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Last updated on Aug 13, 2021

20 Creative Writing Jobs for Graduates (+ Entry-Level Positions)

Being passionate about creative writing hasn’t always been associated with a stable career path, but that’s not to say that there aren’t any opportunities out there to bring well-written stories into your job. In fact, we’re here to talk about 20 different creative writing jobs — 20 professions that let the storyteller in you shine! We’ll discuss the industries, entry level jobs, and potential income for each job below. 

When it comes to creative writing, the first thing that pops up in our mind is books! While writing is the obvious option (and we’ll cover that later on in the post), most writers choose to work in one of the following positions in the publishing industry to gain financial stability first. 

❗ Note: The “per book” rates below are made with 50,000-60,000 word manuscripts in mind. 

1. Ghostwriter 

👨🏽‍💼 Entry level positions: freelance writer, ghostwriter, editorial assistant 

💰 Potential beginner’s earning: $2,000-$9,000 per book or $0.10-$0.15 per word

If you’re all about creative writing but you’d prefer an upfront payment for your words, then ghostwriting is the job for you! Here’s how it works: an author hires you to help them write their story. It could (and usually is) a memoir or an autobiography which the author doesn't have the time or skills to write themselves. Fiction authors also sometimes use ghostwriters to help them write sequels and satisfy popular demands. 

Ghostwriters are freelancers, so you can start by getting some freelance writing gigs. As a beginner, you might start with short-form projects like articles, white papers, website content. Here are some resources, complete with tips from experienced professionals, that might be helpful:

  • How to Become a Ghostwriter in 6 Essential Steps (+ Tips from Professionals) 
  • How to Start Freelance Writing: 5 Steps to a Soaring Career
  • How Much Do Ghostwriters Make: The Ultimate Breakdown

👩🏻‍💼 Entry level positions: editorial assistant

💰 Potential beginner’s earning: $25,000-$30,000 per year or $800-$1,000 per book

Writing is actually not all there is to creative writing jobs — if you really love stories and are always finding ways to make a story better, then editing is a suitable profession for you. There are many types of editors: some (like development editors) work more on the plot and theme of the book, and others (like copy editors ) specialize on its language and style. 

Editorial assistant jobs are the common first steps to this career path. Entry-level positions are quite competitive in publishing, so you’ll likely need a relevant degree (English Literature, MFA, etc.) to get the job. 

Freelancing, as always, is an option, but it can be quite difficult to get clients if you start without any editing experience. Oftentimes, editors start working in-house and later transition to freelance . 

Below are some more resources for you if you want to pursue this career path:

  • How to Become an Editor: A Guide for Beginners
  • Copyediting Certificates: Do You Need One and Where to Get It?
  • Editor Salary: Can Your Skills Pay the Bills
  • Working in Publishing: An Insider's Guide



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3. Proofreader

👨🏼‍💼 Entry level positions: freelance proofreader

💰 Potential beginner’s earning: $20-$30 per hour or $550-$650 per book 

Proofreading comes after editing — the proofreader reads the manuscript one final time, after all the revisions are made, to see if any spelling and grammatical errors are missed out. They’re incredibly crucial to the production of a spotless book, so there’s never a shortage of proofreading jobs . 

This task is often done on a freelance basis, either by full-time freelancers or by editors who want to take on side jobs. You can specialize in proofreading alone, though most professionals will combine editing and proofreading crafts for better income. As a beginner, opportunities for short-form projects will often be more accessible — stay open-minded about taking them up, but also do some proofreading training to prepare for more exciting gigs. 

We’ve also got some resources for this topic for you to check out:

  • How to Become a Proofreader: The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide
  • How to Choose Your Proofreading Rates

There’s more to journalism than just breaking news on CNN, which means there’s plenty of space for the creative writer in you to flourish in this industry! Let’s take a look at a couple of options you can consider. 

4. Columnist 

👩🏽‍💼 Entry level positions: fellowships, junior writer/columnist, freelance writer

💰 Potential beginner’s earning: $25,000-$35,000 per year or $100-$300 per piece 

If you like creative nonfiction , you probably have already considered becoming a columnist. In fact, you can even be a books columnist! Job options range from book-specific sites like Electric Literature or Literary Hub, to prestigious newspapers like The Guardian or The New Yorker. But that’s not necessarily the only thing you can write about! You can become a columnist in just about any topic, from social issues to entertainment, as long as you’re interested in the niche. 

Look out for fellowships and junior writing jobs in newspapers and magazines and get ready to apply! A degree in relevant subjects like Journalism or English Literature is a great advantage, though your ability to follow up on leads, conduct thorough research, and keep up with the latest trends in a certain niche will be carefully assessed. You can also be a contributing writer first to forge a relationship with the editors before going after a full-time position. 

