UCLA Department of Psychology

Clinical Psychology

Mission statement.

Our mission is to advance knowledge that promotes psychological well-being and reduces the burden of mental illness and problems in living and to develop leading clinical scientists whose skills and knowledge will have a substantial impact on the field of psychology and the lives of those in need. Our faculty and graduate students promote critical thinking, innovation, and discovery, and strive to be leaders in their field, engaging in and influencing research, practice, policy, and education. Our pursuit of these goals is guided by the values of collaboration, mutual respect, and fairness, our commitment to diversity, and the highest ethical standards.

Information about the Clinical Psychology Graduate Major

UCLA’s Clinical Psychology program is one of the largest, most selective, and most highly regarded in the country and aims to produce future faculty, researchers, and leaders in clinical science, who influence research, policy development, and practice. Clinical science is a field of psychology that strives to generate and disseminate the best possible knowledge, whether basic or applied, to reduce suffering and to advance public health and wellness. Rather than viewing research and intervention as separable, clinical science construes these activities as part of a single, broad domain of expertise and action. Students in the program are immersed in an empirical, research-based approach to clinical training. This, in turn, informs their research endeavors with a strong understanding of associated psychological phenomena. The UCLA Clinical Science Training Programs employs rigorous methods and theories from multiple perspectives, in the context of human diversity. Our goal is to develop the next generation of clinical scientists who will advance and share knowledge related to the origins, development, assessment, treatment, and prevention of mental health problems.

Admissions decisions are based on applicants’ research interests and experiences, formal coursework in psychology and associated fields, academic performance, letters of recommendation, dedication to and suitability for a career as a clinical scientist, program fit, and contributions to an intellectually rich, diverse class. Once admitted, students engage with faculty in research activities addressing critical issues that impact psychological well-being and the burden of mental illness, using a wide range of approaches and at varying levels of analysis. Their integrated training is facilitated by on-campus resources including the departmental Psychology Clinic, the Semel Institute for Neuroscience and Human Behavior, and the David Geffen School of Medicine.

Our program philosophy is embodied in, and our goals are achieved through, a series of training activities that prepare students for increasingly complex, demanding, and independent roles as clinical scientists. These training activities expose students to the reciprocal relationship between scientific research and provision of clinical services, and to various systems and methods of intervention, assessment, and other clinical services with demographically and clinically diverse populations. The curriculum is designed to produce scientifically-minded scholars who are well-trained in research and practice, who use data to develop and refine the knowledge base in their field, and who bring a reasoned empirical perspective to positions of leadership in research and service delivery.

The program’s individualized supervision of each student in integrated research and practice roles provides considerable flexibility. Within the parameters set by faculty interests and practicum resources, there are specializations in child psychopathology and treatment, cognitive-behavior therapy, clinical assessment, adult psychopathology and treatment, family processes, assessment and intervention with distressed couples, community psychology, stress and coping, cognitive and affective neuroscience, minority mental health, and health psychology and behavioral medicine. The faculty and other research resources of the Department make possible an intensive concentration in particular areas of clinical psychology, while at the same time ensuring breadth of training.

Clinical psychology at UCLA is a six-year program including a full-time one-year internship, at least four years of which must be completed in residence at UCLA. The curriculum in clinical psychology is based on a twelve-month academic year. The program includes a mixture of coursework, clinical practicum training, teaching, and continuous involvement in research. Many of the twenty clinical area faculty, along with numerous clinical psychologists from other campus departments, community clinics, and hospitals settings, contribute to clinical supervision.  Clinical training experiences typically include four and a half years of part-time practicum placements in the Psychology Clinic and local agencies. The required one-year full-time internship is undertaken after the student has passed the clinical qualifying examinations and the dissertation preliminary orals. The student receives the Ph.D. degree when both the dissertation and an approved internship are completed.


PCSAS – Psychological Clinical Science Accreditation System

The Graduate Program in Clinical Psychology at UCLA was accredited in 2012 by the Psychological Clinical Science Accreditation System (PCSAS). PCSAS was created to promote science-centered education and training in clinical psychology, to increase the quality and quantity of clinical scientists contributing to the advancement of public health, and to enhance the scientific knowledge base for mental and behavioral health care. The UCLA program is deeply committed to these goals and proud to be a member of the PCSAS Founder’s Circle and one of the group of programs accredited by PCSAS.  (Psychological Clinical Science Accreditation System, 1800 Massachusetts Avenue NW, Suite 402, Washington, DC 20036-1218. Telephone: 301-455-8046). Website:  https://www.pcsas.org

APA CoA – American Psychological Association Commission on Accreditation

The Graduate Program in Clinical Psychology at UCLA has been accredited by the American Psychological Association Commission on Accreditation since 1949. (Office of Program Consultation and Accreditation, American Psychological Association, 750 First Street NE. Washington, DC 20002-4242. Telephone:  202-336-5979 .) Website:  http://www.apa.org/ed/accreditation/

Future Accreditation Plans:  

Against the backdrop of distressing evidence that mental health problems are increasingly prevalent and burdensome, the field of psychological clinical science must think innovatively to address the unmet mental health needs of vulnerable populations. UCLA’s clinical psychology program remains committed to training clinical psychological scientists who will become leaders in research, dissemination, and implementation of knowledge, policy development, and evidence-based clinical practice. This commitment is firmly rooted in our overall mission of promoting equity and inclusion, adhering to ethical standards, and developing collaborations in all aspects of clinical psychology.

Increasingly, we believe that significant aspects of the academic and clinical-service requirements of accreditation by the American Psychological Association (APA) obstruct our training mission. Too often, APA requirements limit our ability to flexibly adapt our program to evolving scientific evidence, student needs, and global trends in mental health. Like many other top clinical science doctoral programs, we see our longstanding accreditation by the Psychological Clinical Science Accreditation System (PCSAS) as better aligned with our core values, including advancement of scientifically-based training.

Accordingly, we are unlikely to seek renewal of our program’s accreditation by APA, which is set to expire in 2028. The ultimate decision about re-accreditation will be made with the best interests and well-being of current and future students in our program in mind. To that end, we will continue to monitor important criteria that will determine the career prospects of students completing a doctoral degree in clinical psychology from programs accredited only by PCSAS. For example, we are working to understand the potential implications for securing excellent predoctoral internships and eligibility for professional licensure across jurisdictions in North America. Although the UCLA clinical psychology program has no direct influence over these external organizations, we are excited to continue to work to shape this evolving training landscape with the Academy of Psychological Clinical Science (APCS) and leaders from other clinical science programs.

Our ongoing monitoring of trends in clinical psychology training is encouraging for PCSAS-accredited programs. However, evolving circumstances could result in our program changing its opinion with respect to seeking APA re-accreditation in the future. In the spirit of transparency and empowering potential applicants to make informed choices for their own professional development, we are pleased to share our thinking on these important issues.

Notice to Students re: Professional Licensure and Certification

University of California programs for professions that require licensure or certification are intended to prepare the student for California licensure and certification requirements. Admission into programs for professions that require licensure and certification does not guarantee that students will obtain a license or certificate. Licensure and certification requirements are set by agencies that are not controlled by or affiliated with the University of California and licensure and certification requirements can change at any time.

The University of California has not determined whether its programs meet other states’ educational or professional requirements for licensure and certification. Students planning to pursue licensure or certification in other states are responsible for determining whether, if they complete a University of California program, they will meet their state’s requirements for licensure or certification. This disclosure is made pursuant to 34 CFR §668.43(a)(5)(v)(C).

NOTE:  Although the UCLA Clinical Psychology Program is not designed to ensure license eligibility, the majority of our graduates do go on to become professionally licensed.  For more information, please see  https://www.ucop.edu/institutional-research-academic-planning/content-analysis/academic-planning/licensure-and-certification-disclosures.html .

Clinical Program Policy on Diversity-Related Training 

In light of our guiding values of collaboration, respect, and fairness, this statement is to inform prospective and current trainees, faculty, and supervisors, as well as the public, that our trainees are required to (a) attain an understanding of cultural and individual diversity as related to both the science and practice of psychology and (b) provide competent and ethical services to diverse individuals.  Our primary consideration is always the welfare of the client.  Should such a conflict arise in which the trainee’s beliefs, values, worldview, or culture limits their ability to meet this requirement, as determined by either the student or the supervisor, it should be reported to the Clinic and Placements Committee, either directly or through a supervisor or clinical area faculty member.  The Committee will take a developmental view, such that if the competency to deliver services cannot be sufficiently developed in time to protect and serve a potentially impacted client, the committee will (a) consider a reassignment of the client so as to protect the client’s immediate interests, and (b) request from the student a plan to reach the above-stated competencies, to be developed and implemented in consultation with both the trainee’s supervisor and the Clinic Director.  There should be no reasonable expectation of a trainee being exempted from having clients with any particular background or characteristics assigned to them for the duration of their training.

Clinical Program Grievance Policies & Procedures

Unfortunately, conflicts between students and faculty or with other students will occur, and the following policies and procedures are provided in an effort to achieve the best solution. The first step in addressing these conflicts is for the student to consult with their academic advisor. If this option is not feasible (e.g. the conflict is with the advisor) or the conflict is not resolved to their satisfaction, then the issue should be brought to the attention of the Director of Clinical Training. If in the unlikely event that an effective solution is not achieved at this level, then the student has the option of consulting with the Department’s Vice Chair for Graduate Studies. Students also have the option of seeking assistance from the campus Office of Ombuds Services and the Office of the Dean of Students. It is expected that all such conflicts are to be addressed first within the program, then within the Department, before seeking a resolution outside of the department.

More Clinical Psychology Information

  • For a list of Required Courses please see the  Psychology Handbook
  • Psychology Clinic
  • Student Admissions Outcomes and Other Data


Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology Program

  • Program Overview
  • UC San Diego
  • JDP Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (JEDI) Committee
  • Program Committees
  • Student Council
  • SDSU Psychology Clinic
  • Program Administration
  • Program Faculty
  • Practicum Supervisors
  • Doctoral Students
  • Degree Learning Outcomes

Major Areas of Study

  • Clinical Practicum
  • Course Catalog
  • Facilities & Centers
  • Research and Clinical Training
  • Student First-Authored Publications
  • Selection Process
  • What We Consider for a Competitive Application
  • How to Apply
  • Faculty Mentorship
  • Financial Support
  • Admission FAQs
  • Student Admissions, Outcome, and Other Data
  • Basic Needs Resources
  • Community/Cultural Centers
  • Financial Aid & Scholarships
  • Graduate Affairs
  • Graduate Housing
  • Student Disability Centers
  • Student Health & Well-Being
  • Student Handbook Table of Contents
  • Mentor-Student Guide
  • Registration
  • Classes / Sample Curriculum
  • Cognitive Psychology Requirement
  • Statistics and Research Design
  • Emphasis in Child and Adolescent Psychopathology
  • Emphasis in Quantitative Methods
  • Master of Science in Clinical Psychology
  • Master of Public Health
  • Class Attendance
  • Transcripts
  • Change in Major Area of Study
  • Waiving Courses
  • Grounds for Dismissal
  • Student Records
  • Program Milestone Checklist/Timelines
  • Guidance Committee
  • Second Year Project
  • Clinical Comprehensive Exam
  • Behavioral Medicine Comprehensive Exam
  • Experimental Psychopathology Comprehensive Exam
  • Neuropsychology Comprehensive Exam
  • Dissertation
  • Advancement to Candidacy
  • After Graduation
  • Student Funding
  • Tuition and Fees
  • Establishing Residency
  • International Students
  • Financial Aid
  • Incentive Awards & Program Support
  • Travel Funds
  • Ethical Standards/Professional Behavior
  • Where Do You Go When You Have A Problem, Question, Concern, or Complaint?
  • Policy on Disclosure of Potential Conflicts of Interest
  • Representation of Your Affiliation
  • Web page and blog policy
  • Membership in APA
  • Outside Employment
  • Requests to Spend Time Off-Site
  • Research Experience
  • Human Subjects/IRB

Practicum Placements

  • Accruing Clinical Hours in the Context of Research Activities
  • Supervision
  • Tracking Clinical Hours
  • Integrated Reports
  • Practicum Grades
  • Policy on Working with Diverse Clients/Patients
  • Prerequisites
  • JDP Student Awards
  • Student Portals
  • Campus ID Cards
  • E-Mail Accounts
  • Change of Address
  • Leave of Absence
  • Second Year Project Cover Sheet
  • Dissertation Proposal Defense Announcement
  • Final Dissertation Defense Announcement
  • Spring Student Evaluation
  • Individual Development Plan (IDP)
  • MPH Interest Form
  • JDP SharePoint

Taylor Clark Awarded Editor’s Choice Paper by the APA

Nicholas morelli named 2023 volunteer of the year, dr. lisa eyler recognized with 2023 twin award.

Emma Parrish presenting poster.

Emma Parrish Awarded Early Career Award by the Schizophrenia International Research Society

Junye (middle) at the Launching Leaders Scholarship Awards Luncheon with founders of his scholarship, Ms.Terrie Vorono (left) and Mr. Lonnie Brunini (right).

Junye Ma Receives the Kendall Family Memorial Scholarship from PFLAG San Diego

McKenna on stage being awarded standing next to woman with a red and black dress.

McKenna Williams wins Student Poster Award at Alzheimer’s Association International Conference

Consistently ranked among the best in the nation, this clinical science program emphasizes the integration of research and practice in training, activities and experience, bringing together the rich scholarly resources and offerings of a Department of Psychology located in a College of Sciences (SDSU) and a Department of Psychiatry located in a School of Medicine (UC San Diego).

Students are actively involved in clinical research activities throughout their stay in the program. We regard the development of research skills and attitudes as a basic feature in the training of clinical psychologists who will have duties encompassing teaching, research, diagnosis, treatment, consultation, and program evaluation and design, and who will need to apply research skills and knowledge to varied content areas and settings.

The SDSU/UC San Diego Joint Doctoral Program in Clinical Psychology has been consistently accredited by the American Psychological Association (APA) since 1990. See Student Admissions, Outcome, and Other Data .

Closeup of young black male with eyes closed meditating outdoors.

Behavioral Medicine

Study the effectiveness of interventions for chronic health conditions like cancer, HIV and diabetes.

Three patients sitting in circle, an arm of a fourth is resting on should over one patient who's back is facing us.

Experimental Psychopathology

Inform treatment of anxiety, PTSD, schizophrenia and affective disorders in children and adults.

CT scans of brains with a teal tint


Collect and analyze spatiotemporal data to better understand alcoholism, autism, fibromyalgia and more.

Research Excellence

Our doctoral students regularly publish articles as first-authors in prestigious journals. Here are some recent publications:

  • Ozturk, E. D. , Zhang, Y., Lai, M. H. C., Sakamoto, M. S., Chanfreau-Coffinier, C., & Merritt, V. C. (2023). Measurement Invariance of the Neurobehavioral Symptom Inventory in Male and Female Million Veteran Program Enrollees Completing the Comprehensive Traumatic Brain Injury Evaluation. Assessment , 0(0).
  • Caudle, M. M., Spadoni, A. D., Schiehser, D. M., Simmons, A. N., & Bomyea, J. (2023). Neural activity and network analysis for understanding reasoning using the matrix reasoning task. Cognitive processing , 24(4), 585–594.
  • Edwards, L. , Thomas, K. R., Weigand, A. J., Edmonds, E. C., Clark, A. L., Walker, K. S., Brenner, E. K., Nation, D. A., Maillard, P., Bondi, M. W., & Bangen, K. J., for the Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (2023). White matter hyperintensity volume and amyloid-PET synergistically impact memory independent of tau-PET in older adults without dementia. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease: JAD , 94(2), 695–707.
  • Parrish, E. M. , Quynh, A., Scott, V., Chalker, S. A., Chang, C., Kamarsu, S., Twamley, E. W., & Depp, C. A. (2023). Suicide Safety Plan Self-knowledge in Serious Mental Illness: Psychiatric Symptom Correlates and Effects of Brief Intervention. Community mental health journal , 59(8), 1639–1646.
  • Clark, T. L. , Savin, K. L., Perez-Ramirez, P., Valdez, T., Toba, G., & Gallo, L. C. (2023). eHealth weight loss interventions for adults with low income: A systematic review. Health psychology : official journal of the Division of Health Psychology, American Psychological Association, 42(6), 353–367.

All students complete their first clinical practicum at the SDSU Psychology Clinic. After the first practicum year at SDSU, students move to work within the broad array of practicum sites and diverse patient populations available to us through both universities and the affiliated VA San Diego Healthcare System and Rady Children’s Hospital. Clinical activities, integrated with more formal instruction at all levels, increase in responsibility and independence in the later years of the program as students acquire greater clinical proficiency.

phd clinical psychology programs in california

Veterans Affairs San Diego Health Care

phd clinical psychology programs in california

Rady Children's Hospital

Moores Cancer Center building Credit: TritonsRising, Wikimedia Commons

UC San Diego Health Centers

Commitment to diversity & inclusion.

San Diego State University is designated as an Hispanic-Serving Institution and Asian American and Native American Pacific Islander-Serving Institution. Research projects and clinical practicum sites for the doctoral program provide opportunities to work with and on behalf of diverse populations .

The program's Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (JEDI) Committee was initiated in 2019 as a student-led collaborative committee focused on diversifying the field of clinical psychology, improving culture-specific student training, and developing community outreach programs. For the JEDI Committee, diversity is broadly defined and includes identification by race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, ability/disability, religion, language, socioeconomic status, immigration status and age.


The ihott lab receives recognition from the city of san diego, 2022-2023 core fellowship awarded to lexie convertino and mentor, dr. aaron blashill, 2023 timothy a. cudd award for best abstract given to jdp student, jackie soja, robert wood johnson foundation’s leadership program selects jdp student elizabeth rangel, chelsea rapoport awarded the apags/psi chi junior scientist fellowship.

  • Graduate Program

The goal of the graduate program in Psychology at Berkeley is to produce scholar-researchers with sufficient breadth to retain perspective in the field of psychology and sufficient depth to permit successful independent and significant research. The members of the department have organized themselves into six training units. The requirements for each unit vary but always involve a combination of courses, seminars and supervised independent research. Students are also encouraged to take courses outside the Psychology Department, using the unique faculty strengths found on the Berkeley campus to enrich their graduate training. We are a STEM designated program.

phd clinical psychology programs in california

For the Latest updates on COVID-19 related exceptions to policy relevant to Graduate Students, please see Graduate Division's Resource Page.

