The Classroom | Empowering Students in Their College Journey

How to Calculate Grades Based on Percentages (With Calculator!)

Determine grading policy, grade calculator, calculate category averages, converted weighted grade percentages, calculate averages, determine total grade, how to handle a weighted grading system, how to handle point systems to determine your total score, how to determine how much you need to score on your final exam to maintain your grade.

Many high school teachers and college professors weigh homework, quizzes and test grades differently depending on the difficulty and significance of the assignment. Big tests (like a midterm exam or final exam) and quizzes generally account for most of the total grade, because they encompass more of the subject material.

The letter grades you receive in the gradebook after all of your individual assignments, tests, and quizzes have been graded make up your grade point average (gpa). Typically, students want to keep their gpa as high as possible. Whether you are on the verge of failing a class, or you have pretty good grades and just want to know how your grades add up, you can calculate your grades with a few simple formulas.

1. establish your professor's grading policy for how each category is weighted.

  • The professor may announce this early on in the class for clarity. If they do not, you can also check with the ​ course syllabus ​ or refer to the school policy.
  • Asking directly may be best because of professor preferences in their weighted grading system that may not be updated in online materials.

For example

The professor may weigh 35 percent of the final grade to quizzes, 20 percent to homework and 45 percent to tests.

Below we provide a grade calculator as an alternative to performing the grade calculations explained in the article.

2. Calculate the average of each category by adding up all of your scores for each category and divide by the number of assignments in that category.

If you have five tests with the scores of 90, 85, 100, 75 and 91, the accumulated point total for all your test would be 441. Divide the total by five for your test average of 88.2 percent.

3. Convert the weighted grade percentages to decimal value by dividing the percentage by 100.

If tests are weighted 45 percent of the total grade, the decimal would be 0.45 (45 / 100 = 0.45).

Repeat this step for each weighted section (homework, quizzes, tests, etc.).

4. Multiply the average for each category by the weight, in decimal, of each category to calculate the total points out of 100.

If your test average is 88.2 percent and is weighted 45 percent, the points for your overall grade out of 100 would be 39.69 (which is 88.2 x 0.45). Repeat this step for your other subject categories.

While most professors will maintain the final grade given, speaking with the professor can result in updating the grade through additional projects or corrections.

Additionally, if a student is not happy with the course grade, some colleges have policies allowing classes to be repeated and then averaged, which can also raise a course grade as well as your overall gpa.

5. Add the results for each category from Step 4 to find out your total grade out of 100 points.

If you calculated a 39.69 for test, 34 for quizzes and 18.5 for homework, your total grade would be 92.19 percent.

General 5 Letter Grade Score Table


90 - 100


80 - 90


70 - 80


60 - 70


Below 60

At many colleges using a four-point scale, an A requiring a total grade of 90 with a B letter grade falling in the 80 percent range.

A C grade ranges between 70 and 80 percent with a D ranging from 60 to 70 percent. Anything below a 60 percent would be considered a failing grade, or F.

These grade ranges do vary by school and professor, and they are general estimates with some colleges starting an A at 92 percent, a B at 83 percent and so on.

Detailed Numeric to Letter Grade Table























A weighted score is the key to understanding where your professor wants you to focus. Look especially for attendance or term papers. If your syllabus mentions extra credit, do the extra credit work because it gives you a buffer going into your final exam.

The key is to start from the max total score and follow the breakdown from tests and quizzes to homework and attendance.

As an example, a language course has a quiz every class that is worth 20 points. If you have 30 quizzes or two per week, the total quiz points is 600. If the total number of points is 1,000 and 600 or 60% (600 / 1000) comes from quizzes, you should spend extra time ensuring you maximize your quiz score.

On the other hand, point values from quizzes are often weighted lower than your midterm and final grades – often, because your instructor wants to grade you on your complete understanding of the material rather than recalling by rote something from the textbook.

Your overall grade will often be determined by your final exam. Because your class is almost complete, you should take your syllabus and your scores and be able to calculate your current class grade.

For example, your current grade may be a B+ because out of 800 possible points, you have 704 points or 88% (704 / 800). If your final exam is worth 200 points, then your total points is 1,000 and you will need 186 on your final exam for an A- (900 / 1000 is 90%) and a perfect score on your final exam worth 200 points, will still keep you at an A- for your overall grade. Why? Because your final exam was only 20% of your total grade.

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  • Mercer University: Weighted Average Grade Calculator
  • Canvas: How Do I Weight the Final Course Grade Based On Assignment Groups
  • Georgia Tech: How Categories and Weighting Affect Grade Calculation In Percentage Gradebooks
  • Baruch College Undergraduate Bulletin: Letter Grades and Grade Point Equivalents

Helen Jody Lin has been writing since 2009. She has written screenplays, produced short films and worked in entertainment marketing. Her work has been published in campaigns for Fanscape, a digital media marketing agency. Lin has a thorough knowledge of broad topics such as fitness and extreme sports. She graduated from the University of Texas at Austin with a Bachelor of Arts in radio-television-film.

Grade Calculator

Use this calculator to find out the grade of a course based on weighted averages. This calculator accepts both numerical as well as letter grades. It also can calculate the grade needed for the remaining assignments in order to get a desired grade for an ongoing course.

Final Grade Goal
Weight of Remaining Tasks

homework grading percentages

Grade Format: Points, percentage, mix Letters
Weight Format: Percentage Points
Show Final Grade Planning Options

Final Grade Calculator

Use this calculator to find out the grade needed on the final exam in order to get a desired grade in a course. It accepts letter grades, percentage grades, and other numerical inputs.

Related GPA Calculator

The calculators above use the following letter grades and their typical corresponding numerical equivalents based on grade points.

Letter GradeGPAPercentage

Brief history of different grading systems

In 1785, students at Yale were ranked based on "optimi" being the highest rank, followed by second optimi, inferiore (lower), and pejores (worse). At William and Mary, students were ranked as either No. 1, or No. 2, where No. 1 represented students that were first in their class, while No. 2 represented those who were "orderly, correct and attentive." Meanwhile at Harvard, students were graded based on a numerical system from 1-200 (except for math and philosophy where 1-100 was used). Later, shortly after 1883, Harvard used a system of "Classes" where students were either Class I, II, III, IV, or V, with V representing a failing grade. All of these examples show the subjective, arbitrary, and inconsistent nature with which different institutions graded their students, demonstrating the need for a more standardized, albeit equally arbitrary grading system.

In 1887, Mount Holyoke College became the first college to use letter grades similar to those commonly used today. The college used a grading scale with the letters A, B, C, D, and E, where E represented a failing grade. This grading system however, was far stricter than those commonly used today, with a failing grade being defined as anything below 75%. The college later re-defined their grading system, adding the letter F for a failing grade (still below 75%). This system of using a letter grading scale became increasingly popular within colleges and high schools, eventually leading to the letter grading systems typically used today. However, there is still significant variation regarding what may constitute an A, or whether a system uses plusses or minuses (i.e. A+ or B-), among other differences.

An alternative to the letter grading system

Letter grades provide an easy means to generalize a student's performance. They can be more effective than qualitative evaluations in situations where "right" or "wrong" answers can be easily quantified, such as an algebra exam, but alone may not provide a student with enough feedback in regards to an assessment like a written paper (which is much more subjective).

Although a written analysis of each individual student's work may be a more effective form of feedback, there exists the argument that students and parents are unlikely to read the feedback, and that teachers do not have the time to write such an analysis. There is precedence for this type of evaluation system however, in Saint Ann's School in New York City, an arts-oriented private school that does not have a letter grading system. Instead, teachers write anecdotal reports for each student. This method of evaluation focuses on promoting learning and improvement, rather than the pursuit of a certain letter grade in a course. For better or for worse however, these types of programs constitute a minority in the United States, and though the experience may be better for the student, most institutions still use a fairly standard letter grading system that students will have to adjust to. The time investment that this type of evaluation method requires of teachers/professors is likely not viable on university campuses with hundreds of students per course. As such, although there are other high schools such as Sanborn High School that approach grading in a more qualitative way, it remains to be seen whether such grading methods can be scalable. Until then, more generalized forms of grading like the letter grading system are unlikely to be entirely replaced. However, many educators already try to create an environment that limits the role that grades play in motivating students. One could argue that a combination of these two systems would likely be the most realistic, and effective way to provide a more standardized evaluation of students, while promoting learning.


Grade Calculator

Grade Calculator

Grade Calculator

  • Grade calculator
  • Final grade calculator
  • GPA calculator
AssessmentGrade (%)Grade (points)Grade (letter)WeightWeightMax Grade

Understanding how to calculate your current grade in a course is advantageous for planning what you need to achieve your goal’s overall course grade. The following Grade Calculator serves as an easy-to-use helpful tool to calculate your current grade of the course before the final examination.  

What is a Grade Calculator?  

A Grade Calculator is a free online tool designed to help students and educators determine academic grades based on entered scores and weights. It simplifies the process of calculating current grades, helping users navigate their academic journeys.   