👨🏻‍💼 Entry level positions: junior writer, freelance writer

There’s a fine line between a critic and a columnist: critics are usually more academically inclined, and they often work more on the arts than columnists. Columnists cover social issues, sports, entertainment in their more general sense, while critics while home in on a particular piece of art, literature, theatre, or movie to offer expert assessment of it. 

Similar to the columnists, you can begin with junior writing positions and freelance gigs, in which you build up a writing portfolio of relevant work. Ideally, critics will be more savvy to the technicalities of whatever subject you critique — be it filmography or literature. In other words, formal training like a bachelor’s degree is a good launch pad. 

6. News journalist 

👩🏼‍💼 Entry level positions: staff writer/journalist

💰 Potential beginner’s earning: $30,000-$35,000 per year 

Writing news articles is different from the writing column pieces: a journalist must maintain an impartial voice and be succinct. Moreover, you’re always looking out for the latest story, whether on social media or on the street (which is where your love for creative writing can come in). 

The most common way to get into news journalism is to get a salaried position. You can also apply to internships as well, and there are compensated ones to look out for. What you will need is a degree and some journalist training so that you can use shorthand, know what makes a good story, and know what sources to chase, among other things. 

7. Investigative journalist 

👨🏽‍💼 Entry level positions: staff writer/journalist

And what if you’re a fan of true crime ? You might find yourself drawn to investigative journalism! You can chase the tail of anything under the sun, from kidnappings to factory production, from local to international events, so long as there’s an uncovered story there. The topic will often be assigned to you by an editor, and you’ll be given some time to collect information and write the article. It’s a slower pace than daily news, but it’s thrilling nonetheless. 

Similar to the news path, you’ll likely start off with an internship or a junior writing position. With this job opportunity, you can build a portfolio that demonstrates your ability to peel back the layers of the onion to reveal new insights to a matter. Again, a degree and training in journalism are essential. 


Copywriting is writing to sell a product or service, and it could be anything from newsletter emails to slogans to even commercial scripts! There’s definitely a creative element to it, as you’re always looking for a unique and memorable way to capture the attention of consumers. And since it's so rooted in consumption culture, copywriting is definitely a writing career that's in demand!

Below are several types of copywriting jobs you can go into. 

8. Technical copywriter

👩🏻‍💼 Entry level positions: technical writer, freelance writer

💰 Potential beginner’s earning: $32,000-$38,000 per year 

A technical writer works on instructional materials for manuals, white papers, and other informative pieces of writing. A technical copywriter combines that level of specialty with marketing tactics, thereby focusing on promoting products and services that are a bit more, well, technical. Think electronic companies, software developers, repair and maintenance services. 

Ideally, you’d have some education or experience in technical sectors (i.e. IT, engineering, finance). That way, you won’t take too much time to familiarize yourself with the jargon, and employers are more likely to hire you. You can also begin with technical writing, if you don’t mind working on material that’s a bit less creative. 

9. Advertising copywriter

👨🏼‍💼 Entry level positions: junior copywriter, communications copywriter

For a more creative writing job, you can go for advertising. This often involves a lot of brainstorming with the creative team of your agency to come up with advertisement campaigns that will leave a mark. When working on this you can write all kinds of content, from slogans to image copies to web content. 

Having a bachelor’s degree in marketing or an essay-based discipline is usually beneficial if you’re looking for this kind of job. You can work for a big brand, which will constantly be needing new content, or you can work for a marketing agency, tailoring your work to every client. 

10. PR copywriter

👩🏽‍💼 Entry level positions: junior copywriter

Public relations (PR) is, simply put, the art of building a good reputation, whether that’s for an individual or a brand. You’ll work on press releases, report and presentation writing, material for internal and external communications to present your client’s motivation and direction. 

For this kind of job, the precision of your language and your ability to stay up to date with the competitors will be important. A degree in communications or business administration are a plus point. And as is often the case in most writing jobs, the ability to find the human story behind everything will be your best tool. 

Content Marketing

Nowadays, traditional marketing on TV, billboards, and posters are only a part of the industry, the other is all about online content. And with so many things zooming about on the Internet, every company will be looking for the most creative person to help them stand out. Which means you get plenty of opportunities to be imaginative, working on website content, blog posts, social media posts, and even videos.

11. Social media manager 

👨🏻‍💼 Entry level positions: assistant/junior/freelance social media specialist

💰 Potential beginner’s earning: $20-$30 per hour or $30,000-$35,000 per year 

With our evermore online world, social media-related jobs definitely is a writing career that's in demand. So many things can happen on social media — you might very well go viral overnight! The challenge is getting there. As a social media manager, you get to be the voice of the company, interacting with customers in a friendly, casual way, while also learning their habits and preferences so that you and others on your team can better engage with them. 