The areas offered to students to specialize in are the following: 

  • Behavioral and Systems Neuroscience
  • Clinical Science
  • Cognitive Neuroscience
  • Developmental
  • Social-Personality

To learn more about each offered area visit: Research Areas

Here are answers to most commonly asked questions about the process of applying to graduate school.

How do I find a program that is right for me? – See this handy  decisions tree , reposted from University of Houston Psychology website, to help you determine a route to your desired Psychology career.

For those interested in our Clinical Program, visit Mitch's Uncensored Advice for Applying to Graduate School in Clinical Psychology to answer many of your questions, including those you may have not previously considered.

  • GRE scores (please note; the GRE is not required for FA24 Applications)
  • Transcripts
  • Resume or A curriculum vita (CV)
  • Well-written personal statement(s)
  • Letters of recommendation

You will want to check requirements for each school to which you plan to apply, but the above links to Cal's graduate program will give you an idea of what to expect.

Psychology Ph.D. Program Components  - with Christine Mullarkey - Student Services Advisor

Ph.D. Program through the Perspective of Professor Sheri Johnson - Head Graduate Advisor

Find your fit at Berkeley.

You are invited to Berkeley's Graduate Diversity Admissions Fair on October 30 - November 3 . This virtual event will help prospective professional, master's, and doctoral students:

  • learn more about our top ranked graduate programs and award winning faculty
  • gain a deeper understanding of Berkeley's culture and resources available
  • understand the application process, and important deadlines
  • consider funding options and opportunities

You can expect a lot to choose from. Over 50 sessions from UC Berkeley graduate programs in one hour info sessions, and discussion groups.

Register now to customize your fair schedule by signing up to the sessions that interest you.

Berkeley is a place that fosters a supportive community that is at the heart of our students' success. Our graduate diversity programs aim to create a culture of belonging for all students. This fair is one example of that. Though the fair is open to all – it's designed specifically for prospective students from historically excluded, and underrepresented backgrounds.

We hope you will join us.

Fall 2022 - Prof. Serena Chen (Social Personality), Prof. Aaron Fisher (Equity Advisor), and featuring graduate students

Fall 2021 - Prof. Serena Chen (Social Personality), Prof. Sheri Johnson (Clinical), Harumi Quinones (Student Services Director), and featuring graduate students 

Visit the Graduate Division website to learn more about the Fall 2023 Diversity Admissions Fair and register in the graduate application portal !

  • Current Graduate Students
  • Graduate Student Instructor (GSI)
  • Psychology Dept. Ph.D. Graduates


PhD in Clinical Psychology

  • Clinical Concentrations
  • PhD in Psychology
  • PhD in Psychology with an emphasis in Media & Technology
  • PhD in Infant and Early Childhood Development
  • Media Psychology
  • Master’s in Media Psychology
  • Media Psychology Certificate
  • Postbaccalaureate Certificate in Clinical Psychology
  • Postdoctoral Certificate in Respecialization in Clinical Psychology
  • Neuropsychology Specialization Training Program
  • PhD Degree Completion Program
  • PhD in Human Development
  • PhD in Organizational Development and Change
  • EdD Leadership for Change
  • Doctoral Concentrations
  • Master’s in Organization Development and Leadership
  • Evidence Based Coaching Certificate
  • Request for Information
  • Upcoming Info Session
  • Degrees & Programs
  • Transfer Credits
  • Scholarships & Fellowships
  • Tuition & Fees
  • Office of Admissions
  • Office of Financial Aid
  • Veterans Services
  • Office of Student Services
  • myFielding (University Intranet)
  • Moodle (Learning.Fielding.edu)
  • Library Student Login
  • One-Stop Student Center
  • Contact An Advisor
  • Student Advising
  • 800.567.8910
  • Alumni Events
  • Alumni News
  • Alumni Services

Clinical Psychology

pictured alum: Dr. Emily Eccles, Class of 2020

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phd clinical psychology programs in california


American Psychological Association

phd clinical psychology programs in california

$10,180 per term

phd clinical psychology programs in california

so you can remain in your local community

phd clinical psychology programs in california



Program Director

Connie Veazey, PhD

APA logo

Fielding’s doctoral program in Clinical Psychology is accredited by the American Psychological Association. It is the only distributed learning program accredited by the APA. The Psychology PhD serves adults, many of whom who have trained or worked in the mental health field. Our unique distributed learning model blends the best of in-person learning opportunities with digital formats.

Questions related to the program’s accredited status should be directed to the Commission on Accreditation: Office of Program Consultation and Accreditation American Psychological Association 750 1st Street, NE, Washington, DC 20002 Phone: (202) 336-5979 / E-mail: [email protected] Web: www.apa.org/ed/accreditation

For questions regarding the Clinical Psychology PhD Program contact [email protected].

About the Clinical Psychology Program

Application requirements.

Earning your doctorate in Clinical Psychology includes online and in-person seminars, meetings with faculty and other students in your region, weeklong residential sessions, as well as research and clinical training experiences.

The unique mix of online and residential learning provides flexible opportunities for individuals with career, family, and community responsibilities to achieve their advanced educational goals. Faculty are active scholars and practitioners with a wide variety of expertise, making it possible to offer training in a variety of therapeutic orientations and specialized concentrations in some of the most exciting growth areas of psychology.

  • Conferred Bachelor’s Degree
  • Minimum GPA of 3.0
  • Online Application Form
  • Curriculum Vitae (CV)
  • Statement of Purpose
  • Critical Thinking Writing Sample
  • 3 Letters of Recommendation
  • Official Transcript
  • No GRE Required

Start your application NOW!  

Apply now for fall 2025, student admissions, outcomes, and other data.

In accordance with requirements of the American Psychological Association (APA), Fielding Graduate University provides Student Admissions, Outcomes, and Other Data pertaining to the education of our graduate students.

The Fielding Experience

  • Become a member of a dynamic and diverse community of colleagues
  • Interact with and learn from our expert faculty located all across the country
  • Attend monthly professional development seminar in your geographic area
  • Engage with alumni, faculty, and other students at sessions

Mission & Aims of the Program

Fielding’s APA accredited Clinical Psychology Ph.D. program is strongly aligned with the university’s mission to create a more humane, just, and sustainable world, and the university’s values that include academic excellence, community, diversity, and social justice.

Consistent with these values, a core mission of our program is to foster the inclusion of students from under-represented populations. These populations include students living in small communities, rural, or remote locations of the United States, students currently in the military or spouses of military members, adult learners with families, and students whose ongoing participation in their current communities cannot be halted for doctoral study elsewhere. These are student populations who are often unable to enter the field through preparation at a traditional university campus, yet these are the future psychologists for which the discipline and profession have expressed an urgent need.

In addition, our program aims to graduate entry-level scholar-practitioner psychologists who bring social justice values to their work as licensed health service professionals. Consistent with this overarching aim, we have four specific aims for our students, which must be achieved by the time of graduation.

  • Students will demonstrate doctoral-level discipline-specific knowledge that represents the scientific and theoretical knowledge areas of the discipline of psychology (i.e., history and systems of psychology and the affective, biological, cognitive, developmental, and social bases of behavior).
  • Students will demonstrate doctoral-level conceptualization, evaluation, analysis, and integration of discipline-specific knowledge across the curriculum.
  • Students will demonstrate doctoral-level ability to understand and critique research; design, conduct, analyze, and communicate theoretically informed research; and conduct research in a manner that is culturally sensitive and consistent with legal code and ethical standards, including the APA ethics code.
  • Students will demonstrate doctoral-level competence in the profession-wide competencies, including conducting an evidence-based diagnosis, assessment, and psychotherapy; and applying theory and research to develop case conceptualizations, treatment plans, and interventions that are consistent with legal and ethical standards and individual and cultural diversity factors.

Serving adults, many of whom have trained or worked in the mental health field, our unique distributed learning model blends the best of face-to-face learning opportunities with digital formats.

Faculty are active scholars and practitioners with a wide variety of expertise, which allows us to offer specialized concentrations and training in a variety of therapeutic orientations.

Geographic Eligibility

The program only considers applicants who reside in the contiguous United States and Canada. The program is not available to those residing internationally (except Canada). Applicants from Alaska and Hawaii may be considered pending confirmation of their ability and resources to attend local professional development seminars in contiguous U.S. on a regular basis, access to acceptable practicum training sites, and ability to relocate for internship. (Contact [email protected] to be put in touch with the Program Director for consideration prior to applying.)

Due to state licensing requirements, graduates of the program are not eligible for licensure in Oklahoma. For licensure information on your particular state of interest, please visit our Professional Licensure page [CLICK HERE].

Fielding Graduate University open triangle

School of Psychology News

The latest news, announcements, and special events from Fielding’s School of Psychology.

Struggling with Infertility Book Cover

Fielding University Press’ Struggling with Infertility Explores Devasting Effects of Infertility

By Kaylin Staten | 2024-05-10T07:48:56-07:00 May 10th, 2024 |


AWC-SB Honors Four Leaders in Education at Fielding Graduate University Sponsored Women of Achievement 2024 Awards Luncheon

By Fielding News | 2024-05-09T08:50:53-07:00 May 9th, 2024 |

feature-DEI Awards

Two Chosen as 2024’s Clinical Psychology Program DEI Award Recipients

By Kaylin Staten | 2024-05-07T10:07:37-07:00 May 7th, 2024 |

phd clinical psychology programs in california

Why Choose Fielding for Your Psychology Degree?

A conventional APA-accredited doctoral program delivered in an unconventional way

Join Over 7,500 Fielding Alumni Located Around The World!

Change the world. Start with yours.™

  • First Name *
  • Last Name *
  • Your Location * Your Location USA Canada International
  • Program of Interest * Program of Interest PhD in Clinical Psychology PhD in Psychology with an Emphasis in Media & Technology PhD in Psychology PhD in Infant and Early Childhood Development PhD in Human Development PhD in Organizational Development and Change EdD in Leadership for Change MA in Organization Development and Leadership MA in Infant, Child, Family Mental Health and Development MA in Applied Media Psychology Certificate in Evidence Based Coaching Certificate in Media Psychology Neuropsychology Specialization Training Program Postbaccalaureate Certificate in Clinical Psychology Postdoctoral Certificate of Respecialization in Clinical Psychology

Contact Info

Fielding Graduate University 2020 De la Vina Street Santa Barbara, California 93105

Phone: 1-800-340-1099 Admissions: 805-898-4026

Email: [email protected]

Web: Fielding.edu/apply-now

Recent Posts

  • Fielding Attends National Institute for Staff and Organizational Development (NISOD) 2024
  • 50th Anniversary Welcome Reception Hosted by Provost Williams & The Voices of Fielding Film Screening
  • Fielding Graduate University Announces Retirement of Longest-Serving President Katrina S. Rogers, Ph.D.

phd clinical psychology programs in california

What are you looking for?

Suggested search, clinical science, welcome to clinical science at usc.

The Ph.D. program in Clinical Science at the University of Southern California is dedicated to the integration of science and application. Clinical science is viewed as an ideology, a perspective taking, that values critical thinking and evidence in informing one’s professional activities. Our goal is to prepare graduates to create new knowledge with the potential to advance the field in whatever setting they choose to work — academia, research centers, medical centers, applied settings, or private industry.

Our program has been accredited by the American Psychological Association   as a doctoral program in clinical psychology since 1948, and in 2018, we received a full ten-year renewal of our accreditation status. Our next site visit is scheduled for 2027. In addition, in 2010 we became one of ten clinical science programs receiving accreditation from the  Psychological Clinical Science Accreditation System (PCSAS) . In 2021, we were reaccredited by PCSAS for another 10 years. PCSAS provides an objective, empirically-based accreditation of Ph.D programs that meet the goal of promoting science-centered education and training in clinical psychology, increasing the quality and quantity of clinical scientists contributing to the advancement of public health, and generating a new knowledge base for mental and behavioral health care. PCSAS accreditation serves the public interest by indicating to prospective students, mental health care consumers, and policy makers that graduates of this program have received a high quality science-oriented education. The USC Clinical Science Program also is a charter member of the   Academy of Psychological Clinical Science .

The tenets and expectations of PCSAS are highly consistent with our training goals and methods, and we plan to maintain PCSAS accreditation indefinitely. However, prior to the end of our APA accreditation, we will reevaluate whether APA accreditation is consistent with our program goals.  Based on our evaluation at that time, we may or may not decide to reapply for APA accreditation. Thus, although our program is APA accredited through 2027, it is possible that by the time future incoming cohorts graduate, our program may only be PCSAS accredited.

Our program and education model have several defining features:

  • We offer one of the few programs nationwide that takes a life-span approach to both research and clinical work. Research interests of faculty and clinical training span the developmental spectrum from children and adolescents to older adults.
  • Consistent with the life-span approach we offer sub-specialties in clinical-aging and child/family.
  • Situated between downtown and South Los Angeles, our program offers considerable opportunities to conduct research and clinical work with persons from a wide range of economic, cultural, and racial backgrounds.
  • Clinical Science faculty conduct research on psychosocial issues associated with significant societal problems including alcohol abuse, dementia and Alzheimer’s disease, early identification of psychosis, family environments and risk and resilience in youth, family and community violence, and the reintegration of juvenile offenders. Many of these research programs attend to cultural and ethnic factors.

Hear from our faculty and students!

Fall 2024 clinical science application.

The priority deadline for clinical program applicants is November 10 th , 2023 and the clinical area will begin reviewing applications at that time. Final Deadline is December 1 st , 2023.

For more detailed information about the Clinical Science Program, please consult the   Clinical Handbook.

The Program Administrator is Erika Quinly, [email protected] .

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PhD in Clinical Psychology

At the forefront in clinical psychology.

It takes a unique mindset to be a clinical psychologist. Students at PAU are taught to be science-minded while appreciating the broader role of psychology in alleviating suffering in the world.

If you are a curious student dedicated to using psychology to improve lives, pursuing a PhD in Clinical Psychology at PAU is your next step towards effecting change in the world.

The PhD in Clinical Psychology Program at Palo Alto University is deeply committed to educating well-rounded clinical psychologists capable and competent as both researchers and clinicians.

Rigorous Evidence-Based Curriculum

The PhD program at PAU includes intensive study in five areas: Basic theoretical concepts in psychology, research, psychological evaluation, psychotherapy theory and process, and clinical foundations and field experience.

You will learn to value evidence-based clinical models while maintaining the responsibilities psychologists have to their community, society, and profession.

The goals and key themes of our program:

  • To produce students and graduates who are critically reflective and informed consumers and producers of psychological knowledge and associated clinical sciences
  • To produce clinicians with the requisite clinical knowledge, skills, and attitudes to successfully practice as entry PhD-level clinical psychologists in a variety of clinical settings and with a variety of clinical problems.
  • To produce researchers with the requisite scientific knowledge, skills, and attitudes to both consume and generate research.
  • To produce culturally competent clinical psychologists.
  • To produce clinical psychologists whose conduct exemplifies excellence in professionalism and ethics.

Every PhD candidate at PAU takes pride in their capability and competence as both researcher and clinician. If you are ready to focus on your future, connect with PAU today.

PAU alumni go on to have successful and rewarding careers as clinical psychologists or in research-focused academics. Still others find their calling in the corporate and nonprofit sectors.

  • With a PhD in Clinical Psychology, you can work in various settings, such as in hospitals and medical centers, community mental health clinics, private practice, and universities.
  • With balanced training for competency as a clinician and as a researcher, you will have the training for clinical work, research, or teaching – or even a combination of all three.
  • PAU areas of emphases enable our students to be board-certified in specialized psychology careers, including Neuropsychology and Forensic Psychology.

Fully Accredited Training

The program of study for the PhD is informed by the American Psychological Association’s (APA’s) guidelines for doctoral education in clinical psychology and emphasizes the integration of scientific research and clinical practices.

The PAU PhD in Clinical Psychology program has been accredited by the American Psychological Association since 1988.

Office of Program Consultation and Accreditation:

American Psychological Association 750 First Street NE Washington, DC 20002-4242 202-336-5979 [email protected] www.apa.org/ed/accreditation

Learn more about Licensing and Accreditation @ PAU

APA IRC-26 Student Admissions, Outcomes, and Other Data

Palo Alto Expert Faculty Graphic

The PhD Clinical Psychology program faculty is a talented and highly distinguished group of psychologists from across the globe, with wide-ranging clinical and research specialties.

PhD Area of Emphasis

Your core PhD training at PAU provides broad and general preparation through the integration of scholarship, professional experience, and research with our practitioner-scientist training model.

We also offer optional specialized training in seven key emphasis areas – all in high demand and focused on building additional knowledge and experience within a focused field of clinical psychology.

Group Graphic for PhD Emphasis

The Diversity and Community Mental Health (DCMH) area of emphasis at PAU gives you specialized knowledge and clinical training to provide psychological services for the public mental health sector.

Forensic Psychology Graphic

The PhD emphasis in Forensic Psychology at PAU trains specialists in the clinical application of psychology to the legal system.

PAU's Health Psychology Emphasis image

PAU’s Health Psychology Area of Emphasis will prepare students with foundational knowledge and skills to conduct cutting-edge assessment, treatment, and consultation in interprofessional care environments.

LGBTQ Psychology Image

At Palo Alto University, we are committed to ensuring that the next generation of clinical psychologists is competent in clinical practice and research with diverse lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) populations.

Meditation & Psychology Graphic

The Meditation and Psychology Emphasis in the PhD Clinical Psychology program involves clinical and research training concerning the interplay of mind-body factors in health and well-being.

PhD Image for Neuropsychology Program

The impact of brain function on human behavior is endlessly fascinating – and it’s a great career path for science-minded psychology students.

Pediatric Behavioral Emphasis image

Why choose pediatric behavioral health? It’s life-changing work – and the demand for highly-trained specialists continues to grow.

PhD Trauma Emphasis Image

Combat veterans. Mass casualty events. Domestic violence. Child abuse. The potential long-term – and immediate – psychological costs of trauma exposure can be catastrophic.

As a student at PAU, you will have access to specialized research groups and clinical training opportunities through the Gronowski Center, a community-based psychology training clinic and treatment center dedicated to providing high quality, evidence-based, clinical services to adults, older adults, adolescents, children, and families in the community.

Admission and Graduation Requirements

The PhD Program is a full-time program and requires a minimum of three years in residence. The program is structured to be completed in five years: three years for academic coursework, one year for the dissertation and one year for internship.

Graduation Requirements

The PhD in Clinical Psychology program takes an average of five years to complete and is open to individuals who hold a bachelor's or master's degree and have completed the required prerequisites prior to applying for admission.

The PhD in Clinical Psychology program at PAU requires that candidates complete 150 units of required coursework and 18 elective units for a total of 168 units, which typically takes three years for full-time attendees.

