Freelancing / Freelance Writing

Get Paid to Write (19 Sites That Pay Writers in 2024)

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Updated Post January 2, 2024

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Becoming a writer  is a dream for many people, whether it’s hard-hitting journalism, publishing a novel, or seeing your work in a top-tier publication. Getting paid to write can lead to financial independence, location independence, and time independence — but how do you actually get paid to write?

We’ve put together a list of companies and platforms that pay  freelance  writers for one-off jobs and long-term contract work for both new and seasoned writers. Our team has reviewed each of the options below to make sure they’re all currently looking for new writers so you don’t waste your time.

Table of Contents

How Can I Make Money Writing Online?

Jumpstart your writing career, get paid to write: 13 sites that pay writers, 1. income diary, 2. liiisbeth, 3. chicken soup for the soul, 4. writer’s digest, 5. listverse, 6. freelance mom, 7. sitepoint, 8. reader’s digest, 9. the american scholar, 10. early american life, 11. copyhackers, 12. narratively, 13. rankpay, get paid to write with freelance websites, 14. flexjobs, 15. problogger, 18. freelancer, 19. mediabistro, get paid to write (the final word).

People have been getting paid for freelance writing for decades, and the internet has made it easier than ever to launch your writing career. You can gain instant access to freelance writing skills, pitch clients, get paid for your work, and scale your business. 

Writing online also means a ton of flexibility. Obviously you have to meet deadlines, but you can essentially pick your own schedule and get paid to write from anywhere that has a solid internet connection.

Freelance Writing Course

Go from “I don’t know what I’m doing” to “I just got paid to write!”

We’re kicking off this list with websites that will pay you to write unique content to publish on their sites. Most have you submit a pitch before moving forward, and you can read more about each below.

IncomeDiary  was launched in March 2009 as a place where writers and content creators can develop their skills and make more money. You can also see how much top freelance writers and bloggers make from their sites and about their income sources. IncomeDiary currently pays between $150 to $300 for articles about SEO, content creation, online entrepreneurship, making money online, and driving traffic. 

If you can write with a feminist perspective,  LiisBeth  pays writers who believe in the site’s mission and have read articles from their magazine before pitching an article. Pay varies, and LiisBeth generally does not publish anything that’s been previously published.

With 275+ titles and counting, Chicken Soup for the Soul always has new books in development. You’ll be paid only if your submission is chosen to be published in one of their books, which takes six months to two years after submitting your work. You can find a list of current book topics and submission deadlines  here .

You can get paid to write for the number one magazine for writers, which publishes content about the writing life and what it means to be a writer in today’s publishing environment.  Writer’s Digest  will consider completed manuscripts and original pitches. For manuscripts, pay ranges from $0.30 to $0.50 cents per word.

You can get paid $100 per article to write for Listverse, which is a site that publishes listicle-style articles on any number of topics, from once-dead languages to unsolved mysteries, and more.  Listverse says  you don’t need to be an expert or native English speaker to have your content published.

Freelance Mom will pay you $75 to $100 for articles selected for publication, and as you can imagine, articles should relate to parenting. They say articles that do the best include highly personal articles, highly researched articles, and education-based articles.  Freelance Mom pays  via PayPal.

SitePoint is a website dedicated to technology, and they are always looking for writers to contribute articles about JavaScript, Python, Rust, WebAssembly, Reach, Figma, and Tailwind CSS. They welcome pitches, and pay varies based on the content. You can learn more about what kinds of content SitePoint is looking for  here .

Can you write a story about yourself in 100 words or less? If so, you can get paid to write for  Reader’s Digest . The pay is $100 for stories chosen for publication. 

The American Scholar is a quarterly publication that pays up to $500 for articles published in print and up to $250 for pieces published online only. They prefer content that’s 6,000 words or less on topics like public affairs, literature, science, history, and culture.  The American Scholar says  they accept fewer than two percent of unsolicited articles.

Early American Life is a publication that focuses on early American style, decorating, and traditions. Stories should run 750 to 2,500 words and center around a topic like history, architecture and decorating, antiques, studio crafts, or travel.  They estimate  pay of $500 for the first feature from a new writer. 

Copyhackers pays  in the range of $300 to $1,000 for every completed post that they accept, and they expect that their writers know a ton about the topic they’re writing about. You will need to pitch the team, and they respond to submissions within five days of receiving it. Copyhackers focuses on advertising, branding, UX, marketing, freelancing, and entrepreneurship.

Narratively says  that its mission “is to publish untold human stories that surprise, delight and captivate readers.” They recommend reading several pieces on their site before submitting anything so you get an idea of what Narratively is looking for. You can expect to get paid to write in the range of $300 to $400 per published article.

If you know about SEO, content marketing, or social media, then you can get paid to write for RankPay through their blogger program. You will have to follow  RankPay’s submission guidelines , including 1,000+ words; strong use of data, imagery, and quotes; and can write actionable, unique, and actionable content.

The next part of this list outlines  freelance websites  where writers can find paying gigs, ranging from web copy, emails, articles, sales pages, and much more. Most of the jobs on these platforms are open to any writer on the site, so you’ll have to submit a stellar pitch to stand out. 

FlexJobs  hand screens every job before it’s posted, and all of the writing jobs posted on FlexJobs are flexible, remote work positions, and they range from part to full-time work. You can find a wide variety of writing work on FlexJobs, from SEO content writers to copywriting. 

Read more in our  FlexJobs Review .

With ProBlogger, you can find one-off and long-term jobs where you get paid to write blog posts, social media copy, scripts, emails, and more. To start applying for writing jobs on ProBlogger, you will need to create an account and register as a candidate. To have the best experience, we recommend creating a detailed profile, ideally including a photo, share your personal writing website, niche, experience, and education.

Upwork is a large site, and you’ll be competing with a number of freelancers, but it’s still a great place for new writers to break into the market and gain valuable experience and testimonials. Having a detailed profile is important, and Upwork keeps a percentage of all earnings generated through the platform.

Read more in our full  Upwork Review .

This platform is very similar to Upwork, and there’s a large volume of writers and one-off writing jobs. It’s free to join Fiverr, and once you’ve joined, you will need to create packaged writing services that outline what type of work you can do. 

Freelancer is used by top companies — like Facebook, Amazon, NASA, and Deloitte — to find skilled freelancers in a number of industries. You can find gigs that pay you to write blog posts, articles, web copy, landing pages, emails, and more. You can expect to pay a 10% fee on any hours or projects you bill for on Freelancer.

If you’re an experienced writer, Mediabistro is one of the best sites to look for work. Well-known media companies — like Bloomberg, NBC Universal, CNN, and HBO — use Mediabistro to find freelance writers,  proofreaders , graphic designers, social media managers, and more.

Getting paid to write doesn’t have to be a pipe dream. It’s a realistic freelance job if you’re willing to put in the work and put yourself out there. Freelance writing is a great side hustle, but it can also turn into a full-time job, bringing $5,000 to $10,000/month.

If you want to jumpstart your freelance writing career, check out  Big Money Writer.

Yes, even beginners can get paid to write. You can start with freelance platforms like Upwork and Fiverr, or  you can start a blog , which is a great way to develop your writing skills, grow a following, and then once you grow your site, you can monetize your writing with affiliate income and sponsored content.

It’s not uncommon for full-time freelance writers to make in the range of $5,000 to $10,000/month.  ZipRecruiter  says writers make in the range of $23,500 to $156,000 annually with $60,985 as the national average.

how to make money writing articles for websites

Wallet Squirrel

Get Paid To Write Articles: 20+ Websites That Pay You For Writing

Getting paid to write articles is one of our favorite ways to earn extra money, so much so that we made a list of websites that will actually pay you to submit articles for their publications. This is a great way to earn extra money while building your writing brand. #earnextramoney #sidehustle

20+ Websites That Pay You For Writing

Get Paid To Write on Listverse - Websites That Pay You For Writing

What To Write About : Anything with a Top 10 Tagline How Much Can You Make : $100 per 1,800 word article (via PayPal) Monthly Visitors (SimilarWeb): 8.02M monthly visitors How To Become A Writer : Sign Up Here Listverse is full of (you guessed it) lists! Top 10 lists and such are a great attention grabber for readers and Listverse pays for articles with at least 10 list points. They will easily shell out $100 for good quality list articles. If you have a great idea for an attention-grabbing list, submit your list idea to Listverse for consideration. It may be a quick way to get paid to write articles, making $100 per article on our list of websites that pay you for writing. Just make sure that you do your research on your lists, avoid easy grammar issues and create a really attention-grabbing headline.

Smithsonian Magazine (online)

Get Paid To Write on Smithsonian - Websites That Pay You For Writing

What To Write About : History, Science, Innovation, Arts & Culture, etc. (Smithsonian stuff) How Much Can You Make : $1,000 per article Monthly Visitors (SimilarWeb): 9.81M monthly visitors How To Become A Writer : Sign Up Here How ambitious are you? The Smithsonian is a big deal and one of the more prestegious websites that pay you fro writing. So you may be surprised to hear they do accept submissions from freelance writers. Although you need to provide at least 3 links to previous writing examples, and if you don’t have good ones, you should move on. If you do have all of that, you should “pitch” an idea for an article you have. Don’t worry about having crazy good photographs, they’ll provide the photography your article needs, you just need to supply the 250-300 worded idea and eventually final article if approved.

how to make money writing articles for websites

How To Start A $5K Blog Free Email Course

A free step by step course with Andrew Kraemer looking at examples of blogs making over $5k, how to set up your own blog and what you need to do to get more traffic. 

Join us to get wonderful blogging tips and access to this amazing course! 

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Get Paid To Write on HubPages- Websites That Pay You For Writing

What To Write About : Anything How Much Can You Make : Pennies Per Page View (via ads) Monthly Visitors (SimilarWeb): 3.18M monthly visitors How To Become A Writer : Sign Up Here HubPages is an online community that writes about anything and everything. Once you sign up for free, you can write about whatever your passionate about. Your article will have ads on them and you’ll receive a portion of that revenue while you get paid to write articles. The more popular your articles are, the more money you’ll make. This is similar to having your own blog , but HubPages host your articles for you in return for a small portion of the ad revenue your articles produce.

Get Paid To Write on iWriter - Websites That Pay You For Writing

What To Write About : Topics They Ask For How Much Can You Make : Up to $40 for a 500 word article (depending on writing level) Monthly Visitors (SimilarWeb): 591.52K monthly visitors How To Become A Writer : Sign Up Here How iWriter works is that people pay iWriter to write articles for them. So a client will pay iWriter to write an article on “Baking Bread”, for example. Then iWriter will send the request to its army of writers (you) and you’ll take the job. The client will pay iWriter and iWriter will pay you in return. The more great articles you write, the more you’ll earn from iWriter based on their 4 tier (Standard, Premium, Elite & Elite Plus) writer levels. Once you receive Elite Plus level, you’ll be paid $40 for a 500-word article. You’ll pay will depend on the level of writer you are and the number of articles you write. What’s nice is you can accept/decline as many articles as you can write from the comfort of your own home. This is nice because the email request will come in with different topics where you can get paid to write articles.

Get Paid To Write on Tuts - Websites That Pay You For Writing

What To Write About : How To Articles for coding, web design, Adobe Products, anything graphic How Much Can You Make : $200 per tutorial (increases the more you submit) Monthly Visitors (SimilarWeb): 19.74M monthly visitors How To Become A Writer : Sign Up Here Tuts+ is a site I used to visit all the time when learning Photoshop. They have some great tutorials by some awesome teachers, so this probably isn’t for new writers, but people who can prove they’ve written similar tutorials for well-known websites. This makes them one of the top websites that pay you for writing, paying around $200 (starting out) for How-To’s. There are opportunities to create written and video how-to-tutorials. Just make sure you have the depth of experience to back up what you’re teaching. Here is a list of tutorials they’re looking for people to teach .

Income Diary

Get Paid To Write on Income Diary - Websites That Pay You For Writing

What To Write About : Tips to help out bloggers (blogs, social media, making money online) How Much Can You Make : $100 – $200 per article Monthly Visitors (SimilarWeb): 303.49K monthly visitors How To Become A Writer : Sign Up Here The Income Diary is a website focused on helping new bloggers to set up their site, write content and monetize it for future revenue. Since this is a specific niche, there is much similar content that currently exists on the site. While you may be able to earn $200, it is a very difficult way to get paid to write articles and get your content accepted. However if you have an idea that you think fits well with their audience, submit your idea and they’ll tell you if it’s worthy. Otherwise don’t bother writing an entire article until your idea is accepted. If you do get your article idea accepted, you should jump for joy because they are one of the top paying websites that pay you for writing.

Travel + Leisure

Get Paid To Write on Travel and Leisure - Websites That Pay You For Writing

What To Write About : Trip Ideas, Destinations, Hotels (travel stuff) How Much Can You Make : $1 a word (articles range from 400 – 2,000 words) Monthly Visitors (SimilarWeb): 6.03M monthly visitors How To Become A Writer : Sign Up Here With an audience of 1 million viewers per month, Travel + Leisure receives many writer submissions so they’re looking for high-quality articles from writers with previous writing experience. If you’re interested in writing for them, go over their website and understand what type of articles are published. Then go over to their contact page and email them a short email with your “pitch”, don’t bother writing your full article. If they like your idea, they’ll email you back with the guidelines they want. About 95% of the articles on their site are from freelance writers so you may have a shot. They’re one of the few proven websites that pay you for writing.

Transitions Abroad

Get Paid To Write on Transitions Abroad - Websites That Pay You For Writing

What To Write About : Volunteering, Work, Living and Studying Abroad How Much Can You Make : $50 – $150 (for a 1,250-2,000 word article) Monthly Visitors (SimilarWeb): 422.94K monthly visitors How To Become A Writer : Sign Up Here While not the most aesthetically pleasing website, these guys have tons of articles submitted by people around the world relating to volunteering, working and living abroad. So much so that their “Travel Writer Guidelines for Submissions” page is heavily detailed on what they’re looking from their writers. Overall this is a great place to share that amazing study abroad adventure you had in college and share all those little secrets you learned along the way like don’t buy cheap outlet plug converts or how to use hotel key cards as knives for your PBJ sandwiches . If you have any of those wacky travel stories, consider this one of the first websites that pay you for writing that you try.

Back To College

Get Paid To Write on Back To College - Websites That Pay You For Writing

What To Write About : Things important to adults going back to college How Much Can You Make : $55+ (for a 1,000-1,500 word article) Monthly Visitors (SimilarWeb) : 386.82k monthly visitors How To Become A Writer : Sign Up Here This is an old-school website but maintains high popularity for people interested in going back to college later in life. This site makes money by ads and selling leads to college recruiters. So articles about sharing your personal story about going back to college or how your thinking about going back to college may be ideal. This may be a great place to get paid to write articles if you’ve ever considered going back to school.

The Travel Writers Life

Get Paid To Write on Travel Writers - Websites That Pay You For Writing

What To Write About : Getting paid to travel whether it’s writing, photography, tours, etc. How Much Can You Make : $50 – $200 (for a 300-600 word article) Monthly Visitors (SimilarWeb) : less than 10K monthly visitors How To Become A Writer : Sign Up Here This is an interesting writing topic because The Travel Writers Life showcases popular ways people are making money while traveling. So you won’t find any fluffy travel stories here. It’s more about how you paid for your study abroad apartment by working at your landlords banana stand. If you have any stories where you made a little money while traveling, this is a great place to share your story on one of the few websites that pay yforfro writing.

The Matador

Get Paid To Write on Matador - Websites That Pay You For Writing

What To Write About : Wide range of topics from life style, culture to family and night-life How Much Can You Make : $20 – $60 Monthly Visitors (SimilarWeb) : 3.35M monthly visitors Since this is such a popular website they receive numerous writing solicitations and thus don’t have to offer much money for people looking to get paid to write articles. While they don’t pay much, this may be a good place to start if you’re a beginner writer. If you’re looking to try it out, you’ll have to create a profile on their contributor page and send them your article idea. It’ll take them a month or two to review it and if you don’t hear back, don’t take it personally they get a lot of ideas. Try submiting another idea. When it comes to larger websites like this, it’s a numbers game. Luckily you have the option to write about a wide range of topics on their websites that pay you for writing.

A List Apart

Get Paid To Write on A List Apart - Websites That Pay You For Writing

What To Write About : Web development related to code, content, design, process, business, etc. How Much Can You Make : $50 – $200 (1,500 word articles avg.) Monthly Visitors (SimilarWeb) : 543.71K monthly visitors How To Become A Writer : Sign Up Here This is a very niche website related to website development. If this topic interests you, send their team your pitch idea (ideally in a Google Doc) for review. They review all ideas once a week and rarely accept pitches on the first draft. However they’ll likely help you develop your idea further making it worthy of their website. They’re currently looking for new writers so if you have a story to share regarding web development or user experience, shoot them an email.

Flywheel – The Layout

Get Paid To Write on Flywheel Layout - Websites That Pay You For Writing

What To Write About : All things WordPress Website related How Much Can You Make : $50 (They give you a list of topics with prices) Monthly Visitors (SimilarWeb) : 712.64K monthly visitors How To Become A Writer : Sign Up Here These guys have one of the most efficient ways to get new writers. Beyond their super easy sign-up page where you submit your credentials, they give you a list of topics to write about and how much they’ll pay for each one. It looks like someone on their team realized keywords they want to rank for and added that list for potential writers to write about. Most of the articles they currently have posted only pay $50 per article, but they claim up to $150. Keep in mind, most of the articles they are looking for are related to how to code WordPress websites, so it may be a little niche for most people. If you have the WordPress knowlege though, it’s one of first websites that pay you for writing you should consider.

Get Paid To Write on BootsNAll - Websites That Pay You For Writing

What To Write About : Trip Ideas, Destinations, Travel Adventures (travel stuff) How Much Can You Make : $50 per article (articles range from 1,200 – 2,000 words) Monthly Visitors (SimilarWeb): 160.98K monthly visitors How To Become A Writer : Sign Up Here This is a site I really enjoyed right after researching. It’s a very indie type travel site where it encourages really exploring your travel destinations over high-end resorts. If you have a travel story/idea that you want to pitch, send it to them after you check out their article guidelines to get paid to write articles. Most of is it pretty basic, but something to keep in mind. If you’re not sure your work is good enough to submit, try their “Guest Post” guide where your article won’t be paid for, but you can submit it in front of their audience. It’s a great way to gain travel writing exposure without much pressure on our list of websites that pay you for writing.

International Living

Get Paid To Write on International Living - Websites That Pay You For Writing

What To Write About : All things related to retiring overseas (cost, living, places, etc.) How Much Can You Make : $75 – $400 Monthly Visitors (SimilarWeb) : 712.64K monthly visitors How To Become A Writer : Sign Up Here International Living has both a blog/newsletter (they call it a Postcard) and monthly magazine that they’re looking for contributing writers to get paid to write articles. If your article gets accepted to the Postcard, it’s worth around $75 while the monthly magazine is worth $250 for 840 words and $400 for 1,400 words. If you’re curious what to write about, they love inspirational stories about retiring abroad in your dream location ( use SEMrush for popular keyword ideas ). They want to know how your money will stretch longer in other countries and how that affects healthcare and other lifestyles. If you’ve ever been thinking about retiring in a small tropical country or somewhere cooler, maybe this is one of the websites that pay you for writing for you.

Get Paid To Write on Cracked - Websites That Pay You For Writing

What To Write About : Anything Pop Culture with a funny twist How Much Can You Make : $100 – $200 Monthly Visitors (SimilarWeb) : 19.24M monthly visitors How To Become A Writer : Sign Up Here While most websites actively look for experienced writers, Cracked is all about encouraging new writers to submit ideas with lots of different ways to contribute and get paid to write articles. You can write the long lists they’re known for like “ 26 Sexy Halloween Costumes That Shouldn’t Exist ” or creating funny graphics they can use on their social media accounts. They are heavily reliant on content writers like you can contribute to their online publication. If you think you have a sarcastic or satire writing personality, definitely register as a writer for them and jump into the hilarious world of Cracked. This is one of the most popular websites that pay you for writing on our list.

Get Paid To Write on Photodoto - Websites That Pay You For Writing

What To Write About : Articles About Great Photography How Much Can You Make : Likely Around $50, not listed Monthly Visitors (SimilarWeb) : 151.96K monthly visitors How To Become A Writer : Sign Up Here This is a really open category, photography. Everyone has tried photography at some point in their life. It’s pretty easy to point and click to great a great image. Either to sell via stock photography , share with your friends or hang up in a gallery. The point is, most people have a photography lesson learned or story to share and Photodoto is the perfect place for topics such as Photography Inspiration, Tips, Gear or post-production. Take a shot at this website to write a guest post, they seem to be very excited to hear about pitch ideas.

The Dollar Stretcher

Get Paid To Write on Dollar Stretcher - Websites That Pay You For Writing

What To Write About : Anything to help people save time and money (stretch your dollar) How Much Can You Make : $0.10 per word (Most articles 500-700 words) Monthly Visitors (SimilarWeb) : 151.96K monthly visitors How To Become A Writer : Sign Up Here Now, this is a site we can get behind, another personal finance website! If you have some great ways to save money/time this is the place but keep in mind, The Dollar Stretcher has been in circulation since January 1998. They have TONS of articles on how to save money so if you’re going to pitch them you need to be creative, inventive and very specific. They ask you don’t pitch them “ 7 ways to save on groceries “, but rather “7 ways to save money on ground beef”. If you email them your pitch and don’t hear anything, they likely already have similar content and didn’t bother responding. Try pitching again being more creative, everyone does something cool to save money. It’s a great way to get paid to write articles if you’re able to niche down into specific money saving ideas.

Get Paid To Write on Curbly - Websites That Pay You For Writing

What To Write About : DIY Home Improvement / Interior Design Projects How Much Can You Make : Likely Around $50, you set your price. Monthly Visitors (SimilarWeb) : 271.60K monthly visitors How To Become A Writer : Sign Up Here Yay I’ve been looking for a good DIY site where I can get paid to write articles. Curby started as one man’s journey doing home improvement projects and grew into a vibrate community of 271 thousand visits a month focusing on cool home improvement and interior design projects inspiring people. Now they’re one of the top websites that pay you for writing about home improvement projects. If you have a home improvement project that all your friends just rave about, consider pitching Curby to see if it’s a good idea for their site and get paid!

Get Paid To Write on Blog Paws - Websites That Pay You For Writing

What To Write About : Life of a Pet Owner (tips, hacks, pet stories, etc.) How Much Can You Make : $75 per article Monthly Visitors (SimilarWeb) : less than 10K monthly visitors How To Become A Writer : Sign Up Here Many websites that pay writers are related to web development or travel so it’s great to see sites like this that pay for articles that most people have experience with, like pets. This site focuses on connecting pet owners through their site and social media. More importantly, they help animal shelters and rescues connect with a wide range of pet owners for possible adoption. Blog Paws really tries to capture the reality of life with pets and can use writers that can help others navigate that world. If you’re a pet owner that can’t stop talking about how great it is to be a pet owner, this may be a perfect place to get paid to write articles on our list of websites that pay you for writing in 2018.

