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WAEC English Language Questions and Answers 2023/2024 (Essay and Objectives)

Here are the WAEC English questions and answers. You will see WAEC English objective, theory, and test of oral questions for free. You will also understand how WAEC English questions are set and every detail you need to know about the WAEC English examination

Table of Contents


There will be three papers to be taken:

Papers 1, 2 and 3. Papers 1 and 2 will be combined in a composite paper to be taken in one sitting.

WAEC English Questions and Answers 2023 (Expo)

The 2023 English answers will be posted here on 17th May during the exam.

Today’s WAEC English Answers Loading…

WAEC English OBJ


WAEC English Oral Answers Loading…


(7) -Parents should ensure that their children take active part in chores and duties at home. -Parents should teach their children the strategy to face challenges in life. -Parents should train their children on the need to have dignity, integrity and manners. -Parent should train their children in appreciating the value of hard work -Parent should train their children to abide by the fundamental laws of the land. -Parent should serve as a role model to the children in terms of righteousness and character

(7) *Children should be inculcated the principle of contentment. *The principle of humanity should be the watchword for every child. *Children should be taught to be resilient even in the midst of difficulties. *Integrity and prestige should be the hallmark of every child bequeathed from their parents *Children should be taught to follow the proper way of doing things. *Obedience should be seen as a precious quality

Mma Koku left home on a cold windy Monday morning to see how Koku would amount to something in life

Mma Koku was forced with whirlwind on her way to meet the pathfinder

Mma Koku plonked into muddy pothole she hadn’t seen in time

He was the very first person to earn the highest postgraduate degree from the village of koomla

A thread bare sweater over an equally aged wrapper

Widow’s mite

The pathfinder was compassionate

Mma Koku’s expectation concerning her son was to be successful in life

Mma Koku was in her early 70’s


(a) Adverbial clause

(b) It modifies the verb “shall see”

(I) Fragile

(III)A duty

Once upon a time, in a quaint little village nestled amidst rolling hills, lived a humble baker named Alfred. Alfred was known far and wide for his exquisite bread-making skills and his genuine love for his craft. Every day, he would wake up at the crack of dawn, meticulously knead the dough, and bake the most mouthwatering loaves of bread the villagers had ever tasted.

One sunny morning, as Alfred began his usual routine, he realized to his dismay that his pantry was nearly bare. The flour, the main ingredient for his delectable bread, was running dangerously low. Panic surged through his veins as he contemplated the thought of disappointing his loyal customers by having to close his shop for the day.

With a heavy heart, Alfred decided to take a stroll through the village, hoping to find someone who could spare him some flour. He knocked on every door, but to his dismay, everyone seemed to be facing the same shortage. As he wandered the village streets, he noticed a peculiar sight—a young girl named Lily sitting on a bench, holding a half-eaten loaf of bread.

Curiosity piqued, Alfred approached the girl and kindly asked her about the bread. Lily explained that her family was going through tough times, and they could only afford to buy half a loaf of bread. With a sympathetic smile, Alfred shared his predicament, explaining his shortage of flour and his fear of disappointing his customers.

Without hesitation, Lily’s face lit up with an idea. She offered Alfred the half loaf of bread, suggesting that he could slice it, toast it, and sell it as a breakfast option to those who couldn’t afford a whole loaf. Intrigued by the young girl’s wisdom, Alfred agreed and thanked her for her ingenious suggestion.

Alfred hurried back to his bakery, his spirits lifted by the prospect of providing something rather than nothing to his customers. He meticulously sliced the half loaf into thin pieces, carefully toasted them until they turned a beautiful golden brown. As the aroma of freshly toasted bread wafted through the air, the villagers’ curiosity drew them to the bakery.

Word quickly spread throughout the village that Alfred had created a new breakfast option, and the villagers flocked to his shop, eager to try it. To their delight, the toasted bread was a huge hit. The villagers praised Alfred’s ingenuity and commended him for making the best out of a challenging situation. The half loaf that Lily had offered turned out to be a saving grace, not only for Alfred but also for the villagers who could now enjoy a delicious breakfast despite the scarcity of resources.

Days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months. The village gradually emerged from its difficult times, and Alfred’s bakery flourished once again. As a gesture of gratitude, Alfred decided to share a portion of his profits with Lily’s family, ensuring that they, too, could enjoy the fruits of their ingenuity and generosity.

The saying “Half a loaf is better than none” resonated deeply with the villagers and became a constant reminder of the power of making the best out of any situation. Alfred, Lily, and the entire village learned that even in times of scarcity, a little ingenuity, resourcefulness, and a generous heart can transform half a loaf into a gift that nourishes both the body and the spirit.

I hope this letter finds you well. I was thrilled to receive your message expressing your interest in studying at my school. It would be fantastic to have you here! Allow me to provide you with all the information and advice you need to make a decision.

Our school, [School Name], is renowned for its excellent academic programs and supportive learning environment. We offer a wide range of courses across various disciplines, ensuring that you can find a program that aligns with your interests and goals. Our experienced and dedicated faculty members are committed to providing high-quality education and nurturing the intellectual growth of our students.

To help international students like yourself, our school provides comprehensive support services. The International Student Office assists with visa applications, enrollment, and any other administrative matters. They also organize orientation programs to help you settle into your new environment and connect with fellow international students.

Regarding accommodation, our school offers both on-campus and off-campus housing options. On-campus residences provide a convenient and immersive living experience, fostering a sense of community. However, if you prefer off-campus housing, the International Student Office can guide you in finding suitable accommodations in the surrounding area.

As for extracurricular activities, our school has a vibrant and diverse student community. There are numerous clubs and organizations catering to various interests, including sports, arts, culture, and community service. Engaging in these activities is a great way to make friends, explore your passions, and enhance your overall university experience.

In terms of facilities, our campus boasts state-of-the-art resources and amenities. We have well-equipped libraries, modern laboratories, computer labs, and multimedia centers to support your academic pursuits. Additionally, there are recreational facilities such as sports fields, fitness centers, and student lounges for relaxation and socializing.

One aspect you may be interested in is the cost of education. While tuition fees vary depending on the program, scholarships and financial aid options are available for eligible students. I recommend checking the school’s website or contacting the admissions office for detailed information on scholarships and financial assistance programs.

Lastly, our school is located in a vibrant and culturally rich city. [City Name] offers a plethora of opportunities for entertainment, exploration, and personal growth. From museums and art galleries to theaters, music venues, and outdoor recreational areas, there is always something exciting happening. The city also provides excellent transportation networks, making it easy to navigate and explore different parts of the region.

I hope this overview of our school has been helpful in giving you a glimpse of what to expect. If you have any further questions or need additional information, please do not hesitate to reach out. I am more than happy to assist you in any way I can.

Wishing you all the best in your decision-making process, and I truly hope to welcome you to [School Name] soon!

Warm regards,


The school experience is more than just academics. It is also about discovering new interests, making friends and learning valuable life skills. Joining clubs and societies in school can help students achieve all of these things and more. However, in recent years, the number of students participating in these extracurricular activities has decreased. This article will discuss the importance of reviving the activities of clubs and societies in schools.

Firstly, clubs and societies provide a platform for students to explore their interests beyond academics. Students can join a club or society based on their hobbies, talents or passion. For instance, a student interested in photography can join the photography club, while a student who loves music can join the music club. Being part of a club or society allows students to meet like-minded individuals, share ideas and broaden their knowledge. By participating in these activities, students can discover their hidden talents and develop skills that can be useful in their future careers.

Secondly, clubs and societies help students develop social skills and build friendships. Students who join clubs and societies are often exposed to a diverse group of people. This helps them to learn how to interact with others who have different backgrounds or personalities. Being part of a club or society also gives students a sense of belonging and community. They can make new friends, share experiences and create memories that will last a lifetime.

Thirdly, participating in clubs and societies can help students develop important life skills such as leadership, teamwork, and time management. Clubs and societies often have officers and leaders who are responsible for organizing activities, managing resources and leading meetings. By taking on these roles, students can improve their leadership skills and learn how to work effectively as a team. They can also learn how to manage their time and prioritize tasks, which is an essential skill for success in any field.

Lastly, being part of a club or society can help students stand out when applying for college or jobs. Colleges and employers are often interested in applicants who have demonstrated leadership skills, teamwork and a commitment to extracurricular activities. By participating in clubs and societies, students can showcase their skills and experience, which can give them an advantage over other applicants.

In conclusion, reviving the activities of clubs and societies in schools is crucial for the overall development of students. These extracurricular activities provide a platform for students to explore their interests, develop social skills, build friendships, and acquire important life skills. It is important for schools to encourage students to participate in clubs and societies and provide the necessary resources and support to make these activities successful. By doing so, schools can create a vibrant and engaging environment that will benefit students both academically and personally.


I write to express my deep concern regarding the persisting issue of the neglect and inadequate maintenance of public facilities across our nation. It is disheartening to witness the sorry state of these essential assets that are meant to serve the public, and I believe it is high time we address this pressing matter.

First and foremost, the neglect of public facilities has a significant impact on the quality of life for citizens. Parks, playgrounds, community centers, and other public spaces are meant to foster a sense of community and provide recreational opportunities for individuals of all ages. However, due to the lack of maintenance, these facilities have become dilapidated, unsafe, and unsightly, discouraging their use and depriving people of valuable spaces for leisure and social interaction.

Moreover, the deterioration of public facilities poses potential risks to public health and safety. Crumbling infrastructure, broken equipment, and unkempt surroundings can create hazardous conditions, leading to accidents and injuries. The lack of regular inspections, repairs, and upgrades further exacerbates the risks, making it imperative for authorities to take immediate action to ensure the well-being of the public.

Furthermore, the neglect of public facilities sends a discouraging message about our society’s priorities. Public spaces are a reflection of our collective values and commitment to the well-being of our communities. When these spaces are allowed to decay, it conveys a lack of concern and respect for public resources and undermines the sense of civic pride. It is essential that we preserve and enhance these spaces, as they contribute to the overall development and happiness of our citizens.

To address this issue, a collaborative effort between government bodies, local communities, and concerned citizens is crucial. Firstly, adequate funding must be allocated to support regular maintenance and upgrades of public facilities. This can be achieved through budgetary allocations, public-private partnerships, and community-driven initiatives. Additionally, it is vital to establish a comprehensive system for regular inspections and maintenance, ensuring that repairs are promptly undertaken and preventive measures are implemented.

Furthermore, citizen engagement plays a pivotal role in maintaining public facilities. Encouraging community participation through volunteer programs, awareness campaigns, and partnerships with local organizations can foster a sense of ownership and responsibility among citizens, leading to better maintenance and utilization of these spaces.

In conclusion, the lack of maintenance of public facilities is a pressing concern that demands immediate attention. By recognizing the importance of these spaces, allocating adequate resources, and promoting community involvement, we can restore and revitalize our public facilities, creating environments that enhance the quality of life and strengthen the social fabric of our nation.

Yours sincerely,

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PAPER 1 : Will consist of eighty multiple choice questions, all of which should be answered within 1 hour for 40 marks.

PAPER 2 : Will consist of five essay topics and a passage each to test candidates’ comprehension and summary skills. Candidates will be expected to write an essay on one of the topics and answer all the questions on Comprehension and Summary passages. The paper will last 2 hours and carry 100 marks.

PAPER 3 : Will consist of sixty multiple choice items on Test of Orals for candidates In Nigeria and Liberia, and that on Listening Comprehension for candidates in Ghana, The Gambia and Sierra Leone. All the questions will be answered in 45 minutes for 30 marks.

Note: The questions below are for practice

In each of the following sentences, there is one word in italics and one gap. From the list of words lettered A to D, choose the one that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the word in italics and that will, at the same time, correctly fill the gap in the sentence.

Binetou’s inquisitiveness is in sharp contrast with her sister’s _______

A. indifference

B. noisiness

C. calmness

D. dullness

2. Though at first it appeared an insignificant idea, it turned out to be quite

A. outstanding

B. successful

C. remarkable

D. interesting

3. After grasping the fundamental aspects of his job, Kwesi had to cope with more ______ procedures.

A. advanced

B. academic

C. subsidiary

D. secondary

4. The youth prefer discussing contemporary issues to _______ ones

B. uninteresting

D. political

5. As erroneous as it might sound, the Headmaster’s assumption was quite ______

6. Halima likes to dwell on trivial , rather than _______ matters

7. We all know that Bola is insolent whereas Ade is __________

A. cowardly

B. respectful

8. A few days after Musa’s __________ , his sister longed for his departure

B. entrance

9. Algebra seems complicated , but with practice it becomes _________

C. accessible

D. achievable

10. Mrs. Agide is unassuming whereas her twin sister is __________

A. cheerful

B. boastful

From the words lettered A to D, choose the word that best completes each of the following sentences.

11. At Christmas, employees of Sugar Factory receive huge ____________

A. benefits

B. dividends

D. salaries

12. The exposed milk in that container has turned ___________

13. Not all activities champion _____ causes

C. concrete

D. favourable

14. The Mayor gave a glowing ______________ at the funeral of the city’s only curator

A. citation

B. statement

D. commendation

15. At the end of __________, the National Anthem is played on our radio station

A. programming

B. production

C. transition

D. transmission

16. The defence counsel was unable to convince ______ of John’s innocence

A. plaintiff

17. Unfortunately, corruption is the ____________ of most African countries.

C. disaster

D. backbone

18. The ______ results proved that the patient had hepatitis.

A. investigation

B. diagnosis

19. The new book has beautiful ____________ which make it attractive.

A. illustrations

B. demonstrations

C. illuminations

D. compositions

20. Their marriage was finally __________ after years of hostility

A. cancelled

B. annulled

D. separated

Recommended: WAEC Biology Questions and Answers for 2021 (Theory and Objectives)

After each of the following sentences, a list of possible interpretation is given. choose the interpretation that is most appropriate for each sentence

21. Can you imagine Oka behaving as he has all the knowledge in the world? This means that Oka

A. does not really know everything

B. knows so much more than we think

C. is admired by everybody

D. respects other people

22. Akin is too full of himself. This means that Akin

A. talks too much

B. eats too much

C. is too proud

D. is quite annoying

23. she slogged her guts out for the examination. This means that she

A. she failed the examination despite working hard for it.

B. passed the examination despite not working hard for it

C. used unfair means to face the examination

D. really worked very hard for the examination

24. I admire Modou: very few people can stomach all of Adaeze’s insults. This means that Modou

A. tolerated Adaeze’s insults

B. was a weakling

C. had no answer to Adaeze’s insult

D. did the right thing by remaining silent.

25. After months of battling with stroke, he is now a shadow of his former self. This means that he

A. is now frail

B. is vulnerable

C. is hopeless

D. has almost recovered

26. Kura, you can’t be too careful when dealing with Wang. This means that Kura

A. has no reason to be suspicious of Wang.

B. can fully rely on Wang

C. has to be very careful in his relationship with Wang

D. may feel free in the company of Wang.

27. Don’t tell me another cock and bull story. This means that the speaker does not want to

A. be further baffled

B. hear the same old story

C. hear another drab story

D. be further deceived

28. Had he confessed much earlier, she would have trusted him This means that he

A. had confessed earlier on, but he wasn’t trusted

B. had confessed much earlier on, and he was trusted

C. hadn’t confessed much earlier on, and he was trusted

D. hadn’t confessed earlier on, and he wasn’t trusted

29. Kola: You really worked hard to win the case. Didia: You don’t know the half of it.

A. it wasn’t as difficult as Kola had thought

B. Kola’s statement wasn’t actually correct

C. it was even more difficult than Kola could imagine

D. winning the case didn’t mean much to Kola

30. Femi is too clever by half. This means that Femi

A. displays his cleverness in an annoying way

B. is not as clever as he thinks

C. pleases everyone he meets

D. hides how clever he really is.

From the words lettered A to D below each of the following sentences, choose the word or group of words that is nearest in meaning to the word in italics as it is used in the sentence

31. He was such a brilliant footballer!

A. an inspired

B. an intelligent

C. a dazzling

D. a skilful

32. The politician is a fluent speaker

A. an eloquent

B. a superficial

C. an insightful

D. a persuasive

33. Everyone has the urge to succeed in life

A. compulsion

34. When he heard the gunshot, he ran into a thick forest

35. That was a timely intervention

A. suitable

B. accurate

36. David is not only hardworking but also scrupulous

A. painstaking

B. ambitious

C. pleasant

37. We really have to be careful because the situation is rather tricky

A. deceitful

C. unexpected

D. difficult

38. I think that his essay is impeccable

A. erroneous

C. satisfactory

D. faultless

39. There has been a marked change in her study habit

A. significant

D. complete

40. He was directed to write the letter.

B. instructed

C. persuaded

SECTION A (50 MARKS) Answer one question only from this section. All questions carry equal marks. Your answer should not be less than 450 words. You are advised to spend about 50 minutes on this section.

1. Your friend in another school has requested information about your school to enable him to decide on moving over to your school. Write a letter to him discussing at least three areas in which your school excels.

2. Write an article for publication in your school magazine, discussing the reasons why children in your area drop out of school and suggesting ways of minimizing it.

3. As the president of your youth club, write a letter to the chairman of your Local Government Association complaining about the increasing rate of child labour and suggesting ways of curbing it.

4. You are the chief speaker in a debate on the topic: Women should not be in paid employment while still bearing children. Write your contribution for or against the topic.

5. Write a story that ends with the words: That experience will linger on my mind for a long time.

SECTION B COMPREHENSION [20 marks] You are advised to spend about  30 minutes  on this section.

6.  Read the following passage  carefully  and answer the questions on it.

Our planet is at risk. Our environment is under threat. The air we breathe, the water we drink, the seas we fish in, and soils we farm, the forests, animals and plants which surround us are in danger.

New terms and words describe these problems: acid rain, the greenhouse effect, global warming, holes in the ozone layer, desertification and industrial pollution. We are changing our environment. More and more gases and waste escape from our factories.

Rubbish, oil silages and detergents damage our rivers and seas. Forests give us timber and paper, but their loss results in soil erosion and also endangers wildlife.

The richer countries of the world are mainly responsible for industrial pollution. This is where most of all the commercial energy is produced. In developing countries, poverty cause people to change their environment, to overgraze grassland, to cut down trees for new land and firewood, to farm poor soil for food.

The United Nations Environmental Protection Agency says that an area of forest the size of Sierra Leone disappears every year. Trees are cut down for timber which is used for building, furniture, paper and fuel.

They are also destroyed to provide land on which to graze animals and build new villages and towns. But trees have many other important uses. Trees protect the land from heavy downpour of rain and their roots help to hold the soil together.

Forests are also the home of many living things. The Amazon forest contains one fifth of all the species of birds in the world. In our forests, there may be plants and animals which could help in the discovery of new medicines of crops.