During their final two years of full-time enrollment, students complete other graduation requirements.

Publication and Presentation : Students must make a significant contribution to a peer-reviewed journal article, book chapter, or literary contribution to another scholarly publication.

Milestones : In addition to the Oral Clinical Competency Exam, three written exams on research competency, clinical competency, and assessment competency must be taken. Additionally, students are required to complete a dissertation of 30 minimum units, a 12-unit internship , and at least two years of practicums . 

Clinical Setting Image

Students enrolled in the PhD in Clinical Psychology program are required to complete clinical practicum training.

Provides mentoring and clinical placement services to the PhD Clinical Psychology program students. PhD Clinical Training Faculty provide: Close faculty advising for students applying to practicum and internship Mentoring and intensive professional development advising throughout clinical training. Review of practicum sites for quality assurance

Explore More

Research labs.

All students in the PhD Clinical Psychology Program are required to participate in faculty-led research groups during their second and third years in the program – for 6 consecutive quarters.

You won’t spend all your time in the classroom – you’ll gain direct experience providing supervised therapy while working in a practicum or internship setting.

Student Admissions, Outcomes, and Other Data

Each year, the PAU psychology faculty participate in a thorough strategic review of our curriculum, processes, student learning, and student and program outcomes.

Frequently Asked Questions

Enrolling in a PhD program is a significant life choice – Palo Alto University faculty and staff will answer all your questions before you apply and after you are accepted.

1. Where can I find information on first year student orientation? 

You will receive an email from the PhD program office during the summer before Fall Quarter begins. You may contact  [email protected]  for additional information regarding orientation. 

2. Where can I find the academic calendar?

The Academic Calendar can be found on the  Registrar’s office page.

3. How do I get my PAU email address and access to the PAU Intranet ( https://my.paloaltou.edu/ics/ )? (Access email at gmail.paloaltou.edu)  From the  IT Helpdesk . Contact  [email protected]  with any questions.

4. Where are the classrooms?

At the PAU Allen Calvin Main Campus, Classrooms 1 and 3, and the computer lab, are located on the top floor of Building Three. Classroom 2 is located on the middle floor of Building Three.

At the PAU Los Altos/Gronowski Center Campus, rooms D11A and D11B are on the first floor of the Kurt and Barbara Gronowski Psychology Clinic located at  5150 El Camino Real, Suite 22, Bldg C, Los Altos, California 94022 . 

5. Where do I park for classes?

PAU encourages students to carpool to class as parking availability at the Los Altos/Gronowski and PAU Main Allen Calvin Campus is very limited. Directions to PAU campuses are available on the Locations, Transportation & Parking  web page.

The PhD program at Palo Alto University operates on two main campuses: The  Allen Calvin Campus at 1791 Arastradero Road in Palo Alto  and the Gronowski Center Campus at 1172 Castro Street, Mountain View   

Detailed Driving Directions:

At the Allen Calvin/Main Campus, drive through the gates and up the hilly driveway. There are several different areas for parking, including lower, middle, and upper level areas. You are welcome to park in any of these spaces. On days when there are campus events, parking may be limited. You may also park at the bottom of the driveway or at the nearby Alpine Inn parking lot, but be aware that those areas are not part of the campus and therefore not secure. The campus is in a remote area and there is no public transportation. Please carpool whenever possible.

If you ride a bicycle as your primary mode of transportation, please be extremely cautious when riding on Page Mill Road and Arastradero Road. There are sharp, blind turns, which may be especially dangerous at night or during heavy traffic hours. If you do travel at night, wear reflective clothing and use a light on the front and back of your bicycle. For your safety, always wear a helmet. Please lock and secure your bicycle at the upper parking level, near the cul-de-sac and Building One.

6. What if I have questions?

Please feel free to contact the PhD program or  PAU staff  should you have questions.

April House - PhD Program Manager ( [email protected] )

7. Where can I access basic information about the PhD program?

Please visit the  PhD Program Website . Your most important resource is the PhD Student Handbook. The website also provides links to PhD program forms, information on competency exams, dissertations, important contacts, course schedule archives, grievance procedures, additional program handbooks, and information on TA opportunities.

Other important links related to the PhD program include  the PAU Office of Professional Development and Advising  and  the PAU Institutional Review Board . All of these websites are accessible via  the PAU portal.

8. Who can I talk to about academic support at PAU, curriculum requirements, and program expectations to advance to candidacy?

The PAU Academic Advising Center (PAAC)  is a space where PhD students can  make appointments  to talk to advanced students when they are unsure about any aspect of academic progress at PAU. PAAC aims to support students in thriving academically and professionally throughout the PhD Program. These advanced students assist first year students in many ways, including:

  • Reviewing research group application materials
  • Providing a general overview of the PhD program curriculum
  • Answering questions about academics and research
  • Offering advice on surviving and thriving in grad school

PAAC hours shift each academic quarter. Please visit the website for the most-up-to-date hours.

9. How long will it take to earn my PhD at PAU?

Although the PhD program is designed to be completed within five years of coursework and practica, many students choose to take an additional year to complete their degree. Students must complete their degree within 7 years. The number of years it takes to complete the PhD program will depend on your individual needs and professional goals:

  • Post-graduate career goals
  • Competitiveness of clinical and research training sites
  • Internship asirations and restrictions
  • Practicum placements and performance
  • Research opportunities, dissertation progress, publications and presentations
  • Satisfactory academic progress

The PhD program is accredited by the American Psychological Association (APA) and follows their  Benchmark Evaluation System  to assess whether a student has met the competency benchmarks in professional psychology. 

10. How do I register for classes? How do I change my schedule?

For the first year of the PhD program, you are pre-registered for all of your courses based upon the required first-year coursework in the  PhD curriculum . Information about registration can be found at the  Registrar’s Office on the Portal , including  downloadable course schedules , and  academic calendars .

In subsequent years of the program, you will  use the portal for online registration . If you would like to change your schedule, you will need to email the registrar Nora Marquez ( [email protected] ) for further instruction. For additional questions about registration, including wait-listing, sequences, and other concerns, see the PhD Program Handbook. 

11. How do I obtain a copy of my course schedule?

You may always access  your current course schedule on the portal . Additionally, students can request a hard copy in-person from the Registrar’s Office at the PAU Allen Calvin Campus. 

12. Why am I required to attend 8 hours of therapy? Is the cost covered by PAU? How do I find a good therapist on a graduate student budget?

According to the PhD Student Handbook, all PhD students are required to complete 8 hours of individual psychotherapy with a doctoral-level licensed psychologist (PhD, ED, PsyD) or board-eligible psychiatrist prior to registration for the Oral Clinical Competency Exam (which typically occurs in the third year of the program). It is the perspective of PAU that the personal experience of psychotherapy is critical to the ability to work therapeutically with others. The cost of psychotherapy is not covered by PAU and is not part of the financial aid package.

Additional information about this requirement can be located in the PhD Student Handbook. There is an aggregate list of recommended low cost and sliding scale therapists noted under  Student Resources on the portal . You may also want to consult websites such as  Psychology Today  to select the right therapist.

13. How early do I have to decide if I want to complete a PhD  area of emphasis ? 

The first quarter of the first year is a good time to meet with a faculty advisor, as well as other PAU faculty and advanced students, to determine whether an area of emphasis will fit long term professional goals. As the year proceeds, students will have a better idea of their interests and the requirements for completing each area of emphasis. If you are still unsure, schedule an appointment with the PAU Academic Advising Center (PAAC).

14. When are financial aid refund disbursements available?

To receive the status of your financial aid, please visit the portal or email  [email protected] .

PAU Alumni Amanda Harris

PAU alumna Amanda Harris (née Feldman), JD, PhD, a psychologist and attorney representing domestic violence survivors.

Palo Alto University Classroom

student waving Cal flag

Psychology PhD

Psychology as a scientific discipline aims to describe, understand, and predict the behavior of living organisms. In doing so, psychology embraces the many factors that influence behavior-from sensory experience to complex cognition, from the role of genetics to that of social and cultural environments, from the processes that explain behavior in early childhood to those that operate in older ages, and from typical development to pathological conditions. The Department of Psychology at Berkeley reflects the diversity of our discipline's mission covering six key areas of research: Behavioral and Systems Neuroscience; Clinical Science; Cognition; Cognitive Neuroscience; Developmental, and Social-Personality Psychology. Our program learning goals focus on honing methodological, statistical and critical thinking skills relevant to all areas of Psychology research, enabling students with sufficient breadth to retain perspective in the field of psychology and sufficient depth to permit successful independent and significant research.

  • The major academic objectives of the PhD program are for students to:
  • Develop an understanding of the different theoretical and empirical frameworks that have defined and shaped the field
  • Develop an understanding of the central questions and issues in contemporary psychology
  • Develop expertise in one or more relevant research methodologies
  • Build expertise in formulating testable hypotheses and designing appropriate studies
  • Hone ability to critically evaluate scientific research
  • Develop expertise in statistics and advanced data analytic approaches
  • Develop an awareness of the importance of science to humanity while recognizing its limits (i.e., some scientific knowledge is culture-specific and may not be applicable to the human condition universally)
  • Develop competence as a teacher of undergraduates and mentor to graduate students

Students select one of the following concentrations:

Behavioral and Systems Neuroscience: The Behavioral and Systems Neuroscience area encompasses faculty and students united by a common interest in the neurobiological/physiological bases of behavior, including but not limited to circadian and seasonal rhythms, decision-making, sex differentiation and behavior, energy balance, birdsong and animal communication, animal spatial orientation and navigation, gene-environment interactions, selective attention and visual perception, social behavior, attachment, developmental processes, physiological substrates of emotion and stress, and motivation. The methodologies currently employed by faculty and students cover the entire spectrum from the behavioral study of animals and humans to computational, cellular, molecular and neuroimaging analyses.

Clinical Science: Graduate students in Clinical Science combine rigorous research with hands-on clinical experience. In addition, students take courses that cover general areas of psychological science as well as more specialized areas based on a students interests. Most students will spend four to six years in residence at Berkeley plus one year at a Clinical Internship site, at or near the completion of the dissertation. Degrees are awarded after completion of the internship, even if the dissertation is completed earlier. The faculty advisor/mentor plays an important role in a students training. At the beginning of Year 1, each student is matched with a faculty advisor, usually one of the core Clinical Science Program Faculty, who supervises the student's research. In subsequent years, the student is free to continue working with that person or to seek a new research advisor. In addition to research supervision, the advisor works with the student in planning a program that fits that student's interests, while at the same time meeting program requirements. If a student is conducting research under the supervision of someone other than a core Clinical Science Program Faculty member (e.g., a faculty member in another area of the Psychology Department), then a core Clinical Science Program Faculty member is assigned to advise that student in matters related program requirements.

Cognition: The Cognition Program brings together faculty and students engaged in behavioral and computational investigations of fundamental cognitive processes, including learning, memory, categorization, reasoning, language, and perception. Our interdisciplinary approach borrows methods and insights from the cognitive sciences and other areas within the department.

Cognitive Neuroscience: Programs in Cognitive Neuroscience focus on neuroimaging and neuropsychological approaches to human behavior. Functional neuroimaging techniques, such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), electroencephalography (EEG), and intracranial EEG (iEEG) are used to study the neural bases of human behavior. Neuropsychological methods assess varieties of psychological dysfunction associated with brain damage or disease. Areas of specialty within this track include Sensory and Perceptual Processes, Attention and Working Memory, Learning and Memory, Emotion, and Motor Control.

Developmental: Our research goal is to understand how the organism and its capabilities develop throughout the lifespan. Our interdisciplinary approach is multi-species, multi-system, and multidisciplinary in nature. We study change over time in cognitive, linguistic, social, emotional, and neural processes. Our explanations include both neural accounts of the plasticity that is observed in the developing brain and other systems, and computational and psychological accounts of development. The bi-directionality of these processes is emphasized, with the organism's genetically program development being influenced by its physical and social environments and in turn influencing those environments. Thus, our research is situated at the interface between the fields of developmental psychology, computational modeling, psycholinguistics, cognitive psychology, developmental cognitive neuroscience, social psychology, cultural psychology, and clinical psychology. Our research examines numerous areas of development, plasticity, and change including sensory processes, cognitive capacities, language, reasoning, everyday knowledge of the world, emotions, and social relationships. We examine both typical and atypical development, each providing rich insights for better understanding the other and suggesting new approaches for effective treatments and preventive interventions.

Social-Personality Psychology: The social-personality program is devoted to training graduate students for careers in research and teaching. The program faculty and several affiliates conduct research and provide intensive training in six core areas of the field: (1) Self and identity; (2) Social cognition; (3) Emotion, emotion regulation, and affective neuroscience; (4) Personality processes and adult development; (5) Interpersonal, intergroup, and intercultural processes; and (6) Power, hierarchy, and social class. In addition to training in these core areas, the program encourages graduate students to develop their own research interests and build an independent research program. The program is characterized by considerable breadth and diversity. It provides students with special research opportunities, such as access to unique longitudinal databases, multi-method approaches (self-report, observational, archival, life-data, physiological), and biological perspectives on social behavior (e.g., evolutionary, neuroimaging).

Contact Info

[email protected]

2121 Berkeley Way University of California

Berkeley, CA 94720-1650

At a Glance


Admit Term(s)

Application Deadline

December 4, 2023

Degree Type(s)

Doctoral / PhD

Degree Awarded

GRE Requirements

Pacifica Graduate Institute

805.969.3626 Phone Number

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M.A./Ph.D. Clinical Psychology

Now Accepting Applications for Fall 2024

The M.A./Ph.D. program celebrates its 30 year long tradition of offering clinical psychology doctoral education in depth psychological traditions, which emphasizes radical theorizing, in-depth relational clinical education, and engagement in issues of social justice and care. The program prepares psychologists through integration of diverse depth psychological traditions, human sciences scholarship, and community praxis.

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  • Degree Programs
  • Clinical Psychology (Ph.D.)

M.A./Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology with Emphasis in Depth Psychology

Learn about the clinical psychology ph.d. program.

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Clinical Psychology M.A./Ph.D. Information Guide

About the Clinical M.A./Ph.D. Program

Human science model.

“I want psychology to have its base in the imagination of people rather than in their statistics and their diagnostics.” James Hillman

Depth Psychological Perspective

“We need images and myths through which we can see who we are and what we might become.” Christine Downing

Clinical Training

“Psychological life in its texture, structure and function is a metaphorical reality.” Robert D. Romanyshyn

Contact the Admissions Advisor

Featured Blog Posts

  • Dreams, Calling, Suffering, and Individuation: Finding Light in the Darkness
  • A Second Ph.D.; An Alumna Story
  • Pacifica’s Ph.D. Clinical Psychology Program; An Alumnus Story

Clinical Department Newsletters

  • Spring to Summer 2019
  • Spring to Fall 2018
  • Winter 2018
  • Spring 2017

Clinical Brochure

  • Download the Brochure

Alumni Stories

Our goal is to prepare students to become constructively engaged in diverse clinical, academic, and community settings as researchers and clinicians who are grounded in deeply humane, theoretically sophisticated, and socially conscious approaches to clinical psychology.

Our alumni include:

Mark Montijo

Mark Montijo, Ph.D. (2006)

Mark Montijo is faculty at Pacifica in the Clinical Psychology Ph.D. as well as the Masters in Counseling Psychology and Integrative Therapy and Healing Process programs. He was first licensed in New Mexico as a Clinical Mental Health Counselor where he worked in partnership with Native American healers using traditional healing techniques. He then became licensed in California as a Marriage, Family and Child Counselor. While working for the U.S. Postal Service in several capacities, Mark investigated and resolved Equal Employment Opportunity complaints, created protocol for threat assessment, coordinated a regional Employee Assistance Program, and managed psychological services in the aftermath of workplace violence. Currently a healthcare mediator for a large HMO , Mark works with patients, families, physicians and staff involved in unexpected adverse medical outcomes. He is a passionate advocate for patient and family centered care, including briding physician-patient perspectives . He also maintains a private practice and delivers pro bono geropsychology services at a skilled nursing facility in Berkeley.

Annamarie Fidel Rice

AnnaMarie Fidel-Rice, Ph.D., LPC (Colorado), (2003)

AnnaMarie Fidel-Rice is a Professor at Regis University in the Division of Counseling and Family Therapy where she teaches grief therapy from a depth perspective among many other courses. She maintains a pro bono psychotherapy private practice in Arvada, Colorado , and is author of the book The Alchemy of Grief: a depth psychological approach to grief . AnnaMarie has given numerous presentations on alchemy, loss, and grief as well as led retreats in Peru for celebrating the feminine.

Doug Henry

Doug Henry, Ph.D. (2003)

Doug Henry has worked in the inpatient psychiatric unit at Santa Barbara Cottage Hospital where he did evaluations, group, individual, and family therapy. He also did training and consulting work with the Santa Barbara Police Department (Hostage) Negotiation Team and the CIT – Crisis Intervention Team of the SBPD as well. He has also been lead assessor for Santa Barbara County department of Alcohol, Drug, and Mental Health Services (ADMHS), in the Calle Real Adult Outpatient Clinic. He currently works at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center as Clinical Administrator for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, where he has implemented funding from the Beckwith Institute’s Frontline Innovation Program to the Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic (WPIC). He also also moderated Clinical Grand Rounds presentations on children and adolescents at the WPIC.

Marcia Dobson

Marcia Dobson, Ph.D. (1998)

Marcia Dobson is a Professor at Colorado College, in the Classics Department . She has taught there for over 35 years. In addition to teaching regular Classics courses such as ancient Greek drama and language, Marcia also teaches classes on discovering the unconscious, life of the soul, and myth and meaning. Marcia initiated the psychoanalysis minor at Colorado College, and now teaches classes in contemporary psychoanalysis to students both at Colorado College and at the Chicago Institute for Psychoanalysis during summers. Her recent research and publications consider classical texts in their relationship to psychoanalytic thinking and theory. She is also an Associate Editor of the International Journal of Psychoanalytic Self Psychology .

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Chair & faculty.

The Faculty members of Pacifica’s Clinical M.A./Ph.D. Psychology program bring a passion for education and a wealth of real-world experience into the classroom.

As leaders in their fields, the members of Pacifica’s faculty include authors of international acclaim, renowned lecturers, practicing psychologists, and certified analysts. Many of the faculty are also meditation teachers, social activists, artists, and philosophers.

All Clinical faculty members share a passion for transformative forms of education and are dedicated to working with adult learners. To learn more about the faculty in the M.A./Ph.D. Program in Clinical Psychology, read the individual descriptions below.

