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▾ External sources (not reviewed)

esponsibility for consumer information at the industry level. ille vastuuta kuluttajille suunnatusta tiedotuksesta.
nique identifiers for genetically modified organisms and Commission Recommendation 2004/787/EC28 on technical guidance for sampling and detection of genetically modified organisms and material produced from genetically modified organisms as or in products in the context of Regulation (EC) No 1830/2003 were adopted on 14 January 2004 and 4 October 2004, respectively. ntogeenisille organismeille ja 4. lokakuuta 2004 komission suositus 2004/787/EY28 teknisistä ohjeista asetukseen (EY) N:o 1830/2003 liittyvää näytteenottoa sekä tuotteina tai tuotteissa olevien muuntogeenisten organismien ja muuntogeenisistä organismeista valmistettujen ainesten osoittamista varten.
grant, of the right to use a method of manufacture or knowledge relating to the use and to the application of industrial processes;’. käyttöoikeussopimuksen nojalla on sa teollisten tuotantomenetelmien käyttämistä ja soveltamista koskevaan tietämykseen.
allocation decisions, together with the increased possibility to transfer rights between undertakings, should increase the freedom and means to deliver electronic communications and audiovisual media services to the public, thereby also facilitating the achievement of general interest objectives. varaamista koskevissa päätöksissä sekä lisääntyneiden mahdollisuuksien siirtää oikeuksia yritysten kesken pitäisi lisätä vapautta ja keinoja toimittaa sähköisiä viestintäpalveluja ja audiovisuaalisia mediapalveluja yleisölle ja siten myös helpottaa yleisen edun mukaisten tavoitteiden saavuttamista.
. .
hall be deemed to continue to produce its effects beyond the moment at which, by virtue of Article 3 (1) and (2) in their version before amendment by Directive [// insert: Nr. of this amending directive], the performer and the phonogram producer would be no longer protected in regard of, respectively, the fixation of the performance and the phonogram. nsa esityksensä tallenteeseen äänitteiden tuottajalle, jäljempänä ’siirto- katsotaan olevan voimassa myös sen ajankohdan jälkeen, jona esittäjä ja äänitteiden tuottaja menettäisivät 3 artiklan 1 ja 2 kohdan nojalla, sellaisina kuin ne olivat ennen niiden muuttamista direktiivillä [// lisätään tämän muutosdirektiivin numero], suojan esityksen tallenteen ja äänitteen suhteen.
luding medical equipment and medicinal products.
erths and facilities for loading and unloading, based on fair competition and on commercial terms. allisin ehdoin tapahtuvaan rehelliseen kilpailuun.
he 900 MHz band to the competing mobile operators in their territory is likely to distort competition in the mobile markets concerned and should address such distortions in accordance with Article 14 of Directive 2002/20/EC.
ustomers, deals and orders, the submission of concerted bids in response to certain invitations to tender and the exchange of individualised information.
pectrum and granting rights of use for radio frequencies. täjille ja myönnetään radiotaajuuksien käyttöoikeuksia.
he other country, to have their normal residence in Greece, irrespective of whether they have transferred their personal and occupational ties to the other country? itä, ovatko he siirtäneet toiseen maahan henkilökohtaiset ja ammatilliset siteensä?
vedala's distribution contract with a third party in Portugal.
charge) which apply in different jurisdictions. tys [charge]) ja sen realisoimiseen.
laims which has been granted by a liquidator appointed in insolvency proceedings and the subjectmatter of which is the right to have a transaction set aside that the liquidator derives from the national law applicable to those proceedings is covered by the concept of civil and commercial matters within the meaning of that provision.
Such information shall include a report on omen and men to the various duties and an overview of the classification of the duties of women and men, their pay and pay differentials and possible measures to improve the situation in cooperation with employees" representatives. Näiden tietojen tulee sisältää selvi miesten sijoittumisesta eri tehtäviin sekä kartoitus naisten ja miesten tehtävien luokituksesta, palkoista ja palkkaeroista sekä mahdollisia toimenpiteitä tilanteen parantamiseksi yhteistyössä työntekijöiden edustajien kanssa.
ract, even if it claims to enjoy full rights and protection in Romania.
h can range from three months to five years under the contract agent contract in accordance with the conditions of employment of other servants of the European Union (OJ L 56, 4.3.1968) (1 ) and the EMA's general implementing provisions on the procedures governing the engagement and the use of contract staff at the EMA.
er must be produced confirming that the third-country national is transferred to the host entity and specifying the remuneration.
  eria and processes shall be periodically reviewed to determine whether they remain appropriate for the current portfolio and external conditions.    Luokituskriteerejä ja -prosesseja on tarkasteltava säännöllisesti, jotta voidaan varmistaa niiden asianmukaisuus suhteessa nykyiseen salkkuun ja ulkoisiin olosuhteisiin.
