
  • Decision-Making and Problem Solving

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The SkillsYouNeed Guide to Interpersonal Skills

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Making decisions and solving problems are two key areas in life, whether you are at home or at work. Whatever you’re doing, and wherever you are, you are faced with countless decisions and problems, both small and large, every day.

Many decisions and problems are so small that we may not even notice them. Even small decisions, however, can be overwhelming to some people. They may come to a halt as they consider their dilemma and try to decide what to do.

Small and Large Decisions

In your day-to-day life you're likely to encounter numerous 'small decisions', including, for example:

Tea or coffee?

What shall I have in my sandwich? Or should I have a salad instead today?

What shall I wear today?

Larger decisions may occur less frequently but may include:

Should we repaint the kitchen? If so, what colour?

Should we relocate?

Should I propose to my partner? Do I really want to spend the rest of my life with him/her?

These decisions, and others like them, may take considerable time and effort to make.

The relationship between decision-making and problem-solving is complex. Decision-making is perhaps best thought of as a key part of problem-solving: one part of the overall process.

Our approach at Skills You Need is to set out a framework to help guide you through the decision-making process. You won’t always need to use the whole framework, or even use it at all, but you may find it useful if you are a bit ‘stuck’ and need something to help you make a difficult decision.

Decision Making

Effective Decision-Making

This page provides information about ways of making a decision, including basing it on logic or emotion (‘gut feeling’). It also explains what can stop you making an effective decision, including too much or too little information, and not really caring about the outcome.

A Decision-Making Framework

This page sets out one possible framework for decision-making.

The framework described is quite extensive, and may seem quite formal. But it is also a helpful process to run through in a briefer form, for smaller problems, as it will help you to make sure that you really do have all the information that you need.

Problem Solving

Introduction to Problem-Solving

This page provides a general introduction to the idea of problem-solving. It explores the idea of goals (things that you want to achieve) and barriers (things that may prevent you from achieving your goals), and explains the problem-solving process at a broad level.

The first stage in solving any problem is to identify it, and then break it down into its component parts. Even the biggest, most intractable-seeming problems, can become much more manageable if they are broken down into smaller parts. This page provides some advice about techniques you can use to do so.

Sometimes, the possible options to address your problem are obvious. At other times, you may need to involve others, or think more laterally to find alternatives. This page explains some principles, and some tools and techniques to help you do so.

Having generated solutions, you need to decide which one to take, which is where decision-making meets problem-solving. But once decided, there is another step: to deliver on your decision, and then see if your chosen solution works. This page helps you through this process.

‘Social’ problems are those that we encounter in everyday life, including money trouble, problems with other people, health problems and crime. These problems, like any others, are best solved using a framework to identify the problem, work out the options for addressing it, and then deciding which option to use.

This page provides more information about the key skills needed for practical problem-solving in real life.

Further Reading from Skills You Need

The Skills You Need Guide to Interpersonal Skills eBooks.

The Skills You Need Guide to Interpersonal Skills

Develop your interpersonal skills with our series of eBooks. Learn about and improve your communication skills, tackle conflict resolution, mediate in difficult situations, and develop your emotional intelligence.

Guiding you through the key skills needed in life

As always at Skills You Need, our approach to these key skills is to provide practical ways to manage the process, and to develop your skills.

Neither problem-solving nor decision-making is an intrinsically difficult process and we hope you will find our pages useful in developing your skills.

Start with: Decision Making Problem Solving

See also: Improving Communication Interpersonal Communication Skills Building Confidence

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Overview of the Problem-Solving Mental Process

Kendra Cherry, MS, is a psychosocial rehabilitation specialist, psychology educator, and author of the "Everything Psychology Book."

problem solving and making decisions

Rachel Goldman, PhD FTOS, is a licensed psychologist, clinical assistant professor, speaker, wellness expert specializing in eating behaviors, stress management, and health behavior change.

problem solving and making decisions

  • Identify the Problem
  • Define the Problem
  • Form a Strategy
  • Organize Information
  • Allocate Resources
  • Monitor Progress
  • Evaluate the Results

Frequently Asked Questions

Problem-solving is a mental process that involves discovering, analyzing, and solving problems. The ultimate goal of problem-solving is to overcome obstacles and find a solution that best resolves the issue.

The best strategy for solving a problem depends largely on the unique situation. In some cases, people are better off learning everything they can about the issue and then using factual knowledge to come up with a solution. In other instances, creativity and insight are the best options.

It is not necessary to follow problem-solving steps sequentially, It is common to skip steps or even go back through steps multiple times until the desired solution is reached.

In order to correctly solve a problem, it is often important to follow a series of steps. Researchers sometimes refer to this as the problem-solving cycle. While this cycle is portrayed sequentially, people rarely follow a rigid series of steps to find a solution.

The following steps include developing strategies and organizing knowledge.

1. Identifying the Problem

While it may seem like an obvious step, identifying the problem is not always as simple as it sounds. In some cases, people might mistakenly identify the wrong source of a problem, which will make attempts to solve it inefficient or even useless.

Some strategies that you might use to figure out the source of a problem include :

  • Asking questions about the problem
  • Breaking the problem down into smaller pieces
  • Looking at the problem from different perspectives
  • Conducting research to figure out what relationships exist between different variables

2. Defining the Problem

After the problem has been identified, it is important to fully define the problem so that it can be solved. You can define a problem by operationally defining each aspect of the problem and setting goals for what aspects of the problem you will address

At this point, you should focus on figuring out which aspects of the problems are facts and which are opinions. State the problem clearly and identify the scope of the solution.

3. Forming a Strategy

After the problem has been identified, it is time to start brainstorming potential solutions. This step usually involves generating as many ideas as possible without judging their quality. Once several possibilities have been generated, they can be evaluated and narrowed down.

The next step is to develop a strategy to solve the problem. The approach used will vary depending upon the situation and the individual's unique preferences. Common problem-solving strategies include heuristics and algorithms.

  • Heuristics are mental shortcuts that are often based on solutions that have worked in the past. They can work well if the problem is similar to something you have encountered before and are often the best choice if you need a fast solution.
  • Algorithms are step-by-step strategies that are guaranteed to produce a correct result. While this approach is great for accuracy, it can also consume time and resources.

Heuristics are often best used when time is of the essence, while algorithms are a better choice when a decision needs to be as accurate as possible.

4. Organizing Information

Before coming up with a solution, you need to first organize the available information. What do you know about the problem? What do you not know? The more information that is available the better prepared you will be to come up with an accurate solution.

When approaching a problem, it is important to make sure that you have all the data you need. Making a decision without adequate information can lead to biased or inaccurate results.

5. Allocating Resources

Of course, we don't always have unlimited money, time, and other resources to solve a problem. Before you begin to solve a problem, you need to determine how high priority it is.

If it is an important problem, it is probably worth allocating more resources to solving it. If, however, it is a fairly unimportant problem, then you do not want to spend too much of your available resources on coming up with a solution.

At this stage, it is important to consider all of the factors that might affect the problem at hand. This includes looking at the available resources, deadlines that need to be met, and any possible risks involved in each solution. After careful evaluation, a decision can be made about which solution to pursue.

6. Monitoring Progress

After selecting a problem-solving strategy, it is time to put the plan into action and see if it works. This step might involve trying out different solutions to see which one is the most effective.

It is also important to monitor the situation after implementing a solution to ensure that the problem has been solved and that no new problems have arisen as a result of the proposed solution.

Effective problem-solvers tend to monitor their progress as they work towards a solution. If they are not making good progress toward reaching their goal, they will reevaluate their approach or look for new strategies .

7. Evaluating the Results

After a solution has been reached, it is important to evaluate the results to determine if it is the best possible solution to the problem. This evaluation might be immediate, such as checking the results of a math problem to ensure the answer is correct, or it can be delayed, such as evaluating the success of a therapy program after several months of treatment.

Once a problem has been solved, it is important to take some time to reflect on the process that was used and evaluate the results. This will help you to improve your problem-solving skills and become more efficient at solving future problems.

A Word From Verywell​

It is important to remember that there are many different problem-solving processes with different steps, and this is just one example. Problem-solving in real-world situations requires a great deal of resourcefulness, flexibility, resilience, and continuous interaction with the environment.

Get Advice From The Verywell Mind Podcast

Hosted by therapist Amy Morin, LCSW, this episode of The Verywell Mind Podcast shares how you can stop dwelling in a negative mindset.

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You can become a better problem solving by:

  • Practicing brainstorming and coming up with multiple potential solutions to problems
  • Being open-minded and considering all possible options before making a decision
  • Breaking down problems into smaller, more manageable pieces
  • Asking for help when needed
  • Researching different problem-solving techniques and trying out new ones
  • Learning from mistakes and using them as opportunities to grow

It's important to communicate openly and honestly with your partner about what's going on. Try to see things from their perspective as well as your own. Work together to find a resolution that works for both of you. Be willing to compromise and accept that there may not be a perfect solution.

Take breaks if things are getting too heated, and come back to the problem when you feel calm and collected. Don't try to fix every problem on your own—consider asking a therapist or counselor for help and insight.

If you've tried everything and there doesn't seem to be a way to fix the problem, you may have to learn to accept it. This can be difficult, but try to focus on the positive aspects of your life and remember that every situation is temporary. Don't dwell on what's going wrong—instead, think about what's going right. Find support by talking to friends or family. Seek professional help if you're having trouble coping.

Davidson JE, Sternberg RJ, editors.  The Psychology of Problem Solving .  Cambridge University Press; 2003. doi:10.1017/CBO9780511615771

Sarathy V. Real world problem-solving .  Front Hum Neurosci . 2018;12:261. Published 2018 Jun 26. doi:10.3389/fnhum.2018.00261

By Kendra Cherry, MSEd Kendra Cherry, MS, is a psychosocial rehabilitation specialist, psychology educator, and author of the "Everything Psychology Book."

Decision Making vs. Problem Solving

What's the difference.

Decision making and problem solving are two closely related concepts that are essential in both personal and professional settings. While decision making refers to the process of selecting the best course of action among various alternatives, problem solving involves identifying and resolving issues or obstacles that hinder progress towards a desired outcome. Decision making often involves evaluating different options based on their potential outcomes and consequences, while problem solving requires analyzing the root causes of a problem and developing effective strategies to overcome it. Both skills require critical thinking, creativity, and the ability to weigh pros and cons. Ultimately, decision making and problem solving are interconnected and complementary processes that enable individuals to navigate complex situations and achieve desired goals.

AttributeDecision MakingProblem Solving
DefinitionThe process of selecting the best course of action among available alternatives.The process of finding solutions to complex or difficult issues or challenges.
GoalTo make a choice that leads to a desired outcome or solution.To find a solution or resolution to a specific problem or challenge.
ApproachBased on evaluating options and making a rational decision.Based on analyzing the problem, identifying possible solutions, and selecting the most appropriate one.
ProcessIncludes gathering information, evaluating alternatives, and making a decision.Includes problem identification, analysis, generating solutions, and implementing the chosen solution.
FocusPrimarily on making choices among available alternatives.Primarily on finding solutions to specific problems or challenges.
TimeframeCan be short-term or long-term decision making.Can be short-term or long-term problem solving.
ComplexityCan involve complex decision-making models and frameworks.Can involve complex problem-solving techniques and methodologies.
OutcomeResults in a decision or choice being made.Results in a solution or resolution to the problem.

Further Detail


Decision making and problem solving are two essential cognitive processes that individuals and organizations engage in to navigate through various challenges and achieve desired outcomes. While they are distinct processes, decision making and problem solving share several attributes and are often interconnected. In this article, we will explore the similarities and differences between decision making and problem solving, highlighting their key attributes and how they contribute to effective problem-solving and decision-making processes.

Definition and Purpose

Decision making involves selecting a course of action from multiple alternatives based on available information, preferences, and goals. It is a cognitive process that individuals use to make choices and reach conclusions. On the other hand, problem solving refers to the process of finding solutions to specific issues or challenges. It involves identifying, analyzing, and resolving problems to achieve desired outcomes.

Both decision making and problem solving share the purpose of achieving a desired outcome or resolving a particular situation. They require individuals to think critically, evaluate options, and consider potential consequences. While decision making focuses on choosing the best course of action, problem solving emphasizes finding effective solutions to specific problems or challenges.

Attributes of Decision Making

Decision making involves several key attributes that contribute to its effectiveness:

  • Rationality: Decision making is often based on rational thinking, where individuals evaluate available information, weigh pros and cons, and make logical choices.
  • Subjectivity: Decision making is influenced by personal preferences, values, and biases. Individuals may prioritize certain factors or options based on their subjective judgment.
  • Uncertainty: Many decisions are made under conditions of uncertainty, where individuals lack complete information or face unpredictable outcomes. Decision makers must assess risks and make informed judgments.
  • Time Constraints: Decision making often occurs within time constraints, requiring individuals to make choices efficiently and effectively.
  • Trade-offs: Decision making involves considering trade-offs between different options, as individuals must prioritize certain factors or outcomes over others.

Attributes of Problem Solving

Problem solving also encompasses several key attributes that contribute to its effectiveness:

  • Analytical Thinking: Problem solving requires individuals to analyze and break down complex problems into smaller components, facilitating a deeper understanding of the issue at hand.
  • Creativity: Effective problem solving often involves thinking outside the box and generating innovative solutions. It requires individuals to explore alternative perspectives and consider unconventional approaches.
  • Collaboration: Problem solving can benefit from collaboration and teamwork, as diverse perspectives and expertise can contribute to more comprehensive and effective solutions.
  • Iterative Process: Problem solving is often an iterative process, where individuals continuously evaluate and refine their solutions based on feedback and new information.
  • Implementation: Problem solving is not complete without implementing the chosen solution. Individuals must take action and monitor the outcomes to ensure the problem is effectively resolved.

Interconnection and Overlap

While decision making and problem solving are distinct processes, they are interconnected and often overlap. Decision making is frequently a part of the problem-solving process, as individuals must make choices and select the most appropriate solution to address a specific problem. Similarly, problem solving is inherent in decision making, as individuals must identify and analyze problems or challenges before making informed choices.

Moreover, both decision making and problem solving require critical thinking skills, the ability to evaluate information, and the consideration of potential consequences. They both involve a systematic approach to gather and analyze relevant data, explore alternatives, and assess the potential risks and benefits of different options.

