Poverty Reduction: Concept, Approaches, and Case Studies

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phd thesis on poverty

  • Yakubu Aliyu Bununu 7  

Part of the book series: Encyclopedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals ((ENUNSDG))

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Poverty is universally measured in monetary expenditure terms, and individuals that are considered poor are those living on less than US$1.25 per day. Poverty is however multifaceted as it includes the multitude of lack and deprivations that poor people are subjected to in their lives on a daily basis. These include but are not limited to disease and poor health conditions, illiteracy and lack of access to education, appalling living conditions, lack of access to economic opportunity and disempowerment, underemployment, vulnerability to violence, and exposure to hazardous environmental conditions (OPHI 2019 ). Thus, poverty reduction can be considered as the improvement of an individual’s or group’s monetary expenditure to an amount above the poverty line while improving access to education, healthcare, information, economic opportunities security of land-tenure, and all the other deprivations associated with it.


The eradication of poverty is perhaps the only...

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Department of Urban and Regional Planning, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria

Yakubu Aliyu Bununu

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Anabela Marisa Azul

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Bununu, Y.A. (2020). Poverty Reduction: Concept, Approaches, and Case Studies. In: Leal Filho, W., Azul, A., Brandli, L., Özuyar, P., Wall, T. (eds) Decent Work and Economic Growth. Encyclopedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-71058-7_31-1

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DOI : https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-71058-7_31-1

Received : 23 August 2019

Accepted : 08 September 2019

Published : 10 January 2020

Publisher Name : Springer, Cham

Print ISBN : 978-3-319-71058-7

Online ISBN : 978-3-319-71058-7

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A relational analysis of poverty as a social phenomenon

Existing scholarship suggests that despite its material core, poverty is relational and that this relational dimension not only aids its production but its reproduction. Yet, while a plethora of research examines its material aspects, the relational dimensions of poverty remain under-researched and are still not well understood. This research contributes to addressing that gap. Using recognition theory as a theoretical lens, the thesis investigates the question: ‘how do social relationship...

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Bristol Poverty Institute

Poverty-related phd theses.

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From potential donor to actual donation : how does socioeconomic deprivation affect the recruitment and progression of living kidney donors (2016) Phillippa Kathryn Bailey  Click here to view abstract (PDF, 11kB)

Youth poverty and social inequalities in Mexico (2016) Héctor E. Nájera Catalán  Click here to view abstract (PDF, 10kB)

Widening participation in higher education for students from the low socio-economic status group - a social justice analysis of student loans in Tanzania  (2016) Faustina Martha Msigwa  Click here to view abstract (PDF, 36kB)

To what extent has research been used to inform anti-poverty policy in Ghana ‌ ‌ (2016) Muhammed Williams  Click here to view abstract (PDF, 11kB)

Perspectives and models of community social work - social workers' understanding and practices in social exclusion and citizenship in Chile (2015) Gianinna Ines Munoz Arce  Click here to view abstract (PDF, 35kB)

Who deserves a better life - Social inequality in Chinese higher education access (2015) Yu Chen  Click here to view abstract (PDF, 13kB)

Improving the quality of teaching and learning in Mauritian primary schools - the role of learner-centred pedagogy in current educational reform   (2015) Mindy Lee Colin  Click here to view abstract (PDF, 11kB)

Alcohol patterns through mid-adolescence and socioeconomic position - the ALSPAC birth-cohort  ( 2015) Roberto Melotti‌  Click here to view abstract (PDF, 11kB)

Measuring residential segregation in England and Wales - a model-based approach (2015) Dewi Owen  Click here to view abstract (PDF, 11kB)

Child poverty in urban China (2015) Di Qi  Click here to view abstract (PDF, 9kB)

Pastoral community perspectives on formal education for girls - an ethnographic  study of Monduli District in Tanzania (2015) Adella Raymond  Click here to view abstract (PDF, 39kB)

Being and becoming - youth poverty and labour market transitions in Europe (2015) Alba Lanau Sánchez  Click here to view abstract (PDF, 11kB)

Social citizens - welfare provision and perceptions of citizenship amongst young people in Sri Lanka  (2014) Catherine Mary Agg  Click here to view abstract (PDF, 37kB)

