Essay On Advertisement

500 words essay on advertisement.

We all are living in the age of advertisements. When you step out, just take a quick look around and you will lay eyes upon at least one advertisement in whichever form. In today’s modern world of trade and business, advertisement plays an essential role. All traders, big and small, make use of it to advertise their goods and services. Through essay on advertisement, we will go through the advantages and ways of advertisements.

essay on advertisement

The Various Ways Of Advertisement

Advertisements help people become aware of any product or service through the use of commercial methods. This kind of publicity helps to endorse a specific interest of a person for product sale.

As the world is becoming more competitive now, everyone wants to be ahead in the competition. Thus, the advertisement also comes under the same category. Advertising is done in a lot of ways.

There is an employment column which lists down job vacancies that is beneficial for unemployed candidates. Similarly, matrimonial advertisement help people find a bride or groom for marriageable prospects.

Further, advertising also happens to find lost people, shops, plots, good and more. Through this, people get to know about a nearby shop is on sale or the availability of a new tutor or coaching centre.

Nowadays, advertisements have evolved from newspapers to the internet. Earlier there were advertisements in movie theatres, magazines, building walls. But now, we have the television and internet which advertises goods and services.

As a large section of society spends a lot of time on the internet, people are targeting their ads towards it. A single ad posting on the internet reaches to millions of people within a matter of few seconds. Thus, advertising in any form is effective.

Benefits of Advertisements

As advertisements are everywhere, for some magazines and newspapers, it is their main source of income generation. It not only benefit the producer but also the consumer. It is because producers get sales and consumer gets the right product.

Moreover, the models who act in the advertisements also earn a handsome amount of money . When we look at technology, we learn that advertising is critical for establishing contact between seller and buyer.

This medium helps the customers to learn about the existence and use of such goods which are ready to avail in the market. Moreover, advertisement manages to reach the nooks and corners of the world to target their potential customers.

Therefore, it benefits a lot of people. Through advertising, people also become aware of the price difference and quality in the market. This allows them to make good choices and not fall to scams.

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Conclusion of Essay On Advertisement

All in all, advertisements are very useful but they can also be damaging. Thus, it is upon us to use them with sense and ensure they are entertaining and educative. None of us can escape advertisements as we are already at this age. But, what we can do is use our intelligence for weeding out the bad ones and benefitting from the right ones.

FAQ on Essay On Advertisement

Question 1: What is the importance of advertisement in our life?

Answer 1: Advertising is the best way to communicate with customers. It helps informs the customers about the brands available in the market and the variety of products which can be useful to them.

Question 2: What are the advantages of advertising?

Answer 2: The advantages of advertising are that firstly, it introduces a new product in the market. Thus, it helps in expanding the market. As a result, sales also increase. Consumers become aware of and receive better quality products.

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Advertisements are becoming more and more common in everyday life Sample Essay

Courtney Miller

Updated On Dec 13, 2023


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Advertisements are becoming more and more common in everyday life Sample Essay

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This article contains Advertisements are becoming more and more common in everyday life sample essays.

Given below is a real IELTS Writing Part 2 Essay question. We have provided sample essays as well as an essay outline so that you can practice writing your own!

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Read the sample essay for Advertisements are becoming more and more common in everyday life. Is this a positive or negative development?

IELTS Writing Task 2 Sample Essay

Advertising is gaining more popularity in the marketing of products or services. While advertisements are considered to be advantageous, they can have numerous negative influences.

It is unquestionable that there are several benefits of advertising. By dint o f the large-scale expansion of advertising in almost every kind of mass media and nearly all hoardings , this sector is likely to generate a diversity of employment opportunities . In other words, it provides occupations for artists, painters or copywriters in designing and preparing logos, contents or ideas for advertisements. Another advantage is that advertising may enable the messages involved in products and services to reach potential customers , followed by an increase in sales for businesses. Additionally, only thanks to advertisements, can customers be kept informed about newly-launched products . Therefore, they have more choices to make about their beloved products, contributing to the enhancement of their comforts and standard of living.

However, advertising could cause several disadvantages for customers. No sooner might companies or business exaggerate or even distort the facts related to their products for commercial purposes than the customers can experience feelings of confusion about these items, making them have troubles   selecting the products to their taste. Furthermore, the facts show that the more advertising expenses increase, the higher the product price is. The reason can be that the selling price of the advertised items covers the high cost of advertisements . As a result, the advertised products can cost more than they should. Finally, when customers cannot resist the temptation of products which are advertised beyond customers’ expectations , there is every likelihood of them purchasing products which may be unnecessary. This trend could be seen as a waste of money.

In conclusion, based on the aforementioned explanations, individuals may gain both considerable benefits and drawbacks through the growing prevalence of advertisements.

Band 9 Sample Essay

Today, as is rightly said by many, is a world of marketing and endorsements. In the competitive world that we have today, advertisements and commercials are a must. This essay shall advocate the development and constructive impact of advertising.

Early-stage or mid-age startups, organizations and companies, the more we see, the more we observe the encompassing pervasion of businesses these days. One niche has typically umpteen business models. With the rising era of entrepreneurs, solopreneurs and digital nomads, the vigour and strife amongst businesses have only been exacerbated. Therefore, advertisements are of greatest essence keeping in view the current times, thereby, resulting in the increasing usage of various adver

tising channels, be it, pamphlets, hoardings, flyers, newspaper commercials, or the entire digital marketing rigmarole. The more the marketing, the more is the awareness.

Many people might not even be acknowledged to the new product line a company launches or a new product that paves its way in the market. In such a scenario, making them aware is the only perspective initially thought of. Moreover, making a new customer be a stalwart, remarketing branding and endorsing are what businesses primarily and obviously look for. During today’s time when options are many, in the pursuit of customers, a recognition of a brand evanescing is not uncalled for, reminding them of one’s existence, in such a case, is majorly solicited.

Some may argue that advertising tactics today have been misguiding, well, that’s not the case amongst those who are prudential and wakeful of the multiple sources available.

Conclusively, it could be stated that advertisement has been progressive development, and not only should it be treated as an option to ponder upon, but also considered as one of the key constituents of a business model and the relevant campaign.

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Chapter 11: Advertising Industry

61 The role of advertising in society

Advertising is the paid promotion that uses strategy and messaging about the benefits of a product or service to influence a target audience’s attitudes and/or behaviors. Between online, television, radio, and print platforms, the average American sees hundreds, even thousands of advertisements daily.

Although many consumers find them annoying, advertisements play a prominent role in shaping opinions about everything from products to politics. A Forbes article (2012) stated: “Advertising plays the same role in your media diet that vegetables play in your regular diet; most of us would prefer to skip that course and go straight to dessert. But, just like veggies, advertising plays an important role in sustaining a body; in this case, a diverse body of content” (para. 1). Advertising heavily supports many institutions, including news media outlets, the television industry, search engine companies, and social media websites. For example, advertising contributes up to 80 percent of revenue for newspapers and therefore is critical to maintaining the circulation of the press (Newspaper Association of America, 2014).

The advertising industry is also lucrative. According to eMarketer (2016), the United States spent approximately $190 billion on advertising in 2015. About a third of that figure went to television advertisements, and another third went to digital advertising. With its economic and cultural function in society, the advertising industry has an expansive reach.

Writing for Strategic Communication Industries Copyright © 2016 by Jasmine Roberts is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.

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Essay on Advertisement 1000+ Words

In this essay, I will argue that advertising, a ubiquitous presence in our daily lives, is a powerful tool that shapes our choices and perceptions. Moreover, it is not merely a means to sell products but rather a mirror reflecting our desires, values, and the world around us.

Defining Advertising

Advertising is a form of communication used by companies, organizations, and individuals to promote products, services, ideas, or causes. It takes various forms, such as print, television, online ads, billboards, and more.

The Art of Persuasion

Advertisements are crafted with the intention of persuading and convincing us that we require a specific product or service. Furthermore, they employ persuasive strategies such as emotional appeals, catchy slogans, and eye-catching visuals to seize our attention.

Influence on Consumer Behavior

Advertisements have a significant impact on our buying decisions. Studies show that advertising can influence our preferences, create brand loyalty, and even affect our perceptions of product quality.

Educational Aspect

Advertisements also educate us about new products and innovations. They provide valuable information about features, benefits, and pricing, helping consumers make informed choices.

Reflecting Society’s Values

Advertisements often reflect the values and aspirations of society; moreover, they showcase what is considered desirable, beautiful, or successful, thereby reflecting cultural norms and trends.

Cultural Impact

Advertising can shape and influence culture. It introduces us to new ideas, trends, and lifestyles. For example, advertisements featuring diversity and inclusion can promote social change.

Economic Significance

Advertising is a pivotal element in the economy; furthermore, it generates revenue for media companies, fosters job creation within the advertising sector, and stimulates consumer spending, ultimately propelling economic growth.

