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Videogames: A Discursive Essay

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Whenever the issue of the benefits and harms of videogames has been brought up, the responses are always controversial. The importance of this subject is derived from its popularity amongst the masses, most significantly in children of the ages of 11-16. If these children are going to make up the next generation, it is imperative that we investigate the effects they have.

The incentive people have to play videogames stem from the idea that they are real-life simulations from the graphics and sound to the interactivity. In addition to this, the game developers are employing a new strategy in order to attract customers: they claim, while backed up by doctors and researchers, that they have medical benefits. This is in the midst of research and claims linking videogames with violence, crime, photosensitive epilepsy, headaches, hallucinations, nerve and muscle damages and even obesity in the long run. While it is confirmed that long hours spent playing videogames could cause Repetitive Strain Injury, this would apply to almost any other activity which involved computers and the television.  

Videogames and Violence

The notion that videogames are linked with violence is a very common objection people have with videogames. In the year 2000, the observer reported that a “definitive” piece of research had been published showing that “physiological damage could be inflicted on even occasional players of videogames”. They cite as an example of this the Columbine High School shootings in Colorado where two teenage boys killed twelve class mates in addition to the teacher and themselves. In a video they left behind, they stated that the slaughter would be just like “doom”.

Game developers and those working for them disagree. They bring forward the principle “correlation is not causation”. They assert that such people as the teenagers mentioned above were already mentally disturbed which is why they were attracted to the game in the first place. They contend that the results would be similar whether they watched a violent or TV program and that the game did not specifically alter the workings of their brains to cause such results.

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On the other hand, the study cited by the Observer, maintains that playing such videogames are more detrimental since when watching a violent movie you are merely observing , while the player of the videogame is actively identifying his/herself with the aggressor.  Another study, also quoted in the Observer’s article, run by someone who had studied 300 college students declared that the adolescents who make up the majority of the demographics with regard to videogames, are still in the process of developing their ideas and attitudes. He believes that the graphically violent scenes of many of the games are going unnoticed by parents and are affecting the children.

What are  clear, lucid and obvious, however, are the common themes of violence running through many videogames. After weighing the evidences, it is clear that although the arguments with regards to this are polarized i.e. the game developers claiming that videogames are an outlet for children to release their aggression in a way that does not affect anyone while others claim that these themes in the games increase the chance of the players acting violently when interacting with others. In my opinion, these opinions are too simplistic and naive: both have the potential of being a reality and this depends on many factors.

Firstly, it should be known that certain children could play an endless amount of violent videogames without being affected in the slightest way. On the other hand, others could be affected by playing the game with a minimal amount of violence. In other words, there are always exceptions.

Secondly, the importance of caring, understanding and openly talkative parents is a major factor. A child, spending endless hours playing violent videogames, who has not other means of venting frustration and no real guide to help him distinguish between the fantasy gaming life and the real life, would most probably be greatly affected by the games.

Another important factor, I believe, is the styles and objectives of the game. A real-life scenario setting is obviously going to have more of an effect on the child than a fantasy setting. In addition to this, if the player is winning points for the violence, as in the case of games like Doom and Carmageddon, the children are likely to respond with violent behaviour.

Videogames, Addiction and School Work

There have been a number of cases where “videogame addiction” has been diagnosed. This refers to a compulsive use of computer and videogames which interferes with the essential tasks of life such as study. There is a vast amount of debate and discussion as to what this constitutes, what its consequences are, how serious it is and whether it should be classed as a physiological disorder.

There have been many groups who believe it should be classified as a psychiatric disorder. They include the American nation’s largest Doctor Group. They claim that videogame addiction is as serious as the likes of alcohol addiction due to the compulsive element that it entails. On the other hand, the videogame makers in addition to their mental health experts believe that their products do not cause any form of dependence.

One of the studies which support the existence of this addiction was implemented by Hauge and Gentile. The study’s results stated the following points:

  •  Addicted adolescents spend more time playing video games  
  • Males were significantly more likely to be addicted than females
  •  Addicted adolescents were significantly more likely to report having been in a physical fight in the last year
  •  Addicted adolescents had higher hostile attribution scores
  •  Addicted adolescents had more arguments with friends and more arguments with teachers
  •  Addicted adolescents reported lower academic grades

It is clear from the studies which have taken place as well as first hand reporting that Videogame addiction exists, is a serious problem, and impacts the victim in their lives due to their neglect for ordinary day-to-day duties.

Despite the above, it is also clear that the ratio of those addicted compared with those who are not is minute. With this in mind, I believe it is safe to conclude that an average player who is supervised and whose hours playing are restricted and balanced out with activities such as household chores and homework will not be affected. In this respect, the verdicts of the game makers could be accepted. However, players who are not restricted starting from a young age are far more likely to develop this addiction due to the fact that they seek to fulfil their physiological needs through the virtual games rather through reality due to the artificial rewards, freedom and friendship through connection with other players.

A separate, perhaps less serious, issue is the videogames effects on the vast majority of children and adolescents lives and their studies. According to Michael Brody ((Psychiatrist), M.D., head of the TV and Media Committee of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry), the use of videogames has the effect of displacing “physical activity and time spent on studies, with friends, and even with family” on certain individuals. For this reason, many people are totally against the use of videogames.

Nonetheless, most game makers respond by saying that there is no difference with regards to videogames than any other type of leisure activity. Whatever one does in excess one will necessary fail in other aspects of life. They assert that there is no solid evidence to differentiate videogames with any other form of leisure activity and hold that if one were to ban or place restrictions on videogames one should do the same for all other types of entertainment including the television and computer.

Upon weighing the evidences and conclusions of both sides in respect to addiction as well as the general effect on studies and life, I believe it would be safe to conclude the following:

  • Game addiction is a serious matter which clearly exists and displaces the essential tasks of an individual
  • This type of addiction is relatively rare
  • For the vast majority of children, video gaming is no different from other leisure activities and everything should be done in moderation.

The Benefits of Videogames

So far, the discussion has been about the harms of videogames. In this section we will explain people’s views on the benefits of videogames.

According to a study conducted by Mark Griffins, playing videogames of whatever genre causes a number of benefits which include reductions in reaction times, improved hand-eye co-ordination and a raise of the players’ self-esteem. In addition to this, the engaging and challenging nature of videogames has the capacity to incorporate educational themes so that the player is learning as well as having fun. He does admit, though, that most games n the markets are not of this type. Furthermore, Griffin maintains that videogames can be used as a powerful distraction from mental and health conditions. Examples include those with attention deficit disorders, children undergoing chemotherapy and treatment for sickle cell anaemia.

