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How to Write a CCOT Essay

Last Updated: March 31, 2023 References

This article was co-authored by Jake Adams . Jake Adams is an academic tutor and the owner of Simplifi EDU, a Santa Monica, California based online tutoring business offering learning resources and online tutors for academic subjects K-College, SAT & ACT prep, and college admissions applications. With over 14 years of professional tutoring experience, Jake is dedicated to providing his clients the very best online tutoring experience and access to a network of excellent undergraduate and graduate-level tutors from top colleges all over the nation. Jake holds a BS in International Business and Marketing from Pepperdine University. This article has been viewed 160,595 times.

The Continuity and Change-Over-Time (CCOT) essay is a type that is commonly used on the AP World History exam, but you may be asked to write one for other settings or courses. Basically, it asks you to think about how a particular subject has developed or altered over time, as well as to consider what about it has stayed the same. Writing one is a piece of cake if you practice, organize your thoughts before you start writing, and keep the basic requirements of this essay type in mind as you work.

Gathering the Information you Need

Step 1 Read the essay prompt.

  • For example, a prompt might ask you to “Evaluate the extent of continuity and change in the lives of European immigrants in the United States between 1876 and 1918."

Step 2 Write your thesis...

  • A thesis might look something like “While the United States maintained its position as a manufacturing superpower in the first five decades after WWII, over time its focus shifted from the production of traditional goods to the creation of innovative electronics.”
  • Your thesis must specifically mention the time period. [2] X Research source
  • Be as direct as possible about the continuity and change over time.

Step 3 Determine the facts you need to write the essay.

  • Jot down the basic facts you know about the topic, as well as any key details that stick out in your mind. Build your essay around these concrete details.
  • For example, if your topic asks you to consider the development of manufacturing in the United States after WWII, start by writing down what you know about industries during that time period. If you know particular details about developments in the auto industry, you might work with those above all.

Step 4 Figure out the turning point.

  • For instance, if you are writing about changes and continuities in manufacturing after WWII, you might argue that the Vietnam War and the fuel crisis of the 1970s decisively changed the shape of American industries.
  • Create a timeline of events to sort out your historical information in order and help identify the turning point.

Step 5 Identify local and global concepts.

  • Continuing with the manufacturing example, your might keep in mind that the fuel crisis of the 1970s led to a rise in imported, fuel-efficient cars, which impacted the auto industry in the United States.

Organizing and Writing Your Essay

Step 1 Put your thesis at the beginning of your essay.

  • Create an outline to serve as the framework for your essay.
  • For example, you might have a first paragraph that establishes your thesis and the conditions at the start of the time period. This could be followed by two paragraphs on changes that occurred over time. Finally, the essay could close with a paragraph on what stayed the same.

Step 3 Include evidence in each paragraph.

  • Be selective and organize your thoughts. Don’t just dump out everything you know about a subject.
  • Stay in the place and time relevant to the prompt. If a prompt asks you to think about the development of manufacturing in the United States, your evidence shouldn’t be based on examples from manufacturing in China.
  • On the other hand, don’t forget to explain the global significance of your topic. For instance, at some point in your essay, you might note that changes in manufacturing in the United States led to an increasing rise in imported home goods manufactured in China.

Step 4 Analyze the process of change and explain the cause.

  • If you get stuck, go back to the notes/ideas you had about the turning point, since this can show you exactly what changed, when, and why.

Preparing for the Exam

Step 1 Learn how the essay is scored.

  • 1 point for having an acceptable thesis
  • Up to 2 points for addressing all parts of the question
  • Up to 2 points for effectively using appropriate historical evidence
  • 1 point for explaining the changes in terms of world history and global contexts
  • 1 point for analyzing the process of continuity and change over time

Step 2 Earn points for excellence.

  • For example, including several relevant examples of changes and continuities will help you earn points in the Expanded Core.
  • You cannot earn points in the Expanded Core unless your essay already covers all aspects of the Basic Core.

Step 3 Practice to identify and avoid common errors.

  • Don’t use evidence from the wrong time period. Using the example of Captain Cook won’t help you if the essay asks you to examine continuities and changes in work exploration between 1400 and 1700.
  • Avoid vagueness of dates. Don’t write an essay that discusses “exploration before the eighteenth century.” Instead, tell your readers that your essay will discuss changes and continuities from 1492 (Columbus’ first voyage) to Hudson’s voyage of 1609-1611.
  • Don’t just dump as many facts as possible into your essay. Organize and analyze all information you include, making sure it is relevant.

Community Q&A

Ashley Bao

  • If you are writing a CCOT essay for a class, always ask your teacher for advice. He or she may have specific expectations for the essay that may differ from these general guidelines. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • If you can't spell a word, choose another one. Although spelling mistakes and grammar errors would not deduct points, poor spelling can cast a shadow on the rest of your essay. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • Avoid cursive, especially if your handwriting is messy, as it may be harder for the AP essay readers. Don't have too many scribbles on the paper, for they may make it harder for the grader to read. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • Keep an eye on your time. You do not want to spend too much time on this one essay, running out of time on the rest. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0

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  • ↑ http://www.utdallas.edu/apsi/documents/cone-2016.pdf
  • ↑ http://highered.mheducation.com/sites/dl/free/0024122010/899891/AP_World_History_Essay_Writers_HB.pdf
  • ↑ https://gibaulthistory.files.wordpress.com/2011/04/possible-ccot-essay-structures.pdf
  • ↑ http://apcentral.collegeboard.com/apc/members/courses/teachers_corner/40896.html
  • ↑ https://secure-media.collegeboard.org/digitalServices/pdf/ap/apcentral/ap15_world_history_q3.pdf
  • ↑ http://worldhistoryconnected.press.illinois.edu/6.2/cohen.html

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Continuity and Change Over Time in the AP Histories

24 min read • june 18, 2024

William Dramby

Exam simulation mode

Prep for the AP exam with questions that mimic the test!

The one thing you need to know about this historical reasoning skill: 

| Continuities and Change Over Time

This is a historical reasoning process where students need to identify the distinct changes and continuities that exist during a set time and place.  Sometimes students will address themes to such political changes in China in the 20th Century or will have to compare social changes in Europe and Asia because of the Industrial Revolution.  The CCOT is a Historical Reasoning Process that shows-up on the multiple-choice, short answer and free-response sections of the exam.

📘College Board Description

Reasoning processes describe the cognitive operations that students will be required to apply when engaging with the historical thinking skills on the AP Exam. The reasoning processes ultimately represent the way practitioners think in the discipline. Specific aspects of the cognitive process are defined under each reasoning process.

  • Identify patterns of continuity and/or change over time.
  • Describe patterns of continuity and/or change over time.
  • Explain the relative historical significance of specific historical developments in relation to a larger pattern of continuity and/or change.

🔎Organizing Question

How have individuals and societies changed over time and how have they stayed the same? Why?

Continuities and Change Over Time

How have you changed since you were younger? This is a pretty easy question. You have physically grown, you matured both academically and socially, and you found new hobbies, interests and activities that are age-appropriate.  Historians look for change over time. We look for how societies became wealthier, how empires fell, and the roles of different social groups changed.  

However, how have you stayed the same since you were younger?  Asking about continuities in your personality and your life is harder.  Continuities are not as obvious. Some still have a love for Star Wars movies while others will always want to play a pick-up game of basketball. Historians look for continuities over time. We look for how religion continued to play a role in peoples’ lives, how societies continued to be patriarchal, and how ideas like liberty and freedom persist.

When students study world history, they study the changes and continuities over time (CCOT). AP World History has had a rich history of asking students to write CCOT essays and use the skills in attacking stimulus-based multiple-choice questions.  

Period 1 (1200 to 1450)  

1200-1450 changes.

⚡ Increase of trade along the Silk Road because of Mongol conquests and because of new stable powers

The Mongols were a nomadic tribe originating from modern day Mongolia who quickly spanned across nearly all of Eurasia, stretching from the Middle East to the eastern coast of China. In fact, the only places that were successful in fighting off the Mongols were Japan (who were aided by frequent typhoons) and India. Though short lived, an important effect of the Mongol Empire was the reunification of the Silk Roads. Prior to 1200, the Silk Roads were generally dangerous and not as prosperous as growing sea trade like in the Indian Ocean. However, the Mongols unified the Silk Roads and made it safer and easier for them to navigate.

The Mongols created Pax Mongolica or Peace of the Mongols. Trade was protected from the Mediterranean to the South China Sea. Cities like Samarkand emerged built upon trade and routes like the Trans-Saharan and Indian Ocean Trade Networks were all linked.

⚡New technologies spread like astrolabe and magnetic compass increasing exploration and trade

As empires like the Abbasid Caliphate grew across the Middle East and China grew in East Asia, new technologies were created explicitly for the functions of trade and navigation. The  astrolabe , created in the Islamic World, aided travelers in using the stars to navigate (Fun fact, you can still buy astrolabes today! Though they are a bit pricey). 

