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Teacher and students doing a science experiment together

Why Science Education Matters in Your Elementary School Classroom

Science is a critical part of elementary education. It’s not just facts and formulas — it’s a way to inspire wonder and curiosity in students as they learn about the world around them. 

The most recent National Survey of Science and Mathematics Education published in 2018 found that elementary teachers taught science for just 18 minutes a day on average. Less than 20% of K-3 educators taught science more than twice a week. 

But science plays a crucial role in early childhood! When you introduce a love for science early on, it can lead to lifelong benefits. Science instruction in elementary school can help students develop strong critical thinking skills, problem-solving, creativity, and curiosity! Science is important to children’s development, and it’s essential that educators make regular time for it in their routine. 

Hands-on Experiments and Exploration

Many elementary students love science because it often involves fun hands-on activities. Children see the practical application of learning in real time when they are classifying animals, sprouting seeds, making observations, or experimenting with magnets. Science does better than almost any other subject at getting students interested, focused, and excited. Science comes alive in the classroom!

When students engage in hands-on experiments, they are in the mindset to explore. They are more likely to ask questions, investigate independently, and actively participate in their learning. 

Studies Weekly’s Explore Science curriculum creates these opportunities for students and allows them to drive their own learning through inquiry. The activities and experiments in each unit engage students and spark their curiosity. 

You can also purchase materials kits that contain items called for in the curriculum to make it easy to implement hands-on activities in your instruction time.

Hands-on Science Project and experiment

Teach Science Concurrently with Other Disciplines

Granted, it can be challenging to make enough time for so many areas of instruction – especially at a time when the National Assessment for Educational Progress reports that two-thirds of students cannot read at a proficient level. Thus, many educators cut their science blocks back to make more time for reading and writing.

However, science incorporates elements of reading, math, social studies, and more, making it an excellent tool for teaching other subjects concurrently. These cross-curricular connections can reinforce and support students’ learning of other disciplines while still giving them the exciting, eye-opening moments that come with learning science. 

Studies Weekly’s Science curriculum is aligned with state science standards and includes extensive non-fiction and informational text practice to support ELA, making it an excellent tool for teaching science and literacy together.

teacher teaching students about science and astronomy

Building a Foundation for Future STEM Success

These are only a few of the many benefits to making time for science education in your elementary school classroom. Science keeps students engaged and active in their learning and encourages them to always ask questions. It is critical to help your young students build a foundation in science and spark their excitement about being lifelong science learners.

The problem-solving, creative thinking, and exploratory skills that begin in elementary school can be critical assets to students. A solid science foundation will help them be better prepared for more challenging disciplines they will eventually encounter, like chemistry, physics, and biology. 

Children today are the future’s scientists and innovators! Help inspire them to pursue more education and careers in STEM by nurturing their love for science now.

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Under the umbrella of the IAP, more than 140 national, regional and global member academies work together to support the vital role of science in seeking evidence-based solutions to the world’s most challenging problems.

IAP empowers academies and regional academy networks to provide independent, authoritative advice on global, regional and national issues.

IAP communicates the importance of science, engineering and medicine.

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what is the importance of science education in schools

Science education: purpose, methods, ideas and teaching resources

What is the purpose of science education, what is the best method of teaching science, what is inquiry-based science education, what is an example of inquiry-based learning, free online resources for science teachers, science education ideas.

To prosper in this modern age of innovation requires the capacity to grasp the essentials of diverse problems, to recognise meaningful patterns, to retrieve and apply relevant knowledge.

Science education has the potential for helping the development of the required abilities and understanding by focusing on developing powerful ideas of science and ideas about the nature of scientific activity and its applications .

Scientific literacy refers to an individual’s scientific knowledge and its use . It allows an understanding of the scientific process and makes it possible to apply evidence-based knowledge across a broad range of issues that require individual and collective action (such as responding to COVID-19 and climate change , or understanding AI, machine learning and other new technologies).

Science Education is a key area for the InterAcademy Partnership (IAP) , whose Science Education Programme (SEP) is led by a Global Council of experts that defines and implements its annual activities on global and regional scales.

girls doing science

Science education should enhance learners’ curiosity , wonder and questioning , building on their natural inclination to seek meaning and understanding of the world around. Scientific inquiry should be introduced and encountered by school students as an activity that can be carried out by everyone including themselves.

They should have personal experiences of finding out about and of making connections between new and previous experiences that not only bring excitement and satisfaction but also the realisation that they can add to their knowledge through active inquiry . Both the process and product of scientific activity can evoke a positive emotional response which motivates further learning.

scientific activity for children

Inquiry-Based Science Education (IBSE) adopts an investigative approach to teaching and learning where students are provided with opportunities to investigate a problem, search for possible solutions, make observations, ask questions, test out ideas, and think creatively and use their intuition. In this sense, inquiry-based science involves students doing science where they have opportunities to explore possible solutions, develop explanations for the phenomena under investigation, elaborate on concepts and processes, and evaluate or assess their understandings in the light of available evidence.

This approach to teaching relies on teachers recognizing the importance of presenting problems to students that will challenge their current conceptual understandings so they are forced to reconcile anomalous thinking and construct new understandings.

IAP seeks to reform and develop science education on a global scale, especially in primary and secondary schools, with a pedagogy based on IBSE because it provides opportunities for students to see how well their ideas work in authentic situations rather than in abstract discussions. Students build knowledge through testing ideas, discussing their understanding with teachers and their peers, and through interacting with scientific phenomena.

science class experiment

An example of inquiry-based learning is ' COVID-19! How can I protect myself and others? ' ( free download here ), a new rapid-response guide for youth aged 8–17 developed as a response to the COVID-19 pandemic by the Smithsonian Science Education Center , in collaboration with the World Health Organization (WHO) and IAP .

The guide, which is based on the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) , aims to help young people understand the science and social science of COVID-19 as well as help them take actions to keep themselves, their families and communities safe .

Through a set of seven cohesive student-led tasks , participants engage in the activities to answer questions previously defined by their peers . The questions explore the impact of COVID-19 on the world, how to practice hand and respiratory hygiene and physical distancing, and how to research more information about COVID-19. The final task teaches youth how they can take action on the new scientific knowledge they learn to improve their health and the health of others. Each task is designed to be completed at home.

covid child

Food! Community Research Guide

Food! is a freely available community research guide that uses the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as a framework to focus on sustainable actions that are defined and implemented by students ( download it here ).

Mosquito! Community Research Guide

This module effectively promotes excellence within science education while fostering pioneering approaches to empower and unite educators around the world. Mosquito! addresses the problem of diseases transmitted by mosquitoes from an educational point of view ( download it here ). 

Other teaching resources and guides

You can download more teaching resources and guides here .

Inquiry-based science education resources

The IAP publication “ Working with Big Ideas of Science Education ” (available for free here ) includes this list of ideas that all students should have had opportunity to learn by the end of compulsory education:

All matter in the Universe is made of very small particles

Atoms are the building blocks of all matter, living and non-living. The behaviour and arrangement of the atoms explains the properties of different materials. In chemical reactions atoms are rearranged to form new substances. Each atom has a nucleus containing neutrons and protons, surrounded by electrons. The opposite electric charges of protons and electrons attract each other, keeping atoms together and accounting for the formation of some compounds.

Objects can affect other objects at a distance

All objects have an effect on other objects without being in contact with them. In some cases the effect travels out from the source to the receiver in the form of radiation (e.g. visible light). In other cases action at a distance is explained in terms of the existence of a field of influence between objects, such as a magnetic, electric or gravitational field. Gravity is a universal force of attraction between all objects however large or small, keeping the planets in orbit round the Sun and causing terrestrial objects to fall towards the centre of the Earth.

Changing the movement of an object requires a net force to be acting on it

A force acting on an object is not seen directly but is detected by its effect on the object’s motion or shape. If an object is not moving the forces acting on it are equal in size and opposite in direction, balancing each other. Since gravity affects all objects on Earth there is always another force opposing gravity when an object is at rest. Unbalanced forces cause change in movement in the direction of the net force. When opposing forces acting on an object are not in the same line they cause the object to turn or twist. This effect is used in some simple machines.

The total amount of energy in the Universe is always the same but can be transferred from one energy store to another during an event

Many processes or events involve changes and require an energy source to make them happen. Energy can be transferred from one body or group of bodies to another in various ways. In these processes some energy becomes less easy to use. Energy cannot be created or destroyed. Once energy has been released by burning a fossil fuel with oxygen, some of it is no longer available in a form that is as convenient to use.

The composition of the Earth and its atmosphere and the processes occurring within them shape the Earth’s surface and its climate

Radiation from the Sun heats the Earth’s surface and causes convection currents in the air and oceans, creating climates. Below the surface heat from the Earth’s interior causes movement in the molten rock. This in turn leads to movement of the plates which form the Earth’s crust, creating volcanoes and earthquakes. The solid surface is constantly changing through the formation and weathering of rock.

Our solar system is a very small part of one of billions of galaxies in the Universe

Our Sun and eight planets and other smaller objects orbiting it comprise the solar system. Day and night and the seasons are explained by the orientation and rotation of the Earth as it moves round the Sun. The solar system is part of a galaxy of stars, gas and dust, one of many billions in the Universe, enormous distances apart. Many stars appear to have planets.

Organisms are organised on a cellular basis and have a finite life span

All organisms are constituted of one or more cells. Multi-cellular organisms have cells that are differentiated according to their function. All the basic functions of life are the result of what happens inside the cells which make up an organism. Growth is the result of multiple cell divisions.

Organisms require a supply of energy and materials for which they often depend on, or compete with, other organisms

Food provides materials and energy for organisms to carry out the basic functions of life and to grow. Green plants and some bacteria are able to use energy from the Sun to generate complex food molecules. Animals obtain energy by breaking down complex food molecules and are ultimately dependent on green plants as their source of energy. In any ecosystem there is competition among species for the energy resources and materials they need to live and reproduce.

Genetic information is passed down from one generation of organisms to another

Genetic information in a cell is held in the chemical DNA. Genes determine the development and structure of organisms. In asexual reproduction all the genes in the offspring come from one parent. In sexual reproduction half of the genes come from each parent.

The diversity of organisms, living and extinct, is the result of evolution

All life today is directly descended from a universal common ancestor that was a simple one-celled organism. Over countless generations changes resulting from natural diversity within a species lead to the selection of those individuals best suited to survive under certain conditions. Species not able to respond sufficiently to changes in their environment become extinct.

Science is about finding the cause or causes of phenomena in the natural world

Science is a search to explain and understand phenomena in the natural world. There is no single scientific method for doing this; the diversity of natural phenomena requires a diversity of methods and instruments to generate and test scientific explanations. Often an explanation is in terms of the factors that have to be present for an event to take place as shown by evidence from observations and experiments. In other cases supporting evidence is based on correlations revealed by patterns in systematic observation.

Scientific explanations, theories and models are those that best fit the evidence available at a particular time

A scientific theory or model representing relationships between variables of a natural phenomenon must fit the observations available at the time and lead to predictions that can be tested. Any theory or model is provisional and subject to revision in the light of new data even though it may have led to predictions in accord with data in the past.

