Writing PhD Thesis using LaTeX

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Beautiful LaTeX dissertation templates.


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Dissertate is a set of beautiful LaTeX templates for a thesis or dissertation. Here's a sample .

Note : You can download the templates here:

  • UC Berkeley

One of the biggest hurdles in submitting a thesis or dissertation is getting the formatting right — the rules are arcane, and the registrar is pedantic. Few students have the background needed to design and typeset clean and stylish documents. Enter Dissertate. Dissertate is a set of beautiful LaTeX templates for a thesis or dissertation. To date, the software provides everything needed to support the production and typesetting of a PhD dissertation at Harvard, Princeton, NYU, and UC Berkeley, though it will be adapted to meet the requirements of other schools — eventually all of them. The format and styling are based closely on the requirements published by each university's registrar.

Examples of Dissertations using Dissertate

Austrailian national university.

  • Duong, Ly. (2018). Unravelling the evolution of the Galactic stellar disk & bulge [Doctoral dissertation, Austrailian National University].

Flinders University

  • Szpak, Ancrêt. L. (2015). The Social Space Around Us: the effect of social distance on spatial attention [Doctoral dissertation, Flinders University, Adelaide, South Australia].

Friedrich–Alexander University Erlangen–Nürnberg

  • Harutyunyan, Nikolay. (2019). Corporate Open Source Governance of Software Supply Chains [Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU)].

Harvard College & Harvard University

  • Ayala, Peter. (2019). Evaluating Stock Market Performance Using Aggregated Employee Reviews [Bachelor's thesis, Harvard College].
  • Dimiduk, Thomas. G. (2016). Holographic Microscopy for Soft Matter and Biophysics [Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts].
  • Fu, Daniel. Y. (2018). Design of Influencing Agents for Flocking in Low-Density Settings [Senior thesis, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts].
  • Garruss, Alexander Shineman. (2020). Accelerating the Understanding and Design of Intracellular Biosensors by Massively Multiplexed Experimentation and Machine Learning (Pulication No. 28265270) [Doctoral dissertation, Harvard University].
  • Limor, Gultchin. (2017). [ Just for Laughts: Utilizing Machine Learning to Rate and Generate Humorous Analogies ]( https://dash.harvard.edu/handle/1/38811513 [Senior thesis, Harvard College].
  • Randle, Dylan L. (2020). Unsupervised Neural Network Methods for Solvong Differential Equations [Master's thesis, Harvard University].
  • Xiong, Zhaoxi. (2019). Classification and Construction of Topological Phases of Quantum Matter [Doctoral dissertation, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts].]

Hokkaido University

  • Zhai, Hongjie. (2018). Study on Discovery and Exploration Systems Considering User’s Intention [Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Hokkaido University].

Humboldt University of Berlin

  • Lubitz, Timo. (2016). From signal to metabolism: A journey through the regulatory layers of the cell [Doctoral dissertation, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin].

National University of Singapore

  • Lim Yong San, Gilbert. (2015). Automated Methods for Retinopathy and Glaucoma Screening [Doctoral dissertation, National University of Singapore].

New York University

  • Heinrich, Lukas. (2019). Searches for Supersymmetry, RECAST, and Contributions to Computational High Energy Physics (Publication No. 13421570) [Doctoral dissertation, New York University].

Paris-East Créteil University

  • Buczkowska, Sabina. (2017). Quantitative models of establishments location choices : spatial effects and strategic interactions [Doctoral dissertation, Université Paris-Est].

Paris Sciences et Lettres University

  • Saussay, Aurelien. (2018). Trois essais sur les prix de l'énergie et la transition énergétique [Unpublished doctoral dissertation, de l’Université de recherche Paris Sciences et Lettres PSL Research University].

Ruprecht Karl University of Heidelberg

  • Malygin, Mykola G. (2016). Gas Opacity in Planet and Star Formation [Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Ruperto Carola Universitat].

Saint Martin’s University

  • Lentz, Jotham C. (2018). A Fuzzy Architecture for Robotics Sensor Information Integration [Master's thesis, Saint Martin’s University, Lacey, Washington].
  • Mortimer, Laura A. (2017). Fluid Velocity Vector Field Measurement in Synovial Joints [Master's thsis, Saint Martin’s University, Lacey, Washington].

Stanford University

  • Hawkins, Robert. D. (2019). Coordinating on meaning in communication [Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Stanford University, Stanford, CA].

