UT Austin Canvas Learning Management System

Namecoach - record pronunciation of your name.

Update your name pronunciation and preferences in Canvas. Access NameCoach from your Account on the Dashboard or the course navigation in any Canvas course. Record your name using your web browser or phone .

If you have questions or need assistance, please contact the Service Desk at 512-475-9400 or [email protected] .

Professor in front of the word courage written on a classic black board with students learning

Teaching with Canvas

Some quick example text to build on the card title and make up the bulk of the card's content.

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Students lined up with t-shirts that read Longhorn State of Mind

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The University of Texas tower with windows lit up displaying the number 1

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Welcome to the University Wiki Service! Please use your IID ([email protected]) when prompted for your email address during login or click here to enter your EID . If you are experiencing any issues loading content on pages, please try these steps to clear your browser cache .

.css-1lrpez4{margin-top:unset;}.css-1lrpez4:hover > span,.css-1lrpez4:focus-within > span{opacity:1;-webkit-transform:none;-ms-transform:none;transform:none;-webkit-transform-duration:0.1s;-ms-transform-duration:0.1s;transform-duration:0.1s;} General Assignment links for Canvas .css-14vda7h{font-size:15px;margin-inline-start:0.5rem;opacity:0;position:absolute;-webkit-transform:translateX(-4px);-ms-transform:translateX(-4px);transform:translateX(-4px);-webkit-transition:opacity 0.2s ease-out 0s,-webkit-transform 0.2s ease-out 0s;-webkit-transition:opacity 0.2s ease-out 0s,transform 0.2s ease-out 0s;transition:opacity 0.2s ease-out 0s,transform 0.2s ease-out 0s;}

It's possible to post a singular link for students to access their unique assignment on a platform such as Canvas or Blackboard. However, it does require you to insert in the most important specific details of the homework or learning module.

The template to tailor before posting on Canvas is: Https://quest.cns.utexas.edu/student/instances/show?elementx=assignment_####### for homework, and


for learning modules. In both cases you need to fill in the last ###### based on the assignment you are posting.ˆ

To find these numbers, go to the Instructor side of Quest and navigate to the assignment or learning module you'd like to post--look at the end of the URL and notice 1) if assignment or learning module is stated and 2) the numbers after the _ at the end

assignment example:

u texas homework

learning module example:

u texas homework

If you see assignment, use the template directly below, replacing the ##### at the end with those specific to your assignment:


from the example above, the link to put into canvas would then be


u texas homework

notice how the assignment_number matches.

This is the link to post on your Canvas site.

If you see learningmodule in your Quest URL, use this template, also replacing the ##### at the end with those specific to your assignment:

From the learning module example above, the Canvas link would be:


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School Administrators and Technologists

Please email [email protected] for more information about obtaining a W9 and an institution code. New institutions are invited to try a 120 day free trial if you are interested in seeing what Quest is all about. Please follow the instructions for requesting instructor access here .

High School Subscriptions Annual, analagous to a site license

UT Austin’s Quest Learning & Assessment tool is used by hundreds of educational institutions around the country. In an effort to recapture the costs associated with supporting the system, we charge a nominal fee to high schools with no charge to high school students . Below is a summary of the current annual high school subscription fees:

  • Texas-based high schools: $150/year
  • High school outside of Texas: $300/year

For high school institutions, this fee is the same regardless of the number of classes or students in your institution using Quest. If your institution is new to Quest, we offer a 120 day free trial to evaluate Quest before payment of the institutional subscription becomes necessary. You can check your institution's subscription status on your My Profile page. If your institution is brand new to Quest, please email us at [email protected] to obtain an institution code from us.

After you have confirmed your institution code, you can place your subscription or renew an existing subscription online, via UT’s secure purchasing portal . Each subscription lasts one year. For more information about purchasing a subscription go here .

College/University Courses Per course, textbook-like resource

The cost for university and college students is $25/course per semester/quarter. Student will only be required to pay for 2 courses per semester (or quarter), regardless of their total number of courses using Quest.

