
Thesis, major paper, and major project proposals

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Schedule/work plan

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work plan and time frame in research

If you're unsure if your research proposal requires a schedule or work plan, please consult your project handbook and/or speak with your instructor, advisor, or supervisor.

The information about schedules or work plans in proposals was gathered from RRU thesis and major project handbooks, current in 2020, from programs in the Faculty of Social and Applied Sciences, the Faculty of Management, and the College of Interdisciplinary Studies. If the details here differ from the information provided in the handbook for your project, please follow the handbook's directions.

Image credit: Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

work plan and time frame in research

  • In RRU's Anxiety About Academic Writing guide, this resource is open to everyone.

How Do I Plan the Various Stages of My Research Project?

  • In SAGE Research Methods: Planning and Practicalities, look for How Do I Plan the Various Stages of My Research Project? drop down option. Access via this link requires a RRU username and password.

Learning Skills: Time Management

  • In RRU's Learning Skills guide, this resource is open to everyone.

What Do I Need to Know About Time and Timetabling?

  • In SAGE Research Methods: Planning and Practicalities, look for the What Do I Need to Know About Time and Timetabling? drop down option. Access via this link requires a RRU username and password.

Image credit: Image by Mohamed Assan from Pixabay

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Gantt Chart for a Research Project Proposal: Step-by-step guide


In project management, there are few tools as effective and illuminating as the Gantt chart . This simple yet powerful visual tool is invaluable for anyone overseeing a complex task, including research project proposals. It is particularly beneficial in the early stages of a project, where meticulous planning is required to ensure that all elements of the project are understood, accounted for, and scheduled appropriately. Therefore, whether you're an academic researcher, a project manager in a corporate setting, or even a student planning your thesis, understanding how to create and use a Gantt chart can be a significant asset.

What is a Gantt Chart and what is it used for?

A Gantt chart, named after its creator, Henry Gantt, an American mechanical engineer and management consultant, is a type of bar chart that visually represents a project schedule. It was first developed in the early 20th century and has since become a staple in project management across various fields and industries. Today, it's used by project managers in sectors like construction, software development, research and development, and more.

At its core, a Gantt chart consists of two main components: tasks and time. The tasks related to the project are listed on the vertical axis, while the horizontal axis represents time. Each task is represented by a horizontal bar, the length of which corresponds to the duration of the task.

Make your own Gantt chart in Gleek .

Gantt charts are incredibly useful for planning and scheduling projects, tracking progress, and managing dependencies between tasks. They provide a clear visualization of the project timeline and help to identify potential bottlenecks and overlaps. This makes them an ideal tool for coordinating teams, allocating resources, and keeping stakeholders informed.

The versatility of Gantt charts solves numerous problems faced by project managers. They simplify complex projects by breaking them down into manageable tasks and visualizing their sequence and duration. This can help in avoiding over-scheduling, underestimating deadlines, and mismanaging resources.

Whether you're a seasoned project manager or a student working on a research proposal, mastering the use of Gantt charts can significantly streamline your project planning process and enhance your team's productivity.

Components needed for Research project proposal diagram

Creating an effective research project proposal diagram requires several key components. These elements provide a comprehensive overview of the project, including its timeline, tasks, and significant milestones.

Project Stages: Each stage of your research project should be clearly defined. This can include the literature review, methodology development, data collection and analysis, results compilation, proposal drafting, peer review, and final edits.

Timeline: The timeline provides a visual representation of the project's duration. It should outline the start and end dates of the project, as well as the estimated completion time for each stage.

Tasks: Each task within the project stages should be clearly outlined. This includes what needs to be done, who is responsible for it, and when it should be completed.

Milestones: Milestones mark significant achievements or phases in your project. These can help track progress and ensure that the project is moving forward as planned.

Dependencies: Dependencies show the relationship between different tasks. It's crucial to highlight how the delay in one task can impact others.

Status: The status of each task and stage helps monitor the project's progress. It can indicate whether a stage is completed, in progress, or yet to start.

Notes/Comments: Any additional information, observations, or feedback about the project can be included here. This could be insights gained during the research, changes made to the project plan, or issues that have arisen.

By incorporating these components into your diagram, you can create a well-structured, transparent, and efficient project proposal.

Creating a Research project proposal Gantt chart using the Gleek App

Step 1: launching gleek and selecting 'new diagram'.

First, launch in your web browser. Once you're in, select 'New Diagram' from the options available. In the diagram type, choose 'Gantt'.


Step 2: Defining Research Goals

The research project initiates with an active phase dedicated to defining research goals, which commenced on December 15, 2023, lasting for a week. This phase involves brainstorming, outlining objectives, and establishing the research's overarching scope.


Step 3: Literature Review Phase

Transitioning to the next stage, we have the completed 'Literature Review' phase spanning two weeks. This phase entails an in-depth analysis, sourcing relevant publications, synthesizing existing knowledge, and aligning it with the predefined research goals.


Step 4: Methodology Design Phase

Progressing to the 'Methodology Design' phase, currently active for three weeks, this stage intricately structures the research approach. It involves designing methodologies, frameworks, and strategies based on insights gleaned from the literature review, ensuring a robust research plan.


Step 5: Data Collection Phase

Following the planning stages is the critical 'Data Collection' phase, slated for four weeks. This phase involves meticulously gathering and assembling primary data, employing various methodologies such as surveys, experiments, or interviews, aligning with the established research framework.


Step 6: Data Analysis Phase

Post-data collection, the active 'Data Analysis' phase spans three weeks. This phase engages in thorough data examination, statistical analysis, and deriving insights from the accumulated information. It involves identifying patterns, correlations, or trends relevant to the research objectives.


Step 7: Results Compilation Phase

Subsequently, the 'Results Compilation' phase consolidates and organizes the analyzed data over two weeks, presenting it in a coherent format. This phase involves preparing comprehensive reports, graphs, or summaries, showcasing the findings derived from the data analysis stage.


Step 8: Drafting Proposal Phase

Advancing further, the active 'Drafting Proposal' phase, extending over three weeks, involves crafting the research proposal. It includes outlining the research problem, detailing methodologies, and structuring a cohesive proposal aligned with the project's objectives.


Step 9: Peer Review Phase

Upon completion of the draft, the two-week 'Peer Review' phase gathers insights and constructive feedback from peers or subject experts. It involves peer evaluations, discussions, and recommendations aimed at refining and enhancing the proposal's quality.


Step 10: Final Edits

Finally, the one-week active 'Final Edits' phase focuses on meticulous revisions, addressing feedback, and ensuring the proposal's completeness, accuracy, and compliance with set standards. This stage includes proofreading, formatting, and polishing the final document.


Step 11: Proposal Submission Milestone

The 'Proposal Submission' milestone, set for May 15, 2024, marks the conclusive stage, signifying the submission of the crafted and refined research proposal for evaluation and potential implementation.


Hurray, You Did It!

And there you have it! Your Research Project Proposal Gantt Chart is now complete.


This comprehensive diagram, with its clearly defined stages, tasks, timeline, dependencies, resources, and status, provides a holistic view of your research project. It not only serves as a visual representation of the entire project but also acts as a roadmap guiding you from the initial brainstorming phase to the final proposal submission. Utilizing such a diagram can greatly enhance your project planning and execution, ensuring all aspects are considered, dependencies are taken into account, and milestones are tracked. It fosters better coordination, communication, and understanding among team members, leading to more efficient and effective project management.

About is a powerful tool that can further enrich your project planning needs. It's an intuitive app designed to help you visualize complex ideas, processes, and systems through various types of diagrams. Whether you need to create a flowchart, UML diagram, or even a Gantt chart like the one we've just built, makes the process straightforward and hassle-free.

With its keyboard-centric approach, allows you to create diagrams faster than traditional drag-and-drop tools. You can quickly jot down your ideas and see them evolve into structured diagrams in real-time, making it an ideal tool for brainstorming sessions, project planning, and presentations.

In conclusion, is more than just a diagramming tool. It's a platform that enables you to visualize your thoughts, communicate complex ideas simply, and manage your projects more effectively. Give it a try for your next project and experience the difference it can make!

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How to Create a Research Timeline for Your Thesis

How to Create a Research Timeline for Your Thesis

  • 5-minute read
  • 21st May 2023

Beginning a dissertation can feel both thrilling and overwhelming. One of the best things you can do to prepare for the exciting journey of doing a dissertation is to design a comprehensive timeline as your guide. Here we will take you step by step through creating your thesis timeline and provide some example templates, so you’ll be well-prepared to begin your dissertation work.

Reasons for Creating a Timeline

There are many benefits to crafting a detailed dissertation timeline. In addition to helping with time management and meeting crucial deadlines, your timeline will also help you stay motivated by reviewing the tasks you have completed as you progress. A thorough timeline will be valuable during your dissertation proposal and useful if you are applying for grants or other additional funding.

Ste0ps for Creating a Timeline for Your Thesis:

  • Research and record all requirements and deadlines.

Before you write out your timeline, ensure you know all of your program’s requirements and deadlines. Academic institutions often require you to complete your dissertation within a specified timeframe.

There are likely several recommended or mandatory deadlines for approval of certain items by your adviser (and possibly the rest of your committee members). Gather all these dates beforehand so you can allot an appropriate amount of time to meet your deadlines.

It will be beneficial to meet with your adviser to understand when you are expected to complete the major phases of your dissertation work and to confirm that there aren’t any other requirements or deadlines that you may not be aware of.

  • List all of your tasks and bundle them into phases.

Now that you’ve assembled your dates, working backward from your deadlines is a good rule of thumb. List all of the required tasks that must be completed to meet each milestone, from coming up with your research questions to writing each chapter of your dissertation .

