Essay On My First Day at College With Quotations for FSC

Essay on my first day at college with quotations for 2nd year and graduation.

If you are searching for English Essays for FSC, 2nd Year then you can prepare this Essay too. Here is an Essay On My First Day at College With Quotations and Outline for 2nd Year and Graduation. This essay is good for Class 12 and Graduation Students. One more Essay on the same topic is also available here .

Students can use the quotations form the 1st essasy example into the 2nd essay sample for convenience. Its upto the student what type of essay he want to choose. I have shared a list of English Essay with Quotations for FSC 2nd Year. Students should see that list. However, a separate post on English Essay quotations is also available for those students, who need only quotations.

My First Day at College Essay with Outline for FSC and B.A, Class 12 – More than 500 Words

  • The dream of college life.
  • The sweet memories of his first day at college.
  • The building of the college.
  • The Staff of the college.
  • The college life is quite different from that of school.

“A college education should equip one the entertain three things: A friend, an idea and oneself.”

Dreams are always beautiful and attractive. I was fed up with the suffocated atmosphere of my school where students were driven with the stick. I had been dreaming of a free, independent and charming life of the college since my school days.

“Hold fast to dreams, for if dreams die, Life is a broken-winged bird that can not fly.” (Langston Hughes)

After a long anxious wait, the result of the matriculation examination was declared and I got first Division. I got admission to Govt. College.

A student cannot forget the sweet memories of his first day at college. The classes were to start from the 1 st September, I already knew that the seniors play first-year fooling with the newcomers. So, I was mentally prepared for it.

On the first day, when I entered college, I met a few seniors who asked me to do some stupid things, I felt a little humiliated but took it sportingly. The college started at 8 o’Clock with assembly. First, there was prayer accompanied by recitation from the Holy Quran. The principal delivered an introductory speech to the students. He made us realize the responsibilities in college life by quoting a Chinese proverb:

Teachers open the door, but you must enter by yourself.”

Then the time table was dictated and the students went to their classrooms. The teachers come in their periods and delivered comprehensive lectures. During shifting of the classes from one room to another, the senior lectures. During shifting of the classes from one room to another, the senior students also came to make “first-year fools” of us. They welcomed the new-comers with funny comments. My first impression of the college is still fresh in my mind.

I am proud of being a student of Govt. College. My college is one of the renowned institutions of Punjab. I am greatly impressed by the lovely building, the vast playgrounds and the charming greenery of the college. Its laboratories are well-equipped with instruments and apparatus. Students come here from all over Punjab. Every year, many of our students secure merits and positions in the Board Examination.

The staff of the College is highly qualified. The professors are kind, polite, co-operative and punctual. They are well-dressed and well-mannered. They guide the students in academic and sports activities regularly.

The college life is quite different from that of school. It is interesting and thrilling. Students enjoy full freedom and actively participate in co-curricular activities of the college. They are considered mature enough to act upon the college rules. My class fellows are very brilliant and hard working. I am enjoying myself very much in this great institution.

“Colleges are places where pebbles are polished and diamonds are dimmed.”

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2. My Experience of My First Day at College Essay 300+ Words

My first day at college is a day that I can never forget in my life. It was a very good, pleasant, funny and wonderful experience for me. It will remain fresh in my mind for good.

I passed my S.S, Examination, securing very good marks. The Principal of Government College of our city invited applications for admission to the First-Year Class. I applied for admission which was granted to me. The roll numbers were allotted to the students. The teaching work began. I felt pride in being a college student.

On my first day at college, I found the senior students very smart and active. They seemed to be keen to make “first-year fools” of the new students of First-Year Class. They welcomed the newcomers with funny remarks. Most of us became nervous and this fact encouraged the senior students to make fun of us.

When the college bell rang, we entered the classroom. It was my first day at college. It was a new experience for me. It was our English language period. The concerned Lecturer entered the classroom. He began to call the roll. He then introduced himself to us. He told us the rules and regulations of the college. He also threw light on the importance of discipline. He then spoke on the subject of English. In the meantime, the period was over; hence we moved to another classroom.

