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Your chance of acceptance, your chancing factors, extracurriculars, how should i describe a life event in my essay that prepared me for college.

So I'm drafting my college essay and I've got this life event that really impacted me and I think it shows I'm ready for college. But how do I describe it in a way that's compelling and not just telling a story? Any advice from those who tackled something similar?

When you're describing a life event in your college essay, it's important to focus on reflection, rather than merely recounting the event. Think about how this experience has shaped your perspective, influenced your goals, or contributed to your character development.

Start by setting the scene to engage the reader, then swiftly move to express how this event was pivotal in your personal growth. Show rather than tell; for example, if you're writing about how you overcame a challenge, detail the steps you took and the resourcefulness or resilience you displayed with active descriptions and action rather than a passive explanation. You want to make it clear why this event makes you a strong candidate for college by connecting it to attributes like determination, leadership, or a passion for learning. Remember to close your essay by looking forward; explain how the event has prepared you for the challenges of college and beyond, and how it will inform your contributions to the college community.

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CollegeVine’s Q&A seeks to offer informed perspectives on commonly asked admissions questions. Every answer is refined and validated by our team of admissions experts to ensure it resonates with trusted knowledge in the field.

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Describe an Event that Changed Your Life (or, Changed You) in a Good Way - IELTS Speaking Cue Card Model Answer

Describe an event that changed your life (or, changed you) in a good way..

You should say:

when it happened

where it happened

what the change was

and explain how you benefited from this change.

Describe an Event that Changed Your Life (or, Changed You) in a Good Way - IELTS Speaking Cue Card Model Answer

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Model Answer 1

A pivotal moment that redefined my life occurred during the summer of 2018, in the serene surroundings of a mountain retreat. This life-altering event was not marked by grand fanfare; instead, it was a quiet realization during a meditation retreat. The change was profound yet subtle – it was the embracement of mindfulness and a newfound appreciation for the present moment.

Before this experience, my life was in constant fast-forward, with my mind perpetually racing from one worry to the next. It was during a session of guided meditation, enveloped by the tranquil mountain air and the gentle rustling of leaves, that I experienced a profound sense of peace. This tranquility was not merely the absence of noise; it was an awakening to the beauty of the present.

This transformation has had lasting effects on my life. Embracing mindfulness has allowed me to approach daily challenges with calmness and clarity. Stressful situations, which previously overwhelmed me, now seem manageable as I have learned to maintain a composed and focused mind. This change has enhanced my interpersonal relationships as well; I listen more attentively, respond more thoughtfully, and appreciate the nuances of communication. Moreover, this shift has positively influenced my career, where the ability to remain present and composed under pressure is invaluable.

In essence, the change was not just in my actions, but in my perspective. The realization that living in the moment is not just a phrase, but a transformative practice, has been the cornerstone of this positive shift. This journey towards mindfulness has not only enriched my personal experiences but has also imbued me with a sense of serenity and purpose, attributes that have significantly enhanced the quality of my life.

Why this is a High Scoring Answer

This sample answer is an exemplary response to the question, "Describe an event that changed your life (or, changed you) in a good way," and serves as a model for those aiming to achieve high scores in the IELTS Speaking section. Here's a detailed breakdown of why this answer is effective:

1.    Comprehensive Coverage: The answer thoroughly addresses all aspects of the question. It clearly states the when (summer of 2018) and where (mountain retreat) of the event. The what (embracement of mindfulness and appreciation of the present moment) and the explanation of how the candidate benefited (improved handling of stress, enhanced interpersonal relationships, and positive career impact) are also well-articulated.

2.    Depth of Reflection and Personal Insight: The response demonstrates deep personal insight, reflecting on how the candidate's life was before the event and the transformative impact it had. The journey from a life in "constant fast-forward" to one of "mindfulness" shows a profound level of self-awareness, which is a key aspect of effective communication.

3.    Descriptive Language: The use of descriptive language, such as "tranquil mountain air" and "gentle rustling of leaves," paints a vivid picture for the listener, engaging them in the narrative. This ability to create imagery is a hallmark of advanced language skills.

4.    Cohesiveness and Fluency: The response flows smoothly from one point to the next, maintaining a clear and logical structure. This cohesiveness is essential for keeping the listener engaged and for conveying thoughts in an organized manner.

5.    Vocabulary and Grammar: The answer showcases a wide range of vocabulary and complex grammatical structures, without compromising clarity. Phrases like "profound sense of peace" and "embracement of mindfulness" are indicative of a high level of language proficiency.

For those looking to further enhance their preparation, our exclusive IELTS books (pdf download) delve into these aspects in greater detail. These resources are crafted to guide you through mastering the nuances of the English language, ensuring you can confidently articulate experiences and ideas just as effectively.

This sample answer exemplifies what you can learn and replicate with our expert guidance. Remember, your journey to achieving a high IELTS score is not just about learning the language; it's about learning how to convey your unique experiences and insights in a way that resonates with others.

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Model Answer 2

One transformative event that significantly reshaped my life's trajectory occurred in the autumn of 2016, amidst the bustling streets of New York City. This defining moment was not one of dramatic revelation, but rather a gradual awakening sparked by volunteering at a local community center.

The change was a deep-seated shift in perspective, from a self-centered worldview to one marked by empathy and a commitment to service. Prior to this experience, my life revolved around personal ambitions and material success. However, engaging with diverse individuals from various walks of life, all converging at this hub of community activity, opened my eyes to the broader spectrum of human experience.

The transformation was multi-faceted. On a personal level, I developed a profound sense of gratitude for the privileges I had taken for granted. This shift in mindset led to a more fulfilling life, where happiness was not solely derived from personal achievements but also from the joy of contributing to the well-being of others. Professionally, this experience broadened my horizons, inspiring me to pursue a career in social work, a field I had never previously considered.

Moreover, this volunteering stint honed my interpersonal skills, teaching me the value of active listening, empathy, and effective communication. These skills have not only made me a more compassionate individual but also a more adept professional, capable of building meaningful relationships and understanding diverse viewpoints.

In essence, this experience redefined my life's purpose. It instilled in me the belief that true fulfillment comes from serving others and contributing to a greater good. This newfound purpose has guided my decisions and actions, leading to a more enriching and rewarding life journey.

This sample answer is an excellent illustration of how to effectively respond to the topic, "Describe an event that changed your life (or, changed you) in a good way." It stands out as a high-scoring answer for several reasons:

1.    Fulfilling the Question Requirements: The speaker vividly recounts an event - volunteering in New York City - that brought about a significant change in their life. This directly addresses the topic, detailing both the event and its transformative impact.

2.    Depth of Personal Growth and Insight: The answer showcases a profound personal transformation from a focus on self to a dedication to service and empathy. This level of introspection and reflection on personal growth demonstrates a deep understanding of the subject matter, which is essential in conveying a compelling narrative.

3.    Rich and Descriptive Language: The use of descriptive and emotive language, such as "gradual awakening" and "deep-seated shift in perspective," enhances the quality of the response. This not only engages the listener but also shows mastery of language, a critical component of the IELTS Speaking test.

4.    Cohesive Structure and Flow: The response is well-structured, with a clear beginning, development, and conclusion. This coherence in storytelling ensures that the listener can easily follow and understand the narrative.

5.    Variety in Vocabulary and Sentence Structure: The speaker employs a wide range of vocabulary and varied sentence structures, demonstrating linguistic proficiency. Phrases like "multi-faceted transformation" and "instilled in me the belief" are examples of advanced language use.

6.    Relevance and Relatability: The narrative is relatable and grounded in real-life experiences, making it more impactful and genuine. Discussing the impact of volunteering on both personal and professional levels makes the response more comprehensive and relevant.

