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Psychology Masters thesis collection

psychology master thesis example

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This collection contains a selection of recent Masters theses from the Psychology department. Please note that only the Title and Abstract will be available for dissertations from the current academic year. All other content from previous years is available on an Open Access basis.

This material is presented to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work. Copyright and all rights therein are retained by authors or by other copyright holders. All persons copying this information are expected to adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author's copyright. In most cases, these works may not be reposted without the explicit permission of the copyright holder.

Recent Submissions

Morphosyntax of luwo transitive verbs: tenses and aspects of the luwo base and derived paradigms , changes in psychological state in character disordered and neurotic patients , measurement of identification between mothers and their adolescent children , social factors in the perception of ambiguous stimuli , aspect of inspection in industry , the effect of semantic constraint on lexical access in bilingual word recognition , on the fallibility of human memory for future actions , relationship between co-worker satisfaction and personality traits , the epigenetic clock is associated with white matter changes and cognitive decline in the eighth decade of life , the effect of increased cognitive load on implicit moral judgement: do we deliberately override our moral intuitions , meta-analysis: using event-related potentials to identify recollection and familiarity , how do the regions of the visual field contribute to visual search in realworld scenes an eye-tracking study comparing dynamic and static scenes. , gratitude uniquely predicts well-being above the big-5 personality traits , can big five predict the competitive personality , an investigation of speech and language disturbances in patients with acute delirium , merging entropy and local boundaries , personality, social networks, and learning performance in the common squirrel monkey (saimiri sciureus) , predictors of resilience in older age: the lothian birth cohorts of 1921 and 1936 , assessing children's online behaviour and their experience of cyberbullying: a secondary analysis of the eu kids online ii , an investigation of speech and language disturbances in patients with delirium .

psychology master thesis example

Scholars' Bank

Psychology theses and dissertations.

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This collection contains some of the theses and dissertations produced by students in the University of Oregon Psychology Graduate Program. Paper copies of these and other dissertations and theses are available through the UO Libraries .

Recent Submissions

  • When “Self-Harm” Means “Suicide”: Adolescent Online Help-Seeking for Self-Injurious Thoughts and Behaviors  Lind, Monika ( University of Oregon , 2024-03-25 ) The sensitive period of adolescence facilitates key developmental tasks that equip young people to assume adult roles. Adolescence features important strengths, like the need to contribute, and some risks, like vulnerability ...
  • Stereotypes and Social Decisions: The Interpersonal Consequences of Socioeconomic Status  Hughes, Bradley ( University of Oregon , 2024-01-09 ) Interpersonal perceptions of socioeconomic status (SES), those formed in face-to-face interactions, can perpetuate inequality if they influence interpersonal interactions in ways that disadvantage people with low SES. There ...
  • Utilization of Linguistic Markers in Differentiation of Internalizing Disorders, Suicidality, and Identity Distress  Ivie, Elizabeth ( University of Oregon , 2024-01-09 ) The adolescent period of development is associated with a significant increase in the occurrence of mental illness. In addition, death by suicide is one of the leading causes of death amongst adolescents. Identity formation ...
  • The Role of Fractal Fluency on Visual Perception  Robles, Kelly E. ( University of Oregon , 2024-01-09 ) From quarks to galaxies, the natural world is organized with fractal geometry. Fractal fluency theory suggests that due to their omnipresence in our visual world, fractals are more fluently processed by the visual system ...
  • The Anatomy of Antagonism: Exploring the Relations of 20 Lexical Factors of Personality with Machiavellianism, Grandiose Narcissism, and Psychopathy  Kay, Cameron ( University of Oregon , 2024-01-09 ) Despite being the focus of extensive research over the past two decades, the structure of the “Dark Triad”—or, as I will refer to it here, the “Aversive Triad”—is still shrouded in confusion. Much of this confusion stems ...
  • Content Representation in Lateral Parietal Cortex  Zhao, Yufei ( University of Oregon , 2024-01-09 ) While the lateral parietal cortex (LPC) in the human brain is traditionally investigated for its functions in visual perception, more recent evidence has highlighted its substantial contribution to supporting human episodic ...
  • Sociocultural Contexts of Emotion Socialization in BIPOC Families  Lee, Angela ( University of Oregon , 2024-01-09 ) Having effective emotion regulation skills is critical to socioemotional well-being, and parents play a key role in the development of children’s emotion regulation through emotion socialization behaviors. However, since ...
  • Cross-ideological Communication: The Impact of Real Conversations Compared to Imagined Ones  Niella, Tamara ( University of Oregon , 2024-01-09 ) Political polarization has visibly increased in the last few years. A sense of divisiveness has been exacerbated by a surge in social media communication about contentious issues which has been replacing face-to-face ...
  • Inflammation, Mental Health, and the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Pilot Study with Child Welfare Service Involved Families  Horn, Sarah ( University of Oregon , 2024-01-09 ) The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has posited unique challenges for families and significantly disrupted several aspects of children’s environments. The pandemic is an ongoing risk experience, with young children being ...
  • Testing Novel Norm Interventions for Promoting Pro-environmental Consumption  Lieber, Sara ( University of Oregon , 2024-01-09 ) The purpose of the current project was to investigate how a social psychology approach could be used to develop an effective climate-change mitigation tool. A commonly used technique in the social psychology literature for ...
  • Understanding the Misunderstood Emotion: A Mixed-Methods Investigation of Variants of Anger  Razavi, Pooya ( University of Oregon , 2023-07-06 ) In cultural accounts and scholarly writings about anger, we see conceptualizations that reflect the existence of two variants: an anger perceived as moral, appropriate, and justified; and an anger considered wrong and ...
  • Measuring long-term memories at the feature level reveals mechanisms of interference resolution  Drascher, Maxwell ( University of Oregon , 2023-07-06 ) When memories share similar features, this can lead to interference, and ultimately forgetting. At the same time, many highly similar memories are remembered vividly for years to come. Understanding what causes interference ...
  • The Role of Hierarchical Structures in Cognition  Moss, Melissa ( University of Oregon , 2023-07-06 ) Individuals routinely execute complex tasks that involve multiple, dependent levels of information, such as driving a car or cooking dinner. It is amazing that our cognitive system is able to represent such complex, ...
  • A Contextual Psychology Approach to Improving Health Outcomes in the Perinatal Period  Lightcap, April ( University of Oregon , 2023-07-06 ) The United States holds alarming records for highest infant and maternal mortality rates in the developed world. The US infant mortality rate is on par with many low and middle income countries, and despite the decline in ...
  • The Study of Behavior Settings as an Aid in Mental Hospital Analysis: A Methodological Exploration  Rose, David William ( University of Oregon , 1969-06 ) The ultimate goal of all mental hospital analyses is to provide information which by direct implication or through analysis might act as a guide in restructuring environment in which the mental patient lives. The goal of ...
  • Personality-Driven Social Media Curation: How Personality Traits Affect Following Decisions on Twitter  Bedford-Petersen, Cianna ( University of Oregon , 2023-03-24 ) As social media occupies an increasingly important place in people’s lives, new opportunities are presented for people to select and modify their online environments. On many platforms, users have significant control over ...
  • Stability of Mind-Mindedness Across the Transition to Motherhood and its Longitudinal Association with Children’s Theory of Mind & Executive Function  Gluck, Stephanie ( University of Oregon , 2023-03-24 ) Parental mind-mindedness refers to caregivers’ propensity to attribute mind-like and intentional qualities in their interactions with or representation of their young children. It is proposed to be associated with positive ...
  • Dating and Mating in Adolescence: How Hormones and Puberty Influence Adolescent Mating Motivation  Donaldson, Sarah ( University of Oregon , 2022-10-26 ) Puberty marks the physical transition towards sexual maturity, culminating in the ability to reproduce. It follows that maturing cognitive, affective, and social skills develop concurrently to support reproductive competence, ...
  • Individual Differences in Memory Functions and Their Relation to Hippocampal Connectivity  Frank, Lea ( University of Oregon , 2022-10-26 ) The hippocampus plays an important role in many aspects of learning and memory. It is most known for its role in episodic memory and spatial navigation, though it has also been shown to contribute to other processes like ...
  • Collective Ongoing Betrayal Trauma: Gendered and Racialized Police Violence toward the Black Community  Barnes, Melissa ( University of Oregon , 2022-10-26 ) Racialized and gendered police violence is a pernicious problem for Black communities. For my dissertation, I empirically tested a novel theoretical concept, Collective Ongoing Betrayal Trauma (COBT). COBT integrates the ...

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Home > School, College, or Department > CLAS > Psychology > Dissertations and Theses

Psychology Dissertations and Theses

Theses/dissertations from 2024 2024.

Faculty Mentors' Influence on Latino/a/x STEM Undergraduates' STEM Identity Development , Sandy Cerda-Lezama

Individual and Structural Contributors to Implicit and Explicit Anti-Muslim Bias in the United States , Aeleah M. Granger

The Relationship Between Adverse Childhood Experiences and Juvenile Offender Typology , Aliza Beth Lipman

The Wage of Wellness: The Relationship Between Socioeconomic Status, Race, and Work Recovery , Emily Julia Ready

It Takes a Village: An Examination of Social Relationships and Mental Health , Em Francis Trubits

Theses/Dissertations from 2023 2023

Examining Factors Impacting the Service Needs of Unhoused Women , Holly Brott

Main, Mediated, and Moderated Effects of Participating in an After-School Social and Emotional Learning Program on Young Children's Development of Social-Emotional Skills , Amy L. Cordier

Who Puts the "Support" in Supportive Housing? The Impact of Housing Staff on Resident's Well-Being, and the Potential Moderating Role of Self-Determination , Kenna Estell Dickard

Motivation to Collaborate: A Qualitative Exploration of the Perspectives of Service Providers on an Alternative First Response Program , Desiree' J. DuBoise

Tell Me, Do You Feel It Too? A Meta-analysis of Dyadic Emotional Contagion in the Workplace , Stefanie Fox

Left on "Read" and All Alone: Instigated Cyber Incivility, Shame, and Experienced Ostracism at Work , Alison Lucia Hunt

Exploring Associations between Military Identity and Well-being Outcomes among Post-9/11 Veterans after Separation , James David Lee

Experiences of People with Serious Mental Illness Seeking Services at Community Mental Health Centers During the COVID-19 Pandemic , Emily Leickly

Why So Serious? Using the Belongingness Need Tenet from the Self-Determination Theory to Examine Workplace Humor and Its Outcomes , Katharine Lucille McMahon

Emotion Knowledge, Its Applications, and Their Associations With African American Children's Social Relationships With Teachers and Peers in Kindergarten and First Grade , Brielle Emily Petit

Stress-Reduction from Positive Support: Impacts of Receiving Partner Capitalization Support on Veteran Stress/Work Stress , MaryAnn Dona Samson

Diversity in Recruitment: The Role of Realistic Website Job Previews for Racial and Ethnic Minority Applicants , Jennifer Saucedo

Antecedents of FSSB: Evaluating the Demographic Basis of Support , Erika Ann Schemmel

A Daily Investigation of the Recovery Paradox: Examining the Dynamic Interplay of Workload, Recovery Experiences, and Microbreaks , Morgan Rose Taylor

Not on the Menu: Customer Sexual Harassment in the Restaurant Industry , Fernanda Wolburg Martinez

Theses/Dissertations from 2022 2022

Model.Disclose(): Examination of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Disclosure at Work , Timothy Allen Carsey

Transforming Learning Communities, Transforming Ourselves: A Qualitative Investigation of Identity Processes in a Participatory Action Research-themed Undergraduate Course , Julia Sara Dancis

Clarifying and Measuring Inclusive Leadership , Kelly Mason Hamilton

Intersections of Masculinity, Culturally Relevant Factors, and Intimate Partner Violence Perpetration Among Asian American Men , Jason Z. Kyler-Yano

Sleeping to Support: An Examination of the Relationship Between Leader Sleep and Positive Support Behaviors , Jordyn Jan Leslie

Work-Related IPV Among Latinos: Exploring the Roles of Fatherhood Status, Gendered Expectations, and Support for Intimate Partner's Employment , Adrian Luis Manriquez

Masculinity Instability and Ideologies as Predictors of IPV Perpetration: The Mediating Role of Relationship Power , Emma Christine Marioles O'Connor

The Benefits of Social Support on Health and Well-Being in Military Populations: Examining Mechanisms, Source of Support, and the Reach of a Workplace Well-Being Intervention , AnnaMarie Sophia O'Neill

Do Motives Matter? The Role of Motivation in Shaping the Impact of Mindfulness Training on Teachers' Psychological Distress and Wellbeing , Cristi N. Pinela

Theses/Dissertations from 2021 2021

The Longitudinal Effects of a Family and Sleep Supportive Intervention on Service Member Anger and Resilience , Shalene Joyce Allen

Drug Conviction and Employment Restriction: Experiences of Employees with Drug-Related Criminal Histories , Liana Bernard

Sustaining Boys' Motivation Over the Transition to Middle School: Can Interpersonal Resources Protect Boys from Engagement Declines Across Sixth Grade? , Brandy Anne Brennan

Returning to Rejection: Outcomes and Boundary Conditions of Mental Illness Stereotypes , Stefanie Fox

Guarding Against Strain: The Moderating Role of Nonwork Experiences in the Relationship Between Work-Related Hypervigilance and Strain in Correctional Officers , Samantha Getzen

Anti-Muslim Bias: Investigating Individual Differences, Threat Perceptions, and Emotions in Islamophobic Policy Support , Aeleah M. Granger

Black Children's Development of Self-Regulation within Stressful Contexts of Parenting: Investigating Potential Buffering Effects of a Kindergarten Social-Emotional Learning Program , Eli Labinger

"Like I Was an Actual Researcher": Participation and Identity Trajectories of Underrepresented Minority and First-Generation STEM Students in Research Training Communities of Practice , Jennifer Lynn Lindwall

Claiming Miscommunication to Justify Rape: The Role of Liking the Perpetrator , Alyssa Marie Glace Maryn

An "I" for an "I" : A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Instigated and Reciprocal Incivility , Lauren Sarah Park

Parenting and Children's Academic Coping as a Dynamic System: Feedforward, Feedback, and Mediators of Changes Across the School Year , Kristen Elizabeth Raine

Does Experiencing Spousal Support and Strain Impact the Quality of Family-Based Support that Supervisors Provide to Employees? , Joseph Alvin Sherwood

"B-ing Flexible" : Examining Creativity in Bisexual Employees , Megan Jane Snoeyink

Exploring the Relationships Between Community Experiences and Well-Being among Youth Experiencing Homelessness , Katricia Stewart

Mothers' Drinking Motives , Sheila Kathleen Umemoto

An Examination of Nurses' Schedule Characteristics, Recovery from Work, and Well-Being , Sarah Elizabeth Van Dyck

Preventing Sexual Violence Through Understanding Perceptions of Sexual Offenders , Judith G. Zatkin

Theses/Dissertations from 2020 2020

Examining Employee Needs at Work and Home: a Self-Determination Theory Perspective , Dana Anuhea Auten

Trajectories, Time Windows, and Alternative Pathways of Engagement: Motivational Resources Underlying Academic Development during Middle School , Heather Anne Brule

Examining Mindfulness Training for Teachers: Theoretical and Methodological Extensions of Intervention Effectiveness , Jaiya Rae Choles

Detecting Reinforcement Patterns in the Stream of Naturalistic Observations of Social Interactions , James Lamar DeLaney 3rd

An Investigation of the Temporal Relationship Between Agitation and Sleep Disturbances , Emily Catherine Denning

Peers' Academic Coping as a Resource for Academic Engagement and Motivational Resilience in the First Year of Middle School , Daniel Lee Grimes

Home Resources Supporting Workplace Resources: an Investigation of Moderated Intervention Effects From the Study for Employment Retention of Veterans (SERVe) , Sarah Nielsen Haverly

"It Puts a Face to All the Knowledge We've Gotten" : a Program of Research on Intimate Partner Violence Surrogate Impact Panels , Kate Louise Sackett Kerrigan

A Daily Examination of Anger and Alcohol Use Among Post-9/11 Veterans , James David Lee

An Examination of Daily Family-Supportive Supervisor Behaviors, Perceived Supervisor Responsiveness and Job Satisfaction , Luke Daniel Mahoney

Nurse Can't Even: the Immediate Impact of Incivility on Affect, Well-being, and Behavior , Katharine Lucille McMahon

Perceptions of Police Use of Force at the Intersection of Race and Pregnancy , Emma Elizabeth Lee Money

The Impact of Paternal Caregivers for Youth Who Commit Sexual Offenses , Miranda Hope Sitney

Human Energy in the Workplace: an Investigation of Daily Energy Management Strategies, Job Stressors and Employee Outcomes , Morgan Rose Taylor

Individual and Community Supports that Impact Community Inclusion and Recovery for Individuals with Serious Mental Illnesses , Rachel Elizabeth Terry

Investigating Sexual Fantasy and Sexual Behavior in Adolescent Offenders , Hayley Lauren Tews

Theses/Dissertations from 2019 2019

Integrating Work Ability into the Organizational Science Literature: Advancing Theory and Developing the Nomological Network , Grant Brady

Family Linked Workplace Resources and Contextual Factors as Important Predictors of Job and Individual Well-being for Employees and Families , Jacquelyn Marie Brady

The Role of Teacher Autonomy Support Across the Transition to Middle School: its Components, Reach, and Developmental Effects , Julia Sara Dancis

Does X Mark the Applicant? Assessing Reactions to Gender Non-Binary Job Seekers , Kelly Mason Hamilton

Urbanicity as a Moderator of the Relationship Between Stigma and Well-being Outcomes for Individuals with Serious Mental Illnesses , Emily Leickly

The Relationship Between Undergraduate Research Training Programs and Motivational Resources for Underrepresented Minority Students in STEM: Program Participation, Self-efficacy, a Sense of Belonging, and Academic Performance , Jennifer Lindwall

Perceived Partner Responsiveness, Sleep and Pain: a Dyadic Study of Military-Connected Couples , AnnaMarie Sophia O'Neill

Recruitment Marketing: How Do Wellness and Work-Life Benefits Influence Employer Image Perceptions, Organizational Attraction, and Job Pursuit Intentions? , Amy Christine Pytlovany

The Combined Effects of Parent and Teacher Involvement on the Development of Adolescents' Academic Engagement , Nicolette Paige Rickert

Examining the Development and Classroom Dynamics of Student Disaffection Over Multiple Time Periods: Short-term Episodes and Long-term Trajectories , Emily Anne Saxton

Drinking on a Work Night: a Comparison of Day and Person-Level Associations with Workplace Outcomes , Brittnie Renae Shepherd

Development and Validation of the Workplace Mental Illness Stigma Scale (W-MISS) , Nicholas Anthony Smith

Relational Thriving in Context: Examining the Roles of Gratitude, Affectionate Touch, and Positive Affective Variability in Health and Well-Being , Alicia Rochelle Starkey

Preventing Child Sexual Abuse and Juvenile Offending Through Parental Monitoring , Kelly E. Stewart

"To Call or Not to Call?" The Impact of Supervisor Training on Call Center Employee Attitudes and Well-Being , Whitney Elan Schneider Vogel

Theses/Dissertations from 2018 2018

The Impact of Leader Race and Gender on Perceptions of Organizations in Response to Corporate Error , Nicolas Derek Brown

Impacts of Mindfulness Training on Mechanisms Underlying Stress Reduction in Teachers: Results from a Randomized Controlled Trial , Jaiya Rae Choles

Student Motivation Profiles as a Diagnostic Tool to Help Teachers Provide Targeted Support , Cailin Tricia Currie

Insufficient Effort Responding on Mturk Surveys: Evidence-Based Quality Control for Organizational Research , Lee Cyr

Affirmative Consent Endorsement and Peer Norms Supporting Sexual Violence Among Vulnerable Students on College Campuses , Alyssa Marie Glace

Gendered Partner-Ideals, Relationship Satisfaction, and Intimate Partner Violence , Sylvia Marie Ferguson Kidder

Organizational Calling and Safety: the Role of Workload and Supervisor Support , Layla Rhiannon Mansfield

Bystander Intervention to Prevent Campus Sexual Violence: the Role of Sense of Community, Peer Norms, and Administrative Responding , Erin Christine McConnell

Benevolent Sexism and Racial Stereotypes: Targets, Functions, and Consequences , Jean Marie McMahon

Perceived Overqualification and Withdrawal Among Seasonal Workers: Would Work Motivation Make a Difference? , Anthony Duy Nguyen

Differential Well-Being in Response to Incivility and Surface Acting among Nurses as a Function of Race , Lauren Sarah Park

Financial Strain and the Work-Home Interface: a Test of the Work-Home Resources Model from the Study for Employment Retention of Veterans (SERVe) , MacKenna Laine Perry

Neighbor Perceptions of Psychiatric Supportive Housing : the Role of Knowledge, Attitudes, and Behaviors , Amy Leigh Shearer

The Role of Caregiver Disruption in the Development of Juvenile Sexual Offenders , Miranda Sitney

Intrapersonal and Social-Contextual Factors Related to Psychological Well-being among Youth Experiencing Homelessness , Katricia Stewart

Age-based Differences in the Usefulness of Resources: a Multi-Study Investigation of Work and Well-being Outcomes , Lale Muazzez Yaldiz

Pathways to Kindergarten Growth: Synthesizing Theories of the Kindergarten Transition to Support Children's Development , Rita Yelverton

Theses/Dissertations from 2017 2017

The Force of Manhood: the Consequences of Masculinity Threat on Police Officer Use of Force , Aurelia Terese Alston

Supervisor Mindfulness and Its Association with Leader-Member Exchange , Dana Anuhea Auten

Combat Experiences, Iso-strain, and Sleep Quality Affect Symptoms of Posttraumatic Stress among Working Post-9/11 Veterans , Gilbert Patrick Brady Jr.