Young people's lives in university - exploring welfare mixes and inequality of young people's experiences in university in England, Italy and Sweden (2014) Lorenza Antonucci  Click here to view abstract (PDF, 35kB)

Low social contact among UK working parents ‌ (2014) Marco Pomati  Click here to view abstract (PDF, 11kB)

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A longitudinal multilevel study of the health outcomes for the elderly in China  (2013) Zhixin Feng ‌ Click here to view abstract (PDF, 11kB)

Dilemmas and dynamics relating to selection for secondary schooling in Trinidad and Tobago (2013) Michele Celine Mills  Click here to view abstract (PDF, 36kB)

Youth poverty reduction in Nigeria - a policy perspective ‌  (2012) Patricia Adaeze Momah  Click here to view abstract (PDF, 36kB)

School level fundraising - exploring equity and governance in Tanzanian secondary schools ‌  (2012) Dorothy Godfrey Phumbwe  Click here to view abstract (PDF, 13kB)

Money, friends and coping day to day - an inclusive research project exploring poverty and social capital in the lives of people with a learning disability  (2012) Liz Tilley  Click here to view abstract (PDF, 11kB)

A woman can starve before she gets any relief - poverty and hardship amongst service families during the Second World War in England   (2011) Helen Vegoda  Click here to view abstract (PDF, 11kB)

Mobility, inequality and polarization (2011) Claudia Vittori  Click here to view abstract (PDF, 38kB)

Gender, work and the new economy (2011) Jackie West  Click here to view abstract (PDF, 36kB)

Community cohesion and ethnic difference (2011) Hannah White  Click here to view abstract (PDF, 36kB)

Policy networks in African poverty reduction - a case study of the policy process for water supply in Lusaka, Zambia (2010) Darren Kirk Hedley  Click here to view abstract (PDF, 11kB)

An analysis of changes in child poverty in the developing world at the end of the 20th century (2010) S Nandy  Click here to view abstract (PDF, 11kB)

Structural adjustment in Mexico - social and economic impacts (2009) Luis Felipe Gorjón Fernández  Click here to view abstract (PDF, 11kB)

The meaning and measurement of poverty (2008) C. Deeming  Click here to view abstract (PDF, 10kB)

Jacob’s Wealth - an examination into the nature and role of material possessions in the Jacob-cycle (Gen 25.19-35.29) (2008) Paul D. Vrolijk  Click here to view abstract (PDF, 10kB)

Governance and policy-making in Thailand : a study of poverty alleviation policy since 1997 (2007) Amornsak Kitthananan  Click here to view abstract (PDF, 36kB)

Dimensions of poverty ( 2007) Stephen McKay  Click here to view abstract (PDF, 10kB)

Social tariffs - a solution to fuel poverty (2006) William Baker  Click here to view abstract (PDF, 11kB)

Macroeconomic determinants of inequality and finance - evidence from Brazil (2006) Manoel F. Meyer Bittencourt  Click here to view abstract (PDF, 13kB)

Health outcomes and income inequality - a multilevel analysis of the Wilkinson hypothesis (2006) Min-Hua Jen  Click here to view abstract (PDF, 37kB)

Taiwans mountain policies and the poverty of the indigenous people  (2005) He-Chium Liou  Click here to view abstract (PDF, 11kB)

How the World Bank perceives education's role in development and poverty reduction - an analysis of educational policy documents in their historical context (2005) Alison Oldfield  Click here to view abstract (PDF, 10kB)

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(Net)working out poverty and social exclusion in rural Ireland and Russia  (2003) Sergei Vitalyevich Shubin  Click here to view abstract (PDF, 36kB)

The Child Poverty Action Group 1965-1974 - the origins and effectiveness of a single-issue pressure group (2002) Maria Lesley Meyer-Kelly ‌ Click here to view abstract (PDF, 10kB)

Analysing the distribution of income and taxes in Slovenia with a tax benefit model (2002) Mitja CÌOEok  Click here to view abstract (PDF, 11kB)

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Structure, agency and power in local authority possession proceedings (1998) Nancy Carlton‌‌  Click here to view abstract (PDF, 11kB)

Working towards gender parity in education in developing countries - issues and challenges (1998) Rose Nassali-Lukwago  Click here to view abstract (PDF, 37kB)