For those eager to craft equally compelling responses and enhance their IELTS Speaking skills, our exclusive IELTS books (pdf download) are an invaluable resource. They provide you with insights and strategies to articulate your experiences and ideas with clarity and confidence, mirroring the high standards demonstrated in this answer.

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Model Answer 3

A pivotal moment that irrevocably transformed my life unfolded in the spring of 2019, against the backdrop of the historic city of Rome. This life-altering event was my first solo international travel experience, a journey that not only spanned continents but also expanded the horizons of my mind.

The change was profound and multifaceted. Embracing the unknown, navigating through the labyrinthine streets of a foreign land, and immersing myself in a culture vastly different from my own, instilled in me an unshakeable confidence and an insatiable curiosity. Prior to this expedition, my world view was limited, shaped largely by my immediate surroundings and second-hand narratives. However, this solo voyage introduced me to the rich tapestry of global cultures, languages, and perspectives.

The transformation was both personal and intellectual. Personally, the journey fostered a sense of independence and self-reliance that I had never experienced before. Each decision, from choosing the next destination to overcoming language barriers, was a step towards self-discovery and growth. Intellectually, it broadened my understanding of the world, teaching me the value of cultural diversity and the importance of global interconnectedness.

Moreover, this travel experience refined my problem-solving skills and adaptability, traits that have proven invaluable in both personal and professional realms. It taught me to approach challenges with a calm and open mind, turning obstacles into opportunities for learning and growth.

In summary, this solo journey was not just a physical traverse across countries; it was a voyage into the depths of my own potential. It reshaped my identity, turning me into a global citizen, eager to explore, learn, and connect with the diverse tapestry of humanity that makes our world so rich and fascinating.

This sample answer excellently addresses the topic "Describe an event that changed your life (or, changed you) in a good way," and here's a detailed analysis of its strengths:

1.    Directly Addresses the Topic: The speaker immediately engages with the topic by describing their solo travel to Rome. This direct approach ensures that the listener understands the relevance of the narrative to the topic.

2.    Depth and Insight: The response reflects a deep level of personal and intellectual growth. The speaker talks about gaining "an unshakeable confidence and an insatiable curiosity," showcasing significant self-awareness and development.

3.    Descriptive and Vivid Language: The use of descriptive phrases like "navigating through the labyrinthine streets" and "the rich tapestry of global cultures" not only demonstrates a high level of language proficiency but also keeps the listener engaged.

4.    Clear Structure and Cohesion: The answer has a well-organized structure, flowing logically from the introduction of the event to its personal and intellectual impact. This clear progression of ideas is crucial for coherence and listener comprehension.

5.    Demonstration of Key Skills: The narrative illustrates important qualities like independence, adaptability, and problem-solving, which are highly valued in both the IELTS criteria and real-world scenarios.

6.    Cultural Awareness and Global Perspective: The speaker's reflections on cultural diversity and global interconnectedness show a broadened worldview, a key aspect of a high-scoring IELTS response.

For those aiming to achieve similar depth and proficiency in their IELTS Speaking responses, our exclusive IELTS books (pdf download) provide you with the tools and insights necessary for success. These resources, designed with you in mind, offer strategies to enhance your speaking skills, enabling you to articulate your experiences and ideas with clarity and confidence, much like the response given here.

In an IELTS Speaking exam, it's crucial to present ideas in a manner that is not only articulate and well-structured but also personal and reflective. This sample demonstrates how you can successfully achieve this balance, making it an excellent model for high-scoring responses.

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An Important Event In Your Life (Essay Sample)

Table of Contents


What experiences changed your life for the better (or worse)?

The sample paper below shares an author’s take on a memorable event (or two) that transpired in his own life. He describes how these experiences made him feel and what he took away from them. He emphasizes that even though these were brief moments from the past, he continues to apply the lessons he learned from them to this day.

Do you have a happy event from your own memory bank that you want to write about? Let us help you with your paper with our essay writing services .

An Important Event in Your Life Essay

We don’t really make it a point to remember every detail of our day. When the next day comes, the previous 24 hours become a blur. But if something unexpected or remarkable happens, it can be memorable for the rest of their lives.

I am sure that everyone has an event that is unforgettable, some so much so that they would rather forget the memory because it triggers old wounds. There are good memories that regularly make us happy when we talk about or share them with people. On a more positive note, there are events that teach a certain lesson and end up becoming a fundamental life conviction for someone.

Life has so many twists and turns. We don’t always know what’s around the corner. This paper seeks to narrate two important events that happened in my life, which continue to have a significant impact on me to this day.

Recalling a Significant Event in My Life

I remember spending 10 days in Missouri Relationship of Understudy Chamber’s late spring authority camp in 2005. I consider it one of my most life-shaping experiences. Those ten days were a series of the most helpful experiences of my journey.

The opportunity came through our Understudy Committee at school, which I joined during my senior year. When I first attended as a Level 1 camper, I was overpowered by other very dominant and outspoken campers. I didn’t know how I would fit in since I was slow to warm up around new individuals.

We were then assigned to one of 26 unique chambers. I was in Chamber ‘M’. That week transformed me from a new shy student board member to a person who was confident and assured, even in my first year in student council.

Free stock photo of active, adolescent, adventure

The most highly-awaited event that we mounted was the Olympics. Each chamber met up and took part in various recreations. This was the point at which our council first empowered me to step outside my comfort zone. I was able to discover, from that experience, how powerful collaboration can be, and how to best maximize people’s skill sets. A highlight of that day was also the show. Every committee performed their comedic version of a well-known song before the whole camp.

While I am, by nature, an intensely competitive person when motivated, I understood that night that it did not make a difference who won. All that mattered were the memories made and stories that would be told years from now.

Another Very Important Event

I also remember how I longed to ride a plane for the first time when I was in high school. I wanted to know how it felt to be suspended in mid-air and not have control over the trajectory. I also admired the structure of a plane. To me, it resembled an enormous hawk with its huge wings extended.

Airplane riding fast on asphalt landing strip before flight in bright sunny morning

I finally got my chance one day. After entering the airport, purchasing a ticket, and checking in, I boarded the plane. The seats were very comfortable. We were taught how to put on our seatbelts and were instructed to do so before take-off. When the plane took off, several passengers shrieked in delight. A flight attendant distributed lemon juice to avoid nausea, which I eagerly accepted.

After an hour, it was announced that we were about the land. It was so exciting to see the landscape from up in the clouds. When we touched down, I was even more eager to tour my destination. I left the airport happy and grateful. It was indeed one of the most unforgettable firsts of my life.

I have many more cherished life experiences, but these two top the list. What’s in your top two?

Regardless of how long ago they happened, our fond moments will always be in our core memory bank. They will bring to mind joy, nostalgia, and happiness; and we’ll remember them as if they just happened yesterday. Take time to revisit the significant events in your life today. Such things will inspire you to make more beautiful memories that will make for grand anecdotes one day. May your memories bring you joy, life, and peace.

Interesting Event In My Life (Short Essay Sample)

While I can think of many events that I can remember and narrate by heart, one stands out to me as an experience that taught me a very crucial life lesson.

During my freshman year, I had to move to a new school. The thought of making new friends excited me, but the idea that some of the students may not find me likable also made me extremely nervous.

On my first day, I kept my head down and focused on my school work, out of fear that I might make a mistake. Surprisingly, over the next few days, several people from class made the effort to befriend me. It gave me the confidence boost I needed to be myself around them.

These people eventually became like family to me, and we spent our free time together all the way until senior year. Parting ways for college was heartbreaking because we didn’t know when we would see each other again.

I will always be grateful for the moment these people initiated a friendship with me. Most people wouldn’t spare the new kid a second glance, but they took the leap of faith.

What Are Examples Of Life-Changing Events?