The  Baghdad House of Wisdom is a famous example of academics and intellectualism in Dar-al-Islam, such as new innovations in  algebra  and trigonometry.  Similarly, Song China saw a boom in innovation and new products. New forms of paper grew, leading to  flying money , which we’ll discuss later, and most importantly  the magnetic compass became a commonly used navigational tool.

Maritime trade growth during the period 1200 - 1450 fueled most of the technological innovation. New boats became widespread along sea trade routes. Arab  dhows were ships with triangular lateen sails that were widespread in the Islamic world. Similarly, Chinese  junks were small ships that traveled west from China.

⚡Buddhism spread and morphed from Northern India to Tibet, China, Southeast Asia, and Japan

Though it started in Northern India around 600 BCE, Buddhism eventually spread over the Himalayan Mountains traveling along trade routes and by various missionaries to other Asian lands. However, each region will impact the eventual form of Buddhism thus Theravada, Mahayana, and Vajrayana Buddhism emerge. 

Many comparisons can be drawn between Buddhism and Christianity, which are both religions that spread throughout this period. For example, Christianity is a  proselytizing religion, which means it seeks out converts, whereas Buddhism is not. Buddhism and Christianity also both saw significant  cultural diffusion and  cultural blending during this time period.

⚡The Aztecs and Inca emerged as large empires in Mesoamerica and South America, respectfully

Before their eventual conquest by the Spanish Conquistadors, the Aztecs and Inca were large, thriving empires that united the peoples of Mesoamerica and South America politically, economically, and socially. While the Aztecs and Inca empires were large, complex political structures that we cannot do justice in just a few short paragraphs, there are some must-know things about the Aztecs and Incas.

The Aztecs are known especially for their architecture, such as pyramids and sacrificial/monumental architecture. They also had  chinampas , large island-like farmlands that floated on water. Politically, the empire used the  tribute system , where smaller conquered areas paid tribute for protection.

The Incas used the  mita system , a system established by the Inca Empire in order to construct buildings or create roads throughout the empire. It was later transformed into a coercive labor system when the Spanish conquered the Inca Empire. They’re also well known for their  terrace agriculture  such as the stunning  Machu Picchu .

⚡ Economic powers emerged like Mali Kingdom and Delhi Sultanate

Regions that lay outside Christiandom and Dar al-Islam are uniting politically, economically, and socially. The Mali Kingdom and Delhi Sultanate were both wealthy and powerful empires that saw Islam as a uniting factor.

In fact,  Mali was one of the most wealthy nations in all of history, with  Mansa Musa , a Mali king, being the most wealthy person in all of human history. Mali and it’s capital city  Timbuktu unified the Sahara and created the Trans-Saharan Trade Route.

⚡ Trade saw new economic and financial developments

As a result of the growth of interregional trade, new financial tools were created to aid in the transfer of goods across borders.  Paper money , nicknamed “flying money” was a new innovation that came from China. Further,  credit became a new tool of borrowing money that aided in financial asset growth.

1200-1450 Continuities

🔗China continued to be largely a Confucian society

Confucianism has had a large influence on the culture of China since before the Qin Dynasty. Between its influence on social structure such as  filial piety  and political structure such as the Five Relationships, no other philosophy has so impacted China. Confucianism emphasized education and a strong bureaucracy for the Chinese government, leading to a unique political structure.

The  Civil Service Exam system from the Qin Dynasty was strengthened in Tang / Song China enabling a bureaucracy built on merit and not necessary hereditary lines to develop. However, while meritocratic in  theory , wealth allowed people to get tutors and special classes to learn the tests, leading to social stratification still.

🔗Patriarchy remained a strong social force across the globe

Throughout history, one of the most consistent social forces has been  patriarchy . In this time period, despite there being some advances in women’s rights, specifically in the Islamic world, patriarchy continued to place men above women in the social pyramid. 

Patriarchy is one of the most important continuities throughout history, and will follow social structures not just in the post-classical era, but in essentially every part of history that you learn.

🔗Trade continued to be the primary form of economic interaction  

Trade saw many changes during this time period, as we’ve outlined above, but nevertheless, comparing the post-classical era to the classical era, trade continued to form the basis.

Period 2 (1450-1750)

1450-1750 changes.

⚡ Western Europe faced the Protestant Reformation seeing the rise of regional Christian churches and the power of the Roman Catholic Church decrease

Martin Luther challenged the role of the Roman Catholic Church in Christianity. He promoted a more personal relationship with God and  the word . From his  95 Theses , will come a radical shift in European Christianity. Luther found the Catholic policy of  indulgences to be the primary signal of corruption within the church, along with a host of other issues.  

New Protestant Churches emerger like the Lutheran and the Church of England while religious wars also inflame France and Germany. Other churches and sects of Christianity, like the Calvinists, will see expansions into the Americas in the 1600s. Religious wars like the Thirty Years’ War sprung up across Europe as well.

⚡ Weakening of the Roman Catholic Church occurs throughout this era with the Reformation, Scientific Revolution, and Enlightenment increasing the popularity of humanism and empiricism

The Protestant Reformation was aided by the  Scientific Revolution , a movement that helped spawn higher intellectualism in Europe (though it must be noted that many of the discoveries of the Sci. Rev. either had been discovered or were aided by discoveries that had been made in the Islamic World in previous years). Important developments were advancements in physics, biology, and the development of the formal  scientific method . Scientists like  Copernicus and  Galileo were important astronomers who helped prove astronomical facts regarding orbits. 

The Enlightenment came a bit after the Scientific Revolution, with the Enlightenment being more of a philosophical movement rather than strictly a scientific one (though science was still part!). The Enlightenment brought with it many philosophies that we still reference today such as  capitalism , formally coined by  Adam Smith in  The Wealth of Nations , and new political theories like the  separation of powers (Montesquieu), the  social contract (Rousseau), and  natural rights of life, liberty, and property (John Locke). The Enlightenment marked a shift in philosophy from religiosity to more of a secular form of thinking such as  rationalism and  empiricism .

⚡ Islamic world of Dar al-Islam expanded into large land-based empires that stretched from Europe through South Asia converting people, increasing trade connections, and forming new syncretic beliefs

The Ottoman Empire, Safavid Dynasty, and Mughal Empire all developed strong land-based empires that brought people of different languages and faiths together while also strengthening their unity under Islam. The spread of these empires was very much so due to  guns , which were a new invention created after the creation of gunpowder in Song China. For example, the Ottoman Empire was able to blast through the walls of Constantinople to easily take over in 1453.

These empires developed complex political and social structures such as the  Devshirme system that created  janissaries . This system took Christian boys, converted them, and turned them into a large fighting force for the Ottoman Empire. An important comparison to make is religious. The Ottoman Empire was mostly Sunni Islam, the Safavids were Shia Islam, and the Mughals were  Sikhism,  a syncretic religion that blended Hinduism and Islam. These empires commonly fought and competed for power, such as in the  Battle of Chaldiran . Chaldiran cemented Ottoman rule over eastern Turkey and Mesopotamia and limited Safavid expansion mostly to Persia. 

⚡ Major powers in the Americas, like the Iroquois, Aztec and Inca, are conquered by Europeans and led to new labor and economic systems

Beginning with Columbus in 1492 and eventually with Cortez and Pizarro, the American indigenous people were conquered by the French, English and the Spanish. Jared Diamond points out in  Guns, Germs, and Steel that the Natives lacked the technology and ability to defend from disease to effectively fight back. New labor systems began to be used, some coerced, such as the  encomienda and  mit’a systems and eventually the use of  chattel slavery , with the first slaves landing on the mainland Americas in 1619. African slaves and Native Americans were used primarily for the cultivation of  cash crops , which were able to be made the most profitable crops on Earth. These crops, such as  sugar led to new emphasis on coerced labor.

⚡ The Atlantic System will see trade increase between the Americas, Europe and Africa and will cause increase in slave trade, especially African corvee slavery

With the introduction of sugar cane to Brazil and the Caribbean, a new trade system emerges. Africans were ruthlessly brought from Africa to be slaves in the Americas where they were used to harvest sugar cane. The sugar, molasses, and rum made from the sugar cane in North America is then sold to Europe for manufacturing. These finished goods, like guns, were traded for slaves with the coastal slave kingdoms in Africa. This system is known as the  triangular trade  and forms the primary economic systems in this time period.

⚡ The Columbian Exchange will see the movement of food, animals, people, and disease.

The  Columbian Exchange was arguably one of the most important events of not just this time period, but in all of world history, and is a term you MUST be familiar with. The Columbian Exchange describes the diffusion of people, food, animals, and notably  disease across the Atlantic Ocean both from Europe to the Americas and from the Americas to Europe. Some important things that transferred were  smallpox , which killed off some 90% of the Native population,  horses , which became a staple in the Americas, cash crops like  sugar and  tobacco , and then from the Americas, potatoes, which increased the nutrition and lifespan of the average European.