What are the comparative advantages of international non-governmental organisations engaged in the alleviation of poverty in rural Africa (1996) Alistair Gilbert  Click here to view abstract (PDF, 9kB)

Social construction of gender inequality in the housing system in Hong Kong ‌  (1995) Kam Wah Chan‌‌  Click here to view abstract (PDF, 11kB)

Ghana : structural adjustment and its impact on the incidence of mass poverty  (1995) Kwabena Donkor‌‌  Click here to view abstract (PDF, 36kB)

Womens health in urban primary health care (1995) Ingrid Mijlof  Click here to view abstract (PDF, 11kB)

The role of primary health care in the management of diseases of poverty in Northern Lesotho  (1994) Anastasia Ntsoaki Mohlba  Click here to view abstract (PDF, 11kB)

A study of anti-poverty policy in the welfare state - the case of public assistance programmes in the Republic of Korea ( 1994) Gil-Sang Nho  Click here to view abstract (PDF, 11kB)

The link between poverty and ill health - some implications for health education in Zimbabwe (1993) Annah-Maria Regedza Razika-Mangwiro  Click here to view abstract (PDF, 37kB)

Poverty and social security in Malaysia - major themes in economic and social development ‌  (1991) Saaidah Abdul-Rahman  Click here to view abstract (PDF, 36kB)

Social justice and children in care (1990) Morag Christine Owen  Click here to view abstract (PDF, 9kB)

Life-history factors and inequalities in affective disorders - a cohort study ‌  (1990) Bryan Rodgers  Click here to view abstract (PDF, 10kB)

Colour and class inequality in Seychelles (1984) Kathleen Low-Hang  Click here to view abstract (PDF, 12kB)

Studies in the criminalisation of poverty - pauperism, pathology and policing ‌  (1984) P. Squires  Click here to view abstract (PDF, 18kB)

Christians and poverty ‌ ‌ (1983) Richard Norton  Click here to view abstract (PDF, 12kB)

Gender and the mental health of women (1982) J. Williams  Click here to view abstract (PDF, 13kB)

The population, public health and the poor of Leamington Priors 1830 – 51 (1979) Sally A. Brealey  Click here to view abstract (PDF, 14kB)

The relief of the poor in Walton-on-Thames under the Vestry and the Board of Guardians 1800-1850 - a comparison  (1974) Sarah Whiteaway  Click here to view abstract (PDF, 13kB)


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PhD Student Talks

phd thesis on poverty

PhD Student Talks at the ITS Transportation Seminar

PhD Student Talks at the ITS Seminar

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Thank you to Alex Pan, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Meiqing Li, Department of City and Regional Planning, and Fangyu Wu, Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, who presented their doctoral research at the Transportation Seminar on Apr. 26, 2024.

Alex Pan:  Shared dreams, unshared burdens: Exploring complexities of housing and transportation for low- and moderate-income residents of Contra Costa County

Abstract : Suburban poverty in the United States has been growing since the end of the twentieth century, yet understanding of the low-income suburban population and their housing and transportation challenges is still under-developed. Existing studies use an income threshold defined by the federal poverty line and nationwide data aggregated across metropolitan areas, an approach that masks significant regional variations in cost of living and housing and transportation patterns that have been shaped by local policies. My dissertation aims to foster a better understanding of how housing availability and transportation accessibility differs across suburban areas and demographic groups within the low-income suburban population to advance more effective policy options. I use a case study of Contra Costa County and analyze data from the Public Use Microdata Sample (PUMS) from the U.S. Census, as well as data collected from surveys and interviews with low- and moderate-income (LMI) Contra Costa residents. In this talk, I summarize some of the main findings from my dissertation using specific examples that illustrate the effectiveness of mixed quantitative and qualitative methods and the case study approach to capture the diversity of experiences of LMI Contra Costa residents. I also explore the potential of microtransit to address gaps in public transit service in suburban areas, a common transportation issue identified by LMI Contra Costa residents.

Bio :  Alexandra Pan completed her PhD in Civil and Environmental Engineering with a designated emphasis in Global Metropolitan Studies at U.C. Berkeley in 2023. Her research interests include shared mobility, public transit, and the intersection of housing and transportation behavior for low-income residents. Prior to her time at Berkeley, she completed her B.S. in Mechanical Engineering at Columbia University in 2016. Currently, she is a Transportation Planner at the San Francisco County Transportation Authority.

