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IELTS Sample Essays

Here you will find IELTS Sample Essays for a variety of common topics that appear in the writing exam.

The model answers all have tips and strategies for how you may approach the question and comments on the sample answer.

You can also view sample essays with band scores on this page. 

Looking at IELTS essay topics with answers is a great way to help you to prepare for the test. 

These IELTS sample essays have been categorised in a way that makes it easy for you to see how certain essay question types require you to provide certain responses to ensure the question is fully answered. 

Specifically these are:

  • Agree / Disagree
  • Discuss Two Opinions
  • Problems and Solutions
  • Advantages and Disadvantages
  • Other Types

Agree / Disagree Type Questions

In these types of question you are given one opinion and you then have to state the extent to which you agree or disagree with that opinion:

  • Advertising
  • Alternative Medicine
  • Spending on the Arts
  • Human Cloning
  • Social Interaction & the Internet
  • Airline Tax
  • Free University Education
  • Scientific Research
  • Banning Smoking
  • Employing Older People
  • Vegetarianism
  • Paying Taxes  
  • Examinations or Formal Assessment 
  • Multinational Organisations and Culture
  • Internet vs Newspapers
  • Technology Development  
  • Dying of Languages
  • Animal Extinction
  • Truth in Relationships
  • Role of Schools
  • Return of Historical Artefacts

Discuss Two Opinions Type Questions

In this essay question type you are given two opinions, and you have to discuss both of these and then give your own view:

  • University Education
  • Reducing Crime
  • Animal Rights
  • Child Development
  • Diet & Health
  • Donating Money to Charity
  • Closing Zoos   
  • Becoming Independent  
  • Formal and Informal Education  
  • Influence of Scientists and Politicians
  • Sources for Stories
  • Searching for Extraterrestrial Life

Cause Type Questions

There are a variety of 'cause type' essay questions. In these you first have to give the reasons why something has happened, in other words the causes, but then discuss a different aspect of it, such as the effects, solutions or the extent to whether it is a positive or negative development:

Causes & Effects:

  • Child Obesity
  • Skin Whitening Creams
  • Family Size
  • Having Children Later in Life
  • Time Away from Family

Causes and Solutions:

  • Youth Crime
  • Global Warming
  • Paying Attention in Class
  • International Travel & Prejudice 
  • Museums & Historical Places
  • Disappearance of Traditions
  • Communication Between Generations

Causes, Pros & Cons:

  • Family Closeness
  • Living Alone
  • Rural to Urban Migration

Problems & Solutions Type Questions

In these type of questions, instead of discussing the causes of a problem, you need to discuss the problems related to a particular issue in society, and then suggest what can be to solve these problems:

  • Overpopulation
  • Competing for Jobs  
  • Professionals Immigrating

Advantage & Disadvantages Type Questions

In these type of questions you are asked to discuss the positive and negative sides of a particular topic. You will usually be asked this in the context of giving an opinion ( e.g. Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages? Is it a positive or negative development? ): 

  • Traffic Problems
  • Food Additives
  • Computer Games
  • Age Discrimination at Work  
  • Children using Tablets and Computers  
  • Cell Phones, Internet, & Communication  
  • Working from Home 
  • Eating Locally grown  Produce  
  • Oil and Gas Essay  
  • Peer Pressure on Young People
  • Online Fraud
  • Decreasing House Sizes

'Hybrid' Types of Essay Question

There are sometimes questions that don't fit easily into a particular category as above. I've called these 'hybrid', as they are of mixed character, are composed of different elements from other types of essay, or are perhaps just worded differently. 

  • Protecting Old Buildings
  • Animal Testing
  • Fear of Crime
  • Communication Technology
  • Influence of Children's Friends  

Sample Essays with Band Scores

You can also view some sample essays that have been written by candidates practising for the test and have band scores and comments by an experienced ex-IELTS Examiner based on the IELTS marking criteria. 

  • IELTS Band 8 Essay Samples
  • IELTS Band 7 Essay Samples
  • IELTS Band 6 Essay Samples
  • IELTS Band 5 Essay Samples
  • IELTS Band 4 Essay Samples

Student Sample Essays

For more IELTS essay topics with answers you can also view essays that have been written by students. Some have feedback from other students or IELTS teachers:

  • Student Model Essays  (with comments by other students)
  • Student Model Essays (with comments by IELTS buddy)

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Essay Writing - Sample Questions & Answers

In many countries, the amount of crime is increasing. What do you think are the main causes of crime? How can we deal with those causes?

Causes, Effects and Solutions

In many countries, the amount of crime is increasing. What do you think are the main causes of crime? How can we deal with those causes?

In many countries, the amount of crime is increasing. What do you think are the main causes of crime? How can .... View Model Answer

Employers sometimes ask people applying for jobs for personal information, such as their hobbies and interests, and whether they are married or single. Some people say that this information may be relevant and useful. Others disagree. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

Views and opinion

Employers sometimes ask people applying for jobs for personal information, such as their hobbies and interests, and whether they are married or single. Some people say that this information may be relevant and useful. Others disagree. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

Employers sometimes ask people applying for jobs for personal information, such as their hobbies and interests .... View Model Answer

Some people say that in all levels of education, from primary schools to universities, too much time is spent on learning facts and not enough on learning practical skills. Do you agree or disagree?

Agree or Disagree

Some people say that in all levels of education, from primary schools to universities, too much time is spent on learning facts and not enough on learning practical skills. Do you agree or disagree?

Some people say that in all levels of education, from primary schools to universities, too much time is spent .... View Model Answer

News stories on TV and in newspapers are very often accompanied by pictures. Some people say that these pictures are more effective than words. What is your opinion about this?

News stories on TV and in newspapers are very often accompanied by pictures. Some people say that these pictures are more effective than words. What is your opinion about this?

News stories on TV and in newspapers are very often accompanied by pictures. Some people say that these pictur .... View Model Answer

Some people say that it is possible to tell a lot about a person’s culture and character from their choice of clothes. Do you agree or disagree?

Some people say that it is possible to tell a lot about a person’s culture and character from their choice of clothes. Do you agree or disagree?

Some people say that it is possible to tell a lot about a person’s culture and character from their choice o .... View Model Answer

Governments should spend some money on railways rather than roads. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Governments should spend some money on railways rather than roads. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Governments should spend some money on railways rather than roads. To what extent do you agree or disagree wit .... View Model Answer

Some people claim that not enough of the waste from homes is recycled. They say that the only way to increase recycling is for governments to make it a legal requirement. To what extent do you think laws are needed to make people recycle more of their waste?

Some people claim that not enough of the waste from homes is recycled. They say that the only way to increase recycling is for governments to make it a legal requirement. To what extent do you think laws are needed to make people recycle more of their waste?

Some people claim that not enough of the waste from homes is recycled. They say that the only way to increase .... View Model Answer

Some people say that the only reason for learning a foreign language is in order to travel to or work in a foreign country. Others say that these are not the only reasons why someone should learn a foreign language. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

Some people say that the only reason for learning a foreign language is in order to travel to or work in a foreign country. Others say that these are not the only reasons why someone should learn a foreign language. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

Some people say that the only reason for learning a foreign language is in order to travel to or work in a for .... View Model Answer

Many governments think that economic progress is their most important goal. Some people, however, think that other types of progress are equally important for a country. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

Many governments think that economic progress is their most important goal. Some people, however, think that other types of progress are equally important for a country. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

Many governments think that economic progress is their most important goal. Some people, however, think that o .... View Model Answer

Some people believe that it is good to share as much information as possible in scientific research, business and the academic world. Other believe that some information is too important or too valuable to be shared freely. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

Some people believe that it is good to share as much information as possible in scientific research, business and the academic world. Other believe that some information is too important or too valuable to be shared freely. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

Some people believe that it is good to share as much information as possible in scientific research, business .... View Model Answer

At the present time, the population of some countries includes a relatively large number of young adults, compared with the number of older people. Do the advantages of this situation outweigh the disadvantages?

