How to Submit AIOU Assignments on the Aaghi LMS Portal

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To earn good grades, submitting assignments on time and correctly is critical for Allama Iqbal Open University (AIOU) students. This comprehensive guide from AIOU’s official website covers the step-by-step process of submitting AIOU assignments digitally through the Aaghi Learning Management System (LMS) portal.

Table of Contents

Background on aiou assignment submission.

In recent years, AIOU has transitioned from accepting handwritten assignments to requiring Microsoft Word documents for most courses. Exceptions are some Urdu and other language assignments that may still be handwritten. Any handwritten work must be scanned and converted to PDF before uploading to the portal.

Submitting complete assignments on time is mandatory. AIOU provides due dates for each assignment, and late work is not accepted. Completing both Assignment 1 and Assignment 2 according to guidelines is required to earn full marks.

Step-by-Step Guide to Submit AIOU Assignments Online

Follow these steps exactly to successfully submit your AIOU assignments digitally:

  • Log In to Your AIOU Student Dashboard
  • Navigate to the AIOU student portal and log in using your unique AIOU-provided username and password.
  • Click on “My Courses.”
  • On your dashboard, click “My Courses” in the top left corner.
  • Select Your Course
  • Choose the course you need to submit an assignment for.
  • Click the Assignment 1 or 2 Button
  • Select either Assignment 1 or Assignment 2, depending on what you need to submit.
  • Click the “Add Submission” Box
  • A box labeled “Add Submission” is where you will upload your assignment file.
  • Upload Your Assignment File
  • Click the “Choose File” button and select your assignment from your computer. Save files on your desktop for easy access.
  • Verify the File Size is Under 5MB
  • Confirm your assignment file is less than 5MB before uploading. If it is over 5MB, it will be rejected.
  • Double Check You Selected the Correct File
  • Verify you uploaded the proper assignment file before submitting.
  • Click Submit
  • After uploading the correct assignment file, click Submit for grading.

Best Practices for Success

Follow these tips and best practices to ensure proper submission and good grades:

  • Carefully review assignment requirements and grading criteria.
  • Complete and proofread assignments before the due date.
  • Check for plagiarism issues before submitting.
  • Follow all AIOU guidelines for proper formatting and structure.
  • Upload the correct file format (Word doc, PDF, etc)
  • Keep submission deadlines marked on your calendar.

Properly submitting error-free, high-quality assignments by the deadlines is essential to succeed as an AIOU student. Let the university know if you have questions or issues with the Aaghi LMS portal assignment process.

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We have updated Virtual Classroom on AAGHI LMS portal to provide better and updated services in this critical time. You can access virtual classrooms on your android cell phones as well as laptops/computers. Step by step manual to take classes is attached.

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(Edited by admin aghee - original submission Thursday, 2 April 2020, 11:41 AM)

Dear ODL Students,

You can upload your assignment on AAGHI LMS Portal, if you are from one of the following regions:


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The AIOU LMS Learning Management System is now allowing students of the Allama Iqbal Open University to upload Assignments at for fall and spring semester programs with the FA, FSC, ICS, BCOM, BED, BA, BSC, MSC, MA classes. But what if you are a student that cannot access the LMS portal?

Or maybe you don’t have access to the internet, or you are looking for a way to submit your assignment offline.

Well, worry no more! This step-by-step guide provides you with the simple method of submitting your AIOU Assignments by sending them to an email address that is already given on the Aaghi LMS Portal .

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MOOCs, or Massive Open Online Courses, have become super popular for helping brands grow. One study found that most people become loyal to a brand because their friends, family, or coworkers recommend it. It’s like when your best friend tells you about a cool new game or show – you want to check it out because they loved it!

AIOU’s Awesome Online Courses

Allama Iqbal Open University (AIOU) created online courses to help people learn, no matter where they live. These courses are great for Pakistanis and kids overseas who can’t go to a regular school. It’s the easiest way to reach your goals without any hassle. Imagine learning from your home without having to travel!

Easy Assignment Submissions

To make things even better, AIOU has a super handy online tool for all their students. This tool lets everyone check their educational progress easily. Plus, AIOU has a simple system for submitting assignments online. No more worrying about losing papers or missing deadlines!

AIOU’s Commitment to Education

AIOU’s main goal is to give students the best education possible. That’s why they developed this convenient electronic method. Now, everyone can follow their studies and stay on track easily, making learning fun and accessible for everyone.

After completing work, students may submit it through the AIOU Aaghi Portal LMS using AIOU instructions.

Learn How to Submit AIOU Assignment Submission at Aaghi LMS Portal?

