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Job Application Letter Format and Writing Tips

a format of writing an application letter

  • Tips for Writing an Application Letter

Job Application Letter Format

Job application letter template, job application letter example.

  • Job Application Email Example

A job application letter (also known as a cover letter) is a letter you send with your resume to provide information on your skills and experience. This letter is your chance to “sell” yourself to an employer, explaining why you are an ideal candidate for a position.

When you write your job application letter, it’s essential to pay close attention to formatting . There’s a right way to format a cover letter; deviate from the standard guidelines and hiring managers may drop you from consideration.

In fact, anything that makes your job application letter appear less than professional can prevent hiring managers from taking you seriously as a candidate. Make sure your cover letter is formatted properly and is free from errors before you send. 

Tips for Writing a Job Application Letter

Do not copy your resume. A cover letter is a sales pitch. The purpose of this letter is to convince the hiring manager that you’re a strong candidate and to highlight your relevant experience and abilities. Your application letter should show how exactly your background makes you a good fit for a particular position. In contrast, your resume is a general record of your experience, education, and accomplishments.

Tailor each application letter to the job. As mentioned above, emphasize in your letter why you are an ideal candidate for the specific job. This requires that you personalize each letter to fit the company and position. Match your qualifications to the job posting by highlighting the skills, experience, and requirements listed in the description.

Be professional. Application letters have a fairly rigid format—as hiring managers read your letter, they will expect to see certain information included in set areas. You have freedom within the structure to be personable, but it is important to stick to a certain level of formality. Pay particular attention to the professionalism of your salutation . You wouldn't, for instance, want to refer to the letter's recipient by their first name unless specifically requested.

Carefully proofread. Employers are likely to overlook an application with a lot of errors. Therefore, read through your cover letter, and even consider asking a friend or career counselor to read the letter. Proofread for grammar and spelling errors. Be particularly mindful to spell the letter recipient's name correctly, as well as the company name.

Follow business letter format. Use business letter format when writing your letter. If you’re sending a typed hard-copy letter, be sure to lead with a paragraph containing your address, followed by the date, followed by the address of the recipient. If you’re sending an email, you can omit the address and date sections.  

Decide whether to send a hard copy or email. The main difference in formatting an email application letter is that you need to include a subject line that clearly lays out your purpose for writing, e.g. “Graphic Designer—Joe Smith.” And, instead of placing your contact information at the top of the letter, as you would in a hard copy, you'll include it below your signature.

Since your application letter will be accompanied by your resume, make sure the letter does not duplicate your resume exactly.

Use this formatting information as a guideline when writing your customized application letters , so you know what information goes where.  

Contact Information Name Address City, State Zip Code Phone Number Email Address

Employer Contact Information (if you have it) Name Title Company Address City, State Zip Code

Salutation Dear Mr./Ms. Last Name, (leave out if you don't have a contact)

Body of Application Letter The body of your application letter lets the employer know what position you are applying for, why the employer should select you for an interview, and how you will follow up. See below for a paragraph-by-paragraph breakdown of the body of the letter.

First Paragraph The  first paragraph  of your letter should include information on why you are writing. Mention the job you are applying for and where you found the job listing. Include the name of a mutual contact, if you have one. You might conclude by briefly and concisely saying why you think you are an ideal candidate for the job.

Middle Paragraph(s) The next section of your application letter should describe what you have to offer the employer.

It can be a single paragraph, or you can break it up into a couple of paragraphs. If the section gets lengthy, you may use bullet points to break up the text. Remember, you are interpreting your resume, not repeating it.

Mention specifically how  your qualifications match the job  you are applying for. In this portion of the letter, make your case for your candidacy.

It can be helpful to spend some time researching the company —this knowledge and insight helps you make an informed and persuasive argument for your candidacy.

Use specific examples whenever possible. For example, if you say that you have lots of experience working successfully on team projects, provide an example of a time you worked in a group and achieved success.

Final Paragraph Conclude your application letter by thanking the employer for considering you for the position. Include information on how you will follow up.

Complimentary Close (examples)

Signature (for a hard copy letter)

Typed Signature

Download the job application letter template (compatible with Google Docs and Word Online) or see below for more examples.

Melissa Brown 11 South Street Harbor View, Maine 04005 555-555-5555 melissa.brown@email.com

July 14, 2021

Jason Rivera Human Resources Director Avery Solutions, Inc. 700 Commerce Way Harbor View, Maine 04005

Dear Mr. Rivera,

I was excited when my former colleague, Stephanie Taylor, told me that you were hiring for a Human Resources Specialist at Avery Solutions.

Stephanie has told me how important teamwork is to your group at Avery, and how much you need an HR Specialist who can fit in with the department and hit the ground running on day one. I believe that I am the ideal candidate for your team.

In my current job at Smith Group, I created and run our onboarding program, including organizing background checks and new hire orientation. I also have extensive experience in:

  • Data reporting/data entry on HRIS software
  • Recruiting and hiring processes, including creating job descriptions and postings, screening resumes, and scheduling interviews
  • Producing company events, such as the annual company-wide picnic (100+ employees from across the country)

I’d love to speak with you about my qualifications and what I can do for your team. I’ve attached my resume for your consideration. Please don’t hesitate to contact me on my cell at 555-555-5555 with questions or to arrange an interview.

Best regards,

Signature (hard copy letter)

Melissa Brown

Job Application Email Example 

Subject Line: George Woo – Editorial Assistant

Dear Ms. Cortez,

I was excited when Ada Wilson told me that you were looking for an editorial assistant with a background in rights and research and a passion for digital media. She suggested that I throw my hat in the ring, and I’d love the opportunity to tell you more about what I can offer your team.

I’ve interned for Ada’s team for the past three summers, developing extensive experience with the rights and research process. Last year, I was instrumental in securing the rights to include Sara Frey’s poems in our digital anthology – a first for an online publisher, according to Ms. Frey’s estate.

I also have:

  • Expertise with most popular content management systems, including WordPress
  • Analytics knowledge, including expert-level facility with Google Analytics
  • A strong work ethic and commitment to meeting deadlines

I hope you’ll reach out at your convenience to tell me more about your team’s goals and needs for the coming year. You can reach me on my cell at 555-123-4567 or via email at George.Woo@email.com.

How to Get Your Application Noticed

Don’t copy your resume: Your job application letter is a sales pitch. Don’t regurgitate your resume; instead, use this document to sell the hiring manager on your skills.

Tailor your application letter to the job: Match your skills and qualifications to the job description, highlighting those that make you an ideal candidate.

Be professional: Use business letter format and be sure to proofread your letter before you send.

CareerOneStop. " How Do I Write a Cover Letter ?" Accessed July 14, 2021.

CareerOneStop. " Write Effective Cover Letters ." Accessed July 14, 2021.

Purdue University. " Writing the Basic Business Letter ." Accessed July 14, 2021.


  • Career Blog

Writing a Winning Job Application Letter: Tips and Examples

a format of writing an application letter

A job application letter, also known as a cover letter, is a formal letter that accompanies your resume and introduces you to a potential employer. The purpose of a job application letter is to highlight your qualifications, experience, and skills that make you the perfect candidate for the job. It also helps employers understand your personality, work ethic, and how you plan to contribute to their organization.

Importance of Customization

One of the key factors that can make or break your job application letter is how well you customize it to the specific job you are applying for. Employers want to see that you have taken the time to research their company and understand what they are looking for in a candidate. Customizing your letter also shows that you are genuinely interested in the job and that you are willing to put in the extra effort to stand out from other applicants.

Brief Overview of Key Sections

While job application letters can vary slightly depending on the job and industry, they typically contain four key sections:

Introduction: This section should include a brief introduction, the job you are applying for, and how you found out about it.

Qualifications: In this section, you should discuss your qualifications and experience that make you a good fit for the job. Be sure to tailor this section to the specific job requirements to show that you have the skills they are looking for.