The Columbian Exchange connected the Eastern and Western Hemispheres and created a formally globalized world. The Columbian exchange single handedly caused many of the changes we’ve discussed. 

⚡ Maritime empires emerged as the Portuguese and Dutch created port city empires and the French and British developed large colonies around the world Mercantilism and capitalism emerged as states, businesses, and individuals sought wealth by conquest and new forms of business ventures like joint-stock companies

Unlike the mostly land based empires of the post-classical era, the  early modern era was marked by  maritime empires, that is, empires that were spread overseas. These typically had imperial metropoles in Europe, such as the British Empire, which had colonies in the Americas and India, the Dutch Empire, that had territory in India and the Philippines, and Portugal and Spain, which had had territories in what is today Latin America.

These empires consolidated power and developed strong economic and financial tools such as  joint-stock companies to grow. Companies like the  British East India Company and  Dutch East India Company became some of the largest companies on earth.  Mercantilism became the name of the game economically speaking

⚡ New social structures emerged in Latin America as Spanish, Native Americans, and Africans of pure and mix-blood formed new social castes

The casta system saw  Peninsulares  (European-born Europeans),  Creoles  (American-born European descent),  Mestizos  (Mix European-Native),  Mulatoes  (Mix European-African),  Natives , and  Africans  hold a strict socio-economic order based on the level of mix-blood. This was the first time in history that a social order was created strictly based off of race. This created a paradigm that continued through nearly all of world history from this point on.

1450-1750 Continuities

🔗Western Europe continued to be largely Christian with powerful monarchies

Though the Roman Catholic Church’s power diminished, Catholic, Orthodox and Protestant Christians continued to be active members of society. In general, Europe will see Christianity rule as the reigning religion, and Catholicism will see power ebb and flow throughout this time. Of course, there were some challenges to religion, especially in the Scientific Revolution and the Enlightenment, but overall religion will still play a HUGE role in the lives of Europeans. 

🔗Land-based empires dominated much of this era from Qing China, Mughal India, Safavid Persia, Ottoman Middle East, and Russia

The new technologies like gunpowder and the unifying force of religion allowed these societies to create empires over vast-areas and for hundreds of years. Though there was conflict, this era can also be measured by the stability of the states. Land empires, despite the growth of maritime empires, continued to have power. The Russian Tsarist Empire grew into the largest land empire in this time period, even going through westernization through  Peter the Great . These empires will play a large role in expansion and imperialism in the next time period.

🔗Most societies continue the tradition of patriarchy politically, economically, socially, and culturally.

The Ottoman Janissaries were men, the Qing scholar-gentry were men, and the House of Lords in the English Parliament were men. Though some opportunities existed for women to earn economic and political power, it lacked any sort of consistency.

Period 3 (1750-1900)

1750-1900 changes.

⚡ The Industrial Revolution begins in Western Europe and spreads around the world by 1900

England, with its navigable rivers and wealth of coal deposits, was first to experience the Industrial Revolution. Naturally, Western Europe and the United States also began to thrive because of their connection to the Atlantic trade network. However, empires like Russia, Japan, Ottoman, and Qing were forced to industrialize in order to continue to be politically and economically relevant.

Between the 1700s and mid to late 1800s, the  first Industrial Revolution focused on  steam power (see Watt’s steam engine from the 1770s) and the transition in economics based around the  cottage industry to a new use in factories and mills based off of rivers. Industrialization led to new economic theories such as  laissez-faire capitalism and  Marxism . Through the first Industrial Revolution, new social classes such as the middle class and industrial working class developed. Governments took specific roles in industrialization as well, such as the  Meiji Era changes in Japan and Westernization efforts to avoid imperialism such as the  Tanzimat Reforms and  Self-Strengthening Movement .

The second Industrial Revolution focused on steel, chemicals, electricity, and precision machinery. Processes like the  Bessemer process led to the growth of technology like railroads, mass manufacturing, automobiles, and the assembly line. Social stratification became a significant issue during this time as well.

⚡ The Industrial Revolution causes increased urbanization and diverse economic classes stratification

Cities like Birmingham, England were very attractive to those looking for non-skilled work. As wealth increased its impact on  stratification , religion decreased its role.  Working class and  middle class families living in a city had opportunities for economic advancement, though slow, compared to the rural peasant / farmers. Socioeconomic movements such as  Marxism  grew, noting social inequities as a result of capitalism and industrialization.

Cities, while growing, were often dangerous and dirty for the lower classes. For example, London was a smog filled, dirty city that was riddled with political corruption and social stratification between the rich and the poor. 

Unionization  also became a key staple of urban areas as skilled workers formed unions to protect themselves from unfair policies. For example, the Industrial Workers of the World and American Federation of Labor became large groups that promoted better conditions for workers. They helped to lead to higher wages, better working conditions, and better hours for workers.

⚡ Corvee slavery and serfdom will decrease their role in the Americas and Russia, respectfully

Paid labor was cheaper than maintaining room and board for slaves and serfs and the urban impact of industrialization meant that a constant flow of cheap labor can easily be tapped. As the world transitioned from an economy surrounded by cash crops and mercantilism to a capitalistic industrial world, paid skilled workers became a more effective form of labor as opposed to slaves and serfs who mostly worked in agriculture. 

Furthermore, as the Enlightenment spread, slavery and serfdom became seen as immoral in general, with slavery being abolished across most of the world by 1900 and serfdom being abolished from Russia

⚡ Enlightenment thought and fragile social orders will lead to independence movements throughout the Americas and nationalist movements in Europe

Through European colonial powers and merchants, the Enlightenment found their way to the Americas as most of these people became independent by the early 1820s. Revolutions inspired by the Enlightenment became a key sequence of events during the period 1750 - 1900. Specifically, the  American Revolution marked the first major revolution that occurred through Enlightenment principles. This quickly led to revolutions in  France starting in 1789 and  Haiti between 1800 - 1803. Revolutions in  Latin America led by  Simón Bolívar  led to many new independent states in Latin America. Documents such as the  Declaration of Independence , Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen , and the  Jamaica Letter  

⚡ Nations began expanding more than ever through the process of imperialism

While nations had been expanding from Europe since the Columbian Exchange, industrialization led to a stronger form of  territorial imperialism , especially in Africa and Asia. The  Berlin Conference of 1884 had Europeans split up Africa into pieces to use for raw  materials  and access to more  markets  (M&Ms). Africans were mostly abused for labor, such as in  the Belgian Congo , where Africans who did not collect enough rubber had their hands amputated. 

To justify imperialism, nations used philosophies such as  social Darwinism and the idea of  the White Man’s Burden (see Rudyard Kipling’s “White Man’s Burden”). These racist ideas put down imperial subjects and justified mistreatment as helping them. Political comics from this era, such as the soap advertisement below, portrayed this.

Reactions to imperialism were many, such as the  Tanzimat Reforms and  Self-Strengthening Movement in the Ottoman Empire and Qing China. Revolts such as the  Sepoy Revolt and the  Ghost Dance occurred as well, though many times they were violent and unsuccessful. Wars such as the  Anglo-Zulu War and the  Boer War also occurred.  

1750-1900 Continuities

🔗Monarchies continue to play a role around the world

Though the British and French monarchies saw their power decrease and the Americas tended to stay away from hereditary claims, Russia and Japan continued to solidify their power with strong monarchies. Power structures in the modern era typically were marked by either monarchies or emperors, with constitutional monarchs coming in through revolutions. Monarchies in Europe such as that under  Queen Victoria in England and  King Leopold II in Belgium played roles in expansion under imperialism. Imperial powers such as the Ottoman Empire and Qing China still had emperors as well. Democracy, however, saw spreads throughout this time period. 

🔗Even with challenges to the norm, most societies continued the tradition of patriarchy politically, economically, socially, and culturally

Women were gaining economic opportunities in many western nations however traditional lacked the ability to vote or hold a high office in the church. Voting rights are still limited to land-owning males in nations that have not seen an increase in the middle-class while women’s suffrage comes in the 20th Century. Feminist movements led by people like  Mary Wollstonecraft in the early part of this period and  Elizabeth Cady Stanton and  Olympe de Gouge by the end leading into the 20th century did occur, though they did not see much significant success until the 20th century.

🔗Raw materials such as spices, cotton, and coal continue to play a large role in domestic, regional, and global trade

As imperialism and industrialization took hold during this time period, raw materials continued to be a significant area of trade and production. 

Period 4 (1900-Today)

1900-today changes.

