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Essays About Culture Shock: Top 5 Examples and 7 Prompts

Writing essays about culture shock promotes awareness, improves character , and fosters meaningful interactions; reading our top examples and prompts to get started.

Two things stood out when I visited Thailand: the beautiful tourist destinations and the country’s food. I enjoyed the meals and snacks, especially  Roti Sai Mai . It’s a sweet candy floss rolled into a salted roti sheet. My peers, however, liked eating Nhon Mhai or silkworms sprinkled with pepper and soy. I knew the country had exotic foods, but it still shocked me. 

Culture shock happens when one is unfamiliar with the environment and culture of a place they’re visiting. People who usually experience this are international students, migrant families, and first-time travelers like myself. An effective way to promote awareness of its  symptoms and stages  is through writing essays about the subject.


5 Essay Examples

  • 1. What Is the Culture Shock? By Anonymous on EduBirdie.Com
  • 2. Long Essay on Culture Shock by Prasanna
  • 3. Cultural Shock and Adaptation by Anonymous on GradesFixer.Com
  • 4. Culture Shock — What Is It by Anonymous on IntervarsityChicago.Org
  • 5. My Experience of Culture Shock in the United States by Anonymous on GradesFixer.Com

1. Culture Shock: Defined

2. symptoms of culture shock, 3. the phases of culture shock, 4. how to overcome culture shock, 5. factors and effects of culture shock, 6. is culture shock normal, 7. my personal experience of culture shock, 1. what is the culture shock  by anonymous on

“Culture shock is the result of national culture. Everyone has a culture which he or she grows, works, and lives. Because of that difference, people are having trouble to adapt new culture.”

In this essay, the author uses students studying abroad as an example to explain culture shock. They mention that culture shock is inevitable even if students prepare themselves for the problems they may face when moving to another country. As a result, students become unfocused and stressed and develop psychological problems.

According to the writer, culture shock is an insurmountable problem, but there are ways to reduce its impact, especially on students. It includes orientation programs from universities, research about the new culture they will encounter, and human interaction. You might be interested in these essays about city life .

2. Long Essay on Culture Shock  by Prasanna

“Traveling to a foreign country is one of the best ways to step outside your monotonous life. The fear of facing unfamiliar situations holds many people from stepping out of their comfort zone. When you reach a new country, you will have the opportunity to see and experience things that you were longing for, have fun and enjoy the atmosphere that you can’t do in your home country.”

Prasanna describes culture shock’s many benefits that significantly improve one’s life. For example, it assists in breaking routines so one can adapt to others’ customs. It leads to individuals being more flexible and expanding their horizons. 

Culture shock also helps build self-confidence and overcome challenges. People make new friends and create new experiences by exposing themselves to unfamiliar cultures, places, and groups. The new knowledge about a foreign place dramatically influences one’s personality and promotes self-growth. Ultimately, Prasanna believes that culture shock is difficult at first, but one becomes comfortable with the changes around them as the day goes by.

Looking for more? Check out these essays about globalization .

3. Cultural Shock and Adaptation  by Anonymous on GradesFixer.Com

“… The differences of how people live, their beliefs, values are rather obvious. We not only find no evidence of convergence – we actually find that the gap between the value system of rich and poor countries have been growing, not shrinking, during the past 20 years.”

This essay contains various quotes from people knowledgeable about culture shock, such as Michael Minkov, the author of  “Cultural Differences in a Globalizing World.”  The writer says that traveling abroad is more than just enjoying the sights, festivities, and food. It’s about learning and understanding how its people live — the travelers’ difficulties in understanding these lead to culture shock. Since this is a broad and sensitive topic, the author believes that people should learn about the culture and its differences to know its causes and develop effective methods to overcome them.

4. Culture Shock — What Is It  by Anonymous on IntervarsityChicago.Org

“Culture Shock is the disorientation and change that is experienced after an international relocation… You will feel as if you are in the wrong place; everything will appear abnormal and you will often find things hard to comprehend.”

The author defines culture shock as mental confusion brought on by moving to a foreign country, locale, school, and workplace. Various factors contribute to culture shock, and its effects differ from one person to another. For students and employees, culture shock makes them unproductive and tired. 

The essay further explains that the usual cause of culture shock is homesickness. People feel various indicators like insomnia, anger issues, irritation, and many others. Their advice to readers dealing with culture shock is to look for its causes to handle it properly to avoid adverse effects. You might also be interested in these essays about culture shock .

5. My Experience of Culture Shock in the United States  by Anonymous on GradesFixer.Com

“Many of the customs of the new culture may seem odd or uncomfortably different from those of your home country. Being in a new and unfamiliar place can be challenging even for the experienced traveler, and it is normal to feel frustrated and isolated.”

Being from Kazakhstan and using a Hollywood movie as a basis for American life, the author has no idea that pursuing their dream of living in The Land of the Free will give them culture shock. The writer discusses three significant differences between their home country and America.

First, compared to their native land, where people only befriend those they trust, Americans are approachable and make easy friends with strangers. Second, privacy and personal space are nonexistent in America. Lastly, Americans’ ideas of equality spill into how they talk and dress.

