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Technology in the workplace: its advantages, importance, and influence

From the earliest computers to the cloud—here’s how technology transforms the way we work.

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Technology is such a fundamental part of the modern workplace that it’s difficult to tell where the advantages start and finish. As a driving force behind every successful business in the world today, workplace technology can include everything from customer management software and virtual meeting tools to the keycard you use to get into the building.

Recent years have seen these tools put to use as a way for companies to continue working when teams aren’t sharing the same physical space. With the rise of hybrid working, technology has empowered teams to communicate and collaborate more effectively, no matter where they are.

WeWork Workplace is a technology solution that helps businesses comprehensively manage their offices. Built in partnership with leading real estate software company Yardi, WeWork Workplace is an all-in-one platform that can integrate different space types to help companies execute their hybrid work strategies.

The beginnings of technology in the workplace

It’s hard to overstate just how much technology has transformed the workplace over the course of the last half-century. The first computers to arrive in the workplace were giant machines, big enough to fill entire floors of office buildings. Mostly used for bookkeeping and data entry, these early computers were loud, expensive, and required special training to use. 

As technology progressed, computers became smaller and more affordable, and they began to be used for more specialized tasks and by more companies. The first word processors were developed in the early 1970s and revolutionized the way office work was done. It was no longer necessary to retype entire documents by hand every time a change was made. Word processors allowed files to be edited and saved electronically.

The introduction of the PC in the 1980s and the internet in the 1990s kicked things into light speed. What was unthinkable just a few decades ago, today’s businesses can now communicate and share huge amounts of data and information with suppliers, partners, and customers around the world instantly rather than days.

Advantages of technology in the workplace

Technology is so intertwined with workplace life that its advantages have crept into every aspect of how we do business. It’s an obvious observation, but what was once the stuff of science fiction has become totally unremarkable. Tech capabilities such as effortless videoconferencing , AI-powered logistics, and automated customer support tools would have seemed unfeasible just a few years ago—but today they’re commonplace.

A recent study by JLL showed that nearly 80 percent of companies plan to incorporate more than 10 technologies, including workplace apps, virtual reality, and remote-work technology, into their organizations by 2025.

Beyond the impressive gains made, there are many simpler advantages that technology has brought into the workplace. Smaller, more powerful computers place the world’s best production tools at the fingertips of every office worker. Speedy internet connections allow seamless communication and file sharing between offices on opposite ends of the planet. Analytics tools organize mountains of customer information and identify patterns and trends that no human could spot.

How has new technology affected the modern workplace?

Central to many of these advances is the ease with which we can automate processes and move information around. That could mean interacting with hard data, like easily accessible customer information in a CRM, or sharing project management updates across cloud-based productivity tools. Or how remote teams are better able to share and track information through virtual meetings, cloud storage, instant messaging, and email.

The ability for organizations of all sizes to collaborate, learn more about their customers , and do business in an interconnected world has supercharged productivity.

Why is technology in the workplace so important?

Just as the inventions of the industrial revolution led to rocketing productivity growth, having access to the latest technology allows today’s companies to work more efficiently, focus on the things that matter, and stay ahead of competitors.

Communication and interaction

Basic technology like email and instant messaging tools, as well as more recent innovations like Teams, Slack , and Zoom, have made it possible for employees to stay in touch and work together on projects, even when they’re based remotely.


Technology has transformed how businesses recruit by making it easier to reach a wider pool of candidates online. Employers expecting a large number of résumés can also screen candidates with applicant tracking systems, which automatically evaluate and filter potential recruits.

Technology saves time and effort. Productivity suites like Office 365 and Google Docs allow teams to collaborate on documents in real time, rather than by sending drafts back and forth. Project management software like Trello allows managers to organize team workloads more efficiently.

As the technology we use in the workplace becomes more sophisticated, so do the threats that organizations face from online fraud, data breaches, and theft. Network security is an essential part of doing business online, and involves not only firewalls and strong passwords but also up-to-date procedures and training for employees to help reduce the chances of human error.

Convenience and comfort

While it’s easy to focus on technology purely as a productivity tool, it’s also made many jobs more convenient and comfortable. The sharp rise of remote working couldn’t have happened without a resilient digital infrastructure, fast internet speeds at the office and at home, and seamless collaboration tools.

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The future of technology in the workplace

Nobody can say for sure where technology will take the workplace next, but the most successful businesses have always used the tech at their disposal to build stronger relationships with customers and collaborate more effectively with colleagues. The technology of tomorrow’s workplace should reflect how teams work today, whether that’s remotely, in a shared office, or a mixture of both. 

WeWork’s range of customizable offices are designed with the future of flexible working in mind and come equipped with the workplace technology your teams need to do their best work. Whether you’re launching a remote team in a new city, or need to reserve a modern workspace at short notice, WeWork provides beautiful offices to help you achieve your business goals. 

Steve Hogarty is a writer and journalist based in London. He is the travel editor of City AM newspaper and the deputy editor of City AM Magazine , where his work focuses on technology, travel, and entertainment.

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Using Technology to Make Work More Human

  • Allison Fine
  • Beth Kanter

the advantages of technology in workplace free essay

Automation can free us up to focus on the parts of our jobs we find most meaningful.

The next wave of digital tech, or “smart tech,” has the potential and power to help us rehumanize work. Rather than doing the same work faster and with fewer people, smart tech creates an opportunity to redesign jobs and reengineer workflows to enable people to focus on the parts of work that humans are particularly well-suited for, such as relationship building, intuitive decision making, empathy, and problem solving. But it will require organizational leaders to make informed, careful, strategic decisions to ensure the technology is used to enhance our humanity and enable people to do the kinds of relational, empathetic, problem-solving activities we do best. This article offers some initial steps to get started introducing smart tech within your own organization.

The Great Resignation wasn’t created by the pandemic so much as supersized by it. The unwillingness of workers to rush back into cubicles, behind counters, onto assembly lines, and behind the wheel is a direct result of work cultures that too often default to suspicion, inflexible schedules, and unrealistic workloads. The virtual and flexible work arrangements necessitated by the pandemic were revelatory for many people, but didn’t free them from the 24/7 onslaught of tasks, back-to-back meetings, and emails created by always-on cultures and technologies . But the next wave of digital tech — what we call “smart tech” — has the potential and power to be different and to reverse these trends. Instead of dehumanizing us, smart tech can actually help rehumanize work.

  • AF Allison Fine is among the nation’s preeminent writers and strategists on the use of technology for social good. She is the author of the award-winning Momentum: Igniting Social Change in the Connected Age , and Matterness: Fearless Leadership for a Social World . She speaks to social change makers around the world, regularly keynotes conferences, is a founding board member of Civic Hall, and is a member of the national board of Women of Reform Judaism. Her next book, The Smart Nonprofit: Staying Human Centered in an Automated World , will be released by Wiley in March 2022.
  • Beth Kanter is an internationally recognized thought leader in digital transformation and well-being in the nonprofit workplace, a trainer & facilitator, and a sought-after keynote speaker. She is the co-author of   The Networked Nonprofit , and the award-winning Happy Healthy Nonprofit: Impact without Burnout. Named one of the most influential women in technology by Fast Company, she has over three decades of experience in designing and delivering training programs for nonprofits and foundations. Her next book, The Smart Nonprofit: Staying Human Centered in an Automated World , will be released by Wiley in March 2022.

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Technology in the workplace: how it’s evolving, and how to stay ahead of the curve

We explore how workplace technology is constantly evolving and how businesses can harness its capabilities to remain competitive, progressive and sustainable.

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5th Aug, 2022

Jack Ireland

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Over the past two decades, technology has developed into an essential part of our everyday routines, both in a personal and professional capacity.

For businesses, technology in the workplace has adapted operational processes, increased employee synergy, and brought businesses a few steps closer to their consumers.

Workplace technology is well suited to helping businesses grow, achieve goals and heighten employee experiences, leading to better employee retention and attraction strategies.

We explore how technology in the workplace is constantly evolving, and how businesses can implement innovative technology solutions to ultimately stay ahead of the competition.

The changing technology in the workplace over the past 50 years

The workplace has rapidly changed due to the advancements in technology and the growth of online platforms. From the first use of the Lyons Electronic Office (LEO) computer in 1951, to American computer programmer Ray Tomlinson sending the first email 20 years later, change is constant. Today’s modern office is rife with digital workplace technology that enables businesses to thrive in environments once considered a pipe dream.

On the back of word processors being introduced in the 1970s, the internet connecting us all in the 1990s and the introduction of cloud storage by the turn of the millennium, businesses have adapted their working practices to make sure they sustain and maintain their business models in light of ground breaking changes to the workplace.

More recently, due to the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, technology has transformed to keep people engaged, productive and accessible from anywhere in the world. Research by McKinsey highlighted that 93% of companies they surveyed said they had to shift to remote work due to the pandemic. At the same time, 62% said they had to deal with increasing customer demand for online purchase and services, while 34% said there was an increase in migration of their company’s assets and tools to cloud databases for remote access.

Because of the shift in working conditions, companies now have the ability to harness advanced technology – such as video conferencing equipment and interactive systems – as the expectation is now for technology to support the entire workplace experience.

The importance of technology in the workplace

Technology continues to help businesses grow profits, adapt to changes and redefine their proposition. Because of digital-based technologies, communicating with both clients and employees is easier than ever before.

Technology affects communication in the workplace on multiple levels; the art of being able to communicate through a variety of means is even more important during a post-pandemic era, where many organisations are still working in a remote or hybrid capacity. According to research conducted by Finder , 60% of the UK’s adult population worked from home during the first coronavirus lockdown.

Cloud-based platforms such as Microsoft Teams, Zoom and Office 365 continue to provide a pathway for companies to remain connected. They produce a variety of applications and supply features such as a chat/call function, file storage and sharing, alongside document collaboration to significantly enhance group project work and response times.

Having the latest technology allows companies to stay competitive and provide the best quality service possible.

The advantages of new workplace technologies

Many business owners now understand the important role that technology plays in the workplace as it continues to:

Increase employee productivity

Enhance product and service development

Maximise team-building opportunities

Here are some of the advantages of new technology in the workplace:

Increases security

With cyber-attacks increasing in volume and size year on year, digital security measures are able to protect files and systems, making sure business isn’t compromised. Security technologies like antivirus and authentication software have become both necessary and effective, while many businesses have also begun to implement employee training to help reduce the amount of data breaches.

Improves productivity and efficiency level

Advances in workplace technologies have seen companies increase their productivity and efficiency levels exponentially. Administration processes that were once considered solely manual and time-consuming are now completed via digital tools, applications and software systems. Employees now have the ability to focus on tasks that generate revenue and drive business forward.

Heightens innovation and creativity

Technology plays a significant role in enhancing employee creativity in the workplace. In marketing, technology is an important tool used to create and implement a strategy. Social media platforms help to initiate conversations between workers and potential clients/customers, while platforms like Microsoft Teams and Zoom are now an essential part of team communication, planning, and managing workflows.

The technology skills that the modern worker need in today’s workplace

Modern technology has shifted the way that business is conducted across a plethora of industries. According to research by CIPD into workplace technology, of those employees experiencing a technology use change, 50% feel that they now need more skills and knowledge to carry out their role.

The impact of technology in the workplace has never been greater regarding employee needs. Being attuned to workplace technologies is no longer seen as a bonus, but rather an expectation for employees. Workplaces, alongside digital setups for working from home, now depend on technology as a key driver of business operations, from office management systems to customer relationship management (CRM) tools. 

