How to write a good course title

How To Write a Good Course Title (Guide + Examples)

Rahul Mehta

Rahul Mehta

Wondering how to name your course? This guide will take you through the process of choosing a great title for your online learning venture.

How To Select A Good Course Title?

When it comes time to pick a course title, don’t do something cringe-worthy.

What should I call my online course? That's a question I often get asked here at FreshLearn.

You probably already know that online users have short attention spans and frequently make hasty decisions based on a quick first impression.

Most people only stay on a web page for approximately 15 seconds , so if the name of your course doesn't draw their attention, they may browse elsewhere for content that sounds more worthwhile.

So how can you leave an impression that sticks in users' minds?

The ideal title is where it all begins.

What Are The Elements Of An Eye-Catching Course Title?

Course titles are not just names, but are the first step in marketing your course and attracting students .

If you don't have a clear idea of what your course is about, it's hard to rank.

Let us help!

We'll take some key elements and break them down into something that makes sense for both students and teachers alike so they can find their perfect match right away

Clarity is crucial when writing a course title.

You don't want to leave any doubt as to what your course is about.

A clear title makes it easy for people to find your course and start learning.

A title that is too generic, such as “ Introduction to Business ,” will make your course seem like it is not worth taking.

On the other hand, a title that is specific, such as “ How to Make a Million Dollars in Your Spare Time ,” sounds good.

Picking a niche will also help you charge more for your work.

The best titles are those that are specific enough to be interesting, but not so specific that they limit the potential audience.

It is a good thing to be creative.

Utilizing your creativity is fantastic.

However, sacrificing clarity to sound overly innovative is not the best way to create a course title.

When your mind is racing with brilliant ideas, it's normal to get off course and overdo it when writing the titles of your online lectures and modules.

But keep in mind that here, being concise and clear are the keys to success.

Create a brand

This is an example of a Freshlearn course title created by Kristina Konstantinova. You can see that the course title is clear, concise, and direct - so you know exactly what to expect when taking her class!

A catchy and unique course title can be the difference between a student signing up for your class and opting for another one.

In a world where there are an endless variety of courses available, it's important to make yours stand out from the rest.

When coming up with a title for your course, think about what makes it special and use that to your advantage.

Use puns, wordplay, or jokes to add some levity to the title and make it more memorable.

With a little effort, you can create a course title that's both unique and eye-catching.

A course on world religions could be titled "Journey to Faith."

This title immediately sets a tone of exploration and adventure and raises questions about different belief systems that students may be curious to explore.

In addition, the use of the word "journey" implies that there is more to faith than simply acquiring knowledge; it is an ongoing process of discovery.

By contrast, a course entitled "Introduction to World Religions" would likely sound more dull and dry.

In choosing a title for your course, consider what you want your students to get out of the class, and select a title that will reflect that goal.

Be specific

When you're creating a title for your course, it's important to be as specific as possible.

A vague or general title can make it difficult for students to know what the course will be about, and it can also make it difficult for you to plan lessons and assignments.

Here’s an example of a unique title from our FreshLearn creator, Bola Eniola :

A course titled "How To Create Cake Tops?" is likely to attract students with a wide range of interests, including those interested in learning how to make cake toppings.

However, a course named "How to Make 3D and Character Cake?" on the other hand, is likely to appeal largely to students who are specifically interested in crafting 3D toppings.

coursework b titles

How To Pick A Great Course Title?

It's often said that you shouldn't judge a book by its cover.

But people are always doing it.

A great course title can make all the difference in whether or not students enrol.

It's important to spend some time brainstorming and testing out different titles to find one that resonates with your target audience.

Here are a few tips to keep in mind when choosing a course title:

Keep it short and sweet

A course title should be concise and to the point.

A long, rambling title will only serve to confuse potential students and make it harder for them to find your course when they are doing a search.

Stick to keywords that accurately describe the topic of your course and avoid using flowery language.

This will help ensure that your course shows up in relevant search results and that students know exactly what they will be learning.

In the end, a clear and concise title is essential for attracting students and ensuring that they get the most out of your course.

Be Keyword savvy

While it may be tempting to choose a course title that is clever or catchy, it is important to be keyword savvy when selecting a title for your online course.

In order to ensure that your course appears in search results and attracts the right audience, be sure to include keywords that relate to the subject matter and level of difficulty.

For example, if you are offering a beginner's guide to HTML, be sure to include "HTML" and "beginner" in the title.

By including relevant keywords, you can help ensure that your course reaches the right students.

Make sure your title accurately reflects the content of your course

A good title is one of the most important things when it comes to creating an engaging and successful online course.

It can be tricky to come up with a good title for your course.

After all, you want it to accurately reflect the content while also being catchy and attention-grabbing.

However, resist the temptation to be too clever or cutesy with your title.

A cute or clever title might get people's attention, but if it doesn't accurately reflect the content of your course, you'll just end up frustrating your students.

So how can you make sure your title is accurate?

  • First, take a close look at the overall content of your course.
  • What are the main topics that you'll be covering? Make sure those topics are prominently featured in your title.
  • Avoid using vague or general terms that could apply to a wide range of courses.
  • Be specific about what your course will cover.

So put some thought into it, and craft a title that accurately reflects the great course you've created.

Test it out!

You've come up with the perfect title for your course. Great job!

But wait, there's one more important step you need to take before you can pat yourself on the backtesting of your title.

Because even the best titles can fall flat when they're put to the test.

The best way to test a title is by doing a little market research.

Just like you would test a headline before publishing an article, you need to test your course title to see if it's effective.

For this, you can create two versions of your title and promote both of them online.

Then, track the click-through rates and see which one performs better.

You can also ask your potential students what they think of your title.

  • Does it pique their interest?
  • Do they understand what the course is about?
  • Would they be likely to sign up for it?