7 Prompts for Essays About Culture Shock

Use this prompt to discuss culture shock by talking about its literal meaning, experts’ views, and your idea of it. Then, pick what’s consistent across these varying explanations to create a comprehensive definition of culture shock. Add relevant citations from reliable sources to strengthen your statements and make the essay more informative. 

If you find this topic complex, simplify it and write a five-paragraph essay instead.

Essays About Culture Shock: Symptoms of culture shock

Some common symptoms of culture shock are feeling isolated, bored, and irritated. However, it differs in the stage, cause, or degree of culture shock a person has. For this prompt, briefly discuss the definition of culture shock and then identify its symptoms. Expound on each stage’s indicators and how long a person typically goes through these symptoms. The essay must also explain how these signs differ from one individual to another.

There are  four stages of culture shock : honeymoon, frustration, adjustment, and acceptance. Explain each stage and focus on what causes an individual to transition from one phase to the next. Add how long each stage lasts and what feelings are involved. Include examples so readers can better understand each stage.

Certain situations do not allow an individual to return to a familiar environment to get rid of culture shock. In this prompt, center your essay on ways to help people cope with culture shock. Search for effective ways to adapt to the changes, such as developing new hobbies and making friends in the new place. 

Essays About Culture Shock: Factors and effects of culture shock

Climate, language, social roles, values, and unspoken rules are some factors that contribute to culture shock. For this prompt, briefly explain culture shock and list its common causes to help the reader verify if they’re experiencing this phenomenon. Then, discuss how these factors lead to culture shock by offering examples and include some of its positive and negative effects.

To write this prompt, you need to find reliable references such as demographic statistics to determine the number of people experiencing culture shock worldwide. After gathering data, analyze and discuss your findings. 

Remember to answer the question prompt and summarize your conclusions at the end of your essay. Here’s an example statement: Based on research , 85% of international students experience culture shock, and their top problem is adjusting to the country’s language.

Share a story of your travel or move to another location where you experienced culture shock. Write about the reason for your transfer and describe where you came from versus where you moved to. Include how long you stayed in the place and what culture shock symptoms you felt. Add how this experience affected you and your expectations whenever you visit a new location. If you are interested in learning more, check out our essay writing tips !

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18 Culture Shock Examples

18 Culture Shock Examples

Sourabh Yadav (MA)

Sourabh Yadav is a freelance writer & filmmaker. He studied English literature at the University of Delhi and Jawaharlal Nehru University. You can find his work on The Print, Live Wire, and YouTube.

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18 Culture Shock Examples

Chris Drew (PhD)

This article was peer-reviewed and edited by Chris Drew (PhD). The review process on Helpful Professor involves having a PhD level expert fact check, edit, and contribute to articles. Reviewers ensure all content reflects expert academic consensus and is backed up with reference to academic studies. Dr. Drew has published over 20 academic articles in scholarly journals. He is the former editor of the Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education and holds a PhD in Education from ACU.

essay culture shock example

Culture shock is what people experience when they are exposed to a culture vastly different from their own.

It is the feeling of disorientation and discomfort a person feels when moving from a familiar to an unfamiliar place. This can mean immigrating to a new country, shifting to a different place in one’s own country, or transitioning to a different type of life. 

Different cultures have different languages, food habits, social norms , etc. These differences between the home culture and the new culture are what cause culture shock. It can lead to feelings of isolation, a sense of frustration, sleep disturbances, etc. 

Definition of Culture Shock

The term “culture shock” was coined in the 1960s by the anthropologist Kalervo Oberg. He defined it as

“the psychological disorientation that most people experience when they move for an extended period of time into a culture markedly different from their own.” (1960)

Another definition comes from John Scott, who defines it as

“…the experience of those suddenly immersed in a culture very different from their own” (2014).

Above, Scott extends the term to include physical and cognitive reactions too, along with psychological ones.

Generally, the term culture shock has a negative connotation, although some scholars argue that it also has benefits for individuals. Gary Weaver argued that there are three main causes behind culture shock: loss of familiar cues, the breakdown of interpersonal communications , and an identity crisis (1994). 

When individuals have spent a considerable amount of time in a new culture, they may also experience reverse culture shock upon returning to their home culture. They get so immersed in the new ways of life that the old (once familiar) ways of life begin to feel alien. 

The title of Thomas Wolfe’s novel— You Can’t Go Home Again —aptly describes this feeling. Reverse culture shock usually consists of two parts:

  • Idealization: When a person is in a new culture, they constantly reminisce about their time in the home culture. All the bad fades away, and only good memories of the past remain, creating an idealized version of home.
  • Expectations: Because of their idealization, individuals imagine that their home is a perfect place that will never change. But when they return, they realize that nothing is the same. Even without them, the world has moved on, and this realization causes psychological discomfort. 