⚡ Rapid advances in science lead to new medicines spreading (polio vaccine), new communications (Internet), new sources of power (nuclear), and new transportation (planes)

Science, now with government and religion, was a driving force of change in human society. The  birth control pill allowed family planning, the  Internet  changed the purchasing process, and the world is more globalized than it has ever been. Medical advancements such as vaccines and by the 1970s the  eradication of smallpox led to overall higher global life expectancies. Technology also brought with it new forms of communications like the aforementioned internet, along with  telephones ,  radios , and  televisions . Disease played a large role in this time period. Diseases associated with poverty such as malaria and TB persisted, but diseases associated with lifestyles such as Alzheimer’s, diabetes, and heart disease grew.

⚡ Green Revolution and commercial agriculture will allow a population explosion and largely eradicate extreme hunger

The  Green Revolution was a process by which new technology was implemented to boost food production. It is marked by a use of biological and organic methods to boost food production such as genetically modified organisms ( GMOs ). GMOs plants, animals or microorganisms whose genetic material has been altered in a way that does not occur naturally. They were used to boost production and help food production rise during this time period. The Green Revolution brought up concerns about global climate change and the relationship between humans and the environment.

⚡ Environmental concerns increase as the developing world industrializes, agri-business use more land, and the global population increases

As scientific technology, especially technology related to farming and agri-business, humans began breaking down the environment around them, leading to things like  global climate change and  desertification .  Deforestation also became a significant concern as humans continued to cut down forests, especially in the Amazon Rainforest, to attain more land for development. Rainforests being removed for grazing, pesticides poisoning crops and bee populations shows the challenges humanity has with the science it created. 

⚡ Globalization seen in various forms like trade (multinational corporations like Coca Cola), epidemics (1918 flu, ebola, AIDS), and immigration of people and ideas

Globalization  refers to the technological, political, economic, financial, and cultural exchanges between peoples and nations that have made and continue to make the world a more interconnected and interdependent place. Globalization is an important development that changed essentially everything about the world during this time period. Prior to the 20th century and the global conflict that came with it in the first half, the world, while certainly connected, was still mostly split into individual nations that did not work together on a large scale. As communication increased in the 20th century, globalization became the name of the game. 

Economically,  multinational corporations became commonplace, such as Coca Cola, or Nike. Economic and political organizations such as the  United Nations ,  World Bank ,  IMF , and many others popped up as global entities that helped run the entire world. Free trade deals and international trade agreements such as  NAFTA ,  ASEAN , and the  European Union . However, there have been negative effects of globalization, such as a separation of the  First World , such as the USA and Western Europe, and the developing  Third World , sometimes also described as the  Global South , in which there is a larger economic disparity between rich and poor countries. Globalization has also brought with it dissemination of epidemic and pandemic diseases such as the  1918 Influenza Pandemic , the  Ebola Epidemic ,  AIDS Crisis , and most recently, the  COVID-19 Pandemic . 

Culturally, new global pop culture grew, such as  reggae ,  bollywood , the  olympics , and the  World Cup . People conceptualized society and culture in new ways; rights-based discourses challenged old assumptions about race, class, gender, and religion such as global  feminist movements and  negritude .

Transnational movements also grew, such as the  Quebecois  movement in Canada, and  Pan-Arabism and  Pan-Africanism in Africa and the Middle East.

⚡ Older land-based empires like the Ottomans and Qing Dynasty collapsed.

The Ottomans, the once powerful trading center and Islamic hub, fell as it failed to progress successfully. Following World War I, it quickly fell and under Mustafa Kamal Ataturk, it became  Turkey . For years prior, the Ottoman Empire had been named the “sick man of Europe” and despite the Tanzimat Reforms helping somewhat, by taking the side of Germany in the first World War, they quickly dissolved into Turkey.

After thousands of years of imperial rule and dynastic succession, the last Chinese dynasty, the  Qing fell in 1911 in the Xinhai Revolution to a nationalist uprising led by  Sun Yat-Sen and  Chiang Kai-shek.  Quickly thereafter, the  Kuomintang,  or  Chinese Nationalist Party  rose to power and ran the country until 1949, when  Mao Zedong  helped form the  Chinese Communist Party and take over China. 

⚡ Decolonization will see freedom and conflict emerge in nations.  

One of the most important aspects of the 20th century was the process of  decolonization , in which countries across the globe broke free of their imperial owners and became independent nations. Most notably, decolonization in the 20th century took place in Africa, South Asia, and Southeast Asia.

In Africa, decolonization was widespread. In North Africa, such as in  Algeria , decolonization was met with violence and the death of 140,000 Algerian soldiers. Elsewhere, decolonization was negotiated, such as protests against  apartheid until South Africa’s independence in 1994 under  Nelson Mandela . Similarly, after World War II, French West Africa split into many nations such as Guinea, Senegal, Côte D’Ivoire, and Niger.

India is an important example of decolonization that you must know. Led by  Mohandas Gandhi  and  Muhammad Ali Jinnah , India gained its independence through  civil disobedience such as the Salt March. However, after succeeding in their goal, Jinnah and the  Muslim League , split off into the state of  Pakistan , in which heavy border disputes ensued.

In Southeast Asia, the most significant decolonized states were  Vietnam and  Cambodia . In Vietnam, Ho Chi Minh led a violent revolution to overthrow the French, with the French finally losing at Dien Bien Phu. Vietnam quickly became communist and split into South Vietnam and North Vietnam, and the  Vietnam War soon followed as part of the Cold War. Cambodia similarly formed a Marxist state and under  Pol Pot , the  Cambodian Genocide took out any signs of intellectualism.

⚡ Global conflicts over land and political ideologies increase in the first half of the 20th Century

The first major global conflict to occur in this time period was the  First World War . After the killing of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand, the Triple Alliance and Triple Entente quickly caused the war to escalate from a regional crisis to a world wide war. WWI had MANIA causes: (List Mania Causes). The First World War ended in November of 1918 after the Third Battle of Picardy and the signing of the  Treaty of Versailles , which blamed Germany and charged them massive war reparations. World War I also saw new forms of war such as  trench warfare and the use of  chlorine gas by the Germans.

Following World War I, the interwar years saw massive debt and inflation on the German side caused complete economic collapse. This, compounded by the  Great Depression in 1929, contributed to the rise of  Adolf Hitler in 1933 and the German invasion of Poland in 1939 and the start of World War II. World War II was another major global conflict that involved the  Allied Powers and  Axis Powers and ended with another German defeat in 1941 after the Battle of the Bulge.

World War II similarly saw the beginning of  genocides , the systematic murder of a race of people. Global genocides were relatively common during the 20th century, beginning with the  Armenian Genocide during World War I 

1900-Today Continuities

🔗The process of Westernization continues outside Europe and the United States to Japan, South Korea, Russia, India and beyond

Bollywood emerges as a center for movie making while pop-stars from South Korea thrive in the global market, and cities like Tokyo, Japan look just like New York City with their lights and sounds.

🔗Economic globalization that started with the Silk Road continues on land, sea, and air

Cotton from Georgia is shipped to Bangladesh to be made into a shirt which is then shipped to Hondars to be printed on and then back to the US for retail sail. Hands from three continents played a role in a simple shirt finding it cheaper to move the materials around than find one location to produce the whole item.

Patriarchy and racist beliefs, despite seeing vast improvements, still exist  

Full Course Review for AP World History

Watch the  AP World History 5-Hour Cram Finale for a comprehensive last minute cram session covering the entire WHAP curriculum including every unit, every time period, and every type of question you will come against during the exam. 

continuity and change over time essay

Here is a breakdown of the review schedule and timeline:

  • 30 min - Overview (Sorting by theme, region, and time periods)
  • 1 hour - 1200-1450 CE
  • 1 hour - 1450-1750 CE
  • 1 hour - 1750-1900 CE
  • 1 hour - 1900-Present
  • 30 min - Final thoughts (Time management, strategies, and pep talk)


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continuity and change over time essay

  • Historical Knowledge
  • Change and Continuity

What is change and continuity in history?

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History is the study of change over time.

All sorts of things change over time: empires, languages, ideas, technology, attitudes, etc.

However, even when thing change, many remain the same. 

Together, change and continuity form the foundation of the study of history, as historians seek to understand both the ways in which societies and cultures have evolved over time, as well as the ways in which certain elements have remained constant.

By examining both change and continuity, historians can gain a more complete understanding of the complexities of the human experience.

Categorising historical events

In order to study change and continuity, historians study different types of events through time and group these events based upon topics or themes.

Breaking historical events up based upon categories makes it easier for people to identify changes and study the effects on people over time.

Some general categories of events include:

Political To do with war, power, governments, and legal rights
 Economic   How people earn and spend money
Social The everyday lives of people at work and home
Technology To do with developments in technology and medicine

  ‘Change’ refers to something that is obviously different from what occurred previously.

Change refers to the alterations or transformations that occur in societies, cultures, political systems, or other aspects of the human experience over time.

Change can result from a variety of factors, including technological advancements, natural disasters, wars, social movements, and economic developments.

It can be both positive and negative, and it can impact individuals and communities in different ways.