Meiqing Li:  Integrated Active Transportation Planning:  Cultures, Trends, and Behaviors in Hong Kong and San Francisco

Abstract : This talk will introduce two case studies of my dissertation project, entitled “Integrated Active Transportation Planning: Cultures, Trends, and Behaviors in Hong Kong and San Francisco”. In the first study, I examine the relationship between planning institutions and civic advocacy groups in promoting active transportation in Hong Kong, and the roles of social media in facilitating this process. I adopt a mixed method approach to quantitatively analyze social media content made by four placemaking NGOs in Hong Kong accompanied by stakeholder interviews and field observation, during a period between 2020 and 2022, amid the COVID-19 pandemic and major protests. In the second case study, I investigate the impact of active transportation plans on the built environment change due to plan implementation in the San Francisco Bay Area. Specifically, it identifies the pedestrian infrastructure change over time, hot spots as well as the association with the presence of bike, pedestrian or active transportation plans.

Bio : Meiqing Li is a Ph.D. Candidate in City and Regional Planning at UC Berkeley, expected to graduate in Summer 2024. Previously, she received a Master of City Planning with a Certificate in GIS and Spatial Analysis from Weitzman School of Design, University of Pennsylvania, and a B.A. in Urban Studies and Economics from the University of Hong Kong. Meiqing’s research explores the intersection of sustainable transportation, travel behavior, and built environment in the United States and Asia. She was the recipient of the Wendy Tao International Smart Cities Scholarship, and the Liu Graduate Research Fellowship in Chinese Studies.

Fangyu Wu:  From Legacy to Future: Charting Next Decades of Autonomous Driving

Abstract : Autonomous driving technology stands poised to transform our transportation infrastructure. Despite substantial advancements by both industry and academia over the past decades, the widespread adoption of autonomous vehicles remains on the horizon. In this talk, we delve into the opportunities that lie ahead in our quest for a fully automated transport system. Specifically, we delineate the anticipated, sometimes overlooked, milestones in automated driving for the ensuing 5, 10, and 50 years. Within a 5-year horizon, we present algorithms that mitigate congestion propagation on highways by selectively controlling a distributed set of vehicles. In a decade, we underscore the significance of analyzing human driving patterns in unstructured environments and the imperative for autonomous systems to replicate such behaviors. Looking half a century forward, we propose a vision where our entire transportation framework redefines itself through centralized optimization.

Bio : Fangyu Wu is a fifth-year PhD student under the guidance of Prof. Alexandre Bayen in the Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences department at the University of California, Berkeley. He earned his B.S. and M.S. degrees in Civil and Environmental Engineering from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 2016 and 2018, and an M.Eng. in EECS from UC Berkeley in 2019. His research interests encompass optimization approaches to multiagent robotic systems, with a focus on planning and control of automated vehicles. His notable distinctions include graduation with the Highest Honour from UIUC in 2016, the Dwight David Eisenhower Transportation Fellowship in 2019, and the Best Paper Award in Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies in 2020.

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THE ROLE OF MICROFINANCE IN POVERTY REDUCTION: The Case of Specialized Financial Promotion Institute (SFPI

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According to findings of different authors microfinance is providing financial services to unemployed and low income individuals or groups who would have no access to formal banking services. It has positive impact on the living standard of the poor people in particular and alleviating poverty in their household in general. It is not only undermining poverty in the city, but also empowering women through surviving and making their life prosperous with dignity and self reliance by providing financial services. And also Ethiopian Microfinance is facing different challenges in empowering such as lack of collateral assets, lack of information, work burden, production failures, verbal abuse, lack of infrastructure, low institutional capacity and opportunities of women in microfinance are providing startup capital, women empowerment, poverty eradication, social and political empowerment, improved saving skills and the above challenges listed should be take consideration by government and concerned body as well as problem solving study must be conducted. key words, micro finance ,gender and finance