Decision making and problem solving are fundamental cognitive processes that individuals and organizations engage in to navigate through challenges and achieve desired outcomes. While decision making focuses on selecting the best course of action, problem solving emphasizes finding effective solutions to specific problems or challenges. Both processes share attributes such as rationality, subjectivity, uncertainty, time constraints, and trade-offs (in decision making), as well as analytical thinking, creativity, collaboration, iterative process, and implementation (in problem solving).

Understanding the similarities and differences between decision making and problem solving can enhance our ability to approach complex situations effectively. By leveraging the attributes of both processes, individuals and organizations can make informed choices, address challenges, and achieve desired outcomes.

Comparisons may contain inaccurate information about people, places, or facts. Please report any issues.

Rebel's Guide to Project Management

Making the Difference: Problem Solving vs Decision Making

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Do you ever find yourself stuck between a rock and hard place, unable to decide what the best course of action is?

I have. Whether it’s what desk to put in our new conservatory space (and I’ll tell you what we ended up deciding later), or who to invite to meetings, or managing to order everyone else’s food and then getting so overwhelmed with having made decisions all day for all the people that I couldn’t choose anything for myself.

I left the café with nothing for me and ended up with a couple of slices of peanut butter toast at home.

Making decisions can be difficult for even the most experienced project managers. But before making any decision, it’s important to understand the difference between problem solving and decision making.

Ready to get into it?

Problem solving involves diagnosing issues that arise during projects while decision making requires taking appropriate steps based on those diagnoses. While they may appear similar at first glance, there are key differences in how each process should be approached – understanding these differences will help you make more informed decisions!

Let’s explore both processes as well as their similarities and differences.

What is problem solving?

You’ve been solving problems since you were a baby: how to stand up, how to get your socks off, how to get your parents to bring you your favorite sippy cup.

As an adult, we solve problems every day at work and at home.

So it probably sounds a bit odd to want to define problem solving before we go any further. Surely we all know what we are talking about as we do it all the time?

Humor me. Problem solving is the process of identifying and analyzing a problem, generating potential solutions, and selecting the best solution to address the issue. It involves breaking down complex problems into smaller components and then finding ways to solve them.

The problem solving process

If you think that description sounds linear, then you’d be right. Problem solving fits neatly into a process, one that we don’t even know we’re following most of the time.

The problem solving process typically consists of four steps:

  • Identify the problem
  • Generate possible solutions
  • Evaluate each option
  • Select an appropriate course of action.

That does make it sound easy. Wicked problems need a slightly different approach (PMI has a problem solving training course that is brilliant and will help with that).

But for now, let’s stick with a high-level approach that works for most problems.

1. Identify the problem

First, it’s important to understand what caused the issue in order to determine how best to resolve it.

You’d be surprised at how many managers don’t bother to find the root cause of the problem to truly understand it. Use techniques like the 5 Whys or an Ishikawa diagram to dig down into what the problem actually is.

2. Generate possible solutions

Brainstorming is one way to come up with different ideas for potential solutions. You could also interview experts, review lessons learned or innovative solutions from previous projects, research what the rest of your industry is doing or consult customers on what they’d like to see. There are no silly ideas at this point!

Choose the creative approach that gets you a range of options to review.

Read next: How to improve problem solving with lessons learned.

3. Evaluate each option

Once you have several options to consider, you can evaluate each one based on its effectiveness and cost before deciding which one is most suitable for your situation.

Use pairwise prioritisation, multi-criteria decision making or analytical hierarchy process (AHP) to help with the evaluation.

analytical hierarchy process

4. Select an appropriate course of action

Now you’ve got all the options for solving your problem, you can actually solve it by choosing a course of action that will sort it out. This is where decision making comes in. in this step you make the decision.

Finally, implement your chosen solution and monitor its progress over time so that any necessary adjustments can be made as needed.

Benefits of problem solving skills

There are many benefits associated with having effective problem solving skills.

These include improved decision making abilities (more on that in a minute), increased creativity, better communication skills, greater confidence when faced with challenging situations, enhanced ability to think critically, more efficient use of resources, improved relationships between colleagues or team members due to shared understanding of goals and increased productivity levels due to fewer mistakes being made during projects or tasks.

(Breathe. That was a long sentence, sorry.)

All these advantages make problem solving an invaluable skill in both personal life and professional life scenarios.

What is decision making?

Basically, decision making is the process of selecting a course of action from a number of alternatives. It involves gathering information, weighing options, and choosing the best option for achieving a desired outcome.

But how is that different to problem solving?

Decision making is the process of doing Step 4 of the problem solving process. It’s the choice making, option selection, conclusion of the analysis and thinking.

It’s decisive (duh), purposeful, specific. It removes the ambiguity of the ‘what do we do?’ and helps the team move towards the ‘OK, how do we do that?’

It brings action to a situation.

The decision making process

There is a simple method for decision making too, although the actual decision itself might be tough to make.

  • Identify that a decision is required
  • Ensure you have the data to make the decision
  • Make the decision
  • Tell whoever needs to implement the decision

1. Identify that a decision is required

The decision-making process typically begins with identifying what decision needs to be made. Are you making the right decision, or is there something else, deeper, different that is really what’s required?

In this step you also want to identify who is making the decision. That could be your project sponsor, a panel, you by yourself, a committee or whoever. Getting this step clear saves headaches later.

2. Ensure you have the data to make the decision

Do you have all the info you need to make the decision? If not, get it.

When decisions are made quickly but thoughtfully, they can save time and resources while still producing quality results.

Major decisions need more time spent on this step to make sure you understand all the variables.

decision chart example

3. Make the decision

After considering all potential solutions, it’s time to make a choice based on what will yield the best results for everyone involved.

This is the hard part: make the decision! The person or people responsible for this should weigh up the data and use their professional judgement to choose the right course of action. Decision trees can be useful here to avoid unconscious bias (or conscious bias!).

Obviously this is harder for complex decisions. What vendor to choose for a 3-year outsourcing arrangement is harder to decide than what venue to book for a team away day.

4. Tell whoever needs to implement the decision

Great – you’ve made the call and know what to do, but does the rest of the team? Don’t keep the decision to yourself!

Make sure whoever needs to know the next steps is aware that the decision has been made so they can implement it and take the right action.

Having confidence in decisions leads to greater trust between team members and better collaboration overall, which can lead to improved project outcomes over time. Well-made decisions often create opportunities for growth within teams by allowing them to learn from their mistakes as well as their successes along the way.

Similarities between problem solving and decision making

Problem solving and decision making sound very similar, right?

Well, that is true. Both processes involve gathering information, analyzing it, and coming up with solutions or courses of action. They both require critical thinking skills to identify potential solutions or options that are most likely to be successful.

The processes use a similar flow

Both processes involve identifying a problem or issue, researching possible solutions, evaluating those solutions based on criteria such as cost-effectiveness or feasibility, selecting an option from among the available choices, implementing the chosen solution, and you’d also want to monitor its effectiveness over time.

The process can be iterative if necessary; if one solution does not work out as expected then another may need to be tried until a satisfactory outcome is achieved.

They both produce a satisfactory solution

Problem solving and decision making usually lead to some kind of action being taken in order to address a given issue or situation. Problem solving often involves finding creative solutions for complex problems, while decision making typically entails selecting a course of action from several possibilities after carefully evaluating each option’s advantages and disadvantages.

But ultimately, the goal is for something positive (or at least neutral) to come out of the helpful process so that whatever challenge was initially presented can be effectively addressed.

Despite being so similar you could pretty much interchange them in some circumstances, there are some differences.

problem solving vs decision making

Differences between problem solving and decision making

Although they have similarities in terms of the process used to come up with a solution, their goals differ significantly.

Process goals are different

The goal of problem solving is to find a solution to an existing issue. It involves identifying the cause of a problem and then finding ways to address it. Problem solving often requires input from multiple stakeholders who can provide different perspectives on how best to solve the issue at hand.

On the other hand, decision making focuses on choosing the best option from multiple alternatives. This could include selecting between competing products or services or deciding which strategy will be most effective for achieving certain objectives.

In other words: decision making doesn’t necessarily mean there is a problem. We make decisions every day about small things and big things, but they aren’t all problems that need the creative step of solutioning.

Sometimes a decision just needs to be taken and the options are clearly known.

They require different stakeholders

Another key difference between problem solving and decision making is that while problem solving typically requires input from multiple stakeholders, decision making is usually done by one individual or group who has access to all relevant information needed for the decision-making process.

To give you an example. Let’s say on a technical project the development team hit a problem. They have to bring in various subject matter experts to research and identify the parameters involved. They consult, brainstorm and debate. It’s a group effort, and it’s likely to end in a solution.

However, if I need my project sponsor to choose between two risk treatments, I’ll take him my recommendation and a summary of options and he’ll simply choose. Done.

Decisions are made based on what is known about a situation rather than relying on external opinions or advice when trying to make an informed choice about what course of action should be taken next.

They produce different results

The nature of both processes also differs in terms of the types of solutions they produce. Problem solving typically results in creative solutions that can be implemented over time, while decision making produces immediate choices from among existing alternatives without necessarily creating something new or unique.

Both processes involve the identification of a problem or issue, the collection of information to evaluate possible solutions, and an analysis of potential outcomes. The main difference between them is in their goals: problem solving seeks to identify the root cause of an issue and develop a solution that will address it; decision making focuses on selecting from among available options.

Both processes require careful consideration of facts and opinions before any action is taken. Problem solving often involves more people than decision making as it requires collaboration to identify underlying causes and brainstorm potential solutions. Decision makers may consult with others for input but ultimately make decisions independently based on their own judgment.

prioritization example

Still got a question?

What is the difference between decision and decision making.

A decision is the act of making a choice between two or more alternatives. Decision making is the process by which decisions are made. It involves gathering information, analyzing data, evaluating alternatives and choosing a course of action based on this analysis. The outcome of the process is the decision. The decision-making process also includes monitoring progress to ensure that goals are being met and taking corrective action if needed.

What is the importance of problem-solving and decision making?

Problem-solving and decision making are essential skills for project managers and managers in general. The processes keep work moving by making sure problems get solved and decisions get made so team members are not blocked from finishing their tasks.

What are the steps in problem-solving and decision making?

Problem-solving and decision making involve a series of steps that can help ensure the best possible outcome. The first step is to identify the problem or opportunity, then analyze it by gathering relevant information and evaluating potential solutions. After considering all options, select an appropriate solution and develop an action plan for implementation. Finally, monitor progress to ensure success and make necessary adjustments along the way. By following these steps, project managers can effectively manage projects while minimizing risks and maximizing results.

Before you go…

Sometimes there isn’t a right decision – it’s simply important to make a decision. As for the desk, in the end, we used a piece of furniture we already had upstairs and didn’t buy one at all.

I spent a morning measuring and researching options, and I’ll never get that time back, but that’s OK.

As a leader, you should be skilled at solving problems and making decisions, and the processes that support them. However, you don’t have to be doing all the solving and making all the calls yourself. As long as you facilitate the process and get the right people in the room, you can step back and let the experts do their thing.

Let the right people do the work and create an environment where your projects move forward because everyone’s got what they need to keep things moving.

Elizabeth Harrin wearing a pink scarf

Project manager, author, mentor

Elizabeth Harrin is a Fellow of the Association for Project Management in the UK. She holds degrees from the University of York and Roehampton University, and several project management certifications including APM PMQ. She first took her PRINCE2 Practitioner exam in 2004 and has worked extensively in project delivery for over 20 years. Elizabeth is also the founder of the Project Management Rebels community, a mentoring group for professionals. She's written several books for project managers including Managing Multiple Projects .


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3 Ways to Improve Your Decision Making

  • Walter Frick

problem solving and making decisions

First, be less certain — about everything.

To get better at making decisions, you have to improve your ability to make predictions (how different choices change the likelihood of different outcomes) and your judgment (how desirable each of those outcomes is). While there are countless ways to work on these two skills, there are three simple rules that can help the most. First, be less certain. We’re all more confident about each step of the decision-making process than we ought to be. What else would you think about if you were less sure that A would cause B, or that B is preferable to C? Second, always ask yourself ask “How often does that typically happen?” If you think outcome B is preferable to outcome C, you might ask: How often has that historically been the case? Third, brush up on your understanding of probability. Research has shown that even basic training in probability makes people better forecasters and helps them avoid certain cognitive biases.

To make a good decision, you need to have a sense of two things: how different choices change the likelihood of different outcomes and how desirable each of those outcomes is. In other words, as Ajay Agrawal, Joshua Gans, and Avi Goldfarb have written , decision making requires both prediction and judgment.

problem solving and making decisions

  • Walter Frick is a contributing editor at Harvard Business Review , where he was formerly a senior editor and deputy editor of He is the founder of Nonrival , a newsletter where readers make crowdsourced predictions about economics and business. He has been an executive editor at Quartz as well as a Knight Visiting Fellow at Harvard’s Nieman Foundation for Journalism and an Assembly Fellow at Harvard’s Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society. He has also written for The Atlantic , MIT Technology Review , The Boston Globe , and the BBC, among other publications.

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Problem Solving and Decision Making by Emily G. Nielsen , John Paul Minda LAST REVIEWED: 26 June 2019 LAST MODIFIED: 26 June 2019 DOI: 10.1093/obo/9780199828340-0246

Problem solving and decision making are both examples of complex, higher-order thinking. Both involve the assessment of the environment, the involvement of working memory or short-term memory, reliance on long term memory, effects of knowledge, and the application of heuristics to complete a behavior. A problem can be defined as an impasse or gap between a current state and a desired goal state. Problem solving is the set of cognitive operations that a person engages in to change the current state, to go beyond the impasse, and achieve a desired outcome. Problem solving involves the mental representation of the problem state and the manipulation of this representation in order to move closer to the goal. Problems can vary in complexity, abstraction, and how well defined (or not) the initial state and the goal state are. Research has generally approached problem solving by examining the behaviors and cognitive processes involved, and some work has examined problem solving using computational processes as well. Decision making is the process of selecting and choosing one action or behavior out of several alternatives. Like problem solving, decision making involves the coordination of memories and executive resources. Research on decision making has paid particular attention to the cognitive biases that account for suboptimal decisions and decisions that deviate from rationality. The current bibliography first outlines some general resources on the psychology of problem solving and decision making before examining each of these topics in detail. Specifically, this review covers cognitive, neuroscientific, and computational approaches to problem solving, as well as decision making models and cognitive heuristics and biases.