Consider Writing For Your Own Blog

How To Start Your Own Blog That Makes Money on Day 1

Writing for others is a quick way to get paid writing and build up your own portfolio. However, you’re working for other people and making THEM money. Consider using our guide to Starting Your Own Blog That Makes Money on Day 1 ! This is a nice alternative utilizing your writing creativity. Having your own website allows you to display a portfolio of your writing work and earn money for yourself from the awesome content you create!

Get Paid To Write Articles – Our Thoughts

Hope you like our blueprint for starting to get paid to write articles! We absolutely love websites that pay you for writing, helping fellow freelance writers and side-hustlers. While writing this and looking at the criteria these websites are looking for in contributing writers, it’s actually a really easy way to earn extra money . Most of these websites paying between $50 – $150 per article even for beginners, you could write an article every day for a month (30 days) and make $3,000.

how to make money writing articles for websites

Wallet Squirrel is a personal finance blog by best friends Andrew & Adam on how money works, building side-hustles, and the benefits of cleverly investing the profits. Featured on MSN Money, AOL Finance, and more!

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This is a very beautiful thing to know that money is everywhere online. In fact, content is and always will be king on the world wide web. Thank you for sharing this beautiful information with us. DrewryNewsNetwork is in your corner as a solid supporter of WalletSquirrel! 🙂

I had to double back to this post and say that I never knew Smithsonian paid everyday people to write content for them. I’m completely blindsided knowing this now. I’m wondering how many links are you allowed to include in a Smithsonian post linking back to your blog or website before submitting content to them.

They would not only be excellent for promoting WalletSquirrel, but also help improve your long term SEO and side hustle income potential.

Hayes @ Absolute Budget

Wow, thanks for doing all the dirty work and getting this awesome list out there for us! I can’t wait to dig into some of these!

Good morning Andrew and Adam,

This is beautiful news to know that websites pay writers for organic content marketing. This goes to show that there’s more money online in job security then traditionally working for the man on a regular day job in America. You gotta invest in yourself I tell people instead of making your employer rich without a pay raise!


Heya exceptional blog! Does running a blog like this take a large amount of work? I’ve no expertise in computer programming but I was hoping to start my own blog in the near future. Anyhow, should you have any ideas or techniques for new blog owners please share. I understand this is off subject nevertheless I simply had to ask. Cheers!

Wallet Squirrel

Hi Rosalyn! It really doesn’t cost much to run a blog. We share all our blog costs in our monthly reports and provide screenshots on how to start a blog . Let me know if you have any other questions!

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Get Paid to Write: 13 Sites That Pay Up to $450 per Article

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Our ultimate goal is to educate and inform, not lure you into signing up for certain offers. Compensation from our partners may impact what products we cover and where they appear on the site, but does not have any impact on the objectivity of our reviews or advice.

Paid freelance writing is a lucrative way to get paid to write from home. You don’t need a degree or even the most eloquent prose to have a lucrative side hustle as a freelance writer.

Jen Smith

  • Side Hustles

how to make money writing articles for websites

Our mission at DollarSprout is to help readers improve their financial lives, and we regularly partner with companies that share that same vision. If a purchase or signup is made through one of our Partners’ links, we may receive compensation for the referral. Learn more here .

When I started a blog four years ago, I had no idea I could get paid to write about anything. Fast forward three years. Now I get paid to write about things I love, and I make a full-time living doing it.

Freelance writing can be a great way to make money from home. But with any business, there’s a steep learning curve. You have to know what editors want, where to find jobs that are legitimate, and what to charge as you progress.

A Look at the Best Freelance Writing Websites

When you’re building your writing portfolio, there are some freelance writing sites that stand out for offering legitimate jobs and paying writers a living wage. They’re the best freelance writing websites for beginners.

Upwork is a freelancer marketplace and go-to source for business owners looking for all kinds of digital services. You can find hundreds of paid writing jobs in dozens of subjects.

One of the benefits of using Upwork is that you won’t have to chase down payment from clients. All invoices and payments happen through Upwork, and you’re guaranteed payment for the work you do.

The downside is that Upwork charges a 20% fee on your first $500 earned with each client, 10% up to $10,000, and 5% beyond that. It’s a good place to get started, but you won’t want to use it for long.

Known for offering services starting at $5, Fiverr is a marketplace for freelancers to showcase their services to prospective clients. You create a profile, list a “gig,” and then it becomes available to a global audience.

All communication and payments are processed through Fiverr, but it also charges a steep 20% fee on all earnings. If you’re nervous about reaching out to clients yourself, Fiverr can be a good platform where they come to you.

But you’ll have to do something to make yourself stand out in a sea of other writers. That’s where specializing in one subject matter can be your strength.

3. Textbroker

Textbroker only offers content and writing services on its platform. Writers who sign up with Textbroker will find many resources on how to improve their writing, including editors to review articles, writing tutorials, and videos on how to get the most out of Textbroker.

Earnings per word depend on your quality level. You can earn from $0.07 per word up to $0.50. You choose from thousands of orders available based on your quality level, and there are no additional fees. Textbroker also offers milestone and quarterly bonuses when you achieve different word counts.

Writers, designers, videographers, and other creatives can all find jobs on Skyword . Skyword is a marketplace where you can find jobs and be found by clients. It works with both small and high-profile clients and is a great way to make the jump from lower-paying job sites.

You can’t just sign up for Skyword clients. Fill out a profile and wait until you’re hand-selected for jobs, meaning your profile can sit in Skyword for a long time before you’re submitted to clients or able to view job opportunities. You can increase your chances of being picked by editors by keeping your social media relevant and updated.

5. ClearVoice

ClearVoice connects qualified writers with job opportunities based on the writer’s CV or ClearVoice portfolio. Once you complete your CV, you’ll be able to join ClearVoice’s Talent Network and have your CV sent to prospective clients.

Writers are then handpicked for opportunities based on their CV, so there’s an incentive to create one that stands out. You set your own rates and are paid via PayPal upon assignment approval, so you get the security of going through a marketplace without the fees typically associated with them.

6. Contently

Contently is an online writing agency that connects freelance writers with businesses. Many writers use the site for its free portfolio service, but Contently editors use these portfolios to handpick freelancers for clients.

Many high-profile websites and companies use Contently to source writers, so the jobs pay well. These jobs tend to go to the most experienced candidates, and it can take years for an editor at Contently to refer you to a client. But if you’re patient, Contently can offer lucrative writing opportunities.

Another place experienced freelance writers can find high-paying jobs is on nDash . nDash is a content platform where writers can create a profile and pitch ideas for blogs, articles, and whitepapers to prospective clients.

nDash claims the average writing assignment on its platform pays between $175 to $450. Once an assignment is approved, payment is deposited directly into the writer’s bank account within two to three business days.

It’s a relatively new site so not as many companies are using it, but writers have reported that if you’re willing to pitch more, you’ll make a decent income.

8. SmartBug

SmartBug is a content marketing company specializing in B2B (business to business) marketing and copywriting. Its writers produce content for the web, social media, email, sales pages, and more.

This is a great site for writers who aren’t beginners but may not have the experience or portfolio to compete for jobs with other top writers. There’s no direct way to apply, but you can fill out a general interest application on the website.

9. NewsCred

NewsCred is a community for experienced freelance content creators. In-house editors pair creators with customer programs, but you can also view freelance positions on the platform. Then NewsCred’s editorial team serves as your managing editor for all client work.

You can find high-profile Fortune 500 companies from a variety of industries using NewsCred, the most popular being tech, healthcare, and financial services. There’s currently no button to apply on NewsCred’s website, but you can contact the company via the contact form on its website.

10. The Writer Finder

Growth Machine is an SEO-focused content marketing company with a freelance writing platform called The Writer Finder . Growth Machine works with a variety of clients in AI, travel, wellness, dogs, weddings, and more.

What sets The Writer Finder apart is the Slack group for freelance writers. It lets you communicate with other freelance writers on the team. Rates are competitive, and you’ll also have the chance to learn sought-after SEO skills.

Related: 51 Freelance Jobs Websites with the Best Remote Work Opportunities

Apply for Assignments on the Best Freelance Writing Job Boards

Job boards are easy places for companies to post their jobs. The job board doesn’t vet freelancers, handle payments, or make promises on behalf of clients.

There are some things to be aware of when applying and taking a job from a job board. Because the service is free for writers, you’re competing against thousands of other bloggers for a limited number of jobs.

Job boards are also notorious for phishing scams. “Clients” may ask you to download a zip file of their payment terms or writing guidelines and ask you to invoice them via PayPal. The zip file is actually a keystroke logger allowing them to steal your PayPal credentials. Be careful when applying to jobs on these boards.

11. ProBlogger

The ProBlogger job board is updated daily with blogging and article writing jobs across all subjects.

Businesses have to pay ProBlogger to post their job ad, meaning the writer isn’t paid through ProBlogger. They don’t charge the writer any fees for joining or getting paid.

Another job board filled with many freelance writing opportunities is Indeed . You can find full-time, part-time, and freelance remote writing jobs across all subjects, and because of the vastness of the board, competition isn’t as high compared to others.

You can sign up for job alerts based on your searches. Simply enter your email address and activate emails to see them as soon as they hit the website.

13. MediaBistro

Journalists and anyone else in media will find MediaBistro helpful for finding jobs in the industry. If you’re looking for paid writing jobs in marketing, advertising, television, or news, you can find hundreds of jobs from recognizable names on MediaBistro’s job board.

There are entry-level positions listed, but your best move is to get enough writing experience to make a professional-looking resume before you start applying for jobs on this site.

How to Get Paid to Write (Step by Step) 

Before you apply to get paid for writing, there are a few things you should do to make yourself stand out to potential clients.

1. Choose What to Write About

When you’re writing for money, you might think that only writing about a couple of topics limits your options, but it actually expands them. Sites and companies that pay well don’t want freelancers who write about anything, they want experts in their field. When you stick to a single niche and become known for it, you’ll become a sought-after writer.

Choosing one topic also allows you to scale your business faster. You learn your subject thoroughly, research less, work faster, and can take on more clients. All this leads to being able to earn a higher hourly rate for your work. The key is to pick a profitable niche.

2. Create a Portfolio

There are several ways to create a portfolio. The first is with a blog. Every new writer should have a blog, especially if you don’t have many clips to show potential clients.

Once you choose your niche, write five to ten blog posts on various topics within it. This shows potential clients your writing style, expertise, and gives them a place to contact you.

You can also make money with a blog . One way is to find products and services related to your niche that you like using and see if they have an affiliate program. Then every time someone makes a purchase through your affiliate link, you’ll earn a small commission.

3. Create Profiles on Multiple Sites

Once you’ve written a few articles for other sites or publications, you can create profiles and portfolios on multiple professional freelance writing sites. is a portfolio site for journalists, Contently is used by many web-based content writers, and LinkedIn is a go-to place for businesses looking for expert writers.

Having a presence on a few different sites makes it easier for clients to find you and your work. They may also learn personal facts about you that give you an edge over other writers so don’t underestimate including things like your alma mater, pets, and hobbies.

4. Post on Social Media

Building a social media presence around your niche can also put you ahead for freelance writing jobs. Twitter is most popular for journalists and print publications while Instagram is becoming a popular place for e-commerce businesses to find writers.

You don’t have to make another social media account just for your writing. Post facts, breaking news, advice, and stories related to your niche and tag them with relevant hashtags. It’ll help brands find you, and it can further reinforce to potential clients that you’re knowledgeable and stay current about the topics you write about.

Related: How to Become a Social Media Manager

5. Accept Smaller Jobs While Building Your Reputation

While you’re building your portfolio and expertise in your niche, you’ll have to be willing to accept lower-paid writing jobs. Think of them as practice that you’re getting paid to do. The more organizations, editors, and platforms you work with now, the more you’ll be able to impress high-paying clients in the future.

You can also pitch websites to guest post. You won’t get paid to write guest posts, but you may be able to add links to your blog posts in your article. This will help your posts rank higher in Google, and potential clients may be able to find you through simple Google searches.

Related: How to Get Paid to Write Reviews

 6. Learn to Network

You can start freelance writing on your own, but if you want to build a business and make a living writing, you need a network of other writers. Your network should be filled with writers and editors in your niche who are a little ahead of you and a little behind you in the journey.

Your network can also help you find sources for stories, give you feedback on pitches, advise you on rates to charge, and help you to feel like you’re not alone in this often isolating industry.

Related: How to Make More Money as a Freelance Writer

Resources on How to Get Paid as a Writer

When you’re running your freelance writing business, you’ll want to have some resources to make it easier to write and get paid.

Freelance Writer’s Den

Started by veteran freelance writer Carol Tice, the Freelance Writer’s Den is a membership site just for freelance writers. You have access to over 300 hours of freelance writing education including eCourses, webinars, and podcasts.

There’s also a forum for networking with other writers and a job board with new writing jobs posted every Monday and Thursday, all with a minimum rate of $50 per article.

Membership for the Freelance Writer’s Den only opens twice a year. If you’re interested in joining, sign up for the waitlist to be notified.

Get Paid to Write for Blogs (Course)

This is a course geared towards new freelance writers that was created by Cat Alford (who, coincidentally, has been a freelance writer on DollarSprout in the past).

The course features eight video modules covering beginner-level lessons, including how to create a portfolio that will attract high-value clients. The course also covers everything you need to know about running the business side of things. 

Related: The Best Online Writing Courses for New Freelance Writers

Getting Paid to Write is Possible

You can get paid to write in any field at any level. Like any business, it’s difficult to get started.

However, if you work your way through the many content marketing agencies and job boards, you’ll be able to find steady work and grow your business.

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Get Paid to Write Articles: 110 Sites That Accept Pitches in 2023

November 17, 2023

Written by:

Alba U. Román's headshot

Alba U. Román

Alba is a writer for In addition to writing, she has done work as an independent graphic designer and has...


Making money as a freelance writer is hard, especially when you’re just starting out. Once you’ve established a solid reputation and made a few industry contacts, landing writing gigs will get easier, but in the beginning, you’ll have to put yourself out there and actively pitch to clients and publications.

Pitching is easier said than done. Sometimes, it’s hard to even figure out who’s in the market for your work.

There are plenty of lists of publications that accept articles from freelancers, but these aren’t always up to date. Sometimes, you’ll find that the websites on them have closed their doors to new applicants—and with the recent craze for AI-generated content, it’s anyone’s guess whether the sites that remain will be interested in paying you a fair rate.

To make things easier, we’ve sorted through what’s out there and put together this list of sites that will pay you to write articles (current as of November 2023). To use it, just scan for the type of content you’re most interested in and see if any of the publications appeal to you.

01. Business, finance, and e-commerce

02. parenting, 03. tech and web development, 04. travel and food, 05. lifestyle and entertainment, 06. history and culture, 07. news and current affairs, 08. fiction, poetry and creative writing, 09. children’s magazines, 10. book reviews and summaries, 11. writing and copywriting, 12. science and environment, 13. outdoor interests, 14. women's magazines and feminist publications, 15. employability and coaching, 16. miscellaneous, 17. freelance writing platforms.

If you don’t have any luck submitting to any of the publications listed above—or if none of them interest you—then don’t give up. You can also find freelance writing work on online job boards.

For almost every industry or interest you can imagine, you’ll be able to find at least a few clients who want skilled writers to produce articles about it.

You can look into:

General-purpose freelancing websites

These websites are some of the largest online job boards. They offer gigs in other niches, not just writing (for instance, you can also use them to find proofreading and editing jobs).

  • PeoplePerHour

Content writing platforms

There are also several websites that are specifically dedicated to writing jobs:

  • Constant Content
  • ContentWriters
  • ContentGather
  • Crowd Content

The downside of these websites is that they’ll generally take a commission from you. In other words, when you land work, they’ll take a cut of your profits.

This means that many experienced writers prefer to avoid them and land work elsewhere. However, in the beginning, they provide a relatively simple and convenient way of landing paid article-writing gigs.

robert jellison author photo

Robert Jellison

Managing Editor

Robert is a writer and editor for He has 7+ years of experience in freelance writing and previously worked as the in-house editor for, a platform for remote and part-time writers.

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Get Paid to Write Articles: 15 Excellent Publications to Pitch Today

by Farrah Daniel | Oct 24, 2023

stack of magazines on a table

As a freelance writer, it can be a struggle to find high-quality paying work . But it’s possible, and we’ll introduce you to 15 publications to pitch so you can get paid to write articles.

When searching for opportunities, it can feel like the only options available are $5-per-article scams and work from content mills , which can seem like good opportunities—until you check your bank account balance and realize it’ll take ages before your hard work adds up into real earnings.

Making a living as a freelance writer means you’ll need to master how to get paid to write articles. The good news? There are publications that will pay you a premium to write for them.

The publications below pay $500 US and up, which may seem like a dream to you (especially if you’re new to the field).

It isn’t necessarily easy to get into these publications, and it may take time and experience to build up your writing to a level that will help you get paid these rates. But you can take solace in the fact that writing work exists beyond content mills and low-paying gigs.

While there are probably tens of thousands of magazines that pay writers , a much smaller number compensate writers really well. We’re here to make a living writing rather than fall victim to the old adage of starving artist .

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Get Paid to Write Articles from These 15 Platforms

1. early american life.

History buffs, take heed. Early American Life is a print mag focusing on early American style, decorating, and traditions publishes seven times yearly and welcomes the fresh voices of new writers.

You can submit both shorter stories and features, which run about 2,500 words. The editors estimate a $500 payment for “a first feature from a new writer,” with the opportunity for higher earnings as your skills develop.

2. Earth Island Journal

Earth Island Journal wants “compelling and distinctive stories that anticipate environmental concerns before they become pressing problems.” It covers a wide variety of environmental issues including wildlife and land conservation, environmental public policy, climate and energy, animal rights, and environmental justice.

If you’re an international traveler, it’s a great opportunity. Earth Island is especially hungry for, “on-the-ground reports from outside North America.” The magazine pays 25 cents per word for its print stories, which equates to about $750 to $1,000 for in-depth features (between 2,800 and 4,000 words).

You can also pitch a shorter online report, especially if you’re a newer writer. While they only pay $200 apiece for stories published online, the journal publishes five days per week and is “always looking for fresh ideas.”

VQR is a journal of literature and discussion with a focus on publishing the best writing they can find, from award-winning authors to emerging writers.

For poetry, it pays $200 per poem (up to four). If they accept a group of five or more poems, you’ll earn $1,000. Prose pays around 25 cents per word, and an accepted short story receives $1,000 or more. Book reviews earn $500 for 2,000 to 2,400 words. VQR has limited reading periods, so check the schedule online before you submit.

4. The Sun Magazine

The Sun Magazine is looking for essays, interviews, fiction and poetry. They prefer personal writing but they also accept pieces about political and cultural issues.

The Sun pays $300 to $2,000 for fiction, essays and interviews, and $100 to $250 for poetry. If your work is accepted, you’ll also get a complimentary one-year subscription.

5. Boys’ Life

Boys’ Life is a general-interest monthly magazine has been published by the Boy Scouts of America since 1911. It pays its writers between $500 to $1,200 for nonfiction articles up to 1,200 words. Writing for one of its departments is also an option, where you’d make $100 to $600 for a 600-word article.

As far as what to write about , there aren’t too many limits. “We cover everything from professional sports to American history to how to pack a canoe,” read the submission guidelines. Most of all, it should be entertaining to the scouts it’s aimed at.

“Write for a boy you know who is 12,” the editors suggest.

6. The American Gardener

The American Gardener is the official publication of the American Horticultural Society, and it caters to “experienced amateur gardeners.”

It seeks writers for horticulturalist profiles, and articles about innovative approaches to garden design, plant conservation, horticultural therapy, and biodiversity, among others.

It pays $300 to $600 for feature articles, which usually run 1,500 to 2,500 words. The magazine sometimes offers travel and expense reimbursement.

7. One Story

One Story is a literary magazine that features one story per issue, and it is mailed to subscribers every three to four weeks.

One Story looks for literary fiction in the range of 3,000 to 8,000 words, and stories can be on any subject “as long as they are good.” It offers $500 and 25 copies of the magazine for every accepted contribution, but submissions are not always open.

As a freelance writer, it can be a struggle to find high-quality paying work. But it's possible, and we'll introduce you to 15 publications to pitch so you can get paid to write articles.

8. The American Scholar

Quarterly magazine The American Scholar publishes everything from essays to fiction to poetry on public affairs, literature, science, history, and culture. 

It will pay up to $500 for accepted pieces of no more than 6,000 words, and if you want to go the digital route, it will pay up to $250 for web-only pieces. Note, however, that The American Scholar does not accept pitches through email—only through online submissions manager system Submittable.

9. Longreads

Want to write a 2,000- to 6,000-word long-form article for Longreads ? Before you think “yes,” know this: These stories can involve multiple reporting trips, sources, and in-depth research. And while they don’t necessarily need to deal with current events, “they should have an excellent sense of story and purpose and be able to hold a reader’s attention with a compelling premise.”

Base payment begins at $500, and they’ll even work with you to pay you a solid fee and also cover expenses. 

10. National Geographic Traveler

You know it. You’ve read it. And now, you can write for it. As the world’s leading brand in consumer travel, National Geographic Traveler states their publishing goals are to, “ find the new, to showcase fresh travel opportunities, to be an advocate for travelers. ” No hotel or product reviews here, folks.

Nat Geo Traveler pays, but their website doesn’t confirm how much. But according to Who Pays Writers , they offer 50 cents per word for 1,000-word features.

11. NationSwell

Based in NYC, NationSwell is looking for freelance writers to tell impactful meaningful solutions narrative and feature stories between 800 to 1,500 words about people or organizations solving for America’s issues—like “the woman who took on gun violence by confronting gangs and her local mayor in street rallies, or the group that helps families of murder victims fight back against a system that unfairly punishes them.”

Pay is 50 to 65 cents per word depending on experience and subject matter.

12. Alaska Beyond Magazine

Alaska Beyond Magazine is the monthly in-flight magazine for Alaska Airlines, and it’s looking for writing with vivid visual images, anecdotes and a strong narrative flow. If you can write with a sense of humor, cover business with insight and style, and lend inside perspective to the destination and travel columns, you’re good as gold. 

Rates begin at $150 to $250 for short articles in the Journal section (200 to 600 words); $150 for business shorts (500 words); $500 for columns (1,600 words); and $700 for features (2,000 to 2,500 words). At this time, they’re not interested in fiction, poetry, or book reviews.

Curbed ’s focus is home: architecture, design, real estate, and urban planning. It’s seeking pitches for long-form and narrative stories from freelance writers , and these pitches should dig deep on their preferred topics, whether they are analyses of popular trends, reported pieces, personal essays, or a combination of all of the above. 

The submission guidelines confirm (but don’t specify) competitive rates for features between 3,000 and 6,000 words— Who Pays Writers reports 20 and 54 cents per word payments, which means, at the very least, you stand to make $600.