Change in history usually occurs over a long period of time and it is often hard to pin-point an exact moment of change.

Therefore, it is easier to choose two different moments in history and compare them.

For example, comparing 2nd century AD with the 4th century AD, or the year 1600 with 1900.

However, when there is a sudden and clear change at a particular point in history, usually as the result of a single event, the event is usually referred to as a ‘Turning Point’ in history.

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Not all things change over time, some things remain the same across long periods in time, sometimes lasting into the modern world.

‘Continuity’ refers to things that stay the same, relatively unchanged, over time.  

This can include long-standing traditions, cultural values, or political systems that endure despite changes that may occur in other areas.

Continuity provides a sense of stability and a connection to the past, and it helps to shape the development of societies and cultures over time.

Assessing change and/or continuity

  As historians, we need to study what things have changed or continued over time and try to explain the reasons for these.

Example questions for assessing Change and Continuity:

  • What kind of historical development are you focusing on (e.g., religious, political, economic, cultural, etc.)?

What was the situation like before this occurred?

What was clearly different after this occurred?

What were the direct causes of the changes?

What were the reasons that some things remained the same?

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continuity and change over time essay

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How to Write a CCOT (Continuity and Change Over Time) Essay

Basically, CCOT stands for continuity and change-over-time, so in this type of task, you have to explore the dynamics of a particular subject and explain how it transformed over time. 

In fact, its purpose is to evaluate students' ability to analyze historical changes that shaped social, political, technological, and economic developments or affected global processes. 

Generally, the CCOT essay is a type of writing required at the Advanced Placement United States History (APUSH) examination. However, you might be asked to complete a CCOT essay in other settings and disciplines. 

You can think about CCOT in different ways. For example, you may discuss in your essay whether change outweighs continuity or focus on the cause and effects of a primary change in a certain era.

How to Write a CCOT Essay

  • Formulate your thesis statement 

Simply put, a thesis statement is a summary of your essay argument. As for a COOT essay, you must refer to both continuity and change, so you can follow the next formula when creating a thesis:

Over the time period between (x) and (y) in (location), (continuity)x3, remained constant in (topic), while there were significant changes in (topic) such as (change)x3.  

Usually, it’s fine to make your thesis not longer than one sentence. But note that you should include at least two continuities and two changes to your statement as well as to mention a specific time period. 

  • Write down ideas and identify concepts 

Before you start writing an essay at APUSH (AP United States History) exam, jot down some basic facts about the topic, relying on your own knowledge only, since you won’t be provided with any information sources. First, determine what you can write about and then build your essay around it. 

Even though you have to focus on a particular location and timeframe, you should also consider the situation in the rest of the world in that period. There is no need to go deep into detail about other locations, but it would be great to describe how some world events influenced your topic. 

  • Create an outline and find evidence 

You can organize your essay in many different ways since there is no right or wrong. However, it is more preferable to organize your paper so that it emphasizes changes first. If you discuss the changes before the continuities, you will be able to come across your arguments more clearly. In fact, this is the most common approach for outline creation. 

It's essential to include a few specific examples in each paragraph. Make your examples rich in detail and relevant to the time and place mentioned in the essay prompt. Also, think about the significance of your topic in the global context. 

  • Explain the cause of change 

To get a high score in the AP World History exam, you should not just clearly state what changed about the topic but also analyze a historical situation. In other words, it's important to go beyond the basics and explain both the process and causes of changes. You can also describe if the change happened unevenly in different places or over time and mention intermediate points in a certain period. 

Approaches to Address the Topic

Using this approach, you should first add a topic sentence, then provide a baseline, next explain the cause of change or context, give evidence, summarize the change, describe its status and significance at the endpoint. 

According to this approach, you need to base body paragraphs around sub-periods. So after adding a topic sentence, you need to describe the characteristics of a historical situation, tell about the events and processes that changed or stayed the same, and then explain the cause of changes and their significance during a certain period.

Use writing formulas 

To write body paragraphs, you can follow the next formulas. 

Statement (sentence #1)

During the time period (… to …), (events in the world context) caused (topic/theme) to stay constant because (reasons). 

As you see, you must think about what was going on in the world causing the continuity and cover the historical development of an event. Note that the global context must be relevant to the topic. 

Analysis of continuity (sentences #2, #3, #4)

One continuity that took place in (topic/theme) was (…). The reason for it is (analysis). An example of this would be (specific evidence). 

  • Changes  

Statement  (sentence #1) 

During the time period (…), (event in the world context) caused things to change in (topic/theme) because (reasons).  

One change that occurred in (topic/theme) was (…). The reason for it is (analysis). An example of this would be (specific evidence). 

In your conclusion, you should make some more global connections and explain why it's important to discuss the essay topic today. You can also predict how it will move forward in history and whether it will undergo further changes or stay the same.

Learn More About Scoring

Typically, you can earn 1 point for having a good thesis, up to 2 points for addressing the question, up to 2 points for using accurate evidence, 1 point for illustrating the changes in terms of global contexts and 1 point for analyzing the process of continuity and change over a period of time. 

You can also get up to 2 additional points for excellence if you go above and beyond in analyzing your topic. 

Wrapping Up 

Hopefully, this article gave you a better understanding of how to write a CCOT essay for AP World History. Summing up, you should first define areas of change and continuity in your thesis, and then establish time period boundaries that you will address. Next, analyze the cause of changes and address continuity. It's also important to discuss the global context of the historical situation and connect it to world processes and change.

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Further reading

Best essay writing services on reddit in 2022, how to start an essay with a quote, how to make a cover page for an essay.

  • New Visions Social Studies Curriculum
  • Curriculum Development Team
  • Content Contributors
  • Getting Started: Baseline Assessments
  • Getting Started: Resources to Enhance Instruction
  • Getting Started: Instructional Routines
  • Unit 9.1: Global 1 Introduction
  • Unit 9.2: The First Civilizations
  • Unit 9.3: Classical Civilizations
  • Unit 9.4: Political Powers and Achievements
  • Unit 9.5: Social and Cultural Growth and Conflict
  • Unit 9.6: Ottoman and Ming Pre-1600
  • Unit 9.7: Transformation of Western Europe and Russia
  • Unit 9.8: Africa and the Americas Pre-1600
  • Unit 9.9: Interactions and Disruptions
  • Unit 10.0: Global 2 Introduction
  • Unit 10.1: The World in 1750 C.E.
  • Unit 10.2: Enlightenment, Revolution, and Nationalism
  • Unit 10.3: Industrial Revolution
  • Unit 10.4: Imperialism
  • Unit 10.5: World Wars
  • Unit 10.6: Cold War Era
  • Unit 10.7: Decolonization and Nationalism
  • Unit 10.8: Cultural Traditions and Modernization
  • Unit 10.9: Globalization and the Changing Environment
  • Unit 10.10: Human Rights Violations
  • Unit 11.0: US History Introduction
  • Unit 11.1: Colonial Foundations
  • Unit 11.2: American Revolution
  • Unit 11.3A: Building a Nation
  • Unit 11.03B: Sectionalism & the Civil War
  • Unit 11.4: Reconstruction
  • Unit 11.5: Gilded Age and Progressive Era
  • Unit 11.6: Rise of American Power
  • Unit 11.7: Prosperity and Depression
  • Unit 11.8: World War II
  • Unit 11.9: Cold War
  • Unit 11.10: Domestic Change

Resources: Regents Prep: Global 2 Exam

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How to discuss continuity and change over time, helpful words and phrases for discussing continuity and change in history, a part of the enduring issues essay, and activities for practicing the use of those words and phrases..

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One of the essays you will have to write on the AP Exam is the Continuity & Change Over Time (CCOT).

Percent of Section II score – 33 1/3

Directions: You are to answer the following question. You should spend 5 minutes organizing or outlining your essay. Write an essay that:

  • Has a relevant thesis and supports that thesis with appropriate historical evidence.
  • Addresses all parts of the question.
  • Uses world historical context to show continuities and change over time.

Analyzes the process of continuity and change over time.

Analyze the social and economic transformations that occurred in the Atlantic world as a result of new contacts among Western Europe, Africa, and the Americas from 1492 to 1750.

Note: the question does not use a more traditional form of asking you to analyze the changes or continuities about something, directly, but rather expects you to know that is required and is really looking for a process rather than a beginning and an end, or even a beginning, middle or end.

Following the steps outlined below. Do not simply extract the words from above, but rather expand on them or give examples as appropriate.

Key Events During Time period (think events rather than years):

  • Changes: Topic 1
  • Changes: Topic 2
  • Continuities: Topic 1
  • Continuities: Topic 2
  • Key Steps in Process/Major developments:
  • World Historical Context
  • Analyzes Reasons for Continuity and Change

What does the Thesis need to be:

  • Has acceptable thesis according to the CCOT Rubric.

The thesis must address social AND economic transformations AND the ‘Atlantic world.’