An important event in your life can range from light and funny to deep and profound. It could be the day you meet your best friend or the person you want to spend the rest of your life with. It could also be the day you chose your university or when you figured out what you want to focus on for your future. It could also be that summer you finally learned how to bake or when your parents surprised you with a graduation trip as a gift. On the other end of the spectrum, it could also revolve around the death of someone you held dearly to your heart, or when you stopped talking to a close friend for two years after falling out.

What Are 3 Important Life Events?

  • Getting that pivotal grade that will bring up your total average is a momentous occasion for students as it makes graduating a certainty. It also marks a valuable accomplishment in your season of being a learner.
  • Finishing university is a feat that changes you for the better because it fuels you towards an exciting yet unknown future. The fact that you are about to enter the real world as a prepared person is thrilling and nerve-wracking.
  • The death of a loved one is a bittersweet experience because it will make you miss the dearly departed terribly. It is a time of understanding and embracing grief.

significant life events essay

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Great Examples to Describe Important Life Events

Table of Contents

There may be times when you’ll be asked to  describe a significant event in your life . It could be for a school writing assignment or a college application essay. But some life moments can be so precious and overwhelming that it’s difficult to put them into words. If you find yourself stuck on what to write, don’t worry. This article is here to help you out.

Today we’ll share some tips with you on how to describe important life experiences. We’ll also review some great examples that you can refer to. Let’s get into it!

What Life Events Can You Talk About?

There are so many life-changing moments that you can talk about in your essay. If you haven’t been given a topic, here are some event examples you can consider discussing:

  • Your first day at work
  • An event that you love celebrating (e.g., a birthday, Independence Day, Christmas, an anniversary)
  • The day you met the love of your life.
  • A happy or memorable family event. (Wedding of a sibling, death of a family member, family birthday party, parents’ wedding anniversary, buying a house)
  • The time you had an intense argument with a person
  • A fight you had with a close friend
  • The day of your graduation from high school or college.
  • A memorable childhood event (e.g., a special birthday, starting school, moving home, a special trip, the birth of a sibling)
  • When your first child was born

A set of old photographs of road trips and cute dog pets.

How Do You Describe a Significant Event in Your Life?

Answer the 5ws (what, who, when, where, why).

Before you start telling your story, it’s essential to get your facts in order. In order to do that, it can be helpful to answer the 5Ws:

  • What happened?
  • Who were the people involved?
  • When did it happen?
  • Where did it occur?
  • Why was the event special?

By answering these questions, you can better organize your thoughts and structure the narrative you want to tell in your essay or text.

Get into the details.

Describing an event is all about going into the details. You want to help readers to visualize it as clearly as possible . Do your best to remember details like what the place looked like, the weather, what people were wearing, the atmosphere, and so on.

Choose the right descriptive words.

Words can go a long way to evoke emotions that can lead to memories. Do your best to choose appropriate and powerful words to describe events in your content.

Use an online writing tool.

If you’re still stuck on how to describe your topic, you can always get the help of online writing tools. The INK Event Description Generator is one of the best tools you can use to provide vivid and well-thought-out descriptions. It’s powered by AI technology, and it can generate text for you in a matter of seconds. There’s even an option for you to pick the tone of writing. You should definitely give it a try!

Example 1: When I Got Into My Dream University

I still remember it like it was yesterday. My nerves were all over the place, my hands were sweating, and I felt my heart beating so fast. It was Friday, and the college admission results were scheduled to be posted. My sister and I sat on the sofa, constantly refreshing the web page. She kept encouraging me every second, smiling with love on her face. My anxiety was not calming down any time soon.

Finally, my name popped on the page. A feeling of relief and tremendous joy washed over me. We were jumping up and down the coach, screaming like little girls. It was a life-changing moment I will never forget. That was the day I got one step close to my dreams and studying the course I wanted.

Example 2: Wedding of My Little Sister

It was three years ago when I saw my little sister walking down the aisle. The church was filled with daisies, her favorite flower. My mom sat beside me, and she couldn’t stop crying.

The church doors opened, and she walked through wearing the most beautiful white dress with a trail as long as the day. I couldn’t help but shed a river of tears when I saw her walk in. My little sister has always been my best friend, my partner in crime. And seeing her all grown up and ready to start her own family made my heart melt. I felt joyful and sad at the same time. But I knew she was embarking on her new journey, and my only wish was that she lived a long and happy life. 

Example 3: A camping trip with the family

My family and I first began going on camping trips when I was five years old. We would usually do it over the summer. My favorite part about camping was building a fire and roasting marshmallows. My dad once made french fries on the fire in a frying pan. It was so cool! I remember the feeling of being surrounded by my family and the smell of roasting hot fries on the fire. Every night before bed, I would lie awake and stare up at the stars. Those were simpler times. Now I’m 21, and I miss those days so much. I would often come to our old camping spot just to reminisce. I will forever hold those fun camping memories close to my heart.

To describe a significant event in your life, you need to take a trip down memory lane. Think about as many details as you can about a particular memory. It needs to be descriptive and interesting . This is no easy feat, so take your time and think of that moment in detail.

Great Examples to Describe Important Life Events

Abir Ghenaiet

Abir is a data analyst and researcher. Among her interests are artificial intelligence, machine learning, and natural language processing. As a humanitarian and educator, she actively supports women in tech and promotes diversity.

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Words: 733 |

Published: Sep 5, 2023

Words: 733 | Pages: 2 | 4 min read

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The journey begins, lessons in resilience, cultural immersion and empathy, reflection and self-discovery, continued impact.

Image of Dr. Oliver Johnson

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The Importance Of Significant Life Events In Our Life

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Organizational Responses to the Need To Support Individuals Experiencing a Significant Life Event Essay

There are numerous types of significant life events that may befall employees at work. While the core responsibility of organizations is to offer working opportunities to employees, it is crucial to mention that the well-being of workers is of great importance. Managers in organizations are supposed to offer adequate emotional support to individuals going through significant life events such as bereavement. The organizational response is prudent as part and parcel of making sure that employees recover as soon as possible (Miller, 2010).

To begin with, an organization can respond by being empathetic and offering much-needed support to the affected employee. It is also vital to have an informed choice on the type of emotional assistance that can be extended to an employee. There are instances when certain support provided to an employee may not beneficial at all (Padgett, 2010). Making a well-informed choice before advancing help is also a show of respect and dignity to the affected person.

Second, initiating communication with the affected person and ensuring confidentiality in the process of offering support are fundamental values during a time of significant loss such as bereavement. Impartial and objective handling of issues affecting employees should also be priorities. In other words, fairness should prevail at all times. Realizing the potential of employees at the workplace can only be precipitated when equal opportunity is availed to all and sundry. In addition, data protection is prudent, especially in cases whereby personal and sensitive details emerge out of significant life events.

To effectively respond to an employee who has gone through gross loss, an organization needs to protect the individual as much as possible owing to a high degree of vulnerability at that time. Some of the areas of vulnerability may include safety and mental health. Hence, it calls for a thorough risk and needs assessment immediately after an employee lands into a difficult life event.

The management team and the Human Resource department play fundamental roles when bereavement or grief strikes a worker within an organization. However, the latter team can only be effective if a long-term cordial relationship has been established between them and the affected employee. Staffs members working at the Human Resource department should be comprised of a good number of trained professionals who can offer support to the affected individual through counseling and soliciting for material assistance within the shortest time possible (Fox & Jones, 2013). After an employee has been bereaved, the management should offer an immediate leave from work. Normal duties should be resumed after full recovery. Besides, other co-workers and managers should extend sympathy and comfort to the affected person willingly.

Any significant event in the life of an employee is referred to as a critical incident. It has the capability of developing significant human distress and as such, it may outwit an individual’s ability to cope (Davey, Fearon & McLaughlin, 2013). Workplace productivity may also be remarkably affected when an employee is going through a critical incident. This explains why organizations should establish critical incident response teams. This team should comprise of trained employees and other professionals who may be drawn from outside. They should always be ready to handle any emerging cases that affect the productivity of employees. Their roles should include carrying out diffusing sessions, debriefing sessions, follow-up, critiquing sessions, and any other additional support that may be deemed necessary.