There is another approach to delivering assignments if you don’t know how to type and have handwritten tasks. It’s also a simple process, with just a few more steps. How to submit Aiou Assignments on Aaghi LMS Portal

  • To begin, go to the AIOU’s official website and sign in using your username and password. Your account will be activated after that.
  • All of the links that were shown on my site will appear, so click them and pick your course. Aaghi portal’s Education Management System Online provides all information regarding the PDF file’s upload.
  • Submit your assignment by following these easy steps: Click the Assignment button, then click Submit My Job. It’s the simplest way to do it; simply follow the directions on your computer or mobile phone screen.
  • The following page will be shown, and you may add your aiou assignment submission by clicking the Add Submissions button.
  • If he continues to do so, you should report him. Then click the add submission button, and a window will appear to him. After that, chase him.
  • You may also see a notification that says “You’re not connected to the Internet. Please connect via WiFi or 3G.” If you click on it, another page will appear, and under the image of another picture below, you can manually check for updates.
  • After that, choose to Upload a File from the menu bar. Please be advised that MS Word and PDF files are acceptable for tasks.
  • Handwritten documents can be sent via scanning with a professional scanner or mobile scanner software, but there’s another issue: this file cannot be larger than 5MB, thus keeping your resolution for photographs as low as possible.
  • The lesson is finished when another page appears and you press the save button to guard the tasks.
  • As a result, you may submit your tasks whether they are written by hand or sent through the computer if you follow the above suggestions.
  • You will see all submitted assignments on your profile page, and find and see the status of your Assignments.

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How to Submit Assignments on AIOU Aaghi Portal LMS

Full procedure submit assignments on the aiou aaghi portal at lms.

All the students can know the method of how to Submit Assignments on AIOU Aaghi Portal LMS by completing step-by-step guidelines we explained that you check the latest way to upload Allama Iqbal Open University Assignments at

AIOU LMS Learning Management System is showing the new modern manner for the candidates of Matriculation, FA, FSC, ICS, ICOM, DCOM, BA, BSC, BED, MA, MED, MSC, PHIL, and Ph.D. autumn and spring semester programs.

How to Upload Assignments on AIOU Aaghi Portal LMS

AIOU has introduced the best online facility to the whole trainee of the University of Allama Iqbal everyone checks here the strategy that is built up by the education center. It is the easiest manner to approach the study without any problem because only this institute is permission to the people AIOU Online Classes learning great system is launched for national and international level Pakistani and overseas children. We have described in detail Aaghi LMS Portal AIOU Assignments How to Submission Check Now.

How to Write AIOU Assignment Submission?

Allama Iqbal Open University has introduced the electronic method so the public can easily understand the whole procedure is explained for you. Check how to write assignments AIOU by hand or computer so I will tell him that students can have both options to type assignments in Microsoft Word after completing the exercise and then upload online assignments on AIOU Aaghi Portal LMS.

The second way to make it through is to write after completing him then scan him from a computer or Android phone. It is so simple and easy process to submit assignments at LMS AIOU Aaghi Portal Online.

Submitting your AIOU assignments is a breeze with our straightforward process for AIOU assignment upload. Whether you’re using the AIOU Aaghi LMS portal or any other platform, follow these easy steps. First, log in to the portal and locate the assignment submission section. Then, upload your completed assignment file.

Make sure it’s in the required format and meets the submission deadline. Confirm your submission, and you’re all set! This hassle-free method ensures your assignments reach your instructors promptly, keeping you on track with your studies. Say goodbye to assignment-related stress and embrace the simplicity of AIOU assignment upload. Your academic journey just got a whole lot smoother!


Student’s manual guide, how to submit an assignment.

First, of all, you click to open the official website link displayed below click the login button, and enter your User Name and Password then your account will open in front of you.

How to Login at Aaghi LMS Portal AIOU

Then click on the My Courses link and choose your course for submitting the assignments on the Aghee portal. You can also see the image uploaded here for your guidance and help AIOU LMS Aaghi portal Learning Management System Online is provided for all of them in the pdf file.

Method of Select My Couse at Aaghi LMS Portal

After they click on the Assignment link for submission it’s also so easy way to just follow the instructions displayed on their computer or mobile phone screen and fulfill their mission.

How to Upload AIOU Assignments at Aaghi Portal LMS

The next following page will be displayed click on the Add Submissions button and another window will open for him then chase him.

AIOU Submit Assignment Aaghi Portal AIOU

Furthermore, the following page will be displayed, and click on the file icon as indicated in the image below you can be checked.