14. JSTOR Daily

JSTOR Daily is excited by stories that tease out the details or that look at the obvious in a non-obvious way; “subjects that are newsworthy, entertaining, quirky, surprising, and enlightening are right up our alley.” For publication in summer and fall 2020, they’re interested in a reading list or annotated bibliography about structural racism, or work that highlights scholarship by BIPOC.

Feature stories typically range from 1,800 to 2,000 words. The submission guidelines confirm (but don’t specify) that contributors are paid, so Who Pays Writers reports the average pay is 31 cents per word.

Ever heard of Sierra ? It’s the United States’ oldest, largest, and most influential grassroots environmental group. It welcomes ideas from writing pros who can “write smart, fun, incisive, and well-researched stories for a diverse and politically informed national readership.” When you pitch, make sure it reflects an understanding of the Sierra Club’s motto—“Explore, enjoy, and protect the planet”—as well as knowledge of recent issues and topics. 

Feature articles range from 2,000 words to (rarely) 4,000 words or more with payment starting at $1 per word, rising to $1.50 word for more well-known writers with “crackerjack credentials.”  In some cases, expenses will be paid.

You can also write for one of their departments, which they say is open to freelancers. Articles are 250 to 1,000 words in length; payment is $250 to $1,000 unless otherwise noted.

The original version of this story was written by Bamidele Onibalusi. We updated the post so it’s more useful for our readers.

Photo via Federico Rostagno/ Shutterstock  

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How to Get Paid to Write Articles from Home: A Beginner's Guide to Freelance Writing

how to make money writing articles for websites

How to Get Paid to Write Articles

Table of Contents

How Do You Get Paid to Write Articles as a Freelancer? Finding Your Niche Building a Solid Portfolio: The #1 Step for Novice Freelance Writers An overview of platforms that pay for writing articles WhitePress® Medium's Partner Program Earning money writing on HubPages Finding work on Upwork Becoming a Vocal+ member Pitching your articles: all you need to know Exploring freelance marketplaces to make money writing Pros of freelance marketplaces Cons of freelance marketplaces How to get paid for creative writing? How to build a writing career and get paid? Frequently Asked Questions How much can I earn as a freelance writer? What websites pay for writing articles? Do I get paid just for submitting articles?

How Do You Get Paid to Write Articles as a Freelancer?

Starting your writing career is like starting a small business. You’re selling your skills by crafting texts to clients who need content in various formats – blog posts, guest posts , articles, SEO content, newsletters, whitepapers, social media content, and more.

The road to becoming a professional writer you’ll face many challenges, like establishing your credibility, marketing your services to a broader audience, or managing your workload and finances. However, if you’re hardworking, the benefits are definitely worth it. Flexible working hours and the freedom to work from anywhere are just some of the benefits freelance writers can enjoy.

Finding Your Niche

Now that you know you want to get paid to write, you’ll need to decide what you’ll actually be writing about. While it’s possible to be a successful generalist writer, finding a niche can give you a competitive edge and make your career easier to develop.

Specializing in a specific subject or industry means you can charge more for your projects, but you’ll have to show your in-depth knowledge first. If you pursued education in a specific field, it might be a good start, but make sure to choose a niche that you’re really passionate about – whether it’s tech, travel, finance, health, or any other. This choice can influence your journey on how to get paid to write articles.

You should also determine what type of content you’ll be writing. This can include blog writing, technical writing, copywriting , creating social media content, etc.

Building a Solid Portfolio: The #1 Step for Novice Freelance Writers

To show your potential clients what you’re capable of and get paid to write, you’ll need a portfolio. The portfolio is a tangible way to show your talent and skills, especially if you don't have previous writing experience.

As a novice, you don’t need already written texts to include in your portfolio – you can start out by writing sample texts that align with the kind of work you want to be hired for. For example, if you’re passionate about technology, you could include some sample blog post samples on relevant tech topics.

If you have published work, you can include it in your portfolio. This will give you more credibility, and allow you to include how well the article did SEO-wise. Bear in mind that while in most cases you should be allowed to include any published and publicly available texts in your portfolio, some NDAs and contracts may prohibit you from disclosing your involvement in a project even after publication. Take a careful look at any agreements signed before adding published work to your portfolio to avoid potential legal issues.

An overview of platforms that pay for writing articles

Many novice writers have no clue where to start looking for jobs. Thankfully, there are plenty of online platforms that offer to pay writers for their work that cater to a range of niches. Let’s go over some of the most noteworthy ones you can explore:

  • WhitePress®

WhitePress® is a  content marketing platform that offers opportunities for aspiring writers to  become successful copywriters . The platform connects brands with online article publishers and offers to write high-quality, SEO-optimized feature articles that boost online visibility in search engine results.

WhitePress® works with over 1100 experienced copywriters that create unique content at competitive prices. If you feel like you’re an expert writer in your field and are looking for career opportunities, contact us!

Medium’s Partner Program

Medium is a popular online publishing platform, first created as a convenient way to publish texts longer than Twitter’s 280-character limit. Anyone can create a free account and start publishing – if you feel like running your own blog, Medium is a great place to start. After gaining at least 100 followers, you can apply to join the Partner Program.

Once you’re part of the Partner Program, you can start earning money from writing. You can put feature stories behind a paywall that will require viewers to pay a fee before being able to view the content. Members of the program are also paid for writing each month, based on their viewers’ engagement and reading time. Additionally, if you manage to convert a viewer into a paying Medium member, you’ll get 50% of their membership fee.

Earning money writing on HubPages

HubPages allows freelance writers to earn money by creating high-quality content and including various ads or affiliate links. Members of HubPages’ earnings program can earn a share of the ad revenue generated by their articles, including money earned from display ads and cost-per-click (CPC) ads. Once your earnings reach a certain threshold, you can pay out your money through PayPal. Make sure to read the submission guidelines.

Finding work on Upwork

Upwork is a  leading freelancing platform where writers and other professionals can offer their services to clients from all over the world. Tens of thousands of job offers for freelance writers are posted on Upwork every week – but the competition is high, so don’t hesitate to contact a potential client. Bear in mind that platforms like Upwork take a percentage of your earnings as their fee, and additional rules may apply.

Becoming a Vocal+ member

Vocal is a platform that allows writers to share their personal stories and perspectives with a wide audience, with simple-to-use monetization options for its Vocal+ program members. Writers can choose from a wide range of categories and topics to write under, including science, music, health, fiction, technology, and more.

To get paid on Vocal , you’ll need to become a  Vocal+ member. Members get paid based on the number of views their compelling and distinctive stories receive, and readers can also send direct tips to authors if they appreciate their work. Vocal also regularly hosts challenges where creators can submit their work and the best writers win significant cash prizes.

Running a personal blog in general can open doors to many monetization opportunities, including sponsored content and affiliate marketing . Companies often pay a handsome amount for product or service reviews and features in blog posts – but you’ll need to build a substantial audience first. This could take some time, but with consistent high-quality content, it’s definitely achievable. Before publishing, consult the submission guidelines of Vocal.

Pitching your articles: all you need to know

Crafting a compelling pitch to sell your articles to publishers is a  difficult skill to master, but one that can make the difference between rejection or a profitable gig. Pitching involves proposing your article idea to a publication and convincing them it’s worth publishing – here’s how to do it step-by-step:

1. Finding the right publisher

There are many ways you can find a publisher for your texts. Literary agents are the easiest way to the world of traditional publishing, but you can also look for publishers yourself on websites like Poets & Writers or the Writer’s Market that provide directories of literary magazines, small presses, and other publishers.

Online groups and forums are also great places to find early writing jobs as a freelance writer. You’ll also get a chance to meet other writers, share experiences, and make valuable connections.

2. Understand your target

Before writing your pitch, study your publication target carefully. Get a feel for their tone, style, and type of content they usually publish. Consider what topics they cover, who is their target audience, and which parts could be improved in their current content. A pitch that shows a clear understanding of your publisher’s field is much more likely to be accepted.

3. Grab the reader’s attention

Your pitch should start with an engaging headline that immediately grabs their attention. You can use an interesting and relevant fact, a compelling question, or a bold statement. The goal here is to pique their curiosity from the get go and make them want to read on – most pitches don’t get reviewed past reading the title and headline.

4. Present your content as a solution

First, clearly outline the problem that the publisher is experiencing – this allows you to show empathy and understanding, and also sets the stage for you to introduce your solution. Explain how your work can solve the problem you’ve just described. Be specific and focus on benefits, and try to illustrate how you can create value and make their life easier.

5. Provide proof

Back up your claims with evidence. Proof adds credibility to your pitch and helps build trust with potential clients. This could include relevant previous texts you’ve worked on and their SEO performance, testimonials, or case studies.

6. Keep it short and simple

Don’t overwhelm your potential client with too much information. Keep the language simple, clear, and persuasive. Every word should ideally serve a purpose in moving your audience towards the action you want them to take (in this case, to publish your texts).

Don't be disheartened if you don't receive a response immediately. Editors often receive hundreds of pitches a day. After a week or so, send a polite follow-up email. Persistence can often pay off.

Remember to continually refine and improve your pitch based on feedback and results . The best pitches are typically the result of lots of testing and iteration.

Exploring freelance marketplaces to make money writing

Freelance marketplaces like Upwork or Fiverr are online platforms where businesses and individuals post job listings for freelancers, covering a wide range of job categories, including writing and translation.

While these platforms can be competitive, they offer tons of opportunities for beginners to gain experience, build their portfolio, and start earning money from writing. They provide an excellent starting point, but don’t limit yourself to these platforms alone. Once you’ve built a solid portfolio, you can approach higher-paying clients directly and make money from writing.

Freelancers sign up and create a profile, outlining their skills, experience, and rates, while clients post freelance writing gigs they need help with. Depending on the platform, freelancers either bid on projects or create gigs that clients can directly order. Clients then review the proposals of freelancers and select one or more for their projects. Upon completion and acceptance of the work, the platform processes the payment from the client to the freelancers – typically taking a commission as its fee.

Pros of freelance marketplaces

  • Access to a wide range of clients: these platforms provide freelancers access to a wide range of clients from all over the world. This can open up opportunities that may not have been available locally or through traditional job searching.
  • Flexible work arrangement: freelancers have the freedom to choose when and where they work. They can select the projects they want to work on, allowing them to balance their workload and maintain a work-life balance.
  • Payment security: Many freelance marketplaces feature secure payment systems that hold client funds in escrow until the job is complete.
  • Potential for growth: High-quality work brings positive reviews and ratings, which can boost your reputation on the platform and lead to more job opportunities.

Cons of freelance marketplaces

  • High competition: freelance marketplaces are highly competitive, with freelancers from all around the world vying for the same projects. This can be especially harsh for beginners who are trying to establish themselves, making it challenging to get selected by a client.
  • Race to the bottom-pricing: this competition often leads to lowering rates as freelancers try to underbid each other to win projects. This can drive prices down and make it harder to earn a sustainable income from writing.
  • Platform fees: most freelance platforms charge a commission on earnings. Depending on the platform and the pricing structure, this fee can take a significant chunk out of the freelancer’s income.
  • Inconsistent work: the availability of work can fluctuate, leading to periods of feast-or-famine. This is further accelerated by  ChatGPT and other AI-powered writing tools that are a much cheaper alternative to many clients than hiring a writer.

How to get paid for creative writing?

Getting paid for creative writing – such as writing poetry or fiction –  can be challenging, but definitely not impossible. It requires patience, dedication, and persistence in searching for opportunities.

Many literary magazines and journals accept submissions of poetry, short stories, personal essays, and other types of creative writing. They usually pay a fee per poem or per word/page for short stories. Many organizations also host writing contests, which often come with cash prizes and are great opportunities to get your name out in the world.

Platforms like Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing allow writers to self-publish their work and earn a percentage of the sales. While the writer’s cut typically isn’t more than 60%, it’s a great way to start until you find a publisher that’ll offer you a better deal.

You can also try crowdfunding – platforms like Patreon allow writers to get paid directly by their fans, often in exchange for access to exclusive content, early access to their work, and other perks. If you’re an experienced writer, you can also try to host writing workshops or classes, teaching others about creative writing.

How to build a writing career and get paid?

Creating a full-time career as freelancer and making money by writing is a gradual process that requires long-term strategizing for success. Before anything else, make sure your writing skills are up to par – engage in courses or workshops, read online resources, and write regularly to practice your craft. This can lead you to make money from writing online.

Having a niche or two where you’re particularly knowledgeable can set you apart from other writers. This can be anything from tech and science to fashion and lifestyle – being a specialist often allows you to charge higher rates as well.

Start a blog or website to showcase your work and writing style. Regularly update the blog with posts related to your target audience. This is a great way to get paid to write articles online as you can also share your thoughts on industry trends to better establish yourself as a thought leader in the field.

Creating a portfolio that shows your best work is incredibly important. This can be on your own website or on platforms like Contently . Make sure your portfolio is easily accessible and showcases a variety of work, especially pieces that have been published by reputable outlets.

Once you have a solid portfolio, you can start pitching to publications you follow. Tailor each pitch to the publisher’s style and audience. Remember that rejection is part of the process, so don’t be discouraged if you don’t get a response right away. In the end, persistence is key to earning money by writing.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much can i earn as a freelance writer.

Your potential earnings as a freelance writer can vary greatly based on your experience and expertise, the specific niche you’re writing for, and your location. Some writers make a modest side income, while others earn six-figure incomes. It’s important to research and understand the market rates for your niche to price your services accordingly.

What websites pay for writing articles?

There are numerous websites that pay for writing articles – you can try these ones first:

Do I get paid just for submitting articles?

It depends. If you’re working with a freelancing platform, you will get paid the agreed upon amount after your work is received and approved. You might have to correct your text before it’s accepted by the client.

Some publications pay to write articles they only choose to publish or use, but some also feature “kill fees” – a smaller fee paid if your article is not published for some reason, despite being initially accepted.

Finally, blogging platforms that allow creators to earn money usually pay you based on views and reader engagement – simply publishing articles that nobody will read won’t earn you any money.

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Christopher Jan Benitez

Get Paid to Write Articles: 200+ Websites that Pay You to Write

get paid to write articles

Last Updated on 6 months by Christopher Jan Benitez

Building a freelance writing career is a juxtaposition.

You can’t get good jobs if you don’t have a portfolio.

But you can’t build a portfolio if nobody pays you to write!

Sure, you can write and not get paid for writing articles. Eventually, people will hire you.

But why would you want to do that if you can write blogs and get paid even if you don’t have a portfolio?

In this post is a table that shows you all available websites that pay for writing blogs.

How to Use the Table

The table contains information about each site such as:

  • Name of the site
  • Niche or industry of the website
  • The amount of money that the site pays for
  • Information about writing for the site and guidelines to follow
  • Contact details

Using desktop view, you can re-order the columns to find the type of site you want to write for and make money from.

Unfortunately, you can’t do the same on mobile. Instead, use the search bar where you can type in your industry, website name, or rate per word or article.

You’ve Chosen the Sites to Write for. Now What?

Make sure to read and follow their guidelines to increase the chances of getting your articles approved so you can make money off them.

At the same time, you must possess the skills that will enable you to write content that meets their standards.

If you need a refresher on how to write high-quality content, below are articles for you to read:

  • How to Write Website Content That Works? 11 Ways
  • What is SEO Content Writing: How to Write an Article that Google Loves
  • How to Write a Good Blog Post in Three Hours Flat
  • How to Write Good Content for a Website: 15 Dead-Simple Tips
  • How to Write a Great Blog Title that People Will Click on

Best of luck!

Do you Want Us to Include Your Site in the Table?

If you’re paying contributors to write content for your website, we would love to feature your site above so you can attract talented writers who share your passion.

Fill out the form below and we’ll include your website in this list ASAP:

  • SEO Done For You
  • Ad Solutions

Get Paid to Write: 160 Websites That Pay Freelancers to Write

Websites That Pay Freelancers To Write

There are many websites out there that will pay you to write articles and blog posts.

But truth be told, not all of them are worth your time.

That’s why I have spent hours researching and comparing different get-paid to-write websites to make this list of the 160 best websites that pay freelance writers.

And to make your life easier, I made sure to divide them into different categories, so you can find the perfect opportunity for you.

So without further ado, let’s make money writing online.

Table Of Contents

  • LiisBeth: Up To $2,000 Per Post

Other Sites

  • Alaska Airlines Magazine: Up To $700 Per Post
  • Gray’s Sporting Journal: Up To $1250 Per Post
  • PTO Today: Up To $700 Per Post
  • Youth Today: Up To $2,000 Per Post
  • American Educator: Over $300 Per Post
  • Fantasy And Science Fiction: Up To $3,000 Per Post
  • The Sun Magazine: Up To $2,000 Per Article
  • Western Art & Architecture: Up To $600 Per Post
  • Eating Well: Up To $2,000 Per Post
  • The American Gardener: Up To $600 Per Post
  • Sports Spectrum: Up To $420 Per Post
  • Cracked: Up To $200 Per Post
  • Reader’s Digest: Up To $100 Per Post
  • Photoshop Tutorials: Up To $300 Per Tutorial
  • Problogger: Up To $0.15 Per Word

Other Freelance Writing Services

How do i start writing and get paid, how much can i earn from writing, can i get paid to write about anything, what type of writing makes the most money, do you want to get paid to write, get paid to write about business & finance, liisbeth : up to $2,000 per post.

LiisBeth is a media company for and about women in the new economy.

LiisBeth Homepage

They want original voices on topics like social enterprise, entrepreneurship, freelancing, and innovation to help other female entrepreneurs.

Send your story idea or query to their email with any previously published work.

And if they like it, they’ll get back to you and let you know what they’re willing to pay.

Make a Living Writing Homepage

Get Paid To Write About Vacation & Travel

Alaska airlines magazine : up to $700 per post.

Alaska Airlines is looking for fresh, original writing and stunning photography for their in-flight print magazine.

Alaska Airlines Magazine Homepage

Their magazine reaches over 2 million travelers each year, so this is a great opportunity to get your work seen by a large audience.

To apply as a freelance writer, send them an email with your story idea, a brief summary of your qualifications in the writing career, and some samples of your work.

Also, make sure to check their submission guidelines and editorial calendar to see what they’re looking for in upcoming issues.

Travel + Leisure Magazine Homepage

Get Paid To Write About Outdoor Activities & Sports

Gray’s sporting journal : up to $1250 per post.

Gray’s Sporting Journal is one of the most prestigious online publications in the outdoor & hunting niche.

Gray’s Sporting Journal Homepage

The journal is published 7 times a year, and they are always looking for freelance writers like you to write new, original content on a variety of outdoor topics.

Over 90% of their audience are hunters and anglers, so they are especially interested in stories about these topics.

They also accept articles on bird dogs, upland game birds, fly fishing, and other outdoor activities.

So if you have extensive knowledge about hunting and fishing, then this is the best place for you.

Men's Journal Homepage

Get Paid To Write About Parenting

Pto today : up to $700 per post.

PTO Today accepts submissions about Parent-Teacher Organization (PTO) and Parent-Teacher Association (PTA) fundraising, leadership, playground projects, education, and advocacy.

PTO Today homepage

They prefer submissions to be between 600 and 2,200 words, and they pay $100-$700 per article.

Get Paid To Write For Teens

Youth today : up to $2,000 per post.

Youth Today is looking for articles about after-school programs, at-risk youth, community service organizations, drug and alcohol abuse prevention, education, job training, and more. Freelance writers can really find a lot of interesting things here.

Youth Today Homepage

It’s a great site for anyone who wants to make a living as a freelance writer writing articles about social issues affecting kids and teens.

Get Paid To Write About Education

American educator : over $300 per post.

American Educator is looking for articles about education politics, labor issues, and new trends in education across the country. It is one of the more popular freelance writing sites nowadays.

American Educator Homepage

They pay at least $300 per post, and they prefer submissions to be between 1,000 and 5,000 words.

The Earth Island Journal Homepage

Get Paid To Write Fiction, Short Stories, And Poems

Fantasy and science fiction : up to $3,000 per post.

If you are a talented freelance writer who can write compelling short stories or novels, then you can make good money publishing on Fantasy and Science Fiction. If you have a nag for writing and you like fantasy, this is one of the best freelance writing sites for you.

Fantasy and Science Fiction Homepage

They pay $0.08 to $0.12 per word for stories in the genres of science fiction, fantasy, horror, and slipstream. You can also make money writing poems .

Unemploymentville Homepage

Get Paid To Write About Politics & News

The sun magazine : up to $2,000 per article.

The Sun Magazine is a general interest magazine that covers a wide range of topics, including politics, culture, and arts. It is one of the most recognized freelance writing sites. If you have been on the lookout for good online writing jobs online and you want one that pays well, consider signing up for The Sun Magazine.

The Sun Magazine Homepage

You can expect to make 300 to $2,000 per article, depending on the length and complexity of your article.

Get Paid To Write About Arts & Crafts

Western art & architecture : up to $600 per post.

This magazine is aimed at architects, interior designers, and art collectors in the Western United States.

Western Art & Architecture Homepage

They are looking for articles about architecture, interior design, and art collections from a lifestyle perspective. If you think that you can excel in this niche, then this is the best freelance writing gig you can find nowadays. What are you waiting for? Kickstart your freelance writing career right now. Now let’s take a look at some more online writing jobs you might want to look into.

Get Paid To Write About Lifestyle

Eating well : up to $2,000 per post.

If you have a passion for healthy living, then you can earn money writing online with this online publication.

Eating Well Homepage

Eating Well are looking for freelancer to write articles or personal stories about family recipes, healthy food idea, food sustainability, and more.

They pay $0.1 per word for articles and even more money for feature stories.

The A.V. Club Homepage

Get Paid To Write About DIY, Home Improvement, And Gardening

The american gardener : up to $600 per post.

The American Gardener is the official magazine of the American Horticultural Society with over 20,000 members.

The American Gardener Homepage

They are looking for articles about all aspects of gardening, including design, planting, maintenance, and any successful projects related to gardening.

Get Paid To Write About Religion

Sports spectrum : up to $420 per post.

If you are into sports and have Christian faith, then this is the market for you.

Sports Spectrum Homepage

Sports Spectrum is looking for articles about how religion can be a positive influence in sports.

Get Paid To Write Jokes

Cracked : up to $200 per post.

Cracked is a website that focuses on humor, pop culture, and viral content.

Cracked Homepage

If can write articles that are both funny and informative, then you can make a lot of money writing for Cracked.

Reader’s Digest : Up To $100 Per Post

Reader’s Digest is a general interest magazine with a global readership of over 40 million.

Reader’s Digest Homepage

They are looking for articles that are funny, heartwarming, and inspirational, so if you have a joke that fits that bill, be sure to submit it!

Get Paid To Write About Web & Technology

Photoshop tutorials : up to $300 per tutorial.

If you are an expert in Photoshop and can write articles that are informative and easy to follow, then this is the market for you.

Photoshop Tutorials Homepage

Photoshop Tutorials are looking for tutorials on all aspects of Photoshop, from beginner to advanced.

WPHub Homepage

Services To Find Freelance Writing Gigs

Problogger : up to $0.15 per word.

Problogger is a website that helps bloggers to improve their writing skills and make money from their blogs.