Davey, R., Fearon, C. & McLaughlin, H. 2013, “Organizational grief: an emotional perspective on understanding employee reactions to job redundancy”, Development and Learning in Organizations, vol. 27, no. 2, pp. 5-8.

Fox, J. & Jones, K.D 2013, “DSM-5 and Bereavement: The Loss of Normal Grief?” Journal of Counseling and Development: JCD, vol. 91, no. 1, pp. 113-119.

Miller, C.T 2010, Employee perceptions of organizational support: An organizational commitment to a balanced work environment , Colorado State University, Fort Collins.

Padgett, S 2010, Bereavement: Grief intensifies for people trying to keep family businesses thriving: Survivors often left with business decisions at a difficult time , Harvard University Press, Washington.

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IvyPanda. (2022, April 15). Organizational Responses to the Need To Support Individuals Experiencing a Significant Life Event.

"Organizational Responses to the Need To Support Individuals Experiencing a Significant Life Event." IvyPanda , 15 Apr. 2022,

IvyPanda . (2022) 'Organizational Responses to the Need To Support Individuals Experiencing a Significant Life Event'. 15 April.

IvyPanda . 2022. "Organizational Responses to the Need To Support Individuals Experiencing a Significant Life Event." April 15, 2022.

1. IvyPanda . "Organizational Responses to the Need To Support Individuals Experiencing a Significant Life Event." April 15, 2022.


IvyPanda . "Organizational Responses to the Need To Support Individuals Experiencing a Significant Life Event." April 15, 2022.

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Napoleon Bonaparte

By: Editors

Updated: April 24, 2023 | Original: November 9, 2009

Painting depicting Napoleon crossing the Alps.

Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821), also known as Napoleon I, was a French military leader and emperor who conquered much of Europe in the early 19th century. Born on the island of Corsica, Napoleon rapidly rose through the ranks of the military during the French Revolution (1789-1799). After seizing political power in France in a 1799 coup d’état, he crowned himself emperor in 1804. Shrewd, ambitious and a skilled military strategist, Napoleon successfully waged war against various coalitions of European nations and expanded his empire. However, after a disastrous French invasion of Russia in 1812, Napoleon abdicated the throne two years later and was exiled to the island of Elba. In 1815, he briefly returned to power in his Hundred Days campaign. After a crushing defeat at the Battle of Waterloo, he abdicated once again and was exiled to the remote island of Saint Helena, where he died at 51.

Napoleon’s Education and Early Military Career

Napoleon Bonaparte was born on August 15, 1769, in Ajaccio, on the Mediterranean island of Corsica. He was the second of eight surviving children born to Carlo Buonaparte (1746-1785), a lawyer, and Letizia Romalino Buonaparte (1750-1836). Although his parents were members of the minor Corsican nobility, the family was not wealthy. The year before Napoleon’s birth, France acquired Corsica from the city-state of Genoa, Italy. Napoleon later adopted a French spelling of his last name.

As a boy, Napoleon attended school in mainland France, where he learned the French language, and went on to graduate from a French military academy in 1785. He then became a second lieutenant in an artillery regiment of the French army. The French Revolution began in 1789, and within three years revolutionaries had overthrown the monarchy and proclaimed a French republic. During the early years of the revolution, Napoleon was largely on leave from the military and home in Corsica, where he became affiliated with the Jacobins, a pro-democracy political group. In 1793, following a clash with the nationalist Corsican governor, Pasquale Paoli (1725-1807), the Bonaparte family fled their native island for mainland France, where Napoleon returned to military duty.

In France, Napoleon became associated with Augustin Robespierre (1763-1794), the brother of revolutionary leader Maximilien Robespierre (1758-1794), a Jacobin who was a key force behind the Reign of Terror (1793-1794), a period of violence against enemies of the revolution. During this time, Napoleon was promoted to the rank of brigadier general in the army. However, after Robespierre fell from power and was guillotined (along with Augustin) in July 1794, Napoleon was briefly put under house arrest for his ties to the brothers.

In 1795, Napoleon helped suppress a royalist insurrection against the revolutionary government in Paris and was promoted to major general.

Did you know? In 1799, during Napoleon’s military campaign in Egypt, a French soldier named Pierre Francois Bouchard (1772-1832) discovered the Rosetta Stone. This artifact provided the key to cracking the code of Egyptian hieroglyphics, a written language that had been dead for almost 2,000 years.

Napoleon’s Rise to Power

Since 1792, France’s revolutionary government had been engaged in military conflicts with various European nations. In 1796, Napoleon commanded a French army that defeated the larger armies of Austria, one of his country’s primary rivals, in a series of battles in Italy. In 1797, France and Austria signed the Treaty of Campo Formio, resulting in territorial gains for the French.

The following year, the Directory, the five-person group that had governed France since 1795, offered to let Napoleon lead an invasion of England. Napoleon determined that France’s naval forces were not yet ready to go up against the superior British Royal Navy. Instead, he proposed an invasion of Egypt in an effort to wipe out British trade routes with India. Napoleon’s troops scored a victory against Egypt’s military rulers, the Mamluks, at the Battle of the Pyramids in July 1798; soon, however, his forces were stranded after his naval fleet was nearly decimated by the British at the Battle of the Nile in August 1798. In early 1799, Napoleon’s army launched an invasion of Ottoman Empire -ruled Syria , which ended with a failed siege of Acre, located in modern-day Israel . That summer, with the political situation in France marked by uncertainty, the ever-ambitious and cunning Napoleon opted to abandon his army in Egypt and return to France.

The Coup of 18 Brumaire

In November 1799, in an event known as the coup of 18 Brumaire, Napoleon was part of a group that successfully overthrew the French Directory.

The Directory was replaced with a three-member Consulate, and 5'7" Napoleon became first consul, making him France’s leading political figure. In June 1800, at the Battle of Marengo, Napoleon’s forces defeated one of France’s perennial enemies, the Austrians, and drove them out of Italy. The victory helped cement Napoleon’s power as first consul. Additionally, with the Treaty of Amiens in 1802, the war-weary British agreed to peace with the French (although the peace would only last for a year).

Napoleon worked to restore stability to post-revolutionary France. He centralized the government; instituted reforms in such areas as banking and education; supported science and the arts; and sought to improve relations between his regime and the pope (who represented France’s main religion, Catholicism), which had suffered during the revolution. One of his most significant accomplishments was the Napoleonic Code , which streamlined the French legal system and continues to form the foundation of French civil law to this day.

In 1802, a constitutional amendment made Napoleon first consul for life. Two years later, in 1804, he crowned himself emperor of France in a lavish ceremony at the Cathedral of Notre Dame in Paris.

Napoleon’s Marriages and Children

In 1796, Napoleon married Josephine de Beauharnais (1763-1814), a stylish widow six years his senior who had two teenage children. More than a decade later, in 1809, after Napoleon had no offspring of his own with Empress Josephine, he had their marriage annulled so he could find a new wife and produce an heir. In 1810, he wed Marie Louise (1791-1847), the daughter of the emperor of Austria. The following year, she gave birth to their son, Napoleon François Joseph Charles Bonaparte (1811-1832), who became known as Napoleon II and was given the title king of Rome. In addition to his son with Marie Louise, Napoleon had several illegitimate children.

The Reign of Napoleon I

From 1803 to 1815, France was engaged in the Napoleonic Wars, a series of major conflicts with various coalitions of European nations. In 1803, partly as a means to raise funds for future wars, Napoleon sold France’s Louisiana Territory in North America to the newly independent United States for $15 million, a transaction that later became known as the Louisiana Purchase .