Where a substance or preparation is classified by both UN/ADR and risk phase R2 or R3, the UN/ADR classification shall take precedence isk phrases. Jos aine tai valmiste on luokiteltu sekä UN-ADR-luokitusjärjestelmän mukaisesti että vaaralausekkeella R2 tai R3, UN-ADR-luokitus on asetettava etusijalle vaaralausekkeilla luokitteluun nähden.
They shall ensure that the allocation adio spectrum by national regulatory authorities is based on objective, transparent, non-discriminatory and proportionate criteria, and complies with the objectives set out in Article 7, taking into account the democratic, social, linguistic and cultural interests related to the use of the frequencies . Jäsenvaltioiden on varmistettava, että kansalliset sääntelyviranomaiset noudattavat radiotaajuuksia varatessa töön osoittaessaan puolueettomia, selkeitä, syrjimättömiä ja oikein suhteutettuja perusteita 7 artiklassa esitettyjen tavoitteiden mukaisesti, ottaen huomioon demokraattiset, sosiaaliset, kielelliset ja kulttuuriset edut, jotka liittyvät taajuuksien käyttöön .
erths and facilities for loading and unloading.
   Exposures in the form of CIUs for which a credit assessment by a nominated ECAI is available shall be assigned a risk weight according to Table 8,in accordance with he competent authorities of the credit assessments of eligible ECAIs to six steps in a credit quality assessment scale.    Osuuksiin yhteissijoitusyrityksissä, joista on käytettävissä valitun luottoluokituslaitoksen antama luottoluokitus, on sovellettava taulukon 8 mukaista riskipainoa sen mukaan kuin toimivaltaiset viranomaiset ovat jakaneet hyväksyttyjen luokituslaitosten luottoluokitukset kuuteen luottoluokkaan luoton laadun arviointiasteikolla.
the credit institution shall assess the correlation among the quality of the purchased receivables and the financial condition of both the seller and servicer, and have in place internal policies and procedures that provide adequate safeguards to protect against any contingencies, including n internal risk rating for each seller and servicer luottolaitoksen on arvioitava ostettujen saamisten laadun ja myyjän sekä hallinnoijan taloudellisen aseman välistä korrelaatiota; sillä on oltava sisäiset käytänteet ja menettelyt, jotka tarjoavat asianmukaisen suojan näiden epävarmuustekijöiden varalta mukaan lukien sisäisen riskiluokituksen laatiminen kullek hallinnoijalle
Member States shall ensure that 25 to 8,33 kHz conversions are made respecting the ICAO frequency planning criteria described in Part II —‘VHF Air-Ground Communications Frequ ning Criteria’ of the EUR Frequency Management Manual — ICAO EUR Doc 011 (2005). Jäsenvaltioiden on varmistettava, että muutokset 25 kHz:n kanavavälistä 8,33 kHz:n kanavaväliin tehdään noudattaen ICAO:n taajuussuunnittelukriteerejä, jotka on kuvattu asiakirjan ICAO EUR Doc 011 (2005) ”EUR Frequency Management Manual” osassa II ”VHF Air-Ground Communications Frequency Assignment Planning Criteria”.
   For grade and pool assignments credit institutions shall document the situations in which human judgement may override the inputs or outputs of ess and the personnel responsible for approving these overrides.    Luottolaitosten on luokkiin tai ryhmiin jakamisen yhteydessä laadittava asiakirjat tilanteista, joissa asiantuntija-arviot saattavat syrjäyttää luokitusprosessin panokset tai tuotokset, ja ilmoitettava henkilöt, jotka ovat vastuussa kyseisten poikkeusten hyväksymisestä.
European Commission Directorate General Environment, Service Contract Ship Emissi tement and Market-based Instruments, Task 2a – Shore-Side Electricity, August 2005, http://ec.europa.eu/environment/air/pdf/task2_sho reside.pdf. The cost analysis is carried out for the three ports of Gothenburg (Sweden), Juneau and Long Beach (USA). Euroopan komission ympäristöasioiden pääosaston elokuussa 2005 laatima raportti ”Service Contract Ship Emissions: Assignment, Abatement and Market-based Instruments, Task 2a – Shore-Side Electricity” http://ec.europa.eu/environment/air/pdf/task2_sho reside.pdf. Kustannusanalyysi tehdään seuraavista kolmesta satamasta: Göteborg (Ruotsi) sekä Juneau ja Long Beach (Yhdysvallat).
At its meeting of 19 and 20 March 2007, the JURI Committee, to which the matter had been referred under Rule 4(5), had concluded that compatible with the letter and spirit of the Act concerning the election of representatives of the European Parliament by direct universal suffrage and that as a result it was not incompatible with the office of Member of the European Parliament. Jan Zahradil could therefore continue to carry out his mandate as an MEP. Oikeudellisten asioiden valiokunta, jolta on työjärjestyksen 4 artiklan 5 kohdan mukaisesti pyydetty lausuntoa, on 19. ja 20. maaliskuuta 2007 pitämässään kokouksessa tullut siihen johtopäätökseen, että kyseinen tehtävä on jäsenten valitsemisesta Euroopan parlamenttiin yleisillä, välittömillä vaaleilla annetun säädöksen kirjaimen ja hengen mukainen ja että näin ollen Jan Zahradil in tehtävät eivät ole keskenään yhteensopimattomia ja hän voi jatkaa Euroopan parlamentin jäsenen tehtävässä.
  • This is not a good example for the translation above.
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Sanan assignment käännös englanti-suomi