Skills: Here, you should highlight your relevant skills and how they apply to the job. Use examples from your past experiences to demonstrate your proficiency in each skill.

Closing: The closing paragraph should thank the employer for considering your application and provide contact information for them to reach you.

In this article, we will dive into each of these sections in more detail and provide tips and examples to help you write a winning job application letter.

Understand the Job Requirements

To write a winning job application letter, it is important to thoroughly understand the job requirements. This involves analyzing the job description and understanding the needs of the employer, as well as tailoring your letter to attract the specific employer.

A. Analyzing the Job Description

The job description provides you with valuable information about the position you are applying for. It outlines the required skills, qualifications, and responsibilities of the job. By analyzing the job description, you can determine if the role is a good fit for your experience and qualifications.

When analyzing the job description, it is important to pay attention to key phrases and requirements mentioned. These can give you insight into the priorities of the employer and allow you to tailor your application to meet those priorities.

B. Understanding the Needs of the Employer

To write a winning job application letter, it is also essential to understand the needs of the employer. This means researching the company and the industry to get a better understanding of the company culture, mission, and values. It also means understanding the desired outcome of the position and how you can address the employer’s needs.

One way to convey your understanding of the employer’s needs is to highlight relevant accomplishments in your application letter. By showing how you have successfully addressed similar challenges in the past, you can demonstrate your potential value to the employer.

C. Tailoring the Letter to Attract Specific Employer

Finally, to write a winning job application letter, it is important to tailor your letter to attract the specific employer. This means using language and examples that relate to the specific company and its values. It also means customizing your application letter to the specific job and its requirements.

To tailor your letter, take the time to research the company and its values. This can involve reviewing their website, social media, and other online resources. By addressing the specific needs and values of the employer, you can show that you are invested in the position and the company.

To write a winning job application letter, it is important to understand the job requirements, analyze the job description, understand the needs of the employer, and tailor the letter to attract the specific employer. By doing so, you can craft an application that stands out from the competition and showcases your value as a candidate.

Research the Company and Industry

Before writing your job application letter, it’s important to research the company and industry thoroughly to increase your chances of writing a winning letter. Here are three key areas to focus on:

A. Understanding the Mission, Vision, and Values of the Company

Make sure you take the time to research the company’s mission, vision, and values. This will help you understand the company’s goals and the qualities they look for in employees. You can find this information on the company’s website, social media pages or company annual report.

Incorporate the values and mission statement of the company into your job application letter. This highlights your alignment with the company culture, and how your beliefs and goals match that of the organization’s.

B. Identifying the Company’s Competition

Once you have an understanding of the company, you need to identify the company’s competition. Knowing who the competitors are can help you understand the industry as well as the company’s market share position.

List the company’s competitors in your job application letter and briefly explain how you see the company’s strengths overcoming the competitors’ weaknesses.

C. Industry Trends and How to Address Them

The final area to focus on when researching the company and industry is identifying current industry trends and how these trends may impact the company’s future. Use reputable sources to gather trends and predictions about the industry. This will also show the recruiter that you are not only familiar with their industry, but are engaging in informed discussion and contributing to innovative solutions.

Incorporate industry trends into your job application letter and showcase the ideas and innovations you bring, how leveraging them can enhance the company’s position and how you can contribute to any current and future challenges, for which the potential employer has yet to find a solution.

By researching and incorporating the above areas into your job application letter, you demonstrate a genuine interest in the organization and showcase clear understanding, innovative thought and how your expertise can improve the company’s performance.

Know Your Strengths and Skills

When writing a job application letter, it’s crucial to understand your unique selling proposition, relevant experience, and transferrable skills. This information will help you stand out from the other applicants and potentially land the job of your dreams.

A. Identifying Your Unique Selling Proposition

Your unique selling proposition (USP) is what sets you apart from the other candidates. It could be a specific skill, experience or personality trait that aligns with the company’s values and job requirements. Start by analyzing the job description and researching the company culture to identify what makes you an ideal candidate for the role.

Once you have identified your USP, use it as the main selling point in your job application letter. Highlight your strengths and skills and explain how they align with the job requirements and the company’s values. This will show the hiring manager that you are not just another candidate, but someone who has something valuable to offer.

B. Highlighting Your Relevant Experience and Accomplishments

Your work experience and achievements are essential in demonstrating your abilities and suitability for the job. When crafting your job application letter, focus on highlighting your relevant experience and accomplishments. Use specific examples to demonstrate how you have contributed in previous roles and how those skills could be applied to the new role you are applying for.

Be sure to use metrics whenever possible as numbers are a great way to showcase your achievements. For example, if you were able to increase sales revenue by 20% in your previous role, mention it in your letter. This will give the hiring manager a clear understanding of your capabilities and how they align with the job requirements.

C. Understanding How to Leverage Transferrable Skills

Transferrable skills are those abilities that you have gained from your previous experiences that are not necessarily related to the job you are applying for. They can be valuable in demonstrating your adaptability and ability to learn quickly.

When discussing your transferrable skills in your job application letter, highlight how they could be applied to the new role you are applying for. For example, if you have strong communication skills, explain how you could use that to effectively collaborate with team members and clients.

By understanding and leveraging your unique selling proposition, relevant experience and accomplishments, and transferrable skills, you can write a job application letter that stands out from the crowd. Remember to tailor your letter to the job requirements and company culture to increase your chances of success.

Address Gaps in Your Resume or Experience

When applying for a job, it’s important to consider any gaps in your resume or experience that might be a red flag for hiring managers. Addressing these gaps upfront can demonstrate your accountability and willingness to take ownership of your shortcomings.

A. Taking ownership of failings

If you have gaps in your work history or experience, don’t try to hide or make excuses for them. Instead, take ownership of any failings and show that you’re actively working to improve yourself. This could involve taking courses, pursuing certifications, or volunteering in relevant areas to gain hands-on experience.

B. Finding a workaround for unfilled requirements

Sometimes a job posting requires specific qualifications or experience that you don’t have. In these cases, it’s important to find a workaround that demonstrates your ability to still meet the employer’s needs. This could involve highlighting related experience or transferable skills that could compensate for the missing requirement. Alternatively, it might involve offering to take on additional training or work with a mentor to acquire the missing knowledge.

C. Highlighting transferable skills to counter an irrelevant job background

When applying for a job in a new industry or field, it’s common to have a background that might not seem directly relevant. However, this doesn’t necessarily mean you’re unqualified for the role. By highlighting transferable skills, such as leadership, problem-solving, or communication, you can demonstrate your ability to adapt to new situations and learn quickly.

Addressing gaps in your resume or experience is an important aspect of writing a winning job application letter. By taking ownership of your failings, finding workarounds for unfilled requirements, and highlighting transferable skills, you can position yourself as a strong candidate and increase your chances of landing the job you want.

Crafting an Attention-grabbing Opening Paragraph

In the competitive job market, first impressions matter. The opening paragraph of your job application letter is your opportunity to make a positive and lasting impression on potential employers. In this section, we’ll explore the importance of crafting an attention-grabbing opening paragraph and provide tips and examples on how to do so.

A. Importance of First Impressions

Studies show that it takes less than 30 seconds for a recruiter or hiring manager to form an initial impression of a job candidate. This means that your opening paragraph is a critical component of your job application letter. Your goal is to capture the employer’s interest and convince them to continue reading.

B. Creative and Engaging Opening Lines

One effective way to capture the employer’s attention is by starting your letter with a creative and engaging opening line. This can be a quote, a personal story, a relevant statistic, or a bold statement. The key is to be authentic and genuine while still standing out from other applicants.

C. Strategies for Catching the Employer’s Attention

Beyond the opening line, there are several strategies you can use to further capture the employer’s attention. These include highlighting relevant skills and experience, demonstrating enthusiasm for the position and company, and connecting your qualifications to the job requirements.

By following these tips and examples, you can craft an attention-grabbing opening paragraph that sets you apart from the competition and piques the employer’s interest.