The knowledge produced by science is used in engineering and technologies to create products to serve human ends

The use of scientific ideas in engineering and technologies has made considerable changes in many aspects of human activity. Advances in technologies enable further scientific activity; in turn this increases understanding of the natural world. In some areas of human activity technology is ahead of scientific ideas, but in others scientific ideas precede technology.

Applications of science often have ethical, social, economic and political implications

The use of scientific knowledge in technologies makes many innovations possible. Whether or not particular applications of science are desirable is a matter that cannot be addressed using scientific knowledge alone. Ethical and moral judgments may be needed, based on such considerations as justice or equity, human safety, and impacts on people and the environment.

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IAP Science Education Programme

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Elementary and secondary stem education.

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K–12 Education

Executive Summary

Key takeaways:

  • Internationally, the United States ranks higher in science (7th of 37 Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development [OECD] countries) and computer information literacy (5th of 14 participating education systems) than it does in mathematics literacy (25th of 37 OECD countries).
  • Average scores for U.S. fourth and eighth graders on a national assessment of mathematics improved from 1990 to 2007, but there was no overall measurable improvement in mathematics scores from 2007 to 2019.
  • Differences persist in U.S. science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) achievement scores by socioeconomic status (SES) and race or ethnicity.
  • Differences in U.S. STEM achievement scores by sex are smaller than those by SES or race or ethnicity but are present; male students slightly outscored female students on some national assessments, although female students substantially outscored male students on a computer information literacy exam.
  • Less experienced STEM teachers (as measured by years of teaching) are more prevalent in schools with high-minority enrollment or high-poverty enrollment.
  • Data collected on U.S. remote learning in spring 2020 (during the COVID-19 pandemic) revealed differences in access to technology based on household income: 57% of households with income below $25,000 always had a computer available for educational purposes, whereas 90% of households with an income of $200,000 or more did so.

Elementary and secondary education in mathematics and science is the foundation for student entry into postsecondary STEM majors as well as a wide variety of STEM-related occupations. Federal and state policymakers, legislators, and educators are working to broaden and strengthen STEM education at the K–12 level. These efforts include promoting elementary grade participation in STEM, raising overall student achievement, increasing advanced high school coursetaking, reducing performance gaps among demographic groups, and improving college and career readiness in mathematics and science.

The indicators in this report present a mixed picture of the status and progress of elementary and secondary STEM education in the United States. Internationally, the United States ranks low among OECD nations in mathematics literacy (25th out of 37) but does better in science literacy (7th out of 37). In computer and information literacy, the United States ranks 5th among the 14 education systems that participated in that assessment. Within the United States, students’ achievement in mathematics has been essentially stagnant for more than a decade after showing steady improvement in the prior two decades.

The data presented in this report show persistent performance gaps by students’ SES and race or ethnicity. For example, on an assessment with a scale of 0–500, mathematics scores for low-SES students in a national cohort of eighth graders were 30 points lower than scores for high-SES students, and Asian and White students posted scores that were up to 53 points higher than scores by Black, Hispanic, American Indian or Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander students. Similar patterns were seen for student performance in computer and information literacy.

Differences by sex on national assessments were small on average. Male students slightly outscored female students by 3 points in fourth grade in 2019 on a national math assessment, but there was no difference in scores between males and females in eighth grade. Female students outscored male students by 23 points on an assessment of computer and information literacy.

The data also reveal that student access to well-qualified mathematics and science teachers varies. A recent national study showed that virtually all middle and high school science and mathematics teachers have a bachelor’s degree and a regular or an advanced teaching certification; however, access to highly qualified teachers varies by school demographics. Schools with higher concentrations of low-SES and minority students had comparatively fewer highly qualified teachers (i.e., those with 3 years or more of teaching experience and with a degree in the subject taught).

High school STEM achievement and coursetaking frequently facilitate STEM-related postsecondary education and employment. Students who have positive perceptions of their mathematics and science abilities in high school are more inclined to declare a postsecondary STEM major. The majority of U.S. high school students enroll in either 2-year or 4-year postsecondary institutions immediately after graduation from high school; enrollment patterns, however, differ by demographic group. For example, Black students and students from low-income families enroll at lower rates than their peers. Among students who enter the workforce directly after high school, those who take STEM-related career and technical education courses are more likely than others to enter skilled technical jobs.

Finally, the United States faced an unprecedented situation in spring 2020 with the COVID-19 pandemic when most elementary and secondary schools across the country abruptly shifted to a distance-learning model. Researchers estimated that students on average suffered some mathematics learning losses as a result, with low-SES students suffering disproportionately larger losses, in part due to their lack of access to the technology required for distance learning.

Collectively, the findings in this report suggest that the United States has yet to achieve the goal of ensuring equal educational opportunities in STEM for all students regardless of socioeconomic and demographic background. As noted in the National Science Board’s Vision 2030 report (NSB 2020), K–12 STEM education and high achievement for all students plays a critical role in ensuring that the United States is meeting the needs of the modern workforce and maintaining America’s position internationally. Given these needs and the importance of K–12 STEM preparation and the opportunities available to students who excel in STEM subjects, it is important to continue to focus on efforts that will increase the number and diversity of students interested in STEM and broaden opportunities for all students to succeed and thrive in STEM.

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Source: © Bjorn Lie/Ikon Images

The recipe for scientifically literate students

Maria Burke

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What are the key ingredients of a high-quality science education?

What makes a good science education? In a review out earlier this year, Ofsted tried to answer this question. In its examination of a range of evidence, it found that a central plank of any top-quality science education was for teachers to possess in-depth subject knowledge, plus an understanding of how to teach science and of how students learn. But how do those in education answer the question?

‘I would like every school leaver to maintain their innate curiosity in how the world around them functions and seek out accurate information as new technologies and issues arise’

For Helen Skelton, head of science at Beaumont School, a comprehensive in St Albans, a high-quality science education develops ‘a richer understanding of the world, enables informed engagement with scientific questions in everyday life and prepares the next generation of scientists’. While Jon Hale, head of biology at Beaulieu Convent School, an independent girls’ school in Jersey, broadly agrees, he goes further and adds that the focus of science education should be to improve and maintain a scientifically literate population, particularly against the backdrop of the pandemic.

‘Science education has a huge role in developing a population that will make good choices, both for themselves and for the global community,’ he says. ‘Students need to be taught what we know, why we know it and what value it has to them if they are to retain this knowledge in later years.’

In-depth subject knowledge

Both agree that building teachers’ knowledge is critical to achieving these aims. ‘The majority of science teachers have a good understanding of their subject but can always develop a better knowledge of how to teach it well, particularly in the context of their specific curriculum,’ says Helen. ‘Teaching a particular concept in one teaching sequence might require a different approach to teaching it in another. It’s therefore important for teachers to have training which supports them in understanding this and in developing appropriate explanations.’

‘The challenge for teachers is how we can make abstract concepts concrete, using examples and applications, and how we can engage the most apathetic students to understand these high-value ideas,’ says Jon. ‘Teachers’ subject knowledge is key to this, in how they articulate explanations and draw upon experiences to provide meaningful links with these concepts. I would like every school leaver to maintain their innate curiosity in how the world around them functions and seek out accurate information as new technologies and issues arise.’

‘All students should be exposed to some enquiry-based learning experiments. This is how scientists actually work’

It’s not only classroom teachers who welcome this emphasis on the importance of in-depth subject knowledge. The University of York’s David K Smith, who is responsible for chemical education and outreach, also welcomes this emphasis. ‘This has historically been (and still is) particularly problematic in subjects such as chemistry where many A-level chemistry teachers do not have relevant degree qualifications.’

Helen believes there is not a single best route through the curriculum. ‘It’s definitely important to develop students’ understanding of the various disciplines,’ she says, ‘and to ensure that knowledge is taught in a coherent way to build from simple to more advanced ideas, and to develop students’ understanding of links between topic and subject areas. I would argue that there is a strong case for narrowing but deepening the key stage 4 curriculum to ensure that this can be achieved.’

Enquiring minds

While stressing the key role practical chemistry plays, David reminds us how important it is that not all practical activities should build on pre-taught principles. ‘All students should be exposed to some enquiry-based learning experiments. This is how scientists actually work in laboratories,’ he says.

‘A key issue we have is students in university wanting to get the right answer from their experiments,’ David says. ‘I would be disappointed if, on the back of this report, all student access to enquiry-based learning in schools were to be stopped. It doesn’t work in every situation, but, used judiciously, it can be invaluable in helping students truly experience what science is.’

Principles of a quality science education

The Ofsted review into the factors influencing the quality of science education in England identified three key guiding principles, which show how achieving excellence requires teachers to balance competing priorities and tensions. These are :

  • A high-quality science education is rooted in an authentic understanding of what science is.
  • A high-quality science curriculum prioritises pupils building knowledge of key concepts in a meaningful way that reflects how knowledge is organised in the scientific disciplines.
  • Science curriculums should be planned to take account of the function of knowledge in relation to future learning. 

For David, practical work is not only about reinforcing the principles of science or the curriculum. ‘Practical science also teaches a distinct skillset in itself, such as how to weigh things out accurately or how to interpret data. These are not skills linked to the curriculum itself, but all have value in terms of developing the next generation of scientists.’

The emphasis on knowledge and how to obtain it are key to a good science education, in the opinion of Michael Reiss, professor of science education at UCL Institute of Education. But he also notes that school science must be engaging to encourage more students to choose to study it and because so many of the world’s pressing issues require an understanding of science. ‘We want people to trust science,’ he says. ‘We therefore need to equip school learners with the skills of criticality, persistence and rigour, so that they can learn for themselves, test all things and hold fast to that which is good.’

Maria Burke is a science writer

Maria Burke

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National Academies Press: OpenBook

Call to Action for Science Education: Building Opportunity for the Future (2021)

Chapter: a vision for better, more equitable science education, a vision for better, more equitable science education.

We call on policy makers to embrace a national vision for science education that can guide efforts across the country to create the conditions for elementary and secondary schools, and postsecondary institutions to provide better, more equitable science education for all students. Our vision is that every student experiences the joy, beauty, and power of science, learns how science can be used to solve local and global problems, sees the pathways they can take into science-related careers, and feels welcomed and valued in science classrooms. Providing high-quality science learning experiences is the core of this vision. The good news is that research and experience provide a clear picture of what high-quality science education can and should look like.

High-Quality Science Teaching and Learning

To provide high-quality teaching and learning in science, our nation, states, and communities must reframe the way they think about students from kindergarten through college. Students do not learn best by passively soaking up bits of information and then regurgitating it through multiple-choice tests and other simple measures designed to assess factual knowledge [ 12 ]. Rather, from the earliest ages,

children and youth are actively working to make sense of the world. They are capable of asking questions, gathering data, evaluating evidence, and generating new insights, just as professional scientists do [ 13 ].

