Netflix Organizational Change Case Study

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Literature review, netflix change management: case study.

In a business environment where companies always experience competition from their rivals who manufacture and sell similar products, change is not only an inevitable undertaking, but also a necessary aspect of driving innovation and attaining a competitive advantage (Goffin, Lemke & Koners 2010). Since it is considered as an imperative aspect of innovation, a company cannot let change to happen without managing it in a manner that will fit the organization’s structure and achieve the desired results (Willard 2009; Wysocki 2011).

As a result, managers must adopt suitable models of change management in order to ensure that all stakeholders embrace the change without much or any resistance (Ball 2010). This paper will discuss the various models used to manage change, define a case study of a company in regard to the Netflix organizational change, identify problems that appear in the case study, and provide solutions for them.

Practically, the various steps included in the models of change cannot take place completely in the real-life situations (Bernoff & Schadler 2010; Blood 2013). As a result, most of the change models that are evident in Netflix are not necessarily complete in accordance to the theoretical stipulations (Berry & Fazzio 2010). In some instances, the agents of change skip some steps or undertake several stages at the same time so that it becomes difficult to isolate the distinctive levels (Cooper 2012; Deshmukh & Naik 2010.

Lewis Three Step Model

Lewis proposed a model that introduces a change in three steps, including unfreezing, moving and freezing. Following the struggles that Netflix has undergone in an attempt to introduce price plans in correspondence to the cost of the Internet and licensing fee, the company adopted strategies that envisage the Lewis Three Step Model.

The CEO first expressed dissatisfaction of customers with one price plan. He stated that all customers are not satisfied with one price plan bearing in mind that the customers have different need (Barr 2011; Bell & Koren 2010). In essence, this was a tactic of unfreezing the existing price plan to prepare customers for change. Second, the company has expressed their intention to introduce the proposed model. This implies that the company is prepared to make the change (Bransley 2010; Bell & Koren 2007; Delimitrou & Kozyrakis 2013). However, they have not accomplished the last stage of freezing back to normalcy.

The Process of Transition

There are various aspects of the process of transition that have been shown in the Netflix’s attempt to introduce three tiers of price plan. In regard to the process of transition, there are three steps that have been portrayed including anxiety, fear and threat. In this case, it is important to understand that the company is in the process of introducing the new price plan, but it has not implemented it at this point. When the CEO announced their intention to change the prices in January, 2014, the customer expressed fear and anxiety that the plan might lead to a situation such as the one experienced in 2011. In addition, the change has been challenged by investors because they seem to have little confidence in regard to the ability of Reed Hastings to introduce the change successfully.

Kotter’s-8-Steps Model.

In regard to Kotter’s eight steps, it is evident that the company has already implemented the first step of this model. In this case, the CEO has successfully convinced the customers about the importance of making changes in the price plan. When he was announcing about the company’s intention to introduce the plan, Hastings said that one price was not fit for all customers. This argument seeks to capture the attention of the customers since it portrays the company’s commitment to their welfare.

Additionally, the CEO has shown diligence in regard to creating a strong coalition. In this case, he has included his co-founders when making this decision in contrast to what he had done in 2011 where one of the executives had opposed the decision publicly. In addition, he has created a strong vision with the help of his coalition members. In essence, this implies that they have implemented the third step of Kotter’s model. Besides the creation, the CEO and his co-founders have accomplished the fourth step of this model by communicating their vision to the customers and investors.

According to their report, they aim at introducing a price plan that caters for all customers in accordance to their preferences and financial capabilities. Accordingly, the company has implemented the first four stages of Kotter’s-8-step model.

The Technology of Leading Sustainable Change

Another model of change management that is essentially evident in the company’s attempt is the technology of leading sustainable change (Durrant, J & Holden 2009; Erskine 2013; Feher & Towell 2010).

The technology of leading this change incorporates three aspects that include the mind-set, emotional conviction, and capability. The CEO has been capable of harmonizing the three aspects considering the difficulties he experienced in 2011 when he introduced price hikes (Feuerverger & He 2012; Gallaugher 2010). First, the CEO has facilitated the collection of factual data in order to support the importance of introducing new price plan. In this case, he stated that the company needed a different price plan based on the fact that customers are not satisfied with one service provision.

Importantly, this step has occurred simultaneously with that one of the motivational conviction. In this case, the reason that was provided shows the urgent necessity of changing the old price plan which is both conservative and insufficient. He has also formed a strong team stating with his co-founders. This implies that the CEO has implemented the three steps of this model. Essentially, these are the models that the company has employed in its quest of introducing a new price plan.