Getting honest feedback from potential students can help you fine-tune your title and make sure it's as effective as possible.

You can also use Google Ads to create a few ad campaigns that target keywords related to your course.

Make sure to set a high enough budget so that your ads get plenty of impressions.

Once you've let the campaigns run for a few days, take a look at the click-through rate (CTR) for each ad.

The CTR will give you an idea of how many people who saw your ad ended up clicking on it.

If the CTR is low, that indicates that your title isn't very effective and you may want to consider changing it.

Would YOU Click On YOUR Course Title?

If not, then you’re in the same boat as most other course creators.

The vast majority of courses have terrible titles that make them sound either too complex or like a complete waste of time.

So ask yourself: Would you click on your course title?

If not, keep brainstorming until you come up with something that packs a real punch.

With $20M already earned by creators, there’s no better time than now to get started on Freshlearn.

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Rahul Mehta

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How to Write a Course Description: Examples & Templates

coursework b titles

February 13, 2023

coursework b titles

For something that’s usually only a bit longer than the average tweet, a course description is a surprisingly powerful marketing tool. In fact, your course descriptions are one of the last marketing messages students see before they click “enroll.” Short but important, these can be tricky to write. That’s why we’ve put together some course description examples that will hook students and make your job easier.

Along with sharing our list of best practices, we’ll dissect a series of examples so you can see exactly what works and why. Use these course description templates to make creating your course catalog a breeze! 

Course Description Example 1: Get Students “Hooked”

Open every course description with a sentence that “hooks” the reader and then conveys the essential information in an accessible and engaging way. A hook can be anything that captures the prospective student’s attention or encourages them to keep reading. 

These can take a variety of forms, including:

  • A callout to a specific audience.  Example: For a class on poker strategy, your “hook” could read, “ Calling all card sharks for this 4-week class that will transform your poker game as you learn how to read your opponents, spot tells, understand game theory, check-raise, bluff, and more.” 

Hooking the attention of your ideal student is important, but it’s just part of what a strong first line can do. You can pack a lot of information into this one sentence! 

Chart of what to include in the first sentence of a course description

Course Description Example 2: Keywords, Keywords, Keywords

Keywords help search engines find your course descriptions, which helps students find them too. When you write a course description, try to use the words a student is likely to use to search for courses on that topic. Use a tool like Semrush or Moz to do some keyword research. Find keywords that you can target and build your course description around those terms. 

But don’t go overboard. Remember that course descriptions are supposed to help the student, not just fit an algorithm. Use the keywords that make sense in context and relate closely to your program. 

Here’s an example of a course description that uses keywords effectively: 

Course Title: Breaking and Baking Bread

Course Description: Not your average bread baking class, this 6-week course shares the joy of making bread from scratch by breaking down the essentials of a great starter and giving expert tips about yeast and flour. You will bake breads such as sourdough, rye, brioche, challah, ciabatta, and popovers while learning about oven heating, mixing, kneading, fermenting, egg washing, and more. Your guests will clamor for the bread basket at your kitchen table and luxuriate in the smell of warm bread in your home after you become part of the ancient tradition of bread baking . 

This course description uses variations on the keyword “bread baking” to optimize for SEO. Try to use your selected keyword in the course title. Include three to five relevant keywords in the description as long as it sounds natural to do so.

Course Description Example 3: Outcomes Over Operations

While instructors tend to focus on things like course mechanics, lessons, and assignments, prospective students are more interested in what they’ll gain from taking the course. Will they earn a certification? Will they be a member of a group? Will they have a new skill to put on their resume? 

Use the course description to tell students about the outcome, such as:

  • A formal certification 
  • An advanced understanding of the topic
  • Access to an exclusive group 
  • A tangible skill or experience
  • A portfolio 

The outcome should be closely related to the class topic and something that the student is likely to value. For example, a course on finance might promise students a personalized plan for reducing debt while a course on fashion might help students define their own style. Outlining these outcomes helps the student recognize the value the course will bring to their life. It can also set your courses apart from others on the same topic.

Here’s an example of a course description that focuses on the outcome:

Course Title: Finding Your Voice Through Songwriting 

Course Description: Make music that expresses your true self in this 12-session class that studies wordplay, poetry, and phonics to help you write lyrics that resonate. You’ll write and workshop two full songs and perform one at the final class meeting so you can experience the full process of songwriting , from ideating and conceptualizing to drafting, editing, revising, and finalizing. You’ll break down classic songs, mix melodies, and learn how legendary songwriters mastered their craft to gain a new appreciation for the art of making music. 

This description outlines several outcomes:

  • Writing two full songs
  • Experiencing the full process of songwriting

Each of these might be useful to the student on their own, but together they make for a unique and valuable course.

Course Description Template

We’ve covered a lot of examples, but let’s cut right to the heart of the matter.

A strong course description should answer these essential questions chart.

A template that works for nearly every course description looks like this:

Course Title: Topic + Intended Audience (or) Topic + Outcome


  • Topic + Intended Audience: Mindful Parenting for Busy Parents
  • Topic + Outcome: Storytelling Through Portrait Photography

Course Description:

Sentence 1 hooks the reader by including the important information in an accessible, interesting way. 

Sentences 2-4 tell students what they gain from taking the course and include keywords. 

Sentence 5 tells students how to register. 

You can add a few more sentences if you need extra space to truly explain your outcomes and course structure. Just don’t get too lost in the details. If you do need to provide a lot of supplementary information like materials lists or policies, consider adding those as an attachment students can download and review. 

Here’s an example of how a course description comes together. 