In October 1805, the British wiped out Napoleon’s fleet at the Battle of Trafalgar . However, in December of that same year, Napoleon achieved what is considered to be one of his greatest victories at the Battle of Austerlitz, in which his army defeated the Austrians and Russians. The victory resulted in the dissolution of the Holy Roman Empire and the creation of the Confederation of the Rhine.

Beginning in 1806, Napoleon sought to wage large-scale economic warfare against Britain with the establishment of the so-called Continental System of European port blockades against British trade. In 1807, following Napoleon’s defeat of the Russians at Friedland in Prussia, Alexander I (1777-1825) was forced to sign a peace settlement, the Treaty of Tilsit. In 1809, the French defeated the Austrians at the Battle of Wagram, resulting in further gains for Napoleon.

During these years, Napoleon reestablished a French aristocracy (eliminated in the French Revolution) and began handing out titles of nobility to his loyal friends and family as his empire continued to expand across much of western and central continental Europe.

Napoleon’s Downfall and First Abdication

In 1810, Russia withdrew from the Continental System. In retaliation, Napoleon led a massive army into Russia in the summer of 1812. Rather than engaging the French in a full-scale battle, the Russians adopted a strategy of retreating whenever Napoleon’s forces attempted to attack. As a result, Napoleon’s troops trekked deeper into Russia despite being ill-prepared for an extended campaign.

In September, both sides suffered heavy casualties in the indecisive Battle of Borodino. Napoleon’s forces marched on to Moscow, only to discover almost the entire population evacuated. Retreating Russians set fires across the city in an effort to deprive enemy troops of supplies. After waiting a month for a surrender that never came, Napoleon, faced with the onset of the Russian winter, was forced to order his starving, exhausted army out of Moscow. During the disastrous retreat, his army suffered continual harassment from a suddenly aggressive and merciless Russian army. Of Napoleon’s 600,000 troops who began the campaign, only an estimated 100,000 made it out of Russia.

At the same time as the catastrophic Russian invasion, French forces were engaged in the Peninsular War (1808-1814), which resulted in the Spanish and Portuguese, with assistance from the British, driving the French from the Iberian Peninsula. This loss was followed in 1813 by the Battle of Leipzig , also known as the Battle of Nations, in which Napoleon’s forces were defeated by a coalition that included Austrian, Prussian, Russian and Swedish troops. Napoleon then retreated to France, and in March 1814 coalition forces captured Paris.

On April 6, 1814, Napoleon, then in his mid-40s, was forced to abdicate the throne. With the Treaty of Fontainebleau, he was exiled to Elba, a Mediterranean island off the coast of Italy. He was given sovereignty over the small island, while his wife and son went to Austria.

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HISTORY Vault: Napoleon Bonaparte: The Glory of France

Explore the extraordinary life and times of Napoleon Bonaparte, the great military genius who took France to unprecedented heights of power, and then brought it to its knees when his ego spun out of control.

Hundred Days Campaign and Battle of Waterloo

On February 26, 1815, after less than a year in exile, Napoleon escaped Elba and sailed to the French mainland with a group of more than 1,000 supporters. On March 20, he returned to Paris, where he was welcomed by cheering crowds. The new king, Louis XVIII (1755-1824), fled, and Napoleon began what came to be known as his Hundred Days campaign.

Upon Napoleon’s return to France, a coalition of allies–the Austrians, British, Prussians and Russians–who considered the French emperor an enemy began to prepare for war. Napoleon raised a new army and planned to strike preemptively, defeating the allied forces one by one before they could launch a united attack against him.

In June 1815, his forces invaded Belgium, where British and Prussian troops were stationed. On June 16, Napoleon’s troops defeated the Prussians at the Battle of Ligny. However, two days later, on June 18, at the Battle of Waterloo near Brussels, the French were crushed by the British, with assistance from the Prussians.

On June 22, 1815, Napoleon was once again forced to abdicate.

Napoleon’s Final Years

In October 1815, Napoleon was exiled to the remote, British-held island of Saint Helena, in the South Atlantic Ocean. He died there on May 5, 1821, at age 51, most likely from stomach cancer. (During his time in power, Napoleon often posed for paintings with his hand in his vest, leading to some speculation after his death that he had been plagued by stomach pain for years.) Napoleon was buried on the island despite his request to be laid to rest “on the banks of the Seine, among the French people I have loved so much.” In 1840, his remains were returned to France and entombed in a crypt at Les Invalides in Paris, where other French military leaders are interred.

Napoleon Bonaparte Quotes

  • “The only way to lead people is to show them a future: a leader is a dealer in hope.”
  • “Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.”
  • “Envy is a declaration of inferiority.”
  • “The reason most people fail instead of succeed is they trade what they want most for what they want at the moment.”
  • “If you wish to be a success in the world, promise everything, deliver nothing.”

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What I’ve Learned From My Students’ College Essays

The genre is often maligned for being formulaic and melodramatic, but it’s more important than you think.

An illustration of a high school student with blue hair, dreaming of what to write in their college essay.

By Nell Freudenberger

Most high school seniors approach the college essay with dread. Either their upbringing hasn’t supplied them with several hundred words of adversity, or worse, they’re afraid that packaging the genuine trauma they’ve experienced is the only way to secure their future. The college counselor at the Brooklyn high school where I’m a writing tutor advises against trauma porn. “Keep it brief , ” she says, “and show how you rose above it.”

I started volunteering in New York City schools in my 20s, before I had kids of my own. At the time, I liked hanging out with teenagers, whom I sometimes had more interesting conversations with than I did my peers. Often I worked with students who spoke English as a second language or who used slang in their writing, and at first I was hung up on grammar. Should I correct any deviation from “standard English” to appeal to some Wizard of Oz behind the curtains of a college admissions office? Or should I encourage students to write the way they speak, in pursuit of an authentic voice, that most elusive of literary qualities?

In fact, I was missing the point. One of many lessons the students have taught me is to let the story dictate the voice of the essay. A few years ago, I worked with a boy who claimed to have nothing to write about. His life had been ordinary, he said; nothing had happened to him. I asked if he wanted to try writing about a family member, his favorite school subject, a summer job? He glanced at his phone, his posture and expression suggesting that he’d rather be anywhere but in front of a computer with me. “Hobbies?” I suggested, without much hope. He gave me a shy glance. “I like to box,” he said.

I’ve had this experience with reluctant writers again and again — when a topic clicks with a student, an essay can unfurl spontaneously. Of course the primary goal of a college essay is to help its author get an education that leads to a career. Changes in testing policies and financial aid have made applying to college more confusing than ever, but essays have remained basically the same. I would argue that they’re much more than an onerous task or rote exercise, and that unlike standardized tests they are infinitely variable and sometimes beautiful. College essays also provide an opportunity to learn precision, clarity and the process of working toward the truth through multiple revisions.

When a topic clicks with a student, an essay can unfurl spontaneously.

Even if writing doesn’t end up being fundamental to their future professions, students learn to choose language carefully and to be suspicious of the first words that come to mind. Especially now, as college students shoulder so much of the country’s ethical responsibility for war with their protest movement, essay writing teaches prospective students an increasingly urgent lesson: that choosing their own words over ready-made phrases is the only reliable way to ensure they’re thinking for themselves.

Teenagers are ideal writers for several reasons. They’re usually free of preconceptions about writing, and they tend not to use self-consciously ‘‘literary’’ language. They’re allergic to hypocrisy and are generally unfiltered: They overshare, ask personal questions and call you out for microaggressions as well as less egregious (but still mortifying) verbal errors, such as referring to weed as ‘‘pot.’’ Most important, they have yet to put down their best stories in a finished form.