Peter Dunlap

Program FAQs

What is distinct about doctoral education in clinical psychology at pacifica.

Pacifica Graduate Institute has a 40-year long history of providing training in depth psychology within a human science model, and remains one of the few institutions in the world to offer degrees that bring together education in clinical psychology together with rich traditions of depth psychology, which draw from such fields as humanities, mythology, philosophy, cultural studies, and human sciences. In addition, Pacifica’s education emphasizes the dynamic contemporary visions of understanding human experience, which include somatic, spiritually-grounded, indigenous, multicultural, neuropsychological, and community-based approaches.

Oksana Yakushko, Program Chair, explains how Pacifica's Clinical Psychology programs educate students' minds, hearts, and souls.

Does receiving a M.A./Ph.D. from Pacifica’s clinical psychology program meet the qualification needed to be licensed as a Clinical Psychologist in California?

Our curriculum is designed to lead to licensure as a clinical psychologist (based on educational requirements for psychologists in the State of California). In order to receive the California Clinical Psychologist’s license, students must also have met the post-doctoral clinical services hours and examination requirements of the State. As part of receiving the degree from our program, students are required to complete pre-doctoral internship hours that meet requirements of the California Board of Psychology. The eligibility requirements for the formal internship programs in California are set by varied organizations, including the California Psychology Internship Council (CAPIC) which governs many clinical sites that embrace depth psychological treatment modalities.  Pacifica is a graduate school member of CAPIC, and students will be guided through the formal process of application to all such sites. Following receipt of their degree from Pacifica, students must follow state’s requirements, which include post-doctoral supervised clinical hours and passing scores on the national and state exams ( EPPP and CPLEE) . Applicants and students are responsible for following and adhering to the licensure requirements of other states or countries, in which they wish to reside and practice, which may differ from California requirements.

How long is the M.A./Ph.D. program?

Clinical PhD Program Overview Chart

Students attend classes in the M.A./Ph.D. program for three years on a year-round basis (including summers). Each year classes are held during nine, four (4)-day sessions. One seven-day summer week occurs during the summer quarter. Students complete their dissertations following the three years of coursework. There is an eight-year time limit for completion of the degree program. Please see the graph below for a visual overview of the M.A./Ph.D. program.

What is the general format of classes?

The classes are a combination of lecture and discussion formats and occur on Pacifica campus. While faculty present lecture material, time is set aside for discussions and question and answer periods. Some of the classes include presentations by experts, experiential activities (e.g., rituals, somatic exercises), as well as time for processing the information as a group. The cohort system at Pacifica encourages a process of in-depth collaborative learning that integrates the multiple personal and cultural contexts affecting learning and guiding discussions.

How much work is required outside of class?

Class assignments consist of readings, posted reflections/discussions, exams, papers or projects.  For every hour in class, at least three hours of academic work outside of class is expected.  This time may include reading, reflections, research, and writing.  Graduate study in general requires twenty (20) hours of study per week with an additional approximate 15 to 20 hours of practica per week in the second and thirds years. Dissertation and internship are undertaken after coursework is completed and comprehensive exams are passed.

Experiential clinical training at off campus clinical training sites is an essential part of the doctoral program. Students complete a minimum of 1,000 hours of practicum, 1,500 hours of internship, and 60 hours of personal therapy. The Director of Clinical Training works collaboratively with students to place them in practica in the beginning of their second year of academic study. Students receive supervision and are given feedback at off-site locations as well as during campus coursework.

Once students complete their coursework and practica and pass a comprehensive exam, students enter off-campus internships where they are also given supervision and feedback. Internships are completed in a multidisciplinary setting offering a variety of training experiences. To obtain pre-doctoral internships, students often compete in a state-wide or nation-wide competitive application process. However, state of California allows clinical training under a licensed psychologist as a psychological assistant to complete pre-doctoral internship hours required by the state of California toward psychology licensure. Training at culturally diverse sites is encouraged.

When do students have an opportunity to meet with faculty?

Each teaching faculty member holds office hours during the time that students are on campus as well as during specified hours during the week. These office hours schedules and sign-up sheets are made available during each learning session. Students are also assigned a core faculty advisor who connects with them regarding varied aspects of their academic and professional development. At the beginning of spring quarter, faculty advisors assess the progress that each student makes in the program as part of the student’s annual evaluations.

Where does a student complete the 2,500-hour practicum/internship requirement?

Students in the doctoral clinical program are required to accrue a total of 2,500 hours of approved and supervised clinical experience.  These hours are obtained in two “tiers” of training:  practicum (1000 hours required) and internship (1,500 hours required).  Both levels of training are obtained at off-campus locations such as group private practices, clinics, hospitals, treatment centers, or other agencies, in which psychologists provide services.  Practicum training is a lower level of training with more intensive and directive supervision, and is obtained during the second and third years of classes at Pacifica.  The Clinical Training Handbook outlines the requirements for beginning clinical training. During the coursework on campus, the students participate in Thursday evening practicum seminars designed to ground their clinical training experience in small-group discussions, case conferences, and intensive supervision by faculty. In contrast to practicum training, internship training is a higher level of training with more independence and responsibility, and is undertaken after the student has completed all of the coursework and passed the comprehensive exams.  The internship, in contrast to the practicum, is a summative and capstone training experience, in which the skills and the knowledge obtained through the coursework and the practicum experiences are exercised.  All of the training activities described here are coordinated and supported by Pacifica’s Training Office, including the Training Coordinator and the Director of Clinical Training.

Can a student use past personal therapy hours to satisfy the 60-hour personal therapy requirement?

The personal therapy requirement is an integral part of the program, essential for the development of clinicians who utilize themselves as an instrument of healing of others. In addition, personal self-awareness is essential to other processes of being a student including conducting research studies with human participants or engaging in clinical and scholarly dialogues in the field that expand psychological knowledge. Therefore, the minimum of 60 hours of personal therapy must be completed while a student is enrolled in the program. These hours may be completed in individual, group, couple or family settings.


Education Assistance Offered to new and returning students based on extreme financial hardship and strong academic excellence. The award is $1,000 to be equally divided between four quarters. For students in the M.A. Counseling program enrolled in the 3rd year, the award is $500. This scholarship is not renewable and students must apply each academic year. Students enrolled in the dissertation phase are not eligible for consideration.

Jung/Freud Clinical Psychology Scholarship Offered to newly admitted students entering into either the Ph.D. Clinical Psychology or Psy.D. Counseling programs. Awards range $2,000-$3,000. The number and amount of individual awards is contingent upon the number of eligible applications received. This scholarship is renewable, provided recipients meet the required 3.5 cumulative grade point average.

Yellow Ribbon Matching Scholarship Pacifica Graduate Institute is pleased to announce that we have entered into an agreement with the Veteran’s Administration in support of veterans continuing their education under the Post 9/11 GI Bill . Pacifica has agreed to provide up to ten Yellow Ribbon Scholarships each year for qualifying veterans under the Post 9/11 GI Bill on a first-come first-serve basis. Students in the M.A. Counseling program will qualify for up to $6,500 per year, M.A. Engaged Humanities and Creative Life will qualify for up to $5,400 per year, and those in the doctoral programs will qualify for up to $7,800 per year.

Curriculum Overview

Clinical Psychology M.A./Ph.D. classes take place in four-day sessions (Thursday evening through Sunday afternoon) once each month during fall, winter, and spring. There is also one seven-day summer session each year. Between learning sessions, advising, mentoring, study and instruction continue through individual and group mentorship from faculty, web-enhanced learning, and cohort support groups.

  • Professional and Ethical Development Seminar I - CL 755 , 1 unit
  • Professional and Ethical Development Seminar II - CL 756 , 1 unit
  • Professional and Ethical Development Seminar III - CL 757 , 1 unit
  • 1st Year Annual Assessment for Program Advancement - CL 758 , 0 units
  • Psychoanalytic-Based Psychotherapy I: Developmental Perspectives - CP 711 , 2 units
  • Jungian-Based Psychotherapy I: Personality Structure and Function - CP 810 , 2 units
  • History and Systems of Psychology - CP 700 , 2 units
  • Psychological Assessment I - CP 930 , 2 units
  • Psychological Assessment II - CP 931 , 2 units
  • Legal, Ethical, and Professional Practice - CP 832 , 2 units
  • Advanced Psychopathology I - CP 730 , 2 units
  • Biological Foundations of Human Behavior - CP 735 , 2 units
  • Research Designs and Methodology I: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods - CP 932 , 2 units
  • Research Designs and Methodology II: Qualitative Methods of Analysis - CP 933 , 2 units
  • Research Designs and Methodology III: Quantitative Design and Statistical Analysis - CP 926 , 3 units
  • History of Depth Psych & the Human Science Traditions - CL 819 , 2 units
  • Phenomenological Psychology: Theory and Practice - CL 917 , 2 units
  • Emergent Clinical and Social Theories in Depth Psychology - CP 799 , 2 units

Second Year

  • Supervision Practicum Seminar I: Assessment and Diagnosis - CL 759 , 1 unit
  • Supervision Practicum Seminar II: Assessment and Diagnosis - CL 760 , 1 unit
  • Supervision Practicum Seminar III: Assessment and Diagnosis - CL 761 , 1 unit
  • Psychoanalytic-Based Psychotherapy II: Personality and Psychopathology - CP 712 , 2 units
  • Jungian-Based Psychotherapy II: Affect, Mind, and Psyche - CP 811 , 2 units
  • Principles of Psychopharmacology - CP 873 , 2 units
  • Developmental Psychology Through the Lifespan - CP 830 , 3 units
  • Alcohol, Chemical Dependency, and Addictive Behaviors - CL 900 , 2 units
  • Cognitive Foundations of Human Behavior - CL 837 , 2 units
  • Affective Foundations of Human Behavior - CL 838 , 2 units
  • Advanced Clinical Research Approaches and Dissertation Development I - CP 961 , 1 unit
  • Depth Psychological Designs and Methods I - CL 928 , 2 units
  • Research Designs and Methodology III: Test and Measurement - CP 934 , 2 units
  • Indigenous Approaches to Psychology - CP 803 , 1 unit
  • Archetypal Psychology I: Social Basis of Human Experience - CP 840 , 2 units
  • Social Foundations of Human Behavior - CL 800 , 2 units
  • 2nd Year Annual Assessment for Program Advancement - CL 762 , 0 units
  • MA Qualifying Exam - CP 890 , 0 units
  • Psychotherapy Practicum Seminar I: Effective Psychological Interventions - CL 763 , 1 unit
  • Psychotherapy Practicum Seminar II: Effective Psychological Interventions - CL 764 , 1 unit
  • Psychotherapy Practicum Seminar III: Effective Psychological Interventions - CL 765 , 1 unit
  • 3rd Year Annual Assessment for Program Advancement - CL 766 , 0 units
  • Post-Jungian Psychotherapy: Biological, Ecological, and Cultural Systems - CP 745 , 2 units
  • Theories of Group Psychotherapy - CP 719 , 1 unit
  • Archetypal Psychology II: Personality, Psychopathology, and Culture - CP 814 , 2 units
  • Advanced Psychopathology II - CP 731 , 2 units
  • Principles of Clinical Supervision and Consultation - CL 752 , 1 unit
  • Evidence-Based Psychotherapies - CL 912 , 2 units
  • Violence and Trauma: Developmental and Social Theories - CP 834 , 2 units
  • Advanced Clinical Research Approaches and Dissertation Development II - CP 962 , 2 units
  • Depth Psychological Designs and Methods II - CL 929 , 2 units
  • Advanced Clinical Research Approaches and Dissertation Development III - CP 963 , 2 units
  • Research Designs and Methodology IV: Advanced Qualitative Methods - CL 940 , 2 units
  • Gender and Human Sexuality - CP 901 , 1 unit
  • Psychotherapy with Diverse Populations - CP 845 , 2 units
  • Comprehensive Exam Portfolio – CP 989 - CP 989 , 0 units
  • Capstone Projects and Program Requirements
  • Comprehensive Exam Portfolio - CP 989 , 0 units
  • Dissertation Writing - CP 990 , 15 units
  • Pre-doctoral Internship - CP 980 , 0 units
  • Personal Psychotherapy - CP 950 , 0 units

Requirements for Graduation

Degree requirements for graduation.

  • Students must complete a total of 105 quarter units to fulfill the unit requirement for the Ph.D. degree.
  • A minimum grade of “B” is required in each completed course. A cumulative grade point average of 3.0 must be maintained.
  • Students must meet attendance requirements as articulated in the Student Handbook.
  • 56 units of first and second year designated coursework have been successfully completed.
  • Completion of 100 hours of practicum has been documented.
  • Documentation of 30 hours of personal therapy has been submitted.
  • In addition to completion of the M.A. degree requirements, in order to proceed with the third year of coursework, students must pass the Second Year Assessment for Program Advancement which encompasses a comprehensive review of coursework, annual evaluations, qualifying exam results (a minimum of 80% is required), advancement toward clinical practicum training goals, writing skills and readiness to conduct research.
  • Students must successfully pass the Comprehensive Portfolio at the end of the third year.
  • Students must submit and defend an original dissertation accepted by the faculty.
  • Students are required to complete a minimum of 1,000 hours of practicum and 1,500 hours of internship..
  • Students are required to complete a total of 60 hours of personal therapy.
  • Students must comply with all the policies and procedures articulated in the Student, Dissertation, and Clinical Handbooks.

Faculty Mentorship

Preparation for clinical psychology licensure, enroll today.

Celebrating forty years. Pacifica Graduate Institute

Pacifica Graduate Institute is accredited by the WASC Senior College and University Commission (WSCUC), 985 Atlantic Avenue, Suite 100, Alameda, CA 94501, 510.748.9001, and is approved by the State of California Board of Private Postsecondary Education (BPPE) and the U. S. Department of Education.

Lambert Campus 249 Lambert Road, Carpinteria, CA 93013

Ladera Campus 801 Ladera Lane, Santa Barbara, CA 93108


  • GGSE Resources

Department of Counseling, Clinical, & School Psychology

Counseling/Clinical Psychology Ph.D. Program

The counseling/clinical doctoral program adheres to a scientist-practitioner training model and provides students with both research and practitioner knowledge and skills. The program’s primary goal is to train students who are interested in academic and research positions; a secondary goal is to prepare psychological service providers who will exercise influence on professional psychology through teaching, research, and leadership. The organizing themes that integrate the identity of the Department are the values of human diversity and individual differences, health and development across the lifespan, and ecological (e.g., family, school, community) influences on human behavior.

Counseling and Clinical Psychology historically have reflected different service areas, employment settings, and populations served.

Counseling psychologists  have traditionally focused on life-adjustment problems and career development and have worked primarily in university counseling centers, Veterans Administration hospitals, and community agencies.

Clinical psychologists  have traditionally focused on the evaluation and treatment of clients with acute or chronic mental disorders and have worked in mental health centers, mental hospitals, and psychiatric units of general hospitals.

However, the interdependence of contemporary social systems currently requires that psychologists have a broad knowledge of service emphases, employment settings, and client populations. For example, counseling psychologists need to be familiar with the diagnostic procedures andprinciples of psychopathology; clinical psychologists need to be familiar with the influences and workings of school systems and patterns of normal development; and school psychologists need to be familiar with family systems and school-to-work transitions.

In order to develop research-oriented academic psychologists who can adapt to changing and diversifying roles, the CCSP Department requires all doctoral students to take core courses that provide: (a) awareness, knowledge, and skills that arecommonto counseling, clinical, and school psychology; and (b) awareness and knowledge unique to counseling, clinical, and school psychology. Beyond entry-level awareness, knowledge, and skill base taught in the common core courses, students receive focused trainingin counselingor clinicalpsychology to prepare them to meet the needs of the populations and settings served by the area they have chosen. This goal is accomplished through separate research practica, clinical practica, coursework, and internships unique to each of the two areas.

The organizing themes that integrate the identity of the program are: (a) the values of human diversity and individual differences, (b) health and development across the lifespan, and (c) ecological (e.g., family, school, and societal) influences on human behavior.

Requirements for Counseling/ClinicalPh.D., Counseling Emphasis  (degree sheet)

Requirements for Counseling/ClinicalPh.D., Clinical Emphasis  (degree sheet)

Counseling and Clinical Psychology Doctoral Student Handbook

*Questions related to the program's accredited status should be directed to the Commission on Accreditation: Office of Program Consultation and Accreditation American Psychological Association 750 1st Street, NE, Washington, DC 20002 Phone: (202) 336-5979 / E-mail:  [email protected](link sends e-mail) Web:   www.apa.org/ed/accreditation

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Clinical Psychology Graduate Programs in California

1-25 of 33 results

UC San Diego School of Medicine

La Jolla, CA •

University of California - San Diego •

Graduate School

  • • Rating 4.67 out of 5   3 reviews

Other: My experience at UCSD School of Medicine has been exceptional. The curriculum is rigorous yet well-structured, providing a solid foundation in both basic and clinical sciences. The faculty are both experts in their fields and incredibly supportive and approachable, fostering a collaborative learning environment. Access to cutting-edge research opportunities have greatly enhanced my education. Clinical rotations are diverse, offering exposure to a wide range of specialties and patient populations. The emphasis on holistic education, including wellness and professional development, has prepared me well for a future in medicine. Overall, UCSD School of Medicine has been an outstanding place to learn and grow as a medical professional. ... Read 3 reviews

University of California - San Diego ,

Graduate School ,


3 Niche users give it an average review of 4.7 stars.

Featured Review: Other says My experience at UCSD School of Medicine has been exceptional. The curriculum is rigorous yet well-structured, providing a solid foundation in both basic and clinical sciences. The faculty are both... .

Read 3 reviews.

Graduate School of Education and Psychology - Pepperdine University

Los Angeles, CA •

Pepperdine University •

  • • Rating 4.75 out of 5   110 reviews

Master's Student: My undergraduate experience at Portland State University transformed my perspective. Initially inspired by a high school art history class, I pursued Art History in college. Despite a negative experience with high school psychology, I took a social psychology at PSU that changed my view on the subject. This inspired me to go the route of becoming a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT). Portland State's diverse curriculum and inclusive environment broadened my understanding and appreciation of different fields and cultures. Experiential learning opportunities allowed me to apply theoretical knowledge in real-world settings. These experiences collectively shaped my intellectual and personal growth, preparing me for a meaningful career in mental health. ... Read 110 reviews

Blue checkmark.

Pepperdine University ,


110 Niche users give it an average review of 4.8 stars.

Featured Review: Master's Student says My undergraduate experience at Portland State University transformed my perspective. Initially inspired by a high school art history class, I pursued Art History in college. Despite a negative... .