Problogger Homepage

They also have a job board where you can find freelance writing jobs for any niche you can think of.

From personal finance to travel writing, there’s bound to be a gig that interests you.

How much you get paid depends on the quality of your article, how much research you put into it, and the length of the article.

In general, you can expect to earn anywhere from $0.3 to $0.15 per word.

Upwork Homepage

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

The best way to start writing and get paid is to find a writing niche that suits your interests and skills .

You Are In A Seasonal Niche

Once you’ve found a niche, you can start pitching article ideas to websites that pay freelancers to write articles or look for freelance writing platforms like Upwork and Problogger.

How much you can earn from writing depends on a number of factors, including your writing skills, the quality of your articles, and the length of your articles.

But you can expect to earn about $3,000 writing articles .

Yes, you can get paid to write about anything. There are markets for just about any topic you can think of, from personal finance to lifestyle and travel.

The Benefits Of Freelance Writing Sites For Writers

So, if you have a particular interest or skill, there’s likely a market for your article ideas.

Book ghostwriting is the highest-paying writing gig you can get, but it’s also one of the most competitive.

Book ghostwriting

Other high-paying writing gigs include copywriting, business writing, and medical writing.

If you’re looking for ways to get paid to write articles, there are plenty of options available.

No matter what your interests or skills are, there’s likely a market for your personal story or blog post idea.

From my experience, the best way to get paid to write is to start your own blog and monetize it with affiliate marketing.


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37 Sites That Pay to Write Articles Online

by Stanley Udegbunam | Dec 26, 2023 | Making Money | 0 comments

get paid to write articles

Are you looking for sites that pay to write articles online? Working from home as a freelance article writer allows you to do so. Every day, new job opportunities for article writers are posted.

Numerous opportunities exist for freelance writers to earn income while doing what they love. From content creation to blogging, there are countless websites and platforms that offer compensation for quality written content. 

In this article, we will explore 37 websites that pay writers for their articles. I’ve categorized them into three – niche platforms, freelance, and writing platforms.

Let’s get to it!

Table of Contents

Niche Platforms

Niche platforms cater to writers with expertise or a passion for particular niches. As a result, you can share your knowledge and earn income within the chosen niches. Below are some popular niche platforms.

1. Neptune 

Neptune is a metadata repository for machine learning researchers and engineers that includes experiment tracking and model registration.

Neptune is used for machine learning research. As a result, they are mostly anticipating data science and machine learning-related content. 

So, if you have a background in AI/ML, this platform is for you.

Payment ranges from $250 to $500 per tutorial.

Learn more about   Neptune

Food52 focuses on food and cooking. They allow food enthusiasts to write recipes, tips, and articles and earn money through their Partner Program. 

Payment: Depending on the estimated length and volume of work, Food52 pays flat prices as opposed to per word. This may be as little as $200 for a brief post or simple recipe (plus up to $50 for ingredient reimbursements). Or as much as $500 for bigger projects.

Learn more about   Food52

3. LogRocket 

Tutorials on React, Redux, Node.js, Wasm, GraphQL, Rust, Flutter, and other technologies are in high demand.

LogRocket combines session replay, error monitoring, and product analytics to enable software teams to build the best online and mobile product experiences possible.

The LogRocket blog is a well-known resource among front-end developers worldwide. 

Payment ranges from $250 to $400 per article.

Learn more about   LogRocket

4. Wellbeing

This Australian-based journal has a physical and online presence and covers a wide range of health and wellness subjects. 

Wellbeing accepts submissions based on four main article kinds. These include travel, special reports, and real-life experiences. 

Payment ranges from $150-$1700 (AU) for articles up to 2000 words.

Learn more about   Wellbeing 

5. The Krazy Coupon Lady

The Krazy Coupon Lady is a website that provides coupons and money-saving ideas. 

Their content is centered on offering helpful guides on how to save money using coupons and other tactics. 

You may check out The Krazy Coupon Lady’s writer’s standards and submission procedures on their website if you’re interested in contributing to their publication.

Payment:   This ranges between $50 and $100 per article.

Learn more about   The Krazy Coupon Lady

6. Tutorialspoint

Tutorialspoint is a website for all technical individuals since it provides step-by-step instructions for every technological issue.

Almost every techie has heard of this company. Their site is full of technical information. 

But as we all know, new technology is released every month. Thus, the need for writers never ends.

Payment ranges from $250 to $500 for each tutorial.

Learn more about   Tutorialspoint

7. English Island Journal

The English Island Journal addresses issues relating to the conservation of wildlife and land, scientific and technological advancements, environmental protection and public policy, energy, agriculture, and animal rights. 

Content that explores the connections between environmental challenges and other social justice and human rights concerns particularly piques their interest. 

They news writers to write news, articles, analysis, features, interviews, and reviews and not fiction or poetry.

Payment:   $0.25 cents/word for 1,200-1,500 words and longer investigative features (2,500-3,000 words). Expect to earn about $750-$1000 for an in-depth feature story (4,000 words).

Learn more about   English Island Journal 

VICE is a media firm that pays authors for their work and covers politics, culture, and news. 

They attract a large number of those who are interested in current affairs, social issues, and culture and have a reputation for their edgy and thought-provoking content. 

Your post must meet their strict editing standards and be well-researched, educational, and captivating in order to be published.  

Payment:   This ranges between $250 and $500 for each article.

Learn more about   VICE

9. Income Diary

Income Diary is a platform and website that offers various resources, articles, and guidance related to online business, entrepreneurship, and Internet marketing. The firm began as a graphic forum, with 1000 users signing up in just six months.

Income Diary operates profitably with 400 blog entries, 7 instructional courses, and software that sells and influences millions of users.

They require articles on SEO, startup business, social media, blogging, and more. 

Payment:    $200 for articles with a minimum of 1,500 words.

Learn more about   Income Diary

Auth0 is a versatile, simple-to-use solution for adding authentication and authorization services to an application. It is a user-friendly, extensible authentication and authorization framework. 

It is the world’s most-read developer blog. Here, developers talk about issues such as security, Python, and so on.

Payment:   Up to $500 per article.

Learn more about   Auth0

11. Cooking Detective

Cooking Detective is a website dedicated to studying various culinary and cooking-related subjects. 

Writers who want to share their culinary knowledge can write various articles. These topics can be on kitchen appliances, recipes, and other facets of the culinary industry. If you love food and enjoy writing about it, 

Cooking Detective gives you the chance to share your expertise while also earning money for your efforts. 

Payment costs up to  $75 for each article. 

Learn more about   Cooking Detective 

12. Transition Abroad

Transition Abroad is a travel magazine. it encompasses a broad variety of subjects relating to travel, work, schooling, living, volunteering overseas, and more. 

There are a ton of themes available in their writer’s handbook.

The pandemic caused this website to prioritize articles that highlight “your experience with virtual internship programs.

It includes virtual volunteering, virtual learning (including language study), online teaching and other international jobs, and online learning to teach English as a Foreign Language (TEFL). 

Payment:    From $75 to $150 for an article in the 1250-3000+ word range. The average payment is $100. 

Learn more about   Transition Abroad

13. Christian Science Monitor

Christian Science Monitor provides news from across the world and the United States. 

It also features individuals changing the world and a Christian viewpoint on science, literature, the new economy, and energy.

Payment:   $.036 cents/word for 1,100-word profiles 

Learn more about   Christian Science Monitor

14. Geeks for Geeks

This is a geeky computer science portal. It comprises articles on computer science and programming that are well-written, well-thought-out, and explained.

It is a website that provides blogs, articles, and tutorials on computer science topics. Other services include computer science courses and IT interviews to help individuals in studying.

Payment:   $50-$100 for each article and prize.

Learn more about   Geeks for Geeks

15. CSS-Tricks

CSS-Tricks is a popular website among developers. This is because it gives answers to complex CSS ideas, making the developer’s life easier.

This is an excellent platform for learning CSS. It also gives an opportunity for authors interested in authoring articles about web development, particularly CSS.

Payment ranges from $300 to $400 for each post.

Learn more about   CSS-Tricks

16. Writer’s Digest

For the writing community, Writer’s Digest pays writers for articles about writing tips and techniques.

Writer’s Digest is currently accepting submissions from freelance writers. They are a print magazine with a circulation of 110,000. They have readers all over the world, but largely in North America.

Payment:   Up to $1,200 per article. 

Learn more about   Writer’s Digest

17. FundsforWriters 

FundsforWriters is a website that helps writers with tools and support.

They provide details about employment, gigs, freelancing, writing grants, and competitions for writers.

Payment:   Between $50 to $ 150 per article

Learn more about   FundsforWriters

18. SitePoint

SitePoint is one of the largest online communities for web professionals. It has a huge, active forum and hundreds of lessons.

Also, it includes a diverse selection of books, kits, and other instructional items.

SitePoint is a community for web developers to share their love of creating amazing Internet content. 

Articles about   Jamstack ,   Gatsby ,   Figma ,   Rust , and current web technologies are in high demand.

Payment ranges from $250 to $500 per article.

Learn more about   SitePoint

19. FreelanceMom

This website is dedicated to motherhood and pursuing career dreams. 

FreelanceMom prioritizes real-life stories, case studies, advice, and personal articles. All of these come with lessons learned about motherhood. 

However, this website is not limited to women alone. Men can also apply. 

Payment:   Rangers between $75 and $100

Learn more about   FreelanceMom

20. A List Apart

This platform is dedicated to web designers and developers. It offers payment for insightful articles on web design and development.

The platform primarily publishes articles, essays, and tutorials that cover a wide range of topics related to web design, web development, user experience (UX), and web standards.

They often seek out insightful and well-researched articles from industry experts and pay for contributions.

This approach has led to the publication of many influential and thought-provoking pieces on various aspects of web design and development.

Payment:   $100 per article

Learn more about   A List Apart

21. The Write Life

The Write Life is a website that provides authors with resources and guidance and also compensates writers for their work. 

They are known for sharing educational and interesting articles on a range of writing-related subjects.

This spans marketing, publishing, freelance writing, and more. 

In addition, they provide an array of tools and services for writers, such as community forums, job boards, and courses.

Payment:   It ranges from $75 to $100 for each article.

Learn more about   The Write Life

22. Great Escape Publishing

Great Escape Publishing focuses on a specific niche, which is travel writing and photography. They provide resources, training, and guidance for individuals interested in pursuing careers in this niche.

Great Escape Publishing offers a range of resources, including workshops, courses, and events. 

This will help aspiring writers and photographers hone their skills and find opportunities to get their work published.

Payment:   $150 for interviews, personal stories, and any articles they request.

Learn more about   Great Escape Publishing 

23. Nutri Inspector

The blog Nutri Inspector focuses on diet, nutrition, and weight loss. 

They release fresh, educational content, product evaluations, recipes, and how-to manuals.

You should apply for this blog if you’re interested in writing about fitness, diet and nutrition, and weight reduction strategies.

Payment:   Ultimate how-to guides (3000-4000 words): $120-$180

  • Informational articles (2000-3000 words): $120
  • Product reviews (1000 words): $60

Learn more about   Nutri Inspector 

24. Copyhackers

For authors who appreciate writing about branding, marketing, and user experience (UX) design, Copyhackers offers a number of chances. 

They also welcome submissions regarding advice for freelancers and entrepreneurship. 

If you would like to contribute to Copyhackers, go to their website, read the submission rules, and select an area of expertise to begin writing about. 

Payment:   $300 to $1,000 in income per article

Learn more about   Copyhackers

Freelancing Platforms 

1. textbroker.

Textbroker is a well-known network that serves as a hub for freelance writers wishing to work on a range of writing projects for a number of customers. 

The site functions as a content mill. 

Textbroker is a realistic option for authors looking for flexibility and the opportunity to make money via their writing abilities.

Payment ranges from $0.07 to $0.10 per word.

Learn more about   Textbroker

2. WriterAccess

WriterAccess is a platform that serves as a bridge between skilled writers and clients in search of high-quality content. 

It offers a space for writers to showcase their talents and cater to the diverse needs of clients.

One of the distinguishing features of WriterAccess is its adaptable compensation system. 

Writers on this platform are categorized according to their performance and expertise, often represented by star ratings.  

Payment ranges from $0.10 per word.

Learn more about   WriterAccess    

Cracked is a well-known online platform popular for its humorous stories. 

Cracked, known for its distinct and funny style, allows authors to exhibit their wit and humor. It is a site worth considering if you’re an aspiring writer with a sense of humor.

Payment costs up to  $200 for each piece.

Learn more about   Cracked .  

4. Vocal Media

Vocal Media has a number of writing challenges and contests where you may enter your work for a chance to win money.

Furthermore, their Vocal+ program compensates authors with a monthly fee for unique material.

Payment varies according to the effectiveness of your submissions. Members of Vocal+ may earn around $6 for every 1,000 readings.

Learn more about   Vocal Media

One of the most often-used websites for writers to locate jobs online is Upwork.   

Writers, graphic designers, videographers, marketers, and other creative workers can choose from a wide range of jobs available. 

All you need to do is complete your profile and upload samples of your written work. You may look for jobs and submit bids for the projects you’re interested in after your profile is complete.

Payment:   $5 to $20 per hour or $0.01 to $0.03 per word

 Learn more about   Upwork

nDash is a website that mainly serves as a platform for freelancers and writers. 

It connects writers with companies or clients who want written content.

It gives them a place to promote their writing skills and work with customers on a range of content projects, including whitepapers, blog posts, and articles.

Payment:    $150 – $450

Learn more about   nDash


1. How can I find websites that pay for writing articles?

You can find websites that pay for articles by searching on popular freelance platforms like Upwork, Freelancer, and Fiverr. 

Additionally, you can explore dedicated platforms like Medium’s Partner Program, HubPages, Vocal Media, and Listverse, which pay writers for their content.

2. What types of articles are in demand on these sites?

The demand for articles can vary, but some popular categories include technology, health, finance, lifestyle, travel, and personal development. 

3. How much can I earn from writing articles online?

Earnings depend on factors such as your experience, niche expertise, and the platform you write for. Payment can range from a few dollars per article to hundreds of dollars, especially if you gain a reputation as an expert in your field. 

4. Do I need to have prior writing experience to get paid for my articles?

While prior writing experience is beneficial, it’s not always a strict requirement. Some websites and platforms are open to writers at various skill levels.

Final Thoughts

Remember, freelance writing is a competitive field. But with dedication and the right strategies, you can build a successful career and get paid for your articles. 

Try out the aforementioned platforms today and start earning when you write. Your determination and persistence will pay off in the long run. 

Good luck in your writing journey!

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Get Paid to Write: 40 Legitimate Websites That Pay $100+

Adetayo Sogbesan

Table of Contents

As a freelance writer, building a sustainable writing career is super important. And one of the ways to achieve this is by landing consistent, well-paid gigs.

Rather than spending time filtering through scam jobs and content mills that pay peanuts, I’ve compiled a list of 40 legitimate websites where you can get paid to write for over $100.

These websites cover a variety of industries, such as content writing, affiliate sales, web design, and feature stories. Here’s the first one on our list.

Related Reading : Freelance Writing Rates

10 Websites You Can Try to Pitch as a New Freelance Writer

Here’s an updated list of websites that you can try to pitch and get paid writing in 2023:

  • Income Diary
  • Freelance Mom
  • Chicken Soup For The Soul
  • International Living Magazine
  • Grow and Convert Content Marketing Agency
  • Writer’s Digest
  • The American Scholar

Get Paid to Write Articles About Business 

If you’ve got extensive knowledge about business management and operations, here are online websites where you get paid to write about your insights.

1. Ecommerce Insiders ($75-$150)

how to make money writing articles for websites

If you’ve got experience in the Ecommerce industry, Ecommerce Insiders will pay you to write blog posts centered around online marketing. 

Article submissions may be retail-oriented, with a focus on topics like design, marketing, merchandising, and operations. Writers can also provide commentaries on industry news/trends or write educational pieces on how to succeed in the e-commerce industry.

The publishing team at Ecommerce Insiders has very specific requirements, so I’d advise you to review their submission guidelines before sending in your pitch. They typically offer between $75 to $150 for blog posts of about 400 words and above.

2. B. Michelle Pippin ($50-$150)

how to make money writing articles for websites

B. Michelle Pippin is looking for entrepreneurial experts to share their knowledge with other women entrepreneurs and help them grow their businesses and income. So, if you’re a woman who’s an expert in marketing, making money from YouTube, sales, or other business-inclined topics, she is ready to welcome you. 

B. Michelle requires submissions to be instructive, original, savvy, and contain actionable advice for readers. She offers between $50-$150 per article and will pay more for content she intends to publish in her newsletter. However, you will not be able to republish any content that has been paid for and shared on the website.

3. Success Lifestyle Magazine (Up to $100)

Success Lifestyle magazine is an online publication house that caters to entrepreneurs in the early stages of business development. 

They are open to receiving articles about other entrepreneurs who’ve built their businesses from scratch. Furthermore, they also accept articles that cover different business development ideas. Editors at the magazine make it a duty to hire writers who are dependable, inspiring, and fun. 

If you’d like to write for the magazine, you’ll have to send an article proposal first and wait for them to request a sample article before you turn in a draft. The application process also involves a 15-minute interview with the magazine’s editors. 

Success Lifestyle Magazine pays $0.50 per word (about $250 for a 500-word article).

4. Inc. (Up to $100 per article)

how to make money writing articles for websites

Inc. is a leading magazine that pays experts to write short articles that provide guidance and actionable strategies to startups and small businesses. 

Aspiring writers who want to write for the publication are expected to be experts or thought leaders in their industries. Furthermore, writers are required to apply by sending in column proposals. The column proposal should generally include the following:

  • The reasons for applying.
  • The topics of interest.
  • A 500-word sample article with 10 sample headlines.
  • Links to existing published works.

They prefer articles between 800 and 1,200 words and pay up to $2,400 per column submission— some column editors pay as high as $2 per word.

5. Liisbeth & Rabble.CA ($100-$,2000)

how to make money writing articles for websites

If you have a mastery of the intersection between feminism and entrepreneurship, Liisbeth & Rabble may be a great fit. Here, writers produce long and short-form content that female entrepreneurs consult when building their businesses and careers.

As a writer here, you’ll cover topics on enterprise, feminism, and innovation and write critiques of policies and systems that perpetuate inequality. 

So, if you’ve got a passion for supporting women-led businesses, join hands with Liisbeth to write high-quality content that can make a difference. Writers often get paid as high as $2,000 per article. 

Get Paid to Write Articles About Lifestyle 

If you enjoy telling great stories about the human experience, you’re in the right place. Here, I’ve compiled a list of online platforms where you can get paid to write about your perspectives on freelance writing, family life, evolving trends, and lifestyle.

6. FreelanceMom ($75-$100)

how to make money writing articles for websites

FreelanceMom caters to working moms, particularly those who earn an income via freelancing. So, if you fit into both categories, feel free to share your journey in entrepreneurship and work-life balance. What’s more, you can also give advice on how other stay-at-home parents can become successful freelancers. 

The company expects that article submissions contain content that is practical, well-researched, and well-organized. The articles should also offer new approaches and actionable advice that readers can benefit from. 

As a freelance writer here, you’ll be writing from personal experiences in a manner that other moms can relate to. Be sure to check their guidelines for more clarity before submitting your article. FreelanceMom prefers blog posts between 900 and 1,500 words and offers between $75- $100 per article.

7. Listverse ($100)

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If you love funny and unusual content and are good at creating lists or rating things, send a pitch to Listverse today. All you have to do is send them an original article on any topic you choose, with at least ten listed items and a paragraph or two under each item. Then, if the work gets published, they pay writers $100 per article. 

To make your work easier, Listverse assures a proper review by its seasoned editors. Also, editors will help with inserting pictures and videos where necessary. Still, to ensure that your work is properly vetted, they have a fact-checking team that verifies all links and citations. 

Listverse only pays via PayPal, and they don’t entertain alternative forms of payment. So, as a freelance writer on their team, you’ll need a PayPal account to receive payments.

8. Reader’s Digest ($50-$250)

how to make money writing articles for websites

Reader’s Digest encourages people to share interesting, non-fictional narratives, experiences, and funny stories. 

They welcome articles on current events and contemporary American life, dramatic narratives, jokes, and funny true stories. The magazine caters to a diverse audience and wants articles that will educate, entertain, and provoke their readers.

Writers here produce blogs of about 800 to 1,000 words. For every published article, the writer gets paid $50-$250, depending on the category it falls under.

9. Her View From Home (Up to $100)

how to make money writing articles for websites

Her View From Home calls out to writers to deliver blog posts and feature articles about family life, parenting, children, relationships, and other related topics. It’s worth mentioning that they accept both original and previously published works.

They require articles to be genuine and heartfelt, with about 600 to 800 words. Writers must also familiarize themselves with the magazine’s guidelines and content before submitting their articles. 

Furthermore, editors make payments based on the number of page views accumulated over 30 days. After that, they’ll ask you to send an invoice for payment. They pay up to $100 for original articles with over 4,000 views and $50 for previously published articles with over 10,000 views.

10. WorthPoint (Up to $100)

how to make money writing articles for websites

Are you an expert lover of antiques and collectibles? Worthpoint is offering you an opportunity to share your knowledge and expertise with their readers.

Writers are expected to write informative articles or blog posts on antiques, art, collectibles, and other related subjects that will be assigned by their editors. Other useful writing skills include fluency in English, familiarity with Google’s advanced search features, and knowledge of Microsoft Word Editor.

The company prefers articles between 400 and 1,200 words and offers up to $100 per article, alongside other benefits. 

Get Paid for Creative Writing

If you’ve got a flair for storytelling and a good imagination, you can make loads of money writing online. These websites offer various avenues to bring your creativity to life and earn money writing articles online.

11. Longreads ($350-$500+)

how to make money writing articles for websites

Longreads features high-quality, comprehensive, and captivating stories about human experiences that readers can relate to. The content they’re interested in includes book reviews, essays, columns, and reading lists. 

The required word count for an article depends on the category it falls under; thus, your submission can be anywhere from 800 to 6,000 words. Longreads pays $350 for reading lists and $500 and above for essays and columns. 

12. Bustle (Up to $100)

how to make money writing articles for websites

Bustle is a trendy site that caters to a wide target audience and delivers content under various niches— from entertainment and fashion to beauty, style, wellness, and evolving trends.

As such, they are interested in receiving creative pieces, original reporting, personal stories, and commentaries or editorials with unique approaches. It’s best to familiarize yourself with their content to know their preferred areas of interest, writing style, and tone.

Note that you’ll be required to submit a pitch first before sending your article. Bustle pays about $125 for a 500-word article.

13. Fantasy & Science Fiction (Up to $100)

how to make money writing articles for websites

If you love writing fantasy and science fiction stories, this one’s for you. Fantasy and Science Fiction welcomes stories with surprising plots and subtle speculative elements. They prefer character-oriented stories from different genres, including fantasy, horror, humor, and science fiction.

Submissions are only accepted for fictional stories, and writers are encouraged to incorporate diverse perspectives into their articles.