This is a relatively hands-on job, so experience running a public social media account is the best thing you can have on your CV. A degree in communications can be beneficial, though many job postings don’t require anything specific.

12. Blogger

👩🏼‍💼 Entry level positions: blogger, freelance writer

💰 Potential beginner’s earning: $0.10-$0.15 per word

Blogging is probably something you’re familiar with as a writer — but do you know it can earn you a good penny? By focusing on a specific subject (it can be books , technology, fashion, the freelance life, etc.), you can attract companies who are looking to strengthen their brand awareness and will sponsor you. It’ll take time to build an attractive platform, but it’s definitely possible. 

Beyond that, you can write for others as well. There are plenty of websites that promote creative writing jobs all over, so you can sift through them for the suitable ones. No degree requirements for this job, just your skill with a (proverbial) quill! 

13. Content creator 

👨🏽‍💼 Entry level positions: content marketer

💰 Potential beginner’s earning: $27,000-$34,000 per year 

If you’re happy to do a bit of everything, then apply to become a content creator. You’ll also get to collaborate with a team to come up with an overall strategy in this position.

You can work for all kinds of companies in this career. A bachelor’s degree in Marketing, English, Communications are highly relevant, though adjacent, essay-based subjects tend to do the job, too. Brushing up on search engine optimization (SEO) is also wise. 

Pop culture, the latest rumors and gossip, interesting observations served on a pretty platter — if any of that sounds interesting to you, you can jump into the media industry. Here are some job options if you want to take this route. 

14. Screenwriter

👩🏻‍💼 Entry level positions: assistant/associate writer

💰 Potential beginner’s earning: $20-$30 per hour or $9,000-$15,000 per project 

Everyone of us has probably at one point or another thought about entering the film and TV industry, and that career goal is definitely achievable, if you know where to look. A lot of people start with assistant positions to learn the ropes and get an opportunity to work on bigger productions. If you prefer to write from the get-go, you can go for lower-budget projects. 

To get one of the assistant positions and put yourself out there, touch up on craft skills like plotting, story structures , character-building to be prepared. No qualifications are specified in most cases. 

15. Broadcast journalist 

👨🏼‍💼 Entry level positions: staff writer

We’ve covered written news — now comes broadcast news. From televised reports to radio sessions, you can be the writer behind the words that reporters or presenters read out. It’s a fast-paced job that deals with the latest real-life stories, which can be incredibly rewarding, even if it’s not explicitly creative. 

Many broadcast journalists work project by project (unless it’s periodical news), almost like a freelancer. You’ll still need to have all the skills necessary to put together a good news story, so some journalist training will be beneficial. 

16. Podcaster 

👩🏻‍💼 Entry level positions: assistant/associate writer or producer 

💰 Potential beginner’s earning: $18-$25 per hour, or $26,000-$32,000 per year 

Along the same lines as a broadcast journalist is the job of a podcaster. This is a bit more topical than journalism, and you can really home into certain fields and explore it in depth. Another special thing about podcasters is they usually host the shows, too! So if you’re confident about your voice, and about interviewing others, there’s no reason not to try this out. 

As with screenwriting, the route to get into this sector can be a little bit challenging, since it’s often a case of catching an opportunity from the right people at the right time. Which is why assistant jobs are a strong start. 

And finally, we arrive at the section that hopeful writers often dream about more than anything else. Publishing a book is not easy, it requires not just time and effort but also finances, if only to keep you afloat while completing the manuscript. That said, it’s possible to do it on the side with another full-time job, as is the case for most published writers. 

The cool thing about this career is that you are your own boss — i.e. there are no entry level positions. You are an author the day you call yourself one. 

17. Short story writer

Short stories are charming in their own right, and with the booming literary magazine sphere , there’s no shortage of space to get your words out there into the world. Publishing an anthology with a publisher is also an option but it’s harder — you often need to have an established career first. 

In any case, most magazines aim to have enough funds to pay their contributors. Small ones can pay $15-$20 per story, bigger ones $100-$200. You can also enter writing contests to win higher prizes.

18. Novelist 

Being a novelist comes with the difficulty of having the time and finances to write a full draft before you can propose it to publishers, or even publish it yourself. It’s a long commitment, and it doesn’t guarantee a payoff. If it does get printed, a book deal can get you an advance in the $5,000-$15,000 range. If you self-publish, what you get depends on how well you market your books — emphasis on the plural noun!

That said, it’s not impossible. We’ve got a whole post on how to become a novelist here if you want some pointers from famous writers like Anne Lamott and Zadie Smith! 