Although many would disagree with me, I sincerely believe that the situation is not as black-and-white as it seems too many people and even some specialists. Firstly, it is important we acknowledge that there are always exceptions presenting examples of extreme reactions. Such are the examples I have mentioned earlier on violence in games: certain people would only have to play for half an hour on a violent game to have the themes stuck in their head and to have that particular type of behaviour manifest through their interactions with others, but this is clearly not the case for the vast majority of people. Another example is of videogame addiction: although it does exist and has affected many people, the vast majority of people are not affected. This is also true with other conditions possessed only by a minority of people such as photosensitive epilepsy. On the other hand, others are not at all affected even after playing violent games for hours on end. What is clear is that the majority of people are affected negatively by videogames due to its overuse. That is to say they restrict most of their free time to playing these videogames, often times without support from parents/carers. The solution to this, in my opinion, is the job of parents: it is their duty to balance their children’s time with videogames with other activities such as homework. In addition, it is their duty to monitor the content of the games and talk to their children about the behaviour they witness when playing. If these simple guidelines were followed most people would not be affected negatively by videogames whether it is violent behaviour or addiction.

Videogames: A Discursive Essay

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  • Page Count 4
  • Subject English

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Best Video Game Essay Topics for Students

Video Game Essay Topic Ideas

Choosing the right essay topic is crucial, and for students who love video games, it’s an opportunity to combine their passion with academics. In this article, we’ll explore a variety of exciting and various video game essay topic ideas for students of high school and college. This blog includes argumentative, analytical, persuasive and other types of essays related to video gaming.

Video Game Essay Topics for High School Students

  • How Video Games Improve Problem-Solving Skills.
  • Understanding the World of E-sports.
  • The Importance of Balanced Gaming Habits.
  • Exploring the History of Gaming Consoles.
  • Video Games: Entertainment and Cultural Influence.
  • Gender Representation in Video Games.
  • Gamification in Education: Learning through Play.
  • Game Design and the Art of Video Games.
  • Tracing the Growth of the Video Game Industry.
  • Social Connections in Online Gaming Communities.
  • Video Games and Mental Health Benefits.
  • Exploring Careers in Game Development.
  • Ethical Choices in Video Games.
  • The Impact of Music in Video Games.
  • Making Video Games Accessible to Everyone.

Video Game Essay Topics for College Students

  • The Educational Value of Video Games in College Curriculum.
  • The Growth and Impact of E-sports in the Sports Industry.
  • Gaming Habits and Academic Performance: A College Study.
  • Game Engine Comparison: Unity vs. Unreal Engine.
  • Gender Representation in Video Games: A College Perspective.
  • Analyzing Game Narrative Structures in Popular Titles.
  • Moral Choices in Video Games: Implications and Outcomes.
  • The Psychology of Player Motivation in Gaming.
  • Virtual Reality in Higher Education: Opportunities and Challenges.
  • Career Prospects in Game Development: Paths and Insights.
  • Ethical Dilemmas in Video Game Content Creation.
  • The Role of Music and Sound in Video Game Immersion.
  • Indie Game Development: Innovations and Success Stories.
  • Video Game Preservation: Saving Gaming History.
  • AI in Gaming: Enhancing NPC Behavior and Gameplay.

Common Essay Topics Related to Video Games

  • The Influence of Video Games on Academic Performance.
  • Video Game Violence: Separating Fact from Fiction.
  • The History and Evolution of Mobile Gaming.
  • The Role of Gaming in Building Teamwork and Collaboration.
  • The Psychology of In-Game Rewards and Achievements.
  • Virtual Reality (VR) Gaming: A Glimpse into the Future.
  • Gaming and STEM Education: Learning Science through Games.
  • The Representation of Diversity in Video Games.
  • The Impact of In-Game Advertising on Players.
  • The Benefits of Gaming for Stress Relief and Relaxation.
  • The Importance of Responsible Gaming.
  • The Art of Game Mods: Customizing and Enhancing Games.
  • E-sports Scholarships and Opportunities for Students.
  • The Environmental Impact of Video Game Consoles.
  • Gamers for Good: How Gaming Communities Contribute to Charity.

Argumentative Topics for Video Game Essays

  • Do Violent Video Games Promote Aggressive Behavior in Players?
  • Should There Be Age Restrictions on Purchasing Violent Video Games?
  • Are Video Games a Viable Educational Tool in Schools?
  • Is Video Game Addiction a Real Concern, and How Should It Be Addressed?
  • Do Video Games Enhance Problem-Solving and Critical Thinking Skills?
  • Should Parents Be More Involved in Monitoring Their Children’s Gaming Habits?
  • Is E-sports a Legitimate Sport and Worthy of Recognition?
  • Does Playing Video Games Improve Hand-Eye Coordination?
  • Are Video Games a Form of Art, and Should They Be Treated as Such?
  • Should the Video Game Industry Be Regulated More Strictly for Content?
  • Do Video Games Have a Positive or Negative Impact on Social Skills?
  • Is There a Link Between Video Games and Obesity in Children?
  • Should Professional Gamers Be Considered Athletes and Eligible for Sports Scholarships?
  • Does Gaming Culture Foster Toxic Behavior and Harassment?
  • Can Video Games Help Alleviate Stress and Anxiety in Players?

Didn’t find any topic of your interest? No worries! We have listed 100+ Argumentative Essay Topics for Students here, you can go through the article and choose the best one as per your needs. This blog has various niche topics and can assist to find the best one for you.

Informative Video Game Essay Topics

  • The History of Video Games: From Pong to Present.
  • A Deep Dive into the World of E-sports.
  • How Video Games are Made: Game Development Explained.
  • Exploring Different Genres of Video Games: Action, RPG, Simulation, etc.
  • The Evolution of Video Game Graphics and Technology.
  • Iconic Video Game Characters and Their Impact on Pop Culture.
  • The Science Behind Gaming: How Game Engines Work.
  • Video Game Consoles: Past, Present, and Future.
  • The Importance of Storytelling in Video Games.
  • The Role of Sound Design and Music in Gaming.
  • The Influence of Video Games on Architecture and Design.
  • Video Game Streaming and Content Creation: A New Career Frontier.
  • The Psychology of Gaming: Why We Love Video Games.
  • The Cultural Significance of Video Game Events and Conventions.
  • The Rise of Gamification in Education and Training.

Compare & Contrast Video Game Essay Topics

These compare and contrast essay topics are chosen by our experts and are specifically related to video gaming. These are general and easy to write on.