Technical University of Darmstadt

  • Leonard, Mark. Ryan. (2019). Robust Signal Processing in Distributed Sensor Networks [Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Technische Universität Darmstadt].

The Polytechnic University of Catalonia

  • Pérez, Víctor Javier Jiménez. (2016). Improving the Efficiency of Multicore Systems Through Software and Hardware Cooperation [Doctoral dissertation, Universitat Politè cnica de Catalunya – Barcelona Tech Barcelona].

University of Amsterdam

  • Lê, Hoàng-Ân. (2021). Outdoor image understanding from multiple vision modalities [Doctoral dissertation, University of Amsterdam].

University of Birmingham

  • Kuszlewicz, James. Stevenson. (2017). Buoyancy-driven oscillations in helio- and asteroseismology [Doctoral dissertation, University of Birmingham].

University of Bologna

  • Asri, Ankush. (2019). When Giulia and Andrea meet Salma and Omar: Essays on cultural adaptation [Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Universit´a di Bologna].

Universite de Bordeaux

  • Golemo, Florian. (2018). How to Train Your Robot - New Environments for Robotic Training and New Methods for Transferring Policies from the Simulator to the Real Robot [Doctoral dissertation, Universite de Bordeaux, Bordeaux, France].

University of California, Berkeley

  • Langlois, Thomas A. (2018). Uncovering Human Visual Priors (Publication No. 10931026) [Doctoral dissertation, University of California, Berkeley].
  • Meylan, Stephan C. (2018). Representing linguistic knowledge with probabilistic models (Publication No. 10931065) [Doctoral dissertation, University of California, Berkeley].
  • Pacer, M D. (2016). Mind as Theory Engine: Causation, Explanation and Time (Publication No. 10194103) [Doctoral dissertation, University of California, Berkeley].
  • Peterson, Joshua C. (2018). Leveraging deep neural networks to study human cognition (Pulication No. 10930700) [Doctoral dissertation, University of California, Berkeley].

University of Cambridge

  • Qin, Chongli. (2020). Phylogenetic Signals in Protein Data [Doctoral dissertation, Selwyn College, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire].

University of Groningen

  • Driesprong, F. T. (2015). Web-scale outlier detection [Master's thesis, University of Groningen, Groningen, Netherlands].

University of Mannheim

  • Pietrantuono, Giuseppe. (2016). The Value of Citizenship. Experimental and Quasi-experimental Evidence from Germany and Switzerland [Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Mannheim].

University of Oldenburg

  • Hornauer, Sascha Alexander. (2016). Maritime Trajectory Negotiation for n-Vessel Collision Avoidance [Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Universität Oldenburg].

University of Paris Sud

  • Li, Chuan. (2014). Superconducting proximity effect in Graphene and Bi nanowire junctions [Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Paris Sud].

University of Virginia

  • Yanhaona, Muhammad. Nur. (2017). PCubeS Type Architecture and IT Programming Language [Doctoral dissertation, University of Virgina].

University of Warsaw

  • Dittwald, Piotr. (2014). Computational methods for large-scale data in medical diagnostics [Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Warsaw].

The University of Western Ontario

  • Shannon, Matthew. (2016). The Spectral Variability of Astronomical PAHs [Published doctoral dissertation, The University of Western Ontario].

University of Zurich

  • Asri, Maria Viola. (2021). Social Pensions for Greying India – Empirical Analyses of Potential Effectiveness Constraints [Doctoral dissertation, University of Zurich].

Yale University

  • Vlastakis, Brian Michael. (2015). Controlling coherent state superpositions with superconducting circuits (Publication No. 10013061) [Doctoral dissertation, Yale University].

Contributors 9


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  • Audio Examples


Lyx has convenient change tracking features, graphic format conversion, and spell check, making it a nice front end to Latex. Here I have posted a Lyx skeleton file to start a thesis. Most of the preamble settings should work as is so all you need to do is edit the commands in the top level file, and write your thesis in Lyx. Obviously this file comes with no warranties or guarantees.

This Lyx template uses the suthesis-2e.sty style available at http://help-csli.stanford.edu/tex/suthesis/

Lyx thesis template download

A template for use with Lyx is available here: suthesis-lyx.zip . Top level document is thesis_toplevel.lyx. Modify this document with your own information. Default settings are singled sided and 12 pt font. Change these settings in Document->Settings. Change latex options in the preamble section. Add additional suthesis as ERT (evil red text, raw Latex code) in Lyx.