Even though your list will be unique to your research project, it can help to refer to a thesis checklist . It’s also helpful to assemble tasks into different phases (e.g., dissertation proposal, research recruitment). Grouping tasks into phases gives anyone looking at your timeline a quick overview of your research plan.

  • Organize your tasks into a schedule and assign task deadlines.

Now it’s time to build your timeline. There are many different free templates available online, from straightforward lists of deliverables to colorful options with room for notes and customization.

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A popular organizational approach for thesis timelines is a Gantt chart , which is a type of bar chart often used in project management in which the length of the bar corresponds to the time the task will take. The best choice for you will depend on the specifics of your research study and personal preferences. Whichever option you select, make sure you can easily edit and revise it as need be.

Sanity-Saving Tips:

●  Pay attention to your work style. Some people are more productive when writing in short bursts, while others write better after taking time to get into the zone. Some people choose to start writing parts of their thesis while still conducting research, while others prefer to focus on one phase at a time. Set yourself up for success by reflecting on what type of schedule will help you create the best quality work.

●  Schedule breaks. Almost everyone will work better after a well-deserved break. Make sure to schedule regular breaks into your timeline, as well as provide enough time to sleep, eat well, and do anything else you need to do to safeguard your well-being. 

●  Always have a plan B. Your dissertation is an extensive endeavor with many moving parts. It’s impossible to anticipate and plan for every conceivable event, but it’s helpful to expect something may occur that will cause a deviation from your original timeline. Perhaps study recruitment takes longer than you expected, or one of your committee members gets sick and you have to postpone your dissertation proposal. After you draft your timeline, check that it is not so strict that any disruption will cause a total derailment of your plan. Aim to strike a balance between goals that will inspire you to progress steadfastly and have some leeway in your timeline for the inevitable curveball that life will throw at you somewhere along the way.

Following these three steps will help you draft a timeline to steer the course of your dissertation work: research and record all requirements and deadlines; work backward from your dissertation deadline and assemble your task lists; and organize your tasks into a timeline.

Don’t forget to include ample time for editing and proofreading your dissertation . And if you are interested in any help from us, you can try a sample of our services for free . Best of luck in writing your dissertation!

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Rhode island school of design, create a research plan: research plan.

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A research plan is a framework that shows how you intend to approach your topic. The plan can take many forms: a written outline, a narrative, a visual/concept map or timeline. It's a document that will change and develop as you conduct your research. Components of a research plan

1. Research conceptualization - introduces your research question

2. Research methodology - describes your approach to the research question

3. Literature review, critical evaluation and synthesis - systematic approach to locating,

    reviewing and evaluating the work (text, exhibitions, critiques, etc) relating to your topic

4. Communication - geared toward an intended audience, shows evidence of your inquiry

Research conceptualization refers to the ability to identify specific research questions, problems or opportunities that are worthy of inquiry. Research conceptualization also includes the skills and discipline that go beyond the initial moment of conception, and which enable the researcher to formulate and develop an idea into something researchable ( Newbury 373).

Research methodology refers to the knowledge and skills required to select and apply appropriate methods to carry through the research project ( Newbury 374) .

Method describes a single mode of proceeding; methodology describes the overall process.

Method - a way of doing anything especially according to a defined and regular plan; a mode of procedure in any activity

Methodology - the study of the direction and implications of empirical research, or the sustainability of techniques employed in it; a method or body of methods used in a particular field of study or activity *Browse a list of research methodology books  or this guide on Art & Design Research

Literature Review, critical evaluation & synthesis

A literature review is a systematic approach to locating, reviewing, and evaluating the published work and work in progress of scholars, researchers, and practitioners on a given topic.

Critical evaluation and synthesis is the ability to handle (or process) existing sources. It includes knowledge of the sources of literature and contextual research field within which the person is working ( Newbury 373).

Literature reviews are done for many reasons and situations. Here's a short list:

Sources to consult while conducting a literature review:

Online catalogs of local, regional, national, and special libraries

meta-catalogs such as worldcat , Art Discovery Group , europeana , world digital library or RIBA

subject-specific online article databases (such as the Avery Index, JSTOR, Project Muse)

digital institutional repositories such as Digital Commons @RISD ; see Registry of Open Access Repositories

Open Access Resources recommended by RISD Research LIbrarians

works cited in scholarly books and articles

print bibliographies

the internet-locate major nonprofit, research institutes, museum, university, and government websites

search google scholar to locate grey literature & referenced citations

trade and scholarly publishers

fellow scholars and peers


Communication refers to the ability to

  • structure a coherent line of inquiry
  • communicate your findings to your intended audience
  • make skilled use of visual material to express ideas for presentations, writing, and the creation of exhibitions ( Newbury 374)

Research plan framework: Newbury, Darren. "Research Training in the Creative Arts and Design." The Routledge Companion to Research in the Arts . Ed. Michael Biggs and Henrik Karlsson. New York: Routledge, 2010. 368-87. Print.

About the author

Except where otherwise noted, this guide is subject to a Creative Commons Attribution license

source document

  Routledge Companion to Research in the Arts

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How to prepare a Research Proposal

Health research, medical education and clinical practice form the three pillars of modern day medical practice. As one authority rightly put it: ‘Health research is not a luxury, but an essential need that no nation can afford to ignore’. Health research can and should be pursued by a broad range of people. Even if they do not conduct research themselves, they need to grasp the principles of the scientific method to understand the value and limitations of science and to be able to assess and evaluate results of research before applying them. This review paper aims to highlight the essential concepts to the students and beginning researchers and sensitize and motivate the readers to access the vast literature available on research methodologies.

Most students and beginning researchers do not fully understand what a research proposal means, nor do they understand its importance. 1 A research proposal is a detailed description of a proposed study designed to investigate a given problem. 2

A research proposal is intended to convince others that you have a worthwhile research project and that you have the competence and the work-plan to complete it. Broadly the research proposal must address the following questions regardless of your research area and the methodology you choose: What you plan to accomplish, why do you want to do it and how are you going to do it. 1 The aim of this article is to highlight the essential concepts and not to provide extensive details about this topic.

The elements of a research proposal are highlighted below:

1. Title: It should be concise and descriptive. It must be informative and catchy. An effective title not only prick’s the readers interest, but also predisposes him/her favorably towards the proposal. Often titles are stated in terms of a functional relationship, because such titles clearly indicate the independent and dependent variables. 1 The title may need to be revised after completion of writing of the protocol to reflect more closely the sense of the study. 3

2. Abstract: It is a brief summary of approximately 300 words. It should include the main research question, the rationale for the study, the hypothesis (if any) and the method. Descriptions of the method may include the design, procedures, the sample and any instruments that will be used. 1 It should stand on its own, and not refer the reader to points in the project description. 3

3. Introduction: The introduction provides the readers with the background information. Its purpose is to establish a framework for the research, so that readers can understand how it relates to other research. 4 It should answer the question of why the research needs to be done and what will be its relevance. It puts the proposal in context. 3

The introduction typically begins with a statement of the research problem in precise and clear terms. 1

The importance of the statement of the research problem 5 : The statement of the problem is the essential basis for the construction of a research proposal (research objectives, hypotheses, methodology, work plan and budget etc). It is an integral part of selecting a research topic. It will guide and put into sharper focus the research design being considered for solving the problem. It allows the investigator to describe the problem systematically, to reflect on its importance, its priority in the country and region and to point out why the proposed research on the problem should be undertaken. It also facilitates peer review of the research proposal by the funding agencies.

Then it is necessary to provide the context and set the stage for the research question in such a way as to show its necessity and importance. 1 This step is necessary for the investigators to familiarize themselves with existing knowledge about the research problem and to find out whether or not others have investigated the same or similar problems. This step is accomplished by a thorough and critical review of the literature and by personal communication with experts. 5 It helps further understanding of the problem proposed for research and may lead to refining the statement of the problem, to identify the study variables and conceptualize their relationships, and in formulation and selection of a research hypothesis. 5 It ensures that you are not "re-inventing the wheel" and demonstrates your understanding of the research problem. It gives due credit to those who have laid the groundwork for your proposed research. 1 In a proposal, the literature review is generally brief and to the point. The literature selected should be pertinent and relevant. 6

Against this background, you then present the rationale of the proposed study and clearly indicate why it is worth doing.

4. Objectives: Research objectives are the goals to be achieved by conducting the research. 5 They may be stated as ‘general’ and ‘specific’.

The general objective of the research is what is to be accomplished by the research project, for example, to determine whether or not a new vaccine should be incorporated in a public health program.

The specific objectives relate to the specific research questions the investigator wants to answer through the proposed study and may be presented as primary and secondary objectives, for example, primary: To determine the degree of protection that is attributable to the new vaccine in a study population by comparing the vaccinated and unvaccinated groups. 5 Secondary: To study the cost-effectiveness of this programme.

Young investigators are advised to resist the temptation to put too many objectives or over-ambitious objectives that cannot be adequately achieved by the implementation of the protocol. 3

5. Variables: During the planning stage, it is necessary to identify the key variables of the study and their method of measurement and unit of measurement must be clearly indicated. Four types of variables are important in research 5 :

a. Independent variables: variables that are manipulated or treated in a study in order to see what effect differences in them will have on those variables proposed as being dependent on them. The different synonyms for the term ‘independent variable’ which are used in literature are: cause, input, predisposing factor, risk factor, determinant, antecedent, characteristic and attribute.

b. Dependent variables: variables in which changes are results of the level or amount of the independent variable or variables.

Synonyms: effect, outcome, consequence, result, condition, disease.

c. Confounding or intervening variables: variables that should be studied because they may influence or ‘mix’ the effect of the independent variables. For instance, in a study of the effect of measles (independent variable) on child mortality (dependent variable), the nutritional status of the child may play an intervening (confounding) role.

d. Background variables: variables that are so often of relevance in investigations of groups or populations that they should be considered for possible inclusion in the study. For example sex, age, ethnic origin, education, marital status, social status etc.