  • Console Gaming vs. PC Gaming: Which Is Better?
  • Single-Player vs. Multiplayer Games: Which Do You Prefer?
  • Mobile Games vs. Console Games: Pros and Cons.
  • Classic Games vs. Modern Games: What’s Changed?
  • First-Person vs. Third-Person Shooter Games: Which is More Immersive?
  • Xbox vs. PlayStation: Comparing Gaming Communities.
  • Video Games vs. Board Games: Which Provides More Fun?
  • Old Game Graphics vs. New Game Graphics: A Visual Evolution.
  • RPGs vs. Action Games: Gameplay Differences.
  • Retro Games vs. Modern Games: Nostalgia vs. Innovation.
  • Open-World Games vs. Linear Games: Freedom vs. Guided Storytelling.
  • Strategy Games vs. Puzzle Games: Challenges in Gaming.
  • Video Games vs. Movies: Storytelling Approaches.
  • Online Shooters vs. Battle Royale Games: Teamwork vs. Solo Play.
  • Exclusive vs. Cross-Platform Games: Your Gaming Options.

Analytical Topics for Video Game Essays

  • Strategies for Success in Online Multiplayer Games.
  • Analyzing Game Elements in Role-Playing Games (RPGs).
  • In-Game Purchases and Their Impact on Player Progress.
  • The Design of Levels in Platformer Games: A Critical Look.
  • Difficulty Levels in Video Games: Effects on Player Experience.
  • The In-Game Economy: How It Works and Influences Players.
  • The Significance of Tutorial Levels in Game Learning.
  • Character Development in Video Games: Evolution and Influence.
  • Linear vs. Non-Linear Storytelling in Video Games.
  • Morality Systems in Games: Player Choices and Consequences.
  • AI and Machine Learning in Video Games: Advancements and Applications.
  • User-Friendly Game Interfaces: Design Principles and Importance.
  • Game Analytics: Measuring Success in the Gaming Industry.
  • Visual Design and Its Impact on Player Immersion.
  • Cultural Adaptation in Video Game Localization.

Read more: Best Analytical Essay Topics

Persuasive Essay Topics on Video Gaming

  • Why Schools Should Use Video Games for Learning.
  • The Importance of Age Ratings in Video Game Sales.
  • Video Games: Tools for Enhancing Problem-Solving Skills.
  • How Video Games Can Improve Mental Well-being.
  • Debunking the Myth: Video Games and Real-Life Violence.
  • Promoting Diversity in Video Game Characters.
  • Parents’ Role in Monitoring Kids’ Gaming Habits.
  • Gamification in Education: Making Learning Fun.
  • Addressing Video Game Addiction as a Health Issue.
  • Teamwork and Cooperation in Multiplayer Games.
  • Ethical Game Development: Fair Monetization Practices.
  • The Need for More Research on Video Game Violence.
  • Combatting Toxicity in Online Gaming Communities.
  • Exploring E-sports Career Opportunities.
  • Making Video Games Accessible for Everyone.

Read more: Best Persuasive Essay Topics

Best Video Game Essay Topics in 2023

  • The Impact of Video Games on Society Today.
  • Gaming and Sustainability: How Can Gamers Go Green?
  • NFTs in Gaming: What You Need to Know.
  • Virtual Reality Gaming: The Next Big Thing.
  • Making Games Accessible for Everyone.
  • AI’s Role in Video Game Development.
  • Gaming Habits Post-Pandemic: What’s Changed?
  • In-Game Advertising: Friend or Foe?
  • 5G Technology and Its Effect on Gaming.
  • Video Games and Mental Health: A Closer Look.
  • Augmented Reality Games in Learning and Fun.
  • Collectibles and In-Game Economies: Explained.
  • Gaming Across Cultures: Challenges and Solutions.
  • The Power of Online Gaming Communities.
  • E-sports: The Future of Competitive Gaming.

These gaming essay topics would surely help you select the best topic of your choice, all various topics are suggested by our qualified experts keeping in mind the capabilities of an average student. If you want to hire our assignment writer for your gaming topics, feel free to reach us and get your essay done by experts.

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Persuasive Essay: Video Games

Teenagers today often spend a great deal of time playing video games. These games are fun and engaging and young people often feel like playing games is a great thing to do in their spare time. However, you shouldn’t spend too much time gaming and there are a number of reasons for this: it’s unhealthy, you should spend more time studying, and you need to socialize more.

The primary reason to cut down on gaming time has to be that youths that spend a long time on computers and games consoles are often not getting enough exercise. With high obesity rates, it’s very important for young people to spend as much time being active as possible, especially since studies show that people who are overweight during childhood and adolescence are far more likely to become overweight adults than those of a healthy weight when they’re young. There is just as much, if not more, fun to be had in getting out and about and being active. This doesn’t have to mean going for long runs if that’s not your thing; team sports are both fun and great exercise. Dance or fitness classes are also a good option for those not into sports.

Secondly, getting a good education is that best thing that you can do for your future. If every teenager cut down on their gaming time by 30 minutes per day and used this time to study, the whole of that generation would achieve better results and be more likely to have the career that they want. With education, you get out what you put in, so it’s really up to you to put in the additional effort. If you want to go to a good college, extra study in your own time will be completely vital, but gaming can reduce your concentration span and make this more difficult.

The third main reason that playing video games too often is that it’s no good for your social skills. Some teenagers may argue that because they can now play their games online with friends, they are socializing in their own way. However, you can’t beat face-to-face contact, and if you want to succeed in interviews and build good relationships in later life, you need to develop some proper communication skills. This shouldn’t be a chore, or difficult, because hanging out with friends is far more fun than sitting indoors playing on games all day anyway!

In conclusion, there can be no doubt that spending too much time gaming isn’t good for you. You don’t have to stop all together, but it’s all about moderation. Cut down and allocate your additional free time to doing things that are good for you, and you definitely won’t regret it in later life.

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Video game genres and discourse communities

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Under the supervision of Bernard Perron , Dominic Arsenault and Carl Therrien .

In the beginning, we set out to delineate and study a corpus of breakthrough games for five major genres (first-person shooter, adventure game, roleplaying game, platform game, and strategy game). We were confronted to the disparity of canons for each genre. Who were we to decide which games were worthy of scholarly attention, for instance by excluding the “best games” listings produced by the fan communities on Youtube?

This research project addresses epistemological and methodological issues about the production and dissemination of knowledge in various communities. We are studying more specifically four broad “discourse communities”: gamers, industry workers, game critics and scholars. Our goal is to reflect on discursive and interpretive strategies for each of these groups. We are studying a variety of “discursive genres” (top list, editorial, essay, audiovisual presentation, etc.) in order to highlight how these constructions structure (more or less consciously) the way in which members of a community share their conception of a video game genre, and determine relevant games. We are delineating the modes of production and diffusion of discursive practices, and argue that these modes determine in part the imaginary conception of video game genres.