Examples of Culture Shock

  • Being offended by perceived rudeness: Some countries are more upfront than others, which can come across as rudeness. For example, Russians are known for being blunt whereas British people are not. This may cause confusion and frustration when communicating across cultures.
  • Not knowing how to greet strangers: You may find that the rules and norms around greetings are different. You get confused about whether to kiss someone on the cheek, shake their hand, or bow! This can start to make you anxious and uncomfortable when meeting other people.
  • Not understanding workplace norms: If you got a job overseas, you may find that the norms around what’s acceptable in the workplace can be confronting. For example, if you got a job in Japan, you may find yourself staying back at work a lot later in the evening than you’d have liked.
  • Struggling to navigate the bureaucracy : Commonly, migrants to a new country find it really hard to rent a house, get a phone plan, figure out how to pay taxes, and so on. We tend to focus on and be annoyed by things that were easy at home, but hard (or more expensive!) in your new country.
  • Difficulty with language: One of the top causes of culture shock is language problems. If you need to learn a new language, communicating becomes very hard and your self-confidence may suffer.
  • Punctuality issues: Different countries have different expectations around punctuality. If you come from a country where a meeting time is a rough guess, and you’re going to a country where punctuality is very important, then you may find yourself stepping on toes.
  • Struggling with food and eating: Traveling overseas means you are unlikely to find the exact ingredients you wanted in the shops anymore. Even things that are labeled the same may taste different. Before you know it, you may find that you really miss the food back home.
  • Accidentally engaging in taboos: Different cultures have different taboos . You may be a little shocked by the expectations overseas. I remember when I first moved to Canada, I was annoyed by the tipping culture. I missed home, where tipping was never expected. But it’s taboo not to tip in North America . Now, I’ve adapted so much that I tip when I visit Australia, even though it’s not expected at all!
  • Struggling to adapt when returning home: We also have the concept of reverse culture shock , when you get home and have to adapt all over again. Sometimes, it’s hard. You’ve changed and so have your friends, which makes re-adjusting hard. You may even miss being overseas!
  • Being confronted by new gender norms : My wife was pretty confronted when we traveled Asia and she found out women weren’t allowed in certain temples, and when they were, they were told how to dress. Here, she had a bit of culture shock about how gender norms were different.
  • Being confronted by others’ expressions of emotions: You may find different approaches to the expression of emotions, which can be confronting. I remember being really offended by the rudeness of people in Vietnam who pushed in front of me when waiting in line. I still get angry thinking about it! At the time, I spoke up – “wait your turn! How rude!” Interestingly, they got angry at me for expressing my emotions in public. How shameful of me!
  • Inability to navigate traffic: You may move to another country and expect it’ll be easy to catch the bus, drive around town, or rent a motorbike. But anyone who’s been to Asia will realize the roads are crazy there! You might feel overwhelmed by the prospect of having to drive or navigate the streets in your new home.
  • Struggling to make friends: You may find the the people are just a bit different from you. This can make it difficult for you to make friends.
  • Not understanding informal norms : Some rules in a society are implicit, or hidden. In high context cultures , you’ll need to use implicit and nonverbal situational cues to understand what’s expected of you at any time.
  • Feeling uncertain about gift giving norms: You might get overwhelmed and even angry when trying to figure out what’s expected of you. For example, when invited over to someone’s home for dinner, do you bring a gift? And what? These little frustrations add up and exacerbate your culture shock.
  • Loneliness: It takes time to make new friends. Culture shock is often strongest when you’re new to a country and don’t have a good group of social contacts who can help you through.
  • Homesickness: Homesickness is one of the biggest signs of culture shock. It’s that sense that you just want to be home where you’re comfortable and with friends.
  • Struggling with a new climate: An under-examined feature of homesickness is dealing with the weather. For example, many Australians in Canada complain about the long, cold winters, and end up returning to the warm beaches of Australia because they just can’t handle the weather.

Four Phases of Culture Shock

Although culture shock is experienced differently by different individuals, the phenomenon generally involves four phases. 

While addressing the Women’s Club of Rio de Janeiro in 1954, Kalervo Oberg proposed his four-phase model of cultural adjustment:

  • Honeymoon phase: During the first phase, the differences between the home culture and the new culture seem quite fascinating. The individual sees this new way of life in an almost romantic light, getting enthralled by the change in weather, food habits, and social customs. The individual is open-minded and confident about trying new things. After the first few weeks, like all honeymoons, this phase ends.
  • Negotiation phase: After the first few months, the individual sees the differences in a more realistic sense. Instead of excitement, they now induce anxiety and frustration. Differences in public hygiene, safety, and food quality increase the sense of discomfort. There are physical challenges too: the circadian rhythm gets disrupted (causing insomnia) and the glut flora has to adapt to different levels of bacteria in food/water. The biggest challenge is communication as people often feel incredibly lonely in this phase.
  • Adjustment phase: After six to twelve months, the individual learns to cope with the differences and adapts to the new environment. They know what to expect in most situations, and the new ways of life start to feel normal. They develop routines and slowly create social support systems. The new culture now starts to make sense, and they are able to appreciate its positive qualities with a positive mindset. We call this “ cultural adaptation .”
  • Adaptation phase: In this final stage, people are able to fully participate in the host culture. This does not mean complete conversion as they may still carry values and practices from their previous culture (like accents). However, they are confident about their footing and begin to thrive in the new culture. This phase is also called the bicultural stage as individuals can expertly navigate the differences between two cultures.

