Graduate Marketing Association, website logo

Our mission is to develop the next generation of marketing leaders

The graduate marketing association (gma) strengthens students' competencies in fundamental marketing skills and leverages their unique interpersonal attributes to develop the next generation of marketing leaders. gma achieves this through four key pillars:.

Awareness and understanding of various career paths and industries, as well as the latest developments in marketing with the help of GMA's educational sessions and resources

Relationship Building

Meeting and building relationships within the GMA community and the larger marketing network through club resources and events

Career Development

Refinement and optimization of students' skills as they transition and advance their careers in marketing, across varied industries and marketing roles

Work to land each GMA member, 1st year and 2nd year, their targeted internship and full-time role


Companies where our members will be this summer

phd marketing usc

Sha Yang  Ernest Hahn Professor of Marketing Marshall School of Business University of Southern California                             701 Exposition Blvd., HOH 616 Los Angeles, CA 90089-0443 [email protected]

Education          Ohio State University, Marketing (PhD 2000, MA 1998), Statistics (MS 1998), Economics (MA 1995)         Renmin University of China, International Economics (BA 1994) R esearch Interests         Substantive Areas : Consumer choice, Internet Advertising, Competition, E-commerce Platforms, Media and Entertainment         Methodological Areas : Bayesian Methods, Economic and Structural Models, Data Analytics


1.           Cao, Jisu and Sha Yang (2023), “ Understanding the Impact of Reviews on Consumer Product Choices under Negotiated Pricing ,” Management Science , forthcoming, paper .

2.           Zheng, Xin, Jisu Cao, Yili (Kevin) Hong, Sha Yang and Xinyao Ren (2023), “ Differential Effects of Multi-dimensional Review Evaluations on Product Sales for Mainstream vs. Niche Products, ” MIS Quarterly , 47(2), 833-856 , paper .

3.           Zhao, Yi, Sha Yang, Matt Shum and Shantanu Dutta (2022), “A Dynamic Model of Player Level-Progression Decisions in Online Gaming,” Management Science , 68(11), 8062-8082 , paper .

4.          Yang, Botao, Sha Yang and Shantanu Dutta (2020), “Platform Service Offering to Business Customers: Strategic Considerations in Engendering Seller Use of Marketing Tools on E-commerce Platforms,” Marketing Science , 41(2), 361-379, paper .

5.           Hu, Mantian , Sha Yang and Daniel Xu (2019), “ Understanding the Social Learning Effect in Contagious Switching Behavior, ” Management Science , 65(10), 4451-4949 , paper .

6.           Jian, Lian, Sha Yang, Sulin Ba, Li Lu and L. Cristal Jiang (2019), “Managing the Crowds: the Effect of Prize Guarantees and In-Process Feedback on Participation in Crowdsourcing Contests,” MIS Quarterly , 43(1), 97-112 , paper .

7.           Jia, He, Sha Yang, Xianghua Lu and CW Park (2018), “Do Consumers Always Spend More When Coupon Face Value is Larger? The Inverted U-Shaped Effect of Coupon Face Value,” Journal of Marketing , 82(4), 70-85 , paper .

8.           Lu, Shijie and Sha Yang (2017), "Investigating the Spillover Effect of Keyword Market Entry in Sponsored Search Advertising," Marketing Science , 36(6), 976-998 , paper .

9.           Ducaaroz , Caroline, Sha Yang and Eric Greenleaf (2016), “Understanding the Impact of Promotional Messages in Internet English Auctions,” Journal of Marketing , 80(2), 80-100, paper .

10.       Yang, Sha, Shijie Lu and Xianghua Lu (2014), “Modeling Competition and Its Impact in Paid-Search Advertising,” Marketing Science , 33(1), 134-153, paper .

11.       Zhao, Yi, Sha Yang, Vishal Narayan and Ying Zhao (2013), “Modeling Consumer Learning from Online Product Reviews,” Marketing Science , 32(1), 153-169 , paper .

12.       Yang, Sha, Mantian Hu, Russ Winer, Henry Assael and Xiaohong Chen (2012), “An Empirical Study of Word-Of-Mouth Generation and Consumption,” Marketing Science , 31(6), 952-963 , paper .

13.       Gu, Jane and Sha Yang (2010), “Quantity-Discount Dependent Consumer Preferences and Competitive Non-linear Pricing,” Journal of Marketing Research , 47(6), 1100-1113, paper .

14.       Yang, Sha and Anindya Ghose (2010), “Analyzing the Relationship Between Organic and Sponsored Search Advertising: Positive, Negative or Zero Interdependence?” Marketing Science , 29 (4), 602-623, paper .

15.       Yang, Sha, Yi Zhao and Ravi Dhar (2010), “Modeling the Under Reporting Bias in Panel Survey Data,” Marketing Science , 29(3), 525-539, paper .

16.        Yang, Sha, Yi Zhao, Tulin Erdem, and Ying Zhao (2010) “Modeling the Intra-Household Behavioral Interaction,” Journal of Marketing Research , 47(3), 470-484, paper .

17.       Ghose, Anindya and Sha Yang (2009) “ An Empirical Analysis of Sponsored Search in Online Advertising,” Management Science , 55(10), 1605-1622, paper .

18.       Moe, Wendy and Sha Yang (2009), "Inertial Disruption: The Impact of a New Competitive Entrant on Online Consumer Search," Journal of Marketing , 73(1), 109-121, paper .

19.       Chen, Yuxin, Sha Yang and Ying Zhao (2008), “A Simultaneous Model of Consumer Brand Choice and Negotiated Price,” Management Science , 54(3), 538-549, pdf .

20.       Chen, Yuxin and Sha Yang (2007), “Estimating Disaggregate Models Using Aggregate Data via Augmentation of Individual Choice,” Journal of Marketing Research , 44(4), 613-621, paper .

21.       Yang, Sha, Livia Markoczy and Min Qi (2007), “Unrealistic Optimism in Consumer Credit Card Adoption,” Journal of Economic Psychology , 28, 170-185, paper .

22.       Yang, Sha, Vishal Narayan and Henry Assael (2006), “Estimating the Interdependence of Television Program Viewership Between Spouses: A Bayesian Simultaneous Equation Model,” Marketing Science , 25(4), 336-349, paper .

23.       Bradlow, Eric, Bart Bronnenberg, Neeraj Arora, David Bell, Sri Devi Deepak, Frankel ter Hofstede, Catarina Sismeiro , Raphael Thomadsen , and Sha Yang (2006), "Spatial Models in Marketing", Marketing Letters , 16(3), 267-278, paper .

24.       Gilbride Tim, Sha Yang and Greg M. Allenby (2005), “Modeling Simultaneity in Survey Data,” Quantitative Marketing and Economics, 3, 311-335, paper .

25.       Yang, Sha and Priya Raghubir (2005), "Can Bottles Speak Volumes? The Effect of Package Shape on How Much to Buy", Journal of Retailing , 81(4), 269-281, paper .

26.       Allenby, Greg, Tom Shively, Sha Yang and Mark Garratt (2004) "A Choice Model for Packaged Goods: Dealing With Discrete Quantities and Quantity Discounts,”  Marketing Science , 23(1), 95-108, paper .

27.       Yang, Sha, Yuxin, Chen and Greg M. Allenby (2003) “Bayesian Analysis of Simultaneous Demand and Supply,” Quantitative Marketing and Economics , 1, 251-275, paper .

28.       Fennell, Geraldine, Greg M. Allenby, Sha Yang and Yancy Edwards (2003), “The Effectiveness of Demographic and Psychographic Variables For Explaining Brand and Product Use,” Quantitative Marketing and Economics , 1, 223-244, paper .

29.       Yang, Sha and Greg M. Allenby (2003), “Modeling Interdependent Consumer Preferences,” Journal of Marketing Research , 40(3), 282-294, paper .

30.       Qi, Min and Sha Yang (2003), "Forecasting Consumer Credit Card Adoption: What Can We Learn About the Utility Function?" International Journal of Forecasting , 19, 71-85, paper .

31.       Allenby, Greg, Albert Bemmaor , Vijay Bhargava, Francois Christen, Jackie Dawley, Peter Dickson, Yancy Edwards, Geraldine Fennell, Mark Garratt, Jim Ginter, Alan Sawyer, Richard Staelin , and Sha Yang (2002), "Market Segmentation Research: Beyond Within and Across Group Differences", Marketing Letters, 13(3), 231-241, paper .

32.       Yang, Sha, Greg M. Allenby and Geraldine Fennell (2002), “Modeling Variation in Brand Preferences: The Roles of Objective Environment and Motivating Conditions,” Marketing Science , 21(1), 14-31, paper .