Successful Netflix Change Management

When focusing on how Netflix is planning to introduce the new price plans, Gallaugher (2010) stated that the company is seeking for a breakthrough rather than incremental change. Incremental change refers to situation where success is achieved gradually due to undertakings that build on the members’ skills and commitment. On the other hand, breakthrough refers to profound success that is realized over a short period of time. Bransley (2010) stated that a company realizes breakthrough when it changes the paradigms of the organization.

On the hand, he revealed that if it needs incremental changes, it must concentrate on the behaviors and attitudes of the various stakeholders (Bransley 2010). In the case of Netflix, the CEO is concentrating on changing the organizational structure by splitting the company and introducing two additional price plans. This implies that the company is seeking to achieve a breakthrough rather than incremental change that needs a lot of time to give real results.

Role of Sponsor Change Agent

Bransley (2010) stated that change can be introduced successfully if the agents sponsoring it are involved actively in the process of implementation. Reed Hastings, who is the CEO and the sponsor of price changes, has been involved in the process of implementing the proposed plans. In this regard, he has been involved in making critical decisions, communicating them to the public, and defending the company against criticisms that arise in relation to the proposed changes. The active involvement has been a crucial force in regard to implementing the new price plans.

Netflix is known as one of the most successful companies in the technological field where it has been providing streaming services and selling DVDs by sending them through email. These services are provided to the customers on a constant subscription that warrants them the opportunity to access unlimited materials such as movies and e-books. The companies have been struggling to introduce changes in its organizational structure and pricing plans. The most important attempts of introducing such changes were experienced in 2011 where the company entered into severe crises owing to the introduced changes.

In 2011, Reed Hastings, who is the CEO of the company, announced that the company had sought to split the DVD-by-mail form the streaming services. In this case, he stated that DVD services could operate as a different company known as Qwikster. According to his report, he explained that the name of the new company was chosen to portray the company’s intention of quick delivery. He stated that the two services were based on the premises that the two businesses had different benefits (Villarroel & Taylor 2013).

As a result, the management felt that the two services needed distinct marketing strategies and cost structures. During the announcement, it was made stated clearly that this plan could start applying to new subscribers immediately while the existing subscribers were affected after one month. However, the company reversed their decision whereby Qwikster was dissolved so that the two services were provided from the same company (Tuzhilin & Koren 2008).

Besides splitting the company, Netflix changed its price plan where it abandoned the original one that required customers to pay a monthly subscription of $7.99 for unlimited access of DVDs and streaming. In the updated price plan, they split the DVD and streaming provisions where the customers were required to pay $7.99 for each of those services (Vickers, A & Fearn 2010). This implied that the customer could either choose to subscribe to one of the services at $7.99 or both at $15.98.

This plan was introduced amidst sustained criticisms claiming that the access for DVDs was not satisfactory since the company had limited stock. According to business analysts in USA, the company experienced a shortage of DVDs’ supply due to the increased licensing fee charged by DVD owners in order to distribute their content. In fact, this shortage forced the company to start developing its own content despite the lack of the required human resources. This undertaking also led to the overloading of the employees due to the added job description.

Introduction of Drastic Changes

In this case study, it is evident that the company sought to introduce two critical changes in regard to their structure and pricing plan. Pricing and organizational structures are sensitive areas that can lead to insolvency if they are not changes carefully and strategically (Ghimire 2011; Gilbreath 2010; Girard & Parsons 2012).

In essence, when the company split the services into streaming provision and DVD-by-mail service, it meant that most of them had to quit one of the services and maintain the other. Practically, splitting the company implied that the customers would be forced to visit the two websites in order to find for a movie (Harmon 2007).

Whereas the change presented customers with operational difficulties, the company announced their plan and implemented it immediately. Expectedly, the introduction of Qwikster, could come with other provisions that customers needed some time to learn (Goldfayn 2011; Harmon 2007; Harris 2010). As a result, immediate split was a completely doomed decision that could only see customers abandon the company and subscribe with their competitors (Goffin, Lemke & Koners 2010).

Additionally, the decision to split the company into two sections was followed by a new price plan that presented another challenge to the customers. In this case, the provision of DVD and streaming services separately led to division of price subscription. After these changes, the customers were needed to pay twice the original amount in order to access the two services since they were provided under different protocols.

Also, the customers were notified about one month prior to the implementation thus leading to drastic change of budget besides the operational difficulties. As a result, they did not have enough time to conceptualize and understand the necessity of those changes as explained by the CEO. This implies that the two changes were implemented drastically rendering them risky, destructive and financially invalid.

Changes Insensitive to Company’s Credibility

When making any changes in an organization or a business, it is extremely important to consider the credibility of the company in the face of its stakeholders (Hamada 2010; Harmon 2007; Ingwer 2012). It is fundamentally necessary to maintain their trust towards the company by ensuring that the company’s principles are upheld (Hastrup 2013; Hernaez 2011; Holgersen 2011).