How to Submit Assignment Aaghi Portal Online

A window will pop up as shown in the image below. Click on the upload a file button then browse your assignment file and press the upload this file button. Please note that assignments are accepted in MS Word and PDF format. Handwritten assignments can be scanned using professional scanners or mobile scanner applications but file sizes should not exceed 05MB so try to use the optimum resolution for images.

Online Submit Assignment on Aaghi Portal LMS

At the end following page will be displayed press the save changes button.

What is way to Save Assignments on Aaghi Portal

Don’t worry about them you have an option for any change you can edit your submission till the deadline without any problem. As with that, a submission status page will be displayed under the post check here .

AIOU Upload Assignment at Aaghi LMS Portal Online

Thank You, Friends,


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How to Submit Aiou Assignments on Aaghi LMS Portal – Step by Step Process

Now, at this page we are describing the method of How to Submit Aiou Assignments on Aaghi LMS Portal by AIOU Aaghi Portal LMS, step by step with complete gaudiness. AIOU LMS Learning Management System is now introduce the procedure to upload Allama Iqbal Open University Assignments at for the students of FA, FSC, ICS, BCOM, BED, BA, BSC, MSC, MA, PHIL and Ph.D with autumn and spring semester programs.

Now there is a new method that is introduce by aiou that is best online facility to the whole trainee of AlOU in which everyone can check out the strategy that is made by education department. AIOU launched AIOU Online classes for national and international level Pakistanis and overseas children, it is the poorest method to reach the goals without any problem.The method of aiou assignment submission is given below.

AIOU always tries to do best for their students, therefore Allama Iqbal Open University bring new electronic method for the public as they can easily understand the whole process. If you want to check the procedure of aiou assignments writing by hand or by computer as learners have both choices in Microsoft word after completing their assignment, they can send their assignment by AIOU Aaghi Portal LMS.

Complete Steps – How to Submit Aiou Assignments on Aaghi LMS Portal?

If you do not have any idea about typing and you have hand written assignments then there is also another way to send their assignments by following procedure. It is also easy way and following steps are involved How to Submit Aiou Assignments on Aaghi LMS Portal.

  • First of all you have to go on the official website of AIOU, log in button and enter the user name along password then your account will be open.
  • My courses link will appear, click that link and choose your course that will be submitted the assignments of Aaghi portal. All guidance and help aaghi portal portal Learning Management System Online along uploading image provides all information about pdf file.
  • Then click on Assignment link for submission, it is easiest way, just follow instruction that are appearing on your computer or cell phone screen.
  • The next following page will be displayed and click on the Add Submissions button and
  • After then click on the add submission button and following window is displayed  to him then chase him.
  • Furthermore, another page will be appeared, click on the file icon following the appearances of another image below you can check. 
  • After that click on button of uploading a file, please note that assignments are accepted in MS Word and pdf format.
  • Handwritten assignment can be sent by scanning using professional scanner or mobile scanner application but there is another problem as this file cannot be exceeded 5MB so try to use optimum resolution for images.  
  • In the end another page proceeds and press the save button to protect the assignments.
  • Hence by following the above-described points, you can send your assignments either written by hand or through computer.
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How to upload assignment on lms aiou.

How To Upload Assignment On LMS AIOU All the students can know the method of how to Submit Assignments on AIOU Aaghi Portal LMS by completing step-by-step guidelines Skilling Foundation explained that you check the latest way to upload Allama Iqbal Open University Assignments at AIOU LMS Learning Management System is showing the new modern manner for the candidates of Matriculation, FA, FSC, ICS, ICOM, DCOM, BA, BSC, BED, MA, MED, MSC, PHIL, and Ph.D. autumn and spring semester programs.

Allama Iqbal Open University has introduced the electronic method for the public can easily understand the whole procedure is explained for you. Check how to write assignments AIOU by hand or computer so I will tell him that students can have both options type assignments in Microsoft word after completing the exercise and then upload online assignments on AIOU Aaghi Portal LMS.

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How to check AIOU assignment marks on the LMS portal

Table of Contents

AIOU Assignment Marks Now Available on LMS

The Allama Iqbal Open University (AIOU) has launched a new feature that will allow students to view their assignment marks directly on the LMS portal of AIOU.

AIOU LMS portal

B.A Assignments Marks Punching on LMS

AIOU has started giving students their assignments marks by 2022. The students will now be able to track their assignment marks through an interface in AIOU LMS 2022.

Enter your username and password

Once you log in to your Allama Iqbal Open University account, you can get your marks.

The marks will be categorized into one of three options – pending, graded, or assigned.