To rescue and conserve our beautiful world, we must act cooperatively. Individuals, communities, nations and international associations, all have the responsibility. By learning to protect the natural environment, we can manage the earth’s resources for generations to come.

(a)  The risk referred to in the passage is of what origin? (b)  From the passage, it can be deduced that the inhabitants of developing countries ______ (c)  According to the passage, the size of forest depleted ______ annually. (d)  The writer holds the richer countries responsible for industrial pollution because of their what? (e)  The message of the writer of the passage is the need for what?

SECTION C (SUMMARY) [30 MARKS] You are advised to spend about 50 minutes on this section.

Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions on it. You cannot expect to go through life without meeting problems. Difficulties, perplexities and frustrations are an inevitable part of human experience.

Accepting this idea of the inevitability of problems will help you to approach them in a robust frame of mind rather than thinking that you are a victim specially singled out by malignant fate.

When confronted with a problem, the first thing to do is gather all relevant data to get acquainted with the facts of the case.

Then write down exactly what the problem is, stating it simply in black and white. This gives you something definite with which to come to terms. The problem is assessed and you will now have something concrete to deal with. Next, give serious thought to the problem, making sure that such thought does not degenerate into worry as worry accomplishes nothing. Aim at clear, dispassionate thought, viewing the problem as if it were a friend’s and not your own. Look at it from all angles and from the point of view of all concerned.

You court disaster if you are entirely selfish in your outlook. The single important purpose of all this is to discover all possible solutions to the problem.

Having examined the problem broadly and impartially, carefully examine all the possible solutions or courses of action. The knowledge that you have done this will keep you from useless regrets later, when you can remind yourself that all courses of action were examined and you chose what appeared to be the best. Next, eliminate all proposed solutions which are seen on further thought to be impracticable.

You will now find that your list has been whittled down to two or three possibilities. At this stage it is often a good plan to get out into the open air. Go for a walk or a ride, preferably somewhere with wide horizons. There, out in the open, review the problem afresh. You will find it appears less formidable.

Ask yourself how the difficulty will appear in ten years’ time or even one! This fresh review will enable you to make a final choice as you turn to the remaining solutions and, before you return home, decide which one you are going to adopt. As you go to sleep that night, let your last thoughts be upon your decision. If, in the morning, you still feel it is the best one to take, go ahead.

If you have a friend who is capable of giving sound advice, consult him. Do this before your final decision, so that you will have the benefit of his views before you decide. Talking things over with another is always a great help.

It enables you to isolate the problem and to decide which on which factors are important. Even if the friend offers no advice, a sympathetic ear will help you. Furthermore, as you describe to your friend the courses open to you, you will see them in clearer light. Some will appear impossible even as you speak.

Alternatively, one will appear most attractive. In dealing with problems, remember the time factor. Although some problems solve themselves in time, and delaying tactics is therefore the best form of action for them, most other problems generally get more complicated the longer they are left. You should, therefore, get to grips with the problems immediately they occur.

All told, reasonable foresight and imagination can prevent many problems ever arising. Tact, thoughtfulness and responsible conduct can also keep life largely problem-free.

In six sentences, one for each, summarize the steps to be taken when faced with a problem and

Paper 3 (TEST 0F ORALS)

For candidates in Nigeria and Liberia only

SECTION 1 From the words lettered A to D, choose the word that has the same vowel sound as the one represented by the letters underlined. 1.   wit A.  fright B.  wheat C.  tree D.  market 2.   look A.  glue B.  you C.  cup D.  curious

SECTION 2 From the words lettered A to D, choose the word that has the same consonant sound(s) as the one represented by the letter(s) underlined. 3.   dance A.  handsome B.  sandwich C.  adjective D.  pounding 4.   plucked A.  smiled B.  slammed C.  luck D.  table

SECTION 3 From the words lettered A to D, choose the word that rhymes with the given word. 5.         carrier A.        area B.        barrier C.        serious D.        ravine 6.        drought A.        crowd B.        nought C.        shout D.        taught

SECTION 4 In each of the following questions, the main/primary stress is indicated by writing the syllable on which it occurs in capital letters. From the words lettered A to D, choose the one that has the correct stress. 7.         acrimony A.        A-cri-mo-ny B.        a-CRI-mo-ny C.        a-cri-MO-ny D.        a-cri-mo-NY

SECTION 5: In the following options lettered A to D, all the words except one have the same stress pattern. Identify the one with the different stress pattern. 8.         A.        sanctify B.        promising C.        notify D.        organic

SECTION 6 In each of the following sentences, the word that receives the emphatic stress is written in capital letters.   From the questions lettered A to D, choose the one to which the given sentence is the appropriate answer. 9.         The DOCTOR examined the patient with a stethoscope. A.        Did the teacher examine the patient with a stethoscope? B.        Did the doctor cure the patient with a stethoscope? C.        Did the doctor examine the nurse with a stethoscope? D.        Did the doctor examine the patient with a telescope?

SECTION 7 From the words lettered A to D, choose the word that contains the sound represented by the given phonetic symbol. 10.       / ǝ / A.        accurate B.        nephew C.        ageless D.        waddle

WAEC English Essay, Summary and Objective 2023 (EXPO)

The above questions are not exactly 2023 WAEC English questions and answers but likely WAEC English repeated questions and answers.

These questions are for practice. The 2023 WAEC English expo will be posted on this page on the day of the WAEC English examination. Keep checking and reloading this page for the answers.

WAEC English Questions and Answers 2023 Loading…

Answer one question only from this section. All questions carry equal marks. Your article should not be less than 450 words

You are advised to spend about 50 minutes on this section

1. Your brother who is in his third year in another school has written to confide in you that he is to stop schooling and go into business. Write a letter to him advising him against his decision

2. Write an article suitable for publication in a national newspaper on the topic: The Importance of Promoting Good Reading Habits in Students

3. As the Senior Prefect of your school, write a letter to the Principal pointing out at least two practices among students that should be discouraged and two habits that should be promoted among teachers,

4. New Principal has just been posted to your school. Write a speech you will deliver at the welcome party organized for him informing him about some problems faced by students.

5. Write a story that ends with the statement: I had never felt so embarrassed in my life

English OBJ Loading…

Tips to Help You Pass Your 2023 WAEC English Language Examination

Tip 1: study hard.

It is a known fact that academic success is directly proportional to hard work provided prayer is kept constant. Read your books as if it is the only thing you have to do while preparing for your WAEC examination.

Tip 2: Read Past Questions on WAEC English Language

You can attest to the fact that the West Africa Examination Council (WAEC) always repeats its questions annually.

Reading the WAEC English past questions will expose you to the things you are expected to know as a WAEC candidate.

Sometimes, we read our textbooks and still don’t know which area to focus on. WAEC English past question will tell you the areas to concentrate on.

If you have any questions about WAEC English Questions and Answers 2023 , kindly drop your question in the comment box.

Last Updated on May 17, 2023 by Admin

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293 thoughts on “WAEC English Language Questions and Answers 2023/2024 (Essay and Objectives)”

I need questions and answers for gce second series

English is good

Am a past waec candidate ,I got a D7 in English after studying so hard for it .I don’t know why that happened.I wrote well like I could remember ,now am preparing for GCE because of English alone .I don’t want to have problems in that one .What can I do to make an excellent result in English

Am proud of you.

Please, I need this urgently

Please I need neco English question and answer for 2023/2024

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WAEC English Essay Questions And Answers 2023

Waec english answers is out – waec english language essay, objective & test of oral questions released..

The Waec English answers 2023 to waec English questions can now be seen here. The West African Examination Council (WAEC) English Language SSCE paper will be written on Wednesday, 17th May 2023.

There will be three papers in Waec English 2023 – Papers 1, 2 (Objectives and Essay) to be written from 9:30 am to 12.30 pm and Paper 3 (Test of Orals) which will start by 2:00 pm and end by 2.45 pm. The WAEC English question 2023 comes in the following question papers.

  • PAPER 1:  This Will consist of eighty multiple-choice questions, all of which should be answered within 1 hour for 40 marks.
  • PAPER 2:  Will consist of five essay topics and a passage each to test candidates’ comprehension and summary skills. Candidates will be expected to write an essay on one of the topics and answer all the questions on Comprehension and Summary passages. The paper will last 2 hours and carry 100 marks.
  • PAPER 3:  Will consist of sixty multiple-choice items on Test of Orals for candidates in Nigeria and Liberia, and on Listening Comprehension for candidates in Ghana, The Gambia, and Sierra Leone. All the questions will be answered in 45 minutes for 30 marks.

There is nothing like Waec English expo online . In this post, we will be posting sample questions from Waec English past questions and answers that we feel are likely questions for preparation.


WAEC English Essay Questions 2023.

PAPER 2   SECTION A  ESSAY [50 marks]

Answer  ONE  question only from this section.   All questions carry equal marks. Your answer should  not  be  less than 450 words . You are advised to spend about  50 minutes  on this section.

1.  A friend of yours who has been living in the US for some years has written to invite you to join him. Write a reply to his letter giving, at least, three reasons why you would rather remain in your country.

2.  Write a letter to the Minister of Works in your country complaining about the deplorable condition of the roads in your area and the effects this has on the lives of your people. 

3.  Write an article suitable for publication in one of your national dailies discussing the vandalization of public facilities in your country and its effects.

4.  You are the Chief Speaker in a debate on the topic:  Parents should allow their children to choose their own careers. Write your speech for or against the topic.

5.  Write a story to illustrate the saying:  The devil makes work for idle hands .

University Deals

SECTION B   COMPREHENSION [20 marks] You are advised to spend about  30 minutes  on this section.

6.  Read the following passage  carefully  and answer the questions on it.

Primary School Deals

Our planet is at risk. Our environment is under threat. The air we breathe, the water we drink, the seas we fish in, and soils we farm, the forests, animals, and plants that surround us are in danger. New terms and words describe these problems: acid rain, the greenhouse effect, global warming, holes in the ozone layer, desertification, and industrial pollution. We are changing our environment. More and more gases and wastes escape from our factories. Rubbish, oil silages and detergents damage our rivers and seas. Forests give us timber and paper, but their loss results in soil erosion and also endangers wildlife.

SECTION C   SUMMARY [30 marks] You are advised to spend about  40 minutes  on this section.

7.  Read the following passage  carefully  and answer the questions on it.

waec english summary question

Waec English Objective Questions 2023.

PAPER 1 (Objectives)  SECTION 1

In each of the following sentences, there is one underlined word and one gap. From the list of words lettered A to D, choose the one that is  most nearly opposite in meaning  to the underlined word and that will, at the same time, correctly fill the gap in the sentence.

1. Most African countries face poverty while few enjoy _______ A. influence B. money C. affluence D. power.

2. Last year our farmers cultivated more crops than they _______ A. destroyed B. uprooted C. harvested D. yielded.

From the words lettered A to D, choose the word that  best completes  each of the following sentences.

Waec English Objective Questions 2023

11. There would have been a riot in our school but for the timely _____ of our staff. A. intervention B. interruption C. interference D. invasion.

12. The armed robbers ______ every room in the bank to look for money. A. explored B. ransacked C. raked D. swept.

13. The discontented men _______ up trouble among the workers. A. Starred B. Steered C. Stirred D. Started.

WAEC Oral English Objectives Answers 2023


After each of the following sentences, a list of possible interpretations is given. Choose the interpretation that you consider  most appropriate  for each sentence.

21. Ade is too clever by half. This means that Ade is A. far cleverer than others B. actually very stupid in his behaviour C. annoyingly clever D. behaving to be clever but is not.

22. Ameh is really being economical with the truth. This means that Ameh A. is being praised for being honest B. does not know enough C. knows more than he is prepared to say D. is not telling the truth.

From the words lettered A to D below each of the following sentences, chose the word or group of words that is  nearest in meaning  to the underlined word as it is used in the sentence.

31. By failing to attend the interview, Idoko has lost a golden opportunity. A. blessed B. bright C. good D. delightful.

32. I hope the principal would be gracious enough to forgive us. A. cordial B. polite C. merciful D. gentle.

33. The man’s story gave us an inkling of what we went through during the war. A. a taste B. a possible idea C. a wrong notion D. a suggestion.

34. Our aunt has expressed deep appreciation for Onyinye’s invaluable assistance during the party. A. Immeasurable B. Praiseworthy C. Selfless D. Worthless.

35. Many world leaders have continued to condemn the South African Prime Minister for his truculent posture. A. Impetuous B. Impertinent C. Aggressive D. Impervious.

36. It is usually hard to change the course of action when one crosses the Rubicon. The underlined expression is used in this sentence means to. A. Pass through a place called Rubicon B. Cross a river called Rubicon C. Cross a bridge called Rubicon D. Be irrevocably committed.

From the words or group of words lettered A to D, choose the word or group of words that best completes each of the following sentences.

41. A good citizen abides _______ the rules of the land. A. with B. in C. at D. by

42. Since his swearing-in, the governor _______ his hometown. A. had not been visiting B. has not visited C. did not visit D. had not visited.

Waec English Test of Orals Answers 2023.

PAPER 3 (Test of Oral)  SECTION 1

From the words lettered A to D, choose the word that has the  same vowel sound  as the one represented by the letters underlined.

1. look A. glue B. you C. cup D. curious.

2. wit A. fright B. wheat C. tree D. market.

From the words lettered A to D, choose the word that has the  same consonant sound(s)  as the one represented by the letter(s) underlined.

4. plucked A. smiled B. slammed C. luck D. table.

From the words lettered A to D, choose the word that  rhymes  with the given word.

6. carrier A. area B. barrier C. serious D. ravine. 7. drought A. crowd B. nought C. shout D. taught.

In  each  of the following questions, the main /primary stress is indicated by writing the syllable on which it occurs in capital letters. From the words lettered A to D, choose the one that has the correct  stress .

9. acrimony A. A-cri-mo-ny B. a-CRI-mo-ny C. a-cri-MO-ny D. a-cri-mo-NY.

10. Information A. inforMAtion B. INformation C. inFORmation D. InformaTION.

PS:  Once again, there is nothing like Waec English expo. Do not fall victim to scammers online trying to obtain money from you with fake promises of having access to a live question paper before the exam. What we have on this page are likely exam questions from Waec English past questions and answers to serve as a revision guide.

Keep following this page and make sure you bookmark this site for reference purposes.  If you have any questions, endeavour to use the comment section below.

2023 waec english essay questions and answers

Adeyinka is the founder and content creator at Career Acada. He’s a technology expert and web developer. He holds a degree in Genetics and loves impacting life for a better society.

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  • WAEC English Essay Past Questions and Answers

October 3, 2023 Victoria Jackson English , WAEC Past Questions 0

English Past Question 2021

WAEC English Essay Past Questions and Answers – WAEC English Essay Past Questions and Answers serve as invaluable tools for students preparing for the West African Examination Counc i l (WAEC) English exam. This comprehensive collection follows a structured pattern to help candidates hone their essay-writing skills and excel in the English language test. The pattern typically includes a diverse range of essay topics, comprehension passages, and tasks like letter and speech writing, all closely aligned with the WAEC syllabus. What makes these materials especially useful is the detailed answers provided, which not only offer correct responses but also expla i n the reasoning and writing techniques behind them. This facilitates a deeper understanding of essay construction, grammar, vocabulary usage, and overall exam requirements. By studying and practicing with these past questions and answers, students can gain confidence, refine their writing abilities, and boost their chances of achieving outstanding results in the WAEC English exam.

WAEC English Essay Past Questions and Answers

Why you need WAEC English Essay Past Questions and Answers

1. It enlightens you on the scope of the exam.

2. You won’t be in the dark about quest i ons to expect in the examination.

3. You won’t need support rather you’ll be confident in yourself.

4. In like manner, you won’t develop examination fever as a result of not knowing where the questions will be coming from.

5. It equips you beforehand.

6. it guides you on how to answer exam technical questions.

WAEC English Essay Past Questions and Answers Pattern

WAEC English Essay Past Questions and Answers follow a structured pattern to aid students in their exam preparation. These materials encompass various essay top i cs, comprehension passages, and letter or speech writing tasks in line with the WAEC syllabus. The pattern includes questions that assess grammar, vocabulary, and the ability to construct well-organized essays. Answers often provide model responses, highlighting key points and appropriate writing styles. This pattern aids students in understanding the expected format and content for essay questions. By practicing with these past questions, candidates can improve their writing skills and effect i vely prepare for the WAEC English exam, increasing their chances of success. WAEC English Essay Past Questions and Answers

Sample of WAEC English Essay Past Questions and Answers

In the questions below, choose the word(s) or phrase that best fills the gap(s).

Jubril found that thieves had entered his house in his absence. He went to the police to report the… (A) break out(B) break up (C)break-in (D) break into

After the accused was found guilty by the court, his counsel… before the sentence was passed (A) begged for mercy (B)made a plea for mitigation (C) made an ovation (D) made a plea for litigation

The officer was compelled to… the suspect’s car. (A)seize (B) cease (C) size (D) disease

If you are going to the market, may I… please? (A) follow you (B)come with you (C) come by you (D) come as your second

Ans: B WAEC English Essay Past Questions and Answers

Thank you for the party, we … (A) enjoyed ourselves (B)enjoyed (C) enjoyed very much (D) enjoyed too much.

The complete WAEC English Essay Past Questions and Answers with accurate answers is N2,000.

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7 Tips to Prepare for WAEC English Exams

  • Don’t make reading your hobby:  A lot of people put reading as a hobby in their CV, they might be right because they have finished schooling. But “You” are still schooling, so reading should be a top priority and not a hobby. Read far and wide to enhance your level of aptitude
  • Get Exams Preparation Materials:  These involve textbooks, dictionaries, Babcock University Post UTME Past Questions and Answers, mock questions, and others. These materials will enhance your mastery of the scope of the exams you are expecting.
  • Attend Extramural Classes:  Register and attend extramural classes at your location. This class will help you refresh your memory and boost your classroom understanding and discoveries of new knowledge.
  • Sleep when you feel like:  When you are preparing for any exams, sleeping is very important because it helps in the consolidation of memory. Caution: Only sleep when you feel like it and don’t oversleep.
  • Make sure you are healthy:  Sickness can cause excessive feelings of tiredness and fatigue and will not allow you to concentrate on reading. If you are feeling as if you are not well, report to your parent, a nurse, or a doctor. Make sure you are well.
  • Eat when you feel like it: During the exam preparation period, you are advised not to overeat, and to avoid sleep. You need to eat little and light food whenever you feel like eating. Eat more fruits, drink milk and glucose. This will help you enhance retention.
  • Reduce your time on social media: Some people live their entire lives on Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, Messenger chat. This is so bad and catastrophic if you are preparing for exams. Try and reduce your time spent on social media during this time. Maybe after the exams, you can go back and sleep in it.

If you like these tips, consider sharing them with your friends and relatives. Do you have a question or comments? Put it on the comment form below. We will be pleased to hear from you and help you score as high as possible. .