It was clear that Netflix has made severe mistakes in regard to securing their credibility in the face of their customers (Healy 2010; Linden & Conover 2009; Lusted 2013). For example, it was evident that the company reversed the decision of splitting their services whereby they re-integrated the two services and continued with the original business model in which DVDs and streaming services were provided under the same company.

The re-integration took place after few weeks of lamentation and criticisms from various quarters. This portrayed lack confidence and raised critical questions on the company’s foresight and research. It also implied that the company did not have a well-defined plan of implementing their original plan of splitting their services. In addition, their attempts to regain respect and credibility have been impeded by strong resistance from stockholders and consumers.

In addition, the investors put pressure on the CEO since they almost lost their holdings during the splitting. In this case, splitting the company meant that the returns for the investors could reduce drastically since they had invested under the Netflix Company rather than Qwikster (Ransohoff 2010). In response to the investor’s complaints, Reed Hastings mocked them stating that he needed a food taster, and that is why he could not blame them for their criticisms.

This was an additional insult that resulted from poor implementation of change. In essence, change should be introduced in a manner that does not disparage the dignity of the company since it needs to maintain the trust and loyalty of the customers.

Lack of Proactive Approach to Change

In light of introducing and managing change managers are required to exhibit a proactive approach when handling the process (Komives & Wagner 2012; Lawes & Rider 2010). In this regard, they are required to anticipate and foresee problems and risks that could necessitate a change (Legutko 2012; Martin & Fellenz 2010). This implies that the company could be prepared to initiate the process of change gradually in order to avoid afflictions that could paralyze the organization (Marquardt 2011; Paul 2011).

However, the case study portrayed lack of proactive approaches in various instances. In the first instance, the company should have anticipated the increase in licensing fees bearing in mind that the company did not have its own content. In this case, the management should have anticipated such risks since the company did not develop its content, but practiced brokerage between the DVD developers and consumers (Rettie 2001; Roebuck 2012).

This implied that at the long-run, the DVD developers could have sought to sell their content directly and discourage brokerage by putting measures such as increasing licensing fee. If they had anticipated such eventualities, they could have been prepared to make changes in a manageable manner rather than take drastic measures that could paralyze the company.

In addition, the case study shows that the company decided to introduce price plans despite the criticism regarding the limited availability of DVDs. This undertaking showed that the management did not foresee the possible backlash of customers owing to increased prices without improvement of services’ quality or fixation of sustained problems. This problem is intensified by the insensitivity of the CEO towards the company’s investors, although they play an important role to determine the success of a company. In fact, it is regrettable that the CEO could afford to mock the investors claiming that he did not blame them because he needed food tasters.

Change Insensitive to Stakeholders’ Needs

Changes that are introduced to an organization should not be implemented for the sake of the management and the financial prosperity without considering the welfare of the customers as well as other stakeholders (Ryle 2011; Sarin 2010; Tihanyi 2012). In response to the question of the price changes, the company spokesman explained that the DVD and streaming services were split since the company felt that the two were different businesses.

Further, he stated that the splitting was necessitated by the need of the company to market the two services differently. However, they did not explain how they considered the operational and financial need in light of making their decision. In addition, the CEO mocked the investors showing his insensitivity towards the needs and concerns of stakeholders in the process of inducing change (Zeng & Gualdi 2013).

In regard to the problems identified in the case study, the company should apply the Kotter-8-steps model. First, it should create urgency such that all stakeholders want the pricing plan to change and the company to split. In this case, the executive must come up with idealistic proposals explaining the reasons as to why splitting and changing the price plan is important to all stakeholders (Weinberg, Sutherland & Cooper 2010).

Second, the executive must form a strong coalition with people who have influence in terms of politics, expertise and job status. This will call for identification of true leaders within the organization such that the coalition is capable of leading change. Thirdly, the CEO must harmonize all the identified opportunities, threats, and concepts in order to come up with a vision for the process. The vision should be easily understood by all the stakeholders so that they can embrace the process.

In the fourth stage, the CEO should communicate this vision to the stakeholders and make sure that he repeats it often bearing in mind that it will face competition from many people daily. After communicating the vision to people and establishing buy-in, the CEO should identify the obstacle that could be inhibiting change, including employees and company’s structure. Having streamlined the organizational structure, then he should create short-terms wins to give the company members an early taste of success in order to motivate them.

Then, Mr. Reed Hastings should go a step ahead to build change and incorporate the attained change in the company’s structure so that it becomes a part of the organizational culture. This will help the company to cope with the existing pricing conflict since the process is gradual and inclusive contrary to the one introduced in 2011 that was not only drastic, but also unilateral.