A Study of Shame-proneness, Drinking Behaviors, and Workplace Role Ambiguity Among a Sample of Student Workers , Sarah Nielsen Haverly

Intraminority Support For and Participation In Race-Based Collective Action Movements: an Intersectional Perspective , Jaboa Shawntaé Lake

Patients and Nurses and Doctors Oh My!: Nurse Retention from a Multi-Foci Aggression Perspective , Kevin Oliver Novak

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Lists of Past Theses

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Reading Sample Theses

As you prepare for your thesis, you might want to get a sense of what you can accomplish in your finished product. Reading past theses can show you the scope and nature of well-done undergraduate projects. Because theses in different areas of psychology often look quite different, it will help you to examine several in the same general area you plan to conduct your research in.

The Psychology Undergraduate Office has hard copies of several prize-winning theses from the past five years that you may sign out to see what the best undergraduate work looks like. Above, you can browse the titles of past undergraduate theses to give you an idea of the topics of theses students typically write.

Only hard copies of recent prize-winning theses are currently available.

Please note: Recent theses stored in the Social Relations Library (which recently closed) are unavailable. Inquirers needing a thesis that is not listed in HOLLIS should contact the authors of theses directly to attempt to obtain a copy.  

Table of Contents

  • 2024 March Thesis Deadlines
  • 2024 May Thesis Deadlines
  • 2025 March Thesis Deadlines
  • 2025 May Thesis Deadlines

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Home > College of Social and Behavioral Sciences > Psychology > Psychology Theses, Projects, and Dissertations

Psychology Theses, Projects, and Dissertations

Theses/projects/dissertations from 2024 2024.

Impact of Perinatal Escitalopram Exposure on Adolescent Behavior , Jessica Bezenah - Bottorff



Career motivation as mediator between cultural self-construal and interest , Mengxuan Zhang

Theses/Projects/Dissertations from 2023 2023



Development and Validation of the Employee-Supervisor Attachment Scale , Johnny Doherty

Adverse Childhood Experiences Effects on Hot and Cool Executive Functioning , Miriam Gabrielle Fenton



Perceptions of Interpersonal and Intrapersonal Gains Following a Therapeutically Applied Tabletop Role Play Game Group , Tyler Giatroudakis

Pathways Through Care of Latinx Individuals Experiencing First-Episode Psychosis , Estevan Hernandez




Psychological Distress and Problematic Video Gaming: The Role of Psychological Inflexibility and Emotion Dysregulation , Frank Nieblas


One of Us: Monoracial Latinx Perspectives of Multiracial Latinx-White Individuals , Rosemary Rojas

Cerebrospinal Fluid Biomarkers Not Associated with Neurologic Compromise Among Mild Cognitively Impaired Reverters with Parkinson's Disease , Cameron Ryczek


An Evaluation of Therapeutically Applied Role-Playing Games for Psychological and Social Functioning Amongst Youth/Young Adults , Adam Thomas Soleski


Toxic Leadership and its effect on Employees' Subjective Well-Being , Vaishnavi Waldiya


The Effects of Organizational Justice , Anneliese Yuenger

Overtime Worked and Its Effect on Burnout, Illness, and Health outcomes , Haoqiu Zhang

Theses/Projects/Dissertations from 2022 2022



The Influence of Work-Life Balance Directionality on Retirement Decisions , Joshua Craig

The Relationship Between COVID-19 Stress, Psychological Inflexibility, and Psycholoical Well-Being , Alyx Duckering


Social Comparison and Shifting in Quantitative Performance , Ashlee Pardo





Theses/Projects/Dissertations from 2021 2021


What Impact Can Conflict Resolution Skills Have on Conflict Experienced Within Culturally Heterogenous Virtual Teams? , Kellen Dohrman










Inducing Proactive Control with High Load AX-CPT , Mina Selim


Does Working Memory Capacity Modulate the Relationship between Intentional Mind-Wandering and Task Demand? , Stephen Ware

Spirituality, Inclusivity, Workplace Well-Being, and Organizational Citizenship Behavior , Rebecca Williams


Theses/Projects/Dissertations from 2020 2020


Working Women’s Cognitive Attributions and Self-Perceptions After Experiences of Subtle Sexism and Internalized Sexism , Amanda Bain






Anticipated Stigma and Chronic Illness: The Impact of Psychosocial Safety Climate , Michelle DeOrsey






Virtuality Now: Redefining Virtuality from an Individual Perspective , Trinity Kerr


Work-Related Communications After Hours: The Influence of Communication Technologies and Age on Work-Life Conflict and Burnout , Alison Loreg

The Myers-Briggs Personality System and its Moderating Effects on the Relationship Between Job Characteristics and Job Satisfaction , Rebecca Marshall




The Role of Numerical Processing and Working Memory Capacity on the Relationship Between Math Anxiety and Math Performance , Pilar Olid



Developmental Implications of Parentification: An Examination of Ethnic Variation and Loneliness , Bertha Preciado

Helping Young Girls Build a Positive Body Image: A Training Workshop for Parents , Jennifer Richardson


The Relationship Between Subtle Sexism and Women's Careers Explained by Cognitive Processes and Moderated by Attachment Styles , Patricia Carolina Rivera

The Consequences of Social Exclusion on Women's Negative Emotions and Self-Regulation of Unhealthy Eating , Caitlin Shaw

The Importance of Nutrition for Development in Early Childhood , Kaitlyn Sue Suha


The Importance of Recess in the Lives of Children , Kayla L. Villanueva


Theses/Projects/Dissertations from 2019 2019

How Prototypicality Influences Inferences and Discrimination Towards Gay Men , Adam Beam




Women's Perceptions of Sexual Assault Perpetrators and Fear of Rape , Aaron George Cisneros






The Impact of Sexual Assault Training and Gender on Rape Attitudes , Monica Krolnik Campos




Development of the Mate Expulsion Inventory , Nestor Maria

Sexual Harassment, Justice Perceptions, and Social Identity: Cognition and Group Dynamics , Devon Marrott

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Clinical Psychology Dissertations Collection

This collection contains open access and campus access dissertations, made possible through Graduate Studies at the University of Massachusetts Boston. The full content of open access dissertations is available to all, although some files may have embargoes placed on them and will be made available as soon as possible. The full content of campus access dissertations is only available to those either on the UMass Boston campus or with a UMass Boston campus username and password. Click on the "Off-Campus UMass Boston Users" link on the record page to download Campus Access publications. Those not on campus and those without a UMass Boston campus username and password may gain access to this dissertation through resources like Proquest Dissertations & Theses Global or through Interlibrary Loan.

Dissertations from 2024 2024

Agreements and Discrepancies in Perceptions of Mentoring Relationship Quality: A Multi-Informant Investigation , Yui Sum Poon

Dissertations from 2023 2023

Decomposing Relational Mechanisms of Parent Engagement in Early Intervention: An Examination of Working Alliance and Family-Centered Practices , Alison E. Chavez

Sexual Racism and Mental Health Among Asian/Asian American Sexual Minority Men , Christopher Chiu

Investigating the Sexual Consent Process for Plurisexual Individuals , Kaitlyn R. Gorman

Lost in Translation: Training Experiences and Burnout Among Bilingual Trainees in Doctoral Psychology Programs , Ingrid Hastedt

Exploring the Roles of Parent Emotional Styles and Children’s Coping Skills in the Emotional and Behavioral Sequelae of Community Violence Exposure , Juliana M. Neuspiel

Exploring the Asian American Autism Family Relationship Processes Among Non-Autistic Adult Siblings from Immigrant and Confucian-Ethnic Family Background , Thanh Phuong Nguyen

Diagnosing Psychosis Among Black Americans: The Impact of White Clinicians' Colorblind Racial Attitudes and Multicultural Responsiveness , Keira E. O'Donovan

The Impact of Historical Trauma, Self-Compassion, and Resistance Against Racism among African Americans , Darrick Scott

Negotiating Acculturation: A Qualitative Study of Muslim American Women , Noor N. Tahirkheli

Resolution of Diagnosis Among Parents of Children Diagnosed with Autism , Deanna C. Toner

Dissertations from 2022 2022

Patterns of Emotional Processing and the Psychological Impact of Heterosexism , Kathleen M. Collins

Body Image Experiences Among Black American Sexual Minority Women , Alison E. A. Goldblatt

Examining Culturally Adapted, Values Based, Mental Health Stigma Reduction and Help-Seeking Messages for Asian Americans , Anna M. Ying

Dissertations from 2021 2021

Self-Compassion Among Roommates: An Investigation of Interpersonal Effects , Bryan Balvaneda

A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of the Effects of After-School Programs on Academic, Social, Behavioral, Mental Health, and Identity Outcomes Among Youth with Marginalized Identities , Kirsten M. Christensen

The Power of Friendships: Associations Between Friendship Quality, Satisfaction, and Well-Being for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder , Melanie S. Feldman

Evaluating the Cultural Validity of Social Cognition in a Latinx Sample , Mayte Forte

Beyond Borders in Chronic Schizophrenia: NEO-FFM Personality Traits, Neurocognition, and Symptoms , Lauren M. Grabowski

A Longitudinal Investigation of First-Generation College Students' Mentoring Relationships during their Transition to Higher Education , Matthew A. Hagler

My Wounds Matter Too: Associations Among Distress, Emotion Regulation, Autism Symptomology, and Self-Harm Functions Among Young Adults with ASD , Sarah Levinson

Dissertations from 2020 2020

A Preliminary Evaluation of a Culturally Adapted Stress Management Prevention Workshop for Latinx Students , Natalie Arbid

Cross-Age Peer Mentoring: A Meta-Analysis , Samantha Burton

The Experience of Misgendering Among Trans and Gender Diverse People , Hamish A. Gunn

Assessing Mental Health Provider Bias Toward Clients with Understudied Marginalized Sexual Identities and Practices , Cara Herbitter

The Effectiveness of a Mindfulness, Acceptance, Valued Action, and Flexible Coping Intervention for Race-Based Stress on Momentary Coping and Distress Symptoms , Jennifer Honculada Martinez

Dissertations from 2019 2019

Responsibility Development in Young Men in Postsecondary Settings: Construct Structure and Contextual Influences , Gabriel M. Garza Sada

A Process for Change: A Grounded Theory Investigation of Participatory Action Research as a Means for Countering Mental Illness Stigma Experienced by Transition-Aged Black Youth , Jacqueline G. Hargrove

Dismantling an Intervention Aimed at Increasing White People's Knowledge and Understanding of Racial Justice Issues , Alissa L. Hochman

The Role of Narrative Coherence and Parental Scaffolding in Buffering the Effects of Domestic Violence Exposure , Shirley Poyau

Novice Therapist Responsiveness: Description and Development , Max B. Wu

Dissertations from 2018 2018

Latino Immigrant Youth Development in Anti-Immigrant Contexts: Exploring Adaptive Cultures as Resources Promoting Competencies and Wellness , Darcy Alcantara

Treatment Engagement and Client Competence in CBT for Social Anxiety Disorder , Amber L. Calloway

“Surviving and Thriving During Stress”: Bridging the Gap with Technology, a Web-Based Acceptance-Based Behavioral Therapy Program for University Students , Elizabeth Hemenway Eustis

Diagnostic Stability of Autism Spectrum Disorder in Young Children with Diverse Backgrounds , Ivy Giserman Kiss

Examining the Moderating Role of Internalized Racism on the Relation Between Racism-Related Stress and Mental Health in Asian Americans , Danielle Godon-Decoteau

Mental Health Literacy and Stigma among Recently Returning Veterans: Cultural Correlates, Mutability, and Relations with Healthcare Utilization , Sarah Krill Williston

The Impact of Individual and Parental Confucian Attitudes on Mental Illness Stigma and Help Seeking Attitudes Among Asian Americans from Confucian Cultures , Charles M. Liu

“I Wish Katrina Wouldn’t Have Happened, But I’m Glad It Happened”: Posttraumatic Growth and Adaptive Outcomes in Low-Income Black Mothers Who Survived Hurricane Katrina , Emily E. Manove

Encouraging Toddlers with ASD to Request: An Exploration of Expectant Pausing and Engagement Strategies , Melissa P. Maye

Does Mindfulness Support Empathy? , L. G. Rollins

Exploring Perceived External Control as a Transdiagnostic Cognitive Process in Anxiety Disorders and the Investigation of a Brief Acceptance Intervention , Lauren P. Wadsworth

Mentoring as a Protective Factor for Youth with a History of Interpersonal Trauma Exposure , Elyssa Briann Weber

An Exploration of Mentoring Functions in the Context of Parental Relationships , Laura A. Yoviene Sykes

Dissertations from 2017 2017

The Challenge of Social Mobility: Habitus among Low-Income and Working-Class Students in Higher Education , J. Anna Bell

Risk, Resilience, Recovery: In Search of the Protective Factors of Mental Health , Victoria Choate Hasler

Cognitive Aspects of Children's Experience of Economic Disadvantage , Amy E. Heberle

Mothering Values of Black Student Mothers: A Grounded Theory Analysis , Sara A. Kaplan-Levy

Asian American Women Leaders' Strategies for Negotiating Intersectional Discrimination Related to Racism and Sexism , Fanny Ng

Young Children's Emotion Vocabulary and the Potential Influence on Emotion Regulation Ability , Marisa Murphy O'Boyle

Determined Wellness: The Influence of Mental Illness Models Upon Treatment Outcome Expectancies and Treatment Engagement , Francisco I. Surace

Dissertations from 2016 2016

Self-Reported Sexuality among Women with and without Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) , Hillary Hurst Bush

The Power in the Pattern: Relationships between Out-of-School Time Activity Participation Profiles and Civic Engagement in Youth , Melody Joy Blass Fisher

The Influence of Mentor-Youth Activity Profiles on School-Based Youth Mentoring Relationship Processes and Outcomes , Stella S. Kanchewa

Experiences of Trust in Longer-Lasting Formal Youth Mentoring Relationships , Michelle Levine

Exploring the Effects of Cultural Protective Factors on Infant Development and Maternal Well-Being: A Transnational Study of Brazilian Mothers and Their Infants Living In Massachusetts and Minas Gerais , Fernanda Lucchese

The Roles of Early Intervention Providers’ Cultural Competence and the Parent-Provider Working Alliance in Early Intervention Service Receipt Outcomes of Diverse Children At-Risk of Autism Spectrum Disorders , Frances D. Martinez-Pedraza

The Relationship to Internal Experiences Scale (RIES): The Development and Validation of a Self-Report Measure of Cognitive Fusion and Decentering , Shannon M. Sorenson

Evaluating the ‘Reading the Mind in the Eyes’ Test: Cultural Variations in Emotional Perception , Ashley-Ann Woodhull

Dissertations from 2015 2015

Patterns of Interaction within Parent-Child Dyads Affected by OCD and Anxiety , Catherine Kraper

Cultural Adaptation of In-Home, Community-Based Mental Health Services for Ethnic Minority Children and Families: Exploring Clinician and Family Perspectives on Effective Care , Esroruleh Tamim Mohammad

In the Face of Adversity: Valued Living and Decentering as Buffering Factors in the Relations Among Social Disadvantage, Psychological Distress, Drinking to Cope and Problem Drinking , Lucas P. K. Morgan

The Intersectionality of Racism and Sexism for Asian American Women , Shruti Mukkamala

Identifying Sensory Symptoms as a Diagnostic Indicator of Autism Spectrum Disorder , Timothy W. Soto

Individual and Dyadic Analysis of Cardiac Profiles in Response to Stress in a Longitudinal Sample of Infant-Mother Dyads , Akhila Venkatachalam Sravish

Dissertations from 2014 2014

Palestinian Refugee Family Trees of Resilience: Intergenerational Cultivation of Resistance, Return, and Perseverance, in Response to Israel State Violence and Occupation , Devin G. Atallah

The Relationship between Mental Health and Young Children's Academic Development: What We Can Learn From a National Sample of At-Risk Chilean Children , Katia M. Canenguez

Understanding the Impact of Violence on Early Language , Danielle Forbes

The Psychological and Social Processes through which Internalized Heterosexism Influences Psychological Distress in Sexual Minorities , Julia A. Puckett

Black Beauty, White Standards: Impacts on Black Women and Resources for Resistance and Resilience , Speshal T. Walker

Dissertations from 2013 2013

Experiences of Latina First Generation College Students: Exploring Resources Supporting the Balancing of Academic Pursuits and Family Life , Hercilia B. Corona-Ordoñez

Linking Universal Developmental/Behavioral Health Screening and On-Site Mental Health Consultation: Examining Gaps in Service Delivery , Leandra Godoy

Racism and Anxiety in a Black American Sample: The Role of Mediators and a Brief Mindfulness Manipulation , Jessica Rose Graham

The Impact of Emotion Regulation and Interpersonal Problems on Behavioral Dysregulation in a College Student Sample: An Investigation of the Mediating Role of Mentalizing , Kelly Graling

The Role of Caregiver Insight in Young Children's Violence Exposure: Testing a Relational Model of Risk and Resilience , Sarah A. O. Gray

Understanding Ethnic-Racial Socialization and Cognition among Multiracial Youth: A Mixed Methods Study , Susan A. Lambe Sarinana

Targeted Prevention of Childhood Anxiety: Engaging Parents in an Underserved Community , Nicholas D. Mian

Maternal Self-Efficacy and Perceived Stigma Among Mothers of Children with ASD, ADHD, and Typically Developing Children , Sara D. Rosenblum-Fishman

Youth Initiated Mentoring: Investigating a New Approach to Working with Vulnerable Adolescents , Sarah E. O. Schwartz