The objective of research is usually to determine the effect of changes in one or more independent variables on one or more dependent variables. For example, a study may ask "Will alcohol intake (independent variable) have an effect on development of gastric ulcer (dependent variable)?"

Certain variables may not be easy to identify. The characteristics that define these variables must be clearly identified for the purpose of the study.

6. Questions and/ or hypotheses: If you as a researcher know enough to make prediction concerning what you are studying, then the hypothesis may be formulated. A hypothesis can be defined as a tentative prediction or explanation of the relationship between two or more variables. In other words, the hypothesis translates the problem statement into a precise, unambiguous prediction of expected outcomes. Hypotheses are not meant to be haphazard guesses, but should reflect the depth of knowledge, imagination and experience of the investigator. 5 In the process of formulating the hypotheses, all variables relevant to the study must be identified. For example: "Health education involving active participation by mothers will produce more positive changes in child feeding than health education based on lectures". Here the independent variable is types of health education and the dependent variable is changes in child feeding.

A research question poses a relationship between two or more variables but phrases the relationship as a question; a hypothesis represents a declarative statement of the relations between two or more variables. 7

For exploratory or phenomenological research, you may not have any hypothesis (please do not confuse the hypothesis with the statistical null hypothesis). 1 Questions are relevant to normative or census type research (How many of them are there? Is there a relationship between them?). Deciding whether to use questions or hypotheses depends on factors such as the purpose of the study, the nature of the design and methodology, and the audience of the research (at times even the outlook and preference of the committee members, particularly the Chair). 6

7. Methodology: The method section is very important because it tells your research Committee how you plan to tackle your research problem. The guiding principle for writing the Methods section is that it should contain sufficient information for the reader to determine whether the methodology is sound. Some even argue that a good proposal should contain sufficient details for another qualified researcher to implement the study. 1 Indicate the methodological steps you will take to answer every question or to test every hypothesis illustrated in the Questions/hypotheses section. 6 It is vital that you consult a biostatistician during the planning stage of your study, 8 to resolve the methodological issues before submitting the proposal.

This section should include:

Research design: The selection of the research strategy is the core of research design and is probably the single most important decision the investigator has to make. The choice of the strategy, whether descriptive, analytical, experimental, operational or a combination of these depend on a number of considerations, 5 but this choice must be explained in relation to the study objectives. 3

Research subjects or participants: Depending on the type of your study, the following questions should be answered 3 , 5

  • - What are the criteria for inclusion or selection?
  • - What are the criteria for exclusion?
  • - What is the sampling procedure you will use so as to ensure representativeness and reliability of the sample and to minimize sampling errors? The key reason for being concerned with sampling is the issue of validity-both internal and external of the study results. 9
  • - Will there be use of controls in your study? Controls or comparison groups are used in scientific research in order to increase the validity of the conclusions. Control groups are necessary in all analytical epidemiological studies, in experimental studies of drug trials, in research on effects of intervention programmes and disease control measures and in many other investigations. Some descriptive studies (studies of existing data, surveys) may not require control groups.
  • - What are the criteria for discontinuation?

Sample size: The proposal should provide information and justification (basis on which the sample size is calculated) about sample size in the methodology section. 3 A larger sample size than needed to test the research hypothesis increases the cost and duration of the study and will be unethical if it exposes human subjects to any potential unnecessary risk without additional benefit. A smaller sample size than needed can also be unethical as it exposes human subjects to risk with no benefit to scientific knowledge. Calculation of sample size has been made easy by computer software programmes, but the principles underlying the estimation should be well understood.

Interventions: If an intervention is introduced, a description must be given of the drugs or devices (proprietary names, manufacturer, chemical composition, dose, frequency of administration) if they are already commercially available. If they are in phases of experimentation or are already commercially available but used for other indications, information must be provided on available pre-clinical investigations in animals and/or results of studies already conducted in humans (in such cases, approval of the drug regulatory agency in the country is needed before the study). 3

Ethical issues 3 : Ethical considerations apply to all types of health research. Before the proposal is submitted to the Ethics Committee for approval, two important documents mentioned below (where appropriate) must be appended to the proposal. In additions, there is another vital issue of Conflict of Interest, wherein the researchers should furnish a statement regarding the same.

The Informed consent form (informed decision-making): A consent form, where appropriate, must be developed and attached to the proposal. It should be written in the prospective subjects’ mother tongue and in simple language which can be easily understood by the subject. The use of medical terminology should be avoided as far as possible. Special care is needed when subjects are illiterate. It should explain why the study is being done and why the subject has been asked to participate. It should describe, in sequence, what will happen in the course of the study, giving enough detail for the subject to gain a clear idea of what to expect. It should clarify whether or not the study procedures offer any benefits to the subject or to others, and explain the nature, likelihood and treatment of anticipated discomfort or adverse effects, including psychological and social risks, if any. Where relevant, a comparison with risks posed by standard drugs or treatment must be included. If the risks are unknown or a comparative risk cannot be given it should be so stated. It should indicate that the subject has the right to withdraw from the study at any time without, in any way, affecting his/her further medical care. It should assure the participant of confidentiality of the findings.

Ethics checklist: The proposal must describe the measures that will be undertaken to ensure that the proposed research is carried out in accordance with the World Medical Association Declaration of Helsinki on Ethical Principles for Medical research involving Human Subjects. 10 It must answer the following questions:

  • • Is the research design adequate to provide answers to the research question? It is unethical to expose subjects to research that will have no value.
  • • Is the method of selection of research subjects justified? The use of vulnerable subjects as research participants needs special justification. Vulnerable subjects include those in prison, minors and persons with mental disability. In international research it is important to mention that the population in which the study is conducted will benefit from any potential outcome of the research and the research is not being conducted solely for the benefit of some other population. Justification is needed for any inducement, financial or otherwise, for the participants to be enrolled in the study.
  • • Are the interventions justified, in terms of risk/benefit ratio? Risks are not limited to physical harm. Psychological and social risks must also be considered.
  • • For observations made, have measures been taken to ensure confidentiality?

Research setting 5 : The research setting includes all the pertinent facets of the study, such as the population to be studied (sampling frame), the place and time of study.

Study instruments 3 , 5 : Instruments are the tools by which the data are collected. For validated questionnaires/interview schedules, reference to published work should be given and the instrument appended to the proposal. For new a questionnaire which is being designed specifically for your study the details about preparing, precoding and pretesting of questionnaire should be furnished and the document appended to the proposal. Descriptions of other methods of observations like medical examination, laboratory tests and screening procedures is necessary- for established procedures, reference of published work cited but for new or modified procedure, an adequate description is necessary with justification for the same.

Collection of data: A short description of the protocol of data collection. For example, in a study on blood pressure measurement: time of participant arrival, rest for 5p. 10 minutes, which apparatus (standard calibrated) to be used, in which room to take measurement, measurement in sitting or lying down position, how many measurements, measurement in which arm first (whether this is going to be randomized), details of cuff and its placement, who will take the measurement. This minimizes the possibility of confusion, delays and errors.

Data analysis: The description should include the design of the analysis form, plans for processing and coding the data and the choice of the statistical method to be applied to each data. What will be the procedures for accounting for missing, unused or spurious data?

Monitoring, supervision and quality control: Detailed statement about the all logistical issues to satisfy the requirements of Good Clinical Practices (GCP), protocol procedures, responsibilities of each member of the research team, training of study investigators, steps taken to assure quality control (laboratory procedures, equipment calibration etc)

Gantt chart: A Gantt chart is an overview of tasks/proposed activities and a time frame for the same. You put weeks, days or months at one side, and the tasks at the other. You draw fat lines to indicate the period the task will be performed to give a timeline for your research study (take help of tutorial on youtube). 11

Significance of the study: Indicate how your research will refine, revise or extend existing knowledge in the area under investigation. How will it benefit the concerned stakeholders? What could be the larger implications of your research study?

Dissemination of the study results: How do you propose to share the findings of your study with professional peers, practitioners, participants and the funding agency?

Budget: A proposal budget with item wise/activity wise breakdown and justification for the same. Indicate how will the study be financed.

References: The proposal should end with relevant references on the subject. For web based search include the date of access for the cited website, for example: add the sentence "accessed on June 10, 2008".

Appendixes: Include the appropriate appendixes in the proposal. For example: Interview protocols, sample of informed consent forms, cover letters sent to appropriate stakeholders, official letters for permission to conduct research. Regarding original scales or questionnaires, if the instrument is copyrighted then permission in writing to reproduce the instrument from the copyright holder or proof of purchase of the instrument must be submitted.

Research Time Management

  • Research time management
  • Identify project expectations
  • Write a project summary
  • Create a project timeline
  • Stay motivated
  • Get help and support
  • Workshop recording

Write a Project Timeline

 creating a project timeline .

  • Project Timeline Template

Other subtasks

Tests, lab reports, and presentations , for a speech or presentation, consider the following subtasks.

  • identifying a topic
  • writing talking points
  • creating visual aids, including finding images 
  • transitions
  • practice timing the speech

For a lab report, consider the following subtasks

  • understanding the experiment
  • completing the experiment
  • interpret and synthesize results
  • research for introductory, support information
  • write lab report
  • revisions and edits

Studying for a test, consider the following subtasks

  • Organize materials and notes
  • First review of notes and materials, big picture
  • Second review a few days later, to review more challenging concepts
  • Third review, a few days later, synthesize
  • Fourth review/self test a few days before the test
  • Schedule a time to meet with instructor to review concepts you don't understand
  • day of pep talk, relax, quick review an hour before the exam.