Highlighting Your Accomplishments

When it comes to writing a winning job application letter, highlighting your accomplishments is crucial. This allows potential employers to see the proven results that you can bring to their organization. Here are a few tips on how to effectively highlight your accomplishments:

A. Demonstrating Achievements in Previous Roles

One of the most effective ways to demonstrate your achievements is by highlighting your accomplishments in your previous roles. This shows that you have a track record of success and can bring that success to your next job. When highlighting your achievements, make sure to focus on results, not just responsibilities. Instead of stating that you managed a team, highlight the specific results that you achieved as a team leader.

For example, instead of saying, “Managed a team of 10 employees,” you could say, “Led a team of 10 employees to achieve a 25% increase in sales within the first quarter.” This shows the impact you had in your previous role and gives potential employers an idea of what you can achieve in their organization.

B. Using Data to Support Accomplishments

Using data to support your accomplishments is a powerful way to illustrate the impact you had in your previous roles. This could include data such as sales figures, customer satisfaction ratings, or employee retention rates. When using data, make sure to include specific numbers and percentages.

For example, instead of saying, “Improved customer satisfaction,” you could say, “Increased customer satisfaction ratings by 15% through implementing a new customer service training program.” This demonstrates the impact you had on the organization and the value you can bring to a potential employer.

C. Highlighting Relevant Certifications and Awards

Another way to highlight your accomplishments is by showcasing any relevant certifications or awards you have received. This shows that you have taken the time to invest in your professional development and have been recognized for your achievements.

When highlighting certifications and awards, make sure to explain why they are relevant to the job you are applying for. For example, if you are applying for a marketing position, highlighting your Google Analytics certification would be relevant as it demonstrates your analytics skills.

Highlighting your accomplishments is a crucial part of writing a winning job application letter. By demonstrating your achievements in previous roles, using data to support your accomplishments, and highlighting relevant certifications and awards, you can show potential employers the value you can bring to their organization.

Showcasing Your Writing Skills

When it comes to writing a winning job application letter, showcasing your exceptional writing skills is crucial to increase your chances of getting hired. Employers often look for applicants who have a way with words, can express themselves clearly, and can craft compelling content that leaves a lasting impression. Here are several ways to showcase your writing skills:

A. Highlighting experience in writing

One of the most effective ways to showcase your writing skills is to highlight your experience as a writer. This can include previous work experience in writing-related fields such as journalism, marketing, or content creation. If you have a writing degree, mention it. You can also share published articles or blog posts that you have written to demonstrate your skills in action. Highlighting relevant experience shows that you have the skills needed to excel in the role you are applying for.

B. Incorporating keywords

Incorporating keywords relevant to the job posting can also help showcase your writing skills. Employers often use applicant tracking systems (ATS) to scan resumes and cover letters for specific keywords related to the position. By including these keywords, you can increase your chances of getting past the initial screening process and showcase your understanding of industry-specific language.

C. Proper grammar, spelling, and tone

Finally, it’s essential to ensure that your writing exhibits proper grammar, spelling, and tone. Errors in these areas can undercut the impact of your application letter and send the wrong message to your potential employer. Take the time to proofread your cover letter and resume carefully, and have someone else review them too. Double-check for proper punctuation, spelling errors, and that your tone fits the professional context.

Showcasing your writing skills is critical when applying for jobs, particularly those that require excellent communication skills. Highlighting relevant experience, incorporating keywords, and ensuring proper grammar, spelling, and tone are strategies that can help set you apart from other applicants and make a lasting impression on potential employers.

Using Power Words and Phrases

When writing a job application letter, it is essential to use powerful words and phrases that can help you stand out from the crowd. Here are some tips to help you select the right words:

A. Selecting Strong Action Words

Action words can help demonstrate your skills and experience effectively. Use verbs that showcase your achievements and contributions to your previous roles. For instance, rather than saying you “assisted” your team, use words such as “led,” “managed,” or “initiated” to emphasize your role in driving projects and initiatives forward.

B. Avoiding Common Clichés and Buzzwords

Although buzzwords and clichés may seem tempting, they could potentially undermine the impact of your letter. Instead of using cookie-cutter phrases like “I am a team player,” try to use specific examples to illustrate your ability to work collaboratively. Also, avoid jargon that may not be familiar to the reader and opt for straightforward language that can be easily understood.

C. Crafting Impactful and Persuasive Sentences

To make your letter more impactful and persuasive, use language that emphasizes your strengths and accomplishments. Start sentences with action words and focus on the results you have achieved. Also, be specific and illustrate your points with concrete examples that demonstrate your value to the prospective employer.

When writing your job application letter, make sure to choose powerful words that demonstrate your expertise and experience effectively. Avoid using clichés and buzzwords and instead focus on crafting persuasive and impactful sentences that showcase your strengths and contributions. By following these principles, you can create a compelling letter that increases your chances of landing the job you want.

Formatting and Presentation of Your Job Application Letter

When it comes to writing a winning job application letter, the presentation and formatting of the letter are just as important as the content. Here are some tips to ensure your letter looks professional and polished:

A. Ensure consistency in formatting

Make sure your letter has a consistent format throughout. This means using the same font and font size for the entire letter. Also, ensure that the margins and spacing are consistent from beginning to end.

B. Proper use of fonts, margins, and spacing

Use a standard font like Times New Roman or Arial, in a legible size (such as 11pt or 12pt). Be sure to use proper spacing between paragraphs and section headers. It’s important to have enough white space to make the letter easy to read, but not so much that it takes up unnecessary space.

C. Guidelines on length of the letter

Longer letters can seem rambling and may deter the hiring manager from reading the whole thing. Focus on the most important points and make them clear and succinct. Remember, your goal is to make a strong case for yourself as a candidate, not overwhelm the reader with information.

By following these tips, you can ensure that your job application letter looks professional, polished, and focused on what matters most – your qualifications for the job.

Sample Job Application Letter

Writing a winning job application letter is important if you’re looking to impress the hiring manager and land your dream job. In this section of the article, we’ll walk through a sample job application letter, analyze its strong points, and provide strategies to improve it.

A. Walk Through a Sample Job Application Letter

Dear Hiring Manager,

I am writing to express my interest in the position of Marketing Manager at ABC Company, as advertised on [job board]. With over [number] years of experience in the marketing industry, I believe I have the skills and knowledge to succeed in this role and make a significant contribution to your team.

During my time at XYZ Company, I was responsible for developing and executing successful marketing campaigns that exceeded client expectations and resulted in increased ROI. My experience in digital marketing, social media management, and content creation have prepared me well for this role. I am highly adaptable, and I have a proven track record of implementing innovative strategies to achieve business objectives.

In addition, I am a strong communicator and collaborator, and I work well in cross-functional teams. I am confident that my skills and experience make me a strong candidate for the role of Marketing Manager at ABC Company.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to discuss my qualifications further.

Sincerely, [Your Name]

B. Analyzing the Strong Points in the Letter

The sample job application letter has several strong points:

  • The candidate clearly expresses their interest in the position and summarizes their skills and experience in the marketing industry.
  • The letter highlights the candidate’s successful track record in executing marketing campaigns and achieving business objectives.
  • The candidate demonstrates their adaptability and ability to implement innovative strategies.
  • The letter emphasizes the candidate’s communication and collaboration skills.

C. Strategies to Improve the Letter

To improve the sample job application letter, consider the following strategies:

  • Start with a strong opening sentence that grabs the hiring manager’s attention, such as a personal anecdote or a statement about the company’s mission.
  • Use specific examples of your achievements and accomplishments to demonstrate your value to the company.
  • Customize your letter to the specific job and company by conducting research and referencing relevant company initiatives or values.
  • Show enthusiasm and a willingness to learn by expressing interest in the company’s future projects or goals.

By implementing these strategies, you can enhance your job application letter and increase your chances of landing an interview with your dream company.