Advantages and Disadvantages

At the present time, the population of some countries includes a relatively large number of young adults, compared with the number of older people. Do the advantages of this situation outweigh the disadvantages?

At the present time, the population of some countries includes a relatively large number of young adults, comp .... View Model Answer

In a number of countries, some people think it is necessary to spend large sums of money on constructing new railway lines for very fast trains between cities. Others believe the money should be spent on improving existing public transport. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

In a number of countries, some people think it is necessary to spend large sums of money on constructing new railway lines for very fast trains between cities. Others believe the money should be spent on improving existing public transport. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

In a number of countries, some people think it is necessary to spend large sums of money on constructing new r .... View Model Answer

Some people believe that allowing children to make their own choices on everyday matters(such as food, clothes and entertainment) is likely to result in a society of individuals who only think about their own wishes. Other people believe that it is important for children to make decisions about matters that affect them. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

Some people believe that allowing children to make their own choices on everyday matters(such as food, clothes and entertainment) is likely to result in a society of individuals who only think about their own wishes. Other people believe that it is important for children to make decisions about matters that affect them. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

Some people believe that allowing children to make their own choices on everyday matters(such as food, clothes .... View Model Answer

Today more and more tourists are visiting places where conditions are difficult, such as the Sahara Desert or the Antarctic. What are the benefits and disadvantages for tourists who visit such places?

Today more and more tourists are visiting places where conditions are difficult, such as the Sahara Desert or the Antarctic. What are the benefits and disadvantages for tourists who visit such places?

Today more and more tourists are visiting places where conditions are difficult, such as the Sahara Desert or .... View Model Answer

In recent years, many small local shops have closed because customers travel to large shopping centres or malls to do their shopping. Is this a positive or a negative development?

In recent years, many small local shops have closed because customers travel to large shopping centres or malls to do their shopping. Is this a positive or a negative development?

In recent years, many small local shops have closed because customers travel to large shopping centres or mall .... View Model Answer

In some areas of the US, a ‘curfew’ is imposed, in which teenagers are not allowed to be out of doors after a particular time at night unless they are accompanied by an adult. What is your opinion about this?

In some areas of the US, a ‘curfew’ is imposed, in which teenagers are not allowed to be out of doors after a particular time at night unless they are accompanied by an adult. What is your opinion about this?

In some areas of the US, a ‘curfew’ is imposed, in which teenagers are not allowed to be out of doors afte .... View Model Answer

Many working people get little or no exercise either during the working day or in their free time, and have health problems as a result. Why do many working people not get enough exercise? What can be done about this problem?

Many working people get little or no exercise either during the working day or in their free time, and have health problems as a result. Why do many working people not get enough exercise? What can be done about this problem?

Many working people get little or no exercise either during the working day or in their free time, and have he .... View Model Answer

Some people say that now we can see films on our phones or tablets there is no need to go to the cinema. Others say that to be fully enjoyed, films need to be seen in a cinema. Discuss both these views and give your opinion.

Some people say that now we can see films on our phones or tablets there is no need to go to the cinema. Others say that to be fully enjoyed, films need to be seen in a cinema. Discuss both these views and give your opinion.

Some people say that now we can see films on our phones or tablets there is no need to go to the cinema. Other .... View Model Answer

Some people say it is important to keep your home and your workplace tidy, with everything organised and in the correct place. What is your opinion about this?

Some people say it is important to keep your home and your workplace tidy, with everything organised and in the correct place. What is your opinion about this?

Some people say it is important to keep your home and your workplace tidy, with everything organised and in th .... View Model Answer

Living in a country where you have to speak a foreign language can cause serious social problems, as well as practical problems. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Living in a country where you have to speak a foreign language can cause serious social problems, as well as practical problems. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Living in a country where you have to speak a foreign language can cause serious social problems, as well as p .... View Model Answer


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IELTS Essays Course

IELTS Essays Course

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  • Work with me for 5 days and discover the fundamentals of an IELTS Band 7+ Task Two essay.
  • Get 3 lessons showing you exactly how to write each part of your essay.
  • Receive three homework tasks that will test and activate what you’ve learned in each lesson.
  • Get exclusive feedback from ex-examiners that will tell you how you are doing.
  • Each lesson will show you how to construct one of the fundamental building blocks of a Band 7+ essay.

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If you have already signed up for this free course, please check your email inbox for access.


Over the 5 days, you will receive 3 detailed lessons inside our members’ area. They are all designed to help you achieve a Band 7+ in your IELTS Writing test.

For a full list of topics we will cover over the 5 days, please see below:


How to analyse Task 2 questions effectively, come up with ideas that answer the question precisely and include the things that the examiner wants to see in your introduction.


We will provide feedback on the ideas and the fundamentals of your introduction.


How to take each of your ideas and develop them into a coherent argument using clear explanations and examples.


We will provide feedback on your topic sentences, explanations and examples.


How to finish your essay with an effective conclusion that allows you to summarise your key points and clearly state your message.


Final feedback and a bonus demo. Showing you how to put everything you have learnt into practice.


Learn How To Increase Your IELTS Essay Writing Ability To Band 7+.

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10 steps to writing high-scoring IELTS essays

Whether you take the general training or academic IELTS test, the second writing task is writing an essay in response to a problem or argument. Here are 10 easy steps, with lots of tips, to guide you on how to write high-scoring essays.

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How is the ielts essay component marked.

Fairness and accuracy are critically important when marking IELTS writing tasks . Your essay will be marked by at least two experienced IELTS examiners on the following criteria:

Task response - Whether you answered the question fully and supported your answer well. 

Coherence and cohesion - How well you linked your ideas together. 

Lexical resource - Whether you used a wide range of vocabulary correctly and appropriately. 

Grammatical range and accuracy - How many grammatical structures you used accurately and appropriately. 

Each of these criteria is worth 25% of your total score for the essay writing task. Both of your writing tasks are used to calculate your overall writing band score.

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How to write high-scoring essays in 10 easy steps, step one: plan your time.

The Writing test (consisting of Writing tasks 1 and 2) takes approximately 60 minutes. Plan to spend around 20 minutes on your first task, and 40 minutes on your essay task. A sample plan for your time might be:

5 to 10 minutes reading the essay question and planning your answer

15 to 20 minutes writing your first draft

10 minutes proofreading and editing your essay

How to write a good introduction

Step two: read the question.

While you may be anxious to jump straight into writing, make sure you take the time to carefully read the essay question. If you misunderstand the question, you risk writing an essay that does not address the issues properly which will lower your score.

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Step three: highlight the issues to address.

There will be multiple issues that you will need to address in your essay. Addressing each issue individually is key to achieving a high essay score. Highlight each individual issue that you will need to address.

The A to Z of IELTS: E is for Essays

Step four: outline your response.