The Influences of Social Identities and Resource Competition on Blacks' and Asians' Social Distance: A Virtual World Method , John Tawa

Dissertations from 2012 2012

Latino Immigrants' Responses to Immigration Policy and Enforcement: Strengths and Resources Promoting Empowerment and Wellness in an Urban Setting , Celeste Atallah-Gutiérrez

Measuring Exposure in Natural Disaster: A Meta-Analysis, an Integrative Data Analysis, and a Multi-Wave Longitudinal Study of Hurricane Katrina Survivors , Christian S. Chan

The Role of Difficulties in Emotion Regulation in the Relationship between Experiences of Trauma , Kathleen Sullivan Kalill

Objectification Theory and Sexual Health among Women , Kara Lustig

Bereavement among Urban University Students: The Role of Meaning Making in Adjustment to Loss , Rebecca L. Norris-Bell

The Impact of Mindfulness on Exposure and Extinction Processes in Social Anxiety , Michael Treanor

The Role of Men's Friendships in Psychological Distress, Fear of Emotions, and Adherence to Masculine Role Norms , Liza Zwiebach

Dissertations from 2011 2011

Exploring Predictors of Well-Being after Exposure to Inter-Caregiver Aggression in Childhood: Examining the Role of Emotional Support and Emotional and Cognitive Processing , Cara Fuchs

The Social Negotiation of Ambiguous In-Between Stigmatized Identities: Investigating Identity Processes in Multiracial and Bisexual People , Vali Dagmar Kahn

Trajectories of Psychological Distress among Low-Income, Female Survivors of Hurricane Katrina , Sarah Ryan Lowe

The Ecology of Cognitive Training and Aging , Anya Potter

Expanding a Model of Female Heterosexual Coercion: Are Sexually Coercive Women Hyperfeminine? , Elizabeth Anne Schatzel-Murphy

Developing an Anti-Racist Stance: How White Youth Understand Structural Racism , Catharine R. Thomann

Functioning in the Face of Racism and its Uncertainties: The Potential Buffering Role of Values Clarification and Values Consistency in a Black American Sample , Lindsey Michelle West

The Expression of Nonviolence in Communication and its Relation to Physical and Mental Health: Development and Validation of a Coding System for Measuring the Expression of Nonviolence in Communication between Intimate Partners in Conflict Situations , Lissa Brett Young

Dissertations from 2010 2010

Understanding Revictimization: The Impact of Emotion Suppression, Acceptance, and PTSD Symptomatology on Risk Detection Abilities in Sexual Assault Survivors , Heidi M. Barrett-Model

Adopted Korean Women: Influences of Becoming a Biological Mother on Racial & Ethnic Identities and Cultural Orientations , Stephanie Carole Day

Psychosis-Proneness, Mindfulness, and Positive Emotional Experience: Examining Correlational and Causal Relationships , Shannon Marie Erisman

Unattainable Beauty: An Analysis of the Role of Body Shame and Self-Objectification in Hopelessness Depression among College-Age Women , Meredith A. Evans

Neuropsychological and Personality Predictors of Competence to Stand Trial: A Social Cognitive Perspective , Kristy L. Klein

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Advanced Psychology Research Guide

What do thesis projects involve.

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  • Read & Analyze Your Articles
  • Select Your Sources
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  • Avoid Plagiarism
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Nadine Anderson, Behavioral Sciences and Women's & Gender Studies Librarian

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  • Introduction to Psychology Master's Thesis Projects at UM-Dearborn
  • Library books (print and ebook) on research project design and putting together your thesis
  • Library books (print and ebook) on statistics and data analysis/management
  • APA 6-Step Guide to starting, researching, writing, and defending your thesis

Master's Thesis Projects at UM-Dearborn

1. Students may elect to complete a Masters Thesis during the second year of the program. Students selecting this option will take 3 credits in an approved elective course and 6 thesis credits. Contact the program director, Dr. Caleb Siefert , or the Master's Thesis Coordinator, Dr. Michelle Leonard , for more information..

2.  Browse Master's Theses   or Honors Theses   to see what approved theses look like.

  • Your thesis will also be uploaded to Deep Blue , UofM's institutional repository (searchable through Google Scholar).
  • You will need to register for an ORCID ID , a persistent digital identifier that distinguishes you from every other researcher. 

3. Institutional Research Board (IRB) Application

You cannot collect data or run analyses without Institutional Research Board (IRB) approval for any planned research involving human subjects. 

  • Go to  the eResearch Regulatory Management Human Subjects application page  and click on the  Human Subjects Study Application button in the upper left margin to start a new application.
  • the  PEERS Human Subjects Research Protection module
  • the PEERS Responsible Conduct of Research & Scholarship module

Office Of Research Help Guides

  • Go to the Human Subjects Research page  for more information about conducting human subjects research and the IRB application process
  • Use the IRB Application Checklist and the Instructional and Step-by-Step Guides for IRB Applications to help you put together your IRB application

For questions regarding IRB application requirements (e.g., policy, procedure, science), contact IRB Health Sciences and Behavioral Sciences, by email at  [email protected]  or by phone at (734) 936-0933.

4. To graduate after successfully defending your Master's thesis:

The Graduate Studies Office requires you to have your thesis submitted to  Deep Blue (the University of Michigan's institutional repository) in order to release your final grade. You and your advisor can choose from either of the following process options below to have your thesis submitted to Deep Blue

The deadlines for submission for either option  are:

  • Winter 2024: April 15, 2024
  • Summer 2024 August 9, 2024
  • Fall 2024 December 9, 2024
  • Winter 2025 April 14, 2025

Option 1: Submit your Master's Thesis for a format check before you have it submitted to Deep Blue

  • Your thesis needs to be finalized and approved by your Thesis Chair before you submit it for a format check
  • Use the  Master's Thesis Formatting Checklist  below to make sure that your thesis meets the Graduate Studies Office formatting requirements for Masters theses. 
  • Library staff will check your thesis once using the  Master's Thesis Formatting Checklist  (see below) against the Graduate Studies Office formatting requirements for Masters theses.
  • Library staff will send you an email that includes the formatting revisions needed as well as a link to the Deep Blue Submission form 
  • You will also add information about your thesis needed for Deep Blue submission
  • You will then submit your Master's Thesis as a pdf file with embedded fonts for Deep Blue

Option 2: Waive a format check and just submit your thesis to Deep Blue

  • Fill out the Thesis/Dissertation Waiver Statement  and have your committee chair sign it
  • This statement must be  signed by your committee chair before you submit it
  • Library staff will send you an email that includes the link to the Deep Blue Submission form 

To help you format your Word document correctly , use:

  • UM's online  Microsoft Word for Dissertations (and Theses) guide : look for the Scholar Space Word Template for Dissertation (and thesis) , which has many of the formatting guidelines built in.
  • Word for Windows Training Page  or Word for Mac Help Page
  • Master's Thesis Formatting Checklist

Research Project Design & Writing

Hover over the info "i" icon for the book's description

Print Books

  • Click on the book title link for info on the book's Call Number and library availability. 
  • If you need help finding a book on the library's shelves, feel free to ask for help at the Library Info Desk
  • Click on the title link to open the ebook (click on Access web version on the landing page)
  • Go to Online Library Access for instructions on how to access library ebooks and what to do when you can't

Cover Art

Statistics and Data Analysis/Management

  • e-Source: Behavioral and Social Sciences Research by NIH Office of Behavioral and Social Sciences Research (OBSSR) e-Source is a free website offered by NIH’s Office of Behavioral and Social Sciences Research (OBSSR) with 20 interactive chapters on cutting-edge social and behavioral science research methods, including social survey data collection, qualitative methods, clinical trials and measuring socioeconomic status. The chapters give an overview of new research methods as well as updates of existing methods.

Cover Art

APA 6-step guide to starting, researching, writing and defending your thesis

1.  Starting the dissertation :  Experts offer tips on picking a topic, conducting a lit review, identifying your problem and questions, and staying on track

2.  Choose your research methods wisely : Experts offer tips on balancing ambition and realism in your research design

3. Ready, set, collect!   Experts offer tips on making your thesis proposal defense, IRB approval, participant recruitment, and data collection go smoothly 

4. Writing up your results : Experts offer tips on analyzing your data, formatting and design the presentation of your results, and staying focused

5.  Discussing your findings :  Experts offer tips on writing your discussion section, including putting your research into context, striking a balance between telling the story of why people should care about your research without overstating your conclusions, and common discussion mistakes 

6. Publishing your dissertation : Experts offer tips on editing your dissertation to make it publishable in a scholarly journal

  • << Previous: Your Thesis Proposal
  • Next: Identify Research Gaps >>
  • Last Updated: May 24, 2024 8:56 AM
  • URL: https://guides.umd.umich.edu/psychology

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Psychology Electronic Theses and Dissertations

Theses/dissertations from 2024 2024.

Pathways from Childhood Sexual Abuse to Sexual Risk Behaviour in MSM: A Mixed Methods Study , Daniel Provenzano

Theses/Dissertations from 2023 2023

Bullying and Body Image: Body image disturbance in emerging adults with a history of bullying victimization , Rebecca Antonacci

The Self-Reference Effect on Memory Among 4- To 6-Year-Olds: The Role of Active Encoding and Cognitive Abilities , Alicia Nicole Bartlett

The Aphasia Friendly Business Campaign: Program Expansion and Evaluation , Julia Borsatto

Exploring the Relationship Between of Subjective and Objective Cognition among Older Adults Living in Canada , Astrid Dawn Coleman

Emotion profiles in Dialectical Behaviour Therapy: Early Observations Anticipate Treatment Outcome , Florencia Andrea Cristoffanini

Engagement, Satisfaction, and Positive Student Outcomes: The Most Prevalent Factors at Canada's Public Universities , Denise DeBlock

Revealing the Invisible Cage: Understanding Coercive Control through the Eyes of Survivors in the Era of COVID-19 , Chloë Elizabeth Eidlitz

Body Dissatisfaction and Depression: Investigating the Moderating Roles of Maladaptive Investment in Appearance and Rumination , Mallory Forward

Factors Influencing Post-Traumatic Growth in Emerging Adults with Chronic Medical Illness , Alana Marie Gyemi

The Role of Self-Talk in Regulating Public Speaking Anxiety in Ethnically Diverse Young Adults in Canada , Clare Denise Russell Hinch

Investigating Visual Vigilance following Chronic Behavioural Immune System Activation , Jessica Hurtubise

Effects of Discrete Emotions on Associative Memory Binding , Davin D. Iverson

The Association of Perceived Stress with Anxiety-related Symptoms during Use of the MindShift app , Emily Jerome

The Impact of Cognitive Reserve on Baseline Neuropsychological Functioning of Older Adults Without Dementia , Jarod Joshi

A Psycholinguistic Analysis of Neuropsychological Tests , Brette Lansue

Validating and Optimizing Performance Validity Cut-Off Scores in a Pediatric Sample , Malayna Malleck

ADHD Symptoms and Inattentional Blindness in an Undergraduate Sample , Katherine Rose Matchett

Mental Health, Sport-Related Concussion, and App-Based Mindfulness: A Pilot Study with Female University Student-Athletes , Taylor May McEachnie

Loneliness, Risk-Taking, and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder During the COVID-19 Pandemic , Rebecca Nurgitz

Academic Stress and Cultural Coping: The Moderating Effect of Heritage Language Proficiency on Well-Being in a Multilingual Sample , Noah Marcel Philipp-Muller

If It Walks Like a Duck…Is It a Duck?: A Mixed Methods Investigation of Differences Between Machiavellian and Non-Machiavellian Substance Users , Daniel Pillersdorf

Homelessness and Intimate Partner Violence: Women’s Barriers and Experiences With Accessing Formal Support Services and the Impact of Their Intersecting Identities , Marissa Marie Rakus

Student Financial Well-Being, Health Behaviours, and Social Participation: A Mixed Methods Study , Evan Ripley-McNeil

“A Very Resilient Bunch”: A Photographic Exploration into the Experiences of Women with Turner Syndrome , Kristin M. Schramer

Romantic Relationships in Young Adults: The Influence of Parents and Friends , Jenna Elizabeth Thompson

Associations Between Parent Stress, Parent Mobile Technology Use, and Parenting Behaviours on Children’s Psychological Functioning , Amy Wei Yan Tran

Theses/Dissertations from 2022 2022

The Role of Objectification, Rape Myth Acceptance, Situational Context, and Gender in Individual’s Perceptions of Image-Based Sexual Abuse Victims and Perpetrators , Jewels Adair

" Move&Connect Caregivers: The feasibility of a virtual group-based intervention for caregivers of youth with persistent post-concussion symptoms" , Hiba Al Hakeem

Effects of Chairwork in Individual Psychotherapy: A Meta-Analytic and Systematic Review , Tabarak Baher

Coping During COVID: Child Technology Use and Coping During the COVID-19 Pandemic , Anissa Barnes

The Role of Disclosure and Social Support on Quality of Life in Women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) , Noelle Citron

#MeToo: Effects of Cyber Sexual Aggression Victimization on Women’s Health and Relationship Quality , Samantha Daskaluk

Embodied and Empowered: Evidence for Ashtanga Yoga as a Novel Intervention for Women with Disordered Eating , Nicole A. Dignard

The Influence of Semantic Neighbourhood Density and Concreteness on Episodic Memory for Single Words , Brinna Fougere

How Animal-Assisted Therapy Is Understood and Perceived by Health Care Providers and the General Public in Canada , Healey M. Gardiner

“You’re not my Leader.” The Impact of Gender and Ethnic Stereotypes on Leadership Evaluations , Arief B. Kartolo

Parenting Practices, Technology Use, and Preschoolers' Self-Regulation During COVID-19: A Thematic Analysis , Rachel Katzman

Effects of Social Isolation on Wellbeing: Undergraduate Student Engagement in Positive and Negative Coping Behaviours During the Coronavirus Pandemic , Krista L. Lucier MA

The Meaning of Words: For Richer or For Poorer , Susan Lutfallah

The Role of Companion Animals in the Lives of University Students During the Coronavirus Pandemic , Cindy Ly

Contributions of Social Support to Mitigate the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Pediatric Depressive and Irritability Symptoms , Alexandra Mactavish

Men High in Conforming to Masculine Norms have Less Intent to Practice Yoga: A Serial Mediation Analysis , Connor J. Motzkus

Understanding Men’s Use of Tactics in Sexual Coercion: A Network Analysis , Lennox Mou

The Effect of State/Trait Rumination on a Prospective Memory Task Delivered Remotely Using a Real-Time and Repeated Approach , Iulia Niculescu

The Impact of Food Allergy Education for Nursing Students , Aleksandra J. Redko

A Qualitative Grounded Theory Study of Black Canadian Mental Health Service Use , Renee Taylor

The Creation and Validation of the Coercive Control Screening Scale , Kathleen Wilson

Theses/Dissertations from 2021 2021

Predicting Recidivism versus Desistance in Adolescents with Sexual Offenses Using Tools Developed for Adults: The Static-99 and SAPROF , Meredith Awrey

Women’s Experiences of Self-Objectification and Sexualization and Their Impact on Attitudes Towards Online Sex Work , Storm Balint

Body Image Disturbance and Social Networking Site Behaviours , Alicia Marie Berze-Butts

Neurocognitive Profiles Associated with Limited English Proficiency in Cognitively Intact Adults , Maeme Adwoa Brantuo

Asian Canadian Therapists’ Experience and Coping with Racial Microaggression: A Qualitative Examination with Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis , Yiu-Yin Chang

Good Risk or Bad Risk: Development of a Holistic Assessment of Risk Perception , Joan C. Craig

Therapist Effects on the Outcomes of Psychotherapy and Their Perspectives on Training , Chris Edmondstone

Understanding Maternal Depressive Symptoms and Aggression in Young Children: An Affective Dyadic Systems Approach , Lerna Hanceroglu

Moral Centrality Predicts Better Mental Health: Evidence for the Protective Effects of Integrating Agency and Communion , Joseph John Hoyda

Further Investigating the Predictors of Aggressive Driving: Vulnerable Narcissism, Implicit Self-Esteem, and Rebelliousness , Cassidy Kost

Pathological Personality Traits and Social Behaviour: Informant and Within-Person Variability Perspectives , Paige Brianne Lamborn

Victim Perpetrator Relationship Characteristics and Perceptions of Personal Sexual Assault and Coercion Experiences , Frasia Margaret Morrison

Control, Alter, and Delete: Investigating the Manipulation of Memory and Memorial Beliefs By Suspected Psychopaths in Interpersonal Relationships , Kendra Nespoli

Influence of Sexual Socialization, Gender Roles and Patriarchal Norms on Rape Myth Acceptance among South Asian Students in Canada , Dayanga Radeniya

The Association between Self-Reported Psychiatric Symptoms and Performance Validity Test Failure across Brain Injury Severity Levels , Alana G. Sabelli

The Role of Protective Factors in Relation to Attentional Abilities in Emerging Adults , Sanya Sagar

Think First: Examining Impulsivity among University Students , Antonette Scavone

The Role of Anxiety Sensitivity in the Etiology of Anxiety and Cognitive Symptoms of Eating Disorders , Rachel Small-Crevier

Social Contexts in Ethnic Identity Development: How Does it Affect Bicultural Stress Between Generations? , Carolyn Tran

Theses/Dissertations from 2020 2020

Barriers to Reporting Sexual Harassment: What Encourages Disclosure? , Emma Claire Bailey

A Hybrid Hypothesis for Understanding the Relation Between ADHD Symptoms, Facebook Use, and Social Distress and Loneliness , Shanna Deasley

Perception and Performance of Working Memory: Insights into Test Anxiety , Rebecca Grossman

Coping with Intergenerational Conflict Among Chinese Canadian Emerging Adults: Testing a Cultural and Contextual Model with a Mixed-Methods Approach , Siqi Huang

Distinguishing Appraisals of Memory Accuracy and Occurrence: A Functional Neuroimaging Study , Kassandra Helena Korcsog

Image-based sexual violence: Victim experiences and bystander responses , Michelle A. Krieger

What Trying to Forget Tells Us About Trying to Remember: A Link Between Associative Memory and Directed Forgetting , Brette E. Lansue Burns

What Do You See When You Look at Me? Social Media, Socialized Gender Variables, and Disordered Eating Among Adolescent Girls , Annamaria McAndrew

The Effect of Motivation Status on Performance Validity in Concussion Baseline Testing , Isabelle Messa-Hamidi

What Clients Say about their Single Largest Change in Treatment: Comparing Sudden Gains across Treatment Approaches and Phases of Therapy , Orrin-Porter Morrison

Aggression in Dark Personalities: The Role of Self-Esteem , Anastasia Skobkareva

The Role of Psychological Safety in Predicting Proactive Behaviour , Siddardh Thirumangai Alwar

Navigating Online and Offline Social Spaces: Interpersonal Relationships and Problematic Gaming Behaviour in MMORPG Players , Aranda Christine Wingsiong

Narrative Coherence of Child Maltreatment Memories in Adults , Na Zhu

Theses/Dissertations from 2019 2019

Performance Validity Testing for Individuals with Limited English Proficiency , Kelly An

The Influence of Coparenting Support on Fathers’ Involvement with their Children with Autism , Jason L. Bloom

The Aphasia Friendly Business Campaign , Julia Borsatto

Resolving Distressing Autobiographical Memories: The Role of Perspective in Imagery, Writing, and Self-Reflection , Chantal M. Boucher

The effects of an Internet-delivered mindfulness-based intervention on perceived stress, psychological symptoms, and emotion regulation , Molly Cairncross

Selfies On Social Media: The Role Of Appearance Contingent Self-Worth And Impact On Self-Esteem , Felicia M. Chang

Supporting Treatment Selection in Parents of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: An Educational Workshop with Acceptance and Commitment Training , Brianne E. Drouillard

Therapeutic Benefits of Online Psychological Screening for Depressive Symptomology , Natalie Frost

An empirical investigation of Barriga’s mediational model of moral cognition and antisocial behaviour: Moral reasoning recognition versus response generation assessments in models for general delinquency and sexually coercive behaviours , Sarah Gardiner

Mapping Patterns of Restricted and Repetitive Behaviours and Media Use in Youth Diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Typically Developing Youth , Eric Gilliland

Social Information Processing Deficits, Intimate Partner Violence, and Coercive Control in Dating Couples , Jillian Glasgow

Rape Acknowledgement in the Context of the #MeToo Movement , Brandin Glos

Measuring the Flexibility of Delusion-Like Beliefs in Non-Clinical Samples: Development and Validation of the Windsor Belief Flexibility Scale (WBFS) , Bahar Haji-Khamneh

Help Seeking Behaviours of Adolescents in Foster Care: Multiple Perspectives , Emily Marie Johnson

The Role of Pornography Consumption in Intimate Partner Aggression/Violence in Emerging Adult Couples: A Prospective Longitudinal Study , Katherine Jongsma

Eye-Tracking Attentional Deployment: Emotion Regulation and Processing Visual Information in University Students , Abirami R. Kandasamy

Measuring Affective Processes In Traumatic Brain Injury , Eva Keatley

Exploring Causes of Academic Entitlement: A Mixed-Method Approach , Chelsea McLellan

Contributions of Emotional Competence to the Link between Childhood Maltreatment and Adult Attachment , Ashley Erica Mlotek

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Industrial/Organizational Psychology Theses

Theses/dissertations from 2022 2022.