When you might get Culture Shock

  • Going on vacation: Going on vacation to a foreign country can cause culture shock. While it is often an exciting experience, it can also get overwhelming. Because of the language barrier, one finds it difficult to communicate with the locals, especially while navigating or buying something. Plus, there may be security concerns that one is not cautious about in a new culture; for example, pickpocketing or scamming.
  • Living in a foreign country: While vacations are short-lived (and often don’t even go past the exciting “honeymoon phase”), living for longer periods can pose greater challenges. The most fundamental aspects of one’s life, such as grocery shopping or commuting, can be quite different from what one is used to. Socializing is the biggest challenge because of the language barriers and differences in social etiquette.
  • Studying abroad: Students living alone in a foreign country face significant culture shock. Without parental support, they can feel more anxious in adjusting to a new culture, especially when the patterns of communication are significantly different. Young et al. point out how this can have long-lasting effects on students, so universities must provide well-rounded programs to help them face these challenges (2014)
  • International business: Traveling abroad for business can be quite hectic. There are physiological challenges as one needs to adjust to the different working hours, food habits, etc. Plus, there is a need to get acquainted with the communication style and customs while also keeping in mind the business regulations. So, while international business can be a tremendous opportunity, it can also involve culture shock.
  • Retiring abroad: A growing number of people are now choosing to retire abroad, which can cause culture shock. Many people, especially in First World countries, retire abroad to gain new experiences and enjoy a lower cost of living. However, this has its difficulties. They need to adapt to a new legal framework for paying taxes, getting long-term visas, etc. Moreover, after leaving behind their family and friends, it can be quite difficult to find a new social circle given the communication barriers.
  • Moving to a new city: Culture shock, besides affecting those who move abroad, can also impact those who move to a different place in the same country. For example, when someone from a rural place moves to a large metropolis. They need to adjust to the new weather patterns, food habits, transportation systems, etc. There are also different local customs and societal norms that one has to learn and adapt.
  • Working in multicultural environments: Working in a multicultural environment can cause culture shock. It involves adjusting to communication styles and customs across cultures, which is especially difficult in large, multilingual countries like India. Most MNCs are in Bangalore (a city in Southern India), where people from all over the country work. Northerners find it particularly difficult to adjust, as informal communication amongst colleagues (say inside jokes) often takes place in the local language.
  • Volunteer work: Volunteer work can often involve going to and living in vastly different social settings, which can cause culture shock. Whether in the same country or abroad, it requires one to adapt to a new way of life far away from family & friends. The culture shock also affects the volunteering work, including the style of communication, the delegation of work, how volunteers are perceived by the locals, etc.
  • International adoption: While most instances of culture shock occur when one travels elsewhere, international adoption is an inverse situation: somebody else travels to you. Welcoming a new family member from another culture can be difficult, as they have their own beliefs and practices. The adopted child may face identity issues and a sense of displacement. Communication also poses a huge problem.
  • Returning home from abroad: Returning home after living abroad for a long period can cause what is called reverse culture shock. This involves returning to a familiar but changed environment, which is often quite difficult as the individual may have grown accustomed to the customs and practices of their host country. Reconnecting with their old social circle and readjusting to different living conditions can be rather challenging.

Culture shock refers to the experience of moving to a culture that is different from one’s own. 

It is the discomfort one feels after being suddenly exposed to an unfamiliar environment. Different cultures have different languages, food habits, and customs, and these differences are what cause culture shock.

There are four phases of this phenomenon: honeymoon, negotiation, adjustment, and adaptation. While moving to a different culture is a daunting task, individuals ultimately learn how to adapt to the new environment and are able to participate fully in it. 

Oberg, Kalervo. (1954). Culture Shock . CiteSeerX Presented to the Women’s Club of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 3 August 1954.

Oberg, K. (1960). “Culture shock: Adjustment to new cultural environments”. Practical Anthropology , 7(4). American Society of Missiology.

Scott, John. (2014). A Dictionary of Sociology . Oxford. 

Weaver, G.R. (1994). “Understanding and coping with cross-cultural adjustment stress”. In Culture, Communication, and Conflict: Readings in Intercultural Relations. Ginn Press.

Young, Jennifer T.; Natrajan-Tyagi, Rajeswari; Platt, Jason J. (2014). “Identity in Flux: Negotiating Identity While Studying Abroad”. Journal of Experiential Education . Sage Publications. 


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Culture Shock Essay Writing Guide

By: Henrique Bertulino

Culture Shock Essay Writing Guide

First and foremost, what is a culture shock essay?

Culture Shock Essay

A culture shock essay is a paper that describes the emotions, reactions, and observations an individual experiences when exposed to a new cultural environment different from their own.

Such essays explore the disorientation, confusion, surprises, anxieties, excitements, and learning that occur when adjusting to new norms, values, beliefs, behaviors, and ways of life in a different culture.

The Purpose of Culture Shock Essays

How to write an essay on culture shock, the stages of culture shock, key areas to describe, coping strategies to describe, culture shock essay example, final thoughts, what if i don't have a big, shocking event to describe, do i focus on others' behavior or my reactions, do i share positive reactions only, how do i conclude my learning journey.

Culture shock essays serve several academic and personal purposes, including:

  • Helping individuals make sense of intense cultural adjustment experiences through writing. Putting emotions and reactions into words can clarify one's feelings and observations during confusing transitions.
  • Educating others on the various stages, emotions, and coping strategies for adapting to unfamiliar cultural settings. These personal accounts provide insight for those planning to enter new environments on what to expect.
  • Building cultural awareness, empathy, sensitivity, and skills for better adjusting to diversity. Openly describing culture shock promotes understanding and compassion across differences.
  • Assessing one's own ethnocentrism, prejudices, privileges, and norms by contrasting another cultural experience against one's own ingrained perspectives. This reflexivity helps develop a more flexible, open worldview.

