulfillment.store_id}" end. end. and I get Assignment Branch Condition size for send_deliverer_push_notification is too high. [16.16/15].

  4. Understanding Assignment Branch Condition · Red Green Repeat

    The toughest offense for me so far: Assignment Branch Condition. This offense is harder to fix really make me think about my coding style in general. I want to learn more about this offense to help me understand. By understanding, my goals is to not make this offense so often and/or make it easier for me to fix in the future.

  5. Add or edit Azure role assignment conditions using the Azure portal

    In the Azure portal, open Access control (IAM) for the role assignment that has a condition that you want to view, edit, or delete. Click the Role assignments tab and find the role assignment. In the Condition column, click View/Edit. If you don't see the View/Edit link, be sure you're looking at the same scope as the role assignment.

  6. ruby

    15. I have a method in my Ruby code that sets the default name for my model. Rubocop complains that Assignment Branch Condition Size is too high, 21.24/15. How can I improve this? return unless display_name.blank? count = user.credentials.where(type: type).count. if count == 0. self.display_name = name. elsif user.credentials.where(display_name ...

  7. Assignment Branch Condition size : r/ruby

    1 - move the require statements to the top of your file. It's clearer when they're there. Rubocop may be counting them as function calls as well. 2 - split out ARGV in a main method and pass in only the arguments you need. You should have a dedicated function parsing ARGV. It shouldn't be in the middle of a function like this.

  8. IAM JSON policy elements: Condition

    IAM JSON policy elements: Condition. PDF RSS. The Condition element (or Condition block) lets you specify conditions for when a policy is in effect. The Condition element is optional. In the Condition element, you build expressions in which you use condition operators (equal, less than, and others) to match the context keys and values in the ...

  9. Assignment Branch Condition size for hashes #1974

    jonas054 commented on Jun 17, 2015. "Branch" in the ABC metric doesn't mean conditional route through the code, it means a function call. So it's all the calls to the method b that generate the high number. I'm guessing this is a made-up example, not your real code, so it's difficult to come up with good advice how to decrease the ABC size.

  10. Fix "Rubocop/Metrics/AbcSize" issue in app/models/conversation.rb

    Assignment Branch Condition size for notify_status_change is too high. [19.92/15] ...

  11. Fix "Rubocop/Metrics/AbcSize" issue in app/models/attachment.rb

    Assignment Branch Condition size for push_event_data is too high. [25.51/15] ...

  12. Fix Rubocop issues (#33) · Issues

    module WebService ^^^^^ gitlabsos.rb:158:5: C: Metrics/AbcSize: Assignment Branch Condition size for run_webservice is too high. [<4, 21, 4> 21.75/17] def run_webservice ... ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ gitlabsos.rb:158:5: C: Metrics/MethodLength: Method has too many lines.

  13. Class: RuboCop::Cop::Metrics::AbcSize

    This cop checks that the ABC size of methods is not higher than the configured maximum. The ABC size is based on assignments, branches (method calls), and conditions.

  14. Microsoft Azure Storage

    For IAM VM Role Assignment authentication, the user account requires Storage Blob Data Contributor or Storage Blob Data Owner roles to be assigned to the VM through the Storage Account. Service Host: The name of the host providing the cloud storage service. For example,

  15. RuboCopでこんなエラーが出た。Assignment Branch Condition size for search is too high

    それで結局どうしたか・・・. .rubocop.ymlRuboCopの設定を変更した。. エラー文を見てみると、、、、. Assignment Branch Condition size for search is too high. [<10, 21, 5> 23.79/20] [<10, 21, 5> 23.79/20]この部分が、点数を表しているっぽい。. これでみると、これだと『MAXスコアが20 ...

  16. ABC size too high, even when there are no branches, assignments, or

    I am confused here about what RuboCop is complaining about. "Assignment Branch Condition size for draw is too high. [29/15]" for the method below: class Ball attr_reader :color attr_reader :

  17. assignment branch condition size for call is too high

    Red Green Repeat Adventures of a Spec Driven Junkie. Understanding assignment branch condition. Recently, I integrated Rubocop into my work flow and it's been very humbling. I f