We wish you good luck!

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  • WAEC English Essay

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WAEC English Essay Theory Past Questions and Answers 2023

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Download Now! WASSCE WAEC English Essay/Theory Past Questions – Comprehension Passage, Letter Writing, Summary Passage, Article – essay competition

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What Others are Downloading WAEC Past Questions for all Subjects English Language NECO Past Questions.

WAEC English Essay Theory Past Questions Letter Writing

Table of Contents

  • 1 WASSCE English Essay Questions
  • 2 WAEC English Letter Writing Questions
  • 3 WAEC English Comprehension Passages with questions and answers
  • 4 WAEC English Comprehension Past Questions
  • 5 WAEC WASSCE English Summary Questions
  • 6 WAEC Past Questions on Summary
  • 7 Free WAEC Essay Past Questions

WASSCE English Essay Questions

Answer three questions in all; one questions from Section A and all the questions in Section B and C


Answer one question only from this section. All questions carry equal marks. Your answer should not be less than – 450 words.

You are advised to spend about 50 minutes on this section.

WAEC English Letter Writing Questions

1. Write a letter to your friend in another school telling him or her about your future career and how it will be beneficial to your country.

2. The National Scholarship Secretariat is organizing an essay competition on the topic: The menace of fake drugs in the society. Write your entry.

3. As a former senior prefect, write a letter to the principal of your school on the occasion of its 60th anniversary celebration, congratulating him and offering three suggestions for the improvement of the school.

4. A new principal has just been posted to your school. As the senior prefect, write a welcome address on behalf of the students, pointing out three areas of need in the school.

5. Write a story which illustrates the saying: Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown.

Want more WASSCE Past Exam Questions? Get the Complete WAEC Eng Language Objectives, Essay and Test of Oral Past Questions and answers in pdf or ms word from us. whatsapp +2348051311885

WAEC English Comprehension Passages with questions and answers

SECTION B COMPREHENSION [20 mark] You are advised to speed about 30 minutes on this section.

  • Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions on it.

Alani was the seventh child of his family When lie was growing up, there was scarcely enough to go round, His mother was a petty trader while his father worked as a clerk in one of the ministries. But Alani was an intelligent child and performed brilliantly at school. This endeared him to his teachers. He represented the school at all competitions and won many laurels. While he was in Basic Six, he won a scholarship to studs at any school of his choice to university level. The future was indeed bright for him However, having to constantly struggle with his siblings for the little sustenance provided by their parents turned him into an aggressive child.

After graduation, Alain got a job with a reputable accounting firm. He travelled far and wide and was trained extensively. He rose through the ranks and became one of the top executives. After a while, he decided to establish his own firm. His firm flourished because of his hard work, dedication and the huge amount of money and time he invested in the venture. After just a few years, the firm became a household name.

However, things look a bad turn. Alani’’s success went to his head. He became pompous. He would get angry at the slightest provocation. He refused to take the advice of his employees, considering them all beneath him. Even when his workers had good suggestions for improvement, he would not listen. Often times, he would treat even his clients shabbily. He began to lose clients one by one and his profits dwindled. His firm was on the rocks and he started to blame his employees for the downturn in his business. He became suspicious of every move made and action taken by his workers. Soon, Alani became a bitter man. He lost the respect of his workers because lie often quarrelled with them.

However. Alani’s secretary, who was his pioneer staff, did not give up on him. She tried to talk to him and refused to resign when other members of staff were putting in their letters. When five of his workers resigned on the same day. that decided it! He realized that he just had to turn his life around. He went for counselling and began to turn over a new leaf. It was during one of the counselling sessions dial lie met a business mogul. They got talking and the man was impressed with Alani’s knowledge and expertise. They formed a partnership and Alani’s business began to grow again. Alani had learnt a useful lesson: those who are endowed with success should nurture it with humility.

WAEC English Comprehension Past Questions

(a) What endeared Alani to his teachers? (b) Mention two factors that accounted for Alani’s success in business. (c) Why did Alani’s business almost collapse? (d) What was ironical in Alani’s blaming his employees lor the downturn in his business? (e) What incident made Alani have a rethink? (f) …… on the rocks. What is the meaning of this expression? (g) …… who was his pioneer staff (i) What grammatical name is given to this expression as it is used in the passage? (ii) What is its function? (h) for each of the following words, find another word or phrase which means the same and which can replace it as it is used in the passage: i. laurels; ii. sustenance iii. reputable iv. venture; v. pompous vi. dwindled 

WAEC WASSCE English Summary Questions


You are advised to speed about 40 minutes on this section.

6. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions on it.

Armed robbery is one of the most condemnable crimes in contemporary society. People have been maimed or killed for their money or belongings in the past, but never has robbery with violence been experienced on such a large scale as observed recently. Armed robbery is typically motivated by the desire to obtain money and valuables. However, some armed robbers engage in the crime with the intention of boosting their status. Whatever the motivation, the act is inhumane and can result in injury and sometimes the death of the victims.

It is rather unfortunate that in almost all modem societies there are always groups of unemployed young people. Some are unemployable because they have little or no education and lack skills.

What is even worse, these young people are often unprepared for and unwilling to do any manual work to earn an honest living. They tend to blame society for their plight and retaliate by indulging in acts of crime and lawlessness. They grab money and valuable properties of their victims to enable them to survive in a society which seems to ignore them. To reduce the instances of armed robbers, parents should do their best to nurture their children in the right way because charity begins at home. They should instill good values in them and should not hesitate to correct them early in life when they bring home something that does not belong In them.

WAEC Past Questions on Summary

The rich, on the other hand, who are mostly the target or armed robbers provide another cause. Some show of their wealth ostentatiously, live flamboyantly, go about in flashy and sophisticated cars, hop from one exotic island to another on holidays, and brag about all their escapades on social media much to the annoyance and envy of the unemployed youth. To bridge the gap between the haves and the have-nots, the government should provide the basic necessities for its citizens. Social services should be made available to those without jobs. The provision of such amenities to eater for the entire populace would help to improve the living conditions of the unemployed and underemployed. The adequate provision of infrastructure would ensure that every individual has access to the basic comforts of life.

The breakdown of traditional systems, resulting in the loss of moral and spiritual values, has made wealth the only thing of value in the eyes of the youth. The ostentatious display of ill-gotten wealth is applauded and the society hardly questions its source. Many young people therefore engage in all manner of nefarious activities including armed robbery to make money in order to enjoy the delights and comforts of modern life and above all, be celebrated by their society. Law enforcement authorities can further reduce the spate of armed robberies by monitoring places known for high incidence of the crime. Constant and intrusive patrols of crime-prone areas can deter potential offenders.

(a) In three sentences, one for each, summarize the factors that make some youths go into armed robbery.

(b) In three sentences, one for each, summarize how armed robbery’ can be reduced.

Free WAEC Essay Past Questions

Click to Download your free Past Question on English Essay WAEC Link 1: WAEC English Letter Writing Past Questions Link 2: English Comprehension Past Questions Link 3: WASSCE English Summary Questions

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Ultimate WAEC English Questions and Answers Samples 2023/2024

Ultimate WAEC English Questions and Answers Samples 2023/2024

Ultimate WAEC English Questions and Answers Samples 2023/2024 – Welcome to WAEC 2023/2024 English Language Answers; Objective and Essay questions are available here. Do well to read on them.

Table of Contents info: guides you with information about WASC, NECO, GCE and NABTEB. get your WAEC 2023/2024 English Language theory and objective questions and answers here.

OBJ Answers:





In each of the following sentences, there is one word in italics and one gap. From the list of words lettered A to D,

choose the one that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the word in italics and that will, at the same time, correctly

fill the gap in the sentence.

Binetou’s inquisitiveness is in sharp contrast with her sister’s _

A. indifference

B. noisiness

C. calmness

D. dullness

  • Though at first it appeared an insignificant idea, it turned out to be quite

A. outstanding

B. successful

C. remarkable

D. interesting

  • After grasping the fundamental aspects of his job, Kwesi had to cope with more __ procedures.

A. advanced

B. academic

C. subsidiary

D. secondary

  • The youth prefer discussing contemporary issues to _ ones

B. uninteresting

D. political

  • As erroneous as it might sound, the Headmaster’s assumption was quite __
  • Halima likes to dwell on trivial, rather than _ matters
  • We all know that Bola is insolent whereas Ade is __

A. cowardly

B. respectful

WAEC English Questions and Answers Samples 2023/2024

  • A few days after Musa’s __ , his sister longed for his departure

B. entrance

  • Algebra seems complicated, but with practice it becomes _

C. accessible

D. achievable

  • Mrs. Agide is unassuming whereas her twin sister is __

A. cheerful

B. boastful

From the words lettered A to D, choose the word that best completes each of the following sentences.

  • At Christmas, employees of Sugar Factory receive huge __

A. benefits

B. dividends

D. salaries

  • The exposed milk in that container has turned _
  • Not all activities champion _ causes

C. concrete

D. favourable

  • The Mayor gave a glowing __ at the funeral of the city’s only curator

A. citation

B. statement

D. commendation

  • At the end of __ , the National Anthem is played on our radio station

A. programming

B. production

C. transition

D. transmission

  • The defence counsel was unable to convince __ of John’s innocence

A. plaintiff

  • Unfortunately, corruption is the __ of most African countries.

C. disaster

D. backbone

  • The __ results proved that the patient had hepatitis.

A. investigation

B. diagnosis

  • The new book has beautiful __ which make it attractive.

A. illustrations

B. demonstrations

C. illuminations

D. compositions

  • Their marriage was finally __ after years of hostility

A. cancelled

B. annulled

D. separated

After each of the following sentences, a list of possible interpretation is given. choose the interpretation that is most

appropriate for each sentence

  • Can you imagine Oka behaving as he has all the knowledge in the world? This means that Oka

A. does not really know everything

B. knows so much more than we think

C. is admired by everybody

D. respects other people

  • Akin is too full of himself. This means that Akin

A. talks too much

B. eats too much

C. is too proud

D. is quite annoying

  • she slogged her guts out for the examination. This means that she

A. she failed the examination despite working hard for it.

B. passed the examination despite not working hard for it

C. used unfair means to face the examination

D. really worked very hard for the examination

  • I admire Modou: very few people can stomach all of Adaeze’s insults. This means that Modou

A. tolerated Adaeze’s insults

B. was a weakling

C. had no answer to Adaeze’s insult

D. did the right thing by remaining silent.

  • After months of battling with stroke, he is now a shadow of his former self. This means that he

A. is now frail

B. is vulnerable

C. is hopeless

D. has almost recovered

  • Kura, you can’t be too careful when dealing with Wang. This means that Kura

A. has no reason to be suspicious of Wang.

B. can fully rely on Wang

C. has to be very careful in his relationship with Wang

D. may feel free in the company of Wang.

  • Don’t tell me another cock and bull story. This means that the speaker does not want to

A. be further baffled

B. hear the same old story

C. hear another drab story

D. be further deceived

  • Had he confessed much earlier, she would have trusted him This means that he

A. had confessed earlier on, but he wasn’t trusted

B. had confessed much earlier on, and he was trusted

C. hadn’t confessed much earlier on, and he was trusted

D. hadn’t confessed earlier on, and he wasn’t trusted

  • Kola: You really worked hard to win the case. Didia: You don’t know the half of it.

A. it wasn’t as difficult as Kola had thought

B. Kola’s statement wasn’t actually correct

C. it was even more difficult than Kola could imagine

D. winning the case didn’t mean much to Kola

  • Femi is too clever by half. This means that Femi

A. displays his cleverness in an annoying way

B. is not as clever as he thinks

C. pleases everyone he meets

D. hides how clever he really is.

From the words lettered A to D below each of the following sentences, choose the word or group of words that is

nearest in meaning to the word in italics as it is used in the sentence

  • He was such a brilliant footballer!

A. an inspired

B. an intelligent

C. a dazzling

D. a skilful

  • The politician is a fluent speaker

A. an eloquent

B. a superficial

C. an insightful

D. a persuasive

  • Everyone has the urge to succeed in life

A. compulsion

  • When he heard the gunshot, he ran into a thick forest
  • That was a timely intervention

A. suitable

B. accurate

  • David is not only hardworking but also scrupulous

A. painstaking

B. ambitious

C. pleasant

  • We really have to be careful because the situation is rather tricky

A. deceitful

C. unexpected

D. difficult

  • I think that his essay is impeccable

A. erroneous

C. satisfactory

D. faultless

  • There has been a marked change in her study habit

A. significant

D. complete

  • He was directed to write the letter.

B. instructed

C. persuaded

WAEC English Theory Questions PAPER 2 SECTION A ESSAY [50 marks]

Answer ONE question only from this section. All questions carry equal marks. Your answer should not be less than 450

words. You are advised to spend about 50 minutes on this section.

  • As a concerned student, write a letter to the Principal of your school informing him of recent acts of bullying by

senior students and suggesting ways of arresting the situation.

  • You just learnt that your younger brother intends to involve himself in examination malpractice during the

WASSCE. Write a letter to him warning him of the dangers of such an action and urging him to concentrate on his

studies instead.

  • Write an article suitable for publication in one of your national dailies discussing the vandalization of public facilities

in your country and its effects.

  • You are the Chief Speaker in a debate on the topic: Parents should allow their children to choose their own

careers. Write your speech for or against the topic.

  • Write a story, real or imaginary which ends with “… I then realized that it pays to be disciplined.”.

SECTION B COMPREHENSION [20 marks] You are advised to spend about 30 minutes on this section.

  • Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions on it.

Our planet is at risk. Our environment is under threat. The air we breathe, the water we drink, the seas we fish in,

and soils we farm, the forests, animals, and plants that surround us are in danger. New terms and words describe

these problems: acid rain, the greenhouse effect, global warming, holes in the ozone layer, desertification, and

industrial pollution. We are changing our environment. More and more gases and wastes escape from our factories. Rubbish, oil silages

and detergents damage our rivers and seas. Forests give us timber and paper, but their loss results in soil erosion and

also endangers wildlife.

The richer countries of the world are mainly responsible for industrial pollution. This is where most of all the

commercial energy is produced. In developing countries, poverty cause people to change their environment,

overgraze grassland, cut down trees for new land and firewood, to farm poor soil for food.

The United Nations Environmental Protection Agency says that an area of forest the size of Sierra Leone disappears

every year. Trees are cut down for timber which is used for building, furniture, paper, and fuel. They are also

destroyed to provide land on which to graze animals and build new villages and towns. But trees have many other

important uses.

Trees protect the land from a heavy downpour of rain and their roots help to hold the soil together. Forests are also

the home of many living things. The Amazon forest contains one-fifth of all the species of birds in the world. In our

forests, there may be plants and animals which could help in the discovery of new medicines for crops.

To rescue and conserve our beautiful world, we must act cooperatively. Individuals, communities, nations, and

international associations, all have the responsibility. By learning to protect the natural environment, we can manage

the earth’s resources for generations to come.

(a) The risk referred to in the passage is of what origin? (b) From the passage, it can be deduced that the inhabitants of developing countries _ (c) According to the passage, the size of the forest depleted _ annually. (d) The writer holds the richer countries responsible for industrial pollution because of their what? (e) The message of the writer of the passage is the need for what?

SECTION C SUMMARY [30 marks] You are advised to spend about 40 minutes on this section.

2023 waec english essay questions and answers

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FREE WAEC English Past Questions and Answers (DOWNLOAD PDF)

If you’re a student preparing for the West African Examination Council ( WAEC ), then you know how important it is to have access to past questions and answers. One of the most important subjects in the WAEC examination is English Language. To help you prepare effectively for this subject, it’s essential to have access to WAEC English past questions and answers.

WAEC English past questions and answers cover a wide range of topics, including comprehension, summary, grammar, and literature. By studying these past questions and answers, you’ll get a good idea of the types of questions that are likely to be asked in the examination. You’ll also be able to identify your weak areas and work on improving them.

Fortunately, there are many websites where you can download WAEC English past questions and answers for free. These resources can be incredibly helpful in your preparation for the WAEC examination. By using them, you’ll be able to improve your chances of success and achieve the grades you need to pursue your academic goals.

Understanding the WAEC English Exam

Free download now.

If you are planning to take the WAEC English exam, it is important to understand the format and scoring system of the exam. This will help you to prepare effectively and maximize your chances of success. In this section, we will provide an overview of the WAEC English exam format and scoring system.

Exam Format

The WAEC English exam is divided into two papers: Paper 1 and Paper 2. Paper 1 is a multiple-choice test that consists of 60 questions and lasts for 1 hour and 15 minutes. Paper 2 is a written test that consists of three sections: Comprehension, Summary, and Essay. The total time for Paper 2 is 2 hours and 30 minutes.

The Comprehension section of Paper 2 contains two passages with a total of 20 questions. The Summary section requires you to summarize a given passage in not more than 60 words. The Essay section requires you to write an essay on a given topic.

Scoring System

The WAEC English exam is graded on a nine-point scale, with grade 1 being the highest and grade 9 being the lowest. To pass the exam, you need to score at least a grade 6. The grading system is based on the following criteria:

  • Paper 1: Each question is worth 1 mark, and the total score is out of 60 marks.
  • Comprehension section: Each question is worth 1 mark, and the total score is out of 20 marks.
  • Summary section: The maximum score is 10 marks, and you will be awarded marks based on the quality of your summary.
  • Essay section: The maximum score is 30 marks, and you will be awarded marks based on the quality of your essay.

In addition to the overall grade, you will also receive a separate grade for each paper. Your final grade will be based on the combined scores of both papers.

It is important to note that the WAEC English exam is designed to test your proficiency in the English language. Therefore, it is essential that you have a good understanding of English grammar, vocabulary, and syntax. You should also be able to read and comprehend English passages quickly and accurately.

Past Questions Analysis

When preparing for the WAEC English Language exam, it is important to analyze past questions to understand the exam format and the types of questions that are typically asked. In this section, we will analyze past questions from the Reading Comprehension, Summary Writing, and Essay Writing sections of the exam.

Reading Comprehension

The Reading Comprehension section of the WAEC English Language exam tests your ability to understand and interpret written passages. The passages are usually taken from a variety of sources such as newspapers, magazines, and books. The questions are designed to test your understanding of the main ideas, details, and inferences in the passages.

In the past questions, the passages are usually between 500 and 1000 words long. There are typically five to ten questions per passage, and you will have about 30 minutes to complete this section of the exam. The questions can be in the form of multiple-choice, short answer, or matching.

Summary Writing

The Summary Writing section of the WAEC English Language exam tests your ability to summarize a given passage in your own words. The passage could be a news article, a story, or an essay. The aim of this section is to test your ability to identify the main ideas and key points of a passage and to express them in a clear and concise manner.