In addition to soft skills, employers should be looking for candidates that possess the technology skills needed in the workplace and who are familiar with tools that are highly transferable across multiple roles and industries. Whether employees need to be able to share information via social media, input data into spreadsheets and reports, present effectively or be a confident communicator over email, Microsoft Teams or other platforms, having a workforce fully enveloped in technology will create a stronger business culture, both internally and externally.

Planning ahead for technological advances

Workplace technologies have evolved at a faster rate because of the pandemic. Technologies that are sure to have a huge impact on the recruitment process in the near and present future are artificial intelligence (AI) and ‘always-on’ technology.

AI has grown substantially in recent years, as multiple sectors utilise its ability to enhance production and shorten the time taken to complete tasks. For recruitment, AI can be used to assist companies in identifying the best talent when a short turnaround is needed.

New AI technologies are able to streamline parts of the recruiting workflow by sifting through candidate applications. Because of this, hiring managers are given time back to increase, maintain and develop relationships with jobseekers and clients to find the talent their business desires.

As AI grows further, businesses will look to invest in AI in order to augment their recruitment technology, as remote interviews and working models continue to take up a greater share of the marketplace.

Technology has become a critical driver of business outcomes, and the expectation is that it is ‘always-on’. Always-on technology – such as chatbots and responsive operating systems – continue to add value to companies who want to stay ahead of the competition. Adapting to technology will help to deliver a secure, reliable and progressive work environment that keeps employees engaged and productive.

How businesses can take advantage of advances in recruitment technology

Using technology in processes like recruitment has many benefits, including increased accessibility, improved candidate experience and sifting speed, according to data found in a CIPD survey on using technology to improve hiring and onboarding.

To ensure companies get the most out of recruitment technology, they need to make sure each solution is implemented carefully and provides a great user experience for both the hiring manager and the jobseeker.

Being able to identify and reach talent in a competitive job market is essential. Businesses need to harness technology to fully understand supply and demand when it comes to talent, before being able to accurately target talent, contact jobseekers and track the progress of recruitment strategies.

While there is an emphasis on utilising technology within the recruitment process, if the balance between automated technology and human interaction is wrong, it can result in a more impersonal candidate experience and impact the attractiveness of a role.

Utilise automated technology to help sift through applications before harnessing that human touch to contact any potential candidates. The best recruitment technology strategies focus on the needs of both the employer and the jobseeker for a seamless and progressive process.

It can be difficult to keep up with technological advances but doing so can help transform and grow your business. From employee productivity levels to enhanced IT security, coming to grips with workplace technology can set a new precedent in how efficiently and effectively a company can increase its profitability and reputation.

Senior leaders are now tasked with creating a healthy digital culture, and in doing so can harness the power of workplace technology to reinforce an atmosphere that allows employees to work towards creating a better, more advanced future.

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Technology, jobs, and the future of work

The world of work is in a state of flux, which is causing considerable anxiety—and with good reason. There is growing polarization of labor-market opportunities between high- and low-skill jobs, unemployment and underemployment especially among young people, stagnating incomes for a large proportion of households, and income inequality. Migration and its effects on jobs has become a sensitive political issue in many advanced economies. And from Mumbai to Manchester, public debate rages about the future of work and whether there will be enough jobs to gainfully employ everyone.

The development of automation enabled by technologies including robotics and artificial intelligence brings the promise of higher productivity (and with productivity, economic growth), increased efficiencies, safety, and convenience. But these technologies also raise difficult questions about the broader impact of automation on jobs, skills, wages, and the nature of work itself.

Many activities that workers carry out today have the potential to be automated. At the same time, job-matching sites such as LinkedIn and Monster are changing and expanding the way individuals look for work and companies identify and recruit talent. Independent workers are increasingly choosing to offer their services on digital platforms including Upwork, Uber, and Etsy and, in the process, challenging conventional ideas about how and where work is undertaken.

For policy makers, business leaders, and workers themselves, these shifts create considerable uncertainty, alongside the potential benefits. This briefing note aims to provide a fact base on the multiple trends and forces buffeting the world of work drawing on recent research by the McKinsey Global Institute and others.

Table of contents

Developments in employment, income, and skills

How automation and technology are affecting work, the challenges of digitization—and possible solutions.

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Challenges in labor markets are growing, household incomes in advanced economies have been stagnating, and there are increasing skill gaps among workers.

Labor markets are under strain, and talent is underutilized

Unemployment and underemployment are high around the world. In the United States and the 15 core European Union countries (EU-15), there are 285 million adults who are not in the labor force—and at least 100 million of them would like to work more. Some 30 to 45 percent of the working-age population around the world is underutilized—that is, unemployed, inactive, or underemployed. This translates into some 850 million people in the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, Japan, Brazil, China, and India alone. Most attention is paid to the unemployed portion of this number, and not enough to the underemployed and the inactive portions, which make up the majority of untapped human potential.

Almost 75 million youth are officially unemployed. Women represent one of the largest pools of untapped labor: globally, 655 million fewer women are economically active than men. In a “best-in-region” scenario in which all countries match the rate of improvement in gender gaps (in labor force participation, hours worked, and sector mix of employment) of the best-performing country in their region, $12 trillion more of annual GDP would be realized in 2025 , equivalent in size to the current GDP of Japan, Germany, and the United Kingdom combined.

Household incomes in advanced economies have stagnated or fallen, fueling public disgruntlement

The vast majority of people derive incomes from jobs. In the United States, Western Europe, and across advanced economies, market incomes (from wages and capital) stagnated or fell for about two-thirds of households in 2005–14, a period marked by deep recession and slow recovery after the 2008 financial crisis. This was the first time incomes stopped advancing on such a scale since the stagflation era of the 1970s, and it may have helped stir popular opposition to globalization. The recession was a leading cause of the abrupt end to income advancement, but other longer-run factors also contributed, including a decline in the share of national income that is paid to workers, the so-called wage share. This has fallen across advanced economies despite rising productivity, suggesting a decoupling between productivity and incomes.

The decline is due in part to the growth of corporate profits as a share of national income, rising capital returns to technology investments, lower returns to labor from increased trade, rising rent incomes from home ownership, and increased depreciation on capital. Policy makers in the affected countries took action during the downturn to compensate for the income squeeze, in the former of lower taxes and higher transfers, but these were largely one-off measures to buoy disposable income in response to the recession, and not sustainable.

Globalization has brought numerous benefits, including lifting millions of people in emerging economies into the consuming class. But it also has had an impact in some sectors like manufacturing in advanced economies, with some jobs moving offshore. Better support could have been provided to help affected workers build new skills and transition into new sectors or occupations.

A survey we conducted in France, the United Kingdom, and the United States showed a significant proportion of those whose incomes stagnated are worried about their children’s economic prospects—a sharp departure after many decades in which it was an article of faith that every generation would enjoy higher living standards than their parents. Middle-income households have been the most affected, and young and less educated people are especially vulnerable. Across all age groups, medium- and low-skill workers have done worse than those with a college education. Many blame governments, global institutions, corporations, and establishment “elites” around the world, and the principles of free trade and open borders are under attack.

Getting practical about the future of work

Getting practical about the future of work

Skills, jobs, and locations do not always match, limiting income-earning opportunities for many.

Educational systems have not kept pace with the changing nature of work, resulting in many employers saying they cannot find enough workers with the skills they need. In a McKinsey survey of young people and employers in nine countries, 40 percent of employers said lack of skills was the main reason for entry-level job vacancies. Sixty percent said that new graduates were not adequately prepared for the world of work. There were gaps in technical skills such as STEM subject degrees but also in soft skills such as communication, teamwork, and punctuality. Conversely, even those in work may not be realizing their potential. In a recent global survey of job seekers conducted by LinkedIn, 37 percent of respondents said their current job does not fully utilize their skills or provide enough challenge.

Some of the mismatching is locational: where there is demand for work, there may not be available and qualified workers to be found. This geographic mismatch can be seen across regions within countries, and between countries.

Cross-border migration fills some skill gaps but can create tensions

Cross-border migration has been a natural consequence of a world in which people do not find attractive work opportunities in their country of origin, at a time when other economies are not adequately filling their skills gaps. Migration boosts global productivity , but its consequences are often feared by native workers, who face labor market disconnects and a lack of well-paid jobs.

In 2015, approximately 247 million people lived in a country not of their birth—a number that has almost tripled in the past 50 years. Most have gravitated to places where they believe they will find better jobs . More than 90 percent have moved voluntarily, and about half have moved from developing to developed countries. In the period 2000 to 2014, migration has provided about 40 percent of labor force growth in Canada, Spain, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

Most migration consists of people moving to another country in the same part of the world.

Migrants made an absolute contribution to global output of roughly $6.7 trillion, or 9.4 percent of global GDP in 2015. However, migrant workers, on average, earn wages that are 20 to 30 percent lower than those of comparable native-born workers. More effective integration approaches could lay the groundwork for economic gains of up to $1 trillion globally, benefiting both economies and individuals.

In the context of challenging labor market conditions, popular sentiment has moved against immigration. Surveys conducted by MGI suggest that a significant proportion of middle- and low-income groups in advanced economies who are experiencing flat or falling real incomes are pessimistic about the future and likely to hold particularly negative views about immigrants.

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New technologies have the potential to upend much of what we know about the way people work. But disruption is an opportunity as well as a challenge—given the promise of digital talent platforms and new options for independent work, for example.

Many activities that workers carry out today have the potential to be automated

Technological change has reshaped the workplace continually over the past two centuries since the Industrial Revolution, but the speed with which automation technologies are developing today, and the scale at which they could disrupt the world of work, are largely without precedent.

MGI research on the automation potential of the global economy, focusing on 46 countries representing about 80 percent of the global workforce, has examined more than 2,000 work activities and quantified the technical feasibility of automating each of them. The proportion of occupations that can be fully automated using currently demonstrated technology is actually small—less than 5 percent. An additional important finding is that even if whole occupations are not automated, partial automation (where only some activities that make up an occupation are automated) will affect almost all occupations to a greater or lesser degree. The impact will be felt not just by factory workers and clerks but also by landscape gardeners and dental lab technicians, fashion designers, insurance sales representatives, and even CEOs.

We find that about 60 percent of all occupations have at least 30 percent of activities that are technically automatable , based on currently demonstrated technologies. This means that most occupations will change, and more people will have to work with technology. Highly skilled workers working with technology will benefit. While low-skilled workers working with technology will be able to achieve more in terms of output and productivity, these workers may experience wage pressure, given the potentially larger supply of similarly low-skilled workers, unless demand for the occupation grows more than the expansion in labor supply.

On a global scale, we calculate that the adaptation of currently demonstrated automation technologies could affect 50 percent of the world economy , or 1.2 billion employees and $14.6 trillion in wages. Just four countries—China, India, Japan, and the United States—account for just over half of these totals. There are sizable differences in automation potential between countries, based mainly on the structure of their economies, the relative level of wages, and the size and dynamics of the workforce.