Ethical Considerations

While advertising can be a force for good, it also raises ethical questions. Some ads may be misleading or manipulative, and it’s essential to have regulations to ensure fairness and truthfulness.

The Digital Revolution

The internet and social media have transformed advertising; moreover, online ads, sponsored content, and influencer marketing have become powerful tools for reaching and engaging with consumers.

Conclusion of Essay on Advertisement

In conclusion, advertising is a double-edged sword. It wields immense power to influence our choices, shape our values, and drive economic growth. However, it must be used responsibly, with ethical considerations in mind. As consumers, we should be critical thinkers, aware of the persuasive techniques used in advertising. Ultimately, advertising is not just about selling products; it’s a reflection of our society, our desires, and our ever-evolving world.

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Essay on Importance of Advertisement

Students are often asked to write an essay on Importance of Advertisement in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Importance of Advertisement


Advertisements play a crucial role in today’s world. They are a bridge between producers and consumers, providing valuable information about products and services.

Role in Economy

Advertisements stimulate economic growth. They encourage competition, leading to better products and lower prices.

Consumer Awareness

Advertisements educate consumers, helping them make informed decisions. They provide details about product features, benefits, and prices.

Supporting Media

Advertisements fund many free-to-use platforms like newspapers and websites. Without ads, these services might not exist.

250 Words Essay on Importance of Advertisement

Advertisements are an indispensable part of modern commerce and industry. They serve as the bridge between producers and consumers, acting as a powerful tool for businesses to promote their products and services.

Driving Economic Growth

Advertisements stimulate economic growth by increasing demand. They educate consumers about new products, triggering a desire to purchase. This demand prompts businesses to produce more, thereby boosting economic activity.

Facilitating Informed Decisions

Advertisements provide valuable information that helps consumers make informed decisions. They contain details about product features, prices, and comparisons, empowering consumers to choose what best suits their needs and budget.

Enhancing Brand Image

Advertisements play a crucial role in building and reinforcing a brand’s image. They help businesses communicate their values and mission, shaping public perception and fostering customer loyalty.

Supporting Media and Entertainment

Advertisements fund many forms of media and entertainment. They provide revenue for television, radio, print, and digital platforms, enabling them to deliver content to audiences at low or no cost.

500 Words Essay on Importance of Advertisement

Introduction to advertisement.

Advertising is an essential component of modern trade and business, making it a crucial part of our economic system. It is a powerful tool used by businesses to inform, persuade, and remind consumers about their products or services. In essence, advertising is a communication bridge between the producer and the consumer.

Advertising plays a pivotal role in stimulating economic growth. By promoting a product or service, it creates awareness among consumers, thereby generating demand. This increased demand leads to higher production levels, contributing to economies of scale and fostering economic development. Moreover, advertising is a significant source of revenue for numerous sectors such as media, design, and marketing, indirectly supporting economic growth.

Creating Informed Consumers

Enhancing brand image and value.

Advertising is instrumental in building a brand’s image and value. By conveying the brand’s message, values, and vision through creative and compelling advertisements, businesses can establish a strong brand identity. This identity helps differentiate the brand from its competitors, creating a unique position in the market. Furthermore, effective advertising can lead to brand loyalty, ensuring long-term profitability for businesses.

Facilitating Market Competition

Advertising fosters healthy competition in the market. It offers a platform for businesses to showcase their unique selling propositions, encouraging innovation and improvement in product quality. This competition benefits consumers as they get access to better products and services at competitive prices.

Challenges and Ethical Considerations

In conclusion, advertising plays a vital role in today’s economic structure. It drives economic growth, creates informed consumers, enhances brand value, and facilitates market competition. However, it is important to consider the ethical implications of advertising practices to ensure consumer protection. As future business leaders, college students must understand the importance of advertising and its impact on society, economics, and consumer behavior. The power of advertising, when harnessed correctly, can lead to business success and societal benefits.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

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2. Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Advertising: Navigating the Digital Marketplace

3. The Role That Consumer Behavior Plays on Advertising and Cancel Culture

4. Should Artists Music Be Used in Advertisements

5. Typography: From Billboards to Street Signs

6. Way of Struggling Brands and Advertising or Word-Of-Mouth

7. How Advertising Influences Consumer Behaviour

8. The Advertisement Analysis Of The Pears Soap

9. The Analysis Of Small World Machines Advertisement

10. That’s Nutellable’: An Analysis Of Advertisement Of Nutella

11. Analysis Of Comcast Advertisement, A Popular Ad

12. Advertisement Analysis: Analysing The Old Spice Ad

13. Ad Analysis Of The Allies, Hitler’s Campaign

14. The Semiotic Advertisement Analysis: Connotations And Denotations

15. Ad Analysis: The Objectification And Sexism In Original Red

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Free Advertising Essay Examples & Topics

The advertising industry plays a critical role in modern society. We can see ads everywhere. They make us create opinions about all that we see, from food to politics. It is also the main source of income for most of the media, from newspapers to Facebook.

What can you write in an essay on advertisement?

In essence, your task is to compose an advertisement review. You have to analyze an ad or a few and explain how it promotes the product. Who does it appeal to? Tell about its aim and target audience. Then describe the main points and how it impacts people, providing your opinion. Write about the influence of advertising and your own impression.

To make it easier for you to decide on a topic for your advertising essay, our team has created a list of ideas for you. We also analyzed the structure of this type of academic paper and prepared some advertising essay examples.

Advertisement Essay Structure

When you’re writing a standard academic piece, your essay on advertising should be five paragraphs long. In the table below, we will analyze what you should describe and how to do so in detail.

  • Introduction: Describe the product and provide some background information about it. You should state what exactly you will analyze. Include your personal opinion in this part. Explain why the company needs a commercial for the product. Summarize the content of the ad.
  • Thesis Statement: Mention the main descriptive points that will appear in the body of your essay. There is no need to introduce your personal opinion in the thesis . Focus only on the vital aspects. Don’t write more than two sentences — preferably stick to one.
  • Body Paragraphs: Here, you should describe the target audience of the commercial in any essay on ads. Besides, in the paragraphs, write about the concept of the brand and advertised product. Provide a visual analysis of the ad: colors, lighting, actors, and props and their meaning. Then switch your focus to the pros and cons of the ad.
  • Conclusion: Try to keep it short and logical, covering the most significant points. Summarize the information about the targeted audience, the aim of the ad, and if they achieved it.

The structure above can serve as an outline for your argumentative essay on any chosen topic. But that’s not all. To write a successful essay, you need to take a few steps before writing:

  • Select a topic . Try to remember some ads that you have recently seen. Think of your reaction to them and choose the one that strikes you the most. You can also use one of the topics from this article instead.
  • Carry out research . Make a semiotic analysis of the ad. Search for the psychological techniques, values, and tricks used in the ad. Also, focus on the purpose of the advertisement.
  • Determine the audience. Your essay should be interesting to your readers. Make sure you highlight the aspects that are valuable for them. Avoid mentioning unsuitable details or using a wrong writing tone.

Don’t hurry.

Spend some time planning your essay and create an outline. Try to understand what the creator of the commercial is aiming to say. Think of the advertisement is successful or not and make your analysis simple and involving. Of course, highlight the positive and the negative aspects of the ad.

13 Advertising Essay Topics

As we mentioned above, choosing the right advertisement essay topic is a vital part of the job. In this section, we will provide a few ideas, among which you can find a suitable one for your assignment.

Try one of the following advertising topics:

  • Should alcohol advertisements be banned entirely?
  • Nike feminist commercials and their significance to women.
  • How Coca-Cola commercials became a symbol of Christmas.
  • The advantages and disadvantages of Internet ads.
  • What is wrong with shampoo ads?
  • Advertising strategies on social media.
  • The adverse effects of violence in the media.
  • How does advertising affect children?
  • The ethical side of the advertising industry.
  • Marketing strategies in the political advertisement.
  • How does advertising affect the economy?
  • What are the main media and advertisement techniques of Netflix?
  • Unethical aspects of using women objectification in ads.
  • Hybrid marketing model as a way of reducing costs for a company.

Thank you for reading this article! You can also find some useful advertising essay examples below. They will help you to see how to use all these tips.

430 Best Essay Examples on Advertising

Facebook should be banned essay (privacy invasion, social effects, etc.), facebook essay, advantage and disadvantage of facebook.

  • Words: 1373

Facebook Should Be Banned

  • Words: 3209

Sexual Imagery in Advertising

  • Words: 2885

McDonald’s Company: Bandwagon Technique

Crest toothpaste advertisement’s rhetorical analysis.