Employee Satisfaction and Perceptions of Organizational Leadership Accountability , Caroline M. Clancy

The Effects of Transformational Leadership on Sales Performance in a Multilevel Marketing Organization , Alexander Techy

Theses/Dissertations from 2021 2021

Too Illegit to Quit: The Impact of Illegitiate Tasks on Turnover Intentions and Well-Being , Jacob Wessels

Theses/Dissertations from 2020 2020

The Effects of Positive and Negative Humor at Work , Trevor Frey

Diverse Teams, Team Effectiveness, and the Moderating Effect of Organizational Support , Hannah Tilstra

Theses/Dissertations from 2019 2019

Effects of Psychological Need Satisfaction on Proactive Work Behaviors , Shota Kawasaki

Theses/Dissertations from 2018 2018

Gender Differences in Development Center Performance in a Healthcare Organization , Samuel Lawson

Theses/Dissertations from 2017 2017

Success in Learning Groups: Where have we been? And Where are we going? , Tiffany Michelle Ackerman

Individual Differences as Predictors of Success for Learning Community Students , Nicole Haffield

Moderating Effects of Resilience and Recovery on the Stressor-Strain Relationship Among Law Enforcement Officers , Austin Hearne

Selection Portfolio: Applying Modern Portfolio Theory to Personnel Selection , Eric Leingang

The Hogan Development Survey: Personality in Selecting and Training Aviation Pilots , Jenna McChesney

Evaluating a Measure of Student Effectiveness in an Undergraduate Psychology Program , Colin Omori

Participant Self-Assessment of Development Center Performance , Ryan Powley

“Let’s be clear”: Exploring the Role of Transparency Within the Organization , Maxwell Salazar

Theses/Dissertations from 2016 2016

The Effect of an Email Intervention Tailored to Highly Ambitious Students on University Retention , Lauren Bahls

911,What's My Emergency? Emotional Labor, Work-Related Rumination, and Strain Outcomes in Emergency Medical Dispatchers , Jessica Lee Deselms

Can You Hack It? Validating Predictors for IT Boot Camps , Courtney Gear

Intervention E-mails and Retention: How E-mails Tailored to Personality Impact an Undergraduate Student's Decision to Return to School or Not , John Kelly Heffernon

Prudence and Persistence: Personality in Student Retention , Logan J. Michels

Examination of the Antecedents, Reactions, and Outcomes to a Major Technology-driven Organizational Change , Ngoc Dinh Nguyen

Training Coping Techniques to Reduce Statistics Anxiety , Brittany Prothe

Assessing the Effect of Personality Characteristics of Minnesota Golfers on the Brand Equity of Golf Drivers , Eric Schinella

Mood and Engagement Contagion in a Call Center Environment , Sarah Welsch

Why Do Some Employees Readjust to Their Home Organizations Better Than Others? Job Demands-Resources Model of Repatriation Adjustment , Yukiko Yamasaki

Theses/Dissertations from 2015 2015

Fitting Flow: An Analysis of the Role of Flow Within a Model of Occupational Stress , Jeffrey Alan Dahlke

Created Equal? Comparing Disturbing Media Outcomes Across Occupations , Christine Nicole Gundermann

The Influence of Perceived Similarity, Affect and Trust on the Performance of Student Learning Groups , Jennifer Louise Lacewell

Depth of a Salesman: Exploring Personality as a Predictor of Sales Performance in a Multi-Level Marketing Sample , Colleen Rose Miller

Expatriate Adjustment of U.S. Military on Foreign Assignment:The Role of Personality and Cultural Intelligence in Adjustment , Jennifer Pauline Stockert

Organizational Trust As a Moderator of the Relationship between Burnout and Intentions to Quit , Glenn Trussell

Theses/Dissertations from 2014 2014

Ethnic Names, Resumes, and Occupational stereotypes: Will D'Money Get the Job? , Tony Matthew Carthen

Examining the Effectiveness of the After Action Review for Online and Face-to-Face Discussion Groups , William Cradick

University Commitment: Test of a Three-Component Model , Brittany Davis

An Investigation into the Effect of Power on Entrepreneurial Motivations , Jack Reed Durand

Development and Enhancement to a Pilot Selection Battery for a University Aviation Program , Ryan Thomas Hanna

Overseas Assignments: Expatriate and Spousal Adjustment in the U.S. Air Force , Andrew R. Hayes

The Roles of Social Support and Job Meaningfulness in the Disturbing Media Exposure-Job Strain Relationship , Hung T. Hoang

Student Assessment of Professor Effectiveness , Roger Emil Knutson

Dirty Work: The Effects of Viewing Disturbing Media on Military Attorneys , Natalie Lynn Sokol

Theses/Dissertations from 2013 2013

Selection System Prediction Of Safety: A Step Toward Zero Accidents In South African Mining , Rachel Aguilera-Vanderheyden

Examining Generational Differences across Organizational Factors that Relate to Turnover , Kimberly Asuncion

An Investigation of Online Unproctored Testing and Cheating Motivations Using Equity Theory and Theory of Planned Behavior , Valerie Nicole Brophy

Race, Gender, and Leadership Promotion: The Moderating Effect of Social Dominance Orientation , Chelsea Chatham

Disentangling Individual, Organization, and Learning Process Factors that Drive Employee Participation , Diana Colangelo

Will [email protected] get the Job Done? An Analysis of Employees' Email Usernames, Turnover, and Job Performance , Jessica Marie Lillegaard

Using Personality Traits to Select Customer-Oriented Security Guards , Tracy Marie Shega

Mobile Internet Testing: Applicant Reactions To Mobile Internet Testing , Sarah Smeltzer

Ethical Leadership: Need for Cross-Cultural Examinations , Shuo Tian

Development of a Pilot Selection System for a Midwestern University Aviation Program , Kathryn Wilson

Theses/Dissertations from 2012 2012

Identifying Organizational Factors that Moderate the Engagement-Turnover Relationship in a Healthcare Setting , Stevie Ann Collini

Organizational Wellness Programs: Who Participates and Does it Help? , Justin Michael Dumond

Coping with Economic Stressors: Religious and Non-Religious Strategies for Managing Psychological Distress , Jonathan Karl Feil

The Creation and Validation of a Pilot Selection System for a Midwestern University Aviation Department , Jacob William Forsman

The National Survey of Student Engagement as a Predictor of Academic Success , Paul Michael Fursman

Perceptions of a Text-Based SJT versus an Animated SJT , Amanda Helen Halabi

The Moderating Effects of Work Control and Leisure Control on the Recovery-Strain Relationship , Jason Nicholas Jaber

The Role Social Influence Has On Dormitory Residents' Responses to Fire Alarms , Michael Otting Leytem

The Impact of Culture, Industry Type, and Job Relevance on Applicant Reactions , Olivia Martin

Someone Who Understands: The Effect of Support on Law Enforcement Officers Exposed to Disturbing Media , Jessica Morales

The Effects of Task Ambiguity and Individual Differences on Personal Internet Use at Work , Hitoshi Nishina

The Roles of Self-Efficacy and Self-Deception in Cheating on Unproctored Internet Testing , Christopher Adam Wedge

Theses/Dissertations from 2011 2011

Assessing Transfer Student Performance , Hyderhusain Shakir Abadin

Should You Hire [email protected]?: An Analysis of Job Applicants' Email Addresses and their Scores on Pre-Employment Assessments , Evan Blackhurst

The Dirty Work Of Law Enforcement: Emotion, Secondary Traumatic Stress, And Burnout In Federal Officers Exposed To Disturbing Media , Amanda Harms

Comparison of a Ranking and Rating Format of the 5Plus5: A Personality Measure , Kristy Lynn Jungemann

Cultural Intelligence and Collective Efficacy in Virtual Team Effectiveness , Pei See Ng

Relationship Type Determines the Target of Threat in Perceived Relational Devaluation: Organizational Self vs. Interpersonal Relationships , Peter Sanacore

Development of an Assessment Center as a Selection Method for I/O Graduate Applicants , Ting Tseng

Hiking, Haiku, or Happy Hour After Hours: The Effects of Need Satisfaction and Proactive Personality on the Recovery-Strain Relationship , Paige Woodruff

Exploring the Antecedents of Organizational Citizenship Behavior in Knowledge-based Virtual Communities , Luman Yong

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Psychology Master's Theses

Theses/dissertations from 2024 2024.

The mediating role of perceived autonomy in the relationship of parenting style and facets of romantic competence , Maria Cristina Briones Barretto

How helping my nation protects my well-being: National identity as a predictor of well-being and the mediating role of volunteering behavior among the youth in the post-pandemic , Gissel A. Caseres

A photo-elicitation study on the health-seeking experiences of women with bipolar disorder , Angela Concessa M. Cheung

Attachment insecurity moderating the positive influence of impostorism on working young adults’ self-esteem , Anne Franchesca O. Dela Viña

The path of intra- and interpersonal factors to nonsuicidal self injury (NSSI) through emotional distress with emotion regulation as a buffer: A moderated-mediation study , Jan Kamille D. Igmen

The influence of religiosity on depression moderated by external locus of control among Christian Filipinos , Limuel O. Iledan

Psychological needs of siblings of individuals with autism across life stages , Ma. Lourdes Isabel H. Justiniani

The moderating role of self-objectification in the relationship between social media use and body image dissatisfaction , Aisha C. Lange

The moderating role of cognitive emotion regulation strategies in the relationship between cyberbullying victimization and cyberbullying perpetration , Sarah Jane B. Macuja

Multicultural personality and polyculturalism as moderators of the relationship between acculturative stress and psychological distress among international students , Rei Katrin C. Marcelo

The lived experiences of first-time motherhood for Filipino mothers: An interpretative phenomenological analysis , Regina Grace P. Pasion

The relationship of public stigma, self-stigma, & hiya on professional psychological help-seeking intentions of Filipino emerging adults , Collin M. Reyes

Making sense of the psychological suffering: The moderating role of sense of coherence on the relationship between death anxiety and post-traumatic growth of Filipino adults , Debbie Anne Largosa Salvamante

The mediating effect of positive body image on the relationship between nature exposure and mental health , Maria Isabel A. Samonte

Making sense of "making sense": Exploring the relationship between dimensions of rumination and dimensions of meaning in life , Joseph Eric Sardan

The moderating role of religiosity: Understanding sexual sensation seeking and risky sexual behavior among Filipino adolescent gay men , Kenneth Dale C. Villarin

Emerging adults' psychological flexibility mediates anxiety to accomplishment: Is self-transcendence capacity a moderator? , Patricka Coliflores Villaseñor

Theses/Dissertations from 2023 2023

How (un)fairness at work relates to Filipino emerging adult workers’ feelings of emptiness: A serial mediation model of organizational (in)justice and emotional exhaustion , Clifford Paul A. Andawi Jr.

Mediating effects of social connectedness and inspiration in the relationship between fandom identity and mental health , Jerizza Joy R. Arizabal

Exploring the impacts of job loss during the COVID-19 pandemic on the mental health of retrenched employees from the tourism sector , Ernest Bacani

The mediating role of Threat Perception and Self-Efficacy between Knowledge of COVID-19 and Adherence to COVID-19 Safety Guidelines , Maria Diana Cristina R. Batiles

The moderating effects of social support to student-athletes' athletic identity and psychological well-being , Mark Kristian V. Blando

Emotion regulation and the mediating effect of social comparison on passive social media use and depressive symptoms , Paula Francesca R. Canlas

The moderating role of cognitive reappraisal in the relationship between psychological vulnerability and the depression and anxiety levels of higher education students , Rachelle Louise C. Chavez

The buffering effect of mental Toughness on the impact of appearance-focused social comparison on disordered eating behaviors through body dissatisfaction , Alyssa Marie SP DarJuan

Test development of motivational self-regulation strategies of Filipino students , Maria Cristina A. DeVilla

The effect of post-COVID-19 pandemic life changes on child internalizing and externalizing behaviors: The mediation by parent's mental health difficulties vis-à-vis close parent-child relationship , Kisha Anne A. Dimaisip

Exploring and understanding the development of children with ASD undergoing teletherapy through the bioecological model , Victor Benedict Vienne Garcia

The desire for fame across generations: The effects of self-esteem, social media usage, consumption of reality television, peer comparison and family support , Arvin Carlo M. Gomez

Telecommuting intensity and job stress: Is employee remote work support a moderator? , Sherwin Lorenzo D. Gomez

Do home gardeners have better well-being? , Alissa Gale E. Lim

Examining the mediating role of psychological capital between dispositional mindfulness and well-being in the Philippines’ economically active population , Joanna Camille A. Litton

Does work-family centrality moderate the relationship between telecommuting intensity and work-family conflict? , Rommell P. Malenab

Psychometric properties of Covid stress scales (CSS) , Marites Silva Moya

The moderating role of identity commitment in the relationship between emotional autonomy and psychological well-being of Filipino adolescents , Wawie DG Ruiz

A qualitative study on self-differentiation among young adults with a history of non-suicidal self-injury , Nikki M. Sebastian

Determining the impact of a movement-based intervention on the trauma symptoms and emotion regulation of adolescent victims of child sexual abuse , Gabrielle Kaye M. Tad-y

The relationship of experiencing toxic behaviors and the psychological well-being of Filipino gamers and the moderating role of coping strategies , Mary Jearette Criskim A. Tan

Network analysis of depression and anxiety in Filipino youth , Gabrielle J. Tiongson

The mediating effect of coping strategies on the relationship between dispositional resilience and perceived stress among Filipino seafarers , Angelica Francesca A. Tumbocon

Parental rejection as a predictor of anxious and depressive symptoms among Filipino emerging adults: The role of self-criticism and social support , Gia Michaela V. Umil

Abusive supervision, counterproductive work behavior, and the role of negative affect and dispositional hope: A mediated moderation model , Rainier Besin Uy

Theses/Dissertations from 2022 2022

Self-esteem as a mediator of the relationship between social isolation and depression and anxiety symptoms of emerging adults in the COVID-19 pandemic , Frednick Luis O. Asistio

Poor mental health as a correlate of perceived unmet needs of earthquake survivors in evacuation camps: Posttraumatic stress and growth as parallel mediators , Maria Angelika T. Balungay

The mediating role of exercise self-efficacy on the relationship between depressive symptoms and exercise participation of student athletes in the Philippines , David Kuyunjik T. Damian

Unblocking the pathway to psychological care: The role of stigma and mental health literacy in general help-seeking for psychological distress , Abigail P. Del Puerto

The need to belong, perceived social support, and loneliness in Filipino college students , Ana Mariel A. Enrile-Inton

Positive Disability Identity Development in Adults with Autism , Maria Couline Gloria

Impact of altruism on Filipino young adult volunteers' subjective well-being: The role of relatedness, autonomy and competence , Danica Mae L. Mangampat

The relationship of perfectionism and peace of mind: The mediating role of implicit theories of intelligence , Renz Louis T. Montano

Dimensions of friendship in predicting quality of life of older adults , Beniliza R. Polican

Breakdowns to breakthroughs: Growth after intimate partner violence (IPV) of Filipino women , Ainah O. Salcedo

Theses/Dissertations from 2021 2021

The moderating role of employee voice in the relationship between regulatory focus and leader receptivity , Ann Lorainne Ancheta

The moderating role of psychological capital components in the Job Demands Resources (JD-R) model among a sample of filipino elementary and secondary school teachers , Beatriz C. Balilu

Pagsusuri sa pagpapahalaga ng “utang na loob” sa konteksto ng ugnayan sa pamilya , Jennifer Ides Rocha Bernardo

Age differences in future time perspective, social goals, and psychological symptoms of Filipino adults in the time of the COVID-19 , Shiela Grace M. Casis

Childhood maltreatment and dysfunctional parenting style of mothers: The mediating role of insecure adult attachment , Alyssa Patricia R. Cleto

Exploring the roles of locus-of-hope dimensions and self-stigma on help-seeking intentions among Filipinos , Angela Lorraine P. Cunanan

When worrying helps impostors cope: Metacognitive beliefs associated with impostor phenomenon and psychological well-being , Mark Lawrence Q. Gale

The moderating effect of extraversion on transformational leadership and employee engagement , Alison D. Galian

How does corporate social responsibility improve employee engagement: A mediational study of organizational trust , Alain Louise F. Garcia

The moderating effect of emotion regulation on telecommuting intensity, anxiety and depression: A study on telecommuting in the Philippines , Cecille Nicole Q. Golloso

Challenges, coping and future plans of aging parents who have older children with special needs , Ana Maria Cruz Ilustre

The mediating role of thriving at work: Transformational leadership influences organizational citizenship behaviors , Uzziel Nicolai C. Magsalin

A model of employee engagement: Integrating the job demands-resources model and Kahn's psychological conditions , Merwin R. Masanque

The moderating role of religiosity and relational spirituality in trait anxiety and marital satisfaction of filipino married couples , Mary Abigail G. Miranda

Bullying and college adjustment: The moderating role of resilience , Mary Anne J. Montoya

Shaping senior high school students' career adaptability through aspirations for the future and well-being , Mirasol A. Pineda

Do adaptive humor styles mediate the relationship between emotional intelligence and well-being? , Raydon L. Reyes

“The buffering effect of ego resiliency on the relationship of combat exposure and severity of post – traumatic stress disorder symptoms” , Jenny Marie Davantes Ruanto

Sibling rivalry as a mediator of therRelationship between parental differential treatment and depressive symptoms on college students , Ma. Jenine C. Santiago

The role of stressful life events, daily hassles and sense of coherence in understanding depressive symptoms , Jomar Veridiano Sayaman

The parenting styles and experiences of Filipino mothers of children with autism spectrum disorder , Lisette Ann T. Tan

Filipino psychologists and counselors experience of integrating spirituality in psychotherapy and counseling , Indira Grace P. Voloso

Levels of TriPM-disinhibition on the relationship between TriPM-boldness and verbal intelligence , Reinier Dave P. Zapanta

Theses/Dissertations from 2020 2020

Impact of military deployment to Filipino children's well-being: A qualitative study , Lalaine N. Bajin

The moderating role of virtual work environment on transformational leadership and personality types as predictors of occupational self-efficacy of employees from selected institutions in Metro Manila , Lizelle T. Caballes

The mediating role of locus of control in the relationship between paternal over parenting and depressive symptoms among children in transnational households , Eunica A. Dee

Factors affecting motivation of corporate scholars across the stages of their graduate study completion , Jaimie Lynne M. Elnas

The meditating role of job satisfaction in the relationship between job characteristics and organizational citizenship behavior , Philip S. Maaño

The moderating effect of resilience on the relationship between perceived community violence and anxiety of youth in a high-violence urban area , Gaea Marelle J. Miranda

The utility of human figure drawings as a screening tool for identifying anxiety and depression among substance users , Jeffrey Danao Sanchez

Moderating role of parental presence in the relationship between childhood adversity, emotional reactivity, rumination, and emotion dysregulation , Florina P. Santiago

Theses/Dissertations from 2019 2019

The spiritual development and well-being of seminarians: A basis for spiritual formation program , Augusto O. Abril Fr.