In all cases, you should see a list of assignments for that class and each will show your performance with respect to it.

An email was sent out about how to check AIOU assignment marks by using the LMS portal login AIOU methodically in every user account.

What if you have an issue with your LMS

Log on to your account and click on My Assignments in the top-right corner of your LMS page. In there, you will find an option to enter assignment marks. Enter your assignment’s code and select its department.

Follow with entering its name and submitting it.

Your marks will be updated as soon as possible. Keep in mind that an assignment must have been submitted before you can enter its marks on the LMS portal.

Assignments marks

Students will now be able to view their respective assignments’ marks in the LMS portal.

Students can check how many marks they have obtained out of 100 in each assignment.

This feature has been rolled out for a few courses and will be available for all courses by mid-April 2018.

How to upload assignments marks on LMS

Aiou assignment marks autumn 2022 Allama Iqbal Open university LMS.

It is a significant day for all students of AIOU because now they can check their assignment marks on LMS.

After submission of each assignment, students will be able to see their updated assignments in the mark sheet of their respective subjects.

If you want to know how to upload your assignments marks in. Aiou then read below given steps:

First of all, open the My Courses section and click Assignments.

You will find three options:

View Assignments, Add New Assignments, and Upload Assignments.

Click the Upload Assignments button which is located at the top right corner under the courses menu option.

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how to upload assignment on lms portal

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  2. How to upload assignment on LMS portal AIOU

    how to upload assignment on lms portal

  3. How to upload assignment on LMS portal

    how to upload assignment on lms portal

  4. How to upload an Assignment on LMS

    how to upload assignment on lms portal

  5. How to upload aiou assignment on LMS portal

    how to upload assignment on lms portal

  6. How to upload Assignment on LMS Portal

    how to upload assignment on lms portal


  1. APLMS Student Registration Process #shots

  2. IGNOU LMS Portal पर Online Assignment Submission का Full Process Step By Step

  3. How to Attempt Assignments by LMS Portal in Mobile

  4. How to Enroll manually in LMS portal. #facebookads #lms #onlinecourses

  5. How to Enroll and Unenroll for Courses On the UI LMS Portal 1

  6. How to get a certificate from the LMS portal. #FPO #FPC #10K_FARMERS


  1. How to Submit Assignments on AIOU Aaghi Portal LMS

    LIKE | COMMENT | SHARE | SUBSCRIBE#AIOU #Assignment #microsoftteams How to Submit Assignments on AIOU Aaghi Portal LMS | Submit Assignment at LMS Portal Spri...

  2. How to Submit Assignments on Aaghi LMS Portal

    I have divided the complete method into steps so students can easily understand the guide with a better approach. Step 1: Create the Assignment. Step 2: Ready the submission files. Step 3: Login to Aaghi LMS portal. Step 4: Select your course. Step 5: Select the Assignment. Step 6: Assignment Status and details.

  3. How to upload assignment on LMS Portal

    Thanks for watching. "Students Help Desk" is an educational, motivational, informational and inspirational YouTube Channel.Helping Links

  4. How To Upload Assignment At LMS (Aaghi Portal)

    How To Upload Assignment At LMS (Aaghi Portal)

  5. Aiou

    Assignment submissions for Spring 2023 will be accepted on Dear LMS Workshop Users ... LMS Portal. Login. Spring 22 | Autumn 22 | Spring 23. ODL Online Workshops + Assignment Submission . Login. Spring 21 | Autumn 21 | Spring 22. Face to Face Programmes.

  6. How to Submit AIOU Assignments on the Aaghi LMS Portal

    Select either Assignment 1 or Assignment 2, depending on what you need to submit. Click the "Add Submission" Box. A box labeled "Add Submission" is where you will upload your assignment file. Upload Your Assignment File. Click the "Choose File" button and select your assignment from your computer. Save files on your desktop for easy ...

  7. Aaghi Lms Portal Aiou

    We have updated Virtual Classroom on AAGHI LMS portal to provide better and updated services in this critical time. You can access virtual classrooms on your android cell phones as well as laptops/computers. ... You can upload your assignment on AAGHI LMS Portal, if you are from one of the following regions: ABBOTTABAD, BAHAWALPUR, D.G.KHAN, D ...

  8. AIOU Assignments Submission Method for Aaghi LMS Portal

    Aaghi portal's Education Management System Online provides all information regarding the PDF file's upload. Submit your assignment by following these easy steps: Click the Assignment button, then click Submit My Job. It's the simplest way to do it; simply follow the directions on your computer or mobile phone screen.