Currently, however, far too many students at all levels are learning science by reading about it in a textbook, sitting back and passively listening to lectures, and memorizing disconnected facts [ 14 , 15 , 16 , 17 ]. These approaches leave many students bored and asking a question that is far too often uttered in American schools: “What does science have to do with my life?” Worse, too many students perceive science as inaccessible, as a discipline consigned to an elite few who are willing to persist in a system that uses antiquated instructional practices. Worse still, lacking role models, students of color may not consider science as a potential career. The end result is that our nation ends up retaining a few and weeding out many—a practice that results in substantial inequities and an American citizenry of science “haves” and science “have-nots” [ 18 ].


Our vision for science classrooms is informed by what is known about how students learn, regardless of where they are on the education continuum. In K-12 education, the evidence about learning and teaching science has been brought together in the Framework for K-12 Science Education [ 14 ] developed by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine and its partners. The Framework outlines the core competencies in science and emphasizes that students learn and become proficient in science when they are active participants using the tools and practices of science. ( See Box 3 for more information about the Framework. )

If a person wants to learn to play the trumpet, they need to blow air into it, figure out how to position their lips on the mouthpiece, and what valves to press to produce the right sounds. They need to experiment and discover, not read about trumpet playing in a book. The same applies to learning science. Reading about science in a book, listening to someone talk about it, or memorizing key terms will not get the job done.

In the same way, students across elementary, secondary, and postsecondary education need opportunities to do the things that scientists do: pose questions, carry out investigations, analyze data, draw evidence-based conclusions, and communicate results in various ways. They need to engage with scientific phenomena and, as scientists do, debate with peers to develop the conceptual understanding of science that leads to factual understanding as well [ 13 , 14 , 15 ]. ( See Box 4 for more information about high-quality postsecondary science. )

Science should also be meaningful and relevant to students so that they no longer ask, “What does this have to do with my life?” In the classrooms we envision, students will be able to make connections between the experiences they have in their homes and communities and the content they are learning in science [ 14 ]. When educators limit science teaching to a set of facts to be memorized, they subvert students’ natural inclination to grapple with problems that are real to them. Meaningful science experiences that provide opportunities for students to explore questions they are passionate about foster the development of critical thinking and scientific skills, reinforce that science is relevant to students’ daily lives, and inspire them to consider science-related fields as career paths.

A Well-Prepared, Diverse Science Teaching Workforce

Teachers of science at all levels are the key to fulfilling a vision for high-quality, engaging, active, student-centered learning. To implement a vision of better, more equitable science education , teachers of science need to be fluent in the subject matter they teach and fluent in the pedagogy of effective science instruction, including how to promote the success of culturally and linguistically diverse students in the context of science [ 19 ]. Effective teachers of science understand that their job is not merely to impart knowledge but rather provide opportunities for students to build their knowledge through problem solving and experimentation. In their classrooms, students learn by doing. Teachers play a key role as facilitators of small teams of student scientists working to conduct investigations, gather evidence, and discuss and debate with teammates what conclusions they can draw from the evidence. They know how to set up open-ended investigations through which students may arrive at and debate different conclusions that are always based on logical reasoning, evidence, and analysis. They recognize that communication in all forms is an essential part of science, and that in addition to teaching science, they are building critical communication skills. Their teaching is grounded in the belief that every student can succeed in the science classroom and it is their job to support those who are struggling.

Effective teaching practice does not come about by accident. It is the result of providing teachers with opportunities to learn throughout their teaching careers [ 16 , 19 ]. This includes knowledge of science, an initial foundation in effective student-centered pedagogy in science, and culturally and linguistically responsive practice, even for teachers of science in higher education. To continue to build on this initial foundation, all teachers of science across K-16 need ample opportunities to engage in ongoing professional learning focused specifically on science pedagogy, and to participate in professional communities in which members observe each other’s practice and provide feedback, solve problems together, and refine classroom activities and units.

We envision a K-16 education system that prioritizes and values the quality of science teaching and recognizes teachers of science at all levels as professionals. In this vision, elementary, secondary, and postsecondary teachers of science feel supported by their institutional leaders who advocate for their ongoing learning and recognize its importance. This is especially important in postsecondary education where professional demands and reward structures may not emphasize teaching. Teachers from groups that are underrepresented among science teachers—Black, Latino/a, and Indigenous teachers across K-16 and women in some postsecondary institutions [ 20 , 21 , 22 , 23 ] —will feel welcome and valued, with the result that there is a diverse body of science educators who look more like America. This also means that more students have the opportunity to connect with science teachers who look like them.

Supportive Pathways Through Science

Students’ opportunities to learn science by doing science need to continue across K-12 and into their postsecondary experiences. As they move into high school and college, they will need expanded opportunities to learn science through internships, apprenticeships, and foundational research experiences [ 24 ].

In our vision, students who are interested in pursuing science or STEM-related careers have clear pathways to follow and encounter few barriers transitioning between different institutions [ 16 ]. Higher education makes it a priority to broaden opportunity for populations of students underrepresented in STEM professions and produces science and engineering graduates of all races and ethnicities in at least proportion to their percentage share of the American population. ( See Box 5 for an example of the pathways taken by a life-saving scientist. )

In this vision, all students finishing postsecondary programs or degrees leave understanding even more deeply than they did upon high school graduation how science and scientific thinking are relevant to their careers and lives. Those receiving STEM degrees are specialists in their area of interest, prepared to succeed in the workforce, or pursue post baccalaureate degrees after participating in rigorous, relevant, student-centered coursework and undergraduate research opportunities.

If the nation fulfills this vision and extends the opportunity for a high-quality science education to all, the question, “What does science have to do with my life?” should disappear from the lexicon of students. America will thrive as a nation of science “haves.”

Scientific thinking and understanding are essential for all people navigating the world, not just for scientists and other science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) professionals. Knowledge of science and the practice of scientific thinking are essential components of a fully functioning democracy. Science is also crucial for the future STEM workforce and the pursuit of living wage jobs. Yet, science education is not the national priority it needs to be, and states and local communities are not yet delivering high quality, rigorous learning experiences in equal measure to all students from elementary school through higher education.

Call to Action for Science Education: Building Opportunity for the Future articulates a vision for high quality science education, describes the gaps in opportunity that currently exist for many students, and outlines key priorities that need to be addressed in order to advance better, more equitable science education across grades K-16. This report makes recommendations for state and federal policy makers on ways to support equitable, productive pathways for all students to thrive and have opportunities to pursue careers that build on scientific skills and concepts. Call to Action for Science Education challenges the policy-making community at state and federal levels to acknowledge the importance of science, make science education a core national priority, and empower and give local communities the resources they must have to deliver a better, more equitable science education.


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  • Our Mission

Focusing on Science With Elementary Students This Year

Science instruction boosts students’ curiosity and encourages collaboration, which will help them transition back to in-person school.

Elementary students examine a butterfly outdoors

Looking to help students grow academically, engage deeply in their learning, and cultivate critical social and emotional learning (SEL) competencies after more than a year of virtual and hybrid instruction? Science—and evidence-based methods for teaching it—can help.

The 2018 National Survey of Science and Mathematics Education found that students in grades K–3 were taught science for an average of just 18 minutes a day, compared with 89 minutes for English language arts and 57 minutes for math. Science instructional time is only marginally greater in the upper-elementary grades. And those are averages, which means many children go whole days and even weeks without science instruction. Amid the pandemic, science instruction often has been shoved even further aside.

While math and reading are essential subjects, elementary students need more science instruction. By creating time for science, school leaders and educators give students the space and opportunity to build knowledge, interact with classmates, problem-solve, and engage in important content at an age when they are at their most curious. Today’s young people need to study and understand their world so that as young adults they can make decisions that have a positive impact.

Current practice simply isn’t working, as evidenced by the latest National Assessment of Educational Progress , known as the gold standard in student assessments. Science scores were down on the latest assessment in elementary school and flat in middle and high school.

As a lifelong science educator, I believe high-quality science instruction is essential. It takes advantage of students’ innate curiosity, boosts discourse and engagement, and enhances important social and emotional skills such as teamwork, self-management, and critical thinking. Great science instruction also encourages students to drive their learning through exploration. Those are exactly the kind of learning experiences students need as they transition back to in-person school this year.

3 Key Steps for Making Science More Engaging

1. Use phenomena:  Anchoring lessons in observable events that can be explained or predicted through scientific understanding motivates students, allowing them to ask questions, make observations, and conduct investigations to understand and explain the world. For example, fourth-grade students might investigate how elephants sense rainstorms that are hundreds of miles away. This leads students to share ideas about related phenomena, such as pet dogs knowing when someone is at the door before people know. By incorporating phenomena in this manner, students interact with a web of interrelated events that help them connect core science ideas—in this case, how we respond when we sense information in our environment.

2. Integrate art and literature into your lessons:  Science lends itself to interdisciplinary learning, which tends to be highly engaging. For example, when studying windmills in an energy unit, consider exploring Piet Mondrian’s windmill paintings or incorporating The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind , by William Kamkwamba and Bryan Mealer, a nonfiction text about a Malawian boy who builds his own windmill and brings electricity to his village. This gives your students who love art or literature a window into science.

3. Use engaging instructional routines:  Many of these may already be in your toolbox.

  • For K–2, the “tableau routine” allows students to visually and kinesthetically express understanding of a concept by communicating about it without words. Students use their bodies and facial expressions to create a scene, or tableau, that represents a concept. For example, they can pose in ways that show how plants respond to specific water and light conditions during an investigation.
  • The “jigsaw routine” helps students in third grade and above digest complex texts. Students are split into groups, and each group studies a section of text, becoming an expert on that portion. The groups then share what they learned. For example, students can read about fossils found in each rock layer of the Grand Canyon, reporting their findings to their peers and comparing the layers they studied to others.
  • And the “chalk-talk routine” is a silent exercise that encourages universal participation by giving students a chance to organize their thinking by first writing their thoughts and questions about a topic on sheets of chart paper. As students consider each topic, they build on their peers’ ideas, respond to questions, and write follow-up questions. I’ve seen teachers use this routine to explore different solutions for mitigating severe weather damage.

Teachers can leverage the power of science when working to address learning challenges exacerbated by the pandemic. Emphasizing science instruction, using evidence-based strategies and routines, and exploring real-world phenomena will pique students’ interest and help them with vital skills while giving more attention to a core academic subject that has too often been neglected.

STEM Education Guide

What is STEM? What You Need to Know

Krystal DeVille

March 21, 2024

Students in a classroom.

STEM, which stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics, is more than just a group of subjects. It’s a way of integrating these crucial areas into a holistic approach to learning and problem-solving.

As I explore STEM, I envision it as a fusion recipe that blends four basic ingredients to prepare students for the jobs of tomorrow. This educational framework aims to develop not only knowledge but also the ability to apply that knowledge in real-world scenarios.

Table of Contents

Key Takeaways:

  • STEM intertwines science, tech, engineering, and math for integrated learning.
  • A quality STEM education encourages problem-solving and real-world application.
  • STEM fields are known for their significant growth and lucrative job opportunities.

Fundamentals of STEM

Engineering STEM students using 3D printer.

STEM education is genuinely at the forefront of preparing students for the tech-savvy job market that awaits them, or really, any job they would like to pursue.