In the past questions, you will be given a passage of between 250 and 350 words. You will be required to summarize the passage in a single sentence of not more than 50 words. You will have about 15 minutes to complete this section of the exam.

Essay Writing

The Essay Writing section of the WAEC English Language exam tests your ability to write a well-structured essay on a given topic. The aim of this section is to test your ability to organize your thoughts and ideas, to express them clearly and coherently, and to demonstrate your knowledge of grammar and vocabulary.

In the past questions, you will be given a choice of two or three essay topics. You will be required to write an essay of between 250 and 450 words on the topic of your choice. You will have about 45 minutes to complete this section of the exam.

Overall, analyzing past questions is an important part of preparing for the WAEC English Language exam. By understanding the exam format and the types of questions that are typically asked, you can improve your chances of success.

Answering Techniques

When it comes to answering WAEC English past questions, it is important to have a strategy in place. This section will provide you with some techniques to help you answer both the objective and theory questions.

Objective Questions

The objective questions in the WAEC English past questions are multiple-choice questions. To answer these types of questions effectively, you should follow these tips:

  • Read the question carefully and try to understand what it is asking.
  • Eliminate any obviously incorrect answers.
  • If you are unsure of the correct answer, make an educated guess by eliminating the options that are clearly incorrect.
  • If you are still unsure, move on to the next question and come back to it later.

Theory Questions

The theory questions in the WAEC English past questions require you to write an essay or short answer response. To answer these types of questions effectively, you should follow these tips:

  • Read the question carefully and make sure you understand what it is asking.
  • Plan your response before you start writing. This will help you organize your thoughts and ensure that you address all aspects of the question.
  • Use clear and concise language to express your ideas.
  • Provide evidence to support your arguments. This could include quotes from the text or real-life examples.
  • Use proper grammar and spelling to ensure that your response is easy to read and understand.

By following these techniques, you can improve your chances of answering the WAEC English past questions correctly and effectively. Remember to practice answering past questions regularly to build your confidence and improve your skills.

When it comes to answering WAEC English Past Questions, there are certain techniques that can help you perform better. Here are a few tips to help you:

Objective questions are multiple-choice questions that require you to choose the correct answer from a list of options. Here are some tips on how to approach these types of questions:

  • Read all the answer options before selecting the best one.
  • Eliminate any answer options that you know are incorrect.
  • If you are unsure of the answer, make an educated guess. It is better to guess than to leave the question unanswered.
  • If you are running out of time, make sure you at least guess on every question.

By following these tips, you can increase your chances of getting the correct answer on objective questions.

Remember, the key to success in answering WAEC English Past Questions is to stay calm, read the questions carefully, and use the techniques that work best for you. With practice and preparation, you can improve your performance and achieve the results you desire.

Study Tips for WAEC English

Preparing for WAEC English can be a daunting task, but with the right study tips, you can improve your chances of success. Here are some tips to help you prepare for the exam:

1. Understand the Exam Format

Before you start studying, it’s important to understand the format of the exam. This will help you know what to expect and how to prepare effectively. WAEC English consists of two papers: Paper 1 (Objective) and Paper 2 (Essay). Paper 1 is made up of multiple-choice questions, while Paper 2 requires you to write essays on given topics.

2. Practice Past Questions

Practicing past questions is one of the most effective ways to prepare for WAEC English. It helps you become familiar with the exam format and the types of questions you can expect. You can find past questions and answers online or in study guides. Make sure to time yourself when practicing to simulate the exam environment.

3. Improve Your Vocabulary

Having a good vocabulary is essential for success in WAEC English. Make an effort to learn new words every day and practice using them in sentences. You can also use flashcards or vocabulary apps to help you learn and remember new words.

4. Read Widely

Reading widely can help you improve your comprehension skills and expand your knowledge of different topics. Read newspapers, magazines, novels, and other materials that interest you. This will help you become more familiar with different writing styles and improve your ability to understand and analyze texts.

5. Practice Writing Essays

Writing essays is a key component of WAEC English Paper 2. Practice writing essays on different topics to improve your writing skills and become more comfortable with the exam format. Make sure to pay attention to grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure.

By following these study tips, you can improve your chances of success in WAEC English. Remember to stay focused, stay positive, and stay committed to your studies.

In conclusion, practicing with WAEC English Past Questions and Answers is an essential part of preparing for the WAEC examination. By using past questions, you can become familiar with the format of the exam and the types of questions that are likely to be asked. This will help you to feel more confident and prepared on the day of the exam.

It is important to note that while past questions can be a valuable resource, they should not be the only resource you use to prepare for the exam. You should also study your textbooks and notes, and seek help from your teachers or tutors if you have any areas of difficulty.

When using past questions, it is important to time yourself and practice under exam conditions. This will help you to develop your time management skills and ensure that you are able to complete the exam within the allocated time.

Finally, it is important to remain calm and focused on the day of the exam. Remember to read the instructions carefully and answer all questions to the best of your ability. With the right preparation and mindset, you can achieve success in the WAEC English examination.

How To Get The WAEC ENGLISH Past Questions 

To get the complete Original WAEC English Past Questions and answers of the course mentioned above, you only need to pay the sum of N2,000  using any of the methods below;

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After making the payment, send the following as a text message to this number:  09060853525

  • Depositor’s Name (Full Name)
  • Email Address
  • Course  of study/Faculty
  • School Name

Once your payment is confirmed, the 100% real PDF WAEC English Past Questions and answers of the course you paid for will be sent immediately  to the email address you provided in your text message. You absolutely have nothing to fear or worry about.  We are 100% trusted!  If you have questions or enquiries, you can call this number:  09060853525  between 9:00am – 5:00pm (Mondays To Saturdays).

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs)

1. what is the format of waec english language exam.

The WAEC English Language exam consists of two papers: Paper 1 (Objective) and Paper 2 (Essay/Comprehension). Paper 1 is a multiple-choice test that lasts for 1 hour 30 minutes and consists of 60 questions. Paper 2 is a writing test that lasts for 2 hours and 30 minutes, and consists of two sections: Section A (Essay) and Section B (Comprehension).

2. What are the common topics covered in WAEC English Language exam?

The WAEC English Language exam covers a range of topics, including grammar, vocabulary, comprehension, summary writing, letter writing, and essay writing. Some common topics that appear in the exam include idioms and proverbs, sentence structure, figures of speech, reading comprehension, and essay writing.

3. Where can I download WAEC English past questions and answers in PDF format?

You can download WAEC English past questions and answers in PDF format from a number of websites, including , , and . These websites offer free downloads of past questions and answers for several years.

4. How many essay questions are in the WAEC English Language exam?

The WAEC English Language exam has one essay question in Section A of Paper 2. This essay question is usually a compulsory question that requires you to write an essay on a given topic. The essay question is usually worth 50 marks out of a total of 100 marks for Section A.

5. Can I get WAEC English Language past questions and answers on

Yes, you can get WAEC English Language past questions and answers on is a popular educational website that offers past questions and answers for several subjects, including English Language. However, you may need to pay a fee to access some of the resources on the website.

6. What are some tips for preparing for the WAEC English Language exam?

Some tips for preparing for the WAEC English Language exam include practicing past questions and answers, improving your grammar and vocabulary, reading widely, and practicing your writing skills. It is also important to manage your time effectively during the exam and to read and follow the instructions carefully.

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WAEC English Language Questions and Answers 2023/2024 (100% Legit) Essay and Objectives Solution

The WAEC English Questions and Answers 2023 are now available. With these WAEC English questions, students can prepare for their exams with confidence. The WAEC English Language answers cover objective, theory, and test of oral questions for free. Students can find the answers to these questions online, including WAEC English Language expo. With the help of these expos, students can gain a better understanding of the topics and can practice their skills to get the best score in the exam. The WAEC English Language exam will help students to gain confidence and improve their English skills. The West African Examinations Council is an examination board established by law to determine the examinations required in the public interest in the English-speaking West African countries, to conduct the examinations and to award certificates comparable to those of equivalent examining authorities internationally


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WAEC English Language Questions and Answers 2023 (Expo)

In case you are a candidate for the English Language WAEC exam in 2023, then you need to read this article carefully. Joberplanet will be offering you a free expo on the English Language WAEC exam in 2023. You simply need to keep refreshing this page to get the free expo. You should not leave this page as you will be able to find the answers soon.

WAEC English Language Objective (OBJ) Answers  Loading

Legit English Language OBJ  2023: Loading….

WAEC English


WAEC English Language Theory Answers 2023

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This is where you will find all the WAEC 2023 English Language questions and answers. Our team will be posting all the WAEC English answers on this page.

Please keep refreshing this page as all questions will be posted here as soon as they are received.

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After revisiting WAEC English language questions and answers 2023, it is clear that a thorough understanding of the English language is essential for success. To ensure success in the subject, candidates would need to be updated on the rules and regulations set by WAEC, as well as on current trends in the media that may be helpful in answering questions. This can help them stay ahead of their peers when tackling paper one of the WAEC examination.

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WAEC English Questions and Answers 2021/2023 |Oral, Essay & Theory

Welcome to our free online WAEC English Questions 2021 and correct expo hints to WAEC English language answers 2021 for OBJ, Oral & Essay (paper 1, paper 2, and paper 3).

Our WAEC English Language questions and Answers 2021 expo is available now on flashacademy for paper 1 (OBJ, Objectives) and Paper 2 (Theory & Essay), and paper 3 (Use Of Oral).

All you need to pass this Exam is our free English Language Expo guide. This package covers WAEC English Language Questions 2021 and Answers to WAEC English OBJ, Theory, essay, and Letter writing Expo.

Note, our free WAEC English answers 2021 material is not aimed at leaking WAEC English questions 2021 before the exam, but to empower WAEC candidates with what they will see and what they should be expecting in this 2021 WAEC English language exam.

WAEC English Language Expo 2021/2023

Once again, this WAEC 2021 English language questions and answers expo solutions are free of charge and it is very comprehensive. Making use of this expo will guarantee candidates at least A or B.

We maintain and respect the West African Examination Council exam’s policies and we are not aiming at infringing the exam policies.

But to help in securing and building better WAEC candidates that will not always rely on the WAEC English expo, we have piled up this material to support the 2021 candidates.

WAEC English Paper 1 Objectives (OBJ) 2021

English Language Paper 1 is Objectives (OBJ) Questions 2021 and there are about 60 questions in this paper to be answered in  1 hour, 30 minutes.

Candidates are to choose just one option from the multi-choice Obj options and shade their answer on the OMR (The OBJ Answer Booklet).

WAEC English Questions and Answers Samples 2021.

The following are some important WAEC English Language Past Questions and Answers Samples 2021 to practice with.

Choose the word that best Fill in the spaces:

1. A good Nigerian citizen must abide________ the constitution of the country.

Solution : In the English Language, one can only abide by rules. So the Correct Answer is B.

2. There would have been a riot in our school but for the timely ______ of our staff.

  • intervention
  • interruption
  • interference

3. The armed robbers _______ every room in the bank to look for money?

4. Ade is too clever by half. Does this mean that Ade is________?

  • far cleverer than others.
  • actually very stupid in his behavior.
  • annoyingly clever.
  • behaving to be clever but is not.

In each of the statements below, choose the word that best explains the meaning of the bold word(s)

5. Ameh is really being  economical with the truth . This means that Ameh

  • is being praised for being honest.
  • does not know enough.
  • knows more than he is prepared to say.
  • is not telling the truth.

6. I hope the principal would be  gracious  enough to forgive us.

WAEC English Language Theory Questions and Answers 2021

WAEC English Paper 2 Theory (Essay): Theory, Essay, and letter writing (formal and informal) make up the English language paper 2.

The WAEC 2021 English Language questions from this paper range from letter writing to essay and so on.

Format of English Language Letter/Essay Writing

Format for WAEC English Essay and Lettering Writing: If you are writing a formal letter, then follow this format;

Formal Letter Format:

  • Your address (at the right-hand-side)
  • Address of the person you are sending to (at the left-hand side)
  • Caption (the heading of your letter)
  • Body of the letter (starting with Introduction, then to content and conclusion)
  • Complimentary close (Yours faithfully)
  • Your Signature / Name (each on separate lines)

Informal letter Format:

  • Your address
  • Body of the letter
  • Complimentary close

If you are writing an essay, follow this format: An English essay has three main parts:

  • Start with the introduction,
  • Move to the body
  • Make a conclusion.

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Education News and Academic Guides

  • WAEC Questions and Answers

WAEC English Questions And Answers 2023 | Objectives, Test Of Orals and Essay

waec questions and answers

This article reveals the WAEC questions and Answers for 2023 | Theories and Objectives. All the 2023 WAEC Candidates should not take any information contained in this article for granted. It’s an opportunity that you cannot afford to miss.

WAEC English Language Subject is a compulsory paper for every candidates of WAEC, not minding your area of specialization; whether Arts or Sciences.

A lot of persons have been searching online to see the nature of the 2023 WAEC English language questions and answers, possibly the exact questions that are going to be asked in the examination.

In a way of trying to help the students I have decided that publishing this article here for the benefit of the general public would be the best. Therefore, all the candidates who will be sitting for the WAEC English Language examination in 2023 should take advantage of this article.

In this article, I will be revealing to you all the expected questions for 2023 WAEC English Language and their respective answers.

In case you are looking for the best strategies to apply in order to pass your WAEC English Language examination at one sitting or you have written WAEC before but you could not scale through English Language, this is best article for you.

I am also going to be giving you some basic tips that you require for all your examinations. Kindly read to the end if you desire to have a detailed information about WAEC English Questions and Answers 2023 | Objectives, Test of Orals and Theories.

  • Complete WAEC English Language Questions and Answers for 2023

WAEC English Objective Questions 2023 (ENGLISH LANGUAGE 2)

  • WAEC English Language Objective Answers 2023

2023 WAEC English TEST OF ORALS (Questions and Answers)

Section a essay writting [50 marks], section b comprehension [40 marks], recommended links, section c summary [30 marks].

  • WAEC Theory Answers 2023

Tips on How Pass WAEC English Language

Top 5 reasons for poor performance in waec english language, complete waec english language questions and answers for 202 3.

english question paper

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Answer all the questions

Each question is followed by four options lettered A to D. Find out the correct option for each question and shade in pencil on your answer sheet, the answer space which bears the same letter as the option you have chosen.

Give only one answer to each question. An example is given below. Be sure you understand the instructions at the beginning of each section before you try to answer any of the questions that follow them.

Do not spend too much time on a question. If you find a question difficult, leave it and go on and try it again later.

Use HB pencil throughout. If you wish to change an answer, erase your first answer completely and shade the appropriate space for the new answer. Do all rough work on this question paper. An example is given below.

He got into trouble in an attempt to conceal the truth…………………me

The correct answer is from, which is lettered C and therefore answer space C would be shaded.

[A]                        [B]                         [ C ]                                            [D]

Think carefully before you shade the answer spaces; erase completely any answer(s) you wish to change.

Now answer the following questions.

In each of the following sentences, there is one underlined word and one gap. From the list of words lettered A to D, choose the one that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the underlined word and that will, at the same time, correctly fill the gap in the sentence.

1. Tom is refined but his brother is rather…………………….

A. arrogant

C. unskilful

2. Lions are in extinction in The Gambia but monkeys are still in………….

B. existence

3. Mary’s explanation was explicit but mine was………………

D. irrelevant

4. The major demanded an unalloyed, and not a……………….loyalty from his soldier.

B. wavering dah

D. alterable

5. The brevity of the President’s speech contrasts with the………. of the secretary’s.

A. accuracy

B. vagueness

D. verbosity

6. I can vouch that he broke the glass accidentally and not……………….

A. forcefully

B. directly

C. carefully

D. deliberately

7. Only question one is compulsory; therefore, the rest are……..

C. confusing

D. optional

8. The magistrate convicted the hardened criminal but……………. and discharged the first offender.

A. acquitted

C. released

D. sentenced

9. Houses built with bricks are sturdy while those built with glass are…….

A. temporary

C. beautiful

10. The principal is very strict but his vice is…………………..

A. peaceful

D. efficient

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From the words lettered A to D, choose the word that best completes each of the following sentences.

11. The brutal killing of members of the opposition provoked strong……………..

A. condemnation

B. accusation

C. molestation

12. The doctor…………………my illness is malaria.

A. discovered

B. diagnosed

C. prescribed

D. announced

13. Since we should not disclose our identity, our letter to the principal must be………………………

B. anonymous

C. ambiguous

14. Although we pleaded for long with our father, he remained…………….that we should not go to the stadium.

D. indifferent

15. Since hard drugs are destroying our youths, our government has placed an………….on them.

A. injunction

B. infringement

See also:  2023 WAEC Biology Practical Specimen, Questions and Answers

16. Oseli’s ……………teacher teaches English, Physics , Economics and Technical Drawing.

A. efficient

D. versatile

17. Some political leaders love………………who always praise their government.

A. sycophants

B. parasites

D. favourites

18. The…………….. of the new king will take place next week.

A. re-election

B. demotion.

C. coronation

D. re-admission

19. The match was a…………….. for Brazil because their team was stronger than the opposing team.

B. giveaway

C. walkover

20. Kofi is too……………; he wants to know about everybody’s business

A. inquisitive

B. friendly

C. concerned

After each of the following sentences, a list of possible interpretations is given. Choose the interpretation that you consider most appropriate for each sentence.

21. Ali does not let grass grow under his feet. This means that Ali

A. does not waste time in doing things.

B. is very wicked.

C. cuts the grass in his field always.

D. is very selfish.

22. The dishonest trader always palms off faulty goods on her customers. This means that the trader always

A. handles bad goods. B. refunds money to her customers.

C. tricks her customers into accepting bad products.

D. pays the penalty for selling faulty goods.

23. Ojo’s learning has gone to his head. This means that Ojo

A. has become proud because of his learning.

B. has learnt too much.

C. has been made mad by his learning .

D. feels that only learning is important.

24. When the vice principal left the school, it became a bedlam. This means that

A. every student attended school regularly.

B. punctuality was the order of the day.

C. many students boycotted classes.

D. there was noise and confusion in the school.

25. That amount Ivan donated was his widow’s mite. This means that Ivan

A. gave all that the widow had.

B. was miserly.

C. gave all that he had.

D. could have given more.

26. Fatou’s awkward behaviour shows that she is a greenhorn. This means that Fatou is

A. arrogant.

B. inexperienced.

C. inattentive.

D. cautious.

27. To secure more votes, the politician played to the gallery. This means that the politician

A. became over confident.

B. attempted to win cheap popularity.

C. was selfish.

D. went to the gallery.

28. Those who think that all is well in Cascadia are living in a fool’s paradise. This means that

A. they are fools.

B. some fools live in Cascadia.

C. they are under an illusion.

D. they are almost insane.

29. While paying a visit to his uncle, Ayo intends to kill two birds with one stone. This means that Ayo

A. promises to bring two birds home.

B. takes part in a double deal.

C. hopes to achieve two aims with one action.

D. intends to do two things at the same time.

30. People hardly show their true colours. This means that people rarely show

A. their abilities.

B. how colourful they can be.

C. their real character.

D. how noble they are.

From the words lettered A to D below each of the following sentences, choose the word or group of words that is nearest in meaning to the underlined word as it is used in the sentence.