Course Title: Make Your Home Garden Grow

Course Description: (1) Whether you have a green thumb or a brown one, this 8-session class will teach you how to grow and maintain an indoor garden of peperomia, snake plant, philodendron, English ivy, hoya, pothos, and calathea. (2-4) No matter the size of your space, you’ll create a thriving forest of greenery and gain access to a virtual gardening library which includes a comprehensive care spreadsheet for 200+ common houseplants, a guide to watering, an encyclopedia of perennials, and a manual for pruning. With a live online class format, you’ll get to work in your own garden space while learning about soil composition, sun exposure, seed germination, pest control, tool care, and more. (5) Register now!

A course description like this moves students to want to register. So make it simple for them to do. CourseStorm makes course registration simple and seamless. Add registration links directly to your course descriptions so students can go from interested to registered quickly and easily. Contact us today to get started or start your free trial now.

Nic is skilled in scaling start-up edtech and education organizations to growth-stage success through innovative marketing. A former journalist and copywriter, Nic holds a postgraduate certificate in digital and print publishing from Columbia University School of Journalism's publishing course.

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How to Choose a Catchy Name for a Training Program

Man with beard sitting at his office

Table of Contents

You have put so much effort and passion into creating your online course , and now you are finally ready to start selling it or promoting it to your ideal learners. But have you also thought of the course title?

While you may be fretting about the content, it’s important to think of a title for your course that also reflects what you want learners will take away from each unit. It makes sense that you also want your course to speak to the heart of your potential customers. Regardless of whether it is a free or paid course, you still want it to be compelling for prospective learners to hit the “sign up” button, right?

But, what makes a great name for an online course? Is there a specific SEO strategy you can apply to decide on the best name? What elements should you be mindful of when assessing potential titles? Is there a way to ensure that your online course will appear on the search engine results when your audience searches for the online course topic? Are there keywords you should include that will increase the chances?

This article will be your go-to for everything you need to know about brainstorming great course titles. From what words are best, what makes a good name, and what makes the right name for a course – these tips can help come up with both creative names as well as unique names that are also memorable!

Table of contents

  • 1 The Importance of a Great Course Title
  • 2 10 Tips on How To Write Catchy Names and Titles for eCourses
  • 3 Formulas for Online Course Titles (+ Examples)
  • 4 Winning Title Templates That Work
  • – Bonus Section : The Importance of Corporate Training Names
  • – Get Inspired: Best-Sellers To Craft Awesome Course Titles

Your professional looking Academy in a few clicks

The importance of a great course title.

An enticing and robust headline is perhaps the most essential element of any marketing copy. Writing a good eLearning title might sound easy, but can be quite challenging. The difference between a good and a great course title has a significant impact on your visitors and ultimately your sales.

As such, you will need to make sure that you create a descriptive and interesting title. Giving out enough information and engaging the readers through a short and catchy title is the secret to success.

For example, a catchy online course title can also be an integral part of your online training business giving tangibility to an intangible concept and differentiating your online training from the competition. A catchy training program name can make a difference.

Let’s take the online training business as an example and break down the advantages of a popular training course name:

  • Brand Recognition – A compelling title with your brand’s characteristics will go a long way while you are building your business’ brand.
  • Differentiation – A unique title can set your training apart from the competition. Instill your brand to differentiate your offerings.
  • Learning Objectives & Expectations – The title of a course can also set the expectations of the learner and summarize its objectives. Many people decide before they even get into the description of a course as long as they know what they need.

10 Tips on How To Write Catchy Names and Titles for Online Courses

1 use popular search queries.

Search engines know more than the rest of us know about our more intimate thoughts. One of them is how we name our thoughts. Start typing a few ideas in a search engine and wait for the autocomplete to suggest a few search phrases. Google also includes similar results below.

Course Titles related Google searches example

Going a bit deeper, after you collect a list of possible names, variations, and alternative keywords, try getting the search volume from Google Keyword Planner . Use phrases from your title names and see if any have a big enough volume of search or try discovering related keywords based on them.

Check out the following video on how to use the most popular tool for keyword discovery that will help you identify and write an SEO-optimized title for your online course.

Popular search queries such as “how-to” and “what” attract people’s attention. People want something useful, and usually, they search Google to find it!

2 Specify your audience

When you’re creating a course, it is important to consider who will buy this product. If your audience isn’t specifically defined in the text of your work then they might be left wondering what exactly am I buying?

Make sure that any language used doesn’t narrow down too much to one specific group; instead, try writing with most age groups in mind by using common sense when determining how to best convey messages while still staying true to tone and style preferences throughout all segments.

For example, if you are a small business in the fitness industry with an online course of a high-powered fitness training program that extends to 4 weeks, addressing people who want to workout to burn fat, then go ahead and spill it out, nice and clear: “The Ultimate 4-Week Bodyweight Workout to Get Fit, Strong and Lean.”

3 Focus on the key benefits

We all know that attention spans these days are short. You shouldn’t just state the facts, but weave them into an interesting narrative for your audience! When it comes to setting up the digital marketing strategy for your online course -part of which is the course’s title- don’t be afraid of telling people exactly what they will learn. Grab their attention first and then get them to read the rest of your marketing copy!

4 Keep it short and memorable

Make sure your title is easy to remember (so people can tell others or easily share on their social media). While there isn’t a particular size a title has to have, it’s a good idea to keep your most juicy part in the beginning. Keep in mind your students’ goals. They should be reflected in the title.

Also, have in mind that Google keeps about 50-60 characters to display in search results. If you aim for SEO, give your message in the first displayable characters. You can write a bigger more descriptive title or subtitles to carry over your message. Use “:” or “-” to break the main part and add a subtitle.

5 Make it accurate

You can get more people interested in your online course if you set the right expectations. Understand what your audience is looking for and use words like “teaching” or “lesson” instead of just saying “course.”

For example, if you run a business education business and your online course is about teaching business skills (e.g. marketing training or sales training) it is important not only to teach your audience how but also why certain things work, and what the learning outcome will be – this will make sure that your learners’ experience is rewarding.