Definitions and Components of STEM

STEM, the acronym, rolls off the tongue a bit easier than saying science, technology, engineering, and math each time, right? These four pillars are more pivotal than they have ever been. You see how fast the world changes.

I don’t think I’m that old, but I do remeber my teacher telling me I won’t always have a cacular in my pocket, (jokes on her right!?)

STEM is not just a collection of subjects, but an interdisciplinary approach. That’s really what sets it apart from “just learning.” It’s about interconnecting these fields to solve real-world problems rather than studying them in isolation.

Science explores the natural world, from atoms to ecosystems. Technology is all about gadgets and software – basically anything to make our lives easier and more connected.

Engineering is where design and utility meet, crafting everything from bridges to circuit boards. And let’s not forget math, the language that underlies it all, where we crunch numbers and patterns to predict outcomes. Where we have to prove it on paper to show that the “math works.”

History and Evolution of STEM

Back in the early 2000s, educators coined the term “SMET” but let’s be honest, it wasn’t catchy. Thankfully, Winona State University President Judith Ramaley had a lightbulb moment and switched the letters around to STEM — score one for marketing!

This idea wasn’t just a fresh coat of paint on an old concept; it signified a shift in thinking. Educators recognized the need for students to engage with these subjects cooperatively.

They revamped curricula to reflect this, realizing that the challenges of tomorrow require people who don’t just memorize facts but understand how to apply knowledge creatively and collaboratively. Facts don’t matter; if there is nothing practical, you get out of them.

This shift also led to the introduction of STEAM, where the ‘A’ stands for the Arts, acknowledging that creativity is just as crucial in innovation.

If you’d like to read more about STEAM, please take a look at our article: STEM vs. STEAM , Making Room for The Arts.

STEM VS STEAM infographic.

STEM Education

STEM education isn’t just a bunch of subjects thrown together; it’s about blending science, technology, engineering, and math in a way that gets students ready for a future where these skills will be in high demand.

Let’s get into what makes STEM education so important in schools and how it’s taught beyond the classroom walls.

Importance of STEM in Schools

STEM education is critical for young minds in elementary, middle, and high school. It’s not just about prepping U.S. students for the workforce. It’s about building literacy in STEM fields that sets a foundation for any career path they might choose later on.

I see firsthand how essential STEM skills are for development. When students get a taste of project-based learning, they’re building bridges to the future.

Curriculum and Learning Models

Girl performing chemistry test

At its best, it incorporates a variety of learning models.

Blended learning is an excellent example, where students spin their gears online and hands-on. Doing research online or on the computer is fine, but students need to get away from the screen and get their hands on something to understand it fully.

Special shout-out to the interdisciplinary nature of STEM that bonds different subjects coherently.

Imagine it: A high school programming task suddenly throws in a curveball from physics, sparking a lightbulb moment for a student. It’s all about making connections, much like piecing together a puzzle that reveals a bigger picture.

STEM Beyond the Classroom

Finished spinning science paint

The magic of STEM doesn’t vanish when the school bell rings and the kids leave.

STEM literacy is an ongoing journey that extends to after-school programs, coding boot camps, and DIY science kits at home . High school students often roll up their sleeves in science fairs or internships that provide hands-on experience with real-world applications.

Seeing K-12 students approach everyday problems with a STEM mindset proves how valuable these skills are outside the traditional learning environment.

It’s a testament to the adaptability and relevance of STEM education that it doesn’t restrict itself to classroom corners.

It spills out, influencing how young minds perceive and interact with the world around them.

Understanding the basics of stem is just the beginning. Let’s go a little deeper and read our article on ‘ How can STEM education shape the future ’ and discover its pivotal role in molding tomorrow’s leaders.

Key Areas of Focus in STEM

Let’s get into the core components of STEM.

Science and Mathematics

Science is where curiosity meets experimentation. From physics to biology and chemistry , science encompasses various disciplines that allow us to understand the natural world.

Think of biology as studying life, chemistry as exploring substances, and physics as the foundation of natural phenomena.

It’s the blend of these natural sciences that provides us the canvas to paint our understanding of life, matter, and the forces that bind them.

Then there’s mathematics . The language of logic, it runs through the veins of STEM like a binding melody.

From basic algebra and geometry to brain-bending calculus and statistics , math provides tools for solving problems big and small.

Whether you find yourself calculating the area of complex shapes or crunching big data through statistical analysis, mathematics is the trusty sidekick to the sciences, making sense of patterns and quantifying our discoveries.

Technology and Engineering

Now, for technology and engineering – they’re the builders of our modern world that we always see.

Both fields rely on applying what we learn from science and math to create tangible solutions. Engineering is the practical application of those disciplines to design everything from bridges and gadgets to the device you’re using right now, with subdivisions like electronics and robotics .

Speaking of gadgets, Technology is the umbrella under which those gadgets dance in the rain of progress.

It includes information systems like computer science , which basically allows us to chat, share, and store information instantly.

Engineering and tech are the forces driving us forward, and they’re constantly evolving, so staying on top of the latest developments is as exciting as essential.

With each area interlacing closely with the others, STEM creates an intricate dance of knowledge that pushes the boundaries of what we can achieve.

It’s not just about individual brilliance, like that of mathematicians or scientists, but about collective progress in these interdependent fields.

Career Perspectives in STEM

Young women working in an office on her computer.

In STEM fields, the job landscape is vibrant, with plenty of room for newcomers like me to hop in.

Job Market and Demand

Isn’t it something? Data points to a 79% employment growth in STEM fields over three decades. What’s more, they peg an 11% boom from 2020 to 2030.

It’s not just IT and computer science; areas like electrical and mechanical engineering are also on fire.

As a STEM enthusiast, I can barely contain my excitement over these spirited demands in the job market.

FieldExpected Growth
Computer ScienceHigh
EngineeringModerate to High

STEM Professions and Skills

I’ve seen how STEM majors queue up to get into roles that require not just technical prowess but also an analytical mindset and the agility to navigate an economy fueled by continuous research and development.

The National Science Foundation says we STEM professionals are the backbone of innovation and economic growth, and who am I to argue?

High salary prospects sweeten the deal, especially in roles like systems managers where numbers can bubble up to six figures.

Here’s what’s trending in skills and roles:

  • Computer Science & IT : Coding, cybersecurity, and data analytics are gold.
  • Engineering : Both electrical and mechanical engineering demand creative problem-solving.
  • Mathematics : Skills in analysis and modeling can weave through various sectors.

Broadening Participation

Minorities Representation in STEM

Diversity and Inclusion in STEM

Initiatives: Bold steps are being taken by organizations like the National Science Foundation (NSF) to involve a more diverse population in the sciences.

They recognize the importance of nurturing talent from underrepresented groups such as black and hispanic communities, and have developed initiatives aimed at encouraging their participation in STEM.

The numbers: Surprisingly, only a sliver of NSF funding goes towards such initiatives, but it’s a growing priority.

With schemes like the INCLUDES program , the goal is to dramatically shift the needle on this.

Education: Let’s not forget the folks standing in front of the classroom.

STEM teachers hail from all different backgrounds and are critical in shaping young minds.

The U.S. Department of Education understands this; hence, it pours resources into training a workforce of educators that mirrors the diversity of their students.

It’s about relatability and the light bulb moments that happen when students see themselves in their mentors.

Women and Minorities in STEM

STEM Employment By Gender

Statistics today: Fasten your seatbelts because the stats are in, and they might rattle you.

Women and minorities are still vastly underrepresented in STEM careers.

Change is on the horizon: But change doesn’t come from just sitting back.

Groups like the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE) and initiatives from the White House aim to rewrite this stale narrative by creating environments where everyone gets a fair shot at success.

Community and Support: It’s all about building a community now, isn’t it?

For women and minorities, this is a game changer.

These initiatives provide both a shoulder to lean on and a springboard to soar from – figuratively speaking. They’re creating a sense of belonging in places where it was scarce – that’s the magic ingredient for a thriving career in STEM.

International Perspective

Stem around the world.

In Australia , students are embracing STEM to become pivotal players in the global economy.

Their education system focuses on innovation and practical applications, pushing students to think beyond the textbook.

On the other hand, China is sprinting forward in STEM.

With a considerable push from the government, Chinese students often outshine others in international rankings like PISA. This shows that they aren’t just good at taking tests — they’re also becoming champions of innovation.

France and the United Kingdom are no slouches either.

They link STEM closely to economics, ensuring their citizens are equipped for future markets. Both nations believe in starting STEM education early, fostering a sense of intrigue and creativity in young minds.

Comparative Education Systems

Let’s get down to the nitty-gritty. How do education systems stack up?

The U.S. government has been a formidable force in promoting STEM, yet there’s room for improvement.

This is especially true when I peek at PISA scores , which show that American students often lag behind their peers in places like East Asia.

Comparing these systems feels like flipping through a kaleidoscope of methodologies.

Some countries stress rote learning, while places like the United Kingdom emphasize a more hands-on approach.

Every country I look at has its way of doing things, but no matter the method, the aim is the same: to equip students with the skills needed for a tech-driven future.

Advancements and Future of STEM

I’m about to walk you through a maze of brainy breakthroughs and a sneak peek at the skills you’ll need to thrive in the fast-moving STEM job market.

Innovations in STEM Education

In my journey through the world of STEM, I’ve seen some real game-changers in education.

We’re not just talking about learning science and math anymore. It’s how these subjects swirl together with technology and engineering that really spices things up.

We’ve moved beyond the classroom walls, with long-distance learning making a serious splash.

And you bet, arts are getting into the mix too—hello, STEAM! This creative buddy brings a whole new layer of imagination and innovation .

  • Integration : Subjects are interlocking like pieces of a puzzle, making learning a whole scene and not just scattered bits.
  • Creativity : Ditch the yawn-worthy lectures. Educators are crafting courses that light fires under our seats with exciting projects.
  • Communication : It’s not a one-way street anymore. Students talk back, brainstorm, and swap ideas like Pokémon cards.

Industry Growth and Future Skills

Move over, old-school careers; the STEM industry’s growth is like popcorn at the movies—fast and massive.

My best guess is a rise in jobs across computer science , health , medicine , and robotics .

But wait, there’s more. We can’t ignore the hefty role of computing across other sectors, like economics , spurring on development and fattening up the economy .

  • Computing : From writing code to cybersecurity—basically anything that makes you feel like a wizard.
  • Data Analysis : It’s all the rage, like the avocado on toast of skills.
  • Adaptability : Tech’s sprinting, not strolling, and keeping up means lacing up those flexible thinking shoes.

STEM’s trajectory is clear: innovate, integrate, and keep learning fun while polishing up the skills that’ll keep you ahead of the game.

From quantum computing to bionic limbs, the advancements we’re seeing are just the trailer of what’s to come. I’m stoked to see where it all leads—aren’t you?

Frequently Asked Questions

Let’s unravel some common curiosities about STEM education that might be buzzing in your head.

How does STEM education impact high school students?

I’ve noticed high schoolers who get into STEM programs often get a leg-up on critical thinking, problem-solving, and team collaboration.

It’s not just homework; they’re solving real-world puzzles.

What are the key skills developed in STEM programs?