33.       Yang, Sha and Greg M. Allenby (2000), “A Model for Observation, Structural, and Household Heterogeneity in Panel Data,” Marketing Letters , 11(2), 137-149, paper .

Emphasis – Marketing

Effective marketing for organizations of the future


  • Current Students
  • Academic Advisement
  • Academic Programs
  • Business Emphases

Students will gain both creative and analytical skills to help organizations across industries with their marketing strategy, execution, and evaluation.


The Marketing Emphasis trains students in marketing strategy, execution, and evaluation. Students will learn how organizations across industries meet diverse consumers’ needs, through innovative products and services, compelling messaging, competitive pricing, and effective distribution.

Students who choose the Marketing Emphasis go on to work in brand management, advertising, public relations, digital marketing, sales, marketing research and analytics, and many other fields.


This Emphasis is available only to current Marshall undergraduates who have attained sophomore standing and have completed at least one semester in residence at USC.

Students must complete BUAD 307 (Marketing Fundamentals) prior to declaring the Emphasis. The Emphasis requires completion of at least twelve (12) units of Marketing (MKT) upper division coursework. Upper division courses are numbered 300-499. Additional details are available in the  catalogue .

Please note that students can only declare one Emphasis.

Emphasis Faculty Advisor

Professor Lars Perner Email Address: [email protected]

Recommended Coursework

View our recommended coursework here

Emphasis Workshop Slide Deck

View the Spring 2024 emphasis workshop slide deck  here  

FAQs related to the Emphasis in Marketing

Which course can help students determine if this emphasis is right for them.

The core marketing course, BUAD 307: Marketing Fundamentals, is a requirement that must be completed before declaring this emphasis and is the best course to help students decide if this Emphasis is right for them. We encourage students interested in this emphasis to enroll in BUAD 307 as early as possible.

What other resources/experiences can help students determine if this Emphasis is the right fit?

In addition to the Marketing emphasis faculty advisor, students can consult their professor for BUAD 307 or a Marketing (MKT) elective to further explore if the Marketing Emphasis can be a good fit. Given there are numerous sub-fields within marketing, we recommend students approach their instructor with some specific information about what they find most interesting (e.g., creative messages in advertising; product design; social media content creation; brand management; digital marketing) to guide the discussion.

We also recommend students consider joining organizations that provide hands-on experience with marketing. Some examples of campus-based organizations are  USC’s chapter of the American Marketing Association , the Association of Innovative Marketing,   Trojan Marketing Group , etc. or completing a marketing internship for an organization of interest. Additionally, USC Marshall students can become members of the American Association of Advertising Agencies (4As) with their USC credentials.  

What qualities/skills are good for students to have when going into this Emphasis?

Diverse qualities and skillsets contribute to strong marketing! Some marketers are very creative (e.g., art directors and copywrites) while others are very analytical (e.g., marketing researchers and data analysts). Some marketers are creative and analytical, and they find ways to leverage both perspectives in their work.

What skills or knowledge will students gain from this Emphasis?

Students have the opportunity to gain a breadth of knowledge and skills (by taking their upper-division Marketing classes that are not closely related and cover different sub-fields of marketing); OR depth of knowledge and skills (by taking classes that are closely related and focused on a specific sub-field, such as sales or digital marketing).

For what careers or industries will this Emphasis prepare students?

The Marketing Emphasis prepares students for careers in brand management, advertising, public relations, digital marketing, sales, marketing research and analytics, and many other fields.  

Why would students choose this Emphasis?

Students who choose the Marketing Emphasis will graduate with the knowledge and skills required to contribute effectively to various organizations' marketing needs (including products, promotions, pricing, and placement or distribution). They will have gained either general insight into the evolving field of marketing, or specific expertise in a sub-field of interest (e.g., digital marketing; sales) that will make them especially strong candidates for specific roles. Students will also signal to employers that they recognize the importance of marketing to every organization’s success.

Can students satisfy these requirements when they study abroad?

Students who participate in the Marshall International Exchange program (IEP) may fulfill up to 6 credits towards the Marketing emphasis while studying abroad. In order for the courses to be applied towards the Marketing emphasis, students must complete approved marketing classes while abroad (a list of approved Marketing class for each exchange location can be found on the IEP outgoing website . Students will work with the International Programs office to ensure that the approved classes they take abroad will be applied towards their emphasis.

For International Students

This emphasis is a STEM program

This emphasis has been approved by the university to be STEM-eligible. This allows students who have completed this degree to apply for the STEM OPT Extension. Please note that this extension is not guaranteed but is approved by federal departments beyond the university’s purview. We strongly advise students to carefully read the Office of International Services instructions ( here and here ) which explain the STEM OPT extension eligibility and proceed accordingly.

On my I-20, why does the degree say Management Science instead of Business Administration?

This emphasis has been approved by the university to be STEM-eligible under the Department of Education CIP code of 52.1301 designation of Management Science. The degree stated on the I-20 refers to this designation. Students can find a memo of support from the department for the CIP code designation here .

phd marketing usc

Graduate Certificate in Biopharmaceutical Marketing

The Graduate Certificate in Biopharmaceutical Marketing (available both online and on-campus) is a specialized program in precision marketing aimed at careers in the biopharmaceuticals, consulting and medical technology industries.

The program’s targeted approach offers career-accelerating tactics and insights critical for increasing the speed and quality of marketing decisions for biopharmaceutical product managers, health care industry analysts and consultants.

Graduates will learn and use the practical tools, skills and methods to embrace the next wave of health care innovation to drive markets while improving health outcomes and product value. Students will be provided with intensive and targeted instruction as well as innovative tools and skills to advance their career in the health care industry.

All Graduate Certificate in Biopharmaceutical Marketing (BPMK) courses emphasize project-based learning allowing active exploration of current health care business challenges and deeper proficiency in precision marketing.

Lectures from leading industry executives offered across all program courses provide unique access to critical insights from experts in their respective fields.

Learn more about the Graduate Certificate in Biopharmaceutical Marketing today.

Graduate Certificate in Biopharmaceutical Marketing Curriculum

Students are required to complete 12 total units to be eligible for the BPMK Certificate. Students are recommended to complete three courses: BPMK 500 (3 units), BPMK 501 (3 unit) and 502 (3 unit) as a core set of courses. Eligible students may select from any of the alternative courses to complete their 3 elective unit requirements. It is expected that most students should be able to complete the BPMK Certificate program requirements in 12 to 15 months.

Career Opportunities for Biopharmaceutical Marketing Graduates

Students seeking this BPMK Certificate will likely target careers in the following industry areas. They are, but not limited to:

  • Product Management : Product Development and Commercialization, Product Strategy, Brand Management, Life Cycle Management, Global Product Leads
  • Market Access and Reimbursement : Payer Strategy, Government Reimbursement Strategy, Value Access Strategy, Account, Rebates and Contracting
  • Marketing and Sales : Product Advertising, Marketing Communications, Digital Advertising, Account Management, Field Sales.
  • Business Operations and Growth : Competitive Intelligence, Mergers and Acquisitions, Legal, In-Licensing, Contracting
  • Administrative, Business Services, Executive Leadership : Entrepreneurship, Pharma/Biotech, GPO, Specialty Pharmacy, PBM, Regulatory and Government

Your career in biopharmaceutical marketing starts here. Request information today .

Learn on a Flexible Schedule

The Graduate Certificate in Biopharmaceutical Marketing program offers an online learning option for eligible working professionals who cannot regularly travel to a traditional classroom.  

The online learning option provides students with the flexibility to pursue a graduate education while maintaining the same comprehensive curriculum, academic rigor and team collaboration emphasis as on-campus students.

Remote students will also receive access to:

  • Expert faculty and executive guest lecturers
  • Collaborative virtual activities and team assignments
  • Engaging lectures and class breakout discussions
  • On-campus residency to engage with peers, faculty, executive network, and alumni
  • Powerful virtual learning tools

Related Online Graduate Programs

USC Viterbi School of Engineering Logo – Viterbi School website

  • Frequently Asked Questions (F.A.Q.)


Length/ Format:

  • There is no standardized format or length for the Personal Statement (Statement of Purpose), but we can provide some general guidelines. It should describe succinctly your reasons for applying to the proposed program at the Viterbi School of Engineering, your preparation for this field of study, study interests, future career plans, and other aspects of your background and interests which may aid the admissions committee in evaluating your aptitude and motivation for graduate study.

The Letters of Recommendation requirement vary by master's program.  Please visit our Academic Disciplines to view a list of master's degree programs and their application criteria.  Doctoral applicants are required to submit 3 letters of recommendation.

If required:

  • Complete and submit the other parts of the application by the application deadline even if your letters have not yet been submitted. This is separate module of the application so your recommenders will still be able to add their letters, and you will be able to check the status of letters or even add/replace a recommender after the application has been submitted.


