Sample Filled

Application for Return of Original Documents from College

You have to write a request letter to take back your original certificates from your college (or) university for any reasons like new admission, scholarships, loans, etc. Depending upon your reason and eligibility your college will decide to issue your original documents.

Simple Letter for Original Documents Return from College

To The Principal, College Name, City Name.

Sub: Application for return of my original documents.

Respected Sir/Madam,

My name is [Student name] , a student of [Course name] in our college. I am very fortunate to be a student at such a great college/university.

Since I completed my studies, I would ask you to please return my original documents.

I have no pending fees, so, please return my original certificates.

Thanking you.

Regards, Your name, Roll no. XX. Signature.

Application for return of original documents from college

Application for Original Documents Return from College for Scholar Ship

Sub: Application for return of original documents.

I am [Student name] , pursuing B.Tech 2nd year in our college. I am writing this to request my original character and study certificates to apply for Agatha Harrison Memorial Fellowship .

In my present financial situation, this scholarship is very important for me.

So please provide me with my original character & study certificates .

I shall be grateful to you in this regard.

Sincerely, Your name. Roll no.

Request letter for return of original documents from college

Application for Original Documents Return for New College Admission

Sub: Request for original documents.

My name is [Student name] , a B.Com 1st year student in your college. I am writing to request my original certificates to apply for higher studies.

I really enjoyed studying every day at this college and I am always grateful to the teaching and non-teaching staff of this college.

I do not have any pending fees to pay. Therefore, please have it verified and provide me with my original certificates.

Thanking you in advance.

Yours faithfully, Your name. Roll no.

Application for Original Documents Return for New College Admission

Application for Orginal Documents Return from College for Passport

Respected Sir / Madam,

My name is [student name] , studying BBM 2nd year in our college. I am writing to request my original study certificate for the purpose of a passport.

I look forward to pursuing my higher studies abroad. Because of this, I need a passport.

So I request you to kindly provide me with my original study certificate.

I shall be thankful to you in this matter.

Yours sincerely, Your name, Roll no.

Original Documents Request Letter from College for Temporary Reason (To get Xerox Copies)

Subject: Application for return of original documents.

Respected sir or madam,

I am [student name] , studying B. Tech 1st @ year Mech Engg in our college. While Joining this college I submitted my school transfer certificate (TC).

But I lost copies of my school transfer certificate, so I request you to kindly provide me with a xerox copy of it which I need to apply for a scholarship.

In my present financial position, this scholarship is of great help to me. I hope you consider my request.

Regards, Your name. Roll no.

Application for Original Documents Request Letter for Counseling

Subject: Request letter for original documents

Respected Sir or Madam,

My name is [Student name] , recently finished my intermediate (MPC) in our college.

I am writing to request my original study certificate and character certificate which I need to submit for B.Tech admission counseling.

The counseling going to be held on 22nd April 2023, on that date I have to submit my original documents.

I do not have any outstanding payment dues. So kindly make it verified and provide me with my original certificates.

I shall be thankful to you.

Sincerely, Your name, Roll no.

Application for Original Document Request While Changing the College

I am [Student name] , a student of B.Sc Computers 1st year in our college. This is to inform you that I got admission to B.Tech in ………….…… college, which I never expected.

So, looking forward to my future, I want to join B.Tech . For this, I must submit my original certificates which I submitted to our college during my joining.

Please inform me if I need to pay a fee. I apologize for causing the problem.

I hope you consider my application.

Sincerely, Your name, Roll no. XX.

Application for Original Documents Return from School

Sub: Original documents return application.

My name is [Student name] , studying 9th B in our school. Due to my father’s job transfer, we are moving to Delhi. I, therefore, require my original certificates to be admitted to a new school.

Therefore kindly provide my original certificates.

We shall be highly obliged to you in this regard.

Yours faithfully, Your name, Roll no: XX.

How to get my original college certificate back?

To get your original certificates from your college you need to write a request letter to your principal stating the valid reason for asking.

Can colleges hold your original certificates?

Yes, colleges can hold your original certificates until the full fee is received.

Why do colleges hold students’ original certificates?

Colleges use the previous qualifications for verification after verification they will return them to the students.

The present TC and marks list will be issued to the students only after finishing their education.

When will I get the original certificates from school/college?

You will get original documents after completing the final year of education.


  • Application for character certificate from college
  • Study certificate request letters to the principal in English.