Writing a winning job application letter requires attention to detail, strong communication skills, and a clear understanding of the hiring company’s needs and values. By following these tips and analyzing examples such as the one above, you can take your job application letter to the next level and stand out from the competition.

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How to Write an Application Letter

Last Updated: May 6, 2024 Fact Checked

This article was co-authored by Alexander Ruiz, M.Ed. . Alexander Ruiz is an Educational Consultant and the Educational Director of Link Educational Institute, a tutoring business based in Claremont, California that provides customizable educational plans, subject and test prep tutoring, and college application consulting. With over a decade and a half of experience in the education industry, Alexander coaches students to increase their self-awareness and emotional intelligence while achieving skills and the goal of achieving skills and higher education. He holds a BA in Psychology from Florida International University and an MA in Education from Georgia Southern University. There are 7 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 172,612 times.

Application letters are typically written to accompany school or job applications. The purpose of the letter is to introduce yourself to the decision committee, and to outline your qualifications in a specific way. It can be the only time other than an interview that you have a chance to really stand out in an application, so it's important to get it right. You can learn what to include in your letter, how to style it, and how to format it to give yourself the best chance.

Application Letter Templates

a format of writing an application letter

Writing a Job Application

Step 1 Say why you're writing and what you're applying for in the first sentences.

  • A good example would be: "I'm writing to apply for the Chimney Sweep position advertised in Rolling Stone. I think my experience in the heating industry makes me uniquely qualified for this position. Please find my application materials and a brief description of my qualifications below."
  • Don't write your name until the signature. It'll be in the header and in the sign-off, so there's no reason to put it in the body of the letter itself.

Step 2 Explain why you are the best candidate.

  • Be specific. Who are you? Where do you come from? What's your story? These details are important. HR screeners read hundreds of these.
  • Describe your ambitions. Where do you want to go? How will this opportunity help you get there?
  • What skills and experiences make you the right fit? Be as specific as possible and avoid vague language. It's better to describe a time you solved a specific problem at your last job than to just write, "I'm a good problem solver at work."

Step 3 Keep the tone professional.

  • Tailor it to the business. If you're applying to work at a record store, you need to talk about music. If you're applying to work at a tech company that writes, "Tell us something totally rad about yourself!" it's probably ok to be a little more informal.

Step 4 Explain how both parties will benefit from your selection.

  • Don't over-promise. Telling someone that you can guarantee that you'll be able to turn around their sales figures in six months or less is a good way to get fired in six months.

Step 5 Do some research.

  • Any kind of job requires this type of research. If you apply to a restaurant, you need to be familiar with the menu and the kind of customers the restaurant attracts. Consider eating there a few times before you apply.
  • Don't show you're familiar by criticizing a business and telling them what you can do better. Not the time to offer a harsh criticism of a business plan that you don't really know anything about.

Writing a School Application

Step 1 Address the prompt.

  • Common prompts include things like, "Outline your qualifications for this position" or "In writing, explain how this position would affect your career goals." Sometimes, the prompt will be as short as, "Tell us something interesting about yourself."
  • If there is no prompt, but you still feel the need to introduce your application with a letter, it's usually best to keep it as short as possible. Explain what you're applying for, why you're applying, and thank the contact for their consideration. That's it.

Step 2 Tell your story.

  • Often, college prompts will ask you to describe a time you struggled, or a time you overcame some obstacle. Write about something unique, a time that you actually failed and dealt with the consequences.
  • The board will get thousands–literally, thousands–of letters about someone's first mission trip, and letters about the time someone's sports team was beaten, then overcame the odds, and won again. Avoid these topics.

Step 3 Write about your future.

  • Be specific. If you're writing to a college board, don't say, "I want to go to this college because I need a degree." That's obvious. What do you want to do with it? Why? If you're applying to a business, don't say, "I just need a job." That's obvious. Why this specific job?

Step 4 Don't include stuff that's also on your resume.

  • If you're applying to schools, what do you like about the school? What faculty are you interested in? Why this school, instead of another?

Formatting Application Letters

Step 1 Keep it short.

  • If you don't get a word-count guideline, just focus on making one or two good points about yourself, and keeping it at that. No need to drone on four several pages.

Step 2 Only address the letter if you have someone to address it to.

  • Instead of a salutation, write, "Letter of Application" at the top left corner of the page, or put it in the header on the left side at the top.
  • If you do have a contact, address it to them, making sure the name is spelled correctly. Then space down and start the body of the letter. [10] X Research source

Step 3 Use a standard font.

  • Sometimes, it's appropriate to type your name, then print out the letter and sign it in pen. That can be a nice touch.

Step 5 Put your contact information in the header.

  • Mailing address
  • Telephone and/or fax number

Expert Q&A

Alexander Ruiz, M.Ed.

  • Remember to be formal at all times. Do not use abbreviations anywhere. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 1

a format of writing an application letter

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  • ↑ https://www.indeed.com/career-advice/finding-a-job/how-to-write-an-application-letter
  • ↑ https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/subject_specific_writing/professional_technical_writing/tone_in_business_writing.html
  • ↑ Alexander Ruiz, M.Ed.. Educational Consultant. Expert Interview. 18 June 2020.
  • ↑ https://advice.writing.utoronto.ca/types-of-writing/admission-letters/
  • ↑ https://wts.indiana.edu/writing-guides/personal-statements-and-application-letters.html
  • ↑ https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/job_search_writing/job_search_letters/cover_letters_1_quick_tips/quick_formatting_tips.html
  • ↑ https://writing.wisc.edu/handbook/assignments/coverletters/

About This Article

Alexander Ruiz, M.Ed.

To format an application letter, start by including your name and contact details in the document header. When choosing a greeting, only use one if you know the person's name your writing to. Otherwise, give the document a title, like "Letter of application" at the top of the page. For the body of the letter, aim to write no more than 1 page of single-spaced paragraphs using a standard font. Finally, conclude your letter with a formal greeting like "Sincerely yours." For tips on how to write a job application letter, read on! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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Securing a job in today’s competitive job market is pretty challenging, a well-written job application letter can make all the difference in landing a dream job. It serves as your first introduction to your potential employer and offers a valuable opportunity to showcase your qualifications, skills, enthusiasm, and suitability for the role.

To explore the ins and outs of writing a job application letter, and how to make a strong impression with it, check out this blog. This blog will show you how to write an exceptional job application letter that will help you stand out from the competition.

A job application letter is commonly referred to as a cover letter. This letter of application is a document that is sent along with your resume when you apply for a job. Its main purpose is to introduce yourself to the potential employer or hiring manager, providing an opportunity to present your skills, qualifications, and experience that are relevant to the job you’re applying for. Additionally, it aims to persuade the hiring manager to consider you for the role. 

Therefore, a strong job application letter serves as your ultimate gateway to your dream job.

  • Components of a Job Application Letter

To draft an outstanding application you need to follow the right step to write a letter. Therefore, here are the key components that you should follow:

Include your contact information and the date at the top of the letter, followed by the employer’s contact details.

Begin your letter with a formal greeting to the hiring manager. It’s best to address the letter with the name of the hiring manager. For this, it’s advisable to call the company and ask for the hiring manager’s name as it would look professional. Alternatively, use a generic salutation like “Dear Hiring Manager”.

Craft a standout introduction to build that positive impression from the start of your letter. Your introduction should highlight your relevant skills, experiences, and achievements that make you a suitable candidate for the job.

Highlight what value you can bring to the company with this position. Talk about why you’re the perfect fit for the job; this way, you can showcase your professional skills and stand out from other applicants.

Express your enthusiasm for the position and reiterate your interest in the opportunity. Also, thank the employer for considering your application. End the letter with professional closing for example: “Yours sincerely”, “Best regards”, or “Thanks for your consideration”, followed by your name and signature.

Read More: All You Need to Know About Resume Headlines – With Example

  • Tips on How to Write a Job Application Letter

what is a job application letter

Customize your application letter for the job; formally, it’s best to follow the key components that we discussed above. This way, you can tailor your application letter to each job, highlighting the qualifications and experiences most relevant to the position.