Capturing your insights gained and the emotional journey faced during cultural adaptation on paper can serve as a profoundly clarifying and transformative exercise. Choose a distinct cultural immersion experience and consider the following guidance to effectively compose such a reflective piece:

  • Choose a cultural immersion experience: Focus your essay on a time you experienced a culture distinctly different from your own through study abroad, overseas work or schooling, military deployment, immigration, or an extended stay with a new family.
  • Consider contrasts and sharp initial reactions: The crux of a culture shock college essay is contrasting initial perceptions with realities discovered through cultural immersion and disorientation. Analyze the gap between an assumption held before arriving and a local custom that surprised you.
  • Describe your emotions across time: Share what first drew you to the new location. What aspects eventually frustrated or confused you? When did you settle in, and what realizations, locals, or experiences enabled your adaptation? Analyze your mental ups and downs.
  • Highlight places you struggled: Share stories of misunderstandings, confusion, navigating local customs, or communication issues that challenged you deeply. Consider dining, friendship, or transit difficulties. Envision these scenes vividly.
  • Spotlight cultural mentors or guides: Who assisted your cultural learning? How did they interpret the confusing aspects of local life? Recall how such guides responded to your mistakes with patience and instruction.
  • Analyze implications: What stereotypes or assumptions did the experience shatter for you? How did immersion change your self perspective and worldview? What wisdom on life or diversity did you glean?
  • Learn the language: Sprinkling in bits of local dialect or concepts when relevant enhances an essay’s richness. But define the terms for general readers. Discuss if language barriers impacted your adaptation.

With deep analysis of your emotions, shifting reactions, and ultimate inspirations or lessons learned through cultural immersion, your essay can profoundly impact and educate readers facing their own cross-cultural journeys.

Essays about culture shock often follow a loose narrative structure aligned with the commonly observed stages of cultural adjustment:

Honeymoon Stage

Initial fascination, enthusiasm, and optimism about a new culture occur during the first few weeks, when differences feel exciting.

Frustration Stage

Growing tension, stress, confusion, homesickness, and depression as cultural differences lead to communication breakdowns, misunderstandings, and difficulties functioning. Can last for months.

Adjustment Stage

Increased ability to function, understand cultural logic, and accept new cultural environments. Tips and strategies for appropriately navigating the culture become clearer.

Acceptance Stage

The new culture feels comfortable and familiar. One is able to fluidly navigate cultural contexts according to one's needs and personal values.

cultureshock stages

Culture shock academic essays provide detailed examples of emotional reactions, surprises, challenges, and cultural learning across aspects of the new environment, like:

  • Communication dynamics such as language barriers, sociology, etiquette and non-verbal styles
  • Societal customs, norms, taboos, and etiquette in areas like business, dining, friendships or romance
  • Food, cuisine, dishes, dining setups, rituals, and levels of hospitality
  • Transportation systems and norms around commuting, driving, and rules
  • Social relationships, friendship-building approaches, dating norms, personal space
  • Recreation activities, interests, norms around sports/arts/leisure pursuits
  • Values, beliefs, worldviews, mindsets, humility, and power dynamics of locals
  • Housing/shopping/finance differences such as appliances, stores, bureaucracy
  • Government authority, legal system, dealings with police or bureaucracy
  • Religious diversity, rituals, norms, and influence on culture

By using vivid scenarios to describe experiences across these aspects, readers gain an insider's perspective on the confusion, learning rollercoaster, and emotional work of cultural adjustment over time.

A core element of an essay about culture shock is articulating the coping strategies and learning that aided cultural adaptation, such as:

  • Reframing one’s mindset with patience and curiosity
  • Observing norms around greetings or transactions
  • Asking locals to explain confusing references
  • Bonding with fellow immigrants and dealing with discomforts
  • Balancing immersion with familiar downtime outlets

Sharing not just the confusion but also the personal growth and coping methods used to advance one’s understanding of a culture’s complexity reveals insight valuable to readers facing their own transitions.

Below is an excerpt from an essay by a student from America describing her experiences joining a summer academic program in South Korea:

"When I first arrived in bustling Seoul, I was astonished at how glitteringly modern and technologically advanced everything appeared compared to my small U.S. hometown. Stepping out of the subway into a tangle of neon signs blanketing food stalls filled with steaming dishes I'd never encountered, fast-talking figures dressed in sleek styles, and rushing crowds, I instantly realized I had cultural misunderstandings to reconcile between my assumptions of traditional Asia and contemporary Korea...

In my first few weeks, I fixated daily on all that felt wonderfully foreign, from hurtling cityscapes of concrete towers clashing with majestic palaces to long treks through outdoor markets cluttered with squid and unfamiliar fruits. I soon lived for escaping my rigid academic program to explore spicy foods, noraebang karaoke, and cultural sites. As the months stretched on, though, the sheen of excitement wore off as I encountered mounting logistical troubles...delicate social dynamics that seemed to exclude me as a loud foreigner, academic rules I couldn't decipher, and communication breakdowns while simply trying to order food or make friends. Stumped by difficulties I avoided admitting, I often feigned sickness in my room, feeling depressed and doubly aware of sticking out...