In short, on that day, all of our teachers spoke about the importance of hard work and full attention to the studies. They advised us to study regularly.

My impression of the first day in college is still fresh in my mind. On that day, I felt pleasure and joy as my ambition to join the college had been fulfilled. I had already visited the college twice in the company of my elder brother. To watch the neat and clean as well as a peaceful atmosphere of the college, I had wished that one day I must join the college after completing my school education. Now that I myself was a student of the college, it appeared to be a wonderful and very charming place. I was experiencing a new experience and a new delight.

To conclude, my first day at college was a very good and nice day. It was a wonderful and interesting experience for me. That day, I was overjoyed because of being a college student. I can say that my first day at college was funny, humorous and interesting and I can never forget it. It will remain fresh in my mind as a good memory.

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My First Day at College Essay | 2nd Year, 1st Year | 1000 Words

Essay on my first day at college. First day at college essay with quotations. 1000 Words essay on my first day at college

My First Day at College

College is dreamland of every student’s educational career. It is a beautiful period of learning, enjoyment, freedom and friendship. Sweet memories of college life are simply amazing. They have an everlasting impact on human memory.

Related Quotes:

1. What a beautiful chapter of a student’s life, College life is!

2. Colleges are places where pebbles are polished and diamonds are dimmed.

3. Life in a college is more than a serious effort to get education. Moreover college is a place of making friends and chalking programs to go out to the pictures, cinemas and picnics.

College life has its own charm and beauty. Each and every moment spent there is always worth-living, worth-enjoying and also worth-remembering. Out of all the days, we can never forget the first day of college life.

4. A New place and a New Life with a New lifestyle.

First day of college is really very special and memorable for every student.  The first of anything impresses us most. That is why we hardly ever forget our first love, our first success, our first friend. Likewise, we cannot forget our first day at college, the day that symbolizes the transition period from one life, so to say, into another. It comes to my mind again and again with those alien but lively feelings, those impressions, and sights and sounds.

College is dreamland of every student’s educational career. It is a beautiful period of learning, enjoyment, freedom and friendship. Sweet memories of college life are simply amazing. They have an everlasting impact on human memory.

At last the result of matriculation examination was declared and I came out with flying colors. After I passed my school examination with good grades, many excited and heated discussions took place on the choice of subjects and college. I decided to take admission in Government College which was the biggest college of my city. I had heard a lot of stories about college life from my elder sibling and relatives. According to them college is not as strict as school. I was full of excitement, inner joy and high hopes for a promising future. I thought college life would be full of pleasures and of course it was. College life is not as strict as the school life.

On the very first day, I got up early in the morning as I was much excited for the college life. I offered Dawn Prayer and took a hearty bath and got ready for the college. I could even do breakfast because of excitement. As soon as I stepped into the college, I felt like I have entered a new world. It was indeed a completely new world for me. The college had a wonderful building, lovely playgrounds and devoted Professors. The grand traditions, good mannerism, and liberal atmosphere made a great difference to my life. My first-day entry in college always fascinates me. My first day was an unforgettable experience of my educational life.

5. My impressions of the first day at college are still fresh in my memory. It seems impossible to erase those Sweet memories.

College is dreamland of every student’s educational career. It is a beautiful period of learning, enjoyment, freedom and friendship. Sweet memories of college life are simply amazing. They have an everlasting impact on human memory.