Show your understanding of the company and its values in your application letter as this shows that you are aware of what the company does, and your genuine interest in the position.

Though you have a lot to say and express in your letter, do not go over the board, keep it concise and to the point, focusing on key skills and experiences that align with the role.

It sometimes happens that the hiring manager may not read the entire letter but rather would just find the relevant keywords that match the job requirements. Additionally, incorporating keywords will also help your application stand out to applicant tracking systems (ATS).

Finally, once you have drafted your outstanding job application letter, give a quick check on the grammatical errors to ensure the letter is professionally well formatted without any blunders.

  • Best Job Application Letter Format (Example Templates)

Subject: Application for the Role of [Job Title] at [Company Name]

I am writing to express my interest in the [Job Title] position listed on [where you found the job posting]. As a recent graduate from [University/College Name], I am excited about the opportunity to contribute to [Company Name] and grow both personally and professionally.

During my academic studies, I developed strong skills in [relevant skills or coursework]. I am particularly drawn to [specific aspect of the company or job description] and am eager to apply my knowledge and enthusiasm to support [Company Name]’s goals.

I am highly motivated and detail-oriented, and I possess excellent communication skills. I am confident that my academic background and passion for [industry or field] make me a strong candidate for this position.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to discuss how my skills and experiences align with the needs of [Company Name].

Best regards,

[Your Name]

Subject: Job Application for [Job Title] Position at [Company Name]

Dear [Hiring Manager’s Name],

I am writing to apply for the [Job Title] position at [Company Name], as listed on [where you found the job posting]. With over [number of years] years of experience in [relevant industry or field], I am excited about the opportunity to bring my expertise to your esteemed organization.

In my current role at [Current Company], I have successfully [mention key achievements or responsibilities]. These experiences have equipped me with strong skills in [relevant skills or competencies], including [specific skills mentioned in the job description].

I am particularly drawn to [specific aspect of the company or job description], and I am confident that my background in [relevant experience or industry] aligns well with the needs of [Company Name].

Thank you for considering my application. I am eager to further discuss how my qualifications and experiences can contribute to the continued success of [Company Name].

Yours Sincerely,

Subject: Expressing Interest in [Job Title] Position at [Company Name]

I am writing to express my interest in the [Job Title] position at [Company Name], as posted on [where you found the job posting]. With [number of years] years of experience in [relevant industry or field], I am confident in my ability to contribute effectively to your team.

In my previous role at [Previous Company], I [briefly mention key responsibilities or achievements]. These experiences have honed my skills in [relevant skills or competencies], and I am eager to apply them to drive success at [Company Name].

I am particularly impressed by [specific aspect of the company or job description], and I am excited about the opportunity to collaborate with the talented team at [Company Name].

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the possibility of discussing how my background and expertise align with the needs of your organization.

Read More: Resume Headline For Freshers: 30+ Examples and Tips

Now that you’ve reached the end of this article, you understand that a well-written job application letter can significantly enhance your chances of securing an interview with your dream company in this challenging job market. Therefore, follow these tips, key components, and templates to draft a successful job application letter that impresses your hiring manager. With the right approach, you’ll be one step closer to your next career opportunity.

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Application Letter Writing: Format, Examples, Tips, and More

Application letter writing: through this article, students can learn about the latest format of application letter writing. also, find attached examples for the same. some important tips for application writing have also been laid out below..

Tanisha Agarwal

What is an Application Letter? 

It is a letter, written formally, to request something from a person in a concerned position and seek their permission. This formal letter is referred to as an application letter, and the process of writing an application is known as application writing or application letter writing. An application can be written for leave, an extension of a project deadline, a position, etc.

Types of Applications

  • Job Application Letter: It is written to request a job opening in an organization. It is sent to the email address of the organization, and the HR department of the company, or it is submitted offline to the organization by visiting them.
  • Academic Application Letter: It is written for academic purposes when a request regarding leaves, scholarships, fees, activities, etc. is to be made. Any formal request to be made within an academic institution by a student is an academic application letter.
  •  Personal Application Letter: An application letter written for personal work such as asking for a loan, travel grant, visa, passport, or any such individualistic request is called a personal application letter.

Steps for Writing an Application

An application letter can be written using the below-mentioned steps. Using this procedure will assist you in writing an application letter in a fast-paced and proficient manner. In just 10 easy steps, you can write a perfect application letter. Have a look at the steps below:

Step 1: Know your objective for writing the application. An application letter should only be written with a set objective in mind.

Step 2: Planning Any form of letter-writing requires planning. A planned letter always includes important topics, is drafted concisely, and ignores irrelevant stuff in an application.

Step 3: Begin with the date. The first thing that goes into an application is the date on which it is written and submitted.

Step 4: Mention the name, designation, formal location, and company/school/bank (whatever the case may be) of the receiver. You can also add the contact number if you wish to.

Step 5: Write down the subject of the application. One of the most important parts of the application is where you write down the reason for writing the letter. For example: if you are writing an application letter to ask for a one-day leave on Raksha Bandhan, then the subject line should go as Application for One-Day Leave on the occasion of Raksha Bandhan.

 Step 6: Start your body with a warm salutation.

 Step 7: Intro Para Start by introducing yourself and explaining the motive behind writing this application.

 Step 8: The following paragraphs should be accompanied by additional information and an explanation regarding the subject.

 Step 9: The concluding paragraph must include sentences that talk about the request you are making, thank the receiver, and show him/her that you are looking forward to a positive response.

Sample Format of Application Writing

Since the application letter is a formal letter, it has to be written down in a particular format. The format for application letter writing is given below. This format is used in application writing, irrespective of the objective or occasion.

a format of writing an application letter

  Example of an Application Letter

Let us suppose that a student in Class X at ABC School has been suffering from a minor knee fracture. She wants to take a 15-day leave from school since she has been advised by her doctor to take complete bed rest for the said amount of time. An application letter to the principal of the school will be written in the following manner:

Date: 03/07/2023

The Principal

Delhi, India

Subject: Application for leave on medical grounds

Respected Mam

I, Reena Mishra, a student of Grade 10 ‘B’ at your school, am writing this letter to inform you that I would need 15 days off from my academic schedule since I have a minor knee fracture and have been advised by my doctor for complete 15-day bed rest.

I request that you kindly grant me leave for 15 days since I am not in a condition to walk. I am attaching a medical certificate here, for your reference.

 Thanking You

Yours Sincerely,

Reena Mishra

Occasions for writing an application

  • Job Application
  • Resignation letter
  • The request for transfer from one city to another (within an organization)
  • Seeking leave
  • Demanding Work From Home
  • Asking for a holiday at a school or college
  • Medical facility approval (in special cases where a child is allowed to carry certain equipment on medical grounds)
  • Scholarship query
  • Fee-related query
  • Letter asking to change personal details in a bank and many more

Tips for Application Letter Writing

  • Be brief and concise. Convey your message through shorter and more concise sentences. Don’t exaggerate your messages.
  • Make it easily readable and understandable. Use normal, regular words. Frame sentences in a manner that is easy to understand.
  • Review your application before submission.  Check your application for proofreading before submitting it. Look for any spelling mistakes or grammatical errors. These minute mistakes create a negative impact on your personality.
  • Show positivity: Your article must always look like you are positive about your demand. This makes the receiver think twice before rejecting your application.
  • Don’t miss out on the format.  Since an application letter is formal, it is important to adhere to the format. Don’t miss out on the small details in the letter. Even the wrong placement of a comma can lead to a straight rejection of your application.

Difference between Application Writing and Letter Writing

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  • Letter Writing
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  • Job Application Letter Format

Job Application Letter Format - Check Out How to Write and Sample Letters

Are you a person who has completed their degree and is looking for a job? Have you been sending out job applications but have not heard back from the employer? If so, going through this article on job application letter writing format is what you should do now. Read through the following topics to understand the areas you are missing out on and what recruiters are looking for in a job application.