For every published article, the client pays $0.08 to $0.12 per word, with a maximum of 25,000 words (about $1,600 for 20,000 words). To improve your chances of getting published, ensure that you send in a high-quality story that is fully edited. 

14. Cricket Magazine (Up to $100)

how to make money writing articles for websites

Cricket Magazine is a young adult literature and comic print magazine for younger readers. So, feel free to send long-form fictional or non-fictional stories, poems, or translations that cater to this demographic. 

  • Concerning fiction, the print magazine welcomes fantasy, folk tales, historical fiction, humor, myths and legends, realistic contemporary fiction, and science fiction. The stories are required to be character-driven, well-plotted, and have satisfying conclusions.
  • For non-fiction, writers can pick from various subjects— art, history, inventors, explorers, science and technology, and theater. The articles should be well-researched and include biographies.
  • Regarding poems, both serious and humorous pieces are accepted, and they are expected to be descriptive, well-crafted, and precise. Writers can write on different themes, including family, friendships, and nature. 

Per rates, Cricket Magazine pays an estimate of $0.10 per word for fictional stories, $0.25 per word for non-fictional stories, and $3 per line for poems.

15. Cracked ($150-$250)

how to make money writing articles for websites

Cracked is a witty site with clever and funny articles usually written in list formats. They welcome articles that tackle popular subjects from fresh perspectives. 

You can apply to write feature articles without experience, but you must have good writing skills. On the other hand, experienced writers can apply for columnist roles by sending their pitches alongside links to their previous works. 

Cracked expects writers to be funny, sarcastic, and sharp and pays an estimated $150-$250 for each accepted piece. The price range varies according to the article’s length and the number of articles written. 

16. Narratively ($300-$400)

how to make money writing articles for websites

Narratively welcomes a wide range of articles that deliver authentic and captivating storytelling of the human experience. Their niches include culture, family, food and drink, environment, news, travel, and technology. 

They prefer long-form articles that provide vivid narrations of the content. So, if you enjoy writing essays and articles from a personal and experiential point of view, give Narratively a go. 

Be sure to check out their submission guidelines for more direction in picking your article and writing it. Narratively offers an estimate of $300 to $400 per published article.  

17. VQR ($200-$1000+)

how to make money writing articles for websites

VQR is a literary journal that accepts original and unpublished poetry, fictional, and non-fiction submissions. They are not interested in genre fiction like fantasy, romance, and science fiction, and they prefer short fiction of about 2,500 to 8,000 words. 

For non-fictional pieces, they approve of essays, investigative reports, and memoirs with 3,000 to 7,000 words. For poems, they welcome all types and do not have a limit on the number of words. VQR has specific requirements, so read through their guidelines before applying. They generally pay $200 per poem and $1,000 and above for short fiction and non-fiction pieces.  

Get Paid to Write Articles on Technical Freelance Writing

For the tech experts who can demystify complex subjects with precision and clarity, you can build a successful career as a technical writer. Here, I’ve compiled some websites where you get paid to write articles about niche tech topics.

The first is….

18. nDash ($150-$450)

how to make money writing articles for websites

nDash provides an opportunity for tech freelance writers to connect with clients and reputable brands. They offer a variety of projects you can take on— email newsletters, blog posts, white papers, and online articles. You can also set your rates for the specific type of project. 

Additionally, nDash does not charge any fee for the jobs you get, meaning you keep 100% of your earnings. 

Furthermore, you can apply to write for nDash directly by creating a profile on their website and featuring your previous work experience. Then, create a Stripe account, which the platform uses to pay its writers, who earn an estimated $150-$450 per assignment.

And the best part? You can do all this for free!

19. Copyhackers ($300-$1,000)

how to make money writing articles for websites

Copyhackers centers on practical content for designers, freelancers, marketers, and startups. Their content mostly includes branding, conversion copywriting, freelancing for money, business growth and development, marketing, product design, web development, and UX and A/B testing.

For Copyhackers, your article submission must be thoroughly detailed and researched. Additionally, it should be from a first-person point of view, and it should be a minimum of 2000 words. For every published article, you’ll be paid between $300 and $1000.  

20. Writer’s Digest (Up to $100)

how to make money writing articles for websites

Writer’s Digest is dedicated to inspiring writers and helping them improve their writing skills. As such, they are open to receiving submissions that fall under this category, including personal essays and memoirs. 

They pay $0.50 per word for the one-time publishing of your article electronically and in print. Then, if they decide to repurpose or republish it, they’ll pay you 25% of the original purchase price.

21. UX Booth ($100)

how to make money writing articles for websites

UX Booth prides itself as an authority in the User Experience field, and they are open to receiving comprehensive and well-researched articles that guide improving user experience. 

Writers can select topics from different areas like analytics, business strategy, content strategy, interaction design, philosophy, and universal design and accessibility. The articles should be relatable and beneficial to readers, with guidance on how to implement what they read.

Additionally, they should be written from the third person point of view and between 1,200 and 1,800 words. UX Booth pays $100 for every published article.

22. Semaphore ($400-$500)

how to make money writing articles for websites

If you’re an expert in automation, application deployment, and software, and you know how to write, then you’re a good fit for Semaphore . 

This technical site is open to receiving articles about software architecture, DevSecOps tools, and development tools and practices. 

Semaphore pays an estimated $400-$500 for every new article and $100-$200 for article updates. Additionally, you will be paid a 50% bonus if your published article generates over 1,000 non-paid views seven days after it’s posted. 

23. Make a Living Writing ($75-$150)

how to make money writing articles for websites

Make A Living Writing is aimed at helping freelance writers develop their businesses and increase their earnings. As such, they welcome articles that provide insight and advice on achieving this. Their pay ranges from $75 to $150 per article, depending on the topic’s complexity and the depth of research required. 

To ease your application process, check out their guidelines for more clarity on the type of content they want. Additionally, this site considers your submissions for their other sites, including and The Write Life, to increase the chances of getting your article approved.

24. Smashing Magazine ($50-$200)

how to make money writing articles for websites

Smashing Magazine is another leading technical site on the lookout for articles related to graphics design, UX design, WordPress, web development, and web/mobile design. 

They accept submissions in the form of case studies, opinions, tutorials, and guides. However, you should pitch your article idea in about 200-300 words first and wait for approval before submitting a draft. 

If your outline is approved, you may be assigned to an editor to guide you through the writing process. For every approved submission, Smashing Magazine pays between $50 and $200 per article.

25. Sitepoint ($150-$200)

how to make money writing articles for websites

Are you a web design expert? Are you well-versed in CSS, HTML, and SASS? Can you share this knowledge with others? Then you’re a good fit for SitePoint .

SitePoint is interested in receiving articles about development tools and environments, entrepreneurship and digital marketing, no-code and low-code tools, and web development and design. Article submissions are expected to be accurate, clear, concise, well-researched, and contain a bit of humor.

It’s worth mentioning that SitePoint also encourages beginner writers to pitch. This is subject to certain conditions, though, including a passion for technology, fluency in English, and the ability to share their knowledge with other developers. 

Sitepoint offers $150 for articles and $200 for tutorials. However, writers whose articles are comprehensive and estimated to generate plenty of traffic are paid more than $150. 

26. Photoshop Tutorials ($25-$300)

how to make money writing articles for websites

If you have a passion for Photoshop and design, Photoshop Tutorials invites you to share your knowledge and educate other Photoshop users.

They generally accept educational materials with comprehensive tips on how to use Photoshop for digital creations and edits like human portraits, photo manipulation, and posters.

Writers can send in short articles with quick tips or full tutorials with detailed instructions. Although the company generally pays $25-$50 for an accepted article, they pay between $150-$300 for each approved tutorial.

Get Paid to Write Articles for Journalism Publications

Freelance writing doesn’t always involve fiction or lifestyle writing. There are also opportunities for freelance writers to showcase their investigative skills and spread accurate information. 

So, if you have a passion for reporting, these websites will pay you to inspire others and ignite change. 

27. Informed Comment ($100)

how to make money writing articles for websites

Informed Comment features content on foreign policy and is looking for experts to contribute to their niche. Their content specifically focuses on US foreign policy and Middle Eastern and South Asian politics. 

Other content areas they delve into include climate change, green energy, human rights, religion, religious discrimination, and women’s and workers’ rights. 

Informed Comment typically accepts submissions from experts with advanced degrees or who have published works in prominent online publications like The Nation and The Washington Post.

Article submissions are expected to be between 800 and 1,000 words. However, you are required to send an inquiry introducing yourself. After sending in your pitch, wait for approval before sending a draft. Informed Comment pays $100 for each published article.

28. Slate ($300)

how to make money writing articles for websites

Slate is a popular site that focuses on content centered around business, culture, news, politics, technology, and more. 

They welcome submissions in any of these areas and want contributors who can deliver original pieces with brilliant and surprising arguments and analyses. Writers are required to send in clear and concise pitches explaining their articles first before submitting drafts.

Slate offers $300 for a published article, ranging from 1,000 to 2,000 words. 

29. Columbia Journalism Review (Up to $100)

how to make money writing articles for websites

Columbia Journalism Review has maintained its long-standing reputation as a leading voice in journalism. It tackles worldwide pressing issues and welcomes critical essays, investigative features, and profiles. 

Applications should be made through pitches sent to the magazine’s email. The pitches generally include the intended story or argument, the reason for selecting the story, why the writer wants to report it, and the reporting plan. The writer should also include whether the story is time-sensitive and why. 

The Columbia Journalism Review pays $0.05-$1 per word for every published article (about $500 for a published article). Writers can also negotiate for higher rates, depending on the nature of the piece.

Get Paid to Write Articles About Finance

For finance enthusiasts, here are some websites that will pay you to share actionable strategies readers can use to increase their earnings and save more money.

30. The Penny Hoarder (Up to $100)

how to make money writing articles for websites

The Penny Hoarder is a leading publication centered on personal finance and prefers articles that are written based on personal experiences. Their content usually features detailed advice and actionable strategies for saving and earning money.

In this regard, writers can submit articles covering comprehensive money-saving tips, in-depth reviews, product recommendations of financial applications, products, and services, and opportunities to make more money.

Article submissions are expected to be engaging and easily understandable by readers from different financial backgrounds. The articles should be around 700 to 900 words, and The Penny Hoarder pays between $75-$100 for each article. However, the pay depends on many factors, and you might need to discuss payment with the editor first. 

31. Money Pantry (Up to $150)

how to make money writing articles for websites

The Money Pantry was created to help people learn how to increase their earning capacity while saving more money. Pretty great, right? They welcome high-quality articles that help readers in this regard and pay up to $150 for blog posts ranging from 1,000 to 2,000 words.

Writers are expected to write about unique and unusual strategies that will help their readers make and save more money. Their articles should be original, practical, precise, include real-life examples, and be written in bloggy and friendly tones. 

However, Money Pantry’s contributing page has been temporarily closed since February 2021 and will update their site when they are back up and running guest posts.

32. Income Diary (Up to $200)

how to make money writing articles for websites

Income Diary is a financial site that welcomes articles and blog posts on various financial topics— content creation, website creation, buying and selling websites, affiliate marketing, and search engine optimization (SEO).

Income Diary requires each article submission to be original, unique, and well-written. They have very high standards, and they encourage writers to check out their guides on content creation for more clarity on their requirements.

Income Diary pays up to $200 for every approved article, and they are currently looking for an expert in SEO to write an article for an estimated pay of $150-$300.

Additional Websites Where Writers Get Paid to Write

For more diverse areas, here are websites where you get paid to write and contribute to other niches— from entertainment and human resource management to traveling and living abroad.

33. The Escapist Magazine (Up to $200)

how to make money writing articles for websites

The Escapist Magazine features content about the gaming industry and welcomes articles about video games, board games, movies, science, and technology. It is every video game and technology fan’s dream. 

The magazine is interested in articles that are well-written, thoroughly researched, and offer unique perspectives on the various aspects of a game, movie, or TV show. They also welcome interview pieces that tell new stories about the gaming industry. As such, in-depth knowledge and a passion for the gaming industry are required to excel in this role. 

The Escapist pays up to $200 for every published article.

34. The AV Club (Up to $100)

how to make money writing articles for websites

The AV Club is an entertainment website that features TV and movie content, celebrity news, and all things pop culture-related. 

They strive to make their articles sharp and witty and want contributors who can captivate their target audience. As such, they are open to receiving high-quality entertainment content, including trending celebrity news, movie and series reviews, and real interviews. 

The AV Club pays an average of $0.21 per word (this sums up to about $210 for a 1,000-word article).

35. PTO Today ($125-$500+)

how to make money writing articles for websites

PTO Today caters to parents with kids in elementary and middle schools. The magazine is focused on helping the leaders of these groups be more involved in their children’s academic experiences. 

As such, they welcome best practices and instructional pieces for enhancing children’s school experiences, fundraising, leadership, group management, parent involvement and working with school authorities.

They prefer informal and conversational tones and are looking for writers that can engage their target audience. PTO Today prefers articles with 600 to 1,500 words and pays an estimate of $125-$500 and above. 

36. The Barefoot Writer ($100-$300)

how to make money writing articles for websites

If you want to help other freelance writers make money writing from home, then you should pitch to The Barefoot Writer . 

They are interested in articles that provide inspiration, tips, and tools to help build a freelance writing career, develop writing skills, and increase one’s earning capacity. Personal essays and success stories about how your writing has positively impacted your life are also welcome. 

The required word count ranges from 400 to 800 words, depending on the category the article falls under. The magazine offers between $100-$300 for approved pieces.

37. International Living ($250-$400)

how to make money writing articles for websites

International Living focuses on retiring and living overseas, and they want articles that shed more light on such realities. 

Writers are advised to write inspiring stories reflecting their experiences or those of people they interview. Their articles should also include advice about retiring in another country— including money-saving ideas, tips on moving and adjusting to a new life, and getting insurance and access to special facilities. 

Recommendations and practical solutions readers can act upon are also welcome. For every publication, International Living offers $250 for 840 words and $400 for 1,400 words. Additionally, they pay $50 for the one-time use of your photographs.

38. Great Escape Publishing ($150)

how to make money writing articles for websites

Here’s one for passionate travelers: Great Escape Publishing curates content for various travel-centered blogs and newsletters, including The Travel Writer’s Life and The Right Way To Travel. They prefer articles that help other creative freelancers learn how to build their freelance businesses as travel writers and entrepreneurs. 

Articles usually range from 300 to 600 words and may include interviews or personal experiences. The magazine offers $150 per published article. Again, I’d advise you to read through their submission guidelines for more insight on what they’re looking for.

39. The American Scholar ($250-$500)

The American Scholar magazine covers articles, essays, fiction, and poetry. However, they only accept guest posts for non-fiction pieces. In this vein, The American Scholar welcomes articles on culture, literature, history, public affairs, and science. 

They have a limit of 6,000 words for articles and only consider submissions made through Submittable, their online submissions manager system. The American Scholar offers $250-$500 for accepted pieces. 

40. iWorkwell ($200+)

how to make money writing articles for websites

iWorkwell is a resource site that aims to help organizations boost productivity, subsidize management costs, and cultivate better human resource practices. 

They seek experts willing to share their knowledge in diverse areas— including change management, employee relations, HR strategy, legal compliance, technology and HRIS, and workforce planning. 

iWorkwell generally assigns articles based on expertise and availability, and they pay $200 and above for every accepted article, alongside other benefits.

Land Your First Paid Writing Gig Today!

Today, there are many online freelance writing websites out there that will pay you more than pennies for your thoughts. If you’re a new writer, you can also explore freelance job boards where companies post freelance writing jobs you can apply for. 

So, go forth and write your way to success.

Adetayo Sogbesan

With a writing journey spanning over half a decade, Adetayo has honed her craft by producing standout articles and blogs for renowned companies like MUO, Brightlio, Careerkarma, and Copypress. Specializing in work & career, tech content writing, and both B2B and B2C content, she has established a diverse and impactful portfolio. Beyond the world of words, Adetayo is an avid bookworm and a cinephile, cherishing moments of relaxation with riveting reads and cinematic masterpieces. Valuing the essence of connection, Adetayo also treasures quality time spent with her close-knit circle of friends.

how to make money writing articles for websites

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20 Websites to Write and get Paid Instantly (upto $200 each)

20 Websites to Write and get Paid Instantly (upto $200 each)

*This post may contain affiliate links. Please read the full disclosure here . 

Get Paid to Write

Table of Contents

If you are looking for ways to get paid to write articles from home, you will love this list!

You can get paid to write about anything, from food, faith, health, money and more.

This is the perfect way to make money instantly and will also give you the confidence to begin a freelance writing career online.

You can get paid for writing articles that will benefit readers of the websites listed in this post.

Get Paid for Writing

For example, say you are looking to write on “Earn money as a stay-at-home mom” – make it informative, rather than a personal story. So instead of only talking about your experience finding a work from home mom job, get into details – write about income potential, job description, and advance career options.

This way they are getting the full package and your article are more likely to be accepted for publication.

Remember, it’s not about how long your posts are, but about how beneficial they are to their readers.

Research articles on the topics before you submit your first draft for approval.

Also, make sure you go through their website and read previous articles that have been submitted by other writers. This way you know the type of articles that click with their audience.

They could be looking for humour, tutorials, list-based posts, or just simple and easy to follow tips. Keep these in mind before applying and you can nail these gigs easily.

You can either be a blogger, a freelance writer or just someone who writes as a hobby.

Get Paid to be a Writer

If you are looking to make a full-time career as a freelance writer, here is a mom blogger who teacher beginners how to do just that.

As a blogger, I have followed Elna Cain for years and can tell you from experience that she always has some solid advice to share.

Elna runs multiple blogs, one of which teaches you how to make money as a writer. She has also created this online course that will show you how to make your first $1,000 freelance writing.

I had purchased her blogging course in the past and it was plain simple and easy to follow. I would recommend her online training for beginners who need help breaking into this career.

freelance writing jobs

Related post:  Legit list of phone apps that will pay you up to $10,000!

Let us now take a look at this list of paid articles and writing websites to apply.

Paid Articles

Clubhouse Magazine is a Christian magazine that helps teach faith to children by providing stories and educational material.

Fiction stories are $200 and up, while non- fiction is $150 and up.

Eureka Street accepts submissions of up to 800 words, on topics surrounding politics, religion and culture in Australia and around the world.

They pay $200 per article and also accept poetry and short fiction.

Visit their website for more information and submission guidelines.

Cooking detective  – If you are a food or a recipe blogger you will love this! Get paid for writing review articles on kitchen gadgets and appliances.

Up to $160 for posts and payment made through PayPal. Review articles need to be written keeping food, recipe, and nutrition in mind. There is an email address to send in your pitch on their website.

Related post:  Incredibly easy ways to get free money right now

Health & Wellness

Eating well  – You can earn up to $1/word for an article you write for them.

Its a magazine about recipes, educative nutrition and science-based approach to healthy living.

If this is something that suits you, go ahead and apply as they have a reach of over 850k readership!

The editors’ email address is provided for you to apply to on their site.

Listverse  –  You know I was going to mention this, didn’t you?

Listverse is a list based website that will pay your $100 for a post even if you are not an experienced writer.

You just need to include a bit of humour into your post and have a passion to write on things unusual and interesting.

A perfect way to start your writing gig as a newbie!

Wonders list – Similar to listverse, they are looking for list-based articles with a unique content that is factual and will pay you via Paypal for a 1500 worded post. They have included an email address for you to send in your pitch.


Money pantry  – Get paid to write with MoneyPantry and earn between $30- $150 a post.

They welcome writers at any level – even if you are just a beginner.

They are looking for unique money-making or money-saving articles, that would be of benefit to their audience.

The post needs to be at least 700 words and emailed to the editor.

Penny Hoarder   – If you blog about personal finance, money-making or money-saving you are bound to know this website.

With a huge readership, you will be gaining a lot of visibility as a writer and will get paid for doing it.

They haven’t mentioned the payment figures on their website, however, the editor will discuss this based on your post.

They have an online contribution form for you to submit your article.


Income Diary – If you are well versed with SEO this website pays $200-$500 per blog post.

Other topics accepted are social media marketing and making money online.

You can also choose to write about increasing blog traffic, web design or affiliate marketing.

Money Crashers – They are a personal finance site looking for 3,000+ words on investing, money management, retirement planning, credit and debt, real estate, mortgages, frugal living, and lifestyle.

Their payout is monthly by PayPal or direct deposit.

Make a Living Writing – Pay between $75-$150 for writing guest posts on the following topics:

  • Copywriting
  • Ghostwriting
  • productivity
  • Social media marketing success stories and more

Freelance mom  – well researched, informative articles that will benefit the readers.

The post is meant to be 900-1800 words long and you get  $75  – $100  paid through PayPal

Her view from home  – this is a family oriented site that is looking for writers on topics like parenting, kids, faith.

Articles are to be between 600-800 and you get paid through PayPal based on the number of views tour post received.

Wow! Women on Writing – they are looking for an article worded between 1000- 3000 which relates to how- to’s, interviews or roundups that will be of benefit to fellow writers.

Paid via PayPal either  $50  Or  $75  based on the article

A fine parent – An online community for parents that publish in-depth articles each week. Articles must be original and within the range of 1,500 and 3,000 words.

Paying  $75  for a post, you just don’t want to miss out!  – They require articles on a wide range of well researched and thought out topics.

They have listed a variety of previously published posts that have fared well, to give you a sense of what they are looking for in your submission. A well paying $50- $150  for a post.

Just parents  – They are a parenting site based in the UK.

They accept submissions through their contact form and you will be paid through PayPal in 24hrs of your article being approved

Green parent  – If you live in the UK, this UK based publication accepting guest post between 1,500 to 2,000.

They have a readership of over 100,000 and they pay £75 for every 1000 words!

Metro- parent  – Pay varies depending on the type of article, length of it and experience of the writer. But you have a lot of options to choose from.

Focus on the family – They are looking for hands-on practical ideas for parents to try. Word count is between 50-300, with a payment of $50 on acceptance. Visit their website for more information on how to submit your work.

Great Escape Publishing  – Is about articles on getting paid to travel whether its to do with writing or photography.

Their payment is up to $200 depending on the content you create, and how much readers can profit from it.

Transitions Abroad – They are looking for planning guides for travel, work, study and living abroad. Details about how to submit are on their website. Once accepted, writers can earn between $75 to $150 per article.

Writing Jobs:

If you are an experienced freelance writer or blogger, you can try applying to websites that offer regular writing jobs like Online Writing Jobs .

Once you apply with them they offer you writing gigs on a regular basis. They only accept those living in the United States.

The application involves, submitting an online application form, writing sample, proof of residency and tax form.

Another online platform hiring writers is GrammarGang . They have full-time, part-time and freelance writing jobs available.

Topics include freelancing, writing, grammar, SaaS, B2B, eCommerce, and affiliate content.

According to their website, you can earn between $75 – $500 per article, and they have an online application form that you can use to apply.

FlexJobs is another choice for freelance writing jobs.

You have regular jobs posted on their website and you can apply to the ones that suit you best. FlexJobs is an online job board, but they do require you to pay a monthly fee to view their listings.