On first September, I got up early in the morning, took bath and said my prayers. Meanwhile, my mother prepared breakfast for me. I hurriedly took my breakfast and went to college by bus. As soon as I stepped into the college, I felt like I have entered a new world. It was indeed a completely new world for me. The college had a wonderful building, lovely playgrounds and devoted Professors. The grand traditions, good mannerism, and liberal atmosphere made a great difference to my life. My first-day entry in college always fascinates me. When I reached the gate of the college, some senior students of the college were standing there. Some of them where in a jolly mood and wanted to befool the new-comers. They had worked out their own plans to make the new-comers indulge in strange actions. However, we decided to act together to avoid their practical jokes. Some of the senior were approaching us with an air of superiority. They were large in number so they made us subdue immediately. They asked us to do strange things like singing ridiculous songs and doing monkey pranks. The sense of self- respect did not allow me to act according to their wishes. Still they forced me to obey their orders. I felt a little humiliated but took it sportingly.

Meanwhile, a senior Professor of the college came to our rescue. He asked the boys to assemble in the hall were the Principal would address them. We want to the hall. The Principal addressed the students and advised them not to take part in politics at college. They should pay full attention to their studies and try their best to achieve their goal. Afterwards, a Professor guided us about our time-table and class rooms.

College is dreamland of every student’s educational career. It is a beautiful period of learning, enjoyment, freedom and friendship. Sweet memories of college life are simply amazing. They have an everlasting impact on human memory.

Our first period was of English. We want to the classroom and set on the benches. A Professor entered the room, the boys stood up greet him. He took our roll-call and entered the names of the students in his attitude register. He did not teach us but advised us about our future life. He stressed what we should not misuse the liberty here rather we should keep full use of the opportunity to achieve our end. Afterwards, we moved another room where our teacher in Arabic came. He delivered his lecture on the importance of Arabic language and advised us to come to the class with our books. Then there was no other period on that day. So, we want to the library and read some newspapers. We discussed the lecture of our teacher and decided to work very hard from the beginning to get through the examinations getting very good marks. Then we left the library, shook hands with one another and departed. I took a bus and reached my home. I found a considerable between the school life and that of college. I concluded that liberty or freedom must not be misused at all.

College is dreamland of every student’s educational career. It is a beautiful period of learning, enjoyment, freedom and friendship. Sweet memories of college life are simply amazing. They have an everlasting impact on human memory.

At the end of the first day, I returned home. When I was returning home, all the memories of my first day at College came to my mind. It was like a film. It had fun and fear. I remembered all the happenings and reached home with a smile. I had entered the college to gain knowledge and wisdom and to become a good citizen. Thanks, Almighty Allah I got what I wished. I wrote my memories in a special notebook.

In the end, I can say that college life is a beautiful blend of joys and memories. Right from my first day, every day spent in College was full of colorful events. Surely, College life is an ideal part of student life.

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Essay On My First Day At College in 150, 350 and 500 Words

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A student’s life begins anew when he graduates from school and advances to college. His memory of his first day at college will always remain etched in his heart. The purpose of writing practice in English is to ask students to compose an essay about their first day at college. The following is part of their first day in college essay. In order to help students write their own essays about their first days at college, I’ve provided a sample essay and a sample paragraph about mine.

Table of Contents

 A 150-word essay about my first day at college

 My first day at college was an emotional experience for me, so writing about it was difficult for me. The day I started that new chapter of my life was a turning point in my life. I enrolled in Haji Muhammad Mohsin College after passing the SSC examination. On the first day, I arrived before 9 AM. My first action was to write the procedure on the notice board. It was a three-class day for me. It was English class first. In the classroom, I sat down.

 A large number of students were present. A lively conversation was taking place between them. There was a lot of interaction between the students. Though I had never met any of them before, I quickly made friends with a few of them. In the classroom, the professor arrived on time. The rolls were called very quickly at first. During his speech, he used English as his language.

 He discussed the responsibilities of a college student. My teachers’ lectures were enjoyable, and I enjoyed each class. In the afternoon, I visited several areas of the college after class. Compared to the college library, the college library was much larger. Thousands of books were on display, which amazed me. A memorable day in my life was my first day in college.