If you wish to add something to your syllabus to notify your students that Quest will be utilized in your course, feel free to use the following paragraph and adapt it to meet your needs:

This course makes use of Quest Learning and Assessment, a web-based content and homework delivery system maintained by the College of Natural Sciences at The University of Texas at Austin. This homework service will require a $25 charge per student for its use, which goes toward the maintenance and operation of the resource. Please go to https://quest.cns.utexas.edu to log in to the Quest system for this class. During the beginning of this course, when you log into Quest, you will be asked to pay via credit card (Visa, MasterCard or Discover) on a secure payment site. You have the option to wait up to 14 days to pay while continuing to use Quest for your assignments. If you are taking more than one course using Quest, you will not be charged more than $50 per semester/quarter. Quest provides mandatory instructional material for this course, similar to a textbook. For payment questions, please email: [email protected] .

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Self-Paced Online Courses

For students who are self-motivated and looking to optimize flexibility and independence without sacrificing faculty guidance.

  • Can be started at any time.
  • No set deadlines for assignments. Proceed at your own pace.
  • Instructors provide feedback and grading along the way.
  • Exams are conducted online.
  • Course expires after 5 months. Extensions can be purchased for those who need more time.


Semester-based Online Courses

For students who want a dynamic, structured and interactive online experience to help them stay on track.

  • Follow UT Austin's three semester calendars (fall, spring and summer).
  • Some courses offer a preset schedule of due dates, so students can complete coursework on their own time each week.
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You must use LaTeX to typeset the written homework assignments using the provided . All of the assignments are due at on their respective days.

Submission instructions will be described at the top of each homework assignment. Assignments will be submitted via .

– due Wednesday, September 6 ( )

– due Wednesday, September 27 ( , )

– due Wednesday, October 18 ( )

– due Wednesday, November 8 ( )

– due Tuesday, November 28 ( , )

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The University of Texas at Austin

June 27, 2024 , Filed Under: Uncategorized

How to Transform a Great Idea Into a Winning Business

Whether you have a stroke of inspiration at midnight or have incredible insight from years of experience, you know when a great idea hits. It may be reinventing the wheel or simply making one step of the process much easier; whatever it is, you feel that it has the potential to change lives and make you millions. Sadly, it takes more than thoughts and prayers to turn a great idea into a profitable reality—indeed, many have tried and failed. In this article, we will look at how to take the first steps to turn your spark of genius into a roaring success with the help of organizations such as Bigspace Investments .

1. Validate Your Idea

Before congratulating yourself on your clever idea and celebrating your future wealth, let us make sure that it will actually work. 

Market Research : Market research is the foundation of any winning business. Start by defining your target market. What are the demographics and lifestyle, values, or buying habits of your potential customers? Analyze your competitors: who they are, what they offer, and how they price their offerings. Compare your strengths and weaknesses, observe industry trends and forecasts, and see if any gaps in the market are perfect for you.

Customer Feedback : Once you have a clear understanding of the market, it is time to validate your idea with potential customers. Start by conducting interviews with your target audience to find out about their needs and preferences and gather feedback on the appeal of your business idea. Consider creating a minimum viable product (MVP) to trial your idea in the market without expending too many resources.

Feasibility Study : A feasibility study evaluates the practicality of your business idea in terms of resources, skills, and logistics. Technical feasibility examines whether your business idea is technically viable. Financial feasibility evaluates the financial aspects of your business, including startup costs, funding requirements, and potential profitability. Operational feasibility assesses the operational aspects, such as supply chain management.

2. Create a Business Plan

With the information you have gathered during the previous stage, you can now create a business plan. A business plan is a comprehensive document that outlines your business idea, strategies, and financial projections. It is essential for presenting your idea and securing funding from investors or lenders.

A solid business plan will include a detailed description of your business: what your business does, the products or services you offer, your unique selling proposition (USP), and your short-term and long-term goals. You should also introduce the organizational structure and management team and explain how the skills of key team members will contribute to the success of your business.

In your business plan, include a market analysis that demonstrates your understanding of the market. Information about your target consumer, competitors, market trends, and growth potential will show investors that you have done your homework. Outline your sales and marketing strategies for attracting and retaining customers, including pricing and distribution channels.