  • tehtävä Jäsenelle uskottu tehtävä : ks. pöytäkirja Assignment conferred on a Member: see Minutes Yhdistyneillä Kansakunnilla on Kongossa kiireellisempi tehtävä kuin Irakissa. The United Nations has a more urgent assignment here than in Iraq. Demokratia on valtavan haasteellinen tehtävä , jossa yksilölle annetaan erittäin suuri vapaus. Democracy is a highly challenging assignment , which allows a person great freedom.
  • toimeksianto Termille " toimeksianto " ehdotettu määritelmä on paljon tarkempi. The definition proposed for the term ' assignment ' is far more accurate.
  • arvon asetus
  • harjoitustehtävä
  • luokitus Nostoväen II luokkaan kuului siis luokitukseltaan kahdenlaisia miehiä, ensiksi kaikki C-Iuokan miehet ja lisäksi vielä ne B-luokkaan kuuluvat, joita ei ollut määrätty vakinaiseen palvelukseen.
  • luovutuskirja
  • oikeuden luovutus
  • sijoitus Muutettaessa huonekalujen sijoitus on joskus pulmallista. Tässä sisustuksessa kalusteiden sijoitus on kohdallaan. Mielestäni oli oikea hetki tehdä sijoitus .
  • toimeksianto työnjako

Sanan assignment määritelmät

  • The act of assigning ; the allocation of a job or a set of task s
  • The categorization of something as belonging to a specific category
  • An assigned task
  • A position to which someone is assigned
  • A task given to students, such as homework or coursework
  • A transfer of a right or benefit from one person to another
  • A document that effects this transfer
  • An operation that assigns a value to a variable
  • This flow chart represents the assignment of tasks in our committee.
  • We should not condone the assignment of asylum seekers to that of people smugglers.
  • The assignment the department gave him proved to be quite challenging.
  • Unbeknownst to Mr Smith, his new assignment was in fact a demotion.
  • Mrs Smith gave out our assignments , and said we had to finish them by Monday.
  • The assignment of the lease has not been finalised yet.
  • Once you receive the assignment in the post, be sure to sign it and send it back as soon as possible.