  9. PDF Aaghi Learning Management System (Lms) Manual for Students

    o Students' manual for Learning Management System (LMS). T. is manual will help you to use LMS in an efficient manner. If you have participated in any of our orienta-tion sessions this. anual will prove handy to make your way around our system. We will start with brief introduction to LMS followed by. phase-wise pro.

  10. How to Submit Assignments on AIOU Aaghi Portal LMS

    Step: 01. First, of all, you click to open the official website link displayed below click the login button, and enter your User Name and Password then your account will open in front of you. Step: 02. Then click on the My Courses link and choose your course for submitting the assignments on the Aghee portal. You can also see the image uploaded ...

  11. How do I submit an online assignment?

    Depending on the assignment submission type set by your instructor, not all file types may be available for your assignment submission. Not all of your assignments may be submitted online. If you cannot see the Start Assignment button, your instructor may want you to submit your assignment in a different way or the availability date has passed.

  12. How to upload assignment on LMS portal AIOU

    Assignment upload krny ka mukamal online submit assignment treka .complete method how to submit the assignment on LMS portal. | aiou | Allama Iqbal open uni...

  13. How to Submit Aiou Assignments on Aaghi LMS Portal

    Then click on Assignment link for submission, it is easiest way, just follow instruction that are appearing on your computer or cell phone screen. The next following page will be displayed and click on the Add Submissions button and. After then click on the add submission button and following window is displayed to him then chase him.

  14. How To Upload Assignment On LMS AIOU

    How To Upload Assignment On LMS AIOU All the students can know the method of how to Submit Assignments on AIOU Aaghi Portal LMS by completing step-by-step guidelines Skilling Foundation explained that you check the latest way to upload Allama Iqbal Open University Assignments at AIOU LMS Learning Management System is showing the new modern manner for the candidates of ...

  15. Step by step guide for students to submit assignments on LMS portal

    Step by step guide for students to submit assignments on LMS portal 28 August, 2023 Click here for more details. Online induction meeting for CPLT Programme for January, 2024 Academic session. Induction Meeting of CETM, CSCDM,DPVE,MAUS,MSCIDS. IGNOU RC Madurai - April 2024 (15.04.2024 to 30.04.2024) - Monthly Schedule of live video counselling ...

  16. Assignment Submissions (Students)

    You can type or copy and paste your assignment text into the Rich Content Editor. To submit a website URL as a submission type, click the Website URL tab. Then type or copy and paste the web address, into the Website URL field. To record or upload audio or video as a submission type, click the Media tab. Click the Record/Upload Media button.

  17. How do I submit an assignment on behalf of a stude...

    If enabled by your institution, you can submit an assignment on behalf of a student in the Gradebook. A File Upload submission type must be allowed to submit an assignment on behalf of a student. If you are unable to submit on behalf of a student, your institution has not enabled this permission. Please contact your Canvas admin.

  18. How to upload assignment on LMS Portal

    You can upload assignment on LMS Portal after watching this Video.

  19. How to check AIOU assignment marks on the LMS portal

    After submission of each assignment, students will be able to see their updated assignments in the mark sheet of their respective subjects. If you want to know how to upload your assignments marks in. Aiou then read below given steps: First of all, open the My Courses section and click Assignments. You will find three options: View Assignments ...

  20. How do I upload a file as an assignment submission in Canvas?

    To upload a file from your computer, click the Upload File button [1]. When the file window appears, locate and click the name of the file. At the bottom of the window, click the Choose or Browse button (depending on your browser). To upload a file you already uploaded to Canvas, click the Click here to find a file... link [2]. The file list ...

  21. Canvas

    Support for configuring the Canvas learning management system to meet the needs of your class. ... audio and video commenting in messages, assignments, course discussions, graded work and grade submissions) — without downloading and re-uploading files; Integration with the university's Student Information System (SIS) to provide auto ...

  22. How to Submit assignment on LMS

    This video will help you in submitting assignments on LMS. Good Luck!

  23. SC Training (Formerly EdApp) Reviews & Product Details

    Create a bite-sized microlearning course in minutes, not months, with EdApp's creator tool. Brand ready-made courses with the free, editable course library. Take control of your users, content, and data through the admin portal. Engage your teams and hit your training goals through the mobile-first learner portal.

  24. How to upload an Assignment on LMS

    A video for teachers.

  25. How do I enter a URL as an assignment submission?

    Submit Website URL. Type or copy and paste the URL into the Website URL field [1]. Click the Submit Assignment button [2]. You can submit assignments from Google Drive, Dropbox, or another third-party service by sharing the file, copying the URL, and submitting as a website URL.