  • Words: 1201

Coca-Cola: Advertisement Critique

  • Words: 1930

A Rhetorical Analysis: “Chevy Commercial 2014”

  • Words: 1495

Successful Advertising in Fashion

  • Words: 4469

Print and Broadcast Computer Advertisements

  • Words: 1538

Facebook’s Negative and Positive Effects on Children

  • Words: 1207

The BMW Advertisement Analysis

  • Words: 1739

Water Advertisement

Porsche 911 commercial: analysis of an advertisement.

  • Words: 1018

Advertisement Review

Coca-cola company’s advertising effectiveness, advertisements of chanel no. 5.

  • Words: 1743

“Open that Coca-Cola”. Advertisement Analysis

Nivea: analyzing and evaluating an advertisement, feminism in advertisements of the 1950s and today.

  • Words: 2432

7Up Advertisement Campaign

Ethics in advertising and its importance.

  • Words: 1153

Typography in Coca-Cola’s Advertisements

  • Words: 1819

The Impact of Social Media on a Brand, Its Image, and Reputation

  • Words: 4023

Sexually Oriented Adverts of AXE Deodoran

  • Words: 1492

Advertising Strategy and Campaign for Hershey Kisses

  • Words: 4443

The Nivea Skin Care Product Advertisement

Persuasion techniques in dwayne johnson’s “got milk” advertisement.

  • Words: 1476
  • Words: 1392

Role of Advertising in Launching a New Dance School

Role of ethics in advertising.

  • Words: 1108

L’Oréal and Lab Series Advertisements Analysis

  • Words: 1310

“Moms Demand Action” Print Advertisement

Promotional and advertising strategies – automotive industry.

  • Words: 1713

Social Media and the Hospitality Industry

  • Words: 3093

Propaganda Techniques in the Vitaminwater Advertisement

Examples of advertisements by nike, kfc and coca-cola.

  • Words: 1144

Mango Juice Advertising in Mexico

Cadbury “dairy milk” superbowl commercial, international advertising and its aspects.

  • Words: 5448

Communication Dilemma: Johnson & Johnson Tylenol Crisis

  • Words: 1787

“The Persuasion Knowledge Model” by Friestad & Wright

  • Words: 1097

McDonald’s, IKEA and Coca Cola Brands Advertising Analysis

  • Words: 1405

The iPad Air Pencil Advertising

Effective electronic advertising.

  • Words: 2239

McDonald’s ”I’m Lovin’ It”: The Illustration

Ethical dilemma of a 2016 tv commercial for milk by juhayna.

  • Words: 1425

Louis Vuitton: Objectives of the Advertising

Marriott’s advertising campaign, marlboro cigarette advertising semiotic analysis.

  • Words: 2304

Location-Based Marketing and Advertising

  • Words: 1910

Ronald Reagan Cigarette Advertisements Pics Analysis

Teen fashion advertisement.

  • Words: 1171

Multimodal Analysis of Cosmetic Surgery Advertising

  • Words: 7050

PepsiCo Inc.’s Kendall Jenner Advertisement

  • Words: 2212

Dove Ad Campaign for Real Beauty

  • Words: 1673

The Effects of Facebook and Other Social Media on Group Mind and Social Pressure

  • Words: 1400

Motion Pictures and the Media

  • Words: 1348

Gucci Company Advertising

Disaster preparedness advertisement, japanese advertisement and its standardization for the us, analysis of apple’s “privacy on iphone” commercial, “we believe: the best men can be” advertisement, emotional appeal in the insurance advertising.

  • Words: 1211

Cinderella Fairy Tale in Fetish Shoes’ Advertising

  • Words: 1089

Lexus Car Advertisement

Advertising campaign for mountain dew, tv advertisements aimed at children in australian should be banned.

  • Words: 1085

LeBron James Sprite Cranberry Advertisement Analysis

  • Words: 1237

Visual Analysis of the Maybelline Commercial

Celebrity advertising: great opportunities for brands, visual argument analysis: kentucky fried chicken website advertisement, “the heart” movie’s poster analysis.

  • Words: 1664

Advertising Analysis: Real Beauty Sketches by Dove

  • Words: 1424

Gucci Perfume: Interior Design and Merchandising

Ban on all advertising of alcohol.

  • Words: 1238

Music and Advertising: Don’t Stop Me Now Song

  • Words: 1024

Ralph Lauren’s Printed Advertising: Semiotic Analysis

The adidas break free ad analysis essay, procter and gamble advertising analysis.

  • Words: 3077

Coca Cola Company’s Communication Message

Advertising: images, industry and audience.

  • Words: 1625

Future Trends in Advertising

  • Words: 1677

Representation of the Body in Advertising

Morgan spurlock’s “pom wonderful: the greatest movie ever sold”, the crisis communication in the toyota motors.

  • Words: 2170

Cigarette Advertising

  • Words: 1082

Logical Fallacies in Advertisement

The hierarchy of effects in advertising, alcohol and tobacco advertising history in the american media.

  • Words: 1176

Ad Icons: Leo Burnett, William Bernbach, and David Ogilvy

  • Words: 4451

Advertisement for Ferrari 458 Italia

Advertising for a new dance school.

  • Words: 4533

The Chronograph Watch’s Advertisement

  • Words: 1081

Rhetorical Analysis

Advertisement analysis: the camel cigarette, advertisement by dr. martens analysis, logical fallacies in advertising.

  • Words: 1569

Targeting Uninformed Consumers in the Advertising Campaign

Hall’s account of how messages in the media are encoded, advertisements emotionally appealing to older adults, the representation of men and women in advertisements.

  • Words: 2259

The “Optus” Advertising Analysis

Bmw company’s advertising strategies.

  • Words: 1183

Commercial Advertisements in Television

  • Words: 1712

The Camel Brand: Tobacco Advertising

  • Words: 1178

English Language in Coca-Cola and McDonald’s Advertising in Russia

  • Words: 4283

Advertisements Usage in Consumer Manipulations

  • Words: 2036

Ad Comparison: Domino Pizza in India and in the USA

Advertising concept and campaign, advertisement «refresh on the coca-cola side of life».

  • Words: 1118

Critical/Contextual Analysis

  • Words: 2056

Absolut Vodka

  • Words: 3590

2011 Super Bowl Pepsi Max Commercial

  • Words: 1397

Analysis of the Cadbury Chocolate Commercial

Classification of facebook as a communication media, new technology is detrimental to the organization.

  • Words: 1360

Coca Cola Advertisement

  • Words: 1088

Coca-Cola Open Happiness Advertisement

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Chapter 6: 21st-century media and issues

6.3.4 Understanding advertising literacy (research essay)

English 102, november 2020.

In today’s society it has become an everyday thing to see commercials and advertisements because of all the technological advancements that have been made throughout the past few years. Speaking from personal experience, I see some sort of advertisement that is trying to persuade me to buy something almost every single day. I think almost everyone else can also agree that they see advertisements around them as well on a daily basis. Whether it is a sponsored ad on some sort of social media, such as Instagram, or it is a billboard that you see driving on the highway, businesses are constantly trying to persuade people to buy their products. Therefore, media literacy is in everyday activities even if someone does not realize it. This goes to show how important it is for people to have knowledge and understanding of what businesses are trying to persuade people to do with these advertisements. It is crucial for people to understand how advertisers communicate with the public. A specific question that has been researched and analyzed by social scientists is how do advertisers use persuasive techniques within advertisements to communicate with the public.

Speaking from personal experience of having to make a poster that advertised a show, I can relate to the advertiser and understand what needs to be incorporated into an advertisement in order to connect with the public. In high school I was in an AP Studio Art class. One of the directors from the Cincinnati School of Rock, who was friends with my high school art teacher, was interested in my work and wanted me to design a poster for one of their upcoming performances. The design of the poster had to be 80s themed, so I had to keep in mind that for the lettering of the writing had to be some sort of 80s looking font. I decided to draw the design for the poster and then transferred it onto the computer. When doing this I drew the design on paper with colored pencils and micron pens. Then I used a scanner to scan the picture and put it on the computer, where I changed the coloring, size, and placement of the design. I then had to think about how I was going to incorporate the writing on the poster. I hadn’t realized how many aspects of the writing that had to be taken into consideration when making the poster. I had to think about what type of font to use, the size of the letters, the placement of the information that needed to be on the poster, and of course what the poster needed to say. It was a very lengthy process of trial and error.

I had not realized how much literacy was involved in art and design and making something as simple as a poster. Once the design had been finished, I had to send it into the Cincinnati School of Rock so that they could print off multiple copies to hang up for their show. Seeing the finished product made me feel so accomplished. Surprisingly, most of my time making the poster was spent figuring out little details with the writing on it. This made me realize how many advertisements in the real world had to be made by taking literacy into account. Along with this, visuals in the media have to be made by designers that had to go through a similar process to what I did. The use of literacy is much more common in everyday life than I realized.