As machines evolve and acquire more advanced performance capabilities that match or exceed human capabilities, the adoption of automation will pick up. However, the technical feasibility to automate does not automatically translate into the deployment of automation in the workplace and the automation of jobs. Technical potential is only the first of several elements that must be considered. A second element is the cost of developing and deploying both the hardware and the software for automation. The supply-and-demand dynamics of labor are a third factor: if workers with sufficient skills for the given occupation are in abundant supply and significantly less expensive than automation, this could slow the rate of adoption. A fourth to be considered are the benefits of automation beyond labor substitution—including higher levels of output, better quality and fewer errors, and capabilities that surpass human ability.

Finally, regulatory and social issues, such as the degree to which machines are acceptable in any particular setting, must also be weighed. It is for these various reasons that go beyond purely technical feasibility of automation that our estimates for “whole-job” automation are lower than other estimates. Our scenarios suggest that it may take at least two decades before automation reaches 50 percent of all of today’s work activities, taking into account regions where wages are relatively low.

Technology can help labor markets: Digital talent platforms improve matching between workers and jobs

Digital talent platforms have the potential to improve the ways workers and jobs are matched, creating transparency and efficiency in labor markets, and potentially raising GDP. They can raise labor participation and working hours; evidence from around the world suggests that some people would work more hours if they could. A US survey, for example, reports that three-quarters of stay-at-home mothers would be likely to work if they had flexible options. Even if a small fraction of inactive youth and adults use these platforms to work a few hours per week, the economic impact would be significant.

With their powerful search capabilities and sophisticated screening algorithms, online talent platforms can also speed the hiring process and cut the time individuals spend searching between jobs, reducing unemployment. By aggregating data on candidates and job openings across entire countries or regions, they may address some geographic mismatches and enable matches that otherwise would not have come about.

Finally, online talent platforms help put the right people in the right jobs, thereby increasing their productivity along with their job satisfaction. They can draw people who are engaged in informal work into formal employment, especially in emerging economies. Both of these effects could increase output per worker, raising global GDP.

Digitally-enabled independent work is on the rise

While independent work is nothing new (and self-employment is still the predominant form of work in emerging economies), the digital enablement of it is. MGI research finds that 20 to 30 percent of the working age population in the United States and the European Union is engaged in independent work . Just over half of these workers supplement their income and have traditional jobs, or are students, retirees, or caregivers. While 70 percent choose this type of work, 30 percent use it out of necessity because they cannot find a traditional job at all, or one that meets their income and flexibility needs. The proportion of independent work that is conducted on digital platforms, while only about 15 percent of independent work overall, is growing rapidly, driven by the scale, efficiency, and ease of use for workers and customers that these platforms enable. Such platforms include Uber, Etsy, Didi, and others. While those who pursue independent work (digitally enabled or not) out of preference are generally satisfied; those who pursue it out of necessity are unsatisfied with the income variability and the lack of benefits typically associated with traditional work. Policy makers and innovators will need to grapple with solutions to these challenges.

Not to be forgotten—technology creates new jobs and income possibilities

Even while technologies replace some jobs, they are creating new work in industries that most of us cannot even imagine, and new ways to generate income. One-third of new jobs created in the United States in the past 25 years were types that did not exist, or barely existed, in areas including IT development, hardware manufacturing, app creation, and IT systems management. The net impact of new technologies on employment can be strongly positive. A 2011 study by McKinsey’s Paris office found that the Internet had destroyed 500,000 jobs in France in the previous 15 years—but at the same time had created 1.2 million others, a net addition of 700,000, or 2.4 jobs created for every job destroyed. The growing role of big data in the economy and business will create a significant need for statisticians and data analysts; we estimate a shortfall of up to 250,000 data scientists in the United States alone in a decade.

Digital technology also can enable new forms of entrepreneurial activity. Workers in small businesses and self-employed occupations can benefit from higher income earning opportunities. A new category of knowledge-enabled jobs will become possible as machines embed intelligence and knowledge that less-skilled workers can access with a little training. In India, for example, Google is rolling out the Internet Saathi (Friends of the Internet) program in which rural women are trained to use the Internet, and then become local agents who provide services in their villages through Internet-enabled devices. The services include working as local distributors for telecom products (phones, SIM cards, and data packs), field data collectors for research agencies, financial-services agents, and paratechnicians who help local people access government schemes and benefits through an Internet-based device.

the advantages of technology in workplace free essay

We have yet to reach the full potential of digitization across the global economy. Making sure that digital gains are accessible to all could provide significant value. And though other challenges, too, remain, they could be addressed by exploring several solution spaces—for instance, through evolving education systems or by pursuing public-private partnerships to stimulate investment in enabling infrastructure.

We are only starting to capture the opportunities from digitizing economies at the sector and company level

Digital technologies are creating major new opportunities for workers and companies, in both advanced and developing economies, but there are significant variations within and across countries and sectors. Our use of the term digitization (and our measurement of it), encompasses:

  • Digitization of assets, including infrastructure, connected machines, data, and data platforms;
  • Digitization of operations, including processes, payments and business models, and customer and supply chain interactions; and
  • Digitization of the workforce, including worker use of digital tools, digitally skilled workers, and new digital jobs and roles.

In measuring each of these various aspects of digitization, we find relatively large disparities even among big companies Based on these measures, a few sectors are highly digitized—for example, financial services, media, and the tech sector itself. These tend to be among the sectors with the highest productivity growth and wage growth. Many others are much less digitized, including healthcare, education, and even retail. These tend to be the largest share of the economy in terms of GDP and the lowest-productivity sectors. Similarly, companies are digitizing unevenly.

Companies that are digital leaders in their sectors have faster revenue growth and higher productivity than their less-digitized peers. Their profits and margins can increase three times as fast, and workers within these companies enjoy double the wage growth. Digitization will continue to change how companies organize work, as well as the mix of work in any given sector. All this will require ongoing adaptation and transition by workers in terms of skills, activities, companies, and even the sectors they work in.

Clearly, we are still in the early stages of how sectors and companies use digital technologies, and there is considerable unevenness. From country to country, too, there are significant divergences. Overall, for example, we estimate that the United States has captured only 18 percent of its potential from digital technologies, while Europe has captured only 12 percent . Emerging economies are even further behind, with countries in the Middle East and Brazil capturing less than 10 percent of their digital potential.

More than half the world’s population is still offline, limiting the potential to benefit from digital

Rapid technology adoption can unlock huge economic value, even as it implies major need for retraining and redeployment of labor. In India, for example, digital technologies provide the foundation for many innovations that could contribute $550 billion to $1 trillion of economic impact per year in 2025. However, the value of digitization that is captured depends on how many people and businesses have access to it.

More than four billion people, or over half of the world’s population, is still offline . About 75 percent of this offline population is concentrated in 20 countries, including Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Nigeria, Pakistan, and Tanzania, and is disproportionately rural, low income, elderly, illiterate, and female. The value of connecting these people is significant, and as they enter the global digital economy, the world of work will transform in fundamental ways and at an unprecedented pace. Access to the technology alone is not enough; even in countries where a large majority of the population has access, the literacy and skills needed to capture digital gains are sometimes limited.

How to positively affect the future of work: Solution spaces

The disruptions to the world of work that digital technologies are likely to bring about could pose significant challenges to policy makers and business leaders, as well as workers. There are several solution spaces to consider:

References and further reading

McKinsey Global Institute research reports are available on . For this briefing note, we have drawn on the following reports:

“ A future that works: Automation, employment, and productivity ,” McKinsey Global Institute, January 2017

“ People on the move: Global migration’s impact and opportunity ,” McKinsey Global Institute, December 2016

“ Independent work: Choice, necessity, and the gig economy ,” McKinsey Global Institute, October 2016

“ Where machines could replace humans, and where they can’—yet ,” McKinsey Quarterly, July 2016

“ Digital America: A tale of the haves and have-mores ,” McKinsey Global Institute, December 2015

“ The four fundamentals of automation ,” McKinsey Quarterly , November 2015

“ The power of parity: How advancing women’s equality can add $12 trillion to global growth ,” McKinsey Global Institute, September 2015

“ A labor market that works: Connecting talent with opportunity in the digital age ,” McKinsey Global Institute, June 2015

“ Offline and falling behind: Barriers to Internet adoption ,” McKinsey & Company, October 2014

Other reading:

Autor, David, “ Why are there still so many jobs? The history and future of workplace automation ,” Journal of Economic Perspectives , Summer 2015

Autor, David, David Dorn, and Gordon Hanson, “ Untangling trade and technology: Evidence from local labor markets ,” The Economic Journal , May 2015

Brynjolffson, Erik and Andrew McAfee, The second machine age: Work, progress, and prosperity in a time of brilliant technologies , WW Norton, 2014

Furman, Jason, “ Is this time different? The opportunities and challenges of artificial intelligence ,” remarks at AI conference in New York, July 7, 2016

Milanovic, Branko, Global inequality: A new approach for the age of globalization , Harvard University Press, 2016

Sundararajan, Arun, The sharing economy: The end of employment and the rise of crowd,   MIT Press, 2016

  • Evolve education systems and learning for a changed workplace. Policy makers working with education providers (traditional and nontraditional) could do more to improve basic STEM skills through the school systems, put a new emphasis on creativity as well as critical and systems thinking, and foster adaptive and life-long learning.
  • Determine how the private sector can drive training. Companies face gaps in skills they need in a more technology-enabled workplace. They could benefit from playing a more active role in education and training, including providing better information about needs to learners and the education and training ecosystem, and proving better learning opportunities themselves.
  • Create incentives for private-sector investment to treat human capital like other capital. Through tax benefits and other incentives, policy makers can encourage companies to invest in human capital, including job creation, learning and capability building, and wage growth.
  • Explore public-private partnerships to stimulate investment in enabling infrastructure. The lack of digital infrastructure is holding back digital benefits in many economies, both developing and developed; public-private partnerships could help address market failures.
  • Rethink incomes. If automation (full or partial) does result in a significant reduction in employment or greater pressure on wages, some ideas such as universal basic income, conditional transfers, and adapted social safety nets could be considered and tested.
  • Rethink transition support and safety nets for workers affected. As work evolves at higher rates of change between sectors, locations, activities, and skill requirements, many workers will need assistance adjusting. Many best-practice approaches to transition safety nets are available and should be adopted and adapted, and new approaches considered and tested.
  • Embrace technology-enabled solutions. Such solutions, including richer information signals, can be used in the labor market to improve matching and access and bridge skills gaps. Policy makers will need to address issues such as benefits and variability that these digital platforms can raise.
  • Focus on job creation. Accelerate the creation of jobs in general through stimulating investment in businesses, and accelerate the creation of digital jobs in particular—and digitally enabled opportunities to earn income—including through new forms of entrepreneurship.
  • Innovate how humans work alongside machines. Greater interaction will raise productivity but require different and often higher skills, new technology interfaces, different wage models in some cases, and different types of investments by businesses and workers to acquire skills.
  • Capture the productivity benefits of technology. These can be harnessed to create the economic growth, surpluses, and demand for work that create room for creative solutions and ultimately benefit all.

This briefing note was originally prepared for the Fortune + Time Global Forum in Vatican City in December 2016; it was updated in May 2017.

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James Manyika is director of the McKinsey Global Institute and a senior partner in McKinsey’s San Francisco office. MGI partners Michael Chui , Anu Madgavkar , and Susan Lund contributed to this briefing note.

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Advantages and Disadvantages of Technology in Workplace

Advantages and Disadvantages of Technology in Workplace

Technology has transformed the way we work. From software to hardware, technology helps us to be more productive, efficient and organized in the modern workplace.

