Grad Coach

Meet Your Guardian Angel

Get hands-on help from your own dedicated Dissertation Coach, whenever you need it. It’s like having a professor in your pocket.

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Client pass rate, trustpilot score, facebook rating, what is dissertation coaching .

Here’s a quick explainer…

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Why Grad Coach ?

Dissertation coaching is custom-tailored to your needs

It's all about you

We take the time to understand your unique challenges and work with you to achieve your specific academic goals . Whether you're aiming to earn top marks or just need to cross the finish line, we're here to help.

Our dissertation coaches have insider experience as dissertation and thesis supervisors

An insider advantage

Our award-winning Dissertation Coaches all hold doctoral-level degrees and share 100+ years of combined academic experience. Having worked on "the inside", we know exactly what markers want .

Access dissertation coaching wherever you are

Any time, anywhere

Getting help from your dedicated Dissertation Coach is simple. Book a live video /voice call, chat via email or send your document to us for an in-depth review and critique . We're here when you need us. 

Our thesis coaches are tried and tested

A track record you can trust

Over 10 million students have enjoyed our online lessons and courses, while 3000+ students have benefited from 1:1 Private Coaching. The plethora of glowing reviews reflects our commitment.

Chat With A Friendly Coach, Today

Prefer email? No problem - you c an  email us here .

Awards and accreditations

Have a question ?

Below are some of the most popular coaching-related questions we're asked.

Dissertation Coaching

How does coaching work.

Working with Grad Coach means you get a dedicated, highly-qualified research specialist to help you through any stage of your research.

Whether you just want a little initial guidance to make sure you're headed in the right direction, or you want hands-on, ongoing support throughout your entire research journey, your coach will be there for you whenever you need help.

Your dedicated coach will work with you using three channels: live sessions, content reviews and email support.

Live Coaching Sessions

A live coaching session is a real-time online meeting (audio or video) with your coach. In these sessions, you can discuss anything you need assistance with. For example, you might discuss topic ideas, how to structure your next chapter, how to undertake a specific analysis, etc.

Content Reviews

A content review is an offline review, where you send your document to your coach and they’ll meticulously review it at the scheduled time. They will provide extensive commentary within the document (including what’s wrong, why it’s problematic and how to correct it), and then email it back to you (see an example here ). If you want to have a call in addition to the content review, you can do that too.

Email Support

In addition to these two options, you can also email your coach at any time to ask any questions you have, so you'll never be left feeling unsure.

How is coaching different from a university-allocated supervisor?

There are a few key differences:

On-demand access

A university-allocated supervisor can only spend a limited amount of time with each student and their support is usually limited to a certain amount of time per section of content. Also, support is often limited to one or two formats (e.g., email).

Conversely, we provide unlimited , multi-channel, on-demand support . You can book a live coaching session anytime you need to, get your work reviewed as many times as you like (see an example here ) and drop us an email whenever you have a question or concern.

Plain-language advice

Supervisors often communicate in complex “ivory tower academic-speak” that is difficult to understand and not particularly actionable. Students often struggle to make sense of their supervisor’s advice and feedback, due to this language barrier and experience gap.

Conversely, we provide you with plain language, actionable advice and feedback, with lots of examples and analogies to help you grasp concepts as quickly and easily as possible.

A safe, confidential space

The supervisor-student relationship is a tricky one to navigate, as the supervisor is often the first/primary marker or will be assessing you in some way. This creates an awkward dynamic, where it can feel somewhat risky to ask certain questions or propose ideas.

Conversely, your dedicated coach is your “partner in research” and there are no power dynamics. We create a 100% safe, comfortable space for you to ask questions, learn and grow. No question is a "stupid question".

Combined research expertise

Your supervisor will generally be allocated based on your area of research (your topic), not your methodology. This means that oftentimes (not always) they are not methodology experts and cannot provide the best possible guidance regarding your research design.

Conversely, the Grad Coach team consists of methodology experts across the spectrum of qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods. While you'll usually only work with one dedicated coach, you'll have access to the combined knowledge pool, which means you'll get the best possible advice.

How is coaching different from editing and proofreading?

Editing and proofreading services focus purely on language, formatting and technical presentation requirements, such as referencing. In other words, the focus is on the language , not the content itself. As a result, a dissertation can be perfectly edited and proofread but still fail, as the content itself is poor.

With coaching, on the other hand, the focus is on content . In other words, we focus on the quality of the research itself. For example, we look at things like:

  • Is the research topic well-defined and justified?
  • Are the research aims, objectives and research questions well-articulated and aligned?
  • Is the literature review comprehensive, integrative and well-structured?
  • Is the methodology well-considered and executed?
  • Is the analysis sound and do the conclusions make sense?

Simply put – coaching focuses on the things that earn the majority of the marks . Additionally, we do offer a separate editing and proofreading service to polish the document, once the content is finalised.

Is coaching allowed by universities?

Yes . In fact, many universities refer students to us and some institutions even use our content (articles and videos) as part of their curriculum.

We provide dissertation coaching to help you improve the quality of your work. Importantly, all work must be your own – we do not write for you . While there are organisations that will cross this ethical boundary, we refuse to engage in any activity which may be considered as academic misconduct.

WARNING - If you are considering any academic writing service, please be aware that the use of such services can lead to expulsion or even revocation of your degree years after the fact. Many websites offering such services provide extremely low-quality work that is unlikely to pass and some websites are outright scams preying on desperate students.

What's included in the (free) initial consultation?

The purpose of the initial consultation is for us to assess your specific situation , needs and wants, and then e xplain how we can help you .

Please note that the initial consultation is not a coaching session. Naturally, we cannot provide accurate guidance without first having a sound understanding of your project, and we need to charge for such services.

Why should I work with Grad Coach specifically?

There are a few factors that distinguish Grad Coach from the alternatives:

On-demand, online service

Grad Coach was built to give you the help you need, whenever you need it, wherever you are. You can book live audio/video sessions, get your written work reviewed and sent back to you, or just drop your coach an email whenever you have a question. 1-on-1, hands-on help is always just a click away.

Friendly, plain-language coaches

At Grad Coach, our goal is to bring academia "back down to earth". While our coaches have over 100 years of combined experience within academia (including dissertation supervision, marking and lecturing), we always aim to simplify the content as much as possible, using plain language, actionable advice and feedback. You can download a sample content review here to see this in practice.

More than just coaching - a one-stop-shop

In addition to our flagship dissertation coaching service, we also provide a suite of time-saving services such as interview transcription, qualitative coding, survey design, statistical testing, and editing and proofreading. This means you get everything you need under one trusted roof. You can visit the services page to learn more about our full offering.

An accredited, award-winning operation

We take our work seriously, which is why we're accredited by the Tutors' Association UK and subscribe to their extensive code of ethics. We've also won multiple awards, including " Best Dissertation Coaching Service 2021 " (AI International), " Best Dissertation & Thesis Coaching Specialists 2020 " (MEA) and " Top 50 Student Blog " (Feedspot). To date, we've supported over 3000 students with private dissertation coaching and approximately 7 million students with video lessons.

To learn more about Grad Coach and the team behind it, visit the “About Us” page .

Which universities and degrees do you support?

We can provide coaching for a wide range of dissertations, theses and research projects/assignments at Bachelors , Honours , Master's and Doctoral -level degrees, especially (but not limited to) those within the social sciences.

Importantly, our expertise lies in the research process itself , especially research design, methodologies and academic writing – rather than specific research areas/topics (e.g. psychology, management, etc.). In other words, the support we provide is topic-agnostic , which allows us to support students across a very broad range of research topics.

If you’re unsure about whether we’re the right fit, feel free to drop us an email or book a free initial consultation .

Can I get a coach that specialises in psychology/marketing/etc.?

As we mentioned previously, our expertise lies in the research process itself , especially research design, methodologies and academic writing – rather than specific research areas/topics (e.g., psychology, management, etc.).

Simply put, the support we provide is topic-agnostic , which allows us to support students across a very broad range of research topics. That said, if there is a coach on our team that has experience in your area of research, as well as your chosen methodology, we can allocate them to your project (depending on availability).

Can I work with multiple coaches at once?

No. We work on a 1-on-1 basis, where each client has a dedicated coach assigned to their project, to ensure that they receive the highest possible quality of service.

How much does coaching cost?

Since our coaching services are completely custom-tailored for each student, they are billed on a time basis (as opposed to a project basis). This allows you to engage as much or as little as you want, with no long-term commitments or tie-downs.

The hourly rate itself depends on whether you purchase single hours or a discounted package. Please visit the pricing page for more information.

Do you have any testimonials or reviews?

Yes - you can view our Facebook and Trustpilot reviews here . You can also read about our accreditations and awards here .

Will my work be treated confidentially?

Absolutely. Your work will be treated completely confidentially and will not be shared with any third parties, nor published anywhere. We can sign a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) if you wish. Once you have completed your project, we can delete all content from our servers.

Do you offer other services?

Yes, in addition to dissertation coaching, we provide a suite of time-saving services , including:

  • Interview transcription
  • Qualitative data coding
  • Survey design and hosting
  • Statistical testing (SPSS & R)
  • Editing and proofreading

If you have any other requirements, feel free to contact us to discuss them.

Can you write (or rewrite) sections for me?

No - all writing must be your own. We can hold your hand throughout the research process, but we cannot write for you as that would constitute academic misconduct.

WARNING - If you are considering any academic writing service, please be aware that the use of such services can lead to expulsion or even revocation of your degree years after the fact. Many websites offering such services provide extremely low-quality work that is unlikely to pass, and some websites are outright scams preying on desperate students.

English is not my first language (ESL student). Can you help me?

Yes , we can. In fact, many of our students are international ESL students. We can assist both with the academic aspects (e.g., coaching) and the English communication aspects (e.g., editing and proofreading).

My work is due in the next few days. Can you help me?

It’s not ideal, but we will do our best to help. Please email us or book an initial consultation as soon as possible.

Can you help me apply for a degree programme?

If your application requires a research topic or proposal (as is common for Master's and PhD applications), we can assist with that aspect of the application. However, if you require admissions-specific advice and guidance, that is not our area of expertise.

Please book a free initial consultation with us to discuss.

I still have questions…

No problem. Feel free to email us or book an initial consultation to discuss.

What our clients say

We've worked 1:1 with 3000+ students . Here's what some of them have to say:

David's depth of knowledge in research methodology was truly impressive. He demonstrated a profound understanding of the nuances and complexities of my research area, offering insights that I hadn't even considered. His ability to synthesize information, identify key research gaps, and suggest research topics was truly inspiring. I felt like I had a true expert by my side, guiding me through the complexities of the proposal.

Cyntia Sacani (US)

I had been struggling with the first 3 chapters of my dissertation for over a year. I finally decided to give GradCoach a try and it made a huge difference. Alexandra provided helpful suggestions along with edits that transformed my paper. My advisor was very impressed.

Tracy Shelton (US)

Working with Kerryn has been brilliant. She has guided me through that pesky academic language that makes us all scratch our heads. I can't recommend Grad Coach highly enough; they are very professional, humble, and fun to work with. If like me, you know your subject matter but you're getting lost in the academic language, look no further, give them a go.

Tony Fogarty (UK)

So helpful! Amy assisted me with an outline for my literature review and with organizing the results for my MBA applied research project. Having a road map helped enormously and saved a lot of time. Definitely worth it.

Jennifer Hagedorn (Canada)

Everything about my experience was great, from Dr. Shaeffer’s expertise, to her patience and flexibility. I reached out to GradCoach after receiving a 78 on a midterm paper. Not only did I get a 100 on my final paper in the same class, but I haven’t received a mark less than A+ since. I recommend GradCoach for everyone who needs help with academic research.

Antonia Singleton (Qatar)

I started using Grad Coach for my dissertation and I can honestly say that if it wasn’t for them, I would have really struggled. I would strongly recommend them – worth every penny!

Richard Egenreider (South Africa)

Kickstart Your Dissertation, Today

Enter your details below, pop us an email, or book an introductory consultation .

Dissertation & Thesis Coaching Awards

  • Thesis Coach

Read our story! Get an insight about our team.

Thesis Coach is an organisation offering doctoral research and thesis help services across the globe. Founded in 2008 by Element K, Thesis Coach has become a trusted name whenever a need for professional help for thesis and research during PhD is felt.

With a team of expert writers, editors, and data analysts, we have been getting stronger every day by serving the PhD candidates and attaining the client satisfaction. The credit for our success is given to our team who follows our company’s ethics, principles, and governing policies. All prospective members of our team work with uncompromising attitude. Our lead consultants are:

  • Walter Y, PhD in Social Science
  • Anne Mckenzie, PhD in Statistics

As the work confidentiality remains the student’s primary concern before seeking an external help, we hereby assure you that your research work is secured with us and not shared with any other third party. Your personal details such as name, address, email id, research topic, and thesis or any other crucial information and documents shared with us on any platform are kept confidential. To get more details about confidentiality, visit Privacy Policy on website. For any query regarding writing assistance, contact us at [email protected].

The Dale Method

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your postgraduate degree, you commit to submitting a thesis at the required standard before you graduate. Failure to submit a thesis on time results in prolonged periods of misery and serious stress because of years of delay in completing this project.

Submitting a good thesis is difficult but not impossible. Personally, I was unable to find a practical, useful methodology to guide me along my way. So, I created my own.

As your academic year begins, the assignments, activities, or the thesis itself will cause you to struggle. You will have setbacks and disappointments, but you will experience feelings of achievement and success if you put in the work and seek help when you need it.

The most crucial action you can take right now is to reorient your mindset and get your systems in place. This will be the foundation from which your planning will evolve.

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Many times, in my practice as a coach, I’ve watched students with the appropriate systems and daily habits succeed beyond their own expectations. Many of their peers who push back against planning and working in discrete, incremental sections, struggle to stay afloat from day one.

The task of writing your thesis is the proverbial banquet that you can’t consume at a single sitting. No matter how smart you are, I assure you, there is no way to get the best result without breaking the project down into logical, manageable sections. This approach precipitated the synthesis of The Dale Method. 

This 6-phase methodology addresses all the elements of postgraduate study resulting in the student feeling in control throughout the year:

(1) Supervisor relations (2) Topic choice  (3) Thesis process – five chapters (4) Project management (5) Writing and editing (6) Psychological challenges and wellbeing.

These phases are not linear but cyclical and flexible in nature: the individual moves in and out of each phase depending on their immediate challenge.

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Submitting a good thesis is difficult but not impossible. 

  • Master classes logo

Expert Thesis Guidance

person holding ballpoint pen writing on notebook

Our Services

Get personalized coaching and support at every stage of your thesis writing journey. From topic selection to final defense, we are here to help you succeed.

MacBook Pro near white open book

Experienced Coaches

Our team consists of experienced thesis coaches who have successfully guided numerous students to completion. Trust our expertise to guide you to success.