Master's applicants

The Viterbi School is pleased to offer merit-based funding opportunities to U.S. and International students applying for Master’s programs. On-campus students who apply by published application deadlines will be considered for scholarships if admitted. Please visit our  Ready to Apply  page for information on deadlines and application steps.

Doctoral applicants

Doctoral applicants do not apply for Viterbi scholarships. USC tries to fully fund all of its doctoral students. This generally consists of tuition, a stipend for living expenses, and a health benefits package.

Admitted students receive information on the funding offer before they have to submit the Statement of Intent.

Additional information on doctoral program funding 


  • International graduate applicants must demonstrate English language proficiency by submitting either TOEFL or IELTS scores. For details on the requirement and for information on waiving the English Language requirement, visit USC Graduate Admission’s  English Proficiency  page.
  • Although required for admission, all complete applications receive a full review regardless of the TOEFL/IELTS scores submitted. Visit USC Graduate Admission’s  English Proficiency  page for detailed information about TOEFL/IELTS requirements.

Published on August 23rd, 2023

Last updated on August 28th, 2023

To update your Personal Statement or CV/résumé or to add other documents, follow the instructions below:

1) Log back into your application(s)

2) In the Program Materials quadrant, in the Documents tab you can add new/updated materials as an Other document.

3) Choose the file and click the Upload This Document button

Note: Once an application has been submitted, updated transcripts and Personal Statements can only be added as an Other document.

TOEFL scores must be submitted electronically from the ETS website to “U Southern Cal,” ETS code 4852. You do not need to provide a department code. However, if the ETS system requires one, just select the one that is the best fit. All TOEFL scores are automatically sent to our Graduate and International Admission Office, so it doesn’t matter what department you select.

Valid TOEFL scores must be dated within two years of the start of the intended application semester. The Fall semester starts in August, and the Spring semester starts in January.


Valid IELTS scores must be sent electronically to USC. USC does not accept valid IELTS score by postal mail. To submit your IELTS results to USC, please select the “University of Southern California” from the list of available institutions when you register to take the IELTS test. Do not enter the name, contact information or mailing address of the specific USC department to which you are applying on your IELTS registration.

You may also request that your IELTS results be sent to USC after you receive your scores by contacting the test center where you took the test and request that your results be sent to the University of Southern California electronically, not by postal mail. You can search for contact details for all IELTS test centers at .

Valid IELTS scores must be dated within two years of the start of the intended application semester. The Fall semester starts in August, and the Spring semester starts in January.

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  • U.S. Active Duty Military & Veterans
  • The Boeing Company
  • General Motors – Technical Education Program
  • Kuwait Oil Company
  • Raytheon Technologies
  • Saudi Aramco
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    University of Southern California
  Jun 19, 2024  
USC Catalogue 2018-2019    
USC Catalogue 2018-2019 [ARCHIVED CATALOGUE]


The Master of Science in Marketing provides students with tools, concepts, frameworks and critical thinking and innovative skills needed for more effective development, enhancement and refinement of marketing techniques critical to the success of local and global businesses. Practical hand-on projects in areas such as technology, biotechnology, healthcare, entertainment, sports entertainment and marketing start-ups provide students with opportunities to apply the classroom experience to the real world.

Admission Requirements

Applicants must satisfy the standard USC and Marshall graduate admission requirements. At least two years of full-time work experience is preferred. GMAT or GRE scores are required. The GMAT is preferred. International applicants who did not spend four years completing a bachelor’s degree at an American, British, Canadian or Australian college or university must submit TOEFL, IELTS or PTE scores.

Individuals applying for admission to the Graduate Certificate in Marketing should not apply for admission to this program also.

Application Procedure

Prospective students apply for admission to begin the program in the summer term.

Applications are submitted online through the Marshall School of Business application Website at . International applicants are advised to see the instructions for international students published in the USC Graduate Admissions Website .

A complete application includes the online application form, test scores, an essay, an application fee, two letters of recommendation and official transcripts from all institutions of higher education attended. Current USC students and USC alumni are not required to submit an application fee, new test scores (if previously submitted) or transcripts to verify degrees earned prior to their attendance at USC.

For additional information, visit .

Degree Requirements

The Master of Science in Marketing requires 30 units including 19.5 units of required course work and 10.5 units of electives with a GPA of at least 3.0 for all units applied to the degree. The program may be completed on a full-time or part-time basis.

Students who have taken (at USC or elsewhere) a master’s-level introductory marketing course and/or a master’s-level statistics course prior to application may petition to waive out of the duplicate required courses, reducing the total number of units required to earn the degree to as few as 24. Waivers must be requested in an attachment to the application for admission. If approved, waivers will be documented in the offer of admission.

Required Courses (19.5 Units)

  • GSBA 528 Marketing Management Units: 3 *
  • GSBA 542 Communication for Management Units: 1.5
  • MKT 543 Market Demand and Sales Forecasting Units: 3
  • DSO 510 Business Analytics Units: 1.5, 3
  • MKT 512 Customer Insights and Analysis Units: 3
  • MKT 525 Consumer Behavior Units: 3
  • MKT 556 Internet Marketing Units: 3
  • MKT 566 Marketing Analytics Units: 3
  • MKT 560 Marketing Strategy Units: 3

* Must be taken in the first term/semester or prior to admission.

Electives (10.5 units)

Complete at least 10.5 units of 500-level ACCT, BAEP, BUCO, DSO, FBE, GSBA, MKT or MOR course work to reach the total number of units required to complete the program. (Enrollment in electives is subject to satisfaction of any prerequisite requirements in addition to the units required for the degree.) Students may petition to apply to the program marketing-related courses offered by other USC Schools. For a list of pre-approved courses, visit the program web page at here .

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Graduate & Doctoral Programs

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  • Studio Guitar

Graduate Certificate & Artist Diplomas

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  • Polish Music Center
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Bobby Borg wearing a black leather cap with white sunglasses and smiling at the camera.

Bobby Borg publishes new book on music marketing

Bobby Borg , a faculty member in the USC Thornton Music Industry program, published a new book titled Music Marketing for the DIY Musician . In this third edition, Borg provides a step-by-step guide for musicians to create a low-budget, customized marketing plan that will prepare them for success in the music industry. The book includes marketing templates, strategies, interviews, case studies and more.

Music Marketing for the DIY Musician can be purchased here .

Michael Abels composes score for “Star Wars: The Acolyte”

Troy quinn named pops conductor of santa rosa symphony, patrick o’malley releases debut orchestral album “the horizons” with bbc scottish symphony orchestra, dean jason king quoted by time magazine.


Key searches, alumni spotlight: meet iona cheng, phd, mph, building the evidence base in cancer research for asian americans.

(Photo courtesy Iona Cheng)

Iona Cheng, PhD, MPH, is co-leading a new study to uncover the causes of cancer in Asian Americans. Through a $12.45 million grant from the National Cancer Institute, she hopes to uncover the burden of cancer in this understudied group. Cheng received her PhD in epidemiology from the Department of Population and Public Health Sciences at the Keck School of Medicine of USC in 2005. Today, the cancer and genetic epidemiologist holds several positions including Professor of Epidemiology and Biostatistics at the University of California, San Francisco, Head of the Cancer Epidemiology Division, and Co-Investigator of the SEER Greater Bay Area Cancer Registry. “I am grateful for the training I received at USC because I learned to be curious and was taught rigorous applied epidemiologic skills that I apply to new research questions throughout my academic career,” shares Cheng.

What inspired you to pursue a career in epidemiology?

While today there is more awareness and opportunities for people to understand what epidemiology is, when I was in college there really wasn’t. After I completed my undergraduate studies, I stumbled on a course in epidemiology and enjoyed it. I gravitated towards the concept of public health and was drawn to understanding the causes of diseases at the population level versus focusing on a specific individual. I really appreciated how far-reaching epidemiology could be in terms of trying to understand health in the public at large.

Can you share with us more about your academic journey?

I received my bachelor’s degree in physiology from the University of California, Davis. After I graduated, I worked in the pharmaceutical industry for five years. I attended Yale University and received my Master of Public Health degree in Chronic Disease Epidemiology. It was during this time I decided to pursue a PhD degree. I wanted to study cancer epidemiology and understand differences across racial and ethnic populations. While sharing my interests with my advisor, she recommended looking beyond public health schools and advised me to look up the faculty at USC in the Department of Population and Public Health Science (formerly Preventive Medicine), and she was absolutely right! There was amazing research being done and several faculty had similar overlapping interests to mine. I was grateful for the recommendation because the department was not on my radar as my focus was on public health schools.

What sparked your interest in cancer research?