Create an outline of how you will respond to the issues in your essay. This will serve as your ‘blueprint’ when you write your first draft. As a general rule your essay should have:

An introduction stating what you will talk about

Two or three body paragraphs , each addressing one issue or idea

A conclusion summing up what was discussed in the essay

Make sure you note which idea or issue you will address in each paragraph. Check that the issues you highlighted are all accounted for in your outline.

Step five: Expand on your ideas

Write some notes about any key points or ideas you’d like to include in each paragraph. When you’re writing your first draft, these notes will help to make sure you don’t forget any ideas you want to include.

Mind maps to build your vocabulary resource for IELTS

Step six: plan how you will connect your ideas.

Connecting your ideas clearly and correctly is critical to achieving a high essay score. Try to use a range of linking words to make your essay easy to read. You can use connecting devices and phrases to:

List connected ideas

‘Firstly, secondly, thirdly’


Provide more information

Compare ideas.

‘On the other hand’


Don’t fall into the trap of trying to put a linking word in every sentence. Essays will score higher when the writer uses linking words only where necessary and appropriate.

Step seven: Write your first draft

Now that you’ve planned your essay, it’s time to write your first draft. Follow the outline you’ve created and expand on the notes and ideas you included there. 

Avoid informal language unless it is appropriate.

Avoid spelling and grammatical errors where possible.

Use a mix of sentence structures such as simple sentences, complex sentences and compound sentences.

How to boost your IELTS Writing score

Step eight: proofread your essay.

When you have completed the first draft of your essay, it’s important to proofread it. Read your essay from start to finish.

You can read it silently, but it may help to read it out loud if you can do so without disturbing others. Make a mental note or mark your paper anywhere that you may need to fix an issue.

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Step nine: edit your essay.

Carefully go through the issues you noted while proofreading. Edit or rewrite these until they look and sound correct. Examples of issues and how to edit them may include:

The sentence is too long. A sentence is probably too long if you need to take a breath in the middle of reading it. Try splitting this up into smaller sentences.

A sentence sounds strange when you read it out loud. Try using different words or punctuation until it sounds right. It may need to be connected to another sentence.

The same word appears many times. Think about any other words you could use instead.

There is more than one main idea in each paragraph. Move any unrelated sentences to the correct paragraph. Each paragraph should address one issue only.

IELTS Writing: How to organise your responses

Step ten: proofread your essay again.

After your edits and before submitting your essay , give it one final proofread. Make sure you have:

Included all the points you highlighted in step three

Followed your outline from step four

Used good connecting words from step six

Fixed any errors or issues in step nine

IELTS Writing: 8 steps towards a band 8

Why choose ielts.

IELTS is widely recognised by businesses and universities globally, and is the only English language competency test approved by all four of the following countries:

  • New Zealand

With convenient computer and paper based test options, your IELTS test can be completed in a way that you’re most comfortable with. If you’re in a hurry, you could even have your test results back within 2 to 5 days!

Also, the IELTS Familiarisation test is designed to give test takers an idea of what to expect on the actual IELTS test. It includes sample questions from different part of the test, such as Listening, Reading, and Writing.  Set yourself up for success and explore our extensive library of preparation materials today.

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IELTS Sample Essay 2 – Meeting Someone For the First Time

Meeting someone for the first time through the internet is never a good idea. Do you agree? It is manifestly 

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IELTS Sample Essay 4 – Children’s Behaviour

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IELTS Essays – Band 8

IELTS Writing – Band 8 IELTS Sample Essays

IELTS Essay Samples of Band 8

  • IELTS Essays - Band 8 , IELTS Writing Samples

IELTS Model Essay Samples Band 8, 2023

Here you can find IELTS Essay samples of Band 8 on many topics, written by students and graded by an IELTS teacher. Click on one of the topics below to jump to essays on that topic.

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Celebrities Crime and Punishment Culture Education Environment Family and Children Food and Diet Global Issues Government and Laws Health Housing and Town Planning Media and Advertising Money Reading Society and Social Matters Sport and Exercise Technology Tourism Work Young People

Note: the task prompt of each essay appears when you hold the mouse over the link. Every essay is checked, marked, has comments and suggestions. Hold the mouse over to see suggested corrections. The teacher’s summary is at the bottom of each essay.

IELTS Model Essays on the Topic of Celebrities

Celebrities earn more money than politicians (reasons and solutions) – Sample essay 1

Celebrities can be poor role models for teenagers (agree/disagree) – Sample essay 2

IELTS Model Essays on the Topic of Crime and Punishment

Why criminals commit another offence after punishment – Sample essay 1

Crime rates are likely to decline due to the advancements in technology – Sample essay 2

If a child commits a crime, should the child or the parents be punished? – Sample essay 3

Many criminals commit more crimes as soon as they are released from prison (reasons and solutions) – Sample essay 3

IELTS Model Essays on the Topic of Culture

In the past people wore their traditional clothes – Sample essay 1

Museums and art galleries should present only the national art (agree/disagree)- Sample essay 2

People should follow the customs and traditions of their new country (agree/disagree) – Sample essay 3

IELTS Model Essays on the Topic of Education

Computers instead of teachers – Sample essay 1

Will computers replace teachers? – Sample essay 2

Financial education at school – Sample essay 3

Schools should select students by their academic abilities (agree/disagree) – Sample essay 4

Unpaid community work should be mandatory in high school (agree/disagree) – Sample essay 5

Teachers are more responsible for social and intellectual development of students than parents (agree/disagree) – Sample essay 6

Education in financial management should be a mandatory component of the school program, agree/disagree (from Target Band 7 book) – Sample essay 7

What are the difficulties of learning a foreign language, and how to overcome them? – Sample essay 8

Many university students nowadays live away from home and their parents (advantages/disadvantages) – Sample essay 9

Part time courses are on the rise (advantages/disadvantages) – Sample essay 10

The purpose of education is to make individuals useful to society (discuss + opinion) – Sample essay 11

Use of computers and mobile phones to communicate has a negative impact on reading and writing skills (agree/disagree) – Sample essay 12

IELTS Model Essays on the Topic of Environment

Some people believe that preserving natural environment is crucial but make no effort to do so (reasons and solutions) – Sample essay 1

Who should be responsible for protecting the environment, individuals or the government? – Sample essay 2

The best way to solve environmental problems is to increase the price of fuel (agree/disagree) – Sample essay 3

In many countries, the number of animals and plants is declining (reasons and solutions) – Sample essay 4

Too much attention and resources are given to the protection of wild animals and birds (agree/disagree) – Sample essay 5

Some countries invest a significant amount of money in promoting the use of bicycles (reasons and effects) – Sample essay 6

Transportation of products and people is the main source of pollution (discuss + opinion) – Sample essay 7

IELTS Model Essays on the Topic of Family and Children

Children and rules – Sample essay 1

Children should be engaged in paid work (agree/disagree) – Sample essay 2

Children these days are suffering from obesity (reasons and solutions) – Sample essay 3

Should children grow up in the city or countryside (advantages/disadvantages)? – Sample essay 4

Nowadays families move to different countries for work and some think it has a negative effect on children (agree/disagree) – Sample essay 5

Childcare training courses should be mandatory for all parents (agree/disagree) – Sample essay 6

Some think that children should leave their family home early – Sample essay 7

Children today are spending more time watching TV than in the past, is it a positive or a negative change? – Sample essay 8

Excessive use of modern technologies is negatively affecting the reading and writing skills of children (agree/disagree) – Sample essay 9

Who should discipline the children, parents or the government? (discuss + opinion) – Sample essay 10