MacBook Air beside gold-colored study lamp and spiral books

Personalized Approach

We understand that every student and thesis is unique. Receive personalized guidance tailored to your specific needs and goals throughout the entire process.

We have met so many people who have attempted a thesis and then failed. They had been writing for years, changes in advisors or committee members who continually comment that the work is not rigorous enough, not researched enough, not critical enough or simply: they don’t understand your topic!

We have helped many people cross the finish line amongst all these challenges. We have been there. We are coaches, which means that sometimes it is our job to get you focused on track by asking you critical questions in evaluating the next steps. THIS IS YOUR THESIS - We will not write it for you, but we will guide you in an efficient way.

Once you commit to us - WE COMMIT TO YOU! We have scheduled weekly check-ins and longer monthly reviews. We also offer a defence prep and full practice, with 2-3 colleagues that will ‘grill’ you on your thesis and have you ready for the real one (for which you only get one chance)!

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This company was started by PhD and Doctoral students, from various universities, who had struggled along the way. Nobody knows how to complete a thesis if it is your first one. As we found ourselves helping other students in our programs (and seeing others drop off) we noticed that those we helped ended up completing their thesis’ much faster than we did. Our weekly coffee shop checkins, and our mock thesis defence programs we organized online had really become a great hit. During the process of our journey we had all made presentations to help each other, and now we are using these same successful steps to help you.

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Advisors and Thesis Coaches

Located in multiple time zones.

Email Contact first to Info

Dr. Shiraz Adams [email protected] Dr. Sarah Wells [email protected] Dr. Kristof Olsen [email protected] Dr. Hans (Hank) Bjorgman [email protected] Dr. Sal Beltrami [email protected] Dr. Raj Bibi [email protected] Dr. Harold Paswan [email protected] Dr. Asha Banerjee [email protected]

Multiple editors available both in-house and on contract, dr. walter kowalchyk, founder & thesis coach.


Experienced Principal with a demonstrated history of working in the primary/secondary education industry. Skilled in Coaching, Secondary Education, Educational Consulting, Lesson Planning, and Educational Technology. Strong education professional with a Higher Education Doctorate Degree in Leadership focused in Education from University of Liverpool.

Dr. Walter Kowalchyk attended 4 conferences where he interviewed many keynote speakers! It is at these conferences that he decided to start to make grad student lives better!

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Meet the Team

We currently have eight people who have completed their Doctoral Programs, some of which work on dissertation committees, all from different universities across America and England. We typically have over 20 students we coach at any given time. This allows for you to have the VIP treatment and not simply an extra student for a professor who is already stretched way to thin and at best is able to check in with you monthly at best.

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If you are interested in working for as a Coach or one of our editors we would be delighted to hear from you.

For editorial and proof reading work we expect you to be a native english speaker and to have outstanding and demonstrable skills in editing academic and research work., we also expect you to hold a doctoral level qualification. to work as an thesis coach providing peer review commentary on manuscripts submitted to us it is not necessary, but to be a native english speaker and at a high level of proficiency in english is required, as is a doctoral level qualification or commensurate academic experience., all coaches be required to pass with a 95% completion rate our coach training modules ahead of hiring as well as two successful supervised thesis coaching assignments prior to a tenured position with . our coaches are our companies front facing customer service agents. since we don't advertise, our reputation is paramount to our success., thus all coaches and editors are evaluated throughout the year to ensure we only have the best to offer., it is common for our coaches to have 4 to 7 coaching assignments at a time. editors work with our coaches and assignments change weekly. having the ability to manage time and availability is a key asset., to apply, or for further information, email us through the contact page including a link to your curriculum vitae (with a list of publications, if applicable)..

[email protected]

Expert thesis coaching services

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Dissertation Coaching Services

Dr. angelica rivera, dpc, lpc.

Working with Kathryn Peterson has been a big lifeline in my dissertation process. I started out with many setbacks: 4 rejections of my narrative proposal, my project site backing out, and a death in the family. I had no resources left available to push ahead to finish my dissertation. Calling Kathryn every week – provided the support and stability I needed in an insecure/unstable time. She met me with a warm, practical, and nonjudgmental attitude to take my journey step by step. I could not have done this without her.

I cannot thank Alison and TDC enough for helping me finish my master’s thesis. When I approached Alison this time last year to inquire about coaching services, I was feeling overwhelmed and hopeless, and had no idea how I was going to finish my thesis. A year later, not only have I finished, but I felt so supported throughout the entire process and learned time and project management skills that I will take with me into the rest of my personal and professional life.

I first did thesis coaching with Melissa Schwartz when I was starting out writing my thesis and needed help figuring out how to approach the work and structure my time. What I found most helpful were our weekly check-ins where she helped me to troubleshoot what hadn’t been working from the past week. Her experience gave her insight into what I could try, and her gentle approach made me feel open and receptive to trying those things. From her, I learned to approach my work with curiosity and flexibility.

Later, when I needed help with thesis content, I received consulting services with Kate Vacek. Kate’s kindness, encouragement, and experience was instrumental as I finalized my themes and drafted and revised my chapters. She helped me to make chapter outlines and realistic work plans and read drafts and offered feedback. She was often available to meet the next day if something last minute came up and was clear and prompt about when I could expect something back. From Kate, I received the academic guidance and mentorship one would hope for from an advisor/supervisor without any of the politics!

Anonymous, PhD

When I started working with Dr. Rebecca Schuman, I only had five months to finish my dissertation. I was at risk of missing the time-to-degree deadline and having to drop out of my PhD program after 6 years of study. I was a wreck – finishing by the deadline seemed impossible. My PhD progress had been hampered by chronic health problems, the pandemic, and a recent ADHD diagnosis. Rebecca’s realistic, practical, compassionate coaching enabled me to write 60% of my dissertation in five months. I graduated this summer with a PhD in literature from an Ivy League university. I not only finished my degree, but I had a wonderful defense. I start an academic job next month. Thank you, Rebecca. You’re a rock star.

CB, PhD, Counseling

I was able to successfully defend my dissertation yesterday largely in part by the support that I received from The Dissertation Coach, specifically Angela Glymph who has worked with me over the past year providing constant support, strategy, and motivation that ultimately helped me cross the finish line. I would not have been able to do this alone and I am entirely thankful to The Dissertation Coach for giving us doctoral candidates hope that we can actually, really and truly, complete our PhD’s. THANK YOU!

I’m extremely pleased to report that I’ve finally (after 10 long years) successfully completed my PhD (with Christopher Bradley’s help). My sincerest thank you to Christopher and The Dissertation Coach’s team for your tremendous support in completing the mountain of revisions requested post my oral defense.

Jess Pearson-Allen, Ph.D., School Psychology

Working with Dr. Bradley through The Dissertation Coach was by far the very best decision I have made during my extraordinarily long educational career. After becoming an “academic orphan” when my chair left our university, I made minimal progress on my dissertation for over a year. Once I began working with Dr. Bradley I proposed and defended in two semesters. TWO! Dr. Bradley was available and encouraging while holding me accountable for my own success. When I was overwhelmed by the size of the task, Dr. Bradley helped me break things down into smaller pieces and focus on the next steps in front of me by setting micro-goals. He also helped me balance my many responsibilities associated with being on full time internship, being a mom of two, being married, and having recently relocated several states away from home. I wouldn’t be done with my PhD if it hadn’t been for Dr. Bradley’s support and mentorship. If you’re considering getting support for your journey, I cannot recommend The Dissertation Coach highly enough!

Tony S. PhD

Alison and her team were an integral part in getting me “across the line.” She took the time to get to know me, my study, and my academic goals to effectively pair me with Michael Sikes. Mike’s guidance, support, and feedback challenged my thinking, asked the right questions, and helped me produce a dissertation that I am truly proud of. I only wish I had listened to colleagues earlier and pursued a coach earlier in the writing process. THANK YOU!

SM, PhD, Law

Melissa Schwartz has been an immeasurable source of support, wisdom and kindness throughout the last year of my PhD. Melissa helped me recognize that the time and effort I was putting in was adding up and convinced me to keep going, tackling one small task after another. Our weekly sessions and her regular check-ins kept me in the right track and reminded me to stay curious about my own work but also to be gentle with myself. Melissa’s support completely re-shaped my PhD experience, from a place of fear and paralysis to a place of creativity and potential. I will be forever grateful.

Rebecca Schuman is a gem! She coached me to the finish line of my PhD program, and I’m certain she played a large part in my completing the diss. Rebecca can break tasks down into manageable pieces while still keeping necessary pace. Additionally, she always met me where I was at; if I didn’t complete my weekly tasks, she never shamed my progress. Instead, she developed realistic solutions so I could overcome any logistical or self-imposed barriers. She’s also super witty and funny. I looked forward to our coaching sessions, and I’m better for them.

Sarah, Princeton University

I reached out to Alison after reading her book and listening to a number of her talks about doctoral work, mental health, and time management. What struck me was her values-based approach to productivity, and how with the implementation of key strategies and intentional planning, one could lead a balanced life while also producing excellent doctoral research. In other words, unlike the dominant academic narrative which tells us work must come at the expense of everything else, she showed that I could have a family and be a doctoral student without sacrificing the quality of my work. She matched me with Dr. Rebecca Schwartz-Bishir, who has been beyond amazing. Rebecca is a fountain of knowledge and experience and I know that I would not have completed my PhD (with my sanity intact) if it weren’t for her and Alison. The unstructured nature of doctoral work was a significant roadblock for me especially due to my ADHD. She taught me how to break down tasks into manageable increments, and practical ways of moving past overwhelm. Being in a male-dominated department, I also often found communication with my advisor and committee to be challenging and impersonal. She helped me develop effective communication tools (like writing monthly updates that I’d give to my advisor) that completely turned around my relationships with them. Her practical advice on how to juggle family and doctoral work too was invaluable and saved my sanity. I will now be moving on to an Ivy league postdoctoral program, and I can honestly say I would not be here right now had it not been for Rebecca and Alison. Whether you are a student looking to survive, or you have moved past that stage and are looking to thrive, Rebecca and Alison know how to help students develop the necessary planning, management, and mental health habits and skills to be both successful and happy.

Tenure Track Faculty In Business And Management

I approached The Dissertation Coach in summer 2020 with less than 6 months to submit my dissertation and start a new job. I was struggling with the pandemic, the pressures of writing and the anxiety of taking on a new role in the midst of it all. Alison introduced me to Kate Vacek who worked with me to complete my dissertation and get me ready for my new tenure track role. To say this transformed the final 6 months of my PhD would be an understatement.

Kate was always calm, composed and encouraging. She cheered me on when I felt down and combined inspiration with very practical tips and advise on how to manage my time and get things done well. She also gave me a set of great tools for planning and writing, some of which I now use with my own thesis students today. A huge thank you to Kate for helping me out and Alison for connecting me with Kate. I have a long academic career ahead and I am confident that if ever I need help again, I will certainly turn to Kate for support and encouragement.

Anonymous, Masters, Education, Private University

After a few false starts and feeling lost, I fell upon a video by Alison, the founder of The Dissertation Coach. I realized that it was exactly what I needed. I was coached and mentored by Dr. Kate Vacek. Her experience and her calm, professional and constructive input gave me confidence to believe I can do it. Her book suggestion, “They Say, I Say” revolutionized and inspired my perspective on academic writing. In addition, I attended writing retreats through The Academic Writers’ Space, and this facilitated daily Zoom community workspace reduced the feeling of isolation. At one of the sessions, I learned about the Manchester Phrasebank website, which, after looking at it, I responded, “Where have you been all of my life?” In a similar line of thought, I want to conclude, “Thank you, Kate and Alison, for entering my life.”

I had the pleasure of working with Rebecca Schwartz-Bishir to complete my dissertation and while writing a grant proposal during my postdoctoral fellowship. Organizing myself to write was a struggle that delayed my ability to complete my dissertation within my desired timeframe. However, working with Rebecca, helped me learn how to work efficiently for fewer hours a day (3-4) to wrap up the dissertation in time and without feeling burned out. Because I had such a great experience with Rebecca during my PhD as I wrapped up my dissertation I reached out again to help me get organized as I drafted a grant proposal and went on the job market. Again, Rebecca was wonderful! I was able to reach every goal I had and could talk through difficulties and discuss solutions. I would highly recommend working with Rebecca as a coach!

Kathryn is a highly skilled dissertation coach who not only is generous, creative, and compassionate. Her background in creative writing was a gift for me as a science writer. Her perspective as a writer helped me face my writing with less fear and intimidation. Kathryn is a great listener and sensitive to struggles that come up during the writing process. She gently and consistently guided me through the challenging process, from proposal to a successful defense.

I couldn’t have done it without Kathryn Peterson! She showed up for and believed in me while providing sound advice and encouragement. I am so grateful for her coaching. She saw me through the end of a project I thought I would never finish!

Anonymous, PhD, Clinical Psychology & Neuroscience

I reached out to The Dissertation Coach after attending a free seminar with Alison where her nonjudgmental, positive, encouraging leadership felt groundbreaking after coming from an academic environment of low affirmation. It helped me realize that perhaps my writing process could be different if I just had the right type of support. For years, I struggled with intense avoidance of writing that I attributed to severe imposter syndrome and loads of negative self-talk and self-doubt. Even though I was very tight on finances as a grad student, I decided it was worth the money to see if The Dissertation Coach program could help me create a new relationship with writing. Alison matched me with Rebecca Schwartz-Bishir for dissertation coaching. Rebecca is the absolute best and my experience of her was warm, understanding, funny, lighthearted, and smart. She was strategic with her coaching and tailored it to my particular challenges, helping me learn how to set reasonable daily goals and how to use rewards and self-compassion to motivate me to approach the writing and rejoice in my accomplishments, no matter how small. She provided valuable insight and advice for how to navigate difficult conversations with my primary advisor and committee. I worked with Rebecca for 8 months and at the end, I’d successfully defended my dissertation, but more importantly, I no longer struggle with the severe imposter syndrome and negative self-talk that were making writing so difficult and unenjoyable for me. I now have the tools for how to address my writing avoidance when it comes up and I have a clearer sense of my professional identity. I attribute my decision to stay in academia post-PhD to Rebecca’s coaching services and to her ability to coach me to a new relationship with myself as a writer and academic. I strongly endorse The Dissertation Coach and their services!

I had a wonderful experience working with Rebecca Schwartz. I had been spinning my wheels with the dissertation for several years before seeking out the Dissertation Coach. Rebecca helped me learn how to manage what felt like an insurmountable project. She helped me set goals, talk through difficult committee situations, and learn how to work with myself rather than against myself. When I began working with Rebecca I had started my dissertation over from scratch and completed one chapter. While working with her, I finished and defended the project in less than a year. She was a great leader and also gently held me accountable when I needed it. I highly recommend working with her.