Strategies for multi-semester projects

Research time management for multi-semester projects.

Strategies for a longer research project are similar to short projects: identify the scope, break the project down into smaller stages, target deadlines. 

work plan and time frame in research

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How to write a Research Proposal: Creating a Gantt chart

  • Components of a research proposal
  • Useful videos
  • Common mistakes to avoid
  • Sage Research Methods LibGuide This link opens in a new window
  • Managing sources
  • Request a literature search
  • Research proposal - examples
  • Creating a Gantt chart
  • Free Apps for Research
  • Academic writing

What is a Gantt chart

Some University departments require students to create a Gantt chart to represent a schedule for the research project. The Gantt chart shows the timelines of the various steps of the project including their dependencies and any  resources needed . In other words, the chart depicts when an event is supposed to take place in your project by providing an outline regarding the order in which the various tasks  need to be performed .

An example of a Gantt chart.

work plan and time frame in research

Gantt chart on Moodle

How to create a Gantt chart - videos

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How to Develop a Research Paper Timeline

  • Writing Research Papers
  • Writing Essays
  • English Grammar
  • M.Ed., Education Administration, University of Georgia
  • B.A., History, Armstrong State University

Research papers come in many sizes and levels of complexity. There is no single set of rules that fits every project, but there are guidelines you should follow to keep yourself on track throughout the weeks as you prepare, research, and write. You will complete your project in stages, so you must plan ahead and give yourself enough time to complete every stage of your work.

Your first step is to write down the due date for your paper on a big wall calendar , in your planner , and in an electronic calendar.

Plan backward from that due date to determine when you should have your library work completed. A good rule of thumb is to spend:

  • Fifty percent of your time researching and reading
  • Ten percent of your time sorting and marking your research
  • Forty percent of your time writing and formatting

Timeline for Researching and Reading Stage

  • 1 week for short papers with one or two sources
  • 2-3 weeks for papers up to ten pages
  • 2-3 months for a thesis

It’s important to get started right away on the first stage. In a perfect world, we would find all of the sources we need to write our paper in our nearby library. In the real world, however, we conduct internet queries and discover a few perfect books and articles that are absolutely essential to our topic—only to find that they are not available at the local library.

The good news is that you can still get the resources through an interlibrary loan. But that will take time. This is one good reason to do a thorough search early on with the help of a reference librarian .

Give yourself time to collect many possible resources for your project. You will soon find that some of the books and articles you choose don’t actually offer any useful information for your particular topic. You’ll need to make a few trips to the library. You won’t finish in one trip.

You’ll also discover that you will find additional potential sources in the bibliographies of your first selections. Sometimes the most time-consuming task is eliminating potential sources.

Timeline for Sorting and Marking Your Research

  • 1 day for a short paper
  • 3-5 days for papers up to ten pages
  • 2-3 weeks for a thesis

You should read each of your sources at least twice. Read your sources the first time to soak in some information and to make notes on research cards.

Read your sources a second time more quickly, skimming through the chapters and putting sticky note flags on pages that contain important points or pages that contain passages that you want to cite. Write keywords on the sticky note flags.

Timeline for Writing and Formatting

  • Four days for a short paper with one or two sources
  • 1-2 weeks for papers up to ten pages
  • 1-3 months for a thesis

You don’t really expect to write a good paper on your first attempt, do you?

You can expect to pre-write, write, and rewrite several drafts of your paper. You’ll also have to rewrite your thesis statement a few times, as your paper takes shape.

Don’t get held up writing any section of your paper—especially the introductory paragraph. It is perfectly normal for writers to go back and complete the introduction once the rest of the paper is completed.

The first few drafts don’t have to have perfect citations. Once you begin to sharpen your work and you’re heading toward a final draft, you should tighten your citations. Use a sample essay if you need to, just to get the formatting down.

Make sure your bibliography contains every source you’ve used in your research.

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  • How to Write a 10-Page Research Paper
  • What Is a Senior Thesis?
  • How to Organize Research Notes
  • Research Note Cards
  • How to Write a Research Paper That Earns an A
  • College School Supplies List
  • Organize Your Time With a Day Planner
  • An Introduction to Academic Writing
  • Writing a Paper about an Environmental Issue
  • Documentation in Reports and Research Papers
  • Finding Trustworthy Sources
  • Definition of Appendix in a Book or Written Work
  • What Is a Bibliography?
  • 10 Places to Research Your Paper
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Top 5 Research Timeline Samples with Templates and Examples

Top 5 Research Timeline Samples with Templates and Examples

Ashima Monga


When it comes to doing a thesis, project report, or dissertation, you spend lots of time doing research through case studies. It, however, always works best if you planned everything in a given timeline. Thus, a research timeline template is beneficial for writing a research report or project presentation for sponsors or investors.

To address this pain point of business, SlideTech offers you invaluable help in building innovative research timeline templates that give you the outline to create perfect project reports, add or remove new tasks and milestones, and change the deliverable dates of your project with a few clicks. Our templates provide an overview of the project plan’s events, highlight important points in time, break down the project’s agenda and distill important information about your products or services, etc.

In this blog, we are introducing our top-notch research timeline templates that are perfect for telling stories and visualizing the processes of your project. 

Template 1: Projected Research Timeline Milestone PPT PowerPoint Presentation Ideas Backgrounds

If you need to learn how to make a research document and set schedule activities for each step, then use this fantastic research template that encompasses the content of a well-maintained research paper. Organize your activities and map meetings according to project milestones with this expert-curated template. For instance, use this template to mark out when your ‘reading and research starts and mark it as task 1, with the color-coded legend. Then task 2 could be topic presenting that starts, as soon as task 1 ends. Then, topic interpreting can be task 3 with the same start as the work on the topic started. This editable template lets you change font styles and color themes with a few clicks.

Projected Research Timeline

Download Now!

Template 2: Projected Research Timeline Elements PPT Presentation Infographic Template Skills

When you introduce your new products and services to the customers, get this template where steps are needed to analyze, plan, design, implement, and evaluate a specific product. Adapt this PPT Template to give a comprehensive overview of your products to target audience that you value. This handy template design guides your project from inception to completion dividing your project research tasks into Elements, Tasks and Actions. 

Projected Research Timeline

Template 3: Projected Research Timeline Planning PowerPoint Presentation Icon Backgrounds

Manage your planning with this PPT Template design to complete your project research, enlist tasks or activities with its deadline. You can measure the activities you planned through it by going to the timetable you set and evaluating the work progress. Business owners can easily visualize data with customizable maps, widgets, graphs, and charts. The phases are also listed out in detail in this template.

Projected Research Timeline

Template 4: Dissertation Projected Research Timeline Analysis PPT PowerPoint Presentation Professional

Fashionably present your research project through this ready-made Presentation Template and keep track of project deadlines. This goal- oriented template breaks down your project’s events or tasks in chronological order, giving a high-level view of the project's planning and reflecting your business plan. Use color hues for each task that differentiate each task from others on the timeline, schedule prioritize tasks, and make information more visual.

Dissertation Projected Research Timeline

Template 5: Dissertation Projected Research Timeline Research PPT PowerPoint Presentation Topics

Grab this research timeline to illustrate and represent roadmaps for your project and highlight the planning process’s goals and tasks over a specific period. Color-coding of this template makes your design more readable, differentiating tasks, defining specific daily, weekly, or monthly activities, etc. The project manager can visualize processes and their status quo and also create natural flow of information among team members. 

Dissertation Projected Research Timeline

The Final Word

Running a business smoothly is a very tricky job and sometimes may be hard to manage. Our beautifully crafted research timeline templates provide the most solid foundation that builds something genuinely remarkable for your business that will captivate your audience, stakeholders, investors, etc. Our research timeline templates communicate the business’s core message clearly and emphasizes timely project delivery to your potential customers. You can always modify our templates to fit your business’s needs. 

FAQs on Research Timeline

What is a research timeline.

A research timeline is an essential part of any project proposal. It defines the chronological order of events of your project plan that includes aspects such as reading & research, analysis results, milestones, preliminary data results, literature review results, etc. It gives a broad overview of your project’s planned activities at a glance.

How do you write a research timeline?

Writing a research document for any project comes with levels of complexity. You must follow some guidelines while writing a research timeline to keep yourself on track. Write the research timeline of the project in stages and give enough time to complete every step of your work.

  • Define research ideas, objectives, and resources and then prepare the research proposal.
  • Develop a research design for it
  • Capture relevant information to create a sampling plan
  • Carry out data collection to write it up 
  • Prepare data for analysis and draw conclusions or recommendations
  • Write the final draft of the application.
  • Again, review it and edit it if required and submit the final research proposal.

How long should a research timeline be?

A research timeline project can be eight weeks, six months, one year, two years, three years, or more, depending on the requirement of the project proposal. But it would help if you remembered to complete it timely while planning these periods.

How do you write a  PhD research timeline?

A PhD Research Timeline is a challenging process that spans across years. Sometimes, researchers can feel quite overwhelmed. Some tips for writing a perfect PhD research timeline are:

  • Decide what elements like data collection, fieldwork, experiments, data analysis, writing plan, conferences, publications, coursework, etc., you must include in your PhD research timeline.
  • Share or discuss your ideas and thoughts with your guide or PhD supervisor and get their views. Note the discussion points during the meeting and edit your provisional PhD research timeline, accordingly. 
  • Think about the design of your PhD research timeline and prepare it across tasks and milestones.
  • Track your tasks and update your PhD research timeline to prioritize tasks and set achievable and concrete goals when needed.

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Developing a Research Plan and Timeline (English III Research)

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How to use a Gantt chart for a research project

work plan and time frame in research

Using a Gantt chart for a research project can give all stakeholders a better understanding of timelines and the resources needed for each task.  With all project activities neatly laid out within a timeline and every minor detail accounted for, a Gantt chart provides your team with the framework for successful project operations.