In my experience, STEM hones in on problem-solving and innovation. You learn to tackle challenges with creativity, which is sort of like flexing your brain muscles in new ways.

Can you tell me about the career paths for STEM graduates?

STEM grads often land in diverse fields, from app development to renewable energy. There’s a ton of options, whether you fancy coding or crafting things.

What types of activities are included in STEM for younger kids?

Let me paint you a picture: it’s less about the ‘sit still and listen’ and more ‘let’s build a volcano!’ Kids get their hands dirty with experiments and interactive projects that make learning a blast.

Author: Krystal DeVille

Title: stem education guide founder, expertise: homeschooling, kids education, parenting.

Krystal DeVille is an accomplished journalist and homeschooling mother who created STEM Education Guide, a site that revolutionizes learning in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) for children. It makes complex subjects engaging and understandable with innovative, hands-on approaches.

Krystal DeVille

2 thoughts on “What is STEM? What You Need to Know”

This is so interesting!!. How can one be a part of the STEM movement, especially one in the design and manufacturing industry?

To get involved in the STEM movement, especially in design and manufacturing, you can start by taking courses in STEM subjects online or somewhere local to you. Joining organizations like the Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME) can help with networking and resources you might have thought of. Participating in workshops and conferences will keep you updated with industry professionals.

Keep me updated and let me know how it’s going!

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The Teaching Couple

The Importance of Science Education in Primary Schools

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Written by Dan

Last updated February 16, 2024

Science education is becoming increasingly important in our society. With the advancement of technology, it is more important than ever for children to be taught science at a young age.

Science teaches children how to think critically and question the world around them. It helps them to understand the natural world and the universe we live in.

This article will discuss the importance of science education in primary schools and why children need to learn about science from a young age.

Related : For more, check out our article on  The Importance Of Biology  here.


Teaching science to children in primary school is vital for some reasons. First and foremost, science is a subject that helps children understand the world around them.

It teaches them about the natural world and how things work and helps them develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

This is important for their overall education and development. Additionally, science is an increasingly relevant subject in today’s world.

With advances in technology and our increasing reliance on science and technology, it is more important than ever that children are familiar with the basics of science.

This will not only help them in their future studies and careers, but it will also help them make informed decisions as citizens.

Aspect of Science EducationImportance in Primary SchoolsExpected OutcomesTeaching StrategiesChallenges
Fostering CuriosityEncourages students to ask questions and seek answers about the natural world.Develops critical thinking and problem-solving skills.Use inquiry-based learning to allow students to explore and discover.Keeping lessons engaging and accessible for young learners.
Building Foundational KnowledgeEstablishes basic scientific concepts and vocabulary.Creates a framework for future scientific understanding and education.Integrate science with other subjects like math and reading.Ensuring age-appropriate content that aligns with cognitive development.
Developing Scientific LiteracyPrepares students to understand and engage with scientific information in everyday life.Enables informed decision-making and responsible citizenship.Teach how to evaluate sources and understand scientific news.Overcoming misconceptions and misinformation.
Introducing the Scientific MethodTeaches a systematic approach to investigating questions and testing hypotheses.Instills a logical and empirical approach to problem-solving.Hands-on experiments and observation activities.Providing adequate resources and materials for experiments.
Encouraging STEM CareersEarly exposure to science can spark interest in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) careers.Addresses future workforce needs in science and technology fields.Invite guest speakers and take field trips to science-related workplaces.Combatting stereotypes and encouraging diversity in STEM fields.
Promoting Environmental AwarenessIncreases understanding of human impact on the environment and the importance of sustainability.Cultivates environmental stewardship and conservation efforts.Projects on recycling, conservation, and local ecosystems.Balancing environmental education with other curricular demands.
Utilizing TechnologyIntegrates modern technology to enhance learning and demonstrate real-world applications of science.Improves digital literacy and comfort with using technological tools.Use educational apps, virtual labs, and online resources.Ensuring equitable access to technology for all students.
Supporting Personal GrowthScience education supports the development of personal attributes such as patience, perseverance, and collaboration.Fosters social and emotional growth alongside cognitive development.Group work and long-term projects to build teamwork and social skills.Addressing varied learning styles and abilities within a classroom.

This table highlights the multifaceted importance of science education in primary schools.

Table of Contents

How can we break up the Science Curriculum?

In primary school, children are typically taught the basics of plant biology and the role plants play in the ecosystem.

This may include lessons on the parts of a plant (such as the roots, stem, leaves, and flowers), the function of each piece, and how plants use sunlight to make their food through photosynthesis.

Children may also learn about the life cycle of plants, including how seeds germinate and grow into mature plants.

In addition to learning about the biology of plants, children may also be taught about the importance of plants in the environment, including how they provide oxygen, food, and shelter for various animals.

Overall, teaching children about plants in primary school aims to help them understand how plants function and their role in the natural world.

Related : For more, check out our article on  The Importance Of Chemistry  here.

Living Things and Their Habitats

In primary school, children are typically taught about the different characteristics of living things and the habitats in which they live.

This may include lessons on what makes something a living thing (such as the ability to grow, reproduce, and respond to stimuli), the different types of living things (such as animals, plants, and microorganisms), and the basic needs of living things (such as food, water, and shelter).

Children may also learn about the habitats where living things can be found, such as forests, deserts, oceans, and grasslands.

In addition, children may be taught about how living things interact with each other and their environment, including how they obtain food, reproduce and adapt to their surroundings.

Overall, the goal of teaching children about living things and their habitats in primary school is to help them develop a basic understanding of the diversity of life on Earth and the interconnectedness of living things.

Animals Including Humans

In Primary school, kids usually learn about numerous animals’ distinct behaviours and features – including humans.

This may include lessons on the different body systems of animals (such as the circulatory, respiratory, and digestive systems), how animals move and sense their surroundings, and how animals meet their basic needs (such as finding food and shelter).

Children may also learn about the different groups of animals, such as mammals, birds, fish, and insects, and how they are similar and different.

In addition, children may be taught about the characteristics and behaviours of humans, including how the human body works and how humans are similar to and different from other animals.

Overall, the goal of teaching children about animals in primary school is to help them develop a basic understanding of the biology and behaviour of animals, including humans.

Evolution and Inheritance

In primary schools, science classes can offer a fun and informative way to learn about evolution and inheritance!

From tracing how species change over time to learning how traits are passed down from generation to generation, kids of all ages can find something interesting in evolutionary biology.

Concepts taught in primary school curriculums include basic genetics and the scientific explanation of how life forms on Earth emerged over millions of years.

These exciting subjects also discuss natural selection and adaptation, giving students a deeper understanding of biological concepts.

With its entertaining demonstrations, engaging discussions, and compelling facts, tackling topics like evolution and inheritance in primary school science classes promises to be insightful for both the young minds in the course. It provides an opportunity for teachers to show the beauty of life processes.

Seasonal Change

Teachers give a fun and informative tour of seasonal change! They discuss fascinating topics like the phases of the moon and its cycle around our planet, the changing of the sun’s angle to give us different levels of heat and light over time, and why we experience four seasons – spring, summer, fall, and winter.

Students learn how to use this knowledge to understand better why certain plants bloom during certain times of the year or what makes one month hotter.

It’s an engaging lesson that will bring students closer to nature and help them appreciate the wonders we find every season.

Uses of Everyday Materials and their Properties

Students can be expected to explore how each material acts differently in different conditions and how emotions and behaviour might change when interacting with them.

Super cool science experiments using simple items from around the house – fruits, vegetables, clay and water – are just a few examples.

Primary school students can explore matter by naming it and classifying it based on its properties before heading out for even more hands-on fun: playing with natural elements outside and creating art with their newfound understanding of materials and their properties. The possibilities are endless!

Earth and Space

Primary school science classes cover many exciting topics on Earth and Space .

Your typical lesson on Earth studies will have you exploring the properties of rocks and soil, discovering how water shapes landscapes and ecosystems, or learning about the millions of organisms that inhabit our planet.

Meanwhile, outer space adventures include investigations into stars and galaxies, astronaut training sessions as students explore what it would be like to live off-planet, and even a blast into the past to learn about the evolution of our Solar System.

With these fascinating topics that never fail to engage little minds, it is no wonder why many primary schoolers develop a lifelong fascination with science!


Primary schoolers certainly have a fantastic opportunity to learn about light in science! Right from the moment, they know all about the basics of light – like that it can travel in a straight line or be reflected off mirrors – to when they explore the exciting topics of refraction and diffraction, primary schools offer kids a great introduction to this fascinating realm.

They might even get to experiment with prisms to explore how colours are separated and recombined in rainbows!

Sure, it’s not as exciting as a field trip, but science classes on light provide kids with all the knowledge they need for more challenging science courses.

Learning about forces in science class is no joke! Students get to explore some of the most interesting scientific phenomena – how and why things move, how gravity works its magic, and what happens when objects interact. It’s pretty wild.

Experiments and activities teach them incredible facts, like action-reaction forces, static or sliding friction, momentum, the centre of mass, equilibrium points and more.

No doubt they’ll leave class with a newfound respect for the powerful forces that exist in our world!

Learning about sound in the science classroom can be downright melodic! Students are taught to think of sound waves as tiny ripples in the air, picturing how they get diffracted by objects, bounce off walls, and eventually make it to our ears, where they resonate and create magical music.

Kids learn about decibels, frequency and amplitude, and concepts like interference that help explain why we hear certain sounds louder than others.

It’s exciting for students to come away from these lessons and understand how such a noisy world is actually entirely organized, thanks to the laws of physics.

Rocks and Fossils

There’s so much to learn about the fascinating world of rocks and fossils in schools! Science lessons often go deep into the incredible history and origin of minerals.

Most students are particularly interested in how fossils form and what they can tell us about ancient plants and animals.

Whether it be decoding rock formations or comparing different fossils, these classes can get wild with excitement as everyone is eager to learn more about these ancient relics.

Kids might even chip away on natural rocks or dig up dinosaur bones during a typical course!

With science lessons encompassing everything from the properties of stones to the life cycles of microfossils, this could feel like an adventure-filled expedition – full of new discoveries around every corner.

Science education in primary schools offers students an exciting and engaging opportunity to explore various fascinating topics.

Kids can better understand our world and its many complexities with activities that span from learning about light and sound waves to discovering rocks and fossils.

This educational experience is enjoyable and exciting for little ones but also sets them up to succeed in more advanced science classes later.

So if your little one is interested in science, check out what the local primary school offers!

1. What is the importance of science in school curriculum?

Science plays a pivotal role in our school curriculum. It encourages critical thinking, fosters curiosity, and equips students with the skills necessary to understand and interpret the world around them.Furthermore, it lays the groundwork for future scientific explorations and potential careers in the STEM field.

2. How has the science curriculum evolved over time?

The science curriculum has undergone significant transformations over the years. From rote memorization of facts and theories, it has shifted towards an inquiry-based approach that promotes hands-on learning and real-world applications.

This evolution ensures that our education system keeps pace with the ever-changing landscape of scientific discovery.

3. What does a typical science curriculum look like?

A typical science curriculum covers a wide array of topics, including but not limited to: biology, chemistry, physics, earth science, and environmental science.