Many advertisements in the real world use strong persuasive techniques, and without media literacy someone walking through the city might get taken advantage of by an ad’s techniques. Someone might think that they are buying something that will be useful, but in reality, they might have just bought it because they liked how it looked. This is because of the visual appeal that the advertisement had for the viewer. For example, when walking through the city, people see advertisements that were made by designers that have literacy on them that try to persuade viewers to buy their products. Unknowingly, peoples’ everyday things involved in their lives have literacy. The advertisements are communicate with the viewer to do something or buy something. Along with this speaking from personal experience, I have bought a product purely based off of the advertisement. Scrolling through Instagram I see advertisements for things such as skin products and clothing. Recently I saw an advertisement for Curology and bought it based on the advertisement. They advertised it to be this amazing product that would help get rid of acne. Because of the advertisement and its visual appeal that it had for me, it caused me to be persuaded to buy it. These types of advertisements are everywhere and use different visuals and literacy to catch consumers’ attention. The art and design of these advertisements is communicating with the public.

Personally, I do not usually think about what goes behind the scenes of making an advertisement when I see one. However, after writing about literacy and exploring how it is involved in communication between businesses and the public, I have realized that it exists in almost everything. Along with this because I can relate to the designers that have to design the advertisements with my personal experience, I can see how much that I have to think about when making them. Even with the design of commercials and what they say in them uses literacy. There are words incorporated into the visual design and the meaning they are trying to present. Most of the time there are always words within an advertisement because they have to get their point across to whoever is looking at it. Another reason why media literacy is so important is because people can have more knowledge about what an advertisement is trying to sell them. With this knowledge people will not be taken advantage of by companies that try and sell their product, even if it is not actually how it appears in the advertisement. Overall, I have realized that literacy is a big part of the world and how it functions in everyday activities.

Because of the vast ever-changing world, businesses in the economy are constantly trying to make a profit and connect with the public by using commercials. There have been multiple studies that have been researched on how people are affected by commercials. Along with this it is important for people to understand the techniques that are used in commercials. One of them is targeting youth. Because of the fact that kids are still so innocent, and they have not developed critical thinking skills, yet it is easier for advertisers to persuade younger kids. They lack the knowledge to think for themselves and form their own opinions because of constant outside sources, trying to get them to think a certain way. A media literate person is able to recognize the purpose of the commercial that is being shown and the message that is addressed.

They are also able to tell what specific group the ad is trying to target and how the values in the advertisement are able to influence the viewer. Recognizing that children see many commercials on television in a day is important when understanding how they are also influenced by these advertisements that they see on a daily basis. Because advertisements are played so often children are shown to be able to recognize brand names and logos. This is what advertisers want to happen. This idea is shown through certain studies done on children to demonstrate their attitudes and thinking skills to have to do with commercials. For example, in a specific research study, that is discussed in the article “Teaching Media Literacy Skills About Commercials: A Comparative Analysis of Media Literacy Instruction,”, written by Christina Love, eighth grade kids’ attitudes, behaviors, and knowledge about commercials were studied (Love,3). Those who were taught media-related terms and did the activities that helped them be aware of certain things within media literacy were in the end able to recognize when commercials use selling techniques, target their specific audience, and use social values along with stereotypes (Love,4). Along with this as kids start to gain knowledge of advertising literacy, they are able to pick up on the techniques used by advertisers such as emotional appeal which causes them to have a connection with the advertisement (Love 13). Along with these adolescents lack interpretations of commercials, unlike adults. One of them being “conceptual advertising literacy,” which is how someone’s knowledge develops throughout their life due to the more experiences that they have (Hoek, Rozendaal, van Schie & Moniek 3). Adults have had many more experiences than a younger child has just because they are older and have had more opportunities in their life. Overall, children lack critical thinking skills to acknowledge how an advertisement is affecting them and the way that they feel or think about a certain thing.

Another technique used by advertisers that aim at younger kids is the overplaying of their commercials. With repetition of showing a certain product or advertisement, kids specifically are able to remember that commercial later on in their life due to long term memory and the constant exposure to it at such a young age.  Because advertisements are played so often children are shown to be able to recognize brand names and logos. This is what advertisers want to happen. Their goal is to overplay these advertisements repeatedly so that they can be easily memorized by the viewers (Love 15). Their hope of overplaying these advertisements is so that they can later remember them in their adult lives. All commercials are constructed very carefully and are played repeatedly so that they can be easily remembered and are able to target a specific audience (Love 16). Advertisers keep this technique in mind and is very common in the advertising industry. Along with this there are other ways that advertisers connect with the public that people should be aware of and have the knowledge about advertising literacy.

Another part of commercials that advertisers incorporate into the advertisements is indirect advertising. This is very common within targeting the teen population and even the young adult population. These types of advertisement aren’t as direct as a normal commercial may be. One of them being using video creators or other social media influencers, that young kids look up to and admire, to promote a product. Because of the large use of social media in today’s society, younger teens are often persuaded to follow these influencers. They are often seen as being “trendsetters” because of how popular they are (Sophia van Dam & Eva A. van Reijmersdal 1). These video influencers are sponsored by certain businesses to show off their brand and promote it. They are indirectly targeting teens to buy their product.

Today’s adolescents think that because this highly respected and valued person that they don’t even know is promoting a certain product that means that they should follow them and get that product. A lot of stores do this to promote their clotheslines. Viewers often perceive the influencers that they watch as their friends and develop an attachment to them (Sophia van Dam & Eva A. van Reijmersdal 3). The article “Insights in Adolescents’ Advertising Literacy, Perceptions and Responses Regarding Sponsored Influencer Veidos and Disclosures” discusses how in order to “empower adolescents and help them understand the persuasive nature of sponsored influencers videos” it is crucial for them to have an understanding of advertising literacy within the videos (Sophia van Dam & Eva A. van Reijmersdal 2). In the study that is discussed in the article the participants were shown a video of a popular influencer that was sponsored by Doritos to promote their brand (Sophia van Dam & Eva A. van Reijmersdal 6). After the video the participants’ attitudes and moral judgments were observed (Sophia van Dam & Eva A. van Reijmersdal 8). Overall, they found that with advertising literacy teens are able to form their own opinion on a brand rather than just following and automatically agreeing with a certain social media influencer that they look up to and admire.

With the indirect advertising this can play a huge mental role in teens. Because they constantly see video influencers showing off the newest trends, they feel obligated to buy or do what they are doing as well because it’s the “cool” thing to do. This is how advertisers take advantage of teens and younger adults because of the standards and obligations that society sets and affects how people feel and think about who they want to be like. Personally, I find myself doing this as well. Scrolling through Tik Tok I constantly see videos of people who are showing off a product that works well for them. I have bought a skin care product for my acne because it worked well for a random girl that I saw on Tik Tok. Along with this I have found myself buying clothes because I have seen other people wear the same thing in a video before and I thought it looked cute. As ridiculous as it sounds, social media and advertisements constantly control people’s lives and what they do with their lives. Not only are there indirect advertisements on social media, but there are many examples of direct as well. Speaking from personal experience scrolling through social media there will periodically be a sponsored advertisement that pops up on the page and is presenting a sale to the viewer trying to get them to buy a certain product. Overall, indirect and direct advertising is very prevalent in today’s society and people are exposed to it almost every day.

Going off of the idea that advertisers use persuasive techniques within advertisements to communicate to the public, it is not only relevant to the average person’s everyday life but also is relevant to big businesses and business owners. Along with this are the people that actually make the advertisements. They too must have an understanding of advertising literacy so that they know how to connect with the people that they are trying to sell their product to. Along with this, with advertising literacy they will be able to use the advertising techniques that are necessary within their advertisements. People who are actually making the advertisements need to have the knowledge and advertising literacy in order to best understand how to connect to their viewers or the people that they are trying to persuade (O’donohoe 9). There is a lot that goes into making an advertisement. From the words and phrases actually used that are addressing a meaning to the actual design of the advertisement that creates an emotional appeal to the viewer (Lapierre 6). Therefore, it is very important for not only the public eye to have an understanding of advertising literacy but also the people working for the businesses that are making advertisements.

Not only does advertising literacy affect those who are making advertisements and those who are viewing the advertisement, but it also impacts educators. People need to be taught about advertising literacy for life in the real world and the way to do this is for it to be taught in schools by educators. This goes to show that educators need to have advertising literacy in order to inform others about it (King 3). Speaking specifically of educators that this mostly impacts are librarians. Throughout the article, “Popular Sources, Advertising, and Information Literacy: What Librarians Need to Know”, the author talks about “native advertising” and how it is a pretty new form of advertising that has sponsors, fund articles and periodicals that then causes them to have control over the editorial process (King 7). It goes on to talk about how in the past this used to be unethical to allow advertisers to dictate the content of journalism (King 10). Overall, the essay talks about how important it is to understand how advertising impacts editorials that people use. This goes to show and explain why it is not only important for librarians and educators to teach students about advertising literacy for the real world but also for what they read in school as well.