19. Nonfiction author 

Who says creative writing jobs have to be all about fiction? Creative nonfiction is a growing field that’s always welcoming new stories. From memoirs and biographies to true crime, from self-help to essay collections, you can focus on many different topics with this option. 

The nice thing about it all is that unlike fiction writers, you can pitch your book proposal to publishers before you complete a whole manuscript for nonfiction titles, meaning you can be guaranteed some kind of results before you start writing. The advance amount is similar to that for novels.

And last but not least, you can become a poet! Poets tell stories with rhythm and rich imagery, and not just on paper but also with their voice. Performing poetry is one of the special advantages that comes with this form of writing. Not only does it let you and the audience experience in a new way, it’s also a great opportunity to grow as an artist. 

On top of that, you can also dabble in other industries (advertising, music producers…) as a lyricist. As it’s a gig-based employment, you probably want to diversify your work portfolio to make sure there’s always something you can work on. The rates are usually similar to that of a ghostwriter.

And voila, that’s the end to our master list of creative writing jobs! Hopefully, there’s something to help you passion live on among this many options.

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Seattle Arts & Lectures

Grants and sponsorships manager.

Title: Grants and Sponsorships Manager

Reports to: SAL Development Director

Full Time, nonexempt

Organization Overview:

Mission: Seattle Arts & Lectures cultivates transformative experiences through story and language with readers and writers of all generations.

Amplify Publishing Group

Marketing and publicity manager.

Amplify Publishing Group (APG) is a leader in the hybrid publishing space with more than twenty years of experience acquiring, producing, marketing, and distributing books. Passionate about ideas and voices that need to be heard, APG is known for launching nonfiction books that start engaging and timely conversations. 

Feminist Press

Senior editor.

The Feminist Press is seeking a full-time Senior Editor to work closely with the Executive Director and Publisher and other editorial staff to shape the list of this 54-year-old independent nonprofit intersectional feminist book publisher. The ideal candidate is passionate and knowledgeable about feminist writing and independent publishing. The Senior Editor will be responsible for acquiring and editing fiction and nonfiction books, overseeing the editorial and production department, and leading the Press’s rights program.

Mass Poetry

Sci americorps fellow.

SCI AmeriCorps Fellows gain professional nonprofit experience as well as: leadership training program through SCI, access to college / graduate credit through an exclusive partnership with Merrimack College, and earn federal dollars towards higher education.SCI AmeriCorps is seeking candidates to fill positions for a 1700-hour service term (approximately 40 hours/week) from September 2024 through June 2025. Fellow Stipend Benefit Options (A or B) A. Receive a Taxable Stipend of $2,500 / month, paid bi-weekly (max stipend value = $25,000 per year). B.

The University of Winnipeg

Carol shields writer-in-residence winter 2025.

Carol Shields Writer-In-Residence at The University of Winnipeg: Call for Applications

Independent Publishers Group

Data associate.

Independent Publishers Group seeks an exceptionally detail oriented and analytical Data Associate to join its Data team. This is an entry-level, full-time position that supports all aspects of the Data department.

Poets & Writers Magazine

Poets & Writers Magazine is an award-winning bimonthly magazine for the creative writing community. The leading journal of its kind, it enjoys a readership of 100,000 and a robust online presence. It is published by Poets & Writers, a nonprofit organization formed in 1970 to help creative writers and the literary community nationwide.

Volunteer Engagement Program Assistant

About the Opportunity

826 Boston seeks a creative team member with strong organizational skills to serve as the Volunteer Engagement Program Assistant. We are seeking a candidate with a strong command of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) principles and approaches, who can build on the current strengths of the Volunteer Management Team, including robust training and support that center DEI, collaborative partnerships with universities, and a culture of learning and appreciation.

Communications Director

826 Boston seeks a talented and collaborative storyteller to join the Development and Communications team at 826 Boston. Far from a traditional communications role, the communications director will oversee the storied 826 Boston brand as it is used to share student writing, raise funds for transformative programs, and engage with potential partners in unexpected ways. The Communications Director reports to the Senior Director of Development and oversees two direct reports: the Publishing Manager and the Communications and Development Coordinator. 

National Accounts Manager–Amazon

Europa content.

Europa Content is seeking a creative and editorial agent to join our boutique literary management and production company.

Verso Books

Sales and marketing manager.

Title: Sales and Marketing Manager

Location: New York Area

Company Overview:

Verso Books is the largest radical publisher in the English speaking world.

Position Overview:

Literary Arts

Managing director.

Location: Portland, OR (In-Person) 

Position Category: Full time, Regular 

Employee Type: Salaried, Exempt 

Reports to: Executive Director  

Salary: $120,000/year plus comprehensive benefits 

Penzler Publishers

Publishing intern.