Testing the moderating role of self-reliance and social support on the mediated relationship of help-seeking attitudes and behavior through intentions among individuals with mental health concerns , Mahjalin Araiza S. Bugtong

Narrative identity of adult survivors of childhood psychological maltreatment (CPM) , Jethro O. Cristobal

A study on rewards and organizational commitment in a higher education institution , Johanna G. Minglana

Determining types of workplace incivility and their relationship to counterproductive work behaviors: Towards the development of HR interventions , Susan Grace T. Neri

I am a survivor: Experiences, impacts and coping mechanisms of Fiipino victims of sexual violence , Karen Anne C. Quing

Adolescents' value formation in the superhero fandom , Joseph Russell R. Santos

The relation of parenting styles with self-esteem as mediated by early maladaptive schemas among adolescents from matrilineal Khasi Society of India , Theophilus Sohtun

Family, anxiety, and substance use: The mediating role of anxiety in the relationship of family functioning and substance use , Gutsdozer E. Tancio

Theses/Dissertations from 2018 2018

The experiences of friendship of male adolescents with autism spectrum disorders , Marie Elaine F. Avellana

Self-compassion, mindfulness, internalized shame and aggression among adolescents in residential centers in the Philippines: Testing a moderated mediation model , Lorraine Jessica L. Baclig

The relationship of materialism and vitality among Filipino adolescents and the mediating role of relatedness , Matthew Christian Robert R. Doming

The moderated mediating role of social support and locus of hope on the relationship between self-efficacy and self-regulation among illicit substance use patients within therapeutic communities , Justin Vianey M. Embalsado

Social networking sites addiction: The moderating effect of self-regulatory focus and the mediating effect of affective state on need for belongingness online and dysfunctional social networking site use , Mary Jo Jessica V. Fenix

Sense of coherence as mediator in the relationship between spirituality and depressive symptoms among college students , Mary Jane A. Guba

A study on the perceived effects of the psychotherapy practice on the therapists and their self-care , Daryl Dizon Malonzo

Self-efficacy as a moderator of the relationship between emotional exhaustion and psychological well-being of Filipino child care workers in residential centers , Kimberly Kaye C. Mata

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Thesis and Capstone Requirements for Psychology Programs

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Updated August 17, 2022 · 4 Min Read

psychology master thesis example

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In most psychology programs, the thesis and capstone function as a student's final assignment. These culminating experiences, while different in requirements, serve the same purpose: to demonstrate the depth of your learning, to measure achievement of program objectives, and to outline relevant research interests. Thesis and capstone projects synthesize your overall learning, taking the knowledge you've gained throughout your program and applying it to your own research. A thesis, which often requires more intensive research than a capstone, may span multiple years depending on the level of the psychology program.

Often involving scholarly and clinical research, these culminating projects may take place in professional psychology settings, such as private practices, clinics, or mental health treatment facilities. Regardless of setting, you'll almost certainly be required to document your work though extensive writing, typically in a long form research paper. This guide covers the major aspects of thesis and capstone projects, including topics, grading criteria, and presentation requirements.

What's the Difference Between a Capstone and a Thesis in Psychology Programs?

While the terms may sometimes be used interchangeably, a capstone and a thesis involve different types of work and feature certain key distinctions. A capstone often occurs as part of an undergraduate program, while a thesis generally occurs at the end of a graduate program. A capstone project attempts to address an issue in the field by applying existing knowledge toward a real-life problem (often in the form of fieldwork). A thesis seeks to create new knowledge through student research, trying to prove or argue a hypothesis, rather than just investigate a topic.

What Is a Capstone Like in Psychology Programs?

Psychology capstone format.

A psychology capstone takes place over the course of multiple semesters. During the first semester, students may lay the groundwork for their projects, determining areas of focus and exploring strategies for research. The next semester involves the completion of the capstone, which may take the form of a research project or an in-depth internship/practicum (or combination of both). Most programs require candidates to complete a research paper or some other type of intensive project, and students typically present their findings to peers and faculty members at the end of the capstone course. Students often complete their capstone independently, though some schools may allow for group work.

Choosing Your Psychology Capstone Topic

Networking with other professionals can serve you well when it comes time to complete your capstone. Again, your capstone may take place in a professional environment where you receive guidance from a supervisor, though a faculty member typically serves as your true capstone adviser. Capstone topics vary as much as the psychology field itself, but they almost always address a contemporary issue in the field that warrants further study.

Completing Your Psychology Capstone

A capstone may take the form of an in-depth research project or an internship or practicum, and you may choose which path to pursue. Regardless, you'll typically design a capstone under the supervision of a faculty member, who must approve your topic and format. To pursue an internship, you must determine an appropriate professional setting. If you already work in the psychology field or a related area, you may be able to intern at your current place of employment. If not, your psychology department should be able to connect you to various professional organizations that offer internship opportunities. When performing an internship, you'll likely need to record your experiences (for later presentation) through a journal or other written means. Some programs may even include seminar courses that enable you to reflect on your internship experiences with other students.

Presenting Your Psychology Capstone

After completing your capstone, many programs require you to present your findings to faculty members and program peers. A faculty panel, composed of a few psychology faculty or other department members, evaluates your presentation and may pose questions or critiques. Classmates in the audience may pose questions as well. Most capstone presentations include a visual element, such as a PowerPoint presentation, though this is not always required. Some programs may open capstone presentations to the public.

How Is a Psychology Capstone Graded?

Most psychology programs provide a rubric that outlines expectations and grading criteria for the capstone so students know what to expect before they present. Some schools may award a letter grade for a capstone, while others grade on a pass or fail basis. If you receive a failing grade, you'll typically be allowed to revise portions of your capstone and resubmit it for reassessment, or you may be required to retake the course and submit another capstone project.

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What Is a Thesis Like in Psychology Programs?

Psychology thesis format.

A thesis typically functions as a comprehensive, research-based paper that addresses a psychology topic. Completion time varies between programs and levels of study, but a thesis typically takes a year or more to complete. In many programs, the process begins with an introductory course that enables you to organize your ideas, develop a research topic, and obtain research methods and strategies. In general, most programs require you to complete your thesis independently, rather than in a group. Many programs also require you to present and defend your thesis.

Choosing Your Psychology Thesis Topic

To complete your thesis, you'll work under the supervision of an adviser -- a faculty or another member of the psychology department who guides you through the process of completing the thesis and who offers regular feedback on research. Networking prior to beginning your thesis can be useful both for establishing professional connections and identifying an appropriate adviser. Psychology thesis topics vary widely depending on your area of specialization, your research interests, and your adviser's field of expertise. A psychology thesis might examine anything from emotion regulation to cognitive performance to the development of intelligence.

Completing Your Psychology Thesis

Completing a thesis involves several steps. First, you'll need to develop a topic, which must be approved by your thesis adviser. Your adviser can work with you to determine whether a topic holds relevance to current psychological research and contains enough depth to sustain serious research. After arriving at a topic and determining the scope of your research, you must then perform your research and begin drafting your thesis.

Throughout the course of writing and research, you'll meet with your adviser to ensure that your thesis stays on track. Your adviser can offer guidance on research strategies, organizational advice, and critiques on your thesis draft, along with general tips for managing your time and workload. The documentation of your thesis research typically takes place entirely through writing, though it may involve other components depending on your area of specialty.

Presenting Your Psychology Thesis

Most programs require you to present your thesis to a small panel of experts (typically faculty and department members) in a process known as a thesis defense. While the name sounds intimidating, the thesis defense often serves as more of a formality, as your adviser will have already offered substantial critique of your work by this point. The thesis committee poses open-ended questions about the scope of your work and its implications to ensure you fully understand your research. Master's thesis presentations are typically closed to the public and may include a visual component, such as a PowerPoint or video presentation.

How Is a Psychology Thesis Graded?

Most programs grade theses on a pass/fail basis, and while some may provide a rubric outlining expectation of your research, it's uncommon to receive a letter grade. Many schools may offer special recognition for particularly strong theses. It's typically not possible to "fail" a thesis, since your adviser will inform you of any major problems and prevent you from presenting your work before it's ready. If the thesis committee determines your research needs more work, you'll typically have the opportunity to revise the project and defend it again at a later date.

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Home > College of Physical Activity and Sport Sciences > Departments > Sport and Exercise Psychology > Sport and Exercise Psychology Graduate Theses and Dissertations

Sport and Exercise Psychology Graduate Theses and Dissertations

Theses/dissertations from 2024 2024.

A Randomized Need-Supportive Intervention with U.S. Youth Hockey Coaches , Diane Benish

Theses/Dissertations from 2023 2023

Living Your Best Life: The Mindful Pursuit of Student-Athlete Thriving , Andrew Augustus

Working with Community Partners in WV: Learning How to Frame Health Equity in Physical Activity Interventions , Karly Marie Casanave-Phillips

How do college student-athletes’ understanding and expectations of mindfulness and self-compassion change through an intervention? , Blake Costalupes

“Building the Roots”: A Delphi Study Examining the Aims of a Multicultural Competency Graduate Course in Sport and Exercise Psychology , Matthew Paul Gonzalez

Exploring the Conceptualizations and Utilizations of Learning Theories in Sport Settings , Kevin R. Lou

Drivers of Change in Mindfulness- and Acceptance-Based Interventions with Athletes: Investigating the Influence of Dosage, Readiness, and Attitudes , Thomas O. Minkler

Theses/Dissertations from 2022 2022

Short-Term International Sport for Development and Peace Programs: A Retrospective Analysis and Critique Informed by Stakeholders’ Perspectives in a Two-Year Follow-Up , Adam Hansell

Theses/Dissertations from 2021 2021

'Deporte y Cambio Social': Women's Empowerment SDP Program in Mexico , Sofia Espana Perez

A Qualitative Study of College Athletes’ Experiences of the COVID-19 Pandemic , Carra Johnson

Meeting the Mental Health Needs of Student-Athletes: A Descriptive Study of Practitioners and their Perspectives , William C. Way III

Theses/Dissertations from 2020 2020

A Phenomenological Photovoice Exploration of Female Exercisers’ Experiences of their Body in Fitness Center Environments , Katherine E. Fairhurst

Exploring the Relationship Between Hardiness and Performance in Collegiate Baseball Players , Kevin R. Lou

Using the social ecological model to build a path analysis model of physical activity in a sample of active US college students , Jonathan J. Stewart

"Yo, I Like Your Walk-Up Song": Music Integration in Professional Baseball Gamedays , Seth Swary

Theses/Dissertations from 2019 2019

Stigma, Attitudes, and Intentions to Seek Mental Health Services in College Student-Athletes , Robert C. Hilliard M.S.

Supporting The Injured Athlete: Coaches’ Perspectives On Providing Social Support , Stefanee Opal Maurice

Being Mindful of Perfectionism and Performance Among Athletes in a Judged Sport , Erika D. Van Dyke

Theses/Dissertations from 2018 2018

Competitive Aggressiveness, Anger, and the Experience of Provocation in Collegiate Athletes , Michael E. Berrebi

Functional Movement Screen Composite Scores for Collegiate Field Club Sport Athletes at One University , Daniel Camillone

Exploring the Use of Sport as a Platform for Health Promotion with Youth in Africa: A Scoping Review. , Adam H. Hansell

Use of Four Predictive Screening Variables for Determination of Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction in Adolescent Soccer Athletes , Brian Hanson

Coaching life skills through sport: An application of the teaching personal and social responsibility model to youth sport in eSwatini , Zenzi Huysmans

Psychosocial Development of Junior Hockey Players , Alexander John Sturges

Theses/Dissertations from 2017 2017

Players' Responses to and Primary Caregivers' Perceptions of Authoritarian and Authoritative Coaching in the Inner-City , Renee Brown

Examining the Impact of a Short-Term Psychological Skills Training Program on Dancers' Coping Skills, Pain Appraisals, and Injuries , Leigh A. Bryant

Changes in Athletes' Anxiety, Anger, and Impulsiveness following Concussion , Megan Byrd

Development of Ethics Education Guidelines for Undergraduate Athletic Training Education Programs , Kaitlynn Cullen

Using a Multi-Omic Approach to Investigate a Diet Intervention in Young Adults at Risk of Disease , Oluremi Ariel Famodu

Approaches to Supervision in Sport Psychology and their Influences on Initial Supervisees' Professional Development , Janaina Lima Fogaca

High School Coaches' Experiences with Openly Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Athletes , Meghan K. Halbrook

#Physical Activity: Influencing Parent Behavior Change Through Social Media , Adam Keath

The Effects of an Exercise and Kinesiotape Intervention on Forward HeadRounded Shoulder Posture and Scapular Dyskinesis , Lucas Klawiter

Student-Athletes' Experiences with Racial Microaggressions in Sport: A Foucauldian Discourse Analysis , Sae-Mi Lee

The Effects of a Six Week Lumbopelvic Control and Balance Training Program in High School Basketball Players , Margaret Long

Thrombospondin-1 and Cd47 Mediate Peripheral Microvascular Dysfunction Following Pulmonary Exposure to Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes , W. Kyle Mandler

The Investigation of Motor Primitives During Human Reaching Movements and the Quantification of Post-Stroke Motor Impairment , Erienne Virginia Olesh

Theses/Dissertations from 2016 2016

The Effect of Lower Extremity Asymmetries on Low Back and Lower Extremity Pain with Pregnancy , Erica Casto

Do Physical Activity, Sedentary Behaviors, and Nutrition Affect Healthy Weight in Middle School Students in an Appalachian Community? Children's Health Opportunities Involving Coordinated Efforts in Schools (CHOICES) Project , Kibum Cho

How Far is Too Far? Understanding Identity and Overconformity in Collegiate Wrestlers , Ashley M. Coker-Cranney

An Examination of Collegiate Athletes', Undergraduate Sport Science Majors', and Athlete Majors' Intent to Pursue Collegiate Coaching as a Career , Lauren Deckelbaum

A preliminary exploration of the application of self-compassion within the context of sport injury , Zenzi Huysmans

Psychosocial Predictors of Resilience in a Military Sample , Anna-Marie C. Jaeschke

Evaluating the Efficacy of Various Modalities to Improve Arterial Stiffness , Corey Moore

The Influence Over Time of Abdominal Strength Changes on Gluteus Maximus Strength , Taylor M. Opperhauser

Use of a Functional Movement Screening Tool to Determine Injury Risk in Collegiate Acrobatics and Tumbling Athletes , Sara E. Spencer

Adherence to Sport Rehabilitation , Kjersti A. Traaen

Theses/Dissertations from 2015 2015

Surgery and Rehabilitation Treatment Options for Ulnar Collateral Ligament Injuries of the Elbow for Baseball Athletes: A Systematic Review , Amanda M. Damm

What elite men's collegiate tennis coaches look for in recruits and how they assess preferred player characteristics , Brandyn H. Fisher

The Influences of Participation in an Elite Paralympic Military Program on the Self-Identity of Active Duty Service Members with Acquired Disabilities , Lindsay M. Hammond

The Influence of Physical Activity on International Students' Cross-Cultural Adjustment: A Qualitative Longitudinal Study , Shuang Li

Becoming a Mindful Sport Psychology Consultant: Defining, Developing, and Integrating Mindfulness into Practice , Michelle M. McAlarnen

Theses/Dissertations from 2014 2014

Certified Athletic Trainers' Abilities to Identify and Refer Athletes with Psychological Symptoms , Marc L. Cormier

Usage of Evidence Based Medicine Resources in Clinically Practicing Athletic Trainers , Kenneth G. Faldetta

Division I College Student-Athlete Career Situation and Attitudes toward Career Counseling , Adrian J. Ferrera

An Evaluation of State Employees' Preferences for Worksite-based Physical Activity, Nutrition, and Stress Management Programs , Peter Kadushin

The use of joint mobilization on mechanical instability deficits for a lateral ankle sprain: A Systematic Review , Kathleen M. Kerecman

The Effect of a Six Week Functional Training Program on Performance Outcomes in Softball , Zachary M. Mohondro

Sport Psychology "App"lication: NCAA Coaches' Preferences for a Mental Training Mobile App , Raymond F. Prior

"It's not just your dad and it's not just your coach..." The dual-role relationship in female tennis players , Olivier N. Schmid

Stoking the Flames of Wellness: An Exploration of Factors that Influence West Virginia Firefighters' Health Behaviors , Chelsea B. Wooding

Theses/Dissertations from 2013 2013

The Influence of Gender on the Peer Leadership-Cohesion Relationship , Michael E. Berrebi

Stressors and Coping Behaviors of Female Peer Leaders Participating in College Club Sports , Leigh A. Bryant

An Exploration of Master's Degree Field Study and Teacher and Student Behavior in P.E , William J. Davis

An Exploratory Investigation of Baseball Coaches' Attitudes and Experiences With Sport Psychology , Jesse D. Michel

Theses/Dissertations from 2012 2012

Using Concept Mapping to Identify Action Steps for Physical Activity Promotion in Cancer Treatment , Sean J. Fitzpatrick

Theses/Dissertations from 2011 2011

At-Risk Student-Athletes and Academic Achievement: Experiences of Successful and Unsuccessful First Year Collegiate Football Players , Samantha J. Monda

A Survey of Bariatric Surgical Patients' Experiences with Behavioral and Psychological Services , Jessica C. Peacock

A tailored wellness intervention for college students using internet-based technology , Alessandro Quartiroli

Theses/Dissertations from 2010 2010

The effects of a walking intervention on self-efficacy for coping with cancer and quality of life among cancer patients during treatment , Sean J. Fitzpatrick

Validity and reliability of accelerometers for examining vertical jump performance , Ryan M. Ruben

Theses/Dissertations from 2009 2009

The evaluation of a nutrition education and fitness program with a contest component among college students using the RE-AIM framework , Michelle L. Bartlett

An individualized multimodal mental skills intervention for college athletes undergoing injury rehabilitation , Jamie L. Shapiro

The role of emotional intelligence on coach-athlete relationships and motivational climate , Eric E. Steege

Theses/Dissertations from 2008 2008

Effectiveness of an educational intervention on the attitudes toward sport psychology of athletic training students , Damien Clement

Impact of a physical activity intervention for weight loss: A qualitative analysis of participant perceptions and expectations , Jessica Anne Creasy

Leadership and organizational culture transformation in professional sport , Joe Frontiera

Motivation in sport: Bridging historical and contemporary theory through a qualitative approach , Daniel J. Leidl

Theses/Dissertations from 2007 2007

Impact of a tailored intervention on coaches' attitudes and use of sport psychology services , Rebecca Zakrajsek

Theses/Dissertations from 2006 2006

Does physical disability truly create impairment in adjustment to college life? , Jennifer R. Hurst

The transtheoretical model and psychological skills training: Application and implications with elite female athletes , Linda Ann Keeler

Theses/Dissertations from 2005 2005

The role of apoptosis in muscle remodeling , Parco Ming-fai Siu

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Psychology Theses and Dissertations

This online database contains the full-text of PhD dissertations and Masters’ theses of Wilfrid Laurier University students from 1982 forward. These documents are made available for personal study and research purposes only, in accordance with the Canadian Copyright Act and the Creative Commons license—CC BY-NC-ND (Attribution, Non-Commercial, No Derivative Works). Under this license, works must always be attributed to the copyright holder (original author), cannot be used for any commercial purposes, and may not be altered. Any other use would require the permission of the copyright holder. Students can choose to withdraw their dissertation and/or thesis from this database. For additional inquiries, please contact the repository administrator via e-mail or by telephone at 519-884-0710 ext. 2073.