 Essay on My First Day at College in 350+ Words

 It was an important day in my life when I attended college for the first time. I will never forget that day. When I was in school. My elder brothers and sisters provided me with a glimpse of college life. Having just started college, I looked forward to it with much anticipation. It seemed to me that college life would offer me a freer life, where there would be fewer restrictions and fewer teachers to worry about. It was finally the day that had been longed for.

 A government college was opened in my city. As soon as I stepped onto the college grounds, I was filled with hope and aspirations. Seeing the diversified perspective offered by the college was a pleasant surprise. I had never seen anything like it at our school or around it. Many unknown faces appeared in front of me.

 As a freshman in college, I experienced some very strange things. My surprise was sparked by seeing students playing indoor and outdoor games as well as listening to radio broadcasts during class time. It is not prohibited to wear a uniform. Students’ movements are free, as I observed. It is up to them to decide what they want to do.

essay my first day at college for 2nd year with proper quotations

 The newly admitted students were all in good spirits when I arrived. It was a pleasure to make friends with them all. It was a pleasure to move around the college. As I entered the college library, I was delighted to find books on every topic I wanted to learn about. On my first day at the college, I was keen to learn more about the laboratory and conduct experiments. The notice board displayed the timetable for my class. Attending classes was something I did. There is a difference between the method of teaching at the college and at the school.

 A specialized teacher teaches each subject. Classes do not ask questions. Failure to learn a lesson does not result in a reprimand from the professor. This is simply a matter of reminding students they have responsibilities. The school has a homely atmosphere, so students lack access to snacks. Therefore, they feel the comfortable rhythm of life has changed and I returned home feeling a mixture of duty and liberty.

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 My First Day at College Essay In 500+ Words

 a brief introduction:.

A memorable event in my life was my first day at college. When I was a boy, I dreamed of studying in a college. A college was attended by my eldest brother. During our conversation, he told me stories about his college. My mind immediately traveled to another world when I read those stories. As a student, I found college to be a totally different experience from my school. My dream of attending college came true because of that. My college experience seemed to me to be an opportunity to get rid of the rigid school rules that I had gone to school under. The SSC examination was finally passed and I was able to enroll in a college. Some colleges gave me admission forms. Haji Mohammad Mohsin College selected me for admission after I took the admission tests at those colleges. The event marked the beginning of a new chapter in my life.


My college life had been on my mind for quite some time. It was finally here. As soon as I arose from my bed, I prepared breakfast. On my way to college, I arrived there well before 9 a.m. In the morning, the routine was written on the noticeboard. It was a busy day for me with three classes. There was a difference in classrooms between my classes and I was surprised by it.

  Classroom experience:

It was English that I studied in my first class. It was time for me to take my seat in the classroom. Many students attended. A lively conversation was taking place between them. There was a lot of student interaction going on. I became friends with some of them in no time, despite not knowing any of them before. In the classroom, the professor arrived on time. He called the roll quickly. After that, he began to speak. 

English was his first language. College students have responsibilities and duties, he said. He held my attention raptly. It was a very informative lecture and I enjoyed it a lot. The next class was Bengali’s first paper. The class was held in a different classroom. Bengali short stories were the topic of the teacher’s lecture in that class. 

My previous school’s educational standards are different from the colleges I am attending. After attending the classes, I understood the difference. Additionally, the college had a better method of teaching. Students were treated politely by the professor as if they were friends.

Libraries, common rooms, and canteens at the college:

After attending the classes, I visited the different parts of the college. There was a large library at the college. Thousands of books were there, and I was astonished. It was a popular place to study. A large crowd of students was chatting in the students’ common. There were also indoor games being played by some of the students. Next, I stopped by the college canteen. Some of my friends and I had tea and snacks there. Everyone on campus was having a good time and enjoying themselves.

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My First Day at College Essay with Quotations (500+ Words)

' data-src= has written My First Day at College essay in modern grammar and unique vocabulary, with quotations from great scholars. This essay can be used for Intermediate and BS classes. It may also a great help for CSS and jobseekers as well.