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Application for Return of Original Documents

An Application for Return of Original Documents is an official request sent to a person, company, or organization for the provision of the original copies of documents you handed to them. It is usually sent to a person of authority who has access to the documents and permission to return them. Depending on your situation, this could be a judge, bank manager, employer, or school principal.

Some institutions will require your original documents when processing your claim, application, or request. While it is ok to hand them over during the process, you will need to get them back for future purposes. Here is everything you need to know to write this request application.

When You Should Send the Application

Many situations may require you to present your original documents, and as long as they are legal, you should not worry about getting them back. A simple, well-written application for return can solve your problem in no time. That said, you should know when and to whom to send it. Some of the scenarios that call for an application letter for the return of your documents include:

  • When requesting your education certificates from your employer
  • When requesting documents presented as evidence in court
  • When requesting documents used to open a bank account
  • When requesting documents used to sign up for a loan
  • When requesting your lease agreement from your landlord

What to Include in Your Application

An Application for Return of Original Documents should contain certain key information to prevent any back and forth between the reader and writer. These elements include:

  • Your relationship with the reader, for example, are you a bank account holder, student, teacher, or employee.
  • The name and nature of the documents you need as well as any details that could make locating them easier
  • The name of the person or office to whom you handed in the documents
  • Your reason for requesting the documents
  • A send-by date
  • Your mailing address and contact information
  • An authentication signature

Application for Return of Original Documents (Format)

{Recipient’s Name}

{Company/Organization Name}

{Company/Organization Address}

{City, State, Zip Code}

Re: Request for the Return of Original {Nature of Documents}

Dear {Mr./Mrs./Ms. Last Name},

On {date you delivered the original documents}, I handed in my {nature of documents e.g. passport} to your office upon request. I am filling out this application to request that the documents be returned to me by {date you would like to receive the documents}.

The documents in question are as follows:

{Name of Document} {Date Delivered} {Reason for Delivery} {Filing Number} {Recipient’s Name}

{Document 1}

{Document 2}

Once located, I would like the documents delivered to me at {your mailing address}. You can contact me at {contact information} if you have any questions.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

{Your Name}

{Your Signature}

Application Format for the Return of Original Documents

RE: Request for original documents

Dear sir/madam,

I write this letter to request a return of my original documents which submitted on (indicate the date). The documents in question are:

– (list the documents you require). – (list the documents you require). – (list the documents you require).

I need the documents for (indicate the purpose).

I’m thanking you for your assistance.

Please contact me through (indicate your contact details and address).

(Complimentary close)

(Your signature)

(Your name)

Application for Return of Original Documents from School/College

323 Jersey Road

Iowa City, IA 2103


The principal

College of Health Sciences

Iowa State University

505 Morrill Road

Ames, IA 50011

Re: Request for original documents

I was a student at this prestigious university between the year 2011 and 2015. Thanks to the education I got I was able to secure a job with Iowa City Hospital.

My employer has requested all the staffs to present their original degree certificates for validation; the reason I’m writing this letter.

I, therefore, ask you to send these documents to my address soonest possible.

I’m awaiting your favorable response.

Yours Sincerely,

Application for Return of Original Documents from an Office

April 26, 2032

65 W Elena Road

Chicago, IL 60619

The Human Resource Manager

Arrow Supply Company

7830 S Oakley Avenue

Chicago, IL 60620

Subject: Request for my Birth Certificate

Following your request for birth certificates from all transport department employees, I submitted my original copy to your office. I’ll be traveling to Europe during my leave for a holiday in two months.

I kindly request a return of my birth certificate to facilitate the processing of my Visa.

Thank you as you prepare to respond to this letter.

Sincerely yours,

Assistant manager

Transport department

Request Letter for Return of Original Documents from Court

21 February 2031

Hon. Kingsley McCartney

Georgia Supreme Court

210 Main Street

Atlanta, GA 29008

Re: Application for Return of Documents

Dear Hon. McCartney,

I was a plaintiff in the land dispute case, case number 234GSC/2031, which was resolved in your court on 12 February 2031. As part of the trial, I was required to hand in my original title deed and get it back upon resolution. However, I have not received said document to date.

The document in question was filed as follows:

• Document Owner: Wesley Mendel Tinsel

• Document Type: Original Land Title Deed, State of Georgia

• Identification Number: 2390/WMT

• Date Received: 10 August 2030

• Recipient Agent: Faith York

• Document Use: Evidence for Plaintiff

• Date Due for Return: Upon Resolution of Case

I will highly appreciate it if your office locates and sends these documents to me at 123 Dove Road Atlanta, GA at your earliest convenience. I am available to clarify any details at [email protected] .