However technological advancements also come with both advantages and disadvantages and it is important to identify these before making changes in your workplace.

In this article we will explore the various advantages and disadvantages of technology in workplace and how digital technology affect work force as a disadvantage, to help you make informed decisions when using technology at work.

Advantages of Technology in the Workplace

Following are the advantages of technology in the workplace.

Advantages of Technology in Workplace infographic

1. It encourages creativity and innovation

In most areas of business, workers take advantage of various business technologies to bring innovative business ideas that can be used in the future for further growth as well as expansion.

Also, lots of companies develop technological challenges for their employees to solve. The business owners reward these employees for coming up with innovative solutions.

2. Human Resource Management

There are several advantages of technology in human resource management. It is easier to screen, recruit, and hire new employees with the help of technology in human resource management. Hiring managers usually post notices of job openings and recruitment online.

Candidates can send their resumes online to human resource managers to be considered for the job postings.

Employee performance and productivity are monitored using the technology. Such vigilance leads to greater productivity.

3. Technology improves communication

Workplace interaction and communication are changing due to technology . Interaction and information exchange at work is achieved through the use of various communication tools.

Text messaging and video calls are ways for employees to communicate. It is also possible to share projects across departments using virtual communication.

A group decision-making process can also be implemented using it. Customer service departments rely heavily on communication technology for timely customer service.

4. Creates Mobility

Computers and the internet have eliminated workplace time restrictions and space limitations. Whenever and wherever employees want, they can work.

The mobility of employees keeps them in control of their jobs. The use of technology such as virtual meeting applications saves us time.

Our meetings will not be physically held, but we can still share information and data in real-time.

For instance, workers can access real-time work order information on the job with mobile workforce management software.

5. Makes Work Faster

Technology has many advantages in the workplace one of which is the enhanced ability to speed up the work process when using it.

The use of computers in combination with updated software can play a significant role in helping employees do their jobs more efficiently.

The other benefit of computers is that we are able to store a large amount of data in databases. We no longer have to keep hard copies of the data in file cabinets, thanks to computers.

Suppose we need to find a file that was created a few years ago, we just have to click a few folders and voila, the file is in our hands. We can open it by clicking on it.

Disadvantages of Technology in the Workplace

Now let’s discuss the disadvantages of technology in the workplace.

Disadvantages of Technology in Workplace infographic

1. High Maintenance Costs

The cost of maintaining new technology can be quite high.

Also, it can be very expensive to purchase new software for our work computers from time to time.

Lots of companies prefer to send some of their employees for maintenance training for new equipment in order to reduce the labor cost of contracting outsiders to maintain the new equipment.

This lower the need to hire outsiders to perform this maintenance for the new equipment.

2. Technological Failures

There are no lifetime guarantees on machines, so they break down over time. It doesn’t matter what brand of machine you have, it stops working after some time.

The company suffers huge losses. Therefore, various departments of the company stopped working as the manufacturing process suddenly halt.

Business failure could result from such situations if they are not resolved.

3. It can cause distractions at work

There are also disadvantages of technology in human resource management, for example, it distracts employees at work in a variety of ways. Employees may become distracted and less productive when they use social networks at work.

Since YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter divert attention, some companies block access to those websites. A computer, a smartphone, or an app for virtual meetings can also create disturbances at work.

4. Technology makes a person lazy

Technology enables us to automate a lot of the technical work normally human does.

The potential disadvantage of technology for an employee Employees become lazy at work as a result of this and their creative skills are killed as a consequence.

Employees often use technical devices to perform simple tasks so that the work is easier for them due to which employees are unable to utilize their brains at work.

There are many ways in which it can be used as a tool but it could also have a negative effect on the quality of one’s work.

There is no doubt that technology has made the lives of people a lot easier over the years. Now it is up to us as to how we can make use of it.

As smart as technology is, now it’s about how we can use them wisely and appropriately in order to maintain the quality of the work as well as the speed.

5. Affects Workplace Relationships

Cell phones, text messages, email, or virtual video conferencing tools are some of the ways employees communicate with each other.

This kind of communication technology has eliminated face-to-face communication.

The importance of interpersonal communication in building workplace relationships cannot be overstated because it will give employees a chance to meet each other in person.

Sometimes they will even be able to share information that does not pertain to their work. Communication technology tools kill this type of interaction.

A company’s employees tend to become more reserved and self-centered; buried in their work and absorbed in it all the time. This can significantly harm a company’s work environment.

Conclusion on the Advantages and Disadvantages of Technology in Workplace

Technology has both advantages and disadvantages in the workplace. It can help businesses run more efficiently and productively while also increasing costs associated with upgrading equipment and training staff.

Technology can also be a source of distraction that can cause employees to become less productive.

With thoughtful planning businesses can make sure they use technology in ways that maximize its advantages while minimizing its drawbacks.

Relevant Resources:

  • Advantages and Disadvantages of Technology on Environment
  • Advantages and Disadvantages of Technology in Students Life
  • Advantages and Disadvantages of Nanotechnology
  • Advantages and Disadvantages of Technology in Society
  • Advantages and Disadvantages of Technology in Agriculture

Ahmad Ali

Ahmad Ali (Author)

Ahmad Ali has been a technology enthusiast and writer for the past 5 years having vast knowledge of technology.

Rehmat Ullah

Rehmat Ullah (Content Reviewer)

Rehmat Ullah is a software engineer and CEO of Softhat IT Solutions. He is an expert technologist, entrepreneur, and educationist.

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the advantages of technology in workplace free essay

The Importance of Modern Technology in the Workplace

  • May 1, 2020

Table of Contents

An innovative business on the cutting edge of technology is able to empower its remote workers, reap the cost-savings benefits of BYOD policies, and connect its employees no matter how and where they work. It can provide higher-quality products or services, enhance customer service and the user experience, and reduce waste while improving productivity for higher profit margins. All in all, properly utilizing technology in the workplace creates a competitive advantage. 

In an incredibly crowded and competitive business landscape, any chance to get ahead is worth capitalizing on. If you’re not taking advantage of the benefits of technology in your organization, you’re likely already falling behind the competition. It’s important to realize that technology in the workplace has become essential for business success.

A Timeline of Technological Advancements in the Workplace

In order to understand how the current impact of technology in the workplace is so strong, let’s look back to see how we got here.

1960s. Technology wasn’t very present in the workplace. Dynamic Random Access Memory (DRAM), a computer chip that drastically changed the evolution of computing power, was invented in 1967 but wouldn’t have a serious effect on companies until years later. The way that people communicated was evolving as more households gained access to televisions and phones, but this was still a challenge for companies. Between the lack of communication tools and infrastructure available, organizations were very limited as to where they could do business.

1970s. Even with the introduction of email in 1971, the impact of technology in the workplace remained stagnant as most large corporations were too focused on revenue to bother trying new tools. However, this decade saw booming technology innovation with inventions such as the daisy-wheel printer, floppy disk, and the first ever video game, Pong . The biggest invention of all arrived in 1973 when Ethernet (which is now the most widely used local area networking (LAN) technology in the world) was invented by Xerox.

1980s. With the rise of tech-giant companies like IBM, Microsoft, Apple, and AT&T, technology in the workplace finally started to gain some traction. The laptop was invented in 1981, and the world’s first cell phone, the Motorola DynaTAC 800x , was launched in 1983. With these new communication tools, organizations were finally able to expand where they could do business beyond their geographic location. 

1990s. With the introduction of the World Wide Web in 1989 , technology was essentially everywhere by the time the 90’s rolled around. Companies could now use the web to show off their products and services and stay connected with their customers. They could also find and communicate with other suppliers, manufacturers, and distributors that they wouldn’t have been able to previously due to geographic limitations. This became even easier once Google was invented in 1998 .

2000s. Google was now used daily by businesses and consumers alike across the globe. Devices such as the Apple iPod and iPhone were created, and social media sites like Myspace and Facebook began to pop up. These innovations started the wave of being able to access everyone and everything online. Consumers were now able to find and contact businesses who offered solutions to their problems, even if they weren’t located close by. At the same time, businesses were now able to do research on their customers to market to them more effectively and create products aligned with their deeper needs. 

2010s. We’re all caught up! Welcome to modern times, where technology has become fully integrated into nearly every aspect of both consumers’ lives and businesses’ operations. Workplace trends and business best practices are constantly changing as new technologies are evolving at a rapid pace.

5 Benefits of Technology in the Workplace

There are nearly endless benefits of technology in the workplace that can transform your business into a more successful, mobile, and modern organization. Here are five major ones!

1) The ability to streamline repetitive processes with automation.

Over 40% of workers surveyed in a McKinsey report say they spend at least a quarter of their work week on manual, repetitive tasks such as sending emails and entering data. Leveraging automated technology in the workplace puts these tedious processes on autopilot so your employees can spend more time focusing on higher-return business ventures, such as building new client relationships or providing more attentive customer service. Automated processes are also more accurate. For example, using a software solution to automatically collect, upload, or sync data into a system of record reduces the risk of an employee accidentally inputting the wrong number that could skew an entire data set.

2) Overhead cost savings with remote work and BYOD devices.

Companies of all sizes can experience significant decreases in operating costs by letting their employees work from home and use their own devices. It makes sense—with fewer employees in the office, organizations need less space, materials, and utilities. With BYOD device policies, you aren’t on the hook for purchasing expensive new hardware every time you hire an employee. As a large-scale example, American Express claims their remote work program has not only improved productivity, but also saved $10-$15 million annually in real estate costs. A Cisco study also found that companies save an estimated $3,150 annually per employee that uses their own device between hardware costs, data plans, and the value of time savings.

3) Higher employee productivity and satisfaction.

When you give your employees access to the tools and technologies they need to do their jobs, and let them use them in the way that works best for them, they’ll be more efficient and engaged—and therefore much happier . In fact, highly-engaged business units have 41% less absenteeism, 17% more productivity, and achieve 10% better customer ratings and 20% more sales. When both a higher quantity and quality of work is being produced by your employees, it drives revenue and boosts profit margins. Happy employees are also more likely to stay loyal to your company long-term rather than going to work for the competition, which also saves you on turnover costs. 

4) The ability to better serve customers.

Technology in the workplace has allowed businesses to better market to their customers and provide faster and more personalized customer service. From leveraging data to determine where to place targeted ads, to participating in social listening to uncover your customer’s pain points, to providing immediate service through live chat bots or automated emails, and more, there are nearly endless opportunities for technology to enhance your user experience. This can go a long way in differentiating your brand from others, leading to long-term loyalty and higher revenue.

5) The opportunity to tap into non-local talent.

Remote work policies can help businesses break down talent barriers by opening up a wider pool of candidates. Before the rise of remote work, employers were pretty much limited to hiring talent that was already in their local area or willing to relocate for the job—but this usually meant having to reimburse their relocation expenses, which could drastically increase the cost of a new hire. Now, businesses are able to attract and hire the best talent and industry specialists no matter where they live with attractive remote work policies. 

Negative Effects of Technology in the Workplace

While there are many benefits of technology in the workplace, it’s important to know what the negative effects can be so you can work to combat them in your modern office. Here are four major side effects of the impact of technology in the workplace.

1) The inability for employees to “unplug” after work.