There are some cases that you need to generalize, especially if you are teaching a very broad topic and target a broad demographic, in that case, you might also need to rethink breaking your course into smaller pieces and create a course bundle for the broader topic.

Remember to set clear and attainable expectations. Setting too high expectations you can’t fulfill might backfire.

6 Make it look as good as it would sound

Can you hear your thoughts? We translate written language into sound. Your title needs to be just as catchy in tone, with an engaging rhythm that is easy on the ears and gets people talking about what they read! Also, this is a very useful tactic to apply when brainstorming brand name ideas .

Say it out loud a few times so there are no mistakes when reading back later – this will save time down the line since someone else might have trouble understanding where certain words were used or why something sounded off.

7 Make your audience a promise

Your audience, like you and everyone else in this world, wants something that is valuable. Your title should embody not only what it takes to get ahead but also why they deserve their reward for investing time into learning how.

Mentioning “your promise” at the beginning of your title helps remind people why signing up for this online course could be worth someone’s while.

8 Always write with a context

Is your eLearning course intended for beginners in your field or an expert niche? If you are training juniors to become speakers you might need a title like “Juniors’ training to Public Speaking,” whereas if you are addressing experienced speakers you could create a title like “Expert Speaker Training: Learn to dazzle your audience.”

10 Course naming checklist

Before you finalize the course title, make sure it checks these boxes:

  • It is specific to the level of students, skill, and field
  • It explains the benefits or the learning objective
  • It is easy to read and remember
  • It is grammatically correct
  • It sets the right expectations
  • It is less than 60 characters

Course Earnings Calculator

The art of title writing is a little more challenging than you think. Fortunately, with these 10 tips under your belt, it will become second nature!

💡 For further reading, HubSpot offers some additional advice on this article .

Formulas for Online Course Titles (+ Examples)

Content Sparks provides some great formulas and examples of writing a great course title.

Three work like a charm

Since people are easily drawn to things that come in 3’s, you can make your title be in 3 key points as well as easy to remember. Simply choose 3 key elements of your course and see how you can combine them.

A, B, and C

  • Smarter, Faster, Better
  • Eat, Pray, Love
  • The Good, the Bad & the Ugly

Two can do the trick

If it makes sense for your online course, having two strongly connected or seemingly contradicting arguments can make the trick.

  • Pride and Prejudice
  • The birds and the bees
  • Less work, more productivity

The gist of something

This one is greatly used and it is a good opportunity to get some interesting adjectives there. You simply have to extract the essence of your course and include it in your title.

  • The Pursuit of Happiness
  • The Psychology of Success
  • The Secrets of a Great Podcast

Do This to Get That

You can break down your content into one main thing you can give to your learners along with the great benefit that comes with it.

[Do something] and [Benefit]

  • Think and Get Rich
  • Work and You’ll Reach The Top
  • Laugh and Be Happy

Complete Guides

If your course’s route of action is a how-to guide then this one is for you.

The/Your [Adjective] Guide to [Doing Something or Getting a Result]

  • The Dummies Guide to [Just about everything]
  • The Expert’s Guide to Unique Business Name Ideas
  • The Entrepreneur’s Guide to Start-up Funding

From here to there

While this looks like the “Do This to Get That”, you can also use it to underline the transformation learners will go through or the journey they will go on if they enroll in your course.

[Starting point] to [Benefit]

  • From Here to Eternity
  • From Broke to Financially Confident
  • From Failure to Success

Easy-peasy, lemon squeezy!

Well, anything made easy and simple is an attraction all on its own.

  • [Your Topic] Made easy
  • [Result/Goal] in [amount of time/steps]
  • [Your Topic] 101
  • Setting up your domain name made easy
  • Play the piano in 6 months
  • Workplace hygiene 101

Reveal everything

People love words like ‘secret’, ‘revealed’, ‘exposed’, ‘truth’, ‘myths’, etc. Make sure you do not over-hype the title with tricks and hacks since it may lead to misleading promises. Avoid promises about sharing something no one’s ever heard before if you cannot fully address those promises. Instead, stick to things that a large portion of your own target audience is unlikely to know about.

  • The Secrets of [Your Topic]
  • Top Myths about [Your Topic] exposed
  • [Your Topic] revealed
  • The Secrets of Successful Marketers
  • Top 5 Myths about Buying a New Car Exposed
  • Easy Productivity Accelerators Revealed

Winning Title Templates that Work

If you are looking for attention-grabbing course title templates to help you write your own, here is a list of some winning templates to get you started:

  • How To ____ in
  • How To Rock ____
  • How To Make A Strong ____
  • How To Completely Change ____
  • How To Create ____ That Gets ____
  • How To Get More ____
  • How To Generate More ____
  • How To Use ____ To Stand Out
  • How ____ Boost Your ____
  • How ____ Can Inspire Your ____
  • What To Do With ____
  • Where To Find ____
  • A Complete Guide To ____
  • Ultimate Guide: ____
  • Advanced Guide: ____
  • Beginners Guide: ____
  • Practical Guide: ____
  • Full Guide: ____
  • How To Unlock ____
  • Tips For _____
  • Smart Strategies To ____
  • Most Effective Tactics To ____
  • Essential Steps To ____

Bonus Section: The Importance of Corporate Training Names

Naming new corporate training programs is a bit different than a course. A training program might be in the same format as a course but targets a different audience.

Pitching to a Human Resource or Acquisitions Department for an employee training software or offering professional and career education to individuals is different from offering online courses to everyone. Your training program name should reflect that.

Corporate Training Dressing

The name should inspire confidence, quality, and prestige. Use verbs and nouns that inspire action or purpose and you are already on the right track.