General Overviews

Current research in the area of problem solving and decision making is published in both general and specialized scientific journals. Theoretical and scholarly work is often summarized and developed in full-length books and chapter. These may focus on the subfields of problem solving and decision making or the larger field of thinking and higher-order cognition.

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3.4 Problem Solving and Decision Making

Learning objectives.

  • Learn to understand the problem.
  • Learn to combine creative thinking and critical thinking to solve problems.
  • Practice problem solving in a group.

Much of your college and professional life will be spent solving problems; some will be complex, such as deciding on a career, and require time and effort to come up with a solution. Others will be small, such as deciding what to eat for lunch, and will allow you to make a quick decision based entirely on your own experience. But, in either case, when coming up with the solution and deciding what to do, follow the same basic steps.

  • Define the problem. Use your analytical skills. What is the real issue? Why is it a problem? What are the root causes? What kinds of outcomes or actions do you expect to generate to solve the problem? What are some of the key characteristics that will make a good choice: Timing? Resources? Availability of tools and materials? For more complex problems, it helps to actually write out the problem and the answers to these questions. Can you clarify your understanding of the problem by using metaphors to illustrate the issue?
  • Narrow the problem. Many problems are made up of a series of smaller problems, each requiring its own solution. Can you break the problem into different facets? What aspects of the current issue are “noise” that should not be considered in the problem solution? (Use critical thinking to separate facts from opinion in this step.)
  • Generate possible solutions. List all your options. Use your creative thinking skills in this phase. Did you come up with the second “right” answer, and the third or the fourth? Can any of these answers be combined into a stronger solution? What past or existing solutions can be adapted or combined to solve this problem?

Group Think: Effective Brainstorming

Brainstorming is a process of generating ideas for solutions in a group. This method is very effective because ideas from one person will trigger additional ideas from another. The following guidelines make for an effective brainstorming session:

  • Decide who should moderate the session. That person may participate, but his main role is to keep the discussion flowing.
  • Define the problem to be discussed and the time you will allow to consider it.
  • Write all ideas down on a board or flip chart for all participants to see.
  • Encourage everyone to speak.
  • Do not allow criticism of ideas. All ideas are good during a brainstorm. Suspend disbelief until after the session. Remember a wildly impossible idea may trigger a creative and feasible solution to a problem.
  • Choose the best solution. Use your critical thinking skills to select the most likely choices. List the pros and cons for each of your selections. How do these lists compare with the requirements you identified when you defined the problem? If you still can’t decide between options, you may want to seek further input from your brainstorming team.

Decisions, Decisions

You will be called on to make many decisions in your life. Some will be personal, like what to major in, or whether or not to get married. Other times you will be making decisions on behalf of others at work or for a volunteer organization. Occasionally you will be asked for your opinion or experience for decisions others are making. To be effective in all of these circumstances, it is helpful to understand some principles about decision making.

First, define who is responsible for solving the problem or making the decision. In an organization, this may be someone above or below you on the organization chart but is usually the person who will be responsible for implementing the solution. Deciding on an academic major should be your decision, because you will have to follow the course of study. Deciding on the boundaries of a sales territory would most likely be the sales manager who supervises the territories, because he or she will be responsible for producing the results with the combined territories. Once you define who is responsible for making the decision, everyone else will fall into one of two roles: giving input, or in rare cases, approving the decision.

Understanding the role of input is very important for good decisions. Input is sought or given due to experience or expertise, but it is up to the decision maker to weigh the input and decide whether and how to use it. Input should be fact based, or if offering an opinion, it should be clearly stated as such. Finally, once input is given, the person giving the input must support the other’s decision, whether or not the input is actually used.

Consider a team working on a project for a science course. The team assigns you the responsibility of analyzing and presenting a large set of complex data. Others on the team will set up the experiment to demonstrate the hypothesis, prepare the class presentation, and write the paper summarizing the results. As you face the data, you go to the team to seek input about the level of detail on the data you should consider for your analysis. The person doing the experiment setup thinks you should be very detailed, because then it will be easy to compare experiment results with the data. However, the person preparing the class presentation wants only high-level data to be considered because that will make for a clearer presentation. If there is not a clear understanding of the decision-making process, each of you may think the decision is yours to make because it influences the output of your work; there will be conflict and frustration on the team. If the decision maker is clearly defined upfront, however, and the input is thoughtfully given and considered, a good decision can be made (perhaps a creative compromise?) and the team can get behind the decision and work together to complete the project.

Finally, there is the approval role in decisions. This is very common in business decisions but often occurs in college work as well (the professor needs to approve the theme of the team project, for example). Approval decisions are usually based on availability of resources, legality, history, or policy.

Key Takeaways

  • Effective problem solving involves critical and creative thinking.

The four steps to effective problem solving are the following:

  • Define the problem
  • Narrow the problem
  • Generate solutions
  • Choose the solution
  • Brainstorming is a good method for generating creative solutions.
  • Understanding the difference between the roles of deciding and providing input makes for better decisions.

Checkpoint Exercises

Gather a group of three or four friends and conduct three short brainstorming sessions (ten minutes each) to generate ideas for alternate uses for peanut butter, paper clips, and pen caps. Compare the results of the group with your own ideas. Be sure to follow the brainstorming guidelines. Did you generate more ideas in the group? Did the quality of the ideas improve? Were the group ideas more innovative? Which was more fun? Write your conclusions here.


Using the steps outlined earlier for problem solving, write a plan for the following problem: You are in your second year of studies in computer animation at Jefferson Community College. You and your wife both work, and you would like to start a family in the next year or two. You want to become a video game designer and can benefit from more advanced work in programming. Should you go on to complete a four-year degree?

Define the problem: What is the core issue? What are the related issues? Are there any requirements to a successful solution? Can you come up with a metaphor to describe the issue?

Narrow the problem: Can you break down the problem into smaller manageable pieces? What would they be?

Generate solutions: What are at least two “right” answers to each of the problem pieces?

Choose the right approach: What do you already know about each solution? What do you still need to know? How can you get the information you need? Make a list of pros and cons for each solution.

College Success Copyright © 2015 by University of Minnesota is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.

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Problem Solving and Decision Making: Key Differences & Applications

Explore the nuances of solving complex problems and making intricate decisions in this insightful blog. Gain a deeper understanding of the key distinctions between them. In this blog, explore Problem Solving and Decision Making, their key differences and how to apply these abilities in the workplace. Let's dive in!


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Have you ever faced the trouble of deciding what is right or wrong? In our daily lives, we often come across situations that require us to confront challenges and make choices. This is why two critical cognitive processes are involved in addressing these situations: Problem Solving and Decision Making. While the terms are frequently used interchangeably, they represent distinct mental activities with specific objectives. Problem Solving involves identifying and resolving issues using critical thinking and creativity. On the other hand, Decision Making entails choosing the best course of action among alternatives and considering risks and rewards. In this blog, we will Learn the differences between Problem Solving and Decision Making, how to apply these abilities at work, and some advice on how to improve them.

Table of Contents 

1) What do you understand by Decision Making? 

2) Understanding Problem Solving 

3) What are the differences between Problem Solving and Decision Making?

4) Tips on how to improve Problem-solving and Decision-making skills

5) How can you integrate Decision Making and Problem Solving? 

6) Conclusion 

What do you understand by Decision Making? 

It is a hard choice when we are faced with the question to make important decisions, in organisational setting and personal life as well. Nevertheless, it is not a reason to be afraid, but rather, to master these tasks through comprehensive knowledge of their consequences. First, we should define Decision Making before going on to the difference between Decision Making and Problem Solving.

It is an intellectual process that has a direct impact on our everyday and work-life matters. It is the process of analysing different options to find the best one in line with various factors and the one that is going to meet the objectives.

Effective Decision Making combines Critical Thinking, analysis, and judgment, and it can be the determinant of outcome and consequences. Let's uncover the important steps to Decision -making and some real-life examples:

Steps of Decision Making

1) Evaluation of alternatives: The first step in Decision Making requires the identification of problems and conceptualisation of possible alternatives that can help to deal with the given situation or problem.

2) Rationality and objectivity: The correct Decision Making process consists of a detailed analysis of all the data that is accessible, assessing the pros and cons of each scenario, and selecting a logical and beneficial option. 

3) Heuristics and biases: Sometimes, it is possible that you may have mental heuristics to be quick in the decision process. However, biases may be introduced by shortcuts and suboptimal choices could become inevitable for you.

4) Decision Making under uncertainty: Some times, you have to make important decisions based on the information that is not complete or with determined assumptions. The risk is directly connected and making risk assessment is considered to be the answer to this question. You must enhance on your flexibility to address the unpredictable.

5) Group Decision Making: In collaborative contexts, people may arrive at a decision together having discussed, brainstormed and found a common consensus with one another. Such a method taps into the different perceptions and skills.

6) Strategic Decision Making: In organisations, Strategic Decision Making requires being concerned with the possible long-term implications, aligning decisions with organisational goals, and trying to anticipate potential impacts on stakeholders.  

7) Ethical considerations:  This involves assessing the moral implications of choices, decisions, and actions. It revolves around making the right and just choices, guided by one's ethical values and principles.

8) Learning from outcomes: As an effective decision-maker, one should have the audacity to learn from both successful and unsuccessful outcomes because learning from these will only enhance future Decision Making processes. 

Here are some real-life examples that may require you to make some justified decisions: 

a) Choosing between two job offers based on salary, benefits, and career prospects. 

b) Deciding which college or university to attend, considering factors like location, courses offered, and campus culture. 

c) Selecting an investment option after analysing risk, return potential, and financial goals. 

d) Determining the best marketing strategy for a new product launch, considering target audience, budget, and competition. 

e) Making a medical treatment choice for a patient after weighing the benefits, risks, and patient preferences.   

Problem Solving Course

Understanding Problem Solving  

You're now aware of how you can make effective Decision Making. Let us now learn how to effectively carry out Problem Solving tasks in our daily life. Problem Solving is a fundamental cognitive process that entails identifying challenges, finding solutions, and accompliching the set goals. 

It is a logical process aimed at knowing the problem, looking for possible solutions, and choosing the most efficient solution. This helps you to navigate complexities and arrive at successful conclusions. Let us now look at some tips that can help you in Problem Solving effectively:  

Steps to be efficient in problem Solving

1) Problem identification: As a first step towards Problem Solving, effectively carry out tasks. Also, recognise and define the issue or challenge that needs to be addressed.  

2) Data gathering: Gathering relevant information and data related to the problem is essential for understanding its root causes and implications. This helps you become a good problem solver. 

3) Analysis and diagnosis: Analyse the gathered information to identify the underlying causes of the problem. This helps you in devising targeted solutions. 

4) Solution generation: Brainstorming and generating multiple potential solutions is crucial for you when you are exploring diverse approaches to resolve the problem. 

5) Evaluation of alternatives: Carefully evaluate the pros and cons of each solution. This helps you in selecting the most feasible and effective one. 

6) Implementation: After choosing a solution, you have to put the chosen solution into action. This requires planning, coordination, and effective execution. 

7) Creative thinking: Sometimes adopting an open-minded view towards finding a solution to the challenging situations will encourage you to be creative.

8) Root cause analysis: Finding and tackling the cause behind the problem in itself can make a change that lasts and you will get a much better, sustainable solution to your problem.

Let us now see some real-life examples where you need to apply your Problem Solving skills: 

a) Resolving a technical issue with a computer by identifying and troubleshooting the actual cause of the problem. 

b) Finding an alternative transportation route when faced with unexpected road closures. 

c) Addressing a communication breakdown within a team by facilitating open discussions and conflict resolution. 

d) Solving a math problem by applying various Problem Solving Techniques and mathematical principles. 

e)  Fixing a malfunctioning appliance by diagnosing the issue and performing necessary repairs. 

Learn to be more Mindful when you are applying your Problem Solving skills with our Conflict Management Training .  

What are the differences between Problem Solving and Decision Making?

Let us now have a look how Problem Solving and Decision Making skills are different from each other:





Selecting from available alternatives to achieve a specific goal or outcome. 

Identifying and resolving an issue or challenge to reach a desired state. 


Making a choice among options. 

Finding a solution to a problem


Choosing the best course of action. 

Understanding the problem and generating potential solutions


Evaluating alternatives, considering risks and rewards. 

Identifying the problem, gathering data, analysing, and implementing solutions. 


Often involves a logical and systematic approach. 

Requires critical thinking and creativity. 


It involves available information and past experiences. 

Data and insights related to the problem at hand. 


Leads to a final decision. 

Results in a resolved problem or improved situation. 


Often applied to challenges or obstacles in various domains. 

Troubleshooting technical issues and finding solutions to production problems. 

  Decision Making may follow effective Problem Solving.  Effective Problem Solving often leads to better Decision-making. 
  Applicable to a wide range of situations.  Often applied to challenges or obstacles in various domains. 

1) Definition  

Problem Solving is a step-by-step approach that one uses to identify, analyse, and finally come up with the solution to the issues or challenges they face. It seeks to find the origin of a problem, generate possible ideas or solutions, and choose the best alternative to be implemented. In most researches and practices, the primary aim of Problem Solving is reducing or overcoming the negative impacts of the problem.

On the other hand, the Decision Making process gives the choice, which can be taken from different alternatives. Every process of Decision Making produces a choice like taking action, a strategy, or making a resolution. There is not necessarily a problem but it is applicable in any situation which requires making a choice.

2) Objective 

Problem Solving is an effort to overcome a given obstacle or challenge. Its basic aim is to produce a solution that would change the current situation from less desirable to more desirable. On the other hand, Decision Making aims at selecting the best possible choice from among several alternatives. It could be proactive, such as deciding on an expansion strategy for the market, or it could be reactive, such as deciding on a course of action in response to the moves of a competitor.