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IvyPanda. (2020, July 5). Netflix Organizational Change Case Study.

"Netflix Organizational Change Case Study." IvyPanda , 5 July 2020,

IvyPanda . (2020) 'Netflix Organizational Change Case Study'. 5 July.

IvyPanda . 2020. "Netflix Organizational Change Case Study." July 5, 2020.

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IvyPanda . "Netflix Organizational Change Case Study." July 5, 2020.


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How Netflix Reinvented HR

  • Patty McCord

netflix change management case study

When Netflix executives wrote a PowerPoint deck about the organization’s talent management strategies, the document went viral—it’s been viewed more than 5 million times on the web. Now one of those executives, the company’s longtime chief talent officer, goes beyond the bullet points to paint a detailed picture of how Netflix attracts, retains, and manages stellar employees. The firm draws on five key tenets:

Hire, reward, and tolerate only fully formed adults. Ask workers to rely on logic and common sense instead of formal policies, whether the issue is communication, time off, or expenses.

Tell the truth about performance. Scrap formal reviews in favor of informal conversations. Offer generous severance rather than holding on to workers whose skills no longer fit your needs.

Managers must build great teams. This is their most important task. Don’t rate them on whether they are good mentors or fill out paperwork on time.

Leaders own the job of creating the company culture. You’ve got to actually model and encourage the behavior you talk up.

Talent managers should think like businesspeople and innovators first, and like HR people last. Forget throwing parties and handing out T‑shirts; make sure every employee understands what the company needs most and exactly what’s meant by “high performance.”

Trust people, not policies. Reward candor. And throw away the standard playbook.

Sheryl Sandberg has called it one of the most important documents ever to come out of Silicon Valley. It’s been viewed more than 5 million times on the web. But when Reed Hastings and I (along with some colleagues) wrote a PowerPoint deck explaining how we shaped the culture and motivated performance at Netflix, where Hastings is CEO and I was chief talent officer from 1998 to 2012, we had no idea it would go viral. We realized that some of the talent management ideas we’d pioneered, such as the concept that workers should be allowed to take whatever vacation time they feel is appropriate, had been seen as a little crazy (at least until other companies started adopting them). But we were surprised that an unadorned set of 127 slides—no music, no animation—would become so influential.

  • PM Patty McCord was the chief talent officer at Netflix from 1998 to 2012 and now advises start-ups and entrepreneurs. She is the author of Powerful: Building a Culture of Freedom and Responsibility (Silicon Guild, 2018).

netflix change management case study

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Netflix’s Competitive Strategy & Growth Strategies

Netflix competitive strategy, growth strategies, Porter, Ansoff, entertainment and video streaming business case study and analysis

Netflix’s competitive strategy and growth strategies define the operational activities and tactics for developing the business. The competitive advantages based on the company’s generic competitive strategy support competitiveness against many large firms in the entertainment industry. Netflix’s intensive growth strategies use these competitive advantages to grow the business, such as by competing to grow the company’s market share. The company’s strategic objectives indicate the importance of low costs and a large international subscriber base. The combination of Netflix’s competitive strategy and growth strategies ensures that the company improves its financial performance and finds new ways to generate more revenues.

The appropriateness of Netflix’s competitive strategy depends on the industry situation and the competitive environment. The company’s strategic prioritization of cost effectiveness for competitive advantage is based on the industry environment where many firms compete based on price. As a result, Netflix’s growth strategies prioritize market share growth to ensure profitability despite low-cost measures.

Netflix’s Competitive Strategy

Netflix’s competitive strategy is cost leadership , which functions as the primary strategy for the company’s competitive advantages. According to Porter’s model of generic strategies, cost leadership ensures competitive advantage based on low costs that can be used to offer competitive prices to the company’s target customers, e.g., subscribers. The cost-based nature of this competitive strategy has wide-ranging effects on Netflix’s strategic objectives. For example, competitive prices facilitate market reach maximization, which is a strategic goal based on Netflix’s mission statement and vision statement . Low costs enable profitable operations despite low prices, which attract more subscribers around the world. This means that Netflix’s competitive strategy of cost leadership facilitates endeavors for growing the company’s market share.

Netflix also uses differentiation as a secondary competitive strategy. The goal of this strategy is to develop competitive advantages based on factors that make the company stand out when compared to rivals. For example, as one of Netflix’s competitive strategies, differentiation is implemented in the production of original content (movies and series), which ensures the company’s competitive advantages by retaining subscribers who prefer to watch content that is not available from competing video streaming services. These competitors include the entertainment production and streaming services of Disney , NBCUniversal, and Sony , as well as Google’s (Alphabet’s) YouTube, Apple , Amazon , Microsoft , and Facebook (Meta) . The Five Forces analysis of Netflix demonstrates that these companies’ competitive strategies create a challenging industry environment. Netflix’s competitive strategy of differentiation helps address this competition and its strategic challenges.