Included as an example are Abstract, Acknowledgements, Chapter1 and Appendix1 sections. Bibliography is included using jos.bib as an example.

dissertation latex template stanford

Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics Department of Music, Stanford University Stanford, CA 94305-8180, USA

Guide to LaTeX

We recommend typesetting solutions to CS103 assignments in LaTeX. LaTeX is the standard for typesetting CS/math/etc. papers, and will likely come in handy outside of this course. With each problem set, we will also release a LaTeX template. As mentioned in class, the use of LaTeX is not required - you are allowed to use any text editor of your choice (Microsoft Word, Google Docs, etc.) as long as you are able to export the final result as a PDF that can be uploaded to Gradescope.

Getting Started

LaTeX is a bit different from word processors you may be used to in that you write in a markup language that is then compiled into the final document. To do so, you will need to use a LaTeX editor.

We recommend using an online editor such as Overleaf . The provided TeX templates should work straight out of the box - just copy and paste the entire template into the editor. And if you're working with a partner, Overleaf allows you to collaboratively edit LaTeX documents (similar to Google Docs).

dissertation latex template stanford

You can also install a LaTeX editor for your computer such as Texmaker, TeXStudio, etc. These can offer more customization but may require some additional setup.

You may see an error message saying You must have 'pygmentize' installed to use this package . If that is the case, you will first have to install Pygments (this is the package we're using to get syntax highlighting for the code snippets in the template).

After doing so, if you see a message like Package minted Error: you must invoke LaTeX with the -shell-escape flag , or if you're still seeing the same You must have 'pygmentize' installed to use this package despite having just installed it, you'll need to add the "-shell-escape" flag to the command that the editor uses to compile (using the PdfLaTeX distribution). Usually you can find this in the settings or configurations for the editor.

Drawing Figures

You may find yourself needing to draw a figure in LaTeX, such as drawing a finite automata. Here are some good resources specific to getting pictures in LaTeX.

  • Finite State Machine Designer is a graphical interface for drawing out automata (similar to our DFA/NFA tool) which allows you to export the resulting graphic as TeX code. Pro tip: delete on Mac is fn-delete.
  • You may also choose to include an image created outside of TeX as an image (for example, if you design an automaton in our DFA/NFA tool or using some other image editing software, you can take a screenshot and add that image into your TeX submission). The Overleaf documentation on inserting images has some good guidance on how to do this.
  • A third option is to use the TikZ package allows you to draw all kinds of graphics in pure LaTeX. In particular, the automata library is helpful for drawing DFAs and NFAs. Here's an example with comments explaining how the individual drawing commands work: Latex_Automata_Example.tex .

General Resources

  • Overleaf Documentation for guidance on formatting and how to typeset mathematical expressions
  • Detexify allows you to draw the symbol that you are looking for and get LaTeX code (particularly helpful if you're trying to find something but you don't know what it's called!)

© Stanford 2019 | Web design by Chris Gregg. CS103 has been developed over many years by many talented teachers.

Stanford University PhD Thesis Template (suthesis-2e.sty)

Stanford University PhD thesis style (suthesis-2e.sty) LaTeX template. This is unofficial so you should always double check against the Registrar's office rules; see http://library.stanford.edu/research/bibliography-management/latex-and-bibtex

This template contains an example of use to help you get started, and further documentation can be found within the suthesis-2e.sty file.

Stanford University PhD Thesis Template (suthesis-2e.sty)

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Overleaf for scholarly writing and publishing.

  • LaTex, BibTex and Overleaf
  • Dissertation/Thesis Preparation
  • Librarian’s Guide to Overleaf This link opens in a new window
  • Overleaf for LaTex Theses & Dissertations This link opens in a new window
  • Overleaf for Scholarly Writing & Publication This link opens in a new window

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LaTeX and BibTeX Templates

  • Overleaf Professional Major online LaTeX editor that promotes collaboration and provides real time changes and revisions.
  • LaTeX template for thesis and dissertation documents at UC Irvine
  • UCI Theses and Disserations Manual - Preparing your manuscript
  • LaTeX template for PhD thesis Recommended for theses or dissertations.
  • LaTeX Bibliography Management Overview of BibTeX configurable within LaTeX syntax.
  • Bibtex Templates
  • LaTeX template for the The USENIX Association is the Advanced Computing Systems Association papers. This template is used by Usenix for its conference papers and journals. This version uses the latex2e styles, not the 2.09 version.
  • Olivier Commowick PhD Thesis LaTeX Template Files
  • Stanford University latex thesis style file (suthesis-2e.sty) Recommended for theses or dissertations.