Financial projections demonstrate the potential profitability and sustainability of your business. Include projected income statements and balance sheets for the next three to five years. Be sure to use realistic assumptions based on your research and current industry benchmarks. Highlight key financial metrics, such as net profit margin and break-even analysis.

3. Explore Funding Options

If, like many entrepreneurs, you do not have a huge amount of personal savings to put into a new project, you will need to explore sources of external funding.

Equity Investors: Venture capitalists and angel investors like Bigspace Investments bring more than just money to the table. These investors provide capital in exchange for shares in the company, which means they are invested in its success. Aside from injecting much-needed capital, they also provide valuable expertise, mentorship, and strategic connections. Having equity investors involved can significantly accelerate your company’s growth and open the door to beneficial opportunities and networks.

Business Loan: If you fail to catch the eye of investors, getting a business loan from a bank or credit can help you cover startup costs and initial operating expenses. There are several types of business loans available, including term loans and SBA-backed loans . To secure a loan, you will need a solid business plan, a good credit history, and, in most cases, collateral. This can include property or any vehicles or equipment you or the business owns.

Crowdfunding: Crowdfunding platforms like Kickstarter allow you to secure small contributions from many backers, often in exchange for the first batch of your product. An effective crowdfunding campaign can validate your business idea and serve as a marketing tool that generates a pre-launch buzz. However, it takes a well-crafted campaign, effective communication, and ongoing engagement with backers to maintain interest and trust.

Many people have great ideas, but few can turn them into reality, much less winning businesses. While the first steps of researching and writing a business plan may dampen your enthusiasm, they are essential for the creation of a roadmap to success. After all, you need a robust business plan to prove to investors or lenders that you can make this work. If you are lucky enough to secure the attention of equity investors, you will also gain from their guidance and experience throughout the entrepreneurship process. So, let’s get cracking and turn that great idea of yours into something that you can really be proud of.

The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes —  Marcel Proust

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  1. GroupWorks #1: Getting Started


  1. Quest Learning & Assessment

    Quest can offer pre-laboratory exercises that demonstrate what occurs in experiments. This preparation and assessment can increase safety in the laboratory also. The Quest Learning and Assessment System uses an extensive knowledge bank of over 60,000 questions and answers covering Math, Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Physical Science and ...

  2. University of Texas at Austin Canvas Learning Management System

    UT Austin Canvas Learning Management System NameCoach - Record Pronunciation of Your Name. Update your name pronunciation and preferences in Canvas. Access NameCoach from your Account on the Dashboard or the course navigation in any Canvas course.

  3. Q+A

    For some, I get a free try on homework before points are deducted, in other classes, I get negative points on homework!? ... ([email protected]). Thanks to a recent broadening of user base, we are able to accommodate a longstanding request to reduce the price. Starting summer 21, the Quest fee will be reduced to $25! ...

  4. Homework and Exam Questions

    Problems with homework/exam questions. Homework or exam question is wrong; Tolerance % change; Adjust question tolerance (must be done individually for each question) Editor documentation. TeX & (C or JavaScript) Question templates; Additional parts for a TeX question; Multiple choice questions; List Response; Converting a NFR question to MC ...

  5. Quest Learning & Assessment

    Started in the early 90s at the University of Texas at Austin in the Department of Physics, Quest Learning & Assessment is now provided to the educational community by the UT-Austin College of Natural Sciences to support quality STEM content to students. Historical analytics of problems to create content at your expected rigor. Create your own ...

  6. Quest Learning & Assessment

    [email protected] is the best way to contact us during pandemic semesters. 512.471.5416 (billing and high school instructor/institution sign up), 512.232.1076 (system questions) Quest is open between 9:00am-5:30pm M-F, and someone is keeping an eye on the helpline ([email protected]) during most evening tests.

  7. How to use Quest online homework from University of Texas Austin

    Screen shots going through creating UT EID, enrolling in a course, and entering numbers in the Quest online homework system

  8. Completing a Web Assignment

    Completing a Web Assignment. On the home course page you will have a list of all assignments, all due dates are in your local timeframe set up by your instructor. Recognize a web assignment by the computer icon; these types of assignments can be viewed/printed as a condensed pdf or as a series of slides (one question at a time). To view the ...