A strong work/life balance is important for employee productivity, satisfaction, and mental health. When employees are so “plugged in” to their devices for the entire day, it can be difficult to detach and put them down after work hours—especially if they get a late-night email from their boss or can see the notifications popping up on their screen from across the room as they’re trying to unwind. This is especially challenging for remote employees who often feel like they need to be reachable at all times to prove they’re actually working. In fact, Buffer’s 2019 State of Remote Work report found that 22% of remote workers claim their biggest struggle is unplugging after work.

2) Higher loneliness rates for remote employees.

Buffer’s report also found that 19% of remote employees say loneliness is their biggest struggle with working remotely. 17% said it was a lack of communication with their team members. If your remote employees are unhappy and unable to effectively communicate with their coworkers, their productivity and quality of work will suffer, and they’ll likely start looking for another job. To combat these issues and reduce turnover expenses, it’s vital to give your remote employees access to the tools they need to not only do their job, but to build and maintain meaningful relationships with their team members.

3) Cybersecurity threats and data breaches.

Security in “ the Age of Mobility ” is a challenge for nearly every modern office. Organizations are now using multiple platforms and devices at once to manage various aspects of the business. When employees have access to all this interconnected data, it can expose the business to cybersecurity threats. For example, if a hacker gets into one employee’s user account for a specific software, they’d likely be able to gather data from the other apps it is integrated with. To combat this, make sure your employees are using strong passwords and two-factor authentication for their accounts, and set up administrative controls to limit confidential data access to only those who really need it.

4) Privacy lines can be crossed.

There’s a constant debate over whether employers should be allowed to monitor their employee’s personal social media accounts. If they do have something inappropriate on their profile, can you ask them to take it down if it was posted in their free time? This can be a blurry line that has led some companies to adopt formal social media policies, while others take more of the, “We’re only going to address social media use in the workplace if it starts to affect productivity and performance” stance. There’s no clear answer here—it’s up to each individual organization to determine how they want to handle this (as long as they’re following all privacy laws). 

3 Examples of Technology in the Modern Workplace

There are lots of businesses on the cutting edge of technology in the workplace. Here are three examples of organizations using technology in innovative ways to help their employees succeed. 

1) HCL Technologies.

HCL Technologies offers services such as IT consulting and remote infrastructure management. They believe in “ideapreneurship,” or empowering their frontline workers to turn their ideas into real value for their clients. To make this possible, HCL has created internal platforms where employees can collaborate to brainstorm and nurture new ideas. For example, their Value Portal is a place to post customer-centric ideas, then enables management to review these ideas. This eventually leads them to implementation. Another platform called Intellectual Property Monetization (IPM) allows employees to submit ideas that they want to be patented, where it then identifies realistic opportunities and supports product design thinking. Overall, HCL has effectively aligned its use of technology with its core values in an exciting way. 

2) Salesforce.

Salseforce , a cloud-based software company, debuted a CRM solution called Einstein that uses machine learning to build comprehensive customer profiles based on data, identify crucial touch points in the sales process, and uncover additional sales opportunities. The goal is to make life easier for the sales team, customer service reps, and management. The platform helps salespeople identify areas to drive additional revenue, customer service reps better understand the needs of the customer they’re dealing with, and managers gain deeper insights into the big-picture operations of their department.  

3) Unilever.

Unilever , a transnational consumer goods company specializing in nutrition, hygiene and personal care products, uses Microsoft technology to connect its global team of nearly 155,000 employees. They utilize Microsoft 365 ( a bundle of services that includes Windows 10 and productivity apps such as SharePoint, Word, and PowerPoint) and collaboration tools such as Teams and Yammer. These tools effectively empower their remote employees to connect with one another to share information and ideas. Unilever leadership claims this suite of tools has made a huge impact on productivity and collaboration in the workplace.

The Impact of Technology in the Workplace

Overall, the impact of technology in the workplace is incredibly strong. There’s now an application, software, or platform that can help enhance almost any business initiative—whether that’s to foster collaboration between remote employees, improve customer satisfaction, build a stronger company culture, drive revenue, or eliminate wasteful inefficiencies. 

If you aren’t taking advantage of the benefits of technology, your business can quickly become stagnant or even worse, fall behind the competition. In a world where organizations are rapidly investing in new workplace technologies and adopting the latest and greatest business tools, this can be incredibly detrimental. 

Ignoring future workplace trends and being slow to implement technology in the workplace can give your competitors who have prioritized getting ahead of the curve a huge advantage over you. This can negatively affect workplace morale, decrease revenue, and give your brand a poor reputation amongst consumers. 

So, do you want more efficient employees who are able to produce both a higher quantity and quality of work? Are you looking to improve engagement and job satisfaction to reduce turnover costs and keep your top talent working for you? Is driving revenue and business growth a major goal for your company? If you want to accomplish these objectives, having access to the right is absolutely necessary. Ready to get started? 

At Protected Trust , we simplify technology in the workplace while empowering people to communicate so they can achieve their greatest potential from anywhere on the planet. We do this with a vision of a modern workplace, built on an ecosystem of Microsoft Teams and the Microsoft 365 platform.

If you’d like to learn more about how implementing Microsoft technology in your modern office can help transform collaboration, mobility, and security, schedule an introduction with one of our experts today!

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Impact of Technology on Business Essay

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Past impact

Future impact, works cited.

If you’re wondering how digital technology changes society in the area of business, this essay will help you figure it out. You’ll consider its positive and negative impacts on global organizations and the overall environment.

Technology has had a transformative effect on businesses, which, so far, has been revolutionary. Organizations, both small and large, use technologies such as the World Wide Web (WWW), computers, websites, Artificial Intelligence (AI), servers and even personal digital devices to make their work easier. These tools can give them the invaluable competitive advantage that all businesses strive to achieve.

Future technology will indubitably revolutionize business once again. It has grown to become an inseparable part of any company. So that you see all the real and possible impacts of technology on business, this essay will analyze how electronics and other machinery have already affected the field and are expected to affect it in the future.

One aspect of technology that has been harnessed well for use in businesses is Artificial Intelligence (AI). For the last ten years, virtually all businesses have had their processes automated though the use of AI in Management Information Systems (MIS). This automation function is also found in various computer applications that are used by contemporary businesses. Examples of the latter include word-processing software, spreadsheets etc.

The aforementioned automation features in programs and software have enabled businesses to achieve goals that were difficult to achieve before the advent of technology. For instance, automation has enabled businesses to avoid errors, process more information and achieve efficiency in their processes (Vitez 1).

In addition to the automation function, technology has revolutionized communication in businesses. In today’s business world, Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) are common. The use of the WWW has introduced easy means of communication that include texting, use of “apps” in personal digital devices, use of interactive websites, etc.

These features of ICTs have eased communication within businesses, communication with various stakeholders and communication with customers. The latter is perhaps the most important for businesses.

This is because it gives businesses a chance to advertise their products and services in a cost-effective way, identify target markets, compare the popularity of their products with the popularity of other competing products in the market and receive customer feedback about their products and services (Vitez 1). Generally, all these communication opportunities give a business a chance to expand its market, which will lead to more profitability for the business.

For instance, instead of concentrating in the local markets, businesses use retail websites to reach national, regional and international markets. Business organizations have also developed websites in which their customers and various stakeholders can access the information they require. This has led to reduced communication costs for businesses.

The communication aspect of technology has also enabled businesses to utilize the local and international business environment by outsourcing their functions. This has helped businesses in concentrating on their core business leading to reduced costs, more productivity and more profitability in the long run. The most common functions that organizations choose to outsource include customer service and technical support (McGrath 2), which are obviously support services for business organizations.

Another way in which technology has revolutionized business in the past is in records management. In the past, documents and records were kept in cabinets and drawers. In contemporary businesses however, businesses use computer storage hardware such as hard disks, flash disks, Compact Disks (CDs), memory cards, Digital Video Disks (DVDs), etc.

The use of internet by businesses has also made it easier to transfer stored information from one department to another, or even to an external entity like a customer or even a supplier (McGrath 1).

The future of business technology will indubitably involve service-oriented systems designed to serve a decentralized business organization. This is because many businesses will be decentralized with an aim of increasing “collaboration across the enterprise with partners and customers” (“The future of business technology”, par. 5). This will especially be the case due to the convenience brought about by ICTs.

It is now possible to work from home or from a remote location using tablets, smart phones, Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs), etc. To exemplify the paradigm shift to service-oriented organizations, Information Technology (IT) providers will have to operate according to client needs as opposed to the conventional identification of a technological idea and the subsequent fitting of problems to the idea (“The future of business technology”, par. 5).

Another technological advancement that is likely to be harnessed for more opportunities in businesses particularly those dealing with medical issues is the combination of Computed Tomography (CT) with holography to solve health problems that have been a nightmare to the human race for a long time.

The use of CT together with holography gives an opportunity to construct internal organs in computers in order to perform pre-surgical evaluations to determine how a surgery can be successfully carried out. This will be resourceful for businesses dealing with health provision. The idea of holography can also be combined with Artificial Intelligence to create virtual humans who will be useful in performing risky functions like operating machinery or even being involved in war activities (Enzer 1).

Due to the increase in networked personal devices, there is a possibility of developing sensor networks that will use Artificial Intelligence to give sensitive information. For instance, the network could allow queries to know if a person is asleep, if a person is travelling at a high speed on a highway or even to establish if it is an appropriate time to make a video call to a certain person (Enzer 1).

If the current technological efforts succeed, it will be possible for a car to listen to conversations. This feature, combined with existent networking features, will make it easy for an organization to monitor its cars and know when they are being misused (Blum 1). In addition to this, machines may be able to communicate to humans in words and in writing in the future. This will ease operations in the manufacturing industry (Blum 1).

Future technology will come with knowledge demands for business managers. Managers in the Information Technology field will have to fully understand how they can integrate the ideas of Artificial Intelligence in new systems and mainstream Artificial Intelligence in technological inventions and innovations. In the medical field, managers will have to fully understand the applications of CT and how best they can use the information produced by applications and devices.

As evidenced in the discussion above, technology has had a revolutionary effect on businesses. In fact, technology can be considered as part and parcel of business operations. It is therefore expected that future technologies will have a more transformative effect on businesses than past technologies. Future managers will also have to acquaint themselves with future technology so that they do not lose their relevance in the market.

Blum, Jonathan. 10 Tech Trends Defining the Future of Small Business 2012 . Web.

Enzer, Georgina. Cisco predicts future technologies 2012 . Web.

McGrath, Jane. How has technology changed the way we conduct business? 2012 . Web.

The future of business technology 2011 . Web.

Vitez, Osmond. The Impact of Technological Change on Business Activity , 2012 . Web.

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IvyPanda. (2018, June 19). Impact of Technology on Business Essay.

"Impact of Technology on Business Essay." IvyPanda , 19 June 2018,

IvyPanda . (2018) 'Impact of Technology on Business Essay'. 19 June.

IvyPanda . 2018. "Impact of Technology on Business Essay." June 19, 2018.

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IvyPanda . "Impact of Technology on Business Essay." June 19, 2018.

Feb 13, 2023

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Technology is a rapidly evolving field that has completely changed the way we live, work, and interact with one another. Technology has profoundly impacted our daily lives, from how we communicate with friends and family to how we access information and complete tasks. As a result, it's no surprise that technology is a popular topic for students writing essays.

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The Impact of Technology on Society and Culture


Technology has become an integral part of our daily lives and has dramatically impacted how we interact, communicate, and carry out various activities. Technological advancements have brought positive and negative changes to society and culture. In this article, we will explore the impact of technology on society and culture and how it has influenced different aspects of our lives.