In short, this project seeks to propose an open-minded conception of game genres by acknowledging and analysing the points of view of many discourse communities, in order to better understand how certain conceptions of game genres crystalize over time.

SSHRC grant: "Video Game History as a Challenge to Video Game Theory: A Study of the Formal Aspects and Reception of Video Game Genres" (2013-2017)

Research assistants.

  • Pierre-Marc Côté (2013-2015)
  • Simon Dor (2013-2018)
  • Mikaël Julien (2013-2016)
  • Maxwell Landry-Martineau(2013-2015)
  • Hugo Montembeault (2013-2018)
  • Andréane Morin-Simard (2013-2018)
  • Pascale Thériault (2015-2018)

Results Top of the page

Publications top of the page, books and journals.

Therrien, Carl, and Martin Picard. 2015. “Enter the bit wars. A study of video game marketing and platform crafting in the wake of the TurboGrafx-16 launch”. New Media & Society , Vol. 18, No 10 (April 29th), p. 2323-2339. [ Online ]

The Archives: Post-Cinema and Video Game Between Memory and the Image of the Present

Perron, Bernard, et Simon Dor. 2014. "Addressing the Preservation of Gameplaying: Archiving Actional Modalities (Execution, Resolution, and Strategy)". In Bernard Perron and Federico Giordano (eds.), The Archives: Post-Cinema and Video Game Between Memory and the Image of the Present , p. 177-200. Milan : Mimesis International.

The Routledge Companion to Video Game Studies

Arsenault, Dominic. 2014. "Action". In Bernard Perron and Mark J.P. Wolf (eds.), The Routledge Companion to Video Game Studies , p. 223-231. New York and London : Routledge.

This essay describes two different phenomena: action games, understood as a genre of games in which the player’s sensori-motor skills prevail over his cognitive activity, and a general theory of action-taking in context of the game-playing practice. Through a short history of the main genres and sub-genres traditionally identified with “Action games”, and the conclusion that such a categorization pertains to a mode of action rather than a given genre, the properties of action games are identified as involving a standardized repertoire of actions, emphasis on sensori-motor skills, and short-term action sequences.

Book chapters and articles


Deslongchamps-Gagnon, Maxime, and Hugo Montembeault. To be published in 2019. "The Walking Simulator’s Generic Experiences". Press Start .


Montembeault, Hugo, Maxime Deslongchamps-Gagnon and Bernard Perron. 2018. « Le jeu vidéo et la notion de montage : se “couper” du cinémato-centrisme ». In Santiago Hidalgo and Bernard Perron (eds.), Cinémas (Montréal), Mutations du montage. Esthétiques, technologies, pratiques et discours , vol. 28, No 2-3, p. 133-154.

Games and Culture

Therrien, Carl, Isabelle Lefebvre and Jean-Charles Ray. 2019. "Toward a Visualization of Video Game Cultural History: Grasping the French Touch". Games and Culture: A Journal of Interactive Media . [ Online first ]


Perron, Bernard, Hugo Montembeault, Andréane Morin-Simard, Jean-Charles Ray and Pascale Thériault. 2019. "Introduction : Splendeur(s) et misère(s) des genres vidéoludiques". Kinephanos , p. 1-8. [ Online ]


Perron, Bernard, Hugo Montembeault, Andréane Morin-Simard and Carl Therrien. 2019. "The Discourse Community’s Cut: Video Games and the Notion of Montage". In Jeff Thoss and Michael Fuchs (eds.), Intermedia Games—Games Inter Media , p. 37-68. New York : Boolmsbury.


Perron, Bernard. 2018. "“You have once again entered the world of survival horror. Good luck!”". The World of Scary Video Games: Study in Videoludic Horror , p. 31-65. New York : Bloomsbury.

Other relevant publications Top of the page


Montembeault, Hugo, and Simon Dor. 2018. "What do gameplay archives think of? A historiographic approach to videoludic experience". Conserveries mémorielles , No 23. [ Online ]


Dor, Simon. 2018. "Strategy in Games or Strategy Games: Dictionary and Encyclopaedic Definitions for Game Studies". Game Studies , Vol. 18, No 1. [ Online ]

Perron, Bernard. 2014. "Conventions". In Bernard Perron and Mark J.P. Wolf (eds.), The Routledge Companion to Video Game Studies , p. 74-82. New York : Routledge.


Arsenault, Dominic. 2011. "Des typologies mécaniques à l’expérience esthétique. Fonctions et mutations du genre dans le jeu vidéo". Doctoral thesis (not-published), Bernard Perron (ed.), Université de Montréal. [ Online ]

Loading...Journal of the Canadian Game Studies Association

Arsenault, Dominic. 2010. "Introduction à la pragmatique des effets génériques : l’horreur dans tous ses états". Loading...Journal of the Canadian Game Studies Association , Vol. 4, No 6. [ Online ]

Eludamos. Journal for Computer Game Culture

Arsenault, Dominic. 2009. "Video Game Genre, Evolution and Innovation". Eludamos. Journal for Computer Game Culture , Vol. 3, No 2. [ Online ]

Examining the usage of video game genre labels through a brief survey of a few generic taxonomies will reveal multiple different ways of organizing them according to a multitude of criteria. If we accept genre to be a fruitful model to identify the multiple kinds of video games that are out there, we have to account for its transformations, adaptations and reinventions. Admitting genre evolution requires us to properly address the topic of innovation that lies at its basis. Consequently, a model of innovation specific to the video game industry has to be devised. Such a model will reveal that, far from being reducible to a simple checklist of specific game mechanics, video game genres play the part of the middle-man in a complex ecosystem of functional considerations and aesthetic ideas.

Events Top of the page

Deslongchamps-Gagnon, Maxime, and Hugo Montembeault. 2018. "Cartographier les effets génériques du walking simulator au-delà du genre : Les cas de The Long Dark et de Kona ". Proceedings from "Journée d'études LUDOV 2.0" (Montreal, June 13, 2018), University of Montreal.

Deslongchamps-Gagnon, Maxime, and Hugo Montembeault. 2018. "Profil Ludique et LUDOV : Portrait d’une synergie". Proceedings from "Symposium des laboratoires universitaires de recherche francophone en études du jeu et de la ludification" (Montreal, May 14-16, 2018), Université du Québec à Montréal; Université de Montréal; École des arts numériques, de l’animation et du design; Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue.