Theses/Dissertations from 2024 2024

Grammatical Aspect, Temporal Adverbs, and Situation Models , Valerie Hemeon

The influence of visual perspective on the cognitive effort required for mental representation , Jeffrey P. Hong

Social-Emotional Outcomes in Emerging Adults with ADHD: The Influence of Self-Compassion on Peer Rejection, Rejection Sensitivity, and Psychological Distress , Alia Hussain

Predictors of Canadians’ Psychological Well-Being in Retirement: A Mixed Methods Approach , Jessica Miller

Overcoming the unseen: Understanding diverse Canadian workers’ well-being during the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic , Tyler M. Pacheco

Understanding the Significance of Object Recognition in Cowbirds: Exploring the Interplay of Cognition, Social Behaviour and Reproductive Success , Eric Rushton

Dancing around and through harm: Examining the lived experiences of women of colour with gender-based violence in the Toronto & Kitchener-Waterloo Latin dance communities , Lexi Salt

Addressing Racial Trauma in Psychotherapy , Rajni Sharma


Workplace Wellbeing and Sense of Mattering Among Small and Medium Enterprise Workers in Canada , Kyle Smilovsky

Theses/Dissertations from 2023 2023

Inspirational Bullshit: The Good, the Bad, and the Vacuous , Esther Abel

I am Queer and Asian: The Crossroad of Race and LGBTQIA+ Identity among Queer Asian Canadian Youth and the Impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic , Kenny Chee

Vapourized Cannabis Extract Administration Impairs Memory and Alters Neural Activity in Laboratory Rats , Megan Chladny

Experiences of quality of life among youth experiencing homelessness, mental health problems, and addictions , Wilsy Choudhary

Transformations Towards Just Urban Sustainabilities: A community psychology approach to analyzing and fostering urban changes , Bianca C. Dreyer

A Close Look at the Connections Between Mental-State Talk, Theory of Mind, and Source Monitoring During Parent-Child Reminiscing of Emotional Events , Mallory Earnshaw

Intermittent sucrose access: Sweetness versus calories , Jarret Folmer and Rudy Eikelboom

The Contribution of Phonological Overlap to the Cognate Effect: An Event-Related Potential Study of Persian-English Bilinguals , Zahra Fotovatnia

Still, We Thrive: Understanding How Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Other Men Who Have Sex with Men (GBTMSM) Experience Structural Barriers & Facilitators to Wellness , Lucas Gergyek

The Long-term Effects of Cannabis on Attention to Motion , Rachel McCaig

The Power of Dissent: Mitigating False Polarization and Cross-Party Dislike in Online Interactions , Victoria Parker

Examining the Effects of Noise and Task Dependent Performance in Prosody Perception in Autistic Individuals , Zehranur Sasal

How narcissism relates to perceived conflict and cooperation in social situations , Sydney Sharp

Distinctiveness and Similarity: How the Sub-Trait Facets of the Big Five Self-Organize to Create Personality Types , Jonathan Thiessen

Investigating The Role of Implicit Theories of Relationships on The Interpretation of Investments in Relationship Decision-Making , Sarah Wall

Theses/Dissertations from 2022 2022

Early Predictors: The Impact of Childhood Exposure to Interparental Conflict on Developmental Outcomes for Emotion Self-Regulation and Related Problem Behaviour. , Katrina Abela

Community stress and resilience during covid-19: Assessing the emotional profile of the City of Hamilton using a social media analysis , Senyo Agbeyaka

Relationships Between Executive Functioning, Memory, and Source Judgements on Children’s Responses to Online Advertising , Samantha Barbosa

Impression Management Among Municipal Employees as a Barrier to Engagement: An Explorative Study , Alicia Bevan

Inducing Kindness to Cope with Social Stress: Comparing Self-Compassion with Cognitive Reappraisal , Cortney Burnham

How Narcissism Relates to (Non-) Cooperation , Christopher Chinn

An Examination of External Threats on Romantic Behaviour in People with Low Self-Esteem , Melanie Christoforou

Feeling Fat: Theorizing Intergenerational Body Narratives Through Affect , Katie Cook

B-SURE (Bereavement Support Research): The Differential Experiences of Peer and Professional Support in Grief , Andrea Crowley

The Avian Hippocampal Declarative Memory System , Chelsey C. Damphousse

Thinking About Making a Connection: Exploring the Role of Metacognition in Recognition Memory for Associative Information , Mario E. Doyle

An Exploration on the Barriers to Accessing Mental Health Services Among South Asian Youth , Oeishi Faruquzzaman

“The system is not set up for individuals with FASD”: Lived and Caregiver Perspectives Regarding Current and Ideal Housing Supports for Canadian Adults with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder , Siann Gault

The Electrophysiological Correlates of Text Integration and Direct vs. Indirect Articles: A Centralized and Lateralized Examination , Deanna C. Hall

Exploring individuals’ views on the malleability of their moral self-concept , Steven Hertz

First Language Loss and Maintenance in Adolescents and Young Adults from Immigrant Backgrounds , Wanxin Li


Examining harm reduction in Housing First for youth experiencing homelessness and concurrent mental health and substance use issues , Victoria Rozycki

“What if this happiness doesn’t last forever?”: Stressors faced by racialized SOGIE refugees , Moni Sadri-Gerrior

Using Online Training Modules to Enhance Parents' Early Literacy Training Skills and Understanding , Ayodele Sanni

The Impact of Social Media Influencers on Emerging Adults , Avnee Sharma

Impact of Inducing Self-Compassion on the use of Safety Behaviours in Social Situations , Kamila Szczyglowski

Exploring Intersectional Factors Associated with Mental Health Service Utilization in a Sample of LGBT2Q+ Canadians , Samson Tse

"If we're not loud, we're not cared for": Empowerment in transgender peoples' healthcare experiences , Chase Valiant

When a Seat at the Table is not Enough: A Participatory Action Research Study on Collaborative Partnerships in Ontario Developmental Services Organizations , Kaylagh Vanwyck

Theses/Dissertations from 2021 2021


Sucrose Solution Access Influences Intake Value in Rats , Adam Celejewski

A Tale of Two Tweets: What Factors Predict Forgiveness of Past Transgressions on Social Media? , Andrew Dawson

Bicultural Identity and Academic Achievement: The Second-Generation Immigrant Student Experience , Karimeh Haddad

Rainbow Writes: Peer-Led Creative Writing Groups’ Potential for Promoting 2SLGBTQ+ Youth Wellbeing , Ceilidh Harrison

Reducing Anticipatory Anxiety: Does Values-Affirmation Increase Self-Compassion? , elena harwood

A Low Self-Esteem Perspective on Support Provision , Alexandra Hirniak

How Did We Learn About Sex? —— Sex Education and Sexual Health in Chinese Youth , Yujuan Liu

The Perceived Deservingness of Narcissistic Individuals , Danielle Lynch

To Like or to Want? Exploring the Psychobiological Processes of Human Food Reward , Angela Mastroianni

Microaggressions and Microaffirmations Experienced by LGBTQ2S+ People with Disabilities , Kathleen McKee

Investigating the Use of Mental-State Talk in Parent-Child Joint Reminiscing and Storytelling on Children’s Source Monitoring , Holly Autumn Nelson

Reading in Kapampangan, Filipino, and English: A Look at Multilingual Children in an Economically Challenging Philippine Community , Portia Padilla

Investigating the Inhibition of the Return of Attention in the Tactile Domain , Robert Plax


Is it just a dream? How attributions for successful and unsuccessful social mobility attempts maintain the myth of the American Dream , Erin Shanahan

Cambridge-North Dumfries Ontario Health Team: An Exploratory Evaluation of Service Integration Planning , Megan Strazds-Esenbergs

"Learning" to Feel Valued: Exploring the Impact of Community Service Learning on Student Mattering and Mental Health , Emily Weatherhead

Attained and Retained Employment of Employees with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities in Ontario , Michelle Willson

Theses/Dissertations from 2020 2020

A Housing First Model for Youth and its Relation to Social Integration , Alexandra Amiri

A program implementation fidelity assessment of a Housing First program in Ontario , Steven Bigioni

Positive Wellbeing Among University Students from Diverse Communities: A Place-Based Approach , Kevin Bonnell

Examining Gender Differences in Perceptions of Pay Negotiation and Remuneration Among Late-Adolescents , Meghan Borg

Domain-Specific Self-Compassion in Individuals High versus Low in Social Anxiety , Leah Brassard

Social Transition, Coming Out, and Challenging Transnormativity: Non-Binary Experiences in Healthcare , Drew Burchell

There is No Free: An Indigenous Informed Perspective on Free, Prior and Informed Consent , Nicole Burns

The Inclusive Nature of Mindfulness-Based Practice: Does Executive Functioning Play a Role in Children's Mindful Experience? , Kaitlyn Butterfield

Well-being, discrimination, and self-management among racialized LGBQ+ newcomers living in Waterloo Region, Ontario , Emily Cox

Exploring Young ACB Women’s Experiences of Navigating Sexual Health in the Greater Toronto Area. , Natasha Afua Darko


Picture This: The Effect of Imagery Perspective on Affective Forecasting , Giselle Durand

Be Kind to Your Mind: A Randomized Controlled Trial Comparing the Benefits of Mindfulness and Self-Compassion vs. Social Skills Training Among Children and Adolescents , Lindsey Feltis

Using Our Past to Predict Our Future: Applying Reference Class Forecasting to Debias Individual Project Completion Predictions , Rebecca Friesdorf

What Makes an Image Memorable? Effects of Encoding on the Mechanism of Recognition , Asiya Gul

The role of life events in older women's psychosocial development and well-being , Taylor Hill

The Effects of Dorsal Lateral Telencephalon Lesions on Zebrafish Social Behaviour , Hailey Katzman

Narrating a Conscientization journey on Crime Prevention through Social Development , Carlos Luis Zatarain

Examining the longer-term impact of a home-visiting intervention program on the school readiness skills of English language learners in kindergarten , Michelle McCann

Age, Access, and Sweets-Motivation , Gehan Senthinathan

Reducing Meat Consumption: Drawing on Participatory Action Research to Explore Ways of Engaging in a Process of Meat Consumption Reduction , Brittany Spadafore

Transforming relations: Anishnawbe Natural Law in the “Ring of Fire” , Darren Thomas

Narcissistic worldview: How narcissism relates to perceptions of conflict and exploitative behaviour , Nicola Urquhart

(Subjective) Time Heals All Wounds: The Competing Roles of Objective and Subjective Time in Reactions to Past Events , Sarah L. Williams

An Evaluation of the Timeline as a Memory Retrieval Aid for Children’s Recall of Specific Details from a Repeated Event , Huan Huan Zhang

Theses/Dissertations from 2019 2019

Connectedness to Nature and Pro-Environmental Behaviour from Early Adolescence to Adulthood: A Comparison of Urban and Rural Canada , Daniel Anderson

Free, Prior, and Informed Decision-Making About Proposed Development on Indigenous Territories in Northern Ontario , Courtney Arseneau


Started from the future now we're here: The effect of planning direction on motivation , Kaylee Boulton


Neurogenesis and Hippocampus- and Olfactory-Dependent Learning in the Goto-Kakizaki Rat , Alanna Chalk

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Educational and Psychological Studies Theses and Dissertations

Theses/dissertations from 2023 2023.

Exploring Time-Varying Extraneous Variables Effects in Single-Case Studies , Ke Cheng

Investigating Self-Regulation for Motivation and Creativity in Entrepreneurship: A Qualitative Study , Maham Khan

Identifying Contributors to Disproportionality: The Influence of Perception on Student Social, Emotional, and Academic Behavior Ratings , Chelsea Salvatore

Transformation Zone Schools and School Change Processes: Experiences of Families , Jesse Strong

Using Social Network Analysis to Measure and Visualize Student Clustering Within Middle and High Schools , Geoffrey David West

Theses/Dissertations from 2022 2022

Psychometric Characteristics of Academic Language Discourse Analysis Tools , Courtney (Cici) Brianna Claar

Hope 4 Boys: The Impact of a Youth Diversion Program , Justine C. Connolly

Promoting Subjective Well-Being In Middle School: Role Of Internalizing And Externalizing Behaviors In A Targeted Positive Psychology Intervention , Letty Langton DiLeo

The Impact of Teachers’ Treatment Fidelity to the Good Behavior Game on Problem Behaviors Exhibited within a Self-Contained Classroom Setting , Jennifer M. Hodnett

Distributed Leadership: Formal Leadership, Barriers, and Facilitators for Multi-Tiered Systems of Support , Joseph D. Latimer

Development and Initial Validation of the Parent and Family Engagement in Higher Education Measure , Michelle R. Mcnulty

Theses/Dissertations from 2021 2021

Mobile Response Teams and the Youth Emergency Behavioral Health System , Paige J. Alitz

Changes in Educator Attitudes Related to Trauma-Informed Care , Amira Mattison Boylston

Sleep Hygiene Practices and Subjective Well-Being as Predictors of High School Students' Obtaining Sufficient Sleep During the School Week , Erin M. Brennan

A Longitudinal Examination of Coping and Subjective Well-Being Among High School Students in Accelerated Curricula , Hannah L. Gilfix

Retaining and Supporting Graduate Racially Minoritized Students: A Critical Analysis , Patricia Y. Gills

Educators’ Sensemaking of Data within an MTSS Framework: An Exploratory Case Study , Stephanie Marie Green

A Multi-faceted Approach to Understanding Acceptability of DOCS K-5: A Qualitative Analysis , Andrea Guarnieri

Predictors of Goal Attainment Among High School Students in Accelerated Academic Curricula Receiving School-Based Motivational Interviewing Intervention , Camille E. Hanks

Parent Engagement in an Online Behavioral Parent Training Program: A Case Study , Natalie A. Hofmann Leedy

An Investigation of the HOT DOCS Guide for Weekly Early Intervention Sessions: A Multiple Baseline Design , Cashea Holyfield

Native and Non-native English-speaking Doctoral Students' Strategies to Understand Idiomatics in Comics and Comic Strips , Himelhoch Luz-Aydé

Impact of Starting Right, Now on Unaccompanied Homeless Youth’s Mental Health and School Engagement , Camille A. Randle

Sharing Their Stories: A Qualitative Investigation of Adolescents’ Inpatient Experiences During Psychiatric Hospitalization , Jessica L. Rice

School Nurses’ Attitudes and Perceptions Toward Supporting Students with Chronic Health Conditions in an Ecological System , Destiny L. Singleton

Exploring Educators' Sensemaking Of Statewide Professional Learning For Educational Decision-Making Within An MTSS , Sarah E. Thoman

Relationship Between Working with Professional Evaluators and an Organization’s Evaluation Culture , James M. Wharton

Impacts of Model Misspecification on Individual-Level Differential Item Functioning Detection in Multilevel Data Using Hierarchical Generalized Linear Model , Yue Yin

Theses/Dissertations from 2020 2020

Counseling Clients with Traumatic Brain Injury: Exploring Counselors’ Perceived Knowledge, Comfort, and Self-Awareness , Michelle Bradham-Cousar

Predictive Validity of Standards-based and Curriculum-embedded Assessments for Predicting Readiness at Kindergarten Entry , Elizabeth Ashton DeCamilla

Parent Perceptions of the Acceptability, Effectiveness, and Experience of Engaging in the Group Stepping Stones Triple P Intervention for Parents of Children with Disabilities , Tara B. Delach

Longitudinal Examination of a Dual-Factor Model of Mental Health: Academic Adjustment and Stability of Group Membership in High School Students in Academically Accelerated Curricula , Letty Langton DiLeo

Examining Role Breadth, Efficacy, and Attitudes Toward Trauma-Informed Care in Elementary School Educators , Mikayla J. Drymond

Identifying the Academic and Emotional Risk and Resource Factors of Underrepresented Students in Accelerated Coursework , Jasmine L. Gray

Performance Based Funding and the Florida State University System: An Exploratory Analysis , Laura A. Hoffman

Distributed Leadership: Leadership Teams and Implementing Multi-Tiered Systems of Support , Joseph D. Latimer

The Gentle Artist: Empowering Warrior-Scholars through the Physical Feminism of Jiu-Jitsu , E. Emily Mahoney

Facilitating Early Intervention Through Teacher Training in Brief Functional Behavior Assessment , Casie L. Peet

Adolescent Asthma and School Disparities: An Ecological Perspective of Students and Stakeholders , Tali Schneider

Intensive Longitudinal Data Analyses and Sample Size Considerations in Intervention Studies with Dynamic Structural Equation Modeling , Zhiyao Yi

Theses/Dissertations from 2019 2019

Exploring the Behavior of Model Fit Criteria in the Bayesian Approximate Measurement Invariance: A Simulation Study , Abeer Atallah S. Alamri

Ethnic Identity as a Protective Factor in Early Adolescent Youth Depression: An Investigation of Differences by Race and Gender , Leah Bonilla

Validating the Construct of Resiliency in the Health Literacy and Resiliency Scale (HLRS-Y) with the Child and Youth Resiliency Measure (CYRM-28) , Mercedes N. Cambric

MTSS Implementation in High Schools: Expert and Stakeholder Perspectives , Julie Daye

Promoting Healthy Sleep Practices Among Parents of Young Children: A Preliminary Randomized Controlled Trial , Kristin Lynn Edwards

An Examination of the Roles of Classroom Quality and Approaches to Learning on the Early Academic Skills of Latino Dual Language Learners Enrolled in Head Start , Marcela A. Galicia

Character Strengths of Ninth Grade Students in Accelerated Curricula: A Mixed-Methods Investigation , Hannah L. Gilfix

Play Behaviors in Latino Dual Language Learners: The Relationship between Maternal Characteristics and Classroom Peer Play , Olivia Hernandez Gonzalez

Demographic Predictors and Reasons for Chronic Absenteeism amongst Secondary Students with Disabilities , Cashea Holyfield

Statistical Models to Test Measurement Invariance with Paired and Partially Nested Data: A Monte Carlo Study , Diep Thi Nguyen

Cognitivism in School Psychologists’ Talk about Cultural Responsiveness: A Critical Discourse Analysis , Sujay Sabnis

Investigating the Effects of Motivational Interviewing compared to Action Planning on Supporting the Emotional and Academic Success of Ninth Grade Students in Advanced Placement Classes , Kai Zhuang Shum

Supporting Students with Chronic Health Conditions: An Evaluation of School Nurses’ Collaborative Practices with School Psychologists , Destiny L. Singleton

Evaluation of the Psychometric Properties of the Systems Coaching Survey , Sarah E. Thoman

Theses/Dissertations from 2018 2018

Transitions to Preschool Special Education: The Relationship of Child, Family, and Early Intervention Characteristics , Tara B. Delach

Smart Start for Trauma: A Multiple Baseline Design , Sarah E. Dickinson

Sleep Disorders in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Pilot Study of an Assessment of Pediatric Providers' Practices and Perceptions , Kristin Lynn Edwards

A Longitudinal Analysis of the Effect of the Starting Right, Now Program on Unaccompanied Homeless Adolescents' Well-Being , Emily E. Esposito

Case Study of a Collaborative Approach to Evaluation Within a School District Central Office , Oriana Eversole

Application of the Fusion Model for Cognitive Diagnostic Assessment with Non-diagnostic Algebra-Geometry Readiness Test Data , Robert H. Fay


Resisting Essentialism in Cultural Research: A Participatory Action Research Study of Parent Involvement in Education among Spanish-Speaking Students and Families , Michael J. Frank

Assessing Readiness to Seek Formal Mental Health Services: Development and Initial Validation of the Mental Health Belief Model Assessment (MHBMA) , Jennifer A. Greene

Relationship between Extracurricular Activity Involvement and Student Success Among High School Students in Accelerated Academic Curricula , Camille E. Hanks

Improving Elementary Students’ Complete Mental Health: Examining the Added Impact of a Teacher-Focused Strengths-Based Intervention , Mollie Mccullough Headley

The Intervention Path: The Experiences of Mothers Seeking Help for Their Child with Atypical Behavioral Development , Renee Hoopes

The Experience of Coparenting Within the Parameters of Divorce: Perspectives from Parents of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder , Nycole C. Kauk

Missing Data in Complex Sample Surveys: Impact of Deletion and Imputation Treatments on Point and Interval Parameter Estimates , Anh Pham Kellermann

Adult College Students' Perceptions about Learning Mathematics via Developmental Mathematical xMOOCs , Pelagia Alesafis Kilgore

Parent-Child Interaction Therapy for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: An Analysis of Behavioral Patterns and Treatment Barriers , Kimberly A. Knap

A Participatory Action Research using Photovoice to Explore Well-Being in Young Adults with Autism , Gary Yu Hin Lam

Behavior Change for Children Participating in Parent-Child Interaction Therapy: A Growth Curve Analysis , Kayla LaRosa

Eustress in Advanced Placement (AP) and International Baccalaureate (IB) Students , Amanda C. Moseley

Teacher Perceptions of Students with Conduct Problems With and Without Callous Unemotional Traits , Casie L. Peet

Adolescents’ Perceptions of Parenting Practices and their Influence on Success, Academic Motivation, and School Belonging , David Rubio Jr.