It incorporates theoretical lessons, practical experiments, field trips, project work, and assessments to comprehensively understand each subject.

4. How are the concepts taught in the science curriculum relevant to everyday life?

The concepts taught in the science curriculum directly affect our everyday life.From understanding weather patterns and climate change to comprehending the nutritional value of our food and the functioning of our bodies, science helps us make informed decisions about our health, lifestyle, and environment.

5. Are there any resources available to supplement the science curriculum?

Absolutely! There are numerous resources available online and offline to supplement the science curriculum. These include science textbooks, educational websites, interactive games, science kits, and mobile apps. Many of these resources are designed to make learning more engaging, interactive, and fun.

6. What can parents do to support their child’s learning in science?

Parents can play a crucial role in supporting their child’s learning. They can encourage curiosity by answering questions, conducting simple experiments at home, or even turning a family outing into an educational adventure. Furthermore, they can provide resources and create a conducive learning environment at home.

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About The Author

I'm Dan Higgins, one of the faces behind The Teaching Couple. With 15 years in the education sector and a decade as a teacher, I've witnessed the highs and lows of school life. Over the years, my passion for supporting fellow teachers and making school more bearable has grown. The Teaching Couple is my platform to share strategies, tips, and insights from my journey. Together, we can shape a better school experience for all.

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what is the importance of science education in schools

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The Global Importance of Science Education

By Julie A. Luft, Ph.D., NSTA President 2023-2024

Posted on 2023-09-05

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The Global Importance of Science Education

As a science educator in higher education, I certainly have my own viewpoints about science education. However, as the current President of the National Science Teaching Association (NSTA), I have an obligation to understand how NSTA envisions the future of science teaching and learning. Fortunately, there is a sweet spot between NSTA and me. It’s the perfect middle of a Venn diagram, and it consists of an area that recognizes the global importance of science literacy.

While NSTA’s vision statement isn’t explicit about the global nature of science literacy, it does recognize the importance of a scientifically literate society. NSTA’s vision statement also points to education as the critical action in attaining a society that can make informed scientific decisions. The NSTA vision statement is clear and concise about the necessity of science for all. In case you haven’t seen the statement lately, here it is: Science literacy and education are recognized as vital to the future of our society, enabling us to make informed decisions about the collective challenges we face.

NSTA’s commitment to science literacy and education at a global scale is now adopting a more public perspective. NSTA has officially signed on to participate in the International Day of Scientific Culture (IDSC) on September 28. In joining more than 200 global organizations, NSTA is committing to elevating science literacy and science education. By participating in IDSC with other organizations worldwide, we are contributing to a unified stance about the global importance of science. A listing of specially curated NSTA resources in celebration of IDSC are listed below .

As this day draws near, I want to make a few points about the global importance of science. First, as educators in the preK–16 and informal areas, the future is in our hands. The knowledge gained by those we work with today will be essential in addressing some of the most pressing problems society will face in the years ahead. Managing climate change, ensuring an adequate food and water supply, and pursuing efficient energy sources are some of society’s most pressing challenges. The knowledge and skills learned today will be essential in contemplating and meeting these challenges.

How educators create this learning environment is my next point. It is important that all members of society experience science as both “what is known” and “a way of understanding.” Having only one or the other does not represent the true nature of science. In the United States, we are fortunate to have A Framework for K–12 Science Education ([Framework], NRC 2012) , which offers a vision for K–12 science instruction. Embraced by the science education community, the Framework points to crosscutting concepts, disciplinary core ideas, and science and engineering practices as essential in the teaching of science. These three areas are combined during instruction to create three-dimensional (or 3-D) instruction. When students learn through 3-D instruction, they are doing science and building their knowledge about important science ideas. The most important part of this instruction occurs as a teacher explicitly discusses the different dimensions with students. When the teacher is explicit, students can clarify their understanding of the concepts, ideas, and practices.

My last point is that the IDSC is a time for us to renew our commitment to understanding who has access to science. Science, as a culture, has not always been equitable, inclusive, or just, even though it strives to be objective. For instance, in the preK–12 setting, not all students have had access to high-quality science instruction, nor are all students encouraged to participate in science. As a result, our STEM workforce does not have the diversity that represents the talent to do science that exists in society. Science teachers and informal educators are well aware of the various issues that have deprived many of opportunities to engage in and persist in science.

Fortunately, conversations about equity, diversity, and inclusion are becoming more common in educational settings. They boldly draw attention to and name inequities to ensure everyone will learn and experience science. These conversations are essential, especially if we want to ensure the development of a scientifically literate society.

It is important that NSTA, with its approximately 40,000 members, is taking a stand about the global importance of science education. It’s a statement about the important work accomplished by our members and the science education community. It is a statement about the importance of science in our future.

Julie A. Luft, Ph.D. photo

Julie A. Luft, Ph.D. , is the president of the National Science Teaching Association. She began serving her one-year term on June 1, 2023. She is currently a Distinguished Research Professor and Athletic Association Professor of Mathematics and Science Education in the Mary Frances Early College of Education at the University of Georgia in Athens, Georgia. She joined the University of Georgia faculty in 2012.

The mission of NSTA is to transform science education to benefit all through professional learning, partnerships, and advocacy.

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what is the importance of science education in schools

what is the importance of science education in schools

Importance of Science Education in Schools

It’s not always obvious that science has an impact on our everyday lives, but the truth is that science impacts the many decisions we make every day. From taking care of our health and well-being and deciding to buy paper or plastic in the grocery store or even answering a child’s question who asks what the reason for blue skies is, science plays a significant role throughout our day. If you wish to know the importance of science education in schools then here we mention a complete guide for you.

Scientific research is the systematic examination of the structure and behavior of the social, physical, and natural worlds by the study of observation and experimentation. It’s the key to innovation, global competitiveness, and the advancement of mankind. It’s vital that the world continue to improve the state of science, be it developing new treatments for other illnesses or exploring and identifying new galaxies.

Science is as crucial as other subjects such as the sciences and the history of our time. The growing emphasis on STEM education is at the forefront of discussions regarding education in the present. Between the amount of material to cover and students being disengaged due to the level of mastery sciences, it is an intimidating discipline to impart. But, the value of teaching science should be at the forefront of every educator’s thoughts. There’s so much more than just the recitation of formulas, theories, and vocabulary.

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At an introductory level, science is interaction with other people that teaches patience and perseverance. It can also help children develop a healthy dose of skeptical thinking, educate children on how to think about their surroundings, and makes them aware that they can help in solving the world’s issues.

1. Knowledge

2. problem solving skills, 3. boost critical thinking, 4. cultivates a passion for learning, 5. uplifts many disciplines, 6. holds the key to future, 7. technology, here know the importance of science education in schools.

Science education gives students the opportunity to gain a better knowledge of how and why things function. Science can teach children about the world that surrounds them. Everything from human anatomy to techniques of transportation, science can reveal the mechanisms and the reasons for complicated systems. The information gained from science can be used to grasp new ideas, make educated choices and pursue the pursuit of a new passion.

Furthermore, since science provides tangible or visual proof of many of the facts we see on the screen and in books, kids and teens are able to increase their knowledge and remember information more effectively.

Children can get an appreciation for skepticism through studying science. Science can also create curiosity that helps students understand and formulate questions on the information they have accumulated. A lot of students find science exciting and fascinating, and consequently, explore new areas of interest in science. Science gives youngsters the idea that they can help solve world problems which is a good idea. Science helps children think rationally and to solve issues. Most of what you see comes due to people who had a problem and applied their understanding of science to answer the issue.

Concepts in science typically start with an idea and then an experiment that proves the idea using scientific techniques and analyses. The scientific method outlines a logical approach to new topics, ensuring that students are able to connect theoretical and practical work. Understanding the connection between the theories and research has advantages that are applicable to all disciplines and areas of life. Like gas to a stove, science provides the energy that accelerates young minds to peak performance.

The fascination of discovering how the sun sets to the east, why the sky is blue, how fish breathe in wat, and other amazing everyday events is naturally intriguing. Science stimulates the natural curiosity that drives learners and inspires them to discover the mysteries of the world around them. An approach that is hands-on draws the attention of many. The chance to demonstrate the concepts of science in person can inspire a love of learning.

To be able to comprehend science, it is necessary to have knowledge of other subjects of study. For instance, understanding mathematical concepts is a crucial necessity that can be useful for quantitative and qualitative analysis. Scientific methodology is built on technical abilities like the careful study of what is happening around you as well as being able to carry out controlled experiments. The presentation of results in scientific reports is a way to teach the value of thoroughness and objectivity.

It’s hard to imagine one aspect of life that isn’t influenced by technology in some way. It’s a vital component of many areas that range from agriculture to high-tech, and everything in between. The future generation needs an education in science that will aid them in their preparation for the future. As an example, the decline in rates of smoking is partly due to interventions based on science at schools.

Science can be useful in demonstrating to students the health and environmental consequences of pollutants like smoking tobacco, as well as the dangers of addiction to substances.

Science is a way to teach the basics of how specific devices work. This can help children come up with their own ideas and may even help invent new technologies in the near future. Understanding how microscopes, telescopes as well as other instruments used in labs perform can help you evaluate objects and distinguish the difference. This fundamental knowledge of technology can also assist in the resolution of minor issues in electronic objects in your home.

Also read, Importance of Social Science

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June 18, 2024

We Should Engineer Better Learning in Our Schools

Students should learn about both the natural world and human-made—or engineered—one we live in

By Christine M. Cunningham

Children and teacher creating wind turbines from paper

Karetoria/Getty Images

Across the country, schools are grappling with academic fallout from the pandemic . Math and reading scores have plunged , while abseentism has skyrocketed . Covid exacerbated inequities and created new dilemmas. As a lifelong advocate for getting engineering education into schools, I wrestle with this crisis daily. More of the same—routine, textbook-based instruction—isn’t the solution we need. But moving engineering into the school day just might be.

Despite big tech’s ubiquity, U.S. students get very little engineering instruction . It isn’t in most schools’ core curriculum, and teachers face a lack of educational opportunities , even when they want to address the problem. My colleagues at the Museum of Science, Boston, and I have been working to change this by creating high-quality curricula for the last two decades, first through our pioneering Engineering is Elementary (EiE) program, which covers pre-K through eighth grade, and now through our freely accessible Youth Engineering Solutions (YES) . We have seen firsthand how approaches like these improve student outcomes.

Massachusetts led the nation in introducing engineering in its K–12 science standards as early as 2001, informing science standards adopted by other states. Now, a new science framework for “the Nation’s Report Card”—the only nationally representative assessment of what our nation’s students know and can do in half a dozen subjects—includes engineering for the first time. The nonpartisan National Assessment Governing Board, which oversees the Nation’s Report Card, developed the framework that will govern the content of science assessments from 2028 onward.

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In East Boston, the Bradley School has embraced engineering since 2018. From kindergarten onward, students participate in an innovative engineering-based class that engages them in designing technologies such as shoes at least twice a week. School leaders say this has profoundly improved student motivation and success, including a nine-point increase in students’ science scores on the state end-of-year test, the Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System (MCAS) .