Read 110 reviews.

University of San Francisco College of Arts and Sciences

San Francisco, CA •

University of San Francisco •

University of San Francisco ,


San Francisco State University

Graduate School •


  • • Rating 4.21 out of 5   53

The New School


  • • Rating 4.46 out of 5   37

College of Arts and Sciences - American University

American University •


College of Sciences - San Diego State University

San Diego, CA •

San Diego State University •

San Diego State University ,


Rosemead School of Psychology

La Mirada, CA •

Biola University •

Biola University ,


College of Behavioral and Social Sciences - California Baptist University

Riverside, CA •

California Baptist University •

Current Master's student: The professors know you are going to make it through the program. They designed the courses to be not only tricky but also thought-provoking. Social work is not an easy career, but with the right tools and like-minded people around you, you will accomplish all the goals intended by this program. ... Read 3 reviews

California Baptist University ,


Featured Review: Current Master's student says The professors know you are going to make it through the program. They designed the courses to be not only tricky but also thought-provoking. Social work is not an easy career, but with the right... .

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California Lutheran University Graduate School of Psychology

Thousand Oaks, CA •

California Lutheran University •

  • • Rating 4 out of 5   5 reviews

Master's Student: For the Masters of Science in Clinical Psychology program: I appreciate the professors working closely with the students, and the size of my cohort was large enough to feel like it broadly represented enough individuals, but small enough that we could feel personally close to each other as we were completing the program. The classes were rigorous but fair and informative about their subject matter. I wish the program made it clearer how crucial licensure would be to a career in clinical psychology, and that this program does not immediately lead to licensure. This caused me to feel like some of my time was wasted. ... Read 5 reviews

California Lutheran University ,


5 Niche users give it an average review of 4 stars.

Featured Review: Master's Student says For the Masters of Science in Clinical Psychology program: I appreciate the professors working closely with the students, and the size of my cohort was large enough to feel like it broadly... .

Read 5 reviews.

Vanguard University of Southern California

Costa Mesa, CA •

  • • Rating 5 out of 5   11 reviews

Master's Student: As a graduate student, full-time employee, and mom, I am thrilled with my experience at Vanguard University. The program has been incredibly accommodating, allowing me to balance my academic pursuits, work commitments, and family responsibilities seamlessly. The faculty and staff have been supportive, understanding the challenges I face, and providing valuable guidance throughout my journey. The flexibility of the program has been a lifesaver, enabling me to pursue my educational goals without sacrificing time with my family or hindering my professional growth. Vanguard University has truly created an environment that empowers me to thrive in all aspects of my life, and I couldn't be happier with my decision to be a part of this fantastic institution. ... Read 11 reviews


11 Niche users give it an average review of 5 stars.

Featured Review: Master's Student says As a graduate student, full-time employee, and mom, I am thrilled with my experience at Vanguard University. The program has been incredibly accommodating, allowing me to balance my academic... .

Read 11 reviews.

Mount Saint Mary's University Los Angeles

  • • Rating 4.54 out of 5   46 reviews

Master's Student: The professors are very professional and care about their students. The faculty and staff including the dean are very caring and interested in there there students. There business program is awesome! ... Read 46 reviews

46 Niche users give it an average review of 4.5 stars.

Featured Review: Master's Student says The professors are very professional and care about their students. The faculty and staff including the dean are very caring and interested in there there students. There business program is... .

Read 46 reviews.

School of Education - Notre Dame de Namur University

Belmont, CA •

Notre Dame de Namur University •

Notre Dame de Namur University ,


School of Psychology - Notre Dame de Namur University

University of arizona global campus.

  • • Rating 4.6 out of 5   149 reviews

Doctoral Student: This online program is challenging compared to traditional colleges. I have attended traditional schools, did not participate, and just did my homework. University of Arizona Global Campus ensures that you are participating in discussions with the class, reading the literature, and has an intense amount of academic writing, which is excellent for enhancing your skills. I did not write as much with traditional colleges and did not have the technology and resources available that the University of Arizona Global Campus offers. If you are looking for a rigorous academic program that challenges you to contribute to your field, process your thoughts and ideas, argue your points, and support with literature, this program will be great for you. I have graduated previously from the University of Arizona Global Campus and felt proud of the amount of work I accomplished. It was not easy. I think the amount of writing and participation made it ten times harder than traditional college. ... Read 149 reviews

149 Niche users give it an average review of 4.6 stars.

Featured Review: Doctoral Student says This online program is challenging compared to traditional colleges. I have attended traditional schools, did not participate, and just did my homework. University of Arizona Global Campus ensures... .

Read 149 reviews.

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  • Public Administration Graduate Programs

The California School of Professional Psychology

Alliant International University •

  • • Rating 4.4 out of 5   5 reviews

Master's Student: I am in the process of starting the Couples/Marriage and Family Therapy Program at Alliant International University. So far I have enjoyed the process with the admissions counselors being very helpful and kind. I have reached out to people in the program and have received very good reviews about the process and curriculum. I have been able to meet some of my future teachers and I am very much excited for the discussions we will have in class and the ability to learn so much more about how the human mind works in relation to our emotional and mental well being. ... Read 5 reviews

Alliant International University ,

5 Niche users give it an average review of 4.4 stars.

Featured Review: Master's Student says I am in the process of starting the Couples/Marriage and Family Therapy Program at Alliant International University. So far I have enjoyed the process with the admissions counselors being very... .

The Chicago School of Professional Psychology - Los Angeles

  • • Rating 4.42 out of 5   36 reviews

Doctoral Student: Great program! The faculty cares about challenging us while making us feel supported and I feel as though I am constantly being pushed to expand my knowledge. Also great opportunities to get involved with the community ... Read 36 reviews

36 Niche users give it an average review of 4.4 stars.

Featured Review: Doctoral Student says Great program! The faculty cares about challenging us while making us feel supported and I feel as though I am constantly being pushed to expand my knowledge. Also great opportunities to get involved... .

Read 36 reviews.

Sofia University

Master's Student: Sofia is a stellar learning environment like no other. The knowledge, generosity, and support of students by both faculty and administrative staff is impressive, I have never experienced this level of caring at an academic institution. Faculty are mental health professionals, many are also published social science researchers and authors. The depth of experience on all aspects of counseling practice goes so far beyond the simple “book learning” provided elsewhere. The MACP hybrid program is a perfect fit for working professionals, and the combination of asynchronous learning on the Canvas platform (all content is created/chosen to challenge and engage students together and with instructors in dialogue), video meetings, individual research and group projects, and twice yearly “Intensive Sessions” for on-site learning and importantly, modeling of and experience in the group dynamics, skills, and relational learnings essential to understand and develop therapeutic relationship. ... Read 3 reviews

Featured Review: Master's Student says Sofia is a stellar learning environment like no other. The knowledge, generosity, and support of students by both faculty and administrative staff is impressive, I have never experienced this level... The MACP hybrid program is a perfect fit for working professionals, and the combination of asynchronous learning on the Canvas platform (all content is created/chosen to challenge and engage students... .

Palo Alto University

Palo Alto, CA •

  • • Rating 4.04 out of 5   24 reviews

Master's Student: As a Spanish student enrolled in the Clinical Mental Health Counseling program at PAU, my academic journey has been both challenging and rewarding. The program offers a diverse range of coursework covering various aspects of mental health counseling, providing a well-rounded education. The faculty members are supportive and knowledgeable, offering guidance and mentorship throughout the program. One of the best parts of my experience has been the hands-on clinical training, where I had the opportunity to apply theoretical knowledge in real-world settings. This practical experience has been invaluable in preparing me for a career in mental health counseling, although managing the rigorous program requirements required strong time management. Navigating cultural differences and language barriers presented occasional challenges but also provided valuable learning experiences. Overall, it has equipped me with the knowledge and skills needed for a career in mental health counseling. ... Read 24 reviews


24 Niche users give it an average review of 4 stars.

Featured Review: Master's Student says As a Spanish student enrolled in the Clinical Mental Health Counseling program at PAU, my academic journey has been both challenging and rewarding. The program offers a diverse range of coursework... One of the best parts of my experience has been the hands-on clinical training, where I had the opportunity to apply theoretical knowledge in real-world settings. This practical experience has been... .

Read 24 reviews.

School of Social and Behavioral Sciences - Northcentral University

Northcentral University •

  • • Rating 4.6 out of 5   5 reviews

Master's Student: After a year at this school, I have only had positive experiences. The 1:1 ratio of teachers and students has been a very positive experience for me because I feel like I have less busy work, and the work that is assigned is actually helpful in getting me closer to my goal. It was daunting at first to have all online classes, but with the staff being as responsive as they are, it does not feel as isolating as your typical online classes. ... Read 5 reviews

Northcentral University ,

5 Niche users give it an average review of 4.6 stars.

Featured Review: Master's Student says After a year at this school, I have only had positive experiences. The 1:1 ratio of teachers and students has been a very positive experience for me because I feel like I have less busy work, and the... .

Antioch University Los Angeles

Culver City, CA •

  • • Rating 4.44 out of 5   18 reviews

Master's Student: I am a new student to Antioch University & so far my experience has been wonderful. They have provided multiple resources such as a writing workshop for the admissions letter. Additionally, the orientation was very informative & helpful for getting my courses selected. ... Read 18 reviews


18 Niche users give it an average review of 4.4 stars.

Featured Review: Master's Student says I am a new student to Antioch University & so far my experience has been wonderful. They have provided multiple resources such as a writing workshop for the admissions letter. Additionally, the orientation was very informative & helpful for getting my courses selected. .

Read 18 reviews.

School of Professional Psychology and Health - California Institute of Integral Studies

California Institute of Integral Studies •

California Institute of Integral Studies ,

Pacifica Graduate Institute

Carpinteria, CA •

  • • Rating 4.35 out of 5   113 reviews

Doctoral Student: This program is unlike any other psychology program out there. It focuses on all the aspects that is missing from mainstream psychology. However, you do not get funded. The school is a for-profit school, and it is expensive. ... Read 113 reviews


113 Niche users give it an average review of 4.3 stars.

Featured Review: Doctoral Student says This program is unlike any other psychology program out there. It focuses on all the aspects that is missing from mainstream psychology. However, you do not get funded. The school is a for-profit... .

Read 113 reviews.

School of Psychology - Fielding Graduate University

Santa Barbara, CA •

Fielding Graduate University •

  • • Rating 5 out of 5   2 reviews

Alum: It's a rigorous APA-accredited program with faculty from established, highly recognized and accredited universities who dedicated themselves to Fielding. ... Read 2 reviews

Fielding Graduate University ,


2 Niche users give it an average review of 5 stars.

Featured Review: Alum says It's a rigorous APA-accredited program with faculty from established, highly recognized and accredited universities who dedicated themselves to Fielding. .

Read 2 reviews.

The Wright Institute

Berkeley, CA •

  • • Rating 3.4 out of 5   5 reviews

Master's Student: Weekend program makes it possible to work during the first year, daytime program means more access to faculty and more contact with cohort members. This is a fast paced program that takes a lot of internal work in addition to course work. ... Read 5 reviews


5 Niche users give it an average review of 3.4 stars.

Featured Review: Master's Student says Weekend program makes it possible to work during the first year, daytime program means more access to faculty and more contact with cohort members. This is a fast paced program that takes a lot of... .

College of Psychology - John F Kennedy University

Pleasant Hill, CA •

John F Kennedy University •

John F Kennedy University ,


Meridian University

Petaluma, CA •

  • • Rating 4.63 out of 5   19 reviews

Doctoral Student: I have been fortunate enough to participate in a fantastic program that has completely transformed my learning experience. The platform not only provides valuable knowledge but also employs innovative methods to engage students. The interactive nature of the program has made it incredibly enjoyable and beneficial for my growth. However, one challenge I have encountered is the extensive amount of reading required. Although I appreciate the opportunity to delve deep into the subject matter, it can sometimes be overwhelming to keep up with the volume of reading material. Nonetheless, this aspect also serves as a valuable skill-building exercise, enhancing my ability to comprehend complex concepts and think critically. Overall, the program's transformative learning platform far outweighs the challenging aspect of heavy reading, and I am tremendously grateful for the opportunity it has provided me. ... Read 19 reviews


19 Niche users give it an average review of 4.6 stars.

Featured Review: Doctoral Student says I have been fortunate enough to participate in a fantastic program that has completely transformed my learning experience. The platform not only provides valuable knowledge but also employs... However, one challenge I have encountered is the extensive amount of reading required. Although I appreciate the opportunity to delve deep into the subject matter, it can sometimes be overwhelming to... Overall, the program's transformative learning platform far outweighs the challenging aspect of heavy reading, and I am tremendously grateful for the opportunity it has provided me. .

Read 19 reviews.

School of Behavioral Health - Loma Linda University

Loma Linda, CA •

Loma Linda University •

  • • Rating 3.33 out of 5   6 reviews

Master's Student: A grand majority of the staff and professors at Loma Linda are exceptionally kind, caring, and professional. During this time now in COVID, they have been especially understanding and adaptive to change. Although it would be of benefit if off-track students were given greater attention considering their differing schedules, the school does an excellent job at providing a meaningful experience to students. ... Read 6 reviews

Loma Linda University ,


6 Niche users give it an average review of 3.3 stars.

Featured Review: Master's Student says A grand majority of the staff and professors at Loma Linda are exceptionally kind, caring, and professional. During this time now in COVID, they have been especially understanding and adaptive to... .

Read 6 reviews.

College of Science and Engineering - San Francisco State University

San Francisco State University •

School of Christian Leadership - William Jessup University

Jessup University •


Point Loma Nazarene University


  • • Rating 4.49 out of 5   171

Showing results 1 through 25 of 33

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Three students in class

  • Program Overview

Based in Jesuit values, the USF PsyD program's mission is to offer a rigorous program of study that emphasizes clinical and scholarly work with underserved populations and focuses on training culturally responsive health service psychologists to work in interprofessional, integrated behavioral health settings.

Clinical Psychology, PsyD

  • Clinical Training & Research
  • Financial Aid & Student Support

Program Delivery

  • The program consists of four years of academic study, including three years of practicum training (1500-2000 hours), a clinical dissertation, and a fifth year internship (1500-2000 hours applied toward licensure).
  • Admission is for the fall semester only, with year-round study during fall, spring, and summer semesters. 
  • Some courses may be taken jointly with students in the Master of Public Health, the Doctor of Nursing Practice in Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner programs, and occasionally with students in other USF schools and colleges.
  • Transfer credit may be given for courses taken at other accredited institutions that are substantially equivalent to those offered in the PsyD Program up to a maximum of 12 credit hours.

Residency Requirements

The length of the PsyD Program is four years of full-time academic coursework plus one year of full-time internship (or two years of part-time internship). The residency requirements of the program are as follows: Four years of full-time academic study plus one year full-time or two years part-time internship prior to receiving the doctoral degree.  Three of the required four academic training years must be completed within the USF PsyD Program, a minimum of one year of which must be in full-time residence at the USF PsyD Program.

Psychology Doctoral Programs in California - PhD


PhD Programs in Psychology

Alliant international university – fresno, california school of professional psychology.

Alliant International University is a private, non-profit university that is strongly committed to preparing students for professional careers where they can make positive contributions to their community. Alliant has been named the Top Producer of Graduate Degrees for Minorities by Diverse Issues in Higher Education. The Alliant California School of Professional Psychology (CSPP) has also been recognized as awarding the most doctoral degrees in psychology to Hispanics, Native Americans, and Asian Americans. In fact, the school has trained almost half of all the practicing psychologists in the state.

PhD in Clinical Psychology

At the Fresno campus, the Clinical Psychology PhD program focuses on clinical training and research with a strong emphasis on preparing students to teach psychology in academia. In the third year of training, students are required to complete a minimum of 1,600 hours at the on-campus Psychological Services Center, which provides numerous diagnostic and therapeutic training opportunities. Students in the program have the option to choose an emphasis area of Clinical Forensic Psychology, Ecosystemic Child Psychology, and Health Psychology to develop a focused subject of expertise.


  • American Psychological Association Commission on Accreditation (CoA)
  • American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy (AAMFT)
  • Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC)

Contact Information

5130 East Clinton Way Fresno, CA 93727 559-252-2200 [email protected] https://www.alliant.edu/psychology/clinical-psychology/phd

Alliant International University – Los Angeles

Selected as the “Best for Vets” college in the nation for the third consecutive year by Military Times Edge magazine, Alliant International University is well-known for offering students high-quality financial assistance, academic flexibility, and support services to help all succeed. The California School of Professional Psychology on the Los Angeles campus is highly regarded in the profession and attracts some of the leading field experts to the faculty. With a small student-teacher ratio, graduate students in the programs are able to thrive with hands-on training, academic mentoring, and innovative curriculum based on multiculturalism.

Situated in the unique global hub of Los Angeles, the PhD in Clinical Psychology program offers plentiful opportunities for research, practice, and community service learning outside the classroom. Students in the program are required to select one of the four available emphasis areas to focus their studies on, including Clinical Health Psychology, Family and Couple Therapy, Multicultural-Community Psychology, and Multi-Interest Option. Although it is not required, the CSPP strongly encourages students to participate in a full-time internship experience in an accredited clinical setting for the fifth year to gain valuable real-world application before graduation.

1000 South Fremont Avenue Unit 5 Alhambra, CA 91803 626-270-3300 [email protected] https://www.alliant.edu/psychology/clinical-psychology/phd

Alliant International University – San Diego

First formed in 2001, Alliant International University is comprised of the combination of two highly regarded institutions, the California School of Professional Psychology (CSPP) and the United States International University (USIU). Founded by the president of the American Psychological Association, CSPP is strongly focused on seamlessly integrating academic excellence, multiculturalism, mentoring by experts in the field, and hands-on training in a variety of clinical settings. For a competitive edge, the school requires all students to specialize in a certain professional niche of interest to give their career a jumpstart.

The Clinical Psychology PhD program at the San Diego campus has developed a unique integrated blend of both research and clinical practice for well-rounded professionals. As students progress through the program, they are able to work closely with established applied researchers to discover increased understanding on principles, such as traumatic brain injuries, autism, mind-body disorders, pediatric psychology, and mindfulness. Each student enrolled in the program is assigned a faculty advisor to help them formulate a customized plan for practicum and internship training that aligns with their schedule and future career goals. Students are required to complete 800 hours in the second year and 1,000 years in the third year in one of the 80 different partnering agencies in the San Diego area.