I can imagine an essay taking a risk and distinguishing itself formally — a poem or a one-act play — but most kids use a more straightforward model: a hook followed by a narrative built around “small moments” that lead to a concluding lesson or aspiration for the future. I never get tired of working with students on these essays because each one is different, and the short, rigid form sometimes makes an emotional story even more powerful. Before I read Javier Zamora’s wrenching “Solito,” I worked with a student who had been transported by a coyote into the U.S. and was reunited with his mother in the parking lot of a big-box store. I don’t remember whether this essay focused on specific skills or coping mechanisms that he gained from his ordeal. I remember only the bliss of the parent-and-child reunion in that uninspiring setting. If I were making a case to an admissions officer, I would suggest that simply being able to convey that experience demonstrates the kind of resilience that any college should admire.

The essays that have stayed with me over the years don’t follow a pattern. There are some narratives on very predictable topics — living up to the expectations of immigrant parents, or suffering from depression in 2020 — that are moving because of the attention with which the student describes the experience. One girl determined to become an engineer while watching her father build furniture from scraps after work; a boy, grieving for his mother during lockdown, began taking pictures of the sky.

If, as Lorrie Moore said, “a short story is a love affair; a novel is a marriage,” what is a college essay? Every once in a while I sit down next to a student and start reading, and I have to suppress my excitement, because there on the Google Doc in front of me is a real writer’s voice. One of the first students I ever worked with wrote about falling in love with another girl in dance class, the absolute magic of watching her move and the terror in the conflict between her feelings and the instruction of her religious middle school. She made me think that college essays are less like love than limerence: one-sided, obsessive, idiosyncratic but profound, the first draft of the most personal story their writers will ever tell.

Nell Freudenberger’s novel “The Limits” was published by Knopf last month. She volunteers through the PEN America Writers in the Schools program.

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4 Russian events that changed the course of world history

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1. The Bolshevik Revolution

“There is no questioning the fact that the Bolshevik ideal has behind it the purest sacrifice of countless men and women who have given up their all for its sake, and an ideal that is sanctified by the sacrifices of such master spirits as Lenin cannot go in vain; the noble example of their renunciation will be emblazoned for ever and quicken and purify the ideal as time passes,” said Mahatma Gandhi .

The significant effects of the Russian Revolution had a planetary dimension

The significant effects of the Russian Revolution had a planetary dimension

The significance of the revolution that declared the prosperity of the toiling masses as its utmost end was felt not only by Gandhi. One might recall the American journalist John Reed’s account Ten Days That Shook the World published shortly after the uprising in October 1917.

The significant effects of the Russian Revolution were arguably twofold and had a planetary dimension. “The existential threat of communism was the critical factor forcing capitalism to make concessionary accommodations to the needs of ordinary people,” wrote The Independent’s Youssef El-Gingihy on the centenary of the Revolution. Thus the Western welfare state was greatly boosted by the events in Russia.

The second effect was global too – decolonization. According to historian and political activist Tariq Ali, the Russian Revolution “accelerated decolonization and inspired the revolutions in Vietnam, China, [and] Cuba.”

2. Victory in WWII

The defeat of Nazism in the Great Patriotic War, the name given to WWII in Russia, is so monumental that it hardly needs any elucidations. What is not that often stressed is the fact the social, political, and economic system that managed to destroy fascism was the one that was created in the course of the 1917 Revolution. Tariq Ali directly connects the two phenomena – the revolution and victory in the war – “the creation of the Red Army that survived Stalin’s purges went on to destroy the spinal cord of the Third Reich at Stalingrad and Kursk.”

“Private Ivan, not Private Ryan won the Second World War

“Private Ivan, not Private Ryan won the Second World War"

He also goes on to underline that “ Private Ivan , not Private Ryan won the Second World War. This should never be forgotten.” Indeed, three-quarters of Germany’s war losses were inflicted by Soviet Russia . According to some estimates, the ratio between the numbers of American to Soviet soldiers killed fighting the Germans is 1 to 80.

Victory came with a heavy price: 27 million Soviet citizens were killed and many cities destroyed. “When we flew into Russia, in 1945, I did not see a house standing between the western borders of the country and the area around Moscow.

Through this overrun region, Marshal Zhukov told me, so many women, children and old men had been killed that the Russian government would never be able to estimate the total,” General Eisenhower recalled later .

3. Gagarin’s flight

The flight of the world’s first cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin stunned the planet and “set a new horizon for humanity.”

“All my life now appears to be one happy moment. Everything that was lived and done before was achieved for this moment alone,” Gagarin said in a speech which was delivered minutes before entering his spaceship. The speech was broadcast throughout the Soviet Union and retransmitted worldwide. A little later, when the rocket blasted off, the world’s first cosmonaut reportedly said “Poyekhali!" ("Here we go!").

In the USSR Gagarin’s flight was met with euphoria

In the USSR Gagarin’s flight was met with euphoria

In the USSR Gagarin’s flight was met with euphoria. The cosmonaut was treated like a true hero when he came to Moscow. "When we look at the response of the Muscovites, where everyone was in the streets, on the roofs of buildings and in the windows, I would compare this celebration with the May 9 Victory Day [the end of WWII for the Soviet Union]," said Sergei Khrushchev , the son of Nikita Khrushchev, the Soviet leader at the time of Gagarin's achievement.

Gagarin’s flight after the Sputnik shock of 1957 put pressure on the U.S. leadership and boosted the Space Race, forcing President John F. Kennedy to announce plans to send an American to the Moon .

4. Perestroika

“I am here with Jesus Christ. He was the first Socialist. One cannot do anything about this,” exclaimed ex-Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev, the man who launched perestroika (“Restructuring”) in the Soviet Union in the late 1980s.

Being appreciated abroad, perestroika is poorly perceived in the domestic context

Being appreciated abroad, perestroika is poorly perceived in the domestic context

Whatever this reference to Jesus Christ meant for Gorbachev, he started his reforms like many other politicians with the attempt to restructure the economy. He pushed through structural reforms aimed creating an economic system that would combine socialist and free market features. However, his reforms brought chaos to the country’s economy and undermined Gorbachev’s popularity, and ultimately led to the USSR’s collapse.

Gorbachev also initiated glasnost (“openness”) as a tool to deal with his conservative political opponents who became an obstacle to his policies. In general, glasnost mainly meant more freedom for media.

During perestroika Gorbachev established good personal relations with Western leaders and signed treaties that greatly diminished the tensions between the USSR and the West, thus greatly contributing to the end of the Cold War.

Being appreciated abroad, perestroika is poorly perceived in the domestic context. 55 percent of Russians believe that Gorbachev’s reforms brought more negative effects than positive.

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Featured Event: Motor City Baby Shower

May 13, 2024

Prolife essay scholarship winner: kendra couturier.

Kendra Couturier First Place Prolife Essay Scholarship Winner

I don’t know how old I was when I first learned about the problems of abortion, but I was lucky to grow up in a very pro-life family. This has helped me become the person I am now. By the time I was in second grade, I was setting up lemonade stands in my grandma’s yard, and decided to donate the proceeds to what was then the Pregnancy Care Center, now Thrive Medical Center. I didn’t know the direct tactics used to kill children through abortion at that age, or many of the facts and statistics I know now, but even then, my young conscience could see that babies being killed before they were born was deeply wrong, so if my money would help babies and their moms, that’s what I’d do.

Naturally, in high school, I joined my school’s Teens for Life group. I designed a few fundraiser flyers and volunteered, but I hadn’t held an officer position in the Teens for Life group or any other group until last year. I have a quiet personality and was not necessarily the expected candidate for becoming my school’s Teens for Life group president. But when the time came to find the next year’s officers, I emailed my group’s leader and told her I was considering it. Last year, I made it a goal to find new, worthy things to say yes to that I normally wouldn’t. This was one of those opportunities, and for what better cause? By the time the next meeting came, I had become the president. I wasn’t initially sure if being a president was something I could do, but helping those who can’t speak for themselves motivated me. The previous president encouraged me and convinced me that I could do it, and I am so glad I took the chance.

