research paper on csr of infosys

International Journal For Multidisciplinary Research

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Volume 6 Issue 3 May-June 2024

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A Study of Corporate Social Responsibility: Infosys Limited

Author(s) Aneesha Saxena, Vinod Kumar Pandey
Country India
Abstract This research paper provides an in-depth analysis of corporate social responsibility initiatives undertaken by Infosys Limited using a secondary data-oriented approach. It draws on a broad range of sources, such as corporate reports, media reports, and academic literature, to gain a comprehensive understanding of the scope and impact of the company's CSR efforts. The purpose of this secondary data analysis is to identify the primary themes, tactics, and results of Infosys Ltd's CSR activities. By examining the company's dedication to ethical practices, ecological sustainability, and social engagement, the research provides insight into the wider implications of Infosys' CSR activities. The findings of this paper contribute to a more nuanced comprehension of Infosys's CSR practices and their impact on the company and the broader business community.
Keywords Corporate Social Responsibility, Infosys Limited, CSR policies, Case study, Sustainability.
Field Business Administration
Published In
Published On 2024-03-15
Cite This A Study of Corporate Social Responsibility: Infosys Limited - Aneesha Saxena, Vinod Kumar Pandey - IJFMR Volume 6, Issue 2, March-April 2024. DOI 10.36948/ijfmr.2024.v06i02.14690
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Corporate Social Responsibility Policy INFOSYS LIMITED

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research paper on csr of infosys

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Infosys spent Rs. 455.67 Cr. on CSR in India in FY24

Infosys Foundation

Infosys is a global consulting and IT services company. It is a leader in next generation digital services and consulting across the world. The purpose of the company is, “To amplify human potential and create next opportunity for people, business and communities.” As the technologies change businesses across the globe, Infosys works to aid its clients navigate the transformation.

Infosys has been an early proponent of responsible business practices. the company has therefore incorporated its esg goals into the entirety of its operations. in the financial year 2023-24, the company spent a total of rs. 577 cr. on csr across the world of which rs. 455.67 cr. was spent on various csr projects in india., 1. csr philosophy of infosys, infosys fulfils its social and environmental responsibilities by focusing on meeting the needs and expectations of the communities around which it operates. the company carries out its csr in a way that goes beyond philanthropy by encouraging holistic community development and community welfare through institution building and streamlining sustainable development., 2. csr policy, infosys csr policy intends to:, – strive for economic development that positively impacts the society at large with a minimal resource footprint., – embrace responsibility for the company’s actions and encourage a positive impact through its activities on hunger, poverty, malnutrition, environment, communities, stakeholders and society., 2.1. csr committee, according to the guidelines of the ministry of corporate affairs, the company has constituted a board-level csr committee to monitor the implementation of the corporate social responsibility policy of the company from time to time. the infosys corporate social responsibility committee comprises of:, 1. govind iyer (chairperson), 2. chitra nayak, 3. michael gibbs, the csr committee performs the following functions:, – identify the areas of csr activities,, – recommend the amount of expenditure for the csr activities,, – implement and monitor the csr policy from time to time,, – formulate an annual csr action plan and recommend it to the board,, – monitor company’s csr activities from time to time,, – coordinate with infosys foundation or other implementing agencies for execution of csr initiatives,, – review the impact assessment reports issued by independent agencies,, – review csr reporting/disclosures as required, and, – review the issuing of certificate required to utilise csr funds earmarked for specific projects., 3. healthcare, the infosys foundation has consistently placed healthcare as a top priority. with the aim of providing affordable, equitable, and high-quality healthcare to individuals regardless of their urban or rural residence, the foundation has actively strived to enhance infrastructure, deliver cutting-edge medical equipment, promote awareness, strengthen public health initiatives, and facilitate timely research across various medical domains., 3.1 aiims partnership, in 2015-16, the collaboration between infosys foundation and aiims began with the establishment of a chair professorship in oncology aimed at supporting faculty scientists and students in pursuing research in this field. subsequently, the foundation expanded its chair professorships to include obstetrics and gynaecology. in 2019-20, the foundation took the initiative to construct an 800-bed dharamshala at the aiims jhajjar campus, specifically within the premises of the national cancer institute..