There’s such a personal story that people experience with cancer, and unfortunately it affects so many people. My underlying focus has always been trying to understand why a specific racial and ethnic population has a higher burden of cancer than others. I started out researching the high burden of prostate cancer in African America men. Then my interest expanded to breast, lung, and colorectal cancers.

My training at USC encouraged me to be curious and while I was formally trained in genetic epidemiology, my interests have expanded to different exposures. Today, I investigate geospatial exposures regarding neighborhood environments and environmental pollutants. I am also incorporating molecular elements to my research questions.

What was the most impactful aspect of your educational experience at USC?

I was really fortunate to have been trained by [the late] Dr. Brian Henderson and Dr. Malcolm Pike, and Dr. Anna Wu and Dr. Daniel Stram were a part of my dissertation committee. One highlight of my studies was learning about various epidemiological study designs while working with data from the Multiethnic Cohort Study—an amazing epidemiological resource. The study is based at several universities, which provided me with the opportunity to develop collaborations with other investigators, work in a large team, expand my network, and prepare me for the work I do today. As a result of my involvement, I had the opportunity to go to Boston to MIT to conduct genotyping work and laboratory training for my PhD dissertation. It was an enriching experience.

What informed your decision to pursue a career in academia?

I was motivated to continue my career in research and academia because I enjoyed designing studies and collaborating with others to ask complex research questions.  I currently co-lead the Disparities, Research, Environment and Multi-omics (DREAM) lab with Drs. Scarlett Lin Gomez and Salma Shariff-Marco. We have a team of approximately 30 staff, including students and postdocs working on a portfolio of about 35 research projects largely focused on cancer health disparities and inequities. We also run the Greater Bay Area Cancer Registry, where we are responsible for the collection of cancer cases across nine counties, and other cancer surveillance projects affiliated with the registry. I’ve been fortunate to work with great teams in this line of work.

How would you say that your research has evolved?

My research has evolved to expand the research questions we ask across multiple domains. We are always trying to address questions and gaps that we see in the field and adding new layers of data to understand differences in cancer risk across population groups. I started out largely focused on genetic factors and biomarkers and have expanded to studying the neighborhood environment and environmental pollutants, with an emphasis on structural and social determinants of health. I hope in the future to incorporate elements of policy for a comprehensive approach to understand all the contributing factors.

We are thrilled about our new opportunity to establish the first Asian American cohort study of cancer etiology that is funded by the National Cancer Institute. This new cohort will address important questions in understanding cancer risk among specific Asian American ethnicities. Typically, Asian Americans have been aggregated into a collective group along with Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islanders groups.

What do you enjoy about your current role at the University of California, San Francisco?

I am energized from working with our study team. We collectively bring complimentary expertise and learn from one other. The collaboration of students, trainees and staff comprising of interviewers, biostatisticians, GIS analysts, epidemiologists, and program managers – makes for stronger research questions that we can answer together. Part of our success is having the same goal and dedication in trying to understand differences in cancer risk across population groups.

What advice do you have for students who want to follow in your footsteps?

When it comes to conducting research: always be curious, learn from your experiences, and be open to asking new questions. While academia and obtaining your own research funding is challenging, I have found that being persistent has helped me continue on this journey. Lastly, I’ve been very fortunate to have had wonderful mentorship and worked with great teams, and good collaborators are also key.

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USC Viterbi School of Engineering Logo – Viterbi School website

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Ph.D. Milestones for Computer Science Students

The Qualifying Exam and Defense benchmark forms are here on VASE's website : . All committee forms require the Chair and Dean's approval before the oral exams can proceed.   

Qualifying Exam

Students will initiate this particular form (DocuSign):

  •         Appointment of Qualifying Exam Committee Form

Qualifying Exam Committee: The qualifying exam committee is composed of five members. The committee chair and at least two additional members must have an   appointment in the student's program. This includes tenured, tenure track, research, teaching, practitioner, and clinical faculty expertise.    At least one committee member must be tenured in the Computer Science Department.

A USC faculty member outside the student's home program is called an "outside member." For outside Faculty, the Dean of the school decides the judgment of the qualification of the outside faculty member's primary appointment.   The "outside member" must be a full-time USC faculty member whose primary appointment is in a unit outside CS and who chairs PhD committees in that home unit.  The "external member," if included on the committee, must submit a CV and statement from the committee chair for consideration by the Dean to serve on the committee. 

Students must complete the written exam a few days before the oral exam.  The written exam and oral exam cannot occur on the same day.    Please also review our PHD requirements, particularly for qualifying exams, here:

Once students initiate the form, students should inform the committee and encourage them to sign it. After the faculty signs, it will come to a PhD advisor, and then the form routes to the Chair, followed by the Dean's office. Signatures for the form take time, so please submit it at least 30 days before the qualifying exam.

Thesis Proposal Presentation

Information about the Thesis Proposal Presentation is in our CS PHD requirements (please review):

A new formal committee is NOT required just for the thesis proposal.   Students may use their qualifying exam members (guidance committee members).    At least one committee member must be tenured in the Computer Science Department. The faculty advisor must confirm the thesis proposal results and committee members for the department to record.

Please submit the thesis proposal information below to   [email protected]   so our staff   can post it online:

  • Presentation Title and Abstract
  • Date and Time
  • Names of the Guidance Committee members

Information about the PHD defense is in our CS PHD requirements (please review):

The dissertation defense committee must have at least three (3) members, of which at least two must have an appointment in Computer Science. The student's dissertation advisor will chair the committee. At least one committee member must be tenured in the Computer Science Department. The committee must also include one tenured (or tenure-track) USC faculty member outside the department whose primary appointment is not in Computer Science.  The committee chair with a joint Computer Science appointment is ineligible to be an outside committee member.

Generally, students initiate the Defense Committee form at least 30 days in advance. The form must have Dean-level approval before the student can proceed with the Defense. In addition, the Defense must be announced at least one week in advance, so please contact the PhD office with (information below) once the date is set to post the Defense; two weeks is preferred.

Specifically, students will initiate this form (DocuSign):

  •      Appointment of Dissertation Committee Form

The Defense must be held in person and attended by all committee members, students, and the Chair.  Finally, please submit the information below to   [email protected]   so our staff   can post it online (noted in our PHD requirements). The following defense announcement information at least one week in advance so we can post this online:

  • Dissertation Title and Abstract
  • Names of the Dissertation Defense Committee members

Published on June 17th, 2024

Last updated on June 17th, 2024

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Undergraduate Study

Setting yourself up for success begins with considering all your options. At USC, a community is waiting to help you build your path to your future. Work across disciplines with leading experts and supportive faculty that will make you rethink what learning means. Cross the globe with our dynamic, global community or spend your days on campus. The Trojan Family will embrace you as you are.

More Than Just the Numbers

USC combines the personal attention of a private school with the scale of a public one. With 23 academic schools and divisions to choose from, there are countless combination of tracks to pursue. And with an in-class student-to-faculty ratio that rivals many small liberal arts colleges, students can get the attention they deserve in the midst of a thriving community of like-minded students.

Majors and Minors

Student-to-Faculty Ratio


Undergraduate Majors & Minors

Get a feel for what an undergraduate degree can look like for you. With more than 23 schools and divisions to choose from, you will have a unique learning experience you can’t get anywhere else.

The Undergrad Experience

Explore, test, challenge. Defining who you are is a process of finding new ideas and experiencing opportunities. At USC, you will find different perspectives, experience new cultures and ultimately uncover a few things about yourself along the way.

First-Year Experience

Interdisciplinary freedom, global experiences, advising & support.

With all the opportunities USC has to offer, your choices can become overwhelming. You’re not alone. As part of the Trojan Family, you have an entire community of faculty, staff and fellow students. Take advantage of learning strategy sessions, counselors that will guide you through personal and academic challenges, advisers who can help map your path forward and other support systems that are ready to help.

Undergraduate Research Opportunities

USC graduates celebrate during a commencement ceremony at University Park Campus.

Discovery Scholars

This signature program honors students who engage in undergraduate research or artistic endeavor with faculty guidance. Be recognized for making a contribution to your field of study as an undergraduate.

A USC undergraduate researcher works in a lab setting.

Research Programs By School

USC schools encourage the Discovery Scholar ideal of undergraduate research with programs of their own. See what’s available in your area of study.

  • Directed Research (490)
  • USC Marshall School of Business
  • USC School of Cinematic Arts
  • USC Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism
  • USC Viterbi School of Engineering
  • USC Dornsife College of Letters, Arts and Sciences
  • Keck School of Medicine of USC
  • USC Sol Price School of Public Policy
  • More Opportunities

A USC student interacts with gaming technology through an interdisciplinary academic program.

Women in Science and Engineering (WiSE)

This program is a groundbreaking effort to increase the representation and success of women in the sciences and engineering at USC through research grants, events, lecture series and outreach.