The Grade Calculator helps students estimate the impact of each assignment on their course’s weighted average grade. That means the overall grade of a course depends on 2 main factors: the grade of each assignment (g) and the corresponding weight of each assignment (w).  

A Grade calculator helps you find your current average score in a course based on completed assignments up to the current point in the semester. The Final grade calculator then calculates the score you need to achieve in your remaining assignment (the final exam) to reach your desired grade of the course

How to Use a Grade Calculator?  

Using a Grade Calculator is a straightforward process that involves entering relevant information about your academic performance. To utilize this calculator, input your current percentage for each assignment, test, or exam, along with its respective weight towards your final grade. For each additional assignment, test, or exam, click on "Add Assignment." Your results will automatically update as you input each component , allowing you to track your progress throughout the course.  

Here's a step-by-step guide on how to use a Grade Calculator:  

Step 1: Input the Assignments.  

Users manually enter the name of each assignment, for example: Assignment 1, 2, 3, Homework, Final Exam, etc.  

Step 2: Input the grade.  

Enter their scores for each assignment, test, project, or other exam throughout the course. Each entry typically includes the earned percentage (10%, 30%, 50%, etc.), letter (A+, B-, D, etc.), or points (20, 50, 175, etc.).  

Step 3: Input the weight.  

Enter the weight of that assignment into the overall course grade. The weight indicates that different assignments may have varying impacts on the final grade. A final exam might have a higher weight than a small task.  

Step 4: Calculate the grade automatically.  

The tool then automatically calculates the cumulative grade based on the entered grades and weights. Users can see their current grade as well as how each assignment contributes to the overall grade.  

Step 5: Adjust as needed.  

Users can adjust grades or weights to see how changes impact the overall course performance. This dynamic feature allows for real-time exploration of different scenarios, helping users make informed decisions about their academic strategy and goal achievement.  

Weighted Grade Calculation: Formula and Example  

The calculation of a weighted grade involves summing the products of the weights (w) and the corresponding grades (g).  

Weighted Grade = (w₁ × g₁ + w₂ × g₂ + w₃ × g₃ + …) / (g₁ + g₂ + g₃ +...)  

Example 1: Grade type: Percentage  

Determine the weighted grade of a course, in which:  

  • Assignment with a grade (percentage) of 80 and a weight of 30.  
  • Homework with a grade (percentage) of 90 and a weight of 20.  
  • Final exam with a grade (percentage) of 72 and a weight of 50.  

The weighted average grade is determined by the formula:  

Weighted Grade = (w₁ × g₁ + w₂ × g₂ + w₃ × g₃ + …) / (w₁ + w₂ + w₃+...)  

Substituting the values:  

Weighted Grade = (30 × 80 + 20 × 90 + 50 × 72) / (30 + 20 + 50) = 78  

Example 2: Grade type: Letter  

  • Assignment 1 with a grade (letter) of A+ and a weight of 20.  
  • Assignment 2 with a grade (letter) of B and a weight of 20.  
  • Final exam with a grade (letter) of C- and a weight of 60.  

The weighted average grade of the course is calculated by the formula:

Weighted Grade = (w₁ × g₁ + w₂ × g₂ + w₃ × g₃ + …) / (w₁ + w₂ + w₃ +...)  

Weighted Grade = (20 × 4.33 + 20 × 3.00 + 60 × 1.67) / (20 + 20 + 60) = 2.64   

The table below shows how your letter grades convert to a numeric grade (4.0 scale) and percentage grade (% scale):  





4.33 - above 

97 - above 


4.00 - 4.32 

93 - 96,99 


3.67 - 3.99 

90 - 92,99 


3.33 - 3.66 

87 - 89,99 


3.00 - 3.32 

83 - 87,99 


2.67 - 2.99 

80 - 82,99 


2.33 - 2.66 

77 - 79,99 


2.00 - 2.32 

73 - 76,99 


1.67 - 1.99 

70 - 72,99 


1.33 - 1.66 

67 - 69,99 


1.00 - 1.32 

63 - 66,99 


0.67 - 0.99 

60 - 62,99 


0.00 - 0.66 

0 - 59,99 

Example 3: Grade type: Point  

Consider the following case:  

  • For Assignment 1, the grade is 60 out of 80.  
  • For Assignment 2, the grade is 30 out of 50.  
  • For Homework, the grade is 120 out of 120.  
  • For the Final exam, the grade is 60 out of 100.  

The formula to calculate the weighted average grade is:  

Weighted Grade = sum of real grade / sum of maximum grade  

Weighted Grade = (60 + 30 + 120 + 60) / (80 + 50 + 120 + 100) = 77.14  

Important Role of the Grade Calculator in Academic Path  

The Grade Calculator functions as a flexible tool that aids both educators and students, fostering efficiency and transparency. Knowing the average grade is essential for strategic decision-making in scenarios and setting achievable academic goals.  

Scenario Planning:  

Some Grade Calculators allow users to experiment with different scenarios. For instance, students can input hypothetical scores for future assignments or exams to see how they would impact their final grade. This helps in understanding how adjustments to upcoming assessments may impact the overall class performance.  

Teachers can use a Grade Calculator to streamline the grading process. By inputting scores and weights, the tool can quickly calculate overall grades, saving time and ensuring accuracy.  

Goal Setting:    

Users can set grade goals and determine the scores needed on upcoming assessments to achieve those goals. This application is particularly helpful for students who aim for a specific final course grade. Goal-setting helps students set realistic academic goals and understand the scores needed to achieve them. Knowing their current grade and having the ability to plan for future assessments can reduce stress for students.  

The Grade calculator provides the average score for a specific course. Students can use this result to calculate their GPA, which represents the average score across all their courses. In essence, the output from the Grade calculator acts as the input for the GPA calculator.

3 Outstanding Features of Grade Calculator  

Using our Grade Calculator is simple and straightforward, even if you are a first-time user. The Grade Calculator is crafted with the user in mind, offering many noticeable benefits:  

Customizable by Adding or Subtracting Assignments  

Recognizing the diversity of grading systems in different educational institutions, the tool offers customization options. Users have the flexibility to tailor the tool to their specific needs. For example, users can add as many assignments as they want, and adjust the weight to align with their school's unique grading system.  

Compatible with Multiple Devices  

The tool is accessible across various platforms to accommodate different user preferences and device types. It is available as both a web application and a mobile app. Users can access it conveniently from desktops, laptops, tablets, and smartphones.  

Easy-to-Understand and Easy-to-Use Interface  

The user interface is designed to be intuitive and user-friendly, prioritizing ease of use. Input fields are labeled logically, ensuring users can easily understand and input the required information. The overall design focuses on simplicity enhancing the overall user experience.  

To sum up, the Grade Calculator is considered a trusted tool for students and educators alike on their academic journeys. Its friendly interface and accurate calculations make it a valuable companion, helping everyone calculate the grade of the course effectively.  

Grade Calculator - FAQs  

What grade do i need to pass a college class  .

The grade needed to pass a college class varies depending on the grading system used by the schools, colleges, and academic institutions . In many cases, a passing grade is a D or higher, which is usually equivalent to a numerical grade of 60% or more. However, some programs or courses may require a higher minimum passing grade, so it's important to check your college's policies.  

How do you calculate the percentage grade?  

To calculate a percentage grade, you divide the points earned by the total points possible and then multiply by 100. For example, if you earned 85 points out of a possible 100, your percentage grade would be: (85/100) * 100 = 85%.  

How much will a 0 affect my grade?  

A zero can significantly impact your grade, especially if it's for a major assignment or test. Since a zero has a large weight in the calculation of your average score, it can pull down your overall grade significantly.  

How much will a 71 affect my grade?  

The impact of a 71 on your grade depends on several factors, such as the weight of the assignment or test in the overall course grade and the grading scale used by your instructor. If the 71 is for a major assignment or test and carries a significant weight in the course, it could have a noticeable effect on your overall grade, potentially lowering it. However, if the assignment is one of many and has a lower weight in the course, its impact may be less significant.

Grade Calculator

 No.Score / Out OfGrade (%)Weight (%)

Important Notes

Inputting data in our grade calculator.

Grade Calculator

Use this weighted grade calculator to easily calculate the weighted average grade for a class or course. Enter letter grades (A, B-, C+, etc.) or percentage scores (75, 88, 92, etc.) achieved on all relevant exams, homework assignments, projects, verbal exams, etc. as well as their weights as percentages. Optionally, enter a final grade goal to estimate how much you need to score on your final exam in order to meet your goal.

Related calculators

  • How to calculate your grade
  • What grade do I need on my final?
  • How to convert a grade to percentage?

    How to calculate your grade

With the help of this grade calculator you can calculate your current weighted grade or unweighted grade in terms of percentage, letter grade, or GPA. The tool will also output the weight of all remaining exams, and assignments and has the option of calculating the minimum score you need to obtain on a final exam in order to achieve a target overall grade for a class or course.