Here is a list of words to use to super-charge your naming efforts:

  • Lead or Leadership
  • Develop or Development

Training names can also be long or have difficult jargon words. Consider using acronyms to shorten them and make them catchy. See the following examples ( as published in the daily newspaper “Business Standard” ):

  • SEED – Skill Enhancement and Employee Development
  • GROW – Get Ready for Opportunities at Work
  • CEO – Complete Employee Ownership
  • LEAD – Leadership Excellence Accreditation and Development
  • STAR – Set To Augment Result

Use a bigger brand

Many training programs focus on software training or branded training from other bigger companies. Using the names of companies like Microsoft, Adobe or Amazon allows you to borrow some of their recognition.

Adobe allows certified instructors to train companies and individuals on their products’ usage, same as Amazon Web Services and Microsoft. If you are an authorized trainer/instructor to one of them, you should be using their brand name in your training title (if you are licensed to, of course)

Get Inspired: Best-Sellers To Craft Awesome Course Titles

Do you have a great idea for the perfect title? Think beyond what is on your mind and explore all new possibilities. Think outside the box, and you may be able to come up with something witty enough for today’s online standards. Books have a lot in common with online courses. Some people might not realize this, but book titles can be used as keywords and will show up when someone searches for that term or topic on Google Search.

Great titles make best-sellers. Take a look at best-sellers and find a few book titles flaring up your curiosity. Get inspired by them and write your best-selling course 😉

💡 Best Sellers often hold part of their success to their title. Here are some Course title examples based on Amazon’s list of bestsellers :

  • Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones
  • Why a Daughter Needs a Dad: Celebrate Your Father-Daughter Bond
  • The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma
  • The 48 Laws of Power
  • The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom
  • The Power of One More: The Ultimate Guide to Happiness and Success
  • How to Meet Your Self: The Workbook for Self-Discovery
  • Rich Dad Poor Dad: What the Rich Teach Their Kids About Money That the Poor and Middle Class Do Not!
  • Atlas of the Heart: Mapping Meaningful Connection and the Language of Human Experience

Visit major bookstores online or best-selling book lists like the New York Times Best Sellers to find more recent catchy titles.

Naming your tile is a challenging process, but also very important. You probably clicked on this article because of its title, without even reading the description, and yet, you are here reading the whole article!

A good title can make a difference while selling a course, but a great one will carry you much further. You can establish a name for your brand, work or training, and who knows, maybe even enable you to become a best-selling trainer.

Further reading you might find interesting:

  • How to Create a Membership Site
  • Top Tools & Resources for Course Creators
  • How to Create a Tutorial Website to Sell Courses
  • Best Online Learning Platforms
  • Best Profitable Online Course Ideas & Trends for 2022 with Examples
  • How to Teach Online & Earn Money

Rosemary Georgarakou - Content Marketing Manager - LearnWorlds

Rosemary Georgarakou

Rosemary is LearnWorlds’ Content Marketing Manager. She has over 2 decades of experience in omnichannel marketing and content writing for the IT and SaaS industry. Her expertise lies in crafting effective content marketing strategies that attract, engage, and nurture customers, enabling LearnWorlds to reach its target audiences with precision.

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Kyriaki Raouna

Kyriaki is a Content Creator for the LearnWorlds team writing about marketing and e-learning, helping course creators on their journey to create, market, and sell their online courses. Equipped with a degree in Career Guidance, she has a strong background in education management and career success. In her free time, she gets crafty and musical.

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Title Accelerated Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN), Second Degree

Accelerated Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN), Second Degree

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Accelerated bsn program overview.

If you have a bachelor’s degree in another field with a strong science background and you are interested in a career in nursing, get on the fast track to a nursing degree with Ashland University’s Accelerated BSN Program. 

In only 15 months, you will learn the highly technical and clinical skills needed to work with patients and their families in a variety of healthcare settings. You’ll also get the opportunity to explore the role of nurses as leaders and managers.

Space is limited in this competitive program and it fills up quickly, so apply early! You must complete the necessary requirements before or during the Accelerated Orientation Week.

Nursing students in the classroom

Delivery Format

Credit hours, time to complete, program benefits.

Program benefits include:

  • An historical 100 percent pass rate on the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX-RN® exam).
  • Individual attention - 1:8 clinical instructor-to-student ratio.
  • Multiple entry points throughout the year.
  • AU’s state-of-the-art Simulation Center .

Nursing students in simulation lab

How Do I Know if This Program Is Right for Me?

If you've earned a bachelor’s degree in a different field and have a robust science background, Ashland University's Accelerated BSN Program offers a streamlined pathway to a nursing career in just 15 months. This program is ideal for individuals seeking a fast-paced, intensive learning experience focused on acquiring technical expertise and clinical skills essential for diverse healthcare settings. If you're motivated to embark on a rewarding journey in nursing and eager to embrace the responsibilities of leadership and management within the field, this program could be the perfect fit for you. Apply early to secure your spot in this competitive program and take the first step towards realizing your aspirations in nursing. 

nursing students in lab

Prospective students must have:

  • A bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university.
  • A minimum 2.7 cumulative grade point average in college coursework.
  • A minimum 2.0 cumulative grade point average in science prerequisite coursework.
  • Completed the prerequisite courses from an accredited college or university with a minimum letter grade of "C."
  • Chemistry with Lab
  • Human Anatomy and Physiology 1 with Lab
  • Human Anatomy and Physiology 2 with Lab
  • Microbiology with Lab

Admission Process

  • Submit an application by May 15.
  • Transcript evaluation and review
  • Submit the enrollment deposit by June 1.
  • Meet all essential functions of clinical coursework listed in the Nursing Student Handbook .
  • Meet the criteria for mental and physical health.
  • Complete FBI and Bureau of Criminal Investigation (BCI) background checks and a drug screening test. 

Applicants who request transfer credit from a prior nursing program must be in good academic standing as evidenced by a letter from the dean of that program. Applicants who request transfer credit for prior nursing coursework must follow the Credit for Transfer Nursing Coursework process.