In this article, we’ll discuss a Gantt chart and how you can use it in a research project to maximize efficiency and promote greater transparency. We’ll also share how you can use’s project management Work OS to simplify the management of any research project further.

What is a Gantt chart?

A Gantt chart is a bar chart popularized in the early 1900s by Henry Gantt. It lets you establish a detailed project plan according to when you need each task completed.

If done correctly, a Gantt chart creates a realistic time frame for a project by establishing a start date for the whole project and each task. Then, you can pair these start dates with an estimation of how long the task will take, broken down by days, weeks, or months.

What makes a Gantt chart unique is that it establishes dependency relationships between all relevant tasks, which can help you better understand necessary workflows.

For example, let’s say you’re creating a research proposal. One of your tasks is to promote awareness and garner support for the proposal on social media. However, before you can do that, you need to create informational materials you can distribute and have the proposal outline ready for viewing. Since these necessities are clearly outlined in the Gantt chart, you can plan your project timeline accordingly.

How can you use a Gantt for research projects?

Research projects are vast undertakings that require a lot of your time, effort, and brain power. Sometimes it’s easy to get sidetracked or confused about what comes next in your research or how you should put it together.

A clear understanding of objectives and deadlines can help you organize even the most complex research project undertakings. Even better, a Gantt chart provides clear step-by-step instructions with dependency relationships marked to ensure every team member understands their responsibilities.

A Gantt chart ensures all research project team members clearly understand objectives, deadlines, and task dependency relationships.

Best practices for planning and scheduling a research project

Understanding the best practices for planning and scheduling a research project can help you get the most out of your Gantt chart . A few best practices include:

  • Have a clear goal : Before sitting down to plan your research project, ask yourself some crucial questions. What are you trying to achieve? Why are you trying to achieve it? When do you need to complete it?
  • Use scheduling tools : Use task and resource scheduling tools when possible to reduce the risk of human error.
  • Get the team involved :  Gather your team together for a brainstorming session, if possible, when developing a list of tasks required to meet your final objective.
  • Consider dependency relationships :  Consider the dependency relationships between objectives carefully and be realistic about time frames. Ensuring your team has enough time to successfully and thoroughly complete each task from the beginning sets your research project up for success.
  • Identify potential issues : Identify risks and potential roadblocks in your schedule and have a backup plan for each to ensure a steady workflow with minimal pushbacks.
  • Consider resource requirements : Consider the resources necessary to complete each task. Remember to include work hours as resources and schedule each team member appropriately to achieve objectives in the desired time frame.
  • Plan for reporting : Assign specific times, or interval periods, for progress reports and compare these with your initial estimations. If these reports show alterations are necessary, don’t be afraid to make changes.
  • Identify KPIs :  Before the research project begins, identify key performance metrics and track them as you go to define your success clearly. You may find using a relevant tool or platform the easiest way to track performance metrics.

Having the right tools can increase efficiency, decrease downtime, and ensure objective deadlines are not only met but exceeded.

Managing research projects on’s robust project management Work OS makes managing research projects easier by:

  • Centralizing projects from start to finish : Our Work OS lets you centralize all projects from conception to completion, with customizable dashboards that show you the information you deem most important. Quickly assess risks, bottlenecks, and roadblocks to keep your research project moving forward.
  • Streamlining project workflows : Streamline workflows by automating routine tasks and assigning teammates to the work they’re most qualified for. Then, track individual and project-wide progress in real-time with regular task updates. Use color coding to make task management even more straightforward.
  • Enabling communication across teams :  Our Work OS promotes communication between project members and across different teams, so all stakeholders know where things stand at all times. You can share documents, leave notes, and work together in real-time for more effective communication that allows you to exceed every deadline and meet every objective. can provide your team with a Gantt chart view to make project management easier. Get started with’s powerful Work OS by building a research project workflow from scratch or try a few of our other templates for managing research projects easier.

Related templates

A basic Gantt chart can help you plan your research project in detail. On, you can add a Gantt View to any type of project board. Below are some of our recommended templates from our Template Center that you can use to fine-tune other essential aspects of your research project.

Keyword power tools template

Our  Research Power Tools Template uses a Gantt chart format to help you visualize project timelines, manage project resources, and monitor each phase of your research projects from one platform.

Publication and journals template

Our  Publications and Journals Template is an excellent tool for content publishing companies. You can use our template to:

  • Manage your publication process: Our template enables whole-process management from submission to approval. Easily track article status and monitor writer workload to ensure you meet publishing deadlines.
  • Visualize your publishing pipeline: Customizable dashboards allow you to receive a high-level overview of all current and upcoming articles and where they stand.
  • Track individual contributions: Ensure each writer meets minimum contributions and isn’t given too large a workload by tracking individual contributions.

By now, you should have a working idea of Gantt charts and how they increase transparency and efficiency in project management. However, if you still have questions, we’ve answered a few FAQs below.

How do you create a dissertation in a Gantt chart?

To create a Gantt chart for a dissertation, you should first understand your timeline and deliverables. Once you’ve written these down, create detailed task lists of how you’ll accomplish each deliverable and consider dependency relationships between each. Finally, use the Gantt chart to outline your dissertation from start to finish.

What should be in a dissertation timeline?

In a dissertation timeline, you should include the following:

  • Role assigning (if applicable)
  • Research tasks
  • Experiments, social or scientific (if applicable)
  • Data collection and analysis
  • First draft completion
  • Submission to the advisor (first) and dean (at completion)

How do you create a Gantt chart in Word?

You can create a Gantt chart in Microsoft Word by:

  • Opening a new Word document
  • Change the document orientation from vertical to horizontal
  • Insert a bar graph into your document
  • Make format alterations as necessary to make the graph look like a Gantt chart
  • Insert information and customize as necessary

Any team can increase transparency in their research projects with

Using a Gantt chart to create a detailed project timeline can help increase transparency and promote greater efficiency in your organization’s research projects.

When you pair a Gantt chart with’s robust project management system, you have the tools you need to meet deadlines, complete objectives, and exceed expectations.

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Timeline Templates

11+ research timeline templates.

When it comes to making a dissertation, or a thesis, it means spending lots of time doing research, looking through case study after case study, and going to school. With all these tasks, you need to plan them all out in a timeline. A research timeline template is a reliable source for any professionals and students who are at the task of writing a research. As years go by, making research becomes easy with the help of the newest innovation under Plan Project Timeline Templates that is accessible online. Here, setting your sample plans for the research paper is well outlined and a manageable way to accomplish where users can have an idea on how to create a perfect research template equipped with useful tools. With our templates, you will be able to make a timeline for your research. We have a variety of samples whether it’s for 3-year research or one for a master’s degree, all of which can help you get the job done!

work plan and time frame in research

Simple Research Timeline Template

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  • Google Docs
  • Apple Pages
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  • Editable PDF

Sample Research Timeline Template

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Research Proposal Timeline Gantt Chart Template

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Free Research School Thesis Study Timeline Template

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Free Research Paper Dissertation Timeline Template

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Free Research Project Schedule Timeline Template

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Free Research Proposal 3 Year Case Study Timeline Template

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Free Market Research Business Timeline Template

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Free Qualitative Research Timeline Visualizing Template

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Free Research Master Plan Timeline Template

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Free Action Research Timetable Timeline Template

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How to Make Research Timeline Plan

What are involved in research timeline plan.

  • Setting up the main objectives and the research basic template questions is the primary thing to start so you will know what you must do and how you can do it for the research paper you have.
  • The timeline layout you will have can confirm whether the research topic and method you will use are correct. There is always a factual basis for each research question and the means to solve must be viable too.
  • The professional schedule that will be used, must be following the methodology that will be applied in the research paper.

Tips for Using Research Timeline Template

  • The free templates must be following the overview of the scope and duration of the research process.
  • Have the sample template that is suitable for the research paper you are working on, as every research has its timetable to follow
  • Make sure that all that is written in the timeline in PDF can be worked on based on the time given and can be completed by the researchers to meet their deadline.

Here’s How We Can Help

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Artificial intelligence

NIST aims to cultivate trust in the design, development, use and governance of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies and systems in ways that enhance safety and security and improve quality of life. NIST focuses on improving measurement science, technology, standards and related tools — including evaluation and data.

With AI and Machine Learning (ML) changing how society addresses challenges and opportunities, the trustworthiness of AI technologies is critical. Trustworthy AI systems are those demonstrated to be valid and reliable; safe, secure and resilient; accountable and transparent; explainable and interpretable; privacy-enhanced; and fair with harmful bias managed. The agency’s AI goals and activities are driven by its statutory mandates, Presidential Executive Orders and policies, and the needs expressed by U.S. industry, the global research community, other federal agencies,and civil society.

NIST’s AI goals include:

  • Conduct fundamental research to advance trustworthy AI technologies.
  • Apply AI research and innovation across the NIST Laboratory Programs.
  • Establish benchmarks, data and metrics to evaluate AI technologies.
  • Lead and participate in development of technical AI standards.
  • Contribute technical expertise to discussions and development of AI policies.

NIST’s AI efforts fall in several categories:

Fundamental AI Research

NIST’s AI portfolio includes fundamental research to advance the development of AI technologies — including software, hardware, architectures and the ways humans interact with AI technology and AI-generated information  

Applied AI Research

AI approaches are increasingly an essential component in new research. NIST scientists and engineers use various machine learning and AI tools to gain a deeper understanding of and insight into their research. At the same time, NIST laboratory experiences with AI are leading to a better understanding of AI’s capabilities and limitations.