Netflix’s Growth Strategies

Netflix’s growth strategy is market penetration , which is the primary driver of the company’s growth and expansion in the international market. In Ansoff’s matrix, this intensive growth strategy’s objective is to grow the business by selling more of current products to the company’s current market. For example, Netflix aims to gain more subscribers through its current operations in North America, Europe, and Asia. A bigger market share equates to higher revenues and a bigger market presence that can be used to launch new products. For this intensive growth strategy of market penetration, the competitive advantages enumerated in the SWOT analysis of Netflix are used to penetrate markets and gain market share despite competition. Also, the generic competitive strategies of cost leadership and differentiation enable attractive pricing and unique entertainment content, respectively, to attract more subscribers for this growth strategy of market penetration.

Netflix also uses product development as a secondary growth strategy. The Ansoff matrix states that this intensive growth strategy involves offering new products to the company’s current market. In this case of Netflix’s growth strategy, the company’s strategic objective is to produce new original movies and series, which are new products for current and new subscribers in current markets. New original content makes the company’s streaming service an attractive option for customers. The requirements of product development as an intensive growth strategy apply to Netflix’s operations management , such as in maximizing productivity in producing new movies and series. New entertainment content resulting from the application of this growth strategy contributes to uniqueness that enables the company’s generic competitive strategy of differentiation.

Netflix applies diversification as a minor growth strategy with a limited impact on the company’s current business growth. In Ansoff’s matrix, this intensive growth strategy’s objective is to produce new products for new markets. In this case of Netflix’s growth strategy, product development involves offering entirely new products other than the company’s initial core offerings. For example, the company now offers mobile games. The mobile gaming market can support new business growth by attracting gamers, especially those who do not yet have a Netflix account. As a growth strategy, diversification involves new teams, groups, or divisions in Netflix’s organizational structure (business structure) , which influences the availability of resources for implementing this growth strategy. The generic competitive strategy of differentiation ensures that these new products are unique. Also, Netflix’s competitive strategy of cost leadership determines the cost structure and limits for these new products’ competitive advantage based on low costs that translate to affordability.

  • Gómez, R., & Munoz Larroa, A. (2023). Netflix in Mexico: An example of the tech giant’s transnational business strategies. Television & New Media, 24 (1), 88-105.
  • Iordache, C., Raats, T., & Mombaerts, S. (2023). The Netflix Original documentary, explained: Global investment patterns in documentary films and series. Studies in Documentary Film, 17 (2), 151-171.
  • Leppänen, P., George, G., & Alexy, O. (2023). When do novel business models lead to high performance? A configurational approach to value drivers, competitive strategy, and firm environment. Academy of Management Journal, 66 (1), 164-194.
  • Netflix, Inc. – Form 10-K .
  • Netflix, Inc. – Long Term View .
  • Netflix, Inc. – Top Investor Questions .
  • U.S. Department of Commerce – International Trade Administration – Media and Entertainment Industry .
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Featured Image for the blog: How Netflix Moved Operations to the Cloud and Saw Revenue Boom: A Digital Transformation Case Study

How Netflix Moved Operations to the Cloud and Saw Revenue Boom: A Digital Transformation Case Study

Remember the time you had to request mail-order DVDs to catch the latest flicks while munching popcorn on your couch?

Me neither.

It’s strange to think that about a decade ago, streaming giant Netflix had a business model built around direct mail.

Request a movie, put a few in your queue for next time, and let the anticipation build as you wait for your first DVD to arrive on your doorstep.

Now, our instant gratification bells ring daily as we pour through episode after episode of new material. And, we can barely remember the (dark) time where we waited days for entertainment instead of having it literally at our fingertips.

The shift from mail-in orders to a cloud streaming service improved customer satisfaction and made Netflix billions.

The company’s move to the cloud came with a hike in customer loyalty and a brand that competitors still fight tooth and nail to beat in the market.

Netflix serves as the ultimate digital transformation case study.

They transformed their entire business model and charted unprecedented waters. Here’s how to use their model as inspiration for your contact center’s digital transformation.

How to move your operations to the cloud, Netflix style: A digital transformation case study.

21 years after they started renting DVDs, Netflix now sits at a valuation of almost $145 Billion .

They came to market as a disruptor of traditional video stores like Blockbuster and Family Video.