Nicolas, Ph.D. In Educational Studies

I highly recommend both this company and Melinda Valente as a coach. I sought a dissertation coach after defending my dissertation proposal and because I was having trouble managing my time. My initial meeting with Alison alone left me with the impression that I had chosen the right company. She suggested that I work with Melinda and I am very thankful for that recommendation. Over the months that we worked together, Melinda helped me think about how to break down larger parts of the dissertation project (e.g., writing a chapter, completing a portion of my analysis) into smaller tasks, as well as how to break down the time that I could spend on my dissertation in a given week into specific blocks of time, then map those tasks onto those blocks. She kept track of how I did each day and would offer tips when I didn’t make one of my goals. Her advice ranged from ideas about how I could handle some of my common distractions to ideas about how I could adjust my plan for a given week or overall timeline when needed. She was also very kind: She celebrated my victories and was compassionate when I wasn’t able to make my goals. And, because of all of this, I am now happy to be able to say that I completed my Ph.D.—something that was honestly hard for me to imagine at times, before I started working with her.

Cindy D. PhD Higher Education Leadership

I am so grateful for the support of the Dissertation Coach! My consultations with Alison Miller were helpful and compassionate and she connected me to Rebecca Schwartz-Bishir who was so helpful to me in keeping me going, encouraging me, and helping me stay on track to my goals – my only regret was not contacting them years ago! I also got great assistance from Deirdre Rogers with my stats – her assistance helped me push through questions when I was stumped and helped me stay on track with completing my data analysis. I highly recommend these individuals and the services of The Dissertation Coach – their services were a great help to me in crossing the PhD finish line!

Kathryn Peterson was profoundly helpful in turning my undergrad thesis from an insurmountable burden into an achievable mission. She not only helped me stay on-task, but also provided wonderful support, encouragement, and comfort when needed. I feel so lucky that we got to work together, and I hope that you may be so lucky too!

I would like to encourage others who are struggling to finish their PhD to consider hiring the services of The Dissertation Coach. In my case, it got to the point where I was at a new job far from my grad school and I needed to finish the dissertation. Unfortunately, I had only written one chapter and it seemed to me that I was staring at a dark abyss when I thought about how much I needed to do to finish. Anxiety and imposter syndrome were very common paralyzers when I stat down to write but the coaching helped me get over these. By reading Alison’s book and working with Kathryn Peterson, I was able to make a work plan and stick to it–most of the time. My coach was there to answer questions and clear doubts. Sometimes, it was just useful to talk to someone through the woes of writing. It wasn’t easy since I was writing and teaching, but finally, after working with my coach for several months, I was able to defend in June of 2019.

Megan, DMA Music Education

I found my work with Melinda Valente to be very helpful. We worked together to organize my goals in a way that made them less intimidating at a time when I was indeed intimidated! She helped me frame the shape of my work, slow down my brain and create pathways so I could get back to doing meaningful and solid work. Melinda was patient, thoughtful and very encouraging. She understood where I was and her help really made the difference in helping me get to the finish line. I highly recommend Melinda as a coach!

Jinji Donato, M.L.S.

When I found The Dissertation Coach, I was in a vulnerable place with my master’s thesis. I doubted whether completing such a project was possible for me. Seeking out coaching services and working with Elline Lipkin, PH. D was a profoundly empowering experience. Elline thoughtfully reframed the challenges I faced throughout the writing process to keep me moving forward when my self-doubt would have otherwise brought me to a screeching halt. Elline instilled in me the importance of being consistent and kind to yourself throughout the writing process. I know the impact of Elline’s coaching on my philosophy of writing will extend far beyond earning my master’s degree. If I ever decide to take on the PhD, there is no other service I would turn to. Thank you to The Dissertation Coach! Thank you Elline!

Rachel, MA, State University Of New York

I highly recommend working with Elline Lipkin. When I called “Dissertation Coach,” I had quite a bit to do, and rather urgently, in order to meet my goals. I chose The Dissertation Coach because Alison called me within a few moments of my inquiry submission. She not only took the time to get to know me personally and learn more about my writing project, but she also thoughtfully chose my coach to align with my working style. Elline helped me to think about the roadblocks that I didn’t see. She encouraged me to anticipate upcoming tasks like writing an abstract and formatting for submission that aren’t top of mind when working hard on a draft. The accountability structure provided was exactly what I needed to unleash my potential. I enjoyed working closely with my coach regularly regarding my progress, a process that kept me consistent in my writing and pushing forward daily. Elline cheered me on at every turn; I appreciated Elline’s kindness and also found it helpful when she pushed me to think differently about the process or find another angle. My situation was unique and my schedule challenging, and Elline made considerable effort to be flexible and accommodate so that we could stay in close touch and achieve my goal. Thank you, Elline! Thank you, “The Dissertation Coach!”

PhD Candidate, Biology, The Netherlands

I am forever grateful to Rebecca Schwartz-Bishir for coaching me and making the dream of finishing my Ph.D. thesis a reality. I searched for dissertation coaching because I was making the effort to progress, but I didn’t know how to organize my work and deal efficiently with feedback. Additionally, I was working on my own, away from my university, and I was stuck and lacked support. The regular meetings with Rebecca and her daily feedback on my progress made a difference from the first week. She guided me with compassion, understanding the place I was coming from, while encouraging me to work hard to reach my goal. She also helped me prioritize, overcome perfectionism, and suggested working techniques that suited me. Following her guidance I was able to progress steadily while keeping healthy habits. Rebecca regularly gave me advice about how to interact with my advisors and my university, and as a result I experienced a tremendous improvement in my relationship with my supervisors. All the professional development skills I learned from her will be very important to me in the next steps in my life. Rebecca went above and beyond her duty, and I could count always on her. Alison and the rest of her team also provided support as needed. My experience with the Dissertation Coach was a life changer for me. Thank you so so much Rebecca!

I am so grateful to Rebecca Schuman for helping me cross the finish line of my Ph.D. It would have taken me at least an additional semester, if not longer, had I not had her support and guidance. To contextualize my situation a bit, I was in a one-year Assistant Professor position in a remote area, applying for jobs, living on my own, and struggling with depression. I planned to defend my dissertation in four months but my data wasn’t analyzed, my first three chapters needed to be revised, and the last two needed to be written. The weekly sessions I had with Rebecca were a lifeline. She was kind, compassionate, and gave me tools to help me work when I felt it was just impossible with everything else going on in my life. She provided that weekly boost and encouragement that my advisor simply could not. And I finished in four months! I highly recommend working with Rebecca Schuman! Her sense of humor, organizational skills, and ability to problem-solve are fantastic. Thank you, Rebecca!

Sophie, PhD

I am so lucky to have found Alison’s company online and to have had Rebecca Schwartz-Bishir as my coach. Just when I was about to quit dissertating, she coached me to communicate well and form functional relationships with advisors, committee members, the DGS, the Graduate School, my editor, other students, and even unthoughtful or ignorant friends, acquaintances, and family members.

Rebecca is practical and encouraging, and she even predicts and foresees obstacles. Among the many effective strategies Rebecca taught me, my favorite ones are (1) to reward myself even with something small such as a pat on my shoulder after some hard work was done; (2) when feeling stuck, to move to other libraries or spaces to work; and (3) when feeling anxious, jog or run. “Movement in one area leads to another,” she said. It’s so true!

Rebecca is warm, supportive, sympathetic, and genuine. Her voice is very calming. She knew how to cheer me up and keep me working during difficult times. Within 1 year, Rebecca transformed me into a positive and confident writer so that I could remove the road blocks on the way and run fast toward the finish line. I really appreciate Rebecca’s energy, profession, and perspective.

Bridget L., PhD In History, Claremont Graduate University

I can honestly say that I wouldn’t be completing my PhD program this semester if it were not for Dr. Rebecca Schwartz-Bishir. She helped me stay focused on my dissertation while being a mother, wife, and full-time employee. I worked with Rebecca for a year and a half. In that time she helped me get past my anxieties surrounding writing. She provided me with writing tools and strategies as well as relaxation techniques. Rebecca is a kind, compassionate, and highly intelligent person who empowers others to reach their full potential. I relied on her heavily throughout this process and miss her weekly Skype calls.

Anonymous In California, MS, PhD

I am a scientific Postdoctoral Scholar and I worked with Dr. Rebecca Schwartz-Bishir to prepare a paper for submission. She coached me through a time of isolation in an unsupportive work environment when I was considering quitting my post-doc. Rebecca is a compassionate, holistic, and dedicated coach. She worked with me to develop personalized strategies to overcome limiting beliefs and blocks. Some strategies included spending 15 minutes a day editing a running set of slides, resetting after a stressful interaction, and rewarding myself at the end of every day. Rebecca compassionately and gently supported me in using these strategies such that they are now integrated in my daily workflow. As a result of working with Rebecca, I am consistently productive, and I work with a joy that I had forgotten. My paper was awarded a talk at an upcoming conference and I will submit the paper in the next month. My work environment is more supportive as a result and I am confident that I will complete my post-doc. In addition, my family told me that I am more present when I am with them, and I am more fulfilled in my personal life. I wholeheartedly recommend working with Rebecca to anyone who is having a challenging time publishing or who wants to find a new level of work and life satisfaction.

I have benefitted greatly from working with my coach, Dr. Rebecca Schwartz-Bishir, who has seen me through from nebulous parts-of-chapters to the conclusion. She provided crucial continuity, allowing me to stay connected with my own work even when I was drowning in teaching responsibilities. I particularly appreciate her ability and willingness to tailor our working methods. When a process stopped working for me, she could suggest another way. In some cases, she drew on her significant coaching experience, recommending techniques that have been successful for other writers. In other cases, she researched or invented out-of-the box solutions specifically for me. She was very aware of my immediate research challenges, and was also able to provide the bigger picture of my progress and growth. She is unfailingly kind, encouraging, realistic, and professional. Highly recommend.

PhinisheD (Affiliation: The Johns Hopkins University)

Thank you to the team of professionals at TDC for your mentoring. I worked primarily with Rebecca Schwartz-Bishir who helped me speak up for myself and boosted my confidence; both necessary skills to survive in academia. She also provided day-to-day strategies and hacks to work through PhD-related anxiety. When it was necessary, I worked with other TDC coaches including Alison Miller, who were also great at helping me navigate funding and administrative complications. I was impressed with the professionalism of each of the coaches in resolving problems quickly and effectively… but most of all I appreciated the genuine sentiment of “doing what is best for the student” that guides their work. Thanks for guiding me through the finish line!

Elline Lipkin came to the rescue! I had been “nearly done” with my dissertation for several years, only progressing in occasional bursts, and in the end always receding as I approached completion. Somehow I couldn’t make writing a regular and enjoyable part of each day. Elline showed me how to build a detailed plan, track progress relative to the plan, and best of all, how to get myself into a state of flow. I wrote more and often better in the last nine months than in the preceding years. Thank you!

Kristen Chamberland, PhD

Dear Alison, I just want to be sure you know thankful I am and how special your coaches are. And while plenty talented on their own, I only ever see this level of commitment when there is a great employer involved. From the few times we’ve spoken, I’m sure of it. I truly can not say enough good things about my coaching experience. I found the guidance I needed to recover my project when I was floundering in both my academic and personal life and felt like I was at a dead end. I only wish I had known about the service from the start; I would have had a much faster and smoother experience. Coaching not only saw me through to my paper’s completion, but gave me insight into my own habits and patterns, and ways to work through a number of challenges, internal and external. It helped me hone my writing as well as develop lasting valuable time and project management skills. From the start, Rebecca Schuman did not have an easy job. I was emotional and discouraged and needed help from the ground up. I had just been through a major life crisis and had no idea how to proceed. She introduced me to a fundamentally different perspective of myself and my relationship to my work, and helped me realize that not only was I working in a way that was self-defeating, but that I had other options that were far more likely to be successful. She encouraged me to uncouple my academic work from my identity, and re-frame the project into something I could do, rather than be. By the time she went on maternity leave, and Rebecca Schwartz-Bishir stepped in, I was a completely different kind of graduate student, one far more prepared to take on everything I needed to do. Rebecca Schwartz-Bishir saw me through the rest of my project, which was not an easy task either, but she was more than prepared. She is one of the kindest and most genuine people I’ve met, and an extremely calming influence. Even her voice is lyrical! No matter my state of mind going into a session, I was revived and confident by the end. She was engaged and unfailingly supportive and encouraging, but knew when I needed some tough love, too. She always had suggestions about how to tackle different parts of the process, but encouraged me to try different methods to find what worked best for me. I learned how to set goals and timelines, when to push through and when to be flexible, and how to forgive myself and move on when things didn’t work out as planned. Without a doubt, I could not have finished my dissertation without help from my Rebeccas. But beyond the degree, coaching set me up with the kind of life skills that I already use in my professional life, and will stay with me through new challenges. Thank you all for everything!

NT, Ph.D., Clinical Psychology, Suffolk University

My experience with Dr. Rebecca Schwartz-Bishir was exceptional and I am truly grateful to both her and Dr. Alison Miller for their support in completing my dissertation. It was a very difficult decision to seek out coaching, but I recall my initial phone call with Allison as immediately helpful. As we talked about my experience, for the first time in years I began to feel confident that I could finish my document in a reasonable time frame. She helped me organize my thoughts about why the dissertation process had been so painful and overwhelming, and importantly, clarified for me that what I was experiencing was not so unusual among graduate students. She then paired me up with Rebecca and assured me that she was a stellar coach and would likely be a very good fit. Over the course of about 6 months, I went from only having drafts of a few major sections of my dissertation to successfully defending my document. It was still a stressful process, as I was working full time in a demanding post-doctoral position, raising two cats, and I wanted to hit a particular deadline. Rebecca helped me through it with expertise and kindness. She proved to be a very experienced coach with excellent advice and process, which she balanced with a genuine interest in meeting me where I was at and tailoring our approach to the work to fit my needs, situation, and own discoveries about what worked best for me. I can not speak highly enough about Rebecca and the impact she has had on me. I learned a great deal while working with her including lessons about work and my own psychology that I will bring with me well into the future. She’s a very good human, disarming, full of wisdom and humor, immediately likable, and able to walk that fine line between goal-oriented problem solving and supportive, curious listener. I am grateful I was able to work with her and that I had such support during a difficult period in my life. I would enthusiastically recommend both her and Alison to anyone struggling with the culture of academia or the process of completing a dissertation.

It’s been nearly a month since I finished using your dissertation coaching service and I’ve been meaning to send you an email to let you know just how helpful the process was. Kathryn Peterson was a great coach and with her assistance I successfully completed a draft of my dissertation in 6 months. Her assistance was invaluable and reaching out to you was one of the best decisions I have made during my PhD program. Kathryn was extremely supportive, her suggestions were detailed and uniquely tailored to my goals, and she took a real interest in my overall well being. In short, she was awesome. So thanks again. I will definitely be recommending your service in the future.