Infosys Foundation Dharamshala

In 2021, AIIMS introduced a new MCH Block on the hospital premises in New Delhi. This block encompasses 455 beds dedicated to the inpatient care of obstetrics, gynaecology, and pediatric patients. It includes 72 Intensive Care Unit beds, 17 Operation Theatre beds, and two beds exclusively for In Vitro Fertilization (IVF). AIIMS approached the Foundation for support in swiftly operationalizing the block by providing essential, high-end medical equipment across departments such as obstetrics, gynaecology, paediatrics, pediatric surgery, anesthesiology, and radiology. The Foundation’s grant also facilitated the establishment of a specialized state-of-the-art genetic lab and computerized enterprise imaging data management system within the block.

Through the foundation’s grant, a wide range of equipment, including ultrasound machines, incubators, ventilators, dialysis machines, monitors, ot tables, and laboratory equipment, was procured. the mch block is expected to be fully operational by the end of june 2023, with most services already functioning. the outpatient services are fully operational, while inpatient and ot services are partially available., in addition to the requirements for the mch block, aiims also approached the foundation for support in implementing an integrated enterprise ris (radiology information system), vna (vendor neutral archive), and pacs (picture archiving and communications system). previously, the radiology imaging databases in the various hospitals and centres of aiims new delhi were separate and independent systems. however, with the implementation of ris vna pacs, the entire radiology imaging system will be unified. this integration will replace departmental data silos with central healthcare enterprise databases, enabling the capture of data from any source and in any format. the simplified storage and access of imaging data will have a significant positive impact on patient care, as well as research and teaching efforts., each year, a substantial number of individuals seek care at the mch block, with approximately 570,000 outpatients and around 27,000 inpatients expected to benefit annually from the foundation’s grant. the full impact of the imaging data management system will become more evident once it is fully implemented later this year., the infosys foundation takes pride in contributing to the establishment of public healthcare facilities at aiims, facilitating the delivery of critical and specialized care to patients. the lasting impact of this project will benefit generations to come as they witness and benefit from these advancements in healthcare., 3.2 type 2 diabetes reversal, type 2 diabetes (t2d) is a prevalent form of diabetes worldwide, necessitating medication and insulin therapy to manage blood sugar levels. however, what if we could halt the progression of diabetes without relying on medication or bariatric surgery research suggests that t2d patients can restore healthy blood sugar levels through lifestyle changes, dietary adjustments, and healthy weight loss., as part of its commitment to addressing the escalating burden of non-communicable diseases (ncd) in india, infosys foundation aims to support t2d patients in enhancing their quality of life and mitigating the complications associated with the condition. the foundation has partnered with the association for diabetes and obesity reversal (adore) to empower t2d patients to adopt healthy lifestyles and make dietary modifications that enable them to achieve and sustain normal blood sugar levels without medication., to realize this goal, infosys foundation has facilitated the establishment of two diabetes reversal counseling centers in pune and nagpur in november 2022 and december 2022, respectively. in august 2022, the infosys foundation diabetes care program was launched in collaboration with adore. the project is scheduled to be completed by july 2025., as part of the infosys foundation diabetes care program, adore successfully organized free hba1c testing camps in pune and nagpur. these camps identified over 100 individuals with diabetes and 350 individuals with pre-diabetes. as of march 4, 2023, a total of 568 registered type 2 diabetes (t2d) patients have enrolled in the lifestyle modification program., 3.3 upgradation of infrastructure, in fiscal year 2023, the infosys foundation extended its support to the sri jayadeva institute of cardiovascular sciences in bengaluru. the foundation’s assistance involved the provision of diagnostic and medical care equipment, enhancing the hospital’s capacity to meet the growing demand for care, including covid and long covid-related treatments. specifically, the foundation supplied the hospital with a cardiac ct (computed tomography) unit and a flat-panel cardiac cath lab., in 2021, the foundation also undertook the construction of a 350-bed hospital block dedicated to the institute. with the addition of this block, the jayadeva hospital’s total capacity for cardiac care expanded to 2,000 beds. in the year 2022 alone, the hospital successfully treated 68,902 inpatients. the medical team performed a total of 4,586 open heart surgeries, 28,555 coronary angiograms, and 54,371 cath lab procedures. these statistics highlight the crucial role played by the ct unit and cath lab, which are integral to the operations of the jayadeva hospital. as patient numbers continue to rise, the acquisition of new equipment has become a necessity for the hospital., the cardiac ct unit plays a crucial role in the early detection of heart diseases and congenital conditions, particularly in children. on the other hand, the flat-panel cardiac cath lab facilitates essential procedures such as coronary angiograms, angioplasty, stenting, device closure, and pacemaker implantation. the implementation of these new units is expected to benefit a minimum of 9,600 patients annually, enabling enhanced diagnostic capabilities and improved treatment outcomes at the sri jayadeva institute of cardiovascular sciences., 4. women empowerment, the welfare of women in the country has been a consistent focus for infosys foundation, which has undertaken numerous projects dedicated to women empowerment. this year, the foundation has embarked on ambitious initiatives in this domain that are poised to revolutionize the opportunities available to women, enabling them to showcase their talents and capabilities within their communities and the nation as a whole. these projects represent significant game-changers in the pursuit of gender equality and women’s empowerment., 4.1 infosys-gosports foundation girls for gold program, the girls for gold program has a clear objective of creating an exclusive and high-performance excellence plan specifically tailored for junior and emerging female athletes. this will be achieved by facilitating access to world-class sporting expertise, establishing sports science centers, and providing support to academies across various sports. the program’s grant will cover a four-year period from november 2022 to october 2026..