The role of parents in the future success of a person is more important than school (agree/disagree) – Sample essay 11

New parents should attend parenting classes to learn how to bring up their children well (agree/disagree) – Sample essay 12

People are spending more and more time away from their families (reasons and effects) – Sample essay 13

IELTS Model Essays on the Topic of Food and Diet

Dieting can change a person’s life for better or worse (from Target Band 7 book) – Sample essay 1

Nowadays people waste a lot of food (reasons and solutions) – Sample essay 2

Nowadays many people choose ready made food instead of cooking (advantages/disadvantages) – Sample essay 3

In many countries a lot of food is wasted (reasons and solutions) – Sample essay 4

Many people today are drinking sugar-based drinks (reasons and solutions) – Sample essay 5

Many people do not exercise enough and eat an unhealthy diet – Sample essay 6

IELTS Model Essays on the Topic of Global Issues

The good and bad of globalization – Sample essay 1

Rich countries should help the poor – Sample essay 2

The positive and negative sides of globalization – Sample essay 3

IELTS Model Essays on the Topic of Government and Laws

Some argue that governments should create nutrition and food choice laws to improve public health (discuss + opinion) – Sample essay 1

Many people believe that reducing speed limits is the best option for road safety improvement (agree/disagree) – Sample essay 2

Changing drivers age limits is the best way to reduce traffic accidents (from Target Band 7 book) – Sample essay 3

The education system is the only critical factor in the development of a country, agree/disagree (from Target Band 7 book) – Sample essay 4

Some people say that arts subjects are as essential as academic ones and should be part of school syllabus (agree/disagree) – Sample essay 5

Some believe the government should take care of retirees, while others think everyone should save for their own retirement (opinion) – Sample essay 6

Some people think that public health in a country can be improved by government making laws regarding nutritious food (agree/disagree) – Sample essay 7

Some people believe that countries should produce all the food necessary to feed their populations and import as little food as possible (agree/disagree) – Sample essay 8

IELTS Model Essays on the Topic of Health

Obesity is becoming common among children, give reasons and solutions (from Target Band 7 book) – Sample essay 1

Some people use the Internet to search for solutions to their medical problems, is this a positive or negative development? – Sample essay 2

IELTS Model Essays on the Topic of Housing and Town Planning

When new towns are planned, it is important to build more public parks or sports facilities than shopping centers (agree/disagree) – Sample essay 1

High-rise vs. low-rise buildings, which solution is better for a growing population? – Sample essay 2

Some say that new homes should be constructed in existing cities while others argue that new towns should be built (advantages/disadvantages) – Sample essay 3

IELTS Model Essays on the Topic of Media and Advertising

Advertising affects what people think is important and has a negative effect on their lives (agree/disagree) – Sample essay 1

Some people say that all popular TV entertainment programmes should aim to educate viewers about important social issues (agree/disagree) – Sample essay 2

Newspapers have a significant influence on people’s ideas and opinions (reasons and solutions) – Sample essay 3

Reading newspapers and watching TV news is a waste of time (agree/disagree) – Sample essay 4

IELTS Model Essays on the Topic of Money

Should people spend a lot on weddings and birthday parties? – Sample essay 1

Some people think it is better to make more money rather than have free time (discuss + opinion) – Sample essay 2

IELTS Model Essays on the Topic of Reading

People who read for pleasure develop their imagination more and acquire better language skills compared to people who prefer watching television (agree/disagree) – Sample essay 1

Public libraries should only provide books, not videos or DVD (agree/disagree) – Sample essay 2

IELTS Model Essays on the Topic of Society and Social Matters

Events bringing people together – Sample essay 1

Some people claim that it is acceptable to use animals in medical research (discuss) – Sample essay 2

Many museums charge for admission while others are free (advantages/disadvantages) – Sample essay 3

The proportion of older people is increasing (problems and solutions) – Sample essay 4

People should not work beyond the age of retirement (agree/disagree) – Sample essay 5

Nowadays more and more people want to live by themselves (reasons and solutions) – Sample essay 6

Nowadays that many women have full time jobs, it is logical to share the housework evenly between men and women (agree/disagree) – Sample essay 7

Many people support animal testing while others believe it isn’t appropriate (discuss) – Sample essay 8

Some people believe that women should be treated as equal to men when applying for a job with the police or the military (opinion) – Sample essay 9

In the modern world it is possible to shop, work and communicate via internet without face-to-face contact – Sample essay 10

Some think that hosting an international sporting event is beneficial for a country while others disagree (advantages/disadvantages) – Sample essay 11

Some people tend to buy products or get services instantly (reasons and effects) – Sample essay 12

Social media helps people to keep in touch with friends (advantages/disadvantages) – Sample essay 13

The main aim of advertising is to improve sales of products that people do not really need (agree/disagree) – Sample essay 14

IELTS Model Essays on the Topic of Sport and Exercise

Some people think that it is fine for professional athletes to misbehave on or off the field (opinion) – Sample essay 1

Despite the benefits of walking, very few people walk nowadays (reasons and solutions) – Sample essay 2

More and more people participate in extreme sports (reasons and solutions) – Sample essay 3

Some people argue that sports are essential (discuss) – Sample essay 4

Some people think that dangerous sports should be banned (agree/disagree) – Sample essay 5

IELTS Model Essays on the Topic of Technology

The development of technology causes traditional skills to die out (agree/disagree) – Sample essay 1

Some believe that modern technology is increasing the gap between the rich and poor (discuss) – Sample essay 2

IELTS Model Essays on the Topic of Tourism

Many believe international tourism is bad for their country (reasons and solutions) – Sample essay 1

IELTS Model Essays on the Topic of Work

Senior managers should have higher salaries than other employees (agree/disagree) – Sample essay 1

Should employers pay more attention to personal qualities rather than qualifications? – Sample essay 2

In many workplaces online communication has overtaken face to face meetings (advantages/disadvantages) – Sample essay 3

Many people try to achieve a work-life balance but fail (reasons and solutions) – Sample essay 4

People in senior positions should be compensated with significantly higher salaries (agree/disagree) – Sample essay 5

It is better to be unemployed than work in a job you dislike (agree/disagree) – Sample essay 6

IELTS Model Essays on the Topic of Young People

Some parents encourage young people to leave home while others think they should stay with the family – Sample essay 1

In many countries young people start living on their own after high school – Sample essay 2

Some think that young people should be free to choose any career they like – Sample essay 3

Young people are finding it harder to find permanent jobs (reasons and solutions) – Sample essay 4

Today’s young generation is facing many problems at school and at home (reasons and solutions) – Sample essay 5

Young people aren’t spending their weekends doing outdoor activities such as hiking or mountaineering (reasons and solutions) – Sample essay 6

Young people don’t communicate with older people as much as they used to (reasons and solutions) – Sample essay 7

Note: the essays were checked by an IELTS teacher, not an IELTS examiner or examiner trainer. All the band scores are approximate.

How To Write an IELTS Band 8 Essay

Essay samples are useful to get an idea what a Band 8 essay looks like, but how can YOU write a Band 8 essay? As you know, an IELTS essay is scored using 4 criteria:

1. Task Response 2. Coherence and Cohesion 3. Lexical Resource 4. Grammatical Range and Accuracy

Many test takers are unsure what is wrong with their essay, why they keep scoring Band 6.5 and how to take their writing to Band 8 level. Is that how you feel, too? Keep reading then, because we are just about to analyse a Band 6.5 essay and show you what to change in it, to get a Band 8 score in IELTS.