Alyssa, PhD

In the final year of my PhD, I hired The Dissertation Coach to help me cross the finish line. Kathryn Peterson helped me to set achievable goals, and to develop a system to track my progress. The simple act of a phone call with my coach was enough to motivate me to work, and talking through my plans with her really helped. My coach helped me overcome academic and personal setbacks. I successfully defended my dissertation in April and will be graduating in May.

I recommend the services I received for anyone struggling to write their dissertation. Thank you Kathryn!

Diana, Ph.D. Candidate

After having deeply struggled during the proposal phase of my dissertation, immediately after my prospectus defense I found myself falling into old habits and decided to seek help. I consider myself very fortunate to have worked with Rebecca Schwartz-Bishir. Her compassionate approach and varied techniques helped me progress quickly all while experiencing my first pregnancy. While I am not yet done with my dissertation, my committee and I are pleased with the substantial progress made thus far. In just under 8 months, I completed my IRB application, traveled for nearly two months conducting interviews and collecting data, wrote and presented my first conference paper and have written over 100 pages of dissertation writing. The structured work system and the supportive and positive accountability helped change my attitude towards my work. I would highly recommend the services provided by The Dissertation Coach and Rebecca in particular.

Anna Jensen, PhD

I would recommend Kathryn Petersen to anyone who needs to work efficiently. Through her coaching, I was able to come to a task-based approach to my work, which alleviated my anxieties about my writing style. Focusing on writing rather than stress about writing, got the dissertation done! Kathryn helps identify my blocks as well as what I did that worked! She is very responsive and made me feel like I had an ally in the process.

Douglas Lecorchick, Technology Education

Melinda is the ultimate dissertation “therapist.” She is very articulate and encouraging. It’s very easy to see that she enjoys coaching doctoral candidates while they are dissertating. I have learned so much that will apply to my writing ability and organization skills far after the dissertation is complete. Thanks again Melinda!

My experience working with this service was fruitful and gave me the accountability I needed during the process of earning my doctoral degree. My coach Elline Lipkin was encouraging and helped me organize long and short term goals that enabled me to complete my dissertation. I would recommend this service.

E.W, PhD, University Of Kansas

The previous semester before I started working with my dissertation coach I had been stuck in paralyzing writing anxiety and had only written 10 new pages that entire semester. I started working with Kathryn Peterson in December 2013. To say that I had a lot of pressure and anxiety was to put it mildly. I was able to use very little of my previously written work, so I was basically starting my dissertation from scratch. My university was going to kick me out of my program if I wasn’t graduated by May of 2015. Over the course of a year working with Kathryn I got engaged, got married, moved across the country, moved again, and bought a house. And I still was able to write a 250 page dissertation with Kathryn’s help and guidance! Kathryn was with me every step of the way. She was my “academic therapist” talking me though my writing anxiety and helping me break a huge project into bite sized pieces so that it was not so overwhelming. I was able to graduate on time with my Ph.D. degree! After my graduation I worked with Kathryn for a few more months and she helped me put together a headline speaker talk and gave advice and encouraged me on my job applications. I know that I will call Kathryn again if I ever get stuck in paralyzing writing anxiety and plan to work with her in the future on turning my dissertation into a publication. From the bottom of my heart, thank you Kathryn!

Professor, PhD

Rebecca Schwartz-Bishir, PhD. is a deeply compassionate, thoughtful, insightful coach with a tremendous range of academic and coaching knowledge and expertise. She offers academic expertise at the highest standard. At the interpersonal level, Dr. Schwartz-Bishir is truly a remarkable human being. Her empathy, listening approach, and academic feedback helped me at many levels in each and every coaching session. Sessions were richly detailed in an exchange of ideas and concepts that helped me to ‘think ahead’ on a daily basis and forge a weekly plan for my work. Every session helped to provide a new set of skills and strategies for surviving the dissertation! The personal approach that she provides offers the chance for dialogue that furthers insight into one’s learning styles, pacing, and schedule, along with grappling with feeling overwhelmed at times. Dr. Schwartz-Bishir understands the multiplicity of issues that can a rise when working on a dissertation, from illness, to family dynamics, to self-imposed existential dilemmas! She works patiently and thoroughly in providing extraordinarily ‘ on point’ feedback and help with staying on the dissertation path. At times when I thought I would never be able to complete my dissertation, she helped me to remind myself of my larger goals, and my strengths. The forest for the trees can be quite difficult to see when one is immersed in the tiny details of citations, paragraph contents, thematic focus, overall organization. It is easy to lose sight of the daily goals and markers that are the paths towards progress and completion. Dr. Schwartz-Bishir helped me every step of the way. I absolutely could not have completed my dissertation without her compassionate expertise as a coach. I have been transformed beyond any expectations, in an entirely positive fashion, by the coaching experience.

When the Ph.D. is completed, and one looks back, it is often hard to believe that the process actually took place from start to finish and that the document is out the door! Rebecca helped me to ground myself in everyday deadlines and in forging a weekly Action Plan. She encouraged me to celebrate milestones, to treat myself in a healthy fashion, and never once offered a superficial response to the issues at hand. She helped me to develop a detailed and workable set of tools to approach such a large and significant project. I am ever grateful to Dr. Schwartz-Bishir and to Dr. Alison Miller for helping me to ‘find’ Rebecca, and also offering me supportive confirmation and feedback along the way. This is an academically sophisticated, highly intellectual, deeply skilled team that is dedicated and committed to the success of each individual on the dissertation path. I extend my highest praise and kudos to Dr. Schwartz-Bishir, and to the entire team, for your extraordinary work. Thank you. I am now proud to add Ph.D. to my academic signature.

Patrick Whitaker, PhD, Instructional Technology, The University Of Alabama

My experience with The Dissertation Coach was beyond exceptional. I can say, unequivocally, that without the support of my coach (Alison Miller) and consultant (Carrie Petrucci), I would not have completed my PhD. I worked with Carrie for over two years and very sporadically at times. She was able to pick right up at any point that I needed her. She was very fair about hours charged and extremely knowledgeable about all types of statistical analyses. She even helped me work through some things while she was off taking care of personal business on the other side of the country. When I was about to throw in the towel, I talked with Alison first. She not only convinced me that I could complete my doctorate but provided critical strategies to help me overcome ADHD, procrastination, and writer’s block (among other things). Any time I felt like I could not continue, Alison was there with an adequate solution to my problem. The Dissertation Coach provided me with detailed feedback on my writing that we all hope our chair will provide. Unfortunately, that fails to happen all too often. This was a bargain compared to tuition and it was exactly what I needed – when I needed it. I checked out several coaches before committing to TDC. Though there are many good ones, the value provided by Alison and her team is hard to beat. If you are overwhelmed by frustration and confusion, The Dissertation Coach can help you deal with it and move forward to a successful conclusion of your degree. I recommend them without reservation. You will not be disappointed!

Nicholas R. Brown, PhD

When I first contacted The Dissertation Coach I was stuck in the middle of writing my dissertation and had hit a significant road block. Discouraged and distraught I turned to Kathryn Peterson and she instituted a work plan that yielded immediate results. Thanks to her excellent coaching and encouragement I regained momentum and was able to successfully complete my dissertation and even did so with distinction.

Kevin, PhD Candidate, Chicago, IL

When I started working with Rebecca Schwartz-Bishir last fall, I was stuck. Overwhelmed with trying to finish up my dissertation, go on the job market, and publish an article, all while trying to teach two classes, I was getting nowhere, and feeling terrible about myself because of it. Rebecca snapped me out it. Her structured, straightforward strategies for writing helped me to reverse habits that had been in the making for years. She got me working after our first meeting, and I haven’t stopped since. A scholar herself, she understands the pressures and complexities of academic work. More than her talent as a writing coach, however, Rebecca is an exceptional person. Warm, supportive, funny. She helped me to take pride in my daily work, rather than judge myself by all the things I hadn’t done. It’s spring now: the dissertation is written; I’ve had a number of job interviews; and my article is almost ready for submission. Working with Rebecca has made me a better writer and a happier person. I cannot recommend her highly enough.

Sandra, Doctoral Student

I have to say that Melinda Valente really saved my sanity! I had been stuck on my dissertation for over two years, not knowing where to begin. I had just one summer to submit the completed proposal in order to continue in my program. I was panicking! When I finally found the dissertation coach they paired me up with Melinda and literally within a couple of days I started making noticeable progress (Starting with opening up a word document!). With all her support and awesome tips and tricks to get something done every day, I was able to complete the proposal in just three months! From start to finish!

Her tips don’t just work the dissertation. I use them every day to get things done I just don’t want to do. It is exactly what I needed to know I could do it. I will definitely contact her again if I ever need help getting unstuck in the final part of my dissertation.

I had hit a wall with my dissertation and felt demoralized but after researching dissertation coaches, began working with Rebecca Schwartz-Bishir weekly. I immediately felt better having made the decision to get help, particularly because I was at quite a distance from my advisor and was quite isolated. Rebecca helped me see that completing small, daily tasks in the project actually got me more motivated and kept me rolling, even though I had little time during the week because of a full-time job. This seems so simple but along with Rebecca’s encouragement and persistent reminders to stay on task, it got me writing again. I am happy to report that I completed my dissertation last week and it has been accepted! Rebecca is a great coach and I highly recommend her.

D. Mitchell, Ph.D. Candidate, Interdisciplinary Humanities, New York

Have you ever heard or experienced the signature “RRRRrrrrRRRRrrrrRRRRrrrr” of a car that won’t start? That was how I felt writing and researching for my dissertation. I considered quitting my dissertation because I was just cranking away on my “starter” ideas and nothing ever sparked. Then I discovered The Dissertation Coach where I was perfectly matched with Rebecca Schwartz-Bishir. Her patience and motivational expertise helped me manage the anxiety that prevented me from “starting” and moving forward. It turns out I already knew what I needed to do, but I lacked the confidence to trust myself and as a result, would quit tasks halfway through or create tasks that were too huge to tackle. Rebecca helped me weave patience into my daily writing routine and I am now in the home stretch to completion. Thank you Rebecca and Alison, I’m well on my way!

RJ, PhD, Business

I just wanted to let you know that I successfully defended my dissertation and I am now a PhD. Thank you for getting me started on the right path and helping me through this process. Your direction in terms of the project management and psychology of completing a large work such as this were absolutely invaluable to me. Thank you for your coaching!

Lily O’Hara, PhD, Public Health, Health Promotion And Critical Weight Studies, University Of The Sunshine Coast, Australia

“Help, I’m stuck.” These were the first words I communicated to The Dissertation Coach, and from that point on, I was in good hands. I had been enrolled part time in a PhD program for 8 years at that point, and had to submit my dissertation within 4 months. I couldn’t see how I could possibly finish in that time, but knew that it just had to be done. Working with Kathryn Pattrson, I developed a work plan that in theory at least, would get me to the finish line on time. For a while, I didn’t actually believe that my work plan would actually work, but Kathryn did, and over time, so did I. I was astonished to realize one day that I was actually ahead of the work plan schedule. With Kathryn’s structured approach, I was able to get unstuck and get going, and submit my dissertation on the scheduled day. Her kind and gentle manner, together with her skills in project and people management, were exactly what I needed. I highly recommend working with a dissertation coach at any stage of the process.

Anonymous, PhD In Psychology

For about two years I struggled to write my dissertation on my own, barely making any progress. My supervisor wasn’t supportive, didn’t know my research area well, and was living in a different city from me. Also, my committee members had differing opinions about what to include in my dissertation and I didn’t know who to listen to. Things were a mess. But then my husband found the Dissertation Coach for me and I started working with Melinda Valente. Melinda helped me turn things around so that I could move forward and finish my dissertation. I still had a long journey to the finish line, but with Melinda’s help, I was moving forward instead of backwards or nowhere. She had lots of suggestions to help overcome my procrastination tendencies like making weekly plans with tasks broken down to manageable pieces, using the pomodoro technique, and preparing everything I needed the night before if I was going somewhere to work the next day. Melinda also helped me deal with my supervisor and committee issues that continued to plague me until the end. She listened to my emotional complaints, guided me to see feedback more objectively, and suggested ways in which I could communicate better with my supervisor. Throughout coaching, Melinda gave me the support and encouragement that I wasn’t getting from my school, as well as the strategies I needed to overcome all the hurdles along my dissertation path. I couldn’t have finished without her help so thank you!

Anonymous, PhD, Literature

After working on my dissertation for a year, I was hardly advancing. I started to feel very anxious and began contemplating quitting my PhD program. I had read “Finish Your Dissertation Once and For All,” but I hadn’t been able to put its principles into practice on my own. I felt completely demotivated, and without anyone I could trust to talk to about my work and my progress.

Working with Kathryn Peterson from the Dissertation Coach helped me overcome a lot of the anxieties I had about my work, and helped me make substantial steps forward immediately. Our frequent discussions about what exactly had to be done day by day helped me clarify what I needed to do for each chapter and what sequence it needed to be done in so that I could finish on time. Kathryn was incredibly understanding and supportive throughout the process, and even offered me guidance as I went on the job market. I don’t think I would have finished without her, and I certainly wish I had worked with her from the very beginning of my PhD!

Anonymous, M.Sc.

I was struggling to put my thesis together and I was in deep need of someone who would provide me guidance on getting it done. I was helped by one of the coaches who helped me put a plan together and kindly held me accountable to the plan until I finally completed the thesis. I completed my thesis and graduated, an indescribable achievement. I wish someone told me about this The Dissertation Coach and their staff from the beginning. I would had completed the thesis much earlier. Thanks a lot!

Michelle Fuentes, PhD

Today, I passed my defense with flying colors! And, I really believe that my coach, Rebecca Schuman, was essential to helping me develop skills necessary to finish successfully. The day before my defense, my advisor and I had a meeting where he told me “you should be in a place where you can produce 10-20 pages a day,” “if you had another year to work, this document would be in great shape,” and he switched a committee member! Yes, the day before the defense. Thanks to Rebecca, I was absolutely able to handle all of this with grace. Coaching helped me to manage my time and to interpret my advisor’s words! (They really do mean well!) Rebecca really did a wonderful job teaching me time management skills so that I can apply them to many different parts of life. The project management skills I learned through coaching will help me in future endeavors! The Dissertation Coach system really helped me to make my dissertation manageable!

KBB, Ed.D. Candidate, Organizational Leadership

Like many other graduate students, I struggled with anxiety and a feeling of being overwhelmed when it came to my dissertation. I knew I needed to write, but just didn’t feel like I had what it took to take the next step. Enter Elline Lipkin, PhD. Elline was a very supportive coach who took the time to get to know me, and familiarize herself with my study – although it was vastly different from her expertise. Elline was an encourager, yet stayed on me about accomplishing the goals I set for myself. I appreciate her, and am thankful for the contribution she made to my doctoral journey.