Over time, through Korean friends gently correcting my mistakes or explaining why lines seem so confusing (yet efficient), I slowly learned to appropriately navigate unfamiliar contexts. After accidentally offending a friend, I realized the importance of understanding how humility, formality, and quiet subtlety enable cohesion in crowded Korea despite chaos. Now fluent in not only language but social rituals, I move confidently between the Korea in my memories and the one before my eyes, equipped with hard-won skills for transitioning cultures..."

This excerpt demonstrates core elements in cultural shock essays: contrasting assumptions with observations, detailing emotional ups and downs, highlighting key areas of difficulty from communication to academics, and describing personal growth and realizing cultural complexity over time. While not encompassing this student's full experience, it reveals the profoundly disorienting yet insightful journey of cultural adjustment through first-hand perspective.

Essay writing about culture shock provides insightful windows into the growth-enhancing yet intensely destabilizing power of intercultural experiences. By openly detailing their struggles and triumphs in adapting to unfamiliar environments, essay writers gift readers with an empathy-building understanding of what connects our shared human experiences across differences. Such essays reassure that, however stressful initially, embracing cultural adjustment leads to experiential learning and life-long skills for flexibly bridging divides. Through courageous self-revelation, they help shrink our vast world to show how much we truly have to learn from each other.

Brown, L., & Holloway, I. (2008). The initial stage of the international sojourn: excitement or culture shock? British Journal of Guidance & Counselling, 36(1), 33–49. 10.1080/03069880701715689

Pollock, D. C., & Van Reken, R. E. (2017). Third culture kids: Growing up among worlds. Nicholas Brealey Publishing.

Holmes, Prue. (2006). Problematising Intercultural Communication Competence in the Pluricultural Classroom: Chinese Students in a New Zealand University. Language and Intercultural Communication. 6. 10.1080/14708470608668906.

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Culture Shock Essay | Essay About Culture Shock Its and Stages and Experience 700 Words

January 12, 2022 by Prasanna

Culture Shock Essay: Culture shock refers to the impact one has to experience when moving from their known country, culture, family, and friends to live in another country and social environment that is unfamiliar. This impact includes feelings of uncertainty, anxiety, and confusion. It is also a kind of disturbance a person may feel when going through an unfamiliar way of lifestyle due to immigration or a visit to a new country. Even the most open-minded people and travelers face culture shock when moving between different cultural environments. Being exposed to a different language, weather, people, and an entirely new culture can be both an uncomfortable and overwhelming experience.

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Long Essay on Culture Shock

Positive impacts

Culture shock doesn’t seem to be a pleasant experience when someone has to struggle to make himself fit into a new environment which is really tough. But as time passes, it can provide a powerful and positive impact on one’s life. Exposure to a new culture is a very positive thing, especially for young people. It gives the opportunity to learn how to adapt, interact and present yourself within an entirely new culture, and thus develop a global mindset. Culture shock can have several benefits that are described as follows:

Breaks the routine

We often get stagnant in our daily ways of doing things. Travel to a new country can change many aspects of that daily routine and break the monotony. You might find that timings, meals, recreation activities, or social interactions are quite different from what you’re used to. If you’re flexible enough to adapt to these changes, then you will enjoy the experience of finding a new place and culture. The break from the daily routine can broaden the horizons by knowing what you might do differently.

Builds self-confidence

When you are in a new country, you will initially face a lot of difficulties but you can also learn from them. Gradually you will be able to communicate by building your language skills and getting along with others. In the long run, you become more self-confident and satisfied as you keep on overcoming the challenges. An unfamiliar environment can be uncomfortable but those situations shape your personality by helping you discover your capabilities to handle stressful situations.

Make new friends and community

As you step into the new institution or community, initially all may seem strangers but gradually they become friends. In the early stages of culture shock, people often feel lonely and confused as they try to adjust to a new environment.  But you will be able to break down cultural boundaries and find new friends in the office, college, and neighborhood. You may come across people from different parts of the world, who may be eager to host you on a visit to their home country. Meeting people with different outlooks, backgrounds, and experiences can develop you into a more open-minded individual. It may also open doors of opportunities for you in other parts of the world that would otherwise be inaccessible to you.

Keeps on learning

Being in a foreign country, you will be constantly exposed to new people, places and ideas. You can learn about new styles of dance, music, art forms, foreign histories, foods, fashion and so much more. This can lead to new hobbies and interests that help you connect to that place and culture.  You get to know about new concepts and ideas that really come to influence your personality. Learning a foreign language becomes easier when you fit yourself in a new culture which is not possible otherwise. Learning a new language will also help to think differently as well.

In the early stages of culture shock, it may seem very difficult to adjust to daily life in your new community. But with time, you become comfortable with your new routine and the company of other people in your community. Traveling to a foreign country is one of the best ways to step outside your monotonous life. The fear of facing unfamiliar situations holds many people from stepping out of their comfort zone. When you reach a new country, you will have the opportunity to see and experience things that you were longing for, have fun and enjoy the atmosphere that you can’t do in your home country. Exploring a new culture by discovering its culture and traditions, trying new foods and dresses, and learning about the history not only enriches your knowledge but also adds valuable life experience that you will remember till old age.