3) Nature 

In the Problem Solving process, a problem often arises as a response to a discrepancy between what was expected and what is actually experienced, necessitating a solution. This process is typically reactive. On the other hand, Decision Making can be both proactive and reactive. Proactive Decision Making involves making choices based on anticipation of future events, while reactive Decision Making involves selecting courses of action in response to an immediate situation or problem.

4) Process 

The process of Problem Solving usually starts with understanding and diagnosing the problem. This is followed by brainstorming various solutions and analysing the suitability of each before finally implementing the most fitting one.

On the other hand, the Decision Making process typically begins with identifying a need, often through gathering information. This leads to the search for alternatives and compiling a list of these options. The alternatives are then weighed against criteria such as risks, benefits, and implications before making a choice.

5) Tools and techniques 

In Problem Solving, commonly used tools include root cause analysis, brainstorming, SWOT analysis, and fishbone diagrams (Ishikawa). These tools help in pinpointing the origin of a problem and exploring all possible solutions.

On the other hand, Decision Making often utilises techniques such as decision trees, cost-benefit analysis, pros and cons lists, and grid analysis. These methods assist in evaluating the implications of each available choice.

6) Skills required 

The major skills required in Problem Solving include critical thinking, analytical skills, creativity, and resilience. It is crucial to have the ability to persevere and not be overwhelmed by challenges.

However, Decision Making requires analytical skills, risk assessment, intuition, and foresight. The essential capability here is to be accountable for decisions, which involves predicting the outcomes of every choice

7) Duration and finality  

Problem Solving is time-consuming. It requires a deep dive into understanding the problem before moving on to solutions. The process concludes once a solution is implemented, and the problem is resolved. 

On the other hand, Decision Making can be swift (like everyday decisions) or prolonged (strategic decisions) depending on the complexity of the problems. Once a decision is made, the next step is to implement it, but decisions can sometimes be revisited based on outcomes or changing scenarios. 

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Tips on how to improve Problem Solving and Decision Making skills

Decision Making and Problem Solving are two most important skills that every individual must possess to excel in their career and in their personal life. There are multiple ways which can be used to improve these skills. Let’s have a look at some of these tips to improve these skills:

Developing skills related to Decision Making and Problem Solving

You can improve your Decision-making and Problem-solving skills by developing other skills such as analytical thinking, creativity and critical thinking. These allied skills will help you boost your analytical thinking skills, will help you think creatively and outside the box. Moreover, honing these skills will help you understand the problems deeply and analyse them without getting partial with your decisions.

Effective communication

Communication is the one of the major keys to success. Effective communication helps in solving problems, miscommunications and helps you understand different perspectives to the same problem. By practicing effective communication, you can convey an information or tasks seamlessly to you team members or colleagues. It helps you understand the root cause of any problem and helps you take an informed decision.

Think about past decisions

It may seem unrelated to you in this context, however, thinking back on your decisions that you made previously can help you not repeat the mistakes, or save you the time that you previously took to make a small decision. Reflecting on past decisions helpin analysing the current problems impartially and help you learn more about your own methods to decide or solve a problem.

Research your industry

Before you make any important decision, or solve out a problem, you need to know about your industry in detail. Since not all situations are same, neither are the industries. Every industry, company or business have their own set of goals, requirements, ideologies, and policies. Whenever you are a part of that specific industry, you should keep in mind, their framework. If you are going beyond their framework or their principles, while solving a problem, there may not be any significant impact taken by your decisions.

Keep yourself updated

It is necessary that you keep yourself updated. As you know that our world is going through many technological advancements. Hence you need to know and update yourself so that you can incorporate all these inventions and discoveries in your industry.

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How can you integrate Decision Making and Problem Solving? 

Even though Decision Making and Problem-solving have their differences, there are still instances where you need to integrate these two special skills so that you can carry out any challenging tasks or situations, whether it be in the workplace or in your personal life. The following tips will help you show how you can take effective decisions and simultaneously solve problems: 

1) Foster a systematic approach: You can start by adopting a systematic approach to Problem Solving. It involves defining the issue, gathering relevant information, analysing data, generating potential solutions, and evaluating alternatives. Then, you can implement your structured Problem Solving process, which provides a solid foundation for your informed Decision Making. 

2) Identify decision points: You can recognise the key decision points within the Problem-solving process. Then you have to determine which factors require choices and weigh the consequences of each decision on the overall Problem Solving outcome.  

3) Incorporate critical thinking: You can emphasise your critical thinking throughout both Problem Solving and Decision Making. Engage in objective analysis so that you can consider multiple perspectives and challenge assumptions to arrive at well-rounded solutions and decisions.  

4) Utilise data-driven decisions: Ensure that the decisions made during the Problem Solving process are backed by relevant data and evidence. Your data-driven Decision-making minimises biases and increases the chances of arriving at the most suitable solutions. 

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If you integrate both Problem Solving and Decision Making, you can have a more potent approach toward various challenges or tasks. This will help you in making well-informed choices in those circumstances. Moreover, this synergy will empower you to have a Problem -solving mindset to navigate complexities with clarity and achieve effective outcomes. 

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Frequently Asked Questions

Problem Solving is both a skill and a competency. It involves the ability to analyse situations, identify issues, generate solutions, and implement them effectively. Developing this capability enhances decision-making, creativity, and adaptability in various personal and professional contexts.

The five steps for Problem Solving and decision-making are: 

1) Define the problem

2) Identify possible solutions 

3) Evaluate alternatives

4) Make a decision 

5) Implement and monitor the chosen solution.

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The Difference Between Problem Solving and Decision Making

Business leaders discuss the difference between problem solving and decision making

Decision making and problem solving are two related but different skill sets that apply to distinct business challenges. Sometimes leaders use decision-making techniques when they should be using a problem-solving approach, and vice versa. Knowing the difference between problem solving and decision making and understanding which skill to utilize in a particular situation will help you overcome challenges more quickly.

Seeking a Solution, or Choosing Between Options?

Both decision making and problem solving use information to inform a certain action, but that’s where the similarities end. Problem solving is the process of finding a solution to an ongoing, intermittent, or one-time failure of a process or system to perform at an acceptable level — or perform at all. It consists of identifying the causes through asking basic questions like “where,” “how,” “who,” and “why” to find the solution. Decision making involves choosing between different courses of action by evaluating each based on a set of criteria. It requires implementing an action plan based on what you have learned from problem solving.

A helpful way to illustrate the difference between problem solving and decision making is to consider the difference between a detective and a judge. As anyone who has seen an episode of Law & Order knows, a detective is a problem-solver. Their role is to determine who committed the crime based on evidence. A judge is a decision-maker. They weigh evidence, circumstances, and precedent to arrive at a judgment.

Understanding Differences in Processes and Outcomes

The process of decision making is clear: each option is evaluated based on a set of parameters or criteria. But the outcome is uncertain until a specific decision is made and time tells how well it worked — or didn’t work.

The process of problem solving is not immediately clear. Initially you might not understand the root of the problem, which makes it difficult to know where to start. For example, you can see that the conveyor belt in your warehouse isn’t working, but what made the motor controlling it stop working remains a mystery until you diagnose the problem, system by system. Once the problem is determined and addressed, the outcome is clear: the conveyor belt is again working.

In business, typical problems could be:

  • Customer churn is increasing. Solution: expand product offering.
  • The organization’s carbon footprint is too big and costly. Solution: implement green initiatives.
  • A team is struggling to keep up with leads and organize customer data. Solution: implement a customer relationship management [CRM] system.

The associated complex decisions would be:

  • Determining what new product to launch
  • Selecting the green strategies that best balance cost and effectiveness
  • Identifying which CRM solution is right for your organization

Problem solving and Decision Making: Best Practices

Whether problem solving or decision making, there are some factors you should consider to make the process as successful and efficient as possible. When problem solving, make sure to gather as many facts as you can, which will help make the solution more obvious. For example, app development companies will often take a “ test and learn ” approach to determine what customers want and need in an app. They’ll create a beta version, provide it free-of-charge to customers, and then analyze that data to develop a paid app that meets customer needs.

 When making decisions, be action-oriented. This means that you should be able to act on your decisions. Many of your decisions, especially those concerning complex issues, should involve other key employees and subject matter experts for the best results. Gather a team with diverse backgrounds, experiences and perspectives to help you consider a wide range of options.  Be open to feedback; even the most carefully made decision may not work out as expected when implemented. And lastly, you should adopt a decision-making framework that enables you to make the best decisions possible on a consistent basis, in a variety of scenarios.

  • Ken Thompson

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5 thoughts on “the difference between problem solving and decision making”.

Hi Ken. Problem solving is a skill based on creativity and the ability to see things from many points of view. Decision making in particular requires the ability to manage emotions and a strong sense of responsibility. These are two very important skills in every area and in great demand at work. In the business environment, every good leader should be provided with them to perform at his best in his role.

Thank you for the insight. Agreed – creativity is key for problem solving. Thank you again for visiting the blog, and if you’re interested in learning more on the topic, you might find our Complex Decision Making for Leaders guide helpful.

I need help about the similarities of problem solving and decision making

We have an Executive Guide that might help you. You can find it here: .

Every problem solving procedure is made of at least one process of divergent and convergent thinking. In the first part after determining the problem we should look for many many possible solutions in hand (which is one of the many many definitions of creativity). This is the divergent part of thinking (one to many). After having the options in hand, we encounter the second obstacle, i.e. looking for the best option from the many. This second part needs some convergent thinking and decision making skills (many to one). Then, I think the decision making in many cases is a part of problem solving procedure.

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decision making , process and logic through which individuals arrive at a decision. Different models of decision making lead to dramatically different analyses and predictions. Decision-making theories range from objective rational decision making, which assumes that individuals will make the same decisions given the same information and preferences, to the more subjective logic of appropriateness , which assumes that specific institutional and organizational contexts matter in the decisions that individuals make.

(Read Steven Pinker’s Britannica entry on rationality.)

In modern Western societies the most common understanding of decision making is that it is rational—self-interested, purposeful, and efficient. During rational decision making, individuals will survey alternatives , evaluate consequences from each alternative , and finally do what they believe has the best consequences for themselves. The keys to a decision are the quality of information about alternatives and individual preferences. Modern economics is built on this understanding of how individuals make decisions.

Rational decision making becomes efficient when information is maximized and preferences are satisfied using the minimum of resources. In modern societies, rational decision making can occur in markets or firms. Both assume that individuals will act rationally, maximizing self-interest, but each works most efficiently under different conditions. Markets are most efficient when both buyers and sellers exist, when products or services are discrete so that the exchange can be one-time, when information about a product or service (such as its technology or means of evaluation) is broadly understood, and when there are enforced penalties for cheating.

Lacking these conditions, consensual exchange cannot occur, and rational individuals will try to cheat others to maximize their gain. In these cases a hierarchical organization is more efficient. The German sociologist Max Weber described how factories and bureaucracies became dramatically more efficient through growing technical expertise and, more importantly, a new division of labour , which divided work, specialized expertise, and coordinated individuals in a rule-based hierarchy . Bureaucracies decomposed complex technologies into manageable pieces, then allowed individuals to specialize and master a defined skill set. Using a clear hierarchy in which each position is controlled and supervised according to a stable and nonarbitrary system of rules, each individual’s work and expertise could be coordinated to achieve organizational goals, ranging from winning wars to making dresses.

In the 1940s, organization theorists began to challenge two assumptions necessary for rational decision making to occur, both of which were made obvious in cases where markets failed and hierarchies were necessary. First, information is never perfect, and individuals always make decisions based on imperfect information. Second, individuals do not evaluate all possible alternatives before making a choice. This behaviour is directly related to the costs of gathering information, because information becomes progressively more difficult and costly to gather. Instead of choosing the best alternative possible, individuals actually choose the first satisfactory alternative they find. The American social scientist Herbert Simon labeled this process “ satisficing” and concluded that human decision making could at best exhibit bounded rationality. Although objective rationality leads to only one possible rational conclusion, satisficing can lead to many rational conclusions, depending upon the information available and the imagination of the decision maker.

Simon argued that otherwise irrational individuals can behave rationally in the right context , particularly within a formal organization . Organizations can structure, or bound, individuals’ decisions by manipulating the premises on which decisions are made. Organizations can filter or emphasize information, bringing facts to an individual’s attention and identifying certain facts as important and legitimate . Individuals in hierarchies can take most of what happens around them for granted, concentrating only on a few key decisions. Hierarchies are efficient because they ensure that the correct information gets to the correct decision makers and that the correct person is making the decisions. At the same time, hierarchical organizations can socialize individuals to refrain from cheating by creating value decision premises that underlie decision makers’ judgments on what is right or good to do. These values, beliefs, or norms can come from family, from school, or from within the organization, but the organization can structure environments so that the most desirable value will be most salient at the time of decision.

Hierarchical organizations can structure factual and value decision premises so that the range of action becomes so narrow that only one alternative remains: the rational choice. Structuring decision premises can be done by directly managing information, selectively recruiting members, training members, and creating closed promotion patterns.

Organizations become rational in pursuing their missions through what Simon called ends-means chains. Leaders set the organizational mission, find a set of means for achieving the mission, take each of those means as a subgoal, and then find means for the subgoals and so on, until goals exist for every member of the organization. Leaders thus create a hierarchy of goals, in which each organizational level’s goals are an end relative to the levels below it and a means relative to the levels above it. Each individual’s work thus becomes a small part of accomplishing the organization’s mission.

Turning Simon’s bounded rationality on its head, other theorists argued that organizations are not purposeful cohesive actors but rather groups of competing coalitions made up of individuals with disparate interests. Individuals do not represent organizational interests; organizations represent individuals’ interests. Seen from this perspective, it is erroneous to ascribe a mission to an organization. Instead, organizations have goals set by a temporarily dominant coalition, which itself has no permanent goals and whose membership is subject to change. Members of the dominant coalition make decisions by bargaining, negotiating, and making side payments. Organizational decision making is the product of the game rather than a rational, goal-oriented process. Individual decision making is rational in the narrow sense that individuals pursue individual, self-interested goals, though this cannot always be accomplished directly. Individuals must pick their fights and use their influence carefully.