Laura G., Instructional Design, Capella University

After I finished my coursework, the idea of writing my dissertation had left me terrified and paralyzed. I did not know that anything like The Dissertation Coach existed, however, so I set out to do it on my own. After a month had passed and I had made absolutely no progress, I found the website and got in touch with Alison. She immediately paired me up with Rebecca Schuman, Ph.D., and that’s when things started to change. Rebecca has taught me how to combat my perfectionistic tendencies and to plan for the short-term. Using the weekly plans that we put together, I have been able to get more done than I ever imagined, and if all goes according to plan, I may be graduating earlier than I had originally thought. Working with Rebecca has been nothing short of a miracle. Every week I am able to make more progress, and even when I have setbacks, she is there to offer help and support. I would recommend The Dissertation Coach to anyone who is working on a dissertation. I am now confident that my work is good, I can deal with the criticism of my committee, and I know that I have someone who believes in me and really wants to see me succeed.

Anonymous, Ph. D. Literature

When I contacted the Dissertation Coach, I was in a panic. I wanted to finish my dissertation desperately, but I was working full-time, and I had a committee that just wasn’t helping. I thought I’d never get the project done. However, once I started working with Kathryn Peterson, I was able to develop a writing schedule that worked for me and kept me making steady progress, despite a 6/6 course load at a community college. With Kathryn’s guidance I gained confidence, momentum, and pride in my work. I finished my dissertation, graduated, and shortly thereafter was offered a tenure track job. It took a lot of hard work on my end, but the support provided by Kathryn made all the difference. I would highly recommend this service to any candidate who needs help establishing a writing routine and finding support and motivation.

F. H. Ethnomusicology

Finishing a dissertation is all about remaining un-stuck! Having someone to help me work through the knots of my dissertation and hold me accountable was invaluable in my determined quest to submit the final draft of my dissertation. My dissertation coach helped me diffuse the angst and rediscover my interest in the work I was banging my head against the wall to finish!

I recommend Rebecca Schwartz-Bishir, PhD and The Dissertation Coach without reservation!

Anonymous, Ph.D., New York University

I had felt for a long time that my progress on my dissertation was at a near-standstill. I came to The Dissertation Coach in order to give my research and writing process more structure, in the hopes of making more forward motion. Working with Stephanie Latkovski, PhD I was able to develop a system of weekly and long-term goals, which I learned to meet as well. This structure and sense of regular achievement reenergized my commitment to my project and restored my confidence in my ability to finish it.

To any student out there who is not progressing as you would like, whether you are in a short-term slump or on the verge of giving up altogether, I urge you to give dissertation coaching a try. With the proper support, you can graduate.

Lindsay, PhD Candidate, Chicago, IL

Since I started working with The Dissertation Coach — and with Rebecca Schwartz-Bishir more specifically — I’ve been more productive than I have in a decade. After years in a confidence-shaking PhD environment, I had nearly forgotten what it was like to feel capable, energized, and smart. Coaching allows you to feel this way on a daily basis. Really. Coaching isn’t a miracle, but it definitely helps you to feel less terrified, less behind, less overwhelmed and, to put it bluntly, less like a “failure.” When I entered my PhD program, the lack of confidence I experienced caused me to neglect my writing and spend most of my time finding creative (if somewhat subconscious) ways to avoid my work.

As the two year “writing period” for drafting my dissertation began to approach, I noticed the familiar feeling of avoidance/dread/loserdom settling in, and knew I couldn’t spend two entire years continuing to feel anxious and awful. That’s when I found The Dissertation Coach and set up a conversation to learn more about the program. I felt better immediately, not because I was promised a miraculous turn of events, but because I was now doing something about my situation rather than simply complaining about or avoiding it. I began working with Rebecca Schwartz-Bishir in August of 2013, and I’ve found her to be one of the most organized and disciplined people I’ve ever interacted with. Rebecca has helped me to break my overwhelming dissertation project into smaller pieces, pushing me to do at least a little bit of work per day (or occasionally, a lot!) in order to make the progress I need to make. Rebecca’s rigor is matched only by her kindness, warmth and genuinely supportive nature: even if I’ve had a bad week and have made little progress, Rebecca is encouraging and forward-looking: she listens carefully, lets you know you haven’t failed — and that you won’t fail — and immediately helps you see what manageable steps you can take to get back on track. Endless thanks to The Dissertation Coach and Rebecca for helping to change my graduate school experience!

Anonymous, PhD, Education

I sought help from The Dissertation Coach after months of spinning my wheels in a vicious cycle of perfectionism and unproductivity. Kathryn Peterson immediately guided me in establishing reasonable daily routines that fit my life and work style and in creating actionable work plans so I could make progress one work period, one day at a time. With her unconditional support and positivity, I learned to celebrate effort as much as outcome, to value continued growth over short-term achievement. A warm and kind listener, she normalized the anxiety I often felt about my dissertation and taught me to face my fears not with judgment, but with self-compassion and courage. The skills and perspectives I learned from Kathryn not only helped me to complete a dissertation that I am proud of, but will undoubtedly serve me well in future endeavors. I am eternally grateful.

BLB, DMH, Medical Humanities, New Jersey

My experience with Dr. Stephanie Latkovski was absolutely incredible! When I first began working with her, I had already begun writing my dissertation. However, I stopped abruptly after my beloved husband passed. This was the worst time of my life. I knew he would want me to complete my work and graduate, but understandably, I was depressed, unmotivated and “stuck.” I knew that I had to find the strength to finish. Enter Dr. Latkovski! She was sensitive to my needs. I loved how she helped me to find “my own” words. She has a way of helping you bring out your own thoughts and feelings. I would also like to add that many of us are not huge fans of criticism of our work. Dr. Latkovski explains how you could do better without sounding negative. It was very clear to me that she cares how successful her clients are. Although I believe I would have “one day” graduated, I know it would not have happened as quickly without Dr. Latkovski’s assistance. I would recommend her to anyone!

CM, PhD Candidate Social Work, Toronto Canada

I just wanted to write to let you know again how helpful my dissertation coaching with Stephanie Latkovski, PhD has been. We have just recently ended our work as I feel that I am well on my way to understanding the steps ahead for me to be successful. She was patient, kind and understanding, particularly of my own anxieties. What was extremely helpful was that through her coaching, I discovered things about my working style that needed adjusting. They weren’t necessarily large adjustments but having Stephanie guide me to help me notice them, as well as how to work through them, has changed my approach and attitude towards my dissertation. Stephanie was accommodating to my schedule and I always looked forward to talking with her. She was flexible and incredibly kind. The payment system was easy and I felt like I could really focus on what was important: moving forward. I was pleasantly surprised that even though Stephanie and I were from different fields, I still found everything she said to be incredibly helpful and relevant for my own work. In my final call with Stephanie, I confessed how sad I feel not to be continuing for now, but that I am sure that I will be consulting with her through The Dissertation Coach again in the future.

Jeff Wetzler, PhD, Education

Thank you for all your help. Your coaching provided me the encouragement, structure, and concrete help to manage through this ambitious project on top of a busy full-time job and personal life. I would recommend your coaching to anyone in a similar situation!

Anonymous, PhD, Religious Studies

Working with Kathryn Peterson was a true game-changer for me. Her coaching pushed me through a crossroads and provided the accountability I needed to graduate. She helped me to move forward methodically and to create a schedule that addressed competing demands. And, with her encouragement, I learned to trust my ideas and the writing process. By the time I hit revisions, I was confident enough and had the good habits to finish independently. I continue to use her techniques to both organize my work and coach others in my organization.

Jesse, PhD, Los Angeles

I worked with Alison for several months during the crucial period between data analysis and the writing of my dissertation. She helped me navigate this transition effectively because she understands that dissertation writing isn’t just intellectually demanding; it is also emotionally challenging. Alison listened deeply, offered acute psychological insights, and helped me develop a personally-suitable working method that made a once unwieldy project feel manageable.

Anonymous, PhD, Literature And Religion

I had the good fortune to work closely with Dr. Stephanie Latkovski during the dissertation stage of my doctoral program at Boston University. It was an extraordinary and deeply gratifying experience that, without a doubt, made possible a strong final paper and successful defense. Stephanie’s academic background, intellectual bandwidth and seasoned grasp of the dissertation process were evident at every turn. From the outset, I knew I was in the hands of a coach and guide I could trust, and someone with integrity and a genuine commitment to my success. Her technical feedback on my writing and the structural aspects of my argument were on target and yet always respectful of my voice and vantage point on the material. When we booked a session, I knew that Stephanie would be online on-time and fully prepared to discuss whatever obstacles or challenges I was facing. She held me accountable and kept me solidly on track with good advice and good cheer, always urging me to my best work. Stephanie “gets” the art and science of dissertation writing and is surely one of the top coaches in the business.

DJW, Ph.D., Classical Studies, University Of Florida

I entered a Ph.D. program over 15 years after failing to complete another one in the same field, in which I had reached the dissertation stage but hit a wall I couldn’t get through. I needed to make another attempt because I was teaching full time at the college level, and my department made it clear that if I wanted to keep my job I needed to finish the Ph.D. In addition to the usual difficulties and frustrations of finishing a dissertation while working full time, I was also carrying the burden of my previous failure and was beginning to repeat my previous pattern of counterproductive habits and spinning my wheels. I was reaching the point where I really needed to get cracking if I was going to finish the degree, or be close enough to completion, by the time of my job review. This was compounded by the fact that I was working at a great distance from my adviser and committee, so I had little active supervision. My wife, seeing how frustrated and defeated I felt, found The Dissertation Coach online and suggested that I contact Alison Miller. Alison matched me with Kathryn Peterson, with whom I worked for two months. This was exactly what I needed to kick-start my work and set me on a path to completion. Kathryn helped me organize my daily work schedule and find ways to break a large, overwhelming task into smaller, more manageable chunks. In particular, she taught me the importance of scheduling regular breaks into my daily workplan, so as not to get exhausted and frustrated. She also taught me how to use smaller chunks of time in productive ways, and to approach thesis-writing as a job rather than as a measure of self-worth. Kathryn and I kept in touch daily through Google Docs, where we monitored and tweaked my daily workplan, and through weekly phone calls. My work with Kathryn helped me set a pattern of working productively which enabled me to finish a draft in time, get the promotion at work, and complete the degree. I highly recommend The Dissertation Coach to anyone working on any kind of long-term writing project. One of the hardest parts about writing a dissertation is that one feels very alone and not understood. You are not alone, and there are people who understand and can help. Please don’t hesitate to contact The Dissertation Coach and ask for the help you need.

L.S., University Of Colorado

I was a little skeptical the first time I visited the dissertation coach website: sure, they helped all these people, but I don’t think they can help me. I had tried everything else and was running out of time, so I decided to give it a shot. I had just started a teaching job in a new city and was still trying to finish up my PhD remotely. I had a hard deadline, so in ten weeks I had to finish my research (which consisted of simulations that were not working at the time), and, of course, write my entire dissertation. It sounded completely impossible.

Alison Miller, PhD put me in contact with Kathryn Peterson, PhD and immediately things started to move forward. I had a lot of trouble sticking with the plan, but just the fact that I was talking to Kathryn and telling her what were the next steps made me have a really clear idea of what I had to do. When I was getting anxious about not having enough time to finish everything, she would always make me realize that I could do what I needed to do if I just worked on it for a few hours. She was very encouraging and made me feel I could do it, even when it really sounded impossible.

I ended up writing over 100 pages of my dissertation in the last 10 days and, surprisingly, except for the last three days, I was still living a normal life: fulfilling my teaching obligations, watching TV, having dinner with my friends, sleeping enough. This is what surprised me the most, because I always thought that the only way I was ever going to finish was to stop doing anything else! Kathryn taught me that it is better to take time off and work when I’m more productive than trying to work when I’m too tired. She also made me realize that I could get a lot of things done in 15-20 minutes. I still can’t believe all the stuff that got done with Kathryn’s help! And now my PhD is DONE!

PhD Candidate, Australia

My PhD journey was the delight of my life until about nine months ago. I was about halfway through writing my first draft when suddenly I found that each time I sat down to work on it I had a mild panic attack and would get up and walk away. After about three weeks of this pattern, I decided I needed some help. I wasn’t winning on my own. My university supervisor was excellent in the content of my study but I needed a different kind of help – someone to help me with the everyday psychological battle. I was fortunate enough to secure Alison Miller’s help for 6 months. It was exactly what I needed to break-through that tough spot and get me back on track. With Alison’s guidance, I was able to identify how the stress of my home situation was infiltrating my study. I learned how to separate the issues, and allow myself grace when I needed time to cope with things at home and not feel like my PhD was losing. Alison taught me to replace the guilt and panic about the PhD, with peace, acceptance and success. It was about making my whole life work, so that my PhD could work. Then on top of that, I learned how to deal with those specific feelings of panic, and how to keep moving forward instead feeling like I was trapped and helpless. The best thing was being held accountable. It meant every single day I had to look consciously at how I coped or didn’t cope and what to do next time. I couldn’t hide in denial any longer. Thank you, Alison. Your wisdom and insight was exactly what I needed. You made a difference in my life.

Anonymous, Ph.D., Psychology

After struggling with my dissertation for many months with little help from my dissertation committee, I felt frustrated and lost. I had no idea how to tackle such a huge task with so little support or direction. I remembered that a friend had previously mentioned how helpful a dissertation coach had been to her, so I searched online and found The Dissertation Coach. Melinda Valente helped me formulate a plan of action, find ways to stick to it, and identify obstacles. She provided the emotional support and encouragement that was so lacking in my program. Melinda and I communicated daily through a Google Doc/Task List, and the accountability and structure that she offered were key to helping me stay on-track. In just under a year of starting my work with Melinda, I successfully defended my dissertation. What a great feeling! Thank you so much, Melinda!

Sam Herbster, MBA, MA

I had all my course work complete when I ran into a huge brick wall, which was writing my thesis to complete my program. I new what I wanted to do and what I wanted to write about but I didn’t know where to start. The task was daunting and humongous and even when I tried to start writing I couldn’t get very far. I didn’t have much tome left and I knew I needed to do something. When I did quick Internet search I came across the dissertation coach website and gave them a call. They got back to me right away and I was able to get into contact with a coach named Rebecca within the next few days. I can honestly say that if it were not for Rebecca’s help I would have not finished my thesis in a timely manor. I suspect that it would have taken me at least another semester or year if not longer to complete my thesis on my own. It was very helpful to have daily feedback from someone that was on your side and for someone that wanted you to complete the task as hand just as much as you did. Rebecca gave me multiple writing tips and techniques to help get me started and to help keep me going once I was on a role. She helped me to get rid of my fears of the enormous project and take it one step as a time. She helped me put a weekly plan in place and I looked forward to seeing her comments and speaking with her every day and week. She understood the difficulties I was having and helped me to get through them. She also did a great job at lifting my spirits and helping me to look at things from a different perspective that didn’t cause unnecessary stress and anxiety. Without my thesis coach Rebecca I am sure I would still be writing my thesis today and I will be forever grateful for her help and dedication because without I would not have my two masters degrees today.