An Application of the Dual Factor Model of Mental Health in Elementary School Students: Implications for Social Functioning and Psychopathology , Nicholas David W. Smith

Reduce Challenging Behaviors and Enhance Functioning in Youth with an Intellectual Disability: A Meta-Analysis of Behavioral Interventions Using Single Case Design , Brett A. Stone

Early Identification Of Students In Accelerated Curricula With Signs Of Academic And Emotional Risk: Working With Teachers To Identify At-Risk Students , Elizabeth D. Storey

Covariates in Factor Mixture Modeling: Investigating Measurement Invariance across Unobserved Groups , Yan Wang

Classroom Support and Students’ Subjective Well-Being: A Mixed-Methods Investigation , Emily J. Wingate

Predictive Validity of Florida’s Postsecondary Education Readiness Test , Alisa Murphy Žujović

Theses/Dissertations from 2017 2017

Faculty Perceptions of the Quality Enhancement Plan in a US Public Doctoral University with Highest Research Activity: A Case Study , Maha Alamoud

Benchmarks of Equality? School-Wide Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports and School Discipline Risk and Disparities for Black and Hispanic Students , Christopher M. Barclay

Associations between Ethnic Identity, Academic Efficacy, Achievement Goals and School Belonging among Early Adolescents , Leah Bonilla

The Relationship between Chronic Health Conditions and Health Literacy, Resiliency and Support/Self-advocacy in Youth , Mercedes N. Cambric

Exploring the Test of Covariate Moderation Effect and the Impact of Model Misspecification in Multilevel MIMIC Models , Chunhua Cao

The Empirical Selection of Anchor Items Using a Multistage Approach , Brandon Craig

An Evaluation of IDEA Part C Interventionists’ Knowledge and Use of Evidence-Based Practices for Young Children with Challenging Behavior , Sarah Elizabeth Dickinson

Traumatic Brain Injury in Adolescence: The Relationship between High School Exiting and Future Productivity , Jeffrey S. Garofano

Promoting Happiness in Elementary Schoolchildren: Evaluation of a Multitarget, Multicomponent Classwide Positive Psychology Intervention , Brittany Valle Hearon

Students with Disabilities at Risk: Predictors of On-Time Graduation , Kelli S. Henson

Predictors of Behavior Problems in the Context of Peer Play Interactions: A Sample of Low-Income Latino Preschoolers , Olivia Hernandez Gonzalez

Parent Perceptions of Treatment Effectiveness and Attendance Rates in a Behavioral Parent Training Program: Do They Predict Treatment Outcomes for Children? , Natalie A. Hofmann Leedy

Robustness of the Within- and Between-Series Estimators to Non-Normal Multiple-Baseline Studies: A Monte Carlo Study , Seang-Hwane Joo

Extending the Model with Internal Restrictions on Item Difficulty (MIRID) to Study Differential Item Functioning , Yong "Isaac" Li

Health Literacy, Depression, Anxiety, and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder as Predictors of Biological Markers of Immune Functioning in Youth and Young Adults with HIV , Courtney A. Lynn

The Common Core State Standards and the Elementary Social Studies Curriculum: A Case Study of Teacher Perceptions in Florida , Kacie M. Nadeau

The performance of Multilevel Structural Equation Modeling (MSEM) in comparison to Multilevel Modeling (MLM) in multilevel mediation analysis with non-normal data , Thanh Vinh Pham

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Psychology Master’s Theses Abstracts Industrial/Organizational Psychology

Psychology master’s theses abstracts industrial/organizational psychology.

Photo of Masters Program Graduates

Click on authors’ names below for abstracts (lists goes back to 1999/2000)   

Summer 2021

Lyman, Kyle    Work to Live, or Live to Work?  Work-Life Programs and Career Consequences: The Role of Supervisor Perception  

Summer 2019  

Rehmann, Catherine     Benevolent Sexism in the Workplace: The Impact on Affect, Behavior, Cognition, and Performance   

Fall 2018  

Cheban, Yuliya         The Impact of Cultural Resilience on Affect and Performance in Organizational Settings     

Summer 2018    

Oleman, Whitney      The Effect of Leadership Development Interventions on Engineering Program Alumni     

Spring 2018    

Kautz, Brian      The Self-Correcting Workplace: The Impacts of Continuance Commitment and Job Autonomy on the Relationship between Job Dissatisfaction and Creativity      

Fall 2016    

Gergis, Christina    Perceived Effectiveness of the O*NET Skills Search Tool in Identifying Potential Occupations for Individuals with High Functioning Autism    

Good, Stephanie     Expanding the Typical Employment Options for High-Functioning Individuals on the Autism Spectrum using Occupational Interest Theory and a Web-Based Job Search Tool     

Spring 2016

DeYoung, Mindy Does Giving Contingent Rewards Improve Training Effectiveness and Change Professional Social Website Behaviors

Odom, Brianna Helping or Hurting?  The Effects of Manipulated Levels of Sexism on Third Party Perceptions of Interviewee Hireability and Managerial Potential

Summer 2015

Gentz, Rachel The Effect of Non-Engaging vs Engaging Training Methods on the Acceptance of Sexual Harassment Myths

Kim, Eugene           Displays of Counterproductive Work Behaviors on Facebook: An Observation of Possible Predictors Including Mood, Stress, and Gender     

Manderson, Cameron        Life Stress, Work Stress, and Job Performance: Does Conscientiousness Make a Difference?

Solhjou, Maryam       The Effects of Cognitive interventions on Well-Being in the Workplace

Quigley, Jennifer Let’s Work: Employment Experiences of Adults with Developmental Disabilities

Tucker, Kvon The Effects of Ethnic Identity, Ethnicity and Ethnic Identifiers on Job Suitability Ratings

Summer 2014

Galleta, John Andrew            From Injustice to Retaliation: The Mediating Role of Identity Threat     

Smith, Matthew      Employment Affect of Working Adults with Developmental Disabilities      

Spring 2014

Kruk, Allix        The Impact of Theoretical-Based Training Method of Performance on Training Professional Social Networking Use

Nam, Sophia      Do You Agree with This Critique?  An Analysis of the Impacts of Feedback, Feedback Acceptance, and Fairness Perceptions of Performance      

Ramirez, Cinthia      Perceived Efficacy of the O*Net Skills Search Tool Among Individuals with High Functioning Autism      

Herrera, Ariel Alexander   Workplace Retaliation in Groups: The Impact of Narcissism and Referent Status 

Summer 2013

El-Ahraf, Hadeel   Effects of Rater Ethnicity and Acculturation on Ratings of Middle Eastern Resumes

Spring 2013

Garman, Anya Increasing the Effectiveness of Sexual Harassment Prevention through Learner Engagement

Nguyen, Quoc Tim   Modeling Completion at a Community College

Winter 2013

Fisher, Catherine “Tina” Increasing Organizationzal Commitment by Inducing P-O Fit Through Organizational Values Awareness Training

Kim, Joan A Longitudinal Study on the Relationship between Workplace Harassment and Cyberloafing

Kuls, Michaela Single-Item vs. Multiple-Item: An Examination of Validity and the Impact of Mood in Measuring Construct

Low, Sze Zen Workplace Harassment and Counterproductive Work Behaviors: A Daily Diary Investigaton

Tietze, Brandon Developing an Automated Task-Based Minimum Qualification System to Lower Erroneous Rejection and Adverse Impact

Summer 2012

Eslamian, Sanaz Using Social Media to Increase Employment Changes among College Students

Jurica, Michelle Napping in the Workplace as an Invisible Stigma: The Moderating Roles of Raters’ Nap Habit, Work Ethic, and Organizational Policy

Smith, Jenni The Work Expectations of Individuals with Developmental Disabilities

Valle, Carlos The Effectiveness of Employment Interview Coaching: A Meta-Analysis 

Wahl, Stephanie Future Employment of Individuals with a Developmental Disability: Parent Expectations 

Spring 2012

Charboneau, Norma He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not: A Look at Ambivalent Sexism and its Impact on Peer Evaluations of Interviewee Competency and Likability

Luu, Lap The Counteractive Effects of Moods on Organizational Retaliation Behavior in Reaction to Injustice in the Workplace 

Spicer, Rana Motivating Volunteers and Increasing Satisfaction 

Cool, Michael Increasing Survey Response Rates Through Appeals, Pre-Notices, and Reminders

Stokely, Rebekah Preceived Effectiveness of Interview Coaching Workshops: An Investigation of Differences in Workshop Content and Brevity

Tekonen, Hanna The Impact of Item Type on Faking Overt Integrity Items

Spring 2011

Arenales, Milady Case Managers’ Employment Expectations for Adults with Developmental Disabilities

Mills, Lindsey Emotional Labor and Counterproductive Work Behaviors: The Moderating Role of Trait Rumination

McAbee, Samuel The Impact of Manipulated Fairness Perceptions on the Measurement of Organizational Justice

Castiglione, Abigail Counterproductive Work Behaviors: The Role of Employee Support Policies, Envy, and Narcissism

Palacios, Jr, Jorge Job Role Ambiguity as a Mediator Between Workplace Communication and Positive Work Outcomes

Saedi, Brandon Training College Students to Increase Employment Opportunity Using Social Networking Websites

Summer 2010

Kato, Nami Psychological Acculturation, Organizational Socialization and Organizational Commitment: The Case of Japanese Brazilians Working in Japan

Linke, John Perceived Parental Support as a Predictor of Vietnamese American Academic Achievement

Miller, David Outcomes of Psychological Contract Breach and Violation

Nabity, Jeffrey The Bystander Approach to Sexual Harassment Training: Considering a New Perspective

Walters, Sarah Ethnicity, Job Experience, and Interview Ratings

Spring 2010

Maguin, Jennifer A Meta-Analysis of Interpersonal Trust and Team Performance

Norton, Sharon The Effects of Leadership-Efficacy and Personality on Reactions to Stress

Ahnefeld, Karoline The Development and Validation of a Nonviolent Communication Situational Judgment Test (NVC-SJT) for the Workplace

del Carmen Lopez, Maria Effects of Training Intervention on Hiring Discrimination and Rater Prejudice

Summer 2009

Kurtis, Kimberly Minority College Student Attitudes Towards the Geological Sciences: Unearthing Barriers to Enrollment

Ledford-Yang, Tiffanie Culture and Preferred Workplace Conflict Resolution Strategies

Sarkissian, Lara An Examination of Course-Level Factors Contributing to Student Success

Winter 2009

Venegas, Jennifer Effectiveness of an Intervention to Increase Employees’ Awareness of Frequency and Seriousness of Cyberloafing

Dickson, Jennifer Reality in Recruitment: Realistic Job Previews and Individual Differences

Ruleford, Mallory Effects of Class Size and Enrollment Growth Incentives on Faculty Performance

Wada, Akane Retaliation Behavior in the Group Context: Responses to Perceived Justice

Summer 2008

Abulhusn, Karla A. The Effects of Exposure, Cognitive Ability and Interview Self-Efficacy on Employment Interview Performance

Lurie, Sarah B. The Morning Commute: The Moderating Effects of Locus of Control and Organizational Commitment on Employees’ Perceived Commuting Strain

Tzschatzsch, Annika The Effects of Organizational, Supervisor and Coworker Support on Perceived Job Stress and Attitudinal Outcomes

Spring 2008

Escobedo, Matthew Applicant Anxiety and Selection Interview Performance: A Meta-Analysis

Ha, Truc Mai The Fluctuating Bandwidth of Change Management: Factors that Impact Employee Resistance to Workplace Technology

Lewis, Margaret Classroom Intervention to Facilitate Students’ Questions

Ahdoot, Joseph Email Overload: Information Overload and Other Negative Effects of Email Communication

Rivera, Steve A. Identifying an Optimal Job Analysis Method for Synthetic Validation Studies

Smith, Whitney E. Interviewee Perceptions of Structured and Unstructured Interview Questions

Summer 2007

Davis, Kimberly Anne A Meta-Analysis on the Relationship Between Measures of Commute Span and Strain

Spring 2007

Mensinger, Meggan S. An Investigation into the Impact of Organizational Variables on the Impostor Phenomenon

Summer 2006

Leung, Lisa Using Perfectionism, Impostor Phenomenon and Occupational Field to Predict Job Burnout

Spring 2006

Long, Ryan How Personality and Rewards Interact to Impact Performance and Satisfaction

O’Connor, Brendan The Effects of Awareness of Test Process and Competencies Assessed on Applicant Interview Performance

Aguilar, Steven Performance Effects of Gender, Extraversion, and Need for Achievement on Boredom Proneness

Bailey, Wendi A Comparison of Corporate Reputation as Perceived by Internal and External Stakeholders

Olson, Kristin Performance Feedback: The Impact of Personality and Communication Mediumon Recipient Satisfaction and Fairness Perceptions

Summer 2005 

Wright, W. Douglass Casual Attributions and Interactional Justice as Moderators of the Relationship Between Perceived Psychological Contract Breach and Critical Employee Outcomes

Spring 2005

Costello, Kim The Influence of Team Design Characteristics and Personality Traitson Short-Term Film Productions’ Effectiveness

Hammond, Kandice Learning Styles, Self-Efficacy, and Training Delivery: Investigating Factors That Enhance Learning

Winter 2005

St. Clair, Alta Characterizations Ascribed to Male Executives, Female Executives and the Ideal Executive

Kaminski, Kelly An Examination of Applicant Preparation for Assessment Centers

Summer 2004

Bastian, Briana Work/Family Benefits Preferences: Assessing Differences by Gender and Ethnic Minority Status

Chan, Linda The Effects of Ethnic Diversity of LMX, Job Satisfaction, and Organizational Commitment

Croker, Rosee The Effect of Leadership Style on Employee Work Ethic

Spring 2004

Furumoto, Akira The Effect of Use of Impression Management on the Performance Rating of Affirmative Action Beneficiaries

Nguyen, Angela-Minhtu The Mediational Role of Mentoring in the Acculturation-Career Satisfaction Relationship for Asian/Pacific Islander American Faculty

Piffero, Alysia Range Restriction of Ratings: The Impact of Rater Differences

Wolf, Ilan Extrinsic Motivation as a Moderator of Gender Role Stereotypes and Career Choice

Stevens, Christopher Perceptions of the Work Environment: Role of Negative Affectivity and Spiritual Beliefs

Spring 2003

Dourigan, Allison Examining Sources of Validity, Adverse Impact, and Procedural Justice in an Assessment Center

Nielsen, Kristin The Effects of Gender-Role Congruent and Gender-Role Incongruent Leaders on Personnel Rater Perceptions

Yu, Janie Test-Taking Motivation and Impression Management on Overt Integrity Tests and Subtests

Summer 2002

Grimes, Catherine Socialization of Newcomers: An Investigation of Tactic Use and Related Outcomes

Herst, DiAnn More than an Apple a Day: The Effects of Personal Characteristics and Coping Strategies on Teacher Stress and Burnout

Vasconcellos, Chad The Moderating Effects of Self-Esteem and Locus of Control on the Relationship between Objective Job Characteristics and Perceived Job Characteristics

Spring 2002

Moore, Andrew The Heritability of Sexual Orientation and Occupational Choice

Scheinoha, Tricia Examining Individual Differences in Pay Structures and Pay Satisfaction

Thomas, Kristy The Relationship of Generation X Work Values to Job Involvement and Organizational Commitment

Winter 2002

White, Duane Emotional Intelligence and Self-Monitoring: Determiners of Influence Tactic Choice

Mineghino, Mary Ann An Empirical Study of the Relationship Between Role Stress and Empowerment in Front-Line Managers and Workers

Summer 2001

Dolden, Stacy An Examination of the Moderating Role of Perceived Support for Innovation on Leader-Member Exchange, Team-Member Exchange, and Individual Level Work Outcomes

Doss, Sangeeta A Service Quality Comparison Between Electronic Banking Users and Nonusers

Hoffman, Lori Perceived System Knowledge and Its Relationship to Organizational Citizenship Behavior

Spring 2001

Heinbuch, Danielle Educational Assistance and Organizational Commitment Influencing Turnover Intentions

Jankowski, Rebecca Sex Stereotypes in Transformational and Transactional Leadership Ratings

Lonergan, Dale The Interaction of Trainee Perceived Expectations of Themselves and the Trainer on Learning and Reaction to Training (Self-Efficacy and the Reverse Pygmalion Effect)

Primicias, Wesley Studying Ethnic Differences in Socialization, Job Satisfaction, and Organizational Commitment

Timmons, Sarah Computerphobia and Computer-Associated Stress in the Workplace

Summer 2000

Arnoldus, Michael Effects of Locus of Control and Type A Behavior on Selecting of Conflict Handling Styles

DeMaci, Christopher Feng Shui and Psychology: Situational and Individual Predictors of Dominance

Gulak, Lori Compressed Workweeks, Commuting, and Life and Job Satisfaction

Mallery, Faith An Investigation of Need for Achievement and Self-Monitoring on Feedback-Seeking Strategies

Pasanen, Sanna Emotional Intelligence, Conscientiousness and Integrity as Predictors of Organizational Citizenship Behavior

Sterling, Hillary The Influence of Gender and Career Salience on College Students’ Desire for Work/Life Benefits

Spring 2000

Dickerson, Andra Risk Perceptions and Y2K Readiness

Howard, Lara The Effects of Age and Intrinsic Motivation on the Probability of Career Change

Mosconi, Victor Personality Differences in Stress Coping Strategies

Newlon, Candace Effects of Procedural Justice and Self-Efficacy on Acceptance of Merit Pay

Winter 2000

Allen, Donald The Influence of Environment on Job Interview Ratings with Potential Moderation by Personality Variables