Thesis cannot simultaneously count for transformation, evidence, or global context.

Addresses all parts of the question, though not necessarily evenly or thoroughly

For 2 Points: Essay must accurately describe FOUR social and economic transformations that occurred as a result of new contacts in the Atlantic world from 1492-1750. At least ONE must be social, and at least ONE must be economic. [Bond-Lamberty says three of each would be best]

Substantiates thesis with appropriate historical evidence.

For 2 Points: Include FOUR pieces of historical evidence related to social and economic transformations. The student must cite at least ONE piece of evidence for a social transformation and ONE piece of evidence for an economic transformation. [Bond-Lamberty says three of each would be best]

Uses relevant world historical context effectively to explain continuity and change over time.

The student uses global historical context effectively to show change and continuity in the Atlantic world from 1492 to 1750 by: Placing the Atlantic world in the context of world history, OR Connecting the Atlantic world to global processes, OR Describing the interactions between at least two regions

Explains a reason for a change or continuity in the Atlantic world as a result of new contacts among Western Europe, Africa and the Americas from 1492 to 1750 [Bond-Lamberty says analyze reasons for all changes and continuities.]

What IS Analysis?

Historical analysis what is being done is breaking down the item being analyzed into its parts which generally include (depending on what is being analyzed):

• historical actors: events, processes, institutions, ideas, etc. (examination of multiple causation which looks at cause and effect relationships)

• evidence (determining the significance and reliability of various perspectives like when point of view is analyzed)

• interpretations of what happened (comparing and contrasting changing versions of developments or theories)

• underlying structures (determining how all the processes, institutions, ideas, events, actors, motives, evidence, interpretations are connected and related and affect each other)

• overall process of change and continuity (connecting different regions and eras)

This is different from just explaining because of the need to look at multiple causation.

For example: if with the 2005 COT question we had asked students to explain a transformation that took place, [it] would have been okay with a single description - (“the population of the Americas declined”).

Instead we required students to go further with looking at why the population declined, ideally several steps forward and backward.

If students were asked to explain the causes of the demographic change in the Americas from 1450-1750, simply describing the Atlantic slave trade and European colonization would cut it; whereas if students were asked to analyze demographic change in the Americas we would want students to also look at why they needed the slave trade, why there was colonization and the differences in which genders were involved.

Analysis Examples

“The mercantilist economies established in Europe redefined the economies of not only of European nations, but of American and African ones as well. Under mercantilism, European colonies in the new world were limited to trade only with their mother countries to ensure profit. The European monarchs would finance gold and silver expeditions in the Americas so that their national treasure would grow. In order to ensure productivity not only in American mines, but on plantations as well, Europe began to enslave Africans and send them to the Americas via the Middle Passage. The Middle Passage was part of a great trading triangle linking Europe, Africa, and America. African slaves were sent to America to work in captivity. America sent raw good to Europe and Europe sent money and good to allied African tribes to pay for slaves. The goods and money exchanged on the Great Circuit profited many European nations and African tribes. Plantation owners in America also became very wealthy. However, the exchange of goods, and not to mention people on the Great Circuit, also reshaped societies socially. “

· Analysis in this paragraph is limited, but is present in the connection between the requirements of mercantilism and the productivity of plantations in the Americas.

· European motives (and trade restrictions) for trade are explored.

· The context of the Middle Passage within the larger trade patterns is described, but there is no evaluation/assessment of the slave trade.

“By 1492, Europe was on the verge of an economic explosion and Africa and America were relatively quiet in the global economy. Long before European contact in Africa, slaves and trans-Saharan slave trade were in existence. Portuguese explorers came upon Africa to find this institution. An institution once belonging to Africa would become globalized. Europeans soon began to export slaves to their countries and eventually to the American economies. The slave trade put Africa on the map as a contending economic power. The slave workers fueled the American economies soon thereafter. The Europeans had difficulty in finding and maintaining native-American labor - slaves filtered into the Caribbean, Brazil, and the southern U.S. to serve on plantations. The sugar industry was growing in Europe and the slaves satisfied the Portuguese sweet-tooth on the “engenhos” and in other lands. By creating the triangular slave trade, the Americans entered the global economy and Europe morphed into a more powerful one. “

· This paragraph weaves together multiple good writing characteristics.

· It places each continent into global context at the beginning of the time period.

· The institution of slavery over time is nicely described within the larger framework of global trade patterns.

· The slave trade’s effect on Africa’s place in global community is directly noted, as well as the economic effect the slave trade had on the Americas.

· Europeans’ motives are explored, and the paragraph finishes with a succinct summarization of the slave trade’s overall effect on both Europe and the Americas. WORLD HISTORY SECTION II Part B

(Suggested planning and writing time - - - 40 minutes)

Has a relevant thesis and supports that thesis with appropriate historical evidence. Addresses all parts of the question. Uses world historical context to show change over time and/or continuities. Analyzes the process of change over time and/or continuity.

2. Analyze the social and economic transformations that occurred in the Atlantic world as a result of new contacts among Western Europe, Africa, and the Americas from 1492 to 1750.

Following the steps outlined in your COT guide from the other day. Do not simply extract the words from above, but rather expand on them or give examples as appropriate.

Economic transformations - trade, labor, money, wealth, production.

Atlantic World in Europe (Spain and Portugal), Africa (Kongo and Gold Coast), and Americas (Mexico, Caribbean, Brazil).

Topic 1 - Social – New classes, ethnicities, women lose standings in Africa and Americas

Topic 2 - Economic – New trade goods, mercantilism, change in labor systems, triangular trade, new wealth (mineral and plantations)


Topic 1 - Social – continued hierarchical societies including slavery, women still in low position in Europe, men still in a high position in Europe

Topic 2 - Economic – continued reliance on unprocessed goods and agriculture, continued practice of slave trade,

Process/Major developments:

Global Context

Analyzes Reasons for Change/Continuity


“There were many transformations in the Atlantic world as a result of new contacts among Western Europe, Africa, and the Americas from 1492 to 1750.”

This is merely a rephrasing of the question. “Many” is a virtually meaningless qualifier. Be more specific!

“Columbus’ discovery of the New World had a huge impact on the future of the Atlantic world.” or

“Europe dominated the Americas through military technology and political absolutism.”

Off topic. The question asks the reader to focus on the social and economic transformations, NOT the degree of Columbus’ impact, or military & political developments. This illustrates why it is so important to read the question carefully and spend time organizing the essay BEFORE actually writing. Not only would this not earn the Thesis point, it might also distract the writer from earning point #3 (Evidence). Make sure to answer precisely what the question asks.

“Europe was going through a social and economic transformation from 1492-1750 as it moved beyond feudalism and into the modern era.”

Off-topic. This thesis reflects a ‘European history’ point of view. Europe’s relationship to Africa and the Americas is a key part of this question, but a thesis devoted solely to any one continent is irrelevant. Too often students devote considerable effort to the Renaissance, Scientific Revolution, Reformation, Absolute Monarchy, English Civil War, etc. without relating it back to the rest of the Atlantic world.

“Between 1492-1750 Europe grew both socially and economically, while Africa and the Americas suffered.”

“Although Europe quickly dominated the economic aspects of the Columbian Exchange, their social influence in Africa and the Americas developed more slowly.”

“As Europe came to economically dominate trans-Atlantic trade with Africa and the Americas, dramatically changing labor systems and the distribution of wealth, their influence over social customs also expanded changing class structures, ethnicities and role of women in Africa and the Americas. At the same time the basic structure of the economies remained the same while hierarchies continued with women in Europe holding the same gender roles.”

For 1 Point: describe ONE social and ONE economic transformation.

Note: 3 economic transformations would earn 0 points (there must be at least 1 social transformation)

Note: The nature of this question makes it difficult to distinguish between a “transformation” and “evidence.” General long-term trends (Columbian Exchange, spread of slavery) usually counted as a transformation, while specific examples (potatoes, Kongo) counted as evidence. Readers paid close attention to the verb to identify transformations. Statements that indicated a conclusion, connection, or cause & effect were the most obvious transformational verbs, and often indicated analysis (point #5) as well. Likewise, the distinction between social and economic transformations was subtle. Often the context of the statement framed readers’ interpretation.

Unacceptable Students often rephrased a single transformation, repeating it in a later paragraph. Each transformation could only count ONCE. Readers had to pay close attention to the substance of the statement.

“As the slave trade increased, it changed the native population.” = social trans.

“As the slave trade increased, it changed the native standard of living.” = economic trans.

Social Transformations (w/ Evidence) Economic Trans. (Evidence)

• European colonization • Columbian Exchange

• Slave trade • Slave trade / Triangle trade

• European rule – replacement of ruling classes • Spanish rule (encomienda, repartimento)

• Social stratification (peninsulars, creoles, • Mercantilism

For 1 Point: Include TWO pieces of historical evidence related to social and economic transformations. The student must cite at least ONE piece of evidence for a social transformation and ONE piece of evidence for an economic transformation.