31. Mary was kept in solitary confinement.

32. Buba has a very alluring personality.

A. attractive

B. intricate

C. deceptive

D. interesting

33. Hard drugs are detrimental to health.

A. paramount

B. ineffective

C. necessary

34. My father remains inflexible once he has taken a decision.

C. permanent

D. unyielding

35. Maxwell usually makes obnoxious remarks.

B. offensive

C. unpredictable

36. We should prevail upon Kwesi to accept the job.

B. persuade

37. The team has an arduous task ahead of it.

A. a severe

C. a strenuous

D. an enjoyable

38. The two tasks should be undertaken concurrently.

A. consecutively

B. alternatively

C. immediately

D. simultaneously

39. The students were told to review their assignments.

A. re-examine

40. Marian does not have the stamina to run that race.

C. determination

From the words or group of words lettered A to D, choose the word or group of words that best completes each of the following sentences.

41. I want just……..sugar in my tea.

D. a little

42. Since the opposing parties could not come to an agreement, the peace talks………………………

A. broke up

B. broke down

C. broke through

D. broke out

43. Children often have implicit confidence…………….their parents.

44. If I had heard the news earlier, I………………… stayed at home.

A. would have

B. will have

C. will not have

D. would have not

45. The order is that everyone must be bed by midnight.

46. To succeed in any business, one must be prepared to shake……….. one’s lazy habits.

47. ………………in his right senses will swallow live coals.

C. Everyone

D. Each one

48. One of the clever pupils……………….. able to solve the problem

49. He has stopped being foolish,.

A. doesn’t he

C. hasn’t he

D. isn’t it

50. I maintain that the property in question is…………………….

51. Although Sylvester and John promised to be here, ……………has turned up.

52. The house………………….has lives is spacious

C. by which

D. to which

53. It is high time you…………… this place

C. had left

D. have left

54. Since you have lost your birth certificate, you have to go……… an affidavit.

55. The musicians have not arrived from Sierra Leone,

A. had they

B. hadn’t they

C. haven’t they

D. have they

56. On my way home, I saw a …….

A. one-legged young mad man

B. young one-legged mad man

C. one-legged mad young man

D. mad one-legged young man

57. People living in villages have a passion………….. animals

58. Kebba and Kwame are very selfish; they care about only………………

A. themselves

B. one another

C. each other

59. You had better………..your assignment now.

60. Our kind teacher only cautioned the bully and let him.

61. My………………… is on the next street.

A. father-in-law’s

B. father’s-in-law

C. fathers’-in-law

D. father-in-laws’

62. The Mathematics teacher made us commit the formula…………. memory.

63. Momodou has been ill……………… three weeks now.

64. They kept quiet all the…………………

D. interval

65. ………………caused the havoc, he sneaked off.

66. The point on…………………….. we disagreed was trivial.

67. How did you arrive at………….wonderful conclusion?

C. that such

68. The government cannot…………….the decision any longer.

D. put back

69. The teachers……………..our poor performance in the examinations.

A are discussing on

B. were discussing about

C. had discussed on

D. were discussing

70. The wise thing to do is not to give………….. to the temptation.

71. My sister told me all……………. was said at the meeting.

72. The quarrel between Olu and Ola will end up………….a fight.

73. Musa did not want to fetch water for his grandfather; ……….. his mother made him do it.

B. otherwise

C. nevertheless

D. moreover

74. The citizens welcomed all the African……………………

A. heads of states

B. heads of state

C. head of states

D. head of state

75. Mother said she saw Alfred,…………………….?

B. she didn’t

D. didn’t she

In the following passages, the numbered gaps indicate missing words. Against each number in the list below each passage, four options are offered in columns lettered A to D. Choose the word that is the most suitable to fill the numbered gaps in the passages.

In recent times, more and more people have become aware of the- 76 -of the stock market and the possibility of making huge profits from investing in stocks and shares.

The process is quite easy: a person either buys the shares directly during a public- 77 -or does so through professional institutions or experts known as stock – 78 -. Thereafter, the buyer is issued with a share- 79 -to show that he owns shares in a company.

Investing in stocks and shares can be for a long or short term. A long-term investor does not hurry to sell his shares at any slight increase in price but instead is satisfied with the- 80 -which the company sends to him and other- 81 -annually from the- 82 -it declares.

This is usually paid according to the number of – 83 -the investor holds. Those who invest for a short term, on the other hand, sell their shares as soon as they can make reasonable profit from their investment.

However, it is advisable to be cautious because the stock market can be very- 84 – and occasionally there are- 85 –

One of the world’s oldest – 86 – is teaching. There must have been- 87 – who were respected because they were able to guide and – 88 – children towards the – 89 – of the desired goals of their communities.

The – 90- ceremonies for young adults common to many cultures are part of the – 91 – education process of those cultures. There are also many informal ways of educating the young ones.

When a young girl helps her mother in preparing the family- 92 -, she is learning culinary skills in an informal setting. One’s- 93 -group has a great influence on one.

In the formal set-up of our schools today, education is well- 94 -. There is the- 95 – of authority from the principal down to the class- 96 -. We have a fixed- 97 -which plays an important role in – 98 – our attitudes and conditioning our- 99 -and responses to the demands of our- 100

See also: JAMB Chemistry Questions and Answers for day 1, 2, 3 & 4 – 2023

JAMB Cut Off Mark for All Institutions 2023

WAEC English Lan guage Objective Answers 202 3

Having seen the expected WAEC English Language objective questions, you have to create time and ensure that you solve all the given questions. You have to seek the assistance of a competent English Language teacher(s) to ensure that you get the correct answers to the objective questions.

You can also make use of the comment section under this article if you want to have to answers to the given objective questions

Also keep refreshing this page as the answers are going to be posted in a short while.

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Answer all the questions.

Each question is followed by four options lettered A to D. Find out the correct option for each question and shade in pencil on your answer sheet, the answer space which bears the same letter as the option you have chosen. Give only one answer to each question.

Be sure you understand the instructions at the beginning of each section before you try to answer any of the questions that follow them.

Use HB pencil throughout. If you wish to change an answer, erase your first answer completely and shade the appropriate space for the new answer.

Do all rough work on this question paper.

From the words lettered A to D, choose the word that has the same vowel sound as the one represented by the letter(s) underlined. An example is given below.

Example: seat

The correct answer is D because only key contains the same vowel as the one underlined in seat. Therefore, answer space D would be shaded.

[A]                        [B]                         [C]                         [ D ]

Now answer the questions that follow.

C. mustache

B. creative

C. breaches

From the words lettered A to D, choose the word that has the same consonant sound(s) as the one represented by the letter(s) underlined. An example is given below.

Example: vice

The correct answer is B because only dress has the same consonant sound as the one underlined in vice. Therefore, answer space B would be shaded.

[A]                        [ B ]                        [C]                         [D]

D. culture.

A. pleasure

B. thronged

D. neighbour

D. courting

See also:  How to Check WAEC Result Online

From the words lettered A to D, choose the word that rhymes with the given word. An example is given below.

Example: obtain

The correct answer is A because only detain rhymes with obtain. Therefore, answer space A would be shaded.

[ A ]                        [B]                         [C]                         [D]

35. disdain

In each of the following questions, the main/ primary stress is indicated by writing the syllable on which it occurs in capital letters.

From the words lettered A to D choose the one that has the correct stress. An example is given below.

Example: democratic

A. DE – mo – cra – tic

B. de- MO – cra – tic

C. de-mo-CRA-tic

D. de- o – cra – TIC

The correct answer is C because the main/ primary stress of the word democratic is on the third syllable. Therefore, answer space C would be shaded.

[A]                        [B]                         [ C ]                         [D]

36. indoctrinate

A. IN-doc-tri-nate

B. in-DOC-tri-nate

C. in-doc-TRI-nate

D. in-doc-tri-NATE

37. refinery

A. RE – fin – e – ry

B. re – FIN – e – ry

C. re – fin – E – ry

D. re – fin – e – RY

38. phenomenal

A. PHE-no-me-nal

B. phe-NO-me-nal

C. phe-no-ME-nal

D. phe- no – me – NAL

39. consistency

A. CON-sis-ten-cy

B. con-SIS-ten-cy

C. con-sis-TEN-cy

D. con-sis-ten-CY

40. acrobatic

A. AC-ro-ba-tic

B. ac-RO-ba-tic

C. ac-ro-BA-tic

D. ac-ro-ba-TIC

In the following options lettered A to D, all the words except one have the same stress pattern. Identify the one with the different stress pattern and shade your answer in the usual way. An example is below.

Options A, B, C are all stressed on the second syllable while option D is the only one stressed on the first syllable. So, D is the correct answer. Therefore, answer space D would be shaded.

41. A. swindle.

42. A. convenient

B. excellent

D. camouflage

43. A. accede

C. dissuade

44. A. tradition

B. affiliate

D. consistent

45. A. constructive

B. technical

D. plentiful

In each of the following sentences, the word that receives the emphatic stress is written in capital letters. From the questions lettered A to D, choose the one to which the given sentence is the appropriate answer. An example is given below.

Example: My mother’s FRIEND hates pets.

A. Does your mother’s boss hate pets?

B. Does your mother’s friend love pets?

C. Does your mother’s friend hate toys?

D. Does your father’s friend hate pets?

The correct answer is A because My mother’s FRIEND hates pets answers the question, Does your mother’s boss hate pets? Therefore, answer space A would be shaded.

46. The playwright gave a TRIBUTE to her mother.

A. Did the playwright give a gift to her mother?

B. Did the singer give a tribute to her mother?

C. Did the playwright dedicate a tribute to her mother?

D. Did the playwright give a tribute to her father?

47. The WRITER sold a million copies of his new book.

A. Did the writer sell a thousand copies of his new book?

B. Did the writer publish a million copies of his new book?

C. Did the artist sell a million copies of his new book?

D. Did the writer sell a million copies of his old book?

48. The union congratulated the ELECTED president.

A. Did the union congratulate the ousted president?

B. Did the management congratulate the elected president?

C. Did the union reject the elected president?

D. Did the union congratulate the elected chairman?

49. A good description INCLUDES specific nouns.

A. Does a good description include specific verbs?

B. Does a good description exclude specific nouns?

C. Does a poor description include specific nouns?

D. Does a good description include obscure nouns?

50. The MANAGEMENT will continue to encourage hardworking staff.

A. Will the management continue to retrench hardworking staff?

B. Will the principal continue to encourage hardworking staff?

C. Will the management refuse to encourage hardworking staff?

D. Will the management continue to encourage hardworking clients?

From the words lettered A to D, choose the word that contains the sound represented by the given phonetic symbol. An example is given below.

Example: /Ɔɪ/

The correct answer is C because only boy. contains the sound represented by the given symbol. Therefore, answer space C would be shaded.

C. pressure

WAEC English Theory Questions (English Language 1)

Answer one question only from this section. All questions carry

equal marks. Your answer should not be less than 450 words long.

You are advised to spend about 50 minutes on this section.

1. Write a letter to your father, who has been on a long course abroad, telling him how the family has been faring in his absence.

2. Write an article suitable for publication in a cultural magazine on

the advantages and disadvantages of the extended family system .

3. The last nation-wide strike by secondary school teachers affected

your school adversely. Write a letter to the Minister of Education

suggesting at least three ways of preventing future strike actions.

4. You are a speaker in a debate on the topic: “Civilian rule is better

than military rule.” Write your contribution for or against the motion.

5. Write a story, real or imagined, which illustrates the saying: “Make

hay while the sun shines.”

Answer all the questions in this section. You are advised to spend

about 50 minutes on this section.

6. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions on it.

Bitrus, a middle-aged man, was speeding along the hot tarmac one

afternoon, oblivious of the countryside. By his side, reading a magazine, was his first son, a twenty-year old university computer science student.

On the man’s mind was the contract he was pursuing in the capital city. It was worth several million dollars. Although he had handled bigger contracts before, Bitrus was preoccupied with this new challenge, his mind far away from the road before him. His son too was buried in the magazine he was reading.

So, neither saw the goat crossing the road early enough. Like an automaton, Bitrus jammed on the brakes. In a flash, there was a skid and a somersault. The villagers worked for almost an hour on the wreckage of the huge Mercedes before rescuing the two.

There, in the casualty ward, the duo lay on the stretchers. Bitrus was soon in a fairly stable condition, but anybody would know that the son needed prompt specialist medical attention.

The doctor was sent for, a surgeon who regularly handled such cases. Soon enough, the doctor came. The nurses heaved a sigh of relief. But then … “Oh no, I can’t handle this case. He’s my son!” Everyone was shocked.

One of the nurses pleaded, “But doctor, you must do something, otherwise, .” “No, he’s my son. I’ll have to transfer this case.” And so, tearfully, more agitated than anybody around, the doctor hurried away to call a colleague.

Here was Bitrus, with multiple injuries, but not in danger. In the adjoining room was his son, still comatose. How then could a doctor come in and say, “This is my son”? Wasn’t Bitrus the father after all?

Most people would reason that the doctor was truly the secret biological father.

Others, reasoning hard, would conclude that the doctor was Bitrus’s father and thus was right in describing his grandson as his son. But for how long would people continue to think that all doctors must be male? Couldn’t the doctor have simply been Mrs. Bitrus?

(a) (i) What was the remote cause of the accident?

(ii) What was the immediate cause?

(b) What does the passage suggest about doctors’ attitude to the cases they handle?

(c) Describe the conditions of Mr. Bitrus and his son at the hospital.

(d). What assumption about doctors does the passage illustrate?

(e) “His son too was buried in the magazine he was reading.”

(i) What type of figurative expression is this?

(ii) What does it mean?

(f) “… that the doctor was truly the secret biological father”.

(i) What grammatical name is given to this expression?

(ii) What is its function as it is used in the sentence?

(g) For each of the following, find a word or phrase that means the

same and can replace it as it is used in the passage:

(i) oblivious;

(ii) prompt;

(iii) regularly;

(iv) pleaded;

(v) agitated;

(vi) adjoining.

7. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions on it.

In the 1960s and 1970s undergraduates did not need to apply for

employment. Employers usually wooed them by depositing offers of jobs in their halls of residence for those interested to pick and choose from as soon as they finished writing their degree examinations.

How things have changed! We have since “progressed” from this age of abundance in which unemployment was hardly heard of to one of economic recession and widespread unemployment.

The problem is so acute nowadays that one finds unemployment even among engineers and doctors.

What are the causes of this phenomenon? For one thing, our educational system does not train its products for self-employment.

Everybody expects the government or the private sector to provide them with a job at the end of their studies.

As we have now realized, the government and the private sector combined cannot create enough jobs to go round the army of graduates turned out annually by our universities.

For another, many parents encourage their children to enrol in courses leading to prestigious and lucrative professions for which they may be intellectually unsuited.

They end up obtaining poor degrees or none at all. Such graduates cannot compete on the job market, so they swell the ranks of the unemployable and the unemployed.

Perhaps the most important single cause of unemployment is economic recession. During periods of boom, economic activities are generated in abundance and these make plenty of jobs available. But the reverse is the case in times of economic recession.

There is no simple solution to the problem. Everyone in the society has a role to play here. The government has a duty to ensure that the economy is buoyant, thus providing the right environment for the creation of jobs.

The educational authorities have to orientate the process of education towards the production of job creators rather than job seekers. Guidance and counselling services should be made available in all secondary institutions.

Parents, too, should stop misdirecting their children into choosing careers for which they are ill-suited.

(a) (i) What was the employment situation like in the 1960s and 1970s?

(ii) What is the situation now?

(b) In what ways do the educational system, the parents and the students contribute to the unemployment situation?

(c) Mention three suggestions given in the last paragraph for solving the problem.

(d) Why does the writer enclose the word progressed (first paragraph) in quotation marks?

(e) “… for which they may be intellectually unsuited .”

(f) For each of the following words, find another word or phrase that means the same and can replace it as it is used in the passage:

(i) recession;

(ii) acute;

(iii) army;

(iv) lucrative;

(vi) orientate.

Complete WAEC Physics Questions and Answers for 2023

Complete WAEC Biology Questions and Answers for 2023

8. Read the following passage carefully and answer the question on it.

Poverty! Can anyone who has not really been poor know what poverty is? I really doubt it. How can anyone who enjoys three square meals a day explain what poverty means?

Indeed, can someone who has two full meals a day claim to know poverty? Perhaps, one begins to grasp the real meaning of poverty when one struggles really hard to have one miserable meal in twenty-four hours.

Poverty and hunger are cousins, the former always dragging along the latter wherever he chooses to go.

If you are wearing a suit, or a complete traditional attire, and you look naturally rotund in your apparel, you cannot understand what poverty entails.

Nor can you have a true feel of poverty if you have some good shirts and pairs of trousers, never mind that all these are casual wear. Indeed, if you can change from one dress into another, and these are all you can boast of, you are not really poor.

A person begins to have a true feel of what poverty means when, apart from the tattered clothes on his body, he doesn’t have any other, not even a calico sheet to keep away the cold at night.

Let us face it, how can anyone who has never slept outside, in the open, appreciate the full, harsh import of homelessness? Yet that is what real, naked poverty, is. He who can lay claim to a house, however humble, cannot claim to be poor.

Indeed, if he can afford to rent a flat, or a room in a town or city, without the landlord having cause to eject him, he cannot honestly claim to be poor. The really poor man has no roof over his head, and this is why you find him under a bridge, in a tent or simply in the vast open air.

But that is hardly all. The poor man faces the world as a hopeless underdog. In every bargain, every discussion, every event involving him and others, the poor man is constantly reminded of his failure in life.

Nobody listens attentively when he makes a point, nobody accepts that his opinion merits consideration. So, in most cases, he learns to accept that he has neither wisdom nor opinion.

The pauper’s lot naturally rubs off on his child who is subject not only to hunger of the body but also of the mind. The pauper lacks the resources to send his child to school.

And even in communities where education is free, the pauper’s child still faces an uphill task because the hunger of the body impedes the proper nourishment of the mind.

Denied access to modern communications media, the poor child has very little opportunity to understand the concepts taught him. His mind is a rocky soil on which the teacher’s seeds cannot easily germinate.

Thus embattled at home and then at school, the pauper’s child soon has very little option but to drop out of the school.

That is still not all. Weakened by hunger, embattled by cold and exposure to the elements, feeding on poor water and poor food, the pauper is an easy target for diseases.

