

Between Corruption and Development: The Political Economy of State Robbery in Nigeria

  • Published: 03 November 2011
  • Volume 108 , pages 325–345, ( 2012 )

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write an argumentative essay on corruption is the bane of nigerian government

  • Daniel Egiegba Agbiboa 1  

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The study is based on the hypothesis that there is a link between corruption and underdevelopment and that corruption is responsible for the shortcomings and poor performance of the Nigerian political economy. In addition to examining the historical trajectory of corruption in Nigeria, this paper delves into the underlying causes of corruption as well as its cumulative impact on national development in the country. Lastly, the paper assesses some public and private sector initiatives that have been taken and that might stem the tide of corruption.

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Daniel Egiegba Agbiboa

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Agbiboa, D.E. Between Corruption and Development: The Political Economy of State Robbery in Nigeria. J Bus Ethics 108 , 325–345 (2012).

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Received : 09 September 2010

Accepted : 24 October 2011

Published : 03 November 2011

Issue Date : July 2012


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></center></p><h2>COMBATING CORRUPTION: SCOPE, CONSEQUENCES, AND SOLUTIONS IN NIGERIA</h2><ul><li>February 9, 2024</li></ul><p>Corruption, an insidious force, has eaten deep into the Nigerian society, casting a shadow over every facet of the country. This pervasive issue undermines development, justice, and equality, thereby inhibiting the country’s progress. In this edition of C-Advocate Newspaper, the Advocacy team will shed light on various aspects of corruption, its detrimental consequences, and provide guidance on how individuals can actively contribute to its eradication.</p><p>The Corrupt Practices and other Related Offences Act of 2000 defines corruption as bribery, fraud, and other related offences. Transparency International defines corruption as the abuse of entrusted power for private gain. Corruption erodes trust, weakens democracy, hampers economic development, and exacerbates inequality, poverty, social division, and the environmental crisis.</p><p>Sections 8 to 26 of the Corrupt Practices and other Related Offences Act of 2000 outline what constitutes the offence of corruption and the appropriate punishment for it. The offences include accepting gratification, giving or accepting gratification through an agent, and counselling offences relating to corruption. Notably, Section 18 spells out the punishment for bribing a public officer, which is five (5) years imprisonment with hard labor, while Section 19 states the punishment for a public officer who uses his office or position to gratify or confer any corrupt or unfair advantage upon himself or any relation or associate of the public officer or any other public officer. They shall be guilty of an offence and shall, on conviction, be liable to imprisonment for five (5) years without the option of a fine.</p><p><center><img style=

Furthermore, Section 23 imposes a duty on public officers to report any gratification given, promised, or offered in contravention of the Act to the nearest officer of the Commission or Police Officer, emphasizing the collective responsibility in combating corruption.

To effectively utilize this legislation in eradicating corruption, the public must actively engage in reporting incidences of corruption witnessed by them. Reporting acts of corruption to the Independent Corrupt Practices and Other Related Offences Commission or the Nigerian Police Force is paramount. Silence in the face of witnessed corruption only emboldens its perpetrators. It is our duty as citizens to act as vigilant custodians of integrity, and reporting can be done anonymously, with the authorities trained to protect the identities of informants.

If you have witnessed corrupt practices that demand addressing, we urge you to reach out. You can call the CSAAE Advocacy toll-free line on 0800 900 1000 or chat with us on WhatsApp via 080165047214 to report these concerns.

Corruption isn’t just Nigeria’s problem; it’s a global issue that needs everyone’s help to solve. By understanding how it works, knowing its impact, and taking practical steps to fight it, we can make our society fairer, more transparent, and better for everyone. Let’s stand together in this fight against corruption and pave the way for a brighter future for all.

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    But despite some successes, corruption and socioeconomic disparities within Nigerian democracy continue to run rampant. Since 1999, the democratic space has been dominated by political elites who consistently violate fundamental principles associated with a liberal democratic system, such as competitive elections, the rule of law, political ...

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    The chapter hinges its argument on the fact that corruption throws spanners in the wheels of national progress or development and that governance of Nigeria has suffered lack of accountability, transparency and honesty for too long. ... there have been practical evidenvce of failures in the Nigerian anti-corruption war. As the counter ...

  4. PDF Corruption: The Bane of National Development in Nigeria

    ABSTRACT. Corruption in Nigeria has reached an alarming rate that it seems every effort made by successive governments to tackle the monster has been without any result in order to salvage the country's situation and transform the economy; this study examines corruption in perspective of being the bane of National development.

  5. PDF Corruption as a Bane for Under-Development in Nigeria: Issues and

    This has been partly blamed on corruption and gross mismanagement of the country's vast resources. Corruption has tremendously affected the lives and provoked animosity amongst Nigerians. It has eaten so deep into the fabrics of the Nigerian government, the public and private sectors, governmental and non-governmental

  6. (PDF) Political Corruption in Nigeria: Implications for Economic

    On this basis, the study proposes that the Nigerian government should address the root causes of corruption rather than the effects and this has to be through the effective implementation of legal ...

  7. Between Corruption and Development: The Political Economy of State

    The study is based on the hypothesis that there is a link between corruption and underdevelopment and that corruption is responsible for the shortcomings and poor performance of the Nigerian political economy. In addition to examining the historical trajectory of corruption in Nigeria, this paper delves into the underlying causes of corruption as well as its cumulative impact on national ...

  8. Political Corruption: Bane of the Nigerian Society

    Department Of Political Science, Rivers State Univ ersity, Port Harcourt, Nigeria. Abstract: Corruption has been one of the major problems plaguing the Nigerian Society and the Third World ...

  9. Combating Corruption: Scope, Consequences, and Solutions in Nigeria

    Corruption, an insidious force, has eaten deep into the Nigerian society, casting a shadow over every facet of the country. This pervasive issue undermines development, justice, and equality, thereby inhibiting the country's progress. In this edition of C-Advocate Newspaper, the Advocacy team will shed light on various aspects of corruption, its detrimental consequences, and provide …

  10. (PDF) War against Corruption in Nigeria: Weak ...

    The paper examines the dimensions of corruption in Nigeria; with major attention on enumerating the weakness of the nation's political, social and economic institutions including Economic and ...

  11. Nigeria's hopeless fight against corruption

    At the point when former Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan relinquished his government role, the country was at the brink of ruin due to endemic corruption being recklessly displayed.

  12. PDF Essays on Political Corruption

    The second essay makes a theoretical distinction between voters' perceptions of the corruption of the political system and of individual politicians. Evidence from original interviews and focus group discussions, as well as public opinion data shows that many Ugandan citizens perceive their political system to be highly corrupt. In particular ...

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