USC Pharmacy preceptors gather at an honors ceremony recognizing their in providing hands-on training to Doctor of Pharmacy students in diverse practice settings.

  • Children’s Hospital Los Angeles Medical Preceptorship Program

This program is for pre-medical students interested in learning more about pediatric medicine. Students will shadow physicians at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles after commencement.

A visiting instructor lectures to a group of students during a summer class at the USC Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism.

USC Research Gateway Scholars Program

A program that encourages low-income and first-generation college students as well as students from historically underrepresented ethnic groups to pursue graduate studies and consider an academic career.

Students and faculty read a posterboard at the 2022 Inaugural Astani Research symposium.

Undergraduate Symposium for Scholarly & Creative Work

The Undergraduate Symposium provides students with the unique opportunity to exhibit and share examples of their significant research and creativity with the university community.

USC Viterbi students gather outside of a building during the school's undergraduate research symposium.

Fellowships and Funding

Several fellowship opportunities provide financial support for students interested in conducting and presenting research as undergraduates. Check out these possibilities:

  • USC Provost’s Undergraduate Research Fellowships
  • Bridge Institute Undergrad Science (BUGS) Intensive Summer Research Program
  • Center for Undergraduate Research in Viterbi Engineering (CURVE) Fellowship – Viterbi School of Engineering
  • Student Opportunities for Academic Research (SOAR) – Dornsife College
  • Summer Undergraduate Research Fund (SURF) – Dornsife College
  • USG Academic Research Fund
  • Undergraduate Programs Conference Travel Grants

USC Viterbi student with robot

Research Centers

Explore USC’s diverse research centers and institutes spanning arts, humanities, social and natural sciences, engineering, technology, and even an Institute for Innovation.

  • Centers and Institutes

An aerial view of the Mccarthy quad

Library Resources

The USC Libraries actively support and encourage academic endeavors with 23 libraries, information centers, the USC Digital Library, and numerous e-journals. Searching for understanding? Begin your search here.

  • USC Libraries

A USC professor with three students in a lab

Working with Faculty

To engage in research, students should connect with current experts in the field – members of the USC faculty. Explore faculty directories and profiles to discover research activities campus-wide.

  • Dornsife College of Letters, Arts and Sciences – Department Rosters
  • Marshall School of Business – Faculty Profiles
  • Programs in Biomedical and Biological Sciences (PIBBS)
  • Viterbi School of Engineering – Faculty Directories
  • USC Experts Directory
  • USC Health Sciences – Researcher Profiles

Academic Honors and Fellowships

USC is committed to supporting students in their pursuit of transformative academic experiences. The Academic Honors & Fellowships office offers personalized advisement, impactful programming, and valuable resources to facilitate the exploration and achievement of high-impact experiential learning opportunities.

By collaborating with USC faculty, staff, and alumni, the office provides support to applicants as they navigate fellowship processes, offering evaluation, endorsement and constructive feedback.

Commencement Honors

External scholarships and fellowships, signature events, learning in the world.

We create, innovate, challenge and build new knowledge that affects lives today — as we prepare our students to change tomorrow’s world for the better. With undergraduate education and graduate degree programs across 23 schools and divisions, USC offers a community of scholars that spans the globe and cares for its city: Los Angeles.

Sometimes the best classrooms have no walls. With roughly 275 sunny days per year, Los Angeles provides the perfect environment for outdoor learning and living.

USC students in the new course “An exploration of America’s National Parks”, went camping in Joshua Tree to get a first hand experience of our national parks! Douglas Noble, an associate professor of architecture, created the course “An Exploration of America’s National Parks,” which is available to students from all majors. Noble wants students to approach their research projects from their own unique perspectives through a class for all who are passionate about preserving national parks.

USC Dornsife students have multiple opportunities to participate in field research just as these students are doing at the USC Wrigley Institute for Environmental Studies located on Santa Catalina Island.

USC students filming outside of the Cinematic Arts complex at USC.

There is no substitute for real world experience, and USC students have exceptional opportunities to pursue their studies in real working environments. On a remote volcano slope in Hawaii, Adriana Blachowicz PhD ’19 studied how fungi — and humans — might fare on other planets.

Technology & Society

New technologies change the ways we express ourselves, communicate, conduct research, engage in politics and even how we learn. From the visual arts to literature to engineering, you’ll explore new technologies and emerging forms of literacy. Learn more about what we mean.

Honors in Multimedia Scholarship

Stay ahead of the curve when it comes to new technologies with this innovative four-year honors option. The curriculum lets you integrate multimedia into your major and/or minor studies and graduate with honors on your transcript.

Media Arts + Practice

Literacy can take many forms in the 21st century. MAP is dedicated to exploring these new forms of media and understanding how to use them effectively. Learn more about how your proficiency in multimedia can influence your powers of communication and self-expression.

Minors and Certificates from the Information Technology Program (ITP)

The online world is now part of the fabric of our everyday work and personal lives. From social media to email to Google, our lives are all becoming more digital. This digital presence is the universal driving force of change in our lives. The knowledge of how the internet is leveraged is critical for every USC student.

Keep Exploring

  • Creative Expression
  • Living Learning Communities
  • Service Learning
  • Request Information
  • Apply to USC

Part-Time MBA (MBA.PM) Admissions

Thank you for considering the Marshall MBA for Professionals and Managers (MBA.PM) as a place to pursue your graduate management education. Our program is designed for those who plan to remain employed during their MBA studies. We seek to recruit a class of dynamic individuals that, as a whole, will be greater than the sum of its parts. We value our highly collaborative learning community. Our students learn and grow, both personally and together, which collectively strengthens the Trojan Family. Because of this, we do not adhere to the concept of an “ideal “student when assessing your candidacy. We encourage you to bring your authentic self to the process. Everyone has a unique story, and we welcome the opportunity to hear yours. We look forward to engaging with you as you embark on this journey to the next phase in your life. Kellee Scott Director, MBA.PM Admissions


  Deadline Decision By
Round 1 November 1, 2023 December 31, 2023
Round 2 January 5, 2024 March 31, 2024
Round 3 March 1, 2024 May 15, 2024
Round 4 May 1, 2024 June 30, 2024
Round 5


Steps to Apply


- A completed online application - A four-year undergraduate degree, or equivalent, from an accredited institution - Academic transcripts - GMAT or GRE scores (if applicable) – All candidates must submit scores with the exception of applicants who have been granted a test waiver or applicants who are USC medical students applying to the MD/MBA dual degree program. See below for Test Waiver Request Option - Two required essays, one optional essay - A professional résumé (typically one page) - TOEFL or IELTS scores (if applicable) – This applies to most international applicants (non-U.S. citizen or non-U.S permanent resident). Review the "Test Scores" section below to determine if this requirement applies to you. Letters of Recommendation – Letters of recommendation are neither required nor accepted as part of the Marshall MBA.PM admissions process. Please do not submit such letters at any point during the admissions cycle. Test Waiver Requests – For the 2022-23 admissions cycle, the MBA.PM Program is providing candidates the option of submitting a standardized test (GMAT or GRE) waiver request. Please review the description of the policy and process below. Visit the Test Waiver Requests section of our FAQ page for more detailed information.


Transcript submission is a two-step process Step #1 – You must upload scanned copies of official transcripts to the online application. Please note that these must be official transcripts printed on university letterhead. Print-outs from online student portals, screenshots, and photographs of transcripts are not acceptable. Step #2 – After you submit your application and have received your 10 digit USC ID number, you must also submit (by mail, courier, or electronic service) official transcripts from all colleges, universities, and other post-secondary institutions you have previously attended. Cover sheet: We recommend that you fill out the "College/University Transcript Cover Page" and send it to the registrar’s office of each post-secondary institution you have attended. Although it is not mandatory, including it along with your USC ID number will help us match your transcripts to your file as quickly as possible. E-transcripts: USC now accepts official electronic transcripts from all countries, provided that the transcript originates from a secure site formally linked to the sending institution. Please instruct the vendor to email the transcript to [email protected] . Do not send any other materials or correspondence to this email address yourself. Electronic transcripts e-mailed to any other address will not be downloaded, resulting in a delay of your file review and an extra expense to you because the transcript will need to be re-sent. USC alumni or current students: If you are a USC degree holder, you must still upload a copy of your official transcript into the online application. However, you do not need to submit USC transcripts to the Office of Graduate Admission. Please be sure to include your USC enrollment in the “Academic Background” section so that we may match your application to the academic records already on file. Transcripts in original language of issuance: International students who have earned their degree outside the United States must check our country-specific requirements to determine if we need original-language copies of their academic records. In such cases, a separate, word-for-word, English-language translation of all academic records must also be submitted. The translation should either be issued directly from the school itself or by a professional, certified translator. It must contain all information shown on the original-language documents and “mirror” them as precisely as possible. Dual-language transcripts are also acceptable. Credential evaluation: Please note that USC does not accept or recognize credential evaluation reports from outside agencies (e.g. WES, ECE, etc.) for the purposes of admission review. Mailing Instructions Official academic records from all post-secondary schools you have attended should be sent to the addresses provided below. If sending your transcripts via regular mail, please use the following address: University of Southern California USC Office of Graduate Admission 3601 South Flower Street, Room 112 Los Angeles, CA 90089-0915 If sending your transcripts via courier service, such as DHL or FedEx, please use the following address: University of Southern California USC Office of Graduate Admission and Financial Aid 3601 South Flower Street, Tyler 112 Los Angeles, CA 90089-0915 Phone: (213) 740-1111 Confidentiality and Document Submission Policy Transcripts and all other materials submitted for admission consideration become the property of USC. The university does not return or duplicate materials for any reason whatsoever. The information and materials in your submitted application are made available only to the central Office of Admission and the admission committee of the academic department or professional school to which you have applied.