Learning Experiences

As an accelerated program student, you can build on your past achievements by taking nursing courses in a specially designed sequence that provides the same number of credits as a traditional BSN program.

  • Complete your BSN in four semesters (15 months).
  • Attend classes at the Dwight Schar College of Nursing Mansfield Campus, located in the heart of the local medical community.
  • Complete 64 credit hours of nursing coursework, including clinical and laboratory instruction, led by faculty with specialty expertise.

Nursing students will be introduced to:

  • A theoretical knowledge base.
  • Research for evidence-based practice.
  • International perspectives in healthcare.
  • The nursing process as applied to families and communities.

Nursing student in a lab

Accelerated Nursing takes place over four consecutive semesters so you can finish in only 15 months. Learn more about the Nursing Accelerated curriculum by viewing the Curriculum Guide and Academic Catalog .

First Semester

Second semester, third semester, fourth semester, can you give me a glimpse of my future.

Your BSN credential will position you for advancement into roles such as nurse manager, clinical coordinator or specialty nurse practitioner, where you can take on leadership responsibilities, contribute to evidence-based practice and positively influence healthcare outcomes. Additionally, having a BSN may lead to increased earning potential and job security, while also providing a strong foundation for pursuing further education at the graduate level if desired.

Make Good Money

The national average for nurses who have completed their Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree is $92,607 per year. (Indeed)

Give Yourself Multiple Career Options

Nurses can obtain careers in a variety of areas not limited to:

  • Occupational Health Nurse
  • Operating Room Nurse or Manager
  • Organ Transplant Coordinator
  • Hospice Nurse
  • Clinical Nurse
  • Nurse Educator
  • Director of Nursing
  • Critical Care Nurse
  • Emergency Room Nurse
  • Neonatal Nurse
  • Nurse Manager

And Get Hired!

Recent Employers of AU Graduates Include:

  • Nationwide Children’s Hospital
  • Akron Children’s Hospital
  • Cleveland Clinic
  • University Hospitals
  • The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center
  • Fisher Titus Medical Center
  • Wooster Community Hospital
  • Knox Community Hospital
  • The Christ Hospital

Contact Information

For Application, Transcript Review and Prerequisite Information:

Graduate Admissions 800-882-1548 x5738 [email protected] 419-289-5738

Reese-Kline, Juanita

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Former LIV Golfer Laurie Canter wins maiden DP World Tour title at European Open

Laurie Canter has finally broken through.

At 34 years old, Canter, who hails from Bath, England, won the Porsche European Open, marking his first victory on the DP World Tour .

Canter separated himself from a packed leaderboard on the back nine, as four players sat in a tie for the lead as the contenders made the turn. But every other player stumbled down the stretch at Green Eagle Golf Course in Hamburg, Germany, while Canter remained steady. Canter made birdies at the 11th, 15th, and 16th holes—all par-5s, which gave him a three-shot cushion going into the final two holes.

He dropped a shot at 17, missing an 8-footer for par, but it did not matter. Canter finished at 13-under, winning by two strokes over Austrian Bernd Wiesberger and South African Thriston Lawrence.

“Tried not to get caught up in the tournament. I just tried to keep it as matter-of-fact as possible,” Canter said on the DP World Tour broadcast after.

“It went my way today, unlike the last thousand times. Probably now that I have done it, I look back at when I didn't do it, and I think it wasn't so much what I was doing, but what others were doing.”

It is a career-defining moment for the Englishman, who has played all over the world since turning professional in 2011. He has spent time on the Asian Tour, European Tour, LIV Golf , and numerous mini-tours.

But before Sunday, he had only won one pro victory, which came on an English mini-tour in 2015.

And yet, Canter, who has found himself ranked within the top 100 of the Official World Golf Rankings (OWGR) at points during his career, has finally won after coming close so many times before. His best finish on the DP World Tour was a runner-up finish to Billy Horschel at the 2021 BMW PGA Championship.

Since then, Canter decided to try LIV Golf, but could not land on a team. He then lost in the LIV Golf Promotions event last Fall, losing out on an opportunity to compete on the Saudi-backed circuit in 2024.

That came a few months after Canter tied for 17th at the Open Championship at Royal Liverpool.

But now he is a champion on the DP World Tour, something 13 years in the making.

Jack Milko is a golf staff writer for SB Nation’s Playing Through. Be sure to check out @_PlayingThrough for more golf coverage. You can follow him on Twitter @jack_milko as well.

Laurie Canter smiles during the 2024 Porsche European Open.

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Boss of the Moss: Corner Canyon High star Bowen Mauss wins SLC Amateur golf tournament

Clutch 15-foot birdie putt on 17th hole sunday clinches title for 17-year-old phenom from draper.

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By Jay Drew

Last year, Draper’s Bowen Mauss three-putted the 17th hole from 60 feet out at the Richard C. Kramer Salt Lake City Amateur golf tournament and was edged for the title by good friend and fellow 16-year-old Sean Lampropoulos.

Sunday, the rising senior at Corner Canyon High School, who has committed to play college golf for Arizona State, made sure that history didn’t repeat itself.

Mauss, 17, rolled in a 15-footer for birdie on the par-3 17th hole at Bonneville Golf Course, a clutch putt that gave him a one-stroke win over Salt Lake City’s Devin Tovey. Mauss finished at 8-under 136, while Tovey, a 30-year-old club-fitter at Impact Golf Center in Draper, easily placed second at 137.

Former University of Utah golfer and past State Amateur champion Martin Leon, seasoned amateur David Jennings and former pro Steele DeWald, the first-round leader, tied for third at 4-under 140.

“It feels really good,” said Mauss, who won the 6A high school individual title last fall. “I knew it was a really good field coming into it, so getting a win, I am obviously super happy.”