To understand and possibly predict what organizations will do, it is necessary to uncover and analyze the membership of the dominant coalition . The formal organizational chart is not a reliable map of organizational power. Instead, analysts must discover authority. Individuals gain authority by being able to resolve uncertainty. Individuals that can unravel technical problems, attract resources, or manage internal conflict demonstrate their usefulness to the rest of the organization and gain power. Working in concert with others who can perform similarly valuable functions, they become part of the dominant coalition. The size and composition of the dominant coalition depend on the types of environmental, technical, or coordinating uncertainty that must be resolved for the organization to survive. More technically complex, larger organizations in rapidly changing environments will tend to have larger dominant coalitions.

problem solving and making decisions

Problem Solving And Decision Making: 10 Hacks That Managers Love

Understanding problem solving & decision making, why are problem solving and decision making skills essential in the workplace, five techniques for effective problem solving, five techniques for effective decision making, frequently asked questions.

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Steps in problem solving and decision making

  • Improved efficiency and productivity: Employees with strong problem solving and decision making skills are better equipped to identify and solve issues that may arise in their work. This leads to improved efficiency and productivity as they can complete their work more timely and effectively.
  • Improved customer satisfaction: Problem solving and decision making skills also help employees address any concerns or issues customers may have. This leads to enhanced customer satisfaction as customers feel their needs are being addressed and their problems are resolved.
  • Effective teamwork: When working in teams, problem solving and decision making skills are essential for effective collaboration . Groups that can effectively identify and solve problems together are more likely to successfully achieve their goals.
  • Innovation: Effective problem-solving and decision-making skills are also crucial for driving innovation in the workplace. Employees who think creatively and develop new solutions to problems are more likely to develop innovative ideas to move the business forward.
  • Risk management: Problem solving and decision making skills are also crucial for managing risk in the workplace. By identifying potential risks and developing strategies to mitigate them, employees can help minimize the negative impact of risks on the business.

Problem solving techniques

  • Brainstorming: Brainstorming is a technique for generating creative ideas and solutions to problems. In a brainstorming session, a group of people share their thoughts and build on each other’s suggestions. The goal is to generate a large number of ideas in a short amount of time. For example, a team of engineers could use brainstorming to develop new ideas for improving the efficiency of a manufacturing process.
  • Root Cause Analysis: Root cause analysis is a technique for identifying the underlying cause of a problem. It involves asking “why” questions to uncover the root cause of the problem. Once the root cause is identified, steps can be taken to address it. For example, a hospital could use root cause analysis to investigate why patient falls occur and identify the root cause, such as inadequate staffing or poor lighting.
  • SWOT Analysis: SWOT analysis is a technique for evaluating the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats related to a problem or situation. It involves assessing internal and external factors that could impact the problem and identifying ways to leverage strengths and opportunities while minimizing weaknesses and threats. For example, a small business could use SWOT analysis to evaluate its market position and identify opportunities to expand its product line or improve its marketing.
  • Pareto Analysis: Pareto analysis is a technique for identifying the most critical problems to address. It involves ranking problems by impact and frequency and first focusing on the most significant issues. For example, a software development team could use Pareto analysis to prioritize bugs and issues to fix based on their impact on the user experience.
  • Decision Matrix Analysis: Decision matrix analysis evaluates alternatives and selects the best course of action. It involves creating a matrix to compare options based on criteria and weighting factors and selecting the option with the highest score. For example, a manager could use decision matrix analysis to evaluate different software vendors based on criteria such as price, features, and support and select the vendor with the best overall score.

Decision making techniques

  • Cost-Benefit Analysis: Cost-benefit analysis is a technique for evaluating the costs and benefits of different options. It involves comparing each option’s expected costs and benefits and selecting the one with the highest net benefit. For example, a company could use cost-benefit analysis to evaluate a new product line’s potential return on investment.
  • Decision Trees: Decision trees are a visual representation of the decision-making process. They involve mapping out different options and their potential outcomes and probabilities. This helps to identify the best course of action based on the likelihood of different outcomes. For example, a farmer could use a decision tree to choose crops to plant based on the expected weather patterns.
  • SWOT Analysis: SWOT analysis can also be used for decision making. By identifying the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of different options, a decision maker can evaluate each option’s potential risks and benefits. For example, a business owner could use SWOT analysis to assess the potential risks and benefits of expanding into a new market.
  • Pros and Cons Analysis: Pros and cons analysis lists the advantages and disadvantages of different options. It involves weighing the pros and cons of each option to determine the best course of action. For example, an individual could use a pros and cons analysis to decide whether to take a job offer.
  • Six Thinking Hats: The six thinking hats technique is a way to think about a problem from different perspectives. It involves using six different “hats” to consider various aspects of the decision. The hats include white (facts and figures), red (emotions and feelings), black (risks and drawbacks), yellow (benefits and opportunities), green (creativity and new ideas), and blue (overview and control). For example, a team could use the six thinking hats technique to evaluate different options for a marketing campaign.

problem solving and making decisions

Aastha Bensla

Aastha, a passionate industrial psychologist, writer, and counselor, brings her unique expertise to Risely. With specialized knowledge in industrial psychology, Aastha offers a fresh perspective on personal and professional development. Her broad experience as an industrial psychologist enables her to accurately understand and solve problems for managers and leaders with an empathetic approach.

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How are problem solving and decision making related?

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problem solving and making decisions

Problem Solving vs Decision Making: Difference and Comparison

Key Takeaways Problem-solving involves identifying and resolving issues or obstacles, while decision-making involves choosing different options or courses of action. Problem-solving is used to address a specific issue or challenge, while decision-making can be used in various contexts, such as business, personal life, or government. Problem-solving involves a step-by-step process of analysis and evaluation. At the same time, decision-making can be influenced by various factors such as personal values, emotions, or external pressures.

Problem Solving vs Decision Making

Comparison table.

InterconnectionRight decisions are taken to reach out a certain conclusion.May or may not include solving the problems.
Type and involvesA complex, deep analysis required.Final opinion, course of action.
IdentificationIdentification of a challenge.Identification of opportunities.
MotiveCreating the right solution.Avoiding potential problems.
Associated withClear objectiveDifferent types of options are considered.
OutcomesSolution-driven.It varies
Paths/ waysThe ways to resolution are not known.The paths taken are structured.
GoalCorrect the issue or problem.Unrelated to the solving of an issue.

What is Problem Solving?

What is decision making, main differences between problem solving and decision making.

Last Updated : 11 July, 2023

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20 thoughts on “problem solving vs decision making: difference and comparison”.

I appreciate the article’s delineation of problem-solving’s complex analysis and decision-making’s structured paths, illustrating the contrasting elements and nuanced approaches of these essential processes.

Absolutely, the article’s comparison table provides a comprehensive overview, elucidating the multifaceted nature of problem-solving and decision-making and their interconnected role in addressing challenges and reaching conclusions.

I found the detailed analysis of problem-solving’s goal of correcting issues and the structured paths of decision-making to be particularly insightful, shedding light on their differing functions.

Indeed, the article’s delineation of these two processes clarifies how problem-solving involves methodical approaches towards resolution, while decision-making focuses on structured choices and actions.

The article’s comparison table effectively highlights the complexity and differences between problem-solving and decision-making, providing a comprehensive overview.

I agree, the table neatly summarizes the key factors of each process, making it easier to grasp the nuances and interconnectedness of problem-solving and decision-making.

I appreciate the detailed explanations of both problem-solving and decision-making processes, which are crucial elements in various aspects of life and business.

The article’s emphasis on the goal-oriented nature of problem-solving and the opportunity identification in decision-making is quite enlightening.

The distinction between problem-solving’s solution-driven outcomes and the structured paths taken in decision-making effectively portrays the dissimilarity in their objectives.

Indeed, understanding the deep analysis and unknown techniques of problem-solving, as opposed to the structured paths and goal of avoiding potential problems in decision-making, provides valuable insights.

Absolutely, the article makes it clear that these two processes have different motives and ultimate goals, shedding light on their multifaceted nature.

The detailed description of problem-solving and decision-making processes provides a comprehensive understanding of their intricacies and interplay in various contexts.

Absolutely, the article’s clear distinction between the two processes and the comparison table help in elucidating the methods and outcomes involved in problem-solving and decision-making.

The article effectively portrays the aims and mechanisms of problem-solving and decision-making, emphasizing the importance of clear identification and identification of opportunities in each process.

This article provides a clear distinction between problem-solving and decision-making, highlighting the different processes and goals involved.

Absolutely, the comprehensive comparison table is especially helpful in summarizing the disparities between problem-solving and decision-making.

I couldn’t agree more. The identification of opportunities in decision-making is a key difference, showing how it’s not just about solving problems, but also about making choices.

The article’s detailed explanation of problem-solving and decision-making sheds light on their distinctive motives, processes, and outcomes, providing valuable insights into their complex nature.

I couldn’t agree more. The article effectively highlights how problem-solving aims to resolve specific issues, while decision-making focuses on choosing alternatives and preventing potential problems.

Absolutely, the comprehensive descriptions underscore the different considerations and end goals of problem-solving and decision-making, elucidating their roles in addressing challenges and formulating solutions.

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Decision-making and Problem-solving

Appreciate the complexities involved in decision-making & problem solving.

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Predict the consequences of actions

Weigh alternatives

Generate and organize ideas

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Design systematic plans of action

A 5-Step Problem-Solving Strategy

Specify the problem – a first step to solving a problem is to identify it as specifically as possible.  It involves evaluating the present state and determining how it differs from the goal state.

Analyze the problem – analyzing the problem involves learning as much as you can about it.  It may be necessary to look beyond the obvious, surface situation, to stretch your imagination and reach for more creative options.

seek other perspectives

be flexible in your analysis

consider various strands of impact

brainstorm about all possibilities and implications

research problems for which you lack complete information. Get help.

Formulate possible solutions – identify a wide range of possible solutions.

try to think of all possible solutions

be creative

consider similar problems and how you have solved them

Evaluate possible solutions – weigh the advantages and disadvantages of each solution.  Think through each solution and consider how, when, and where you could accomplish each.  Consider both immediate and long-term results.  Mapping your solutions can be helpful at this stage.

Choose a solution – consider 3 factors:

compatibility with your priorities

amount of risk


Keys to Problem Solving

Think aloud – problem solving is a cognitive, mental process.  Thinking aloud or talking yourself through the steps of problem solving is useful.  Hearing yourself think can facilitate the process.

Allow time for ideas to "gel" or consolidate.  If time permits, give yourself time for solutions to develop.  Distance from a problem can allow you to clear your mind and get a new perspective.

Talk about the problem – describing the problem to someone else and talking about it can often make a problem become more clear and defined so that a new solution will surface.

Decision Making Strategies

Decision making is a process of identifying and evaluating choices.  We make numerous decisions every day and our decisions may range from routine, every-day types of decisions to those decisions which will have far reaching impacts.  The types of decisions we make are routine, impulsive, and reasoned.  Deciding what to eat for breakfast is a routine decision; deciding to do or buy something at the last minute is considered an impulsive decision; and choosing your college major is, hopefully, a reasoned decision.  College coursework often requires you to make the latter, or reasoned decisions.

Decision making has much in common with problem solving.  In problem solving you identify and evaluate solution paths; in decision making you make a similar discovery and evaluation of alternatives.  The crux of decision making, then, is the careful identification and evaluation of alternatives.  As you weigh alternatives, use the following suggestions:

Consider the outcome each is likely to produce, in both the short term and the long term.

Compare alternatives based on how easily you can accomplish each.

Evaluate possible negative side effects each may produce.

Consider the risk involved in each.

Be creative, original; don't eliminate alternatives because you have not heard or used them before.

An important part of decision making is to predict both short-term and long-term outcomes for each alternative.  You may find that while an alternative seems most desirable at the present, it may pose problems or complications over a longer time period.

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Effective Decision Making Techniques for Every Situation


In this guide, we will explore effective decision-making techniques to help you make better decisions in various aspects of your life. Whether you’re facing personal dilemmas, professional challenges, or ethical quandaries, these techniques will provide you with the tools you need to navigate through any situation with confidence and clarity.

What is a Decision Making Technique?

A decision-making technique is a method or approach used to help people make better decisions. These techniques provide step-by-step processes or tools to consider options, weigh their pros and cons, and choose the best course of action. Examples include listing the advantages and disadvantages of each option, visualizing potential outcomes, or prioritizing based on key factors. These techniques help people make clearer, more informed decisions in different situations, like personal choices or business strategies.

6 Decision Making Techniques for Better Decisions

Here are 6 decision-making techniques that can be applied in various contexts, including personal decision-making, professional decision-making, strategic planning, problem-solving, and more. These techniques help individuals and organizations make better choices by providing structured approaches to analyze options, mitigate risks, and achieve desired outcomes.

​​1. Pugh Matrix

What it is : The Pugh Matrix, also known as the Decision Matrix, is a structured technique for comparing multiple alternatives against a set of criteria. It helps objectively evaluate options by assigning scores based on predefined criteria.

How to use it in decision-making :

  • Identify the decision to be made and the alternatives available.
  • Determine the criteria for evaluation, such as cost, time, quality, etc.
  • Assign weights to each criterion based on its importance.
  • Compare each alternative against the criteria and assign scores.
  • Calculate the total scores for each alternative to determine the best option.
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What it is : Brainstorming is a creative technique used to generate a large number of ideas or solutions to a problem in a short amount of time. It encourages free thinking and idea generation without criticism.

How to use it in decision making :

  • Gather a group of participants with diverse backgrounds and perspectives.
  • Clearly define the problem or decision to be addressed.
  • Set a time limit and encourage participants to generate as many ideas as possible.
  • Record all ideas without judgment or evaluation.
  • After brainstorming, evaluate and refine the ideas generated to identify potential solutions.

The Heuristic Method

What it is : The heuristic method involves using practical rules or shortcuts to make decisions quickly, often in situations with limited information or time.

  • Identify the decision to be made and any constraints or limitations.
  • Use heuristics, or mental shortcuts, to simplify the decision-making process .
  • Examples of heuristics include the “satisficing” approach (choosing the first option that meets the minimum criteria), the “availability heuristic” (relying on readily available information), or the “anchoring and adjustment heuristic” (starting with an initial estimate and adjusting based on new information).

Tiered Voting

What it is : Tiered voting is a decision-making technique where participants vote on options in multiple rounds, with the lowest-ranking options eliminated in each round until a consensus is reached.