Preparing a Dissertation at UCI

  • FAQs for UCI Theses & Disserttaions
  • UCI Theses and Dissertations Manual - Preparing Your Manuscript
  • Crafting your research future [electronic resource] : a guide to successful master's and Ph.D. degrees in science & engineering / Charles X. Ling, Qiang Yang
  • Theses/Disserations Workshop Dates New schedules are posted every quarter.
  • The Sage Handbook of Digital Dissertations and Theses, 2012 This book reviews trends and provides a context for digital creation and submission of dissertations & theses.
  • eScholarship Repository for UC ETDs UCI's submissions will be made to UC eScholarship - currently this is still new. All content sent to Proquest for inclusion in Dissertations & Theses Fulltext Database
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  • Last Updated: Aug 31, 2023 8:48 AM
  • URL: https://guides.lib.uci.edu/overleaf

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Writing your dissertation.

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  • LaTeX Resources
  • Sync with Reference Managers
  • Add Graphs, Tables, & Images
  • Collaborate with Overleaf
  • Multilingual Typesetting

Overleaf's unofficial  Harvard PhD Thesis and Dissertation template was created 3 years ago, please consult the Form of the PhD Dissertation for specifics on formatting your dissertation.  We recommend reviewing this sample dissertation  and the Top Ten Common Errors provided by the Registrar's Office.

Additional Templates via GitHub

  • Dissertate - scroll down for Harvard
  • Harvard GSAS  

Related Links

  • Dissertations: a guide to preparing and submitting your dissertation - GSAS
  • PhD Degree Requirements - SEAS
  • Additional resources are available through the GSAS Center for Writing and Communicating Ideas and the Academic Ressource Center.
  • GSAS also provides assistance to students seeking dissertation completion fellowships via the Fellowships Office.
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  • Next: Publish >>
  • Last Updated: Apr 22, 2022 11:08 AM
  • URL: https://guides.library.harvard.edu/overleaf

Harvard University Digital Accessibility Policy

Dissertations and Theses

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Congratulations on being close to the finish line with your dissertation or thesis.

After you’ve applied to graduate and enrolled, dissertations and theses may be submitted online through the Dissertation & Thesis Center in Axess.  

Once you finish submitting your dissertation or thesis in Axess, and it has been approved by the university, the submission is considered final and no further changes are permitted. 

The electronic submission process is free of charge and allows you the ability to check your pre-submission requirements and when ready, upload a digital copy of your dissertation or thesis. 

You can learn more about the center on the How to Use the Dissertation & Thesis Center webpage.

  • FAQs: Dissertation & Theses
  • How to Submit Your Signature Page
  • How to Use the Dissertation & Thesis Center
  • How to Request to Use Copyrighted Material

Note: The online submission process is not available for master's theses or undergraduate honors theses. Please consult with your department directly regarding submission procedures.

Follow these guides to ensure you meet all the requirements for submitting your dissertation or thesis. 

  • Prepare Your Work for Submission
  • Submit Your Dissertation or Thesis
  • Steps After Submission

Submission Deadlines for Conferral

You must apply to graduate and enroll before you can access the Dissertation & Thesis Center in Axess.

The Dissertation & Thesis Center opens to submissions on the first day of instruction each quarter for which the student has applied to graduate.

The quarterly deadlines are set as late in the quarter as possible, providing the time necessary for review of the dissertation or thesis, including review of final degree requirements by the Registrar's Office and the departments. 

You are strongly encouraged to submit your work at least two weeks prior to the deadline to ensure that all requirements can be met in time for the conferral of your degree. 

Once you finish submitting your dissertation or thesis in Axess, and it has been approved by the university, the submission is considered final and no further changes are permitted. 

After the final reader approves the dissertation, it typically takes about seven (7) business days for the university to process the submission.  