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Microfinance is currently being promoted as a key development strategy for promoting poverty reduction and empowerment of people economically. This is because of its potential to effectively address poverty by granting financial services to households who are not served by the formal banking sector. This study attempted to investigate the effects of MFIs on poverty reduction. The study focused on places located in Addis Ababa, especially in Akaki Kality sub city as a case study. It intended to cover credit facilities provided by the MFIs and clients perception on income improvement and/or reduced poverty levels. The study used descriptive survey design. The target population was one staff/administrators and 50 clients or recipients of the MFIs. The study employed stratified sampling technique to select staff of the selected MFIs and clients. Both qualitative and quantitative data analysis methods were used. The study revealed that as a microfinance institution has been providing microfinance services to different groups of youth specially women - productive or active poor and that the institution uses various strategies to deliver its services such as granting small loans to women to help them start businesses, grow their businesses and educate their children. To enhance client’s business skills to use credit and establish market channels for their products, the study recommends that microfinance institutions can arrange mechanisms to improve technical and business skills of the poorest through training and loan utilization. The study also recommended that MFIs should put in place micro-insurance schemes which could help clients to pool risk or share losses.

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    This thesis consists of three empirical chapters related to distributional outcomes, such as poverty and inequality, in three different contexts. Chapter 1 outlines a class of statistical procedures that permit testing of a broad range of multidimensional stochastic dominance hypotheses. We apply the procedures to data on income

  4. IRP Dissertation Research Fellowship

    Institute for Research on Poverty. University of Wisconsin-Madison. Emily Parrott is a graduate student in the School of Human Ecology. Her dissertation is entitled: "College as a Potential Route to Social Mobility.". Date of PhD Student Research Fellowship: June 2017-May 2018. Advisor: Sarah Halpern-Meekin.

  5. Full article: Defining the characteristics of poverty and their

    1. Introduction. Poverty "is one of the defining challenges of the 21st Century facing the world" (Gweshengwe et al., Citation 2020, p. 1).In 2019, about 1.3 billion people in 101 countries were living in poverty (United Nations Development Programme and Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative, Citation 2019).For this reason, the 2030 Global Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals ...

  6. Poverty Reduction: Concept, Approaches, and Case Studies

    Ogwumike FO (1987) Poverty and basic needs: an approach to development in Nigeria. Unpublished PhD thesis, Department of Economics, University of Ibadan. Google Scholar Ogwumike FO (1995) The effects of macro-level government policies on rural development and poverty alleviation in Nigeria. Ib J Soc Sci 1(1):85-101

  7. PDF Developing a Diagnostic Approach to Multi-Dimensional Poverty

    A thesis submitted in conformity with the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy ... Developing a Diagnostic Approach to Multi-Dimensional Poverty James J. White R.N., M.Sc., Ph.D. Doctor of Philosophy Lawrence S. Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing University of Toronto 2023 Abstract


    Attacking Poverty (2000-01), will also be carried out. This thesis concludes that through internal sources of influences such as the unequal voting shares; powerful actors such as the United States have shaped the Bank's thinking towards development, as the Bank's view of development leans towards Anglo-American norms and

  9. Measurement and Determinants of Multidimensional Poverty ...

    About the multidimensional poverty measures, part of the data and deprivation indicators are rewritten from the rst author s PhD thesis named Multidimensional Poverty Measurement and Analysis in Taiwan . The PhD thesis was supported by a research scholarship from the Ministry of Science and Technology (Grant No. MOST 104-2420-H-194-008-DR).

  10. Social work and poverty: an exploration of social workers ...

    A thesis submitted to the University of Bedfordshire in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Professional Doctorate thesis. ... The context of this study is the dilemma that most service users of social interventions and practice are poor and yet poverty is marginalised within social work practice. ... PhD e-theses. The ...

  11. A relational analysis of poverty as a social phenomenon

    Yet, while a plethora of research examines its material aspects, the relational dimensions of poverty remain under-researched and are still not well understood. This research contributes to addressing that gap. Using recognition theory as a theoretical lens, the thesis investigates the question: 'how do social relationship...

  12. Evaluating the relationship between financial inclusion, social

    This Dissertation is brought to you for free and open access by the Walden Dissertations and Doctoral Studies Collection at ScholarWorks. It has been accepted for inclusion in Walden Dissertations and Doctoral Studies by an ... poverty reduction impact in the developing regions. In this chapter I will define and demonstrate alignment of the key ...