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Mauss said a City Am title has been on his bucket list since he “came up just short last year” and watched Lampropoulos take the first-place trophy. Lampropoulos, a rising senior at East High who has committed to Oregon, shot back-to-back 75s and finished tied for 31st in the championship flight.

“Not the best way to defend a title,” he groaned on his way off the course, having won with a 6-under 138 last year under similar, near-ideal weather conditions to become the youngest champion in tournament history.

Mauss, Lampropoulos, Lone Peak High’s Kihei Akina (BYU) and Skyline’s Jackson Shelley (BYU) are part of a group of 17-year-old junior golfers in the state who are all a year away from college golf and considered one of the best crops in state history.

Mauss said he really wasn’t thinking about last year when he sank the big putt on 17, then acknowledged, “it was definitely a little bit in the back of my mind that I wanted to get it done this year, for sure.”

Tovey, who prepped at Highland High and works one or two days a week at Bonneville, said the close loss “stings a little bit” because he has been dreaming of winning the City Am title since he was a 5-year-old and that he grew up playing Bonneville.

“My putting wasn’t very good,” he said. “I missed two 6-footers for birdie. … I had some good looks coming in, I just didn’t make them.”

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Mauss’ scorecard was a mess early, but he managed to overcome a double bogey on No. 5 and a bogey on No. 6 after starting the day with a birdie on the short par-5 opening hole.

A key to the turnaround was a birdie on the par-3 9th hole, which is considered one of the most difficult holes in the state.

“I just hit a 9-iron (into No. 9),” he said. “I tried to keep it below the hole because I know how nasty it is to be on the top tier.”

Birdies on 11 and 12 put him back into contention, and then after a 15-footer for eagle on No. 16 barely slid below the hole and he tapped in for birdie, the stage was set on No. 17.

“I knew I needed a birdie on 17,” he said. “I really wanted to make that one. I hadn’t made one all day.”

Mauss said he will play in the Utah State Junior Amateur this week and the State Amateur in July at Ogden Golf & Country Club, but the remainder of his summer will be spent playing out of state at national events.

Chuck O’Brien won the A Flight with a 147, while Corey Halliday won the B Flight with a 156.

Richard C. Kramer Salt Lake City Amateur final results

Championship flight.

136 — Bowen Mauss (68-68)

137 — Devin Tovey (68-69)

140 — Martin Leon (73-67), David Jennings (69-71), Steele DeWald (67-73)

141 — Zach Felts (71-70)

142 — Zac Jones (68-74)

143 — Brock Porter (75-68), Jacob Marx (74-69), Bode Salas (73-70), Austin Shelley (72-71)

144 — Stuart Gold (68-76)

145 — Lincoln Markham (76-69), Cole Ponich (76-69), Steven Croft (73-72), Brady Stanger (72-73), Dan Horner (70-75)

147 — Chuck O’Brien (71-76), Skyler Doran (71-76), Ryan Kelly (75-76)

156 — Corey Halliday (72-84)

157 — Patrick Waldram (78-79)

160 — David Johnson (80-80)

Remembering D-Day: Key facts and figures about the invasion that changed the course of World War II

The June 6, 1944, D-Day invasion of Nazi-occupied France was unprecedented in scale and audacity, using the largest-ever armada of ships, troops, planes and vehicles to punch a hole in Adolf Hitler’s defenses in western Europe and change the course of World War II

OMAHA BEACH, France — The June 6, 1944, D-Day invasion of Nazi-occupied France was unprecedented in scale and audacity, using the largest-ever armada of ships, troops, planes and vehicles to punch a hole in Adolf Hitler’s defenses in western Europe and change the course of World War II.

With veterans and world dignitaries gathering in Normandy to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the landings, here’s a look at some details about how the operation unfolded.


Nearly 160,000 Allied troops landed in Normandy on June 6, 1944. Of those, 73,000 were from the United States and 83,000 from Britain and Canada. Forces from several other countries were also involved, including French troops fighting with Gen. Charles de Gaulle.

The Allies faced around 50,000 German forces.

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More than 2 million Allied soldiers, sailors, pilots, medics and other people from a dozen countries were involved in the overall Operation Overlord, the battle to wrest western France from Nazi control that started on D-Day.


The sea landings started at 6:30 a.m., just after dawn, targeting five code-named beaches: Utah, Omaha, Gold, Juno, Sword. The operation also included actions inland, including overnight parachute landings on strategic German sites and U.S. Army Rangers scaling cliffs to take out German gun positions.

Around 11,000 Allied aircraft, 7,000 ships and boats, and thousands of other vehicles were involved.


A total of 4,414 Allied troops were killed on D-Day itself, including 2,501 Americans. More than 5,000 were wounded.

In the ensuing Battle of Normandy, 73,000 Allied forces were killed and 153,000 wounded. The battle — and especially Allied bombings of French villages and cities — killed around 20,000 French civilians.

The exact German casualties aren’t known, but historians estimate between 4,000 and 9,000 men were killed, wounded or missing during the D-Day invasion alone. About 22,000 German soldiers are among the many buried around Normandy.

Inevitably, the number of survivors present at major anniversary commemorations in France continues to dwindle. The youngest survivors are now in their late 90s. It’s unclear how many D-Day veterans are still alive. The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs says it doesn’t track their numbers.