Kokeile myös

  • assignment of guilt
  • sex reassignment surgery
  • gender reassignment
  • sex reassignment

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Lause esiintyy käänteisessä sanakirjassa.

assignment sisään suomi

Käännös sanasta "assignment" kielelle englanti

Esimerkki käännetystä lauseesta: Kansainvälisen televiestintäliiton suositus ITU-R M.585 ”Assignment and use of identities in the maritime mobile service”, 2015 ↔ Recommendation by the International Telecommunication Union ITU-R M.585 ‘Assignment and use of identities in the maritime mobile service’, 2015

"assignment" sanakirjassa suomi - englanti

Tällä hetkellä meillä ei ole käännöksiä sanalle assignment sanakirjassa, ehkä voit lisätä sellaisen? Muista tarkistaa automaattinen käännös, käännösmuisti tai epäsuorat käännökset.

Käännökset sanasta "assignment" kielelle englanti kontekstissa, käännösmuisti


  • assignment s
  • assignment operator
  • assignment operators

assignment (suomeksi)

  • tehtävä ( s : task / position / task given to students)
  • toimeksianto ( s : act of assigning; allocation of tasks / toimeksianto / act of assigning / task)
  • sijoitus ( s : ohjelmointi)
  • arvon asetus ( s : operation that assigns a value to a variable)
  • työnjako ( s : act of assigning; allocation of tasks / toimeksiantotyönjako / allocation)
  • luokitus ( s : categorization)
  • harjoitustehtävä ( s : task given to students)
  • oikeuden luovutus ( s : transfer)
  • luovutuskirja ( s : document that effects this transfer)

Tietoa   Lataa Suomienglantisanakirja.fi-sovellus Androidille   Suomi-englanti sanakirja © 2009-2023

manager englannista suomeksi

manageri, joukkueenjohtaja


Manager englanniksi.

A person whose job is to manage something, such as a business, a restaurant, or a sports team.

(quote-web) celebrated the 100th anniversary of the birth of their legendary Scottish manager (w) .

The coach .

An administrator , for a singer or group. (rfex)

A window or application whose purpose is to give the user the control over some aspect of the system.

A manager , someone in management .

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  • Small Business

Why Project Management Is the Secret Weapon for Small Business Efficiency

Published on June 18, 2024

Kristi Waterworth

By: Kristi Waterworth

  • Project management comes in the form of project managers and project management software.
  • Combined, these two types of assets can ensure that a project is efficient from design to delivery.
  • The right project management software makes it possible for a project manager to keep close tabs on all the moving parts of the project.

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Throughout my career, I've worn a lot of hats, but one that I am particularly proud of is being a project manager for a copywriting firm. I ran the teams, I assigned the workload, and, sometimes, I ate the pavement when a project slipped sideways. It was a challenge in every sense of the word, but it also was a job that brought considerable value to the small business I worked for, and I believe my work made us more efficient and productive. Here are some of the things I learned in that role.

What does a project manager do at a small business?

Current top project management software options.

Below are some of our current top picks for project management software that combine value for the cost, combined with the features we consider essential for running your business's project management needs.

A project manager is your efficiency secret weapon

Not every business that runs projects has a project manager or project management tools , and you can often tell. Sometimes it's evident in a lack of cohesion of the end product, which your project manager is there to provide, and sometimes it's evident in a lack of on-time deliverables. Small business owners often choose to go it alone, and armed with the right software bundle and well-designed project management tools, they may themselves become the project's manager.

A project manager's job is efficiency and problem solving, through every step of the process of creating some kind of deliverable. It doesn't matter if it's a house, a website, or a software package -- your project manager's goals will be improving efficiency in these areas.

Task design

Your PM knows your team better than anyone, I can promise you that. If they are tasked with choosing how to break projects down into tasks, they're going to do this with the team's strengths and weaknesses in mind so later they don't have to find a way to fix a problem that could have been avoided.