My First Day at College Essay with Quotations

Every so often, and occasions leave enduring recollections behind them. My first day at college is one of the excellent days of my life. It is a significant day in each understudy’s life. I actually recall that day as though it were just yesterday.

“Fathers sent their sounds to college either because they went to college or they didn’t.”  (Hendren)

This truism demonstrated very important on my first day at college. I got on the transport at 7:00 a.m. to arrive at college. Following five minutes, I was told by a kid to get down. He let me know that I had arrived at my objective. I needed to enter the structure however the guardian halted me. I let him know that I had looked for affirmation yet I felt enormously humiliated when I came to realize that It was a young lady college and mine was close to it.

You send your child to the college, but its college boys who educate him.”  (Emerson)

See: My Last Day at College

At last, I entered college. It was composed all over that it was my first day. A genuine looking kid moved towards me and guided me to the classroom. Incredibly, I found that it was a major normal washroom. One more man of his word identified with me and directed me to the principle corridor ‘the head’ was tending to the understudies.

I inquired as to whether I could enter the class and he furiously scorned me and demanded me to say energetically “I’m sorry, sir!” several times by placing my hands on the ears. In the mean time, an old individual entered and all the young men alongside the “head” plunked down. Then, at that point, I understood that I had been tricked. Presently the genuine chief tended to us. He invited us and disclosed to us the significance of college life. He let us know how to check our roll numbers, plan and study halls. Whenever I left college and got on the transport once more, individuals in the transport were taking a gander at me and passing analogies in an exceptionally significant manner. Amazingly, I found that my white dress had turned into a work of art of dynamic craftsmanship.

All the really value able things you own are things you cannot photograph.

Along these lines, my first day at college reached a conclusion and left behind extraordinary recollections.

After the primary day, there was no really be fooling or tormenting. I found the teachers exceptionally pleasant, delicate and co-usable. They made in me a hunger for information. They injected trust on schedule. The time I spent in college was a truly important resource of my life. I never forget my first day at college.

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My First Day At College Essay For 2nd Year

Many students who appear in the exam of English can face the Essay with the topic My First Day At College. So, here we are focusing on the My First Day At College Essay for 2nd-year students. After reading this essay students will be able to member many things to write in their exams essay. However, the general essay covers simple words and short sentences. Basically, there are different categories of essays that students learn from their key books and Guide Books. In this way, the different key books and guidebooks cover standard essays for the students and sometimes difficult essays. Therefore, students face difficulty while learning the essay from key books.

Usually, many websites are covering this topic with their own mind level and provide different essays. But their essays are sometimes out of the mind to learn for students. So, here we are focusing on the selection of wording to provide the best quality of essay for the 2nd year students. However, there are some tips for the students to use heading while learning or writing the essay for their exams. Basically, headings are always the key tools to remembering the paragraph of the specific topic. So, we are mentioning some important headings that will help the students to write about the heading in their essays. The list is below to remember for writing My First Day At College Essay.

  • Dream to Go College
  • First Entry in College
  • College Building
  • Teaching Staff of College

My First Day At College Essay In English for 2nd Year With Quotations

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The biggest dream of my life was about to come true. The biggest dream of my life was about to come true. And I had to go to college the first day. I got up early in the morning and ate quickly. I was so happy that I am now a college student. The family was also amazed at how eager I was to go to college. I put my new pen on top of my shirt pocket and took a register with me and left home to go to college. Along the way, I felt like I was flying in the air. There was a long line at the entrance to the college. When asked, it turned out that they are our seniors and are welcoming us.

On my first day at college essay 300 words

My first day at college was very exciting when I remember that day of my college. It is a beautiful dream and memory from when I was in my school. These days are also very entertaining but sometimes very difficult. But many students say that there is more freedom in college than in school. There, students can enjoy their lives as they wish. These things just settled in my heart and I started dreaming of going to college. Then came the day when I went to college with my father. I put all the documents of the college to get admission. Then the college told me the date of coming to the college. Now I was waiting for the day of joining the college.