Writing Websites

While the list above offers a quick one-time writing opportunities, let’s take a look at some sites that offer regular freelance writing gigs.

  • Click Worker
  • Virtual Vocations
  • We Work Remotely

In conclusion to this post on paid articles

First thing is to make sure you sign up for a PayPal account. It’s free to sign up and a fairly simple verification process.

Make sure your content is – unique. Something that will be of benefit to the reader, and something that leaves the reader with an action plan

If allowed, try an aim for a personal experience in your post so the audience can relate to it. This makes your post more relatable and sets a realistic goal for the readers.

Be sure it’s100% your original content.

Be confident, keep trying and don’t give up.

Start getting paid for writing on topics you love!

get paid to write : 16 websites to write and get paid instantly



This is such an incredible resource. I had no idea there were this many sites out there willing to pay for posts. Right now I’m focusing mostly on writing for our site, but will be saving this for the near future. I would love love love to make a little extra money doing what I’m passionate about. Keep up the good work. You’ve provided so many valuable resources and this post is yet another one!

Saranya Ramanathan

Thank you so much, Jenny!! Yes, there are numerous websites that pay writers, and these are some that are currently accepting.


Thank you for the article. I applied to Penny Hoarder =). Hopefully they will be in touch.

Hi Karen, that’s great! Let us know how you get along:)


Thank you so much for this list. How in the world do you find all this information? This is great. I am working on the courage to start pitching and freelancing. I will check some of these out. I love it!

Thanks Jane! I hope you find some of these resources useful to find freelance work. I had to research and filter out the most legit sites in the market to narrow down this list:) Let me know how you go!


Awesome resource- thanking for writing and sharing this information 😊

Thanks Samantha!

Davianna @ Mompursuit

Reading this post was so engaging. I ended up on 4 more of your post. It gave me a sense of a better understanding to improve my blog moving forward. So greatful for these helpful post… You are awesome ..

Aww thank you Davianna! And you just made my day:)


Hello, I’m really interested but PayPal isn’t available in my country. Do you have any other recommendations?


hello, i m interested to write something about health and fitness ,but PayPal isn’t available in my region . what can i do ?


This is a great resource, thanks!

Craig | Lifein12Keys

Another great article Saranya. I’ve found this to be a great way for new bloggers to cover some monthly costs while honing their writing craft. I’ve also made some extra money re-writing short 500 word articles into longer 1000+ word posts with my own affiliate links and ads.

Hi Craig! Thank you for commenting. This is indeed motivating for new bloggers looking to make some extra money online. And thank you for sharing your tips on whats worked for you:)


Could you tell me about it, please?


Thank you, this is a great resource


I think I will try “Litverse” and “Wow! Women on Writing”. I love to write and I was wondering what is the next step. It would be nice to make a bit of money from my writing; doing something that I love.

Absolutely Ingrid! Writing for magazines are a great way to earn extra money, if you enjoy writing. Thanks for stopping by!

Have you tried Listverse? Do they actually pay you? Also how often because I’ve heard things.

I haven’t personally used Listverse, but have heard some good reviews about it and hence included it in this list:)

Elena Aquino

Great article. I really appreciate it. But I have just one question. Do the post have to be written in English or do the sites accept posts in Spanish too?

Hi Elena, This post particularly deals with English content, unfortunately.


Is this available in Nigeria

Mighty isaacs

Thank you dear for sharing such info. Be blessed

amit maurya

I think I will try “Litverse” and “Wow! Women on Writing”. I love to write and I was wondering what is the next step. It would be nice to make a bit of money from my writing; doing something that I love.

surendra naruka

Thank you so much for this list. How in the world do you find all this information? This is great. I am working in High School. I also work on a website; Thank again.

Thank you Surendra!

marco baatjes

great post, I will try to sign up for some of these when I have a moment. Thanks for sharing the list


This is an amazing article full of website links. I will definitely share this to my friends who really wanted to earn money by writing.

Nayan Kumar

Nice Article. Thanks for sharing.

Oladoke kehinde

What an excellent post here,writing is one of my passion, I could write as long as i can

I am very sure that with this wonderful guide I would be able to make money writing article


Hi, the great article you have written here, I love this blog I already bookmarked it and I am a regular visitor to this site, it’s very helpful for me. thanks


Are there any websites that you could suggest for blogs or articles about dealing with addiction?

Ray Leezy

very interresting thank you. is there any sites for cleaning or sales? thats my background. thanks again.

Aruni Jayawardane

Hi there. It’s my first time trying this out. Ive been out of work for a few months and wanted to give writing ago as it was something I really loved doing sometime back. As I’m not working, I’ve enough time to write and was hoping to slowly earn some money writing. Would anyone know of any sites that accept writing but do not require that I put money in first to begin and that would work for Asia? I am currently in Sri Lanka and so would need something that works in this part of the world. Could anyone please advise me. Thanks so much


Great Article thanks for sharing this.

Mubashar Iqbal

Really awesome piece of content. I really don’t know about these websites that you’ve mentioned in your post. Very thorough research and You’ve put everything in such a way that even a newbie can understand this and can start earning money using their writing skills.

Codeaxia Digital Solutions

thanks for the website list where we write and pay …


Great information about digital marketing websites to grow your business.

Nasir sindhu

That’s a great job. It gives full description about the topic.

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how to make money writing articles for websites

How to monetize your website: 11 smart ways (with examples)

A candid guide on how to monetize a website in 2024. Understand how to build a profitable website or blog. Spoiler: a lot of hard work!

how to make money writing articles for websites

Explore what a successful, fulfilling web design career can look like with this free, comprehensive course.

Tomas Laurinavicius

Our radically candid guide to website monetization. Learn which strategies work and which don’t in 2024.

Can you earn a good income from your new website? The answer is a definite “yes.” But it takes a lot of hard work.

At Webflow, we like to be radically candid about everything we do. And website monetization is the type of topic that requires maximum transparency.

As blogging and influencer marketing become professions instead of hobbies, it’s easy to assume that making money on the internet is simple. You can just create a blog , choose one of the frequently recommended monetization strategies, and watch your bank balance go up.

Technically, that’s true.

Around 68% of bloggers make less than $5,000 per year, but most new bloggers will quit before they see those first dollars roll in.

That’s because creating a website is easy. But maintaining it means a lot of unpaid hours before monetization starts to work.

However, if you power through that initial stage, build up your audience, publish new content regularly, find your target audience on social media and bring them onto your email list — and do all of the above month over month — you have a good chance of success.

Website monetization pays off

Blogging has become a serious business.

And like any venture, it can net you some cash. As Financial Samurai , an investment banker turned professional blogger, noted: “Nobody leaves a $750,000 a year job to blog full time unless there wasn’t incredible financial upside as well.”

Michelle Gardner, of Making Sense of Cents, says she consistently earns 6 figures per month blogging about finance and has earned over $5 million since starting her blog.

And BuzzFeed generated over $300 million in total revenue in 2018 from a mix of sponsored deals, pay-per-view advertising, and ecommerce sales.

All of those websites took years to build up their readership, credibility, and traffic. And that landed them in the top 1% of earners.

But smaller websites can make a good profit too.

A ConvertKit survey found that established, full-time bloggers generated a mean income of $54,108 per year, with average expenses of $15,895 and profits of $38,016.

Yes, the money is there for people who work for it. But a website isn't a cash machine running on autopilot. To earn a profit, you’ll need to invest the time (and often money) into:

  • Setting up your website
  • Creating content for it
  • Doing SEO to boost your traffic
  • Building an audience on social media
  • Growing your email list
  • Engaging and cultivating a devoted readership

And only then comes the fun money-making part.

11 ways to monetize a website

This guide won’t teach you how to make loads of moolah in a few clicks, but it can show you how to get tangible ROI from all the work you pour into your website.

Here are 11 proven ways to monetize your website in 2024:

1. Experiment with affiliate marketing

As an affiliate marketer, you earn a commission from every referral you make to another business.

For instance, if you are apart of the Webflow affiliate program , you’ll receive a revenue share from each person who clicks your affiliate link and sets up a paid account.

Book bloggers can earn some extra cash if a reader buys a book through the blog’s affiliate links (often through Amazon). If you buy a jacket recommended by a fashion blogger, they might receive a percentage of that sale too. You get the picture.

Seems simple, right?

But here’s an important caveat: To succeed with affiliate marketing without damaging your integrity and reputation, you need to:

  • Properly disclose any affiliate links or relationships you have (no one likes a sleazy pitch)
  • Recommend products and services your audience cares about
  • Don’t go on a frenzy of promoting anything and everything (without testing the product or at least checking its reviews)

Keeping all of the above in mind, let’s take a look at the different types of quality content you can create to earn a good commission.

Product reviews

As many as 78% of customers trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations. And loads of us browse reviews before making a purchase. As an affiliate, you can fill in that information gap and publish reviews of the products you’ve tried and liked.

Tom’s Guide specializes in reviewing consumer tech and has earned a strong reputation for detailed, unbiased reviews (that do contain affiliate links).

galaxy affiliate review

You can deliver tons of value to your audience, and pitch a product at the same time, by creating a tutorial around it.

This type of affiliate marketing content works best for recommending:

  • Software and online tools
  • Beauty and makeup
  • Kitchen appliances
  • Hobby-related products

WebsiteSetup created a +10,000 word guide explaining all the nuts and bolts of setting up a WordPress website for beginners. Nick Schäferhoff provides a detailed step-by-step walkthrough and recommends a host of free and paid (affiliated) tools along the way. Now imagine doing this, but for Webflow!

how to create a website for beginners

Recommended tools and resources

Create a dedicated page on your website where you list all your favorite tools, apps, books, and anything else you genuinely enjoy. Include affiliate links when relevant and say your readers can support you by purchasing from the affiliate links.

For example, on my website, I list my favorite books (can vouch for every one of them!). Smart Blogger recommends different blogging tools their team swears by.

Or take Jan Losert for example, who became a top Webflow affiliate in 3 months by creating UI kits for Webflow users.

2. Create and sell a product (digital or physical)

Selling a digital product is an excellent monetization method if you’re short on time because it doesn’t require continuous content creation work (like blog posts do). You create the product, then invest time in promoting it to your audience and new readers.

Physical product sales require a bit more attention. But you can delegate inventory management, fulfillment, and shipping to a third-party provider and focus on customer service and marketing above everything else.

Let’s take a closer look at the types of products you can create and sell.

Ebooks and audiobooks

Pack your expertise into an actionable guide and attach a price tag to it. Yes, you’ll need to put in a ton of work beforehand and:

  • Become an expert in something
  • Sit down and type those words
  • Transcribe them to audio (optional)
  • Design a cover
  • Prep a marketing campaign

But once you are done with all those steps, you can sit back and earn some passive income from your books. Mridu Khullar Relph from The International Freelancer packed her decades of journalism and content marketing experience into a series of ebooks , retailing for $4.99 each.

how to make money writing articles for websites

Launch an e-course

Online courses are another way to productize your expertise and earn a recurring income whenever you launch or (relaunch) your course.

Marie Forleo and her signature B-School training program is a prime example of how you can earn 8 figures per year by “creating a life you love and teaching others to do so.”

marie forleo's course

The e-learning market is climbing toward the $325 billion mark, so you won’t be short on students if your e-course is good!

Build and sell an application, plugin, or other software

Use your website as a launchpad for a new software product. Survey your readers to find a problem an app or a plugin could solve. Test a minimum viable product with a small group of beta users. Launch with Webflow to a warmed-up audience.

Sell digital downloadables

If you have some graphic design skills (or resources to hire a designer), put a digital product on sale on your website. Here are some product ideas:

  • Templates, checklists, trackers
  • Blog graphics
  • Stock photo bundles
  • Photoshop presets
  • Illustrations
  • Website themes (including Webflow templates )
  • Premium design elements (icons, fonts, etc.)
  • Video effects or stock footage
  • Audio elements (jingles, brand tunes, etc.)

Add an ecommerce CMS to your website, connect a third-party fulfillment service, and start selling branded merch.

For example, the popular Wait But Why blog has a quirky store featuring tees, toys, posters, and other doohickeys with recurring blog characters like the panic monster.

wait but why merch

The best part? You can sell your own products without the headache of logistics and shipping by connecting your store to an on-demand printing platform. Such services take care of product customizations, fulfillment, and logistics. Some of the popular options are:

  • Teespring : on-demand apparel printing
  • Spreadshirt: apparel, phone cases, and accessories
  • KITE : over 250 product types supported

This monetization strategy works best for creative, personality-driven blogs in the lifestyle niche.

3. Start a paid membership website

Set up a private thematic area on your website and pack it with extra value that justifies the price tag. You can use something like MemberStack to easily bring this functionality to your website.

The most popular types of membership sites include:

  • Paid communities featuring private forums, discussion boards, members directory, masterminds, special discounts, and more. Example: Traffic Think Tank
  • Education buffets sell access to a bundle of courses, webinars, podcasts, and other educational resources. Example: Game Arts Academy
  • Mastermind and accountability groups organize group coaching and mastermind sessions with a small-knit group of students. Example: Mark’d Women

Spinoff idea: Paid job board

Got a lot of industry connections and more freelance work than you can handle?

Create a paid job board or referral group to exchange those jobs with others. That’s how Carol Tice, a veteran freelance writer, monetizes her website .

freelance writers den

4. Monetize access to your email list

Do you spend hours meticulously curating your newsletter and creating content for it?

Ask your readers to chip in for the effort. Most will gladly agree because they already know how great your content is.

The Economist (Espresso) has been running a paid newsletter since 2014, and since it’s still up today, we can assume this monetization strategy pays off.

You can use Revue or Substack to set up a paid email newsletter and protect your content from public sharing.

5. Publish sponsored posts and product reviews

Another way to leverage your website audience is to negotiate sponsorship deals with other companies. You can charge for:

  • Publishing a post on a relevant topic with a link to the sponsor website (advertorials)
  • Reviewing one of the sponsor’s products in your article (sponsored reviews)
  • Including their content in your email newsletter (newsletter sponsorship)
  • Any bonus promotion on social media

While sponsored content isn’t a scalable website monetization strategy (unless you want to turn your blog into an advertising board), it can yield you some extra cash.

Alexis from Fitnancials says she charges brands $750–$1,500 per post and an extra $100 for social media promotion.

Important: Always properly disclose any advertising relationships you have and mark all such content as “sponsored.” To avoid SEO penalties, add rel="sponsored" or rel="nofollow" attributes to such links per Google recommendations .

6. Gate some of your content

Take a page from news publishers and restrict access to some of your content to premium subscribers. You can place a paywall for some of your longer, deeper, and more researched posts like Mark Manson does.

mark manson's content

Most of his personal essays are free to read. But if you want to enjoy audio versions of all articles and “new perspectives and poop jokes” (in Mark’s words), you can pay $4 per month for access. Again, you can use MemberStack to bring this functionality to your website.

7. Accept donations

There’s no shame in asking your readers to support you (instead of pestering them with ads). Pro gamers, comics writers, artists, and other creative types will often have a cohort of raving fans ready to donate some cash.

Maria Popova, the author of Brain Pickings , is completely honest with her readers and says: “Every week for more than 13 years, I have been pouring tremendous time, thought, love, and resources into Brain Pickings, which remains free (and ad-free) and is made possible by patronage.” On the sidebar, she has 2 separate donation buttons for recurring sponsorship and one-off donations.

accept donations on your website

You can accept donations via an on-site PayPal donation form or through a third-party patronage service like Patreon or Buy Me a Coffee .

8. Monetize your expertise

Use your website as a portfolio to promote your skills and services online. Freelancers with personal websites tend to charge 65% more per hour than folks without one.

So set up that Hire Me page! With the freelance economy growing year over year, you won’t stay long without a gig.

Not sure what services to pitch?

Here are some ideas:

  • Website design and development (you can pick up this skill in Webflow University )
  • App development
  • Graphic design
  • Virtual assistant services
  • Copywriting and content marketing
  • Editing and proofreading
  • SEO and digital marketing
  • Transcriptionist services
  • Recruiting and career services
  • Any other service you can do remotely

Spinoff idea: Advertise in-person services

Can’t fully deliver your service online? You can still use your website to find clients in your area and pitch other in-person services such as:

  • Speaking engagements
  • Face-to-face consulting

For example, Smashing Magazine , one of the most established resources on web design and development, runs regular conferences and workshops around the world.

smashingmag conf

Another spinoff idea: Provide one-on-one coaching sessions

Offer your readers an opportunity to pick your brain and receive proactive mentorship on the thing you are truly best at.

Private coaching is a good alternative to in-person workshops and requires less upfront investment than online courses.

According to Forbes , some of the fastest-growing coaching niches right now are:

  • Women empowerment
  • Employee engagement and satisfaction
  • Chronic illness

But if you are an expert in something else, chances are high someone out there will want to pay for your advice and mentorship.

9. Start a premium certification program

If you are an established authority in your industry and have a strong personal or business brand, you can launch a certification program. Think of it as an advanced training program or e-course with homework, exams, and grading.

Copyblogger has its Authority program (soon to be Digital Commerce Academy) for content marketers and writers. Joanna Weibe from Copyhackers runs a Copy School for conversion copywriters.

Both blogs (and the people behind them) have undeniable credibility within their industry, which gives their programs a stamp of approval.

10. Set up a dropshipping store

Inventory management, fulfillment, and shipping are the 3 least exciting aspects of ecommerce. Dropshipping is a fulfillment method that eliminates these.

As a dropshipper, you don’t keep any stock. Your supplier does. And they ensure that everything is packaged with care and shipped to the customer on time while you are working hard to keep those orders coming.

According to Niche Pursuits , as a solo business owner, you can make $1,000 to $5,000 per month if you put in the work. That is:

  • Set up a nice ecommerce storefront
  • Find reliable suppliers
  • Invest in pay-per-click ads to promote your products
  • Provide good customer service
  • Look into other ways of growing your store traffic

If you get tired of running the dropshipping store, you can easily sell it to someone else for 20–30 times your monthly revenue. Speaking of selling ...

11. Flip websites

If you’re good at building websites, you can make a good living by selling them for an attractive price to others. Affiliate, membership, ecommerce, and dropshipping sites usually go for the highest price. But you can also flip personal blogs, news sites, or any other “digital estate” that you own.

Your website valuation will depend on several factors:

  • Monetization model
  • Monthly revenue to expenses ratio
  • Amount of traffic
  • SEO metrics
  • Conversion rates
  • Social media follower count

According to Greg Elfrink from Empire Flippers , you can expect to make 20-50 times of your monthly revenue for a well-maintained, growing website.

Build completely custom, production-ready websites — or ultra-high-fidelity prototypes — without writing a line of code. Only with Webflow.

4 website monetization strategies to drop in 2024

Between content creation, email marketing, and maintenance, it's easy to opt for a seemingly simple monetization strategy like display ads over a more complex one (e-course creation).

But if you ever want to earn a full-time income from your website, don't waste your time on the next 4 strategies.

1. Display ads

With a huge variety of ad networks out there, it’s easy to think that blog ads can make you some good money.

Spoiler: They don’t.

While it’s easy to place some banners on your blog, you won’t earn much from them.

Here’s why:

  • 25% of internet users use ad blocking software, meaning they don’t see your ads.
  • To earn $100,000 with Google AdSense , you need to have approximately 20,000 daily website visitors (plus 25% more to make up for those using ad blockers).
  • Most people have mixed feelings about online ads.

According to Vieo Design , a whopping 91% of people find today's ads more intrusive than 2–3 years ago. And 79% feel that retargeting ads are getting too obnoxious and creepy.

The bottom line: Ads don't add value to your blog.

On the contrary, they undermine your brand and alienate some readers. At the same time, the ROI from them is too low for most bloggers to even bother.

2. Selling links

Sponsored posts, when properly disclosed, won’t mess up your search engine rankings. But explicitly stating that you’ll "include a do-follow link to your website for a price" is a surefire way to receive a penalty.

On numerous occasions, the Google Web Spam team has warned bloggers against selling backlinks or participating in any other link schemes .

Google's link schemes

So if someone approaches you with such an offer, pass on it.

3. Infolinks

Infolinks often gets mentioned as one of the popular ways to monetize your blog — in posts from the early 2000s.

Back in the day, this was a popular in-text advertising network that paid cash for displaying mildly relevant ads whenever a user clicked on the link.

how to make money writing articles for websites

Infolinks just doesn’t work today, and it’s not worth monetizing your website with it.

4. RSS feed ads

RSS feed ads are another old-school monetization method that should be retired by now.

There are only a few people who read RSS feeds these days (or maintain one on their blog). Apart from making your website look cluttered, these ads may not make a real impact.

Audience comes first, monetization second

Your website audience is your most valuable asset.

None of the monetization strategies mentioned in this post will work unless you invest the time in growing your readership and establishing your reputation online. Build an attractive, user-friendly website first . Take the time to figure out your niche, publish several dozen value-packed blog posts, and set up a newsletter. Engage with your early readers by answering their comments, emails, and messages on social media. Build a rapport with your readership and then look into one of the monetization strategies on this list.

Do you need to apply every strategy listed? Nope.

You can earn good money by using just one method. But you can also add more income streams to your mix and see how your audience responds to them.

For example, as a freelancer, you can first use your website to sell your services. Then you can launch a personal coaching offering to diversify your income. Next, you can repackage your coaching services into an online course or invite your coaching clients to a freelance retreat. Somewhere in between, you can create a product (for instance, a contract template) or monetize your newsletter.

Experiment with different approaches. Scale what's working. Ditch what's not. That's how you turn your website into a money-making machine.

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How to Make Money as a Freelance Writer

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Want to know how to make money as a freelance writer?

I’ve been a freelance writer for nearly six years now. What started as a side hustle to make a few extra bucks has since turned into a full-fledged career.

In fact, I now earn enough money to be the primary supporter of my four children and me. If you have a passion for writing, you can work from home and make money writing as well.

If you have a gift for writing and are willing to hone your writing skills, consider using these ways on how to make money freelance writing.

How to Make Money Writing

Before I started getting paid to write, I thought that making money as a writer was only possible for a select few.

As I got to know the business more thoroughly, I learned that there are many routes to making money as a writer.

Here are a few more popular ways you can make money using your gift of writing.  

1. Start a Blog

Six years ago, when I started my first blog, I had heard of people making money through blogging. But it seemed odd to me. Did people really get paid simply for putting words out on the internet?

As I did more research, I learned there are three main ways blogs can earn money. Here’s a bit about how they work and how you can get paid for writing on a blog you own.

Sponsored Articles

Some companies will pay you to write articles sharing their products or services. For instance, let’s say you have a blog about parenting. In that case, a toy company might pay you to write a review about a toy they produce.

Or, let’s say you have a blog about personal finance. An insurance company might pay you to write an article explaining their products and services.

These types of sponsored posts can pay anywhere from $100 or more. As your blog grows in readership, companies will start to reach out to you. They’ll ask you if you’re interested in having a sponsored article on your site.

Sometimes they’ll ask you to write the article. In other cases, they’ll have a pre-written article they want you to publish.