Netflix founders Reed Hastings and Marc Randolph wanted to bring customer-centricity to the video rental market. At the time, renting videos was inconvenient and costly, with customers often plagued by expensive late fees.

They created an entirely new way to watch movies and consume content. And as time went on and subscribers grew, they continued to shift to keep pace with new consumer demands.

In 2007 , they took their first step into the world of streaming video. They offered customers a streaming subscription in addition to the more traditional DVD rental service, giving customers the option to chart their own path.

Since then, they’ve seen exponential growth in subscribers and revenue. Let’s take a look at their trends over time. We’ll skip over the first few years of the company’s infancy and jump to the year the company went public.

Here’s how Netflix has grown since 2002.

A digital transformation case study: Charting how a move to the cloud boosted revenue and subscribers

That incredible growth trajectory, and willingness to change, made Netflix stock skyrocket by 6,230% in a 10-year period.

And, they did it all without crazy price hikes, keeping customers top-of-mind.

While Netflix has adjusted prices over the years, they strike a balance by adding more value and services for the dollar. In 2019 , the Basic plan increased by $1 a month (adding up to $12 annually). While the Standard and Premier plans rose by $2 per month, (adding up to $24 annually, for each plan).

Meanwhile, the company is putting some $15 billion towards creating new content binge-watchers will love.

After this price change, Netflix saw a slight blip in subscriber growth, with growth in Q2 coming in low. But, analysts don’t think for a second it’s the beginning of a downward trend. In fact, a similar event happened back in 2010 when Netflix moved to a pricing model that broke out streaming and video rentals. And they clearly rebounded.

When you put the numbers into perspective, you see this is the first dip in subscriber growth in nearly a decade. That’s pretty remarkable. And, revenue still increased for the quarter. It’s clear the value of the digital innovator’s services still outweighs the cost for most.

Plus, if you can post positive revenue numbers for over a decade and become a multi-billion-dollar company in about 20 years, you’re doing alright.

Here’s what Netflix did to reach these lofty heights. And, how you study the same tactics to lead your contact center through a successful digital transformation.

Stay true to your vision.

Netflix started out with the idea to make it easier and less expensive for people to watch movies.

A digital transformation case study for the books... i mean movies. It's one for the movies.

But they didn’t want to stay in the DVD game forever. They had the foresight to predict that consumer behaviors would continue to shift. And, they wanted to stay ahead of the competition.

Only, they didn’t sacrifice their vision when it came time for company-wide changes. Instead, they realigned their business strategies to fit their vision, even as consumers and trends shifted.

What you can do:

As you make digital shifts in your contact center and your company, keep your vision constant. While tons of other factors may orbit around you, your vision keeps you grounded.

Use your company vision to guide your decision-making. And, use data and trends to predict how your customer behavior will shift.

As you shift to keep pace with your customers’ needs, align your operations to your customer behaviors to realize your vision.

Reinvent the wheel if the old one doesn’t solve customer problems.

Netflix soared from seed idea to a $145-billion-dollar valuation in only 21 years. (Wow, they did that in less time than it took big tech vendors to break CSAT scores.)

And they didn’t get there by spinning up a new-and-improved version of Blockbuster.

Ted Sarandos, Head of Content at Netflix said when he came on board at the early stages of the company founder Reed Hastings used his vision to scale and innovate at Netflix.

“We never spent one minute trying to save the DVD business,” said Sarandos .

The company leaders didn’t stick to traditional best practices because they no longer worked for modern customers.

Instead of piggybacking off what other companies did, Netflix solved problems differently. And, they solved them better. The proof is in a bankrupt Blockbuster and dwindling Family Video stores.

Want to know what you’re missing when you only look at digital transformation best practices? Pop over to our article on the topic.

Tailor your path and contact center strategies to your specific business needs. Focus on listening and understanding your customers, with the help of better data and customer surveys .

Find out what’s causing your customers’ pain. See what common questions your customers have. Work with your sales team to find out why customers are fleeing competitors. Discover why they choose your products and services in the first place. Then, work with your contact center and company leaders to develop the methods to solve these pains.

Don’t get caught up in what your competition is doing. What they’re doing might work, but your actionable data and customer information can guide you to a way that works better.

If you’re going to be consumed by one thought, let it be this one: how might we better serve our customers?

Don’t force your customers down a single path.

In the early phases of Netflix, internet speeds weren’t built for streaming movies. People who tried to download and view movies online were only frustrated by the lengthy, often interrupted experience of watching a film online.

Netflix didn’t want to enter the streaming market until the right infrastructure was available to support a platform with high-quality and high-speed content. They didn’t want to taint their brand from day one, linking the Netflix name to all the baggage that came with poor streaming experiences.