This is precisely why the poorest countries have the shortest life expectancies while the longest life expectancies are recorded among the richest countries. Poverty is really a disease that shortens life!

In six sentences, one for each, summarize the problems of the poor man.

WAEC Theory Answers 202 3

All the answers to the 2022 WAEC English Language theory questions shall be posted here in a short while. You have to keep refreshing this page if you really wish to have access to all the answers.

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Marks Allotted to WAEC English Language Examinations

In this section, I am going to show you how the West African Examination Council allot marks to each section of their examinations. Usually, WAEC has about three papers to write for their WAEC examination.

The grading systems for each of the papers are given below;

WAEC English Language 1 (Theories)

Section A (Essay Writing)…………………….. 50 marks

Section B (Comprehension)…………………. 40 marks

Section C (Summary)……………………………. 30 marks

WAEC English Language 2 (Objective Test)….. 100 marks

WAEC English Language 3 (Test of Orals)…….. 60 marks

This section the article is for everyone and especially for all those candidates who are desperate to knowing the right thing to do in order to achieve excellent performance in WAEC English Language.

The following are the special tips on how to WAEC English Language:

Read Instructions

Once you have settled to take your examination in the examination hall, the next thing that you must do first is to read through the instructions on top of the page before you can proceed with reading the questions.

Most times, some instructions are specific to some questions, maybe one or two questions. Here, you still have to take those instructions very serious.

Read Carefully

Before you can proceed to answering WAEC English Language questions, it is highly recommended that you read carefully to understand any question before you can start to answer the questions.

It is possible to see questions that would be similar to what you have been seeing before, probably in past questions, but they are not the same.

This is the point where it is very necessary that you meticulously go through the question before you answer, to avoid choosing the wrong option for objectives and giving wrong explanations for theory questions.

Take Note of Compulsory Questions

In every WAEC examination, there is/are usually some questions that are specially made compulsory by the West Africa Examination Council. These questions are always seen in the paper 2 which is theory aspect of it.

You must ensure that you are able to answer those compulsory questions before you can think of answering any other ones. The compulsory questions do carry special mark.

Start with the Simplest

The complexity of every question in WAEC English Language varies. After you have gone through the questions, you would be able to tell which of the questions are simple and the ones that are difficult.

The best approach in such case requires that you answer the questions from the simplest to the most complex ones. This is important because it will help to cushion you against examination tension.

Not only that, it also helps in the management of your time. If you are finding any question difficult to answer, you have to leave it and go to the next. Thereafter, you can re-visit those questions that you have left unanswered.

5. Attempt all the Question

Though it is advisable that you start answering your question from the simplest, leaving the more difficult ones at the first attempts, it does not imply that you should submit you examination without answering those ones you skipped.

It quite understandable that you may not know all the asked questions, you are still required choose your answers even the ones that you do not really know very well.

Sometime, your guess can fall in place and become the right answer. So always ensure that you attempt all you question before you submit.

6. Review your Answers

After you have attempted the entire given questions, you still have to go through all the answers to check for any errors and possible corrections.

By going through the questions, you would be able to see any skipped question(s), if any and the ones you mistakenly clicked the wrong options.

It is an error to assume that WAEC English Language examination is hard. Failure to perform excellently in WAEC chemistry examination is a question of whether the candidate knows the right things to do and if he/she is doing it right.

The poor performance that have been seen in some candidates’ results over the years are as a result of poor application of the basic principles for writing WAEC English Language examination and some other factors that I am going to show you here.

Inadequate Preparation

This is the most important aspect of the reasons for poor performance in WAEC English Language that should be considered.

It is obtainable in all areas that when there is poor preparation for any examination they will be poor result. As a good student, you are required to prepare for the WAEC English Language examination to the point that you would be sure of scoring high.

Reading without Past Questions

During the preparation phase of WAEC English Language examination and any other subjects, it is very pertinent that candidates make use of past question papers with reference to their answers.

Failure to make use past questions and answers is one the reasons why many candidates are left in abeyance immediately they enter the examination halls for the English Language examinations.

Due to the ignorance of the nature of the examination, they will not even know to answer and most time it will result to examination tension and probably fever for the students.

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Poor Time Management

Time management is another important factor that can lead to poor performance in every examination. You should learn how to manage your time especially when you are in the examination hall.

The practice of time management starts from the period of the candidate’s preparation for the examination. Once you can answer your past questions comfortably with the limited time that will be provided, you will still manage your time very well on the examination date.

Lack of Adherence to Given Instructions

There are some students who are fond of ignoring instructions when come for examination. Jumping into answering of questions without reading the given instructions is very wrong. This contributes in a big way to poor performance in the examination.

If you want to have good performance in WAEC English Language, you have to strictly pay close attention to any given instructions.

Submitting Incomplete Answers

When a candidate submits the examination without attempting all the questions, it will automatically affect his/her score. It is important you answer all the questions before your submission.

I believe that you have found this article helpful. If you have any other questions about WAEC English Questions and Answers 2022 | Objectives, Test of Orals and Theories, kindly make use of the comment section below this article.

Do not forget to share this article to others.

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Home » WAEC English Answers 2024 [Essay-Obj-Oral] Questions is Out

WAEC English Answers is Out – Waec English Language Essay, Objective & Test of Oral Questions Released.

The Waec English answers 2024 to waec English questions can now be seen here. The West African Examination Council (WAEC) English Language SSCE paper will be written on Wednesday, 15th May 2024.

There will be three papers in Waec English 2024 – Papers 1, and 2 (Objectives and Essay) to be written from 9:30 am to 12.30 pm and Paper 3 (Test of Orals) starting by 2:00 pm and ending by 2.45 pm. The WAEC English question 2023 comes in the following question papers.

  • PAPER 1: This Will consist of eighty multiple-choice questions, all of which should be answered within 1 hour for 40 marks.
  • PAPER 2:  Will consist of five essay topics and a passage each to test candidates’ comprehension and summary skills. Candidates will be expected to write an essay on one of the topics and answer all the questions on Comprehension and Summary passages. The paper will last 2 hours and carry 100 marks.
  • PAPER 3: Will consist of sixty multiple-choice items on Test of Orals for candidates in Nigeria and Liberia, and on Listening Comprehension for candidates in Ghana, The Gambia, and Sierra Leone. All the questions will be answered in 45 minutes for 30 marks.

waec english answers

There is nothing like Waec English expo online . In this post, we will be posting sample questions from Waec English past questions and answers that we feel are likely questions for preparation.

WAEC English Essay Questions 2024.


Answer  ONE question only from this section. All questions carry equal marks. Your answer should not be less than 450 words . You are advised to spend about 50 minutes  on this section.

1. A friend of yours who has been living in the US for some years has written to invite you to join him. Write a reply to his letter giving, at least, three reasons why you would rather remain in your country.

2. Write a letter to the Minister of Works in your country complaining about the deplorable condition of the roads in your area and the effects this has on the lives of your people. 

3. Write an article suitable for publication in one of your national dailies discussing the vandalization of public facilities in your country and its effects.

4. You are the Chief Speaker in a debate on the topic:  Parents should allow their children to choose their own careers. Write your speech for or against the topic.

5. Write a story to illustrate the saying: The devil makes work for idle hands .

SECTION B COMPREHENSION [20 marks] You are advised to spend about 30 minutes  on this section.

6. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions on it.

Our planet is at risk. Our environment is under threat. The air we breathe, the water we drink, the seas we fish in, and soils we farm, the forests, animals, and plants that surround us are in danger. New terms and words describe these problems: acid rain, the greenhouse effect, global warming, holes in the ozone layer, desertification, and industrial pollution. We are changing our environment. More and more gases and wastes escape from our factories. Rubbish, oil silages and detergents damage our rivers and seas. Forests give us timber and paper, but their loss results in soil erosion and also endangers wildlife.

The richer countries of the world are mainly responsible for industrial pollution. This is where most of all the commercial energy is produced. In developing countries, poverty cause people to change their environment, overgraze grassland, cut down trees for new land and firewood, to farm poor soil for food.

The United Nations Environmental Protection Agency says that an area of forest the size of Sierra Leone disappears every year. Trees are cut down for timber which is used for building, furniture, paper, and fuel. They are also destroyed to provide land on which to graze animals and build new villages and towns. But trees have many other important uses.

Trees protect the land from a heavy downpour of rain and their roots help to hold the soil together. Forests are also the home of many living things. The Amazon forest contains one-fifth of all the species of birds in the world. In our forests, there may be plants and animals which could help in the discovery of new medicines for crops.

To rescue and conserve our beautiful world, we must act cooperatively. Individuals, communities, nations, and international associations, all have the responsibility. By learning to protect the natural environment, we can manage the earth’s resources for generations to come.

(a) The risk referred to in the passage is of what origin? (b) From the passage, it can be deduced that the inhabitants of developing countries ______ (c) According to the passage, the size of the forest depleted ______ annually. (d) The writer holds the richer countries responsible for industrial pollution because of their what? (e)  The message of the writer of the passage is the need for what?

SECTION C SUMMARY [30 marks] You are advised to spend about 40 minutes  on this section.

7.  Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions on it.

waec english summary question

Waec English Objective Questions 2024.

PAPER 1 (Objectives) SECTION 1

In each of the following sentences, there is one underlined word and one gap. From the list of words lettered A to D, choose the one that is  most nearly opposite in meaning to the underlined word and that will, at the same time, correctly fill the gap in the sentence.

1. Most African countries face poverty while few enjoy _______ A. influence B. money C. affluence D. power.

2. Last year our farmers cultivated more crops than they _______ A. destroyed B. uprooted C. harvested D. yielded.

From the words lettered A to D, choose the word that  best completes each of the following sentences.

11. There would have been a riot in our school but for the timely _____ of our staff. A. intervention B. interruption C. interference D. invasion.

12. The armed robbers ______ every room in the bank to look for money. A. explored B. ransacked C. raked D. swept.

13. The discontented men _______ up trouble among the workers. A. Starred B. Steered C. Stirred D. Started.

After each of the following sentences, a list of possible interpretations is given. Choose the interpretation that you consider  most appropriate for each sentence.

21. Ade is too clever by half. This means that Ade is A. far cleverer than others B. actually very stupid in his behaviour C. annoyingly clever D. behaving to be clever but is not.

22. Ameh is really being economical with the truth. This means that Ameh A. is being praised for being honest B. does not know enough C. knows more than he is prepared to say D. is not telling the truth.

From the words lettered A to D below each of the following sentences, chose the word or group of words that is  nearest in meaning to the underlined word as it is used in the sentence.

31. By failing to attend the interview, Idoko has lost a golden opportunity. A. blessed B. bright C. good D. delightful.

32. I hope the principal will be gracious enough to forgive us. A. cordial B. polite C. merciful D. gentle.

33. The man’s story gave us an inkling of what we went through during the war. A. a taste B. a possible idea C. a wrong notion D. a suggestion.

34. Our aunt has expressed deep appreciation for Onyinye’s invaluable assistance during the party. A. Immeasurable B. Praiseworthy C. Selfless D. Worthless.

35. Many world leaders have continued to condemn the South African Prime Minister for his truculent posture. A. Impetuous B. Impertinent C. Aggressive D. Impervious.

36. It is usually hard to change the course of action when one crosses the Rubicon. The underlined expression is used in this sentence means to. A. Pass through a place called Rubicon B. Cross a river called Rubicon C. Cross a bridge called Rubicon D. Be irrevocably committed.

From the words or group of words lettered A to D, choose the word or group of words that best completes each of the following sentences.

41. A good citizen abides _______ the rules of the land. A. with B. in C. at D. by

42. Since his swearing-in, the governor _______ his hometown. A. had not been visiting B. has not visited C. did not visit D. had not visited.

Waec English Test of Orals Answers 2024.

PAPER 3 (Test of Oral) SECTION 1

From the words lettered A to D, choose the word that has the  same vowel sound  as the one represented by the letters underlined.

1. l oo k A. glue B. you C. cup D. curious.

2. w i t A. fright B. wheat C. tree D. market.

From the words lettered A to D, choose the word that has the  same consonant sound(s) as the one represented by the letter(s) underlined.

4. pluck ed A. smiled B. slammed C. luck D. table.

From the words lettered A to D, choose the word that  rhymes with the given word.

6. carrier A. area B. barrier C. serious D. ravine. 7. drought A. crowd B. nought C. shout D. taught.

In  each  of the following questions, the main /primary stress is indicated by writing the syllable on which it occurs in capital letters. From the words lettered A to D, choose the one that has the correct stress .

9. acrimony A. A-cri-mo-ny B. a-CRI-mo-ny C. a-cri-MO-ny D. a-cri-mo-NY.

10. Information A. inforMAtion B. INformation C. inFORmation D. InformaTION.

PS: Once again, there is nothing like Waec English expo. Do not fall victim to scammers online trying to obtain money from you with fake promises of having access to a live question paper before the exam. What we have on this page are likely exam questions from Waec English past questions and answers to serve as a revision guide.

Keep following this page and make sure you bookmark this site for reference purposes.  If you have any questions, endeavour to use the comment section below.

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2023 waec english essay questions and answers

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WAEC English Questions and Answers 2024

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WAEC English 2024 Questions Essay and Answers

I) Food scarcity in Africa is caused by poor roads network.

Ii) Food scarcity in Africa is caused by high cost of transportation.

Iii) Food scarcity in Africa is caused by inadequate of storage facilities.

I) Educative farmers can help reduce food scarcity.

Ii) Provision of storage facilities can tackle it.

Iii) Mechanising farming can help tackle it.


You are required to answer only one question from this section. Your answer should not be less than 450 words. All questions carry equal marks. You are advised to spend about 45 minutes on this section.

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WAEC English 2024 Oral Questions

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English Language WAEC Past Questions

WAEC Past Questions, Objective & Theory, Study 100% offline, Download app now - 24709

  • A. secondment
  • C. orthopaedic
  • D. photographic
  • A. selfless
  • B. ruthless
  • D. frightened
  • A. incoming
  • B. oncoming
  • C. downcoming
  • D. offcoming
  • E. outcoming

Post-UTME Past Questions - Original materials are available here - Download PDF for your school of choice + 1 year SMS alerts

In question numbered 2 above, choose the best option from letters A - E that best completes the gap

In question numbered 3 above, choose the best option from letters A - E that best completes the gap

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  • Technical Drawing
  • Food and Nutrition
  • Home Management

Masha's View

  • WAEC Argumentative Essays 1
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  • WAEC Summary and Comprehension Questions 2
  • WAEC Essays and Letters 2
  • WAEC English Objective Questions and Answers 2

Category - WAEC Summary and Comprehension Questions

A compilation of past WAEC English Language summary and comprehension questions and answers, ranging from 1998 to 2022.

1999 WAEC English Comprehension and Summary Questions

  • Date: October 19, 2023
  • By: M.Masha
  • Categories: WAEC Summary and Comprehension Questions

1998 WAEC English Comprehension and Summary

  • Date: October 17, 2023

WAEC English Questions and Answers 2022/2023 |Oral, Essay & Theory

  • February 8, 2022

Welcome to our free online WAEC English Questions 2021 and correct expo hints to WAEC English language answers 2021 for OBJ, Oral & Essay (paper 1, paper 2, and paper 3).

Our WAEC English Language questions and Answers 2021 expo is available now on Studentmajor for paper 1 (OBJ, Objectives) and Paper 2 (Theory & Essay) and paper 3 (Use Of Oral).

All you need to pass this Exam is our free English Language Expo guide. This package covers from WAEC English Language Questions 2021 and Answers to WAEC English OBJ, Theory, essay, and Letter writing Expo.

Note, our free WAEC English answers 2021 material is not aimed at leaking WAEC English questions 2021 before the exam, but to empower WAEC candidates with what they will see and what they should be expecting in this 2021 WAEC English language exam.

WAEC English Language Expo 2021/2022

Once again, this WAEC 2021 English language questions and answers expo solutions are free of charge and it is very comprehensive. Making use of this expo will guarantee candidates at least A or B.

We maintain and respect the West African Examination Council exam’s policies and we are not aiming at infringing the exam policies.

But to help in securing and building better WAEC candidates that will not always rely on the WAEC English expo, we have piled up this material to support the 2021 candidates.

WAEC English Paper 1 Objectives (OBJ) 2021

English Language Paper 1 is Objectives (OBJ) Questions 2021 and there are about 60 questions in this paper to be answered in  1 hour, 30 minutes.

Candidates are to choose just one option from the multi-choice Obj options and shade their answer on the OMR (The OBJ Answer Booklet).

WAEC English Language Questions and Answers 2021 expo to letter writing & essay summary [Paper 1,2 &3 Objectives, OBJ, Theory & Oral paper)

WAEC English Language ObJ questions and answers’ options always look similar. So you need to pay attention to each question and read the question either twice or more before choosing an option.

So, don’t ever make a mistake of picking an answer when you have not gone through all other options. Below are samples and possible WAEC 2021 English Language OBJ questions and Answers for 2021.

WAEC English Questions and Answers Samples 2021.

The following are some important WAEC English Language Past Questions and Answers Samples 2021 to practice with.

Choose the word that best Fill in the spaces:

1. A good Nigerian citizen must abide________ the constitution of the country.

Solution : In the English Language, one can only abide by rules. So the Correct Answer is B.

2. There would have been a riot in our school but for the timely ______ of our staff.

  • intervention
  • interruption
  • interference

3. The armed robbers _______ every room in the bank to look for money?

4. Ade is too clever by half. Does this mean that Ade is________?

  • far cleverer than others.
  • actually very stupid in his behavior.
  • annoyingly clever.
  • behaving to be clever but is not.

In each of the statements below, choose the word that best explains the meaning of the bold word(s)

5. Ameh is really being economical with the truth . This means that Ameh

  • is being praised for being honest.
  • does not know enough.
  • knows more than he is prepared to say.
  • is not telling the truth.

6. I hope the principal would be gracious enough to forgive us.

WAEC English Language Theory Questions and Answers 2021

WAEC English Paper 2 Theory (Essay): Theory, Essay and letter writing (formal and informal) make up the English language paper 2.

The WAEC 2021 English Language questions from this paper range from letter writing to essay and so on.

Format of English Language Letter/Essay Writing

Format for WAEC English Essay and Lettering Writing: If you are writing a formal letter, then follow this format;

Formal Letter Format:

  • Your address (at the right-hand-side)
  • Address of the person you are sending to (at the left-hand side)
  • Caption (the heading of your letter)
  • Body of the letter (starting with Introduction, then to content and conclusion)
  • Complimentary close (Yours faithfully)
  • Your Signature / Name (each on separate lines)

Informal letter Format:

  • Your address
  • Body of the letter
  • Complimentary close

If you are writing an essay, follow this format: An English essay has three main parts:

  • Start with the introduction,
  • Move to the body
  • Make a conclusion.