But this practice is not yet common enough. All too often, the “E” in STEM—“Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics”—is missing in K–12 education, particularly in the early grades.

It’s a missed opportunity. Across 604 classrooms in three states, a randomized controlled trial published in 2020 showed that careful integration of EiE engineering and science into lessons improved outcomes in both. When our “Now You’re Cooking” lesson invites kids to design their own solar ovens, for example, they explore the concept of thermal energy transfer while investigating the properties of material insulators and their environmental impacts. It’s an engaging way to teach science, math, engineering, reading and writing in one fell swoop.

Students should learn about both the natural scientific and human-made—or engineered—world we live in, after all, and not only because engineering and technical jobs are expected to grow at faster rates than most other occupations according to federal projections . We live in an engineered world, where young people must make smart, informed choices about technology and its consequences.

Learning engineering fosters children’s growth and potential to solve problems (not to mention teaching them persistence, a necessary part of the systematic, iterative process of engineering). In another YES unit we developed, students observe and record plastic debris around their schools, considering its impact on the environment. They then set about designing, testing and gradually improving technology to remove it. Students are most enthusiastic about projects that are relevant to their lives and communities, and open-ended like these. Such traits are inherent to engineering design challenges.

Not everyone realizes just how useful engineering instruction can be for teaching kids how to collaborate with others—so-called “ soft skills .” One of my favorite YES lessons asks kindergarteners to come up with a shared design for a sun hat, which will shade parts of their head—face, ears or neck—from the sun’s rays. It's not just the cuteness factor that makes this so much fun to observe. The students work in pairs. They must consider their own needs and those of others, fostering empathy and compromise.

With its hands-on approach and call for diverse perspectives, engineering can create more equitable learning. We’ve witnessed how engineering challenges disrupt unequal classroom dynamics. In a 2014 study, a much more diverse range of students self-identified as “smart” (or identified a more diverse set of their peers as “smart”) in engineering classrooms than in traditional classrooms. Another study found that teachers who provide students with engineering instruction are more likely than their peers to recommend underrepresented students for gifted and talented programs.

Integrating engineering instruction into other courses might just be the solution we need to our pandemic-related academic problems. Engineering increases student engagement and improves learning in science, math and literacy. It builds the kind of skills all children need—the ability to collaborate, think critically, problem solve and reflect on and improve upon their work. It offers ample opportunities for students to thrive.

Most teachers don’t receive the time, resources or professional learning needed to provide engineering instruction to their students. We must change that in order to make robust engineering a reality across K–12 classrooms. Providing free tools is a great start, but it is not enough on its own. In supporting educators to teach engineering, we provide youth with new ways of learning that nurture their ability to understand the world around them. We empower them to solve problems that affect themselves and their communities. And we prepare them to solve our society’s most pressing and complex problems. The status quo in education isn’t working. We can and should engineer better outcomes for our children.

This is an opinion and analysis article, and the views expressed by the author or authors are not necessarily those of Scientific American.

Edify World School Dehradun – Think Beyond

Importance of Science Education in Schools

  • May 31, 2022

what is the importance of science education in schools

Science education gives students the opportunity to gain a better knowledge of how and why things function. Science can teach children about the world that surrounds them. Everything from human anatomy to techniques of transportation, science can reveal the mechanisms and the reasons for complicated systems. If you wish to know the importance of science education in schools then here we mention a complete guide for you by EDIFY WORLD SCHOOL. DEHRADUN.

Why is science education is important in our schools?

We are surrounded by technology and the products of science every day. Public policy decisions that affect every aspect of our lives are based in scientific evidence. And, of course, the immensely complex natural world that surrounds us illustrates infinite scientific concepts. As children grow up in an increasingly technologically and scientifically advanced world, they need to be scientifically literate to succeed.

In EDIFY WORLD SCHOOL DEHRADUN, teaching the scientific method to students is teaching them how to think, learn, solve problems and make informed decisions. These skills are integral to every aspect of a student’s education and life, from school to career.

·          Science education is important in the 21st century.

 Science education can offer a rich context for developing many 21st-century skills, such as critical thinking, problem solving, and information literacy especially when instruction addresses the nature of science and promotes use of science practices. In EDIFY WORLD SCHOOL DEHRADUN, we know that students are the future generation and they can build their career by the help of science education.

·          How Is Science Involved in Students’ Everyday Lives?

Science is everywhere. A student rides to school on a bus, and in that instance alone, there are many examples of technology based on the scientific method. The school bus is a product of many areas of science and technology, including mechanical engineering and innovation. The systems of roads, lights, sidewalks and other infrastructure are carefully designed by civil engineers and planners. The smartphone in the student’s hand is a miracle of modern computer engineering. Natural” or human-derived, every aspect of a student’s life is filled with science — from their own internal biology to the flat-screen TV in the living room.

How Science Helps?

1)” Knowledge”

Teaching science offers students an opportunity to increase their overall understanding of how and why things work. Science teaches children about the world around them. From the human body to methods of transportation, science can explain the mechanics and reasons behind complex systems. This knowledge can be used to understand new concepts, make informed decisions and pursue new interests. Additionally, because science can provide tactile or visible proof of many facts, we see on tv and in books, children and teenagers can increase their understanding and retain information better.

2)”Problem Solving Skills”

Children can develop a healthy dose of skepticism from studying science. Science also instills a sense of intrigue that allows students to understand and form questions based on the knowledge they gained. Many students find science inspiring and interesting and, thus, pursue new scientific interests. Science can give children the belief that they can help solve the world’s problems, which is a great thing. Science instills the ability to think logically and solve problems. Almost everything you see is because individuals had a question and used their knowledge of science to solve it.


Science teaches the basics of how certain devices work. This helps children develop ideas of their own and possibly invent new technology in the future. Knowing how telescopes, microscopes, and other laboratory devices work can help you examine objects and determine the differences. This basic knowledge of technology also assists in fixing minor problems in electronic objects at home.

4) “Boost Critical Thinking”

The scientific method outlines a logical approach to new topics, ensuring that students are able to connect theoretical and practical work. Concepts in science typically start with an idea and then an experiment that proves the idea using scientific techniques and analyses.

Understanding the connection between the theories and research has advantages that are applicable to all disciplines and areas of life. Like gas to a stove, science provides the energy that accelerates young minds to peak performance. Using critical thinking and evidence to create solutions and make decisions. Problem-solving and critical thinking are two of the most important skills students learn in school. They are essential to making good decisions that lead to achievement and success during and after school. EDIFY WORLD SCHOOL DEHRADUN Teachers help students to boost their critical thinking.

5)”Holds The Key To Future”

The concept that ‘the present is the key to the future’ implies that we know enough about the present to be able to extend our knowledge forward to focus on the future. The future generation needs an education in science that will aid them in their preparation for the future. As an example, the decline in rates of smoking is partly due to interventions based on science at schools.

6)”The Importance of Science in Early Education”

Children usually form a basic opinion about the sciences shortly after beginning school. If this is a negative opinion, it can be hard to engage those students in science as they grow older. Engaging young students with exciting material and experiences motivates them to learn and pursue the sciences throughout school.

Science is one of the most important subjects in school due to its relevance to students’ lives and the universally applicable problem-solving and critical thinking skills it uses and develops. These are lifelong skills that allow students to generate ideas, weigh decisions intelligently and even understand the evidence behind public policymaking. Teaching technological literacy, critical thinking and problem-solving through science education gives students the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in school and beyond.

7)”The Importance of Teaching Science to Children”

Science is just as important as learning other subjects like mathematics and history. The increased push towards a STEM education is at the forefront of conversations about education today. Between the amount of material to cover to students being discouraged at the amount to master, science can be a difficult subject to teach. However, the importance of teaching science is what should be at the forefront of an educator’s mind. There is so much more than the memorization of theories, formulas and vocabularies. Edify world school focuses where science involves communication with different people, teaches patience and perseverance, can help kids form a healthy dose of skepticism, teaches kids about the world around them, and lets them know that they can help solve the world’s problems. Here are some important aspects that science offers children.

8) “Natural Science”

Science explains how the earth functions and how to make use of natural resources. Science also teaches about the lack of these resources, how it affects living things, and how to conserve them. Information about wildlife and how environmental changes and changes in resources affect them is also learned. Awareness of how to conserve natural resources and affect wildlife can be used for one’s whole life. Information about natural disasters and survival skills is also an important part of science.

                      #KNOWLEDGE TO PREPARE ,SKILLS TO EXCEL !

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What Exactly Is the Science of Reading?

  • Posted June 25, 2024
  • By Elizabeth M. Ross
  • Language and Literacy Development

Teacher reading a book in front of classroom

Last summer Nonie Lesaux , a professor at the Harvard Graduate School of Education who leads a research program that seeks to improve literacy outcomes for children and youth, was approached with a problem. The New York State Education Department (NYSED) needed to help the 600-plus school districts that the state agency serves better understand what scientific research had to say about how children learn strong reading and writing skills. Their query came at a time when powerful public advocacy for bringing the science of reading to classrooms, which had been steadily gaining momentum, had reached a fever pitch.

Portrait of Nonie Lesaux

Over roughly the past decade, 38 states and the District of Columbia have passed laws or introduced policies that aim to bring literacy instruction in line with decades of interdisciplinary research on the science of reading. In New York, in fact, Governor Kathy Hochul introduced a plan earlier this year to have schools in the state adopt science-based methods to improve reading instruction by September 2025.

When they approached her last summer, administrators at NYSED told Lesaux that many school district leaders and educators across the state felt “angst, confusion, and worry about the science of reading.” They weren’t sure what the term meant exactly — they had lots of questions, and they needed clarity and resources, she says, to help them “cut through a lot of noise,” including some misconceptions. 

So Lesaux produced a series of seven briefs to help the educators better understand the research, as well as the work that is needed. The briefs explore key ideas and myths about the science of reading, and leadership strategies for those in New York’s preK–12 systems who are working to improve literacy and provide professional learning supports.

Lesaux recently discussed the briefs, as well as how they have been received.

You worked with NYSED on a series of literacy briefs back in 2017. How did you build on that previous work with this new set of briefs?

Literacy is still the multifaceted, complex construct that it always has been, and the demands on the learner and the citizen today, in this global knowledge-based economy, are significant. You have to develop literacy skills to a level that is much higher than might have been necessary even 25 years ago, for entry into the workforce and for a good wage and income and lifestyle — that hasn't changed. … There is some overlap [in the briefs] because the knowledge base didn't change much. I think what changed, which was super important for the field, is the public became much clearer that there are effective and ineffective ways to teach early word reading.

In your first brief, you say that the science of reading reflects more than 50 years of research across multiple disciplines about how children successfully learn to read and write. If there is so much research and evidence, why has there been so much confusion about effective literacy instruction?

