Delete a Turnitin Assignment

Note:  To avoid producing orphaned columns that cannot be removed from the Grade Centre you will need to delete the actual assignment (not the folder containing the assignment).  

Refer to  Grade Centre - Columns that cannot be deleted  guide.

  • Click on  Assessment  button (or the section where the assignments are setup).

delete turnitin

  • Click on the folder containing the assignment.

Note:  Delete the actual assignment within the folder, not the folder itself.

  • Click on the drop-down arrow.
  • Select  Delete  from the drop-down list.

delete turnitin assignment

  • Click on the  OK  button.

confirming deletion

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Turnitin: Deleting a submitted paper

Update November 2021 Please see the Turnitin Support Article Paper Deletions , which explains the differences between Requesting a permanent deletion Removing a paper from the inbox

Deleting a paper from the Inbox

Why might i need to do this.

You may need to delete a submission made to a Turnitin Assignment. For example, if a student mistakenly submits the wrong file and the assignment settings only allows a student to submit once.

Deleting assignments should be done with caution and in accordance with the following advice: Students receive an email receipt for a submission they make with the date / time of submission and the unique paper ID given to that submission. If you delete the student’s submission, the student still has the digital receipt as proof of submission but you no longer have access to the assignment. If you decide to delete the file, before doing so, you should download the Original Paper and a copy of the digital receipt  in case it is needed at a future point. There is a guide detailing how to download papers in this way at You should not delete marked assignments. Any staff involved in the marking process for the deleted work should be kept informed. Deleting a file from the assignment inbox does not delete it from the Turnitin database – see below if you need to permamently remove a paper from Turnitin.
If you delete a file by accident – especially if the paper has already been marked – please log a support ticket immediately. Do not attempt to fix the problem yourself, as this may actually make matters worse. If you contact us straight away, we may well be able to get Turnitin to restore the deleted paper, mark and feedback.

How to do it

To delete the draft:

1.    Go to Course Management Control Panel > Course Tools > Turnitin Assignments .

Control Panel showing course tools and Turnitin Assignments

2.    Click on the title of the assignment to open the Assignment Inbox .

Showing the list of Turnitin assignments

3.    From the Assignment Inbox, click the tick box beside the name of a student and assignment paper to select it.

4.    This reveals a yellow menu above the list of assignments with a Delete button. Click this to remove the selected paper.

Edited image of list of users showing one selected and delete button. Steps three and four.

5.    Select OK to delete the selected file.

Deleted files warning message

Please note that any paper deleted in this way will be removed from the assignment inbox, but will remain in the Turnitin database until the student resubmits to the same assignment. In other words, this is not the route to pursue if you wish to permanently remove a paper from the Turnitin database. To do this, you should log a call with the Service Desk, providing precise details of the course, assignment, and paper to be deleted.

Page last updated on November 18, 2021 by andyturner

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IET Knowledge Base

Turnitin: how to delete a submission and re-upload print.

Modified on: Thu, May 2, 2024 at 8:50 PM

At times, an Instructor may need to delete a submission TurnItIn and then re-upload the paper.  Follow the steps below to do so.

1.  Go to the TurnItIn Assignment area in your Moodle course. Click on the assignment to open it.

how to delete an assignment on turnitin

2.  Scroll to the TRASH CAN ICON of the assignment you need to remove.  NOTE: If you do NOT see the trash can icon, scroll to the right of the page.

how to delete an assignment on turnitin

3.  You will receive this warning.  Press OK when you are ready to remove the assignment.   The new upload will not         conflict for the similarity score.  

how to delete an assignment on turnitin

4.  Now you will be able to locate the CLOUD icon with an UP arrow.  Click here to upload the new paper.  

how to delete an assignment on turnitin

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Modifying or Deleting a Turnitin Assignment - Staff Guide

How to modify a turnitin assignment area.

Locate the Turnitin assignment area in your module. To edit the  assignment name, points possible, or due date , select the 3 dots icon and then Edit :

You can also add a Formative Label to your assignment.

Make changes as required and click Save.  

To edit all other dates/settings, click on the Turnitin submission area (as a student would). This will open the Turnitin inbox. To change settings, click on the Cog icon in the top right:

Editing other Turnitin options

You will return to the assignment setup page. Change information here as required. Remember to  Submit any changes.  Check that a "Settings were saved successfully changed" message has displayed to confirm your changes.

how to delete an assignment on turnitin

Moving Turnitin areas

Once you've created a Turnitin assignment area, you should not try to move it to a different content area as this can cause technical problems. Provided the inbox is empty, you can delete and recreate the assignment in the intended location.