Colours show elements relating to each criterion that affect the Band Score of this sample IELTS essay. Hold mouse over highlighted words (or tap on mobile) to see the comments, suggestions and corrections.

IELTS Essay Analysed and Rewritten from Band 6.5 to Band 8

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge and experience.

IELTS Sample Essay – Task Response, Coherence and Cohesion and Lexical Resource Analysis

1. Task Response Analysis: This essay follows the task requirements quite well. Both points of view are discussed (in paragraphs 2 and 3) and the writer’s personal opinion is offered (in the introduction, paragraph 4 and the conclusion). The opinion is clear. The paragraph on money is not very well developed and not entirely clear. Approximate score for Task Response: Band 7.

2. Coherence and Cohesion Analysis: Most linking expressions are appropriate but two are not (see asterisk *). Coherence is concerned with the effectiveness of what the essay is trying to communicate. The essay is well structured – each paragraph announces its topic clearly [TS] and the introduction announces the opinion of the writer. Sometimes the ideas are not entirely clear inside the paragraphs (see NC). Also the writer has a tendency to be repetitive. Approximate score for Coherence and Cohesion: Band 7.

3. Lexical Resource Analysis : The use of vocabulary seems quite reasonable but attempts to use a wider range are not always successful (see corrections above). Probably not quite good enough for a 7. Approximate score for Lexical Resource: Band 6 or 6.5.

The same IELTS Sample Essay – Grammatical Range and Accuracy Analysis

Certainly, money is an important part in our lives. It is hard for any persons to accept a partner which does not have money or at least a job to take care of future family . Hence, said “marry for money” (#5) also has its right in some extent .

However, love should be the root of any marriages . Firstly, it is because love is such a glue to connect two persons which have their own lives, become one. So, they can share each other’s the sadness , happiness to overcome any difficulties in daily lives . Moreover, love makes people growing up because they do not only have responsibility to themselves, but also to their partners as well. That is why marrying with love is always encouraged.

In my opinion, I think that both love and money is both necessary. Marriage relying on money would be rapidly disintegrated when unfortunately the money is run out . In contrary , marriage relying on love would sometimes come to end when they could not earn money to carry out family , such as paying bills, buying food, etc . Therefore, love and money should stand together in marriage even though their contribution could be unbalanced.

As we have seen, marriage without either money or love would come to an unhappy ending. So I believe that they both have their own contribution to a merry family.

4. Grammatical Range and Accuracy Analysis : Although the essay is quite easy to follow, it has too many grammatical errors in too many sentences to merit a 7 score (see corrections highlighted above). The range of grammatical constructions used seems quite good. Approximate score for Grammatical Range and Accuracy: Band 6 or 6.5.

Improving the Sample Essay to Achieve an IELTS Band 7

The same essay now at around a Band 7 level might look something like this. Read it carefully and compare it with the original:

Certainly, money plays an important part in our lives. It is hard for any persons to accept a partner who does not have money or at least a job to take care of their future family. Hence, it is said, “marry for money” is right in some extent.

However, love should be the root of any marriage. Firstly, it is because love is such a strong bond between two persons who have their own lives, and become one. So, they can share each other’s sadness, happiness to overcome any difficulties in their daily lives. Moreover, love makes people grow up because they do not only have responsibility to themselves, but also to their partners as well. That is why marrying for love is always encouraged.

In my opinion, I think that love and money are both necessary. A marriage relying on money would rapidly disintegrate when unfortunately the money ran out. In contrary, a marriage relying on love would sometimes come to end when they could not earn money to carry out family duties such as paying bills, buying food, etc. Therefore, love and money should stand together in marriage even though their contribution could be unbalanced.

As we have seen, marriage without either money or love would come to an unhappy end. So I believe that they both make their own contribution to a merry family.

Improving the Sample Essay to Achieve an IELTS Band 8

To turn the Band 7 sample essay into a Band 8 one would require further improvement in range and accuracy of grammar, greater clarity and better connection of ideas, and a wider range of appropriate, higher level vocabulary.

So the same sample essay now at around a Band 8 level might look something like this. Once again, read it carefully and compare it with the original:

Clearly, love should be the foundation of any marriage. This is because firstly, love is such a strong bond between two persons, who have their own lives, yet become one. They can share each other’s sadness or happiness in order to overcome any difficulties in daily lives. Moreover, love fosters maturity because each member of a couple no longer has responsibility only for themselves, but also for their partner. These are just two, key reasons why marrying for love should always be encouraged.

In my opinion, love and money are equally necessary. A marriage relying solely on money might rapidly disintegrate in the unfortunate event of the money running out. Similarly, a marriage relying on love alone might sometimes come to an end if the couple could not earn enough money to manage their family’s obligations such as paying bills, or buying food. Therefore, love and money should stand together in marriage, even though their contribution might often be somewhat unequal.

To summarise, marriage without either money or love could come to an unfortunate end. For that reason, I would claim that they both make their own, vital contribution to the creation of a happy family.

If after reading these sample essays you are still missing something and can’t write at Band 8 level, don’t panic. We have a book that can help to improve your grammar and sentence formation, teach you how to connect your ideas better and give you a wide range of appropriate, higher level vocabulary. Go here to discover the “IELTS Success Formula” book .

IELTS essay, topic: Many criminals commit more crimes as soon as they are released from prison (reasons and solutions)

  • IELTS Essays - Band 8

IELTS Model Essay Sample Band 8 May 2024

This essay topic was seen in recent IELTS test in Italy .

Many criminals commit more crimes as soon as they are released from prison. What do you think are the causes of this? What possible solutions can you suggest?

The problem of reoffending following the release of criminals from correctional facilities is likely caused by insufficient rehabilitation programmes and the negative perception of ex-offenders in society. Improving jail rehabilitation programmes and lowering stigma through legal changes can be potentially effective solutions.

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At the root of recidivism lies the lack of comprehensive rehabilitation in prisons. Many facilities emphasise punishment over rehabilitation, failing to address the primary causes that drive individuals to crime. For example, offenders with poor mental health or substance abuse problems often receive insufficient treatment, which leads to high reoffending rates upon release. Similarly, offenders who committed crimes out of desperation stemming from living in abject poverty are likely to turn to crime again in order to survive. Moreover, the stigma attached to having a criminal record complicates reintegration. It diminishes their chances of obtaining stable employment and social acceptance, thus pushing them back into criminal activities.

Effective reduction of recidivism requires prisons to enhance rehabilitation programmes, incorporating mental health services, substance abuse treatment, and vocational training to improve employability. The duration of most sentences convicts are serving is of sufficient length to allow rectification of the issues that originally led them to crime, provided that prisons have expert-led and sufficiently funded programmes in place. Additionally, societal efforts to reduce the stigma associated with past criminals are crucial. This includes legal reforms to protect the rights of ex-offenders and public awareness campaigns to change societal perceptions. The success of countries like Sweden, with a focus on rehabilitation and low recidivism rates, demonstrates the effectiveness of this approach.

In conclusion, tackling recidivism effectively necessitates a holistic approach that includes better rehabilitation within prisons and proactive societal measures to reduce stigma. This combination can significantly enhance public safety and reduce crime rates by facilitating the successful reintegration of ex-offenders.

Teacher’s feedback:

This essay has all the prerequisites of Band 8 level writing.