Deadlines by Quarter

Dissertation deadlines are strictly enforced.  No exceptions are made. By noon on the final submission deadline date, all of the following steps must be completed:           

  • The student enrolls and applies to graduate;
  • The student confirms the names of reading committee members in Axess, and designates a Final Reader;
  • The student submits reading committee signatures;
  • The student completes the necessary University Milestones;
  • The student’s candidacy is valid through degree conferral;
  • The student submits the final dissertation or thesis in Axess;
  • The designated Final Reader certifies the final draft of the dissertation or thesis submitted in Axess.

For help, contact the Student Services Center .                                                                        

For faculty and staff information on Dissertations, visit Inside Student Services.

PhD Thesis and Dissertation LaTeX Templates for Harvard, Princeton and New York University (NYU)

Dissertate provides a beautiful LaTeX template for a thesis or dissertation. This template has been uploaded into Overleaf so you can get started simply by clicking the button above.

It currently provides everything needed to support the production and typesetting of a PhD dissertation at Harvard, Princeton, and NYU.

The format and styling are based closely on the requirements published by each university's registrar.

For more information, please see the Dissertate on GitHub

PhD Thesis and Dissertation LaTeX Templates for Harvard, Princeton and New York University (NYU)

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  1. LaTeX Templates

    dissertation latex template stanford

  2. Reflective essay: Stanford thesis latex template

    dissertation latex template stanford

  3. LaTeX Templates

    dissertation latex template stanford

  4. Reflective essay: Stanford thesis latex template

    dissertation latex template stanford

  5. GitHub

    dissertation latex template stanford

  6. LaTeX Templates

    dissertation latex template stanford


  1. LaTeX Tutorial 1

  2. How to Write a Thesis in LaTeX pt 1

  3. (UPDATED) LaTeX Tutorial 1

  4. How to write thesis using LATEX Template

  5. Latex Tutorial 1 of 11: Starting a Report and Title Page

  6. Dissertation Help: How to format your Table of Contents


  1. Stanford University PhD Thesis Template (suthesis-2e.sty)

    This template contains an example of use to help you get started, and further documentation can be found within the suthesis-2e.sty file. Tags University Thesis Stanford University

  2. FAQs: Dissertation & Thesis

    It is your choice whether to use Microsoft Word or LaTeX when creating your dissertation. All electronic dissertation submissions must be submitted in their final format as a PDF document. For students interested in a Stanford dissertation Latex template, please refer to the the Latex style file suthesis-2e.sty.

  3. Format Requirements for Your Dissertation or Thesis

    If you are a student in the Doctor of Musical Arts program, you may submit musical scores formatted at 11 x 17 inches in size. If you are submitting a performance as your dissertation, submit the audio file in WAV format as a supplemental file. Note: The maximum file size accepted for submission is 100 MB.

  4. dcroote/stanford-thesis-example: Stanford LaTeX thesis template

    The hope is that this example thesis saves you time that I and countless others before me spent on the minutiae of writing a thesis in LaTeX. It combines a slightly modified version (more on this below) of the existing Stanford thesis style ( archived here, more Stanford information here) with a template for including figures, tables, inline ...

  5. albertfgu/stanford-thesis-template: Stanford LaTeX thesis template

    The hope is that this example thesis saves you time that I and countless others before me spent on the minutiae of writing a thesis in LaTeX. It combines a slightly modified version (more on this below) of the existing Stanford thesis style ( more Stanford information here) with a template for including figures, tables, inline references ...

  6. Stanford University

    The Stanford University Libraries are providing Overleaf Professional features for all students, faculty and staff who would like to use a collaborative, online LaTeX editor for their projects. Overleaf Professional features include real-time track changes, unlimited collaborators, and full document history. Overleaf is designed to make the ...

  7. Writing PhD Thesis using LaTeX

    Yes, it is very powerful and convenient yet you need a template, including a style file. Here is nice LaTeX template files, that allow you to create a dissertation that fulfils the requirments of the Registrar's office. The style file automatically generates a cover page, a signature page, contents, a list of figures, and a list of tables ...

  8. Dissertation & Thesis Resources

    Coterm Tuition Assessment. Graduate Students. Dissertations and Theses. Prepare Your Work for Submission. Format Requirements for Your Dissertation or Thesis. Title Page for Ph.D. Dissertation. Title Page for an Engineer Thesis. Submit Your Dissertation or Thesis. Checklist: Submitting My Dissertation or Thesis.