Montembeault, Hugo. 2017. "Repenser l’histoire “condamnée” du FPS". Splendeur(s) et Misère(s) des Genres (vidéo)ludiques . Proceedings from "Symposium Annuel Histoire du Jeu 2017" (Montreal, June 28-30, 2017), Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec.

Morin-Simard, Andréane, and Hugo Montembeault. 2016. "The Discourse Community’s Cut: Video Games and the Notion of Montage". Energizing Communities / L’énergie des communautés . Proceedings from "Association Canadienne d’études cinématographiques / Film Studies Association of Canada (FSAC 2016) – Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences" (Calgary, May 31 - June 2, 2016), University of Calgary.

Therrien, Carl, Hugo Montembeault. 2015. "The Authority of Discourse Communities. Disseminating Techno-Industrial Glorification from Marketers to Academics". Diversity of Play : Games – Cultures - Identities . Proceedings from "Digital Games Research Association (DIGRA 2015)" (Lüneburg, May 14-17, 2015), Leuphana University.

Morin-Simard, Andréane, Hugo Montembeault, Bernard Perron and Guillaume Roux-Girard. 2015. "Les genres vidéoludiques au cœur de l’imaginaire des communautés discursives". Les Imaginaires de la Communauté . Proceedings from "Colloque international FIGURA RADICAL" (Montreal, March 5, 2015), Université du Québec à Montréal.

Perron, Bernard, Dominic Arsenault, Hugo Montembeault, Andréane Morin-Simard and Guillaume Roux-Girard. 2014. "Video Game History as a Challenge to Video Game Theory: A Study of the Formal Aspects and Reception of Video Game Genres". Borders without Boundaries . Proceedings from "Association Canadienne des études vidéoludiques / Canadien Game Studies Association (CGSA 2014) – Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences" (St. Catharines, May 29, 2014), Brock University.

Montembeault, Hugo and Carl Therrien. 2014. "Négocier le First-Person Shooter : Exemplification méthodologique". Atelier sur les Jeux Vidéo . Proceedings from "Centre de recherche Interdisciplinaire sur les Technologies Émergentes de l'Université de Montréal (CITÉ 2014)" (Montreal, March 21, 2014), Université de Montréal.

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Video Games as a Legitimate Sport Essay

Memory training, cognitive and emotional development, counterargument.

The technological breakthrough that has been taking place over the past few decades has led to massive changes in people’s lives, including the areas such as leisure, sport, and hobbies. Video games have become part and parcel of many people’s pastime; furthermore, modern video games have evolved to the point where they demand to be recognized as a legitimate sport. Since video games include the elements that allow promoting social, emotional, and cognitive development, as well as provide opportunities for sensor development and a better control of one’s sensory experiences, it will be reasonable to claim that video games should become a sport.

The opportunities for memory development and the further enhancement of the relevant skills acquisition must be regarded as the key characteristic that makes video games a legitimate sport. According to the research produced by Basak, Boot, Voss, and Kramer (2008), executive control processes, which are linked directly to memory, deteriorate approximately after 60 years. The use of video games as the means of training the specified ability, in turn, has proven very efficient, which means that the identified activity should be recognized as a legitimate sport. For instance, the outcomes of the research point to the fact that the use of video games allows enhancing participants’ flexibility levels (Basak et al., 2008). As a result, the opportunities for helping them train their analytical skills are created. Indeed, it is essential for a sportsperson to be able to adjust to the ever-changing environment of a competition and be able to perform the tasks of varying difficulty. The application of video games, in turn, will build the foundation for training the habit of using analytical skills in order to assess a sudden change in the environment, define the available opportunities, assess possible risks, and identify the most appropriate solution. The skills listed above align with the criteria set for sportspersons taking part in competitions and other sport-related activities.

The opportunities for training one’s sensory abilities and engaging in the process of active cognitive development should also be considered as a piece of evidence in favor of making video games a sport. According to a recent study, video games create vast opportunities for extensive training of attention and memory, as well as the ability to control one’s actions. Particularly, the authors of the study announce that video games help improve not only visual and attentional skills but also a broader range of abilities, including the ones associated with carrying out “memory, reasoning, and executive control tasks” (Boot, Kramer, Simons, Fabiani, & Gratton, 2008, p. 388). Therefore, the use of video games allows training the skills that can be used for improving the performance of the members of the air force, as the authors explain (Boot et al., 2008). In other words, video games not only provide participants with exciting pastime but also contribute massively to their further development, including emotional, cognitive, and physical domains. The opportunities for training skills and excelling in the further performance can be regarded as a profound basis for listing video games among other kinds of sport. Furthermore, the study revealed that playing video games with the level of complexity increasing gradually, one will be able to improve steadily (Boot et al., 2008). Furthermore, the results of the study indicate that the active use of video games allows for a seamless transfer from the simulated tasks to actual experiences:

All game groups improved significantly. For MOH, firing accuracy improved significantly (45% and 52% pre- and post-practice, respectively, t(18) = 3.36, p <.01) as did the ratio of hits taken to enemies killed (.72 and 1.01 pre-and post-practice, respectively, t(18) = 2.43, p <.05). (Boot et al., 2008, p. 391)

In other words, video game players do not require additional training to deploy the newly acquired skills to resolve a real-life problem. Instead, they engage in the process of task management directly and use the skills that they have recently developed in a very efficient manner (Boot et al., 2008). The specified observation can be viewed as a direct argument in favor of including video games in the list of official sports. Furthermore, it can be linked to the idea of helping participants experience a wide range of emotions and, thus, enhance their emotional skills successfully. Specifically, the chance to “experiment with social experiences and simulate alternative emotional consequences” (Granic, Lobel, & Engels, 2014, p. 67), which video games give to people playing them, must be recognized as an essential argument in favor of listing video games among the existing kinds of sports. Indeed, with the recent technological breakthrough and the introduction of extensive opportunities for interactions between players, which can be observed in modern video games, the latter are no longer viewed as the activity that isolates one socially and emotionally from the rest of the community. Quite on the contrary, modern video games create premises for a successful interaction between players and, therefore, the basis for their further professional and personal development, which makes video games indistinguishable from other types of sport.

It should be noted, though, that there are several legitimate arguments that do not allow recognizing video games as a sport immediately. While the identified statements do not have enough validity to prove that video games do not belong to the said category, they point to some of the evident problems with defining the subject matter as a sport. The assumption that any video game involves a certain element of luck tops the list of the arguments against defining video games as a kind of sport. Indeed, due to the specifics of programming, the possibility of a random combination of events that will ultimately lead to the success of a particular player exists in the realm of video games. Therefore, the possibility of one player having an unfair advantage over the rest of the participants makes the idea of turning video games into an actual sport rather questionable.