Test Scores

Uploading of Test Scores All admissions decisions are made by the Admissions Committee based on unofficial test scores that are uploaded into the online application as follows: GMAT or GRE Score Report – All candidates must submit at least one of these exams. The only exceptions are: -USC medical students who are applying to the MD/MBA dual degree program -Applicants who have been granted a test waiver

We are now accepting GMAT Focus and Shorter GRE General Test scores in addition to traditional GMAT and GRE scores. These tests must have been taken on or after August 1, 2018. If you have taken both tests, please submit both. Upload unofficial copies (examinee score report or test-day printout) into your online application. Note: You must either upload your score report into the application or provide the intended future test date in the appropriate field in the application. Failure to do so may result in a deny decision. TOEFL or IELTS Score Report – All candidates must possess and demonstrate the ability to communicate effectively in oral and written English. International applicants (those who are not U.S. citizens or not U.S. permanent residents) whose native language is not English must submit at least one of these test score reports. Marshall, however, does not require the submission of English Proficiency Exam scores by international applicants who hold a bachelor’s degree completed in its entirety at an officially recognized non-U.S. university in which English is the language of instruction. In sum, all international applicants whose native language is not English must submit one of the following: -Valid, official TOEFL or IELTS test scores; or -Documentation demonstrating that English was the language of instruction at the institution at which the applicant completed their bachelor’s degree. This documentation can either be: - A university transcript that states that the medium of instruction is English (to be uploaded in the transcript section of the USC application); or - Another official university document that states that the medium of instruction is English (to be uploaded in the “Optional Documents” section of the “Program Materials” part of the USC application. TOEFL or IELTS exams must be taken on or after August 1, 2021 to be considered valid. Upload unofficial copies (examinee score report or test-day printout) in the appropriate area below. Important: Please register to have the testing service(s) forward USC the official school test report no later than the deadline for the admissions round within which you are applying. Failure to do so will result in your application being shifted to a subsequent admissions round. Submitting Official Test Scores All candidates will need to submit official test scores (provided to USC by the testing service). To save time, applicants should, at the time of test registration, have the testing service(s) forward the official, confidential school report using the following institution codes: GMAT: 389-9C-23 GRE: 4852 TOEFL: 4852 IELTS: Choose “University of Southern California, Graduate Programs.” Do not enter the name and contact information of your specific intended graduate department. USC will only accept electronic IELTS scores. Paper scores are not considered official.

Test Waiver

Test Waiver Policy: The Marshall MBA.PM Program allows for the submission of a request for a standardized test (GMAT or GRE) waiver. Only applicants who have applied to the program may request a waiver. In order to make the request, please use the Test Waiver Request Essay of the application to describe your rationale and make a compelling case for the request. Finally, you should review and consider carefully the following guidelines before making the request: - Standardized tests provide the Admissions Committee with some evidence of a candidate’s ability to perform academically in the MBA core curriculum. Test scores also serve to provide an indication of English language capability. The basis for your waiver request - and your response to the Test Waiver Request Essay - should be grounded in a record of exceptional academic achievement that includes demonstrated mathematical preparedness. While professional experience can be included as a component of the waiver request, the Admissions Committee will most strongly consider two elements: 1) overall academic achievement; and 2) performance in quantitative coursework. - Applications – with or without test scores – will be reviewed holistically. - The decision to grant or decline a waiver request should not be viewed as a signal of the ultimate admissions decision. - Waivers will not be considered if an applicant has not submitted a complete application including uploaded copies of a résumé and all official academic transcripts. - Test waivers will be granted on a case-by-case basis. - Decisions on waiver requests are final, and Marshall will not respond to requests for re-consideration. - Test scores serve as one consideration in merit-based scholarship decisions. - Some employers may consider test scores in their evaluation of job applicants. Note: If a test waiver request is approved, the Admissions Committee will not consider test scores that are submitted at any point in the cycle when rendering the admissions decision. Test Waiver Submission Process: Only candidates who have applied to the program can submit a waiver request. The process requires two steps (Note: Failure to complete both steps may result in a deny decision.): Step #1 – Submit a complete application that includes a résumé, all academic transcripts, and a response to the Test Waiver Request Essay (included in the application). In addition, you should respond affirmatively to the question in the application that asks if you are submitting a test waiver request. Step #2 – Upon submission of the application, you must alert the Admissions Committee of your test waiver request by submitting an email to [email protected]. This will allow us to respond to your request in a timely fashion. The subject line should read “Test Waiver Request – Application Submitted.” Please include your First Name, Last Name, Date of Birth, and USC CAS ID# (located in the top right corner of your online application) in the email, so that we can easily locate your file.


Class profile.

At the USC Marshall School of Business, diversity, first and foremost, is about diversity of ideas. We believe the ability to arrive at solutions to business problems is directly related to having access to the greatest range of ideas, opinions and experiences. Our diverse student body offers unlimited opportunities for intellectual exchange, practical experience, and professional networking.

Class of 2026

Class Size: 116

Average Age: 29

Average GMAT: 640

Average Months Experience: 71

Average GPA: 3.31


Students of Color*: 64%

Historically Underrepresented Students of Color**: 23%

Female: 38%

*Consists of U.S. citizens (as percentage of domestic pool) who identify as one or more of the following groups: Asian-American, African-American or Black; Hispanic-American or Latinx; American Indian or Alaska Native; or Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander

**Consists of U.S. citizens (as percentage of domestic pool) who identify as one or more of the following groups: African-American or Black; Hispanic-American or Latinx; American Indian or Alaska Native; or Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander

Pre-MBA Industries

Technology 25%

Financial Services 17%

Media/Entertainment 8%

Manufacturing, Transportation & Logistics 7%

Non-Profit 7%

Consulting 6%

Healthcare 6%

Real Estate 4%

Computer Science 3%

Government/Military 3%

Hospitality 1%

Undergraduate Majors

35% Business or Commerce

16% Engineering

13% Economics

10% Social Sciences

9% Humanities

7% Computer Science

International Applicants

If you are not a United States national, and you will be entering, or have already entered, the United States with an F-1 or J-1 student visa, you should apply as an international student. Applicants who already reside in the United States and hold other non-immigrant visas (for example, E2, H2 or L2) are also considered international students. Permanent residents of the United States, naturalized U.S. citizens, and U.S. citizens residing abroad and attending a university outside the United States are not considered international students.

International Applicant Requirements

1. Records of your undergraduate and/or graduate degrees: When uploading transcripts into your online application or when providing the official transcripts (for all enrolling students) from the college/university, please follow these instructions. Submit one set of records from each college or university you have attended. The records should indicate the number of lecture and laboratory hours devoted to each course and the grades (marks) you received. Included should be an explanation of the grading system and information about how the transcript should be assessed. Transcripts in a language other than English must be accompanied by an English translation performed by the university or a certified professional translator. You may send a certified copy of the official document instead of the original. You must also submit an official document showing the title and date of each degree you have earned. For schools in some countries, the transcript indicates this information. In other countries, this information is provided on another document (e.g., graduation certification, diploma). You should upload copies of these documents along with your transcripts in the “Academic History” section of the application.

2. Marshall Policy on English-language proficiency: International graduate applicants must demonstrate English-language proficiency by submitting either TOEFL or IELTS scores. International applicants are exempt from the TOEFL/IELTS requirement under one of the following circumstances: - You hold a bachelor’s degree completed in its entirety in the United States or at an officially recognized non-U.S. university in which English is the language of instruction. OR - Your native language is English – This applies to native English speakers from countries such as the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, and Canada (except Quebec), where English is the only official language of the country.