I have grown a lot throughout my time as a leader, uncovering parts of myself that I didn’t always know were there, but looking back I think I had them all along. Through this, I have organized fundraisers, figured out how to refurbish a dresser within a week, gave speeches, participated in the life chain, went to the Michigan March for Life in Lansing with most of my high school, and recorded a radio ad. In the future, I hope to continue growing as a pro-life advocate by testifying to the goodness of life in both big and small ways in my everyday life. The apologetic-style knowledge I have gained throughout high school has led to me joining in on conversations explaining why the pro-life view is the way it is, and I hope to continue. Throughout my journey as a pro-life advocate, I have become more confident in what I believe and why, and am convinced that I will continue promoting and living out pro-life values in my life, and continue to do anything I can to help mothers in crisis pregnancies and their children

Student’s Essay Leads Her to Global Symposium in Switzerland


Batten graduating MPP student Khalila Karefa-Kargbo recently returned from the St. Gallen Symposium in Switzerland where she was one of only 100 students from around the world qualifying through its Global Essay Competition to participate as a Leader of Tomorrow .

Now in its 53rd iteration, the symposium is held annually at the University of St. Gallen in Switzerland, outside Zurich, as a forum for international and intergenerational dialogue on economic, political and social issues. The theme for this year’s symposium focused on scarcity. The essay competition in which Karefa-Kargbo competed asked participants to address the question: “Striving for more or thriving with less – What pressing scarcity do you see, and how do you suggest to tackle it?”

In a bit of a departure from traditional topics, Karefa-Kargbo focused on what she sees as a rising scarcity of “recognizing the inherent humanity that binds us together.”

“I had a few ideas about more tangible topics, but around January as I was reading the news and talking to people, this idea came to me and I felt like I could put something really cool together by going more abstract,” said Karefa-Kargbo this week after her return from overseas.


As to the experience of spending the week attending panels and taking part in one-on-one discussions with global leaders and fellow “leaders of tomorrow,” Karefa-Kargbo said her greatest takeaway is that one person really can make a big difference.

“Many people I met really trusted themselves to do scary and hard things, like moving to a strange country for school or starting their own business, even when they were not sure if it would pay off. It was incredible meeting others who were struggling, like me, to envision the future, but were confident it would all work out. It was great getting to know others like me and realizing that I can be the author of my own life.”


Two of Karefa-Kargbo’s favorite speakers from the week included former Malian presidential candidate Niankoro Yéah Samaké and Lindiwe Mazibuko, public leader, writer, academic fellow and CEO of Futurelect .  She was also inspired by the symposium’s focus on intergenerational leadership and the valuable wisdom she gained through collectively looking at how the world currently looks and the vision of how it could look.

"I was struck by the fact that the total number of elected officials and parliamentarians in the whole world is only about 46,000. Of this number less than 30% are women and less than 3 percent are under 30. This showcases how our elected leaders don’t truly represent the world order, but also the capacity for change and the potential for representation to make a change."

After final exercises, Karefa-Kargbo is headed to Freetown, Sierra Leone, to spend time with family before returning to McLean, Virginia, to work for Capital One. For the long-term, she intends to stay connected with Leaders of Tomorrow.

Karefa-Kargbo’s essay can be viewed here .

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The 12 Best TV Shows Based on True Stories, Ranked According to IMDb

Sometimes, a true story is stranger and more entertaining than fiction.

When one thinks about visual media based on true stories, chances are that movies are the first thing that comes to mind. However, over the course of television's history, it has proved to be every bit as strong a means to tell dramatized versions of true events, with different and powerful ways of conveying interesting themes and stories.

Whether it's a slightly fictionalized account of true events like in the case of Dopesick , or a more true-to-life adaptation like Chernobyl , TV shows based on true stories are all the rage on IMDb, where users praise them for their riveting narratives and compelling commentary on their subject. After all, what better way to depict a complex real-life story than through a medium capable of spanning across years of content?

12 'Feud' (2017 - )

Imdb rating: 8.4/10.

Feud is an FX anthology drama series focusing on famous rivalries. Though it has been running since 2017, it currently only has two seasons. The first one focuses on the rivalry between Bette Davis and Joan Crawford , two of the most famous actresses in Hollywood history. The second season is about Truman Capote and his fallout with "The Swans," a group of New York socialites whose lives he slightly fictionalized when writing his unfinished novel Answered Prayers .

There are plenty of great historical films about infamous feuds , but not nearly enough shows dealing with the same subject. Feud is here to fill that void. On IMDb, users love both seasons of the show. They love how the first avoids feeling like a tabloid-like gossip piece, instead diving deep into the human aspects that make the Davis-Crawford rivalry so interesting . As for the second, while universally agreed to be far weaker, it's celebrated for its incisive look at Capote's fascinating life and work.

Watch on Hulu

11 'American Crime Story' (2016 - )

There's a fair number of anthology series based on true stories, but they rarely get any better than the highly-acclaimed American Crime Story , which has so far put out three outstanding seasons. The first, a scathing look at the O.J. Simpson trial. The second, a complex examination of the assassination of Gianni Versace . The third, a biting dissection of the Clinton-Lewinsky scandal.

Though the show's first season is by far its best, the following two are also phenomenal pieces of television from one of history's best true crime shows . Sporting incredible performances (sometimes anchored by stunning makeup metamorphoses, such as Clive Owen 's transformation into Bill Clinton ), superb writing, and really strong direction, American Crime Story proves that historical anthology series can be as worthy of praise as any other.

American Crime Story

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10 'Dopesick' (2021)

Imdb rating: 8.6/10.

Although the characters of the Hulu miniseries Dopesick are somewhat fictionalized, the story is virtually entirely true . Taking viewers to the epicenter of the U.S.'s struggle with opioid addiction, it's a gut-wrenching display of how individuals and families are affected by it. It's not a breezy watch by any stretch, but its depiction of how one company caused such a catastrophic drug epidemic is nothing if not provocative.

There's a clear dedication to the source material in Dopesick , which is wonderfully crafted with great writing, focused directing, and potent performances from actors like Michael Keaton and Peter Sarsgaard . Its depiction of the dangers of opioid addiction and the context that surrounds it is both sensitive and harrowing, making it impossible not to be moved by the narrative's hard-hitting execution.

9 'The Offer' (2022)

If there's anything that could ever hope to be as entertaining as The Godfather , lauded by many as the single greatest film ever made, that would be the story of how it came into being. That's exactly what's explored in The Offer , a darkly comedic depiction of the story behind this landmark of Hollywood cinema. More particularly, the show focuses on Canadian producer Albert S. Ruddy and his experience of getting The Godfather made.

One of the best miniseries of the 2020s thus far, The Offer is endlessly charming and engaging even for those who haven't seen The Godfather . On IMDb, reviewers commend how the show condensed so much interesting material into a consistently fascinating and entertaining experience. Critics may not have liked The Offer , but audiences responded to it magnificently.

8 'Mindhunter' (2017 - 2019)

Created by Joe Penhall and run by legendary movie director David Fincher , Mindhunter is a masterful psychological thriller series about two FBI agents investigating the psychology behind murder during the 1970s to broaden the realm of criminal science. With its terrifying depiction of real-life monsters, the series takes a fascinating premise, making it enthralling, insightful, and horrifying.

The show seemed to be going great, with a satisfying critical reception and a loyal fanbase. As such, its untimely cancelation was a huge shock for fans, seeing as for the two seasons that it ran, it was one of the most interesting and finely crafted crime shows on streaming. Even in spite of the tragedy, however — and regardless of whether it's ever resurrected —, Mindhunter will forever be remembered as an icon of its genre.