Wesley Tinsel

Application for Return of Original Documents from a Court

Castronovo & McKinney,

LLC71 Marble Avenue

Morristown NJ, 07960

Atlantic County Civil Courts

1201 Bacharach Blvd

Atlantic City, NJ 08401

Ref: Return of original documents

Following the termination of the civil case no 223/2019, I as the attorney for the defendant 1, I request for the return of original documents that we presented as evidence in the case.

The documents in question include:

Land title deed

2 Credit cards

and Degree certificates

Kindly let me know when we can collect these documents.

Rick Matthews

Defendant’s 1 Attorney

Request Letter for Return of Original Documents from Bank

Pauline Kimball

National Trust Bank

300 First Avenue

Chicago, IL 09211

Re: Application for Return of Original Passport

Dear Mrs. Kimball,

On 11 February 2031, I handed in my passport and identification card when opening a new debit account at your bank. As per the bank policy, I should have received the documents within three days of my account activation, but that has not happened. I am, therefore, writing to request that you send me the documents by 24 February 2031.

• Original American Passport, handed in 11 February 2031, to Pauline Kimball

• Original Identification Card, handed in 11 February 2031, to Pauline Kimball

Kindly send the mentioned documents to the return address on this application. You can also contact me at [email protected] , if you have any questions.

Prompt attention to this matter will be highly appreciated.

Joy Scruggs

Application for Return of Original Documents from a Bank

March 13, 2019

Tim Richards

210 Park Road

Washington, DC 20103

The Bank manager

National Capital Bank

316 Pennsylvania Ave SE

Washington, DC 20003

I submitted all my original documents for my mortgage loan in your bank in April 2017. I have repaid the loan in full; thus, I request the bank to return my original documents.

Please find all the supporting documents enclosed in this letter.

The next two samples are not an application for the return of original documents letters but are related to or may act as a reply to the same.

Sample Letter Returning Original Documents to Client

Grace Smith

Smith Enterprises

309 Julliard Road

Huntington Beach, NJ 55455

Re: Returning Your Original Bank Statement

Dear Mrs. Smith,

I am writing about your original bank statement, dated 10 February 2031, which my office requested to confirm your payment of shipment 009/EI. My office has completed the confirmation and found everything to be up to code. I am, therefore, returning your statement.

Please find the said document attached in this letter together with your receipt for the purchase. I am also obligated to inform you that my office made a copy of the statement for company records.

If anything is amiss or you have any questions, contact me at indianapark @ email . com.

Thank you for your continued loyalty and support.

Indiana Park

Elsa Industries

Sample Acknowledgement Letter for Returning Documents

Landon Grey

009 Linking Avenue

Wilmington, NC 10090

Re: Request for Original Documents – Received

Dear Mr. Grey,

I am writing to inform you that I received your request for the original documents, dates 20 February 2031. I understand the importance of your birth certificate to your professional and personal life and I apologize on behalf of my office for the delay.

Efforts to locate and return the said document are currently underway. I am confident you will have your birth certificate in the next 5 business days, as per your request.

If you have any further requests or would like to speak to an agent, feel free to contact us at ncbusinesscollege @ email . com.

Thank you for your patience.

North Carolina Business College

Request for Return of Original Documents (Word Template)

application letter for return of original documents to college

Bottom Line

An effective application for the return of original documents should provide the reader with all the details they need to process your request. This may include your name, case file or account number, and the date when you handed in the documents. Additionally, you should write down your contact information and mailing address so the reader can send your documents once they locate them.

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Request Letter for Return of Original Documents from Educational Institute

Request Letter for Return of Original Documents from Educational Institute

[These are sample Request Letter for Return of Original Documents from Educational Institute. You should follow the institute’s rules and regulations. You need to modify this sample according to your needs.]


Principal/Dean/Registrar office…

Educational Institute name…


Sub: Letter for Return of Original Documents

Sir, I am (Your name) and I was a student of O/A’ level/(Degree name), Batch no… at your college/university. This institution has made me feel like home and has never made life hard being a boarder. (Describe in your own words). I have enjoyed my stay at this remarkable institution as well as learned enough knowledge to get in any college/ university I want. For that purpose, I would like to have the original documents of College so that I can get admitted to a good university and start a new chapter of life. (Explain the actual condition and situation).

I wish to keep in touch. Thank you for your wise words and respect.