Flaxman, Gary Work-Family Conflict as a Mediator between Family Responsive Policies and Job Outcomes

Mendez, Margarita Leader-Member Exchange as Moderator of the Job Dissatisfaction-Communication Response Relationship

Menges, Michele Interactional Justice as a Mediator between Emotional Intelligence and Work-Related Attitudes


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psychology master thesis example

  • Affiliation: College of Arts and Sciences, Department of Psychology and Neuroscience
  • Forecasting binary outcomes with small sample sizes presents unique challenges, particularly in the field of psychology where individual-level predictions are crucial. This dissertation evaluates various forecasting methods from traditional statistical models to machine learning approaches: ARMA, Elastic Net, Support Vector Machine, Random Forest, Extreme Gradient Boosting, Naive Bayes, and Long Short-Term Memory, in addition to two heterogeneous ensemble methods. Simulated data sets designed to mimic real-world psychological phenomena serve as the basis for testing each method's performance, focusing on their ability to forecast binary outcomes with a small number of observations from 20 to 60. Two empirical examples are further investigated to examine if the same inferences made based on the simulation study carry out and demonstrate practical applications. The findings suggest that while no single method universally outperforms others, certain models offer significant advantages depending on specific data characteristics and outcome variables. It underscores the importance of carefully considering the underlying data structure, the presence of class imbalance, the impact of nuisance covariates and missing data, and potential confounders, when choosing the most appropriate model.
  • Quantitative psychology
  • https://doi.org/10.17615/jkfe-fm10
  • Dissertation
  • In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
  • Gates, Kathleen
  • Bollen, Kenneth
  • Gonzalez, Oscar
  • Daughters, Stacey
  • Lin, Feng-Chang
  • Doctor of Philosophy
  • University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Graduate School

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  • Accountancy and Control (master)
  • Accountancy and Control (premaster)
  • Actuarial Science (bachelor)
  • Actuarial Science and Mathematical Finance (master)
  • American Studies (master)
  • Ancient Studies (bachelor)
  • Arabische taal en cultuur (bachelor)
  • Arbeidsrecht (master)
  • Archaeology (master)
  • Archaeology (premaster)
  • Archaeology (bachelor), EN
  • Archaeology and Heritage (research master)
  • Archeologie (bachelor), NL
  • Archival and Information Studies (duale master)
  • Art and Performance Research Studies (research master)
  • Artificial Intelligence (master)
  • Bèta-gamma (bachelor)
  • Bioinformatics and Systems Biology (master, joint degree)
  • Biological Sciences (master)
  • Biologie (bachelor)
  • Biomedical Sciences (master)
  • Biomedische wetenschappen (bachelor)
  • BMS: Cell Biology and Advanced Microscopy (master)
  • BMS: Cognitive Neurobiology and Clinical Neurophysiology (master)
  • BMS: Developmental and Therapeutic Biology (master)
  • BMS: Experimental Internal Medicine (master)
  • BMS: Infection and Immunity (master)
  • BMS: Medical Biochemistry and Biotechnology (master)
  • BMS: Molecular Neurosciences (master)
  • BMS: Oncology (master)
  • BMS: Physiology of Synapses and Networks (master)
  • BMS: Psychopharmacology and Pathophysiology (master)
  • Boekwetenschap (master)
  • Boekwetenschap (schakelprogramma)
  • Brain and Cognitive Sciences (research master)
  • BS: Ecology and Evolution (master)
  • BS: Freshwater and Marine Biology (master)
  • BS: General Biology (master)
  • BS: Green Life Sciences (master)
  • Business Administration (bachelor)
  • Business Administration (master)
  • Business Administration (premaster)
  • Business Analytics (bachelor)
  • Business Economics (master)
  • Business Economics (premaster)
  • Chemistry (master, joint degree)
  • Chemistry (premaster)
  • Chemistry: Analytical Sciences (master, joint degree)
  • Chemistry: Molecular Sciences (master, joint degree)
  • Chemistry: Science for Energy and Sustainability (master, joint degree)
  • Child Development and Education (research master)
  • Classics and Ancient Civilizations (master)
  • Cognition, Language and Communication (bachelor)
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  • Communication and Information (duale master)
  • Communication Science (bachelor)
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  • Communication Science (premaster)
  • Communication Science (research master)
  • Comparative Cultural Analysis (master)
  • Comparative Literature (master)
  • Computational Science (master, joint degree)
  • Computational Social Science (bachelor)
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  • Conflict Resolution and Governance (master)
  • Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage (master)
  • Cultural Analysis (research master)
  • Cultural and Social Anthropology (master)
  • Cultural and Social Anthropology (premaster)
  • Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology (bachelor)
  • Culturele antropologie en ontwikkelingssociologie (bachelor)
  • Cultuurwetenschappen (bachelor)
  • Curating Art and Cultures (duale master)
  • Data Science (master)
  • Data Science and Business Analytics (master)
  • Documentaire en fictie (duale master)
  • Duits, Educatie en communicatie (master)
  • Duits, Educatie en communicatie (schakelprogramma)
  • Duitslandstudies (bachelor)
  • Duitslandstudies (master)
  • Earth Sciences (master)
  • East European Studies (master)
  • Econometrics (master)
  • Econometrics (premaster)
  • Econometrics and Data Science (bachelor)
  • Economics (master)
  • Economics (premaster)
  • Economics and Business Economics (bachelor)
  • Engels, Educatie en communicatie (master)
  • Engels, Educatie en communicatie (schakelprogramma)
  • English Language and Culture (bachelor)
  • English Literature and Culture (master)
  • Entrepreneurship (master)
  • ES: Environmental Management (master)
  • ES: Future Planet Ecosystem Science (master)
  • ES: Geo-Ecological Dynamics (master)
  • European Competition Law and Regulation (master)
  • European Policy (master)
  • European Private Law (master)
  • European Studies (bachelor)
  • European Studies (premaster)
  • European Union Law (master)
  • Europese studies (bachelor)
  • Exchange programme Economics and Business
  • Exchange programme Humanities
  • Exchange programme Law - Amsterdam Law School
  • Exchange programme PPLE - Politics, Psychology, Law and Economics
  • Exchange programme Science
  • Exchange programme Social and Behavioural Sciences
  • Film Studies (master)
  • Filosofie (bachelor)
  • Filosofie (master)
  • Finance (master)
  • Fiscaal recht (master)
  • Fiscaal Recht (bachelor)
  • Fiscale Economie (bachelor)
  • Fiscale Economie (master)
  • Fiscale Economie (premaster)
  • Forensic Science (master)
  • Frans, Educatie en communicatie (master)
  • Frans, Educatie en communicatie (schakelprogramma)
  • Franse taal en cultuur (bachelor)
  • Future Planet Studies (bachelor)
  • Geneeskunde (bachelor)
  • Geneeskunde (master)
  • Geneeskunde (schakelprogramma)
  • General Linguistics (master)
  • Geschiedenis (bachelor)
  • Geschiedenis (master)
  • Geschiedenis (research master)
  • Geschiedenis (schakelprogramma)
  • Geschiedenis van de internationale betrekkingen (master)
  • Geschiedenis, Educatie en communicatie (master)
  • Gezondheidsrecht (master)
  • Gezondheidszorgpsychologie (master)
  • Global Arts, Culture and Politics (bachelor)
  • Griekse en Latijnse taal en cultuur (bachelor)
  • Hebreeuwse taal en cultuur (bachelor)
  • Heritage and Memory Studies (duale master)
  • Holocaust and Genocide Studies (master)
  • Human Geography (master)
  • Human Geography (premaster)
  • Human Geography and Planning (bachelor)
  • Identity and Integration (master)
  • Informatica (bachelor)
  • Informatiekunde (bachelor)
  • Informatierecht (master)
  • Information Studies (master)
  • Information Systems (master)
  • Interdisciplinaire sociale wetenschap (bachelor)
  • Internationaal en Europees belastingrecht (master)
  • International and Transnational Criminal Law (master)
  • International Criminal Law - Joint programme with Columbia Law School (master)
  • International Development Studies (master)
  • International Development Studies (premaster)
  • International Development Studies (research master)
  • International Dramaturgy (duale master)
  • International Dramaturgy and Theatre Studies (premaster)
  • International Tax Law (advanced master)
  • International Trade and Investment Law (master)
  • Italië Studies (bachelor)
  • Jewish Studies (master)
  • Journalism, Media and Globalisation (Erasmus Mundus Master's - joint degree)
  • Journalistiek en media (duale master)
  • Kunst, cultuur en politiek (master)
  • Kunst, cultuur en politiek (schakelprogramma)
  • Kunstgeschiedenis (bachelor)
  • Kunstgeschiedenis (master)
  • Kunstgeschiedenis (schakelprogramma)
  • Kunstmatige intelligentie (bachelor)
  • Language and Society (master)
  • Language, Literature and Education (master)
  • Language, Literature and Education (premaster)
  • Latin American Studies (master)
  • Latin American Studies (premaster)
  • Law & Finance (master)
  • Lerarenopleidingen
  • Linguistics (bachelor)
  • Linguistics (premaster)
  • Linguistics and Communication (research master)
  • Literary and Cultural Analysis (bachelor)
  • Literary Studies (premaster)
  • Literary Studies (research master)
  • Literature, Culture and Society (master)
  • Logic (master)
  • Mathematics (master)
  • Media and Culture (bachelor)
  • Media and Information (bachelor)
  • Media en cultuur (bachelor)
  • Media Studies (premaster)
  • Media Studies (research master)
  • Medical Anthropology and Sociology (master)
  • Medical Anthropology and Sociology (premaster)
  • Medical informatics (master)
  • Medische informatiekunde (bachelor)
  • Midden-Oostenstudies (master)
  • Midden-Oostenstudies (schakelprogramma)
  • Militaire geschiedenis (master)
  • Museum Studies (duale master)
  • Music Studies (master)
  • Music Studies (premaster)
  • Muziekwetenschap (bachelor)
  • Natuurkunde en sterrenkunde (bachelor, joint degree)
  • Nederlands als tweede taal en meertaligheid (duale master)
  • Nederlands als tweede taal en meertaligheid (schakelprogramma)
  • Nederlands, Educatie en communicatie (master)
  • Nederlands, Educatie en communicatie (schakelprogramma)
  • Nederlandse taal en cultuur (bachelor)
  • Nederlandse taal en cultuur (master)
  • New Media and Digital Culture (master)
  • Nieuwgriekse taal en cultuur (bachelor)
  • Onderwijswetenschappen (bachelor)
  • Onderwijswetenschappen (master)
  • Onderwijswetenschappen (schakelprogramma)
  • (Forensische) Orthopedagogiek (schakelprogramma)
  • Oudheidwetenschappen (bachelor)
  • P&A: Advanced Matter and Energy Physics (master, joint degree)
  • P&A: Astronomy and Astrophysics (master, joint degree)
  • P&A: Biophysics and Biophotonics (master, joint degree)
  • P&A: General Physics and Astronomy (master, joint degree)
  • P&A: GRAPPA - Gravitation, Astro-, and Particle Physics (master, joint degree)
  • P&A: Science for Energy and Sustainability (master, joint degree)
  • P&A: Theoretical Physics (master, joint degree)
  • Pedagogical Sciences (master)
  • Pedagogische wetenschappen (bachelor)
  • Pedagogische wetenschappen (master)
  • Philosophy (master)
  • Philosophy (research master)
  • Philosophy of the Humanities and the Social Sciences (master)
  • Philosophy of the Humanities and the Social Sciences (schakelprogramma)
  • Physics and Astronomy (master, joint degree)
  • Political Science (bachelor)
  • Political Science (master)
  • Political Science (premaster)
  • Politicologie (bachelor)
  • PPLE - Politics, Psychology, Law and Economics (bachelor)
  • Preservation and Presentation of the Moving Image (duale master)
  • Preventieve jeugdhulp en opvoeding (schakelprogramma)
  • Privaatrechtelijke rechtspraktijk (master)
  • Psychobiologie (bachelor)
  • Psychologie (schakelprogramma)
  • Psychologie (bachelor), NL
  • Psychologie (master), NL
  • Psychology (premaster)
  • Psychology (bachelor), EN
  • Psychology (master), EN
  • Psychology (research master), EN
  • Public International Law (master)
  • Publieksgeschiedenis (master)
  • Rechtsgeleerdheid (bachelor)
  • Rechtsgeleerdheid met HBO-vooropleiding (schakelprogramma)
  • Rechtsgeleerdheid met WO-vooropleiding (schakelprogramma)
  • Redacteur/editor (duale master)
  • Religiewetenschappen (bachelor)
  • Religious Studies (research master)
  • Russische en Slavische studies (bachelor)
  • Scandinavië studies (bachelor)
  • Scheikunde (bachelor, joint degree)
  • Security and Network Engineering (master)
  • Sign Language Linguistics (bachelor)
  • Social Sciences (research master)
  • Sociale geografie en Planologie (bachelor)
  • Sociologie (bachelor)
  • Sociology (bachelor)
  • Sociology (master)
  • Sociology (premaster)
  • Software Engineering (master)
  • Spaanse en Latijns-Amerikaanse studies (bachelor)
  • Spirituality and Religion (master)
  • Spirituality and Religion (schakelprogramma)
  • Staats- en bestuursrecht (master)
  • Stads- en architectuurgeschiedenis (master)
  • Stochastics and Financial Mathematics (master)
  • Strafrecht (master)
  • Taalwetenschappen (bachelor)
  • Television and Cross-Media Culture (master)
  • Theaterwetenschap (bachelor)
  • Theatre Studies (master)
  • Universitaire Pabo van Amsterdam (bachelor)
  • Urban and Regional Planning (master)
  • Urban and Regional Planning (premaster)
  • Urban Studies (research master)
  • Vertalen (master)
  • Vertalen (schakelprogramma)
  • Wiskunde (bachelor)

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psychology master thesis example

Presentation Master's thesis - Ailsa McKinnie - Developmental psychology

Roeterseilandcampus, Gebouw: G, Straat: Nieuwe Achtergracht 129-B, Ruimte: S.04

The biophilia hypothesis considers an attraction to nature to be innate and evolutionarily formed in humans. The contrast of this attraction and our modern lack of nature exposure is theorized to be conducive to poorer mental health. However, recent discussions suggest this attraction to be more trait-like, fostering individual differences rather than universality in humans. In parallel, nature-based interventions have shown inconsistent outcomes for bettering mental health. Thus, the aim of this correlational study is to investigate biophilia’s status as a personality trait, and its relationship with depressive symptoms among other evolutionary mismatches. Additionally, It is hypothesized that biophilia is a personality trait that enhances the frequency of nature exposure and, in turn, lowers depressive symptoms. This would have implications for improving nature-based therapies, public spaces, and wider intervention improvement. Two-hundred and eighty participants completed a survey including a modified version of the Big 5 personality test, a depressive symptom scale and a newly developed evolutionary mismatch questionnaire.


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  1. Psychology Masters thesis collection

    This collection contains a selection of recent Masters theses from the Psychology department. Please note that only the Title and Abstract will be available for dissertations from the current academic year. All other content from previous years is available on an Open Access basis. This material is presented to ensure timely dissemination of ...

  2. Clinical Psychology Masters Theses Collection

    Clinical Psychology Masters Theses Collection. This collection contains open access and campus access Masters theses, made possible through Graduate Studies at the University of Massachusetts Boston. The full content of open access theses is available to all, although some files may have embargoes placed on them and will be made available as ...

  3. Psychology Theses and Dissertations

    Authors. Titles. Subjects. Search within this collection: This collection contains some of the theses and dissertations produced by students in the University of Oregon Psychology Graduate Program. Paper copies of these and other dissertations and theses are available through the UO Libraries.

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    Theses/Dissertations from 2023. PDF. Improving the Subjective Well-Being of Autistic Youth Utilizing a Positive Psychology Intervention, Nicolette Bauermeister. PDF. An Experimental Study of Negative Performance Feedback: Consideration of a Cognitive Pathway and Individual Difference Factors, Ansley M. Bender. PDF.

  5. (PDF) MA Thesis Final Document Jan 14, 2020

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    Theses/Dissertations from 2021. PDF. The Longitudinal Effects of a Family and Sleep Supportive Intervention on Service Member Anger and Resilience, Shalene Joyce Allen. PDF. Drug Conviction and Employment Restriction: Experiences of Employees with Drug-Related Criminal Histories, Liana Bernard. PDF.

  7. Past & Current Theses

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  9. Browse Master's Theses

    You can browse through theses from the UM-Dearborn Master's of Science in Psychology program in the UM-Dearborn Psychology collection and the broader UM Dissertations and Master's Thesis collection in Deep Blue, the University of Michigan online institutional repository.Deep Blue is an open-access database that is also indexed in and searchable through Google Scholar.

  10. Clinical Psychology Dissertations Collection

    Clinical Psychology Dissertations Collection. This collection contains open access and campus access dissertations, made possible through Graduate Studies at the University of Massachusetts Boston. The full content of open access dissertations is available to all, although some files may have embargoes placed on them and will be made available ...

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    4. To graduate after successfully defending your Master's thesis: The Graduate Studies Office requires you to have your thesis submitted to Deep Blue (the University of Michigan's institutional repository) in order to release your final grade. You and your advisor can choose from either of the following process options below to have your thesis ...

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    Theses/Dissertations from 2022. PDF. Self-esteem as a mediator of the relationship between social isolation and depression and anxiety symptoms of emerging adults in the COVID-19 pandemic, Frednick Luis O. Asistio. PDF.

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  19. Psychology Theses and Dissertations

    Students can choose to withdraw their dissertation and/or thesis from this database. For additional inquiries, please contact the repository administrator via e-mail or by telephone at 519-884-0710 ext. 2073.

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    Retaining and Supporting Graduate Racially Minoritized Students: A Critical Analysis, Patricia Y. Gills. PDF. Educators' Sensemaking of Data within an MTSS Framework: An Exploratory Case Study, Stephanie Marie Green. PDF. A Multi-faceted Approach to Understanding Acceptability of DOCS K-5: A Qualitative Analysis, Andrea Guarnieri. PDF


    the thesis — honors or master's — is the first public demonstration of a student's scholarly abilities; the doctoral dissertation is intended to demonstrate the student's abilities at the highest level of professional competence. Since the thesis and the dissertation are public communications of scientific efforts and results, it

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    Summer 2012. Eslamian, Sanaz. Using Social Media to Increase Employment Changes among College Students. Jurica, Michelle. Napping in the Workplace as an Invisible Stigma: The Moderating Roles of Raters' Nap Habit, Work Ethic, and Organizational Policy. Smith, Jenni. The Work Expectations of Individuals with Developmental Disabilities.

  23. PDF Effects of Thinking Styles and Gender on Psychological Well-being a

    A THESIS SUBMITTED TO . THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF SOCIAL SCIENCES . OF . MIDDLE EAST TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY . BY . ... topics in the field of psychology; as some positive experiences, personality traits and civic virtues, like well-being, life satisfaction, hope, optimism, happiness, courage, ... restorative sleeping is an example for physical ...

  24. Dissertation or Thesis

    EVALUATING FORECASTING METHODS FOR BINARY OUTCOMES WITH A SMALL SAMPLE SIZE IN PSYCHOLOGY ... Master's Papers. Deposit your masters paper, project or other capstone work. Theses will be sent to the CDR automatically via ProQuest and do not need to be deposited. ... Deposit your senior honors thesis. Scholarly Journal, Newsletter or Book.

  25. Presentation Master's thesis

    In parallel, nature-based interventions have shown inconsistent outcomes for bettering mental health. Thus, the aim of this correlational study is to investigate biophilia's status as a personality trait, and its relationship with depressive symptoms among other evolutionary mismatches. Additionally, It is hypothesized that biophilia is a ...