Test, Evaluation, Validation, and Verification (TEVV)

With a long history of working with the community to advance tools, standards and test beds, NIST increasingly is focusing on the sociotechnical evaluation of AI.  

Voluntary Consensus-Based Standards

NIST leads and participates in the development of technical standards, including international standards, that promote innovation and public trust in systems that use AI. A broad spectrum of standards for AI data, performance and governance are a priority for the use and creation of trustworthy and responsible AI.

A fact sheet describes NIST's AI programs .

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Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure in the U.S.

64% of Americans live within 2 miles of a public electric vehicle charging station, and those who live closest to chargers view EVs more positively.

When Online Content Disappears

A quarter of all webpages that existed at one point between 2013 and 2023 are no longer accessible.

A quarter of U.S. teachers say AI tools do more harm than good in K-12 education

High school teachers are more likely than elementary and middle school teachers to hold negative views about AI tools in education.

Teens and Video Games Today

85% of U.S. teens say they play video games. They see both positive and negative sides, from making friends to harassment and sleep loss.

Americans’ Views of Technology Companies

Most Americans are wary of social media’s role in politics and its overall impact on the country, and these concerns are ticking up among Democrats. Still, Republicans stand out on several measures, with a majority believing major technology companies are biased toward liberals.

22% of Americans say they interact with artificial intelligence almost constantly or several times a day. 27% say they do this about once a day or several times a week.

About one-in-five U.S. adults have used ChatGPT to learn something new (17%) or for entertainment (17%).

Across eight countries surveyed in Latin America, Africa and South Asia, a median of 73% of adults say they use WhatsApp and 62% say they use Facebook.

5 facts about Americans and sports

About half of Americans (48%) say they took part in organized, competitive sports in high school or college.


Research teams, signature reports.

work plan and time frame in research

The State of Online Harassment

Roughly four-in-ten Americans have experienced online harassment, with half of this group citing politics as the reason they think they were targeted. Growing shares face more severe online abuse such as sexual harassment or stalking

Parenting Children in the Age of Screens

Two-thirds of parents in the U.S. say parenting is harder today than it was 20 years ago, with many citing technologies – like social media or smartphones – as a reason.

Dating and Relationships in the Digital Age

From distractions to jealousy, how Americans navigate cellphones and social media in their romantic relationships.

Americans and Privacy: Concerned, Confused and Feeling Lack of Control Over Their Personal Information

Majorities of U.S. adults believe their personal data is less secure now, that data collection poses more risks than benefits, and that it is not possible to go through daily life without being tracked.

Americans and ‘Cancel Culture’: Where Some See Calls for Accountability, Others See Censorship, Punishment

Social media fact sheet, digital knowledge quiz, video: how do americans define online harassment.

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Money blog: Six signs you might have a shopping addiction

Shopping addiction isn't recognised by the World Health Organisation but treatment is now offered at many clinics. Read this and the rest of today's consumer and personal finance news below - and leave your thoughts in the comments box.

Tuesday 4 June 2024 09:14, UK

  • Gas prices hit highest level since December
  • Glitch that delayed 500,000 benefit payments 'fixed', HMRC says
  • HSBC announces mortgage rate increases
  • British Airways to allow passengers to book flights in just a few clicks with Amazon-style app

Essential reads

  • The five different types of shopping addict
  • How much are student loans, when do you start paying back and what is the interest?
  • Your rights when deliveries or returns don't arrive - and why leaving instructions could jeopardise them
  • Think twice before buying your holiday clothes from Zara
  • Where is all the money going? Here's who is really responsible for concert tickets going crazy
  • Would tourist tax put you off visiting Scotland?
  • Best of the Money blog - an archive

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The president of Emirates airlines has said Heathrow Airport is "not good enough" and looks like a Second World War airport. 

Sir Tim Clark said the airport was putting its shareholders before running a world-class business. 

"I was at Heathrow the other day and walking out of our lounge the ceiling height is awful," he said. 

"It looks like a utilitarian structure, post-Second World War. It is just not good enough." 

He argued Terminal 3, where Emirates is based, should be redesigned to make it better for passengers. 

Heathrow is "seriously lagging behind" in its customer experience, Mr Clark said. 

"It's an old airport. I'm afraid it's very difficult. You need to open up the whole terminal. Where we are based, new airports are being built employing the latest technologies to streamline the process of all the customer-facing elements. That is not the case at Heathrow."

Heathrow told The Telegraph: "Every pound we want to spend on improving airport facilities needs approval from our regulator. Despite having our proposals cut back in the current regulatory settlement, we will still invest £3.6bn upgrading our infrastructure over the next three years.

"We will continue to invest and to work with our airline partners to build an airport fit for the future."

Wholesale costs for natural gas have hit their highest levels across Europe since December last year - threatening a future spike in energy bills.

The cause is a key Norwegian export operation being shut down due to a cracked pipe.

The damage, discovered aboard the Sleipner Riser platform, prompted wider  energy  infrastructure to be halted including the Nyhamna processing plant which exports gas to the UK, pipeline operator Gassco said.

Alfred Hansen, the company's head of pipeline system operations, told the Reuters news agency: "This has big consequences from a supply perspective."

Read more on this, and how there's better new on oil prices, below ...

Yesterday we talked about the dopamine hit you get when shopping - and spoke to a psychologist about how you might learn to control it.

But what if it's gone too far? That's what we're discussing in the second of this four-part series this week.

A  piece by the Royal College of Psychiatrists , published by Cambridge University Press in 2012, said shopping addiction, often referred to as compulsive buying disorder (CBD), "was first described by the German psychiatrist Emil Kraepelin almost a century ago".

He called the disorder "oniomania" (from the Greek onios, meaning "for sale", and mania, meaning "insanity").

A hundred years on, the World Health Organisation doesn't classify shopping addiction as a mental illness, unlike gambling, video game addiction, pyromania and kleptomania - but psychologists are taking note of the subject.

According to a 2021 paper in the Journal of Behavioral Addictions, potential  symptoms  of a compulsive shopping disorder include:

  • Preoccupation with shopping (an irresistible urge to buy a product);
  • Reduced control over buying behaviours;
  • Buying products but not using them for the purposes they were intended to serve;
  • Using shopping to regulate mood;
  • Negative consequences afterwards such as guilt, shame, debt, relationship problems;
  • Negative mood and cognitive symptoms if attempting to stop.

Donald W Black, a prominent American psychiatrist, has written extensively on the subject. He says the "disorder has a lifetime prevalence of 5.8% in the US general population".

There has been much debate about whether CBD is a valid mental illness - amid concerns of over medicalising. However, a growing number of rehab clinics are offering treatment.

The Priory's website says: "If you are addicted to spending money, and are finding that it is affecting your finances, relationships, health and quality of life, this is just as serious as any other addiction."

The Abbey Care Foundation says signs you may have a shopping addiction include juggling multiple credit cards, hiding extravagant spending from your family, hoarding things you don't use and getting angry at anyone who tries to get in the way of your spending.

The foundation even breaks down different types of shopping addict:

  • Bargain-seekers:  These people have a shopping habit of actively seeking items on sale. When they spot items for less than their perceived value, they purchase them. This behaviour makes them feel like they are winning and relieves shopping addiction. 
  • Collectors:  This shopping addiction entails seeking out different versions of a particular item. The desire to collect or complete a set of similar items drives this addiction. 
  • Show-offs:  The compulsive behaviour is driven by the desire to buy high-value items. In some cases, the individual's self-worth or self-esteem is attached to making such purchases. 
  • Trophy-hunters:  The shopping addiction is for rare, expensive items. The individual intentionally looks for the most expensive or rarest items and gains satisfaction in buying them. 
  • Shopping bulimics:  This shopping addiction is like the eating disorder known as bulimia nervosa. Individuals categorised as shopping bulimics make large, frequent purchases only to request later refunds. They do so to cushion themselves from the financial consequences of making such large purchases. 

Join us tomorrow as we speak to a woman for who this used to be all too real - leading her into £40,000 of debt.

Passengers will soon be able to book British Airways flights in a few clicks as part of a major revamp by the airline. 

The company told The Telegraph it wanted to style its website on the "three clicks and you can check out" approach of Amazon. 

British Airways said it was spending £7bn on a revamp, which would see the company's app and website relaunched. 

Other changes will include new planes, revamped seats and refurbished airport lounges. 

Customers will also be able to rebook, claim a refund and cancel flights online. 

The new website is currently being trialled by people flying from London Gatwick to Montpellier in France, Antalya in Turkey and Bari, Cagliari and Catania in Italy. 

Basically, student finance is a government-financed loan that covers university students' tuition fees and living costs for the duration of their study. 

There are two main types of loan, tuition and maintenance - we'll take each in turn. 

Tuition fees 

Undergraduate courses in England generally cost students about £9,250 a year.

That's a lot for a young person (or their family) to cover, so the government offers to pay that outright, direct to the university, on their behalf. 

This is known as your tuition loan - we'll come to how this is repaid later. 

Maintenance loans

These help students cover day-to-day costs, such as rent and food, while studying.

For the 2024-25 academic year, students can borrow anywhere between £4,327 and £13,348 for each year of study - depending on where you live, where you're going to study and your family's financial situation. 

See how much you could be entitled to by clicking here .

The various plans 

Here's where it gets more complicated. What plan you may be on is listed below... 

Why no Plan 3? The repayment plan for postgraduate loans in England and Wales is actually Plan 3.

In the UK, you pay nothing up front, and the amount you pay back each month is determined by how much you earn. 

You'll repay a percentage of your income over the threshold for your type of loan, depending on how often you get paid - see the table below for the thresholds. 

With those thresholds in mind, you'll repay either:

  • 9% of your income over the threshold if you're on Plan 1, 2, 4 or 5
  • 6% of your income over the threshold if you're on a postgraduate loan (Plan 3)

If you're on multiple plans, the rules are slightly different.