Positive impact on communication:

Technology has dramatically improved communication and made it easier for people to connect from anywhere in the world. Social media platforms, instant messaging, and video conferencing have brought people closer, bridging geographical distances and cultural differences. This has made it easier for people to share information, exchange ideas, and collaborate on projects.

Positive impact on education:

Students and instructors now have access to a multitude of knowledge and resources because of the effect of technology on education . Students may now study at their speed and from any location thanks to online learning platforms, educational applications, and digital textbooks.

Negative impact on critical thinking and creativity:

Technological advancements have resulted in a reduction in critical thinking and creativity. With so much information at our fingertips, individuals have become more passive in their learning, relying on the internet for solutions rather than logic and inventiveness. As a result, independent thinking and problem-solving abilities have declined.

Positive impact on entertainment:

Technology has transformed how we access and consume entertainment. People may now access a wide range of entertainment alternatives from the comfort of their own homes thanks to streaming services, gaming platforms, and online content makers. The entertainment business has entered a new age of creativity and invention as a result of this.

Negative impact on attention span:

However, the continual bombardment of information and technological stimulation has also reduced attention span and the capacity to focus. People are easily distracted and need help focusing on a single activity for a long time. This has hampered productivity and the ability to accomplish duties.

The Ethics of Artificial Intelligence And Machine Learning

The development of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) technologies has been one of the most significant technological developments of the past several decades. These cutting-edge technologies have the potential to alter several sectors of society, including commerce, industry, healthcare, and entertainment. 

As with any new and quickly advancing technology, AI and ML ethics must be carefully studied. The usage of these technologies presents significant concerns around privacy, accountability, and command. As the use of AI and ML grows more ubiquitous, we must assess their possible influence on society and investigate the ethical issues that must be taken into account as these technologies continue to develop.

What are Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning?

Artificial Intelligence is the simulation of human intelligence in machines designed to think and act like humans. Machine learning is a subfield of AI that enables computers to learn from data and improve their performance over time without being explicitly programmed.

The impact of AI and ML on Society

The use of AI and ML in various industries, such as healthcare, finance, and retail, has brought many benefits. For example, AI-powered medical diagnosis systems can identify diseases faster and more accurately than human doctors. However, there are also concerns about job displacement and the potential for AI to perpetuate societal biases.

The Ethical Considerations of AI and ML

A. Bias in AI algorithms

One of the critical ethical concerns about AI and ML is the potential for algorithms to perpetuate existing biases. This can occur if the data used to train these algorithms reflects the preferences of the people who created it. As a result, AI systems can perpetuate these biases and discriminate against certain groups of people.

B. Responsibility for AI-generated decisions

Another ethical concern is the responsibility for decisions made by AI systems. For example, who is responsible for the damage if a self-driving car causes an accident? The manufacturer of the vehicle, the software developer, or the AI algorithm itself?

C. The potential for misuse of AI and ML

AI and ML can also be used for malicious purposes, such as cyberattacks and misinformation. The need for more regulation and oversight in developing and using these technologies makes it difficult to prevent misuse.

The developments in AI and ML have given numerous benefits to humanity, but they also present significant ethical concerns that must be addressed. We must assess the repercussions of new technologies on society, implement methods to limit the associated dangers, and guarantee that they are utilized for the greater good. As AI and ML continue to play an ever-increasing role in our daily lives, we must engage in an open and frank discussion regarding their ethics.

The Future of Work And Automation

Rapid technological breakthroughs in recent years have brought about considerable changes in our way of life and work. Concerns regarding the influence of artificial intelligence and machine learning on the future of work and employment have increased alongside the development of these technologies. This article will examine the possible advantages and disadvantages of automation and its influence on the labor market, employees, and the economy.

The Advantages of Automation

Automation in the workplace offers various benefits, including higher efficiency and production, fewer mistakes, and enhanced precision. Automated processes may accomplish repetitive jobs quickly and precisely, allowing employees to concentrate on more complex and creative activities. Additionally, automation may save organizations money since it removes the need to pay for labor and minimizes the danger of workplace accidents.

The Potential Disadvantages of Automation

However, automation has significant disadvantages, including job loss and income stagnation. As robots and computers replace human labor in particular industries, there is a danger that many workers may lose their jobs, resulting in higher unemployment and more significant economic disparity. Moreover, if automation is not adequately regulated and managed, it might lead to stagnant wages and a deterioration in employees' standard of life.

The Future of Work and Automation

Despite these difficulties, automation will likely influence how labor is done. As a result, firms, employees, and governments must take early measures to solve possible issues and reap the rewards of automation. This might entail funding worker retraining programs, enhancing education and skill development, and implementing regulations that support equality and justice at work.

IV. The Need for Ethical Considerations

We must consider the ethical ramifications of automation and its effects on society as technology develops. The impact on employees and their rights, possible hazards to privacy and security, and the duty of corporations and governments to ensure that automation is utilized responsibly and ethically are all factors to be taken into account.


To summarise, the future of employment and automation will most certainly be defined by a complex interaction of technological advances, economic trends, and cultural ideals. All stakeholders must work together to handle the problems and possibilities presented by automation and ensure that technology is employed to benefit society as a whole.

The Role of Technology in Education


Nearly every part of our lives has been transformed by technology, and education is no different. Today's students have greater access to knowledge, opportunities, and resources than ever before, and technology is becoming a more significant part of their educational experience. Technology is transforming how we think about education and creating new opportunities for learners of all ages, from online courses and virtual classrooms to instructional applications and augmented reality.

Technology's Benefits for Education

The capacity to tailor learning is one of technology's most significant benefits in education. Students may customize their education to meet their unique needs and interests since they can access online information and tools. 

For instance, people can enroll in online classes on topics they are interested in, get tailored feedback on their work, and engage in virtual discussions with peers and subject matter experts worldwide. As a result, pupils are better able to acquire and develop the abilities and information necessary for success.

Challenges and Concerns

Despite the numerous advantages of technology in education, there are also obstacles and considerations to consider. One issue is the growing reliance on technology and the possibility that pupils would become overly dependent on it. This might result in a lack of critical thinking and problem-solving abilities, as students may become passive learners who only follow instructions and rely on technology to complete their assignments.

Another obstacle is the digital divide between those who have access to technology and those who do not. This division can exacerbate the achievement gap between pupils and produce uneven educational and professional growth chances. To reduce these consequences, all students must have access to the technology and resources necessary for success.

In conclusion, technology is rapidly becoming an integral part of the classroom experience and has the potential to alter the way we learn radically. 

Technology can help students flourish and realize their full potential by giving them access to individualized instruction, tools, and opportunities. While the benefits of technology in the classroom are undeniable, it's crucial to be mindful of the risks and take precautions to guarantee that all kids have access to the tools they need to thrive.

The Influence of Technology On Personal Relationships And Communication 

Technological advancements have profoundly altered how individuals connect and exchange information. It has changed the world in many ways in only a few decades. Because of the rise of the internet and various social media sites, maintaining relationships with people from all walks of life is now simpler than ever. 

However, concerns about how these developments may affect interpersonal connections and dialogue are inevitable in an era of rapid technological growth. In this piece, we'll discuss how the prevalence of digital media has altered our interpersonal connections and the language we use to express ourselves.

Direct Effect on Direct Interaction:

The disruption of face-to-face communication is a particularly stark example of how technology has impacted human connections. The quality of interpersonal connections has suffered due to people's growing preference for digital over human communication. Technology has been demonstrated to reduce the usage of nonverbal signs such as facial expressions, tone of voice, and other indicators of emotional investment in the connection.

Positive Impact on Long-Distance Relationships:

Yet there are positives to be found as well. Long-distance relationships have also benefited from technological advancements. The development of technologies such as video conferencing, instant messaging, and social media has made it possible for individuals to keep in touch with distant loved ones. It has become simpler for individuals to stay in touch and feel connected despite geographical distance.

The Effects of Social Media on Personal Connections:

The widespread use of social media has had far-reaching consequences, especially on the quality of interpersonal interactions. Social media has positive and harmful effects on relationships since it allows people to keep in touch and share life's milestones.

Unfortunately, social media has made it all too easy to compare oneself to others, which may lead to emotions of jealousy and a general decline in confidence. Furthermore, social media might cause people to have inflated expectations of themselves and their relationships.

A Personal Perspective on the Intersection of Technology and Romance

Technological advancements have also altered physical touch and closeness. Virtual reality and other technologies have allowed people to feel physical contact and familiarity in a digital setting. This might be a promising breakthrough, but it has some potential downsides. 

Experts are concerned that people's growing dependence on technology for intimacy may lead to less time spent communicating face-to-face and less emphasis on physical contact, both of which are important for maintaining good relationships.

In conclusion, technological advancements have significantly affected the quality of interpersonal connections and the exchange of information. Even though technology has made it simpler to maintain personal relationships, it has chilled interpersonal interactions between people. 

Keeping tabs on how technology is changing our lives and making adjustments as necessary is essential as we move forward. Boundaries and prioritizing in-person conversation and physical touch in close relationships may help reduce the harm it causes.

The Security and Privacy Implications of Increased Technology Use and Data Collection

The fast development of technology over the past few decades has made its way into every aspect of our life. Technology has improved many facets of our life, from communication to commerce. However, significant privacy and security problems have emerged due to the broad adoption of technology. In this essay, we'll look at how the widespread use of technological solutions and the subsequent explosion in collected data affects our right to privacy and security.

Data Mining and Privacy Concerns

Risk of Cyber Attacks and Data Loss

The Widespread Use of Encryption and Other Safety Mechanisms

The Privacy and Security of the Future in a Globalized Information Age

Obtaining and Using Individual Information

The acquisition and use of private information is a significant cause for privacy alarm in the digital age. Data about their customers' online habits, interests, and personal information is a valuable commodity for many internet firms. Besides tailored advertising, this information may be used for other, less desirable things like identity theft or cyber assaults.

Moreover, many individuals need to be made aware of what data is being gathered from them or how it is being utilized because of the lack of transparency around gathering personal information. Privacy and data security have become increasingly contentious as a result.

Data breaches and other forms of cyber-attack pose a severe risk.

The risk of cyber assaults and data breaches is another big issue of worry. More people are using more devices, which means more opportunities for cybercriminals to steal private information like credit card numbers and other identifying data. This may cause monetary damages and harm one's reputation or identity.

Many high-profile data breaches have occurred in recent years, exposing the personal information of millions of individuals and raising serious concerns about the safety of this information. Companies and governments have responded to this problem by adopting new security methods like encryption and multi-factor authentication.

Many businesses now use encryption and other security measures to protect themselves from cybercriminals and data thieves. Encryption keeps sensitive information hidden by encoding it so that only those possessing the corresponding key can decipher it. This prevents private information like bank account numbers or social security numbers from falling into the wrong hands.

Firewalls, virus scanners, and two-factor authentication are all additional security precautions that may be used with encryption. While these safeguards do much to stave against cyber assaults, they are not entirely impregnable, and data breaches are still possible.

The Future of Privacy and Security in a Technologically Advanced World

There's little doubt that concerns about privacy and security will persist even as technology improves. There must be strict safeguards to secure people's private information as more and more of it is transferred and kept digitally. To achieve this goal, it may be necessary to implement novel technologies and heightened levels of protection and to revise the rules and regulations regulating the collection and storage of private information.