Penzler Publishers is an independent press specializing in mysteries, thrillers, suspense, and true crime, located within the offices of the Mysterious Bookshop. We are seeking a summer intern to support our small publishing team with a variety of tasks related to publicity, social media, production, editorial, and admin. This position is ideal for anyone looking to break into the publishing industry and eager to gain a broad range of experiences across different aspects of book publishing.

InsideOut Literary Arts

Communications & development associate.

Position: Communications & Development Associate

Direct Manager: Operations & Communications Manager

Status & Location: Full-time, 35 hours/week

Hybrid role (in our Detroit office approx. 2 days per week)

About InsideOut Literary Arts:

Diversion Publishing

Royalties assistant.

Do you like working with numbers and tracking data but want to learn more about the book publishing industry? Are you a motivated self-starter who thinks no job is too small? Well, keep reading because Diversion Publishing is seeking a Royalties/Bookkeeping Assistant to join our growing book publishing team. This unique role combines the responsibilities of a Royalties Assistant along with basic bookkeeping responsibilities. Our ideal candidate should be an excellent communicator who is extremely organized and able to manage multiple tasks simultaneously.

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13 Creative Writing Jobs You Can Do From Home

You’re looking for remote creative writing jobs — and not just because you’re an introvert with a knack for writing . 

You have an independent spirit, and you can think of many reasons why working from home would be a good fit for you. 

So many of your peers are working remotely, now, after all. And you’d very much like to join them. But what types of creative writing opportunities should you focus on? 

Welcome to our list of 13 options with links to help you get started. 

13 Creative Writing Jobs You Can Do from Home 

1. ghostwriting, 2. novels or novellas, 4. screenplays, 5. fan fiction, 6. blogging, 7. copywriting and web content, 8. video games, 9. personal essays and op eds, 10. online magazine articles, 11. greeting cards, 12. speeches, 13. creative writing coach or consultant.

You can do any of the following creative writing jobs from home. 

Consider what you enjoy doing and focus on the kind of writing work you’d gladly do every day — even if the pay didn’t start out as high as you’d like. 

If you don’t already have experience with freelance writing or a collection of high-quality work to share with prospective clients or readers, think of these as entry-level creative writing jobs. 

Make it a priority to build an accessible portfolio of your best writing samples to give clients and readers a taste of what they can expect from you.

full time creative writing jobs

This can be a hyperlinked list of book excerpts, an active blog, or a link to free ebook collections of poems, short stories, or personal essays. 

Show who you are and where you shine. And make it easy for your ideal clients to get a hold of you for new writing contracts or projects. 

Freelance Fiction Writing Jobs

Freelance writing usually brings to mind article writing or copywriting, but there’s plenty of room for fiction writers in this field.

Don’t be afraid to start with low-budget projects, as long as the client values your work and treats you with respect. 

Yes, rates matter, especially when you’ve got bills to pay. But ultimately, good client-writer relationships are what will make freelance work something you’ll want to do long-term. 

Ghostwriters write either fiction or nonfiction for a client who pays for their rights to the content. Essentially, your client pays in order to use your content as their own.

And if you admire your client’s work, the fact that they want to put their name on something you wrote is a huge compliment. 

You can find ghostwriting gigs on sites like Upwork and Freelancer.com , or you can join a ghostwriting agency as one of their writers. 

If you’d rather write fiction under your own name, take advantage of Duotrope ’s free trial to find the best markets for your chosen genres, using their searchable database.

Or search the most recent printed edition of the Novel and Short Story Writer’s Market .

You can also find fiction writing gigs on websites like Upwork and Freelancer.com . Or look up “fiction writing jobs” on Indeed.com or SimplyHired.com . 

3. Short Stories

If you’d rather write short stories , you can find markets for your own finished stories using Duotrope or the Novel & Short Story Writer’s Market . Or if you’d like to write short stories for clients, try shopping for gigs on Upwork. 

Flash Fiction Online is now open to all submission categories through Submittable. The Sun is also open to short stories, as well as essays, interviews, and poetry. 

You can always do an internet search on “Short story guidelines” to find new options. 

You can find screenplay writing gigs on Upwork and Freelancer.com, as well as on Indeed.com . Or search the new playwriting and screenwriting sections of the 2020 Writer’s Market . 

You can also check out the Screenwriter’s Market website for a listing of producers seeking screenplay submissions. 

The best place to start with writing and sharing your fan fiction is Archive of Our Own (AO3) , an archive for “transformative fanworks,” including fanfiction and fan art. Participate in challenges to get more eyes on your work. 

full time creative writing jobs

Otherwise, if you build a big enough following on Tumblr , it’s not unheard of to meet (among the many people writing mini-fanfic for their favorite fandoms) someone willing to pay you to develop their story ideas into actual books. 