Download WAEC English syllables

WAEC Oral English Paper 3 Questions and Answers 2021

The WAEC English Language Paper 3 will be the use of Oral which will test. The WAEC 2021 Questions and answers from this paper will test candidates abilities on phonetics and concords.

Paper 3 has 60 multiple choices (Objective) Questions. The time range for this paper will be 1 hour, 30 minutes.

Below are samples and possible WAEC English Oral paper questions and Answers 2021.

1. Which of the following words contains the sound as / ǝ /?

2. Which of the following words, does not have the same stress pattern as the others?

3. Choose the word that best rhymes with “DROUGHT”

4. Choose the word that best rhymes with “ CARRIER ”

Exam Format and Instructions to follow

Many candidates fail WAEC because of the following:

  • Check to be sure that your candidate’s details on the answer booklets are correct.
  • Do not write or submit the same exam number or name on more than one answer booklet on the same subjects.
  • Shun exam malpractice.
  • Make sure to follow the exam instructions as presented on the Question papers before you start.
  • Shade your answers appropriately following the OMR rules stated earlier.
  • Do not shade your objective answer sheets with a pen instead, use an HB pencil.
  • Provide valid details only.

That is the best WAEC English Language questions and answers 2021 expo solution that is available for now for paper 1 (OBJ, Objectives) and Paper 2 (Theory & Essay) and paper 3 (Use Of Oral).

Kindly check back for our free WAEC English expo 2021 for OBJ, theory, essay, and letter writing in few minutes.

2023 waec english essay questions and answers


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JAMB Chemistry Questions and Answers 2022/2023 Today Expo Solutions

Neco gce timetable 2022/2023 external is out- download time table pdf, you may also like, neco syllabus for physics 2022/2023 & textbooks download in pdf.

  • May 4, 2022

WAEC Geography Questions and Answers 2022/2023 |OBJ & Theory

  • February 3, 2022

WAEC History Questions and Answers 2022/2023 Expo [OBJ & Theory]

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NECO Government Answers (Essay & OBJ) [7th August 2022]

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WAEC GCE Result 2021/2022 Out (First & Second Series)

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NECO Biology Answers (OBJ & Essay) [5th August 2021]


WASSCE English Language Questions For 2023 Candidates – Paper 1& 2

WASSCE English Language Questions For 2023 Candidates – Paper 1& 2

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As you prepare to sit for the English Language paper come  August 2023 you can find below some of the English Language Questions to try your hands on them. These questions are samples from the previous year wassce questions. Solving them will help you to fully prepare for the 2023 WASSCE English paper.

Download WASSCE English Language Questions 1& 2- PDF

This is the waec English Language 2019 past Questions. You can download and try your hands on them. 

This is to help you in your preparation for your upcoming 2023 WASSCE Examination.

Please we Always TRY Our Best to Bring You All the Past Questions. So if you are here, we encourage you to share these articles on all the social media platforms to Help Reach many Students. Thanks for Sharing.

Find below the WASSCE English Language 2020 for 2021 JHS 3 students.

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Please we Always TRY Our Best to Bring You All the Past Questions. So if you are here, we encourage you to share these articles on all the social media platforms to Help Reach many Students. Thanks for sharing.

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WAEC English Comprehension Passages and Answers (Part 2)

Welcome to the second in our series of WASSCE/NECO/GCE/JAMB/WAEC English comprehension passages and answers. Study the sample answers to these WAEC English comprehension passages to help you get ready for D-day. Click here to go back to the first set of the comprehension past questions and answers.

Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions on it.

Need more? Go to the bottom of this page and click the link to Part 3 of your SHS/WASSCE comprehension past questions and answers.

In 1359, a young clerk, who was neither a soldier nor a nobleman, was a guest in the English army that was attacking a French town. He was only a scribbler of verses, upon whom military leaders lavished favours.

The young man was the great English poet , Geoffrey Chaucer. Whenever soldiers retreated from charging a dangerous breach in the city wall, Chaucer would write verses ridiculing their cowardice. By the next day, the whole camp was singing or reciting the verses. Their victims would then be laughed at into fresh courage. They would rather be shot at than laughed at.

Human nature is indeed queer . This phenomenon has cost people a great deal in history. Sometimes, the fear of being laughed at has closed doors to fame and fortune. At other times, those who subdue this fear achieve unusual successes.

Napoleon Bonaparte aimed at becoming Master of Europe and the whole world. He must, however, conquer Great Britain, which demanded that he must cross the English Channel. If only he had ships which could ignore wind and current and sail faster than the British man-of-war!

Luckily, there came to his court an American inventor, Robert Fulton, who had invented a way of propelling ships by steam instead of by sails. He had also studied practical details for building a submarine torpedo boat. He made successful tests of these inventions, which satisfied Napoleon’s naval experts.

That was Napoleon’s great opportunity! He yearned to try Fulton’s ideas. Then, strangely he decided against it. Should Fulton’s inventions fail, Napoleon felt he would be the laughing stock of Europe, which he could not bear. So he let go of this opportunity. An Italian sailor, Christopher Columbus, planned to “reach the east by sailing west.” He approached the Portuguese Court. Portugal, at this time, was Spain’s greatest rival in the establishment of colonies.

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King John of Portugal divined that the success of the voyage might make his country become very great in Europe. He agreed to send Columbus on the expedition but his counsellors warned that he would be laughed at throughout Europe if he should spend his money on such a foolish adventure, and so he dismissed Columbus.

Columbus went next to Spain, Portugal’s rival. There, too, the counsellors snubbed the idea. But Queen Isabella, unafraid of ridicule, declared she would sell her jewels, if necessary, to finance the expedition of discovery.

Queen Isabella’s attitude enabled Columbus to discover America. By reason of that discovery, Spain became one of the richest and most powerful nations in Europe.

a. For each of the following words, find another word or phrase which means the same as the word and can replace it in the passage: i) lavished ii) ridiculing iii) queer iv) subdue v) yearned vi) divined b. How did Chaucer help the British army that attacked a French city? c. In what way does the fear of being laughed at affect people? d. What could Fulton have done to help Napoleon achieve his life-long ambition? e. What factor ultimately helped Spain to become rich and powerful in Europe? f. ……. the great English poet….. i) What is the grammatical name for this expression? ii) What is its function in the sentence? g. …. reach the east by sailing west. What literary device is used in this expression?

Recommended Answers for Passage 16


a) i) lavished – showered ii) ridiculing – mocking/deriding/laughing at iii) queer –strange iv) subdue –overpower/overcome v) yearned –was eager/wanted vi) divined – reasoned/noted/predicted b) He motivated them by ridiculing their cowardice whenever they retreated c) While this fear makes some dare to achieve greatness, it discourages others and makes them failures. d) His invention could have made it possible for Napoleon to cross the English channel easily, conquer Britain and become master of Europe e) Columbus’ discovery of America i) Noun phrase ii) It complements the verb “was” g) Paradox

When Miss Anna Bonsra entered the classroom, a deep silence descended on the class. Then her shrill voice pierced the silence, “Kwaku Ananse,” she called, “come forward and give your oral presentation”. At once my heart began pounding like our old school corn mill.

I realized at that moment how much she disliked me. She had more than forty students to choose from, but she selected me. I was partially hidden behind the burly Owo, who sat in front of me. I had looked everywhere except towards the front of the room. But my ploys were unsuccessful. I had been called upon at long last to give a presentation. “Don’t get nervous; be a man,” I said to myself, as I braced myself to face the class.

With sweating hands, I took my notes, which I had tucked away in my notebook. She watched me with that familiar mocking half-smile of hers which seemed to say she knew I wasn’t as though I hadn’t had enough time to prepare for the presentation. It was no surprise assignment.

For weeks we had gone over the fundamentals of writing a research paper and had been told to hand in a twenty-page paper which we would present orally to the class. I had typically waited until the last few days. Then I thumbed desperately through an encyclopedia for a suitable topic.

I finally settled on William Shakespeare because there were some recordings of some of his plays in the school library. I figured that playing some portions of these films would not only take up part of the required time but also make my presentation unique.

After three days and three long nights, my paper was ready, Never had I written a paper so quickly, or one with so little content. Once I was before the class, my main thought was getting done with.

With very little feeling , I told the class what I knew about the renowned playwright, my mouth was so dry that I wasn’t sure whether it would open again for another sentence. My hands shook uncontrollably as I turned the pages in front of me.

Finally, refering to my notes more often than was expected, I finished the oral part of my presentation. All that was left was to show the slides. The worst was over!

a) What did the writer do to avoid being called by Miss Bonsra? b) Why was the writer nervous? c) State two character traits of the writer, as revealed in the passage. d) What two things made the writer’s paper different from those he had written earlier? e) What advantage did he expect to gain from using the films? f) With very little feeling iii. What is the grammatical name given to this expression? iv. What is its function in the sentence? g) … pounding like our old school corn mill What figure of speech is used in the expression above? h) For each of the following words underlined in the passage, give another word or phrase which means the same and can replace it in the passage: i. burly, ii. fundamentals iii. typically, iv. desperately v. unique, vi. renowned

Recommended Answers for Passage 17

a) He hid behind another student to avoid catching Mrs. Bonsra’s eyes. b) He was not adequately prepared for the presentation. c) i) He procrastinates. ii) He gets nervous easily. d) i) It was hurriedly prepared. ii) It had little content. e) He hoped to buy time with the films and also have a unique presentation. f) i) Adverbial Phrase/ Prepositional Phrase ii) It is modifying the verb, “told” g) simile h) i) burly – fat ii) desperately – hurriedly iii) fundamentals – basics iv) typically – characteristically/as usual v) unique – special vi) renowned – famous/reputable/ accomplished

Many years ago, I would have dismissed the news of the practice of occultism in schools as frivolous rumour but the book, Occultism in Schools has made me change my mind. I was badly shaken by the havoc it can cause those who succumb to it. The stories sent shivers down my spine and made me deeply concerned about the innocent youth who have been trapped in its web. The occult practitioner, like a confidence trickster , lurks in secrete places to pounce on and dupe unsuspecting victims. The occultist dangles attractive pictures of wealth and success before his prey as a fisherman uses a variety of bait to catch fish. His ways are shrouded in absolute secrecy.

Jack Moro’s very bitter experience exemplifies the devastation that adherents ultimately suffer. Jack was highly regarded for his academic brilliance as he was often at the top of his class. When he got to the final year, everyone was sure that he would pass the WASSCE with flying colours. Then disaster struck.

At this crucial stage in his life when he was making preparations for his final examination his childhood friend, Ananias introduced him to the Sure Help Brotherhood. He was hoodwinked into believing that it was a friendly society which guided its members to attain wealth, enlightenment, happiness and prosperity. He failed to see that Ananias himself was a complete failure in life. On joining, Jack came to spend more time on other pursuits than his academic work.

Sooner than later, Jack realized to his shock, that his academic performance was going down drastically, but for his sterling performance earlier, he would not have been registered for the final examination. He gathered courage to voice his concerns to the leader, who assured him on several occasions that the Sure Help Brotherhood was capable of making him succeed.

At first, his fears were very strong but the leader sweet-talked him into submission. He also persuaded Jack to go through the exorbitant official rites. On the eve of the examination, Jack was given a sparkling white handkerchief which allegedly had the power of conjuring the right answers to the questions.

In addition, he was told that the cult could influence the examiners who would mark the scripts. The leader demonstrated the efficacy of the handkerchief and Jack saw with his own naked eyes that some neat writing and diagrams appeared on the papers.

On the first day, Jack entered the examination hall with confidence. Towards the end of the paper, he acted as instructed, but to his dismay, no answers appeared. He fainted and was rushed to the hospital.

a) Why was the writer worried about the practice of occultism in schools? b) How does the occultist win his victims over? c) Why was Jack Moro entered for the examination? d) What does Jack Moro’s experience illustrate about occultism in schools? e) What is the writer’s attitude to occultism? f) … like a confidence trickster … i. What is the grammatical name of the expression above? ii. What is its function? g) For each of the following words underlined in the passage, give another word or phrase which means the same and can replace it n the passage: i. havoc, ii. prey, iii. shrouded iv. crucial, v. exorbitant vi. demonstrated

Recommended Answers for Passage 18

a) He knew it could cause great harm. b) He uses deceit to trick his victims into following him. c) It was due to his brilliant academic performance earlier. d) Occultism destroys the future of students who indulge in it. e) He is against occultism in schools. f) i)adverbial phrase ii) it modifies the verb, “lurks” g) i)havoc – harm/ devastation ii) prey – victim iii) shrouded – kept/hidden/covered iv) crucial – important/vital v) exorbitant – expensive vi) demonstrated – showed/displayed

A wind of change is blowing across our country, traditions and cultures are changing in all parts, though more rapidly in some areas than others. In remote areas, changes are very slow because people there cling to old ways of doing things. But in the big towns, things are different. Globalization is driving change at a fantastic speed. One other influential agent of change is the youth.

Most children go to school and their social lives are influenced by the way of life outside their homes. Young people who leave home to work in distant places return with many new ideas. Old skills and beliefs and the traditional ways of doing things give way to new ones. For example, with the acceptance of foreign religions, many traditional beliefs and practices have lost their importance. Story-telling, an interesting mode of entertainment, has given way to new forms – video and computer games, movies and so on. The youth take immense pleasure in these electronic gadgets, especially those that play their type of music

As families earn money and become wealthy, they tend to be independent of the support of their kinsmen. Money and employment are bringing people into new kinds of relationships. Consequently, the traditional family has been replaced by a social grouping which is not determined by blood relationship.

Imperceptibly, language is also contributing to this change. The widespread use of English and some local languages has brought about a welcome sense of national unity and peace. People who speak the same language feel related to one another. Thus ethnic barriers are being removed, dealing a desired and deadly blow to tribalism. In fact, there are people who now claim that they do not belong to any ethnic group at all.

The rapid growth of other foreign languages, such as French and Hausa, has generally increased the ease with which people can communicate with one another and has promoted mutual understanding. As a result, people are becoming increasingly aware that they belong to a community that is national, not one that is composed of only their kinsmen.

The most powerful force of social change is the media. Many people can now read and write. News travels at the speed of light nowadays . Newspapers reach people in even the remotest regions bringing up-to-date information about world affairs to them. Since people imitate what they see and consider trendy, they copy what they see in the media. One area is the world of fashion. Today, one can hardly differentiate between the youth who live in the city from the one in the rural area by their way of dressing.

a) Give one reason why change in remote areas is slow. b) What factor accounts for the rapid change in urban areas? c) What role has foreign religion played in the changes? d) How has money influenced the lives of people? e) How does the media contribute to the changes? f) News travels at the speed of light nowadays. What figure of speech is contained in the expression above? g) … who speak the same language… i. What is the grammatical name of the expression above? ii. What is its function? h) For each of the following words underlined in the passage, give another word or phrase which means the same and can replace it in the passage: i. remote, ii. cling, iii. Immense, iv. gadgets, v. consequently, vi. trendy

Below are some equally important posts you might want to take a quick look at before you leave.



Recommended Answers for Passage 19

a) Because people there still hold on to old ways of doing things./ People in remote areas are very conservative. b) Globalization. c) Foreign religion has eroded the importance of traditional beliefs and practices. d) Money has made people become more independent of their kinsmen. e) The media has bridged the information gap between peoples of the world./the media has turned the world into a global village. f) hyperbole g) i) adjectival clause ii) It qualifies the noun, “ people” h) i) remote – rural ii) cling – stick/hold on iii) Immense – great/considerable/profound iv) gadgets – appliances v) consequently – as a result vi) trendy – fashionable

View Passage 20 and More

This is the end of the second set of comprehension past questions and answers for SHS/WASSCE./NECO/GCE/JAMB students and tutors. You can move on to view the next set in this series of WASSCE/WAEC English comprehension past questions and answers.


2023 waec english essay questions and answers

Ralph Nyadzi

Ralph Nyadzi is the Director of Studies at Cegast Academy. He is a qualified English tutor with decades of experience behind him. Since 2001, he has successfully coached thousands of High School General Arts WASSCE candidates in English, Literature and related subjects. He combines his expertise with a passion for lifelong learning to guide learners from varying backgrounds to achieve their educational goals. Ralph shares lessons from his blogging journey on BloggingtotheMax . He lives with River, his pet cat, in the Central Region of Ghana.

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2023 WAEC English Language Past Question Paper

2023 WAEC English Language Past Question Paper

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2023 WAEC English Language Past Question Paper – Objective (SC)


In each of the following sentences, there is one underlined word and one gap. From the list of words lettered A to D, choose the one that is  most nearly opposite in meaning  to the underlined word and that will, at the same time, correctly fill the gap in the sentence.

  • A. valuable
  • C. unbearable
  • D. ordinary
  • A. pardoned
  • C. exempted
  • D. released
  • A. declining
  • C. disappointing
  • D. wavering
  • A. initiating
  • B. organising
  • C. executing
  • D. designing.
  • C. invigorate
  • A. peaceful
  • B. reserved
  • D. respectful.
  • C. compliment

SECTION 2 (2023 WAEC English Language Past Question Paper)

From the words lettered A to D, choose the word that  best completes  each of the following sentences.

11. The aggrieved customers staged a fierce ………. on the street

  • C. argument

12. The accused was brought before the jury for a court ……..

  • D. proceeding

13. From his ………., one can tell that he is an athlete

  • A. physique
  • D. anatomy.

14. The death of that journalist is still ……….. in mystery.

  • A. Conveyed
  • B. shadowed
  • C. shrouded
  • D. confined

15. The defendant was charged with ………. because he caused his neighbour’s death.

  • A. fratricide
  • B. patricide
  • C. genocide
  • D. homicide

16. Seeing a young crop ………. from the soil is a rare expereience.

17. Lawyers are still making efforts to interpret the new …………

  • A. language
  • B. technique

18. The cargo was intercepted on sea by ………

  • C. terrorists

19. The doctors …………. Bola’s grandmother after the heart attack

  • A. regenerated
  • B. resuscitated
  • C. resurrected
  • D. revivified

20. Because the couple cannot agree on many things, their relationship is now ……..

  • A. stressed
  • C. strained

SECTION 3 (2023 WAEC English Language Past Question Paper)

After each of the following sentences, a list of possible interpretations is given. Choose the interpretation that you consider  most appropriate  for each sentence.