3. International Degree Verification (for enrolling students only): The USC Office of Degree Progress requires verification of prior international degrees for all enrolling students from the International Education Research Foundation (IERF). Details about their services, including application forms, fees, and required documents are available at . Please contact Degree Progress [email protected], 213.740.7070 if you have any questions, or need more information regarding prior degree verification.

International Admit Information

Once an international applicant is admitted, they are encouraged to start utilizing the services offered through the Office of International Services. This office provides orientation programs and continuing support services for international students and their dependents. Specially trained professional counselors and student peer counselors are available to advise you about immigration regulations, academic progress, financial concerns, housing and adjusting to life in the United States. Year-round social and cultural activities are also sponsored through this office. For information, contact (213) 740-2666, or visit the Office of International Services .

What You Will Need

Records of your undergraduate and/or graduate degrees When uploading transcripts into your online application or when providing the official transcripts (for all enrolling students) from the college/university, please follow these instructions. Submit one set of records from each college or university you have attended. The records should indicate the number of lecture and laboratory hours devoted to each course and the grades (marks) you received. Included should be an explanation of the grading system and information about how the transcript should be assessed. Transcripts in a language other than English must be accompanied by an English translation performed by the university or a certified professional translator. You may send a certified copy of the official document instead of the original. You must also submit an official document showing the title and date of each degree you have earned. For schools in some countries, the transcript indicates this information. In other countries, this information is provided on another document (e.g., graduation certification, diploma). You should upload copies of these documents along with your transcripts in the “Academic History” section of the application. Proof of Financial Support and Passport Copies All enrolling international students are required to submit: 1) Proof of financial support; and 2) Copies of the first two pages of their passport in order to be issued an I-20 or DS-2019. While these documents are not required for the review of your application, we strongly encourage you to upload copies of these documents into your application in the “Supporting Information” section. This will reduce the delays in processing the I-20 or DS-2019. If you wish to submit these documents after you submit your application, you may do so. For information, please visit the USC Financial Documentation website. International Degree Verification (for enrolling students only) The USC Office of Degree Progress requires verification of prior international degrees for all enrolling students from the International Education Research Foundation (IERF). Details about their services, including application forms, fees, and required documents are available at . Please contact Degree Progress [email protected], 213.740.7070 if you have any questions, or need more information regarding prior degree verification. Marshall Policy on English-language proficiency International graduate applicants must demonstrate English-language proficiency by submitting either TOEFL or IELTS scores. International applicants are exempt from the TOEFL/IELTS requirement under one of the following circumstances: - You hold a bachelor’s degree completed in its entirety in the United States or at an officially recognized non-U.S. university in which English is the language of instruction. OR Your native language is English – This applies to native English speakers from countries such as the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, and Canada (except Quebec), where English is the only official language of the country.

Tuition & Financial Aid

The MBA. PM program requires 63 units to complete the degree. Please use the following cost estimate for the 2023-2024 school year as a guide for financial planning. YEAR 1: Tuition ($2307/unit)

FALL 2023: $27,684 (12 units)

SPRING 2024: $27,684 (12 units)

SUMMER 2024: $13,842 (6 units)

Year 2 = 21 Units (typically) Year 3 - 12 units (typically) Use the $2307 per unit cost as your base and estimate a 2-3% per unit cost tuition increase per year to estimate your tuition for each year. Fees for year 1 are approximately $3,750. Textbooks/Academic Materials are approximately $2,250 for year 1.

Years 2 & 3 will vary based on the number of units you take. Scholarships are for tuition-only, so fees are not covered. Scholarships are offered for year 1 only.


Thanks to the generosity of alumni, corporations and interested individuals, several merit-based scholarships are awarded to USC Marshall students. All applicants are considered for scholarship opportunities; there is no separate application process for scholarships offered to incoming USC Marshall students. The Admissions Committee bases scholarship award decisions on a range of criteria, including scholastic merit, leadership, work experience and other characteristics that add value to the academic and social atmosphere of USC Marshall. Employer Tuition Assistance Programs Students may be eligible to receive tuition assistance from their employers. Be sure to check your company’s policy on continuing education. Loans and Financial Aid Please visit the USC Student Financial Aid website to inquire about Federal Stafford Loans and other loan options. Additional helpful links include:

· USC Student Financial Services

· Federal Stafford Loans

· Tuition Payment Plan

· USC Agency Billing

phd marketing usc

  • MS in Biopharmaceutical Marketing
  • Class Schedule
  • Enterprise Team Projects
  • Program Learning Objectives
  • Working Professionals Cohort
  • International Students
  • Recruitment Events
  • Scholarship
  • Tuition and Financial Aid
  • Concurrent PharmD | MS in Biopharmaceutical Marketing
  • Graduate Certificate in Biopharmaceutical Marketing
  • Progressive Masters of Science in Biopharmaceutical Marketing

USC Master of Science in Biopharmaceutical Marketing  is a specialized graduate program in precision marketing aimed at careers in the biopharmaceuticals, consulting, and medical technology industries.

Graduates will learn and use the practical tools, skills and methods to embrace the next wave of healthcare innovation to drive markets while improving health outcomes and product value.

All program courses emphasize project-based learning allowing active exploration of current healthcare business challenges and deeper proficiency in precision marketing.

Program Benefits

  • Intensive and targeted instruction on how to evaluate and market biopharmaceuticals and other innovative healthcare products, showcase product attributes and value stories, and gain healthcare coverage and reimbursement
  • Knowledge to become experts in growth sectors beyond the current healthcare and global biopharmaceutical industry, including newly emerging diagnostics and medical technology devices
  • Innovative tools and skills to assess and maximize a product’s commercial opportunities by conducting market research and developing marketing strategies
  • Learning-by-doing through team collaborations and scenario-based learning problem solving representing current real-world situations and critical decision pathways
  • Lectures from industry executives offered across biopharmaceutical marketing courses, offering unique access to insights and critical skills from experts in the respective fields
  • Professional development through dedicated support from program staff and networking opportunities

Requirements for Degree Completion

The Master of Science in Biopharmaceutical Marketing degree requires the completion of 27 units with a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0.

Core Courses (18 units)

  • BPMK 500 Biopharmaceutical Marketing Management (3 units)
  • BPMK 501 Healthcare Payers, Insurance & Coverage Policy (3 units)
  • BPMK 502 Biopharmaceutical Product Development & Marketing (3 units)
  • BPMK 503 Biopharmaceutical Advertising & Communication (3 units)
  • BPMK 504 Market Access & Reimbursement Strategy (3 units)
  • BPMK 508 Biopharmaceutical Marketing Research and Analytics (3 units)

Elective Courses (Select 9 units of BPMK or HCDA course electives)

  • BPMK 506 Biopharmaceutical Product Pricing & Competition (3 units)
  • BPMK 509 Seminars in Biopharmaceutical Marketing (3 units)
  • BPMK 510 Capstone: Biopharmaceutical Management Project (3 units)
  • HCDA 500 U.S. Health Systems: Healthcare Access and Delivery (3 units)
  • HCDA 502 Comparative International Healthcare Systems (3 units)
  • HCDA 503 Competitive Healthcare Intelligence (3 units)
  • HCDA 510 Business Implications of Healthcare Policy (3 units)
  • HCDA 520 Health Economics & Outcomes Methodology (3 units)
  • HCDA 525 Healthcare Literature Analysis & Applications (3 units)
  • HCDA 540 Healthcare Organization Management and Leadership (3 units)
  • HCDA 550 Healthcare Innovation: Creativity to Value (3 units)
  • HCDA 560 Managing Effective Partnerships and Mergers (3 units)
  • HCDA 570 Asia-Pacific: Access, Delivery and Reimbursement (3 units)
  • HCDA 589 Healthcare Consulting Enterprise Team Projects (3 units)


  1. PhD Program Marketing

    phd marketing usc

  2. PhD Program Marketing

    phd marketing usc

  3. PhD Program Marketing

    phd marketing usc

  4. Sajeev Nair

    phd marketing usc

  5. Graduate Programs

    phd marketing usc

  6. Marketing (MKT) Department

    phd marketing usc


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  1. PhD Program Marketing

    The aim of the PhD program in marketing at USC is to develop outstanding researchers and prepare them for productive careers in academia. During their studies, students will transition from consumers of knowledge to producers and disseminators of knowledge. Marshall's PhD program in marketing is highly selective.

  2. Graduate Programs

    Marketing PhD Program. Marketing is an interdisciplinary field that examines the interactions of consumers and businesses in the marketplace. Academic research in marketing draws upon theories and methodology from a wide variety of fields, including psychology, sociology, mathematics, statistics, and economics. ... - USC offers more than 400 ...