Essay About Culture Shock

Short Essay on Culture Shock

Culture shock is experienced by people when moving to a new country or city that has completely different cultural and social surroundings as compared to the present one. Culture shock can occur when people move to a new place for different reasons, be it on vacation, traveling, studying or doing jobs abroad. People often get the feeling of disorientation when they move to a new environment and face difficulties while trying to adjust. However, experiencing culture shock helps to shape one’s personality significantly by teaching how to build confidence and adaptability, handle periods of loneliness and unfamiliarity, and remain strong when they are facing vulnerability.

How to overcome Culture Shock?

Efforts must be taken from both sides to help adapt to the new cultural and social environment. Some of the ways are to learn the local language, learn about the local food, customs, and practices. Moreover, patient and helpful behavior from people in the community during the initial periods of adjustments can help the newcomer to feel more comfortable and confident. Both should realize that adjusting to a new environment takes time. Once a person accepts the difference and acknowledges it, then the process of integration becomes easier. Therefore mutual respect and tolerance must be maintained among them. The best way to overcome cultural shock is to start learning about the new culture before moving there.  Always try to focus on the positive aspects of the new experiences and learning. Keep an open mind and avoid comparisons. Find ways to relieve stress and socialize with friends and colleagues. By acknowledging the difference and respecting the diversity, the effect of cultural shock can be avoided to a great extent.

Experiencing culture shock has a positive long-term impact if you are ready to face the initial hurdles with perseverance and confidence. It teaches us the valuable lesson that despite our differences in cultures, languages, and ethnicities , we can connect to each other . We all share similar aspirations to find love, enjoy what we do, protect our family, and earn a good living. The culture shock truly reinforces the idea that we all share the same human experience in this beautiful world.

FAQ’s on Culture Shock Essay

Question 1. How does culture shock influence young adults positively?

Answer: Young people have the mindset to accept and adjust to new ideas so a culture shock can help to build their self-confidence and independent attitude.

Question 2. How to avoid culture shock?

Answer: An acceptance of difference and diversity in cultural and social environments between countries help to avoid the initial impact of culture shock.

Question 3. What are the reasons for experiencing culture shock?

Answer: Culture shock is experienced out of anxiety, uncertainty, and confusion when someone moves from one country to another with a completely different cultural setup.

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Essay on Culture Shock

Culture shock is defined by the University of Florida Interactive Media Lab as “the uncomfortable feeling of uncertainty that many people experience when immersed in unfamiliar surroundings where they are unsure of the acceptable norms of behavior, or what to expect from other people.” This phenomenon can occur when traveling or moving to a new city, state, or country. While it’s not something that can easily be avoided, being prepared and knowing what to expect can make the experience one that is both beneficial and not life shattering.

Travelers to new and foreign places are most likely to experience culture shock as their surroundings can change dramatically from what they’re used to at home. However, other populations can also suffer from culture shock. That includes students who have recently moved away to attend college or those who relocate for their job.

There is a variety of signs that a person may be suffering from culture shock. They include losing the ability to pick up on the social and language cues of the people in their new environment as well as a difference in the values and morals that one finds important and valuable. Other things that one might experience include feelings of depression, anxiety, fear or anger. Feeling disoriented is also to be expected. Losing a feeling of satisfaction with life and the ability to appropriately interact with peers and coworkers are other things to be on the lookout for.

According to Global Perspectives, there are four stages to culture shock that one must work through to before a resolution is discovered. People can move through these stages in any order, but typically must go through each of them before coming out the other side and feeling satisfied and successful in one’s new environment, whether it’s short term or long term.

The first stage is called the honeymoon stage and refers to the initial positive feelings associated with trying something new and living or traveling in a new place. People often become infatuated with their new surroundings during this stage and love everything that has to do with it, including the people, food, entertainment, and living environment. For some people on shorter trips, this honeymoon phase describes the entire trip and the other stages don’t come into play because one isn’t in the new place long enough to transition through them all.

The frustration stage, which can also be called the disenchantment phase, sets in when one begins to become frustrated or irritated with the inability to interact with locals, whether due to the differences in customs or the language barrier that crops up when traveling or living abroad. As the ability to cope declines, a person will feel increasingly angry, frustrated, and hostile about the new situation and the difficulty that comes with trying to shop, dine out, and meet new people when different languages are spoken and different customs are followed.

When one moves into the adjustment phase, he or she is becoming more familiar and comfortable in the new surroundings and is getting better at navigating the new location. People may begin to pick up on the language and social cues and start to meet new people. Shopping, eating out, reading street signs, using public transportation, and making new friends become easier during this stage, which is usually a positive one for most people.

The acceptance stage can take weeks, months or even years to get to, but is characterized by the ability to thrive in a new place, despite the differences in customs, culture and language. A person in this stage begins to realize that these differences will likely stay in place, but they don’t have to be a barrier to success and fulfillment in the new home or workplace.