Expanding more on the idea that advertising literacy affects children’s consumer behavior in the study discussed in the article, “Advertising Literacy and Executive Function: Testing Their Influence on Children’s Consumer Behavior”, the study is done in order to show how children’s consumer behavior is impacted by advertisements (Lapierre 3). They found that it is directly associated with consumer behavior (Lapierre 11). Along with this their advertising literacy was shown to have a negative relationship with the parents’ purchase requests (Lapierre 12). This evidence goes to show and explains how children’s consumer behavior is greatly impacted by advertisements. With advertising literacy, advertisements may not negatively impact children as much if they have the knowledge and are aware of what the advertisers are trying to get them to do. This way they can use their own critical thinking skills and form their own views and opinions in a smart and knowledgeable way.

Following up with this, another way children specifically can be greatly impacted on is through food advertisements. These types of advertisements can affect children’s health and what they eat on a daily basis. This can positively affect children, or it can affect them negatively depending on if the advertisement is promoting something healthy or unhealthy(Buttriss 4). This brings up the idea of banning the promotion of foods on children because of how most of the time it negatively impacts them and their health. Throughout the article, “Promotion of Foods to Children – to Ban or Not to Ban?”, it discusses the promotion of food presented to children and how it is characterized by many different types of viewpoints and opinions(Buttriss 5). One side believes that advertising to children should be banned or regulated because of its encouragement towards poor eating habits(Buttriss 3). Whereas on the other hand there are those that believe that companies can self-regulate their advertisements(Buttriss 3). Both sides relate to advertising literacy and either way having a knowledge of advertising literacy is important and applicable in both situations. Therefore, this goes to show how advertising literacy is an important concept that people need to be able to understand even if people have differing opinions on certain issues and topics that advertising literacy has to do with.

Throughout all of the research presented they seem to come to the conclusion that advertising literacy needs to be taught and understood by people because they are constantly surrounded by it in everyday situations. It is crucial for people to be informed and have an understanding of advertising literacy. Specifically, adolescents need to have an understanding of it because they are affected by the different techniques that advertisers use in their commercials in order to persuade them. Along with the research discussed, advertising literacy also relates to Gee’s “What is Literacy”. Gee talks about “discourses” and “identity kits”. These relate to advertising literacy because teens are their own “discourse” and are expected to act and think a certain way (Gee 14). Their “identity kit” impacts how they are supposed to dress within their “discourse” (Gee 14). Advertisements can take advantage of this by persuading them to buy their “cool” or “trendy” product. Gee also talks about “Secondary Discourses” (Gee 15). When teens are taught more about advertising literacy, they are acquiring the skill of how to recognize what the advertisement is trying to get them to do. Along with this within the “secondary discourse” they are able to see who the advertisers are trying to target with the techniques they use within their commercial or indirect advertisement. Therefore, it is important for not only the average everyday person to have advertising and media literacy in todays’ society, but also younger children because they are exposed to everyday advertisements that can affect the way they act and think.

The research overall goes to show that the techniques used by advertisers greatly impact the viewers. Whether it has to do with what it looks like to what the commercial is actually saying, commercials are constantly affecting humans mentally and trying to persuade them. Because this topic is relevant to almost everyone’s lives it is something that needs to be understood and taught to people in order to help them think critically for themselves. Personally, I don’t usually think about what goes behind the scenes of making an advertisement when I see one. However, after writing about literacy and exploring how it is involved in communication between businesses and the public, I have realized that it exists in almost everything. Along with this because I can relate to the designers that have to design the advertisements with my personal experience, I can see how much that I have to think about when making them. Even with the design of commercials and what they say in them uses literacy. There are words incorporated into the visual design and the meaning they are trying to present. Most of the time there are always words within an advertisement because they have to get their point across to whoever is looking at it. Another reason why advertising literacy is so important is because people can have more knowledge about what an advertisement is trying to sell them. With this knowledge people won’t be taken advantage of by companies that try and sell their product, even if it isn’t actually how it appears in the advertisement. Overall, I have realized that literacy is a big part of the world and how it functions in everyday activities.

An, Soontae, et al. “Children’s Advertising Literacy for Advergames: Perception of the Game as Advertising.”  Journal of Advertising , vol. 43, no. 1, 2014, pp. 63–72., doi:10.1080/00913367.2013.795123.

Buttriss, Judy, et al. “Promotion of Foods to Children – to Ban or Not to Ban?”  Nutrition Bulletin , vol. 28, no. 1, 2003, pp. 43–46., doi:10.1046/j.1467-3010.2003.00293.x.

Dam, Sophia Van, and Eva Van Reijmersdal. “Insights in Adolescents’ Advertising Literacy, Perceptions and Responses Regarding Sponsored Influencer Videos and Disclosures.”  Cyberpsychology: Journal of Psychosocial Research on Cyberspace , vol. 13, no. 2, 2019, doi:10.5817/cp2019-2.

Hoek, Rhianne W., et al. “Development and Testing of the Advertising Literacy Activation Task: An Indirect Measurement Instrument for Children Aged 7-13 Years Old, Media Psychology.”  Media Psychology , doi:10.1080/15213269.2020.1817090.

King, Rachel P. “Popular Sources, Advertising, and Information Literacy: What Librarians Need to Know.”  The Reference Librarian , vol. 57, no. 1, 2016, pp. 1–12., doi:10.1080/02763877.2015.1077772.

Lapierre, Matthew A. “Advertising Literacy and Executive Function: Testing Their Influence on Children’s Consumer Behavior.”  Media Psychology , vol. 22, no. 1, 2017, pp. 39–59., doi:10.1080/15213269.2017.1345638.

Love, Christa.  Teaching Media Literacy Skills about Commercials: a Comparative Analysis of Media Literacy Instruction . Library and Archives Canada = Bibliothèque Et Archives Canada, 2009.

O’donohoe, Stephanie, and Caroline Tynan. “Beyond Sophistication: Dimensions of Advertising Literacy.”  International Journal of Advertising , vol. 17, no. 4, 1998, pp. 467–482., doi:10.1080/02650487.1998.11104733.

Rozendaal, Esther, et al. “Reconsidering Advertising Literacy as a Defense Against Advertising Effects.”  Media Psychology , vol. 14, no. 4, 2011, pp. 333–354., doi:10.1080/15213269.2011.620540.

Zamel, Vivian.  Negotiating Academic Literacies: Teaching and Learning across Languages and Cultures . Routledge, 2017.

Understanding Literacy in Our Lives by Molly is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.

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Student Essays

Essay on Advertising

Essay on Advertising- Meaning, Importance & Benefits

Advertising is everything in today’s life. It follows us from our mobile phones to display advertising on busy streets. It’s literally everywhere. It’s meant to advertise the product, bring customers and maximize the product value. The following Essay on advertising discusses the meaning, purpose and importance of Advertising along with benefits and disadvantages of advertising in our life. It’s quite helpful for children and students.

Essay on Advertising | Meaning, Purpose, Importance Benefits of Advertising

Advertising has become an integral part of our lives. It is hard to imagine going about our daily lives without encountering some form of advertising. It is everywhere – on television, on billboards, in magazines, and even on the Internet. But what exactly is advertising? And what is its history?

Essay on Advertising

Advertising can be defined as a form of communication that typically attempts to persuade potential customers to purchase or to consume a particular product or service. Advertising can take many different forms, including print ads, television commercials, and Internet ads.

Advertising has been around for centuries. The first known advertisement appeared in the Bible. It was a message from King Hezekiah encouraging the people of Jerusalem to rebuild the city walls. This message was written on a piece of pottery and then placed in a public area for all to see.

The first form of advertising that we would today recognize as such appeared in the 17th century, with the advent of newspapers. The first newspaper ad appeared in London in 1652 and advertised a lost gold watch. Since then, advertising has grown exponentially, with billions of dollars being spent on advertising each year.

Today, advertising is more pervasive than ever before. We are bombarded with ads from the moment we wake up to the time we go to bed. They are inescapable and omnipresent. And while some people may find them annoying, there is no denying that advertising is an important part of our economy. Advertising is a necessary evil. It is annoying, and it can be intrusive, but it is also necessary for businesses to promote their products and services. And as consumers, we need to be aware of the advertising messages that are being communicated to us so that we can make informed decisions about the products we buy.

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Impacts of Advertising in Life

Advertising has a huge impact on our lives. It can affect not only what we buy, but also how we think and behave. Advertising can influence the way we dress and the way we eat. It can also affect the way we view ourselves and the world around us. In some cases, advertising can even be dangerous, as it can promote products that are harmful to our health or that are not actually effective.