Yours sincerely,

Your name…

Degree name…

Reg no./Batch no…

Contact no. and signature…

Another format,

Sub: Application for Requesting Original Documents from College

Dear principle,

I am writing to you because I would like to request for my original documents. I have recently been accepted into a new college/university and they are requesting that I give them my original documents from your college. (Describe in your own words). I need the document for the (Date) of next month. I hope this is okay for you. This new college is the perfect opportunity to learn the right skills and knowledge and experience that I need. (Explain the actual condition and situation).

I hope that you understand and give the relevant documents. I look forward to hearing back from you.

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Document Return

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What is the proper format for writing a letter to the college principal, requesting the return of an original document?

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Sure! Here's an example of how you can write a letter application to the principal requesting the return of an original document in college:

[Your Name] [Your Address] [City, State, ZIP Code] [Email Address] [Phone Number] [Date]

[Principal's Name] [College Name] [College Address] [City, State, ZIP Code]

Subject: Request for Return of Original Document

Dear [Principal's Name],

I hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. I am writing to request the return of my original document, which I had submitted to the college at the time of admission. The document in question is [mention the name of the document], and it holds significant importance for me.

I would like to bring to your attention that I require this document for [mention the purpose for which you need the document]. It is essential for me to have the original copy in order to [explain why the original document is necessary].

I kindly request you to facilitate the return of the document at your earliest convenience. I understand that the college may have certain procedures in place for document retrieval, and I am willing to comply with any necessary requirements. If there are any forms or fees associated with the return process, please let me know, and I will promptly complete the necessary formalities.

I would be grateful if you could provide me with an update regarding the status of my request. If there are any further steps I need to take or any additional information you require, please do not hesitate to inform me.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. I appreciate your understanding and cooperation. I look forward to a positive response and the return of my original document.

Yours sincerely,

[Your Name]

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  • How to write a letter application to the principal requesting to ...

application letter for return of original documents to college

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How to write a letter to Principal for getting original certificates

Are you completing your degree? Want to get original certificates from college where you study/studied? Then this letter format will be more helpful to you. This format will guide you on how to put a request letter to get all your original documents before leaving your college. Read on to know the complete details here under.

Sample letter format for issuing original certificates

application letter for return of original documents to college

Thank you Jebaprincy for this wonderful article. These kind of letters are mostly needed by the children for their certificates. But I have one point to make here. Some colleges do not require such letters to the principal to retrieve original documents. I do not know if many people are aware of this but quite a few require the application to be made directly to the school administrative staff, instead of the Principal. In fact some institutions are following the same norm for issuing TC as that of original certificates. So sometimes it is the office staff who generate the TC. So in that case the format of this letter would change in the salutation only.

This is totally copied from another site.

Hello nayana, This is my own article and I never even refer any other article to prepare this one. Then how can you say this is totally copied from other site. Show me the proof for your statement.

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  • Application For Return Of Original Documents From Bank, Home Office, Passport Office, Etc

At times, we find ourselves in situations where we need to submit important documents to various institutions such as banks, government offices, or passport agencies. However, once the purpose of submission has been fulfilled, it becomes necessary to retrieve those original documents. To help you with this process, we have prepared four templates for requesting the return of original documents from different entities. These templates cover scenarios such as requesting the return of documents from a bank, home office, passport office, or any specific office where documents were submitted.Each template is designed to be professional, polite, and to-the-point, clearly stating your request for the return of specific documents. It is important to customize the templates with the relevant details, including the recipient's name, address, and specific documents you wish to retrieve. Additionally, if there are any specific procedures or forms required for the return of documents, you can mention your willingness to fulfill those requirements.By utilizing these templates, you can effectively communicate your request for the return of original documents, ensuring a smooth and efficient process. Remember to maintain a respectful and cooperative tone throughout the letter or email. Adapt the templates as per your requirements and follow any guidelines or instructions provided by the respective institution. With these templates as your starting point, you can confidently request the return of your important documents and anticipate a prompt response.

Tamplete Application for Return of Original Documents from Bank

To whom it may concern,

I am writing to request the return of my original documents that I submitted to your bank for opening a savings account. The documents include my passport, driving license, utility bills, and bank statements.

I opened the account on 15th June 2023 and received a confirmation email from your bank on 20th June 2023. However, I have not received my original documents back yet. As per your bank policy, the documents should be returned within 10 working days of opening the account.

I kindly request you to expedite the process of returning my original documents as I need them for some urgent personal matters. Please send them to the address mentioned below or inform me if I need to collect them from your branch.