Though culture shock can be uncomfortable or even unpleasant at times, experts say that there are benefits to feeling and experiencing it. According to experts at Work the World, culture shock can help a person gain a better understanding of why their home customs, values and traditions are so important and meaningful to them. At the same time, going through the stages of culture shock also gives people confidence that they can thrive anywhere, as well as improving their feelings toward and interactions with people in a variety of cultures. A greater level of maturity and a clearer perspective on the different parts of the world are other positive aspects of going through culture shock.

There are a few tips to help one get through culture shock, including trying to immerse oneself in the new place while also surrounding oneself with what’s comfortable and familiar from home. This might be cooking favorite foods or wearing favorite clothes. Staying in touch with family and friends at home, as well as building a new social network can also help make the transition smooth and positive.

The very word “shock” gives the phenomenon of culture shock a negative connotation, but the experience can actually be very valuable and important.

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The Difference of Cultures: Culture Shock Essay

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The aspects of a different culture that would be the hardest to adjust to would probably be the basic norms of life. For instance, one might expect that a certain state is less or more advanced than others and anticipate seeing buildings and cars that are either more modernized or underdeveloped.

Nonetheless, not being familiar with small facets of a nation’s material and nonmaterial culture may pose difficulties (“Why it matters,” n.d.). In the example of Danielle, people seem shocked by her not being taught how to perform actions that are standard to other individuals (“Why it matters,” n.d.). Similarly, not being socialized in a certain culture means not knowing such little details as that it may be all right to use one’s hands to eat (“Why it matters,” n.d.). Therefore, in a significantly different culture, it would probably be the toughest to adjust to small aspects of life that one may not even consider to be distinct in other communities. Furthermore, what the citizens of another country might find shocking about my culture would potentially depend on their experiences with Peace Corps volunteers. For instance, if the local population had interactions with the organization’s recruits, then they might be familiar with some American norms.

Nonetheless, if I were one of the first Peace Corps service people the residents met, then they may be surprised by ways that my behavior may differ from their standards of conduct. For example, if I were in a country where it is not acceptable to initiate a conversation with a certain person, the citizens may be shocked to see me starting dialogues (“Why it matters,” n.d.). Consequently, my behavior may seem startling to individuals from other nations if their norms are significantly distinct from those in the US.

Why it matters: Socialization and interaction [PDF document]. (n.d.).

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IvyPanda. (2024, March 5). The Difference of Cultures: Culture Shock.

"The Difference of Cultures: Culture Shock." IvyPanda , 5 Mar. 2024,

IvyPanda . (2024) 'The Difference of Cultures: Culture Shock'. 5 March.

IvyPanda . 2024. "The Difference of Cultures: Culture Shock." March 5, 2024.

1. IvyPanda . "The Difference of Cultures: Culture Shock." March 5, 2024.


IvyPanda . "The Difference of Cultures: Culture Shock." March 5, 2024.

What is the Culture Shock?

This essay about culture shock explores the disorienting experience of navigating unfamiliar customs and norms in a foreign environment. It vividly illustrates the initial excitement followed by the overwhelming sense of isolation and loneliness. Through moments of connection and adaptation, it highlights the resilience of the human spirit in overcoming challenges and finding belonging in unfamiliar territories.

How it works

Culture shock can feel like entering a world where all the familiar rules have been replaced with indecipherable norms. It’s the sensation of the ground beneath your feet turning to quicksand, each step sinking you deeper into uncertainty.

Imagine being in a vibrant market in a remote part of the world, engulfed by a symphony of strange sounds and a spectrum of colors more vivid than any dream. The air carries the aroma of unknown spices, and the expressions on passing faces are hard to read.

Initially, the unknown is exhilarating. You dive into the adventure, tasting unusual foods, trying to speak the local tongue, and absorbing the new environment with a zeal for discovery.

However, the initial excitement soon fades as reality sets in. Language barriers that seemed minor at first now appear insurmountable. Simple tasks, like ordering food or navigating your way, become daunting challenges that leave you feeling defeated and alienated.

With time, the thrill of novelty is replaced by a deep feeling of disorientation and loneliness. You miss the familiar—home-cooked meals, laughter from loved ones, and the comfort of easy friendships. In this new place, you feel like an outsider, forever on the periphery of a world that isn’t yours.

But even in the midst of this turmoil, moments of genuine connection and clarity emerge. Acts of kindness from strangers, laughter shared across linguistic divides, and the stunning beauty of a sunset in unfamiliar skies offer solace.

Gradually, you find your rhythm in this new world. The once-baffling language starts to make sense, foreign customs become familiar, and strangers start to look like friends.

Ultimately, you realize that culture shock isn’t just an obstacle but a profound journey of self-discovery and growth. It is a testament to human resilience and our ability to adapt and flourish under challenging conditions. Embracing this discomfort and the uncertainty can lead to profound personal transformation, revealing your most authentic self in the face of adversity.


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What Is The Culture Shock?. (2024, Apr 22). Retrieved from

"What Is The Culture Shock?." , 22 Apr 2024, (2024). What Is The Culture Shock? . [Online]. Available at: [Accessed: 21 Jun. 2024]

"What Is The Culture Shock?.", Apr 22, 2024. Accessed June 21, 2024.

"What Is The Culture Shock?," , 22-Apr-2024. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 21-Jun-2024] (2024). What Is The Culture Shock? . [Online]. Available at: [Accessed: 21-Jun-2024]

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