To use the calculator, enter the number of grades you currently have, then each grade as a percent or letter grade , and finally the weight each grade adds towards the overall. If no weights are entered, the weights are assumed equal and the calculator will output the unweighted average grade. Otherwise a weighted average grade will be produced in terms of percentage, GPA, and a letter grade.

    What grade do I need on my final?

If you haven't yet got a score on the final exam for a given class, you can use this tool as a final grade calculator. In order to achieve a given grade goal for the entire class, course, or semester, a given minimum grade is required on the final exam, depending on both the weighted average grade to that date, and the weight of the final on the overall grade. This minimum required score can be calculated using the following formula:

Required final score = (Grade Goal - Current Grade x (100% - Weight of Final(%))) / Weight of Final(%)

The current grade is calculated based on the weighted average of all marks to date. The weight of the final test is calculated as 100% minus the combined weight of all grades to date. Therefore, if the combined weight of the scores you enter is 65% then the final exam will have a weight of 100% - 65% = 35%.

    How to convert a grade to percentage?

Our grade calculator uses the following table to convert letter grades to percentages. Note that since this is not a universally applicable table, ideally one would want to know the exact percentage scores and use these as input for the calculator, otherwise the results may be slightly off.

Letter grades to percentages and GPA
Letter GradePercentageGPA
A+ 97-100% 4.3
A 93-96% 4.0
A- 90-92% 3.7
B+ 87-89% 3.3
B 83-86% 3.0
B- 80-82% 2.7
C+ 77-79% 2.3
C 73-76% 2.0
C- 70-72% 1.7
D+ 67-69% 1.3
D 63-66% 1.0
D- 60-62% 0.7
F 0-59% 0.0

Again, it is our recommendation that you check with your local school or college and enter percentage grades instead of letter grades for the most accurate calculation. Note that while U.S. colleges and schools are likely to use the above grading, educational institutions in other countries may use a vastly different GPA scale.

Cite this calculator & page

If you'd like to cite this online calculator resource and information as provided on the page, you can use the following citation: Georgiev G.Z., "Grade Calculator" , [online] Available at: URL [Accessed Date: 08 Jun, 2024].

     Other calculators


GPA Calculate

Grade Scale

GPA to Percentage

Percentage to Grade Calculator

Percentage Grade Calculator

Total number of questions or points

Questions or points you got right

Questions or points you got wrong

.css-xr3wi5{background:linear-gradient(266deg, #00049C 4.87%, #0095FC 83.13%);color:transparent;-webkit-background-clip:text;background-clip:text;} Grade Percentage Calculator Tool

In the world of school and grades, understanding scores, percentages, and grades can sometimes feel like solving a tricky puzzle. That's why we created Score Translator – your handy tool for making sense of your grades in a snap.

List of Common GPA Conversions

About percentage grade calculator, making percentages & letter grades easy to calculate.

Score Translator is all about keeping things simple. Whether you're a student or a teacher, our tool makes it super easy to figure out what your grades mean. Let's say you got a perfect score of 10 out of 10 on a test. What does that translate to in terms of percentage? With Score Translator, you just punch in your score and the total possible score, and boom! You'll instantly know your percentage. In this case, 10 out of 10 would be a perfect 100%.

Understanding Letter Grades

But Score Translator doesn't stop there – it also helps you understand what those percentages mean in terms of letter grades. So if you got that perfect 100%, you'd likely get an A+. But what if you didn't get a perfect score? No worries – Score Translator has got you covered. It tells you what letter grade you'd get based on your percentage. Whether it's an A, B, C, or even an F, Score Translator breaks it down so you know where you stand.

Percentage Grade Calculator is For Everyone

Score Translator isn't just for students and teachers – it's for everyone who wants to understand grades better. Parents can use it to help their kids with homework, tutors can use it to track progress, and anyone else who's curious about grades can use it too.

Your Grade Matters

In today's world, knowing your grades is important. It helps you set goals, track progress, and strive for improvement. With Score Translator, you'll have all the information you need to stay on top of your game.

In conclusion, our Percentage Grade Calculator is your reliable companion in navigating the complexities of academic grading. With its intuitive interface and precise calculations, it empowers users to gain a clear understanding of their performance and goals. Say goodbye to confusion and hello to efficiency as you effortlessly calculate your percentages and letter grades. Whether you're a student striving for excellence or an educator guiding others, our tool streamlines the process, making academic success more accessible than ever. Embrace clarity and confidence in your academic journey – try our Percentage Grade Calculator today and unlock a world of possibilities.

How does the Percentage Grade Calculator simplify academic performance tracking?

Our tool offers a user-friendly interface for effortlessly calculating percentages and letter grades, allowing users to track their performance with ease.

Why is clarity important in academic goal setting?

Clarity ensures that students and educators alike have a precise understanding of their academic standing, enabling them to set realistic goals for improvement and success.

What makes our Percentage Grade Calculator stand out from other tools?

Our calculator provides precise calculations and intuitive features, making it a reliable companion for navigating the complexities of academic grading.

How can educators benefit from using our tool?

Educators can utilise our Percentage Grade Calculator to streamline grading processes, provide valuable feedback, and guide students towards achieving their academic goals.

How does our tool empower students in their academic journey?

By offering clear insights into their performance and goals, our calculator empowers students to take ownership of their learning, strive for improvement, and succeed academically.

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Grade Calculator

Our weighted grade calculator shows your average and what to earn for the final grade you want. A timesaver if you don't know how to calculate grades!


Your current grade

The grade you want

Your final is worth

Related Calculators

GPA Calculator

Homework 90 5%
Project B 20%
Midterm exam 88 20%
B (3.21) 45%


A grade of 80.5 or higher is needed for the remaining 40% of tasks to ensure a final grade of 85.

There was an error with your calculation.

Table of Contents

  • Grade Calculators: Useful Tools to Show You What You've Accomplished and Help Plan Your Next Move
  • Where You Are and How to Get Where You're Going

Saving Time

How to determine your weighted average, forming a game plan to reach your target grade, know what you need on the last big test, students and teachers often misunderstand weighted averages.

  • It's Pretty Simple When You Have All the Data

Missing Grades Make the Math More Complicated

The reason we need these calculators, 6 ways to evaluate student progress, grade calculators: useful tools to show you what you've accomplished and help plan your next move.

A weighted grading calculator can be a lifesaver for students who need to know where they stand at any point in the grading period. These convenient programs save time and give students and teachers quick, accurate information. But what is it they do? This article will investigate what functions grade calculators perform, how they operate, and why we have grades in the first place.

Where You Are and How to Get Where You're Going

The three calculators above can help teachers and students answer urgent questions about grades in seconds. First, the Grade Calculator computes a weighted average for any course, accepting both number and letter grades.

Letter Grade GPA Percentage
A+ 4.3 97-100%
A 4 93-96%
A- 3.7 90-92%
B+ 3.3 87-89%
B 3 83-86%
B- 2.7 80-82%
C+ 2.3 77-79%
C 2 73-76%
C- 1.7 70-72%
D+ 1.3 67-69%
D 1 63-66%
D- 0.7 60-62%
F 0 0-59%

In addition, the Final Grade Planning Calculator displays the grade needed on outstanding assignments to reach a target final grade. Also, the Final Grade Calculator determines what a student needs to score on their final exam to reach their target final grade.

Compared to the normal average, a weighted average requires more calculations. When you figure out a weighted average, the many numbers you use are given varying weights or values in relation to one another. This phenomenon occurs in most high-school and college courses, where different assignment types are worth different percentages of the final grade. A course grade calculator makes finding weighted averages quick and accurate.

In addition, many students become concerned near the end of a quarter, semester, or year. They often worry that they will not get a good grade, but they can rely on a Final Grade Planning Calculator to tell them how to perform to reach their desired goal.

Similarly, students often need to achieve a specific score on their final project or exam to get the desired grade. In this case, a Final Grade Calculator lets them know how hard they must work to get where they need to go.

Suppose a grading period is over and all grades are accounted for. In that case, a student can use the Grade Calculator to ensure the teacher made no mathematical errors. In this example, the student enters each assignment, grade, and weight into the calculator.

Assignment/Exam (optional) Grade Weight
Homework Average 76 20%
Quiz Average 90 15%
Test Average 88 35%
Classwork Average 100 10%
Final Exam 91 20%

After clicking "Calculate," the Grade calculator provides a numerical and letter grade.

Average Grade: 87.7 (B+)

Provided there are still grades or categories outstanding, enter the target final grade and the weight percentage weight of the outstanding assignments.

Assignment/Exam (optional) Grade Weight
Homework Average 76 20%
Quiz Average 90 15%
Test Average 88 35%
Final Grade Goal 88
Weight of Remaining Tasks 30%

After hitting "Calculate," the Final Grade Planning Calculator will display the current weighted average and the score required on outstanding work to achieve the desired final grade.