Doctoral Student At The University Of California

After a decade hiatus from my dissertation writing, I heard about The Dissertation Coach at a friend’s birthday party. His wife was completing her doctoral degree and using the support of a coach. I called Alison Miller and she put me in touch with Curt Preissner, Ph.D. We have been working together for the past year and as a result I have written several major chapters. There is simply no way that my writing would have started up again and continued without his support and specialized experience. He has taught me how to make a realistic plan for each chapter, maintain contact with it on a daily basis, and see it through to completion. Curt is an excellent instructor; his advice and incisive observations have helped ensure that this project keeps moving forward: this really has changed my whole approach. Now I am engaging the long-stalled project as a creative challenge. Indeed, Curt’s insights and commitment to teaching have provided me with tools for striking a healthy balance between inspiration and perspiration in my work in general.

HJJ, Ph.D., Evanston, IL

I found myself in a unique situation – with a job, without an advisor, and without a completed dissertation. My first advisor left academia after my proposal defense so one of my committee members stepped in as an “adopted chair.” Unfortunately, this particular member was stretched too thin to give me the kind of support I needed and he was going on sabbatical…overseas. On top of that, I had two young boys at home and accepted a job in another state. I moved my family and started my job assuming that I was months away from finishing. But, I found myself in a holding pattern with my dissertation work at this very hectic time: I did not know how I should approach my analysis; I was confused about the story I wanted to tell; I had limited time to work with my new job. After almost six months of spinning my wheels and only one conversation with my chair while he was overseas, I remembered a talk Alison Miller gave at my university and I pulled out her book. I started to believe I was making excuses for myself – allowing myself to fill my time planning for courses, or giving enormous amounts of feedback to my students, or saying I could not work on a piece of the dissertation until I talked to my chair. The dissertation was not getting done and I needed help – I had to finish to keep my job. I put in the call… and Alison connected me to Kathryn Peterson. Kathryn was what I needed. She agreed that I was in a challenging situation – but not an impossible one. She worked with my schedule to squeeze in times to get work done – and checked on my progress during these work sessions. She pushed me to be more assertive with my chair so we could connect more often and move forward. She helped me break down my overwhelming tasks into reasonable goals that could be accomplished within the timeframe I had allotted. More than anything, Kathryn was a weekly conversation that I could count on. It helped me see that I was making progress – even during the times when it was difficult to reach my chair. This reinstated the motivation and confidence I needed to continue working. I am so happy to say that she brought me all the way to the end. I can now say the dissertation is behind me and I can put my time and energy back into my family and my job!

Doctoral Student, University Of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA

I was in the sixth year of my PhD program and hadn’t written a single word in months when I received an email announcement that someone called “The Dissertation Coach” would be speaking on campus. A bit grudgingly, I pulled myself out of bed — where I had been spending most of my time suffering from chronic depression — and went to the talk, where I heard Alison Miller describe the experiences of graduate students who, like me, were overwhelmed by the process of writing a dissertation. A few days later, Alison set me up with Rebecca Schwartz-Bishir, who has been my coach for the past three months. At a time when I was ready to quit altogether, Rebecca reminded me why I had come to graduate school in the first place: to learn, and to share my ideas with others. In just a few short weeks, I went from writing nothing at all to writing every day. By breaking down what seemed to be an impossibly huge project into manageable 30-minute tasks, Rebecca showed me how to use my time and energy in a healthy and productive way. I now feel confident that I will complete my dissertation this year, and I truly believe that I would not be where I am today without Rebecca’s guidance and support.

RDK, PhD, Biology, Pittsburgh

I was simultaneously tasked with writing my dissertation from scratch, continuing laboratory research, and teaching. I needed to complete my dissertation in six months, leading me to feel depressed and overwhelmed. When I searched for dissertation help, many places focused on the writing only and not the underlying challenges inherent in finishing a laboratory-based dissertation. I specifically requested Dr. Curt Preissner because of his laboratory background. He gave me the tools I needed to focus my energy and complete my dissertation on time. One month before the due date, my advisor told me to add a whole new chapter on a new research topic. Armed with skills suggested by Curt, I tackled the new chapter. I was able to submit, defend my dissertation, and respond to the suggested corrections within a week and a half of the original submission. I now have tools that I can use whenever necessary to reduce stress and increase my focus.

E.B. PhD, Literature

When I contacted the Dissertation Coach in September 2011, I was in despair. My department was putting pressure on me to finish within the academic year. I had a draft of one chapter, and half a draft of a second one (out of three), and I was going to teach full-time for the first two quarters. And I had to find a job. To crown it all, I was battling with chronic depression and I had developed crippling procrastination habits. I simply could not figure out how I was going to finish the dissertation within the little time that was allotted to me. Alison Miller promptly called me back and put me in contact with Kathryn, who coached me for 6 ½ months. Kathryn really helped me build a realistic writing schedule and taught me that I could work on my dissertation even if I only had 30 minutes to spare. She was an incredible source of support and empowerment, and was there for me every single day, commenting on my progress and cheering me up. Less than a year later, I can proudly say I successfully defended and got a new job. Kathryn has a special place on the acknowledgements page of my dissertation. Being able to work with her was a blessing that made my Ph.D. come true.

Anonymous, PhD In Social Work

When I first sought out Dr. Alison Miller for Dissertation Coaching I was becoming increasingly terrified that I would never finish my dissertation. I had suffered anxiety related health problems and was getting pressure from my program to finish. My committee was supportive, but getting annoyed with my lack of progress. I was stuck, bogged down in “To Do” lists and becoming increasingly disengaged from a project that I had once been passionate about. I felt like somewhat of a failure because I was seeking help and was worried that I was a person who was potentially “uncoachable.” From the beginning, Alison was calm, positive, genuine and accessible. She both validated my concerns and helped me see how I could become more systematic (and sympathetic) in my approach to my work. The techniques she introduced me to greatly increased my productivity and reduced my anxiety; within a few months I was submitting strong drafts to my committee members. I defended my dissertation less than a year after I started coaching with Alison and she supported me through the process even though we were no longer meeting regularly. I will use the insights I gained from our experience throughout my career. Thank you!

Doctoral Student, Los Angeles, CA

I attended your dissertation workshop about a week before beginning writing my qualifying exam, and some of the things Alison Miller, PhD said were very helpful to me in getting through the process. The two pieces of advice that were particularly helpful to me were:

1. The “warming the pool metaphor” – I was thinking about how to make my work environment and work-time most productive and efficient by planning ahead.

2. Remembering that the process is about learning, not about proving myself. I tried to see the qualifying exam as a time for me to work through my thoughts and knowledge, and as an opportunity to receive feedback from my committee, rather than as a “test”.

When I was working and found myself trying to “escape” from difficult sections, I remembered that I’m facing a challenge, and tried to engage with it rather than escape it. These ideas helped me get through the 10 days of the qualifying exam, and already are helpful in preparing toward my defense – thinking of it as an opportunity to receive feedback and advice, rather than as “being grilled”. Thank you for that, and I hope you keep helping many more students.

Richard LaRocca, PhD, Finance & International Economics, NYC

After hearing a fellow doctoral cohort talk about how she was able to finish her dissertation after reading Dr. Alison Miller’s book, I decided to contact Dr. Miller directly to discuss my dissertation and my lack of progress and motivation. After my initial discussion with Dr. Miller, I discovered that she not only possessed the ability to guide me through my dissertation, but she could also provide me with the necessary tools to develop a positive strategy towards my goal while also helping me deal with life outside of the dissertation process. This was just what I had needed since I was a single parent about to be married again. Alison helped keep me focused on my dissertation goals while balancing the wedding plans, family and life. She was more than just my dissertation coach. She was an influential life coach who inspired me to succeed not only in academia but in life as well. I honestly believe that if I had not worked with Alison, I would not have completed my dissertation in a timely manner and would not have been able to secure a tenure tracked teaching position. Alison has my highest recommendation, and I am forever grateful to her and her work.

Recent Graduate, University Of British Columbia, Vancouver

I contacted the Dissertation Coach at the final stages of writing my first draft. Dr. Alison Miller connected me with Kathryn Peterson, PhD after I explained that I had become obsessed with finishing and felt the dissertation was completely taking over my life. Because I was not lacking in discipline when it came to working on the dissertation, I was somewhat dubious that a coach could help me, but since I was feeling quite miserable and thought I’d try it out anyway. Kathryn did a great job of helping me structure my work even further, put limits on my work, help me determine what was realistic within a given time frame, and establish some balance. She was always cheerful, super reliable and positive. Her encouraging words on my work plan and in emails gave me good energy! I was very appreciative of her flexibility. I’m now done and rejoicing! Thank-you!

Michelle Schladant, Ph.D., Special Education

When I first contacted Dr. Alison Miller, in October of 2010, I was completely overwhelmed and doubted whether I could finish my dissertation while working full-time and managing a busy family life. I found Dr. Miller’s website, after doing an Internet search for “dissertation coach.” I was looking for someone to help get me on the right track and hold me accountable. I was also seeking guidance and support to address the tremendous amount of self-doubt and anxiety I was experiencing about writing. After our first telephone conversation, she related her experience with getting through her doctoral program and I was intrigued by the fact that she too at one time was a student trying to complete her doctoral program. I knew she understood what I was going through. She put into words what I had been experiencing. That is, I was paradoxically in a constant state of either procrastination or perfectionism and this was impeding my ability to write. As soon as we started working together she helped me to develop a reasonable timeline and she also helped me break down the writing process into manageable steps. She taught me tools to be a more effective writer. We set up a system where she could check my progress daily and she communicated with me by phone and email almost daily giving me positive encouragement and constructive feedback. She helped me to work through those internal blocks (fear, procrastination, perfectionism) that were inhibiting my progress and preventing me from finishing and she taught me tangible tools to remove those blocks. I worked with Dr. Miller for 6 months and she empowered me to stay focused and productive. The tools I learned from her not only helped me with finishing my dissertation, but I continue to use these tools in my professional and personal life. I am extremely grateful for her help and I highly recommend the Dissertation Coach for anyone who is struggling to finish.

K.B., Ph.D., History, Chicago, IL

Without the assistance of Alison Miller, I would not have been able to finish my dissertation. Before I began dissertation coaching, anxiety, depression and uncertainty were creating barriers so severe that I was on the verge of abandoning my PhD program. Working with Alison, I was able to remember not only what I liked about my dissertation topic, but also what I loved about my discipline in the first place. The lessons that I have learned are vitally important to my future career, and I recommend Alison in the highest terms to anyone who is struggling with graduate work–from the earliest stages of research to the completion of the dissertation.

Steve Tolley, PhD

Like so many other ABD students, I allowed the frustrations and uncertainties of the dissertation process to permit too much time to elapse and created giant crevices of self-doubt in the path to completion that truly seemed to be unbridgeable. With a looming, non-negotiable deadline, I was fortunate enough to discover Dissertation Coach and, through Dr. Miller, work with Dr. Stephanie Latkovski. Beginning with our first meeting on Skype and continuing through submission of the completed dissertation, Dr. Latkovski was either with me or available to me every step of the way. While her title may be coach, she became an indispensible advisor, supporter, counselor, mentor, teacher, and a bright beacon of light in what began as a very dark tunnel of uncertainty. At the onset of working with Dr. Latkovski, a plan leading to dissertation completion was quickly constructed and composed of manageable components. With the successful conclusion of each bite size component she offered further guidance and encouragement, and I felt more confidence and the ability to see with greater clarity the end of the dissertation process. Dr. Latkovski’s contribution to me achieving my lifelong academic goal of a PhD cannot be adequately expressed in this testimonial and I am forever grateful to her.

Fred Kiser, D.M.A, Iowa

I had let my thesis work slide over a period of years and was coming up on a couple of very important deadlines, both for the thesis process and for a job application. My wife strongly encouraged me to get help in moving past my mental roadblocks and she located Alison and her services at the Dissertation Coach. Alison did an outstanding job at giving me a structure and approach to writing my thesis and she had the right balance of encouragement/accountability to get me past my mental blocks. I know this is going to sound odd, but I actually had a heart attack about a month after I started working with Alison. Through my recovery, she was a source of strength and inspiration and helped me manage getting my life and work back together. With the tools she gave me, I was able to finish my thesis and defend. If your life has gotten in the way of your research or you find it impossible to move the “boulder” of a dissertation, I highly recommend the Dissertation Coach.

Melissa Smith, PhD

The dissertation writing journey has been a long road for me. I had reached a point where I was completely overwhelmed. Even worse, I didn’t believe in myself as a writer. When I received dissertation coaching and consulting as a birthday present, I was relieved to feel that someone would be there for me. I didn’t know what to expect, but I was tired of feeling I was on my own to figure it all out. Working with Dr. Stephanie Latkovski was an amazing gift. She reminded me to celebrate small accomplishments, helped me keep things in perspective by maintaining a sense of humor, and offered empathy and encouragement when I needed it. She held me accountable, yet she was compassionate when I didn’t meet my own expectations and deadlines. Stephanie worked with me to break the task into manageable chunks and create an action plan. At the end of each phone meeting, I had insightful feedback about the strengths and weaknesses of my argument, as well as very tangible steps toward improving the overall logic and coherence of my writing. I am especially grateful that Stephanie somehow always found the time to talk or be in touch with me when I had to make a critical push to meet a deadline. She made me feel like a priority. When giving suggestions about what needed improvement, she also reminded me of what I had done well. It was nice to feel like someone was really on my side. She believed that I could and would get my dissertation done and that it would be good. Most importantly, working with Stephanie has restored my confidence as a writer. Thank you so much for the support and collaboration.

Gina Mieszczak. Doctoral Student, Chicago, IL

I was in the depths of ABD for several years. After dealing with frustration and procrastination, I decided I needed professional help to guide me through the dissertation process. It was such a relief to find a dissertation coach. My coach worked with me through scheduling, recognition of time restraints, and process development of the work involved. I went through several years of thinking “I can finish my dissertation this weekend.” My coach’s approach of gently developing and guiding my current way of working was incredible. His coaching results in so much more than completion of milestones in my dissertation. It gave me a reality check in what I needed personally to work more efficiently and effectively. I cannot recommend a better service than what my coach provided. His efforts are directly related to the work I have accomplished. I am so grateful that I found his services and cannot thank him enough. He was instrumental to my dissertation proposal submission. The methodology that my coach provides ensures success.