How to delete a Turnitin Assignment area

You should only delete a Turnitin assignment area if it has never been used . Take extra care when deleting assignments as once it is deleted, you cannot retrieve submissions (you can choose to hide an assignment instead if you're not sure). To delete, go to where you added the assignment in your module, click the 3 dot icon and then Delete . This will also delete the corresponding Gradebook column.

Deleting an assignment

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The Classroom | Empowering Students in Their College Journey

How to Remove a Document From Turnitin

Brian Flax

How Long Before a Twitter Account is Deleted?

Turnitin -- a system that students use to submit assignments to their teachers in different classes -- accepts Microsoft Word, WordPerfect, HTML, Adobe PostScript, TXT, RTF, PDF and HWP files. Depending on the settings your teacher uses in Turnitin, you can resubmit an assignment by overwriting a previous submission or resubmit an assignment once the teacher manually deletes your first submission.

Resubmitting an Assignment

If the teacher in your class has enabled overwriting for an assignment, you can overwrite previous submissions by uploading a new supported file up until the due date for the assignment. Resubmitting overwrites and replaces any previous submissions until the due date has passed. There is no way to delete a submitted file altogether, but resubmitting does replace any previous versions that exist in the Turnitin system. Teachers must enable this option on each assignment for the resubmission feature to work. If it has not been enabled, contact your teacher before the due date to explore your options for resubmitting work.

Manually Overwriting a Submission

If your teacher has not enabled overwriting of an assignment, you must contact the teacher to have her delete your previous submission. Teachers have to manually log in to the Turnitin system to delete the previous submission for the student. When the submission has been deleted by the teacher, you can upload a new document for the assignment in question. Manually overwriting can be avoided altogether by having your teacher enable overwriting when she creates a new assignment in the Turnitin system. If your teacher is unwilling to delete a previous submission, you won't be able to submit a new file to the Turnitin system.

Deleting a Document

If you want your document to be permanently deleted from the Turnitin database without resubmission, the request must come from the school's Turnitin administrator. The request must be in writing, and must include the class ID number, assignment name and document ID number.


As a student, you can streamline the process by keeping track of the class ID, document ID and assignment name that's given to you whenever you submit an assignment. Note that deleting your document prevents the file from being searchable within the Turnitin database in the future.

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  • Turnitin: Submitting a Paper
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Based in the Washington DC area, Brian Flax holds a Master of Science in education technology, and a Bachelor of Science in entertainment business from Full Sail University. His articles have been published on, where he was a daily writer in the smartphones and tablets section.

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Submitting Papers

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Originality Reports

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Classes, Assignments, and Other Issues

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  • Regarding master classes, what is meant by "pushing" assignments to sections?
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If you are interested in an individual account, please contact the Turnitin sales department at [email protected] .

If this did not answer your question or if you need further assistance, click here to email the Turnitin helpdesk.

If you choose to have your students register independently they will have to create a user profile using the link provided on our homepage. You will need to provide them with the class ID and the enrollment password so that they can join your class. If your students are not able to use valid e-mail addresses for registration purposes, please have them create a user profile using a fake e-mail address. To avoid accidentally using a real e-mail address belonging to someone else, make sure you choose a domain that you know does not exist. Do not use real email domains such as yahoo or hotmail. For example, [email protected] is good because there is no such domain your-school.Turnitincom. Make sure students remember the email address they used to create an account with so they can sign on in the future.

Please note that students using fake email addresses cannot be sent any information through email, including digital receipts and emailed links to reset their passwords. Students can submit papers; they will also have the opportunity to print their digital receipts after they submit their paper.

There are also training videos and Quickstart guides at .

Once you have added a student to your list, our system will send the student an e-mail with a temporary password. All students that you add will be able to log in to an established account and will not need any further assistance from you. Please note that emails may be filtered as spam, so have your students check their spam/bulk mail folders as well.

It is important to remember that if a student has used Turnitin in the past, our system will not generate a temporary password for him or her. Rather, the student should proceed to login with his or her existing login. Forgotten passwords may be reset using the "password help" link on our homepage.

  • Log in to your Turnitin account.
  • Once you are logged in, select "user type" from the red navigation bar at the top of the screen.
  • Choose your user type accordingly and click "submit".

You can also set your default user type to "instructor" so that you will always log in as an instructor.

  • Once you are logged in, select "user info" from the red navigation bar at the top of the screen.
  • Locate the pull down menu labeled "default user type." Choose instructor as your user type and click "submit".