If you don't have a postgraduate loan, you'll repay 9% of your income over the lowest threshold out of the plan types you have.

In this scenario, you'll only have a single repayment taken each time you get paid, even if you're on more than one plan type.

But if you do have a postgraduate loan, you'll repay 6% of your income over the postgraduate loan threshold  and 9% of your income over the lowest threshold for any other plan types you have.

You don't need to worry about paying it off each month yourself if you're employed - the money will be deducted from your earnings before it hits your account, like income tax. 

Interest rates

Like any loan, you'll be paying back what you owe plus a little bit on the top - known as interest. 

With student loans, that extra on the top isn't so little right now, as it is linked to retail price rises.

  • 6.25% if you're on Plan 1
  • 7.8% if you're on Plan 2
  • 6.25% if you're on Plan 4
  • 7.8% if you're on Plan 5
  • 7.8% if you're on a postgraduate loan plan (Plan 3)

Read other entries in our Basically... series...

Royal Mail's incoming owner has refused to rule out stamp price hikes under his leadership. 

In fact, Czech billionaire Daniel Kretinsky seemed to suggest there might be more increases to come. 

"I can't make unconditional commitments," he told The Times when questioned on the topic. 

"[If] your circulation is 50% of what it was … you either need to go home, or you need to increase the unit price and hope that people will pay for it. Because if not, you are making losses.

"You can be loss-making for a year or two, but you can't be in a loss for 20 years. It's simple maths. There's no mystery to it." 

First class stamp prices have more than doubled since 2018 from 67p to £1.35. 

The businessman, nicknamed the Czech Sphinx, had his £3.6bn offer accepted by the postal service's parent company, International Distribution Services, last week. 

It said the agreement included a series of "contractual commitments" to protect public service aspects of the Royal Mail - such as its universal service obligation to "one-price-goes-anywhere" first-class post six days a week.

Many were shocked by the deal, with Royal Mail reporting losses of £1m a day in recent years. 

You can read more about the Czech Sphinx below...

A major error that meant 500,000 families did not receive their scheduled child benefit today has been "fixed", HMRC has said.

In a post on X, HMRC said affected families would get the money on Wednesday morning, two days after the payments were due...

Multiple readers have got in touch to say they had been affected by the problem, which meant almost a third of payments scheduled for today were not made.

Reader Susan1984 said: "When should we expect to receive the missing payment? This has left not just me but so many more families with kids completely stuck for food and fuel this morning."

Earlier, HMRC apologised and said it was working urgently to resolve the issue, which would not affected payments scheduled for tomorrow (see post at 14.41).

Child benefit is usually paid every four weeks on a Monday or a Tuesday at a rate of £25.60 for an eldest or only child and £16.95 for each additional child.

The bank has today announced wholesale rate hikes across its residential and buy-to-let mortgage product ranges. 

The new rates, which come into effect tomorrow, will be applied largely across its two, three and five-year fixed rates for purchase and remortgage. 

However, a number of rates available to existing HSBC customers looking to switch will also see increases. 

Brokers say more lenders could increase rates this week. 

This is thanks to an uptick in swap rates due to hopes fading for a cut to the base rate set by the Bank of England in June. 

Here is what some industry insiders told Newspage...

The dreaded 'higher for longer' scenario is no longer a mere notion: it's the harsh reality for many. It looks like these elevated rates are here to stay for the foreseeable future. Ranald Mitchell, director at Charwin Private Clients
We can now expect more awkward conversations with clients who have read that rates are coming down and inflation is under control. HSBC have been fairly competitive recently so the hope is that they just need to turn the tap off a little to catch up and this isn't an upward trend that will continue into the summer period. David Stirling, independent financial advisor at Mint Mortgages and Protection
HSBC is one of several lenders to already have announced changes this week. Even with the higher rates on offer, I would not suggest waiting in the hope of a drop any time soon. My advice to borrowers is take control of the situation and start the process of arranging a new deal as early as possible, secure a rate and, if a better one materialises, change to it. Simon Bridgland, broker/director at Release Freedom

Child benefit payments have not arrived on time for approximately half a million people.

Almost a third of payments scheduled for today were not made - and we've had multiple readers get in touch to say they've been impacted.

HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) has apologised and said it is working urgently to resolve the issue.

"We're sorry that some customers' child benefit payments have not arrived as scheduled and we are working urgently to resolve the issue," said an HMRC spokesperson.

"The issues that caused payment problems today will not impact payments scheduled for tomorrow."

Child benefit is usually paid every four weeks on a Monday or a Tuesday at a rate of £25.60 for an eldest or only child and £16.95 per additional child.

Some people may receive the benefit weekly, for example if they are a single parent or receiving certain other benefits, such as universal credit.

HMRC added on X that there was "no need for customers to call us" and it will provide updates on the social media platform.

As of August 2023, 6.91 million families were in receipt of child benefit payments.

Reader Sam E said: "No warning, complete denial, no update, just endless worry for those who rely on the benefit. The denial in particular is an insult. How long will it be until it's sorted?"

Last week, the Scottish Parliament passed a bill meaning local authorities can set an additional charge for overnight accommodation. 

For tourists heading to Scotland, that means an extra fee for staying hotels, bed and breakfasts and holiday lets.

According to Visitor Levy (Scotland) Bill, the fee will be a percentage of the cost of a hotel or other room.

For instance, a 1% levy on a £200 booking means a visitor would pay £2 in tourist tax.

We asked our followers in LinkedIn if the tourist tax would put them off visiting the country. 

The majority of them (59%) said it wouldn't stop them from taking a trip there - but 41% would think twice.

Any charges or levies are not expected to come into effect until spring 2026, as councils need to consult local businesses before carrying out an 18-month implementation period.

Those receiving disability benefits will not pay any charges, with children and young people also exempt.

Manchester, Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole already charge people to stay the night. 

Manchester's £1-a-night City Visitor Charge was introduced last April, and is estimated to have raised around £2.8m in its first year.

European hotspots like Barcelona and Venice also have tourist taxes, with the Spanish city charging visitors €3.25 if they're staying in official accommodation.

Your comments on LinkedIn :

"We love Scotland (I'm a Scot) but live close enough to drive up and do some shopping and stay over for a meal etc and we do so perhaps every six weeks or so. So I'm now classed as a 'tourist' even though I spend about £200 on a room - perhaps another £200 quid on a meal and drinks etc etc - not to mention the money we spend in the shops. And they want to charge us both £2.50 a night?" Paul Mclean
Many countries apply tourist taxes, so why should Scotland be any different?The big questions, for me, are how will the money be spent? Will it be spent directly benefiting the city or just vanish into government coffers? The other is who counts as a tourist. A foreign national visiting from a country outside of the UK would seem a sensible definition, but to charge domestic visitors would probably be shootings themselves in the foot somewhat. Scott Taylor-Barr
From my experience, Edinburgh is already one of the most expensive cities to visit. Greig Cahill
Hopefully the contributions are put towards the development of tourism, and/or will be used in the right ways. From my experience working in France, French nationals are very accepting of the tourist tax and in France, I see the logic in it. Let's hope it works... 🤞🏻 Jennifer Wightman

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The childcare conundrum: How can companies ease working parents’ return to the office?

Finding quality, affordable childcare has long been an issue for working parents in the United States, but events of the past two years have only intensified the challenge and highlighted what a porous, patchwork system childcare has become.

The global pandemic drove many day care centers, after-school programs, private nannies and babysitters, and other childcare resources to reduce their hours, change the scope of their services, or close their doors altogether. In response, some working parents in the United States left or considered leaving the workforce  as they struggled to meet employers’ work-from-home demands while still attending to the needs of homebound toddlers and school-aged children.

According to survey research we conducted recently with the Marshall Plan for Moms, 1 In February 2022, we conducted surveys of working parents across the United States. The surveys spanned multiple industries and demographic groups, with a population that was representative of census-tract demographics. There were 2,000 respondents who were parents of children under age 14 and 1,003 parents of children aged five and under. Marshall Plan for Moms ( is a campaign of the nonprofit organization Girls Who Code. the childcare conundrum continues: workable childcare options remain elusive for those planning a return to the workforce, for those who never left, and particularly for working mothers with preschool-aged children.

Indeed, the survey shows that 45 percent of mothers with children aged five and under who left the workforce during the COVID-19 pandemic cited childcare as a major reason for their departure, compared with just 14 percent of fathers who said the same. Additionally, 24 percent of the mothers with children aged five and under said they had considered reducing their hours or moving to a part-time schedule, compared with 18 percent of the fathers.

Many of these parents are midtenure employees who enhance the social fabric of their organizations— as many women managers have done in supporting colleagues’ health and well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic. If these parents do drop out, companies stand to lose functional expertise, institutional knowledge, managerial capabilities, and mentorship at a time when such skills are needed most.

As companies begin to think about managing returning talent and attracting new joiners—whether in traditional or hybrid work environments —they can no longer ignore employees’ (and potential employees’) childcare requirements. In this article, we review the findings from our research and outline the key challenges for working parents (particularly working mothers) with respect to affordability, quality, reliability, convenience, and accessibility of childcare.

A brown egg balanced on two forks

Gone for now, or gone for good? How to play the new talent game and win back workers

We also suggest some ways for companies to better support their employees’ childcare-related needs. And it is important to start doing so now: the social contract between employers and employees in corporate America is being fundamentally rewritten on the fly. By removing penalties for parents who are taking care of young children, companies can turn the Great Attrition into the Great Attraction  and develop and advance more diverse talent.

Understanding the pain points

Our research points to five core challenges parents have had and are still facing in securing sustainable, equitable childcare.