Catherine Mariani Partamian, Ph.D., Clinical Psychology

I began working with Alison Miller in Feb. 2008. I was at the stage in my dissertation where I had defended my proposal, collected my data, done some preliminary statistical analysis and written up the beginning of my methods section. In short, enough work that I thought I did not have that much to do and should certainly be able to keep going on my own, but enough still that I felt completely overwhelmed and uncertain of how to begin to take the next step forward. I began to toy with the idea of a coach after a friend in another city had used one with successful results (a degree) and when I began to take an honest, hard look at how long I had been at the point of “only have to run the rest of my stats, write up the results and the discussion” going on a couple of years! Recognizing I was stuck and acknowledging to myself that I did really want to finish was the first step. The hardest part, for me, was overcoming the shame I placed on myself for needing extra help when my friends and colleagues did not need this help to finish their degree. One of the many wonderful aspects of working with Alison is that she helped me address this block to completing my dissertation project as much as she helped with the block caused by my lack of stat knowledge needed to move forward. As a result of working with Alison I defended my dissertation and received my degree in August 2008 (and in all fairness it probably would have been May except for outside committee circumstances), but not only do I have the degree, I have more knowledge and awareness of personal, self-inflicted “road blocks,” organization, scheduling and creating a daily structure that make me more successful in all areas of my life. She gave me many “tools” throughout the process of completing my dissertation which definitely have made me a better person and mother today than I was before working with her! She is incredibly supportive, timely, persistent, practical, non judgmental and knowledgeable about what it takes to complete a dissertation, and, for me, more importantly, what can get in the way of completing any large project and how to effectively deal with those impediments, large and small. I have no shame now in sharing with anyone that I used a dissertation coach, and in fact, am quite pleased to publicly share how rewarding the experience was (obviously).

Marta Rusten, Psychologist, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

My coach at The Dissertation Coach helped demystify the dissertation experience for me. My coach has helped shift my perspective from viewing it as an overwhelming and anxiety-provoking process, to seeing it as a series of manageable tasks with a visible end (and reward) in sight! Working with my coach has also helped me develop valuable time/task management skills that will be of great help to me in my future professional and personal life.

Janine M. Jurkowski, MPH, PhD, Post Doctoral Research Associate, University Of Illinois At Chicago

The skills and weekly support I received from my coach helped me complete my dissertation close to schedule while still maintaining balance in my life. The time and task management skills I learned from her are valuable and transferable to my postdoctoral work. She has a great sense of humor and she provides excellent perspective, both of which made some of the toughest moments of the process more manageable.

P. S., PhD, Linguist, Chicago, IL

My experience with Alison was exactly what I needed to reach my goals. I met Alison in late May 2005, and went from feeling hopeless to handing in a final dissertation draft by December, and I had my degree in hand by March, 2006. I basically worked with Alison for 8 months. I had been ABD for a year, hadn’t made much headway on my dissertation, and was in a true funk. I had projects piling up, teaching demands and a few part-time work schedules to juggle in addition to my Ph.D. program and upcoming nuptials. I felt that everything was too daunting to finish, and I did not know where to begin. I was also losing faith in my ability as an academic researcher, and was in a pretty dark place-largely due to the pileup of work I had accumulated. Alison basically gave me two things: organizational structure and moral support. She helped me organize and prioritize my projects into smaller, more manageable due dates, made me feel as though it was possible to reach my goals, and validated my feelings. Her style is straight to the point, firm but kind- exactly what I needed. She is not the type of “life coach” one usually hears about- she has her PhD and works with intelligent professionals who are looking to keep sane as they reach their goals. She helped me come up with a schedule for my projects, and then checked up with me throughout the week, via email and by phone, to keep me accountable as well as to give me someone to talk to throughout the process. It was nice to have someone who understood what I was feeling/going through help me through the process. Thanks to Alison’s help, I finished my dissertation (running all subjects, all data analysis, write-up, and defense) and graduated in March 2006. I was also able to successfully find employment and successfully plan a large wedding. I am now a married, employed woman with a PhD, who has much more confidence and faith in her abilities than I did before I worked with Alison.

Tina Curran, PhD In Dance, NYC

Alison brings her experience as a writer, her ongoing research in psychology and personal growth, and her open heart to her clients. As my dissertation coach, Alison has helped me to develop practical skills including project management and writing strategies to keep my work flowing. More importantly, she generously shares her expertise and support to help me navigate the emotional and psychological landscape of the dissertation writing experience. As a dance educator, I appreciate the ways that Alison has “danced” with me to continuously find ways to support me and to guide my work.

Amanda Flagg, PhD In Nursing, San Antonio TX

I have had the privilege of Dr Miller’s dissertation coaching and I can truly state that without her expertise, I would never be so close to finishing as I am presently. I hope to defend my dissertation late this year. The key struggles that would have perhaps delayed me indefinitely in this endeavor have been the following: 1) procrastination, pure and simple and 2) fear. Dr Miller was able to and continues to help me overcome these two major obstacles by first addressing those two items head on using a kind and compassionate but firm approach. Secondly, she acknowledges that I am not alone in these concerns, by allowing me to vent in a safe environment, and then assists me by engaging in the use of excellent strategies that have enabled me to succeed and to move on to being close to finishing. Her excellent use of coaching skills, encouragement, organization skills, strategies for not only writing but communicating with dissertation committees and leadership, along with countless other forms of interactions have been invaluable to me. She has my highest recommendation as one of this nation’s top dissertation coaches!

K.B., PhD Candidate, Northwestern University

I was mired in the “writing” phase of my dissertation for three years before I began working with Alison meaning that’s how long I had been unproductive, anxious, and increasingly depressed. I was on the verge of quitting my PhD program because I believed that I was incapable of completing the degree. But before giving up on my academic career, I decided to try out this mysterious service called dissertation coaching something no one I knew had ever done. Four months later, I had analyzed thousands of pages of documents, outlined the entire dissertation and written nearly 100 pages. More importantly, I have developed the skills I need to progress on my own and if at some point I do find myself struggling again, I know that support will be just a phone call away. Alison’s approach to the coaching process has done more than put me well on the road to finishing my dissertation. The skills I have learned have spilled over and improved how I live the rest of my life.

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Verified dissertation coaches.

Dissertation Coaches provides full-service dissertation coaching support. Our experienced dissertation coaches will help you confidently progress through every stage of the dissertation writing process, from developing the dissertation proposal to final editing, formatting, and presentation.

Meet and Get-It-Right

Dissertation coaching is meant to come up with better methodologies for handling your dissertation or thesis. We are experts in dissertation coaching with many years of experience in helping thousands of graduate students finish their doctoral dissertations and master’s theses conclusively. For this, we understand the struggles graduates go through in handling dissertations and all we can assure you is success in the process by making you take full control of your dissertation or thesis and training you on ways to structure the process and come up with convincing and doable work plans. Our dissertation coaches will guarantee you better working plans with your chairperson and committee to help you rule out psychological barriers such as fear, anxiety, perfectionism, procrastination, negative thinking, or writer’s block that may curtail your progress.

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Get personalized help from subject matter dissertation coaches near you.

Understand Your Topic

Simplify the toughest concepts with digestible topic breakdowns.

Finish Your Dissertation

Strengthen your writing with dissertation coaching and mentoring help.

A Proven Instrument For Success...

98% of our customers say they get better grades when they use our dissertation coaches to understand their dissertation., our commitment, why choose us.

Our expert dissertation coaches and mentors will guide you through the process of conceptualizing your research (selecting a topic, but formulating a defensible and researchable research problem), writing each dissertation or thesis chapter, analyzing and reporting results, and developing conclusions and recommendations for future research. Our approach is holistic, and we understand the needs of incredibly busy doctoral students.

Our rigorous recruiting and interview process ensures that we have the best dissertation coaches around. Our dissertation coaches are local university professors, experts in their field and accomplished professionals who possess a profound interest in education and working with students. You will find them to be engaging, patient, professional, and above all, passionate about dissertation writing. 

The Most Effective Matching Process

No need for you to scroll through dozens of potentially unqualified dissertation coaches profiles. Our experienced support staff will match you with the perfect dissertation coach and mentor who will be the perfect fit for your dissertation's unique needs.

No "One Size Fits All" Approach Here!

What sets dissertation coaches apart is the personal attention that our dissertation coaches give to each student to provide an individualized support services that caters to each student's strengths. This means that each and every student is provided with an exclusive, one of a kind experience that is made to order.

Guaranteed Results

Our students achieved their learning goals in a very short period of time by providing them the right support and learning skills.

Dissertation & Thesis Coaching

Be advised that in case of any need, visit the Hire a Coach page and know how we carry out our mentorship help services that will help you handle your dissertation or thesis project successfully.

What to understand about Dissertation Coaching;

  • Dissertation coaching is a kind of a deal aimed to help graduates productive and accomplish their doctoral dissertations or thesis.
  • Dissertation coaching makes you psychologically responsible for issues that may hinder progress, and keep you motivated and productive.
  • Dissertation coaching can be done at any stage of research or dissertation writing process, and therefore is most open to students handling social sciences, humanities, and other hard sciences.

What to expect from;

  • Make you set and stay motivated to your short-term and long-term goals and avoid procrastination.
  • Coach you on toxic habits and behaviors, as well as issues that might hinder your progress like negative doubts, thoughts, and other psychological barriers.
  • Coach you to manage time and stress effectively.
  • Dissertation coaching will create a connection with the faculty in case you need readmission, as well as a mutual working relationship with the chairperson and committee responsible for your dissertation.
  • Inspire and support you throughout the process of dissertation or thesis including oral proposal preparations and defense meetings.
  • Our Dissertation coaches offer advice in making career options and in job hunting.

How Dissertation Coaching works;

  • Dissertation coaching is done as per agreement between the coach and the student via the selected communication avenue.
  • The dissertation coach will provide a defined scheme with a master timeline and weekly goals to keep you informed on how long the process will take, and dissertation tasks to complete on a weekly or daily basis under manageable work plans.
  • The dissertation coach will create weekly online meetings with the client to evaluate the progress, and overall challenges and to set new goals.
  • We are always there, though behind the scenes, and you will be free to contact us in case any problems arise to avoid panic.

Situations that Call for a Dissertation Coach;

  • When you get stuck due to a lack of morale, fear, self-doubt, procrastination, or the tiring nature of the process that ultimately hinders your progress.
  • When you need to feel a sense of responsibility but you feel drained.
  • When perfectionism is hard to achieve and your regular-set goals are not helping.
  • When you lack time or consistency to make progress due to the nature of your job, health issues, or children.
  • When you are facing mobility problems in your graduate program
  • When you feel your faculty or committee is not offering you enough support in your dissertation process.

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Trusted by thousand of students.

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Genevieve Buechner

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Jason Priestley

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Eric Nordhoff

Welcome to dissertation coaches, your premier destination for academic excellence.

At Dissertation Coaches, we understand the significance of a well-crafted dissertation or thesis. As a leading provider of expert coaching services, we are dedicated to guiding you through every step of your academic journey, ensuring your success and growth. Our platform,, is your gateway to unlocking your true potential and achieving exceptional academic accomplishments.

Navigating Your Academic Success with Dissertation Coaches

Who We Are: Based in the bustling heart of New York, Dissertation Coaches stands as a beacon of academic support for students worldwide. Our platform is a testament to our commitment to excellence. With a global network of expert coaches spread across major cities like New York, London, Toronto, Melbourne, Paris, Tokyo, Dubai, Barcelona, Rome, Madrid, Singapore, Amsterdam, and beyond, we bring unparalleled expertise to your fingertips.

Our Services: At Dissertation Coaches, we offer a comprehensive range of Expert Dissertation and Thesis Services. Our dedicated coaches possess a wealth of experience and knowledge across various fields, making us adept at assisting students from diverse academic disciplines. Whether you’re delving into scientific research, social sciences, humanities, or any other subject, our coaching is tailored to your unique needs.

Why Choose Us?: What sets us apart is our unwavering commitment to your success. Our dissertation coaches are not just mentors; they are partners in your academic journey. With us, you’ll find more than guidance – you’ll discover unwavering support, tailored strategies, and a collaborative approach that ensures your success.

The Importance of Dissertation or Thesis Coaching: Embarking on a dissertation or thesis journey is a monumental task. The complexities of research, writing, and presentation can be overwhelming. This is where our dissertation coaching steps in. Our coaches provide invaluable insights, helping you navigate challenges, refine your research methodologies, enhance your writing skills, and ultimately produce a scholarly work of the highest caliber.

Cities We Work In: No matter where you are in the world, Dissertation Coaches is at your service. Our expert coaches are strategically located in major cities across the globe. Whether you’re in the bustling streets of New York or the scenic charm of Amsterdam, our support is readily accessible to you.

Subjects We Can Help With: Our expertise spans a multitude of subjects and disciplines. From complex technical research to profound literary analyses, our coaches possess diverse backgrounds that empower them to guide you effectively. Whether you’re pursuing a degree in engineering, psychology, business, or any other field, our coaches have the expertise to elevate your work.

How Our Process Works:

  • Initial Consultation: Your journey begins with a consultation where we understand your goals, challenges, and aspirations.
  • Personalized Match: Based on your needs, we match you with a dissertation coach whose expertise aligns with your subject area.
  • Tailored Coaching Plan: Your coach designs a customized plan that outlines milestones, session frequency, and objectives.
  • Progressive Guidance: Through consistent sessions, your coach offers feedback, refines your work, and ensures steady progress.
  • Preparation for Success: As you approach your defense or submission, your coach prepares you for the final steps, ensuring you’re poised for success.

How to Request a Dissertation or Thesis Coach

Initiating your journey with Dissertation Coaches is effortless:

  • Visit our website at
  • Navigate to the “Hire a Coach” section.
  • Complete the coaching request form, providing essential details about your project and requirements.
  • Our platform’s advanced algorithm matches you with the perfect coach.
  • Engage in an initial consultation to solidify your coaching plan.
  • Collaborate with your coach, make steady progress, and achieve your academic goals.

At Dissertation Coaches, we’re not just shaping dissertations or theses – we’re transforming academic experiences. Our coaches are your partners, mentors, and confidants throughout your journey. Join us on this transformative expedition toward academic excellence.

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New applications for coaching are paused. In the meantime, fill out  our form  to be notified when coaching is available again,  contact us  directly, or chat with  our AI Thesis Mentor  (requires ChatGPT Plus) .

We are currently pausing new applications for coaching . In the meantime, we invite you to fill out our form to be notified when coaching is available again. By subscribing, you can also receive our newsletter which includes updates on our services, access to our Research Question (RQ) database, and other relevant topics that can assist you in your research journey.

You can also  view our online guides  for  undergraduate and masters students and prospective PhD students to help you choose a thesis topic.