  3. PhD Program Admissions

    Gizem Ceylan PhD '22, Marketing Postdoctoral Researcher, Yale School of Management. Application Timeline. December 15, 2023: Application Deadline ... USC Marshall Lloyd Greif Center for Entrepreneurship and other awards sponsored by Marshall or the USC Graduate School. CLOSE. 2021 Class Profile. Total Number of Applications: 663. Number of ...

  4. Departments

    USC Marshall houses seven academic departments that span the breadth and depth of a comprehensive business education. Business disciplines include finance, data sciences & operations, marketing, management, and business communication, as well as a school of accounting and a dedicated entrepreneurship center.

  5. MS Marketing (MSMKT)

    The MS in Marketing (MSMKT) is offered as a full-time, one-year or a part-time, two-year program designed to develop an in-depth knowledge of relevant, innovative marketing skills and techniques to launch or enhance a marketing career. The program provides practical hands-on projects in areas of interest that include entertainment, sports ...

  6. Marketing

    MKT-534 Retail Strategy. MKT-543 Market Demand and Sales Forecasting. MKT-555 Marketing Channels. MKT-556 Internet Marketing. MKT-560 Marketing Strategy. MKT-565 Global Marketing. Faculty Advisors. Shantanu Dutta [email protected]. Rex Kovacevich [email protected].

  7. MS Marketing Admissions

    Thank you for your interest in pursuing your Master of Science in Marketing degree at the USC Marshall School of Business. We seek to admit a diverse cohort from many different backgrounds and experiences who are all passionate about the vital role marketing plays within the business setting. ... USC Office of Graduate Admission and Financial ...

  8. Department of Marketing

    Graduate Programs. Marketing (Marketing Analytics) (MS) Marketing (MS) Marketing Graduate Certificate Marketing Department Marshall School of Business Hoffman Hall 331 (213) 740-5033 FAX: (213) 740-7828 Email: [email protected] Chair: Sivaramakrishnan Siddarth, PhD* Faculty. Robert E. Brooker Chair of ...

  9. Department of Marketing

    Marketing Department Marshall School of Business Hoffman Hall 331 (213) 740-5033 FAX: (213) 740-7828 Email: [email protected] Chair: Anthony Dukes, PhD. Faculty. Robert E. Brooker Chair of Marketing: Anthony Dukes, PhD. Jayne and Hans Hufschmid Chair in Strategic Public Relations and Business Communication ...

  10. Marketing (Marketing Analytics) (MS)

    Individuals applying for admission to the Graduate Certificate in Marketing should not apply for admission to this program also. Application Procedure. Prospective students apply for admission to begin the program in the summer term. Applications are submitted online through the USC Graduate Admissions application Website at

  11. Program: Marketing (MS)

    The Master of Science in Marketing requires 30 units including 19.5 units of required course work and 10.5 units of electives with a GPA of at least 3.0 for all units applied to the degree. The program may be completed on a full-time or part-time basis. Students who have taken (at USC or elsewhere) a master's-level introductory marketing ...

  12. About Us

    Our mission is to develop the next generation of marketing leaders. The Graduate Marketing Association (GMA) strengthens students' competencies in fundamental marketing skills and leverages their unique interpersonal attributes to develop the next generation of marketing leaders. GMA achieves this through four key pillars:

  13. Sha Yang

    Ernest Hahn Professor of Marketing Marshall School of Business University of Southern California 701 Exposition Blvd., HOH 616 Los Angeles, CA 90089-0443 [email protected] . Education Ohio State University, Marketing (PhD 2000, MA 1998), Statistics (MS 1998), Economics (MA 1995)

  14. Marketing

    This Emphasis is available only to current Marshall undergraduates who have attained sophomore standing and have completed at least one semester in residence at USC. Students must complete BUAD 307 (Marketing Fundamentals) prior to declaring the Emphasis. The Emphasis requires completion of at least twelve (12) units of Marketing (MKT) upper ...

  15. MS in Biopharmaceutical Marketing

    Master the Marketing of Healthcare Innovation. USC Master of Science in Biopharmaceutical Marketing is a specialized graduate program in precision marketing aimed at careers in the biopharmaceuticals, consulting, and medical technology industries.. Graduates will learn and use the practical tools, skills and methods to embrace the next wave of healthcare innovation to drive markets while ...

  16. Marketing Graduate Certificate

    Discover the academic programs at USC that match your passion and interests. With 23 schools and academic divisions, we offer a range of undergraduate, graduate and professional majors. Majors & Minors. Graduate & Professional. Postdoctoral Programs.

  17. Graduate Certificate in Biopharmaceutical Marketing

    The Graduate Certificate in Biopharmaceutical Marketing (available both online and on-campus) is a specialized program in precision marketing aimed at careers in the biopharmaceuticals, consulting and medical technology industries. The program's targeted approach offers career-accelerating tactics and insights critical for increasing the ...

  18. Marketing Graduate Certificate

    The Graduate Certificate in Marketing requires 15 units including one required course and 500-level MKT electives with a GPA of at least 3.0 for all units applied to the certificate. The program may be completed on a full-time (3-5 courses per semester) or part-time basis. Students who have taken a master's-level introductory marketing course ...

  19. Draft

    Doctoral applicants are required to submit 3 letters of recommendation. If required: Complete and submit the other parts of the application by the application deadline even if your letters have not yet been submitted. This is separate module of the application so your recommenders will still be able to add their letters, and you will be able to ...

  20. Ph.D. Program in Marketing

    Program Overview. The Ph.D. program in marketing offers two specializations: Consumer Behavior (CB) and Quantitative Marketing (QM) . The objective of the Ph.D. program in marketing is to prepare doctoral students for academic careers at major research universities. Doctoral students specialize in either CB or QM.

  21. Programs

    Marketing PhD Program Marketing is an interdisciplinary field that examines the interactions of consumers and businesses in the marketplace. Academic research in marketing draws upon theories and methodology from a wide variety of fields, including psychology, sociology, mathematics, statistics, and economics.

  22. Program: Marketing (MS)

    The Master of Science in Marketing requires 30 units including 19.5 units of required course work and 10.5 units of electives with a GPA of at least 3.0 for all units applied to the degree. The program may be completed on a full-time or part-time basis. Students who have taken (at USC or elsewhere) a master's-level introductory marketing ...

  23. Bobby Borg publishes new book on music marketing

    Bobby Borg, a faculty member in the USC Thornton Music Industry program, published a new book titled Music Marketing for the DIY Musician.In this third edition, Borg provides a step-by-step guide for musicians to create a low-budget, customized marketing plan that will prepare them for success in the music industry.

  24. Alumni Spotlight: Meet Iona Cheng, PhD, MPH, building the evidence base

    Iona Cheng, PhD, MPH, is co-leading a new study to uncover the causes of cancer in Asian Americans. Through a $12.45 million grant from the National Cancer Institute, she hopes to uncover the burden of cancer in this understudied group. Cheng received her PhD in epidemiology from the Department of Population and Public Health Sciences at the Keck School of Medicine of USC in 2005.

  25. [UG/MS/PhD] Summer Data-Guided Giving Event

    The following announcement is from [Tracy Flood MD, PhD | President and Cofounder of The BroadStreet Institute]. Please contact them directly if you have any questions. We are reaching out to see if any colleagues or students at your school would be interested in joining our Summer Data-Guided Giving Event. Participants make a real-world impact ...

  26. PhD Milestones

    The Defense must be held in person and attended by all committee members, students, and the Chair. Finally, please submit the information below to [email protected] so our staff can post it online (noted in our PHD requirements). The following defense announcement information at least one week in advance so we can post this online:

  27. Undergraduate Study

    At USC, one of the best colleges in the U.S., you'll work with leading experts and supportive faculty to build your path to success. Tap into USC's dynamic, global community as you embark on your world-class undergraduate study. ... With undergraduate education and graduate degree programs across 23 schools and divisions, USC offers a community ...

  28. Student Health and Well-Being

    Mari Ross-Alexander, PhD. Associate Vice President for Student Health and Well-Being Damian Bridges, MHA. Chief of Staff, Student Health and Well-Being Brittoni Reynolds, M. Ed. Director, Facilities and Event Management ...

  29. Part-Time MBA (MBA.PM) Admissions

    More MS Marketing (MSMKT) More MS Marketing (MSMKT) Admissions. More Admissions. MS Social Entrepreneurship (MSSE) ... USC Office of Graduate Admission 3601 South Flower Street, Room 112 Los Angeles, CA 90089-0915 If sending your transcripts via courier service, such as DHL or FedEx, please use the following address:

  30. MS in Biopharmaceutical Marketing

    USC Master of Science in Biopharmaceutical Marketing is a specialized graduate program in precision marketing aimed at careers in the biopharmaceuticals, consulting, and medical technology industries. Graduates will learn and use the practical tools, skills and methods to embrace the next wave of healthcare innovation to drive markets while improving health outcomes and product value. All […]