I think what has created some of the confusion is that there are a couple curricula and approaches that took hold at large scale — this kind of “leveled reader” approach, “balanced literacy” —  and the field took that up and the research was not there. In fact, it's deleterious for some kids because it's not the right approach. It's true that phonics instruction should be very explicit and direct, and that is not the same as teaching language and comprehension. And we need the language and comprehension teaching, but we can't confuse the two. And I think for far too long there was sort of this text-based approach to teaching phonics that wasn't actually the explicit direct instruction that a very significant number of children both need and respond so well to. But I think the danger is that we then swing the pendulum and pit the two ideas against each other, ideologically, and create this thing called “the reading wars,” when in fact we know we need a strong plan for phonics, and we need a strong plan for language and comprehension. It sounds so basic, and yet the politics and some of the ideologies of what it feels like to educate in developmentally appropriate ways got in the way of all of this. You know, rote explicit phonics instruction only needs to be about 20 minutes a day, but if you overdo it and it becomes synonymous with your reading instruction, you don't have a very engaging academic environment. When you do it really well and in the short burst that every first and second grader needs, it becomes very reinforcing and exciting because kids see their growth.

In one of your briefs, you set out to debunk common myths about the science of reading and you point out that learning to read and reading to learn should not be two distinct stages. You say effective teaching aims to teach all skills simultaneously from the earliest years?

Yeah, we need to stop pitting the two and we need to do both really well…. [and be] honest about the fact that there are lots of kids who don't have a vulnerability in the phonics area and don’t need more than the standard foundational instruction in this area, but who have very underdeveloped vocabulary and comprehension skills, you know, à la achievement opportunity gaps, and need a lot of content building knowledge. So, if we turn around and only do structured rote phonics programs, ad nauseum, they’re no better off for the long run.

What you mentioned about building up students’ background knowledge, to assist with reading comprehension, makes me think about the work of HGSE’s Jimmy Kim , correct?

Definitely. Jimmy’s portfolio of research has shed light on the effective strategies and the complexity of building up knowledge and comprehension skills. The same is true for Meredith Rowe's vocabulary work . There are others at HGSE, like Nadine Gaab with her [dyslexia] screening work , whose research is equally important. We’re all in the same fight together, contributing in specific ways for the same outcomes, but we're all looking at different pieces.

Regardless of which pieces we’re each focused on, some of the feedback that I get repeatedly [from school districts] is that it's so helpful that we step back and look at the policy and practice landscape and look at what the research really tells us about where we are, and then craft guidance in the form of resources and tools.

Additional resources

  • American Public Radio's Sold a Story podcast

Separating Fact from Fiction About the Science of Reading

  • The Science of Reading Literacy Briefs, NYSED
  • Harvard Ed. magazine explores the next phase of the Reach Every Reader initiative
  • Professor Catherine Snow puts the "literacy crisis" in context on the Harvard EdCast

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'We know what works' DeWine pushes Ohio schools to adopt science-based literacy education

Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine is once again making the push for phonics-based literacy education for Ohio students after last week's State of the State address .

In Columbus, guests packed the Lincoln Theatre in King-Lincoln Bronzeville on Tuesday to join DeWine in viewing a documentary that champions an emerging science of how kids learn to read. DeWine, along with education leaders, parents and community members viewed a screening of the “The Right to Read,” a 2023 documentary that follows an NAACP activist, a teacher, and two families who champion the importance of literacy.

In addition to highlighting the importance of literacy, the documentary also addresses an increasingly controversial topic of how children learn to read. For several years, DeWine has spoken about what he said is the best method , a method addressed in the documentary called the "science of reading."

DeWine said Tuesday the science of reading method, which is in essence, reading programs that teach students to break down words and sounds by learning the rules of the language, is needed to keep Ohioans educated and the workforce competitive.

"The good news is we know what works," DeWine said Tuesday. "We have to have people who are well-educated, we certainly have to have people who can read."

Kareem Weaver, an NAACP activist, teacher and the film's producer, said literacy is a fundamental right in society, and implementing science-based phonics education

"This is a civil rights issue," Weaver said. "This is not something that's just a bureaucratic thing — this is a civil rights issue. Kids deserve the right to read, and it's our responsibility as the adults wherever we stand … that we're all along."

DeWine was also joined by Columbus City Schools Superintendent Angela Chapman, who delivered opening remarks. Columbus City Schools began using the science of reading method in 2020 and has seen some improvements in early literacy skills, The Dispatch previously reported .

"We're committed to ensuring our approach is inclusive, reaching students of all backgrounds and abilities because we understand that literacy opens doors to opportunities and is a right, not a privilege," Chapman said Tuesday.

What is the 'science of reading'?

The debate over how kids learn to read has been quietly raging for decades , as outlined in the Right to Read documentary.

One method, structured literacy (or the "science of reading") teaches students to break words down into their phonemes or sounds.

The other method widely used in schools is called balanced literacy or whole language, and gives children strategies to decipher unfamiliar words by looking at a picture or context of the known words in a sentence. These are called cues, and while sounding the word out can be one, it's only supposed to be used as a measure of last resort.

Both sides of the debate have followers, but science and educational professionals are beginning to favor structured literacy.

In April 2022, a federally funded study from the University of Delaware showed that Reading Recovery, one of the most widely used cueing programs, lowered student performance in the long run, The Dispatch previously reported. Children who used the program did well in first grade, but then they scored lower on state reading tests in grades three and four compared to students who didn't participate.

Late last year, Worthington-based Reading Recovery Council of North America filed a lawsuit in Franklin County Common Pleas Court seeking to block changes in last year's biennial budget which makes structured literacy programs prohibited under the new law, The Dispatch previously reported .

DeWine tours state after urging expansions of science of reading

At his state-of-the-state address last week , DeWine urged universities to teach educators about structured literacy and also to said that pre-school should be aligned for preparing children for the science of reading. This week, he had several stops in Cleveland and Columbus this week where he viewed the documentary and held roundtable discussions.

"We're now following the science of reading, but we still have too many classrooms in the state of Ohio where that's not occurring," DeWine said. "We have to get every classroom, every child — every child deserves that."


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5 Important Takeaways From The 2024–2025 U.S. News And World Report Best Global University Rankings

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Harvard University

This morning, U.S. News and World Report released their much-anticipated 2024-2025 Best Global University Rankings. These annual rankings are a cornerstone in the field, influencing decisions that range from student applications to institutional funding and providing a glimpse into the current state of affairs in the world of higher education. This list can provide helpful insights into the relative merits of the schools students may be considering adding to their college lists. In order to use this list effectively, however, it is important to understand the nuances of the ranking system and the factors considered therein.

Here is a breakdown of the rankings’ methodology, as well as key takeaways from this year’s list:


The U.S. News and World Report Best Global University Rankings are based on a comprehensive methodology that evaluates colleges and universities across thirteen key metrics. These include:

  • Global research reputation (12.5%)
  • Regional research reputation (12.5%)
  • Publications (10%)
  • Books (2.5%)
  • Conferences (2.5%)
  • Normalized citation impact (10%)
  • Total citations (7.5%)
  • Number of publications that are among the 10% most cited (12.5%)
  • Percentage of total publications that are among the 10% most cited (10%)
  • International collaboration – relative to country (5%)
  • International collaboration (5%)
  • Number of highly cited papers that are among the top 1% most cited in their respective field 5%
  • Percentage of total publications that are among the top 1% most highly cited papers 5%

In addition to the overall global rankings and country-specific rankings, U.S. News and World Report published a subject-specific ranking list , evaluating schools’ global positions in over 50 individual disciplines.

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These rankings offer quantitative data students can consider when building their college lists, providing a fairly comprehensive picture of universities’ academic prowess and institutional reach. That being said, students using the rankings to build their college lists should note that many of these factors do not capture the qualitative aspects of students’ experiences.

Key Takeaways from the 2024–25 Rankings

1. The number of universities considered rose by more than 10%.

This year, 2,250 universities across over 100 countries were considered—up more than ten percent from the 2,000 schools considered in the previous ranking.

2. Harvard University lands on top.

As in the last cycle, Harvard University claimed the #1 spot in the global rankings list. This prestigious accolade reflects Harvard's unparalleled academic excellence, groundbreaking research, and global influence. Known for its distinguished faculty, cutting-edge facilities, and a tradition of innovation, Harvard continues to set the standard in higher education, making it the leading choice for students and scholars worldwide.

3. The U.S. dominates the rankings for another year.

Nearly half of the top 50 schools in the ranking are located in the U.S., totaling 24 of the top 50 on the rankings list. Additionally, four out of the top five are U.S. schools: Harvard University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Stanford University, and University of California, Berkeley. This remarkable achievement underscores the global prestige of U.S. universities, known for their world-class research, innovative academic programs, and extensive resources.

4. UT Austin and Brown University dropped in the rankings.

Both Brown University and The University of Texas at Austin surprisingly dropped in the rankings, falling out of the top 50. Given both schools’ excellence, this shift demonstrates the fierce competition for top spots in the rankings this year.

5. U.S. News and World Report adds new subjects to the rankings.

This year, four new disciplines were added to the subject-specific rankings, including: ecology; green and sustainable science and technology; environmental engineering; and marine and freshwater biology. These additions not only demonstrate the ranking system’s commitment to reflecting the most relevant information in higher education today, but also provide a glimpse into recent trends and changes in the disciplinary offerings at the most prestigious universities in the world.

The 2024–2025 U.S. News and World Report Rankings offer students valuable information regarding the trends in the global higher education landscape. While students should take their personal preferences and the intangible elements of a school’s culture that draw them to a specific school into account, these rankings can be a helpful first step for students as they set their collegiate goals and assemble their college lists.

Christopher Rim

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5 Faculty Members Join 4 Medical School Departments

By Dirk Hoffman

Published June 28, 2024

Five faculty members with a variety of clinical and research experience — representing four departments — have joined the Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences during the past few months.

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  • 4/11/24 Department of Medicine
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Tatsuaki Kurosaki, PhD , is an assistant professor of biotechnical and clinical laboratory sciences .

The primary research goal of his laboratory is to investigate RNA regulatory mechanisms that govern cell proliferation and cell death and to understand how RNA misregulation contributes to various incurable human diseases.

The ultimate goal is to develop RNA-based methodologies to correct aberrant RNA processing, providing effective and targeted therapeutic strategies for these conditions.

Kurosaki earned a doctoral degree in biology (molecular biology and genomics) from the University of Tokyo Graduate School of Science.

Hamza Hassan, MD , is an assistant professor of medicine .

He is a hematologist with a research focus on novel translational clinical trials focused on plasma cell dyscrasias.

His current work involves understanding the biology of high-risk myeloma and amyloidosis and designing novel clinical trials to improve patient outcomes and quality of life.

Srinivasan Mani, MD , is a clinical assistant professor of pediatrics , who specializes in neonatology.

Mani completed a fellowship in neonatal-perinatal medicine at the Jacobs School and a residency in pediatrics at Brookdale Hospital Medical Center in Brooklyn, New York. 

He earned his medical degree from Madurai Medical College and Hospital in India.

The biographical information in the faculty profiles of the following new hires was incomplete at the time of publication:

Thomas A. Bevilacqua, MD , is a clinical assistant professor of radiology .

Anne C. Grand’Maison, MD , is an assistant professor of medicine .

Do you have questions or comments for the Office of the Provost? Let us know your thoughts and we’ll be happy to get back to you.

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