Table of Contents

Writing a job application letter – what recruiters expect.

  • Formal Letter for Job Application for the Position of Cryptographer

Sample Job Application Letter for the Post of High School English Teacher

Sample job application mail template.

  • FAQs on Job Application Letter Format

Every individual needs a job that pays them well so as to be able to live a comfortable life. In this competitive world, people find it really hard to get themselves placed in a good company due to the little things they thought were not that important and did not take into consideration. According to many, how you perform at the interview is all that matters, but that is not true. The employer builds an opinion about you from the very beginning. From the time you send in your job application, or your profile gets noticed on an online platform, the employer notices each and every little detail. Your job application letter is one of the first things that creates an impression about you in the eyes of the recruiter, so it is vital that you understand how to write a job application letter and draft a good one.

There are a few main aspects that recruiters look for when going through a job application letter. They try to analyse how passionate you are about taking up the particular job. Being genuine is one of the qualities that they look for in a potential candidate. How your skills and experience would add value to the company or organisation is one of the most important pointers they would be interested to know. You have got to convince the recruiter that you are the right person for the job in the way you present the job application letter.

Sample Job Application Letters for You

When you start writing your job application letter, keep in mind that a job application letter is not something casual. It has to be written in the format of a formal letter . Know how exactly you should write a job application letter by going through the sample job application letters given below.

Formal Letter of Job Application for the Position of Cryptographer

589/22, Srilakshmi Nagar Block 3

Subbanna Palya Extension

Banaswadi, Bangalore North

January 7, 2022

The HR Manager

Anton Technologies

Electronic City

Bangalore – 560012

Subject: Job application letter for the position of Cryptographer

Respected Sir,

This is with reference to the job posting on LinkedIn for the position of Cryptographer in your esteemed organisation. I have carefully read the job description. I have also browsed through your official website to understand the kind of work you do, and I am interested in working with you.

I am an MSc Electronics graduate, and I have completed multiple diploma courses in Cyber Security. I have hands-on experience of working in the field of cyber security for five years. Planning and executing various security means, analysing and documenting security systems, rebuilding and making arrangements for the safety of the security system, writing and developing security codes are some of the areas I have good experience with. I believe that I will be a good fit for the role in your company and that I can do justice to the responsibilities I will have to take up.

I have enclosed my resume and work samples for your kind review.

Thank you for your time and consideration. Hoping to hear from you.

Yours sincerely,

28 C, K K Nagar


Coimbatore – 641045

12 th January, 2022

The Principal

D A V Matriculation Higher Secondary School

Chennai – 600012

Subject: Job application letter for the post of High School English Teacher

Dear Mr. Sishir Kumar,

I am writing to you to express my interest in the job opening for the post of High School English Teacher in your prestigious institution. I have reviewed the roles and responsibilities in the job description you have posted on the Naukri employment portal dated 09/01/2022.

I am an MA English graduate. I have also completed my Masters in Education. I have a teaching experience of three years at the Indian Public School, Coimbatore. I have handled students from Class VI to X. I have experience in teaching the IGCSE syllabus. I have also been a part of the curriculum development team. I am looking for better opportunities where I can use my skills and expertise to help and mould students and their communication skills. I believe that I can do well and play a good role in providing quality education.

I have attached my resume and experience certificate for your kind perusal. Looking forward to hearing from you.

Thank you for taking the time to review my application.


Receiver’s mail id: [email protected]

Subject: Job Application for the Role of (Mention the job role you are applying for)

Respected Sir/Ma’am,

I am (Mention your full name) and I would like to apply for the role of (Job role) at your prestigious company.

I have completed my (Mention your degree) in (Mention the subject/specialisation). I have (Mention the years of experience) years of experience in the field of (Mention the field of work) at (Mention the name of your previous company). I have an in depth knowledge of the duties that I will have to perform and expertise in the particular field of work that would help me accomplish all the assigned tasks in the event of me being placed in your company.

I have enclosed herewith my resume, my detailed profile and a certificate of experience for your reference and review. I have also provided my contact information. Please feel free to contact me in case of any questions. I am looking forward to meeting with you in person for an interview.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Your full name

Contact number : 123456

Email id: [email protected]

Frequently Asked Questions on Job Application Letter Format

How do i write an application letter for a job.

Tips to write a job application letter:

  • Mention the job position you are applying for and where you found the information about the job opening.
  • Introduce yourself and highlight your skills and qualifications.
  • State strongly why you would be right for the job.
  • Use a polite tone throughout your letter.
  • Stay genuine and professional.
  • End the letter on a positive note.
  • Proofread the letter before you send it to the concerned hiring manager/employer.

What is a job application letter?

A job application letter is a cover letter that is written to the potential employer to provide them with information about your qualifications, skills and experience. It is sent along with your resume and other necessary documents.

How do you end a job application letter?

You can end your job application letter by thanking the employer for the time and consideration in going through your job application. You can use a complimentary closing such as ‘Yours sincerely’, ‘Sincerely’, ‘Best regards’, etc.

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What Is a Letter of Explanation for a Mortgage?

Why do you need a letter of explanation, how to write a letter of explanation.

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How to Write a Letter of Explanation for a Mortgage

A letter of explanation may help you get approved for a mortgage

a format of writing an application letter

Wichayada Suwanachun / Getty Images

When you apply for a mortgage, the lender will review information such as your credit history, employment, income, assets, investments, and outstanding debts. But your financial statements, credit report, and tax returns don’t always tell the full story about your financial situation.

A letter of explanation helps clarify any information that might give a lender pause. Learn more about when you might need a letter of explanation for a mortgage application and how to write the letter. 

Key Takeaways

  • Some mortgage lenders may request a letter of explanation if there is confusion about any details in your financial documents.
  • If you’re applying for a government-backed mortgage like an FHA or VA loan, a letter of explanation may be required. 
  • Even if your lender doesn’t require a letter of explanation, including one may help clarify details in your mortgage application that could otherwise lead to denial. 
  • You may need to include supporting documentation to give your letter of explanation more credibility.

A letter of explanation, sometimes referred to as an LOX or LOE by mortgage underwriters, is similar to a cover letter for a job application. Just as a cover letter expands on the details in your resume, a mortgage letter of explanation further explains your financial documents. For example, you might need to explain that last year’s income wasn’t typical because you took a sabbatical, or that you missed a payment due to a healthcare emergency.  

“A letter of explanation is not a standard or defaulted requirement for a mortgage application,” said Shmuel Shayowitz, president and chief lending officer at Approved Funding, a licensed mortgage bank and direct lender. However, your mortgage lender may request one if your financial information needs clarification. If you’re applying for a government-backed loan, the agency that insures the loan may also require a letter of explanation in certain situations. 

Even if it’s not required, it can’t hurt to include a letter of explanation with your mortgage application. “The default for some processors and underwriters is to assume the worst or to err on the side of caution when something is unclear or complicated,” Shayowitz said. “Being proactive with explanation letters can go a long way in helping a loan processor and mortgage underwriter understand something that might be confusing.”

In particular, the following situations merit the inclusion of a letter of explanation. 

Erratic Income or Gaps in Employment

Most lenders look for a consistent and reliable income that ensures you can keep up with your mortgage payments. If you were unemployed or did not receive income for more than a month over the last two years, you should include a letter of explanation that details the reason you weren’t working, such as:

  • Childbirth or caring for another family member
  • Pursuing further education
  • Being laid off
  • Being self-employed or working in a seasonal industry
  • Going out of business or downsizing

If you were able to make regular payments on your debts and support yourself with savings during that time, be sure to mention that in the letter.

Issues on Your Credit Report

If your credit report shows red flags, like missed payments or defaults, bankruptcies , or foreclosures , it’s essential to include a letter of explanation noting what happened and why it’s not likely to reoccur. You’ll also want to include the date of the event, the name of your creditor, and the account number associated with the delinquent debt.