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7 'The Crown' (2016 - 2023)

For fans of royal TV drama series , The Crown is pretty much unparalleled. The show follows the personal dimension and political rivalries of Queen Elizabeth II 's reign, paralleled with the events that shaped the second half of the 20th century. It's a fascinating and insightful journey through not just the intimate history of British Royalty, but through the entirety of modern history.

Elegant, majestic in its attention to detail, and visually gorgeous, the show truly is worthy of its larger-than-life subjects . Always compelling in its depiction of real-life world-changing events and masterful in its execution of essential jumps in history, it's a period drama much more addictive than one might initially assume. The Crown is a must-see for all those who enjoy TV shows in this genre, whether they're interested in the trials and tribulations of the Royal Family or not.

6 'I, Claudius' (1976)

Imdb rating: 8.8/10.

This old BBC classic period miniseries often gets lost among the rest of IMDb's 250 highest-rated TV shows, but it stands proud and demands more attention in the top 100. Regarded by many as the network's best-ever historical drama, the show lavishly and accurately covers the history of the early Roman Empire through the eyes of the elderly Emperor Claudius .

Starring actors of the magnitude of Derek Jacobi and John Hurt at the top of their games, I, Claudius is a brilliant interpretation of history full of riveting melodrama, tragedy, wit, and twists . It's marvelously crafted, but its main power comes from the pristine performances and the engaging story. Those who think that ancient history is boring needn't look any further than this show to realize just how wrong they are.

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5 'When They See Us' (2019)

Exceptionally moving and often absolutely gut-wrenching, When They See Us is a drama about five Harlem teens who get caught in a nightmare when they're falsely accused of a brutal attack in Central Park. The true story behind the show is horrifying enough, but creator Ava DuVernay dramatizes it in such a painfully accurate and deeply compelling way that it's made to feel all the more heartbreaking.

It's the fact that this truly happened that makes this miniseries such a tough yet necessary watch . Drawing parallelisms to modern times and diving deep into the lives and personalities of the Harlem Five, the show is impeccably made on a technical level and absolutely flooring in every other sense. Outstanding performances, phenomenal writing, and beautiful directing all help make this one of the best crime miniseries of all time .

When They See Us

4 'narcos' (2015 - 2017).

Narcos has one of the best pilot episodes in crime television history, and it only gets better from there. It's a chronicle of the criminal exploits of Colombian kingpin Pablo Escobar and the other criminals who plagued the country through the years. Far from a sensationalist exploitation of a country's anguish, it's instead a gritty and realistic depiction of how far crime and corruption have gotten some of history's most noteworthy figures.

Praised as yet another triumph by Netflix as soon as it hit screens, Narcos is suspenseful edge-of-your-seat entertainment. It shows the topic of the war on drugs in a dark, thoroughly compelling way, which is accentuated by the complex multi-layered writing and the outstanding performances by the cast. On IMDb, users commend it for its original approach to the subject matter and impressive production qualities.

3 'Rocket Boys' (2022 - )

Imdb rating: 8.9/10.

Rocket Boys is a Hindi-language historical drama about Independent India's formative years in the field of science, told through the perspective of two extraordinary physicists who broke new ground and made history while building their country's future. It's an ambitious project for sure, but handled with such passion that the result is a thoroughly entertaining depiction of how science can make a country soar.

Viewers don't need to be fans of Hindi shows to enjoy Rocket Boys . Large in scope and rich in details that show the writers sure did their research, it's an excellently crafted drama showing the stories of the kinds of people that don't typically get series made about them. The performances are fantastic, and the historical details are handled in such a way that any viewer can enjoy them, no matter their nationality.

Rocket Boys is currently not available to stream, rent, or purchase in the U.S.

2 'Scam 1992: The Harshad Mehta Story' (2020)

Imdb rating: 9.2/10.

Another exceptional Hindi series, this one among the highest-rated crime shows on IMDb , Scam 1992: The Harshad Mehta Story shows the rise and fall of infamous stockbroker Harshad Mehta and his connection to the 1992 Indian stock market scam. For those who enjoy movies like Martin Scorsese 's The Wolf of Wall Street , Scam 1992 should be quite an intriguing watch.

When it comes to riveting crime thrillers with a morally dubious character at their core, TV shows rarely get any more entertaining than this. Scam 1992 is a masterfully written drama with some really intriguing characters , thought-provoking themes, and a riveting depiction of the subject matter, anchored by a terrific Pratik Gandhi in the title role.

Scam 1992 is currently not available to stream, rent, or purchase in the U.S.

1 'Chernobyl' (2019)

Imdb rating: 9.3/10.

HBO's Chernobyl has received constant praise as one of the greatest miniseries of all time since the moment it came out, and it isn't hard to see why. It tells the story of the explosion at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in 1986, which became one of history's worst environmental catastrophes. Far from just a history lesson, though, it's a gripping story that begs to be watched all in one sitting .

Wonderfully paced, brilliantly written and directed, and powerfully acted, Chernobyl is the best possible way to learn about the horrific events at the center of the narrative. One definitely needs to have the stomach for such a devastating series, but it's an absolute must-watch. Emotionally resonant and entirely unforgettable, it's a masterclass in how to make a great miniseries based on a true story.

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NEXT: The Highest-Rated Seasons of Television on IMDb

Golf champ Rory McIlroy files for divorce after seven years of marriage

Rory McIlroy swinging a driver while clad in a white ballcap and pink polo shirt

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Pro golfer Rory McIlroy filed for divorce from his wife of seven years a day after winning his 26th PGA Tour event and just as the PGA Championship is set to begin.

The 35-year-old filed his petition Monday in Palm Beach County, Fla., saying that his marriage to Erica McIlroy (née Stoll) is “irretrievably broken,” which is comparable to citing irreconcilable differences in a divorce petition filed in California. Erica was served with divorce papers Monday and has 20 days to respond.

Rory McIlroy hits out of the rough on the 14th hole during the final round of the 2023 U.S. Open

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Rory McIlroy needs to win the Masters to earn a career grand slam, but he’ll have to hold off LIV stars and his nerves to score a green jacket.

April 10, 2024

The couple, who share a 3-year-old daughter, have a pre-marital agreement, which is also mentioned in the filing.

The four-time major champion and his wife first met in 2012 when Stoll worked the Ryder Cup event for the PGA. The golfer has credited her with helping him get a police escort so that he wouldn’t miss his tee time. McIlroy was dating and engaged to tennis star Caroline Wozniacki before he and Stoll struck up a romance. McIlroy and Wozniacki broke off their engagement in 2014, just days after sending out wedding invitations. That same year, he began dating Stoll. The two wed in 2017 during a lavish ceremony at Ashford Castle in County Mayo, Ireland, and welcomed their first child in 2020.

Europe's Rory McIlroy celebrates after winning his singles match against United States' Sam Burns.

Rory McIlroy leads Europe to another Ryder Cup win on home soil over the U.S.

Europe puts in a dominant performance to claim the Ryder Cup, with Rory McIlroy winning on Sunday to finish the week 4-1 and help secure the title.

Oct. 1, 2023

A representative for McIlroy declined to comment when reached Tuesday by The Times. In a statement issued to NBC and other outlets, McIlroy’s communications team “stressed Rory’s desire to ensure this difficult time is as respectful and amicable as possible.”

The two-time World Champion is scheduled to speak with the media Wednesday at Valhalla Golf Club in Kentucky ahead of the 106th PGA Championship this weekend.

Though ranked No. 2 in the world , McIlroy has one title that still eludes him: The Masters, played every spring in Augusta, Ga. This year the green jacket went to world No. 1 Scottie Scheffler, while a frustrated McIlroy tied for 22nd place.

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significant life events essay

Nardine Saad covers breaking entertainment news, trending culture topics, celebrities and their kin for the Fast Break Desk at the Los Angeles Times. She joined The Times in 2010 as a MetPro trainee and has reported from homicide scenes, flooded canyons, red carpet premieres and award shows.

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