Girls for Gold Programme Infosys CSR

The allocated funds will be utilized for the following purposes:

– identifying top-notch academies and exceptional coaches in india, spanning at least six sports such as badminton, table tennis, weightlifting, boxing, athletics, and shooting., – identifying and supporting the next generation of talented female athletes aged between 13 and 19 years., – providing athlete scholarships, supporting coaches, and assisting academies to enhance athlete performance recognition., – establishing a comprehensive sports science center that encompasses essential facilities like a recovery center, high-performance labs, and bio-mechanic laboratories., – fostering education, research, advocacy, and outreach activities., – undertaking selections, renewals, and due diligence processes., – monitoring progress, implementing reporting mechanisms, and leveraging technology for effective program management., – ensuring smooth operation and implementation of the program., the primary goal of this program is to develop a robust community of female athletes who consistently achieve international success, establish sustainable careers, and serve as role models for future generations of girls. moreover, the program aims to cultivate a pipeline of capable leaders in the field of sports. it will also contribute to the establishment of professionally-run, world-class academies that prioritize systematic approaches and leverage technology to nurture a wide array of female sporting talents for the nation., 4.2 infosys foundation-avanti fellows girls stem education program, with the backing of infosys foundation, avanti fellows launched the girls stem education program, aiming to offer free engineering and medical test preparation assistance to female students. in fiscal year 2023, the organization placed its focus on educating girls in various regions, including delhi, kerala, telangana, maharashtra, arunachal pradesh, assam, manipur, tripura, meghalaya, mizoram, sikkim, and nagaland., to equip the students with the necessary skills, the program provided them with 6-12 hours of intensive test preparation classes on a weekly basis, conducted outside regular school hours. the avanti team diligently conducted weekly assessments, spanning 1-3 hours, to gauge the students’ learning levels and track their progress. these evaluations were comprehensive and diagnostic in nature, generating valuable data points that were utilized to customize the guidance and support needed for each student., alongside the test preparation classes, the students were provided with jee/neet online learning resources, class recordings, mock tests, and orientation sessions. these resources aimed to maximize the utilization of avanti’s technology platform, enabling students to access online sessions and weekly assessment tests effectively. through these sessions and tests, students were equipped with the necessary knowledge and skills to manifest their academic aspirations and pursue their desired careers., 4.3 gender equity through education, infosys foundation is deeply committed to the empowerment of women and girls through educational initiatives and skill development programs. the collaborative effort between infosys foundation and citta education foundation india aims to provide quality education to students hailing from villages and hamlets in sam, salkha, and kanoi regions of rajasthan. specifically, this program targets the students of rajkumari ratnavati girls school in jaisalmer, rajasthan. the overarching goal is to educate and empower these girls, enabling them to become well-informed, courageous, competent, and empathetic global citizens. citta education foundation india, a non-profit organization, focuses on supporting underprivileged, economically-challenged, and marginalized communities residing in geographically remote areas of rajasthan. rajkumari ratnavati girls school is duly registered with the board of secondary education rajasthan (rbsc)., this one-year program, commencing in march 2023, adopts an innovative and engaging approach to learning by integrating digital and activity-based methodologies. the program aims to foster conceptual clarity in foundational subjects, ensuring that the learning process is not only effective but also enjoyable for the students. by creating a vibrant and interactive learning environment, the program endeavors to instill a love for learning and engage the students actively in their educational journey., the joint venture between infosys and citta education foundation india aims to enhance educational opportunities for girls in the region, with a strong focus on promoting gender equality, bridging the gender gap in education, and empowering girls to become self-reliant. the project endeavors to create a safe, supportive, positive, and inclusive learning environment for the girls, while equipping them with the necessary tools and resources to develop social and emotional skills. in addition to academic pursuits, the project emphasizes the importance of extracurricular activities, such as sports and handicrafts, to foster holistic development and enable the exploration of talents and interests., an essential aspect of the initiative involves promoting community involvement and engaging parents and community members in supporting girls’ education. to ensure the project’s effectiveness, a comprehensive survey conducted in collaboration with the district administration of jaisalmer assessed the wealth index of over 400 families residing within a 20-kilometer radius. the survey findings informed the selection process, enabling the project to reach students from vulnerable and financially disadvantaged backgrounds., the program encompasses both academic and 21st-century skills training, enabling the girls to discover their inner strengths and focus on holistic development beyond mere academic success. the initiative will benefit 140 students across various grade levels, from classes 1 to 5. in addition to providing quality education, the girls will receive essential learning materials, uniforms, midday meals, and a convenient pick-up and drop-off facility. the classes are designed to be highly encouraging and interactive, with the aim of improving enrollment rates and promoting student retention., to leverage the benefits of technology in education, the project team will establish a digital library within the school premises. this initiative will introduce technology-enhanced learning, making the classroom environment more engaging for the students and familiarizing them with digital tools. the digital library will offer a range of resources, including e-books, educational videos, and digital games, to supplement traditional learning methods. by integrating digital literacy into the curriculum, the students will develop the essential skills needed for