No Rental or Mortgage Payment History

If you have been living with a friend or family member rather than making monthly housing payments for your own place, the homeowner you live with will need to write a letter of explanation. The homeowner should explain that they haven’t charged you rent and include the dates you lived on their property before signing the letter. 

Profits or Losses From Farming

If you filed Schedule F with your tax return because you earned or lost income from a farm property, you’re required to include a letter of explanation. Include the address of the farm and clearly state that it is not located on the property you’re buying with the mortgage. 

Large Deposits or Withdrawals

If you received a large deposit to your bank account, the lender might think you accepted a gift or a loan from a family member and wonder if your income is sufficient without additional help. A large withdrawal may also indicate to the lender that you’re having financial troubles. There are other reasons for large bank transactions, however. For example, you may have received a bonus from your employer, liquidated investments at an opportune time, or withdrawn funds for a home renovation. Include a letter of explanation that shows why the atypical transaction occurred. 

Possible Occupancy Questions

Lenders underwrite vacation homes and investment properties differently from primary residences. It’s illegal to misrepresent your occupancy intentions. If you’re applying for a primary residence mortgage for a property located far from your employer, or if you’re applying for a second home mortgage for a property in close proximity to your primary residence, the lender may think you intend to use it as a rental property. 

If you think the lender may have questions about how you intend to use the property, include a letter of explanation.  

Address Discrepancies

If any of your documents show a different address, you should include a letter of explanation with a reason for the discrepancy to assure the lender you’re not a victim of identity theft.  

“Your explanation letter should be specific, precise, and well-communicated,” said Shayowitz. Avoid general statements about your ability to manage your finances and speak to a specific issue. 

For example, if you missed a payment, explain why it happened, point to your otherwise positive payment history, and state when you brought your account back up to date. A statement like “I make every effort to stay on top of my payments” is too vague because it won’t provide the lender with the details they need to make an approval decision. 

You may need to attach supporting documentation as well. For example, if you’re buying a home far away from work, you might want to include a letter from your employer that shows your remote work arrangement. If you took out a large withdrawal to pay for landscaping in order to prep your home for sale, include a receipt from the landscaping company. If you missed a payment due to being hospitalized, include medical records. 

You’ll also want to include the following elements:

  • Your name, address, and phone number
  • The lender’s name, address, and phone number
  • The mortgage application number
  • Your explanation, which should refer to the attached documents that support it
  • Your signature and the date

Example of a Letter of Explanation

Today’s Date

Example Lender Lender Address

Loan Application Number

RE: Anna Smith’s Mortgage Application

To Whom It May Concern,

I am writing to explain my gap in employment that occurred between 02/15/2023 and 04/10/2023. 

My mother was admitted to the hospital for surgery on 02/09/2023 after a fall. I applied for Family and Medical Leave on 02/10/2023 in order to care for my mother during her recovery. My employer approved FMLA-protected leave on 02/14/2023. I have attached the approval letter from my employer, which grants up to 12 weeks of leave. 

During my period of unpaid leave, I relied on sufficient reserves in my savings account as well as my husband’s income to cover my expenses. I didn’t miss any payments on my credit cards or auto loan. I returned to work on 04/11/2023. In the following months, I made several deposits into my Capital One savings account to replenish my reserves. 

Anna Smith’s Address Anna Smith’s Phone Number

How Do You Start a Letter of Explanation?

At the top of the letter, include the date, the name of the lender, the lender’s address, and your loan application number. In the next line, write “Re: (Your Name)’s Mortgage Application.” Address the letter to “To Whom It May Concern,” and note which issue you are addressing in the first sentence. 

What If Your Mortgage Letter of Explanation Is Rejected?

If your letter of explanation is rejected, you have a few options. If the information you provided wasn’t sufficient, you can write a more detailed letter and include supporting documentation. You can also try applying for a mortgage from a different lender. If you’re struggling to get approved , you may need to resolve whatever problem you’re explaining in the letter before trying again. 

How Long Should a Letter of Explanation Be?

A letter of explanation only needs to be long enough to convey the details of the issue you’re explaining. For example, if you missed a payment, you should include the date of the missed payment, the reason you missed it, and how you’ve remedied or plan to remedy the issue. A few sentences may suffice, or your letter may run longer if it’s a complex situation and you need to reference supporting documents. 

Is a Letter of Explanation Necessary?

A letter of explanation is not always necessary. If there are no red flags in your financial history, you may be approved without a letter of explanation. But if there are issues that might raise concerns, you’ll want to include a letter of explanation. You’ll also need to write a letter of explanation if the lender requests one, or if it’s required by the government agency backing the mortgage. For example, for all FHA-approved mortgages , the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) requires a letter of explanation from borrowers who have collection accounts or judgments.

A letter of explanation can help your mortgage application process, especially if you have had financial issues you want to clarify. A good letter will address the specific issues and explain why they are not likely to reoccur. Consider consulting a real estate professional for more guidance in writing a letter of explanation that fits your needs.

Chase. " What Documents Are Needed to Apply for a Mortgage? " 

Citizens Bank. " How to Write a Letter of Explanation ." 

National Association of Mortgage Underwriters. " Best Practices: Letters of Explanation ." 

Ally Bank. " How to Write a Letter of Explanation ." 

Newcastle Loans. " Principal Residence, Second Home, or Investment Property? " 

Griffin Funding. " Letter of Explanation ." 

a format of writing an application letter

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How to Write an Invitation Letter for a US Visa

Chelsea Spinos author photo

Planning a trip to the United States can be an exciting adventure, but it often requires navigating the visa application process. One way to strengthen your visa application is by including an invitation letter. 

In this blog article, we’ll explain what an invitation letter for a U.S. visa is, what to include in it, and provide a sample to guide you through writing your own. 

Whether you’re visiting family, friends, or for business, a well-crafted invitation letter can help strengthen your visa application and improve your chances of approval.

What is an invitation letter for a US visa?

invitation letter for US visa

An invitation letter for a US visa is a letter written by someone who lives in the United States, like a U.S. citizen or a legal resident, inviting you to visit them. This letter helps explain why you want to visit the U.S. and who you will be staying with. 

It provides important details for the U.S. consulate or embassy, showing that your visit is genuine and that you have a host who will take care of you during your stay. 

While you don’t have to have an invitation letter to apply for a visa, including a well-written one can make your application stronger and more convincing.

Who needs an invitation letter for a US visa?

An invitation letter is particularly helpful for people planning to visit the US for various personal, business, or academic reasons. Here are a few scenarios where including an invitation letter with your US visa application could be helpful.

  • Family Visits: If you’re visiting family in the U.S., an invitation letter can explain the purpose of your visit and your relationship to your host.
  • Tourism: Tourists staying with friends or family can include an invitation letter to show they have accommodation and support during their stay.
  • Business Trips: If you’re attending meetings, conferences, or other business events, an invitation letter from your U.S. business contacts can confirm the details of your visit.
  • Special Events: Attending a wedding, graduation, or family gathering? An invitation letter can detail the event and your plans.
  • Medical Reasons: If you’re seeking medical treatment, a letter from the hospital or doctor can confirm your appointment and treatment plans.
  • Academic Purposes: Students or academics visiting for short-term courses or conferences might need an invitation letter from the hosting institution.

While it’s not mandatory, an invitation letter can make your visa application stronger by showing that you have a clear reason for your visit in the U.S.

What to include in the invitation letter

When writing an invitation letter for a U.S. visa, it’s important to include several key pieces of information. Here’s what you should cover to make sure your letter effectively supports the visa application:

You can also include more details if needed. And, make sure to conclude the letter with a formal ending — including your signature!

Sample invitation letter for a US visa

Here’s a sample invitation letter to give you a clear idea of how to structure and format your own letter:

[Your Address] [City, State, ZIP Code] [Email Address] [Phone Number]

[U.S. Embassy or Consulate Address]

Dear Sir/Madam,

My name is [Your Full Name], and I am a [U.S. Citizen/Lawful Permanent Resident] residing at [Your Address] in the United States. I am writing to invite [Invitee’s Full Name], who is my [relationship to invitee], to visit me in the United States.