Task assignment

Your team has different strengths, and your PM knows it. That's why they will give the tasks best suited to the person with the right skills. This is an efficiency of its own, since you won't waste time trying to assign work that's obviously best for a particular person on the team.

Deadline compliance

There are always bumps along the road, and that means deadlines are easy to miss and hard to adhere to. A PM's job is to deliver their projects on time. That's why they work behind the scenes to check on progress and ensure that each part of the puzzle is moved to the right next party in a timely manner or reassigned to someone who can deliver the item before the next round of deadlines.

Quality control and product cohesion

Not all PMs are involved in quality control, but they should be at some level at a small business. This is a vital part of the job that gives your project the professional polish that will help you earn more market share over time. By implementing gatekeepers who are tasked with making the project shine according to written standards, your project manager ensures that clients aren't coming back asking about inconsistencies.

Project managers and project management tools

Of course, no project manager can be a success without project management tools. These software packages make it possible for the project manager to see all the moving parts of a project at a glance. This is where they get a lot of their intel about how a project is doing, especially one with several teams or levels of handling involved.

When you have multiple levels in a project, such as a copywriting firm that also has editorial staff and SEO experts on hand, you have to know where all those pieces are. Plus, you need to know where they should be and who has them at any given moment. In a busy environment, that's impossible without excellent project management software.

Project management is the key to turning a project that kind of works into one that has consistent professional shine, as well as one that meets its deadlines. That's just as important as the rest. A perfect project is useless if it's three weeks too late. With good project management, both in the form of human assets and software assets, your small business can be unstoppable.

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Our Research Expert

Kristi Waterworth

Kristi Waterworth is a financial journalist located in the Missouri Ozarks. When she’s not writing about real estate or personal finance, she’s committing shenanigans with her four dogs.

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Vaihda kielet

The word was found in these languages:



  • one to whom a thing is assigned
  • (legal) one to whom rights or property is being transferred
  • one who is appointed to act or speak in place of another; an agent


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Total number of words 13 831 799. Total number of translations 7 172 776.

The text and audio files on this page are available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike license. Show sources .


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  1. assignment manager

    Each assignment involves at least one manager, whilst most assignments involve several. eur-lex.europa.eu. eur-lex.europa.eu. Jo ...

  2. assignment suomeksi

    The categorization of something as belonging to a specific category. An assigned task. A position to which someone is assigned. (education) A task given to students, such as homework or coursework. (legal) A transfer of something from one person to another, especially property, or a claim or right. (legal) A document that effects this transfer.


    assist. assistance. assistant. assistant manager. assistant municipal manager. assistant police inspector. assistant referee. In the English-Tswana dictionary you will find more translations. Translation for 'assignment' in the free English-Finnish dictionary and many other Finnish translations.

  4. assignment

    Many translated example sentences containing "assignment" - Finnish-English dictionary and search engine for Finnish translations.

  5. assignment

    europarl.europa.eu. Monia käännettyjä esimerkkilauseita, jotka sisältävät "assignment" - suomi-englanti-sanakirja ja hakukone suomen käännöksille.

  6. assignment

    The categorization of something as belonging to a specific category. We should not condone the assignment of asylum seekers to that of people smugglers. An assigned task. The assignment the department gave him proved to be quite challenging. A position to which someone is assigned.

  7. assign in Finnish

    Translation of "assign" into Finnish . nimittää, määrätä, luovuttaa are the top translations of "assign" into Finnish. Sample translated sentence: As the applicants correctly claim, an assignment of a right cannot be presumed. ↔ Kuten kantajat aivan oikein toteavat, oikeuden luovutus ei nimittäin voi perustua olettamaan.

  8. ASSIGNMENT englannista suomeksi

    Sanan assignment määritelmät. The act of assigning; the allocation of a job or a set of task s. The categorization of something as belonging to a specific category. An assigned task. A position to which someone is assigned. A task given to students, such as homework or coursework. A transfer of a right or benefit from one person to another.