  • Average grade: 85.0 (B).
  • A grade of 95.0 is needed for the remaining 30% of tasks to ensure a final grade of 88.
Assignment/Exam (optional) Grade Weight
Homework Average 76 20%
Quiz Average 90 15%
Test Average 88 35%
Average grade 85

When all grades other than the final exam are accounted for, enter the current weighted average grade, target grade, and final exam weight in the Final Grade Calculator. Click the Calculate button.

  • Your current grade: 79
  • The grade you want: 85
  • Your final is worth: 35%

The Final Grade Calculator will display the final exam grade necessary to attain the desired final grade.

Result You will need a grade of 96.1 or higher on the final.

Weighted averages include numbers with different abilities to skew the average—thus the term "weighted." Unfortunately, many students (and some teachers!) don't understand how to calculate grades using weighted averages because they require more calculations than simple ones.

Suppose you're attempting to figure out your grade in a class where different assignments are worth varying percentages of your final grade. In that case, you might need to determine a weighted average. Whether the sum of your weights equals 1 (or 100%) will affect the method you employ.

It's Pretty Simple When You Have All the Data

To calculate a weighted average where the total weights equal 1, multiply each grade by its corresponding weight and add them all up. Rendered mathematically: g1(w1) + g2(w2) + g3(w3), and so on, where g is each grade and w is the corresponding weight. Of course, most syllabi list weights as percentages, so you will need to convert them into decimals first. For example, 25% equals 0.25; therefore, 100% equals 1.

The math is slightly different when some grades are missing, and the total weights equal less than one. This happens when you use the Final Grade Planning Calculator to determine your current weighted average and the score needed on the outstanding work to get the final grade you want.

Mathematically, you would figure out the weighted average the same way. However, you need to take the sum of each grade (weight) and divide it by the total weight of the known grades (in decimal form).

The formula would be Σgw/Σw where Σgw is the sum of each grade (weight) and Σw is the sum of all weights in decimal form.

The complexity of these calculations makes a weighted grade calculator a lifesaver for students.

Grading is a comparatively recent invention. Since 1785, students at Yale have been receiving the Latin equivalents of the words best (optimi), worse (inferiores), and worst (peiores). So, Yale was the first university in the United States to assign grades.

Before that, American colleges followed the Oxford and Cambridge models, which required frequent attendance at lectures and a weekly dialogue between the student and their proctor, both in person and in writing.

When the proctor or panel of other professors thought the students had shown an appropriate grasp of the subject, the course was declared complete. The faculty gave no grade. A prospective employer could only compare a student's qualifications through reference letters.

Universities experimented with a wide variety of systems during the 19th century. For example, Yale used scales ranging from four to nine points. The professors at Harvard experimented with 20 and 100-point scales before deciding that grouping students into five classes, with the lowest class failing the course, was the best they could do.

To assist professors in evaluating students, William and Mary public research University in the U.S. used the categories: "orderly, accurate, and attentive" or "they have learned little or nothing."

Because of the significant increases in immigration and the emergence of regulations requiring compulsory attendance, schools were overcrowded at the beginning of the 20th century. As a result, teachers and administrators needed an effective, standardized method for testing and grading many pupils. These circumstances naturally led to the nationwide standardization of school grading.

Our calculators use the percentages and letter grades common in the U.S. However, there are many other ways to assess student progress. Here is a quick list of common grading alternatives:

  • A percentage ranging from 0% to 100%.
  • Letter Grades with Variations (A, C+, B-).
  • Standard-Based. Students receive marks relative to specific knowledge in the curriculum.
  • Mastery-Based Grading. Students have the time to master a skill before moving to another.
  • Narrative-Based Grading. Students receive lengthy written feedback about their performance in class.

It may seem that the student grading system has been around forever. However, before the 20th century, the grading systems we now know did not exist.

We still worry about how to determine our grades when each type of assignment has its own "weight." We wonder what we need to get on the final exam to pass.

Our grade calculator can't give you the knowledge to handle every assignment. But he can reassure you by telling you where you are and what results you need to achieve.

Grade Calculator

Grade Calculator lets you find the weighted percentage and letter grades for all of your assignments or exams.

Grade (letter) Grade (%) Weight

About Grade Calculator

Welcome to our Grade Calculator. It's a free and easy-to-use online tool to calculate weighted average grades. In addition, it lets you compute the grades in percentages, letters, or points.

Just select the grade type and input the assignment names, grades, and weights. Lastly, press the "Calculate" button to see the final result.

Grade Calculator

How to Calculate Weighted Grade?

To calculate a weighted grade, you need to assign different weights or percentages to each assignment. Such as projects, midterms, homework, and quizzes, and then multiply the grade earned in each assignment by its corresponding weight. Finally, add up these weighted grades and divide them by the sum of weights to obtain an overall weighted grade.

Weighted grade =  
w ×g + w ×g + w ×g + ...
w + w + w + ...

Here's an example:

Suppose there are three categories of assignments:

  • Projects (weight of 35%)
  • Midterms (weight of 40%)
  • Homework (weight of 25%)

A student earns the following grades in each category:

  • Projects - 75%
  • Midterms - 90%
  • Homework - 82%

Weighted grade = (project grade × 35%) + (midterm grade × 40%) + (homework grade × 25%) / 35 + 40 + 25

= (75 × 35) + (90 × 40) + (82 × 25) / 100

= (2625 + 3600 + 2050) / 100

= 8275 / 100

Therefore, the student's overall weighted grade for the course is 82.75% .

How to use Grade Calculator?

Before getting started, ask your teacher, how much each assignment category is worth. Also, you can check it out from the course syllabus. Because it will be needed for the grade calculation.

  • Firstly, select the grade type. Our tool gives you access to enter the grades in three formats. Percentage, Letters, and Points. So, choose the required one of them.
  • After choosing the grade type, enter the assignment category name. Such as projects, quizzes, homework, midterm, etc.
  • Now enter the grade that you earned for each assignment. Also, you can input the grades in percentages, letters, or points.
  • Enter the weight for each assignment category in percentage. For example, projects - 20%, midterms - 30%, etc.
  • If you want to calculate the grades for more than five assignments, you can use the "Add Assignment" button to add more rows.
  • In addition, you can find how much additional grade is needed to maintain the given average grade. It's an optional feature. You can leave it blank if you don't need it.
  • Lastly, press the "Calculate" button to see the final result on your screen.
  • Finally, you can see the average grade result with calculations and additional grades needed. Also, if you choose the letter grade, you will get the GPA result. Similarly, the tool will display the total grade result, if you choose a point grade.
  • For new calculations, press the "Reset" button. It will refresh the calculator and gives a fresh new start.

Related Calculators

  • Final Grade Calculator
  • Test Grade Calculator
  • College GPA Calculator
  • High School GPA Calculator
  • Final GPA Calculator

homework grading percentages

Grade Calculator

Grade Calculator

Use our best easy grade calculator for accurate results.


Are you Curious about your grades? If yes, then Bid farewell to academic anxiety and hello to precision with our top-grade calculator! Designed to simplify your educational trip, our easy grade calculator ensures you get accurate results every time.

  With our easy grade calculator, tracking your course progress becomes tireless. Simply input your assignment or test percentage to discern its weight in your final grade.

homework grading percentages

Determine your target for the final exam and align your study goals accordingly. Our advanced calculator smooths your education planning process, ensuring that you stay on top of your academic trip with precision and ease.

homework grading percentages

How to calculate your grade easily

Try our quick grade calculator for quick percentile, letter grade, and results. It considers pending exams, calculating the minimum final exam score for your target grade.

Grades and Weights: no weights mean equal, unweighted averages. Smooth your grades. You are tracking with our easy-to-use calculator.

Grade Calculator – Step by Step Instructions

We can use the easy grade calculator for two reasons:

  • Determine your overall course grade.
  • Identify the target score needed for your desired final grade.

1. Calculate Grades

  • Understand the quick grading system outlined in your teacher’s syllabus.
  • Specify the type of assessment ( quiz, test, midterm, homework, etc. ).
  • Enter your grade as a percentage or letter.
  • Assign a percentage weight to each assessment ( e.g., midterm–30%, quiz–25% ).

2. Calculate Final Grades

  • Set your target course grade in the “Desired Grade” column.
  • Indicate the weight of the final exam in the “Final Worth” column (e.g., final exam = 45% of the total grade).
  • The calculator displays the required final exam grade for your desired overall course grade.
  • Take action to get the desired grade.

Easy grade calculator

An easy grade calculator is a digital tool that makes it easy to calculate scores for tests, quizzes, or assignments. Think of it as a helping hand to ditch the manual calculations and save you time. These online tools usually ask you to enter the total number of questions and your wrong number.

homework grading percentages

Based on this information and a built-in grading scale (which you can sometimes customize), the calculator provides your score as a percentage or letter grade. In short, it’s a quick and easy way to determine your academic performance.

How to use Easy Grade calculator

To use the easy grade calculator:

  • Input total assignments, quizzes, exams, etc.
  • Enter your grades accurately.
  • Consider weighting factors if applicable.
  • Calculate your overall grade.
  • Review and analyze results.
  • Plan your next steps accordingly.