At the same time, they were watching postage prices. The price of postage kept rising, and internet speeds were on the ups. By watching how the market and internet infrastructure changed, they identified the right moment to launch their first streaming service.

They tested their streaming service with lower-quality video, first. They wanted to gauge interest and customer experience without canceling their bread-and-butter DVD service.

Those who wanted access to the crisp DVD picture could still order movies to their doorstep. Others who wanted instant access could forgo the high-quality picture for convenience, instead.

Your contact center and customer experience will change. It has to. But as you make changes and shift your operations to the digital era, keep options open for your customers.

Just because chat and email are on the rise as popular customer service channels doesn’t mean every customer wants to use them. Use past data and communication history to learn more about your customers. Then, coach your agents to handle each interaction based on the customer’s preferences.

Bringing changes to your contact center has the potential to transform your customer experience for the better. But, without careful intention, it can also cause friction. Introduce changes to your customers slowly, and make sure your agents are always there to offer extra help through the process.

Use data and trends to personalize your customer experiences.

This one’s huge. It’s how Netflix keeps customers engaged with their platform, and how they coined the term binge-watching

As Netflix made changes in their operations, they watched their data like a hawk. They looked for trends on how people watched content, what kept them watching, and how personalization fueled content absorption. Then, they used an algorithm to serve up content tailored to their customers’ specific interests.

“Like a helpful video-store clerk, it recommended titles viewers might like based on others they’d seen.” – Twenty Years Ago, Launched. The Movie Business Has Never Been the Same , by Ashley Rodriguez for Quartz .

And, as their new cloud-based business let them scale globally, their data points multiplied.

Previously, Netflix could only mail DVDs to U.S. customers. Shipping DVDs overseas wouldn’t have been financially sustainable while keeping prices fair for all customers. Moving to an online business model allowed Netflix to target and reach new audiences without taking on the costs of shipping globally.

Doing this not only scaled their business, but it diversified their data and made their algorithm smarter. Enter, extreme personalization and binge-watching fever on a global scale.

Track and analyze data from your customer interactions. Create custom reports and dashboards to distill important findings from your data. Then, use the trends and patterns you find to personalize your customer service experiences.

From the way you send customer surveys to the tone your agents use, your interactions tell you what your customers want. Lean into your analytics for valuable insight into how to help your customers.

And, use the data to transform your contact center too. Customer data is a powerful tool to drive business change. If your metrics show customers aren’t happy, your company leaders want to know about it. And, they’ll want to fix it. There’s no better case for company transformation.

Netflix took risks to transform their business. But, there’s no bigger risk than stagnation. Staying the same doesn’t help you reach your contact center goals. Innovating and trying out your big ideas is what separates the leaders from the laggards.

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Netflix inc.: the disruptor faces disruption change management analysis & solution, hbr change management solutions, technology & operations case study | chris f. kemerer, brian kimball dunn, case study description.

Netflix Inc. (Netflix) had surpassed Blockbuster, the previous movie rental leader, before making the successful transition to digital delivery of video content. But despite Netflix's success, in 2017, numerous competitors, including both established, mainstream content producers and digital upstarts, were making it difficult for Netflix to recreate its earlier dominance. Critics pointed to Netflix's slowing acquisition of subscribers and accelerating debt levels. Netflix's chief executive officer was confronted with disruption from a variety of digital rivals. How should he respond? Should Netflix continue to try to be a content producer, competing with Hollywood's industry leaders? Should it form a partnership with other media companies to align everyone's incentives? Perhaps it could move into other media content areas outside of traditional entertainment. Further, there remained the question of how to treat its legacy DVD-by-mail business. As the incumbent firm, Netflix needed to respond to competitors and avoid a fate similar to that of Blockbuster. Chris Kemerer is affiliated with University of Pittsburgh.

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What is Change Management Definition & Process? Why transformation efforts fail? What are the Change Management Issues in Netflix Inc.: The Disruptor Faces Disruption case study?

According to John P. Kotter – Change Management efforts are the major initiatives an organization undertakes to either boost productivity, increase product quality, improve the organizational culture, or reverse the present downward spiral that the company is going through. Sooner or later every organization requires change management efforts because without reinventing itself organization tends to lose out in the competitive market environment. The competitors catch up with it in products and service delivery, disruptors take away the lucrative and niche market positioning, or management ends up sitting on its own laurels thus missing out on the new trends, opportunities and developments in the industry.

What are the John P. Kotter - 8 Steps of Change Management?

Eight Steps of Kotter's Change Management Execution are -

  • 1. Establish a Sense of Urgency
  • 2. Form a Powerful Guiding Coalition
  • 3. Create a Vision
  • 4. Communicate the Vision
  • 5. Empower Others to Act on the Vision
  • 6. Plan for and Create Short Term Wins
  • 7. Consolidate Improvements and Produce More Change
  • 8. Institutionalize New Approaches

Are Change Management efforts easy to implement? What are the challenges in implementing change management processes?