If you have multiple user types, you will want to choose the user type you use most often as your default user type. You can then switch user types using the method outlined above.

  • Log in to your Turnitin account and enter your class by clicking on its title.
  • Select the "submit" icon to the right of the assignment you wish to submit to.
  • Use the pull-down menu labeled "submit a paper by" to choose your submission method.
  • If you are submitting a paper for a student who is already enrolled in your class, you may select his or her e-mail address using the pull-down menu labeled "author's user name". Complete the form and submit.

Upon submission you will receive a confirmation message. If you do not receive this confirmation message it is an indication that your paper has not been submitted properly.

  • Log in and enter the appropriate class by clicking on its title.
  • Click the "submit" icon to the right of your assignment title.
  • On the following page, use the pull-down menu labeled "submit a paper by" and select "cut & paste." Copy and paste your paper into your browser and click submit.
  • Use the pull-down menu labeled "submit a paper by:" and select "bulk upload". Attach as many files as desired and click "submit" to finish.

If you have already created an assignment you may allow for late submissions by clicking on your class and then clicking on the appropriate assignment title to get to the assignment options page. From this page follow the instructions above.

To create a revision assignment:

  • Log into your account.
  • Click the class name where the assignment is located.
  • Click the "create a new assignment" link.
  • On the assignment creation page, select "revision assignment" using the assignment pull-down at the top of the form.
  • Fill in the necessary information.
  • Click the "submit" button.
  • Click on a class name that contains the paper you wish to delete.
  • Click the inbox icon for the assignment under the inbox column.
  • You will see a list of submitted papers and the name of the authors.
  • Check the checkboxes to the left of the papers you wish to delete.
  • Click the delete button located above the author column.

To access your report, log in to your account and enter the appropriate class by clicking on its title. On the following page you will find the list of your assignments for this class. Click on the inbox icon to the right of the appropriate assignment title. After entering the inbox you will find Originality Report icons displayed to the right of each submission title.

  • Click on the green update button next to the name of the appropriate class.
  • Select "yes" from the pull-down menu for the question "Let students view their own Originality Reports for all paper assignments in this class?"

Repeat for other classes if needed.

If you have already created a Peer Review or have begun to use GradeMark without having designated a rubric set, you can select a rubric set for your assignment by following these steps:

  • From your class homepage, click on the title of your assignment that is being used for Peer Review or that contains papers you want to GradeMark.
  • Select a rubric set using the pulldown menu at the bottom of the assignment form. Click "submit" to save your changes.

The rubric set you selected will now be available for use with Peer Review and GradeMark. Please note that if you do not have any rubric sets available, you can create your own rubrics and rubric sets from your class library.

  • Go to your instructor homepage and locate the class you wish to deactivate.
  • Click on the green update button to the right of the class title.
  • Expire the class by setting its end date to a date that has passed. Click "submit" to save your changes.

Upon completing the steps above your class will disappear from your list of active classes and reappear on your list of expired classes. To access your list of expired classes, use the pull-down menu on your class homepage labeled "show".

You may also wish to look for and delete multiple enrollments of the same student by doing the following:

  • Sign in to their accounts.
  • Click on the class name.
  • Click on the "students" tab (upper left).
  • Click where it says "student name" above the list of student names to alphabetize the list.
  • Look for doubles in the newly alphabetized list.
  • Look at the dates next to the duplicate students' names.
  • Drop all duplicates of each student except the version with the latest date (drop by clicking on the little red box with an x at the end of each row).

When you convert a class to a master class, all students and assignments are pushed into the first section. TA's will have the same capabilities as instructors for the sections they are in charge of.

To convert a class to a master class, you must first log in. On the screen with the list of your classes, click on the green update button next to your class name. This will take you to an update form. Click on the box next to the question "convert to master class?"

Please note that students are not actually enrolled in the master class. They are each enrolled in a section, and must submit papers to their respective sections.

  • Log in to your account.
  • Click on your school's name.

The next screen has a list of all the Turnitin products and shows their status in your school's account.

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Resubmit a Paper

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how to delete an assignment on turnitin

Note: Resubmission attempts are shared between you and your instructor. If they attempt to resubmit on your behalf one of your attempts will be used.

If resubmitting is not enabled, your instructor must manually delete your previous submission to allow you to submit a second file.

If resubmission is enabled then you have the ability to overwrite your previous submissions until an assignment's due date..

  • Go to your assignment's dashboard.
  • Select the "resubmit" icon and upload your file.

how to delete an assignment on turnitin

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Your Turnitin guidance is moving! We’re migrating our content to a new help center. We plan to fully launch this new site in July. We are making changes to our structure that will help with discoverability and content searching. You can preview the new site now . To help you get up to speed with the new guidance structure, please visit our orientation page .