That’s it! Efficiently track your progress and make informed decisions with ease.

Features of Easy Grade Calculator

  • Quick Calculations: Saves time by automatically calculating grades based on points earned and total possible points.
  • Flexible Grading Scales: Allows you to choose between letter grades (A), percentages, or even GPA scales, depending on your needs.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Easy to navigate with clear instructions, making it accessible for both students and teachers.
  • Accuracy Assurance: Decrease the risk of human error in manual calculations, ensuring fair and consistent grading.

Who Can Use This

  • Easy Grader For Teachers
  • Easy Grader For Students

homework grading percentages

Online Easy Grader For Teachers

A grade calculator for teachers smooth running the grading process by automating calculations, ensuring accuracy, and saving valuable time. It enables teachers to input scores easily and obtain final grades promptly.

Teachers can customize grading scales, weights, and criteria based on their class requirements, allowing for flexibility in assessing student performance and aligning the grading system with specific educational objectives.

Online Easy Grader for Students

An easy grade calculator helps predict final grades by allowing them to input current scores and assess the impact of upcoming assignments or exams on their overall performance.

homework grading percentages

Students can use the  average grade calculator  to set academic goals, understand the impact of different grades on their middle grades, and make informed decisions on allocating effort and time to achieve desired outcomes.

Some points where you can use a grade calculator

  • Course Grade Calculation: Enter assignment and exam scores for an overall course grade.
  • Individual Assignment Grades: Calculate final grades for individual assignments.
  • Exam Performance Analysis: Input scores for different exam sections to analyze performance.
  • Cumulative grade Calculation: Enter grades from multiple courses to calculate cumulative grade.
  • What-If Scenarios: Experiment with mock scores to see their impact on your overall grade.
  • Weighted Average: Enter components with different weights to calculate a weighted average.
  • Final Grade Foretell: Predict your final grade calculator based on current grades and possible future scores.

What grade do I need on my final?

Use our tool for pending final exam scores. The minimum final exam score required to achieve your desired class or semester grade depends on your weighted average and final exam weighting. The formula is:

Desired Final Score = (Grade Goal – Current Grade x (100% – Final Weight (%))) / Final Weight (%)

Your current grade is a weighted average of all scores. The weight of the final exam is 100% minus the total weight of the scores entered (e.g., if the combined weight is 65%, the weight of the final exam is 35%).

How do you convert a grade to a percentage?

To convert letter grades to percentages, our grade calculator relies on this table:

Letter Grade Percentage

How do I improve my grades?

Earn the effort points.

Be sure to complete homework and participate in class to earn those valuable efforts points. Effort levels are under control; Just do work, and you'll see improvement.

Talk to the Teacher

Talk to your teacher about ways to improve. Check for missing assignments and ask if you can make them up. Find possibilities like retaking quizzes or extra credit assignments.

Find help Understanding Course Material

When struggling with course material, reach out for help. Finding a tutor, studying with a friend, or using online resources like YouTube to get help increases your understanding.

Create Better Study Habits

Develop effective study habits through daily reviews using tools like flashcards and quizzes. Write questions and ask your teacher for clarification to reinforce your understanding.

Commit, Plan, and Make it Happen

Commit to changing your habits for better results. Use a planner, set aside specific study times, and set boundaries such as limiting electronics. Be disciplined to ensure long-term success in your educational trip.

Finally, our easy grade calculator is Smooth academic planning, helping you track progress and achieve desired grades. With features like a grade calculator, personalized results are at your fingertips. Boost your academic expedition using our tools for efficient and effective study strategies.

A passing grade, denoted by a "D," is deemed satisfactory in high school and college, requiring a minimum of 60%. However, aspiring for higher grades is advisable for various compelling reasons.

No doubt! A 93 is an excellent grade, considered outstanding in the A range. It reflects a high level of skill and achievement, demonstrating commendable academic performance.

For 7 out of 40 incorrect, the percentage score is 82.5%, which equates to a B- . This calculation uses this formula: percentile score = 100 × (40 - 7) / 40. Remember that grading scales may vary, so checking with your teachers is wise.

Curving adjusts scores based on a predetermined distribution, which affects the correlation with letter grades. For an incorrect score of 7 out of 40, the resulting grade depends on the grading scale and curve specification.

Grade Calculator

Want to know your class grade? Use our simple grade calculator to add up all your assignments and figure out your total score.

How to Use the Grade Calculator

Keeping track of your class grade is essential for academic success. Use our calculator to keep tabs on your progress; enter your assignments, their grades and weights and voilà! Curious what grade you'll need on the final? Check out our final grade calculator .

Step-by-Step Tutorial

For those who prefer text instead of videos, follow the steps below to calculate your class grade. It's easy!

Enter your assessment name

To start, enter the name of the assessment. This could be a homework assignment, essay or exam.

Enter your assessment grade

Next, enter the grade you received for that particular assessment. You can select a letter or percent.

Enter your assessment weight

In the last field, enter the assessment's percentage weight in the class (i.e. how many points it is worth). These are often found on the class syllabus.

Add another assessment (optional)

Select "add assessment" to add another assessment row to your class, and then repeat steps 1–3 for the new item.

Add another class (optional)

Click on the "add class" button to start calculating your grade for another class, and then follow the same process as before.

How are Grades Calculated?

Most classes use whats known as a 'weighted' system, where each group of assessments (homework assignments, essays, exams, etc.) are each worth a different proportion of your total grade.

However, it isn't as simple as adding all your points up at the end of the semester. You may get 10/10 points on your homework, and 10/10 points on a quiz, but the quiz might be worth more relative to your overall class grade.

If that sounds complicated but you're interested in learning more have a look at our guide on How to Calculate Grades , it's chock full of everything you need to know, and then some.

Study, Track, Repeat

Use pencil and paper for your assignments, not keeping track of your grades. Our calculator will save your progress and you can revisit it at any time to continue adding more assessments, scores or classes. Bookmark us for easy access!

  • Letter A+ A A- B+ B B- C+ C C- D+ D D- F Percent 100 99 98 97 96 95 94 93 92 91 90 89 88 87 86 85 84 83 82 81 80 79 78 77 76 75 74 73 72 71 70 69 68 67 66 65 64 63 62 61 60
  • Grade A+ A A- B+ B B- C+ C C- D+ D D- F Weight Regular Honors AP / IB College

Test Grade Calculator

How to calculate test score, test grade calculator – how to use it, test grade calculator – advanced mode options.

This test grade calculator is a must if you're looking for a tool to help set a grading scale . Also known as test score calculator or teacher grader , this tool quickly finds the grade and percentage based on the number of points and wrong (or correct) answers. Moreover, you can change the default grading scale and set your own. Are you still wondering how to calculate test scores? Scroll down to find out – or simply experiment with this grading scale calculator.

If this test grade calculator is not the tool you're exactly looking for, check out our other grading calculators like the grade calculator .

Prefer watching rather than reading? We made a video for you! Check it out below:

To calculate the percentile test score, all you need to do is divide the earned points by the total points possible . In other words, you're simply finding the percentage of good answers:

percentage score = (#correct / #total) × 100

As #correct + #wrong = #total , we can write the equation also as:

percentage score = 100 × (#total - #wrong) / #total

Then, all you need to do is convert the percentage score into a letter grade . The default grading scale looks as in the table below:

Letter grade



























Below 60

If you don't like using the +/- grades, the scale may look like:

  • An A is 90% to 100%;
  • A B is 80% to 89%;
  • A C is 70% to 79%;
  • A D is 60% to 69%; and finally
  • F is 59% and below – and it's not a passing grade

Above, you can find the standard grading system for US schools and universities. However, the grading may vary among schools, classes, and teachers. Always check beforehand which system is used in your case.

Sometimes the border of passing score is not 60%, but, e.g., 50 or 65%. What then? We've got you covered – you can change the ranges of each grade! Read more about it in the last section of this article: Advanced mode options .

🙋 You might also be interested in our semester grade calculator and the final grade calculator .

Our test score calculator is a straightforward and intuitive tool!

Enter the number of questions/points/problems in the student's work (test, quiz, exam – anything). Assume you've prepared the test with 18 questions.

Type in the number the student got wrong . Instead – if you prefer – you can enter the number of gained points. Let's say our exemplary student failed to answer three questions.

Here we go! Teacher grader tool shows the percentage and grade for that score. For our example, the student scored 83.33% on a test, which corresponds to a B grade.

Underneath you'll find a full grading scale table . So to check the score for the next students, you can type in the number of questions they've got wrong – or just use this neat table.

That was a basic version of the test grade calculator. But our teacher grader is a much more versatile and flexible tool!

You can choose more options to customize this test score calculator. Just hit the Advanced mode button below the tool, and two more options will appear:

Increment by box – Here, you can change the look of the table you get as a result. The default value is 1, meaning the student can get an integer number of points. But sometimes it's possible to get, e.g., half-points – then you can use this box to declare the increment between the next scores.