  13. PHD Theses

    Pouliot, M. (2012). Environmental reliance, poverty and human health in West Africa. Faculty of Life Sciences, University of Copenhagen, PhD thesis, 220pp. Bakkegaard, R.K. (2013). Environmental Goods & Services and Rural Livelihoods in the Congo and Brazilian Amazon. PhD thesis for the Faculty of Science, University of Copenhagen, Denmark.

  14. PDF UnderstandingthePerceivedCausesof PovertyandQualityofLife:AStudyof

    to universally accepted notion that poverty is a multidimensional marvel. This multidimensional nature of poverty consequently infers that there are different courses


    D.Phil Thesis, Institute Social Development, University of Western Cape. In this thesis we undertake a poverty and policy analysis. We argue that it is important to understand the nature, magnitude and context of poverty before one can undertake an informed policy prescription. Existing theories of poverty, welfare regimes and social

  16. Poverty PhD research

    Policy networks in African poverty reduction - a case study of the policy process for water supply in Lusaka, Zambia (2010) Darren Kirk Hedley Click here to view abstract (PDF, 11kB) An analysis of changes in child poverty in the developing world at the end of the 20th century (2010) S Nandy Click here to view abstract (PDF, 11kB)

  17. PDF Economic Growth, Income Inequality and Poverty Reduction: a Regional

    POVERTY REDUCTION: A REGIONAL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS AGYEMANG ERIC Bachelor of Arts, University of Ghana, 2010 A Thesis Submitted to the School of Graduate Studies of the University of Lethbridge in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree MASTER OF ARTS IN ECONOMICS Department of Economics University of Lethbridge

  18. PDF The Impact of Financial Inclusion on Poverty in Low-and Middle-Income

    The results using the fixed effects estimation show that financial inclusion has an alleviating effect on poverty in low- and lower middle-income countries. The absolute reduction in the poverty headcount ratio of 5,50 USD per day is greater than the one at 1,90 USD per day.

  19. (PDF) PhD thesis

    PhD thesis. November 2015; Thesis for: PhD; Advisor: Christophe Béné, Allister McGregor and Edoardo Masset ... , poverty and nutrition. The 2006 and 2010 cross-section household surveys - Living ...

  20. (PDF) Determinants of Vulnerability to Poverty and Coping Mechanism of

    Unpublished PhD Thesis, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria. ... Poverty has been intractable because policies and programmes are based on static poverty analysis in Nigeria. There is the need ...

  21. Full article: Tourism development and poverty alleviation in sub

    2. Literature review. Tourism is regarded as a source of development and poverty eradication through employment generation, technology transfer and GDP growth (Simms, Citation 2005).Previous studies have shown that tourism development translates to poverty reduction through a number of channels, such as income, tax, price and risk (McCulloch et al., Citation 2001; Blake et al., Citation 2008 ...

  22. Analysis of poverty and its determinants in Rwanda

    of the s tudy, in 2012 almost one -third of the population of Rwanda was in relative poverty. and about 88 per cent was in absolute poverty. At the all-Rwand a level the relative poverty. gap ...


    GSM: +2348033820158. +2348058850019. EMAIL: [email protected]. Dr. Patrick Osatohanmwen Oviasuyi is an Associate Professor of Public Administration. 1. ABSTRACT. Poverty is an enemy of man; it ...

  24. Newcastle University eTheses: Social (in) security : exploring welfare

    This thesis explores the impacts of 'welfare reform' on working-age people living in a disadvantaged part of Newcastle upon Tyne, North East England, understanding how these impacts relate to health and wellbeing. A qualitative longitudinal methodology was used, supplemented by participant-driven photo elicitation.

  25. PhD Student Talks

    Bio: Fangyu Wu is a fifth-year PhD student under the guidance of Prof. Alexandre Bayen in the Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences department at the University of California, Berkeley. He earned his B.S. and M.S. degrees in Civil and Environmental Engineering from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 2016 and 2018, and an M ...


    This study attempted to investigate the effects of MFIs on poverty reduction. The study focused on places located in Addis Ababa, especially in Akaki Kality sub city as a case study. It intended to cover credit facilities provided by the MFIs and clients perception on income improvement and/or reduced poverty levels.