10455 Pomerado Rd. San Diego, CA 92131 866-825-5426 [email protected] https://www.alliant.edu/psychology/clinical-psychology/phd

Alliant International University – San Francisco Bay

The California School of Professional Psychology on the Alliant International University at San Francisco Bay campus is committed to preparing students for professional careers in the rewarding field of psychology. Since real-world practicum is so vital to the school’s goals, students are given placements in mental health clinics, rehabilitation facilities, hospitals, day care programs, correctional facilities, governmental agencies, and many more clinical settings. All of the doctoral programs offered by CSPP exceed all of the state and national accreditation requirements in California, so graduates are automatically eligible to sit for the examination to become licensed as a professional psychologist.

As the perfect blend of psychological theory and research with a heavy dose of fieldwork, the Clinical Psychology PhD program at the San Francisco Bay campus emphasizes training in cutting-edge strength areas. Depending on their individual interests, students can elect to specialize in LGBT Psychology/Gender Studies, Multicultural Community Psychology, Health Psychology, or Child and Adolescent Psychology. Over the course of the five-year program, students will be able to participate in student-led research projects to apply their skills in collaboration with other institutions, including the University of California at San Francisco, Stanford University, and the San Francisco Department of Public Health.

2030 West El Camino Avenue, Suite 200 Sacramento, CA 95833 916-565-2955 [email protected] https://www.alliant.edu/psychology/clinical-psychology/phd

Biola University

Rosemead school of psychology.

Located in sunny Southern California, Biola University is a private Christian university dedicated to delivering exceptional biblical-centered education and spiritual development to fulfill students’ vocations. As one of the leading Christian universities, it is no surprise that Biola has been recognized as the 177th best college in the nation by U.S. News and World Report. The Rosemead School of Psychology offers reputable, accredited programs that have had a proven track record of preparing graduates for success in the highly competitive field. Through a biblical understanding of human nature and truths from God’s written Word, the programs seek to produce balanced psychologists who will make a difference in areas of teaching, counseling, research, or clinical practice.

Within the Clinical Psychology PhD program at Biola University, students are required to complete a minimum of 133 semester hours in four years of residency. In addition to the major course requirements, students must complete a minor in theology and a minimum of 17 semester hours in biblical coursework. Enrolled students in the program need to satisfactorily complete a full-time clinical internship for one year, as well as compose a dissertation with an oral defense before the doctoral committee before graduation.

  • Association of Independent California Colleges and Universities
  • Council of Christian Colleges and Universities (CCCU)

13800 Biola Ave. La Mirada, CA 90639 562-903-4867 [email protected] https://www.biola.edu/degrees/g/clinical-psychology-phd

Fielding Graduate University

School of psychology.

As one of the top 100 graduate degree producers in the country for minority groups by Diverse Issues in Higher Education, the Fielding Graduate University in Santa Barbara is committed to programs in psychology, educational leadership, and organizational development. The School of Psychology offers the only accredited doctoral programs in the nation that utilize the innovative distributed delivery method to support students’ other daily obligations. Although some master’s degrees are offered entirely online, the doctoral programs are blended with in-person class sessions, independent studies, online seminars, and meetings with colleagues or faculty. Since being founded in 1974, the school has developed the core values of lifelong learning, social justice, and research innovation.

Fielding Graduate University offers a high-quality Clinical Psychology PhD program within a diverse, challenging, and dynamic community of professionals in psychology. Although all of the faculty instructors are active scholars and practitioners in the field, many have even been nationally recognized in their area of specialization. Students in the program have the option to concentrate in Forensic Psychology, Health Psychology, Neuropsychology, Violence Prevention and Control, or Parent-Infant Mental Health. If students follow the curriculum sequence that is recommended, the 175.5 semester units can be completed within six years.

  • California Board of Behavioral Sciences

2020 De La Vina St. Santa Barbara, CA 93105 805-687-1099 [email protected] https://www.fielding.edu/our-programs/school-of-psychology/phd-clinical-psychology/

Fuller Theological Seminary

With more than 4,300 students hailing from 67 international countries and 108 denominations, the Fuller Theological Seminary has been described as one of the most influential seminaries in the nation and the largest multi-denominational seminary on the globe. After it first opened its doors in 1965, the Fuller School of Psychology became the first seminary-based program in psychology to receive full accreditation from the APA. Today, the School is home to the 164th best graduate clinical psychology program and the 214th best graduate psychology program in the nation by U.S. News and World Report. In the Lee Edward Travis Institute, students and faculty members of the School of Psychology are consistently involved in research across the full spectrum of behavioral sciences.

Within the six-year Clinical Psychology PhD program, students are required to complete a minimum of 300 semester units with a seamless integration of clinical practice and innovative research experience. Students are awarded a Master of Arts in Psychology after finishing 88 units in major courses, and then a Master of Arts in Christian Leadership when the required 76 units of theology courses are completed. The program also involves more than 1,000 hours engaging in clinical training through a variety of field placements scattered across the diverse greater Los Angeles metropolitan area.

  • Association of Theological Schools in the United States and Canada

135 North Oakland Ave. Pasadena, CA 91182 626-584-5200 [email protected] https://www.fuller.edu/phd-clinical-psychology/

Loma Linda University

School of behavioral health.

Loma Linda University is a Seventh-day Adventist institution with more than 4,000 students completing studies in health and science majors. Previously called the School of Science and Technology, the School of Behavioral Health has undergone a recent transformation to specify its goal of delivering high-quality graduate level education for professionals in behavioral health practices. It now consists of three distinct departments that have matured for the past decades, including Social Work, Psychology, and Counseling and Family Services. The School is currently home to the 164th best graduate clinical psychology program in the nation, according to the U.S. News and World Report.

The LLU Clinical Psychology PhD program strongly adheres to the guidelines and regulations that have been established by the APA. With the largest medical facility in the Inland Empire at Loma Linda University Medical Center, students enrolled in the program receive significant training in behavioral health across diverse populations. Students are encouraged to select one area of professional emphasis, such as neuroscience, health psychology, child and adolescent psychology, or social-cultural behavioral health. Before receiving the degree, students must complete a minimum of 204 semester units, typically within five years.

Griggs Hall 11065 Campus St. Loma Linda, CA 92350 909-558-8722 [email protected] https://behavioralhealth.llu.edu/academics/psychology/clinical-psychology-phd

University of California – Berkeley

Department of psychology.

Overlooking the beautiful San Francisco Bay stands the 20th best college in the nation, the University of California at Berkeley. As one of the premier public universities in the world, the faculty of UC Berkeley is comprised of 22 Nobel Prize winners, 32 MacArthur fellows, and 4 Pulitzer Prize winners. Over the past ten years, the National Science Foundation has awarded more Graduate Research Fellowships to this university’s students than any other in the nation. The Department of Psychology aims to produce high-achieving scholar research students with a significant understanding of psychology and ability to conduct independent research for further knowledge in the field.

The UC Berkeley Clinical Psychology PhD program is currently ranked as the 11th best graduate psychology program in the nation by U.S. News and World Report. Students in the program are expected to complete the degree within five or six years, after successfully finishing the required full-time clinical internship and dissertation. At the beginning of day one, students are matched with a faculty advisor who will supervise the student’s research and provide assistance in scheduling their clinical training.

PhD in Social Psychology

Currently ranked as the 8th best Social Psychology PhD program in the entire nation, the program endeavors to prepare students for professional careers in research and teaching at the university level. Through the rigorous curriculum, students gain expertise in the six core areas of social psychology, which are self identity, social cognition, emotion/motivation, personality development, interpersonal relations, and organizational behavior.

  • Psychological Clinical Science Accreditation System (PCSAS)

3210 Tolman Hall #1650 Berkeley, CA 94720 510-642-5292 [email protected] https://psychology.berkeley.edu/research/clinical-science

University of California – Los Angeles

Commonly referred to as UCLA, the University of California at Los Angeles is situated in the Westwood neighborhood of downtown LA, just five short miles from the sparkling Pacific Ocean. Renowned for its legacy of academic excellence in Southern California and beyond, it is currently ranked as the 23rd best university and 2nd top public school in the nation. At the UCLA Psychology Clinic, students enrolled in the Department of Psychology gain valuable experience by providing low-fee therapy and assessment services to diverse populations. Students can also conduct individual or supervised research at the Fernald Child Study Center, which is intended to bolster the department’s commitment to childhood learning and behavior disorders.

Doctoral in Psychology Training Program

PhD in Clinical Psychology – The UCLA Clinical Psychology PhD program has been recognized as the best in the nation by the U.S. News and World Report. The doctoral training program enables students to choose from a variety of distinct areas of concentration, including Behavioral Neuroscience, Developmental Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Learning and Behavior, and Social Psychology. Although the program must be completed within seven years, it provides flexibility for individual variation spanning from four to seven years.

1285 Franz Hall Box 951563 Los Angeles, CA 90095 310-825-2961 [email protected] https://www.psych.ucla.edu/grads

University of California – Riverside

Graduate school of education.

The University of California at Riverside is currently ranked as the 112th best college and 55th top public school in the nation by U.S. News and World Report. It has also been named as the 5th best college in the United States for contributing to the public good by Washington Monthly magazine. Widely recognized among the most ethnically diverse research campuses in the country, the university has more than 21,000 students pursuing more than 65 different degree programs. Since opening in 1969, the UCR Graduate School of Education (GSOE) has prepared researchers, teachers, school psychologists, and administrators for success in education.

PhD in School Psychology

Leading to a state of California Pupil Personnel Services (PPS) credential, the PhD in School Psychology is a five-year, full-time degree program that includes a one-year internship opportunity in a school or university setting. Using the innovative eco-behavioral theoretical model, the program is designed to help students develop skills for reform and implementation of the Response to Intervention (RTI) approach.

  • National Association of School Psychologists (NASP)

1207 Sproul Hall 900 University Ave. Riverside, CA 92521 951-827-5225 [email protected] http://education.ucr.edu/schoolpsych/schpsychmain.html

University of California – Santa Barbara

Gevirtz graduate school of education.

One of only 61 institutions elected to be members of the prestigious Association of American Universities, the University of California at Santa Barbara is ranked as the 41st best college and 11th top public school in the nation by U.S. News and World Report. In addition, the Gevirtz Graduate School of Education is ranked as the 40th best school of education in the nation. The school is committed to educating scholar researchers and practitioners for excellence and equality in education.

Combined PhD in Counseling, Clinical, and School Psychology

Designed to prepare well-rounded psychological service providers to provide direct service to their clients, the PhD in Counseling, Clinical, and School Psychology program blends the three different service areas and employment settings. In order to develop research-oriented and academic psychologists, the UC Santa Barbara department helps students develop knowledge unique to counseling, clinical practice, and school psychology. After completing the program, graduates will meet the California PPS School Psychology credentials and be able to sit for the examination to become licensed.

552 University Rd. Santa Barbara, CA 93106 805-893-3375 [email protected] https://education.ucsb.edu/ccsp/combined-doctoral-program

Looking for an online degree program?

Check out these recommendations.

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Julie Schweitzer

Position title professor, psychiatry and behavioral sciences director adhd program-mind institute. co-director ctsc mentored clinical research training program..

Julie Schweitzer is a Professor in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences and MIND Institute. She directs the Attention, Impulsivity, Regulation (AIR)/ADHD Program UC Davis MIND Institute. Her work is translational in nature where she uses cognitive neuroscience and behavior analytic principles to investigate attention and impulsivity in children and adults in typical development and in ADHD. She is also developing tech-based interventions using virtual reality and game play to improve attention, self-control and academic functioning. She combines fMRI, DTI, eye-tracking, behavioral and clinical measures in her work. She has been awarded several grants from NIH and other federal agencies for work in ADHD, autism and substance use disorders. Dr. Schweitzer also has lengthy experience training translational scientists across UC Davis Health and is the Director of the Clinical and Translational TL1 Postdoctoral Training grant, a member of the CTSC Kitchen Cabinet (see: http://www.ucdmc.ucdavis.edu/ctsc/), Associate Director of the Mentored Clinical Research Training Program and is the Director of the UC Davis Schools of Health Mentoring Academy (https://www.ucdmc.ucdavis.edu/mentoring/).

Research Focus

A sample of current funded projects include:

  • Developmental Changes in Neural Processes Underlying Inattention, Impulsivity and Regulation – investigation of the neural basis associated with decision making with development including neural network models of reward learning, and the interaction of brain systems during decision making in typically developing and ADHD;
  • Developing a virtual reality, home - based intervention to decrease distractibility and increase attention in children with attentional impairments;
  • Developing a game playing app to increase self-control in preschool-aged children based on a delay discounting model (DeLTA – Delay Tolerance App);
  • Understanding changes in neurodevelopment and functioning in typically developing children, autism and developmental disabilities without autism and ADHD in response to environmental exposures (multiple PI with Irva Hertz-Picciotto & Deborah Bennett – ReCHARGE/ECHO)
  • Communication and dissemination project to increase activation of parents of children with ADHD and adults with ADHD to engage in care for ADHD


Fassbender, C., Mukherjee, P., Schweitzer, J.B. Minimizing noise in pediatric task-based functional MRI; Adolescents with developmental disabilities and typical development. . Neuoroimage, 2017 Jan 24;149:338-347.

Lyall, K, Schweitzer, JB, Schmidt, RJ, Hertz-Picciotto, I, Solomon, M. Inattention and hyperactivity in association with autism spectrum disorders in the CHARGE study. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders. In press.

Rose, E., Salmeron, BJ, Ross, TJ, Waltz, T, Schweitzer, JB, Stein, EA. Dissociable effects of cocaine-dependence on reward processes: the role of acute cocaine and craving. Neuropsychopharmacology, 2016 Oct 5.

Hartanto, T.A., Krafft, C.E., Iosif, A.M., Schweitzer, J.B. A Trial by Trial Analysis Reveals More Intense Physical Activity is Associated with Better Cognitive Control Performance in Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. Child Neuropsychology. 2015 Jun 10:1-9.

van den Bos, W., Rodriguez, C., Schweitzer, J.B., McClure, S.M. Adolescent Impatience Decreases with Increased Fronto-Striatal Connectivity. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2015 Jun 22. pii: 201423095.

Fassbender, C., Krafft, C., Schweitzer, J.B. Differentiating SCT and inattentive symptoms in ADHD using fMRI measures of cognitive control. NeuroImage:Clinical 8 (2015) 390–397.

Benyakorn, S., Riley, SJ, Calub, CA, Schweitzer, JB. Review and Future Directions of Technology-Based Care for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. 2016 Mar 17. Telemedicine and E-Health.

Fassbender, C., Houde, S, Silver-Balbus, S., Ballard, K., Kim, B., Rutledge, K.J., Dixon, J.F., Iosif, A.M., Schweitzer, J.B. & McClure, S.M. The Decimal Effect: Behavioral and Neural Bases for a Novel Influence on Intertemporal Choice in Healthy Individuals and in ADHD. J of Cognitive Neuroscience. April, 2014.

van den Bos W, Rodriguez, C, Schweitzer, JB, McClure, SM. Connectivity strength of dissociable striatal tracts predict individual differences in temporal discounting. J. Neurosci., July 30, 2014 • 34(31):10298 –10310.


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PhD in Clinical Psychology, San Diego

Expand your knowledge with advanced studies.

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Doctorate in clinical psychology overview.

The APA-accredited PhD program in clinical psychology in San Diego is designed to follow an integrated, scholar-practitioner model, in which research training and professional skill development are equally emphasized.

Throughout the doctoral program you'll learn from highly regarded clinical psychologists and experienced licensed professionals who teach the how-to of empirically supported psychotherapy and assessment techniques. You'll engage in research labs, work closely with established applied researchers, and collaborate with them in a supportive and productive environment. As a graduate of the clinical psychology program, you'll be prepared to pursue a professional career that includes direct clinical practice, research, program development and management, teaching, and consultation.

All CSPP faculty are committed to inclusion and anti-racism, and the student body is diverse in cultural, educational, and professional backgrounds.

To learn more about this program and other offerings, visit our CSPP-dedicated microsite . You’ll find videos featuring our university president, dean of CSPP, and faculty, along with numerous interactive features!

Learn About Admissions Requirements 

The faculty for the degree consists of renowned experts in their respective fields, from both research and clinical perspectives. Faculty members of our California school are past and current local, national, and international professional association leaders; test and intervention developers; journal editors; clinical trainers and consultants. Faculty areas of expertise include the following:

Faculty Areas of Expertise

  • Assessment 
  • Developmental psychopathology and family systems
  • Forensic psychology
  • Health psychology
  • Individual and cultural diversity
  • Meta-analysis
  • Neurocognition
  • Neuroimaging
  • Neuropsychology
  • Neurophysiology and electrophysiology
  • Psychopathology
  • Psychopharmacology 
  • Psychotherapy research
  • Trauma psychology

Degree Information

Emphasis areas.

In the clinical PhD program you'll receive a solid generalist education and training in preparation for professional work and clinical practice. The PhD clinical program allows advanced doctoral students to concentrate on elective choices in an area of special interest. There is no requirement to select an emphasis area, and you're allowed your choice of offered electives to suit your personal interests and aspirations. The emphasis options should prepare you to be a licensed psychologist and pursue further specialization at the postdoctoral level.

Emphasis elective courses are routinely offered at least once a year for all emphasis areas. Emphasis and experience area options are as follows:

  • Child/family emphasis
  • Health psychology emphasis
  • Military and veteran psychology experience area
  • Multicultural/diversity emphasis
  • Psychodynamic Emphasis
  • Trauma-focused forensic experience

PhD in Clinical Psychology Emphasis Areas, San Diego

Degree Aims

Through various academic and training activities needed to be a licensed clinical psychologist, including advanced coursework, supervised practicums and internships, and mentored research experiences, the program aims:

  • To prepare you to be an effective professional psychologist, skilled at evaluating psychological functioning and providing empirically supported interventions with diverse clients across various settings.
  • To prepare you to evaluate and conduct research in clinical psychology, and to contribute to the knowledge base in the field.

The curriculum relies on faculty expertise to attain these aims and to help students achieve competency in all clinical psychology profession-wide and discipline-specific areas, as described in the following sections. Ultimately, our students are trained to work in their preferred research and practice environments.  

This full-time, in-person program is designed to be completed in five years, with the flexibility to help students attain their educational goals in a way that meets their professional and personal needs. Each student’s academic and professional background largely determines how long it will take to complete the program. For example, students with prior research experience are most likely to finish in five years or less. Most complete it in six years ( the national average for clinical psychology PhD Programs), while some take seven or more years. The deadline to complete the program is eight years. 