Percentage scale – In this set of boxes, you can change the grading scale from the default one. For example, assume that the test was challenging and you'd like to change the scale so that getting 50% is already a passing grade (usually, it's 60% or even 65%). Change the last box, Grade D- ≥ value, from default 60% to 50% to reach the goal. You can also change the other ranges if you want to.

And what if I don't need +/- grades ? Well, then just ignore the signs 😄

How do I calculate my test grade?

To calculate your test grade:

  • Determine the total number of points available on the test.
  • Add up the number of points you earned on the test.
  • Divide the number of points you earned by the total number of points available.
  • Multiply the result by 100 to get a percentage score.

That's it! If you want to make this easier, you can use Omni's test grade calculator.

Is 27 out of 40 a passing grade?

This depends mainly on the grading scale that your teacher is using. If a passing score is defined as 60% (or a D-), then 27 out of 40 would correspond to a 67.5% (or a D+), which would be a passing grade. However, depending on your teacher’s scale, the passing score could be higher or lower.

What grade is 7 wrong out of 40?

This is a B-, or 82.5% . To get this result:

Use the following percentage score formula: percentage score = 100 × (#total - #wrong) / #total

Here, #total represents the total possible points, and #wrong , the number of incorrect answers.

Substitute your values: percentage score = 100 × (40 - 7) / 40 percentage score = 82.5%

Convert this percentage into a letter grade. In the default grading scale, 82.5% corresponds to a B-. However, grading varies — make sure to clarify with teachers beforehand.

Is 75 out of 80 an A?

Yes , a score of 75 out of 80 is an A according to the default grading scale. This corresponds to a percentage score of 93.75%.

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  • Grade Calculator
  • Final Grade Calculator
  • Weighted Grade Calculator
  • College GPA Calculator
  • High School GPA Calculator
  • Cumulative GPA Calculator
  • Weighted GPA Calculator
  • Easy Grader
  • Grade Scale

Calculate Your Grades

Want to calculate your current grades use our simple grade calculator and download your results in a pdf document., how to use the grade calculator, add the assessment type.

Add the Assessment Type

Add Your Letter or Percentage Grade

Add Your Letter or Percentage Grade

Add the Percentage Weight

Add the Percentage Weight

See the Result of Your Grade Calculation

See the Result of Your Grade Calculation

Rate Grade Calculator

Useful links, why is it important to calculate grades.

Grade calculator

Calculate your grade

Grades results

Toggle to round the percentage to the nearest whole number

❌ Wrong ✅ Correct % 1-10 🏅 Grade (A-F)
No questions

Calculate Your Grade with Ease

Our tool simplifies the process of calculating your grade. Input the number of questions answered correctly and adjust the grading scale to see your grade instantly.

Customizable Grading Scale

Easily customize the grading scale from A to F to match your institution's standards or personal preferences. The tool adapts to your chosen scale, providing accurate grade calculations.

Percentage Display

See your grade as a percentage from 0 to 100, giving you a clear understanding of your performance.

Get instant results without the need for manual calculations.

  • Our tool supports custom grading scales from A to F. You can adjust the scale to match your institution's grading system.
  • Yes, you can use our grade calculator for various types of exams, including quizzes, tests, and assignments.
  • Yes, our tool provides accurate grade calculations based on the number of questions answered correctly and the grading scale you choose.
  • Whether you're a student tracking your progress or a teacher simplifying your grading process, our tool is here to help!

Grade Calculator Logo

Let us do the math...

Grade calculator, use this simple ez grading calculator to find quiz, test and assignment scores:, grading chart:.

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How to Calculate Grades With Percentages: Tips and Examples

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Use our free Readability checker

Depending on the significance and level of the homework, different teachers have various scales for  how to calculate your grade  for your tasks, tests, and quizzes. Usually, some big tasks and important tests account for most of the score because they include more subject material. Sometimes, it's difficult for students to understand how their grades add up. If you want to know the main formulas on how to calculate GPA highschool or college with percentages, read this useful guide. You will see it's very easy to calculate your grades and know your current situation in school.  

Feel free to ask for professional asistance with school assignments from StudyCrumb. Just send us a notice " help write my essay " and enjoy a tailored outcome. 

How to Calculate Percent Grade: 5 Easy Steps

Here we will show you a few simple formulas and provide helpful tips that will help you calculate your grade. If you want to know how to calculate percent grade, just follow five simple steps below. Or get help using our Grading Calculator which will estimate your grade for you.

Step 1. Determine Grading Policy When Calculating Grades

Before you start calculating percentage grades, you need to understand the  grading policy of your professor . It means to define how each category of tasks is weighted. Usually, the professor announces this information in the class. If you didn't hear it or the professor didn't say, we recommend checking the course syllabus or reading the school policy. But of course, the most effective way is to ask your professor directly because they may have some preferences in weighting marks without updating them in online reports. As an example, your professor can weigh 35 percent of the total score to homework, 40% to tests, and 25 percent to quizzes.  

Step 2. Calculate Category Averages for Percentages for Grades

Then, to calculate grades in percentage, you need to calculate averages of categories. It's easy to do: just add up all of your scores in each category and then divide by the number of tasks for this category. It may seem a bit confused but a simple example will be very helpful. For example, you have 5 quizzes with scores of 89, 76, 99, 85, and 90. If you add up all the scores, you will get 439. Then you need to divide the total sum by 5 and get your quiz average of 87.8 percent.  

Step 3. Convert Weighted Grade Percentages

The next step of getting a percentage grade is converting mark percentages to a decimal value . You need to divide the percentage you got in the previous step by 100. For example, if quizzes are weighted 25, the decimal value is 0.25 (25 / 100 - 0.25). Please keep in mind that you have to convert grade percentages by repeating this formula for each section (tests, homework, etc.)

Step 4. Calculate the Averages When Calculating Grade and Percentage

In order to fully understand how to calculate percent grade, your next step is to  calculate the averages . To calculate the total points out of 100, you have to multiply weight for each category (in decimal value) by the average. For example, if your quizzes weight is 25, and its average is 87.8, the points for your total grade out of 100 will be 21.95 (0.25 x 87.8). Do not forget to repeat this formula for other categories of your subject. Keep in mind you can raise your course score by additional corrections and projects. Just talk to your professor about it, and do your best to get better grades if you are not happy with the current situation.  

Step 5. Determine Total Grade

It's the last step on how to calculate grades with percentages. You need to add all the results of each category you've got on Step 4 to find out your total grade. For example, if you got 21.95 for quizzes, 38.79 for homework, and 24.65 for tests, your total grade is 85.39 percent. Most colleges use a 4-point scale where A requires more than 90 percent, B ranges between 80 and 90, C from 70 to 80, and D from 60 to 70 percent. It's understandable that if you have a final grade up to 70, it means you've got an F - it is a failing grade. Getting good grades can be varied in different schools. It depends on their professors and colleges' requirements. For example, some schools range the A score at 92 and B at 83.

How to Calculate Grades with Percentages: Bottom Line

As you can see, it's not so difficult to  calculate grades  percentage and know your situation without wasting time. Remember that you can always talk to your professor and get some additional tasks if you desire to raise your total grade. Just keep this issue under control and set your goals for the future. Seek admission essay help to play it safe.


Of course, for some students, it may be very difficult to fulfill various tasks and quizzes due to poor skills. But they still have chances to boost their scores successfully. Just contact a team of skilled writers and order your homework at a reliable price! Improve your college marks with the help of our talented experts.  

How to Calculate Percent Grade: Frequently Asked Questions

1. what is the percentage formula.

Percentage can be calculated by dividing the value by the total value, and then multiplying the result by 100. The formula used to calculate percentage is: (value/total value)×100%.

2. How to Convert Your GPA to a 4.0 Scale?

Basically, all you need to do is to convert the grades from the letter (A-F) system to the numeric one (4-0). The top grade is an A, which equals 4.0, B equals 3.0, C is 2.0, D is 1.0, and F equals 0.0.

3. Is 84 percent a good grade?

According to the general scale, where A+ is 4.0, and equals 97-100 in numerical grade. Thus 84 will be around B. It is not a bad grade, but if you make a little more effort, you can easily get B+ and more.


Rachel R. Hill is a real educational devotee. She prides in writing exceptional general guides while listening to every need of students.


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  • Grade Calculators

Easy Grader for Teachers

Easy Grader for Teachers

Simply the easiest way to grade stacks of paper super fast! Use this teacher's grade calculator to quickly find the grade percentage!

Number of Questions:

Number wrong:

10/10 = 100%

Calculator Instructions

  • To use the easy grader, enter the number of problems on the quiz, test, exam or assignment.
  • Quickly increase or decrease the number of problems wrong by pressing the "+1 Wrong" or "-1 Wrong" button. The score will be immediately recalculated.
  • Check the box next to "Show Grade Chart" to see a table listing the grade percentage for each possible combination of wrong problems.
  • Check the box next to "Show Decimals" to see the score rounded to two decimal places.
  • Last but not least, enjoy this quick grader and have wonderful day!