Affiliate Relationships

Another way to make money by owning a blog is to form affiliate relationships. Affiliate relationships are partnerships in which a company pays you for sharing links to its site within your article.

For example, let’s say you’re writing an article about making money by taking surveys. Companies that want to hire survey takers, such as Swagbucks , will pay you if you link to them.

When a reader clicks on the link and signs up for the product or service, you’ll get paid. The more readers that sign up for the product or service, the more money you make.

Learn more about affiliate marketing by taking the course, Making Sense of Affiliate Marketing .


A third popular way to make money with your own blog is with advertising. Companies such as Google’s Adsense will place ads on your blog.

When readers click on the ads, your blog earns money. More clicks equals more income.

One of the most important keys to making good money blogging is to understand beginner tips for making money blogging . Start by committing to producing valuable content. Write about things that can help people.   

Get involved in the community and help other bloggers. The more your blog grows, the more you’ll have a chance to earn income from your blog.

In fact, some of the highest-paid bloggers, such as Michelle Schroeder from Making Sense of Cents, earn tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars per month from their blogs.

Hint: Having your own blog will help you with gaining writing work from other sources. Your blog will be an example of your writing capabilities.

Bonus hint: You can start your own blog in 10 minutes or less .

2. Write for Other Blogs

Aside from starting your own blog, you can also make money by writing for other blogs. Writing for other blogs has been my primary source of writing income for the last two years or so.

You might wonder how to get started writing for other blogs. I suggest starting by visiting blogs in niches that you’re familiar with.

If you’re a personal finance nerd, start visiting, reading and commenting on personal finance blogs. If you’re great at writing about parenting, visit parenting blogs.

By doing so, you’ll get a feel for the writing style and theme of the blogs. From there, you can reach out and pitch articles to owners or managers of blogs you’re familiar with.

It can be helpful to have a pre-written article to send them. Explain that you’ve written an article on a topic that might be of interest to them. Ask if they’d consider publishing it on their site.

Add a note asking if they like your style, would they consider hiring you to write on their blog regularly? In addition, it’s helpful to look at blogs to see if they’re looking for writers.

Some blogs will advertise that they’re seeking writers. They’ll ask for specific steps to be completed if you’re interested in writing on their blogs. Apply as instructed and wait for a response.

Feel free to reach out again if you haven’t heard anything for a couple of weeks. And don’t be afraid to take what seem like lower paying gigs.

Any opportunity to write for a blog will help you grow your writing portfolio. As your portfolio grows and your skills improve, you’ll have a springboard with which to get higher paying gigs.

3. Write for Business Websites

how to make money writing articles for websites

You can also work to get articles on business websites. I’ve done dozens of articles for business websites in a variety of niches.

You can work to get writing gigs for business websites in one of three ways:

  • Find work with a company that provides articles for business sites, such as an SEO company.
  • Contact the business directly and ask if they’re interested in paying for fresh and relevant articles for their website.
  • Check job websites such as Problogger to search for writing gigs for business websites.

Successfully pitching articles or independent contractor work for business websites is going to take credentials. You’re likely going to have to prove that you have some knowledge of the business you want to write for.

If you’re searching on Problogger, job listings will have a specific set of requirements. You will likely need to meet those requirements to gain an interview.

Conversely, if you apply directly to businesses via their websites, you’ll want to share about your skills. Let them know what you know about business and about writing.

Attach articles from your portfolio or your personal blog if you can. The more information you give them, the better informed they will be to make a decision about hiring you.     

4. Write for News Sites

You’ve likely read articles you’ve seen on news sites such as Fox News and the Huffington Post . Those articles are often contributed by freelance writers.

Many writing jobs on news sites are obtained by cold pitching. You’d send a site a well-crafted story pitch with a few paragraphs describing your idea and showing your writing flair.

You may also need to refer to work you’ve done for other sites.

Note that this is a competitive market and you may need to start by writing for smaller news sites.

Start by cold pitching to these smaller sites. In addition, start searching on freelance job websites. We’ll talk more about those types of sites in a minute.

And again, having your own blog can be vital to obtaining writing jobs with news sites as well. Writing for other blogs can help in this area, too. This way the sites you pitch to can see samples of your writing.

The more experience you have in making money as a freelance writer, the bigger the opportunities that can come your way.

Yes, you may have to start out writing for the smaller sites. However, if you’re good at what you do, jobs for larger sites will come if you keep working at getting them.

5. Write for Local Newspapers

Nearly every city or town has some type of newspaper. Their audiences get home delivery, buy papers at stores, or read them online.

Some of these are daily metro flagship papers, others are smaller weekly or monthly community papers.

If you read these papers, you may find they’re looking for people to fill paid writing positions. Writers for larger publications may write on local news, politics, business, arts and entertainment, and more.

If you get paid to write for a smaller print paper, you might get asked to write community interest stories.

For instance, you might write an article about a local resident who made it big in the world. Human interest stories are common in the smaller local newspapers.

Or, you might write about an upcoming community event such as a carnival or a race. Similarly, you might write an article about top area attractions. Think top 10 restaurants, top 10 local parks, etc.

The goal of the smaller local community papers is to get people connected with the community or area. If you don’t see a notice published in the paper itself, contact local newspapers directly to inquire about writing positions.  

6. Self-Publish Your Own Book

Another way to get paid to write as a freelancer is to self-publish your own book . Do you have knowledge about a subject that you can share with others?

Or, do you have a compelling story that others would find inspirational or entertaining? If so, why not publish it and share it with the world?

Back in the day, publishing a book meant your book had to be accepted by a publisher. Submitting your book to publishing companies is a long and tedious process that often results in many rejections.

However, things have changed with the world of self-publishing. Today, it’s possible for anyone to self-publish a book.

And while self-publishing a print book can get expensive, self-publishing an ebook is relatively cheap. Here are some tips on how to publish and sell a quality ebook.

Write Valuable Material

Writing valuable material is key. It’s important to write on topics people will want to read about.

If you’re writing on a common subject, such as getting out of debt, you’ll want to explain why your book is different or better than others on the subject.

Or, let’s say you’re writing a personal story about your life. Why is your story something others will want to read?

Make sure your back cover summary talks about why people need or will want to read your book. Then be sure the book contains the valuable material you say it does.

Format the Book Correctly

Formatting your book correctly is important. There are many online articles that will show you how to properly format your ebook for publication. Read them and follow the suggested tips.

Edit and Proofread Thoroughly

Editing and proofreading an ebook before publication is important. Readers often lose respect for authors who publish books with a lot of spelling, grammatical or writing errors.  

You may even consider hiring a freelancer to edit and proofread your book. This is one publishing expense that can be worth the money.

It’s always good to have another set of eyes searching for and repairing errors.

Market Thoroughly

Another key to selling your self-published ebook is to market the book widely and thoroughly. Don’t expect people to find the book on their own. Share the book’s link on your social media accounts.

Ask bloggers in similar niches if they’d mind reading and reviewing the book. However, it’s important to do this only if you already have relationships with the bloggers.

This is another reason why starting your own blog can be important. The blogging community can be very helpful to fellow members.

Self-publishing your book can also give you a foot in the door to other paid writing opportunities. If your book finds success, publishers and other professionals may contact you directly, asking for more of your great work.

7. Look for Gigs on Freelance Websites

find writing work on upwork

Another place to search for freelance writing opportunities is on freelance websites. Upwork is an example of one such site.

You can search in the “Find jobs” section of Upwork to see about applying for freelance writing jobs that are posted on the site.

Note that you do have to create an account to apply for gigs on Upwork. However, the good news about this is that you will have a profile on the site for people to see.

They can contact you directly about positions if they want to. Craigslist is another site that has freelance writing jobs available. If you look in the “gigs” section, you’ll find a variety of gig categories, including one for writing.

Search through the jobs to see if any fit your writing abilities. Note that with sites like Craigslist, it’s important to keep security in mind as you search for jobs.

Not all people who post on Craigslist and similar sites have your best interests in mind.

LinkedIn is another site that has freelance writing job opportunities posted. In addition, if you do an internet search for “freelance writing jobs,” you can find other sites that post available work.

When submitting applications, remember to include these items:

  • Details regarding your writing experience
  • Published writing samples, such as ones from your blog or other sites
  • A professional resume if they ask for it

Applying for a freelance writing job is like applying for any other job. Professionalism and attention to detail are important.

If you want to get paid to write, freelance writing work is out there for those who are willing to pursue it. Yes, it does take time and effort to make money writing.

For instance, earning money with your own personal blog takes a while. It takes time to get a substantial amount of articles published on the site, and time to form affiliate relationships.

However, many people who’ve taken the leap find that the work is satisfying and the pay is good.

You may not earn a high hourly wage, especially in the beginning stages of your freelance writing career. But those who have the skills and are willing to stick with their efforts often find success.

Laurie Blank is a personal finance writer and licensed Realtor.

She has been writing about personal finance topics for over eight years.

Laurie has been featured in publications such as The Philadelphia Inquirer , The Seattle Times and Bankrate .

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How To Write Stories and Get Paid Instantly: 19 Best Websites To Profit

<a class="txt-link" href="">Dan Morris</a>

By Dan Morris

Last updated: April 9, 2024

get paid to write short stories.

When you buy something through one of the links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission.

Want to know how to write stories and get paid instantly?

There are many places for freelance writers to make money, and there's a bigger market for them than you might think!

Short stories come in many different forms, from flash fiction to romance novels, and they can be sold in a range of different publications.

If writing short stories is your passion, then there are plenty of opportunities to make money selling them!

And here's the best part:

With the help of the latest technology, you can use an AI writing assistant like Jasper to fill in loose ends quickly and easily!

If you love to write articles and engaging stories but occasionally suffer from writers block Jasper will help take care of that. If you'd like some creative help with the direction of a story, Jasper can help. If you simply want to produce more without pulling your hair out Jasper is here to help! And as a reader of Niche Pursuits you get a special offer.

Popular Short Story Genres

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A short story is one with a fully developed theme, but shorter (often significantly) and less elaborate than a novel. They generally range in length from 500 to 20,000 words.

Short stories are usually fiction, but there are outlets that also accept non-fiction stories. For the sake of those who write non-fiction, we’ll let you know where you can sell these pieces too!

The most popular short fiction genre tends to be science fiction and fantasy.

There is a very large market for these types of writing, so there are many outlets looking to buy.

Other popular short story genres include:

  • Romance and love
  • Speculative fiction
  • Horror and ghost
  • Crime and mystery

That is not to say that ‘modern stories with a twist’ or ‘slice of life stories’ cannot be sold either.

If you are good at what you do there will be plenty of opportunities.

If you follow through with this writing career path, your earning potential is great.

If you are truly good and can build up a strong following then there’s no reason you can’t be earning multiple 6 figures per year.

Working as a freelance writer for blogs and magazines generally holds less earning potential, but that is not to say you won’t become in demand when your hard work pays off.

How Do You Get Paid To Write Short Stories?

selling short stories on amazon

What types of publishers are buying short stories?

Magazines, blogs, and newspapers (check out cool newspaper name ideas here ) have to publish every day and are always on the lookout for skilled, talented writers.

Here are some of the different types of outlets where you can sell short stories.

The largest buyers of short stories are online magazines, news sites , and blogs. This is where most of the opportunities are found.

There are both small niche publishers and large publications accepting submissions year-round.

Kindle books, or writing short stories for Amazon, are growing in popularity as an avenue for selling short stories online. This way you can retain ownership of your work and have greater control over the publishing process.

When it comes to Amazon and Kindle, there are individual consumers that are ready and willing to pay for good short stories published under your name.

There are podcasts dedicated to telling short stories. Your freelance writing does not only need to be a published article as text!

For example, This American Life, one of the largest podcasts in the world, is essentially just telling short, non-fiction, stories. There are also many smaller podcasts dedicated to telling short stories on every topic imaginable.

Where To Submit Short Stories For Money

where to submit short stories for money

We've put together a huge list of writing sites to submit short stories for money.

Some of these outlets are large publications with major readership, while others are small niche sites that have a loyal following nonetheless.

It's about discovering which would be more receptive to your genre and writing style.

The first 3 writing sites we're listing are actually platforms for finding opportunities to sell short stories. These are services that display requests from publishers looking for short story writers.

sell short stories for money

Duotrope is one of the best spots matching short story buyers with sellers.

It's a paid tool, but at only $5 per month, it really pays for itself!

Not only does it help you find and apply for writing opportunities, but it is also a writing management platform. If you are intending to frequently make submissions, it's recommended!

how to sell short stories for money

Poets and Writers have a job board for aspiring writers looking for opportunities to publish their short stories.

Alongside one-off requests, there are longer-term assignments and even writing residencies. They also have a lot of information about short story contests.

Poets and Writers are a one-stop-shop for those who are serious about getting their short stories published.

where to sell short stories for money

Similar to the previous sites, The Grinder is a helpful site for short story writers.

The tools available will enable you to track submissions and find markets for your work.

Many of the results will include non-paying or very low-paying writing jobs, so make sure you know what you're signing up for!

get paid to write short stories

Readers Digest needs no introduction, but did you know they are accepting short story submissions?

These aren't any old short stories, they're super short stories of 100 words or less!

Getting published in Reader's Digest would be a good way to start selling your writing!

Payment: $100

Content length: 100 words or fewer

Genre: Non-fiction

how to make money writing articles for websites

If your submission is accepted by One Story, they pay $500. 

Submission guidelines for One Story include works between 3,000 and 8,000 words and “stories that leave readers feeling satisfied and are strong enough to stand alone”. 

Payment: $500

Content length: 3,000 – 8,000 words

Genre: Short Fiction

writing short stories for money

Many well-known short story authors have contributed to Vestal Review, and it boasts a large readership. Each issue is free for anyone to read and the writing site is supported by donations.

Writing flash fiction online can be a good direction to go in as the earnings per word usually work out favorably.

Vestal Review's submission guidelines state that R-rated content is allowed, but X-rated is not. Other than that, your options are pretty wide open.

Payment: $50 per publication (-$3 submission fee)

Content length: Up to 500 words

Genre: All flash fiction

selling stories online

The BBC has a program called Short Story that is accepting submissions.

While this isn't somewhere that will pay you for your submission, they do run a yearly short story contest with a top prize of over $20,000.

Being featured on BBC radio and podcast would certainly be payment in itself!

Payment: Short story writing competitions

Content length: Max. 8000 words

Genre: Fiction

write stories for money

Flash Fiction Online is another large online publisher of short stories.

A new issue of the magazine is published each month, for which they charge $4.

Got a short horror story? This is the place!

Popular genres on the platform include literary, fantasy, sci-fi, and horror, but they will take a look at all submissions.

Payment: $60 per accepted submission

Content length: 500 – 1000 words

how to make money writing articles for websites

Subscribers pay $25 per year for four quarterly issues.

This publication accepts submissions through the mail and via an online submission system.

Payment: $400 per story or article, $200 per poem or Table Talk piece

Content Length: 1,200 to 2,500 for articles, up to 4,000 for stories and memoirs, up to 100 lines for poetry

Genre: Memoir, arts and society, poetry, essay


how to make money writing articles for websites

This publication started in 2004 as a literary magazine and are now a print and online magazine, a small book press, event organizers, and a website.

If you like to write about pop culture, nerdy topics, or off-the-wall musings, this is the place to get paid to write short stories.

Submission guidelines include no previously published work and no maximum length, although they like to stay under 8,000 words.

Payment: $50 per published piece

Content length: up to 8,000 words

Genre: All genres

East of the Web has a huge audience, receiving over 500,000 visitors to the writing site per month.

They are seeking imaginative short stories with strong plots and compelling characters in the sci-fi and fantasy genres.

You can submit previously published stories here as well.

Payment: $0.05 per word

Content length: 7000 words+

Genre: Science fiction stories and fantasy

get paid to write short stories

This non-profit corp run by volunteers believes in fairly compensating freelance writers, hence the higher than average per word rate.

Strange Horizons publishes a range of genres and also offers other opportunities. For example, audition to be a short story podcast reader!

Payment: $0.10 per word

Length: Up to 10,000 words

Genre: Science fiction, fantasy, horror, slipstream, fantastika

make money writing short stories

While the earnings aren't fantastic on Giganotosaurus, telling your friends the name of the writing site you've been published on will be!

This site only published one short story per month. It's a longer than usual short story with a minimum 5000 words, but still a lot shorter than a novel.

Being the sole featured author for the month would be a huge privilege!

Payment: $100 per story

Content length: 5000 – 25,000 words

Genre: Science fiction and fantasy

publish short stories online for money

Clarkesworld is another monthly online magazine publishing sci-fi and fantasy short stories.

They have a dedicated readership and solid subscriber base. The magazine can be read on the Clarkesworld iPhone or Android app, Kindle, or a range of other devices.

You can be sure your work is going to get in front of the right people!

Payment: 10 cents per word

Content length: 1000 – 22000 words

Science fiction freelance writers have plenty of options to sell their short stories online.

Asimov is another online magazine dedicated to the genre and looking for submissions from people looking to get paid to write short stories.

Payment: 8 – 10 cents per word

Content length: 1000 – 20,000 words

Genre: Science fiction

Analog is a smaller site where you can sell short stories for money, but they pay reasonably well.

The exciting thing about Analog is that they also do a print copy of the magazine. Most of the magazines featured here are digital only, but it can be really rewarding to see your work in a printed magazine.

While submissions can be on the longer side, around 20,000 words, they also accept fast fiction. These are stories around 4000 words

Content length: Up to 20,000 words

Ploughshares is both a literary journal that is published 4 times a year, and an active blog.

Publication in the journal is a great honor and the payout isn't bad either!

They publish short stories, essays, and other writing on the blog daily, though payment for this is not guaranteed.

Payment: $450 per accepted piece

Content length: 7500 – 20000 words

Genre: Non-fiction or fiction prose

The Southern Review is another literary journal that is published quarterly.

It's a prestigious magazine that features quality works of fiction and non-fiction.

You may also submit translations of short stories originally written in other languages.

Payment: Maximum $200

Content length: Up to 8000 words

Genre: Fiction and non-fiction

Our final site on which to sell short stories for money is The Iowa Review.

The lead-time for publications like this tends to be quite long, especially when they are only releasing content 4 times a year.

However, it can be worth it, not only as a way to get paid to write short stories, but also for the connections and wide-readership.

Payment: $0.08 per word

Content length: Max 25 pages

How To Get Paid To Write Short Stories On Amazon

Selling short stories for money on Amazon is a very good alternative to being published in magazines and blogs.

Amazon has the whole process set up to make self-publishing a lot easier than it used to be!

With Amazon's Kindle Direct Publishing you are able to publish books for free. They are then available to tens of millions of users around the world through the Kindle Store and on Amazon.

You have much greater control over all the aspects of your book, including:

  • story length
  • sales and discounts

Amazon will take their cut of the sale, of course, but you will get a 70% royalty.

Over the long run, you can earn a lot more than a measly $50 magazine publishing fee! That is, providing your story is good and you're successful at marketing it.

Other benefits to selling short stories online with Amazon:

  • You keep control of your rights – you still own your stories
  • Very fast to market – no waiting for magazine issues to be published
  • Make changes – you are able to edit the book after publication
  • Online resources – many helpful guides that can help each step of the way
  • Easy payout options – Amazon can work with most people in most places around the world

There are many supporting resources from Amazon and other online creators that will teach you how to publish Kindle books. There are even tools like Publisher Rocket that will help you determine the best things to write about in order to get sales!

While there might be greater prestige in being published in a college journal or major online magazine , self-publishing on Amazon is definitely attractive. You must admit!

Dave Chesson published 9 books on Amazon that now generate up to $9K per month!

In our podcast interview with Dave, he shares how he did it.

Whether you decide to make submissions to short story publishers or to self-publish on Amazon will depend on your situation.

There are so many options for where to sell short stories, especially when you consider those first three platforms. Duotrope, Poets and Writers, and The Grinder have many more examples of websites, magazines, and podcasts that are accepting submissions (you may also be interested in this list of podcast submission sites ).

Many writing sites allow you to submit stories that have been submitted elsewhere as well, giving you greater opportunity to be published.

If you need to make money from writing fast, have you considered freelance writing gigs for blogs?

Sites like Textbroker are also paying freelance writers to create blogs and other online content.

While you're working to sell your short stories for money, why not start earning on the side!

Getting paid with your freelance writing career might not come quickly, but work hard, persevere, and it will pay off!

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Daniel Morris has been working in the online marketing space since 2015.

While his focus has been on niche websites and affiliate marketing, he enjoys dabbling in other online and eCommerce platforms as well.

Want to learn step-by-step how I built my Niche Site Empire up to a full-time income?

Learn how i built my niche site empire to a full-time income.

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  • How to Scale and Outsource 90% of the Work, Allowing Your Empire to GROW Without You
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Ready to find your niche?

I would love to learn about…

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How to Come Up With Blog Content Ideas That People Won’t Be Able to Ignore

Karol K

  • June 7, 2024
  • Starting a Blog

Since it’s a blog that you’re launching here, it’s hard to imagine it without a regular stream of quality posts, right? That’s why you need some good blog content ideas.

This is  chapter 7  of a bigger guide on  how to start a successful blog .

  • Chapter 1: Deciding What to Blog About
  • Chapter 2: Choosing the Best Blogging Platform
  • Chapter 3: Setting Up a Domain Name, Hosting & WordPress
  • Chapter 4: Your Must-Have WordPress Plugins
  • Chapter 5: The Basic Settings That Every Blog Needs
  • Chapter 6: Blog Homepage and Other Essential Blog Pages
  • Chapter 7: Coming Up With Blog Content Ideas That People Can’t Ignore
  • Chapter 8: How to Write a Blog Post – Step by Step
  • Chapter 9: WordPress SEO – Where to Start
  • Chapter 10: How to Promote Your Blog
  • Chapter 11: How to Monetize Your Blog

Well, yes, of course. But that’s also where the problems start.

The challenge is this:

How do you actually come up with good blog content ideas and on a regular basis?

Do you have to turn yourself into an unnaturally creative person who always has a stream of never-ending ideas up their sleeve? Do you gain these superpowers by getting bitten by a radioactive blogger?

No. Far from it.

Superblogger bite can help you find good blog content ideas.

The only real skill that you must train yourself in is the skill of paying attention .

Coming up with good blog content ideas isn’t really about sitting locked in a cave somewhere and writing pages upon pages of headline ideas, relying only on your own creativity. To the contrary.

To come up with stellar blog content ideas, you need to pay attention to what’s going on in your niche, and then act accordingly whenever you notice a “content hole” that needs to be filled.

Good blog content ideas rule #1:

Like I said above, it only makes sense to write/blog about stuff that people are already searching for .

In other words (and it may sound brutal, sorry), it doesn’t matter what you want to write about. What matters is what your audience wants to read about.

Why is that the case?

Well, new blogs have a big obstacle to overcome.

It’s an obvious obstacle, but a very serious one. What’s worse, many blogs never manage to get over it…

That obstacle is the fact that on day one nobody knows that your blog exists. Hence, nobody is going to read it.