Program Competencies

All students are expected to acquire and demonstrate competence in the following nine profession-wide competency areas:

  • Ethical and legal standards
  • Professional values, attitudes and behaviors
  • Communication and interpersonal skills
  • Intervention
  • Supervision
  • Consultation and Interprofessional/Interdisciplinary skills

The competencies are met through various academic and training activities that include courses, supervised clinical training experiences in practicum and internship placements, and mentored research experiences. These competencies specify knowledge, attitudes, and skills that students are expected to achieve by the time they graduate from the program.

Discipline-Specific Knowledge

All students are expected to possess health service, psychology discipline-specific knowledge in the following four categories:

  • The basic content areas of scientific psychology, including affective, biological cognitive, developmental, and social aspects of behavior
  • Advanced integrative knowledge in scientific psychology
  • Methods of inquiry and research including research methods, statistical analysis, and psychometrics
  • History and systems of psychology

Clinical Field Training

Doctoral students in the program have the unique opportunity to select from over 50 practicum sites to gain valuable, hands-on experience in a wide variety of settings and client populations. Under the supervision of expert clinicians, students provide evidence-based mental health services to a diverse clientele, including underserved populations in the San Diego community.

The Path to Professional Psychology

Psychology programs are designed to equip students with the skills and knowledge for a successful career as a licensed clinical psychologist. The program emphasizes the importance of a solid foundation in psychological assessment, clinical counseling, and the application of theoretical knowledge. Students pursuing a counseling psychology or clinical psychology degree benefit from a curriculum that balances research, theory, and clinical experience.


The CSPP program has been continuously accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of the American Psychological Association (APA) since 1980. APA accreditation is a benchmark for quality and standards in educational programs, specifically for a clinical psychology degree. All accredited psychology programs are required to provide data on time to completion, program costs, internships, attrition and licensure. Please follow the link below for that data. We hope this information will help you to make an informed decision regarding your graduate study.

Student Admission, Outcomes, and Other Data (.pdf)

The CSPP clinical psychology PhD and PsyD programs offered on the Fresno, Sacramento, Los Angeles, San Diego, and San Francisco campuses are individually accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of the American Psychological Association (APA).

* Please direct program accredited status inquiries to the Commission on Accreditation.

Office of Program Consultation and Accreditation American Psychological Association 750 1st Street, NE, Washington, DC 20002 Phone: (202) 336-5979 Email: [email protected] Web: https://www.apa.org/ed/accreditation

Our Campus Location

Alliant International University 10455 Pomerado Rd. San Diego, CA 92131 Directions to Campus

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School Performance Fact Sheet

Explore our clinical psychology program research opportunities, practicum partners, and student communities.

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At Alliant, our mission is to prepare students for professional careers of service and leadership and to promote the discovery and application of knowledge to improve lives. We offer an education that is accredited, focused on practical knowledge and skills, connected with diverse faculty and alumni, and aimed at the student experience.

Founded in 1969, CSPP was one of the nation’s first independent schools of professional psychology. Today, CSPP continues its commitment to preparing the next generation of mental health professionals through graduate-level degree programs in clinical psychology, marriage and family therapy, clinical counseling, organizational psychology, psychopharmacology, and more.

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Best PhD Programs for Forensic Psychologists

phd clinical psychology programs in california

Drexel University

  • Program Duration: 5 yrs.
  • Tuition fee: $13,232 (full-time)

Fordham University

  • Tuition fee: $39,312 per year

Nova Southeastern University

  • Tuition fee: $1352.00 per credit

Walden University

  • Program Duration: up to 8 yrs.
  • Tuition fee: $620 per quarter credit hour

Montclair State University

  • Program Duration: varies
  • Tuition fees: $746.93 per credit

Palo Alto University

  • Program Duration: 7 yrs.
  • Tuition fees: $60,240 per year

University of Alabama

  • Program Duration: 9 yrs. (without master’s degree)
  • Tuition fees: $5,550 (resident), $16,200 (non-resident)

Spalding University

  • Tuition fees: $1055 per credit

Pacific University

  • Tuition fees: $42,985 per year

University of Denver

  • Tuition fees: Not specified

Key Takeaways

  • The job growth rate for forensic psychologists is expected grow to 6% by 2028.
  • The typical salary range for forensic psychologists falls between $106,160 and $129,774.
  • It takes 4-8 years to complete a PhD in forensic psychology.

Did you know that there are no doctorate programs in forensic psychology? Most universities offer it as a concentration of other psychology majors like clinical psychology. However, finding those schools is like finding a needle in a haystack. This is why we did the research for you and made this list featuring the best PhD programs for forensic psychologists to help you find the program of your dreams!

Stack of books and a notebook with a pen, all placed in one table

Due to the vital role they play in solving real-life criminal cases, the demand for forensic psychologists has constantly been on the rise. In fact, Zippia projects a forensic psychologist job growth rate to go up to 6% by 2028. Better yet, about 11,300 new jobs for forensic psychologists are projected to open up over the next decade.

With the field becoming increasingly popular and talked about, you might be curious about what PhD programs hold for forensic psychologists. Fortunately, there are many options for you to choose from. To make it simpler, we’ve rounded up the top PhD programs in forensic psychology along with some key factors worth considering:

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  • #1 Fastest Accelerated Online Bachelor's of Psychology Programs
  • #2 Best Online MBA Programs in Pennsylvania
  • #2 Best Online Colleges in Pennsylvania 2024
  • #2 Best Online Master's Programs in Pennsylvania 2024
  • #4 Top 20 Most Affordable Online Master's of Nursing Programs
  • #5 Best Online Degree Completion Programs for Returning Students
  • #6 Best Online Bachelor's in Cybersecurity in Pennsylvania
  • #20 Top 50 Best No GRE Online PhD Degree Programs (Doctorates)

Tuition + fees

Student body

Median SAT/ACT

Career Outlook for degree at Drexel University

  • Financial aid: Yes
  • Graduation rate: 69.4%
  • Acceptance rate: 80%
  • Accreditation: Yes (MSCHE) 

Overview of Drexel University

  • Program duration: 5 years
  • Credit hours of the program: 90 quarter credits

What Do We Love About Drexel University?

Founded in 1891, Drexel University  offers competitive doctoral degrees in 48 subject areas, making it the top choice for many students across the US. The PhD in clinical psychology at Drexel University lets you select forensic psychology as your concentration, which includes forensic psychology-focused thesis and dissertation

  • Drexel University is great for students who:  Prefer studying on their terms since Drexel University allows customization for on-campus students to prepare them for roles outside academia.
  • Drexel University might not be the best fit for those who:  Prioritize affordability as Drexel University’s tuition is high, yet on par with most private schools.
  • #5 The Most Influential Universities and Colleges Ranked by State 2024
  • #7 Best Private Colleges in New York 2024
  • #9 Best Colleges in New York 2024
  • #9 Best Research Universities in New York 2024
  • #9 Best Grad Schools in New York 2024
  • #8 Best Research Universities for Social Work Degrees
  • #23 Best Research Universities for Business Degrees
  • #23 Best Research Universities for Education Degrees
  • #25 Best Research Universities for Communications Degrees
  • #2 Best Online Christian Colleges and Universities for Master's Degrees
  • #5 Best Online Master's in Marketing and Advertising
  • #6 Best Online Master's Programs in New York 2024
  • #7 Best Online Master’s in Communications
  • #7 Best Online Master’s in Finance
  • #9 Best Online Doctorate in Education Degree Programs Ranked for Students
  • #9 Best Online Master's in Social Work MSW
  • #9 Best Online Master's in Special Education
  • #10 Best Online MBA Degree Programs No GRE Required Ranked for 2024
  • #13 Best Online Master's Programs 2024
  • #14 Fastest Online Doctoral Degree Programs Ranked for Students in 2024
  • #18 Best Online Master's in Management

Career Outlook for degree at Fordham University

  • Graduation rate: 79%
  • Acceptance rate: 54%
  • Accreditation: Yes (Higher Learning Commission)

Overview of Fordham University

  • Credit hours of the program: 60 course credits

What Do We Love About Fordham University?

Fordham University  is another fantastic option for students seeking a PhD program in forensic psychology. As an integral part of an APA-accredited program, the forensic psychology major at Fordham comprehensively trains you for different clinical and legal applications.

As a part of Fordham’s clinical psychology major , you can take doctoral-level courses and exams, and enjoy field research opportunities. While the curriculum is a bit strict, you can enjoy flexible learning and explore multiple independent careers.

  • Fordham University is great for students who:  Want a traditional campus vibe. Fordham University is an excellent spot, only a twenty-minute train ride away from Manhattan.
  • Fordham University might not be the best fit for those who: Rely on academic or need-based awards to complete their PhD since Fordham has relatively fewer aid opportunities.

Fordham University’s Online Degrees

  • Required Credits : 50
  • Completion Time : None Reported
  • Format : Online
  • Required Credits : 36
  • #1 Best Online Master’s in Forensics Degree Programs
  • #2 Top 3 Best Online MBA in Real Estate Degree Programs Ranked for 2024
  • #2 Fastest Accelerated Online Doctorate of Cybersecurity
  • #3 Top 10 Fastest Accelerated Online PhD in Criminal Justice (Doctorates)
  • #3 Top 10 Best Online PhD of Information Technology Programs (Doctorates)
  • #3 Top 10 Best Online Master's of Psychology Degree Programs 2024
  • #3 Best Online Doctorate in Organizational Leadership Degree Programs
  • #3 Best Online Master's in Artificial Intelligence Degree Programs
  • #3 Best Online Master’s in Forensics Degree Programs
  • #4 Top 5 Best Online Criminal Justice Doctorates (PhDs) 2024
  • #4 Best Online Master’s in Human Services
  • #5 Best Online Master's in Kinesiology Degree Programs
  • #5 Best Online Doctorate of Physical Therapy Programs (PhDs)
  • #5 Best Online Master's in Biology
  • #6 Best Online Master’s in Emergency Management
  • #6 Best Online Master's in Behavior Analysis Degree Programs
  • #6 Best Online MBA in Entrepreneurship Ranked for Students in 2024
  • #6 Best Online MBA in Supply Chain Management Ranked for Students in 2024
  • #6 Best Online Bachelor’s of Elementary Education Degree Programs for 2024
  • #7 11 Fastest Accelerated Online Master’s of Computer Science
  • #7 Best Online Master’s in Health Science
  • #7 Best Online Bachelor’s of Health Science Degree Programs Ranked for 2024
  • #7 Best Online Colleges in Florida 2024
  • #8 Best Online MBA Programs in Florida
  • #9 Best Online PhD of Computer Science Degree Programs (Doctorates) 2024
  • #9 Best Online Master's Programs in Florida 2024
  • #9 Fastest Accelerated Online Doctorate of Information Technology
  • #9 Best Online Bachelor's in Psychology Degree Programs for Students
  • #9 Most Affordable Online Criminal Justice PhDs (Doctorates)
  • #10 Best Online Bachelor’s of Human Services Degree Programs Ranked for 2024
  • #11 Best Online Bachelor’s of Education Degree Programs for 2024
  • #14 Best Online Master's in Healthcare Administration
  • #15 Best Online Master’s in Counseling
  • #15 Most Affordable Online Computer Science PhDs (Doctorates) 2024
  • #16 Best Online Master's in Cybersecurity
  • #17 Best Online Master’s in Information Technology
  • #17 Top 18 Most Affordable No GRE Online PhD Degree Programs
  • #18 Best Online Master's in Organizational Leadership
  • #18 Best Online MBAs in Finance
  • #20 Best Online Bachelor's in Criminal Justice
  • #20 Best Research Universities with Online Doctorates (PhDs) 2024
  • #21 Best Online Master’s in Human Resources
  • #22 Best Online Master’s in Health Informatics
  • #22 Best Online Master's in Computer Science Degree Programs
  • #24 Best Online Master's in Criminal Justice
  • #7 10 Best Accelerated Online PhD Programs Ranked for Students in 2024
  • #16 Fastest Accelerated Online Master's of Nursing Degree Programs 2024

Career Outlook for degree at Nova Southeastern University

  • Graduation rate: 56%
  • Acceptance rate: 76%
  • Accreditation: Yes (SACSCOC)

Overview of Nova Southeastern University

  • Tuition fee: $1352.00 per credit
  • Credit hours of the program: 118 total credits

What Do We Love About Nova Southeastern University?

Acknowledging the role of skilled clinical psychologists in the justice system, Nova Southeastern University  offers a clinical psychology forensic concentration. The program helps you dig deeper into critical areas like criminal responsibility, civil trials, psychological autopsies, and criminal profiling.

If you wish to work alongside police to prevent and solve crimes or join hands with attorneys as an expert witness or jury consultant, a PhD from Nova Southeastern University can get you to your goal. The degree equips you with the skills you need to face real-world challenges and excel in the field.

  • Nova Southeastern University is great for students who: Want a university with a decent reputation in academics and job placement.
  • Nova Southeastern University might not be the best fit for those who: Prefer a less pressurizing study environment, as the regulations at NSU are known to be strict.

Nova Southeastern University’s Online Degrees

  • Required Credits : 64
  • Required Credits : 67

Degree Concentrations

  • Juvenile Justice
  • Behavioral Science
  • Organizational Leadership
  • Required Credits : 60
  • Curriculum And Teaching
  • Educational Leadership
  • Higher Education Leadership
  • Human Services Administration
  • Instructional Technology And Distance Education
  • Reading Education
  • Special Education
  • Required Credits : 55
  • Curriculum And Instruction
  • Mathematics Education
  • Required Credits : 30
  • Nursing Education Curriculum
  • Required Credits : 39
  • Required Credits : 61
  • Community-Based Conflict
  • Conflict In Organizations
  • Global Conflict
  • Interpersonal Conflict
  • Required Credits : 76

Woman typing on her laptop

  • #2 Most Affordable Online Criminology Doctorate Programs (PhDs)
  • #3 Accelerated Online Business Administration PhD Programs (Doctorates)
  • #3 Top 8 Fastest Accelerated Online Psychology Doctorates (PhDs)
  • #4 Best Online Doctorate of Educational Psychology (PhDs) 2024
  • #5 Top 10 Best Online Counseling PhD Degree Programs (Doctorates)
  • #5 Top 5 Best Online Sociology PhD Degree Programs (Doctorates) 2024
  • #6 Top 5 Best Online Criminal Justice Doctorates (PhDs) 2024
  • #7 Top 15 Most Affordable Online Information Technology PhD Programs
  • #7 Most Affordable Online Applied Behavioral Analysis PhD Programs
  • #8 Top 8 Best Online Applied Behavioral Analysis PhDs (Doctorates)
  • #10 Top 15 Fastest Accelerated Online Counseling Doctorates (PhDs)
  • #10 Most Unusual Doctoral Degrees You Can Earn Online (PhDs)
  • #10 Top 20 Most Affordable Online Business Administration Doctorates
  • #10 Top 10 Best Online Communications PhD Degree Programs (Doctorates)
  • #10 Fastest Accelerated Online Doctorate of Information Technology
  • #12 15 Most Affordable Online Public Health Doctorates (PhDs)
  • #2 The Fastest Traditional MBA Degree Programs Ranked for 2024
  • #6 Fastest Accelerated Online PhDs in Education Degree Programs 2024
  • #8 How to Earn Your Master's Degree Without Your Bachelor's Degree
  • #11 Fastest Accelerated Online Bachelor's of Nursing Degree Programs 2024
  • #18 Best Online PhD of Nursing (DNP) Degree Programs Ranked for 2024

Career Outlook for degree at Walden University

  • Graduation rate: 33%
  • Acceptance rate: 100%

Overview of Walden University

  • Tuition fee: $620 per quarter credit hour for coursework
  • Program duration: Up to 8 years
  • Credit hours of the program: 80 quarter credits (Track I), 110 quarter credits (Track II)

What Do We Love About Walden University?

Founded in 1970, Walden University  is a private, for-profit university offering an 8-year-long online PhD in forensic psychology. The program explores biological, psychological, and socio-economic factors that drive criminal actions.

Typically, students at Walden remain enrolled in the doctoral study course until they finish their capstone project and are given approval. The best part is that you may earn the degree entirely online, without the hassle of attending in-person classes.

  • Walden University is great for students who:  Prefer flexibility since Walden University’s forensic program can be attended entirely online so students can study at their own pace.
  • Walden University might not be the best fit for those who:  Prefer shorter-duration programs as WU requires around eight years of commitment.  
  • #8 Best Colleges in New Jersey 2024
  • #4 Best Online MBA Programs in New Jersey
  • #6 Best Online Master's Programs in New Jersey 2024
  • #12 Best Online Master’s in Sustainability and Green Technologies
  • #13 Best Online Master’s in Information Technology
  • #16 Best Online Master's in Project Management
  • #24 Best Online Master’s in Human Resources
  • #24 Best Online MBAs in Finance
  • #25 Best Online Master's in Nursing MSN
  • #7 20 Fastest Online Bachelor's of Business Degree Programs Ranked 2024

Career Outlook for degree at Montclair State University

  • Graduation rate: 46%
  • Acceptance rate: 91%
  • Accreditation: Yes (MSCHE)

Overview of Montclair State University

  • Tuition fee: $746.93 per credit
  • Program duration: Varied
  • Credit hours of the program: 86 credits

What Do We Love About Montclair State University?

Montclair State University  also offers a top-notch PhD program in clinical psychology with a forensic concentration. MSU aims to equip students with advanced knowledge and expertise in clinical psychology research and practice, with a focus on promoting equity, diversity, and inclusion.

What’s more, the PhD program is accredited by the American Psychological Association (APA), which makes it the top choice for many.

  • Montclair State University is great for students who: Thrive in a welcoming environment since MSU features a supportive and inclusive environment.
  • Montclair State University might not be the best fit for those who: Reside out of state and wish to attend a PhD program with less financial strain . This is because MSU offers very few aid options for out-of-state students.
  • Graduation rate: 29%
  • Acceptance rate: 12%
  • Accreditation: Yes (American Psychology Association)

Overview of Palo Alto University

  • Tuition fee: $60,240 per year  
  • Program duration: 7 years 
  • Credit hours of the program: 150 units of academic coursework

What Do We Love About Palo Alto University?

The PhD in forensic psychology at Palo Alto University  is designed for training specialists to apply clinical psychology principles to the legal system. The program offers a blend of general clinical training, specialized psychology programs  and forensic elective courses, and practical experiences.

The forensic sequence consists of five different courses totaling 15 credits, meeting the training requirements and competencies outlined by relevant professional bodies. Plus, you’ll be required to complete a practicum placement in a forensic-relevant setting based on your interests.