21. Revealing that information will cut the ground from under my feet. This means that it will

  • A. expose my plans
  • B. ruin my plans
  • C. support my plans
  • D. promote my palns

22. Mother always tells me to keep my nose clean. This means that she tells me to

  • A. stay healthy
  • B. do what pleases me
  • C. stay out of trouble
  • D. be focus

23.  This action effectively puts the mockers on the project. This means that the project will

  • A. take off soon
  • B. not be executed
  • C. be delayed
  • D. not begin well

24. You can see clearly that we are surpassed in numerical strength. This means that we are

  • A. by far stronger than they
  • B. much weaker than they
  • C. more than they are
  • D. fewer than they are

25.  Once of the athletes was disqualified because she jumped the gun. This means that she started

  • A. too soon
  • C. hurriedly
  • D. without permission

26.  Be careful of what you say; there are no flies on the boss. This means that the boss is

  • B. gullible

27.  The students cocked their ears at the principal’s speech. This means that they listened with

  • A. little interest
  • B. rapt attention
  • C. no understanding
  • D. no interest

28.  Your daughter will do very well in school. She has a good head on her shoulders. This means that she

  • A. is very beautiful
  • B. thinks fast
  • C. is sensible
  • D. is well-behaved and diligent

29.  The accountant has been under a cloud since the fraud scandal. This means that the accountant is

  • B. under supervision
  • D. under suspicion

30.  Immediately the truth was revealed, Ngozi flew into a rage. This means that Ngozi

  • A. suddenly became very angry
  • B. became sad
  • C. became desperate
  • D. ran away

SECTION 4 (2023 WAEC English Language Past Question Paper)

From the words lettered A to D below each of the following sentences, chose the word or group of words that is  nearest in meaning  to the underlined word as it is used in the sentence.

31.  Parents encourage their children to exercise financial prudence.

  • B. credence
  • C. sincerity
  • D. precision

32.  Awa deceived Ahmed into handing over all his savings

  • B. betrayed

33.  It turned out that the plaintiff’s claim was false.

  • B. contention
  • C. allegation
  • D. pronouncement

34.  The aggrieved faction held a clandestine meeting.

35.  Morgan Pharmacy is the sole distributor of the antiviral drug..

  • A. creditable

36.  Police officers holding batons impounded the banker’s car.

  • D. collected

37.  The English teacher is always cheerful .

  • A. satisfied

38.  The Chairman is of the opinion that laying off workers is pernicious to the growth of the company.

  • B. irrelevant
  • C. indispensable

39.  She it  was that commanded me to leave the room

  • A. encouraged
  • B. persuaded

40.  The valedictorian was admired for her perseverance while at school

  • A. patience
  • B. humility
  • C. enthusiasm
  • D. tenacity

SECTION 5 (2023 WAEC English Language Past Question Paper)

From the words or group of words lettered A to D, choose the word or group of words that best completes each of the following sentences.

41.  The fisherman said he sighted a …….. of fish in the river

42.  The principal corrected no one else but ………

43.  The thug was …… murder

  • A. sued with
  • B. charged with
  • C. convicted for
  • D. charged for

44.  Asokoro office …….. is located in Ibadan

  • A. headquarter
  • B. headquarters’
  • C. headquarters
  • D. headquarter’s

45.  John should be through with his work, ………..?

  • A. isn’t it
  • B. shouldn’t he
  • C. can’t he
  • D. didn’t he

46.  This is the man ………… I said told me the interesting story.

47.  The accused forgot ……… .

  • A. why the police said
  • B. that the police said
  • C. when the police said
  • D. what the police said

48.  The officer ………. is my brother

  • A. on uniform
  • B. with uniform
  • C. in uniform
  • D. in uniform dress

49.  The footballers have been practicing ………..

  • A. in the stadium hard all morning
  • B. hard in the stadium all morning
  • C. all morning hard in the stadium
  • D. all morning in the stadium hard

50.  Professor John is the leader of the ……… committee to review the new book.

  • A. fifty-man
  • B. fifty-man’s
  • C. fifty-men
  • D. fifty-men’s

51.  James appears ……… wiser than his friends

  • D. much more

52.  That world famous athlete is guilty, ………… way you look at it.

  • A. whichever
  • C. whatever

53.  We were all afraid when the alarm ………….

  • B. went off
  • C. died off

54.  The material used for sewing my dress is ………… to yours

  • A. more superior
  • B. most superior
  • C. superior
  • D. very superior

55. The Chairman wasn’t privy …… that information

56.  We were lucky our driver didn’t die in the accident, ………………?

  • B. weren’t we
  • C. didn’t we

57.  The ……… were decorated with flowers.

  • A. girls shoes
  • B. girls’ shoes
  • C. girls’ shoes’
  • D. girls shoes’

58.  Before the lecturer entered the hall, we …… the board

  • B. have cleaned
  • C. are cleaning
  • D. had cleaned

59.  ……… the hours of nine and ten, the surgeons completed the operation

60.  Mother bought …………… at the fair.

  • A. an expensive red Japanese car
  • B. a Japanese red expensive car
  • C. an expensive Japanese red car
  • D. a red expensive Japanese car.

61.  The duty of our teacher is to give instructions; ……. is to obey.

  • B. our’s
  • D. ours’

62.  The teacher has ………….. with the principal

  • A. fallen apart
  • B. fallen off
  • C. fallen out
  • D. fallen down

63.  A meeting was called ………… the instance of the Chairman.

64.  Business is poor these days …………. workers are on strike

  • C. no matter

65. The test seemed ……………… simple that we thought we would all pass.

66.  Tayo: I think I can now solve the problem. Essien: ………….

  • A. Neither can I
  • B. So I can
  • D. Either do I

67.  The ………scientist has discovered a cure for cancer.

  • A. young brilliant Nigerian
  • B. Nigerian brilliant young
  • C. young Nigerian brilliant
  • D. brilliant young Nigerian

68.  The couple ………… their first child when I entered college

  • A. were not having
  • B. hadn’t had
  • C. haven’t had
  • D. hasn’t had

69.  The fire fighters worked hard to ………… the inferno

  • C. put away

70.  Those novels are interesting. I wonder if you can get me ………………… .

  • A. others such many
  • B. many such others
  • C. many others such
  • D. such many others

SECTION 6 (2023 WAEC English Language Past Question Paper)

In the following passage, the numbered gaps indicate missing words. Against each number in the list below the passage, four options are given in columns lettered A to D. Choose the word that is the most suitable to fill the numbered gaps in the passage. From the words or group of

Jim had his first — 71 — in professional boxing when he was seventeen and that match has remained indelible in this memory. Before the match, he had gone for a weigh-in along with other boxers. On the D-day, he came into the –72– amidst loud cheers from the spectators after he had been called by the –73–. He was wearing customised trunks and –74– to prevent damage to his hands.

Jim and his — 75– moved round throwing punches at each other. Jim threw a right –76–, left himself open and got cut by a strong counter punch. After this attack from his rival, Jim raised his arms and held his –77– in front of his face to protect himself by –78– the punches as they came.

During the second — 79–, Jim delivered a sucker punch which got his opponent in the ribs leading to loss of consciousness. Consequently, Jim won the game by — 80– .

71. A. bout  B. session  C. entry  D. attempt

72. A state  B. ring      C. podium  D. cage

73. A. starter  B. announcer C. referee D. umpire

74. A. boxing gloves B. kid’s gloves C. brace  D. parachute

75. A. contestant B. fighting partner C. opponent D. sparring partner

76. A. knock B. hook C. kick D. smack

77. A. hands B. fists.  C. elbow D. palms

78. A. parrying B. defending C. dubbing D. dodging

79. A. lap B. round C. leg D. turn

80. A. default  B. unanimity  C. knockout D. luck

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2023 waec english essay questions and answers


(1ai) Glomerulus: (PICK ANY ONE) (i) It filters blood to form glomerular filtrate. (ii) It removes waste products and excess substances from the bloodstream. (iii) It initiates the urine formation process by allowing water and small molecules to pass through while retaining larger molecules like proteins.

(1aii) Bowman’s capsule: (PICK ANY ONE) (i) It collects the filtrate produced by the glomerulus. (ii) It forms primary urine by capturing the filtrate and directing it into the nephron. (iii) It serves as a funnel, guiding the filtrate into the proximal convoluted tubule for further processing.

(1aiii) Proximal convoluted tubule: (PICK ANY ONE) (i) It reabsorbs water, ions, and nutrients from the filtrate back into the bloodstream. (ii) It plays a crucial role in secreting waste products such as hydrogen ions and ammonia into the tubular fluid. (iii) It maintains pH balance by selectively reabsorbing bicarbonate ions and secreting hydrogen ions.

(1aiv) Distal convoluted tubule: (PICK ANY ONE) (i) It reabsorbs sodium and water, thus playing a key role in regulating blood pressure and fluid balance. (ii) It secretes potassium and hydrogen ions, which helps in maintaining electrolyte and acid-base balance. (iii) It also regulates calcium and phosphate levels in the blood, contributing to bone health and metabolic functions.

(1b) |ORGANISM | Structure.. |..Form in which|

|Paramecium|Contractile vacuole|Liquid (water)

|Flatworm |Flame cells| Ammonia|

|Earthworm|Nephridia | Urea|

|Cockroach|Malpighian tubules|Uric acid|

|Human | Kidneys| Liquid(urine)|

|Plant | Stomatal pore| Gaseous (water vapor, oxygen, carbon dioxide

(1c) (PICK ANY FIVE) (i) Oxygen (ii) Carbon dioxide (iii) Water vapor (iv) Resins (v) gums (vi) Latex (vii) Tannins (viii) Essential oils


(2ai) -Mouth- (PICK ANY ONE) (i) Chewing and breaking down the food (ii) Producing saliva to moisten and lubricate the food (iii) Initiating the digestive process through enzymatic action

(2aii) -Skin- (PICK ANY ONE) (i) Regulating body temperature through sweating (ii) Excreting waste products like urea and lactic acid (iii) Absorbing certain substances through the skin

(2aiii) -Tongue- (PICK ANY ONE) (i) Helping with chewing and mixing the food with saliva (ii) Providing taste sensation and identifying the taste of the food (iii) Assisting in the swallowing process

(2aiv) -Kidney- (PICK ANY ONE) (i) Filtering the blood and removing waste products (ii) Regulating the balance of water, salts, and minerals in the body (iii) Producing urine for excretion

(2av) -Stomach- (PICK ANY ONE) (i) Storing and breaking down the food through mechanical and chemical processes (ii) Producing gastric acid and enzymes to aid in digestion (iii) Mixing the food with digestive juices

(2avi) -Small Intestine- (PICK ANY ONE) (i) Absorbing the majority of nutrients from the digested food (ii) Producing enzymes to further break down the food (iii) Transporting the digested nutrients to the bloodstream

(2avii) -Large Intestine- (PICK ANY ONE) (i) Absorbing water from the remaining undigested food (ii) Storing and compacting the waste material (iii) Eliminating the waste products from the body

(2aviii) -Liver- (PICK ANY ONE) (i) Producing bile to aid in the digestion and absorption of fats (ii) Metabolizing and detoxifying substances in the body (iii) Regulating blood sugar levels and storing excess energy

(2b) (PICK ANY THREE) (i) Mouth (saliva) (ii) Stomach (gastric enzymes) (iii) Small Intestine (pancreatic and intestinal enzymes) (iv) Liver (bile)

(2c) (PICK ANY THREE) (i) Amylase (breaks down carbohydrates) (ii) Lipase (breaks down fats) (iii) Protease (breaks down proteins) (iv) Cellulase (breaks down cellulose in cassava)

(2d) (PICK ANY TWO) (i) Glucose (ii) Fatty acids and glycerol (iii) Amino acids (iv) Minerals and vitamins

(2ei) (PICK ANY ONE) (i) Increased blood pressure (ii) Retention of water in the body, leading to edema

(2eii) (PICK ANY THREE) (i) Provides a good source of carbohydrates from the cassava (ii) Provides protein from the groundnut soup (iii) Supplies essential minerals and vitamins (iv) Helps to maintain body temperature through sweating (v) Satisfies hunger and provides energy

Please let me know if you have any other questions!

(3ai) (i) The meat may turn dark brown or grey as it starts to spoil. (ii) A strong, unpleasant smell of decay will likely develop due to bacterial decomposition. (iii) The meat may become slimy and sticky as bacterial and enzymatic activities break down the tissues. (iv) Visible mold or fungal growth may appear on the surface of the meat.

(3aii) Decomposition

(3aiii) (i) Refrigeration – Low Temperature (ii) Salting – Dehydration and Osmosis (iii) Smoking – Dehydration (iv) Canning – Sterilization

(3aiv) (PICK ANY TWO) (i) Temperature (warmth) (ii) Humidity (high moisture) (iii) Oxygen (Presence of air) (iv) Microorganisms (bacteria, fungi, etc.)

(3b) (i) Dired maize grains: Storage in airtight containers or silos (ii) Fresh tomatoes: Refrigeration (iii) Veetables: Freezing (iv) Beans: Canning (v) Milk: Pasteurization

(4ai) Cell Type… Set of. Onion cell Mitosis Diploid Sperm cell Meiosis Haploid Pollen grain Meiosis Haploid Ovum Meiosis Haploid Guard cell Mitosis Diploid Cheek cell Mitosis Diploid

(4aii) (PICK ANY ONE) Mitosis is the process of cell division wherein the chromosomes replicate and get equally distributed into two daughter cells.

Mitosis is a process of cell division where a single cell divides into two identical daughter cells. It is crucial for growth, development, and tissue repair in organisms.

(4b) (PICK ANY ONE) Parents with blood groups A or B can have an offspring with blood group O if both parents carry one recessive allele for blood type O. When each parent passes on the O allele to their child, who receives one from each parent, the child’s genotype would be OO, resulting in blood group O. This is possible due to the Mendelian inheritance pattern where the O allele is recessive to both A and B alleles.

For parents with blood groups A or B to have an offspring with blood group O, both parents must carry at least one recessive O allele (i.e., genotype AO or BO). When these parents produce offspring, there is a chance that they can pass on their O allele to the child. If the child receives an O allele from each parent, they will have blood group O, as the O allele is recessive to both A and B alleles.

(4c) (PICK ANY ONE) Genes drive evolution by passing on hereditary traits across generations. Mutations create genetic diversity within populations, providing the raw material for natural selection to act upon. Natural selection favors advantageous traits, leading to evolutionary changes over time. Additionally, genetic drift and gene flow further shape the genetic makeup of populations, contributing to the diversity and adaptation of species.

Genes are the units of heredity passed from parents to offspring. Through mutation, genetic variation arises, leading to diversity within populations. Natural selection acts on these variations, favoring traits that enhance survival and reproduction. Over time, advantageous traits become more common in a population, driving evolutionary change. Genes encode the traits that are subject to selection, shaping the adaptation and evolution of species.

(5ai) (PICK ANY ONE) Competition is the process by which living organisms in a habitat struggle or compete with one another for limited essential needs such as food, light, nutrients, shelter or space in the environment.

Competition is an interaction between organisms or species in which both the organisms or species are harmed. It arises when individuals or populations vie for the same resource (such as food, water, space, shelter, mate, ecological status, etc.) that is in limited supply.

(5aii) (i) Intraspecific competition (ii) Interspecific competition

(5aiii) (PICK ANY FOUR) (i) Food (ii) Water (iii) Shelter (iv) Space (v) Sunlight (vi) Nutrients

(5aiv) (PICK ANY ONE) During succession, early pioneer species colonize an area with little competition due to harsh conditions. As the ecosystem matures, resources increase, leading to heightened competition among species. This competition drives the succession process, as more competitive species outcompete and replace earlier ones, resulting in a progressively more diverse and stable ecosystem over time.

Competition and succession are linked in ecosystems. Early in succession, pioneer species face little competition. As ecosystems develop, resources increase, and competition among species intensifies. This drives succession, with more competitive species replacing earlier ones, leading to a stable and mature ecosystem.

(5bi) (PICK ANY ONE) Structural adaptation refers to physical features of an organism that enhance its ability to survive and reproduce in its specific environment. These adaptations involve the organism’s body structure, such as shape, size, and special body parts, that help it to survive in its habitat.

Structural adaptations refer to the changes in the structure of a living organism that enables it to adapt better to its environment. These adaptation consist of special body parts, such as skin, color, and shape.

(5bii) (i) Camouflage (ii) Mimicry (iii) Body Coverings and parts (iv) Specialized limbs and appendages

(5c) (PICK ANY FOUR) (i) Fingerprints (ii) Facial Recognition (iii) DNA Profiling (iv) Retinal Scans (v) Voice Recognition

(5d) (PICK ANY THREE) Adaptive coloration | Example (i) Camouflage | Chameleon (ii) Disruptive Coloration | Zebra (iii) Warning Coloration | Poison dart frog (iv) Mimicry | Viceroy Butterfly (v) Countershading | Great White Shark

(5e) (PICK ANY THREE) (i) Rubber Tree (ii) Pitcher Plants (iii) Giant Water Lilies (iv) Banana Trees (v) Orchids (vi) Bromeliads (vii) Ferns


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2024 WAEC: Physics 1 & 2 – (Essay), (Objective) – How to Pass the Exam Today

The West African Examinations Council (WAEC) exams are a pivotal point in the academic journey of students across West Africa. Excelling in these exams can open doors to higher education and career opportunities.

In this article, we will focus on the Physics 2 (Essay) and Physics 1 (Objective) exams, providing you with strategies and answers to the most asked questions to help you succeed.

Understanding the Exam Format

Physics 2 (Essay)

  • Duration: 1 hour, 30 minutes
  • Structure: Several essay questions requiring detailed explanations and calculations.

Physics 1 (Objective)

  • Duration: 1 hour, 15 minutes
  • Structure: Multiple-choice questions covering a wide range of topics.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can i effectively prepare for the physics essay and objective exams.

  • Study the Syllabus : Familiarize yourself with the topics outlined in the WAEC syllabus.
  • Practice Past Papers : Work through previous years’ exam papers to understand the question patterns.
  • Understand Key Concepts : Ensure you have a strong grasp of fundamental physics principles.
  • Time Management : Practice answering questions within the set time limits.

What Are the Key Topics to Focus On?

  • Mechanics : Motion, forces, work, energy, and power.
  • Thermodynamics : Heat, temperature, and laws of thermodynamics.
  • Waves and Optics : Properties of waves, sound, light, lenses, and mirrors.
  • Electricity and Magnetism : Electric fields, circuits, magnetism, and electromagnetic induction.

How Can I Master the Practical Aspects of the Exam?

  • Watch Tutorial Videos : Utilize online resources for step-by-step practical guides.
  • Understand the Experiments : Know the procedures and expected outcomes for standard physics experiments.
  • Practice Drawing : Learn to accurately draw diagrams for experiments and apparatus setups.

What Are Some Last-Minute Tips for Exam Day?

  • Review Key Formulas : Have a quick look at essential physics equations.
  • Stay Calm : Keep a clear mind and manage exam stress effectively.
  • Check Your Work : If time permits, review your answers for any mistakes.

Passing the WAEC Physics exams requires dedication, understanding, and strategic preparation. By focusing on the areas of concentration, practicing consistently, and utilizing available resources, you can enhance your chances of success. Remember, the key to excelling is not just hard work, but also smart work.

Good luck to all the candidates!

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