Online Creative Writing Jobs

If you’re thinking specifically of online writing jobs — i.e., writing for online media — you have more options now than ever, the most popular of which are the ones you’ll see here.

If you love pouring your heart into blog posts — whether spur of the moment, well-researched, or something in between — and you’d love to get paid for writing them, freelance blogging could be a good fit, either for part-time or full-time work.

Search job boards like ProBlogger and BloggingPro to find promising gigs in this field.

If you’d rather write marketing copy or web content, you can find plenty of work online on job boards, on Upwork, or by creating your own gigs on Fiverr.com.  

If you know your niche better than most, you can find higher-paying work by contacting the marketing departments of companies you’d like to write for.

Create some high-quality work samples — sales pages, email campaign copy, etc. — to showcase your skills. 

If you love video games with interactive narratives and want to write for them, check out the Game Industry Career Guide to get the information you need and to find your first paid writing opportunity with one of the “best game companies to work for.”  

Learn from other video game writers (like this one ) about the craft, what it entails, and how to break into it. 

Yes, you can actually make some decent money just sharing your opinion with others — as long as you do it well.

Learn more from articles like this one on how to write an op-ed piece and find markets willing to pay you for them. 

Many online markets (including Sun and Buzzfeed ) will also pay for well-crafted personal essays. Check out this post on MakeALivingWriting.com for more links. 

Look up “online writing jobs” and you’re sure to find articles (like this one ) with hyperlinked lists to online magazines.

Click away to find those open to submissions of high-quality articles in your chosen niche or niches. 

It might seem counterintuitive to narrow down your options, but the more you know about your chosen niche/s, the better able you’ll be to write compelling queries and engaging articles for the magazines that specialize in those areas.

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Miscellaneous Creative Writing Jobs

Not all writing involves stories , articles, or web copy.

And even if you’re just looking for more variety in your creative work from home, here are a few examples of alternatives to consider. 

If you want to write greeting card copy, start by reading articles (like this one ) with lists of paying markets, like Blue Mountain Arts and Oatmeal Studios . 

Then brainstorm some ideas for greeting card copy — whether it’s funny, romantic, sympathetic or something else — and develop and submit your best work. 

To earn good money writing speeches, you need not only some stellar examples for your portfolio (to attract clients) but a steady queue of clients who want you to write speeches for them.

You can find your first clients on Upwork, Freelancer.com, or Craigslist. 

An internet search on “get paid to write speeches” will also lead to content that can help you make a strong start as a speechwriter.

If you’d rather work in an advisory capacity and do most of your writing for yourself (your own books and/or blog), consider working as a creative writing coach or creative consultant.

This is either someone who helps exclusively with the writing of your clients’ books or someone who helps with all aspects of their creation and publication. 

You’ll need clients for this, and you can get your first few testimonials (for your website, ads, etc.) by exchanging services with other authors on social media or by working as a virtual author assistant, with writing coach duties as part of your author success package.

Did you find the best creative writing jobs for your needs?

Now that you’re more familiar with creative writing jobs you can do from home, which of these had the strongest appeal for you? 

Which can you picture yourself doing every day without getting sick of it? Because it can be challenging to work from home, even when you enjoy the work.  

And, trust me, it’s way too easy to put off self-care and avoid people in order to get more done. But don’t do it. You need energy to keep this going, and self-care and quality social time are essential to that.

May you find a new normal that fits your life and leads you in a better direction. 

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  • The time in Elektrostal is 8 hours ahead of the time in New York when New York is on standard time, and 7 hours ahead of the time in New York when New York is on daylight saving time.
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  • The IANA time zone identifier for Elektrostal is Europe/Moscow.

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Sunrise, sunset, day length and solar time for elektrostal.

  • Sunrise: 03:45AM
  • Sunset: 09:03PM
  • Day length: 17h 18m
  • Solar noon: 12:24PM
  • The current local time in Elektrostal is 24 minutes ahead of apparent solar time.

Elektrostal on the map

  • Location: Moscow Oblast, Russia
  • Latitude: 55.79. Longitude: 38.46
  • Population: 144,000

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  • #3 Pechka - European and french food

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School for the Creative and Cultural Industries


Creative Journeys with… Josh Weeks

28 May 2024

We sit down with Josh Weeks, writer, critic and SCCI postdoctoral research fellow. Josh shares his creative journey so far - juggling an academic career with part-time jobs and writing for major publications - as well as advice and hopes for the future.

Josh Weeks

What is your role and what does it involve?