  • Palo Alto University is great for students who:  Want more career opportunities, since a degree at PAU lands you onto many promising career paths, specifically in forensics.
  • Palo Alto University might not be the best fit for those who: Are seeking a more budget-friendly PhD program since PAU’s graduate program in forensic psychology comes with a hefty price tag.
  • #1 Best Grad Schools in Alabama 2024
  • #1 Best Research Universities in Alabama 2024
  • #1 Best Public Colleges in Alabama 2024
  • #10 Best Research Universities for Social Work Degrees
  • #11 Best Research Universities for Criminal Justice Degrees
  • #25 Best Research Universities for Nursing Degrees
  • #1 Best Online Bachelor's in Human Development Degree Programs for 2024
  • #1 Best Online Bachelor’s in Marketing and Advertising Degree Programs for 2024
  • #1 Best Online MBA Programs in Alabama
  • #1 Top 10 Best Online Communications PhD Degree Programs (Doctorates)
  • #1 Best Online Colleges in Alabama 2024
  • #1 Best Online Master’s in Educational Administration
  • #1 Best Online Master's Programs in Alabama 2024
  • #2 Best Online Master's in Kinesiology Degree Programs
  • #2 Best Online Master's in Hospitality and Tourism Degree Programs
  • #2 Best Online Master’s in Health Science
  • #2 Best Online Master’s in Counseling
  • #2 Best Online Bachelor's in Hospitality and Tourism Degree Programs for 2024
  • #2 Best Online Bachelor’s in Child Development Degree Programs for 2024
  • #3 Best Online Bachelor's in Accounting
  • #3 Best Online Bachelor's in Interdisciplinary Studies Degree Programs for 2024
  • #3 Best Online Master's in Organizational Leadership
  • #4 Best Online Bachelor’s of Early Childhood Education Degree Programs for 2024
  • #4 Best Online Bachelor's in Public Health Degree Programs for Students
  • #6 Best Online Bachelor’s in Business Administration Degree Programs
  • #6 Best Online Master's in Marketing and Advertising
  • #6 The Best Online Colleges Ranked for Students in 2024
  • #6 Best Online Doctorate in Education Degree Programs Ranked for Students
  • #6 Top 20 Best Online Accredited Doctorate Degree Programs (PhDs) 2024
  • #6 Best Research Universities with Online Doctorates (PhDs) 2024
  • #6 Best Online Master's in Special Education
  • #8 Best Online Master’s in Communications
  • #8 Best Online Bachelor's in Criminal Justice
  • #8 Best Online Master's in Nursing MSN
  • #11 Best Online Master's in Social Work MSW
  • #14 Top 20 Best Online MBA Programs that Can Be Completed in One Year 2024
  • #15 Top 50 Best No GRE Online PhD Degree Programs (Doctorates)
  • #17 Best Online Master’s in Engineering
  • #21 Best Online Master's in Management
  • #21 Best Online Master's Programs 2024
  • #11 Best Online PhD of Nursing (DNP) Degree Programs Ranked for 2024

Career Outlook for degree at University of Alabama

  • Graduation rate: 55%

Overview of the University of Alabama

  • Tuition fee: $5,550 (resident), $16,200 (non-resident)   
  • Program duration: 9 years (without master’s degree)
  • Credit hours of the program: N/A

What Do We Love About the University of Alabama?

Founded in 1831, the University of Alabama  remains one of the oldest universities offering advanced degrees in psychology . Their PhD in clinical psychology emphasizes research on memory, behavioral intervention, cultural diversity, youth violence, and forensic psychology.

The program focuses on integrating scientific knowledge with the practical skills required to excel as a clinical psychologist in academic, research, clinical, or forensic settings.

  • The University of Alabama is great for students who: Want a decently vibrant campus life since the University of Alabama has fun things to do with a great administration backing it.
  • The University of Alabama might not be the best fit for those who:  Don’t reside in Alabama, since the tuition rates for their PhD program might be more than double that of in-state students per annum.

University of Alabama’s Online Degrees

  • Required Credits : 72
  • Format : None Reported
  • School Library Media Specialist
  • Required Credits : 73
  • Required Credits : 66
  • Required Credits : 33
  • Required Credits : 40

Library full of students, seated and busy on the long wooden tables

Career Outlook for degree at Spalding University

  • Graduation rate: 30%
  • Acceptance rate: 98%

Overview of Spalding University

  • Tuition fee: $1055 per credit hour
  • Program duration: 5 years  
  • Credit hours of the program: 18 credit hours/ year

What Do We Love About Spalding University?

In Spalding University ’s PhD in clinical psychology, students develop competence in forensic psychology through a well-crafted program. This private institute offers three doctoral programs for graduate students, with online course options for added flexibility.

In addition, Spalding University allows students to choose and customize their training and select five electives or choose to take one elective and four content-specific classes. The program also offers students the chance to polish their research skills and personal development through various workshops.

  • Spalding University is great for students who:  Prefer more hands-on experience before starting out a professional career since the university prepares students for experiences beyond academia.
  • Spalding University might not be the best fit for those who: Want access to many campus facilities, since resources at Spalding may be limited with a small faculty body.
  • #10 Best Colleges in Oregon 2024

Career Outlook for degree at Pacific University

  • Graduation rate: 58%
  • Acceptance rate: 92%
  • Accreditation: Yes (NWCCU) 

Overview of Pacific University

  • Tuition fee: $42,985/year, $9,170/year (internship)
  • Credit hours of the program: 100+ additional track-specific credit requirements and full-time clinical internship

What Do We Love About Pacific University?

Pacific University  gives students the opportunity to pursue a specialized and flexible PhD in forensic psychology. With a selection of seven subject areas, doctoral students can make sure their program aligns with their interests.

The university offers both on-campus and online classes, which helps students pursue their advanced degrees at their own pace. Better yet, the program’s customizable nature opens doors to various career pathways in clinical and forensic settings.

  • Pacific University is great for students who:  Prefer individual attention since the smaller class sizes and student-to-faculty ratio of 10:1 ultimately mean more interactions with the professors.
  • Pacific University might not be the best fit for those who: Want more work opportunities around campus since Pacific University is located in a relatively smaller town.
  • #2 Best Grad Schools in Colorado 2024
  • #1 Best Online MBA Programs in Colorado
  • #1 Fastest Accelerated Online Bachelor's of Information Technology
  • #2 Best Accredited Online Juris Doctorate (JD) Law Programs
  • #2 Best Online Master's Programs in Colorado 2024
  • #3 Best Online Colleges in Colorado 2024
  • #4 Top 8 Best Online Applied Behavioral Analysis PhDs (Doctorates)
  • #4 Best Online Degree Completion Programs for Returning Students
  • #17 Best Online MBA Degree Programs for 2024 with No GMAT Required
  • #4 Fastest Accelerated Online Master's of Counseling Degree Programs 2024

Career Outlook for degree at University of Denver

  • Graduation rate: 70%
  • Acceptance rate: 78%

Overview of the University of Denver

  • Tuition fee: Tuition Estimator 
  • Program duration: 5 years (minus 1 if bringing an MA)  
  • Credit hours of the program: 120

What Do We Love About the University of Denver?

Founded in 1864, the University of Denver  is a private research university in Colorado featuring a 125-acre campus. Students pursuing a PhD in clinical psychology at the University of Denver often take specialty coursework specific to forensic psychology.

The best part? If you have a master’s degree in the field, you can complete your PhD in as little as 4 years from the University of Denver.

  • The University of Denver is great for students who: Prefer more campus facilities since the resources and opportunities at the University of Denver make it worth each penny.
  • The University of Denver might not be the best fit for those who:  Wish for a less expensive doctorate, since the University of Denver might be super pricey, particularly for out-of-state students.

A man and a woman wearing suits, looking at images of suspects in the interrogation room

What are the requirements for a PhD in forensic psychology?

Typically, most schools require a bachelor’s degree in forensic psychology  or related field when applying for a PhD. However, some schools offering psychology degrees  may even require a master’s degree, which may allow you to complete your PhD sooner. The most important requirement, though, is maintaining a high academic standing, with a GPA of at least 3.0 in major classes.

To make it simpler, here’s a list of admission prerequisites for a PhD in forensic psychology:

  • Letters of Recommendation
  • Statement of Purpose
  • Research Experience

Related Questions

Is a phd in forensic psychology worth it.

Yes, a PhD in forensic psychology can be a worthwhile option if you’re passionate about the field and wish to build a highly rewarding career path in forensics . In fact, data indicates that the typical salary range of forensic psychologists falls between $106,160 and $129,774 , making it a promising field for many.

How long is a PhD program in forensic psychology?

Typically, completing a PhD in forensic psychology takes around 4 to 8 years. However, the time taken to complete the degree largely depends on factors like program structure (full-time or part-time), educational background, and selected dissertation topic.

What is the highest-paying forensic psychology career?

Forensic medical examiners are the highest-paying professionals in the field of forensic psychology , making around $100,000 annually. Forensic analysts and clinical psychologists also make an average of over $100k yearly.

Now that you’ve gone through the list of some of the best PhD programs for forensic psychologists, it’s time to decide which one aligns with your career aspirations. With numerous courses in the discipline relating to criminal justice, you can become a part of this rapidly growing field and contribute to real-life cases while also financially securing yourself.

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Ryan Howes, PhD head shot - Glamour UK

Ryan Howes, PhD

Ryan Howes, PhD, is a licensed clinical psychologist in private practice in Pasadena, California. He brings 25 years of clinical experience as well as 20 years of teaching psychology to graduate students at Pepperdine University and the Fuller Graduate School of Psychology.

Current Practice

  • Psychologist in private practice in Pasadena, California
  • Fuller Theological Seminary (PhD, MA)

Board Certifications

  • American Board of Professional Psychology.

Career Highlights and Accolades

  • Dr. Howes is the founder of National Psychotherapy Day.
  • He co-created the Mental Health Boot Camp, a self-directed wellness program.

Publications, Books, and Media

  • Dr. Howes has written for for Psychology Today and Psychotherapy Networker Magazine.
  • His expertise on psychotherapy and relationships have appeared in media outlets including SELF, BuzzFeed, the Huffington Post, PsychCentral, Greatist, Oprah.com, and Refinery29.

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  6. who is clinical psychologist ? Dr. Srikanth Goggi about clinical psychologist || @GVA


  1. Clinical Psychology • UCLA Department of Psychology

    The Graduate Program in Clinical Psychology at UCLA has been accredited by the American Psychological Association Commission on Accreditation since 1949. (Office of Program Consultation and Accreditation, American Psychological Association, 750 First Street NE. Washington, DC 20002-4242. Telephone: 202-336-5979 .)

  2. SDSU / UC San Diego Joint Doctoral Program in Clinical Psychology

    The SDSU/UC San Diego Joint Doctoral Program in Clinical Psychology began in 1985, was first accredited by APA in 1990, and has been reaccredited consistently since then. Since 1949 and 1964, SDSU and UC San Diego, respectively, have been regionally accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC) Senior College and ...

  3. Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology Program

    Consistently ranked among the best in the nation, this clinical science program emphasizes the integration of research and practice in training, activities and experience, bringing together the rich scholarly resources and offerings of a Department of Psychology located in a College of Sciences (SDSU) and a Department of Psychiatry located in a School of Medicine (UC San Diego).

  4. Graduate Program

    The goal of the graduate program in Psychology at Berkeley is to produce scholar-researchers with sufficient breadth to retain perspective in the field of psychology and sufficient depth to permit successful independent and significant research. ... visit Mitch's Uncensored Advice for Applying to Graduate School in Clinical Psychology to answer ...

  5. PhD in Clinical Psychology

    Fielding's doctoral program in Clinical Psychology is accredited by the American Psychological Association. It is the only distributed learning program accredited by the APA. ... California 93105. Phone: 1-800-340-1099 Admissions: 805-898-4026. Email: [email protected]. Web: Fielding.edu/apply-now Recent Posts.

  6. Clinical Science

    Welcome to Clinical Science at USC! The Ph.D. program in Clinical Science at the University of Southern California is dedicated to the integration of science and application. Clinical science is viewed as an ideology, a perspective taking, that values critical thinking and evidence in informing one's professional activities.

  7. PhD in Clinical Psychology

    The PhD in Clinical Psychology program at PAU requires that candidates complete 150 units of required coursework and 18 elective units for a total of 168 units, which typically takes three years for full-time attendees. During their final two years of full-time enrollment, students complete other graduation requirements.

  8. Psychology PhD

    The major academic objectives of the PhD program are for students to: Develop an understanding of the different theoretical and empirical frameworks that have defined and shaped the field. Develop an understanding of the central questions and issues in contemporary psychology. Develop expertise in one or more relevant research methodologies.

  9. M.A./Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology with Emphasis in Depth Psychology

    For information regarding Pacifica's M.A./Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology, please contact the Admissions Advisor, at 805.879.7305, or at [email protected]. Pacifica's doctoral programs in Clinical Psychology are not accredited by the American Psychological Association. Our human science model of clinical psychology acknowledges ...

  10. Counseling/Clinical Psychology Ph.D. Program

    The counseling/clinical doctoral program adheres to a scientist-practitioner training model and provides students with both research and practitioner knowledge and skills. ... Counseling and Clinical Psychology historically have reflected different service areas, employment settings, and populations served. ... University of California, Santa ...

  11. Clinical Psychology Graduate Programs in California

    Explore clinical psychology graduate programs and graduate schools offering clinical psychology degrees. Compare graduate clinical psychology programs with government statistics and graduate student reviews. Find the best clinical psychology graduate schools for you. Compare the top clinical psychology graduate schools in California.

  12. Best Clinical Psychology Grad Programs in California

    Both the MS and certificate programs are available online. 2. California Lutheran University. Cal Lutheran offers two graduate clinical psychology programs in California, starting with its Master of Science of Clinical Psychology. The MS program emphasizes practical research and clinical skills to prepare graduates for direct employment related ...

  13. PhD in Clinical Psychology, Los Angeles

    The clinical psychology PhD program in Los Angeles prides itself on the diversity of its learning community. Our graduate school is located in one of California's most exciting and dynamic cities and a hub in the Pacific Rim, offering a rich environment full of unique opportunities for research, practice, and advocacy efforts.

  14. PhD in Clinical Psychology

    A PhD in Clinical Psychology is a great way to expand your knowledge and skills and increase your career options in the field of clinical science. The clinical psychology PhD program trains clinical students to conduct psychological assessment and research. With a focus on mental health and human behavior, the PhD program prepares you to ...

  15. PhD in Clinical Psychology, San Francisco

    The California School of Professional Psychology clinical psychology PhD program is offered on the Fresno, Sacramento, Los Angeles, San Diego, and San Francisco Bay Area campuses. Each is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of the American Psychological Association (APA).

  16. Clinical Psychology, PsyD

    The University of San Francisco, School of Nursing and Health Professions is pleased to announce that our Clinical Psychology Doctoral Program (PsyD) has received ten years of accreditation from the American Psychological Association (APA), effective October 28,2023. The ten-year term is the highest level of accreditation given by the association.

  17. PsyD in Clinical Psychology

    Tailor your training experiences. More reasons to choose Cal Lutheran. The PsyD program is accredited by the American Psychological Association, 750 First St, NE Washington, DC 20002-4242. The PsyD program provides a strong foundation for students to identify and seek out educational and career opportunities that match their personal goals.

  18. Psy.D. in Clinical Psychology

    A clinical psychology program prepares you for licensure and working in all kinds of environments with all kinds of clients. A pastoral counseling program prepares you for working in a church setting using Bible-based counseling. Rosemead has two doctoral programs in Clinical Psychology: Psy.D. - Doctor of Psychology in Clinical Psychology

  19. Program Overview

    Program Delivery. The program consists of four years of academic study, including three years of practicum training (1500-2000 hours), a clinical dissertation, and a fifth year internship (1500-2000 hours applied toward licensure). Admission is for the fall semester only, with year-round study during fall, spring, and summer semesters.

  20. Psychology PhD Programs in California

    Within the Clinical Psychology PhD program at Biola University, students are required to complete a minimum of 133 semester hours in four years of residency. In addition to the major course requirements, students must complete a minor in theology and a minimum of 17 semester hours in biblical coursework.

  21. Clinical psychology

    Clinical psychology is an integration of human science, behavioral science, theory, and clinical knowledge for the purpose of understanding, preventing, and relieving psychologically-based distress or dysfunction and to promote subjective well-being and personal development. [1] [2] Central to its practice are psychological assessment, clinical ...

  22. Julie Schweitzer

    July 30, 2014 • 34 (31):10298 -10310. Education PhD AboutJulie Schweitzer is a Professor in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences and MIND Institute. She directs the Attention, Impulsivity, Regulation (AIR)/ADHD Program UC Davis MIND Institute. Her work is translational in nature where she uses cognitive neuroscience and ...

  23. PhD in Clinical Psychology, San Diego

    The APA-accredited PhD program in clinical psychology in San Diego is designed to follow an integrated, scholar-practitioner model, in which research training and professional skill development are equally emphasized. ... Faculty members of our California school are past and current local, national, and international professional association ...

  24. Ph.D. Clinical Psychology

    The Ph.D. program in clinical psychology at the University of Texas at Tyler is a scientist-practitioner based program which provides high quality academic, research, and clinical training with under-served populations. Our focus is on training students to work with veterans, in rural mental health settings, and in geropsychology.

  25. Best PhD Programs for Forensic Psychologists

    The PhD in clinical psychology at Drexel University lets you select forensic psychology as your concentration, which includes forensic psychology-focused thesis and dissertation. ... Montclair State University also offers a top-notch PhD program in clinical psychology with a forensic concentration. MSU aims to equip students with advanced ...

  26. Career Opportunities for Qualified Psychology Degree Graduates

    Discover the fascinating world of psychology at the University of Memphis. Dive into this scientific field dedicated to understanding the human mind and behavior. Explore our comprehensive programs, renowned faculty, and cutting-edge research opportunities. Start your journey towards a rewarding career in psychology today.

  27. How to Get a Bachelor's Degree in Psychology in California

    To pursue a bachelor's degree in psychology in California, you'll need to meet the admission requirements set by the specific university or college you're applying to. Generally, this includes: High school diploma or equivalent. Minimum GPA, typically around 3.0 or higher.

  28. Ryan Howes, PhD Latest Articles

    Ryan Howes, PhD. Ryan Howes, PhD, is a licensed clinical psychologist in private practice in Pasadena, California. He brings 25 years of clinical experience as well as 20 years of teaching psychology to graduate students at Pepperdine University and the Fuller Graduate School of Psychology. Specialty. Psychology. Current Practice.