success in the 21st century., 5. environmental sustainability, in recent times, the infosys foundation has intensified its efforts towards environmental initiatives, aiming to restore equilibrium that has been disrupted by pollution, mismanagement and depletion of natural resources, exacerbated climate change, and human-induced damage., 5.1 restoring an architectural and green heritage, infosys foundation recognizes its responsibility towards future generations and believes in the restoration of heritage sites and water bodies. in the past, the foundation has partnered with various organizations to restore significant heritage sites. this time, in collaboration with the society for advancement of human endeavor (sahe) based in telangana, the foundation has undertaken a monumental task., one such site in focus is the lingampet stepwell, known as naganna baavi. historically, stepwells were constructed across india by royalty to provide water to the people and serve as shelters for travelers. however, with the advent of piped water and drilled wells, many of these magnificent structures were abandoned and fell into disrepair, becoming neglected and even serving as dumping grounds., over the years, naganna baavi had suffered from neglect, leading to the growth of vegetation and trees within its premises. this deterioration weakened the structure of the five-level stepwell, each level being at least 20 feet high. the accumulation of silt and waste obstructed the aquifers, making it challenging to access the stepwell. additionally, the intrusion of 30-year-old trees into the masonry and the lack of demarcation posed further challenges., recognizing the value of the structure and its potential to enhance the lives of the local community, sahe was invited by the kamareddy collectorate to restore naganna baavi. sahe undertook the documentation of the project and appointed architects for the restoration, while infosys foundation provided vital support and funding. dedicated volunteers from infosys monitored the progress and supplied the necessary tools for this enormous undertaking., the restoration of naganna baavi holds numerous benefits. it will reactivate the aquifers and improve groundwater resources, directly benefiting approximately 20,000 locals in the area and revitalizing an entire ecosystem. with a capacity to hold over 18 lakh litres of water, the revival of the stepwell will also support the agricultural needs of farmers in the region. furthermore, it aims to raise awareness among residents about the significance of water resources and promote their sustainable utilization., 5.2 sustainable transport, namma metro, the metro rail transport system of bengaluru, has become an integral and indispensable part of the city’s daily life. with its extensive 70-kilometer network, it serves a remarkable daily ridership of 380,000 people. each day, these individuals contribute to reducing air pollution and carbon emissions, making a positive impact on the environment. it is a source of great pride for infosys foundation to be a significant partner of namma metro, actively involved in the construction of the infosys foundation electronic city station, an essential element of phase 2 of the metro rail project., the decision of infosys foundation to support this metro rail project is rooted in its steadfast commitment to promoting environmental sustainability. by providing a seamless and time-efficient commute, the metro project has liberated countless travellers who were previously trapped in perpetual traffic congestion. the infosys foundation electronic city station serves as a vital transportation hub for thousands of professionals commuting to the bustling it centre of bengaluru. while the project faced delays due to the unfortunate covid-19 pandemic after the signing of a memorandum of understanding (mou) between the foundation and bmrcl in 2018-19, work has now resumed and is nearing completion, showcasing the dedication and resilience of all involved parties., 6. art and culture, the museum of art & photography (map) in bengaluru, established by the art & photography foundation, is at the forefront of leveraging technology to bring arts and culture to the heart of society. infosys foundation, a firm believer in promoting art and preserving it for future generations, stands as a proud partner of map in this endeavor., the collaboration between infosys foundation and map began in 2020 when the foundation became one of the founding patrons, providing crucial support and becoming a valued donor. this support primarily focused on the construction of the museum building in bengaluru and the technological development of the digital museum, an encyclopedia, interactive website experiences, software visualizations, and exhibitions. on february 18, 2023, the museum opened its doors to the public., the infosys foundation gallery hosts art exhibitions showcasing the finest works of renowned and emerging artists. each exhibition spans three months and offers free access to unique and exquisite artworks. this art gallery serves as a platform to support artists and ensure that art enthusiasts can revel in the beauty of exceptional creations., taking art beyond the confines of museums and galleries, the ongoing partnership project, initiated in september 2022 and scheduled for completion in august 2025, focuses on innovative museum experiences. with the foundation’s support, map is creating wall-based three-dimensional (3d) holographic projectors, a digital platform to catalog the map collection, and state-of-the-art it infrastructure for the new museum. additionally, a user-friendly and captivating website is being developed, providing visitors with a virtual museum experience complete with comprehensive details of the collection, digital exhibitions, ongoing and upcoming events, blogs, articles, video series, and educational initiatives., another significant aspect of the project is the creation of the map academy encyclopedia of art (maea), an extensive and inclusive online resource featuring historical research on art from south asia. this encyclopedia is freely accessible to all, promoting knowledge and understanding of the region’s artistic heritage., furthermore, the project emphasizes comprehensive content creation, particularly for digital platforms. from exploring artificial intelligence and holographic technology to utilizing 3d representations, photogrammetry, virtual reality, and touch screens, the team continually seeks ways to enhance public engagement and enrich art experiences., infosys foundation through its csr projects has worked towards helping society and achieving sustainable development. it leverages its high tech background and implements projects which are tracked on a real-time basis and hence create lasting impact in the community., related articles more from author.