I’m a postdoctoral research fellow with the School for the Creative and Cultural Industries, working under the mentorship of the School’s director, Haidy Geismar. My project, part of the AHRC-funded StoryArcs programme, is about narrativising the work of the National Centre for Academic and Cultural Exchange ( NCACE ), an organisation that supports and showcases knowledge exchange between higher education and the arts and culture sectors. I spend most of my time writing and researching, attending NCACE events, and interviewing academics and creative practitioners who have worked with the organisation.

I’m also working as an assistant on a project called ‘UCL in 2076’, which aims to imagine and reimagine the future of the arts and humanities and how we might better support a positive landscape for the creative industries. We recently held an event, bringing together thought leaders from across the academic and cultural sectors to help us envisage these futures and come up with potential scenarios and solutions.  

Tell us about the journey that led you to where you are now?

After completing my BA in English at King’s College London, I stayed on to do an MA in Contemporary Literature, Culture and Theory. The MA was a big turning point for me – it made me realise how exciting and inventive literary criticism can be! 

After that, I spent a year living back in South Wales and working at Waterstones in Cardiff, which is where I discovered the novel 2666 by the Chilean author Roberto Bolaño. After using my employee discount to buy everything else he’d written, I moved to Spain to work as an English language assistant, before beginning a PhD on Bolaño at the University of Amsterdam.

Bolaño’s labyrinthine brand of storytelling has had a massive influence on the way I conceptualise and write about knowledge exchange.

What career achievement are you most proud of?

I did my PhD remotely from Spain without funding (up until my final year, when I was awarded a Finishing Fellowship). I’m proud of the four years I spent juggling my language assistant job with writing and research, which took a lot of self-motivation.

I’m also proud that I’ve written for some big publications over the last couple of years, including The Observer , Financial Times , Times Literary Supplement, Los Angeles Review of Books and Wellcome Collection Stories .

What are you most looking forward to in the next few months?

My work with NCACE is really starting to shape up, so I’m looking forward to incorporating my findings into an experimental narrative. I’ll also be sending off my Bolaño monograph for peer review in July, which I’m really excited about!

What are you reading, watching and listening to?

Reading :  I was lucky enough to be sent an advanced proof for a brilliant novel called Bonding by Mariel Franklin. It comes out next month, and I think it’s going to be a hit!

Watching :  Bodkin on Netflix.

Listening : I’ve recently fallen back in love with The War on Drugs – particularly their 2017 album, A Deeper Understanding .

What is your favourite museum, gallery or exhibition at the moment? 

I absolutely loved the Undocumented? exhibition at the UCL East Urban Room earlier this year, which was co-curated by Nishat Awan and Kara Blackmore. I’m also looking forward to seeing Jason Wilsher-Mills’s ‘Jason and the Adventure of 254’ at Wellcome Collection.

If you had one piece of advice for people who want to pursue a similar career path, what would it be?

Don’t let one disappointment convince you that you’ve failed. Academia is full of ups and down – keep reminding yourself of why you’re doing what you’re doing.  

Find out more

  • The  StoryArcs programme  is funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) and led by the Story Society at Bath Spa University. Meet the  Story Associates .
  • The ‘UCL in 2076’ project is led by Tim Beasley-Murray, UCL Associate Professor of European Thought and Culture, and Dr Peter Zusi, Associate Professor at the UCL School of Slavonic and East European Studies. ‘UCL in 2076’ was developed in collaboration with Matt Finch of the University of Oxford’s Saïd Business School and is supported by Kristina Glushkova and Rebecca Robinson from the UCL Innovation in Enterprise team. 

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Hotel Food & Beverage Steward/Dishwasher - Full Time

Job summary:, responsibilities:.

As a Steward/Dishwasher you are responsible for the overall cleanliness of resort restaurant kitchen areas and Guest areas. You may work indoors or outdoors, cleaning kitchen equipment, tools and supplies as well as dishes, glasses, and equipment required to serve our Guests. Stewards work in a fast paced, dynamic environment with other kitchen team members and inside Guest dining areas.

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About Disneyland Resort:

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About The Walt Disney Company:

The Walt Disney Company, together with its subsidiaries and affiliates, is a leading diversified international family entertainment and media enterprise that includes three core business segments: Disney Entertainment, ESPN, and Disney Experiences. From humble beginnings as a cartoon studio in the 1920s to its preeminent name in the entertainment industry today, Disney proudly continues its legacy of creating world-class stories and experiences for every member of the family. Disney’s stories, characters and experiences reach consumers and guests from every corner of the globe. With operations in more than 40 countries, our employees and cast members work together to create entertainment experiences that are both universally and locally cherished.

This position is with Walt Disney Parks and Resorts U.S., Inc. , which is part of a business we call Disneyland Resort .

Walt Disney Parks and Resorts U.S., Inc. is an equal opportunity employer. Applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, protected veteran status or any other basis prohibited by federal, state or local law. Disney fosters a business culture where ideas and decisions from all people help us grow, innovate, create the best stories and be relevant in a rapidly changing world.