My account details are as follows:

Name: John Smith Account number: 123456789 Branch: ABC Bank, Main Street, London

My contact details are as follows:

Address: 10 Downing Street, London, SW1A 2AA Phone: 0123456789 Email: [email protected]

I appreciate your cooperation and prompt response in this matter.

Tamplete Application for Return of Original Documents from Home Office

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to request the return of my original documents that I submitted to the Home Office for applying for a permanent residence card. The documents include my passport, birth certificate, marriage certificate, and proof of income.

I applied for the permanent residence card on 1st May 2023 and received an acknowledgement letter from the Home Office on 15th May 2023. However, I have not received my original documents back yet. As per the Home Office guidance, the documents should be returned within six months of applying.

I kindly request you to expedite the process of returning my original documents as I need them for travelling abroad next month. Please send them to the address mentioned below or inform me if I need to collect them from your office.

My application details are as follows:

Name: Jane Smith Application number: PR123456 Date of birth: 01/01/1990 Nationality: British

Address: 20 Oxford Street, London, W1D 1AS Phone: 0987654321 Email: [email protected]

Yours faithfully,

Tamplete Application for Return of Original Documents from Passport Office

I am writing to request the return of my original documents that I submitted to the Passport Office for renewing my passport. The documents include my old passport, birth certificate, and photo identification.

I applied for the passport renewal on 1st June 2023 and received a confirmation email from the Passport Office on 5th June 2023. However, I have not received my original documents back yet. As per the Passport Office website, the documents should be returned within three weeks of applying.

I kindly request you to expedite the process of returning my original documents as I need them for applying for a visa soon. Please send them to the address mentioned below or inform me if I need to collect them from your office.

My passport details are as follows:

Name: James Smith Passport number: AB123456 Date of expiry: 01/06/2028

Address: 30 Baker Street, London, NW1 6XE Phone: 0765432198 Email: [email protected]

James Smith

Tamplete Application for Return of Original Documents from University

Dear Professor Jones,

I am writing to request the return of my original documents that I submitted to the University for applying for a PhD program. The documents include my transcripts, diplomas, certificates, and letters of recommendation.

I applied for the PhD program in Computer Science on 1st April 2023 and received an acceptance letter from the University on 15th April 2023. However, I have not received my original documents back yet. As per the University policy, the documents should be returned within one month of accepting the offer.

I kindly request you to expedite the process of returning my original documents as I need them for enrolling in another university where I have received a scholarship. Please send them to the address mentioned below or inform me if I need to collect them from your office.

Name: Alice Smith Application number: CS123456 Program: PhD in Computer Science

Address: 40 King's Cross Road, London, WC1X 9LN Phone: 0345678912 Email: [email protected]

Yours sincerely,

Alice Smith

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Home » Letters » College Letters » Undertaking Letter for Submission of Documents Later

Undertaking Letter for Submission of Documents Later

application letter for return of original documents to college

Table of Contents:

  • Sample Letter

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To, The Principal _________ (Name of the College) _________ (College Address)

Date: __/__/____ (Date)

Subject: Undertaking for submission of documents

Respected Sir/Madam,

With due respect, I am __________ (Name of the Student), studying in the department __________ (Name of the Department), batch number __________.

I hereby undertake that I have submitted ______________ (List of the Documents), and I am yet to submit __________ (Left out Documents). I will submit the balance documents by _________ (Date/Month). The major reason for not submitting the documents was ______________ (Document Missing/submitted somewhere else/other reason)

Yours Faithfully/Sincerely, __________ (Name of the Student) __________ (Roll Number)

Live Preview

The Live Assistant feature is represented by a real-time preview functionality. Here’s how to use it:

  • Start Typing: Enter your letter content in the "Letter Input" textarea.
  • Live Preview: As you type, the content of your letter will be displayed in the "Live Preview" section below the textarea. This feature converts newline characters in the textarea into <br> tags in HTML for better readability.

The letter writing editor allows you to start with predefined templates for drafting your letters:

  • Choose a Template: Click one of the template buttons ("Start with Sample Template 1", "Start with Sample Template 2", or "Start with Sample Template 3").
  • Auto-Fill Textarea: The chosen template's content will automatically fill the textarea, which you can then modify or use as is.

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  • Copy to Clipboard: Click the "Copy to Clipboard" button after composing your letter.
  • Paste Anywhere: You can then paste the copied text anywhere you need, such as into another application or document.