Individuals and businesses are understandably concerned about the security and privacy consequences of widespread technological use and data collecting. There are numerous obstacles to overcome in a society where technology plays an increasingly important role, from acquiring and using personal data to the risk of cyber-attacks and data breaches. Companies and governments must keep spending money on security measures and working to educate people about the significance of privacy and security if personal data is to remain safe.

In conclusion, technology has profoundly impacted virtually every aspect of our lives, including society and culture, ethics, work, education, personal relationships, and security and privacy. The rise of artificial intelligence and machine learning has presented new ethical considerations, while automation is transforming the future of work. 

In education, technology has revolutionized the way we learn and access information. At the same time, our dependence on technology has brought new challenges in terms of personal relationships, communication, security, and privacy. is an AI tool that can help students write essays easily and quickly. Whether you're looking, for example, for essays on any of these topics or are seeking assistance in writing your essay, offers a convenient solution. Sign up for a free trial today and experience the benefits of AI-powered writing assistance for yourself.

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Technology in the Workplace: Opportunities and Challenges

  • First Online: 26 October 2021

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the advantages of technology in workplace free essay

  • Yannick Griep 2 , 3 ,
  • Ivana Vranjes 4 ,
  • Madelon M. L. van Hooff 2 ,
  • Debby G. J. Beckers 2 &
  • Sabine A. E. Geurts 2  

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In the current economic environment, organizations are increasingly relying on technology, resulting in higher efficiency, reduced physical human effort, blurring boundaries between working life and private life, and more flexibility for both employers and employees. In this chapter we focus on the impact of three different technology-related changes in the workplace: (1) telework, (2) automation, and (3) algorithmic management. First, we discuss how telework has gained tremendous popularity during the COVID-19 pandemic and how it impacts performance, work-life balance, and social aspects of work. Second, we focus on the positive and negative sides of automation and digitalization: improvements of working and living conditions on the one hand and anxiety and stress among workers on the other. Third, we discuss how AI-based algorithms are used to direct, evaluate, and discipline workers and how workers respond to these forms of algorithm management. All in all, we provide organizations with suggestions and advice as to how they can successfully implement these new technologies in a human-friendly manner. In doing so, we hope that this chapter will stimulate interesting new avenues of research for understanding challenges and opportunities associated with technology in the workplace.

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Radboud University, Nijmegen, The Netherlands

Yannick Griep, Madelon M. L. van Hooff, Debby G. J. Beckers & Sabine A. E. Geurts

Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden

Yannick Griep

Tilburg University, Tilburg, The Netherlands

Ivana Vranjes

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Faculty of Psychology, University of Vienna, Wien, Austria

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Griep, Y., Vranjes, I., van Hooff, M.M.L., Beckers, D.G.J., Geurts, S.A.E. (2021). Technology in the Workplace: Opportunities and Challenges. In: Korunka, C. (eds) Flexible Working Practices and Approaches. Springer, Cham.

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Published : 26 October 2021

Publisher Name : Springer, Cham

Print ISBN : 978-3-030-74127-3

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Advantages of Technology - List of Essay Samples And Topic Ideas

An essay on the advantages of technology can highlight the positive impacts of technological advancements on society. It can discuss how technology has improved communication, healthcare, education, and productivity, as well as its role in addressing global challenges such as climate change and pandemics, emphasizing the transformative power of innovation. We have collected a large number of free essay examples about Advantages of Technology you can find in Papersowl database. You can use our samples for inspiration to write your own essay, research paper, or just to explore a new topic for yourself.

Technology: how it Benefits our Lives

In an article published by Pew Research Center, and written by the associate director Kristen Purcell who carries a Ph.D. in Sociology, she states, “The Internet and digital technologies such as social networking sites, cell phones, and texting, generally facilitate teen’s personal expressions and creativity, broadening the audience for their written material, and encouraging teens to write more often in more formats than many have been in the case of prior generations,” (Purcell). Our lives have been greatly affected by […]

The Effects of Technology in a Relationship

I still remember as a teenager back in the 90’s when people still sent love letters through the mail and talk on landline phone. You had to physically get out to meet someone to know if you like them. When someone said they want to meet, they will show up. If didn’t, they either were dead or something horrible happened. When someone showed up or you got to hear from them, that meant that the person really cared for you […]

Advantages of Digital Textbooks

While some students prefer traditional textbooks, many others are taking advantages of digital textbooks. In 2012, the Association of American publishers reported that digital books were outselling traditional books, providing evidence that eBooks are becoming popular. eBooks provide a variety of benefits to college students and professors, including: easy access to navigate, it allows students to multitask, help professors prepare lecture and have affordable prices. To begin with, electronic textbooks offer easy access to navigate and makes life simpler. College […]

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The Impact of the Airline Online Booking

1. Introduction:  Technology has become one of the most important elements in our life, there are many types and uses of it, and one of the uses is electronic booking, the aim of this research is to investigate the effects of the online booking system, how does it begin along with the advantages and disadvantages of the system. The airline company racing to develop the methods of purchasing tickets, not only to make our life easy but also to increase […]

Influence of Technologies on People

Mr. Kord Campbell, forty-three years-old, used technology nonstop. He goes to sleep with a laptop and an Iphone beside him, and when he wakes up, he goes straight back online. Even after not being on his gadgets, he craves the stimulation he is getting from his gadgets. Because of that, he had trouble with focusing and spending time with his family (Richtel). Technology plays a big part in people’s life. The effect of technology on people has made it better […]

Advantages and Disadvantages of Technologies

In today's world, technological abundance is both a blessing and a curse. On one hand, we can access information and contact others at anytime and anywhere. With the help with ships, trains, and planes, we can travel to different places in a short time. On the other hand, our surroundings become increasingly technological and dazzling, which provide a variety of sensory stimuli that constantly distract us. Someone might say technologies is convenient. We can find the information we want in […]

Technologies – a Part of Life Society People

In time technology has evolved over the years because of its advancements, which enabled us humans to do things that were previously unheard of and it has certainly made many things easier than they were before. In our present day society people cannot deny that the advancement of technology has changed today’s world in both positive and negative ways. Humans all over the world use and benefit from it, technology has also improved the world and has benefited humans in […]

Essay on the Positive and Negative Effects of Technology

The advent and evolution of technology have brought about profound changes in society, impacting almost every aspect of modern life. While technology has yielded numerous benefits, it has also introduced several challenges and concerns. This essay explores both the positive and negative effects of technology on various facets of human life. On the positive side, technology has revolutionized communication, making it easier, faster, and more efficient. With the advent of the internet, social media, and mobile communication, people can connect […]

The Art of Conveying Driving Directions in Words

In a digital age dominated by GPS systems, map apps, and voice-guided navigation, one might wonder about the relevance of verbal driving directions. However, for many, the art of giving and receiving driving directions in words remains a valuable skill. It's a bridge between spatial awareness, clear communication, and an understanding of local landscapes. Furthermore, this age-old tradition encapsulates the charm of exploration and the human touch, which sometimes can't be matched by the cold precision of technology. Think back […]

Past and Present Technology then and Now: Past and Present Knowledge

Introduction Many people find identifying the thin line between present knowledge and past knowledge difficult. Most people will say that the present knowledge that we possess is dependent on past knowledge that has been carried on from the past. However, many of these people will agree that not all past knowledge that we have obtained is applicable to certain fields of study. Present knowledge is the knowledge of the current state that we possess and use in our day-to-day lives. […]

The Impact of Technology on our Daily Lives: Advancements and Challenges

As a human, we are naturally inquisitive and have continuously asked questions about the world around us. However, there will always be those questions that we just don’t have answers to. With the lack of technology in the past, the scientific method was core to answering the unknown. As time has gone on, more scientific discoveries have led to exquisite technological advances that have contributed to the scientific method. Today, the majority of humans depend on many different forms of […]

Technology for Social Networking – Lose or Gain

Introduction: Technology used to be a myth, an idea, something humankind has never dreamed of. Its creators were called crazy for their ideas. Technology was created to make mankind life easier. According to, the definition of technology is “the branch of knowledge that deals with the creation and use of technical means and their interrelation with life, society, and the environment, drawing upon such subjects as industrial arts, engineering, applied science, and pure science”. Technology is everywhere. Now in […]

Mechanical Engineering of World War II

Sometime during the summer of 1998 during a family vacation I visited the Air Force museum in Dayton, Ohio. During that trip i saw a plane sitting outside the hanger that almost immediately caught my interest and began a fascination with aircraft that has lasted a lifetime. It was giant, with six big propellers and four jets, the wings were seven feet thick and it dwarfed everything around it. The plane I saw was the B-36. The B-36 “Peacemaker” was […]

Technology’s Profound Influence on Modern Society

The inexorable march of technology has profoundly shaped our world, imprinting its influence across myriad facets of modern existence. From modes of communication to occupational paradigms and avenues of leisure, technology has seamlessly woven itself into the fabric of our quotidian lives. Its societal ramifications are unequivocal, yielding both prodigious benefits and conspicuous challenges. Foremost among technology's transformative impacts is its redefinition of communication norms. The advent of cyberspace, handheld computing devices, and virtual social forums has revolutionized interpersonal connectivity. […]

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The impact of technology on our lives is undeniable. It has transformed the way we communicate, learns, and work. Communication is now faster and more accessible with the help of various devices and platforms. The accessibility of information and knowledge has also improved as technology has made it easier to learn and access educational resources online. Tasks that once took hours can now be completed efficiently and quickly thanks to technology. Moreover, technology has enabled us to connect with people from around the globe and experience diverse cultures.

Undoubtedly, technology has significantly simplified various aspects of our lives. Firstly, it has transformed the way we communicate and cooperate. Thanks to technology, we can instantly interact with individuals from all around the world and work together with people who are located far away. Moreover, technology has enabled us to access information more easily. With just a few clicks, we can find information on any topic we are curious about.

The impact of technology on learning and information processing is significant. It has transformed how we access and share knowledge globally, enabling instantaneous access to a vast range of information. With technology, we can communicate and collaborate with others in ways previously unimaginable, enriching our learning experiences. Additionally, technology has facilitated personalized learning, tailoring educational materials and tools to meet individual needs, thereby enhancing our overall intellectual growth.

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Home Essay Samples Information Science and Technology

Essay Samples on Advantages of Technology

Connecting through screens: advantages of technology in communication.

Introduction The advancement of technology has reshaped the way individuals and organizations communicate. From instant messaging and video conferencing to social media and collaborative software, technology has broken down geographical barriers and made communication more efficient and accessible. This essay aims to explore various advantages...

  • Advantages of Technology

The Benefits of Information Technology: Empowering the Modern World

This essay has examined the myriad benefits of information technology, emphasizing its transformative impact on various sectors and aspects of modern society. As IT continues to evolve, its potential to further enhance our lives and the world remains immense. Introduction The advent of Information Technology...

  • Information Technology

The Advantages of Information Technology: Transforming the Modern World

This essay has delved into the extensive advantages of information technology, highlighting its critical role in shaping various aspects of modern society. As IT continues to evolve, its potential to further enhance our lives and the world remains immense. Introduction In the modern era, information...

Advantages and Disadvantages of Technology in the Workplace

Increased Efficiency In today's fast-paced business environment, efficiency is paramount. Technology has provided us with tools that can dramatically expedite tasks. For instance, consider how automated inventory management systems can streamline restocking processes in retail. According to a study by McKinsey, businesses that adopted such...