  9. My Assignments

    To access your assignments simply click on the name of the assignment when it is available. Some items will appear in the list, but may not be available as the start date hasn't passed. If you have any questions please contact us at [email protected]. The additional tabs on the course page allow you to view your grades and create ...

  10. Web

    Additional Options. Show One Question at a Time (Slide view): creates a homework assignment with the look of a learning module. Students retain the option to view the assignment as a pdf. Randomize question order: determines whether the questions will appear in the order you set, or be randomized for each student. Optional Class Instructions: is any additional instructions you want to appear ...

  11. Students

    UT Austin Roster Management Courses at the University of Texas at Austin will manage course rosters based on students' enrollment statuses with the registrar. You can manually request enrollment if you would like to audit a course, just be sure to communicate with the instructor to ensure your request is handled.

  12. General Assignment links for Canvas

    Welcome to the University Wiki Service! Please use your IID ([email protected]) when prompted for your email address during login or

  13. Overview

    High School Subscriptions Annual, analagous to a site license. UT Austin's Quest Learning & Assessment tool is used by hundreds of educational institutions around the country. In an effort to recapture the costs associated with supporting the system, we charge a nominal fee to high schools with no charge to high school students.Below is a summary of the current annual high school ...

  14. How to Get More Efficient at Homework

    Homework is important for a lot of reasons - on the one hand, it helps you build up your work ethic and get better at the things you're studying. And on the other, it shows your professors how well you've understood the things covered in your classes. However, all of that doesn't change the fact that homework can be overwhelming ...

  15. Log in

    Contact the UT Service Desk with any questions or for technical support: [email protected] and 512-475-9400

  16. Log In to Canvas

    Forgot Password? Enter your EID and we'll send you a link to change your password.

  17. Online

    For students who are self-motivated and looking to optimize flexibility and independence without sacrificing faculty guidance. Can be started at any time. No set deadlines for assignments. Proceed at your own pace. Instructors provide feedback and grading along the way. Exams are conducted online. Course expires after 5 months.

  18. UT Austin Web Resources guide (Quick links)

    UT Collab Online, built in the Cockrell School of Engineering, UT Austin ... read class materials when posted by respective instructors, submit homework/assignments and view grades. This tool is used for online collaboration in many courses. Always verify with instructors regarding usage of the Canvas LMS tool ...

  19. Homework 4: Rust and Type Inference

    CS 345H: Programming Languages (Honors) Fall 2022 Homework. Project. Readings. Schedule. Syllabus. Homework 4: Rust and Type Inference. Due date: December 1, 6pm Grading: 15% (CS 345H) or 9% (CS 386L) of your course grade. In this homework we'll implement type checking and type inference for the simply typed lambda calculus.

  20. Homework

    Homework submission: Submission instructions will be described at the top of each homework assignment. Assignments will be submitted via Gradescope (use course code MB84NW to sign up). Homework 1A - due January 22. Homework 1 - due February 12. Homework 2 - due February 26 (Starter Code)

  21. UTLearn Homepage

    Contact the UT Service Desk with any questions or for technical support: [email protected] and 512-475-9400

  22. Homework

    You must use LaTeX to typeset the written homework assignments using the provided template.All of the assignments are due at 11:59pm on their respective days.. Homework submission: Submission instructions will be described at the top of each homework assignment. Assignments will be submitted via Gradescope. Homework 1 - due Wednesday, September 14 () ...

  23. Homework

    Homework. You must use LaTeX to typeset the written homework assignments using the provided template. All of the assignments are due at 11:59pm on their respective days. Homework submission: Submission instructions will be described at the top of each homework assignment. Assignments will be submitted via Gradescope. Homework 1 - due ...

  24. How to Transform a Great Idea Into a Winning Business

    Whether you have a stroke of inspiration at midnight or have incredible insight from years of experience, you know when a great idea hits. It may be reinventing the wheel or simply making one step of the process much easier; whatever it is, you feel that it has the potential to change lives and make you millions.