[Invitee’s Full Name] resides at [Invitee’s Address] in [Invitee’s Country]. Their date of birth is [Invitee’s Date of Birth], and their contact number is [Invitee’s Phone Number]. The purpose of their visit is to [explain the purpose of the visit, e.g., “attend my wedding on [date]”, “tourist visit to various attractions”, “attend a business conference”].

[Invitee’s Full Name] will be staying with me at my residence at [Your Address] for the duration of their visit, from [start date] to [end date]. During their stay, I will ensure that they have appropriate accommodation and cover all living expenses.

I am employed at [Your Employer’s Name] as a [Your Job Title], and I am fully capable of supporting [Invitee’s Full Name] during their stay. Enclosed are copies of my proof of income and my legal residency status in the U.S.

Please feel free to contact me at [Your Phone Number] or [Your Email Address] if you require any additional information.

Thank you for your time and consideration in processing [Invitee’s Full Name]’s visa application.

[Your Signature] [Your Printed Name]

[Your Address]

[Your U.S. Passport Number]

Where to submit the invitation letter

US Visa invitation letter

Once you have the invitation letter from your host, you’ll need to include it with your visa application. Here’s what you should do:

Step 1: Gather your documents

Along with the invitation letter, make sure you have:

  • Your visa application form ( DS-160 )
  • Your passport
  • Passport-size photographs
  • Proof of ties to your home country (like job letters, property deeds, or family commitments)

Step 2: Submit your application

Bring all these documents, including the invitation letter, to the U.S. embassy or consulate in your country.

Step 3: Attend your visa interview

At the interview, show the consular officer your invitation letter. This helps explain why you’re visiting and shows you have a host in the U.S. who will support you. 

Frequently asked questions

Is an invitation letter required for a us visa.

While not a must-have, including an invitation letter can give the embassy more insight into your trip’s purpose and your connections in the U.S. So, while it’s not a must, it’s a good idea to consider including one.

Which US visa types need an invitation letter?

Invitation letters are particularly helpful for the B2 visa (tourist visa, visitor visa for medical treatment, visa for special events), B1 visa (business visa), and J1 visa (academic or exchange visitor visa).

We recommend checking the specific requirements for your visa type and consult with the embassy or consulate if you’re unsure.

Who can write a letter of invitation?

Anyone living in the United States, whether they’re a citizen, permanent resident, or legally residing here, can write a letter of invitation for a U.S. visa applicant. It could be a family member, friend, or employer.

The key is that the person writing the invitation letter should have a genuine relationship with the visa applicant and be willing to host them during their visit to the United States.

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    How to write an application letter. Follow these steps to compose a compelling application letter: 1. Research the company and job opening. Thoroughly research the company you're applying to and the specifications of the open position. The more you know about the job, the better you can customize your application letter.

  2. How to Write a Letter of Application (Example & Tips)

    No hard numbers. "I worked in a team and provided customer service to elderly residents". 5. Choose engaging words for your application letter. Your letter of application's length should be 250 to 400 words or 3 to 4 paragraphs — long enough to get your point across but short enough that the reader won't lose interest.

  3. How to Write an Application Letter—Examples & Guide

    Letters of application are essential in the job market, so don't risk losing to other candidates just because you didn't write one. 2. Address Your Letter of Application Properly. Addressing an application letter is simple. Firstly, include your contact information in the header of the application letter : Full name.

  4. How to Write A Letter of Application For A Job + Examples

    Pick an appropriate file format and name. Save your letter in a widely accepted file format, such as PDF or Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx). Ensure your file name is professional and includes your name, such as "FirstName_LastName_CoverLetter.pdf.".

  5. How to Write a Job Application Letter (With Examples)

    Use business letter format. Use a formal business letter format when writing your letter. Include your contact information at the top, the date, and the employer's contact information. Be sure to provide a salutation at the beginning and your signature at the end. Sell yourself. Throughout the letter, focus on how you would benefit the company.

  6. Letter of Application: Job Example, Format & How-To Guide

    Format of an Application Letter. Create enough spacing: 1-1.15 between lines, 1-inch margins, double space between paragraphs. Choose the font: Garamond, Helvetica, or Arial in 11-12 points in a font size. Align the content to the left. Pick the file format: PDF, unless the recruiter requested a Word file specifically.

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    A Step-by-Step Guide to Writing a Perfect Application Letter. Let's learn how to write an application letter for a job with a step-by-step guide that'll show you how to craft every part of it. #1. Research the Company. Researching the company is the first step before you even start writing your application letter.

  8. How to Write a Letter of Application for 2024 (With Template)

    Introduce yourself as a professional. Mention the specific job title you're applying for. Explain why you want to join the company. Highlight how your skills and experience align with the job requirements. Indicate where you heard about the position. 3. Convince the employer you're the right person for the job.

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    Follow business letter format. Use business letter format when writing your letter. If you're sending a typed hard-copy letter, be sure to lead with a paragraph containing your address, followed by the date, followed by the address of the recipient. If you're sending an email, you can omit the address and date sections.

  10. Job Application Letter: Examples, What to Include & Writing Tips

    It means that you need to provide the following information: Your personal info (name, email, phone number/LinkedIn) Date written. The recipient's info (name, job title, email, company address) Example of an application letter header: Kaylee Tran. 9215 Fremontia Ave, Fontana, CA 92335.

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    To write a winning job application letter, it is important to understand the job requirements, analyze the job description, understand the needs of the employer, and tailor the letter to attract the specific employer. By doing so, you can craft an application that stands out from the competition and showcases your value as a candidate.

  12. How to Write a Job-Winning Application Letter (Samples)

    2. Make sure the language you use is easy to read. You might be a , but those long words won't impress the hiring manager if they make your letter difficult to read. 3. Use positive language. Positivity is the way forward when it comes to selling your skills to a potential employer.

  13. How to Write a Letter of Application for a Job

    1. Explain what drew you to the job. Your letter of application should capture the interest of a potential employer, so be engaging. Open with a strong, declarative statement about your excitement for the position or interest in the company. Briefly highlight traits that make you a star candidate to pique their interest.

  14. How to write an application letter (with example)

    At the top-left of the page, begin with your contact information, including your name, location, phone number and email address. Include the date on the line below. Next, address the letter to the hiring manager or the appropriate recipient, using a formal greeting such as Dear [Hiring Manager's Name].

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    Use a formal closing. When you get to the end of your letter, add a space, then include a closing, like "Sincerely" and sign your name. [11] Sometimes, it's appropriate to type your name, then print out the letter and sign it in pen. That can be a nice touch. 5. Put your contact information in the header.

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    Writing the letter of application. Write a compelling first paragraph. Write something that draws the interest of your reader, in this case, the hiring manager. ... To make sure that your application letter format will support you, consider the following tips: Get right to the point The first paragraph of your job application template should ...

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    Introduce yourself and highlight your skills and qualifications. State strongly why you would be right for the job. Use a polite tone throughout your letter. Stay genuine and professional. End the letter on a positive note. Proofread the letter before you send it to the concerned hiring manager/employer. Q2.

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    DSC Company. 68 Delaware Road. Bloomsbury, CA 09045. (090) 656-87878. Date. Dear Ms. Micheal, I am writing this letter to apply for a junior programmer position advertised in your organisation. As requested, I am enclosing a completed job application, my certificates, my resumes, and four references in this letter.

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    At the top of the letter, include the date, the name of the lender, the lender's address, and your loan application number. In the next line, write "Re: (Your Name)'s Mortgage Application ...

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    Here's a sample invitation letter to give you a clear idea of how to structure and format your own letter: [Date] [U.S. Embassy or Consulate Address] Dear Sir/Madam, My name is [Your Full Name], and I am a [U.S. Citizen/Lawful Permanent Resident] residing at [Your Address] in the United States.

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