Note: The nature of this question makes it difficult to distinguish between a “transformation” and “evidence.”

“The exchange of ideas caused both the American and French Revolutions.”

This ‘evidence’ is outside the time frame (post-1750). Numerous weak essays seemed to be borrowed from students’ US history class experiences, dwelling on John Smith, Pocahontas, Jamestown, the Pilgrims, Plymouth Rock, or Thanksgiving.

“The spread of diseases among the native Americans motivated Europeans to find an alternative labor source, which they satisfied with the introduction of the African slave trade.”

“The interactions of the Atlantic world caused a population decline in the Americas while Africa's population increased. The Aztecs and the Incas, for example, were not immune to new diseases such as smallpox which wiped out much of their society.”

In this case, the transformation is the American population decline of which disease is a point of evidence. “

“As a result of interactions in the Atlantic World, new cultural traditions appeared in the Americas. The slave trade brought Africans to the Americas where Africans mixed with Native Americans and Europeans to form new languages and religions.”

In this case, “new cultural traditions” constitutes the transformation while the slave trade becomes evidence of that transformation.

Note how the evidence should relate back to the thesis (from p. 1). It shouldn’t just “hang out there” unrelated to anything else in the essay.

“The introduction of the Europeans into the Americas vaulted them to the top of the social systems, replacing the previous native nobles.”

An essay that provides abundant specific historical evidence to substantiate the thesis.

Social: mulattoes, class system, Kongo

Economic: slave trade, mita, Potosi Uses global historical context effectively to show continuity OR change.

The student uses global historical context effectively to show change OR continuity in the Atlantic world from 1492 to 1750 by:

•Placing the Atlantic world in the context of world history,

•Connecting the Atlantic world to global processes,

•Describing the interactions between at least two regions

In other words, students should know how ‘Specific Example A’ compares with ‘Global Trend #1.’ (e.g. Does the example reflect or contradict the overall global trend? What are the major milestones/turning points in the development of the global trend?) This requires students to know what the global trends ARE, and then be able to cite specific examples that support their topic sentences.

“The slave trade was an example of an Atlantic world transformation from 1492-1750.”

The essay must explicitly describe the interaction between two specific regions. Simply rephrasing this statement to “The slave trade from Africa to the Americas was an example...” would have earned the point.

Note: Virtually any accurate, relevant statement that described a relationship linking Europe, Africa, and the Americas between 1492-1750 would satisfy this requirement. Readers anticipated that this would be the easiest point to earn. Unfortunately, approx. 10% of essays (in this reader’s experience) did not meet even this minimal requirement.

The social status of European women remained constant from 1492-1750 as European social customs were transplanted to the Americas.

The discovery of silver in the Americas, greatly affected the international flow of silver and created inflationary conditions in many markets, including China and Spain.

“By 1492, Europe was on the verge of an economic explosion and Africa and America were relatively quiet in the global economy. Long before European contact in Africa, slaves and trans-Saharan slave trade were in existence. Portuguese explorers came upon Africa to find this institution. An institution once belonging to Africa would become globalized. Europeans soon began to export slaves to their countries and eventually to the American economies. The slave trade put Africa on the map as a contending economic power. The slave workers fueled the American economies soon thereafter. The Europeans had difficulty in finding and maintaining native-American labor - slaves filtered into the Caribbean, Brazil, and the southern U.S. to serve on plantations. The sugar industry was growing in Europe and the slaves satisfied the Portuguese sweet-tooth on the “engenhos” and in other lands. By creating the triangular slave trade, the Americans entered the global economy and Europe morphed into a more powerful one.”

· Europeans’ motives are explored, and the paragraph finishes with a succinct summarization of the slave trade’s overall effect on both Europe and the Americas.

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Studies of historical reasoning by fifth graders and ninth graders also demonstrate students struggling with these larger contexts for writing historical arguments. Perhaps an even greater sample of evidence is that every year the change over time essay question on the Advanced Placement World History (APWH) examination often has the lowest scores, averaging less than 30%. Over the past seven years, I have read thousands of APWH exams in which students consistently make the following types of errors on those change over time essays: 1) they misuse evidence by placing events in the wrong time period, 2) they make reference to global processes happening over a vague period of time without any anchoring dates, and/or 3) they create lists of information rather than well-structured arguments. Patrick Manning summarized these problems well. "One example of oversimplified global analysis is the listing of a variety of outcomes of different situations, and the assertion that they add up to a pattern. With no explanation of how the situations were selected or how they relate to each other, this would be a weak statement indeed of global patterns: one needs to identify the process, not just the linked influences and outcomes."

Furthermore, Denis Shemilt bolstered my observation that annotated timelines would help students write better continuity and change over time essays. He argued that timelines can be a "meaningful narrative into which present and future can be incorporated." Finally, I found agreement with Ian Dawson's conclusion that "pupils need to construct timelines for themselves and not just look at completed ones," Dawson's work emphasized how important creating timelines can be for students to grasp the scale of changes. Once I started to require students to make annotated timelines for every time period of the world history course, they mostly stopped making the typical mistakes found on the APWH exam essays.

I began to wonder if the historical knowledge my students were creating with these annotated timelines contradicted other knowledge they gained outside the classroom. I focused on two world history classes, of which about half were of African heritage. To test this question about how students learn world history, I decided to find out what students already knew Africa before we began formal study of imperialism in Africa in the nineteenth century. I asked the students to create individual lists of what they already knew about Africa (I gave the instructions orally and projected them as well). They had five minutes to create this list, and then I asked them to indicate the source for each item they listed (home/friends, school, popular culture/media). Finally, I asked them to organize their information on a timeline. I reminded them of the periodization we used for the course, but said they could create their own organization for the timeline as long as they had at least three time periods (to avoid 'now and then' vagueness). The results matched Epstein's conclusions about the source of the students' knowledge; sixty-four percent of all students of African heritage and three Latinos listed home as one of their sources of knowledge about Africa, but none of the other Latinos, or students of Asian or European heritage did. This data seemed to confirm that, in the United States, students of African heritage usually gain some knowledge of their history from home. Since that knowledge matched what we had also discussed at school (e.g. Africa as the origin of humans), I was reassured that contradictions between home and school would not impede my students' acceptance and understanding of world history.

and Wineburg that films would be a major source of information and might affect the type of information the students claim to know. In fact, twelve students of my students listed the films (2006) (2004) as sources of information about forced labor in diamond mines in Sierra Leone and the genocide in Rwanda respectively. About half of the fifty students also listed learning about the HIV epidemic and poverty in Africa from television or the internet, and twenty-six cited television as a main source of geographical facts about Africa. On the other hand, all but four of the students listed school as the source of their general information about ancient Egypt, the spread of Islam, the slave trade, and colonization. I concluded that they could remember and count as knowledge what they had learned from the media as well as school. The most remarkable result from this exercise was that about a third of the students added more information to their lists once they began to make their timelines. This made me consider the possibility that all of the work we had done with annotated timelines perhaps resulted in the timeline becoming an unconscious tool to recall facts they had otherwise not remembered in the initial five minutes I gave them to write their lists.

editor for scholarship on teaching and learning in world history. She teaches Advanced Placement World History at Springbrook High School in suburban Maryland. From 2002 – 2006, she was on the AP World History Test Development Committee. She has produced several publications for the College Board, including the (2007) and (2008). As a College Board consultant, she has conducted AP World History workshops and summer institutes since 2001. She can be reached at .


A. Diaz, J. Middendorf,, D. Pace, and L. Shopkow, L. "The History Learning Project: A department "decodes" its students," 94, no. 4, (2008), 1213.

P. Afflerbach, and Bruce VanSledright, "Hath! Doth! What? Middle graders reading innovative history text," 44 no. 8 (2001), 696-707.

Robert Bain, "Into the Breach: Using research and theory to shape history instruction," in Peter N. Stearns, Peter Seixas and Sam Wineberg, (eds)., (New York: New York University Press, 2000), 331-53.

The Advanced Placement World History Chief Readers' reports available on also report these same types of errors.

Patrick Manning, "Interactions and connections: Locating and managing historical complexity," . 39, no. 2 (2006), 189.

Janet Alleman and Jere Brophy, "History is Alive; Teaching young children about changes over time," 94, no. 3 (2003), 107-114.

Denis Shemilt, "The Caliph's Coin: The Currency of Narrative Frameworks in History Teaching," in Peter N. Stearns, Peter Seixas, Sam Wineburg, eds., (New York: New York University Press, 2000), 87.

Ian Dawson, "Time for Chronology? Ideas for developing chronological understanding," in 117 (2004), 21.

Terry Epstein, "Adolescents' Perspectives on Racial Diversity in U. S. history: Case Studies from an Urban Classroom," , 37, no. 1, (2000), 185-214.