That being said, advertising is also a necessary evil. It is necessary for businesses to promote their products and services, and it can be used to raise awareness about important issues. Advertising can also be used for good, such as when it is used to promote products that are beneficial to our health or the environment.

So, while advertising can be a nuisance, it is also an important part of our lives. We need to be aware of the messages that ads are communicating to us, and we need to make sure that we are making informed decisions about the products we buy. Otherwise, we risk being manipulated by the ads that we see every day.

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Therefore, it can be rightly said that advertising in any form has become an integral part of our lives. It is something we cannot do without. Even though it can be annoying and intrusive at times, it plays an important role in our economy and in our ability to make informed decisions about the products we buy.

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Advertisements are becoming more and more Common in Everyday Life - Task 2 Band 9 Essay Sample

Updated: Mar 24

Write about the following topic:

Advertisements are becoming more and more common in everyday life. Is it a positive or negative development?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge and experiences.

You should write at least 250 words.

IELTS Task 2 Essay Band 9 Sample based on the prompt "Advertisements are becoming more and more common in everyday life. Is it a positive or negative development?"

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Sample Essay 1

In an era where advertisements infiltrate every corner of our lives, from the digital realm to the physical, the debate surrounding their omnipresence is increasingly pertinent. This development, while indicative of our commercial culture, brings both merits and drawbacks. On one hand, it fosters consumer awareness and drives economic growth; on the other, it can lead to information overload and consumer manipulation. The crux of this essay revolves around these two contrasting perspectives.

Advertisements, at their core, serve as a vital conduit for information, enabling consumers to make informed decisions about a plethora of products and services. For instance, without the detailed insights provided by advertisements, individuals may remain unaware of innovative solutions to everyday problems or advancements in technology that could enhance their quality of life. Furthermore, advertisements are instrumental in driving economic activity by stimulating demand. This, in turn, contributes to job creation and innovation, as companies strive to meet the evolving needs of their target audience. Such dynamics underscore the positive impact advertisements can have on both individual consumer behavior and the broader economy.

Conversely, the saturation of advertisements in our daily lives is undeniable and cannot be overlooked. This constant bombardment not only detracts from the essence of meaningful living but also exerts an undue influence on consumer choices, frequently leading to impulsive purchases that may not reflect genuine needs. Furthermore, the persuasive nature of advertisements often distorts reality, creating unrealistic expectations about happiness and success, and promotes a materialistic worldview. For example, the portrayal of an idyllic lifestyle, purportedly attainable only through specific products, can have a detrimental effect on self-esteem and encourage a cycle of consumption that prioritizes material possessions over genuine well-being and life satisfaction. This emphasis on acquisition over fulfillment underscores the complex impact of advertisement-driven materialism on societal values and personal contentment.

In conclusion, advertisements have a dual role: informing consumers and driving economic growth, yet their ubiquity raises concerns over societal values and personal choices. Balancing these aspects is crucial. Encouraging critical consumer awareness and ethical advertising is key to minimizing the adverse effects of this omnipresent element of modern life.

Sample Essay 2

The pervasive presence of advertising in contemporary society has sparked a polarizing debate: is its omnipresence beneficial or detrimental to our daily lives? This essay asserts that despite economic advantages, the intrusiveness and potential misinformation of ads tip the balance toward a negative impact. Following, I will examine advertising's dual role in economic stimulation and consumer education, alongside its intrusive nature and the proliferation of misleading content.

On the one hand, proponents of advertising underscore its role as a vital economic engine. Take, for instance, a major tech company's launch of an innovative smartphone. By creatively leveraging cutting-edge technology, advertisers craft compelling narratives that captivate potential buyers, subsequently stimulating product sales. A prime example is a sports drink commercial that, during a global sports event, not only promotes hydration but also celebrates athletic excellence, resonating with a vast audience and spurring conversations around health and performance. Such advertisements do more than just sell; they also educate consumers on the latest technological advancements and health trends, enabling them to make well-informed purchases.

Conversely, the omnipresent nature of advertising often becomes an intrusive force in our lives. Consider the experience of streaming a gripping movie, only to be frequently interrupted by repetitive ads for household cleaning products; this incessant bombardment of commercials can significantly detract from the viewing experience. Moreover, the rampant practice of misleading advertisements has far-reaching consequences. For example, a skincare brand promising miraculous results may use digitally altered images as proof, potentially misleading consumers and eroding trust when the touted benefits fail to materialize. Such deceptive practices can lead to a widespread loss of consumer confidence and incite legal action, damaging the brand's reputation and the advertising industry’s credibility as a whole.

In conclusion, while advertisements drive sales and educates the public about products, their pervasive and sometimes deceitful nature can detract potential buyers. It is imperative that the advertising industry finds a middle ground, promoting products while preserving consumer trust and respecting personal space.

Sample Essay 3

In an era where advertisements are becoming more and more common in everyday life, it is crucial to scrutinize the implications of this trend. Are these pervasive marketing efforts a boon or a bane to society? I argue that while advertisements play a key role in economic growth and consumer education, their omnipresence and propensity for misinformation often undermine these benefits.

Firstly, advertisements are instrumental in driving economic vitality. By presenting products and services in an appealing light, they stimulate consumer interest and, consequently, sales. For example, an innovative car advertisement, highlighting advanced safety features and eco-friendly technology, can significantly boost the automotive industry, leading to increased production and job creation. Additionally, advertisements serve an educational purpose, informing consumers about new products and services. This role is particularly evident in health campaigns, where ads about the latest medical advancements can guide individuals to make informed healthcare decisions.

However, the saturation of advertisements in everyday life can have a detrimental effect. A prime example is the disruption caused by ads during online streaming. Constant interruptions during a viewer's favourite series not only dampen the entertainment experience but can also lead to ad fatigue, where the viewer becomes disinterested or annoyed by the product being advertised. Furthermore, the integrity of advertisements is frequently called into question. The beauty industry, for instance, has been criticized for using unrealistic, digitally altered images, creating false expectations and contributing to body image issues among consumers. Such deceptive practices erode consumer trust, which is the cornerstone of any healthy market.

In conclusion, the ever-increasing presence of advertisements in our daily lives is a double-edged sword. On one side, they are catalysts for economic progress and consumer awareness. On the other, their intrusive and sometimes misleading nature poses significant challenges. As we move forward, it is imperative for the advertising industry to balance commercial pursuits with ethical considerations, ensuring that advertisements not only capture attention but also uphold truth and respect for the audience.

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Advertising in The Modern Society

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Published: Jan 29, 2019

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Works Cited

  • Hartmann, P., & Brugger, C. (2018). Advertising jingles and brand associations: The effect of jingle style, product involvement, and the mediating role of brand-music associations. Psychology of Music, 46(4), 516-533. doi:10.1177/0305735617709893
  • Lonsdale, A. J., & North, A. C. (2011). Why do we listen to music? A uses and gratifications analysis. British Journal of Psychology, 102(1), 108-134. doi:10.1111/j.2044-8295.2010.02035.x
  • Dahlen, M., Lange, F., & Smith, T. (2010). Marketing communications: A brand narrative approach. John Wiley & Sons.
  • Bruner, G. C., & Kumar, A. (2007). Explaining consumer acceptance of handheld internet devices. Journal of Business Research, 60(6), 566-575. doi:10.1016/j.jbusres.2007.01.001
  • North, A. C., Hargreaves, D. J., & O'Neill, S. A. (2000). The importance of music to adolescents. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 70(2), 255-272. doi:10.1348/000709900158083
  • MacInnis, D. J., & Park, C. W. (1991). The differential role of characteristics of music on high- and low-involvement consumers' processing of ads. Journal of Consumer Research, 18(2), 161-173. doi:10.1086/209245
  • Vesset, D., & Schmid, T. (2014). The effect of music in advertising on choice behavior: Classical versus top-forty music in TV commercials. Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 13(5), 329-335. doi:10.1002/cb.1506
  • Kellaris, J. J., & Kent, R. J. (1993). An exploratory investigation of responses elicited by music varying in tempo, tonality, and texture. Journal of Consumer Psychology , 2(4), 381-401. doi:10.1207/s15327663jcp0204_06
  • Shanks, I., & Hodkinson, I. (2006). 'Music and fashion are my life': On aesthetics, identity and the cultural significance of style tribes. Young, 14(3), 235-256. doi:10.1177/1103308806066994
  • Shimp, T. A. (2007). Advertising, promotion, and other aspects of integrated marketing communications. Cengage Learning.

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The role of advertisement in people's life essay

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The Role of Advertisement in Our Life

Subject: Entertainment & Media
Pages: 4
Words: 1016
Reading time: 4 min
Study level: College


A memoir about the role of advertisement in our life.