  • Present the options to be voted on to the participants.
  • In the first round of voting, each participant ranks the options from best to worst.
  • Eliminate the options with the lowest rankings and proceed to the next round of voting.
  • Repeat the process until only one option remains, or until a predetermined threshold for consensus is reached.

SWOT Analysis

What it is : SWOT Analysis is a strategic planning tool used to identify the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats of a decision, project, or organization.

  • Identify the decision or project to be analyzed.
  • List the internal Strengths and Weaknesses, such as resources, capabilities, or limitations.
  • Identify external Opportunities and Threats, such as market trends, competition, or regulatory changes.
  • Analyze the SWOT factors to inform decision-making and develop strategies to capitalize on strengths, address weaknesses, exploit opportunities, and mitigate threats.

Game Theory

What it is : Game Theory is a mathematical framework used to analyze decision-making in situations where the outcomes depend on the choices of multiple parties, or “players.”

  • Identify the decision or interaction involving multiple parties with conflicting interests.
  • Define the players, their available strategies, and the possible outcomes.
  • Use mathematical models to analyze the potential strategies and outcomes, considering factors such as payoff, risk, and utility.
  • Determine the optimal strategy for each player, considering the potential responses of others, to achieve the best possible outcome or equilibrium.

What it is : Scenario planning is a technique used to make decisions in the face of uncertainty about the future. It involves creating multiple plausible future scenarios and analyzing their potential impact on the decision at hand.

  • Identify the decision to be made and any uncertainties or future factors that could influence the outcome.
  • Develop multiple scenarios, each depicting a different plausible future based on various combinations of key uncertainties.
  • Evaluate each scenario’s potential impact on the decision, considering factors such as risks, opportunities, and challenges.
  • Assess the robustness of the decision under each scenario and identify strategies to mitigate risks or capitalize on opportunities.
  • Make the decision based on an understanding of how it would perform across different possible futures.

Priority Matrix

What it is : A Priority Matrix, also known as an Eisenhower Matrix or Urgent-Important Matrix, is a tool used to prioritize tasks or decisions based on their urgency and importance. It helps individuals or teams focus their efforts on the most critical tasks or decisions, thereby improving productivity and effectiveness.

  • Identify the decisions or tasks that need to be prioritized.
  • Create a prioritization grid with four quadrants: Urgent and Important, Important but Not Urgent, Urgent but Not Important, and Neither Urgent nor Important.
  • Place each decision or task into one of the quadrants based on its level of urgency and importance.
  • Focus on addressing tasks in the Urgent and Important quadrant first, as they require immediate attention.
  • Delegate or schedule tasks in the Important but Not Urgent quadrant for later action, to prevent them from becoming urgent.
  • Consider whether tasks in the Urgent but Not Important quadrant can be delegated or deferred, as they may distract from more critical priorities.
  • Minimize or eliminate tasks in the Neither Urgent nor Important quadrant, as they contribute little value to achieving goals.

Effective decision making is a skill that can be honed through practice and awareness. By understanding the decision-making process, utilizing proven decision making techniques, and adapting to different contexts, you can navigate through life’s challenges with confidence and clarity. Remember, every decision you make shapes your future, so choose wisely.

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Amanda Athuraliya is the communication specialist/content writer at Creately, online diagramming and collaboration tool. She is an avid reader, a budding writer and a passionate researcher who loves to write about all kinds of topics.

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Mastering problem solving and decision making.

Business-people-having-discussion-solving a problem at a meeting

© Copyright Carter McNamara, MBA, PhD, Authenticity Consulting, LLC .

Sections of This Topic Include

  • Test – What is Your Personal Decision-Making Style?
  • Guidelines to Rational Problem Solving and Decision-Making
  • Rational Versus Organic Approach to Problem Solving and Decision Making
  • General Guidelines to Problem Solving and Decision-Making
  • Various Methods and Tools for Problem-Solving and Decision Making
  • General Resources for Problem-Solving and Decision Making

Also, consider

  • Related Library Topics
  • (Also see the closely related topics Decision Making , Group-Based Problem Solving, and Decision Making and Planning — Basics .)

What is Your Personal Decision-Making Style?

There are many styles of making decisions, ranging from very rational and linear to organic and unfolding. Take this online assessment to determine your own style.

Discover Your Decision-Making Style

Do you want to improve or polish your style? Consider the many guidelines included below.

Guidelines to Problem-Solving and Decision Making (Rational Approach)

Much of what people do is solve problems and make decisions. Often, they are “under the gun”, stressed, and very short of time. Consequently, when they encounter a new problem or decision they must make, they react with a decision that seemed to work before. It’s easy with this approach to get stuck in a circle of solving the same problem over and over again. Therefore, it’s often useful to get used to an organized approach to problem-solving and decision-making.

Not all problems can be solved and decisions made by the following, rather rational approach. However, the following basic guidelines will get you started. Don’t be intimidated by the length of the list of guidelines. After you’ve practiced them a few times, they’ll become second nature to you — enough that you can deepen and enrich them to suit your own needs and nature.

(Note that it might be more your nature to view a “problem” as an “opportunity”. Therefore, you might substitute “problem” for “opportunity” in the following guidelines.)

1. Define the problem

This is often where people struggle. They react to what they think the problem is. Instead, seek to understand more about why you think there’s a problem.

Define the problem: (with input from yourself and others). Ask yourself and others, the following questions:

  • What can you see that causes you to think there’s a problem?
  • Where is it happening?
  • How is it happening?
  • When is it happening?
  • With whom is it happening? (HINT: Don’t jump to “Who is causing the problem?” When we’re stressed, blaming is often one of our first reactions. To be an effective manager, you need to address issues more than people.)
  • Why is it happening?
  • Write down a five-sentence description of the problem in terms of “The following should be happening, but isn’t …” or “The following is happening and should be: …” As much as possible, be specific in your description, including what is happening, where, how, with whom and why. (It may be helpful at this point to use a variety of research methods.)

Defining complex problems:

If the problem still seems overwhelming, break it down by repeating steps 1-7 until you have descriptions of several related problems.

Verifying your understanding of the problems:

It helps a great deal to verify your problem analysis for conferring with a peer or someone else.

Prioritize the problems:

If you discover that you are looking at several related problems, then prioritize which ones you should address first.

Note the difference between “important” and “urgent” problems. Often, what we consider to be important problems to consider are really just urgent problems. Important problems deserve more attention. For example, if you’re continually answering “urgent” phone calls, then you’ve probably got a more “important” problem and that’s to design a system that screens and prioritizes your phone calls.

Understand your role in the problem:

Your role in the problem can greatly influence how you perceive the role of others. For example, if you’re very stressed out, it’ll probably look like others are, too, or, you may resort too quickly to blaming and reprimanding others. Or, you are feel very guilty about your role in the problem, you may ignore the accountabilities of others.

2. Look at potential causes for the problem

  • It’s amazing how much you don’t know about what you don’t know. Therefore, in this phase, it’s critical to get input from other people who notice the problem and who are affected by it.
  • It’s often useful to collect input from other individuals one at a time (at least at first). Otherwise, people tend to be inhibited about offering their impressions of the real causes of problems.
  • Write down your opinions and what you’ve heard from others.
  • Regarding what you think might be performance problems associated with an employee, it’s often useful to seek advice from a peer or your supervisor in order to verify your impression of the problem.
  • Write down a description of the cause of the problem in terms of what is happening, where, when, how, with whom, and why.

3. Identify alternatives for approaches to resolve the problem

At this point, it’s useful to keep others involved (unless you’re facing a personal and/or employee performance problem). Brainstorm for solutions to the problem. Very simply put, brainstorming is collecting as many ideas as possible, and then screening them to find the best idea. It’s critical when collecting the ideas to not pass any judgment on the ideas — just write them down as you hear them. (A wonderful set of skills used to identify the underlying cause of issues is Systems Thinking.)

4. Select an approach to resolve the problem

  • When selecting the best approach, consider:
  • Which approach is the most likely to solve the problem for the long term?
  • Which approach is the most realistic to accomplish for now? Do you have the resources? Are they affordable? Do you have enough time to implement the approach?
  • What is the extent of risk associated with each alternative?

(The nature of this step, in particular, in the problem solving process is why problem solving and decision making are highly integrated.)

5. Plan the implementation of the best alternative (this is your action plan)

  • Carefully consider “What will the situation look like when the problem is solved?”
  • What steps should be taken to implement the best alternative to solving the problem? What systems or processes should be changed in your organization, for example, a new policy or procedure? Don’t resort to solutions where someone is “just going to try harder”.
  • How will you know if the steps are being followed or not? (these are your indicators of the success of your plan)
  • What resources will you need in terms of people, money, and facilities?
  • How much time will you need to implement the solution? Write a schedule that includes the start and stop times, and when you expect to see certain indicators of success.
  • Who will primarily be responsible for ensuring the implementation of the plan?
  • Write down the answers to the above questions and consider this as your action plan.
  • Communicate the plan to those who will involved in implementing it and, at least, to your immediate supervisor.

(An important aspect of this step in the problem-solving process is continual observation and feedback.)

6. Monitor implementation of the plan

Monitor the indicators of success:

  • Are you seeing what you would expect from the indicators?
  • Will the plan be done according to schedule?
  • If the plan is not being followed as expected, then consider: Was the plan realistic? Are there sufficient resources to accomplish the plan on schedule? Should more priority be placed on various aspects of the plan? Should the plan be changed?

7. Verify if the problem has been resolved or not

One of the best ways to verify if a problem has been solved or not is to resume normal operations in the organization. Still, you should consider:

  • What changes should be made to avoid this type of problem in the future? Consider changes to policies and procedures, training, etc.
  • Lastly, consider “What did you learn from this problem-solving?” Consider new knowledge, understanding, and/or skills.
  • Consider writing a brief memo that highlights the success of the problem-solving effort, and what you learned as a result. Share it with your supervisor, peers and subordinates.

Rational Versus Organic Approach to Problem Solving

A person with this preference often prefers using a comprehensive and logical approach similar to the guidelines in the above section. For example, the rational approach, described below, is often used when addressing large, complex matters in strategic planning.

  • Define the problem.
  • Examine all potential causes for the problem.
  • Identify all alternatives to resolve the problem.
  • Carefully select an alternative.
  • Develop an orderly implementation plan to implement the best alternative.
  • Carefully monitor the implementation of the plan.
  • Verify if the problem has been resolved or not.

A major advantage of this approach is that it gives a strong sense of order in an otherwise chaotic situation and provides a common frame of reference from which people can communicate in the situation. A major disadvantage of this approach is that it can take a long time to finish. Some people might argue, too, that the world is much too chaotic for the rational approach to be useful.

Some people assert that the dynamics of organizations and people are not nearly so mechanistic as to be improved by solving one problem after another. Often, the quality of an organization or life comes from how one handles being “on the road” itself, rather than the “arriving at the destination.” The quality comes from the ongoing process of trying, rather than from having fixed a lot of problems. For many people, it is an approach to organizational consulting. The following quote is often used when explaining the organic (or holistic) approach to problem solving.

“All the greatest and most important problems in life are fundamentally insoluble … They can never be solved, but only outgrown. This “outgrowing” proves that further investigation to require a new level of consciousness. Some higher or wider interest appeared on the horizon and through this broadening of outlook, the insoluble lost its urgency. It was not solved logically in its own terms, but faded when confronted with a new and stronger life urge.” From Jung, Carl, Psychological Types (Pantheon Books, 1923)

A major advantage of the organic approach is that it is highly adaptable to understanding and explaining the chaotic changes that occur in projects and everyday life. It also suits the nature of people who shun linear and mechanistic approaches to projects. The major disadvantage is that the approach often provides no clear frame of reference around which people can communicate, feel comfortable and measure progress toward solutions to problems.

Additional Guidelines for Problem-Solving and Decision Making

Recommended articles.

  • Ten Tips for Beefing Up Your Problem-Solving Tool Box
  • Problem Solving Techniques (extensive overview of various approaches)
  • Key Questions to Ask Before Selecting a Solution to a Business Problem

Additional Articles

  • Problem-solving and Decision-Making:
  • Top 5 Tips to Improve Concentration
  • Problem Solving and Decision Making – 12 Great Tips!
  • Powerful Problem Solving
  • Creative Problem-Solving
  • Leadership Styles and Problem Solving (focus on creativity)
  • Forget About Causes, Focus on Solutions
  • Ten Tips for Beefing Up Your Problem-Solving ToolBox
  • Coaching Tip: Four-Question Method for Proactive Problem Solving
  • Coaching Tip — How to Bust Paralysis by Analysis
  • Appreciative Inquiry
  • Powerful Problem-Solving
  • Problem-Solving Techniques
  • Guidelines for Selecting An Appropriate Problem-Solving Approach
  • Factors to Consider in Figuring Out What to Do About A Problem
  • A Case for Reengineering the Problem-Solving Process (Somewhat Advanced)
  • Courseware on Problemistics (The art & craft of problem dealing)
  • Adapt your leadership style
  • Organic Approach to Problem Solving
  • Make Good Decisions, Avoid Bad Consequences
  • Priority Management: Are You Doing the Right Things?

General Guidelines for Decision Making

  • Decision-Making Tips
  • How We Sometimes Fool Ourselves When Making Decisions (Traps We Can Fall Into)
  • More of the Most Common Decision-Making Mistakes (more traps we can fall into)
  • When Your Organization’s Decisions Are in the Hands of Devils
  • Flawed Decision-making is Dangerous
  • Five Tips for Making Better Decisions
  • Study Says People Make Better Decisions With a Full Bladder
  • What Everyone Should Know About Decision Making

Various Tools and Methods for Problem Solving and Decision Making

(Many people would agree that the following methods and tools are also for decision-making.)