You can also sign up for one of our newsletters. The  Future Researchers’ Journey  is a 6-week email-based summary of our advice on how to choose a thesis topic and shape your research career for greater impact. The  Topic Discovery Digest  helps you to find thesis topics, tools and resources that can help you significantly improve the world. The Early Career Research Opportunities Newsletter is a bi-weekly digest of hand-pick opportunities such as jobs, internships, prizes and scholarships that are particularly relevant to students from undergraduate to PhD level interested in our  recommended research directions .

Learn more about our coaching service

Are you writing a thesis or considering your PhD topic? Our coaching service is designed to help students like you maximize the impact of your research. While we are not currently accepting new coaching applications, our guides for undergraduate and master’s students, as well as prospective PhD students, provide valuable insights for choosing a thesis topic.

Coaching can help wherever you are in your PhD journey.

Writing an undergrad or master's thesis?

Coaching can help you discover how to have more impact with your research and connect you with further resources to help you get the most our of writing your thesis.

Frequently asked questions

Our coaches can help in a number of ways. They can help you think through open questions you have about your studies and future career, suggest tools and resources that would be a good fit for you, connect you with researchers to support your further, and offer you advice on things like finding a PhD supervisor and applying for funding .

After you’ve written your thesis or dissertation, we can also help you get your research noticed, including by publishing it on our site.

We generally work with students who will be writing a thesis or dissertation (at undergraduate, masters or PhD level) or submitting PhD applications in the next six months, however if you don’t quite fit this criteria we still encourage you to reach out.

We are accepting applications on a rolling basis. We typically reach out to accepted applicants within 1 to 2 weeks of their applications. If you have a deadline that means you need to hear back sooner, please make a note of this in your application.

If you want your research to do as much good as possible – either directly by contributing to solving a pressing problem or by building skills so you can have a bigger impact later – we encourage you to apply for coaching. 

We primarily coach students who are considering research careers, but if you plan to pursue a different career we still encourage you to apply.

We’ll assess your application on the basis of your interest in having a positive impact and our belief that we can offer you support. If for any reason we can’t offer you coaching, we will still offer you helpful resources.

A coaching session lasts 30 minutes. Your coach will start by understanding your goals and any open questions you have. They may then help you consider how you could increase the likely impact of your research, offer you further resources, connect you with other researchers or organisations, or advise you on topics such as applying for funding, finding a supervisor or choosing a research question that is a good fit for you. 

After the first coaching session you’re likely to have  lots of ideas and ways to get further support. However, many students appreciate meeting their coach for more sessions. Our coaches also stay in touch to provide ongoing guidance via email.

Yes – we still encourage you to apply. We recognise that your skills, qualifications and interests may mean that a different direction is a better fit for you, and the list of directions we feature on our site is not intended to be exhaustive.

However, we might not be able to help you as much as we could if you chose a research direction we recommend, as for these directions we have already found mentors, potential supervisors, research agendas and other useful resources to get you started.

We’re a nonprofit aiming to help students begin research careers that address pressing global problems. This means we particularly appreciate feedback about how we have helped you, to help inform our future applications for funding.

You can see all the services we offer on the homepage. As well as  individual coaching, we provide  help with finding supervisors and PhD funding , recommendations of research directions that are particularly likely to have a big positive impact, a newsletter of curated opportunities for early career researchers , and advice for beginning a successful research career .

Students we've advised

Our coaches.

Apply for our coaching and the coach who is the best fit for you will support you in your journey towards an impactful research career.

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Marie Zedler

Head of coaching.

Marie is the Head of Coaching at Effective Thesis and is responsible for managing the coaching services and our expert network. She holds a BSc in Neuroscience from UCL and is currently working towards an integrated MRes+PhD in Sensor Technology at the University of Cambridge. Her most recent research focused on developing low-cost sensors for the early detection of plant stress. Marie’s interests include alternative proteins and the food system, biosecurity, as well as community building. In her free time, Marie loves rock climbing, ice skating and cold water swimming, and she needs ideas for a new sport to try out!

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Conor Spence

Conor is a Coach at Effective Thesis. He enjoys helping talented students have a high positive impact through their thesis and study decisions. He enjoys discussing interesting impactful topics and encouraging and motivating people. He has a masters in neuroscience and a background as an educator, researcher, and coach within universities and the non-profit sector. He also enjoys throwing ultimate frisbees when he has time.

Our expert network

Our coaches can connect you to researchers from our network of over 100 experts, who can help you find the most important open questions in your field.

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Philip Trammel

Philip Trammel is a research affiliate at the Global Priorities Institute at Oxford University. He advises students on applications of economic theory to global priorities research.

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Dr Cassidy Nelson

Cassidy Nelson is Co-Lead of the Biosecurity Research Group at the Future of Humanity Institute. She advises students on health security, biosecurity and pandemic prevention.

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Vanessa Kosoy

Vanessa is a research associate at the Machine Intelligence Research Institute. She advises students in mathematics, computer science and other quantitative degrees interested in human aligned artificial intelligence research.

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Prof David Denkenberger

David Denkenberger co-founded and directs the Alliance to Feed the Earth in Disasters (ALLFED). He has 65 peer-reviewed publications and is the third most prolific author in the field of existential and global catastrophic risk.

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Maxime Stauffer

Maxime is a co-founder and chief executive officer of the Simon Institute for Longterm Governance. Max advises students in political science, behavioural sciences, mathematics and physics interested in improving political decision making.

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Parendi Birdie

Parendi Birdie is the Head of Brand Strategy at Mission Barns. She advises students who are interested in both technical and non-technical areas of the field of cellular agriculture.

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David is the Principal Research Manager at Rethink Priorities and a research fellow at Canterbury Christ Church University. David advises students interested in moral psychology and empirical social science.

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There are many other researchers and collaborators for whose support we are very grateful.

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Enzo Maresca, Chelsea and the chess thesis that explains his football vision

NORTHAMPTON, ENGLAND - JULY 15:  Enzo Maresca, the Leicester City manager, looks on during the pre season friendly match between Northampton Town and Leicester City at Sixfields on July 15, 2023 in Northampton, England. (Photo by David Rogers/Getty Images)

Pawn Sacrifice came out in cinemas a decade ago. In phonetical terms, it sounds more Soho than Chelsea.

But a blue movie, it wasn’t. Nor was it a box-office hit. The film, like Chelsea , dramatically underperformed its estimated budget. Tobey Maguire and Liev Schreiber were in the leading roles and it still flopped. But Enzo Maresca enjoyed the re-telling of Bobby Fischer and Boris Spassky’s ‘Match of the Century’ for the meeting of minds as much as the Cold War intrigue that surrounded a chess match in Reykjavik in 1972.


Towards the end of his playing career, Maresca began studying chess. He found a teacher while in Palermo and must, in time, have learned the finer details of the Sicilian Defence and Fegatello, the delectably named ‘Fried Liver Attack’.

It goes without saying that managers at Chelsea have become chopped liver very quickly in the Todd Boehly-Clearlake Capital era. Maresca is expected to be their sixth in two years if you count a forlorn and fleeting interim like Bruno Saltor, a sequence of events that brings the Italian term for checkmate to mind: Scacco Matto. ‘Matto’ means bonkers, crazy. But we digress.

Maresca thought learning the rudiments of chess would prepare him for management. Anyone strolling around the library at Coverciano, the Italian Football Federation’s coaching school on the outskirts of Florence, which is to UEFA Pro Licences what Harvard Business School is to MBAs, can pull down his thesis and read about how the hypermodern Nimzo-Indian defence used by every world chess champion since Jose Raul ‘The Human Chess Machine’ Capablanca relates to Pep Guardiola’s Manchester City sides.

“A coach can only benefit from acquiring the mind of a good chess player,” Maresca argued. “The proof being the development of a number of mental skills” that are excellent for “the prefrontal cortex”.

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He listed them as “gaining the dexterity to devise tactics and strategy, improve creativity (important for the surprise factor)” not to mention the way the game “facilitates concentration.” The 44-year-old also claimed: “Chess teaches you to control the initial excitement when you see something good and trains you to think objectively when you see yourself in danger.”

No doubt having paid Garry Kasparov-like attention to how Chelsea have recently been run, Maresca still somehow deduced that a potentially reputation-toppling move away from Leicester could be worth it, irrespective of the experiences of Thomas Tuchel, Graham Potter and Mauricio Pochettino. One can only deduce he thinks he’s playing chess, the kind that beats Deep Blue and AI models like AlphaZero, while those guys were playing checkers.

As the opening gambits about Maresca’s judgement (or lack thereof) in taking the job draw to a close, the parallels he makes with chess are, in all seriousness, well observed.

“The chess board is like a football pitch that can be divided into three channels — a central one and two external ones,” he highlighted. “In football as in chess, an inside game can be more interesting as it’s the quickest and most direct towards goal or the king.”

Controlling the middle is fundamental, as Guardiola emphasised to Maresca during his time on his staff, either directly through classic midfielders a la Xavi, Sergio Busquets and Andres Iniesta or indirectly with inverted full-backs a la Philipp Lahm or Rico Lewis acting like knights in chess. Build up through the middle and the pitch opens up like the board, the angles of attack become manifold.

In football terms, the Italian Maresca is influenced by the Spanish juego de posicion .  He cites Paul Morphy, the Johan Cruyff to Fischer’s Guardiola, on the “ability to see combinations clearly” and how “the positional game is, first and foremost, the ability to arrange the pieces in the most effective way.”

Then there’s the surprise element to chess, which in football terms, again might be considered being on the cusp of taking the Chelsea job as an up-and-coming coach. Maresca instead sees it as the little tweaks from game to game or within a game that can force an opponent to play to their weaknesses and lose confidence and time.


Chelsea given permission to speak to Maresca, expected to agree contract

“During a world chess championship game in 1991, Viktor Korchnoi took an hour and 20 minutes in making his 13th movement in response to an unexpected variation by his rival Anatoly Karpov,” Maresca explained. “Karpov’s move was not checkmate but the time advantage he gained by surprising his rival was definitely decisive. Korchnoi needed to reorganise and revise his strategy and tactics.”

So many Soviets feature in Maresca’s thesis, one imagines Roman Abramovich and Marina Granovskaia, Chelsea’s former owner and chief executive respectively, would have been every bit as impressed as Boehly and Behdad Eghbali.

He could become the seventh Italian to bestride the dugout at Stamford Bridge. Two of them won the league, one the Champions League, another the Europa League . All of them, perhaps with the exception of a fellow West Brom alumnus Roberto Di Matteo, were more experienced than Maresca and operated within a club with a different owner who spent big but in a more rational and effective way.

Maresca is expected to arrive on the back of winning the Championship with Leicester after threatening the 100-point barrier. He even came within a game of matching a 104-year record for the most second-division wins (32) in a single season. Some call it Marescaball. His supervisor at Coverciano would probably define it Maresca pawn.

On the face of it, he seems part of the new wave of Italian coaching, which has washed Francesco Farioli up at Ajax and led Juventus to settle on Thiago Motta. He was at the table for that famous meal in Manchester featuring Guardiola, Roberto De Zerbi, Daniele De Rossi and Aleksandar Kolarov — not as Pep’s guest but as one of his assistants. The halo effect that comes from working with the Catalan can dazzle employers. Mikel Arteta’s success at Arsenal upon leaving Guardiola’s staff led Parma to offer Maresca a job when he was the coach of City’s elite development squad.

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It did not work out.

Maresca inherited a team disoriented by the enthusiasm of new American owners who spent lavishly (€80million!) on unknown youngsters from all over the world (particularly Argentina and Romania) and, unable to put their fingers on what was going wrong, sacked a couple of managers in their first season. The flux was so great even players of Joshua Zirkzee ’s potential didn’t shine and Parma surprisingly went down. Maresca was asked to pick up the pieces in Serie B and, more specifically, to turn a couple dozen individuals into a team. Sounds relatively familiar, doesn’t it?

Despite having the highest wage bill in the second division, Maresca was fired within a matter of months. He left Parma with 17 points from 13 games, narrowly outside the relegation play-out spot to avoid Serie C.

Upon reflection, Maresca still called it a “positive experience”. His qualms were a lack of patience (“They gave me a three-year contract, and when you do a multi-year contract it’s because there’s a project idea behind it) and unrealistic expectations (“No one ever told me that in the first year we should have gone to Serie A , all the more so when 15 or so new players arrive in the summer”).

Still, the local media criticised him for using players such as Simon Sohm out of position and, having complained about the disruption of too much transfer activity, he still had the nerve to insist: “Parma could have made the play-offs with the three players we identified for the January transfer window.”


Chelsea fans, this is Enzo Maresca – the leading candidate to replace Pochettino

The scars he suffered at the Ennio Tardini made Maresca think twice about taking the Leicester job last summer. “I was a little fearful,” he told Gazzetta dello Sport, “because it resembled Parma: a big club had been relegated and there was huge pressure to immediately bounce back.”

But Leicester set a record pace out of the blocks and finished the first half of the season with 58 points, a testament to Maresca’s impact but also the sort of spending that led the Premier League to refer the club to an independent commission for an alleged PSR breach and for failing to submit their audited financial accounts to the league for the 2022-23 season, when they were still in the top flight.

Automatic promotion was not all plain sailing. After a 3-1 win against Swansea in January, Maresca was frustrated by the King Power’s exasperation with the somnolent side of his tiki-taka style. “Probably when you win, win, win at home, and you continue to win, people think it’s easy. But it’s not easy. I arrive in this club to play with this idea. The moment there is some doubt about the idea, the day after, I will leave. It’s so clear. No doubts.”

He did not appreciate the failure to sign Stefano Sensi on loan from Inter Milan after Chelsea recalled Cesare Casadei and Wilfred Ndidi suffered an injury. Leicester’s second half of the season yielded 39 points, enough to get over the line in first place but a drop-off that looked like it might spiral after defeats to Middlesbrough , Leeds and Queens Park Rangers in the spring.

Unlike Ipswich Town , who punched well above their weight to return to the Premier League for the first time in 22 years, Leicester met expectations. After all, having 18-goal Jamie Vardy in the Championship felt like a cheat code even with him now firmly in the twilight of his career. Chelsea, meanwhile, evidently share Maresca’s view that promotion was not as easy as it seemed. That Chelsea and the former midfielder have settled on one another, frankly, remains a surprise.

To return to chess terminology, neither found themselves in Zugzwang: a situation wherein any move can only weaken one’s position and carries the risk of checkmate — but not moving isn’t an option. Chelsea, for instance, didn’t need to sack Pochettino. Maresca wasn’t obliged to leave Leicester.

Having lost the benefit of the doubt, it’s only fair to second-guess these grandmasters.


Enzo Maresca: Growing up with De Zerbi, playing like Gazza and why he's 'worth' the risk

(Top photo: David Rogers/Getty Images)

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James Horncastle covers Serie A for The Athletic. He joins from ESPN and is working on a book about Roberto Baggio.


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