You know, we live in a world where we take much of the things of our daily life for granted. I include myself here until I made “a discovery” one day a couple of years ago. It was just like “the apple” fall into my head and “enlightened” me.

It was the morning wake up of a normal school day. I brushed my teeth with my Colgate toothpaste and eat some exquisite cake with a tasty Starbucks cappuccino. I put my Levis blue jeans on with a T-shirt, tied my Nike shoes and off to school. I normally used to walk to school because it is just two blocks from my house. And as I was walking to school one by one all the signs and notices of different brands, including those of Nike and Colgate toothpaste, one by one passed in front of my eyes. Suddenly, a “terrible” thought came into my mind: what if all these advertisements are not placed there anymore, what would happen? Immediately an internal voice literally “shouted” inside my head: you must be kidding, right??

The advertising has always been there, right?! Can you imagine yourself in a world where advertisement has disappeared? Well, I don’t. We would go to the supermarket to get some coffee, some toothpaste or some cake, but what kind of each would we get? Advertisements help us distinguish between the qualities of the products. This is what brands are supposed to be there for. This is what the role of advertisement is all about. We, as human beings, have different needs and desires and would like that business fulfills them. But none of us has the time and desire to go to the supermarket and there be informed about the different types and qualities of the products we want. At least I do not know anybody who does it and do not believe that you do it also. When I went to school I talked about this with one of my best friends. I told him about these thoughts that came into my mind while coming to school. I was a little surprised when he reacted with no interest at all. Don’t anything else to do but to think about this nonsense?- he told me. but he was wrong. This IS an important thing to think about.

When we went to class, the teacher told us that today we were going to talk about marketing and its role in society. Bingo, – I thought. That’s it.

The teacher went on to explain the lesson and, for the first time that year, I was so focused on the lesson that I completely lost account of time. But what I learned at the end of class was much valuable and in perfect synchrony of what I was thinking before. Advertising does play an important role in our life. A role that most of the time we do not even acknowledge.

It is very simple. We have to carry out our daily life and to do that we need to fulfill some basic (or even not basic) needs and desires. In order to achieve that we have to rely on different products and services. But we have to find what are the products and services that fit our needs and desires. And even when we find what category of product or service is adequate to fulfill our needs we have to choose which one fits them better. Of course we want the best for ourselves. While I was explaining this again to my friend he turned to me and said that practically we do not have the time and the desire to do all of this stuff by ourselves. He reminded me that we were at school and if we were going to do all the stuff I was thinking about then there would be no time for school or any other activity. And that is the moment I thought “eureka”. Exactly, this was it.

Here is where advertisement comes to hand and helps us. The primary goal and intention of the advertisement is to inform the public about the product, or service, it is advertising. When we see the Starbucks or Nike advertisements, we do not just see some graphical presentation. Its scope is to inform us that Starbucks makes first quality café and cappuccinos so if we want to buy good cappuccinos, we go for Starbucks. It is in our interest to do it. This is the same if we want to purchase good quality shoes. Nike is there for us.

And it is not that difficult to be informed. Now psychologists are discovering that even if we do not have the attention focused toward the advertisement still its message remains “within” ourselves. They have found that when we hear, or see, repeatedly an advertisement our subconscious classifies it. It is like we have that product stock in our minds and hearts. And every time that you need to have such product suddenly a brand name comes to your mind. It is the name of the brand that has been advertised. A brand that relates to the kind of product that you are requesting, that you are in need.

So, do not worry folks, as long as the advertisement industry is there you won’t have to spend additional time to be informed about what you need or what to buy. You will just have to do the “embarrassing” choice of which of the brands to buy. School was over. Time had passed so quickly and I was not even being aware of it. All of this time I had been contemplating about the role of advertisement in our life. It was time to get back home. Again I walked down the street passing different notices and ads of brands. but this time I didn’t see them as just some boring boards with some slogan, but as something that are there to serve.

This is why the advertisement industry is there for us.

Advertisements are becoming more and more common in everyday life. Is it a positive or negative development?

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IELTS says that you should write a minimum of 250 words in writing task 2. If you go under word count you will lose marks in task response.

A very long essay will not give you a higher band score.

Aim for between 260 to 290 words in writing task 2. This will ensure a concise essay and will be realistic in terms of time management. You have only 40 minutes to write the essay and you need around 10 minutes of planning time, so you will not be able to write a long essay in 30 minutes.

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Guest Essay

Workers Shouldn’t Have to Risk Their Lives in Heat Waves

A worker bent over a pile of dirt at a street corner holding a long-handled tool, wearing a hard hat circled by a wide yellow brim.

By Terri Gerstein

Ms. Gerstein is the director of the Labor Initiative at the Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service at New York University. She spent more than 17 years enforcing labor laws in New York State, working in the state attorney general’s office and as a deputy labor commissioner.

A record-breaking heat wave is cresting across the United States, with about 100 million people under extreme heat alerts . Local TV news stations, governors and health officials advise to plan accordingly , drink water, go to cooling centers if needed and above all, refrain from excess outdoor exertion.

But if you pick fruit in a field, walk door to door delivering packages, stack boxes in an oppressively hot warehouse or do any number of other jobs without air-conditioning, you don’t have much legal protection against working under sweltering conditions. In 2022 alone, 43 people died from exposure to extreme heat while working, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Last year, there were others, including a postal worker who died of heat stroke in Dallas, and at least one farmworker who died after falling ill while working in extreme heat in Florida . From fields to warehouses to restaurants, laborers are in danger of illness, injuries and even death in this heat wave.

Climate scientists warn that we are reaching a tipping point where the mounting harms of global warming, including more frequent, more severe heat waves, will become irreversible. The federal government is trying to address the fact that climate change is making working conditions more dangerous each year. But its efforts aren’t likely to bear fruit quickly enough.

The key elements for protecting workers from heat above 80 degrees Fahrenheit are simple: ensure adequate rest, shade and water and allow people to adjust gradually to higher temperatures. Additional precautions are needed above 90 or 95 degrees Fahrenheit. But this is not the law in most of the country.

The Occupational Safety and Health Act has a “general duty clause” requiring employers to provide safe workplaces, but it lacks specificity on what to do in extreme heat. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration may issue a proposed rule on workplace heat relatively soon that would be likely to require , among other things, rest breaks, drinking water and cooling measures, as well as medical treatment and emergency response procedures. But once issued, there will be a comment and review period, followed by inevitable challenges from business groups arguing that the rule is too burdensome.

The Supreme Court majority’s tendency to rule against workers and overturn workplace regulation is likely to embolden these groups to appeal any decisions not in their favor, causing even more delays and perhaps thwarting the rule altogether. So it’s unlikely that any federal heat standard would take effect for the next few summers, and perhaps even longer.

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Election latest: Farage on defensive after supporters caught on camera making racist, murderous and homophobic remarks

Rishi Sunak has spoken out after a Reform UK supporter was filmed making racist comments about him - with party leader Nigel Farage forced on to the defensive. Meanwhile, Sir Keir Starmer has distanced himself from a Labour colleague's previous criticism of Donald Trump.

Friday 28 June 2024 21:15, UK

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Nigel Farage was challenged on BBC Question Time on why he has not suspended candidates who are widely reported to have made racist or other offensive comments.

The Reform UK leader blamed a vetting company, but host Fiona Bruce stopped him and said the comments are in the public domain, in newspapers and on the internet.

He replied that he "inherited a start-up party" and that "most" candidates reported to have made offensive comments "have been disowned".

Asked why some of those accused ended up as candidates in the first place, he replied that he has "no idea" - to laughter from the audience.

He repeated that he inherited the party, meaning he was not the leader when many of these candidates were selected.

He was then asked by an audience member if he will take responsibility, "stop making excuses", and apologise.

"I'm not going to apologise," Mr Farage replied, to a smattering of applause, and repeated that the racist comments reported to have been made by an activist in his office was a "set up".

Nigel Farage, leader of Reform UK, is facing questions on a BBC Question Time leaders' special this evening, and he was asked firstly: "What is it about you and your party that attracts racists and extremists, whether you say you want them or not?"

The question got a loud round of applause and cheers from the audience.

Mr Farage replied that he has "done more to drive the far-right out of the British politics than anyone else alive" - to a few scoffs in the audience.

He said he "took on the BNP" and has never allowed extremists to join his parties.

Addressing the Channel 4 report that showed Reform activists in his own office making racist remarks about PM and homophobic remarks, Mr Farage said: "What happened over that last weekend was truly astonishing.

"A tirade of invective abuse directed at the prime minister - I mean, the whole thing was unbelievable."

But Mr Farage went on to say that it "didn't ring true", and claimed that the activist filmed in his office calling Rishi Sunak a "P***" was a plant of some kind.

"Let me tell you, from the minute he turned up in that office in Clacton and I saw him, he was acting from the very start."