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Corporate Social Responsibility in India: The Need of the Hour

22 Pages Posted: 20 Jun 2012

Chaitra Rangappa Beerannavar

Symbiosis International University

Date Written: October 20, 2010

The present paper will illustrate the present status of marketing companies in India on their compliance to social responsibility and ethical practices. This paper proposes to use empirical support to build the argument that profitable corporate need to become corporate citizens. The research would be mainly concentrating on ethical standards observed by highly successful companies in India like Infosys, Wipro, Tata and will be studying in detail the case of Coco Cola Company and its failure to comply with the CSR.

Keywords: corporate social responsibility

Suggested Citation: Suggested Citation

Chaitra Rangappa Beerannavar (Contact Author)

Symbiosis international university ( email ).

SB Road, Lavale Mulshi Pune, Maharashtra 411004 India

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Infosys: Industry Cloud Services Capabilities, 2024

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Key facts about Infosys’ industry cloud services capabilities

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Source: HFS Research, 2024

Infosys’ performance in the study and HFS’ views of its strengths and development opportunities for industry cloud services capabilities

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Qorus and Infosys Finacle Collaborate to Recognize Banking Innovation Initiatives Worldwide

The 11th Edition of Qorus-Infosys Finacle Banking Innovation Awards has been announced

Bengaluru, India and Paris, France – June 27, 2024

Infosys Finacle , part of EdgeVerve Systems , a wholly-owned subsidiary of Infosys (NSE, BSE, NYSE: INFY), and Qorus , a global association of banks and insurance companies, today announced their collaboration to host the 11th edition of the Qorus-Infosys Finacle Banking Innovation Awards . The awards aim to recognize and celebrate the most innovative ideas and initiatives across the banking business from banks worldwide. The collaboration expands on the annual Qorus-Infosys Finacle Retail Banking Innovation Report , creating a holistic approach that encompasses the entire innovation lifecycle – from identification and evaluation to recognition and reporting of global banking advancements.

The 11th Edition of Qorus-Infosys Finacle Banking Innovation Awards accepted entries from banking and financial institutions worldwide across the following seven categories:

  • Business Model Transformation
  • Core Offering Innovation
  • Future Workforce
  • Neobanks & Fintech Players
  • Operational Excellence
  • Reimagining the Customer Experience
  • Social, Sustainable & Responsible Banking

The entries will be assessed based on originality of ideas, their long-term strategic impact and return on investment, and their potential for broader application in other markets and countries. Winners will be selected by an independent panel of judges comprising senior leaders in the banking industry globally and through online votes by executives from financial services institutions across the world. The announcement of winners will take place on October 08, 2024, through an awards ceremony.