  • Cost Benefit Analysis (for deciding based on costs)
  • De Bono Hats (for looking at a situation from many perspectives
  • Delphi Decision Making (to collect the views of experts and distill expert-based solutions)
  • Dialectic Decision Making (rigorous action planning via examining opposite points of view) Fishbone Diagram —
  • 5 Steps to build Fishbone Diagram
  • Fishbowls (for groups to learn by watching modeled behaviors)
  • Grid Analysis (for choosing among many choices)
  • Pareto Principle (for finding the options that will make the most difference — (20/80 rule”)
  • For solving seemingly unsolvable contradictions
  • Rational Decision Making
  • SWOT Analysis (to analyze strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats)
  • Work Breakdown Structure (for organizing and relating many details)

General Resources for Problem Solving and Decision Making

  • The Ultimate Problem-Solving Process Guide: 31 Steps and Resources
  • list of various tools
  • long list of tools
  • Decision Making Tools
  • Decision Making
  • Group Decision Making and Problem Solving
  • Inquiry and Reflection
  • Mental Models (scan down to “Mental Models”)
  • Questioning
  • Research Methods
  • Systems Thinking

Learn More in the Library’s Blogs Related to Problem Solving and Decision Making

In addition to the articles on this current page, also see the following blogs that have posts related to this topic. Scan down the blog’s page to see various posts. Also, see the section “Recent Blog Posts” in the sidebar of the blog or click on “Next” near the bottom of a post in the blog. The blog also links to numerous free related resources.

  • Library’s Career Management Blog
  • Library’s Coaching Blog
  • Library’s Human Resources Blog
  • Library’s Spirituality Blog

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Also, scan the Recommended Books listed below. They have been selected for their relevance and highly practical nature.

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problem solving and making decisions

Decision Making vs. Problem Solving

Decision Making vs. Problem Solving is an important distinction to make. But first, let’s be clear about what a decision is. A decision is a choice. The decision may be complicated and involve many steps and components but, at its essence, a decision is simply a choice.

Decision making and problem solving are similar in that they both seek the positive resolution of an issue. In life we are usually confronted with a problem and often it is unclear how to solve the problem. Decision making is a tool that can be used to solve a problem.

In general, problem solving takes a larger view and usually involves implementing a strategy. That strategy usually includes making one or more decisions. There is an overlap. However, it is generally deemed that decision making is a subset of problem solving.

Here is an example of the distinction:

The Problem: World Hunger

The Solution: Break the problem into small decisions to be made:

  • How do we raise the money to purchase the food?
  • How do we determine who will receive the food?
  • How do we transport the food to the destination?
  • How do we prevent corrupt officials from stealing the food?
  • How do we deliver the food to the recipients?

Taken together, a series of decisions can solve most problems and rare is the problem that is not solved, at least in part, by making decisions.

The important thing to remember is that when you are confronted with a problem, look for ways to break it down into discrete decisions to be made.

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Effective Problem-Solving Techniques in Business

Problem solving is an increasingly important soft skill for those in business. The Future of Jobs Survey by the World Economic Forum drives this point home. According to this report, complex problem solving is identified as one of the top 15 skills that will be sought by employers in 2025, along with other soft skills such as analytical thinking, creativity and leadership.

Dr. Amy David , clinical associate professor of management for supply chain and operations management, spoke about business problem-solving methods and how the Purdue University Online MBA program prepares students to be business decision-makers.

Why Are Problem-Solving Skills Essential in Leadership Roles?

Every business will face challenges at some point. Those that are successful will have people in place who can identify and solve problems before the damage is done.

“The business world is constantly changing, and companies need to be able to adapt well in order to produce good results and meet the needs of their customers,” David says. “They also need to keep in mind the triple bottom line of ‘people, profit and planet.’ And these priorities are constantly evolving.”

To that end, David says people in management or leadership need to be able to handle new situations, something that may be outside the scope of their everyday work.

“The name of the game these days is change—and the speed of change—and that means solving new problems on a daily basis,” she says.

The pace of information and technology has also empowered the customer in a new way that provides challenges—or opportunities—for businesses to respond.

“Our customers have a lot more information and a lot more power,” she says. “If you think about somebody having an unhappy experience and tweeting about it, that’s very different from maybe 15 years ago. Back then, if you had a bad experience with a product, you might grumble about it to one or two people.”

David says that this reality changes how quickly organizations need to react and respond to their customers. And taking prompt and decisive action requires solid problem-solving skills.

What Are Some of the Most Effective Problem-Solving Methods?

David says there are a few things to consider when encountering a challenge in business.

“When faced with a problem, are we talking about something that is broad and affects a lot of people? Or is it something that affects a select few? Depending on the issue and situation, you’ll need to use different types of problem-solving strategies,” she says.

Using Techniques

There are a number of techniques that businesses use to problem solve. These can include:

  • Five Whys : This approach is helpful when the problem at hand is clear but the underlying causes are less so. By asking “Why?” five times, the final answer should get at the potential root of the problem and perhaps yield a solution.
  • Gap Analysis : Companies use gap analyses to compare current performance with expected or desired performance, which will help a company determine how to use its resources differently or adjust expectations.
  • Gemba Walk : The name, which is derived from a Japanese word meaning “the real place,” refers to a commonly used technique that allows managers to see what works (and what doesn’t) from the ground up. This is an opportunity for managers to focus on the fundamental elements of the process, identify where the value stream is and determine areas that could use improvement.
  • Porter’s Five Forces : Developed by Harvard Business School professor Michael E. Porter, applying the Five Forces is a way for companies to identify competitors for their business or services, and determine how the organization can adjust to stay ahead of the game.
  • Six Thinking Hats : In his book of the same name, Dr. Edward de Bono details this method that encourages parallel thinking and attempting to solve a problem by trying on different “thinking hats.” Each color hat signifies a different approach that can be utilized in the problem-solving process, ranging from logic to feelings to creativity and beyond. This method allows organizations to view problems from different angles and perspectives.
  • SWOT Analysis : This common strategic planning and management tool helps businesses identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT).

“We have a lot of these different tools,” David says. “Which one to use when is going to be dependent on the problem itself, the level of the stakeholders, the number of different stakeholder groups and so on.”

Each of the techniques outlined above uses the same core steps of problem solving:

  • Identify and define the problem
  • Consider possible solutions
  • Evaluate options
  • Choose the best solution
  • Implement the solution
  • Evaluate the outcome

Data drives a lot of daily decisions in business and beyond. Analytics have also been deployed to problem solve.

“We have specific classes around storytelling with data and how you convince your audience to understand what the data is,” David says. “Your audience has to trust the data, and only then can you use it for real decision-making.”

Data can be a powerful tool for identifying larger trends and making informed decisions when it’s clearly understood and communicated. It’s also vital for performance monitoring and optimization.

How Is Problem Solving Prioritized in Purdue’s Online MBA?

The courses in the Purdue Online MBA program teach problem-solving methods to students, keeping them up to date with the latest techniques and allowing them to apply their knowledge to business-related scenarios.

“I can give you a model or a tool, but most of the time, a real-world situation is going to be a lot messier and more valuable than what we’ve seen in a textbook,” David says. “Asking students to take what they know and apply it to a case where there’s not one single correct answer is a big part of the learning experience.”

Make Your Own Decision to Further Your Career

An online MBA from Purdue University can help advance your career by teaching you problem-solving skills, decision-making strategies and more. Reach out today to learn more about earning an online MBA with Purdue University .

If you would like to receive more information about pursuing a business master’s at the Mitchell E. Daniels, Jr. School of Business, please fill out the form and a program specialist will be in touch!

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5 steps leaders can take to make better decisions.

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5 people discussing strategy as a team and making decisions on how to move forward.

If you’re plagued by indecisiveness and often doubt every decision you must make as a leader, you’re certainly not alone.

Leaders often fear making tough decisions because they are acutely aware of the potential consequences and the impact on their team and organization. This reluctance can stem from a fear of failure, the possibility of making the wrong choice, and anxiety over how others will perceive their decisions. Additionally, the weight of the responsibility and the desire to maintain harmony can make leaders hesitant to make decisions that may lead to conflict or dissatisfaction among team members.

In a global survey of 14,250 people in January 2023, Oracle and economist Seth Stephens-Davidowitz found that 85% of business leaders have suffered from decision distress – regretting, feeling guilty about, or questioning a decision they made in the past year. Not only that, but 70% of those leaders would prefer “to have a robot make their decisions.”

However, according to the Cloverpop 2023 Decision IQ Benchmark Survey , the quality of a company’s decision-making is its most valuable asset. Do leaders really want to leave their most valuable asset up to robots?

Getting to a decision point isn’t always easy. Often, these situations involve significant change, intense pressure, or even balancing opposing opinions – all of which can make figuring out what decision to make much harder.

So, what steps can you take to improve your decision-making?

1. Know You Must Make The Decision

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For many leaders, the biggest obstacle to decision-making is ignoring that a decision must be made and that the responsibility to make it rests with you. Ignoring a problem or delaying a decision, hoping it will resolve itself, is a common but flawed approach. Problems rarely disappear independently; in fact, they often escalate if not addressed promptly.

So, the first critical step is acknowledging the existence of an issue and understanding that it requires your action.

· Develop your awareness and observation skills to recognize moments when timely decisions are necessary

· Cultivate a mindset that embraces responsibility and accountability for your decision-making

· Prioritize timely actions to prevent minor issues from growing into significant challenges

2. Embrace Data-Driven Decision Making

To make effective, solid decisions, leaders shouldn’t rely solely on their “gut” as the foundation for making an important decision. Decisions made after reviewing solid data are more likely to lead to successful outcomes.

As a leader, you must combine your experience with the information presented to you and then analyze it to find the best solution.

· Collect and analyze relevant data

· Use analytical tools and software (for example: Alterx , Google Data Studio , Microsoft Power BI ) to interpret data patterns

· Combine quantitative data with qualitative insights for a more comprehensive view

Gathering information is essential–it helps ensure more objective decisions and reduces bias.

3. Promote A Collaborative Environment

Leaders often make the best decisions when they gather information from diverse perspectives. By seeking input from various stakeholders, leaders can uncover blind spots and consider a broader range of solutions.

· Cultivate an inclusive culture, so team members feel safe sharing their opinions

· Encourage open dialogue and active listening during discussions

· Ask exploratory questions to gather as much information as possible

· Leverage the collective intelligence of your team to explore various solutions

Collaboration enhances decision quality and cultivates a sense of ownership and commitment among team members.

4. Develop Your Critical Thinking Skills

Critical thinking is essential as it equips you with the skill set to analyze situations thoroughly and objectively. It helps you identify critical issues, evaluate alternatives, and make decisions based on sound reasoning.

· Be curious and ask probing questions to challenge your assumptions and examine alternatives

· Engage in regular reflective practices, such as journaling or debriefing after significant decisions

· Attend workshops or training sessions focused on enhancing critical thinking abilities

· Practice genuinely listening to team members to gather valuable insights

5. Be Decisive, But Flexible

Effective leaders know when to make decisions quickly and when to adjust their strategies based on new information. This essential flexibility ensures adaptability in dynamic environments. Balancing these two qualities helps leaders navigate uncertainties and drive their teams forward.

· Set clear priorities so you can identify which decisions can and must be made swiftly and which can afford more time for consideration

· Develop contingency plans so you can quickly pivot if circumstances change

· Review the results from the decisions made and be open to adjusting your approach based on what you learn

Decisiveness is vital in leadership because it keeps projects moving forward and demonstrates confidence to your team. Ultimately, the responsibility of decision-making rests with the leader. Since it is a pivotal asset that significantly influences an organization’s performance, leaders must develop strong decision-making skills and confidence in their ability to make the right decisions.

Dr. Samantha Madhosingh

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Yvonne Castañeda, MSW, LICSW


Navigating your way out of decision paralysis, identifying the core issues of decision paralysis..

Posted June 23, 2024 | Reviewed by Jessica Schrader

  • Indecision can lead to heightened anxiety and diminished self-confidence.
  • Past experiences may have impacted your approach to decision-making.
  • Understanding the origins of your fears can be liberating.

You’ve been invited to a friend’s house for a casual gathering of friends and acquaintances. Initially, you were excited about the event, but the excitement vanished the moment you started thinking about what dish to bring. Your friend, of course, has offered little guidance. “Just bring whatever,” they say. “It doesn’t have to be fancy or over the top, honestly. It’s going to be super low-key and casual.”

You wander up and down the aisles of the grocery store, staring blankly at the shelves, agonizing over what to bring. Should I make an appetizer? You think. A dessert? You consult your cellphone for recipes, which only makes everything worse because you’re faced with even more options.


With each passing moment, you feel more overwhelmed; your heart is racing and you notice that you're breaking out in a sweat. You try to formulate a thought, an impossibility because your head is all over the place. Whatever culinary prowess you thought you possessed has apparently gone on strike, leaving you in a state of mild panic as you deliberate whether to make baked brie with fig jam or a tiramisu.

In the end, you give up and go home, and you add the decision to all the other ones you’ve been unable to make because they’ve all produced the same debilitating effects.

Impact on mental and emotional health

A decision can feel paralyzing regardless of the choice at hand. Whether trying to figure out what to wear to a party, which sheets would be best for your bed, or whether to take a new job opportunity, making a choice can feel like navigating a labyrinth because you weigh every possible outcome and overthink every tiny detail. And rather than find the exit, your mind falls into quicksand—the more you struggle, the deeper you sink.

This cycle of indecision can ramp up anxiety and stress , affecting how clearly you think and how stable you feel emotionally. Over time, it can erode your self-confidence and leave you feeling helpless, making it tougher to trust your own judgment in other parts of your life.

Becoming more aware and using grounding techniques to address the mental and emotional impact are great ways to navigate this common challenge, but figuring out what sets it off in the first place may be a key to liberating you from decision paralysis once and for all.

What’s really going on?

Fear of making a mistake. This fear often starts in childhood when we learn that messing up can have big consequences. Maybe your parents only praised you when you made the “right” decision, and they reacted in anger or frustration when you got something wrong. Perhaps your teachers made it worse by focusing more on getting the right answers than on exploring different ideas. These experiences may have led you to believe that mistakes are something to be ashamed of, which may trigger fear when faced with a decision.

Fear of not being perfect. Perhaps you felt pressured to meet your family’s expectations, and teachers added to this by celebrating high academic achievements. Maybe your parents/family only praised you or gave you attention when you did things well, leading you to believe that you must be perfect to be loved and accepted.


Fear of judgment. Growing up in a family where there was constant concern about what others think can leave a lasting impact on how you make decisions. In this kind of environment, you may have learned that your actions and decisions are always under scrutiny, and that your sense of worth is based on external opinions. This may have instilled a deep fear of making choices that might not measure up or could lead to criticism.