Mr Farage continued to double-down when pushed, claiming that this was a "political set up of astonishing proportions".

"I want nothing to do with people like him and he has nothing to do with us. He's somebody who turned up. We didn't know who he was."

A spokesperson for Channel 4 News said: "We strongly stand by our rigorous and duly impartial journalism which speaks for itself.

"We met Mr Parker for the first time at Reform UK party headquarters, where he was a Reform party canvasser.

"We did not pay the Reform UK canvasser or anyone else in this report. Mr Parker was not known to Channel 4 News and was filmed covertly via the undercover operation."

One of the Green Party co-leaders is facing questions on a BBC Question Time leaders' special this evening, and he was asked about his party's migration policy.

Specifically, an audience member asked Adrian Ramsay how his party will have such an expansive and open migration policy, with immigrants being able to bring dependents, while ensuring that public services work properly.

Mr Ramsay said that it is "absolutely right and humane" that people coming to work in the UK be able to bring their spouse.

"I think we need to have a calm discussion in this country about how we approach the issue of migration, because we have always benefitted from people coming to the UK," he added, getting applause from the audience.

"We only have to listen to the horrific comments that were exposed on Channel 4 last night of people immediately around Nigel Farage to remind ourselves of what a stark future we could be heading in if people back him and Reform in this election," he said of the racist and homophobic comments made by party activists.

The Green Party website talks about "a world without borders", and Mr Ramsay is asked exactly what that would mean and look like.

But he dodged the question, saying it is a "long-term vision" and is there to talk about the manifesto for this election.

"It's not something we think is realistic in this next five years," he said, and would not get a timeframe when asked.

By Gurpreet Narwan , political correspondent

Britain could soon have its most diverse parliament ever but how will voters from ethnically diverse communities behave at the ballot box?

The voting trends of such groups are incredibly complex and varied. There is no single narrative but several themes stick out from YouGov's exclusive polling for Sky News.

Most notably, the handling of the conflict in the Middle East has damaged the two major parties in the eyes of British Pakistani and Bangladeshi communities. This is something the Labour Party, in particular, is very sensitive too.

Labour have historically fared well with these voters and 53% of ethnic minority voters we polled said they would vote for the party - that's a greater lead than polls we've done with the general population.

However, the Tories fare worse among ethnic minority voters on the whole - in this poll they are neck and neck with the Green Party at 14%.

But, if we drill into the detail, 32% of British Indians said they would vote Conservative - 12% higher than the general population. This is a good reminder that there is a huge variation in voting trends among communities.

Reform UK polled much worse with ethnically diverse communities than the population at large - they're on 7% - but they're still one point above the Lib Dems.

Read Gurpreet's full piece here:

That concludes tonight's edition of Politics Hub With Ali Fortescue - scroll down to read through tonight's interviews and analysis.

Our next guest on Politics Hub With Ali Fortescue  is Claire Ainsley, Director of the Project on Center-Left Renewal at the Progressive Policy Institute, and former adviser to Sir Keir Starmer.

We discuss what the US-UK relationship could look like under a potential Labour government and a possible Trump presidency.

She replies that the shadow foreign secretary, David Lammy, has been "at pains" to build relationships across the Atlantic, and "all of the shadow foreign affairs team have really been out and present, not just in obviously a North America, but around the world".

He says: "I think there's definitely a readiness, on the part of other governments, to be able to have somewhat of a reset [with] the UK.

"So I think in the end, the US-UK relationship is going to be extremely important. And actually it's about common interests and the primarily that will be in the first instance about backing for NATO and obviously for Ukraine."

We bring in our panel, and former Labour cabinet minister Ben Bradshaw says: "I don't think it's any secret that probably most Labour people - actually most members of the current government -  would rather work with a Democrat president than with a Trump [presidency].

"But you deal with whoever the American people deliver as president."

Should Sir Keir Starmer win the election, he will have a steep learning curve, with multiple international summits scheduled for immediately after polling day.

But Ms Ainsley says he is "ready".

"You can just see in Keir Starmer that he is ready to be prime minister if that's what the voters decide next week.

Next, we ask Labour's Sarah Jones for her reaction to the debate between presidents Donald Trump and Joe Biden last night.

She replies: "Well, obviously it was a difficult watch for lots of different reasons.

"And it will be for the American people to decide who they want to run their country.

"And it will be for whoever forms the next government to have a stronger relationship with the US as we can."

Asked if she has any concerns about Joe Biden's performance in particular, she replies: "No, it's not for me to question his ability or his performance or anything like that."

Finally, we ask Ms Jones if it will be a problem, should Donald Trump win the election, that the likely future foreign secretary, David Lammy, has said some extremely critical things about him in the past.

She replies that "the role of a Labour government, as you would expect any government to be, is to do what's right for our country and what's right for the world".

She says the Conservative government has "not played the role on the world stage that we could have done", and a Labour government would want to "build those strong relationships" and "come together" with allies to "find solutions" to the issues we face.

Next on Politics Hub With Ali Fortescue , we are hearing from Labour's shadow minister for industry and decarbonisation, Sarah Jones.

We ask first for her reaction to the racist and homophobic comments made by Reform UK activists, captured on camera, and she says it's "really grim for our politics in the middle of an election to hear such awful things".

She says Nigel Farage, the party leader, should question "what kind of party" he is running, and if such sentiments are widespread within Reform UK.

"But the fact that these comments were made openly and without anybody thinking that they would be challenged is quite extraordinary. And there's no room for those kinds of views in politics.

"And I hope that Nigel Farage looks very carefully at the party that he's leading and the leadership he's providing, that he's enabling people to feel it's okay for them to say those kinds of horrible things."

Asked what exactly she thinks Mr Farage should do, Ms Jones replies: "If he is serious, which it doesn't appear that he is actually because he's flip-flopping between saying, well, these comments were wrong and then saying, well, it was implying it was some kind of set up.

"He needs to own what's happened. Take responsibility for it, and stamp anything like that out within his party.

"And I think the scrutiny that he's now under is good. It's quite right that we're looking at him and understanding what he thinks about the world and about, about all these issues."

Finally, we ask Tory candidate and former defence secretary Sir Liam Fox what he made of the debate between presidents Donald Trump and Joe Biden last night.

He says he "did not find it an encouraging spectacle".

"It did not look as though Biden was properly focussed on the subjects that he was being asked about. And Donald Trump wasn't exactly sticking to the issues either."

More broadly, he notes that countries like Iran, Russia, and China will have been watching, and "they will be taking from that debate that President Biden didn't appear to be properly focussed".

"His team have said that he was perhaps unwell. Perhaps he had a cold. But if I were a Democrat in the United States today, I would be taking a long, hard look at whether there was a potential other candidate."

As election day approaches, conversations are starting to happen about who could become a caretaker Tory leader in the event the Tories lose and Rishi Sunak subsequently quits.

Former cabinet minister and current Tory candidate Sir Liam Fox has been mooted as a potential interim leader, and we ask him next if he would consider the role.

He tells Politics Hub With Ali Fortescue : "I've always thought, as a doctor, it's a very good idea not to have a post-mortem while the patient's still alive.

"So let the voters make their own judgements next Thursday. And we'll deal with the circumstances we have afterwards."

Pushed on if it is something he would be hypothetically comfortable with, given that his name is being bandied around, he replies: "Well, it's very flattering, but, as I say, we have to wait and let the voters make the decisions."

The first guest on tonight's edition of Politics Hub With Ali Fortescue  is Sir Liam Fox, Conservative candidate and former defence secretary.

We ask first for his reaction to the racist and homophobic comments made by Reform UK activists, captured on camera, and he describes them as "horrible" and "disgraceful".

He also notes that party leader Nigel Farage claimed earlier in the campaign that Rishi Sunak "doesn't understand our culture".

"When you have that sort of dog whistle politics, you shouldn't be surprised if occasionally the dog bites you."

Asked if he thinks there is a wider problem within the Reform Party, he says he is "not really qualified" to make that judgement, but "that sort of way of speaking about other people has no place in our politics".

"I think that we've now seen Reform exposed," he adds, and points to Mr Farage's previous comments saying the west "provoked" Putin into invading Ukraine.

He says Reform is "an unsuitable party to be represented in the House of Commons".

Pushed on if the problem goes deeper in the party, Sir Liam says: "Well, it does seem to be a broader problem because we've seen it from a number of candidates, some of the things that we put out on social media."

"It does strike me that this is a group that is actually appealing to some of the most unpleasant and base instincts of parts of the country. And I hope that voters totally reject them.

"I think that their view of Britain is a distorted one, just as their view of the world is a distorted one."

Asked if he would say Reform UK is institutionally racist, he says it's "a deeply unpleasant party" with "deeply unpleasant individuals" and a "really quite dangerous" would view.

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