Sajit Vijayakumar, Chief Business Officer and Global Head, Infosys Finacle, said, “Banking leaders today face the challenge of keeping pace with change to ensure their organizations continue to have an edge. Innovation and transformational initiatives thus become crucial for embracing new-age banking. The Qorus-Infosys Finacle Banking Innovation Awards is a celebration of the exceptional banking innovations globally. The awards embody our deep collaboration with Qorus and Infosys Finacle's commitment to fostering innovation and inspiring better banking, which will help billions of people and businesses to pay, borrow, save, and invest better.”

John Berry, Chief Executive Officer, Qorus, said, "Innovation is more important than ever in the banking industry today, driving growth and meeting ever-evolving customers’ expectations. For over a decade, Qorus has strived to highlight the cutting-edge innovations and banks that have inspired the entire industry with their breakthrough initiatives and performances. We are delighted that a global leader like Infosys Finacle sees the value of our efforts and has put its weight behind the awards and the critical role they continue to play as a catalyst for transforming banking for the better.”

Since its inception in 2013, the Banking Innovation Awards have served as a platform to spotlight the most compelling and impactful innovations, leveraging emerging technologies to navigate the disruptions and opportunities in the banking industry. Last year, the awards received more than 450 entries from 61 countries, with applicants ranging from agile start-ups to the world’s largest financial institutions.

To find out more about the awards, visit: Qorus-Infosys Finacle Banking Innovation Awards

About Qorus

A global non-profit association established in 1971 by banks and insurance companies, Qorus (formerly known as Efma) helps its members to reinvent themselves to thrive – to go further, be faster and work together. Its global ecosystem brings valuable insights, inspiring events, rich data, and active global communities all in one place. With over 50 years of experience, Qorus provides a neutral space for best-practice sharing and collaboration, while offering diverse knowledge and a global reach – to more than 1,200 financial groups in 120+ countries. Headquartered in Paris, Qorus serves financial institutions on all continents, with offices in Andorra, Bangkok, Bratislava, Brussels, Dubai, Istanbul, Kuala Lumpur, London, Milan, Seoul, and Tokyo. Learn more at .

About Infosys Finacle

Finacle is an industry leader in digital banking solutions. We are a unit of EdgeVerve Systems, a wholly-owned product subsidiary of Infosys (NSE, BSE, NYSE: INFY). We partner with emerging and established financial institutions to help inspire better banking. Our cloud-native solution suite and SaaS services help banks engage, innovate, operate, and transform better to scale digital transformation with confidence. Finacle solutions address the core banking, lending, digital engagement, payments, cash management, wealth management, treasury, analytics, AI, and blockchain requirements of financial institutions. Today, banks in over 100 countries rely on Finacle to help more than a billion people and millions of businesses to save, pay, borrow, and invest better. For more information, visit .

Safe Harbor

Certain statements in this release concerning our future growth prospects, or our future financial or operating performance, are forward-looking statements intended to qualify for the 'safe harbor' under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, which involve a number of risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results or outcomes to differ materially from those in such forward-looking statements. The risks and uncertainties relating to these statements include, but are not limited to, risks and uncertainties regarding the execution of our business strategy, increased competition for talent, our ability to attract and retain personnel, increase in wages, investments to reskill our employees, our ability to effectively implement a hybrid work model, economic uncertainties and geo-political situations, technological disruptions and innovations such as Generative AI, the complex and evolving regulatory landscape including immigration regulation changes, our ESG vision, our capital allocation policy and expectations concerning our market position, future operations, margins, profitability, liquidity, capital resources, our corporate actions including acquisitions, and cybersecurity matters. Important factors that may cause actual results or outcomes to differ from those implied by the forward-looking statements are discussed in more detail in our US Securities and Exchange Commission filings including our Annual Report on Form 20-F for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2024. These filings are available at . Infosys may, from time to time, make additional written and oral forward-looking statements, including statements contained in the Company's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission and our reports to shareholders. The Company does not undertake to update any forward-looking statements that may be made from time to time by or on behalf of the Company unless it is required by law.

Media contacts:

For more information, please contact:

Infosys - [email protected]

Qorus - [email protected]


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