Task Response: Band 8 You addressed the task comprehensively, providing a clear explanation of the causes and solutions for recidivism. The essay includes specific examples and a detailed discussion of both components of the prompt. Your conclusion succinctly reinforces your argument, demonstrating a full understanding of the task requirements.

Coherence and Cohesion: Band 8 Your vocabulary is varied and contextually appropriate, showing a good range of lexical resource. Terms like “comprehensive rehabilitation,” “societal perceptions,” “public awareness campaigns,” and “rectification of issues” are used accurately and enhance the quality of the discussion. You effectively avoid redundancy and demonstrate the ability to use complex vocabulary to discuss specific ideas clearly and precisely.

Lexical Resource: Band 8 There is a good range of vocabulary used, including terms specific to the topic (habitat destruction, ecological balance, greenhouse gas emissions). The language is generally precise, and the writers uses varied and complex sentence structures.

Grammatical Range and Accuracy: Band 8 The essay showcases a wide range of grammatical structures with a high level of accuracy. Sentences are complex but clear, with appropriate use of punctuation and coordination. For example, your use of clauses and commas in sentences like “Many facilities emphasise punishment over rehabilitation, failing to address the primary causes that drive individuals to crime” demonstrates both complexity and control.

Submit your essay for correction and find out how to improve your Writing score.

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Task Two Agree or Disagree Sample Essays

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This article will help you answer task 2 opinion essays and give you two sample answers.

This will focus on essays on IELTS task 2 opinion (agree or disagree). It will recommend a sentence by sentence structure to help you in the exam and two sample answers.

The two example questions are:

Governments should spend more money on education than on recreation and sports. Do you agree or disagree?

Most high-level positions in companies are filled by men even though the workforce in many developed countries is more than 50 per cent female. Companies should be required to allocate a certain percentage of these positions to women. Do you agree?

I recommend that students completely agree or disagree with the statement in these questions. This will lead to a clear argument and a more coherent essay. You can show the other side of the argument in concession statements, but these should be only one or two sentences. Concession statements are used to briefly show the other side of the argument. Also, don’t let personal feelings get involved. The examiner does not have to agree with your opinion, and you do not have to write about how you actually feel about the issue. Pick the side you feel most comfortable writing about, i.e. the one you can back up with explanations and examples.

I recommend a simple four-paragraph structure .

Paragraph 1- Introduction

  • Sentence 1- Paraphrase  Question
  • Sentence 2- Thesis Statement
  • Sentence 3- Outline Statement

Paragraph 2- Supporting Paragraph 1

  • Sentence 1- Topic Sentence
  • Sentence 2- Explain Topic Sentence
  • Sentence 3- Example
  • Sentence 4- Concession Sentence

Paragraph 3- Supporting Paragraph 2

Paragraph 4- Conclusion

  • Sentence 1- Summary
  • Sentence 2- Prediction or Recommendation

Question One

Idea Generation

Reasons why governments should spend more money on education than on recreation and sports:

  • Education benefits an economy in the long term
  • Education has social benefits
  • Education is a human right
  • Education is more costly than recreation and sports

Reasons why governments should spend more money on recreation and sports:

  • Sports and recreation have health benefits
  • Sports and recreation can promote learning too
  • Education always receives a higher budget, and sports are overlooked

I agree with this statement, and I will, therefore, use the ideas in the first list. I am working on a four-paragraph structure; therefore, I only need two supporting ideas for my two main body paragraphs. I can also use ideas in the second list, but these will only be concession statements.

It is argued that countries should allocate more funds to education than to leisure and competitive games. It is agreed that national budgets should prioritise schools and universities over sports and play. First, I will discuss the economic benefits that education can bring to a nation and, secondly, its social benefits.

Investment in its education system is one of the best ways to improve a country’s economy in the long term. The more students entering third-level education, the more skilled a workforce will be, leading to higher innovation and productivity. For example, South Korea and Finland decided to invest a large proportion of their budget in education, and this has reaped benefits in the form of high-tech companies such as Samsung and Nokia. However, people cannot always work hard, and these companies provide leisure facilities for their workers.

Education is not just about improving the economy; it also has many social benefits. Well-educated people tend to be more aware of social evils such as drugs, alcohol and sexual health. For example, Singapore educates all of its citizens on the dangers of drugs, resulting in one of the lowest levels of drug abuse in the world. Despite this, sports can also teach children valuable soft skills, such as teamwork and work ethic, which also help curb social ills.

In conclusion, education should take precedence over sports when it comes to funding due to the many socio-economic benefits it brings. It is recommended that governments continue to pump money into schools and universities to realise long-term goals.

Question Two

Reasons why companies should be required to allocate a certain percentage of high-level positions to women:

  • Equal pay for equal performance
  • Women can bring qualities to the workplace that men do not have
  • Women currently outperform men at university
  • A balance of genders leads to higher productivity and a more harmonious workplace

Reasons why companies should not be required to allocate a certain percentage of high-level positions to women:

  • Certain jobs require skills only men have
  • Positions should be allocated to people on merit, not gender
  • Women can take large amounts of time off to have children

It is argued that corporations should be compelled to give a certain proportion of their executive-level roles to females, given that over half of the workforce is female in the West.  It is agreed that businesses should be obliged to assign a significant percentage of top-level posts to women. In this essay, I will discuss why women should be paid an equal amount of money for doing the same job as a man, and secondly, the fact that girls are currently outperforming boys on many university courses.

Despite years of so-called ‘equal rights’ for women in the workplace, they continue to be underpaid. Many women who do the same job as their male colleagues earn less money, which is unfair. For example, a recent survey of accountancy and legal firms in the United Kingdom found that women earn, on average 17% less than men with identical roles. However, this may be due to women taking maternity leave and falling behind their male counterparts.

This unfairness is compounded by the fact that females are currently getting higher grades in most university courses. Even previously male-dominated fields, such as law and medicine, now see women ascending, and they should be rewarded with top roles. For example, females recently outperformed males for the first time in law at U.K. universities. Despite this, employers should remember that roles should be handed out on merit, not gender alone.

In conclusion, women deserve an equal share of the good jobs available because they are capable of doing an equally good job as men and are achieving higher academic standards than men at university. It is recommended that companies heed the advice in this essay and make their hiring practices fairer.

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About Christopher Pell

My name is Christopher Pell and I'm the Managing Director of IELTS Advantage.

I started IELTS Advantage as a simple blog to help 16 students in my class. Several years later, I am very humbled that my VIP Course has been able to help thousands of people around the world to score a Band 7+ in their IELTS tests.

If you need my help with your IELTS preparation, you can send me an email using the contact us page.



Here you can take a look at many IELTS essay topics, divided in categories. We will be adding many new essay topics once available.

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Essays here focus on the topic of education, subjects, rules and regulations at school and more.

Example Essay Topics:

Nowadays, distance-learning programs have gained in popularity, but some people argue that online courses can never be taken as good as those taken at a college or university in person.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

It has been suggested that primary children should learn how to grow vegetables and keep animals.

Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages?

Some believe that money for education should mainly be spent on better computers while others believe it would be better spent on teachers.

Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Some people think that the best way to be successful in life is to get a university education. Others disagree and say this is no longer true.

The best curriculum is not one based on a static body of knowledge, but one which teaches students to cope with change.

Some people think that because children find subjects such as mathematics and philosophy difficult, they ought to be optional instead of compulsory.

Some believe children should be taught to give speeches and presentations in school.