Video Instructions

How to calculate a quiz, test, exam, or assignment grade?

  • First, determine the total number of problems on the quiz, test, exam, or assignment.
  • Then count the number of incorrectly answered problems.
  • Next, subtract the number of wrong problems from the total number of problems.
  • Then divide the result from step 3 by the total number of problems.
  • Last, multiple the result from step 4 by 100 to determine your grade.

Grade Percentage Formula

grade percentage = (total number of problems - number wrong) / total number of problems * 100

Example Calculation

  • For this example, let's assume there are 22 problems on an exam. The total number of problems is equal to 22.
  • Let's also assume that the student got 3 problems wrong. Therefore the number of problems wrong is equal to 3.
  • Now subtract the number of wrong problems from the total number of problems. That give us 22 - 3 = 19.
  • Now divide the result from step 3 by the total number of problems. That gives us 19 / 22 = 0.8636.
  • To get the grade in percentages, multiple the result from step 4 by 100. In this example, the grade percentage is 0.8636 x 100 = 86.36%.

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The Case Against Grading Homework

When homework is meaningful and contributes to their learning, students are more likely to complete it.

Teacher grading papers in classroom full of students

As a middle school teacher, I sometimes spot students huddled up in the school hallway before class frantically copying homework. A teacher can stop to intervene, as I have done dozens of times, but we all know that they’ll just find a new place to copy the work away from the observant eyes of the adults at school. This is clearly academic dishonesty, and it’s easy to point the finger at the students. But what is the root cause of this dishonest behavior?

The student who is copying their homework either didn’t have time to complete it, forgot to do it, or doesn’t care to do it. They are copying the work so they can earn, most likely, a completion grade on the assignment. Students know the drill—if it looks like they did the assignment, then that’s good enough for a completion check mark in the grade book.

Is the student concerned that it’s imperative to review and practice this material in order to do well on the subsequent assessments in class? Is the student concerned that they will be found out during a rich conversation about the exercises in class? Probably not, or else the student would not resort to simply copying the work.

What are we doing as teachers to make homework worthwhile for the students beyond the typical completion grade?

3 Ways to Motivate Students to Do Ungraded Homework

1. Make assignments meaningful. Teachers and students alike know that practice is necessary to perform well. It would be hard to argue with an athletic coach that going to practice is not necessary, and instead, it’s fine to just show up to the game and wing it.

”Practice > scrimmage > game” is a helpful metaphor that the educators at Adlai Stevenson High School in Lincolnshire, Illinois, use to describe their school’s homework/assessment grading structure. Like team practice, homework is assigned for the purpose of practicing and reviewing—and to further the metaphor, practices are not graded, of course. Scrimmages can be compared to quizzes or other lower-stakes assessments. Lastly, the game is the culminating summative assessment such as a project or test.

Using this metaphor borrowed from athletics, it’s clear that students must practice and review to perform their best for the big game.

Beyond sharing this metaphor with your students, sometimes it takes explicit explanation from the teacher for the students to see this connection. “Tonight you are assigned 15 various conjugation exercises to help you prepare for your mock job interview project. Both partners will need to be proficient with simple past tense to conduct the interview.” If a student wants to engage appropriately in their upcoming French interview project, they will be motivated to review their ​​passé simple conjugations.

2. Feedback doesn’t have to be a grade. A sixth-grade student once told me that she completed all her math homework, but she never knew if she did it right. If I were in her math class, I would be unmotivated to do any of my homework.

Beyond providing an answer key so that students can self-check that they are on the right track with their work, teachers can also engage in meaningful feedback on homework. This might look like students randomly posting problems and their work on the board, students discussing problems in small groups, or providing time in class for students to ask about any questions they were unsure about. (Read more about how to create a mistake-friendly classroom here .)

I find that when I follow homework with a rich discussion the next day, students are more likely to complete their assignments. They know they cannot fully participate in the discussion unless they have their work with them at that moment. When homework is followed with feedback, students can close the loop on how they are performing with a concept, without having to be assigned a grade.

3. Students are still held accountable even if homework isn’t graded. Cathy Vatterott, author of Rethinking Homework , writes for the Association of Middle Level Education , “Teachers who don’t grade homework still monitor completion of assignments and communicate with parents about missing work. They just don’t count it as part of the student’s grade.” Teachers can keep a record of homework completion to inform conversations with parents and caregivers.

A teacher might share this information with a parent: “Emma struggled with simplifying fractions on her recent quiz. She was assigned two practice assignments on this topic last week, but she only brought one to class. It is important that she keep up with the daily practice to improve with this concept.”

There are several ways to keep a record of student work without assigning a grade. Laila I. McCloud, director of the MEd in Higher Education Program at Grand Valley State University, writes in the article “ Keeping Receipts: Thoughts on Ungrading from a Black Woman Professor ,” “I keep receipts in the following ways: having students engage in peer review of their work, providing detailed feedback, and using course engagement reflections.”

Instructional coach Tyler Rablin suggests a team-style game to get students engaged with the previous night’s homework or allow the students to use their homework (with feedback) as an aid on a future assessment. “Accountability doesn’t just have to mean an added consequence, but it can be a much more authentic and natural consequence (both positive or negative) for the homework.”

There will always be pushback from teachers, administrators, and parents who claim that students will not complete the assignment if it’s not graded. To counter this argument, there will always be students who won’t do the assignment whether it’s graded or not. When homework isn’t graded, a student’s average in the class reflects only what they know and can do in class—a more equitable reflection of a student’s progress .

With meaningful assignments and robust feedback, students may be more motivated to engage with practice and review. Reflect on ways you can shift your students’ perspective on homework. If students are regularly not completing the work you’re assigning, ask for feedback on how the assignments can become more meaningful and beneficial to their learning.

A lot of teachers are working on new approaches to homework in an attempt to guide students to focus on their learning rather than grades . If you have strategies you’ve had some success with, or if you have questions that other educators might be able to help with, please share them in the comments.

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Grading System in Russia

Grading scales:, russia/ussr most common.

Grade Scale Grade Description US Grade
5.00 Excellent (отлично) A
4.00 - 4.99 Good (хорошо) B
3.00 - 3.99 Satisfactory (удовлетворительно) C
P Credit (зачёт) S
2.00 - 2.99 Unsatisfactory (неудовлетворительно) F

International Baccalaureate Diploma

Scale US Grade
6.00 - 7.00 A
5.00 - 5.99 B
4.00 - 4.99 C
3.00 - 3.99 D
1.00 - 2.99 F
0.00 - 0.99 F
Grade Grade Description US Grade
A Excellent A
B Very Good AB
C Good B
D Satisfactory BC
E Sufficient C
Z Requirements Fulfilled S
FX Fail F
F Fail F

Higher School of Economics

Grade Grade Description US Grade
10 Excellent A
9 Excellent A
8 Excellent A
7 Good B
6 Good B
5 Satisfactory C
4 Satisfactory C
Z Pass S
3 Fail F
2 Fail F
1 Fail F

Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (National Research University)

Grade Grade Description US Grade
10 Excellent A
9 Excellent A
8 Excellent A
7 Good B
6 Good B
5 Good B
4 Satisfactory C
3 Satisfactory C
2 Unsatisfactory F
1 Unsatisfactory F
P Credit / Pass S

New Economic School

Grade Grade Description US Grade
5+ A+
5 Excellent A
5- A-
4+ B+
4 Good B
4- B-
3+ C+
3 Satisfactory C
3- C-
2 Unsatisfactory F
P Credit S

Volgograd State Medical University

Grade Scale Scale 2 Grade Description US Grade
A 5.00 96.00 - 100.00 Perfect (превосходно) A
B 5.00 91.00 - 95.99 Excellent (отлично) AB
C 4.00 - 4.99 81.00 - 90.99 Good (хорошо) B
D 4.00 - 4.99 76.00 - 80.99 Good with flaws (хорошо с недочетами) BC
E 3.00 - 3.99 61.00 - 75.99 Satisfactory (удовлетворительно) C
P зачёт (Credit) S
F 2.00 - 2.99 0.00 - 60.99 неудовлетворительно (Unsatisfactory) F

Moscow Elementary School

  • Grades: PK-5
  • Student Enrollment: 86

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School Description

  • Enrolls 86 preschool and elementary school students from grades PK-5
  • Mailing Address: Box 130, Moscow, KS 67952
  • Title I Eligible All students of this school are eligible for participation in authorized programs.
  • Moscow Public Schools District
  • Per-Pupil Spending: $13,429
  • Graduation Rate: 88.2%
  • Students Per Teacher: 10.0
  • Enrolled Students: 211