But the fact was a little different. The seniors were not welcoming us they even snatched our things from us. And put a piece of paper on our backs with the word ‘fool’ written on it. And one sent me to the wrong class where I was ridiculed. The teachers in the class were very kind and told us the secrets of future success. He told us that the students come out of here as bright stars and the setting sun. So the harder you work, the more successful you will be. I returned home with the words of my teachers in my heart but I still remember that day at my college.

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Your Best College Essay

Maybe you love to write, or maybe you don’t. Either way, there’s a chance that the thought of writing your college essay is making you sweat. No need for nerves! We’re here to give you the important details on how to make the process as anxiety-free as possible.

student's hands typing on a laptop in class

What's the College Essay?

When we say “The College Essay” (capitalization for emphasis – say it out loud with the capitals and you’ll know what we mean) we’re talking about the 550-650 word essay required by most colleges and universities. Prompts for this essay can be found on the college’s website, the Common Application, or the Coalition Application. We’re not talking about the many smaller supplemental essays you might need to write in order to apply to college. Not all institutions require the essay, but most colleges and universities that are at least semi-selective do.

How do I get started?

Look for the prompts on whatever application you’re using to apply to schools (almost all of the time – with a few notable exceptions – this is the Common Application). If one of them calls out to you, awesome! You can jump right in and start to brainstorm. If none of them are giving you the right vibes, don’t worry. They’re so broad that almost anything you write can fit into one of the prompts after you’re done. Working backwards like this is totally fine and can be really useful!

What if I have writer's block?

You aren’t alone. Staring at a blank Google Doc and thinking about how this is the one chance to tell an admissions officer your story can make you freeze. Thinking about some of these questions might help you find the right topic:

  • What is something about you that people have pointed out as distinctive?
  • If you had to pick three words to describe yourself, what would they be? What are things you’ve done that demonstrate these qualities?
  • What’s something about you that has changed over your years in high school? How or why did it change?
  • What’s something you like most about yourself?
  • What’s something you love so much that you lose track of the rest of the world while you do it?

If you’re still stuck on a topic, ask your family members, friends, or other trusted adults: what’s something they always think about when they think about you? What’s something they think you should be proud of? They might help you find something about yourself that you wouldn’t have surfaced on your own.  

How do I grab my reader's attention?

It’s no secret that admissions officers are reading dozens – and sometimes hundreds – of essays every day. That can feel like a lot of pressure to stand out. But if you try to write the most unique essay in the world, it might end up seeming forced if it’s not genuinely you. So, what’s there to do? Our advice: start your essay with a story. Tell the reader about something you’ve done, complete with sensory details, and maybe even dialogue. Then, in the second paragraph, back up and tell us why this story is important and what it tells them about you and the theme of the essay.


Don’t! Don’t try to tell an admissions officer about everything you’ve loved and done since you were a child. Instead, pick one or two things about yourself that you’re hoping to get across and stick to those. They’ll see the rest on the activities section of your application.


If you can’t think of another way to end the essay, talk about how the qualities you’ve discussed in your essays have prepared you for college. Try to wrap up with a sentence that refers back to the story you told in your first paragraph, if you took that route.


YES, proofread the essay, and have a trusted adult proofread it as well. Know that any suggestions they give you are coming from a good place, but make sure they aren’t writing your essay for you or putting it into their own voice. Admissions officers want to hear the voice of you, the applicant. Before you submit your essay anywhere, our number one advice is to read it out loud to yourself. When you read out loud you’ll catch small errors you may not have noticed before, and hear sentences that aren’t quite right.


Be yourself. If you’re not a naturally serious person, don’t force formality. If you’re the comedian in your friend group, go ahead and be funny. But ultimately, write as your authentic (and grammatically correct) self and trust the process.

And remember, thousands of other students your age are faced with this same essay writing task, right now. You can do it!

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