  9. assignment suomeksi ja englanniksi

    assignment englanniksi. The act of assigning; the allocation of a job or a set of tasks. (ux) The categorization of something as belonging to a specific category. The categorization of persons as belonging to the male or female sex. An assigned task. A position to which someone is assigned. (senseid) A task given to students, such as homework ...

  10. Käännös 'assignment'

    Käännös sanasta "assignment" kielelle englanti . Esimerkki käännetystä lauseesta: Kansainvälisen televiestintäliiton suositus ITU-R M.585 "Assignment and use of identities in the maritime mobile service", 2015 ↔ Recommendation by the International Telecommunication Union ITU-R M.585 'Assignment and use of identities in the maritime mobile service', 2015


    Käännös sanalle 'assistant manager' ilmaisessa englanti-suomi-sanakirjassa, ja monia muita suomenkielisiä käännöksiä.

  12. assign suomeksi

    Määritelmät. Verbit. (transitive) To designate or set apart something for some purpose. (transitive) To appoint or select someone for some office. (transitive) To allot or give something as a task. (transitive) To attribute or sort something into categories. (transitive, legal) To transfer property, a legal right, etc., from one person to ...

  13. assignment suomeksi

    assignment (suomeksi) tehtävä ( s: task / position / task given to students) toimeksianto ( s: act of assigning; allocation of tasks / toimeksianto / act of assigning / task) sijoitus ( s: ohjelmointi) arvon asetus ( s: operation that assigns a value to a variable) työnjako ( s: act of assigning; allocation of tasks / toimeksiantotyönjako ...


    assistant manager. assistant municipal manager. assistant police inspector. assistant referee. Vieläkin enemmän käännöksiä bab.la:n Suomi-englanti sanakirjassa. Käännös sanalle 'assignment' ilmaisessa englanti-suomi-sanakirjassa, ja monia muita suomenkielisiä käännöksiä.

  15. work assignment suomeksi

    Sanoja yhteensä 7 800 121.Käännöksiä yhteensä 7 172 779.. Tämän sivun teksti ja äänitiedostot ovat käytettävissä Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike ...

  16. manager suomeksi ja englanniksi

    manager englannista suomeksi. päällikkö. manageri, joukkueenjohtaja. Substantiivi; johtaja. manageri. hallinta. manager englanniksi. A person whose job is to manage something, such as a business, a restaurant, or a sports team. (syn) (quote-web) celebrated the 100th anniversary of the birth of their legendary Scottish manager (w). The coach.

  17. management suomeksi

    Määritelmät. Substantiivit. (uncountable, management) Administration; the process or practice of managing. (management) The executives of an organisation, especially senior executives. (uncountable) Judicious use of means to accomplish an end.


    assistance. assistant. assistant manager. assistant municipal manager. assistant police inspector. assistant referee. assisted suicide. Suomi-englanti sanakirjasta löydät lisää käännöksiä. Käännös sanalle 'assignments' ilmaisessa englanti-suomi-sanakirjassa, ja monia muita suomenkielisiä käännöksiä.

  19. assignment manager -Svensk översättning

    The national frequency manager shall register each assignment in the central register by including the following information . eur-lex.europa.eu. eur-lex.europa.eu. De nationella frekvensförvaltarna ska registrera varje tilldelning i det centrala registret och då ta med följande uppgifter .

  20. Why Project Management Is the Secret Weapon for Small Business Efficiency

    Project manager is a title that can have a bit of play in it, especially at a small business, but for the most part, a project manager for a small business assign tasks to the team, answers ...

  21. manager suomeksi

    Määritelmät. (management) A person whose job is to manage something, such as a business, a restaurant, or a sports team. (baseball) The head coach. (music) An administrator, for a singer or group. (computer software) A window or application whose purpose is to give the user the control over some aspect of the software.

  22. assistant manager suomeksi

    Sanoja yhteensä 7 800 121.Käännöksiä yhteensä 7 172 570.. Tämän sivun teksti ja äänitiedostot ovat käytettävissä Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike ...

  23. assignee suomeksi

    Substantiivit. one to whom a thing is assigned. (legal) one to whom rights or property is being transferred. one who is appointed to act or speak in place of another; an agent.