So with that, if you decide to only write about your unique, never-before-contemplated ideas, people will never discover your blog .

On the other hand, if you decide to go the other way, and instead do your research right – finding out what actual challenges people face in your niche – and then describe your solutions to those challenges, you’re effectively 10x-ing your likelihood of getting found.

These days, Google is how most blogs get their traffic (then Facebook, data says). So for you to ever have a chance of getting discovered, your content needs to tackle the problems that people are googling actively. As simple as that.

Now, the best part:

📕 How to find out what your audience wants to read

What your audience wants to read.

There are two distinct schools of thought here:

  • Going competition-first
  • Going audience-first

The former is about sniffing around and trying to discover what your competition is doing and what sort of content works best for them.

In other words, what your competition blogs about = what you should blog about.

The way you’re going to discover this is via keywords .

Keywords are what fuels Google searches. People search using keywords. Your competition creates content that tackles given keywords in hope that their content will be displayed whenever someone searches for those keywords.

What you need to do is insert yourself in the middle of that picture.

Find what specific keywords your competitors use, examine their posts, and then write something better.

Here are the top tools you can use to discover what those keywords are:

how to make money writing articles for websites

Look for your competitors’ best content and make a list of those posts. Think on how you can write something that tackles the same keywords but is even better. Those are the topics worth writing about in the competition-first approach.

Going audience-first is an entirely different animal.

Quora is a questions and answers website. As in, people ask questions (there are no limitations; if someone has a question, they can ask it), and other people submit their best answers. Then the community votes on who answered best.

But setting this core purpose of Quora’s aside, it’s also one of the very few places where you can find out what people really want to learn .


Every question you see there that is related to your niche and the topic of your blog is a great opportunity to write a new blog post about.

Here’s why:

  • Those are actual real people asking those questions, which means that whatever the topic of the question is, it is something that someone needs help with but hasn’t been able to find a solution to yet.
  • You can take that exact question, and write a blog post that’s all about providing an answer. Then, you can publish an excerpt of that post as your answer directly on Quora and link back to your post for more (great tool for promotion).

To get started, start following all the topics on Quora that are relevant to your niche. Whenever some interesting question pops up, note it down and add it to your list of blog post ideas.

Another thing you can do apart from binging Quora is go back to your competitors’ blogs, but now for an entirely different reason:

Go back to those popular posts of theirs again, but this time scroll down to the comments section and note down any interesting questions that people ask in those comments. You will likely find a couple of gems that way as well.

In the end, your list of possible blog content ideas doesn’t have to be huge. In fact, it’s probably better to keep it short, just not to let any interesting idea slip by. I’d say that ten ideas is a good start .

Summing things up:

  • Look up what your competition is doing. See through their content, the keywords they tackle, what’s popular on their sites. Make a list of those ideas that you want to cover as well.
  • Look through the questions people ask on Quora. See if you can answer some of them in new blog posts.
  • Look through the comments on your competitors’ blogs. See if any of them could be the basis for new blog posts.
  • Compile a list of ten blog post ideas to start with.
  • 21 unique blog post ideas to skyrocket your blog’s traffic – an easily-digestible list of interesting tactics you can use if you’re still staring at a blank piece of paper.
  • How to get unlimited, sure-to-work blog post ideas in a non-obvious way – another take on the topic (involves working with your audience directly – good stuff!)

Karol K

Karol Krol is a writer, content strategist, and WordPress figure-outer with over 20 years of experience rooted in website building and web technologies. With his expertise underpinned by a master's degree in computer science, he authored "WordPress Complete" - the ultimate WordPress handbook for newbies. His work has been published across numerous industry websites.

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5 ways to make money from home using ai in 2024.

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As employers enforce RTO mandates, more professionals are leaving the workforce to start ventures ... [+] and gigs of their own

While fully remote, high-paying jobs may be on the decrease, freelancing is on the upward trend. Professionals are quickly realizing that one does not need to be confined to office walls, or the confines of any one employer at all, to be financially successful. If employers won't grant reasonable flexible working requests, workers are taking matters into their own hands and are opting for creating their own version of flexibility, through freelancing and undertaking side hustles from home.

Since artificial intelligence became popularized from late 2022 and early last year, AI has taken on significant traction and people have discovered many unique uses for this technology.

One such use is that of leveraging AI tools and AI-powered software to make more money. With just a few Google searches, you can easily find use cases and examples of how to earn money as a full-time freelancer, or as a side hustle, with AI. From selling stickers and emojis to online course creation and generating slide decks, the chances you have to boost your salary and improve your personal finances are endless.

In case you're overwhelmed with all the options, here are a few to begin with:

1. AI Video Scripts

Use artificial intelligence tools such as ChatGPT (or another chatbot) to generate video scripts for YouTube. You can establish a faceless YouTube channel, and conduct tutorials with just your voice and a script, letting your visuals and practical demonstration do the rest of the talking.

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Of course, it's always important to ensure you focus on a specific niche for your channel, which can be anything from math tutorials, to English lessons, to cooking or DIY tutorials.

2. Print-On-Demand with AI

Print-on-demand is a popular way to make money as a work-from-home side hustle. In case you're wondering how it works, print on demand, with AI, happens when you use AI tools to generate catchy quotes, slogans, and even designs, which you then get printed via a print-on-demand service, into items such as mugs, bags, t-shirts, and notebooks.

Having your own e-commerce store, such as Shopify, is helpful so you can list all your print-on-demand products and attract traffic.

3. AI-Generated Artwork

Another way to make money with AI is to use it to generate artwork. For example, tools such as Midjourney can be used to create beautiful illustrations of nature, bouquets of flowers, bunches of fruit, or other scenic depictions, which can then be edited and sold as digital artwork on Etsy or other platforms.

You would need to ensure the accuracy of your digital artwork, however, as sometimes hyper-realistic figures and objects inside an AI-generated photo can look flawed, elongated, having extra limbs, or come across as having been touched up too heavily.

4. AI-Powered Copywriting

If you already do copywriting as a side gig or as a full-time freelancer, have you thought of using artificial intelligence to boost your work quality and output?

As a freelance copywriter, you can use AI tools to make the process easier by generating content outlines, heading and title ideas, and entire pieces of marketing copy for websites and social media. This should then be edited to ensure the copy does not sound robotic, have grammatical errors, or is factually incorrect.

5. AI-Powered Newsletter

Finally, you can try using AI to help you write weekly or monthly newsletters, which saves you time and frees you up to focus on connecting with your followers. Writing newsletters can be monetized, since, if you have a large subscription audience, you can get your newsletter sponsored, or assign advertizing space.

You can also hyperlink affiliate links or links to your own products and services in the newsletter.

AI enables passive income by cutting labor in ways we never previously imagined

What other use case or side hustle will you discover to help you make more money with AI this year?

Rachel Wells

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How To Make Money From Home: 20 Easy Ways

I f you are wondering how to make money from home, you are in luck as there are now more options than ever. These options might appeal to specific talents and skills you already have, while others can be achieved by just about anyone who might be interested in taking on the task. 

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How To Make Money From Home: 20 Best Ways

Whether it’s monetizing your passion project, starting a blog or even just opening an online store, there are many easy ways to make money from home. Here are 20 great part-time or full-time ways to earn money while working from home: 

  • Recycle old electronics
  • Social media management
  • Coding 
  • Virtual assistant
  • Dog walking and pet sitting
  • Proofreading
  • Medical transcription
  • Test websites or new products
  • Sell used items
  • Take surveys
  • Online tutor
  • Virtual recruiter 
  • Technical writer
  • Graphic designer
  • Monetize your hobbies
  • Rent out rooms in your home
  • Affiliate marketing 

1. Recycle Old Electronics

There’s nothing like working from home while helping clean it out in the process. Especially if you’ve got a stash of unused electronics collecting dust . There are many companies that will buy old electronics, like iPads, phones and other outdated devices. You can even list them for sale on online marketplaces.

2. Social Media Management

Social media accounts are everywhere and everyone has them. This makes it a ripe space to charge for your skill set if you have expertise in this area. As a social media manager, you would be in charge of expanding the online presence and brand awareness of your customers. 

The intention behind this is to increase sales or attract new customers. If you expand their following or base, they’ll make more money, and if they make more money it’s a good sign that they will also increase your rate of pay. 

3. Data Entry

Many businesses need help inputting data and it is something that can be done remotely. If you have a computer and an eye for detail, you might be right at home with this side hustle. To land a data entry job, you should look for postings on reliable job boards and be prepared to take an entry test.

As technology continues to play a bigger part in everyday life, there will always be a need for people to help build and maintain the systems that keep things running.

Julia Taylor, founder of GeekPack , said, “Knowing how to code and build websites is a skill that allows you to work from home at your own pace and on your own schedule.” She also said, “It’s not unusual for new coders to make double their salary in the 9-to-5 world in their first month of coding. And while it’s a highly in-demand skill, it’s not difficult to learn, akin to learning a second language, as that’s really what code is like.”

5. Virtual Assistant 

Virtual assistants are another in-demand profession. “The market is hot for virtual assistants who can build automations for clients, segment email lists and create integrations that every business owner dreams of so they can automate their business to save time and money,” said The OBM Office LLC owner, LaToya Russell. For this side hustle, you might even take advantage of ChatGPT to help you with your daily tasks.

6. Dog Walking and Pet Sitting

While this one technically involves leaving your house, if you’re an animal lover, dog-walking can be a lucrative source of income. You can get started dog walking by posting ads on Craigslist or Rover.

If you establish a list of clients with whom you have a good rapport with both the pet and owner, you could also parlay that into pet sitting. You could do this from your own home and it’s an easy way to rack up the hours and make some passive income. For example, you could charge $200 per day. If you pet-sat during the week for five days, you could earn an additional $1,000 that week. 

7. Proofreading

For all the grammar enthusiasts out there, there are plenty of proofreading jobs that have been outsourced to freelance platforms like Fiverr and Upwork. Before you pick up assignments, make sure you understand the compensation and time that it will take you to complete it.

8. Medical Transcriptionist

Medical transcriptionists transcribe and type up the medical reports of physicians and other healthcare practitioners. It’s pretty straightforward work that is well suited to you if you have strong typing skills and some knowledge of medical terminology. When you transcribe, you write down and record what has been dictated to you for filing purposes.

9. Test Websites and New Products

Companies are always on the lookout for consumer input on their new products. And, as Oak View Law Principal Attorney, Lyle Solomon pointed out, these new inventions “are usually subjected to numerous rounds of testing,” which could translate to a payday for you. 

Solomon also said, “These stages of testing ensure that every bug is discovered before the product reaches paying customers. Most of the time, brands will offer you to try out new products. Toluna, Nielsen, Vindale Research and Pinecone Research are just a few platforms that might assist you in finding goods to test for extra cash.”

In the same vein, testing websites can also benefit a company by helping them create a user-friendly platform. You can seek out companies looking for this specific type of feedback and help to earn some extra money.

10. Sell Your Used Items

Electronics aren’t the only thing that can help bring in cash while you’re at home. You can sell gently-used items on platforms like ThredUP, Poshmark or Mercari .

If you wanted to start smaller and more locally you could even list a few things on Facebook Marketplace. It’s an easy move to make a little extra cash, especially if you already have a Facebook account. 

11. Take Surveys

For anyone who’s already prone to hanging around at home with their phone or laptop, online surveys can be a lucrative money-maker. There are plenty of legitimate survey sites like Swagbucks and Survey Junkie. Some of these sites pay you for doing more than just surveys. You could be paid for playing games or shopping.

12. Online Tutor 

Many students seek guidance to get help with or further expand upon varying school subject matters. This is where being an online tutor can be both in demand and lucrative. You can assist them in preparation for standardized tests, but also help them to help with their general classwork and curriculum. 

As for pricing, depending on your skill set or area of expertise, your rates can vary. For some specialized help with certain tests, you could charge $50 hourly. This would mean if you did a two-hour tutoring session you could earn $100 that day for just that session. 

13. Virtual Recruiter 

If you have a background in human resources, you could transition well into virtual recruiting from home. These specialists seek out viable candidates for job openings through social media platforms such as LinkedIn or Indeed. Many organizations pay virtual recruiters to ensure jobs are being filled by qualified candidates.

14. Technical Writer 

Technical writers have high earning potential performing online duties such as creating support documents that make technical jargon easier to understand. They may also write copy for instructional manuals, journal articles, appendices and maintenance documents. This is a great opportunity for writers to get paid for their abilities. 

15. Bookkeeper 

If you are a person who loves organization and computing data, bookkeeping could be the gig for you. This position can be worked from anywhere but often requires a degree in accounting or another related business degree. Some tasks bookkeepers perform include keeping track of payroll, inventory, expenses or any other piece of financial information. 

16. Graphic Designer 

You can create and sell your graphic designing skills online in many ways. If you have a talent for creating custom logos, images, menus and landing pages, just to name a few, you can charge companies who require these services directly. You can also freelance through platforms such as Fivver. Graphic designers are in demand for both commercial and promotional needs.

17. Translator

If you are bilingual or speak multiple languages, translation or interpreting is a great way to make some passive income. To monetize this skill you take written text or audio files in one language and translate them into another language for companies or individuals. 

18. Monetize Your Hobbies

Any number of hobbies can be turned into some cash on the side. Depending on what you do to pass the time, you can look into sites like Etsy and SoundCloud. These offer endless opportunities for just about any kind of hobby.

19. Rent Out Rooms in Your Home 

Taking on housemates can be a great way to not only help cover or contribute to your rent or mortgage payments but also help subsidize your monthly utility bills. If you have an extra room in your house, you can rent it out through platforms like Airbnb or even take on a full-time roommate to help split some of your costs. 

20. Affiliate Marketing 

With affiliate marketing, you promote the products and services of other companies on your social media platforms or blog. When a subscriber clicks one of your affiliate links and makes a purchase, you’ll earn a percentage of the money they spent. You can do this from home and don’t have to create or sell your own products or services so it’s quite simple to sit back and make some extra cash.

Final Take To GO

Figuring out how to make money from home is easy these days since remote work has grown so rapidly. You can apply your current skills or learn new ones in many online opportunities and occupations. Making money from home is now more than just a luxury, it is also an ample breeding ground for increasing your income. 

  • An easy way to make $100 in one day is to tutor. For specialized help with certain tests, you could charge $50 hourly. This would mean if you did a two-hour tutoring session, you could earn $100.
  • Pet sitting is one way to make $1,000 in one week from home. If you charge $200 per day and pet-sat for five days, you could earn $1,000.
  • To earn $1,000 per day from home, you might have to take on a few side gigs. If you pet sit, did a few technical writing assignments and sold a few of your items, you could earn quite a bit in one day from home.

Caitlyn Moorhead contributed to the reporting for this article.

This article originally appeared on : How To Make Money From Home: 20 Easy Ways

Focused hipster teen girl school college student pink hair wear headphones write notes watching webinar online video conference calling on laptop computer sit on floor working learning online at home.

How can I remove my card information from a website?

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women sitting down in front of her laptop with headphones around her neck holding a credit card in her hand

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  • • Credit cards
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At Bankrate we strive to help you make smarter financial decisions. While we adhere to strict editorial integrity , this post may contain references to products from our partners. Here's an explanation for how we make money . The content on this page is accurate as of the posting date; however, some of the offers mentioned may have expired. Terms apply to the offers listed on this page. Any opinions, analyses, reviews or recommendations expressed in this article are those of the author’s alone, and have not been reviewed, approved or otherwise endorsed by any card issuer.

At Bankrate, we have a mission to demystify the credit cards industry — regardless or where you are in your journey — and make it one you can navigate with confidence. Our team is full of a diverse range of experts from credit card pros to data analysts and, most importantly, people who shop for credit cards just like you. With this combination of expertise and perspectives, we keep close tabs on the credit card industry year-round to:

  • Meet you wherever you are in your credit card journey to guide your information search and help you understand your options.
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  • Reduce industry jargon so you get the clearest form of information possible, so you can make the right decision for you.

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You have money questions. Bankrate has answers. Our experts have been helping you master your money for over four decades. We continually strive to provide consumers with the expert advice and tools needed to succeed throughout life’s financial journey.

Bankrate follows a strict editorial policy , so you can trust that our content is honest and accurate. Our award-winning editors and reporters create honest and accurate content to help you make the right financial decisions. The content created by our editorial staff is objective, factual, and not influenced by our advertisers.

We’re transparent about how we are able to bring quality content, competitive rates, and useful tools to you by explaining how we make money. is an independent, advertising-supported publisher and comparison service. We are compensated in exchange for placement of sponsored products and services, or by you clicking on certain links posted on our site. Therefore, this compensation may impact how, where and in what order products appear within listing categories, except where prohibited by law for our mortgage, home equity and other home lending products. Other factors, such as our own proprietary website rules and whether a product is offered in your area or at your self-selected credit score range, can also impact how and where products appear on this site. While we strive to provide a wide range of offers, Bankrate does not include information about every financial or credit product or service.

Key takeaways

  • Retail websites often ask you for your credit card information to complete a transaction, and they’d like to be able to hold on to that information for the future.
  • If you aren’t comfortable storing your card information on a website, you should be able to check out as a guest or remove your payment information from the website after checking out.
  • Websites can sometimes be designed to manipulate consumer choices — if there’s no way of opting out of having your information stored, you could take the issue up with the FTC or other authorities.

When you’re shopping online, you’ve probably seen retailers ask if you’d like to save your card information. While the rationale is that doing so is a convenience for you, it also creates a sticky situation that’s beneficial for the merchant since it encourages you to come back for future shopping.

While you should have the choice to decide whether you want to save your card information with a particular merchant, you may also find that you don’t have the chance to opt out of the situation.

As an example, reader Juanita recently shared that, “A local sports facility offers summer classes for kids. Weekly sessions can be purchased individually, and the person must register each time they sign up for a session. They only accept credit card payments, and although their payment form powered by EZ Facility offers the option to uncheck the statement ‘I authorize Longplex LLC to store my credit card information for future payments,’ the ability to uncheck it isn’t available.”

Understandably, Juanita wanted to know if this behavior was lawful. Here’s what she needs to know.

How to remove card information from an online site

Many merchants will ask you to set up an account and provide your personal information before you make a purchase, including your credit card details . However, some websites will also allow you to check out as a guest so that you don’t have to store your personal information on the site.

In case you have concerns about your card information being compromised and don’t have the option of checking out as a guest, you can complete your purchase and then remove your card information from the website. You should be able to do this by going to your account on the website and looking up your payment information. From there, you should be able to remove or delete the card information you provided earlier for your transaction.

Dark patterns undermine consumer choice

While this process seems simple enough, be aware that some merchants make it deliberately difficult for you to effectively exercise this option.

One way they do this is by designing their sites to utilize dark patterns that subvert your choices. For example, according to the Federal Trade Commission, dark patterns incorporate design elements that:

  • Don’t allow consumers to “definitely reject” collection or use of data
  • Repeatedly lead consumers to select settings they don’t favor and want to avoid
  • Use confusing settings that lead consumers to make privacy choices they did not intend to choose
  • Highlight choices that make for more information collection, while “graying out” options that allow consumers to avoid this
  • Purposefully obscure privacy choices and make them difficult to find
  • Use default settings that are geared to maximize data collection and storage

What if you can’t opt out of having a website store your information?

In Juanita’s case, if a website doesn’t allow for opting out of storing your credit card information — since she can’t uncheck the option to store the information — that seems like a design element with a dark patterns agenda.

In addition to the FTC, various state authorities have also been cracking down on dark patterns that are aimed at thwarting consumers’ choices. For instance, the California Consumer Privacy Act , the Colorado Privacy Act and similar legislation in Connecticut weigh in on the use of online dark patterns.

If Juanita wants to opt out of having a website store her card information, but finds that she can’t exercise that option, she should first see if she can resolve the matter with the merchant. If that doesn’t work, she could take up the issue with the appropriate authorities.

For one, she could file a report with the FTC . The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau has also been concerned about businesses using dark patterns to manipulate consumers, and she could put in a complaint with that agency. In addition, she could turn to her state attorney general for guidance.

The bottom line

Although retailer websites want to hold on to your card information to make it more likely that you’ll shop with them in future, you should be able to check out as a guest if you don’t want your personal details stored. If you don’t have that option, you can also try to complete your transaction and then remove your card information from the website.

If a website is designed so that your option to decline the storing of your credit card information cannot be exercised, it seems you’re being manipulated. If you can’t sort out the situation with the merchant, consider filing a complaint with the appropriate authorities.

how to make money writing articles for websites

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Trump's donor website crashed after he started asking fans for money following his guilty verdict in New York

  • Trump's donation page crashed just after he was found guilty of 34 felony charges in New York.
  • He's been messaging supporters since the verdict, urging them to give money to his 2024 campaign.
  • His website page for his "Dark MAGA hat" said 82,000 people had donated.

Insider Today

Former President Donald Trump's fundraising page crashed Thursday evening after he called for donations following his guilty verdict in a criminal trial in Manhattan.

The crash was reported by Trump's 2024 campaign team in a post on X at about 5:50 p.m., less than an hour after the former president was convicted of 34 felony counts of falsifying business records.

"So many Americans were moved to donate to President Trump's campaign that the WinRed pages went down," the post read. "We are working on getting the website back online as quickly as possible. Stay strong."

About 30 minutes later, the account posted an update saying the website was back online.

The New York Times and CNBC also reported on the outage.

Preliminary trend data from Google shows that searches for "Donald Trump donation" jumped to a four-year high this week.

Trump, who has decried the jury's decision , sent his supporters multiple messages linking to his donation pages in the hours after the verdict.

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His main fundraising page features his mugshot from August when he surrendered to Georgia authorities at the Fulton County Jail. A caption under the photo reads, "Never Surrender."

Donors can contribute $100 to his campaign under the option: "DONATE THIS AMOUNT IF YOU THINK PRESIDENT TRUMP DID NOTHING WRONG!"

He's also started selling a "Dark MAGA hat," writing in a caption that he was "JUST CONVICTED IN A WITCH HUNT TRIAL."

The black baseball cap is emblazoned with the slogans "Never Surrender" and "Make America Great Again." On its page, options to qualify for the hat start at $47.

A counter stated that more than 82,000 people had contributed donations.

CNBC reported that Trump attended a fundraiser in New York after his verdict, then returned to Trump Tower at around 9:25 p.m.

The former president habitually campaigns for small-donor funds using landmark moments in his legal troubles. After being indicted in Manhattan in April 2023, the Trump campaign said he made about $5 million in donations in 48 hours.

A spokesperson for Trump's campaign did not immediately respond to a request for comment sent outside regular business hours by Business Insider.

He's not been the only one to capitalize on his conviction. On Thursday evening, Democratic PAC MoveOn said it received 10,000 orders in 10 minutes for stickers that depicted Trump with the word "FELON" plastered over his eyes.

The stickers are given as a reward to supporters who complete a contact sheet on the PAC's website.

Trump faces another three criminal cases , though none are expected to go to trial before the 2024 election.

Watch: Donald Trump was indicted in New York. Here's what we know so far.

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