  9. Templates

    Emma Pease (Original by Joseph Pallas) SEP report - Template. This a template for writing reports in the style of the Stanford Exploration Project (SEP) report. Fantine Huot. Produce beautiful documents starting from our gallery of LaTeX templates for journals, conferences, theses, reports, CVs and much more.

  10. suchow/Dissertate: Beautiful LaTeX dissertation templates.

    Enter Dissertate. Dissertate is a set of beautiful LaTeX templates for a thesis or dissertation. To date, the software provides everything needed to support the production and typesetting of a PhD dissertation at Harvard, Princeton, NYU, and UC Berkeley, though it will be adapted to meet the requirements of other schools — eventually all of them.

  11. Lyx Thesis Template for Stanford University

    A template for use with Lyx is available here: suthesis-lyx.zip. Top level document is thesis_toplevel.lyx. Modify this document with your own information. Default settings are singled sided and 12 pt font. Change these settings in Document->Settings. Change latex options in the preamble section.

  12. CS103

    Guide to LaTeX. We recommend typesetting solutions to CS103 assignments in LaTeX. LaTeX is the standard for typesetting CS/math/etc. papers, and will likely come in handy outside of this course. With each problem set, we will also release a LaTeX template. As mentioned in class, the use of LaTeX is not required - you are allowed to use any text ...

  13. Stanford University PhD Thesis Template (suthesis-2e.sty)

    This template contains an example of use to help you get started, and further documentation can be found within the suthesis-2e.sty file. Tags University Thesis Stanford University

  14. PDF Sample Template for A a Dissertation

    SAMPLE TEMPLATE FOR A STANFORD UNIVERSITY THESIS A DISSERTATION ... lowship, funded by federal work-study funds and the Stanford University School of Engi-neering. It was this fellowship that allowed the author to begin working under the direction ... the front of the thesis and should not contain citations or references. . . . . . . . . 6

  15. Dissertation/Thesis Preparation

    Stanford University latex thesis style file (suthesis-2e.sty) Recommended for theses or dissertations. LaTeX template for the The USENIX Association is the Advanced Computing Systems Association papers.

  16. Template for a Masters or Doctoral Thesis

    Abstract. This LaTeX template is used by many universities as the basis for thesis and dissertation submissions, and is a great way to get started if you haven't been provided with a specific version from your department. This version of the template is provided by Vel at LaTeXTemplates.com, and is already loaded in Overleaf so you can start ...

  17. Dissertation/Thesis Preparation

    University of California, irvine The UCI Libraries P.O. Box 19557 Irvine CA 92623-9557 Office: (949)824-9732 [email protected]

  18. Writing your Dissertation

    Overleaf's unofficial Harvard PhD Thesis and Dissertation template was created 3 years ago, please consult the Form of the PhD Dissertation for specifics on formatting your dissertation. We recommend reviewing this sample dissertation and the Top Ten Common Errors provided by the Registrar's Office.. Additional Templates via GitHub. Dissertate - scroll down for Harvard

  19. Dissertations and Theses

    Summer. 2023-24. Thursday, September 12. Dissertation deadlines are strictly enforced. No exceptions are made. By noon on the final submission deadline date, all of the following steps must be completed: The student enrolls and applies to graduate; The student confirms the names of reading committee members in Axess, and designates a Final Reader;

  20. Stanford Dissertation Latex Template

    Stanford Dissertation Latex Template - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site.

  21. Gallery

    Emma Pease (Original by Joseph Pallas) SEP report - Template. This a template for writing reports in the style of the Stanford Exploration Project (SEP) report. Fantine Huot. Produce beautiful documents starting from our gallery of LaTeX templates for journals, conferences, theses, reports, CVs and much more.

  22. Basic thesis template

    This LaTeX template includes a title page, a declaration, an abstract, acknowledgements, table of contents, list of figures/tables, a dedication, and example chapters and sections. This template was originally published on ShareLaTeX and subsequently moved to Overleaf in November 2019. This Thesis LaTeX template is an ideal starting point for ...

  23. PhD Thesis and Dissertation LaTeX Templates for Harvard ...

    Dissertate provides a beautiful LaTeX template for a thesis or dissertation. This template has been uploaded into Overleaf so you can get started simply by clicking the button above. It currently provides everything needed to support the production and typesetting of a PhD dissertation at Harvard, Princeton, and NYU.