For printing the letter directly from the browser:

  • Print Letter: Click the "Print Letter" button after composing your letter.
  • Print Preview: A new browser window will open showing your letter formatted for printing.
  • Print: Use the print dialog in the browser to complete printing.
  • Write an undertaking letter addressed to the principal, clearly stating the documents already submitted and those pending, along with a commitment to submit the pending documents by a specific date.
  • While not mandatory, providing a brief explanation for the delay can help the college administration understand your situation better.
  • Communicate promptly with the college authorities, explain the reasons for the further delay, and request an extension if necessary.
  • Depending on the college's policies, there may be consequences such as academic penalties or delays in administrative processes. It's essential to submit the required documents as soon as possible to avoid any adverse outcomes.
  • Yes, including your roll number helps the college identify you correctly and process your request efficiently.

Incoming Search Terms:

  • undertaking format for submission of documents
  • late submission of documents letter
  • request for delay submission of documents letter

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Letter for Return of Original Documents from College

Letter for Return of Original Documents from College

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application letter for return of original documents to college

Transfer Application Process

Thank you for your interest in Dean College. We look forward to helping you become a part of the Dean community.

Ready To Apply?

At Dean, we define transfer students as anyone who has attempted college-level coursework after high school. Please explore our transfer options to complete your application for admission.

  • Review the Dean Transfer Guarantee to see if you qualify for a streamlined application and guaranteed admission to Dean College.
  • Visit the our  Dean College Application Page  for all the details. 
  • For The Common Application, if you have already created an account, simply add us to your list. For the Dean College application, click on the appropriate online application for you (i.e. freshman or transfer).  

After you have submitted your application, your credentials (transcripts, test scores — optional, recommendations — optional) can be submitted online through your guidance office, by email to [email protected], by fax to 508-541-8726 or by mail to the Office of Admission, 99 Main Street, Franklin, MA 02038.

Application Requirements

In addition to your application for admission please review and submit the following:

  • Official College Transcript from each college or university attended. This is for review purposes and credit evaluation.
  • Transfer Student Status Report from each college or university attended. The Dean of Students or equivalent should complete this form on your behalf. 
  • High School Transcript or results from the GED or HiSET
  • SAT/ACT Test Scores (Not Required) – As a transfer applicant test scores are not required for admission. 
  • Letter(s) of Recommendation (Optional) - One letter of recommendation from a college instructor who has taught you in an academic subject, such as English, mathematics, science, or social studies is helpful in the admissions process.
  • Personal Statement or Essay (Optional) - Both applications include the opportunity for a brief personal statement (essay) but you are welcome to submit it as a separate document. A writing sample on a topic of your choice can help us learn more about your background and goals.

During the review process, our counselors consider your potential as part of the Dean community. Optional materials like your essay, letters of recommendation, and test scores add to our understanding of who you are. These materials are not required, but they do give us more information to consider your fit at Dean College.

*The admissions office reserves the right to request additional information to assist with your application review.*

Program Specific Requirements

  • Dance and Theatre Applicants  - Candidates for Dance or Theatre are  required to audition  and submit a photo and performance resume.
  • Arch Program Applicants  - Candidates for the Arch Program can find additional requirements, including details on scheduling an interview for the program,  here .

Students who have  previously applied  to Dean College, but did not enroll, should not reapply. Please complete our  Reactivation Form . After receipt, the admissions staff will contact you regarding specific application requirements.

Students who were  previously enrolled  at Dean College and are looking to re-enroll, should not reapply. Please contact the Registrar's Office by emailing [email protected].  

International Transfer Students

International applicants must submit additional documents to complete their application. Please review the international application process for information about visas, passports, and documentation of finances.

Transfer students who completed college or university courses outside the U.S. must have their transcripts translated in English and credits evaluated by a recognized agency such as World Education Services , the Center for Educational Documentation , or American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers (AACRAO). 

Application Deadlines

Fall semester.

  • November 1: Early Action Priority Deadline (Non-Binding and Receive Decision Mid-December)
  • December 1: Early Action Deadline (Non-Binding and Receive Decision Mid-January)  
  • March 15: Priority Admissions Deadline 
  • Rolling Admissions after March 15

Spring Semester

  • Rolling Admissions after December 1st

Dean College admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the College.  Dean College does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, age, gender, sexual orientation, religion, disability, marital status, veteran status, nation and ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship and loan programs and athletic and other College-administered programs.

Financial Aid

Dean College is committed to providing a high quality education at an affordable value. To be considered for maximum financial aid opportunities , students will need to complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid .

Do you have questions regarding the application process? The Dean College admissions team is here to help! Contact us using the information below.

Dean College Office of Admissions

Dean College Office of Admissions


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