According to authorlist Change management efforts are absolutely essential for the surviving and thriving of the organization but they are also extremely difficult to implement. Some of the biggest obstacles in implementing change efforts are –

  • Change efforts are often made by new leaders because they are chosen by board to do so. These leaders often have less trust among the workforce compare to the people with whom they were already working with over the years.
  • Change efforts create an environment of uncertainty in the organization that impacts not only the productivity in the organization but also the level of trust in the organization.
  • Change management is often a lengthy, time consuming, and resource consuming process. Managements try to avoid them because they reflect negatively on the short term financial balance sheet of the organization.
  • Change efforts are often targeted at making fundamental aspects in the business – operations and culture. Change management disrupts are status quo thus face opposition from both within and outside the organization.
  • Change management efforts are made when the organization is in dire need and have fewer resources. This creates silos protection mentality within the organization.

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How you can apply Change Management Principles to Netflix Inc.: The Disruptor Faces Disruption case study?

Leaders can implement Change Management efforts in the organization by following the “Eight Steps Method of Change Management” by John P. Kotter.

Step 1 - Establish a sense of urgency

What are areas that require urgent change management efforts in the “ Netflix Inc.: The Disruptor Faces Disruption “ case study. Some of the areas that require urgent changes are – organizing sales force to meet competitive realities, building new organizational structure to enter new markets or explore new opportunities. The leader needs to convince the managers that the status quo is far more dangerous than the change efforts.

Step 2 - Form a powerful guiding coalition

As mentioned earlier in the paper, most change efforts are undertaken by new management which has far less trust in the bank compare to the people with whom the organization staff has worked for long period of time. New leaders need to tap in the talent of the existing managers and integrate them in the change management efforts . This will for a powerful guiding coalition that not only understands the urgency of the situation but also has the trust of the employees in the organization. If the team able to explain at the grass roots level what went wrong, why organization need change, and what will be the outcomes of the change efforts then there will be a far more positive sentiment about change efforts among the rank and file.

Step 3 - Create a vision

The most critical role of the leader who is leading the change efforts is – creating and communicating a vision that can have a broader buy-in among employees throughout the organization. The vision should not only talk about broader objectives but also about how every little change can add up to the improvement in the overall organization.

Step 4 - Communicating the vision

Leaders need to use every vehicle to communicate the desired outcomes of the change efforts and how each employee impacted by it can contribute to achieve the desired change. Secondly the communication efforts need to answer a simple question for employees – “What it is in for the them”. If the vision doesn’t provide answer to this question then the change efforts are bound to fail because it won’t have buy-in from the required stakeholders of the organization.

Step 5 -Empower other to act on the vision

Once the vision is set and communicated, change management leadership should empower people at every level to take decisions regarding the change efforts. The empowerment should follow two key principles – it shouldn’t be too structured that it takes away improvisation capabilities of the managers who are working on the fronts. Secondly it shouldn’t be too loosely defined that people at the execution level can take it away from the desired vision and objectives.

Netflix Inc.: The Disruptor Faces Disruption PESTEL / PEST / STEP & Porter Five Forces Analysis

Step 6 - Plan for and create short term wins

Initially the change efforts will bring more disruption then positive change because it is transforming the status quo. For example new training to increase productivity initially will lead to decrease in level of current productivity because workers are learning new skills and way of doing things. It can demotivate the employees regarding change efforts. To overcome such scenarios the change management leadership should focus on short term wins within the long term transformation. They should carefully craft short term goals, reward employees for achieving short term wins, and provide a comprehensive understanding of how these short term wins fit into the overall vision and objectives of the change management efforts.

Step 7 - Consolidate improvements and produce more change

Short term wins lead to renewed enthusiasm among the employees to implement change efforts. Management should go ahead to put a framework where the improvements made so far are consolidated and more change efforts can be built on the top of the present change efforts.

Step 8 - Institutionalize new approaches

Once the improvements are consolidated, leadership needs to take steps to institutionalize the processes and changes that are made. It needs to stress how the change efforts have delivered success in the desired manner. It should highlight the connection between corporate success and new behaviour. Finally organization management needs to create organizational structure, leadership, and performance plans consistent with the new approach.

Is change management a process or event?

What many leaders and managers at the Netflix Netflix's fails to recognize is that – Change Management is a deliberate and detail oriented process rather than an event where the management declares that the changes it needs to make in the organization to thrive. Change management not only impact the operational processes of the organization but also the cultural and integral values of the organization.

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