Despite the fact that the element of luck cannot be controlled in video games, the latter still qualify as a sport since other kinds of sports activities also incorporate the factors that cannot be regulated by referees and other members of the sports jury. For example, personal issues such as the well-being of a player, their health status, and other factors linked to the individual characteristics of the participants imply that modern types of sport also incorporate the element of luck as one of the factors that lead to the ultimate victory of a player. Furthermore, there are other extraneous factors that are linked directly to the possibility of victory, ranging from weather conditions to diet to personal issues. Excluding each of them from sports competitions is impossible, which means that traditional kinds of sport may also be deemed as the activities carried out in the environment that does not necessarily provide equal conditions for each participant. Therefore, the phenomenon of randomness that can be observed in modern video games and that may imply that some of the participants may be provided with more chances to win than others must not be viewed as legitimate. The low probability rates of the specified phenomenon occurring should also be regarded as an argument in favor of making video games a legitimate sport.

Providing ample opportunities for socioemotional and cognitive development of a player, offering a chance to enhance one’s sensory skills, and introducing options for several players to participate, video games must be recognized as a form of sport. Although the process of engaging in a video game does not involve establishing a physical contact with an opponent, it requires the ability to concentrate and use one’s analytical, cognitive, and other types of skills to the same extent as any other kind of sport does. Furthermore, video games create opportunities for the further development of a player. They build the foundation for training successfully; furthermore, with the recent technological breakthrough, the simulated experiences that players have when engaging in certain video games is very close to the actual ones. In other words, due to the effort and creativity out in their development, modern video games help blur the line between reality and the virtual world. The range of emotions that both the participants of other types of sports and the players of video games experience runs a full gamut. Consequently, video games must be recognized as a legitimate sport. Video games provide a solid basis for successful training, engage both participants and viewers emotionally, and allow maintaining the consistent communication with the opponent, therefore, qualifying for a sport like any other activity that is currently defined as such.

Basak, C., Boot, W. R., Voss, M. W., & Kramer, A. F. (2008). Can training in a real-time strategy video game attenuate cognitive decline in older adults?. Psychology and Aging, 23 (4), 765-777. doi:10.1037/a0013494

Boot, W. R., Kramer, A. F., Simons, D. J., Fabiani, M., & Gratton, G. (2008). The effects of video game playing on attention, memory, and executive control. Acta Psychologica, 129 (3), 387-398. doi:10.1016/j.actpsy.2008.09.005

Granic, I., Lobel, A., & Engels, R. C. (2014). The benefits of playing video games. American Psychologist, 69 (1), 66-78. doi:10.1037/a0034857

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"Video Games as a Legitimate Sport." IvyPanda , 2 Sept. 2020,

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IvyPanda . 2020. "Video Games as a Legitimate Sport." September 2, 2020.

1. IvyPanda . "Video Games as a Legitimate Sport." September 2, 2020.


IvyPanda . "Video Games as a Legitimate Sport." September 2, 2020.

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  • Our Official List of Great Video Game Essay Topics

Content our official list of great video game essay topics

Any essay that you write should be well-written, accurate, and interesting to your audience. That begins with finding a great topic for your essay. Check out our list of the best essay topic ideas. You should be able to write a great essay about gaming with one of these topics. If you struggle with it, you can always order a custom essay on video games.

Topics on Social Issues

The topic of video games comes up quite frequently when various social topics are being discussed. If you are taking classes such as sociology, public health, political science, or journalism, your essay might focus on the many social issues relating to video games. Writing essays on violence in games is always an option, but there are others as well. Here are a few topic ideas:

Persuasive Essays Related to Social Issues

  • Do Violent Games Cause Behavior Problems?
  • Convince readers, in an essay about violence in games, that the average person will not be affected in a negative way.
  • Should video game rating systems be more stringent?
  • Are parents ultimately responsible for what their kids play?
  • As a society, do we unfairly blame video games when we should be focusing on personal responsibility?

Narrative Essays on Video Games And Their Impact on Society

  • Write about a video game that you played as a child that was too violent for you
  • Have you ever been addicted to online gaming? What was that like.
  • Talk about an incident of harassment that you witnessed when playing online video games.
  • Write essays on violence in gaming and the impact of that in early dating relationships

Expository Essays on The Social Impact of Video Gaming

  • Write a  short essay  on the impact of video gaming on health and wellness
  • Compose a research paper that addresses the effects of allowing young children to do violent video games
  • Write a case study about a young adult who has never been exposed to video games vs. one who has been

General Essay Ideas That Relate to Social Issues

  • What should be done about sexism in gaming?
  • How can the gaming industry become more inclusive as a whole?
  • Why is sex and violence such a common theme in video games?
  • Does early exposure to video games impact the ability of children to self-regulate?
  • What are the biggest social problems related to gaming?

Video Game Essay Topics New Technology

If you are an avid gamer, you probably keep up with the latest technologies, reading specialized magazines, and eagerly await the latest and greatest releases. You may have even been part of a beta testing new things or involved in open source gaming projects. Most importantly, you likely have lots of knowledge and opinions on gaming technology. Check out these essay ideas:

Persuasive Essays on Gaming Technology

  • Will virtual reality impact video game technology or is it simply a fad?
  • Which release is causing the most buzz?
  • Streaming will replace consoles, yes or no?

Expository Essay Ideas on Gaming Technology

  • Pick an up and coming technology and explain how it works
  • Explain the history and development behind an upcoming technological advancement in video tech
  • Discuss the trend of gamers as designers

Other Video Technology Essay Ideas

  • Write a compare contrast essay on virtual reality in gaming vs. augmented reality
  • Write a review of a new gaming system that you have recently tried out.

Topics About Educational Games

Persuasive Essays on Video Games in Education

  • Should children spend more time focusing on lectures and hands-on work than gaming?
  • Argue which educational video game parents of toddlers should choose
  • Video games have no place in education. Argue a side
  • Is gaming a possible solution when dealing with disengaged students?