Why is this?

Should this be taught in schools?

Many students find it difficult to pay attention at school.

What are the reasons for this?

What could be done to solve this problem?

Some people believe the purpose of education should be helping the individual to become useful for society, while others believe it should help individuals to achieve their ambitions.

Discuss both sides and give your opinion.

More Topics:

Some people think students should study the science of food and how to prepare it. Others think students should spend time on important subjects.

Computers today can quickly and accurately translate languages, therefore, it is a waste of time to learn a foreign language.

Some people think that it is a waste of time for high school students to study literature, such as novels and poems.

Many educational institutions give greater importance to subjects related to science and ignore subjects such as drama and literature.

Is this a positive or negative development?

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Science and Technology

The essays here will discuss science and technology like smartphones, computers, space travel and more.

Some people say that computer games are bad for children in every aspect. Others say that playing computer games can have a positive effect on the way children develop.

Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Today, many people use the internet and smartphones to transfer money to friends, family, and businesses.

Scientific research should be carried out and controlled by governments rather than private companies.

In the future, all cars, buses, and trucks will be driverless. The only people traveling inside these vehicles will be passengers.

Do you think the advantages of driverless vehicles outweigh the disadvantages?

More and more people no longer read newspapers or watch TV programs to get their news and instead read online.

Many people put their personal information online (address, telephone number, and so on) for purposes such as signing up for social networks or online banking.

Computer games are very popular for all ages and nationalities. Parents think this has little educational value and it will be harmful to children.

The first man to walk on the moon claimed it was a step forward for mankind. However, it has made little difference in most people’s lives.

One of the most important issues facing the world today is a shortage of food and some think genetically modified foods are a possible solution.

Some believe that advances in technology are increasing the gap between rich and poor while others think the opposite is happening.

Discuss both sides and give your own opinion.

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International Relations

The essays here discuss cooperation between countries and nations around the world and the effects of globalization.

Some argue that patriotism is the primary cause of wars globally. Others feel that it serves to prevent less ethical politicians from running a country and starting wars.

Some people today have argued that countries should interfere less in the affairs of other nations.

Some people say patriotism causes problems and is negative overall. Others feel that it is beneficial for society at large.

Do the advantages of patriotism outweigh its disadvantages?

Some believe that nuclear weapons benefit the world at large.

In the 20th century, contact between many different parts of the world has developed rapidly through air travel and telecommunications.

Some think increasing business and cultural contact between nations is positive. Others think it leads to the disappearance of the national identity.

Discuss both views and state your own opinion.

The world should have only one government rather than a national government for each country.

Globalization is positive for economies but its negative sides should not be ignored.

The growth of multinational companies and the resulting rise of globalization creates positive effects for all.

To what extent do you agree or disagree? .

More Essay Topics

Some countries import a large amount of food from other parts of the world.

To what extent is this a positive or negative trend?

Some believe that the Olympic games help bring people from different nations together, while others claim that holding the Olympics wastes money that could be used for important issues.

Around the world more and more people today are living in urban areas.

What problems does this cause?

Many today feel that most urgent problems can only be solved by international cooperation.

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The essays here discuss the effects of international tourism and traveling to different places.

Older people often choose to spend money on themselves (e.g. on holidays) rather than save money for their children after retirement.

More and more people today are moving away from where their friends and family live.

Do the advantages of this trend outweigh the disadvantages?

It is now possible for scientists and tourists to travel to remote natural environments, such as the South Pole.

Do the advantages of this development outweigh the disadvantages?

Nowadays many people travel to foreign countries for pleasure. Some believe this travel has a negative impact on the countries traveled to.

Some think that students must travel to another country in order to learn its language and customs.

In recent years, "responsible tourists" have paid attention to preserving both culture and environment of the places they visit. However, some people say that it is impossible to be a "responsible tourist".

In some countries, many young people choose to work or travel for a year between finishing high school and starting university studies.

Discuss the advantages and the disadvantages.

Many museums and historical sites are mainly visited by tourists and not local people.

Why is this the case?

What can be done to attract local people?

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The essay topics here talk about health, sports, exercising and diets available to people.

Research shows that some activities are good for health and others are bad. Despite knowing that, millions of people engage in unhealthy activities.

What is the cause of this?

What can be done?

People living in the 21st century have a better life quality than people who lived in previous times.

Shops should not be allowed to sell any food or drinks that have been scientifically proven to be bad for people’s health.

Nowadays, an increasing number of people with health problems are using alternative medicines and treatments instead of visiting their normal doctor.

Do you think this is a positive or negative development?

Many manufactured food and drink products contain high levels of sugar, which causes many health problems. Sugary products should be made more expensive to encourage people to consume less sugar.

Do you agree or disagree?

Some people today prefer to get advice for medical problems and do not want to visit a doctor.

Is this a positive or a negative development?

An increasing number of people chose to have cosmetic surgeries.

Why is this? Do you think it is a positive or a negative development?

Despite the benefits for health, fewer people today than ever before exercise by walking.

What can be done to encourage more walking?

Many people living in cities these days do not get enough physical exercise.

What are the causes of this?

Some think that it is more important for children to engage in outdoor activities instead of playing video games.

Nowadays people live longer after they retire.

How does this affect individuals and society?

What can be done about this?

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The essays focus on how to help our environment and the causes for environmental pollution.

Example Essay:

Some believe that people should make efforts to fight climate change while others think it is better to learn to live with it.

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In some countries, there is not enough recycling of waste materials (e.g. paper, plastic, glass, and cans).

What are the reasons and the solutions?

Some people believe that car-free days are effective ways to reduce air pollution. However, others argue that there are other ways that are more effective.

Some people believe that increasing tax on various industries will reduce pollution whereas others believe that there are better alternative ways.

Some people claim that too much focus and resources have been spent to protect wild animals and birds.

Governments should make people responsible for looking after their own local environment.

It is a natural process for animal species to become extinct (e.g. dinosaurs, dodos, etc.). There is no reason why people should try to prevent this from happening.

Some people say it is more important to plant trees in the open spaces in towns and cities than to build more housing.

In many countries, plastic containers have become more common than ever and are used by many food and drink companies.

Do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?

Some think the current generation should take steps to protect the environment for the next generation.

Some people say that supermarkets and manufacturers have a responsibility to reduce the amount of packaging on products they sell. Others believe that it is the consumer’s responsibility to avoid buying products that have a lot of packaging.

Discuss both views and give your opinions.

The manufacturing and use of cars damages the environment but their popularity is increasing.

How could this be controlled?

In many countries, people throw away a lot of food from restaurants and shops.

Why do you think people waste food in this way?

What can be done to reduce the amount of food thrown away?

Damage to the environment is an inevitable consequence of the improvement of the standard of living.

Fresh water is a limited resource in some parts of the world. Today, increasing demand made it a global problem.

What are the causes of the increasing demand?

What measures can governments and individuals take to solve this problem?

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Government & Cities

The essays here discuss government investment and different changes that need to be made to cities like building types of infrastructure.

As major cities around the world are growing, so are their problems.

What are these problems for young people living in cities?

What are possible solutions to these problems?

Some feel that cities should be designed to be beautiful while others feel their functionality is more important.

A rise in the standard of living in a country often only seems to benefit cities rather than rural areas.

What problems can this cause?

How might these problems be reduced?

Some people think that the government should strictly control the supply of fresh water, as it is a limited resource, while others say it should not be regulated.

There is too much noise in many public places in cities.