Faculty Details and Student Enrollment

  • Total Students Enrolled: 86
  • Total Full Time "Equivalent" Teachers: 8.8
  • Average Student-To-Teacher Ratio: 9.8
  • Males: 47 (54.7%)
  • Females: 39 (45.3%)
  • Eligible for Reduced Lunch: 9 (10.5%)
  • Eligible for Free Lunch: 48 (55.8%)
  • Eligible for Either Reduced or Free Lunch: 57 (66.3%)
  Number Percent
American Indian--
  Number Percent
1st Grade1315.1%
2nd Grade1416.3%
3rd Grade1011.6%
4th Grade1416.3%
5th Grade1315.1%
  • Teachers with a Bachelor's Degree: 71%
  • Teachers with a Master's Degree or Higher:-
  • Average Teaching Experience: 20 Years
  • Average Salary: $35,090
  Salary Percent
1-5 Years of Teaching Experience--
More Than 5 Years of Teaching Experience$38,80871%

School Ratings and Reviews

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School Map and Similar Schools Nearby

PK-6 | 628 Students | 12.6 miles away
Not Yet Rated-

PK-6 | 215 Students | 14.4 miles away
Not Yet Rated-

PK-2 | 520 Students | 20.2 miles away
Not Yet Rated-

3-5 | 372 Students | 20.2 miles away
Not Yet Rated-

KG-6 | 236 Students | 22.8 miles away
Not Yet Rated-

KG-3 | 228 Students | 23.2 miles away
Not Yet Rated-

4-6 | 526 Students | 23.9 miles away
Not Yet Rated-

KG-3 | 221 Students | 23.9 miles away
Not Yet Rated-

KG-3 | 162 Students | 24.4 miles away
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PK-3 | 371 Students | 24.6 miles away
Not Yet Rated-
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  1. How to Calculate Grades Based on Percentages (With Calculator!)

    The professor may weigh 35 percent of the final grade to quizzes, 20 percent to homework and 45 percent to tests. ... Convert the weighted grade percentages to decimal value by dividing the percentage by 100. For example. If tests are weighted 45 percent of the total grade, the decimal would be 0.45 (45 / 100 = 0.45). ...

  2. Grade Calculator

    Final Grade Calculator. Use this calculator to find out the grade needed on the final exam in order to get a desired grade in a course. It accepts letter grades, percentage grades, and other numerical inputs. The calculators above use the following letter grades and their typical corresponding numerical equivalents based on grade points.

  3. Grade Calculator

    Example 1: Grade type: Percentage . Determine the weighted grade of a course, in which: Assignment with a grade (percentage) of 80 and a weight of 30. Homework with a grade (percentage) of 90 and a weight of 20. Final exam with a grade (percentage) of 72 and a weight of 50. The weighted average grade is determined by the formula:

  4. Grade Calculator

    Our grade calculator will automatically calculate not only your current grade but the grade you need to achieve on your final exam to achieve the overall course grade you desire. In addition, both the minimum and maximum course overall grades will be provided. Once you have entered the information required, the system will generate both a table ...

  5. Grade Calculator with Weighted Grade Calculation

    Use this weighted grade calculator to easily calculate the weighted average grade for a class or course. Enter letter grades (A, B-, C+, etc.) or percentage scores (75, 88, 92, etc.) achieved on all relevant exams, homework assignments, projects, verbal exams, etc. as well as their weights as percentages. Optionally, enter a final grade goal to ...

  6. Percentage Grade Calculator: Calculate Your Percentage and Letter

    In conclusion, our Percentage Grade Calculator is your reliable companion in navigating the complexities of academic grading. With its intuitive interface and precise calculations, it empowers users to gain a clear understanding of their performance and goals. Say goodbye to confusion and hello to efficiency as you effortlessly calculate your ...

  7. Grade Calculator

    Grade Weight; Homework Average: 76: 20%: Quiz Average: 90: 15%: Test Average: 88: 35%: Classwork Average: 100: 10%: ... Our calculators use the percentages and letter grades common in the U.S. However, there are many other ways to assess student progress. Here is a quick list of common grading alternatives:

  8. Grade Calculator

    After choosing the grade type, enter the assignment category name. Such as projects, quizzes, homework, midterm, etc. Now enter the grade that you earned for each assignment. Also, you can input the grades in percentages, letters, or points. Enter the weight for each assignment category in percentage. For example, projects - 20%, midterms - 30% ...

  9. Online Easy Grade Calculator

    We can use the easy grade calculator for two reasons: Determine your overall course grade. Identify the target score needed for your desired final grade. 1. Calculate Grades. Understand the quick grading system outlined in your teacher's syllabus. Specify the type of assessment (quiz, test, midterm, homework, etc.).

  10. Grade Calculator

    Calculate your class grade (percentage) with our easy-to-use grade calculator. Track assignments, quizzes and tests for all your classes to stay informed. GPA Calculator. ... You may get 10/10 points on your homework, and 10/10 points on a quiz, but the quiz might be worth more relative to your overall class grade.

  11. Test Grade Calculator

    Percentage scale - In this set of boxes, you can change the grading scale from the default one. For example, assume that the test was challenging and you'd like to change the scale so that getting 50% is already a passing grade (usually, it's 60% or even 65%). Change the last box, Grade D- ≥ value, from default 60% to 50% to reach the goal ...

  12. Grade Calculator

    To get started, optionally enter the assessment type (Homework, Quiz, Test, etc.). Remember that you can add and edit any number of assessments in each class. Add Your Letter or Percentage Grade Next, select a letter or percentage grade. If you select any letter grade, it is automatically converted to a percentage and vice versa.

  13. Grade Calculator

    To calculate your average grade, follow these steps: Multiple each grade by its weight. In this example, you received a 90% on the first assignment and it was worth 10%. So multiply 90 x 10 = 900. You also received an 80% on the test and it was worth 20% of the class grade. So multiply 80 x 20 = 1600.

  14. Grading Mate

    Easily customize the grading scale from A to F to match your institution's standards or personal preferences. The tool adapts to your chosen scale, providing accurate grade calculations. 📶 Percentage Display. See your grade as a percentage from 0 to 100, giving you a clear understanding of your performance.

  15. Grade Calculator

    Use this simple EZ Grading calculator to find quiz, test and assignment scores: Easy Grader. Average Grade Calculator. Final Grade Calculator. # of questions: # wrong: Result. 10 / 10 = 100%. Show Grading Chart Show Decimals.

  16. PDF Student Grade Calculation

    Total points/grade: As of today (without final exam) you have 71.95 out of 80 points. If you earn all 20 points/get 100% from the final exam, you'll have 91.95 out of 100 points (A- for the class per the grading scale below).

  17. How to Calculate Grade Based on Percentages

    Step 5. Determine Total Grade. It's the last step on how to calculate grades with percentages. You need to add all the results of each category you've got on Step 4 to find out your total grade. For example, if you got 21.95 for quizzes, 38.79 for homework, and 24.65 for tests, your total grade is 85.39 percent.

  18. Grading Homework: A Four-Point System

    5/23/2022 02:10:14 pm. In some grading systems you can count the assignments as points instead of percentages. So, each homework assignment would be out of 4 points. In the end, the homework category would total to the percentage of points each student earned divided by the total number of points possible.

  19. Grade Calculator

    Now subtract the number of wrong problems from the total number of problems. That give us 22 - 3 = 19. Now divide the result from step 3 by the total number of problems. That gives us 19 / 22 = 0.8636. To get the grade in percentages, multiple the result from step 4 by 100. In this example, the grade percentage is 0.8636 x 100 = 86.36%.

  20. Motivating Students to Do Ungraded Homework

    3. Students are still held accountable even if homework isn't graded. Cathy Vatterott, author of Rethinking Homework, writes for the Association of Middle Level Education, "Teachers who don't grade homework still monitor completion of assignments and communicate with parents about missing work. They just don't count it as part of the ...

  21. Russia Grading System

    Grade Scale Scale 2 Grade Description US Grade A 5.00 96.00 - 100.00 Perfect (превосходно) A B 5.00 91.00 - 95.99 Excellent (отлично) AB C ...

  22. Making Sense of the Russian Grading System

    Here's what makes your grade: 0-59 - unsatisfactory (2); 60-74 - satisfactory (3); 75-90 - good (4); 91-100 - excellent (5). When looking at pictures from the graduation ceremony of Russian universities, you may notice students holding red or blue folders. An honors diploma is packed into a red one, from where it got its name "red ...

  23. Grading system

    Higher education institutions in Russia, including the Lomonosov Moscow State University, use 4 grades in assessing academic achievements of its graduates. Highest mark - 5. Lowest mark - 2. Grade. Mark. Grade boundary. Description. Excellent (Отлично) 5.

  24. Moscow Elementary School in Moscow, KS 67952

    Enrolls 86 preschool and elementary school students from grades PK-5; Additional Contact Information. Mailing Address: Box 130, Moscow, KS 67952; School Operational Details. Title I Eligible . All students of this school are eligible for participation in authorized programs.

  25. Adobe Creative Cloud for students and teachers

    Students and Teachers. Introductory Pricing Terms and Conditions Creative Cloud Introductory Pricing Eligible students 13 and older and teachers can purchase an annual membership to Adobe® Creative Cloud™ for a reduced price of for the first year. At the end of your offer term, your subscription will be automatically billed at the standard subscription rate, currently at (plus applicable ...