The term "of African heritage" refers to students who themselves or their parents were born in Africa, the Caribbean, or mark 'African-American' on official school forms.

Peter Seixas, "Popular Film and Young People's Understanding of Native American-White Relations," , 26, no. 3 (1993), 351-370.

See Sam Wineburg, (Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 2001).


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is there a way to format CCOT or continuity and change over time essays?

my class hasn’t really practiced much ccot essays and my teacher even says it’s the hardest essay format to structure. i just want to know like maybe what each paragraph should be about, for example the first paragraph should be the thesis/intro and etc.

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How to Write a Continuity and Change Over Time (CCOT) Essay

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Continuity and Change Over Time (CCOT) Essay

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CCOT Essay Example

America is a nation with years of history engraved in itself. Each events are divided into specific time periods in history. Among all the periods, Period III ranging from 1754-1800 is most relevant at displaying the evolution of the idea of “Liberty,” in America. The evolution can be presented through the continued practices of ideas and the changes that occurred from 1754-1800. Some continuity from period III included the idea of self government among colonies and the ongoing slavery of African-Americans along with the mistreatment of the Native Americans which provided liberty to the colonists while stripping the other race from their freedom. On the other hand, the changes with the replacement of Articles of Confederation with Constitution and the Britain’s introduction of the Quartering Acts developed a new idea of Liberty in America.

First, the idea of self governing existed since years ago among colonies. Prior to the American Revolution, the colonies operated independently and followed their rules, occasionally supporting the British empire through the collected taxes. So, the intention of self government followed through, as the colonies overthrew the British monarchy and aristocracy in order to form the United States of America where they created their own government, laws and rules called the Constitution. Being able to govern themselves was a sense of liberty the colonies highly prioritized and sought after which was one of the many reasons that motivated them to fight the American Revolution in 1765-1783.

Along with the idea of self government, the slavery of African-American and the mistreatment of Native Americans continued which provided a sense of an ironic “liberty” that gave freedom to the Caucasian males to enslave and strip freedom from people of other race. The Articles of Confederation and the later Constitution, explicitly supported the slavery with the three-fifths compromise of 1787 where slaves only counted as a three-fifth of an actual citizen. In a caucasian, male dominant society, African-Americans were stripped from their human rights and owned as nothing more than a property. This became an ideal of liberty for large number of colonists to own other people. Also, as the text stated in ‘The Ordinance of 1787’, “The utmost good faith shall always be observed towards the Indians; their lands and property shall never be taken away from them without their consent.” This statement implies that Native Americans were still treated unfairly in Period III as their lands were forcefully taken away and they were stripped from their rights. While it was considered a sense of freedom and independence to do so. So, the notion of self government continued throughout the Period III along with the harsh mistreatment of Natives and the cruel slavery of African-Americans in the colonies which were all considered a part of “liberty” to the citizens of of the thirteen colonies.

Although various ideas and events assisted the idea of “liberty” to remain consistent through 1765-1783, there were other events and movements that lead to the evolution of “liberty” for the citizens of America. One of the examples is the “Sons of Liberty” founded in 1765. They were a group of people who wanted to protect the rights of colonists and fought against the “Stamp Acts” that imposed harsh British taxes on the colonies. Sons of Liberty changed the meaning of liberty as being able to protest against the British parliament policies and free the colonies from the British claw. This demonstrates that they perceived liberty as having the power to change and create their own nation. Another example stated, “There shall never be neither slavery nor involuntary servitude in the said territory” and “..Indians; their lands, property and rights shall never be taken aways from them” (The Ordinance of 1787). This shows that even if only for the benefit of the government to gain territory, the idea of liberty among people were changing. People began to associate liberty with equal rights for everyone, regarding race or gender and saw the cruelty of enslaving the slaves. The slavery continued in Period III, however people’s evolving view on liberty affected how they saw slavery and mistreatment of Indians as. Also, the Articles of Confederation and the Bill of Rights introduced in the Constitution of America drastically altered the idea of liberty. The Bill of Rights ratified in 1789 transferred the idea of freedom from the states to individuals. State’s held more authority, and had a say in matter, but from 1789, people had more freedom to religion, press and speech etc. The notion of liberty commenced from the desire to create a new nation to the power to the states and finally freedom to each individual.

Therefore, with a nation like America that has a long history some ideas about liberty are bound to evolve with each events while the others could stay the same in Period III. People’s view on slavery, freedom for everyone, and independence from british empire gradually altered, however the desire to self govern and the actual slavery and mistreatment of people from other races continued throughout the 1754-1800. Thus, this specific period truly reveals evolving nature of liberty in the American history.

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A New Model for Continuous Transformation

  • Michael Mankins
  • Patrick Litre

continuity and change over time essay

This approach worked for State Farm, Ørsted, and Dell.

Traditionally, transformation efforts are organized as programs with a defined beginning and end. Rooted in a change model popularized by German American psychologist Kurt Lewin in the 1950s, this approach involves three stages: “unfreeze, change, and refreeze.” Although it is effective for discrete projects like implementing a new payroll system, this model falls short in today’s dynamic business environment. The continuous evolution of the external landscape demands ongoing business transformation, with no room for pausing, refreezing, and stepping away.  This article describes the three key strategies needed to support continuous transformation: adopt an agile mindset, use aspirations to continuously challenge and stretch the organization, and build transformation into the company’s operating rhythm.

Transformation programs have become ubiquitous, with more than one-third of large organizations engaged in some form of transformation at any given time . But the conventional model that most companies rely on for transformation has faltered in the wake of today’s rapidly changing business environment. Leaders need a fresh approach — one better suited to the continuously evolving nature of our world.

  • Michael Mankins is a leader in Bain’s Organization and Strategy practices and is a partner based in Austin, Texas. He is a coauthor of Time, Talent, Energy: Overcome Organizational Drag and Unleash Your Team’s Productive Power (Harvard Business Review Press, 2017).
  • PL Patrick Litre leads Bain’s Global Transformation and Change practice and is a partner based in Atlanta.

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Austin Valley’s dress uniform on a black background.

A Disaster of the U.S. Military’s Own Making

Austin Valley’s death exposed the Army’s most urgent challenge: a suicide crisis among soldiers in peacetime.

The dress uniform of Austin Valley, a 21-year-old who became one of at least 158 active-duty Army soldiers to die by suicide in 2023. Credit... David Guttenfelder for The New York Times

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By Janet Reitman

Janet Reitman is a contributing writer for the magazine who has been reporting on the military for 20 years.

  • June 19, 2024

Austin Valley had just arrived at his Army base in Poland, last March, when he knocked on his buddy Adrian Sly’s door to borrow a knife. The base plate of his helmet was loose and needed fixing, he told Sly. The soldiers had spent most of their day on a bus, traveling from their former base to this new outpost in Nowa Deba, near the border with Ukraine. It had been a monotonous 12-hour journey with no stops and nothing to eat but military rations. Sly thought his friend looked exhausted, but then so did everyone else. He handed Valley an old hunting knife, and Valley offered an earnest smile. “Really appreciate it, man,” he said. Then he disappeared.

Listen to this article, read by January LaVoy

A boyish-looking 21-year-old, Valley grew up in a military family in rural Wisconsin and declared his intention to join the Army at age 7. He enlisted on his 18th birthday, so intent on a military career that he tried to sign a six-year contract until his father, a Gulf War veteran, persuaded him to take it more slowly and commit to three. Stationed at Fort Riley, in Kansas, he made an immediate impression on his superiors. “He was one of the best workers that I’ve seen in the military,” a squadmate says, recalling how Valley, who drove an armored troop carrier, thought nothing of crawling into its guts to check for broken parts, emerging covered in grease, a flash of mischief in his deep brown eyes.

Valley left Sly’s door and walked into the forest. A fresh snow had fallen, and the larch trees towered above him, their branches bare and ghostly. Valley carried the borrowed knife and some nylon cord he’d probably procured from another fellow soldier. He texted his parents: Hey mom and dad I love you it was never your fault.

Thirty minutes passed before Erik Valley, Austin’s father, saw the text. He called Austin’s cellphone several times but got only his voice mail. He contacted Austin’s unit at Fort Riley and eventually reached a sergeant; Erik explained the situation and forwarded Austin’s note. “Could someone please check on him and let me know what’s going on, please,” he said.

Word of a soldier’s disappearance spread quickly across the Polish base. Sly recalled sergeants pounding on doors and shining their flashlights. “Where’s Valley?” one asked him. Sly and several others from Valley’s unit took off into the woods. Seeing fresh tracks in the snow, one soldier followed them until he heard a faint gurgling sound. Drawing closer, he saw Valley, hanging from a tree. He was alive, but barely conscious. The soldier cut Valley down, while another called for the medics, who sped off with him into the night. His friends would never see him again. The following morning, Valley was taken to the U.S. Army hospital in Landstuhl, Germany, and then returned to Fort Riley. Four weeks later, he was dead.

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