Expository Essay Ideas For Gaming in Education

  • Explain how gaming is used in special education
  • Describe the features that make a game educational vs. entertainment
  • Research and explain the process educators use to integrate gaming into the classroom

Other Educational Essay Ideas

  • Review the most popular educational games that have been released this year
  • Write a paper about the differences between educational games today vs. 10 or 20 years ago
  • Write a case study about a school that incorporated gaming into their classrooms    

Essay Topics For Passionate Gamers

If you don’t find anything that interests you above, don’t fret. You can still improve your writing skills while expressing your passions for gaming. If you have an interest in gaming, you have many options when it comes to writing essays. This is especially true when it comes to classes where you have a bit more flexibility in your writing assignments. Check out these topic ideas:

  • Write a descriptive essay about the first gaming experience you have had
  • What are your predictions about the future of console gaming
  • What is the funniest thing that happened to you in an online gaming experience
  • What 10 worst things that impact the world of video gaming be opinionated!
  • Compare and contrast the first release of a video game with the most current
  • If you could invent a video game, what would it look like
  • Write a review of the most popular game available today

Remember that you must balance your passion for the topic of gaming with good writing skills and factual knowledge. You will still have to research, cite your sources, and do the other work that goes into writing a good paper. As always, if you need help with a gaming essay remember that we are available to help as we are top essay writing service . Happy gaming!

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Home — Essay Samples — Entertainment — Video Games — Discussion On Whether Video Games Are Bad Or Good For Us


Discussion on Whether Video Games Are Bad Or Good for Us

  • Categories: Effects of Computers Video Games

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Words: 789 |

Published: Mar 18, 2021

Words: 789 | Pages: 2 | 4 min read

Works Cited

  • Fox, J. (n.d.). Video games are bad for you. Psychology Today. Retrieved from
  • Wu, C. (n.d.). Student opinion: Video gaming can be harmless and even helpful. The New York Times. Retrieved from
  • Institute for the Study of Labor. (2014). Video games can improve your vision. IZA World of Labor, 6, 92.
  • Kühn, S., & Gallinat, J. (2014). Amount of time spent playing video games positively correlates with attention and impulsiveness in young adults. Frontiers in Psychology, 5, 611.
  • McGonigal, J. (2011). Reality is broken: Why games make us better and how they can change the world. Penguin.
  • Primack, B. A., Carroll, M. V., McNamara, M., Klem, M. L., King, B., Rich, M., ... & Nayak, S. (2012). Role of video games in improving health-related outcomes: A systematic review. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 42(6), 630-638.
  • Russoniello, C. V., O'Brien, K., & Parks, J. M. (2009). The effectiveness of casual video games in improving mood and decreasing stress. Journal of CyberTherapy & Rehabilitation, 2(1), 53-66.
  • Subramanian, V., & Kirsch, L. J. (2014). The impact of video games on training surgeons in the 21st century. Archives of Surgery, 149(4), 359-362.
  • Wack, E., Tantleff-Dunn, S., & Thomson, J. A. (2013). The impact of media exposure on males' body image. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 32(1), 82-106.
  • Wu, C. (n.d.). Yes, video games are good… for your mind and body. The New York Times. Retrieved from

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Her Sister Is Dead but Life, and Libido, Carry On

In Kimberly King Parsons’s witty, profane novel, “We Were the Universe,” a young mother seeks to salve a profound loss.

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WE WERE THE UNIVERSE, by Kimberly King Parsons

When you hear the phrase “grief novel,” relentless, wildly entertaining horniness probably isn’t the first thing that comes to mind. But that’s what Kimberly King Parsons’s singular debut novel, “We Were the Universe,” immediately delivers.

Even those already familiar with Parsons’s fearless wit and sizzling depictions of yearning (her 2019 story collection “Black Light” was longlisted for the National Book Award) would likely do well to buckle up first. The ride could not be more rewarding; Parsons’s transgressive boldness allows us to feel the soul in places that moderation simply cannot reach.

“We Were the Universe” is told in first person from the viewpoint of Kit, the young mother of the almost-4-year-old Gilda. Kit struggles with boundaries, getting Gilda to stop breastfeeding and porn addiction, but don’t judge. First of all, her thoughts are really fun to read (she wants to sleep with everyone she meets and she has very creative ideas about it); second, she is mourning the untimely death of her younger sister, Julie.

It isn’t just the loss of Julie that’s made Kit ultrathirsty: “My high school guidance counselor called me ‘pleasure-seeking,’” she recalls early on, “and I still don’t understand what’s so bad about that.” But now that Kit is a mom in the Dallas suburbs and monogamously married to her husband, Jad, her former coping mechanisms of casual sex and hallucinogens are unavailable to her.

That leaves the imagination. In the past, psychedelics served her as a valuable narrative engine, each trip providing “a story with a clear beginning, middle and end.” She prizes physical contact for these same reasons. (“Touch: It progresses, it’s forward-moving, impossible to walk back.”) And rather than bringing up ghosts, the bodies of others give Kit a chance to stick her head out the window of the haunted house of her sister’s death and breathe; sex is “a connection that frees you from yourself.”

Luckily, her fluid desires can pour into almost any space, whether it be a playground or a coffee shop. “It’s not that I want to masturbate in the vestibule of the Tiny Toads gymnastics class, specifically,” Kit confesses. “There’s nothing particularly erotic about the clown-colored interior and the frigid air-conditioning, the dead-eyed caregivers sitting in folding chairs, scrolling on their phones.” But if given a moment to think, she will do her best to use the escape hatch of libido.

“So often I’m adrift, a brain in a jar,” she reflects. Still, memory and grief can unexpectedly flood her thoughts. When a flashback hits her at the supermarket, she almost throws up in the checkout line and has to abandon the groceries as Gilda wails for the snacks they’re leaving behind. Kit can’t explain what’s happening to the store employee calling out after her: “ Listen , I want to say. The extinction of my sister — the cosmos will not recover. ”

Though Kit would prefer to fall back on her usual distractions (“I look at his hands, think about how he might help me take my life apart”), her best friend, Pete, has pressured her into accompanying him on a healing journey to Montana to seek out an MNE (Meaningful Nature Experience). She turns out to get more than she bargained for: a Meaningful Supernatural Experience.

Perceived contact from Julie — whether she’s jumping into another person’s body or joining an in-progress phone call unannounced — fans Kit’s grief to unbearable levels, even as she struggles to stay present with Pete, bathing in the biofilm (“a sticky, living movie, mineral pornography”) of a hot-springs-fed river.

These river soaks just aren’t kinky enough to keep Julie, or other fragmented memories of Kit’s pain that she’d rather escape, at bay. Her hallucinations resist linearity and shirk epiphany, except for the deepest truth she’s running from, a “warped jingle” that has been on repeat since Julie’s death: I don’t want to do any of this without you .

Ultimately, the structure of “We Were the Universe” comes to function like a psychedelic journey itself. Discursive modules open up context and click the kaleidoscopic lens of perspective, deepening and expanding everything we thought we knew. In both flashbacks and present action, “euphoria comes in waves, same as grief.” And though the book’s end brings a curtain-drop twist that is the plot-based equivalent of sudden mescaline clarity and awe, equally moving are the moments of joy found in the imagined interiority of Kit’s own fantasies.