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Out of the Centre

Savvino-storozhevsky monastery and museum.

Savvino-Storozhevsky Monastery and Museum

Zvenigorod's most famous sight is the Savvino-Storozhevsky Monastery, which was founded in 1398 by the monk Savva from the Troitse-Sergieva Lavra, at the invitation and with the support of Prince Yury Dmitrievich of Zvenigorod. Savva was later canonised as St Sabbas (Savva) of Storozhev. The monastery late flourished under the reign of Tsar Alexis, who chose the monastery as his family church and often went on pilgrimage there and made lots of donations to it. Most of the monastery’s buildings date from this time. The monastery is heavily fortified with thick walls and six towers, the most impressive of which is the Krasny Tower which also serves as the eastern entrance. The monastery was closed in 1918 and only reopened in 1995. In 1998 Patriarch Alexius II took part in a service to return the relics of St Sabbas to the monastery. Today the monastery has the status of a stauropegic monastery, which is second in status to a lavra. In addition to being a working monastery, it also holds the Zvenigorod Historical, Architectural and Art Museum.

Belfry and Neighbouring Churches

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Located near the main entrance is the monastery's belfry which is perhaps the calling card of the monastery due to its uniqueness. It was built in the 1650s and the St Sergius of Radonezh’s Church was opened on the middle tier in the mid-17th century, although it was originally dedicated to the Trinity. The belfry's 35-tonne Great Bladgovestny Bell fell in 1941 and was only restored and returned in 2003. Attached to the belfry is a large refectory and the Transfiguration Church, both of which were built on the orders of Tsar Alexis in the 1650s.  

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To the left of the belfry is another, smaller, refectory which is attached to the Trinity Gate-Church, which was also constructed in the 1650s on the orders of Tsar Alexis who made it his own family church. The church is elaborately decorated with colourful trims and underneath the archway is a beautiful 19th century fresco.

Nativity of Virgin Mary Cathedral

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The Nativity of Virgin Mary Cathedral is the oldest building in the monastery and among the oldest buildings in the Moscow Region. It was built between 1404 and 1405 during the lifetime of St Sabbas and using the funds of Prince Yury of Zvenigorod. The white-stone cathedral is a standard four-pillar design with a single golden dome. After the death of St Sabbas he was interred in the cathedral and a new altar dedicated to him was added.

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Under the reign of Tsar Alexis the cathedral was decorated with frescoes by Stepan Ryazanets, some of which remain today. Tsar Alexis also presented the cathedral with a five-tier iconostasis, the top row of icons have been preserved.

Tsaritsa's Chambers

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The Nativity of Virgin Mary Cathedral is located between the Tsaritsa's Chambers of the left and the Palace of Tsar Alexis on the right. The Tsaritsa's Chambers were built in the mid-17th century for the wife of Tsar Alexey - Tsaritsa Maria Ilinichna Miloskavskaya. The design of the building is influenced by the ancient Russian architectural style. Is prettier than the Tsar's chambers opposite, being red in colour with elaborately decorated window frames and entrance.

full time creative writing jobs

At present the Tsaritsa's Chambers houses the Zvenigorod Historical, Architectural and Art Museum. Among its displays is an accurate recreation of the interior of a noble lady's chambers including furniture, decorations and a decorated tiled oven, and an exhibition on the history of Zvenigorod and the monastery.

Palace of Tsar Alexis

full time creative writing jobs

The Palace of Tsar Alexis was built in the 1650s and is now one of the best surviving examples of non-religious architecture of that era. It was built especially for Tsar Alexis who often visited the monastery on religious pilgrimages. Its most striking feature is its pretty row of nine chimney spouts which resemble towers.

full time creative writing jobs

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  26. HQI Executive Director in Cambridge, MA for Harvard University

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    Website and Content Specialist. Clear Impact, LLC. Remote. $45,000 - $60,000 a year. Full-time. 8 hour shift. Easily apply. Weekly blogs - brainstorming, writing, categorizing trends. The Website and Content Specialist requires a high level of organization, superior writing skills,….

  28. File:Flag of Elektrostal (Moscow oblast).svg

    Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts.A copy of the license is included in the section entitled GNU Free Documentation License.

  29. Savvino-Storozhevsky Monastery and Museum

    Zvenigorod's most famous sight is the Savvino-Storozhevsky Monastery, which was founded in 1398 by the monk Savva from the Troitse-Sergieva Lavra, at the invitation and with the support of Prince Yury Dmitrievich of Zvenigorod. Savva was later canonised as St Sabbas (Savva) of Storozhev. The monastery late flourished under the reign of Tsar ...