What are the causes of this problem?

What can be done to solve the problem?

Some people think the newly built houses should be the same as the old housing styles in local areas. Others argue that local authorities should allow people to build houses in their own style.

Some feel governments should invest in preserving minority languages, while others feel this is not a good use of resources.

Some believe it is important for cities and towns to invest heavily in building large outdoor public spaces.

Some people think that governments should spend more money on sports facilities for top athletes. others argue that this money should be spent on sports facilities for ordinary people.

Some people believe that the government should spend more money putting in more works of art like paintings and statues in cities to make them better places to live in.

Some people think governments should care more about the elderly while others think they should focus on investing in education for younger people.

Governments in many countries have recently introduced special taxes on foods and beverages with high levels of sugar. Some think these taxes are a good idea while others disagree.

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Media, Celebrities & Advertising

The essay topics here  about the effect of advertising, using media like TV and the internet or the effect of celebrities on our society.

Some people think that famous people can help international aid organizations to draw attention to important problems. Others believe that celebrities can make the problems seem less important.

Click here for an answer.

Advertising discourages people from being different individuals by making us all want to do the same and look the same.

Many people feel that media coverage is becoming increasingly biased today.

What can be done to fix this problem?

Some people believe that violent media directly results in violent behavior.

Today, TV channels broadcast men’s sports shows more than women’s sports shows.

Should TV channels give equal showtime for each?

Film stars and celebrities often share their views on public matters that have little to do with their profession.

Some people focus on news in their own country, while others think it is more important to be aware of international news.

Some people think that there should be a complete ban on all forms of advertising.

In their advertising, businesses nowadays usually emphasize  that their products are new in some way.

Why is this? Do you think it is a positive or negative development?

Some people say that all popular TV entertainment programs should aim to educate viewers about important social issues.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Some feel that the effects of advertising are positive for individuals and businesses, while others think they are negative.

Some people say that advertising is extremely successful at persuading us to buy things. Other people think that advertising is so common that we no longer pay attention to it.

Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

In the future, nobody will buy printed newspapers or books because they will be able to read everything they want online without paying.

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Culture, Music & Society

The essay questions here ask about culture, social issues, traditions or raising a family.

Some people think that individuals today are more dependent on each other. Others believe people have become more independent.

Some people believe that the best way to build a happier society is to ensure that there are only small differences between the richest and the poorest members.

Some young people like to copy the behavior and clothes of famous people today.

Why might this be the case? 

What problems can it cause?

Some people feel that equality between the genders has already been achieved while others feel there is considerable progress to be made.

Weddings are getting bigger and more expensive.

What is the reason for this?

Is it a positive or negative development?

Today, many young people spend too much of their free time at shopping malls. This can be considered negative for young people and society generally.

Shopping habits depend more on your age group than anything else.

More Essay Topics::

Some people think that the most important function of music is to help people relax.

 Topic 8:

Whether or not a person achieves their aims in life is mostly related to luck.

Parents should take courses in parenting in order to improve the lives of their children.

To what extent do you agree?

In some places, young people find it difficult to communicate with older people.

What are the solutions?

Historical objects should be brought back to their country of origin.

It is better for children if the whole family including aunts, uncles, and so on are involved in a child’s upbringing, rather than just their parents.

Even More Topics:

Some believe that it is beneficial to show foreign films while others feel this can have a negative impact on local culture.

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Law & Crime

The essay topics cover the law and justice system, and how people should be punished to prevent crime in the future.

Many people today do not feel safe either at home or when they are out.

What are the causes?


Some people believe more actions can be taken to prevent crime, while others think that little can be done.

Some feel that punishment should focus more on rehabilitation instead of long prison terms. Others feel prison terms are important for social stability.

Young people committing crimes should be treated the same as adults by the authorities.

Prison is the common way most countries try to solve the problem of crime. However, a more effective solution is to provide the public a better education.

Some believe that younger family members should be legally responsible for supporting older family members when they become physically, mentally, and financially unable to look after themselves.

Recent research suggests that the majority of criminals who are sent to prison commit crimes after they are released.

What can be done to solve this problem?

Crime rates will fall as advances in technology make it easier to detect and prevent crimes.

In many situations, people who break the law should be warned instead of punished.

In many countries, crime rates amongst younger people have been rising.

Discuss the causes and solutions for this problem.

Some countries have introduced laws to limit working hours for employees.

Why are these laws introduced?

Do you think they are a positive or negative development?

Some believe that more action should be taken to prevent crime, while others feel that crime is being tackled effectively now.

Society is based on rules and laws. It could not function if individuals were free to do whatever they wanted to do.

Studies show that crime rates are lower among those with educational degrees. Therefore, the best way to reduce the crime rate is to educate criminals while they are still in prison.

Some people believe that there should be a fixed punishment for each type of crime. Others, however, argue that the circumstances of an individual crime, and the motivation for committing it, should always be taken into account when deciding on the punishment.

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The essay topics discuss work, working conditions, motivations for working and different requirements for positions.

Some people believe that professionals, such as doctors and engineers, should be required to work in the country where they did their training. Others believe they should be free to work in another country if they wish.

In marriages today, some argue that it is the responsibility of both spouses to earn a living for the family.

Nowadays, a lot of offices employ open-space designs instead of separate rooms for work.

Some people think personal happiness is directly related to economic success, while others believe this depends on other factors.

Some claim that men are naturally more competitive than women.

Some people think employers should not care about the way their employees dress, but the quality of work.

When a person spends most of his or her time working a job with little job satisfaction, their life loses meaning.

In many workplaces, online communication is now more common than face-to-face meetings.

Getting promotions is one of the biggest motivators for hard work in the modern workplace.

Why are people so driven to receive promotions?

What other factors motivate people to work hard?

In the past, most people worked for small businesses, while more people now work for large businesses.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of working for large businesses?

Employers should give their staff at least a 4-week holiday a year to make employees better at their jobs.

Some people think the increasing use of technology in the workplace is good for young people's prospects of gaining a job and harder for old people.

Directors of organizations receive higher salaries than the ordinary worker. Some people think it is necessary while others think it is unfair.

Research says more and more business training and business meetings are taking place online.

Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?

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Economy & Business

The essay questions focus on small and big businesses, growth, business success and some types of industries.

I n s ome countries, owning a home rather than renting one is very important for people.

Why might this be the case?

Do you think this is a positive or negative situation?

Click HERE for an example.

There are different methods businesses use to increase their sales.

What are the different ways companies use to increase sales?

Which one is the most effective?

The leaders of most organizations tend to be older people. However, some argue that younger people make better bosses.

Many governments think that economic progress is their most important goal. Some people, however, think that other types of progress are equally important for a country.

The governments should give each citizen a basic income so that they have enough money to live on, even if they are unemployed.

Many jobs require ongoing training and research to stay competitive in a world with rapidly evolving information and technology. Some believe that it is the responsibility of businesses to pay for this training for their staff while others feel it is up to the individual.

Some people say that individuals who make a lot of money are the most successful. Others think that those who contribute to society like scientists and teachers are more successful.

In recent times, economic growth has helped many become richer, both in developed and developing countries. However, those in developed countries are not as happy as they were in the past.

What can be learned from this?

To succeed in a business, one needs to know maths.

Some think that climate change reforms will negatively affect business. Others feel they are an opportunity for businesses.

Some feel executives in large companies should receive high salaries while others think they are paid too much compared to ordinary workers.

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