Submit to an assignment

Preparing to submit.

To submit a paper to an assignment on Turnitin, the user must log in and upload a file to an existing assignment.

Assignments in Turnitin cannot accept student submissions until the assignment start date and time has passed.

Assignments may also reject submissions after the due date and time set by the instructor.

To check the start date and due date information, either click on the name of the assignment in the class portfolio page or view the start and due dates located under the assignment name.

This action opens a pop-up window showing assignment preference information, including start and due dates/times as well as other assignment information or special instructions.

Log in to (or if you're in the UK).

See our logging in guide if you can't quite remember how to log in to Turnitin.

Once you've logged in, you should see your homepage listing the classes you enrolled in .

Select the name of the class where you'd like to upload a file.

This will take you to your Class Homepage for that class.

Select the Open button to the right of the assignment name.

This will take you to the file submission page.

Uploading a submission

Before you proceed, we advise checking that the file you'd like to submit will be accepted. Check out the accepted file types and sizes before you begin.

Only a single file may be submitted to a Turnitin assignment. Any second or subsequent submission will overwrite the original submission in this assignment. Contact your instructor if there is more than one file that must be submitted to complete the directions given by your instructor; additional assignments may be created or you may need to combine multiple documents into a single file of an acceptable file type to be uploaded into Turnitin.

Before you submit you will be able to check the assignment details by selecting the assignment title bar.

how to delete an assignment on turnitin

To submit, select Upload Submission .

The ‘Submit File’ screen allows you to submit your paper to the assignment in three different ways.

Upload Submission

The Upload Submission method allows you to upload a file directly to Turnitin.

how to delete an assignment on turnitin

Select the Browse button, or drag your file directly onto the modal.

Make sure that you are uploading an allowed file type .

Once you are happy with your selected file for submission, select Upload and Review .

The Text Input method allows you to submit just the text of your assignment directly to Turnitin.

how to delete an assignment on turnitin

Enter or paste your submission title into the Submission Title field and then enter or paste your submission text into the Submission Text field.

Once you are happy with the text of your submission, select Upload and Review .

Cloud Submission

The Cloud Submission method allows you to submit from a cloud drive.

how to delete an assignment on turnitin

Select the Cloud Submissio n tab to open the cloud drive dropdown.

Select the cloud drive that contains the file you want to submit.

Select your file within the cloud drive.

Review and submit

Before you submit you will have an opportunity to check that the file you are about to submit is correct.

If resubmissions are not enabled for this assignment, you may not be able to resolve any incorrect submissions.

how to delete an assignment on turnitin

If you are happy with the file, select Submit to Turnitin to submit your assignment.

You will see a submission complete notice if your submission was successful. Please don't leave the submission process until you have seen this notice.

how to delete an assignment on turnitin

If resubmissions are allowed for the assignment and you need to resubmit your paper, you can click the resubmission icon. If you resubmit an edited paper, it will not compare to the first submission you made (i.e. you will not match the text to the previous submission resulting in a 90% match score).

After the submission has completed, a digital receipt is displayed in your browser window. A copy is also sent via email. It is important to use a valid email address to receive this copy of the digital receipt. Save the receipt and the submission ID it contains, as this is proof of a completed submission. If the digital receipt is not shown on screen after submission, return to the class portfolio page and view the assignment to ensure the paper submission completed correctly. Submissions can be checked and viewed by clicking on the title of the paper under the title column to the right of the assignment name.

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  1. How can I remove a submission from the assignment inbox?

    Within the assignment, tick the checkbox for the paper you wish to remove; the Delete drop-down option will then appear. Click on the Delete button and select Remove From Inbox. This will remove the paper from the assignment. Once a paper is removed from an assignment, instructors can then resubmit on behalf of the student, or the student can ...

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  3. Paper Deletions

    Navigate to the assignment with the paper you'd like to delete. Use the check box found next to the Author column of the paper you'd like to remove from the inbox. Select the Delete button and choose Remove From Inbox. You're all done! The paper should no longer appear within the Assignment Inbox.

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  5. Delete a Turnitin Assignment

    Click on the folder containing the assignment. Note: Delete the actual assignment within the folder, not the folder itself. Click on the drop-down arrow. Select Delete from the drop-down list. Click on the OK button. Apply late penalities in Gradescope. Assign questions to pages in Gradescope. Change a Turnitin qualitative rubric to a grading ...