Pretending can be a sanctuary, too, and depending on the situation sometimes that’s all we have. The stars in “We Were the Universe” also glimmer in the midst of the everyday. Having wet the family’s shared bed, Gilda invents an alternate story, a happier one: “That’s not pee,” she declares. “That’s champagne.” Parsons has gifted us with a profound, gutsy tale of grief’s dismantling power. The love between Kit and Julie continues to grow despite Julie’s death. They were a universe; by the novel’s end, they feel like a multiverse.

WE WERE THE UNIVERSE | By Kimberly King Parsons | Knopf | 288 pp. | $28

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    3 Common Essay Topics Related to Video Games. 4 Argumentative Topics for Video Game Essays. 5 Informative Video Game Essay Topics. 6 Compare & Contrast Video Game Essay Topics. 7 Analytical Topics for Video Game Essays. 8 Persuasive Essay Topics on Video Gaming. 9 Best Video Game Essay Topics in 2023.

  7. Persuasive Essay: Video Games

    Persuasive Essay: Video Games. Teenagers today often spend a great deal of time playing video games. These games are fun and engaging and young people often feel like playing games is a great thing to do in their spare time. However, you shouldn't spend too much time gaming and there are a number of reasons for this: it's unhealthy, you ...

  8. The discourse structure of video games: A multimodal discourse

    1. Introduction. The study of video games has experienced a trend towards engaging digital games as multimodal discourse [e.g., Aarseth, 2014b; Ensslin, 2012; Ensslin and Balteiro, 2019; Gee, 2014; Popović and Stamenković, 2019; Stamenković et al., 2017], and the attempts to describe interactive audio-visual gameplay by drawing on our understanding of linguistic discourse are still increasing.

  9. The Game of Reading and Writing: How Video Games Reframe Our

    The video game is an inherently dialogic discursive space that problematizes the institutionalized distinction between "reading" and "writing"•Return to the visual.

  10. Should Video Games Be Considered a Sport?

    Video games should not be considered a sport because they do not involve physical activity (Brookey & Oates, 2015). Online multiplayer games require significant amount of training, skill, and strategy. However, mental exertion cannot be compared to physical exertion. Video games require mental exertion only while conventional sports require ...

  11. So You Are Writing About Video Games for Your Eng 101 Paper ...

    Ethos, Pathos and Logos Telos and Kairos Audience Purpose Check Out Part 2: So You Are Writing About Video Games for Your Eng 101 Paper (Part 2): Avoid These Essays on Video Games. Ethos, Pathos ...

  12. Video game genres and discourse communities

    We are studying a variety of "discursive genres" (top list, editorial, essay, audiovisual presentation, etc.) in order to highlight how these constructions structure (more or less consciously) the way in which members of a community share their conception of a video game genre, and determine relevant games.

  13. Discourse of Gaming: A Conceptual Framework of Gaming as an

    The Ohio State University [email protected]. Abstract. Situating gaming as a cultural practice aimed at constructing issues of power through. cultural discussions necessitates a framework of ...

  14. Discursive Essay on the Possibility of Applying Violence in Video Games

    That being said, video games take a massive toll on the criminal justice system due to the negative attention towards law enforcement and bad influences regarding criminal behaviour within the games. Modern-day media feeds off of true crime and horror related stories. ... Discursive Essay on the Possibility of Applying Violence in Video Games ...

  15. Introduction Of Violent Video Games Media Essay

    INTRODUCTION OF VIOLENT VIDEO GAMES. In 1972, first ever video games were introduced as home entertainment for kids and adults called the Magnavox Odyssey. The popularity of video games with children is tremendous and continues to draw their time and attention. A survey found that 92% of children, ages 2-17, play video and computer games.

  16. Argumentative Essay on Violence in Video Games: Whether Video Games

    Abstract This paper will investigate the evidence on whether or not video games are as… For full essay go to Edubirdie.Com. Browse Categories; Essay Examples ... Analytical Essay Discursive Essay on the Possibility of Applying Violence in Video Games Critical Analysis of the Violence in Video Games Analysis of Correlation between ...

  17. Video Games as a Legitimate Sport

    Since video games include the elements that allow promoting social, emotional, and cognitive development, as well as provide opportunities for sensor development and a better control of one's sensory experiences, it will be reasonable to claim that video games should become a sport. We will write a custom essay on your topic. 809 writers online.

  18. List of Great Video Game Essay Topics

    Pick an up and coming technology and explain how it works. Explain the history and development behind an upcoming technological advancement in video tech. Discuss the trend of gamers as designers. Other Video Technology Essay Ideas. Write a compare contrast essay on virtual reality in gaming vs. augmented reality.

  19. The Discourse Structure of Video Games: A Multimodal Discourse

    The logical forms for the first two narrative events/eventualities in the extract from GTA V as well as the subordinated instructive eventuality ðep 2a Þ; notation style adapted from Wildfeuer ...

  20. Discussion on Whether Video Games Are Bad Or Good for Us

    It is proven in article "Yes, Video Games are Good…for Your Mind and Body" by Vince, from research and scientific organizations have proven, playing video games help us to have better the quality of life. So, it cannot be denied that playing video games are not always bad. Not only the goodness of playing video games, Cheney Wu also have ...

  21. An opinion essay

    Video games are one of the technology's product.They have a lot of possitive and negative effects. On the one hand, video games have some negative effects people's health. For example when we sit opposite the computer or TV for play video games for a long time, our body structure or our eyes may deteriorate, it may damage our brain and so on.

  22. Effects of Video Games on Children

    Addiction of video games lead to many problems. These include health issues like sleep disturbances, poor personal hygiene, eating irregularities, migraines, and obesity. Continuing long time sitting in front of gaming devices may lead to back aches, laziness, obesity, eye-sight problems, and weight gain. Due to the pulsing lights, flashes and ...

  23. Opinion

    Understanding My Son, One Game of Catch at a Time. Ms. Shattuck is the author of the forthcoming novel "Last House.". I have never played on an athletic team. As a child, I was not fast or ...

  24. Book Review: 'We Were the Universe,' by Kimberly King Parsons

    The stars in "We Were the Universe" also glimmer in the midst of the everyday. Having wet the family's shared bed, Gilda invents an alternate story, a happier one: "That's not pee ...

  25. Harm of Video Games: Persuasive Speech

    This is a massive negative of gaming because there are many outcomes like: wrist, neck and elbow pain, skin blisters, and sleep disorders. Long-term addiction could lead to obesity, weakness or numbness in the hands and even blood clots. This therefore shows that video games have many more negatives than positives.