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The Panthers are back in the Stanley Cup Final after losing in the title round last year

Florida Panthers right wing Vladimir Tarasenko (10) celebrates after scoring during the third period of Game 6 against the New York Rangers in the Eastern Conference finals of the NHL hockey Stanley Cup playoffs Saturday, June 1, 2024, in Sunrise, Fla. (AP Photo/Lynne Sladky)

Florida Panthers right wing Vladimir Tarasenko (10) celebrates after scoring during the third period of Game 6 against the New York Rangers in the Eastern Conference finals of the NHL hockey Stanley Cup playoffs Saturday, June 1, 2024, in Sunrise, Fla. (AP Photo/Lynne Sladky)

Florida Panthers players shake hands with New York Rangers players after winning Game 6 to win the Eastern Conference finals of the NHL hockey Stanley Cup playoffs Saturday, June 1, 2024, in Sunrise, Fla. (AP Photo/Lynne Sladky)

Florida Panthers center Sam Bennett (9) is congratulated after scoring during the first period of Game 6 against the New York Rangers in the Eastern Conference finals of the NHL hockey Stanley Cup playoffs Saturday, June 1, 2024, in Sunrise, Fla. (AP Photo/Lynne Sladky)

Florida Panthers center Sam Reinhart (13) and New York Rangers defenseman K’Andre Miller (79) go for the puck during the second period of Game 6 in the Eastern Conference finals of the NHL hockey Stanley Cup playoffs Saturday, June 1, 2024, in Sunrise, Fla. (AP Photo/Lynne Sladky)

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SUNRISE, Fla. (AP) — The 2023 Stanley Cup Final had just ended, the Vegas Golden Knights were celebrating their championship and a heartbroken bunch of Florida Panthers were taking off their skates for the final time that season.

In that moment, standing in the locker room, Aaron Ekblad made a vow.

“We’ll find a way to come back next year,” the veteran defenseman said.

Look, it’s not exactly uncommon for some semblance of that to be said by the team that gets a championship shot and falls short. But these Panthers actually delivered on that promise — a rarity in hockey. Florida is back in the Stanley Cup Final, becoming just the second team in the last 40 years to lose in hockey’s title round one season and return the following season.

The Panthers won their second consecutive Eastern Conference title on Saturday night, topping the New York Rangers 2-1 to win that series in six games. The most recent team to lose the Cup final one season and return the next was Pittsburgh, the Sidney Crosby-led team that lost to Detroit in 2008 and beat the Red Wings in 2009. Before that, it was 1983 and 1984, when Edmonton lost to the New York Islanders one year and then topped them in five games the next for Wayne Gretzky’s first Cup.

“Just a lot of motivation, dedication, commitment,” Panthers forward Matthew Tkachuk said. “The right pieces were added. Some great pieces added. Just one mindset: to do whatever you can to get back to it. And I thought the guys that were here last year have done an unbelievable job, coming back for the start of camp with this on their minds. So, we are not done yet.”

Dallas Mavericks guard Luka Doncic smiles during a news conference after the team's win over the Minnesota Timberwolves in Game 5 of the NBA basketball Western Conference finals Thursday, May 30, 2024, in Minneapolis. (AP Photo/Matt Krohn)

Game 1 of the Stanley Cup Final is Saturday; if Florida plays Edmonton, the Panthers will play host for the opener, and if Florida plays Dallas it’ll be the Stars with home-ice advantage.

Florida’s top 10 scorers from last season all remain with the Panthers, and big moves were made after losing to Vegas as well. Florida added a trio of defensemen — Oliver Ekman-Larsson, former Panthers player Dmitry Kulikov and Niko Mikkola, all of whom played big roles throughout the season. Kevin Stenlund was added to bolster the forward corps, and Cup winner Vladimir Tarasenko came to Florida in a late-season trade. Tarasenko scored the series-clinching goal against the Rangers.

“If you make it to the final, I don’t know how many teams actually get better the next year because you’re usually paying a bunch of guys because they got to the final and the salary cap changes and you’re going to lose some guys,” Panthers coach Paul Maurice said. “Our hockey team got better from last year to this year. We had good men last year and I still love that year and I’ll love that year separately and differently than any other year that I’ve coached. But we got better.”

The scenario — losing in the title round one year, going that far again the next — is seen far more regularly in other major sports than in the NHL.

In the NBA, the runner-up one year has made the finals the next season 26 times in 77 years, winning 14.

Baseball has seen the World Series loser return to the next Fall Classic on 29 occasions in the last 120 years, three of those — Kansas City in 2014 and 2015, the Los Angeles Dodgers in 2017 and 2018, and Houston in 2021 and 2022 — coming in the last decade.

In the NFL, the Super Bowl loser has played in the next Super Bowl eight times, going 3-5. The last time it happened: New England, which lost Super Bowl 52 to Philadelphia and won the next year against the Los Angeles Rams.

It has happened 21 other times in the NHL, but in fairness, most of those instances were in a very different NHL. When the Rangers did it in 1932 and 1933, there were nine teams. When St. Louis did it in 1969 and 1970, there were 12 teams. In the more than half-century that has followed, it’s happened only four times in the NHL: Boston lost in back-to-back finals in 1977 and 1978, then Edmonton, then Pittsburgh and now Florida gets its chance.

“I think it just comes down to our heart and our will,” Panthers forward Sam Bennett said. “We want it bad, and it’s one thing to say you want it but to actually go out there and prove that every single night with how hard you’re going to work is a different story. We want it bad.”

AP NHL playoffs: and



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    The June 6, 1944, D-Day invasion of Nazi-occupied France was unprecedented in scale and audacity, using the largest-ever armada of ships, troops, planes and vehicles to punch a hole in Adolf ...

  28. Junior Cert Coursework B Titles

    Junior Cert Coursework b Titles - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. The document discusses the challenges of writing coursework, especially for exams like the Junior Certificate, and recommends seeking assistance from online writing services. It states that writing coursework requires strong research, time management, and writing skills, and the ...

  29. Sununu says he'll still vote for Trump, though 'I don't ...

    Sununu says he'll still vote for Trump, though 'I don't want my nominee to be convicted of anything, of course'

  30. The Panthers are back in the Stanley Cup Final after losing in the

    Florida is back in the Stanley Cup Final, becoming just the second team in the last 40 years to lose in hockey's title round one season and return the following season. The Panthers won their second consecutive Eastern Conference title on Saturday night, topping the New York Rangers 2-1 to win that series in six games.