Affordability. The cost of childcare varies across the United States depending on region and age of child; in general, however, care for very young children tends to be the most expensive given the recommended lower child-to-teacher ratios. 2 Hunter Blair and Elise Gould, “Who’s paying now? The explicit and implicit costs of the current early childcare and education system,” Economic Policy Institute, January 15, 2020.

It will likely come as no surprise, then, that for the working parents in our survey with children aged five and under, affordability was ranked as the top childcare concern (or tied for first with another concern). Cost was a particular concern for women and parents who worked hourly jobs and had to find care for children aged five and under (Exhibit 1).

The US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) considers 7 percent of a family’s household income to be the threshold amount for childcare to be deemed affordable. Under that standard, the average annual cost of childcare for one child (about $9,400) would not be affordable for a family with a median household income below $130,000. 3 For information about family copayment contributions, see “Family Copayment Contribution,” Child Care Technical Assistance Network, accessed April 2022; and “Picking up the pieces: Building a better child care system post COVID-19,” Child Care Aware of America, July 2020.

Quality. Respondents ranked quality almost as high as affordability in our survey: 48 percent of parents with children aged five and under who are receiving some form of childcare said quality was their top concern (or tied for first with another concern). Parents overwhelmingly said they want their children in safe, supportive educational environments—though, according to academic research, only 13 percent of two-year-olds in the United States currently attend childcare settings that would be deemed high quality. 4 Emma K. Lee and Zachary Parolin, “The care burden during COVID-19: A national database of child care closures in the United States,” Sociological Research for a Dynamic World , Volume 7, January–December 2021.

Reliability. Industry data show that about 35 percent of childcare centers that were shuttered during the COVID-19 pandemic remain closed for various staffing and financial reasons. 5 Emma K. Lee and Zachary Parolin, “The care burden during COVID-19: A national database of child care closures in the United States,” Sociological Research for a Dynamic World , Volume 7, January–December 2021. When primary childcare options such as these are unavailable, working parents need access to reliable backups so they don’t have to significantly modify their work schedules or take time off entirely. However, only 8 percent of the working parents in our survey with children aged five and under said their employer provided access to emergency and backup childcare, and only 13 percent said their employer provided paid emergency-care days.

The lack of childcare backup may help explain why 50 percent of the working mothers in the cohort with children aged five and under believed their childcare responsibilities became “somewhat more difficult” or “much more difficult” during the COVID-19 pandemic; 40 percent of working fathers in this cohort said the same. Indeed, some 34 percent of working mothers reported childcare concerns as a top reason for voluntarily leaving the workforce, compared with 20 percent of working fathers (Exhibit 2). Those findings square with data from McKinsey and LeanIn.Org’s recent Women in the Workplace  report, which points to high rates of burnout among mothers of young children during the pandemic.

Convenience. Some 28 percent of the parents in our survey with children aged five and under who are receiving some form of childcare rated convenience as a top concern (or tied for first with another concern). While not as much of a deal breaker as affordability, questions of convenience did play a big role in these parents’ childcare decisions—for instance, is the childcare center close to the office (or close to home in the case of hybrid situations)? Do the center’s hours of operation match parents’ work schedules? If not, parents may be discouraged from signing up their children for caregiving programs, and the already-precarious work–life balance for employees may remain off-kilter.

Accessibility. In many US communities, there is often not enough childcare to adequately serve the population. According to a 2018 study by the Center for American Progress (CAP), more than half of US residents live in a childcare desert—communities where there may be three or more children for every available licensed childcare slot. These deserts are situated almost equally within rural and urban communities. 6 The Coronavirus will make child care deserts worse and exacerbate inequality , Center for American Progress Action Fund, June 22, 2020.

How can companies support employees’ childcare needs?

The working parents in our survey highlighted significant pain points in the childcare landscape, particularly in the care of very young children—but they also revealed some of what it would take to mitigate these issues and usher their return to the workplace. The data we compiled on recruitment, retention, and advancement may be of particular interest to companies that are reconsidering their employee value propositions in the wake of the Great Attrition . The employers who pay attention to this feedback, and act thoughtfully to support employees’ childcare needs, may gain a competitive edge with current and prospective employees. They may even establish themselves as destination workplaces over the long term—truly differentiating themselves in the ever-evolving talent game.

Recruitment and attraction

When it comes to recruitment and attraction, 69 percent of the women with children aged five and under who are currently looking for employment said they would be more likely to choose an employer that offered assistance with childcare expenses or provided access to on-site childcare. About half the respondents cited flexible working arrangements as the top reason they would pick one job over another, while 26 percent of respondents ranked predictable hours and scheduling as first priorities (assuming their compensation remained the same).

When deciding whether to stay with a company or switch to another, 83 percent of the women and 81 percent of the men in our survey with children aged five and under said that childcare benefits would be a “very important” or “somewhat important” factor in the decision. About 40 percent of respondents who were considering moving to a less-demanding job said that on-site childcare services at their current company may cause them to reconsider. And 38 percent of respondents said that their companies’ assistance with childcare expenses would also be a key factor in their staying put.


The working mothers of children aged five and under in our research base said they received fewer professional-development opportunities as a result of their childcare responsibilities. Indeed, 57 percent reported feeling held back professionally for this very reason, compared with 38 percent of working fathers in our survey (Exhibit 3). Fifty-three percent of working mothers with children aged five and under who left the workforce temporarily, reduced their hours, or moved to a less-demanding job said they did so in full or in part because of childcare responsibilities. Additionally, 40 percent of respondents who refrained from pursuing promotion said having access to on-site childcare would have allowed them to reverse that decision.

Fifty-three percent of working mothers with children aged five and under who left the workforce temporarily, reduced their hours, or moved to a less-demanding job said they did so in full or in part because of childcare responsibilities.

Making the commitment

How companies choose to support employees’ childcare efforts will differ depending on industry context, operational implications, and available resources. However, particularly as people return to work (in whatever combination of physical and virtual presence that entails) and rebuild connections, there is no downside to polling working parents within your organization, identifying the childcare pain points unique to your organization, and discussing ways to address both the company’s and employees’ needs.

That’s what business leaders at the financial services company Synchrony did during the COVID-19 pandemic: they assessed the childcare needs of their corporate and call-center employees through surveys and listening sessions. As a result of that exercise, the company developed a package of benefits that has helped to empower and support working parents. The package included an extension from 25 to 60 days of backup childcare, the addition of virtual after-school and summer camp programs and tutoring, the distribution of laptops to further children’s education, and flexibility in employees’ hours and work location.

Other forms of commitment to employees may include:

  • Addressing the childcare affordability gap. Companies may offer full or partial tuition subsidies for center- or home-based care, flexible-spending accounts for dependent care, or creative financing models to cover childcare costs in the first five years of a child’s life (the most expensive in terms of caregiving services).
  • Expanding employees’ access to childcare. Companies may want to explore on-site day care initiatives, as Patagonia has done, offering childcare at its headquarters in California and at a distribution center in Reno, Nevada. Tuition is on a sliding scale, and services are available to both hourly and salaried workers. The company has reported 25 percent lower turnover rates among employees who use the childcare program compared with the overall workforce. 7 Kathryn Mayer, “Patagonia’s secret to employee engagement? Onsite daycare,” Employee Benefit News, June 28, 2017. Alternatively, companies could offer excess space in their facilities to childcare operators or provide demand guarantees to operators in childcare deserts.
  • Making childcare more convenient. Companies can make childcare more convenient for working parents by addressing their need for flexible arrangements and hours—for instance, allowing them to change when they start and end their workdays so they can better meet childcare center drop-off and pickup deadlines. One professional-services firm has established a “bring your baby to work” program that allows new working mothers in particular to ease into changed routines at home and at work. Other businesses are offering telework and hybrid work arrangements to working parents (including both salaried and hourly employees). Synchrony, for instance, has adopted enhanced flex scheduling that allows team members to work through a centralized system to determine how and where they may be able to take hours off and make them up later. The company also employs split shifts, which lets employees complete a four-hour shift in the morning and a four-hour shift in the evening with extended time off in the middle of the day. Employees can also take vacation or personal time off in hourly increments.
  • Ensuring greater reliability in childcare. Some companies offer services that give employees access to backup care if a nanny is sick, a home-based day care closes suddenly, or another emergency crops up. Such services may be subsidized by the company, in part or in whole. Synchrony’s backup-care benefit is notable in that the company cut the red tape and made it very easy for employees to choose the best provider for the situation ahead of time—whether a family member or a childcare center or other third-party option—ensuring that employees could get backup childcare on short notice.
  • Raising the bar on quality. There are many ways employers can help working parents find quality childcare—including serving as a conduit to critical community information. A large clothing retailer, for instance, conducted a childcare census to understand the challenges and needs of working parents. Armed with such data, the company reached out to service providers and other key stakeholders in the community to identify the most relevant resources and share them with working parents.

Following the COVID-19 pandemic and the Great Attrition, the country is at a critical juncture where improving the childcare experience is fundamentally tied to gender equity and economic competitiveness. Corporate leaders have a unique opportunity to innovate in childcare support and help working families achieve their full potential. Providing this kind of support goes beyond the realm of employee benefits; it is core to employers’ value propositions and talent-development strategies.

Sarah Gitlin is an associate partner in McKinsey’s Washington, DC, office; Ayushi Gummadi is a consultant in the Bay Area office, where Alexis Krivkovich is a senior partner and Kunal Modi is a partner.

The authors wish to thank Kweilin Ellingrud, Dina Kuttab, Brandon Lu, Tracy Nowski, and Ramesh Srinivasan for their contributions to this article.

This article was edited by Roberta Fusaro, an executive editor in the Waltham, Massachusetts, office.

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