  6. Delete a student submission from Turnitin

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  7. Turnitin: Deleting a submitted paper

    How to do it. To delete the draft: 1. Go to Course Management Control Panel > Course Tools > Turnitin Assignments. 2. Click on the title of the assignment to open the Assignment Inbox. 3. From the Assignment Inbox, click the tick box beside the name of a student and assignment paper to select it. 4.

  8. Deleting a student submission

    Deleting a student submission. Select the relevant course from your Moodle homepage. Select the relevant assignment. From the submission inbox, click the trash can icon alongside the paper submission you would like to delete. A warning box will ask you to confirm the deletion. Select OK to confirm.

  9. TurnItIn: How to Delete a Submission and Re-Upload

    At times, an Instructor may need to delete a submission TurnItIn and then re-upload the paper. Follow the steps below to do so. 1. Go to the TurnItIn Assignment area in your Moodle course. Click on the assignment to open it. 2. Scroll to the TRASH CAN ICON of the assignment you need to remove. NOTE: If you do NOT see the trash can icon, scroll ...

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    How to modify a Turnitin Assignment area. Locate the Turnitin assignment area in your module. To edit the assignment name, points possible, or due date, select the 3 dots icon and then Edit: You can also add a Formative Label to your assignment.. Make changes as required and click Save.. To edit all other dates/settings, click on the Turnitin submission area (as a student would).

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    2. Once you find the student's submission to delete, click on the ellipses icon ("…") that appears on the right side of the submission listing under "Options." Then, click on Delete in the drop-down menu that appears from the ellipses icon. *Turnitin does not allow resubmissions after an assignment's due date. To have a student

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    Deleting a Document. If you want your document to be permanently deleted from the Turnitin database without resubmission, the request must come from the school's Turnitin administrator. The request must be in writing, and must include the class ID number, assignment name and document ID number.

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    In the row containing the paper you wish to delete, click the … ellipsis to open the Options drop-down menu. You will see two options: Remove From Inbox - Allows the student to submit again but leaves the originally submitted file in the Turnitin database.; Request permanent deletion - Sends a request to Aston's Turnitin administrator to delete the submission from the Turnitin database ...

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    How to delete a submission in a Canvas Turnitin AssignmentHo. to delete a submission in a Canvas Turnitin Assignment: In Canvas, Go to the main page of the assign. and scroll down to view the Turnitin assignment inbox. Enter the student name or submission ID in the 'Searc. box and it should then display that single submission. Click on the ...

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    How to delete an assignment from Turnitin created in the Grade Book under "add entry".

  16. Deleting a student's submission

    Recorded with

  17. Deleting a document

    Deleting a document. To delete a document, select the trash can icon to the right of a document in the folder. Alternatively, select checkbox to the left of the document title, and then select Trash from the top menu. Immediately after deleting a document, you will have a short period to undo the action by selecting undo from the pop-up.

  18. Instructor FAQ

    How do I delete a student's paper from my assignment inbox? To delete a paper, please follow the steps below: Log into your account. Click on a class name that contains the paper you wish to delete. Click the inbox icon for the assignment under the inbox column. You will see a list of submitted papers and the name of the authors. Check the ...

  19. Resubmit a Paper

    If resubmitting is not enabled, your instructor must manually delete your previous submission to allow you to submit a second file. If resubmission is enabled then you have the ability to overwrite your previous submissions until an assignment's due date. Go to your assignment's dashboard. Select the "resubmit" icon and upload your file.

  20. Paper deletions

    remove the original submission from the assignment inbox. delete the Similarity Report and any grading. no longer appear as a match to any future similar submissions. Deleted submissions cannot be recovered. Self-serve deletion requests are only available for assignments created using,, or LTI integrations.

  21. How can I restore a paper I removed from an assignment so ...

    If you have removed a student paper from the assignment inbox in one of your classes, Turnitin Technical Support may be able to restore it. Please raise a case request and provide the email address of the student who submitted the paper and another Paper ID from the same assignment, so that the Technical Support team can locate the correct paper to restore.

  22. Organizing the assignment inbox

    The following are the ways an instructor is able to organize the assignment inbox: Sorting by column header - Click any of the following column names to sort the inbox by that column: author, title, similarity, grade, paper ID, date submitted, or (once a student has viewed the paper) by response. You are also able to sort by file if you have a ...

  23. Submit to an assignment

    Assignments may also reject submissions after the due date and time set by the instructor. To check the start date and due date information, either click on the name of the assignment in the class portfolio page or view the start and due dates located under the assignment name. This action opens a pop-up window showing assignment preference ...