Revealing Positive Effects of Social Media on Mental Health

These days, it is easy to paint social media as a villain that forces people to spend hours scrolling through their phone mindlessly commenting, liking, retweeting, and sharing until their thumbs fall off. Social media can have its consequences, but its positive qualities overshadow that....

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A Way To A Better World Through The Use Of Technology.

This article shows that promoting technology as complicit helps in the exacting of a multifaceted GCE. Furthermore, the development of GCE through technology creates an opportunity for educators to realign disciplinary focus in light of the increasing incentive for schools to ‘go global’. This article...

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Technology Makes Life Easier: The Effects Of Technology

How Will Our Lives Be Changed By Technology Technologies can change our life in different kinds of ways. One of the ways are that we can use technology for communicating with each other. We can use social media or other apps to chat with other...

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The Impact Of Technology On Everyday Life: It Makes Life Easier

Technology has made a great impact as to how people involve with the world and as to how they spend their day-today lives. Few decades ago people did not know what exactly technology is and today technology has made people educated of what technology is...

Technological Advancements and the Future of Tennis

Among other sports, many would say that tennis has lagged behind in terms of technological advancements. Tennis players today would learn the same way, and use almost identical equipment as athletes and recreational players almost 50 years ago. The norm would be going to a...

Research on the 3D Bioprinting with Organ and Tissue Transplants

The process of transplanting organs has been helping those in need for decades, tracing back all the way to the 1950’s. Organ transplants allow doctors to save the lives of millions of patients, but the demand for donors is ever-growing. Because of this, there is...

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Minecraft: The Game with More Benefits than You Can Imagine

It is an obvious fact that Minecraft is fiercely prominent, and has been for quite a while. Since its creation in 2009, Minecraft has caught the brains and creative impulses of a larger number of children than we can tally, and even a few grown-ups....

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The Inclusion of Technological Advancement in British Airways Management

British Airways is the largest airline and flag carrier of the United Kingdom in relation to the multiple number of destinations covered worldwide and also considering the number of aircrafts the company owns. The main home of the airline is the London Heathrow Airport and...

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System Design of Designing and Manufacturing via Ubiquitous Computing Technology

Abstract Industry 4.0 is the current direction of automation in manufacturing technologies. In this fourth revolution, ubiquitous information is considered as an emergent component of the manufacturing system. This involves the inclusion of Internet-of-Things (IoT), cognitive and cloud computing. It proposes a new paradigm for...

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The Safety Provided to Use by Our Cell Phones

A 12-year-old child is walking home alone. She falls and gashes herself on a sharp piece of metal. It starts to bleed profusely. She knows she needs to get help, but she has no way to contact the emergency department or her parents. No one...

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The Issue of the Technology Overuse in our Day-to-Day Lives

Our way of life has changed a lot from the past. In this day and age, one cannot simply imagine life without the use of gadgets. Whether we admit it or not, our lives today have become wreathed, if not dependent, on various forms of...

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The Excess of Technology in All the Areas of our Lives

What would life be without technology? Technology is unavoidable. Technology is everywhere. It’s a tool that has transformed people’s lives and the way the world operates. Several individuals today are tremendously obsessed with the use of technology that it has become an essential feature in...

Usefulness of Drones Across Many Industries

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Digital Technology: An In-Depth Look at Its Disadvantages

In the world today, technology has become very important because it is used for almost everything. According to newton’s law that every action has a reaction, so does technology which has its advantages as well as disadvantages. Technology has made people almost impossible to live...

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Research in Advantages and Disadvantages of Automative Technology

With the advancement in Science and Technology, the environment of manufacturing has been totally changed. Before 21st Century, manufacturing and fabrication were all done by humans. But, nowadays computers and technology have replaced man-made jobs. ‘Automation’ is the key word which has proven to be...

Advantages and Disadvantages of Technology and Its Progress

Technology is the pulse of modern life. Everything around us is surrounded by technology, whether at home, street, work or school with thousands of technological inventions. Technology is a Greek word of origin, consisting of two parts, the first section: Techno, which means craft, skill...

The Evolution of Detection Devices: Smart Accident Device

Abstract We live in a society where accidents happen daily and regularly due to which human lives will be lost cause they didn’t get the medical assistance at right time. In India more than one and a half lack persons die due to road accidents...

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The Ethics Comprehension of Cloning

On March 11, 1997, a team of scientists in Scotland awed the world by announcing they had successfully cloned a sheep, Dolly. This astonishing accomplishment shifted the question from “is cloning possible” to “how far can we take this technology” (Timmer, 2017). It is just...

The Positive Impact of Cell Phones: How They Improved Our Lives

Cell phones have become, indisputably, a part of everyday life. They have done so much for the world and will help raise a new generation of resourcefulness and fluidity. Cellphones have made life better for everyone by helping us stay connected, meet new people, make...

Correlation Between Technological Progress and Social Maturity

The emergence of technology has increased the pace with which development previously took place. It revolutionised films, literature, trade, culture of consumerism and communication and much more. It took Homo Sapiens about 20,000 years to shift from cave paintings to petro glyphs (carvings on rocks)....

Advantages and Disadvantages of the Emergence of Modern Technologies

Introduction The emergence of modern technologies has revolutionized every aspect of human life, from communication and transportation to healthcare and entertainment. The rapid pace of technological advancement has brought about numerous advantages and opportunities, but it also presents certain challenges and disadvantages. In this essay,...

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Positive & Negative Aspects Of Modern Technologies

Technology make drastic change in world with the help of automation there is so numerous effects that went very easy like communication with smartphones internet and other artificial intelligence. Technology is our daily use. Everybody uses technology everyday for completing their responsibilities much faster. Technology...

  • Negative Impact of Technology

The Impact of iPhones Applications on Health and Education

In 2007, Steve jobs launch the first iPhone and from that day onwards, they have been making ground breaking changes to both the business and health world. One company deploying has said “The iPhone is not a game changer, it’s an industry changer. It change...

Advantages And Basic Foundation Of 5G Technology

Every generation of wireless networks has bought about a revolution to the world, like 1G in 1980’s bought the very first generation smart phones. 2G in 1990’s allowed us to send text messages for the first time while 3G in 2000’s bought the online concepts...

Critical Analysis Of Blockchain Specific To Manufacturing And Logistic Service Providers

Introduction – Blockchain is redistributed transaction and data management technology which is developed by Bitcoin cryptocurrency in 2008. The involvement in block chain has been increasing due to important factors such as its central attributes that provide security, anonymity and data completeness without any third...

Implementing Load Balancing Effectively in Cloud Computing

Abstract The advancement of the web has brought forth numerous innovations. "Cloud computing" is a term, which includes virtualization, dispersed registering, systems administration, programming and web administrations. A cloud comprises a few components such as customers, datacenter and disseminated servers. It incorporates adaptation to internal...

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Ict In Classroom Learning

These days the part of Information and Communication Technology (ICT), especially web in the training part assumes a critical part, particularly during the time spent engaging the innovation into the instructive occasions. Training part can be the best area to envision and dispense with the...

  • Technology in Education

The Issue Of The Benefits Of Space Exploration

Space exploration is an interesting topic because it has led to many discoveries and technological breakthroughs. Even with this in mind, the relevancy of space exploration is questioned because of some negative effects of space exploration. Lots of governments and people do not see the...

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Old Money Vs Modern New Tech In The Struggle To Eco-Friendly Future

Due to recent technological advances in alternative fuel, there’s been a disturbance between new tech and old tech both trying to hold onto their market share within the energy industry. When you ask about a technology paving the way for a better future, a future...

The Benefits & Features Of Health Apps

We all know that exercise is good for you, physically and mentally. But acting on what we know isn’t as easy as we’d like. And going to the gym or taking your workout outside may not be as doable as social media makes it out...

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Best topics on Advantages of Technology

1. Connecting Through Screens: Advantages of Technology in Communication

2. The Benefits of Information Technology: Empowering the Modern World

3. The Advantages of Information Technology: Transforming the Modern World

4. Advantages and Disadvantages of Technology in the Workplace

5. Revealing Positive Effects of Social Media on Mental Health

6. A Way To A Better World Through The Use Of Technology.

7. Technology Makes Life Easier: The Effects Of Technology

8. The Impact Of Technology On Everyday Life: It Makes Life Easier

9. Technological Advancements and the Future of Tennis

10. Research on the 3D Bioprinting with Organ and Tissue Transplants

11. Minecraft: The Game with More Benefits than You Can Imagine

12. The Inclusion of Technological Advancement in British Airways Management

13. System Design of Designing and Manufacturing via Ubiquitous Computing Technology

14. The Safety Provided to Use by Our Cell Phones

15. The Issue of the Technology Overuse in our Day-to-Day Lives

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  • Class Reflection
  • Computer Programming
  • Computer Science

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Advantages of Technology Essay Examples

How technology has changed the way we communicate.

Technology has changed the way we communicate. We send emails, not letters, text messages, not phone calls. We order delivery instead of cooking dinners in our kitchen. All in the name of efficiency. But here's the point. Technology has made it easier to communicate. But...

The Essence of Technology: Its Impact on Modern Society

Today when we think of technology, we instantly think of the tools that are integrated into our daily life routines. These tools such as a TV, a microwave, an iPhone, a laptop, a camera, an air conditioner and so on are there to make our...

Understanding the Importance of Science, Technology and Society

The importance of science, technology, and society cannot be overstated in today's world. The rapid pace of scientific and technological advancements has greatly impacted human life, transforming how we live, work, and interact with one another. From healthcare to transportation, communication to entertainment, science and...

The History of Science and Technology: Its Vital Importance

Should we stop doing science and technology? This is history of science and technology essay in which will be an attempt to answer this question.  Science and Technology Studies is a flourishing interdisciplinary field that examines the creation, development, and consequences of science and technology...

Ebooks: Whether They Are Better than Paper Books

The present essay ebooks will look at whether e-books should replace paper storybooks. With eBooks, you don't have to go out to purchase new titles or acquire them from your nearby library. You can buy them straightforwardly from a computerized bookshop and download them right...

Positive and Negative Effects of Technology in Various Spheres of Life

Today’s technology has become so advanced that people have become accustomed with communicating and using technology. Of course there is both positive and negative effects of technology and in this essay some pros and cons of technology in nowadays world are presented. Many effects of...

The Impact of Technology on Society: an Argumentative Perspective

Technologies can lead our society to a utopian and unimaginable heights or can be our civilisations ruin. In this argumentative essay about technology I’m going to discuss the positives and the negative of technology’s and its effect our society as a whole. If you remember...

Pros and Cons of Communication and Information Technology

“You can’t deny that technology helps us work smarter. It can decrease labour needs and costs by providing greater access to information…”. In this pros and cons of technology essay I would hope to discuss both positive and negative effects of communication and information technology...

The Concept of Ioe: How It AIDS People, Society and Machines

Internet of everything is the smart link between people, systems, data and things. The Internet of everything (IoE) describes an environment in which billions of objects have sensors for measuring and evaluating their status; all linked by common and unique protocols over public or private...

The Reasons Why is New Technology Important to Teenager

Technology has become an integral part of teenagers' lives, playing a significant role in shaping their experiences and interactions with the world. The advent of new technology has brought about a myriad of changes and opportunities for teenagers, making it an important aspect of their...

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