How to break free

Find the origin. When you're in physical pain and don't know why, it can sometimes make the pain feel worse. It's interesting how much relief you feel once you figure out what's causing it. The same goes for decision paralysis—understanding why making decisions is tough for you is the first step to overcoming this common challenge. Take a moment to think about your upbringing. Are you afraid of not being perfect? Are you worried about being judged? Are you worried about making a mistake? Where did it come from?

Have empathy and understanding. Blaming your parents/family for your current challenges with decision-making is not a long-term solution. Instead, recognize that the people in your life who contributed to your fears were likely raised in a similar environment and influenced by the same factors. Have an honest conversation with them- you might be surprised to find that you share the same fears.

problem solving and making decisions

Shift your perspective. In our world, people, places, and situations are often categorized as good/bad, right/wrong, perfect/imperfect. Rather than slotting the potential outcome of a decision into one of these categories, view it simply as an experience that adds to your growth and development. Notice the difference in how you feel when you switch "it was a mistake" to "it was an experience."

Making decisions can often feel overwhelming. Whether it's picking what to bring to a casual get-together or making significant life choices, the fear of making a mistake or of being judged can leave you stuck in a never-ending labyrinth of self-doubt that triggers unbearable anxious distress.

However, when you shift your mindset and stop obsessing over perfection, something transformative happens. Seeing decisions as experiences rather than potential mistakes liberates you from the burden of perfectionism and the fear of being judged. You are better able to accept that each decision, regardless of the outcome, is a chance for you to learn and grow.

This change in perspective not only makes decision-making easier but also boosts your confidence to navigate all of life’s uncertainties, ultimately leading to a more fulfilling journey.

Yvonne Castañeda, MSW, LICSW

Yvonne Castañeda, MSW, LICSW, is an Adjunct Professor at the Boston College School of Social Work and the author of the memoir Pork Belly Tacos with a Side of Anxiety.

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If we’re all so busy, why isn’t anything getting done?

Have you ever asked why it’s so difficult to get things done in business today—despite seemingly endless meetings and emails? Why it takes so long to make decisions—and even then not necessarily the right ones? You’re not the first to think there must be a better way. Many organizations address these problems by redesigning boxes and lines: who does what and who reports to whom. This exercise tends to focus almost obsessively on vertical command relationships and rarely solves for what, in our experience, is the underlying disease: the poor design and execution of collaborative interactions.

About the authors

This article is a collaborative effort by Aaron De Smet , Caitlin Hewes, Mengwei Luo, J.R. Maxwell , and Patrick Simon , representing views from McKinsey’s People & Organizational Performance Practice.

In our efforts to connect across our organizations, we’re drowning in real-time virtual interaction technology, from Zoom to Slack to Teams, plus group texting, WeChat, WhatsApp, and everything in between. There’s seemingly no excuse to not collaborate. The problem? Interacting is easier than ever, but true, productive, value-creating collaboration is not. And what’s more, where engagement is occurring, its quality is deteriorating. This wastes valuable resources, because every minute spent on a low-value interaction eats into time that could be used for important, creative, and powerful activities.

It’s no wonder a recent McKinsey survey  found 80 percent of executives were considering or already implementing changes in meeting structure and cadence in response to the evolution in how people work due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Indeed, most executives say they frequently find themselves spending way too much time on pointless interactions that drain their energy and produce information overload.

Most executives say they frequently find themselves spending way too much time on pointless interactions.

Three critical collaborative interactions

What can be done? We’ve found it’s possible to quickly improve collaborative interactions by categorizing them by type and making a few shifts accordingly. We’ve observed three broad categories of collaborative interactions (exhibit):

  • Decision making, including complex or uncertain decisions (for example, investment decisions) and cross-cutting routine decisions (such as quarterly business reviews)
  • Creative solutions and coordination, including innovation sessions (for example, developing new products) and routine working sessions (such as daily check-ins)
  • Information sharing, including one-way communication (video, for instance) and two-way communication (such as town halls with Q&As)

Below we describe the key shifts required to improve each category of collaborative interaction, as well as tools you can use to pinpoint problems in the moment and take corrective action.

Decision making: Determining decision rights

When you’re told you’re “responsible” for a decision, does that mean you get to decide? What if you’re told you’re “accountable”? Do you cast the deciding vote, or does the person responsible? What about those who must be “consulted”? Sometimes they are told their input will be reflected in the final answer—can they veto a decision if they feel their input was not fully considered?

It’s no wonder one of the key factors for fast, high-quality decisions is to clarify exactly who makes them. Consider a success story at a renewable-energy company. To foster accountability and transparency, the company developed a 30-minute “role card” conversation for managers to have with their direct reports. As part of this conversation, managers explicitly laid out the decision rights and accountability metrics for each direct report. The result? Role clarity enabled easier navigation for employees, sped up decision making, and resulted in decisions that were much more customer focused.

How to define decision rights

We recommend a simple yet comprehensive approach for defining decision rights. We call it DARE, which stands for deciders, advisers, recommenders, and executors:

Deciders are the only ones with a vote (unlike the RACI model, which helps determine who is responsible, accountable, consulted, and informed). If the deciders get stuck, they should jointly agree on how to escalate the decision or figure out a way to move the process along, even if it means agreeing to “disagree and commit.”

Advisers have input and help shape the decision. They have an outsize voice in setting the context of the decision and have a big stake in its outcome—for example, it may affect their profit-and-loss statements—but they don’t get a vote.

Recommenders conduct the analyses, explore the alternatives, illuminate the pros and cons, and ultimately recommend a course of action to advisers and deciders. They see the day-to-day implications of the decision but also have no vote. Best-in-class recommenders offer multiple options and sometimes invite others to suggest more if doing so may lead to better outcomes. A common mistake of recommenders, though, is coming in with only one recommendation (often the status quo) and trying to convince everyone it’s the best path forward. In general, the more recommenders, the better the process—but not in the decision meeting itself.

Executers don’t give input but are deeply involved in implementing the decision. For speed, clarity, and alignment, executers need to be in the room when the decision is made so they can ask clarifying questions and spot flaws that might hinder implementation. Notably, the number of executers doesn’t necessarily depend on the importance of the decision. An M&A decision, for example, might have just two executors: the CFO and a business-unit head.

To make this shift, ensure everyone is crystal clear about who has a voice but no vote or veto. Our research indicates while it is often helpful to involve more people in decision making, not all of them should be deciders—in many cases, just one individual should be the decider (see sidebar “How to define decision rights”). Don’t underestimate the difficulty of implementing this. It often goes against our risk-averse instinct to ensure everyone is “happy” with a decision, particularly our superiors and major stakeholders. Executing and sustaining this change takes real courage and leadership.

Creative solutions and coordination: Open innovation

Routine working sessions are fairly straightforward. What many organizations struggle with is finding innovative ways to identify and drive toward solutions. How often do you tell your teams what to do versus empowering them to come up with solutions? While they may solve the immediate need to “get stuff done,” bureaucracies and micromanagement are a recipe for disaster. They slow down the organizational response to the market and customers, prevent leaders from focusing on strategic priorities, and harm employee engagement. Our research suggests  key success factors in winning organizations are empowering employees  and spending more time on high-quality coaching interactions.

How microenterprises empower employees to drive innovative solutions

Haier, a Chinese appliance maker, created more than 4,000 microenterprises (MEs) that share common approaches but operate independently. Haier has three types of microenterprises:

  • Market-facing MEs have roots in Haier’s legacy appliance business, reinvented for today’s customer-centric, web-enabled world. They are expected to grow revenue and profit ten times faster than the industry average.
  • Incubating MEs focus on emerging markets such as e-gaming or wrapping new business models around familiar products. They currently account for more than 10 percent of Haier’s market capitalization.
  • “Node” MEs sell market-facing ME products and services such as design, manufacturing, and human-resources support.

Take Haier. The Chinese appliance maker divided itself into more than 4,000 microenterprises with ten to 15 employees each, organized in an open ecosystem of users, inventors, and partners (see sidebar “How microenterprises empower employees to drive innovative solutions”). This shift turned employees into energetic entrepreneurs who were directly accountable for customers. Haier’s microenterprises are free to form and evolve with little central direction, but they share the same approach to target setting, internal contracting, and cross-unit coordination. Empowering employees to drive innovative solutions has taken the company from innovation-phobic to entrepreneurial at scale. Since 2015, revenue from Haier Smart Home, the company’s listed home-appliance business, has grown by more than 18 percent a year, topping 209 billion renminbi ($32 billion) in 2020. The company has also made a string of acquisitions, including the 2016 purchase of GE Appliances, with new ventures creating more than $2 billion in market value.

Empowering others doesn’t mean leaving them alone. Successful empowerment, counterintuitively, doesn’t mean leaving employees alone. Empowerment requires leaders to give employees both the tools and the right level of guidance and involvement. Leaders should play what we call the coach role: coaches don’t tell people what to do but instead provide guidance and guardrails and ensure accountability, while stepping back and allowing others to come up with solutions.

Haier was able to use a variety of tools—including objectives and key results (OKRs) and common problem statements—to foster an agile way of working across the enterprise that focuses innovative organizational energy on the most important topics. Not all companies can do this, and some will never be ready for enterprise agility. But every organization can take steps to improve the speed and quality of decisions made by empowered individuals.

Managers who are great coaches, for example, have typically benefited from years of investment by mentors, sponsors, and organizations. We think all organizations should do more to improve the coaching skills of managers and help them to create the space and time to coach teams, as opposed to filling out reports, presenting in meetings, and other activities that take time away from driving impact through the work of their teams.

But while great coaches take time to develop, something as simple as a daily stand-up or check-in can drive horizontal connectivity, creating the space for teams to understand what others are doing and where they need help to drive work forward without having to specifically task anyone in a hierarchical way. You may also consider how you are driving a focus on outcomes over activities on a near-term and long-term basis. Whether it’s OKRs or something else, how is your organization proactively communicating a focus on impact and results over tasks and activities? What do you measure? How is it tracked? How is the performance of your people and your teams managed against it? Over what time horizons?

The importance of psychological safety. As you start this journey, be sure to take a close look at psychological safety. If employees don’t feel psychologically safe, it will be nearly impossible for leaders and managers to break through disempowering behaviors like constant escalation, hiding problems or risks, and being afraid to ask questions—no matter how skilled they are as coaches.

Employers should be on the lookout for common problems indicating that significant challenges to psychological safety lurk underneath the surface. Consider asking yourself and your teams questions to test the degree of psychological safety you have cultivated: Do employees have space to bring up concerns or dissent? Do they feel that if they make a mistake it will be held against them? Do they feel they can take risks or ask for help? Do they feel others may undermine them? Do employees feel valued for their unique skills and talents? If the answer to any of these is not a clear-cut “yes,” the organization likely has room for improvement on psychological safety and relatedness as a foundation to high-quality interactions within and between teams.

Information sharing: Fit-for-purpose interactions

Do any of these scenarios sound familiar? You spend a significant amount of time in meetings every day but feel like nothing has been accomplished. You jump from one meeting to another and don’t get to think on your own until 7 p.m. You wonder why you need to attend a series of meetings where the same materials are presented over and over again. You’re exhausted.

An increasing number of organizations have begun to realize the urgency of driving ruthless meeting efficiency and of questioning whether meetings are truly required at all to share information. Live interactions can be useful for information sharing, particularly when there is an interpretive lens required to understand the information, when that information is particularly sensitive, or when leaders want to ensure there’s ample time to process it and ask questions. That said, most of us would say that most meetings are not particularly useful and often don’t accomplish their intended objective.

We have observed that many companies are moving to shorter meetings (15 to 30 minutes) rather than the standard default of one-hour meetings in an effort to drive focus and productivity. For example, Netflix launched a redesign effort to drastically improve meeting efficiency, resulting in a tightly controlled meeting protocol. Meetings cannot go beyond 30 minutes. Meetings for one-way information sharing must be canceled in favor of other mechanisms such as a memo, podcast, or vlog. Two-way information sharing during meetings is limited by having attendees review materials in advance, replacing presentations with Q&As. Early data show Netflix has been able to reduce the number of meetings by more than 65 percent, and more than 85 percent of employees favor the approach.

Making meeting time a scarce resource is another strategy organizations are using to improve the quality of information sharing and other types of interactions occurring in a meeting setting. Some companies have implemented no-meeting days. In Japan, Microsoft’s “Work Life Choice Challenge” adopted a four-day workweek, reduced the time employees spend in meetings—and boosted productivity by 40 percent. 1 Bill Chappell, “4-day workweek boosted workers’ productivity by 40%, Microsoft Japan says,” NPR, November 4, 2019, Similarly, Shopify uses “No Meeting Wednesdays” to enable employees to devote time to projects they are passionate about and to promote creative thinking. 2 Amy Elisa Jackson, “Feedback & meeting-free Wednesdays: How Shopify beats the competition,” Glassdoor, December 5, 2018, And Moveline’s product team dedicates every Tuesday to “Maker Day,” an opportunity to create and solve complex problems without the distraction of meetings. 3 Rebecca Greenfield, “Why your office needs a maker day,” Fast Company , April 17, 2014,

Finally, no meeting could be considered well scoped without considering who should participate, as there are real financial and transaction costs to meeting participation. Leaders should treat time spent in meetings as seriously as companies treat financial capital. Every leader in every organization should ask the following questions before attending any meeting: What’s this meeting for? What’s my role? Can I shorten this meeting by limiting live information sharing and focusing on discussion and decision making? We encourage you to excuse yourself from meetings if you don’t have a role in influencing the outcome and to instead get a quick update over email. If you are not essential, the meeting will still be successful (possibly more so!) without your presence. Try it and see what happens.

High-quality, focused interactions can improve productivity, speed, and innovation within any organization—and drive better business performance. We hope the above insights have inspired you to try some new techniques to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of collaboration within your organization.

Aaron De Smet is a senior partner in McKinsey’s New Jersey office; Caitlin Hewes is a consultant in the Atlanta office; Mengwei Luo is an associate partner in the New York office; J.R. Maxwell is a partner in the Washington, DC, office; and Patrick Simon is a partner in the Munich office.

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